TKamp 52,07 >84 976




1976 7^- ^

DigitfeecT^ the Internet Archive

in 2012 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries ANNUAL REPORTS

1 own Officers OSSIPKH New Hampshire


$5.42 per $100.00

Municipal 1.17 Ossipee Village .36

County .42 Center Ossipee .79

School 3.83 West Ossipee .31

For the fiscal year ending

December 31, 1976

Vhal Statistics for 1976

Library University of New Hampshire TABLE OF CONTENTS Town Officers 3-4 Warrant 5-10 Budget 11-13 Summary Inventory of Valuation 14-15 Statement of Appropriations & Taxes Assessed 16-19 Financial Report 20-26 Schedule of Town Property 27 Summary of Appropriations & Expenditures 28-29 Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenue 30-31 Balance Sheet 32-33 Tax Collector's Report 34-37 Town Clerk's Report 38 Treasurer's Report - Summary of Receipts and Expenditures 38-42 Selectmen's Report 43-59 Report of Town Audit 60-61 Court Report 62-63 Library Report 64 Trustee of Trust Funds 65-68 Police Department Report 69-72 Ossipee Recreation Department Report 73-75 Bicentennial Committee Report 76-78 Cemetery Records Committee 79 Ossipee Conservation Commission 80-81 Ossipee Planning Board 82 Ossipee Nursing Service 83 Fire Warden Report 84 Vital Statistics 85-89 Center Ossipee Fire Precinct Financial Report 90-91 Budget - Center Ossipee Fire Precinct 92-93 Ossipee Precinct **A" Financial Report 94 Budget - Ossipee Precinct "A" 95 West Ossipee Fire Precinct Financial Report 96-98 Budget - West Ossipee Fire Precinct 99-100 Ossipee Corner Light and Power Precinct - Financial Report 101-102 Budget - Ossipee Corner Light and Power Fire Precinct 103-104







Tax Collector CARL R. WHEELER



Community Nurse BARBARA ANDERSON, R.N.

Recreation Department JAMES THOMPSON, Director WALLACE NUDD, JR.




Ossipee District Court Justice LAWRENCE WALSH, ESQ.




Representatives to the General Court RODERICK ALLEN GEORGE D. KELLER



To the inhabitants of the Town of Ossipee qualified to vote in town affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in Center Ossipee, in said Town of Ossipee on the second Tuesday of March, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day to act on the following articles, the polls to remain open until six o'clock in the afternoon of said day.

Article 1. To choose a selectman for three years, tax collector for three years, library trustee for three years, cemetery trustee for three years, town clerk, treasurer and two auditors for one year and all other officers and agents required by law to be elected or nominated at the annual meeting.

Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to alter the hours during which the polls shall remain open.

Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the zoning ordinance proposed by the planning board pursuant to RSA 31:63-a by ballot vote, the official ballot to contain the question: "Are you in favor of the adoption of the zoning ordinance as proposed by the planning board?"

You are also notified to meet at the Town Hall on the second Tuesday of March, next, at seven thirty o'clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles:

Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to borrow money in anticipation of taxes.

Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to sell any property taken by tax title or otherwise. Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to apply for, contract for, and accept grants of Federal or State Aid, or both, as may become available and to do all things necessary to carry out the purpose of these grants.

Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the ensuing year the following sums of money for the following purposes:

For Town Officers' Salaries $ 11,000.00 For Town Officers' Expenses 18,000.00

For Election and Registration Expenses 1 ,500.00 For Municipal & District Court Expenses 13,325.00 For Town Hall & Other Town Buildings 14,000.00 For Employees' Retirement & Social Security 10,000.00 For Police Department 37,700.00 For Fire Department (Forest Fires) 500.00 For Insurance 14,000.00 For Planning & Zoning 3,000.00

For Damages & Legal Expenses 1 ,500.00 For Civil Defense 500.00 For Health Dept. incl. Hospitals & Ambulance 12,424.51 For Sewer Maintenance 38,000.00 For Town Dump & Garbage Removal 10,000.00 For Town Maintenance, Summer & Winter, incl. bridges & culverts 110,000.00

For Street Lighting 1 ,000.00 For General Expenses of Highway Dept. 25,000.00

For Town Road Aid 1 ,486.84 For Libraries 5,278.00 For Town Poor 6,000.00 For Old Age Assistance 6,500.00 For Patriotic Purposes 250.00 For Recreation (Parks & Playgrounds) 20,170.00

For Cemeteries 1 ,000.00 For Advertising & Regional Associations 276.76 For Principal on Long Term Loans 6,735.00 For Interest on Long Term Loans 2,208.00 For Interest on Temporary Loans 4,000.00 (Approved by Budget Committee) Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate and to authorize the Selectmen to borrow and expend a sum not to exceed $27,500.00 for the purchase of a Backhoe for town road maintenance. This sum to be repaid by means of Long Term Notes. (Approved by Budget Committee)

Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 for the purchase of a York Rake for town road maintenance and to authorize the withdrawal of the amount required for this purpose from the Revenue Sharing Fund established under the provisions of the State and Local Assistance Act of 1972. (Approved by Budget Committee)

Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $15,000 for the purchase of one highway truck equipped with wingbox and wing for town road main- tenance and to authorize the withdrawal of the amount required for this purpose from the Revenue Sharing Fund established under the provisions of the State and Local Assistance Act of 1972. (Approved by Budget Committee). This is a replacement truck.

Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $4,300.00 for the purchase of a one-half ton pick- up truck for town road maintenance and to authorize the withdrawal of the amount required for this purpose from the Revenue Sharing Fund established under the provisions of the State and Local Assistance Act of 1972. (Approved by Budget Committee)

Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $587.00 for the use of the Recreation Depart- ment for the purchase and /or improvement of land for recreation purposes and to authorize the Selectmen to withdraw this amount from the Antirecession Fiscal Assistance Fund as enacted by the Public Works Em- ployment Act of 1976. (Approved by Budget Committee) Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $8,241.75 for the purpose of making the third payment for the Town Tax Map and to authorize the with- drawal of this amount required for this purpose from the Revenue Sharing Fund established under the provisions of the State and Local Assistance Act of 1972. (Approved by Budget Committee)

Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of $24,000.00 for the purpose of preparing plans and specifications on sewerage and sewage treatment facilities which are requirements contained in the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, and will qualify the Town for Federal funds, such sum to be raised by the issuance of Serial Bonds or Notes not to exceed $24,000.00 under and in compliance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act and to authorize the Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon, and to take such other actions as may be necessary to effect the issuance, negotiation, sale and delivery of such bonds or notes as shall be in the best interests of the Town of Ossipee and to allow the Selectmen to expend such monies as become available from the Federal Government under the Financial Assistance Program of the Construction Grants section of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended and pass any vote relating thereto. (Approved by Budget Committee)

Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $250.00 to promote the better utilization of the town's natural resources. Such funds to be placed in the Town Conservation Commission Fund and allowed to accumulate from year to year or may be ex- pended for relevant purposes. This amount to be raised by taxation. (Approved by Budget Committee)

Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Conservation Commission to receive gifts of money and property, both real and personal, in the name of the Town, subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen.

8 Such gifts to be managed and controlled by the Town Conservation Commission as provided in RSA 36-A:4.

Article 17. To see if the Town will vote, in conjunction with other towns in the area, to authorize the Selectmen to negotiate a 3 or 5 year agreement or contract with Lord's Ambulance Service to provide ambulance service to the Town of Ossipee and to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,000.00 as the first of 3 or 5 annual payments. This sum to be raised by taxation. (Approved by Budget Committee)

Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,070.00 for the purchase of a Power Highway Sander for town road maintenance. This sum to be raised by taxation. (Approved by Budget Committee)

Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to withdraw the sum of $1,209.39 from the Capital Reserve Fund and to authorize the Selectmen to expend this sum for the pur- chase of a World War II Veterans plaque. (Approved by Budget Committee)

Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to exclude from the plan service in any class or classes of positions of election officials or election workers for a calendar quarter in which the remuneration paid for each service is less than $50.00.

Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to accept the road within the subdivision known as Brookwood Development and to be maintained and become a part of the Class V road system in the Town of Ossipee.

Article 22. A Petition: I hereby petition the Town of Ossipee to allow me to take over ownership of a portion of the town road (presently abandoned) beginning at a point west of the last bridge over the , and west of the road which runs south beside White Brook, to its end. This portion of the road lies entirely within the bonds of a parcel of land I presently own, and ends within this parcel. s/Dr. Michael J. Glick. (inserted by Petition)

Article 23. To see if the Town will vote to amend the following Town Ordinance adopted by the voters on March 5, 1974, as follows:

**A minimum size of residential lots to be one (1) acre per single family unit and have a minimum road frontage, river frontage, or lake frontage of two hundred (200) feet."

so as to permit the construction of a sixteen (16) unit apartment building on approximately two (2) acres of land on Old Route 16 in the Indian Mound section, so-called, just southerly of the White Mountain Estates apartment building, (inserted by Petition)

Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to rescind Ar- ticle 14 of the 1974 Town Warrant which reads as follows:

"To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate and to authorize the Selectmen to borrow and expend a sum not to exceed $58,667.00 (Town Share) for the purpose of reconstruction of the Mill Pond Bridge (No. 145/236) on Moultonville Road. This sum to be repaid by means of long term notes. (Approved by Budget Committee)

Article 25. To transact such other business as may legally come before the Town Meeting.

Given under our hands and seals this 18th day of February, 1977. A true copy attest:


10 :


Appropriations and Estimates of Revenue for the Ensuing Year

January 1, 1977 to December 31, 1977.

Date: Feb. 14, 1977

PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION Actual Approp. Approp. Exp'ditures Ensuing Previous Previous Fiscal Year General Government; Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 1977 (1977-78) Town Officers' Salaries $ 9,800.00 $10,726.25 $11,000.00 Town Officers' Expenses 14,000.00 14,239.62 18,000.00 Election & Registration Expenses 3,200.00 3,623.34 1,500.00 Municipal & District Court Expenses 12,920.00 12,280.00 13,325.00 Town Hall & Other Town Buildings 10,000.00 11,312.44 14,000.00 Employees' Retirement & Social Security 7,500.00 8,681.26 10,000.00 Protection of Persons & Property: Police Department 32,000.00 37,312.68 37,700.00 Fire Department-Forest Fires 500.00 5,625.54 500.00 Insurance 12,000.00 13,111.54 14,000.00 Planning & Zoning 3,000.00 2,053.92 3,000.00 Damages & Legal Expense 1,000.00 1,457.20 1,500.00 Civil Defense 500.00 -0- 500.00 Health Dept. Incl. Hospitals & Ambulance) 14,685.92 13,895.41 12,424.51 Sewer Maintenance -0- -0- 38,000.00 Town Dump & Garbage Removal 2,500.00 2,182.75 10,000.00 Highways & Bridges: Town Maintenance - Summer & Winter 110,000.00 118,335.08 110,000.00 Street Lighting 900.00 842.85 1,000.00 General Expenses of Highway Department 15,000.00 20,654.55 25,000.00 Town Road Aid 1,494.42 1,494.42 1,486.84 Libraries 4,318.00 4,318.00 5,278.00 Public Welfare: Town Poor 6,000.00 7,201.24 6,000.00 Old Age Assistance 8,500.00 6,042.44 6,500.00 Patriotic Purposes (Memorial Day, Etc.) 2,500.00 3,235.05 250.00 Recreation 16,950.00 17,685.23 20,170.00 Public Service Enterprises: Cemeteries -0- -0- 1,000.00 Advertising & Regional Associations 263.58 263.58 276.76

11 Debt Service: Principal & Long Term Notes & Bonds 2,450.00 2,450.00 6,735.00 Interest - Long Term Notes & Bonds 1,454.00 1,454.00 2,208.00 Interest on Temporary Loans 8,000.00 9,916.84 4,000.00 Capital Outlay: 1976 Article No. 8 - 1 Ton Truck -

Rev . Sharing 10,000.00 9,195.00 1976 Article No. 9 - Tax Map. Pmt.- Rev. Sharing 8,241.75 8,241.75 1976 Article No. 10 - Winter

- Hwys . Rev . Sharing 8,000.00 8,000.00 1976 Article No. 11 - Bridges - Long Term Note 30,000.00 14,085.12 Article No. 7 - Backhoe - Long Term Note 27,500.00 Article No. 8 - York Rake -

Rev . Sharing 2,000.00 Article No. 9 - Truck - Rev. Sharing 15,000.00 Article No. 10 - V2 Ton Truck-

Rev . Sharing 4,300.00 Article No. 11 - Recreation Land - Anticipation Fund 587.00 Article No. 12 - Tax Map - Rev. Sharing 8,241.75 Article No. 13 - Sewer Project - Long Term Note 24,000.00

Article No. 14 - Conservation Comm. Taxation 250.00 Article No. 16 - Ambulance Service - Taxation 9,000.00 Article No. 17 - Power Sander - Taxation 4,070.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $357,677.67 $369,917.10 $470,302.86

Estimated Revenue SOURCES OF REVENUE Estimated Actual Ensuing Revenue Revenue Fiscal Year Previous Previous 1977 From State: Fiscal Year Fiscal Year (1977 78) Interest & Dividends Tax $18,000.00 $23,087.96 $20,000.00 Railroad Tax -0- -0- -0- Savings Bank Tax 3,000.00 4,363.14 4,000.00 Meals & Rooms Tax 11,000.00 12,620.22 12,000.00 State Aid - Water Pollution Projects - Sewer -0- 3,000.00 35,000.00 Highway Subsidy (CI. IV & V) 21,000.00 21,051.26 20,939.75

12 Reimbursement Forest Conservation Aid -0- -0- -0- Reimbursement A / C Flood Control Land -0- -0- -0-

Reim . A / C Business Profits Tax (Town Portion) 8,500.00 9,162.24 9,000.00 Reim. State and Federal Forest Land 200.00 286.19 200.00 From Local Sources: Dog Licenses 300.00 420.00 400.00 Business Licenses, Permits &

Filing Fees ) 700.00 602.00 600.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 30,000.00 48,215.20 40,000.00 Interest on Taxes & Deposits 1,000.00 4,573.68 2,000.00 Income from Trust Funds -0- 58.97 60.00 Withdrawal Capital Reserve Funds -0- -0- -0- Parking Meter Income -0- -0- -0- Fines & Forfeits - Municipal & District Court 13,000.00 16,509.65 15,000.00 National Bank Stock Taxes 200.00 238.08 200.00 Resident Taxes Retained 8,000.00 10,097.12 10,000.00 Normal Yield Taxes Assessed 5,000.00 10,788.32 7,500.00 Rent of Town Property 200.00 1,410.02 500.00 Sale of Town Property -0- Income from Departments 2,000.00 14,361.99 5,000.00 Bond & Note Issues (Contra) 40,000 i)0 30,000.00 51,500.00 SURPLUS FROM FEDERAL SOURCES: Crime Commission 3,000.00 -0- 787.00 Revenue Sharing 26,000.00 27,227.00 28,000.00 Anti-Recessional Assistance -0- 587.00 -0-


TOTAL REVENUES $191,100.00 $239,080.04

Total estimated "Revenues from all sources except Property Taxes" deducted from Total Appropriations Ensuing Fiscal Year gives "Amount to be Raised by Property Taxes."

13 ( t 1 I1 1 t

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14 Number of Inventories Distributed in 1976 2100

Date 1976 Inventories Were Mailed 3/30/76

Number of Inventories Returned in 1976 1088

Number of Individuals Applying for an Elderly Exemption 1976 48

Number of Individuals Granted an Elderly Exemption 1976 48

No. of No. of Owners Acres

Number of Property Owners who applied for Current Use in 1976 and the aggregate total number of acres for which application was made 1 10

Number of Property Owners who were granted Current Use Exemption in 1976 and total number of acres exempted. 1 10


This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.


Oct. 1, 1976 Selectmen of Ossipee


APPROPRIATIONS Town Officers' Salaries $9,800.00 Town Officers' Expenses 14,000.00 Election & Registration Expenses 3,200.00 Municipal & District Court Expenses 12,920.00 Town Hall & Other Town Buildings 10,000.00 Employees* Retirement & Social Security 7,500.00 Police Department 32,000.00 Fire Department-Forest Fires 500.00 Insurance 12,000.00 Planning & Zoning 3,000.00 Damages & Legal Expenses 1,000.00 Civilian Defense 500.00 Health Department (Incl. Hospitals & Ambulance) 12,685.92 Town Dump & Garbage Collection 2,500.00 Town Maintenance Summer & Winter (Inc. Bridges and Culverts) 102,000.00 Street Lighting 900.00 General Expenses of Highway Dept. 15,000.00 Town Road Aid 1,494.42 Libraries 4,318.00 Town Poor 6,000.00 Old Age Assistance 8,500.00 Patriotic Purposes (Memorial Day, etc.) 2,500.00 Recreation, etc. Parks, Playgrounds 16,950.00 Advertising & Regional Associations 263.58 Principal - Long Term Notes 2,450.00 Interest - Long Term Notes 1,454.00 Interest on Temporary Loans 8,000.00

16 Capital Outlay Town Truck Art. No. 8 (Revenue Sharing) 10,000.00 Town Tax Map Art. No. 9 (Revenue Sharing) 8,241.75 Winter Highways Art. No. 10 (Revenue Sharing) 8,000.00 Bridges Art. No. 11 (Long Term Notes) 40,000.00

TOTAL TOWN APPROPRIATIONS $357,677.67 Less: Est. Revenues and Credits Interest and Dividends Tax $23,087.96 Savings Bank Tax 4,363.14 Meals and Rooms Tax 11,056.23 Reimbursement a/c State & Federal Lands 200.00 Revenue from Yield Tax Sources 7,558.96 Interest Received on Taxes 1,000.00 Business Licenses Permits & Filing Fees 700.00 Dog Licenses 300.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 30,000.00 Rent of Town Property & Equipment 200.00 Fines and Forfeits - Municipal Court 13,000.00 National Bank Stock Taxes 200.00 Resident Taxes 12,580.00 Revenue Sharing (Contra) 26,421.75 Proceeds of Bonds & Long Term Notes 40,000.00 Highway Subsidy 21,051.26 Total Revenues and Credits $191,719.30 Net Town Appropriations 165,958.37 Net School Appropriations 595,458.57 County Tax Assessment 64,991.97

Total of Town, School & County $826,408.91

17 Deduct: Total Bus. Profits Tax Reimbursement -36,648.00 Add: War Service Tax Credits +10,200.00 Add: Overlay +5,553.75

Property Taxes To Be Raised $805,514.16

Gross Property Taxes $805,514.16 Gross Precinct Taxes 53,181.62

Total $858,695.78

Less : W / Serv. Tax Cr. 10,200.00


Summary of valuations and taxes to be assessed for the tax year 1976 by Precincts, Village Districts and School Districts where valuation is not identical with that of the town or city.

Name of Precinct Valuation Net Appro. Taxes Rate

Ctr.Ossipee $3,879,940.00 $30,294.00 $30,651.51 .79 W.Ossipee 3,149,330.00 9,626.00 9,767.92 31 Ossipee Village 3,546,440.00 12,700.00 12,767.28 36


Totally and permanently disabled veterans, their spouses or widows, and the widows of veterans who died or were killed on active

duty. Estimated Limits Number Tax Credits

$700.00 1 $700.00 All other qualified persons. $50.00 190 9,500.00 Total Number & Amount 191 $10,200.00

18 Total Number Amount Tax Assessed Assessed Resident Taxes $10.00 1,258 $12,580.00

Prior Years Tax Rate TAX RATES 1975 Town .80 School Dist. 3.95 *'A"Prec. .14 County .40 C. O. Precinct .64 W.O. Precinct .32 0. Precinct .34


This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.

We hereby request that the Dept. of Revenue compute the rate for municipal, school and county taxes separately.

Sept. 30, 1976


19 FINANCIAL REPORT For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1976


Cash: In hands of treasurer $60,641 .71 In hands of officials 6,208.92

Total $66,850.69 Bonds or Long Term Notes - Authorized Unissued $ 10,000.00 Capital Reserve Funds: (For the acquisition of equipment and new construction) $1,209.39 Bridge Note 15,914.88

Total $17,124.27 Accounts Due to the Town Joint Highway Construc'n Accounts, Unexpended Bal. in State Treasury $2,220.14 Unredeemed Taxes: Levy of 1975 $ 37,921.17 Levy of 1974 18,765.48 Previous Years 7,839.08

Total $64,525.73 Uncollected Taxes: Levy of 1976, including Resident Taxes $145,668.94 Levy of 1975 4,341.52 Levy of 1974 2,134.28 Previous Years 10.00

Total $152,154.74

Total Assets $312,875.57

Grand Total $312,875.57 Current Surplus, December 31, 1975 $ 27,106.07

20 Current Surplus, December 31, 1976 $ 40,321.80 Increase— Decrease of Surplus Change in Financial Condition $ 13,215.73

LIABILITIES Accounts Owed by the Town: Unexpended Balances of Special Appropriations $ 15,914.88 Unexpended Balances of Bond & Note Funds 10,000.00 Sewer Fund 3,000.00 School District Taxes Payable 253,850.78 Social Security and with- holding 2,571.60

Total Accounts Owed by the Town $285,337.26 State and Town Joint Highway Construction Accounts: Unexpended balance in State Treasury $ 2,220.14


Capital Reserve Funds: $1,209.39 Total Liabilities $288,766.79 Current Surplus 24,108.78

Grand Total $312,875.57

RECEIPTS Current Revenue: From Local Taxes: Property Taxes-Current Year-1976 $711,888.43 Resident Taxes-Current Year-1976 8,510.00 National Bank Stock Taxes - Current Year - 1976 238.08 Yield Taxes-Current Year-1976 4,527.63

Total Current Year's Taxes Collected and Remitted $725,164.14

21 Property Taxes and Yield

Taxes-Previous Years ]129,618.93 Resident Taxes-Previous Years 2,490.00 Interest received on Delinquent Taxes 4,573.68 Penalties: Resident Taxes 112.10 Tax sales redeemed 36,547.44

From State: For State Aid Construction 4,133.68 Highway Subsidy 21,051.26 Interest and dividends tax 23,087.96 Savings Bank Tax 4,363.14 Reimbursement a-c State and Federal forest lands 229.54 Fighting forest fires 947.59 Reimbursement a-c Old Age Assistance 202.22 Meals and Rooms Tax 12,620.22 Reimbursements a-c Business Profits Tax 36,648.96 All Other Receipts from State 2,042.24

From Local Sources, Except Taxes:: $105,326.81"

Dog Licenses $ 422.00 Business licenses, permits and filing fees 728.00 Fines and forfeits, municipal & District Court 15,008.43 Rent of town property 100.00 Income from departments 6,264.57 Motor vehicle permits 48,213.20

Receipts Other than Current Revenue: Proceeds of Tax Anticipation Notes $500,000.00 Proceeds of Long Term Notes 30,000.00 Refunds 774.85 Gifts 29.95 Sale of town property 1,775.05

22 Grants from U.S.A. Revenue Sharing 27,227.00 Water Pollution Aid a-c Sewer Construction 3,000.00 Emergency Employment Act 587.00

Total Receipts Other than Current Revenue $563,393.85

Total Receipts from All Sources $1,637,963.15 Cash on hand January 1, 1976 113,039.38

Grand Total $1,751,002.53 PAYMENTS Current Maintenance Expenses: General Government: Town officers' salaries $ 10,726.25 Town officers' expenses 14,239.62 Election and registration expenses 3,623.34 Municipal and District Court expenses 12,280.00 Expenses town hall and other town buildings 11,312.44 Protection of Persons and Property: Police department 37,312.68 Fire department, including forest fires 5,625.54 Planning and Zoning 2,053.92 Insurance 13,111.54 Health: Health department, including hospitals & ambulance 13,895.41 Town dumps and garbage removal 2,182.75 Highways and Bridges:

Town Road Aid 1 ,494.42 Town Maintenance (Summer $45,407.53), (Winter $59,876.29) 105,283.82 Street Lighting 842.85 General Expenses of Highway Department 20,654.55

23 Libraries: Libraries 4,318.00 Public Welfare: Old age assistance 6,042.44 Town poor 7,20L24 Patriotic Purposes: Memorial Day, Veteran's Associations and Old Home Day 3,235.05 Recreation: Parks and playgrounds, including band concerts 17,685.23 Unclassified: Damages and legal expenses 1,457.20 Advertising and Regional Associations 263.58 Taxes bought by town 68,211.64

Discounts, Abatements and refunds 1 ,366.15 Employees' Retirement and Social Security 8,681 .26 All Other Current Maintenance Expenses 6,870.32

Total Current Maintenance Expenses $379,971 .24

Debt Service: Paid on tax anticipation notes $9,916.81

Paid on long term notes 1 ,454.00

Total Interest Payments $1 1 ,370.81

Principal of Debt: Payments on Tax Anticipation Notes $500,000.00 Payments on long term notes 2,450.00

Total Principal Payments $502,450.00 Capital Outlay: Highways and Bridges — State Aid construction $ 14,085.12 Highways and Bridges — Town construction 21 ,051 .26 Lands and buildings (Other-$475.00) 475.00

24 New equipment (Highway-$9, 195.00) 9,195.00 Payments to capital reserve funds (Bridge) 15,914.88 Tax Maps 8,241.75

Total Outlay Payments $ 68,957.01 Payments to Other Governmental Divisions: Payments to State a-c 2 percent

Bond & Debt Retirement Taxes $ 1 ,478.05 Taxes paid to County 64,991 .97 Payments to Precincts 55,130.11 Payments to School Districts (1976 Tax $593,054.21) 593,054.21

Total Pmts. to other Governmental Div. $714,654.34

Total Pmts. for all purposes $1,677,409.40 LESS: S.S.Due 2,121.61 W.H.Due 1,016.60 Uniform Rental Due 123.45

$1,674,147.74 Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1976 76,854.79

Grand Total $1,751,002.53

SCHEDULE OF LONG TERM INDEBTEDNESS As of December 31, 1976, June 30, 1977 Long Term Notes Outstanding:

Purpose of Issue Amount

Town Hall No. 1172 Purchase $13,000.00 Town Hall No. 992 Repairs 17,400.00

25 Mill Pond Bridges Replace 30,000.00

Total Long Term Notes Outstanding $60,400.00

Bonds Outstanding: None Total Bonds Outstanding -0-

Total Long Term Indebtedness- December 31, 1976, June 30, 1977 $60,400.00 RECONCILATION OF OUTSTANDING LONG TERM INDEBTEDNESS

Outstanding Long Term Debt — December 31, 1975, June 30, 1976 $32,850.00 New Debt Created During Fiscal Year: Long Term Notes Issued $30,000.00 Bonds Issued -0-

Total $30,000.00

Total $62,850.00 Debt Retirement During Fiscal Year: Total $2,450.00 Outstanding Long Term Debt —

December 31 , 1976 $60,400.00 CERTIFICATE

This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete to the best of our knowledge and belief.


26 SCHEDULE OF TOWN PROPERTY As of December 31, 1975; June 30, 1976 DESCRIPTION VALUE Town Hall, Lands and Buildings $60,000.00 Furniture and Equipment 4,000.00 Libraries, Lands and Buildings 23,000.00 Furniture and Equipment 1,000.00 Police Department, Lands and Buildings 12,000.00 Highway Department, Lands and Buildings 48,000.00 Equipment 100,000.00 Materials and Supplies 4,000.00 Parks, Commons and Playgrounds 2,000.00 All Lands and Buildings acquired through Tax Collector's deeds 2,179.17

TOTAL $256,179.17

27 —

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31 TOWN OF OSSIPEE Balance Sheet As of December 31, 1976


Cash on Hand General Fund $76,854.79 In Hands of Officials 6,208.92

$83,063.71 Capital Reserve Funds New Equipment $1,209.39 Highways & Bridges 15,914.88 Portion of Note Not Borrowed 10,000.00

$27,124.27 Unredeemed Taxes Levy of 1975 $37,921.17 Levies of Prior Years 26,604.56

$64,525.73 Uncollected Taxes Levy of 1976 $145,668.94 Levies of Prior Years 6,485.80


Total Assets $326,868.45 LIABILITIES

Accounts Owed by Town School District $253,850.78 Soical Security 1,555.00 Withholding Taxes 1,016.60 Sewer Project 3,000.00

$259,422.38 Capital Reserve Funds New Equipment $1,209.39

32 Highways & Bridges 15,914.88 Portion of Note Not Borrowed 10,000.00


Total Current Liabilities $286,546.65 Current Surplus 40,321.80

Grand Total ^ $326,868.45

33 TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT SUMMARY OF WARRANT—LEVY OF 1976 As of December 31, 1976 -DR.- Taxes Committed to Collector: Property Taxes $853,534.66 Residence Taxes 11,970.00 Yield Taxes 9,070.75 National Bank Stock Taxes 238.08

$874,813.49 Added Taxes: Property Taxes $5,773.59 Residence Taxes 900.00


Total Debits $881,487.08 -CR.-

Remittances to Treasurer: Property Taxes $711,888.43 Residence Taxes 8,510.00 Yield Taxes 4,317.63 National Bank Stock Taxes 238.08

$724,954.14 Abatements allowed: Property Taxes $4,231.97 Residence Taxes 340.00


Uncollected Taxes - December 31, 1976: Property Taxes $137,945.82 Residence Taxes 2,970.00 Yield Taxes 4,753.12

$145,668.94 Cash on Hand - December 31, 1976: Property Taxes $5,242.03

34 Residence Taxes 1,050.00


Total Credits $881 ,487.08

35 SUMMARY OF WARRANTS Prior Years As of December 31, 1976 -DR.- Uncollected Taxes - Levies oi January 1, 1976: 1973 1974 1975 Property Taxes $1,354.28 $127,261.61 Residence Taxes $10.00 790.00 3,330.00 Yield Taxes 2,028.09 3,999.57 Cash on Hand -

January 1, 1976: Property Taxes 1,553.81 Added Taxes: Property Taxes 607.70 Residence Taxes 290.00

Total Debits $10.00 $5,726.18 $135,488.88

-CR.- Remittance to Treasurer: Property Taxes $123,358.24 Residence Taxes $10.00 2,480.00 Yield Taxes 2,028.09 3,832.60 Abatements Allowed: Property Taxes 2,583.44 Residence Taxes 530.00 Uncollected Taxes - December 31, 1976: Property Taxes 1,354.28 2,464.55 Residence Taxes 10.00 780.00 1,710.00 Yield Taxes 166.97 Cash on Hand - December 31, 1976: Property Taxes 1,553.81 Excess Credits - December 31, 1976: Property Taxes 536.92 Residence Taxes 1,100.00

Total Credits $10.00 $5,726.18 $135,488.88

36 1

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Car Permits (2813) $48,215.20 Dog Licenses (182) 420.00


Paid Treasurer: Car Permits (2813) $48,215.20 Dog Licenses (182) 420.00

$48,635.20 CAROLYN CONNER Town Clerk

TREASURER'S REPORT Town of Ossipee SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1976 RECEIPTS From Local Taxes: Property Taxes Current Year 1976 $711,888.43 Resident Taxes Current Year 1976 8,510.00 Yield Taxes Current Year 1976 4,527.63 National Bank Stock Tax Current Year 1976 238.08

Total Current Year Taxes $725,164.14 Prior Years: Property Taxes $123,358.24 Resident Taxes 2,490.00 Yield Taxes 6,260.69 Tax Sales Redeemed 36,547.44 Interest Received 4,573.68 Resident Tax Penalties Received 112.10


38 From State of New Hampshire: Interest and Divident Tax $23,087.96 Savings Bank Tax 4,363.14 Highway Subsidy 21,051.26 Forest Fires 677.65 Room and Meals Tax 12,620.22 Resources Fire Dept. 269.94

Gift Conservation ^ 20.00 Radio's Precinct 744.75 Old Age Reimbursement 202.22 Highway Reimbursements 4,133.68 Police Reimbursement 464.74 Business Profit Tax 36,648.96 Town Poor Reimbursement 146.16 Forest Lands 229.54 Refund Bond & Debt 666.59


From Federal Government: Revenue Sharing $27,227.00 Fiscal Assistance 587.00 Sewer Study 3,000.00

From Local Sources Except Taxes: $30,814.00

Dog Licenses $ 422.00 Business Licenses & Permits 728.00 Fines & Forfeits District Court 15,008.43 Rent of Town Property 100.00 Income from Departments 6,264.57 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 48,213.20


Receipts Other Than Current Revenue: Temporary Loans $500,000.00 Long Term Note 30,000.00 Refunds 774.85 Gifts 29.95

39 Sale of Town Property 1 ,775.05


Total Receipts +16,213.02 $1,637,963.15 Balance December 31, 1975 $ 113,039.38

Grand Total $1,751,002.53

EXPENDITURES General Government: Town Officers' Salaries $10,726.25 Town Officers' Expenses 14,239.62 Election and Registration 3,623.34 District Court 12,280.00 Town Hall & Other Buildings 11,312.44

$52,181.65 Protection of Persons and Property: Police Department $37,312.68 Fire Department-Forest Fires 5,625.54 Insurance - Includes Blue Cross 13,111.54 Planning & Zoning 2,053.92

$58,103.68 Health: Health, Nurse & Hospitals $13,895.41 Town Dump 2,182.75

$16,078.16 Highways and Bridges: Town Maintenance - Summer $45,407.53 Town Maintenance - Winter 59,876.29 Highway Subsidy 21,051.26 Town Road Aid 1,494.42 Street Lighting 842.85 General Expense of Highway 20,654.55


40 Libraries: Libraries $ 4,318.00 Public Welfare: Old Age Assistance $6,042.44 Town Poor 7,20L24


Patriotic Purposes: Memorial Day $ 3,235.05 Recreation: Parks and Playgrounds $17,685.23 Revenue Surplus $17,933.95 Town Vault $ 475.00 Capital Reserve Fund $15,914.88

Unclassified: Damages & Legal $1,457.20 Advertising & Regional Association 263.58 Taxes Bought by Town 68,211.64 Discounts and Abatements 1,366.15 Retirement and Social Security 8,681.26 Prior Years Bills 6,848.12


Interest on Debt: Interest $11,370.81 New Construction: Highways & Bridges $14,085.12 Indebtedness: Temporary Loans $500,000.00 Long Term Notes 2,450.00


Payments to Other Governmental Divisions: State of New Hampshire $ 1,478.05 County Tax 64,991.97 Precincts 55,130.11

41 School District 593,054.21


Total Gross Expenditures $1,677,409.40 S.S. Due State (To be Adjusted) $ 2,121.61 W.H. Tax Due Federal Government 1,016.60 Credit Uniforms-Winter Roads 123.45


Total Net Expenditures $1,674,147.74 Balance December 31, 1976 $ 76,854.79

Grand Total $1,751,002.53

Balance December 31, 1975 $113,039.38 Receipts During Year 1,637,963.15

$1,751,002.53 Expenditures During Year 1,674,147.74


PROOF OF BALANCE Balance in Carroll County Trust as per statement December 31, 1976 $197,362.55 Deposits: Not Credited 53,468.62

$250,831.17 Less: Outstanding Checks Current $173,758.92 Outstanding Checks Prior Year 217.46


Reconciled Balance - December 31, 1976 $76,854.79



Carolyn Conner $3,374.75 Carl Wheeler 2,701.50 Roger Busch 1,300.00

Bruce Rines ^ 1,200.00

Douglas Meader 1 ,200.00 Laurence Brownell 750.00 R. Grant Kramer 100.00 Harvey Emerson 100.00



Gloria Carter $44.42 Carolyn Conner 116.72 Carl Wheeler 175.41 Reg.of Deeds, Percy Blake 491.15 Carroll County Independent 3,068.00 Center Ossipee Inn 16.85 Carolyn F. Graves 8.00 N. E. Telephone 1,164.63 Brown & Saltmarsh, Inc. 300.81 Roger Busch 8.66 N.H. Municipal Association 394.73 Barbara Anderson 18.00 The Reporter Press 5.76 The Stationery Shop 213.33 Wheeler & Clark 48.33 Velma Hormell 720.00 Edgar O. Pesquera 100.00 County Commerce 88.00 Laurence Brownell 54.91

Porter Office Machine 1 ,374.82 Postmaster, Ctr. Ossipee 801.00 Leora Cullen 40.00 Georgianna Palmer 400.00

43 Ruth Eckhoff 2.75 County of Carroll 3.00 N.H. Tax Collectors Association 10.00 Dorothy Palmer 2,675.00 N.H. Municipal Association 20.00 Paul E.Killion, Inc. 45.00 Natalie Hall 39.90 Evelyn Wheeler 100.00 Stephen Davis Office Machines 5.00 St. Johnsbury Trucking Co. 12.56 Herbert Hunt 1,000.00 A. E.MartellCo. 179.00 Lucille Davis 100.00 Bruce Rines 33.60 Douglas Meader 21.29 N.H. Association of Assessing Officials 10.00 Tower Publishing Co. 40.90 Treasurer, State of N.H. 75.90 Veribest System Co. 9.31 Yankee Title Abstract Co. 50.00 Internal Revenue 152.88



Edwin Chase $73.50 Dobbs Chevrolet 1,575.18 Sanel Auto Parts, Inc. 363.32 Ossipee Auto Parts 2,819.18 Rines Garge, Inc. 2,936.83 Hart Motor Co., Inc. 33.75 R. C. Hazelton Co., Inc. 1,739.05 Bradley's Hardware, Inc. 40.95 Brocky'slnc. 74.18 Philip Drew 4.25 Gulf Oil Corp. 501.71 Lewiston Welding Co. 168.97

44 Earnshaw Lumber, Inc. 222.65 Portland Transmission 72.96 Ossipee Equipment Co., Inc. 936.81 Ernest Berry, Jr. 102.00 Rice's Tire Center 188.40 Mountain Motors, Co., Inc. 75.09 Donovan Spring & Equip. Co. Inc. 395.83 Chadwick Ba-Ross, Inc. 1,185.82 Carroll County Independent 10.50 Norman White 196.00 Merrimack Farmers' Exchange 47.23 Lubrication Engineers, Inc. 318.40 Central Petroleum Co. 176.60 Milton Dow 10.33 Bancroft & Martin, Inc. 228.82 Douglas MacDonald 40.00 Franklin MacDonald 20.00 Alvin J. Coleman & Sons, Inc. 5.30 Elliott Brothers Garage, Inc. 9.00 Patsy's Auto Body Alignment Ctr. 347.75 Century Tire Co. 2,771.39 Barrett Equipment Co., Inc. 37.41 Lynn Sign 255.10 Ross Express Inc. 34.25 Treasurer, Carroll County 1,751.00 T.S.T. Equipment Co., Inc. 199.48 Conway Tractor & Equip. Corp. 84.69 The State Chemical Mfg. Co. 63.15 Trask Electricians 12.00 New England Lumber Co. 38.40 MacDonald Welding Service 10.00 Dube & Murphy, Inc. 32.02 B. & B. Chain Co. 329.00 Sunset Mattress Factory 5.00 N.H. Explosives & Machinery Corp. 85.80 Standard Uniform Rental Service, Inc. 7.50 Weston Auto Body 18.00



Dover Children's Home $975.00 Russell Whiting, Jr. 944.40 David Goodale 272.00 Public Service Co. 69.40 Dube & Murphy, Inc. 462.80 Carroll County Trust Co. 40.00 Indian Mound I.G.A. 317.54 Gregory Manoogian 400.00 OssipeeOilCo. 197.15 N.H. Electric Cooperative 50.49 Wendell Thompson 157.50 Ctr. Ossipee Pharmacy 311.07 Tri-StateGas, Inc. 14.99 Moulton's Store 65.21 Convenience Grocery 26.00 Marcia D. Birdsong 369.20 Manchester Children's Home 975.10 Peter McFarlane 243.75 Holiday Pines 300.00 Carroll County Nursing Home 230.00 Carroll County Farm 50.00 Clark D.Mason 17.20 Delia M.Chellis 19.20 Continental Trailways 9.15 Abbotts & Staples 98.09 Anthony D. DeLiso 85.00 Lord's Funeral Home 471.00 Walter M.Davis 30.00



M.R.L. Copy Center $ 25.00 Ossipee Bicentennial Comm. 2,000.00 Martina Flag Co. 59.57 Gorham Flag Center 93.75 M.R.D. Copy Center 50.00

46 Reporter Press 735.00 Laconia Monument Co. 130.00 Loring Short & Harmon 122.73 George Campbell 19.00



James Thompson $10,241.95 Wesley Shattuck 5,200.37 Freedom Cashway, Inc. 20.30 Public Service Co. of N.H. 11.48 N.E. Telephone 403.22 Kingswood Sport Shop 37.80 Earnshaw Lumber, Inc. 239.65 Brocky's, Inc. 44.82 Ossipee Auto Parts 29.20 Ctr. Ossipee Pharmacy 40.45 Convenience Grocery 8.17 Carroll County Independent 1.80 Winnipesaukee Motor Craft Co. 5.40 Hodge Badge Co., Inc. 73.96 Saymore Trophy Co., Inc. 22.83 Town Hardware 14.73 Ossipee Hardware 47.46 Jane MacFarland 1,037.51 David PoUini 69.95 Tee Pee Sport Shop 101.59 The Stationery Shop 20.15 Merrimack Farmers' Exchange 5.63 Ward's Boat Shop 6.81



Frederic L. Cox, Esq. $1,457.20


Olin Knox $9.56 Edward C. Smart 37.08 Everett J. LaBree 103.00 Edward Spear 106.86 Albert Gregoire 50.00 Peter Billings 103.93 David W. Orino 395.74 ThelmaR.Gram 77.25 Robert H. Schroeder 98.37 Est. of Helen Watkins 52.53 Edward Spear 68.18 Est. of Alexander H. Chapman 146.96 Theodore & Pauline Reissfelder 26.64 John Hodge 90.05



Lakes Region Planning Comm. $1,680.00 Carroll County Independent 39.80 Percy Blake, Reg. of Deeds 31.05 Natalie Hall 159.79 John McLaughlin 6.00 Gerald McDuffee 110.28 J.E.Shackfordlll 15.00 Dale Villa Greenhouse 12.00


TOWN ROAD AID Treas. State of N.H. $1,494.42

$1,494.42 LIBRARY Treas. Ossipee Library $4,318.00


48 OLD AGE ASSISTANCE Treas. State of N.H. $6,042.44

$6,042.44 SHORT TERM NOTES Carroll County Trust Co. $500,000.00 LONG TERM NOTES Carroll County Trust Co. $2,450.00 SHORT TERM INTEREST Carroll County Trust Co. $9,916.81 LONG TERM INTEREST Carroll County Trust Co. $1 ,454.00 PRECINCTS Center Ossipee Precinct $30,295.96 West Ossipee Precinct 10,286.20 Ossipee Corner Precinct 13,644.95 Precinct *'A" 903.00

$55,130.11 ADVERTISING & REGIONAL Lakes Region Assoc. $263.58 REVENUE SHARING Article No. 10 $8,000.00 K&M Builders (carry over) 475.00 Planning Maps, Inc. 8,241.75 Carroll County Independent 22.20 Rines Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. 9,195.00

$25,933.95 COUNTY TAX Treas. Carroll County $64,991.97

BOND & DEBT RETIREMENT TAX Treas. State of N.H. $1,478.05

49 TAXES BOUGHT BY TOWN Carl R. Wheeler, Tax Collector $68,211.64

SOCIAL SECURITY & RETIREMENT Treas. State of N.H. $8,681.26


PRIOR YEARS BILLS Treas. State of N.H. $6,848.12


BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Treas. State of N.H. $14,085.12



Irving Abbott $1,735.16 Ernest Berry, Jr. 200.75 Brocky's 64.06 Bancroft & Martin 105.89 Alvin Coleman 1,224.14 Philip Drew 468.26 Ellis Dow 2,007.44 Milton Dow 4,165.00 Dube & Murphy, Inc. 935.51

Jordon Milton Co. 1 ,500.00 Earle L. Keene & Son 3,625.00 George MacDonald 50.00 Merrimack Farmers' Exch. 80.55 E.V. Moody & Son 780.00 N.H. Bituminous 6,398.63 Northeast Culvert Co. 1,497.81 Ossipee Equipment Co. 112.50 Ossipee Aggregates Corp. 150.50

50 Daniel Riley 2,635.00 Texaco 3,100.00 Tilton Sand & Gravel 296.51 Robert Valley 2,635.00 Harold White 2,805.00 Russell Whiting, Jr. 2,739.96 Lloyd Wilkins 2,991.70 Bruce Williams 2,126.46

Russell Whiting, Sr. ' 73.50 Norman White 42.00 Rodney White 291.20 Milton Dow - Bulldozer 570.00



Irving Abbott $2,702.18 Buchanan's BP 156.00 Ernest Berry, Jr. 1,445.30 Edwin Chase 28.00 Carroll County Independent 10.50 Wayne Cressey 45.00 Peter Connolly 151.89 Bruce Cragin 141.91 Philip Drew 665.37 Dube and Murphy 1,994.70 Ellis Dow 4,096.03 Milton Dow 5,996.00 Joseph Fulcher 165.63 Granite State 1,008.29 Arnie Krupula 52.50 Fred Loud 17.50 Michael Libby 117.50 Lyford Merrow 335.50 Morton Salt 6,420.07 Mateo Sales 426.90 Medra Chem. Corp. 68.22 Ossipee Aggregates Corp. 861.15 Daniel Riley 4,752.30

51 Perley Ryder 92.50 Standard Uniform 21.65 Bruce Thibodeau 95.63 Texaco 3,386.84 Tilton Sand 239.74 Robert Valley 4,495.40 Harold White 5,065.26 Lloyd Wilkins 4,721.19 Bruce Williams 3,519.76 Russell Whiting, Jr. 4,685.88 Rodney White 85.00 Norman White 141.00 David White 12.50 Russell Whiting, Sr. 15.75 Milton Dow 394.00 George MacDonald 45.75 R.C. Hazelton 1,200.00


Article No. 10 Rev. Sharing 8,000.00


Public Service Co. of N.H. $ 842.85


Carroll County Independent $ 253.00 Brown & Saltmarsh, Inc. 17.86 John Sanders 100.00 Carolyn Conner 100.00 Blanche Buswell 60.00 Mary Buswell 15.00 Cheryl J.Riley 45.00 Lucille Davis 60.00 Janice Wagenfeld 60.00 Carmen Knapp 60.00

52 PerleyWasson ^ 45.00 George Campbell' 60.00 Ctr. Ossipee Inn 556.99 Mildred White 580.00 Kenwood C. White 580.00 Edward C. Smart 582.54 Ann J. Sawyer 45.00

Roger H. Busch ^ 60.00 Edwin P. Brownell 30.00 Bruce Rines 60.00 Dorothy Palmer 15.00 The Reporter Press 175.75 Carroll County Trust Co. 2.20 Douglas Meader 30.00 Shirley Wiggin 15.00 Hilda Dubois 15.00



Lawrence J. Walsh $6,800.00

Robert Schroeder 1 ,200.00 June C. Loud 4,080.00 Philip J. Ganem, Esq. 50.00 PaulR. Pudloski 150.00



Earnshaw Lumber, Inc. $ 168.87 Dube & Murphy, Inc. 5,658.00 Public Service Co. of N.H. 1,847.70 K.&M. Builders 125.00 Rochester Germicide Co. 302.90 Gordon Eldridge 20.00 Gloria Carter 531.60 Indian Mound IGA 108.51 Brocky's,Inc. 57.09

53 Ossipee Water Co. 102.70 Robert L. Davison 243.25 Cormier Construction Co. 600.00 Dexter Remick & Son, Inc. 483.32 Milton Dow 10.00 Ossipee Recreation Dept. 6.00 James Perry 2.50 The Stationery Shop 35.00 Wayne Jenness 20.00 Gordon B. Farrell 122.50 Pike Industries, Inc. 480.00 Roland Stockbridge 197.15 Ossipee Auto Parts 1.00 Convenience Grocery 1.66 N. G. Sargent, Electric 129.08 R. J. Sylvan, Inc. 38.61 Kirk Ryder 20.00



John Fogarty $11,507.70 Charles F. Ruff, III 1,426.14 Ralph D.Floria 7,877.64 Rines Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. 5,986.09 Texaco, Inc. 2,657.80 2-way Communication Service, Inc. 19.89 N.E. Telephone 452.23 Buchanan's BP 21.75 White Mt. Ham Shack 29.00 Curly's Auto Sales 148.95 The Stationery Shop 106.56 Ossipee Auto Parts 92.78 Eldridge & Johnson 3.50 Century Tire Co. 370.82 Brocky's, Inc. 6.46 Ben's Uniform, Inc. 1,013.18 Ctr. Ossipee BP 3.75 Ashmont Electronic, Inc. 12.00

54 Carroll County Independent 34.40 Frank Allen, MD 24.00 Union Leader Corp. 25.49 N.H. Assoc, of Police, Inc. 10.00 Robert Snow 3,327.00 John Buswell 828.00 Robert Spaulding 8.00 Indian Mound Car Wash 24.00 Town Hardware 2.58 Rogers Reconditioning Shop 660.92 J.B. Simon's, Inc. 23.80 The Hitching Post 3.40 Richard & Sherburne, Inc. 23.85 Scientific Detection Devices 581.00



Clarence Palmer $1 ,534.38 Carroll County Independent 8.75 Clayt's TV Service 22.50 Town of Freedom 379.64 Town of Madison 123.21 Town of Effingham 461.32 Town of Tamworth 106.46 Town of Freedom 312.00 Town of Moultonboro 191 .22 Town of Center Harbor 29.28 John Sanders 81.30 Lawrence Biddle 16.50 Frank Riley 57.00 Victor Morin 6.00 Leonard Gale 25.50 John Morrill 19.50 Richard Woodman 33.00 Jon Woodman 27.00 Robert Brown 33.00 Elizabeth Sanders 17.87 David Roy 5.50

55 Wallace Nudd 30.60 Roland Stockbridge 107.10 James Eldridge 9.00 Larry Eldridge 67.50 James Eldridge 21.00 Rodney Eldridge 15.00 Dennis Eldridge 10.50 Wendell Eldridge 46.50 John Eldridge 42.62 Donald Eldridge 31.50 Donald Watson 43.50 MaxEbel 72.00 Fred Loud 40.80 Daniel Riley 63.00 Keith Brownell 109.50 Bruce Williams 73.50 David Williams 9.00 Barry Williams 64.50 Jan Van Tassell 58.50 John Thompson 43.50 Everett Abbott 58.50 Edwin Frost 10.50 Robert Valley 13.50 Wendell Drew 61.50 Hank Morrill 42.00 John Fogarty 84.00 Joe Duchesne 31.62 Mike Libby 13.75 Larry Rollins 12.37 Robert Palmer 59.12 Scott Wright 5.50 Ervin White 63.00 Walter Stein 35.70 Harry Eldridge 3.00 Walter Nystedt 6.00 Carter Cincotta 4.50 Curly Nudd 16.50 Earl Fullerton 4.50 John Rand 60.00 Dennis Larrabee 60.00

56 James Lewis 22.50 Harold Hayes 24.00 Jack Bedley 9.00 Ralph Brownell 15.00 Roland Libby 15.00 Rocky Whittney 26.12 Ed Priebe 12.37

Maurice Lee ^ 37.00 Wayne Aleska 8.00 John MuUins 6.00 Elton Copp 6.00 Ctr. Ossipee Fire Dept. 247.48 Ossipee Corner Fire Dept. 92.76 Rines Garage, Inc. 8.70



Ossipee Insurance Agency $10,753.50 Blue Cross - Blue Shield 2,358.04


Barbara Anderson $3,165.23 Ctr. Ossipee Pharmacy 316.58 Tamworth Rescue Squad 90.00 Wolfeboro Rescue Squad 30.00 Effingham Rescue Squad 10.00 Tobey's Pharmacy 24.45 The Stationery Shop 3.43 Rose Smith 30.00 Ruth Webb 5.44 The Village Press, Inc. 14.00 Carroll County Independent 3.70 Earnshaw Lumber, Inc. 16.66 Rolland W. Lord 5,500.00 Huggins Hospital 1,500.00

57 Ossipee Concerned Citizens, Inc. 2,000.00 Carroll County Mental Health Service 1,185.92

$13,895.41 TOWN DUMP

Wesley Shattuck $ 35.00 Kirk Ryder 63.55 Langdon Eldridge 49.70 Francis Eldridge 41.75 Scott Ryder 36.35 Robbin Shannon 42.00 Rick Nelson 31.75 Mike Brownell 42.50 Jerry Valley 40.00 Harvey Jenness 19.75 Wayne Jenness 17.75 Rick Cook 20.25 Gordon Farrell 1,655.00 Alexander Minasian 87.40



Irving Abbott $ 766.88 Beede Waste Oil Corp. 5,522.00 Ellis Dow 1,410.72 Milton Dow 2,205.00 Century Tire Co. 239.70 Ernest Berry, Jr. 143.50 Daniel Riley 1,377.94 Robert Valley 1,379.62 Harold White 1,540.80 Russell Whiting 1,280.74 Lloyd Wilkins 1,344.80 Bruce Williams 912.00 Roger Seguin 48.00 George MacDonald 15.00

58 N.H. Bituminous 1,067.47 R.C. Hazelton Co., Inc. 29.85 Merrimack Farmers' Exch. 76.74 Lyford Merrow 122.50 Milton Dow - Bulldozer 1,568.00


59 REPORT OF TOWN AUDIT TOWN OF OSSIPEE, N.H. Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1976 (June 30, 1977) REVENUE SHARING FUND

Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, Encumbrances and Fund Balance

Available Funds - January 1, 1976 $1,819.75 Add Revenue; Entitlement Payments $27,227.00 Interest -0-


Less Expenditures: Operating / Maintenance Expenses: Financial Administration $8,022.20

Total Operating / Maintenance Expenses $8,022.20

Capital Expenditures: Multipurpose and General Govern- ment $9,195.00 Others (Specify) Tax Map 8,241.75

Total Capital Expenditures $17,436.75 Total Expenditures 25,458.95

Available Cash -December 31, 1976 $ 3,587.80

Available Unobligated Funds - December 31, 1976 $3,587.80

We have examined the accounts and records of the Revenue Sharing Fund of the Town of Ossipee, N.H. for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1976.

In our opinion, the above Statement of Revenues,

60 Appropriations, Encumbrances, and Available Unobligated Funds presents fairly the revenue, ex- penditures and encumbrances incurred, and status of Revenue Sharing Funds of the Town of Ossipee, N.H. for the year ended December 31, 1976 (June 30, 1977).

Signed, HARVEY EMERSON R. GRANT KRAMER Auditors Town of Ossipee, N.H.

Date Feb. 12, 1977

61 OSSIPEE DISTRICT COURT To the Selectmen of the Town of Ossipee: I submit the following report of the Ossipee District Court for the year ending December 31, 1976:

Receipts: Fines & forfeitures $29,210.00 Restitution 473.61 Bail 1,035.00

$30,718.61 Cash on hand 1-1-76 125.00


Disbursements: Motor Vehicle Dept. $11,305.00 Motor Vehicle - Boats 148.00 Fish & Game Dept. 144.00 Bail returned 435.00 Restitution 473.61 Superior Court bonds 600.00 Witness fees 1,281.00 Blood Tests 38.00 Telephone 258.20 Printing 453.10 Supplies 5.82 Postage 58.40

Dues & Conf . expense 160.05 Town of Ossipee 15,008.43


Balance on hand 12-31-76 $ 475.00

SPECIAL ACCOUNT Receipts: Small claims $912.61 Writs 353.79

62 Bail 100.00 Misc. 36.90

$1,403.30 Cash on hand 1-1-76 302.61

$1,705.91 Disbursements:

Small Claims ^ $262.53 Sheriff's Dept. 90.00 Printing 39.55 Bail returned 200.00 Postage 21.29


Balance on hand 12-31-76 $1,092.54




Balance brought forward: $1,130.86 RECEIPTS Trust Fund $ 119.43 Town of Ossipee 2,000.00 Town of Ossipee 1,000.00 Town of Ossipee 1,318.00

$5,568.29 EXPENDITURES Books and Periodicals $ 797.99 Maintenance 141.52 Repairs 127.29 Electricity 106.90 Telephone 193.63 Town of Ossipee 109.44 Association dues 9.00 Fuel 1,441.97 Salary 1,248.00 Water 38.00 Improvements 446.25


Balance December 1976 $ 908.30



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66 FINANCIAL REPORT Trustees of Trust Funds, Ossipee N.H. 1976

1 Jan. 31 Dec. 1976 1976 TRUST FUNDS: Principal $30,956.67 $31,956.67 Interest Accrued 7,567.82 7,567.82 Interest in 1976 2,138.35 2,138.35 NEW FUNDS: Grover Wiggin Lot 500.00 Harding Cemetery 500.00

$41,662.84 $41,662.84 TRUSTEES ACCOUNTS: Checking Account 1 Jan. 76 $ 32.95

Savings Account 1 Jan. 76 4,383.52

Undeposited Checks 1 Jan. 76 1,996.42

$6,412.89 $6,412.89 RECEIPTS: Interest on Savings Account $ 332.81 Interest on Checking Account 3.72 Refund 67.09

$403.62 $403.62 INTEREST ON TRUST FUNDS Amoskeag Savings Bank $ 453.53 Carroll County Trust Co. 173.91 Granite State Savings Bank 147.36 The Manchester Bank 372.59 New Hampshire Savings Bank 329.88 Rochester Savings Bank 50.66 Strafford Savings Bank 185.46 Wolfeboro National Bank 424.96

$2,138.35_ $2,138.35 TOTAL RECEIPTS $8,954.86


MAINTENANCE OF TOWN AND \ MISC. SMALL CEMETERIES: Mowing, Labor and Fuel $1,303.43 Memorial Day Flowers 84.95 New Lawn Mower 169.95 Parts and Supplies 62.64 Repairs to Tomb 75.04 Re-setting Split Stone, Cemetery Wall 15.00

$1,710.01 $1,710.01 Chickville Cemetery Ass'n. $ 81.12 Lord Cemetery Maintenance 20.00 Ossipee Public Library 119.43 Travel, Phone & Postage 75.00 Accounting Services 100.00 Bank Service Charge .50

$396.05 $396.05 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,106.06 Checking Account 31 December 1976 $ 330.00 Savings Account 31 December 1976 4,380.45 Undeposited Checks 31 December 1976 2,138.35

$6,848.80 $6,848.80


CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the information contained in this report is complete and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. BERYL M. KRAMER WALTER G. WHITE Trustee of Trust Funds HARVEY EMERSON R. GRANT KRAMER Auditors Audited February 10, 1977


To the Selectmen and Citizens of the Town of Ossipee, N.H.

The past year has been a busy one for the Police Dept. The work load increased by 40 percent over 1975, and the traffic count was up 20 percent over 1975.

Although there was a significant increase in activity the department was successful in clearing a large number of cases. There were fewer burglaries and more arrests for the burglaries that did occur. A burglary in Granite resulted in three arrests with one serving jail time and two juveniles, another at The Ski Works in West Ossipee where approximately $5,000 in goods were recovered, one was a juvenile and two others were sent to jail. There were also four cases of receiving stolen property where restitution was ordered and the items recovered and returned to the owners.

The Cadet Program was a success again this year with little cost to the town.

There is a plan to apply for a Federal Grant to place an extra officer on duty during the summer months, this would cost the town very little.

Again this year we can report no fatal accidents in the town.

I would like to thank my officers, the town officials, other department heads, and the citizens of Ossipee for their cooperation and assistance this past year.

Respectfully, JOHN E. FOGARTY Chief of Police


Accomplice 1 Allow unfit person to operate 5 Arson 2 Assault 7 Being present where controlled drugs were kept 1 Burglary 6

Criminal liability for another 1

Criminal mischief 1 Criminal trespass 3

Defective equipment 1 Disorderly Conduct 10 Dog 5 Drinking in public 1 Drunk 6 DWI 24 Failure to keep right 4 Failure to make restitution 1 Failure to observe traffic signs 1 Failure to stop for school bus 1 Failure to yield 5 False swearing 1 Following to close 2 Fraud 2 Fugitive from Justice (Murder) 1 Furnish Alcoholic bev. to minor 3 Issuing bad checks 4 Kindle Fire w/o permit 2 Juveniles 20 Leaving the scene of accident 3 Littering 2 Oper. after revocation 2 Oper. to endanger 1 Oper. Snow machine on public way 1 Oper. Uninspected Motor vehicle 6 Oper. w/o License 15 Oper. Unregistered Motor Vehicle 3 Oper. with High Handle bars 1 Oper. m/c w/o Head Gear 1

70 Oper. with inadequate brakes 1 Parking 3 Passing on right 6 Passing Thru an intersection 2 Receiving Stolen Prop. 4

Possession of controlled drug 1

Sexual Assault 1 Solid line 32

Speed ^ 37 Stop Sign 33 Towing Trailer w/ Safety chains 1 Unauthorized Use of Firearms 1 Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle 1 Unnecessary Noise 6 Unsafe Tires 11



Bail Forfeited 1 Conditional Discharge 2 Continued for Sentence 26 Default 29 Dismissed 5 Fined 191 Fine or part of Suspended 18 Sent to House of Correction 9

Sent to another State 1 Restitution ordered 5 House of Correction Sentence Suspended 11 License Suspended or Revoked 24 Nol Pros 8


Accidents Investigated 61 Accidents, Fatal Aids rendered 273 Ambulance calls 15

71 Assist other Depts. including Fire Dept. 149 Check-ups 692 Defect. Equip. Tags 307 Dog Complaints 52 Dogs Disposed of 5 Suicides including attempts 3 Warnings 125

Total Miles for the year 63,606


To the Selectmen and citizens of the Town of Ossipee:

The following is a list of programs under the auspices of the Ossipee Recreation Department during the year

1976: 1

Ossipee Little League Baseball (majors) Ossipee Little League Baseball (minors) Girls Summer Softball League American Red Cross Swimming Instruction, Lifeguard (Jane MacFarland) Competitive Swim Team Girls Softball Team (Sunset Mattress) Men's Summer Softball League Men's Softball Team (coach - Barry Williams) August Youth Day Camp (arts, crafts, sports, games, field trips, special events) Bicentennial Parade Float Booth and Sports Events at July 4th Fair Recreational Bowling Carroll County Open Invitational Bowling Tournament Carroll County Open Invitational Track Meet Girls' and boys' 4th, 5th, and 6th grade after-school Recreation Program in Co-operation with Ossipee Central School Guitar Instruction Trampoline Instruction •12 Summer Youth Employees (C.E.T.A.) Afternoon Recreation Program Adult Sports Night Weight Lifting Facilities Recreation For Senior Adults (in Co-operation With Ossipee Concerned Citizens) Winter Sports Contest Pee Wee Hockey Team (in North Country Pee Wee Hockey League) - coach - Barry Williams

73 Men's Hockey Team (Rines Garage - coach - Barry Williams) Gymnastics Women's Basketball (Sunset Mattress) Men's Basketball

Girl's Basketball (coaches - Anita Nudd and Diane Savage) Bear Camp Valley Boys' Basketball League (Northern

Land Traders, Carroll County Deeds - coaches - Charlie Campbell and Lynn Presby) Public Skating Rink Tutoring High School Equivalency Students Youth Winter Employment Referrals Rink Raffle Card Parties (Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nudd) Groups Utilizing Gymnasium and Facilities Women's Basketball (Dube and Murphy - coach Everett Abbott) Cub Scouts Firemen's Auxiliary Dances Brownies Youth Voices

A vital addition to the Ossipee Recreation Department has been the organization of the Ossipee Recreation and Parks Advisory Committee which has been meeting on the third Friday of each month since May of last year. The purpose of the committee is to develop committee guidelines specific to our community and its needs, advise the Recreation Department on matters of community recreation, bring suggestions of improvement from the citizens of the community, and to enhance public relations by making townspeople aware of programs available throughout the year.

Members serving on the committee are the following: Ellen Cox, Helen Drew, Jan Donovan, Donald Eldridge, and Bruce Rines.

74 With the increasing output of yearly programs, the Ossipee Recreation Department has relied on a greater number of volunteers, sponsors, and coaches, and the continued support of parents and interested citizens. We, therefore, extend our appreciation to these people who realize the importance of recreation to the community.

Respectfully submitted, JAMES THOMPSON Director of Recreation


To the Townspeople of Ossipee:

The celebration of our nation's 200th birthday has ended, and I, as chairman of Ossipee's Bicentennial Committee feel that we added greatly to that celebration.

Early in 1976, plans were being made for the publication of a commemorative booklet. Many meetings resulted in the idea that a pictorial history of Ossipee, rather than a written one, (time being of importance) would be more interesting and easier to put together. With the help of several committee members and many interest townspeople, without whose generosity in lending their prized old photographs, the booklet - "Early Ossipee - A Pictorial View", became a realty. 2,000 books were printed with only a very small percentage sold to date. It was felt by the committee, however, that it would take a few years to sell the entire amount. As with many books of this type, all too soon copies become few and result as collectors items.

Another great tribute to Ossipee's heritage is the Bicentennial quilt. This project was sponsored by the Extension Group, and is a result of many talented ladies in the community. Each one of the 35 squares depicts a part of Ossipee.

The parade, this year headed by Dick Ziegler was once again a tremendous success, and it is planned for this to become an annual event.

The old town pound on Walker Hill Road was opened to the public on June 5. The Ossipee Girl Scouts took this project on and spent many hours clearing brush and moving rocks to restore the pound to its original condition.

Ossipee became an official bicentennial community on June 5. This was achieved by meeting goals set by the

76 American Revolution Bicentennial Committee. Accepting the Bicentennial flag and certificate of recognition was Chairman of Selectmen, Roger Busch. Also at this public ceremony held at the Town Hall was the dedication of the "Early Cemetery Records" book to its organizer, Mrs. Eva B. Loud. A dinner for the honored guest was held following the ceremony at the Shepherd's Inn.

An insignia contest, open to all elementary school children resulted in a design created by Jennifer Ziegler. It was decided to use the design on a ceramic tile. After a long wait, the tiles finally arrived from the factory (much later than promised). The committee felt the tiles were of poor quality, so steps are being taken to see if some sort of credit can be obtained for these tiles.

Town appropriations will be repaid in full as the **Early Ossipee' booklets are sold. Any profit thereafter will be placed in a bank account and used towards projects during Ossipee's own bicentennial in 1986.

My sincere thanks to everyone who helped make the bicentennial celebration a success. The support of everyone was appreciated. BRAYTON ELDRIDGE Chairman

Please note: Copies of the booklet - **Early Ossipee - A Pictorial View" are now available at the Town Hall.

BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE BUDGET RECEIPTS Town appropriation $2,000.00 Booklet ads 875.00 Cookbooks 175.00 Ceramic tiles 6.00 Lapel pins 17.00

77 600 **Early Ossipee" bks. (as of Jan. 1977) 1,200.00

$4,273.00 EXPENDITURES Printing of ''Early Ossipee" bks. $1,944.00 Wimmer Brothers (cookbooks) 125.00 DeVault Nobel China Co. (tiles) 153.12 Knobby Krafters (pins) 25.00 Saymore Trophy Co. 30.20 N.E. Document Conservation 43.25 Flag presentation ceremony & dinner 381.00 Bicentennial Parade 164.66 Advertising and Publicity 83.25 Postage and Telephone 44.85

$2,894.33 Balance $1,379.67 Amount Remitted to treasurer 1,128.69

Balance $250.98 Books in hands of Committee Members $250.98



June 1, 1976 - 200 Printed copies delivered Received: 205 copies sold $3.00 $615.00 Bank Interest 9.67

Total $624.67

1 Paid: Press Over Run 95 copies 1.50 $142.00 Reprint 200 copies 424.00

Total $566.00 Balance paid to Town of Ossipee 58.67


On Hand: Town Vault $190.00 Beryl Kramer 50.00 Marion Nickerson 50.00 Total $290.00

Committee: Beryl Kramer Florence Chase Leonard Wenant Marion Nickerson, Chairman


The Ossipee Conservation Commission, spawned at the 1976 Town Meeting, has had an eventful first year. Since the organizational meeting on April 14, 1976, we have had a series of well attended and well publicized public meetings. Our primary concern throughout the summer and fall was the pollution of . The appearance of an algae bloom in the lake this spring caused a major disturbance, and started our first year with a bang.

Throughout the summer, public meetings were held at the Superior Court house with public officials as speakers. In attendance were members of the Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission, the Lakes Region Planning Commission, and the Environmental Protection Agency - all concerned with Ossipee Lake. Besides being in- formative, these meetings were intended to put pressure on state and federal governments, so we would receive the benefit of complete testing of Ossipee Lake. It was the Commission's intention to get Ossipee included in the 208 testing program for water quality. Although the actual causes of the pollution are still questionable, we did get possibilities: over-population of the lake, faulty septic systems, annual flooding, weather conditions, topography, and natural causes. Many methods have been suggested for remedying the problems and identifying them with surety. For instance, we have been collecting photos and economic data of flood damage from lake residents to present to the Army Corps of Engineers, who surveyed Ossipee Lake at our request in August.

What was really needed was further testing and in- vestigation of the lake. The Commission has been suc- cessful in achieving this. Due to the meetings and public pressure Ossipee Lake is now fully established as a lake, and as a town water body with the state and federal governments. This means that now state and federal agencies will appropriate monies to solve the problems of

80 Ossipee Lake. The Commission has been successful in pinpointing the problem of the algae bloom and related problems, although causes are being investigated.

The lake is presently in a transitional state, going from pristine to a less then pristine, intermediate stage. It is the responsibility of all of us to hold the lake at its

present level of aging ; preventing it from going to the next undesirable stage. The prevention and solutions are the tasks of the Commission's second year.

Other areas investigated were the town septic system, the water quality of Dan Hole Pond, the 3,200 acre proposed state forest, various Dredge and Fill permits, the Deer Cove condominiums and their systems of waste removal, and the collection of town maps. We are now in the process of writing articles for Town Meeting according to our findings. It should also be noted that the Con- servation Commission was selected by the selectmen to be the "watchdogs" of the new proposed town septic system.

We had an extremely informative and successful year guarding Ossipee's natural resources. We look forward to the continued and increased support of the Town.

Our members are the following:


Respectfully submitted, KAREN EBEL Public Relations Ossipee Conservation Commission

81 OSSIPEE PLANNING BOARD Center Ossipee, New Hampshire 03814

Gentlemen: The Ossipee Planning Board gave final approval to approximately one hundred lots submitted for subdivision. Ninety percent of these lost were owned by commercial developers. The lots submitted were, for the most part, on Class V town roads.

A considerable amount of time was spent attempting to determine if the Board had jurisdiction over the former Deer Cove Lodge Resort, Inc. property. This property was purchased by a developer, who turned the cabin colony into condominiums. The result of numerous hours of in- vestigation with various state agencies and Town Counsel was that The Planning Board, under present law, has no jurisdiction in this type of development.

The proposed zoning ordinance, to be presented at the 1977 Town Meeting, was a major project of the Board. Several ordinances presently in use by other New Hamp- shire towns were studied, with the decision that the basic format used by the Town of Belmont was best suited to the needs of Ossipee. The ordinance was the restructured with the aim of providing a liberal ordinance which would af- ford protection for the property owner without creating hardship for his neighbor.

The Planning Board appreciates the cooperation extended to it by the Town Officers, Town Counsel Frederic L. Cox and especially to The Lakes Region Planning Commission Staff.

Sincerely, PETER D. BILLINGS Chairman


Total Nursing Visits 735 Visits to Children 40 Visits to Adults 695 Total number of families using nursing services Approx. 100

Pediatric & Immunization Clinics (in cooperation with Dr. Anne Collins & N.H. Public Health Dept.) 4 Average number of children in attendance 25 Swine Flu clinic -November 334 Meetings & workshops attended Learning conference on Teaching Self Breast Examination Swine flu clinic meetings

The nursing service increased its service in the number of visits in the community. The greatest number of visits continue to be to the elderly, but the number of births also increased this year.

The Swine Flu clinic was held at the Town Hall in Center Ossipee for all citizens over 18 years of age. Co- operation between the N.H. Public Health Dept., Ossipee Nursing Service & Dr. Anne Collins made this disease preventive measure of value to the citizens. Special thanks is extended to Dr. Collins, the many nurses of Ossipee and the Concerned Citizen Group who donated much time.

Blood pressure readings are taken at the nursing office and reports made to physicians. Medical equipment for loan for home care continues wth the hospital bed, 2 wheelchairs and 3 walkers presently on loan. Emphasis on home care continues for the citizens of Ossipee.

Respectfully submitted, BARBARA ANDERSON, R.N.


Since its beginning in 1893, the State Forestry Department has recognized the fact that forest fire prevention and suppression is a joint state and town or city responsibility. Local authorities recommend names of persons to the State Forester, who appoints one person as town or city fire warden and several other persons as town or city deptuy fire wardens to a three year term.

The local forest fire warden controls the kindling of all outside fires, when the ground is not covered with snow, by issuing a written permit for kindling a fire. Permits are only issued at such times and in such places as the fire warden deems as safe.

The State Forest Fire Service trains the local forest fire organization in modern forest fire prevention and suppression tactics. The State also provides backup personnel and equipment for suppression and prevention activities.

The combination of State and local forces has resulted in one of the smallest acreage loss due to forest fires in the United States for the past 20 years.

1976 Forest Fire Statistics

No. of Fires No. of Acres State 746 294 District 84 58.85 Town 13 19.75

E. SVEN CARLSON CLARENCE PALMER District Fire Chief Forest Fire Warden

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ASSETS Cash on hand $280.28 Lawyers Fund 745.72 Capital Reserve Fund 8,306.90

Grand Total $9,332.90 LIABILITIES Capital Reserve Funds $8,306.90 Unexpended Approp. for Lawyer 745.72

Total Liabilities $9,052.62 Excess of Assets over Liabilities (Surplus) 280.28

Grand Total $9,332.90


Not submitted. Available for inspection from Precinct Clerk.

RECEIPTS Current Revenue: From Taxes $30,295.96 State of N.H.(B.P.T.) $1,021.12 State of N.H. (Property Easement) 175.00 Insurance Claims 626.06 Reimbursement/ Hose 139.00 Forest Fires 90.00

Total Receipts from All Sources $32,347.14

90 :

Cash on hand at beginning of year 41 .10

Grand Total $32,388.24 PAYMENTS

Current Maintenance Expenses:

Hydrants ^ $ 2,240.00 Street Lights 5,043.90 Precinct Expenses 9,666.74 Snow Removal 86.00 Building Maintenance 1,566.55 Water Rights Maint. 463.95

Total Current Maintenance Expenses $19,067.14 Outlay, New Construction & Equip. Hose Tower $1,443.17 Hose & Hose Washer 1,762.40 Pump Adapter & Switch 872.25 Radio & Plectron 810.80 Coats & First Aid 568.10

Total Outlay Payments $5,456.72 Indebtness Payment on Notes $7,543.00 Payment to Capital Reserve Funds 41.10

Total Indebtness Payments $7,584.10 Total Payments for All Purposes $32,107.96 Cash on hand at end of year 280.28

Grand Total $32,388.24


This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. DOROTHY PALMER Jan. 25, 1977 Treasurer


Hydrant Rental $2,240.00 $2,240.00 Street Light Rental 5,043.93 5,200.00 Precinct Expenses 9,666.74 8,500.00 New Equipment 4,013.55 2,000.00 Maintenance Water Rights Prop. 463.95 1,000.00 Snow Removal 86.00 400.00 Building Maintenance 1,566.55 2,000.00 Capital Outlay - Construction 1,443.17 Capital Outlay - Equipment 45,000.00 Principal of Debt 6,000.00 9,463.95 Interest on Debt 1,543.00 3,231.52 Capital Reserve Fund voted from surplus 41.10

Total Approp. or Expend. $32,107.99 $79,035.47


Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue For For Prior Year Current Year

Business Profits Tax $1,020.00 $1,120.00 Amounts Raised by Issue of Bonds or Notes 38,000.00 Withdrawals from Capital Reserve Funds 7,000.00

Total Revenues Except Precinct Taxes $46,120.00 Amount to be Raised by Precinct Taxes $32,915.47

Total Revenues and Precinct Taxes $79,035.47


This is to certify that the information contained in Column 4, Appropriations voted at Precinct Meeting, and the information contained in Column 3, page 3, was taken from official records and is complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. BARRY WILLIAMS

Feb. 2, 1977

93 :

FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE OSSIPEE PRECINCT "A" For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1976 ASSETS Capital Reserve Funds $5,184.82

Total Assets $5,184.82

RECEIPTS Current Revenues: From Taxes $903.00 From Other Sources: Sewer Rents 283.00 Other: N.H. Profits Tax 17.20 Interest 393.22 Withdrawals from Capital Reserve Funds 2,750.38

Total Receipts from All Sources $4,346.80 PAYMENTS Current Maintenance Expenses: Pumping Sewer $290.00 Annual Meeting 26.80 Legal Expense 30.00

Total Current Maintenance Expenses $346.80 Outlay, New Construction & Equip.: Hoyle, Tanner Assoc. 4,000.00

Total Payments for All Purposes $4,346.80


This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

JUNE C. LOUD 1/24/77 Treasurer


Actual Recommended Expenditures by Budget Prior Year Committee Pumping Sewer $245.00 $300.00 Annual Meeting 26.80 50.00

Legal Expense 1 30.00 50.00 Facilities Plan 2,000.00 Capital Reserve' Fund to be raised by taxation 903.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS OR EXPENDITURES $2,301.80 $1,303.00


Estimated Actual Revenue Revenue tor Prior for Current Year Year Sewer Rents $283.00 $283.00 Other Revenues & Credits: N.H. Profits Tax 17.20 17.20 Interest 393.22 300.00 Withdrawals from Capital Reserve Funds 705.38 TOTAL REVENUES EXCEPT PRECINCT TAXES $1,398.80 $620.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY PRECINCT TAXES $903.00 TOTAL REVENUES AND PRECINCT TAXES $2,301 .80 Feb. 1, 1977 CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATIONS VOTED

This is to certify that the information contained in Column 4, Appropriations voted at Precinct Meeting, and

the information contained in Column 3, page 3, was taken from official records and is complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. JUNE C. LOUD


Capital Reserve Funds $2,414.16

Total Assets $2,414.16

Grand Total $2,414.16

LIABILITIES Capital Reserve Funds $2,414.16

Total Liabilities $2,414.16

Grand Total $2,414.16

RECEIPTS Current Revenue: From Taxes N.H. Business Profits Tax $ 923.80 Precinct Tax 10,286.20 Other: Forest Fire-Town of Freedom 10.00 Forest Fire-Town of Ossipee 80.00 Cid Chadwick 2.94 A.D. Davis & Son (Refund) 4.00 Wallace Nudd (Donation) 261.00 John Nitz (Donation) 5.00 John Hayford (Donation) 10.00 Perley Wasson (Donation) 20.00

Total Receipts from All Sources $11,602.94 Grand Total $11,602.94 PAYMENTS

Current Maintenance Expenses: Heat W.O. Station $ 349.05

96 :

Heat - Jewell Hill St. 342.62 Lights - W.O. Station 81.17 Lights - Jewell Hill St. 236.93 Gas & Oil 137.35 Truck Maintenance 362.38 Insurance 970.00 Care of equipment 300.00 Miscellaneous Ex. 166.08 Mutual Aid Dues 250.00

Total Current Maintenance Expenses $3,195.58 Interest Paid: 163.72 Outlay New Construction & Equip.: Land $2,060.00 Equipment 881.15

Total Outlay Payments $2,941.15 Indebtedness Payment on Notes $4,000.00

Payment to Capital Reserve Funds 1 ,302.49

Total Indebtedness Payments $4,302.49

Total Payments for All Purposes $11,602.94

Grand Total $11,602.94


Land and Buildings: Value West Ossipee Station, Rt. No. 16, West Ossipee $12,000.00 Jewell Hill Station, Ossipee Valley 17,000.00 Furniture and Apparatus: 1962 Ford - 500 GPM Pump - 800 gal. tank 15,000.00 1970 GMC - 150 GPM Pump - 1000 gal. tank 12,000.00

97 1971 International - 750 GPM Pump - 800 gal. tank 30,000.00 15 sets of Protective Wear 2,000.00 13 Plectrons 1,975.00 Misc. Furniture not on vehicles 3,000.00

Total Valuation $92,975.00


This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

WALTER NYSTEDT, Commissioner

Date 20 Jan. 77


Actual Recommended Expenditures by Budget Prior Year Committee

Heat ' $691.67 $1,000.00 Lights 318.10 350.00 Gas & Oil 137.35 200.00 Truck Maintenance 362.38 400.00 Insurance 970.00 1,300.00 Care of Equipment 300.00 300.00 Misc. Expenses 166.08 300.00 Mutual Aid Dues 250.00 250.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY — Construction 46,000.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY — Equipment 881.15 500.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY — Other Land 2,060.00 -0- Principal of Debt 4,000.00 Interest on Debt 163.72 Capital Reserve Fund to be raised by taxation $6,500.00


SOURCE OF REVENUES AND CREDITS Estimated Actual Revenue Revenue for Prior for Current Year Year

N.H. Business Profits Tax 923.80 $950.00 Wallace Nudd (Donation) 261 .00 Forest Fire - Town of Freedom 10.00 Forest Fire - Town of Ossipee 80.00 JohnNitz 5.00

99 John Hayford 10.00 Perley Wasson 20.00 Cid Chadwick 2.94 A. D.Davis & Son 4.00

Withdrawals from Capital Reserve Funds 46,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES EXCEPT PRECINCT TAXES $1,316.74 $46,950.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY PRECINCT TAXES $10,150.00

Feb. 1, 1977


This is to certify that the information contained in Column 4, Appropriations voted at Precinct Meeting, and the information contained in Column 3, page 3, was taken from official records and is complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.


100 :


For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1976


Cash on hand $1,301.86 Capital Reserve Funds 3,618.63

Total Assets $4,920.49 Excess of Liabilities over Assets (Net Debt) 13,098.14

Grand Total $18,018.63 LIABILITIES Long Term Note Issues $14,400.00 Capital Reserve Funds 3,618.63

Total Liabilities $18,018.63

Grand Total $18,018.63

RECEIPTS Current Revenue: From Taxes $12,900.20 Other: 6 percent Business Profits 374.80 Rural Community Fire Protection Program 744.75

Total Receipts from All Sources $14,019.75 Cash on hand at beginning of year 263.13

Grand Total $14,282.88

PAYMENTS Current Maintenance Expenses Insurance $1,210.00 Street Lights 2,655.26 Elect. - Fire Station 148.12

101 Fuel - Fire Station 832.44 Telephone - Fire Station 226.32 Clerk - Treasurer's Expenses 54.00 Mutual Aid Dues 250.00 Maint. Communications 118.16 Maint. Fire Station 43.20

Maint. - Fire Trucks 1 .019.43 Firemen's Reimbursement 850.00 Firemen's Expenses 241.57

Total Current Maintenances Expenses $7,648.50 Outlay, New Construction & Equip.: $1,913.39

Total Outlay Payments $1,913.39

Indebtedness Payment on Notes $3,156.00 Payment to Capital Reserve Funds 263.13

Total Indebtedness Payments $3,419.13 Cash on hand at end of year 1,301.86

Grand Total $14,282.88 SCHEDULE OF PRECINCT PROPERTY Lands and Buildings: Fire house and land $17,500.00 Furniture and Apparatus: Trucks and tanks 30,000.00 Firefighting equipment and supplies 26,000.00

Total Valuation $73,500.00


This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. RUSSELL F. WHITING, SR. ^^^^^ 1-31-77

102 1977 BUDGET OF THE OSSIPEE CORNER LIGHT AND POWER PRECINCT APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES Actual Exp'ditures Recommended Prior Year by Budget Comm Insurance $1,210.00 $1,500.00

Street Lights . 2,655.26 2,800.00 Electricity-Fire Station 148.12 150.00 Fuel-Fire Station 832.44 800.00 Clerks & Treas. Expenses 54.00 60.00 Mutual Aid Dues 250.00 250.00 Maint. -Communications 118.16 250.00 Maint. -Fire Station 43.20 300.00 Maint. -Fire Trucks 1,019.43 2,300.00 Telephone-Fire Station 226.32 250.00 Firemen's Expenses 241.57 300.00 Firemen's Reimbursement 850.00 1,000.00

Capital Outlay-Equipment 1,913.39 2,250.00 Principal of Debt 2,400.00 2,400.00 Interest on Debt 756.00 648.00 Capital Reserve Fund voted from surplus 1,301.86 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS OR EXPENDITURES $14,019.75 $15,258.00 SOURCES OF REVENUES AND CREDITS Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue for for Prior Year Current Year OTHER REVENUES AND CREDITS: 6 Per Cent Profit Tax Reimb. $374.80 $350.00 Rural Community Fire Protection Program 744.75 TOTAL REVENUES EXCEPT PRECINCT TAXES $1,119.55 $350.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY PRECINCT TAXES Total Appropriations Minus Total Revenues 12,900.20 $14,098.00 TOTAL REVENUES AND PRECINCT TAXES $14,019.75 $15,258.00


This is to certify that the information contained in Column 4, Appropriations voted at Precinct Meeting, and the information contained in Column 3, page 3, was taken from official records and is complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

RUSSELL F. WHITING, SR. (Precinct or Village District Clerk) 1-31-77 Precinct or Village District of Ossipee Corner Light and Power Precinct Located in the Town of Ossipee County of Carroll Date of Annual or Special Meeting March 25, 1977