On Tuesday, July, 14 voters headed to the polls to decide who would represent them in one of the major parties on the November 2020 general election ballot. Additionally, there was one special election (Senate District 14) to fill an unexpired term. Below is a list of results from the runoff election with HOMEPAC supported candidates highlighted in yellow and winners’ names in bold.

Statewide Primary Runoffs Railroad Commissioner - Democratic: Roberto R. Alonzo v. Chrysta Castañeda Castañeda will now face Republican Jim Wright in November. Mr. Wright defeated incumbent Commisssioner Ryan Sitton in March.

Texas Legislative Races: SD 14: Special Election: At the time of this writing, the two leading vote getters are former Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhart and State Rep. Eddie Rodriguez. Eckhart was the leading vote getter, but currently lacks enough votes to avoid a runoff. Once mail in ballots are counted and canvassed, if Eckhardt does not receive 50% of the votes, this race will head to a runoff.

SD 19: Democrat: Roland Gutierrez v. Xochil Peña Rodriguez

Representative Gutierrez is the current State Representative for District 119. He will face incumbent State Senator Pete Flores (R) in the November election.

SD 27: Democrat: Eddie Lucio Jr.(I) v. Sara Stapleton Barrera

Senator Lucio is the Chair of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, an important committee for TAB.

HD 2: Republican: (I) v.

HD 25: Republican: Ro’Vin Garrett v. Cody Thane Vasut This seat is currently held by retiring Speaker Dennis Bonnen

HD 26: Republican: v. Matt Morgan Democrat: Sarah DeMerchant v. Suleman Lalani Mr. Jetton and Ms. DeMarchant will now face off in the November election. This is an open seat being vacated by retiring Representative Rick Miller.

HD 45: Republican: Carrie Isaac v. Kent Wymore Ms. Isaac will face current Representative Erin Zweiner (D) in the November election.

HD 47: Republican: Justin Berry v. Jennifer Fleck Mr. Berry will face Representative (D) in the November election.

HD 59: Republican: J.D. Sheffield v.

HD 60: Republican: Jon Francis v. Glen Rogers

HD 67: Democrat: Tom Adair v. Lorenzo Sanchez Sanchez will face current State Representative (R) in November.

HD 100: Democrat: Lorraine Birabil (I) v. Jasmine Felicia Crockett Birabil was elected in a special election earlier this year to fill the unexpired term of former Representative Eric Johnson who was elected Mayor of Dallas.

HD 119: Democrat: Elizabeth “Liz” Campos v. Jennifer Ramos This is an open seat, currently held by Representative Roland Gutierrez who decided to run for another office.

HD 138: Democrat: Akilah Bacy v. Jenifer Rene Pool This is an open seat that is currently held by retiring Representative Dwayne Bohac. Ms. Bacy will face Ms. Lacy Hull who won the Republican primary in March.

HD 142: Democrat Harold Dutton (I) v. Jerry Davis

HD 148: Democrat: Anna Eastman (I) v. Eastman won a special election earlier in the year to fulfill the unexpired term of Rep. Jessica Farrar. Ms. Shaw will face Republican Luis LaRotta in November.