World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 COO/Acting CEO Karine Belondrade, We Hopeyou Enjoy Reading Our Progress Report

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World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 COO/Acting CEO Karine Belondrade, We Hopeyou Enjoy Reading Our Progress Report

1 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress January - March Report: 2018

Quarterly Progress Report January - March 2018 2 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 COO/Acting CEO Karine Belondrade, We hopeyou enjoy reading our progress report. Don’thesitate to contact meifyou have any questions. finding themissingmillions. collaborate inorder to maximise onresources, reduce inefficiencies andmake real progress towards 2018 isset to beabusy year, whichisexactly why we must work together, forge new partnerships and NOhep Village at theGlobalHepatitis Summitin Toronto, Canada. Pacific region, mobilisedoursupporters through onlineactivities and started workon organising the last three months, we brought ourNOhepVisionariesProgramme for Medical Professionals to theAsia reach the2030goals. Inthat vein, we continue to supportandgrow theNOhepmovement. Over the elimination ofviral hepatitis. Thisisespeciallycritical givenonlyahandful of countries areon track to Underpinning allofouractivitiesthisquarter isour focusonbuildingmomentum towards the the CommissiononNarcotic Drugs,andsupported MasterCard roll outtheirtreatment planin Pakistan. society meeting onUniversal HealthCoverage, co-sponsored aside event onhepatitis Canddruguse at We alsostrengthened and forged new partnerships thisquarter. We participated at theWHO-ledcivil Hepatitis Day and coordinated ourannual capacitybuildingmember webinar. Similarly, we supported ourmembers inGermany inengaging theMinistry ofHealthaheadWorld Nigeria andheldaworkshop onfinancingwithourmemberorganisations andtheMinistry ofHealth. Supporting ourmembers at anational level ispivotal toour strategy. Thisquarter, we travelled to campaign intheirown countries. their stories ofstigma anddiscrimination. We are delighted toseesomany ofourmembers usingthe on thelives ofpeoplelivingwithviral hepatitis and provided aspace forpeople tospeakoutandshare Launched onZero Discrimination Day, this awareness-raising campaign highlighted theimpactof stigma and assuch,thisquarter we gave thepatient voice aplatform through our#StigmaStops campaign. Harnessing thepower ofpeoplelivingwithviral hepatitis always remains attheheartofour work in awhite paperdueto launchonWorld Hepatitis Day, 28July. viral hepatitis canplay in overcoming the barriers todiagnosis. Key recommendations willbe captured the basisofourglobalstakeholder consultation, whichwillfurther explore the role people livingwith and .The feedback wasincredible with responses from over 100 countries. This data willbe survey to understand themainbarriers to diagnosinghepatitis B with viral hepatitis we alsolaunchedaglobal withoutknowing, Recognising that there are many reasons why somany peoplelive that they are livingwithviral hepatitis. organisations to take action tofindthe300millionpeople unaware increase diagnosisand linkage to care, calls onallindividualsand Millions campaign, whichsupportsourorganisation’s focus to of theWorld Hepatitis Day 2018 campaign.TheFindtheMissing One ofmy stand-out moments ofthisquarter hasto bethelaunch member organisations. awareness, influencing policyandbuildingthe capacity ofour258 eliminate viral hepatitis by2030, we’ve beencharging ahead raising busy few months ithasbeen.Asmore countries jointherace to We have reached theendoffirst quarter of2018andwhat a Dear Partners, L etter


our C OO/ sign upto hepVoice here Stay up-to-date withouractivities, A cting CEO Q uarterly Nigeria completed Investment case for Pacific region launched intheAsia- Medical Professionals Programme for NOhep Visionaries organisations 4 new member survey the MissingMillions respond to theFind from 100+ countries Over 500responses H ighligts campaign Hepatitis Day 2018 Millions namedWorld Find theMissing

campaign launched #StigmaStops

attended 4 policyevents

Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2018 March - January Report: Progress Quarterly World Hepatitis Alliance Hepatitis World 3 4 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 Projects • • • the heartofsolution. at agloballevel andontheground. We willdothisby puttingthepeople affected by viral hepatitis at the issue.Itwillbuildevidence base,engage witharange ofstakeholders andhelpdrive advocacy understood andovercome to reach ourobjectives, theprogramme will take amultifaceted approach to and increasing testing at anational andglobal level. Recognising that barriers todiagnosismust be Find theMissingMillionsismulti-year programme aimed at raising awareness, drivingpolicychange other efforts to eliminate viral hepatitis willonly have marginal success. 290 millionpeople-the“missingmillions”that have yet to bediagnosedandlinkthemto care, all Worldwide, only11%ofthoselivingwithviral hepatitis are aware oftheirdiagnosis.Unless wefindthe H F Find theMissing MillionsnamedastheWHD2018 campaign WHD2018 campaign. Find theMissingMillionsnamedas in overcoming thebarriers to diagnosis. role that peoplelivingwithviral hepatitis have the survey findingsasabase to explore the consultation meeting inLondon.Thiswilluse Invites sent for atwo-day globalstakeholder stakeholders for theiropinions. scale andwhichasked suchabroad range of that addressed thetopic onatrulyglobal over 100countries, thiswas thefirst survey most affected. With over 500 responses from barriers to diagnosisandthepopulations Global survey launchedto understand ighligts ind

the M issing M illions • C

hallenges we alsoextended thedeadlinefor thesurvey. reaching. To furtherincrease theresponse rate to increase thenumberofpeoplewe were also share thesurvey withtheirnetworks to bothencourage peopleto respond and and communications planthat was designed this we implemented arobust marketing as theseare often quite low. To overcome survey was always going to beachallenge Obtaining agood response rate to theonline

Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2018 March - January Report: Progress Quarterly World Hepatitis Alliance Hepatitis World 5 6 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 • • care. awareness ofviral hepatitis, increase testing both atindividualandpolicy level andsupportlinkage to this year’s WHDcampaign called raise FindtheMissingMillions.Millionsaimsto of viral hepatitis and to influence realchange. UnderthethemeofEliminate Hepatitis, welaunched (WHD) takes place every yearon28July to raise awareness oftheglobalburden H W campaign to theirlocal priorities. also available to allow groups to adapt the the globe.A and make itsuitable for audiencesacross this willencourage uptake ofthe campaign our key message development. We hopethat ethnicities andusingmore regional data in sourcing modelsfrom awiderange of a globalconsultation withourmemberships, globally representative aspossible,running Worked to ensure that thecampaign was as resources we have ever produced for WHD. campaign toolkit. Thisisthelargest numberof media graphics, merchandise designsanda campaign materials includingposters, social Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) website and over 400 a new WHD microsite withintheWorld the MissingMillions.Thelaunchincluded Launched theWHD2018campaign called Find ighligts orld Examples ofthe World Hepatitis Day 2018posters fortheFindMissing Millions campaign customisable poster tool H epatitis D is ay 2018 • • C hallenges campaigns. to includenational and regional data intheir from 14Juneandwe encourage participants from theFindMissingMillionswebpage Country data ondiagnosiswillbeavailable included regional data inkey messages. messaging butfor thefirst time, we have we were unableto provide suchspecific messages. Dueto limited data available, diagnosis data for thesegroups inourkey risk groups withthecampaign andinclude Initially we hadhoped to profile specific at- possible. translations were asaccurate and effective as board andmembership, to ensure theagreed agency, aswell asnative speakers from our this, we worked closelywithourtranslation in somedifficulties translation. To overcome millions isidiomatic inEnglishwhich resulted The campaign strapline Findthemissing • • • • • • • build awareness onlineandsupportin-country awareness raising activities. main objectives for Q1 were to expand theNOhepVisionariesProgramme for Medical Professionals, NOhep isaglobalmovement aimedat uniting all stakeholders to eliminate viral hepatitis by2030.The H NO website Launched thecommunity page ontheNOhep with theWorld HealthAssembly. The Toolkit will be launched in May to coincide and aglobaltaskforce ofadvocacy specialists. with members oftheNOhepWorking Group Advocacy Toolkit. Aframework was shared Initiated thedevelopment oftheNOhep Hepatitis SummitinJune. activities. Itwillbelaunched attheGlobal support healthcare professionals inadvocacy Professionals Steering Group. TheGuidewill professionals i.e.TheNOhepMedical interviews Medical with20NOhepVisionary for Medical professionals, whichincluded Initiated thedevelopment ofaNOhepGuide increase insign-ups to theprogramme. Professionals NOhep VisionariesProgramme for Medical Partnered withCEVHAPto launchthe region. healthcare professionals intheAsiaPacific Secured endorsement from eight leading Increased engagement onFacebook by 55%. Increased sign-ups by 10%. ighligts hep . at APASL. Thisledto a12% • • • C launched intheAsiaPacific region NOhep VisionariesProgramme for Medical Professionals improved ourFacebook engagement rates. a strategy to combat thiswhich inturnhas has beenachallenge for us.We have initiated Mitigating algorithm changes on Facebook a NOhepbooth. APASL meant that we were unableto organise Uncertainty around theprogramming for now available onthe page was delayed dueto atechnical fault. Itis Implementation ofourNOhep community hallenges website


Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2018 March - January Report: Progress Quarterly World Hepatitis Alliance Hepatitis World 7 8 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 • • • • • advocates. patient groups andthescientific community, to create a greater and better connected communityof The objective oftheNOhepVillage is to foster networking and collaborative learning between exhibition stands, networking spacesandanarea for presentations, videosandpaneldiscussions. Global Hepatitis Summit(GHS), takingplacein Toronto on14–17June2018.Itwillincludecivilsociety The NOhepVillage isaninteractive civilsociety spacewhich we are organising at the16thISVHLD NOhep Village is aninteractive civilsociety spacewhich we are organising at the GlobalHepatitis Summit H NO members andcivilsociety. Secured areduced registration fee for WHA andparallelopening plenary sessions. Secured speakingslotsfor civilsociety inthe one exhibitor from eachWHOregion. funded exhibitors for theVillage, withat least Confirmed sixfundedandanumberofself- regions. civil society organisations across allsixWHO applications to exhibit intheVillage from Received alarge numberofhigh-quality GHS. our role inconvening civilsociety groups at the Publically announced the ighligts h ep V illage NOhep Village and


G lobal • C hallenges close to being confirmed. delayed dueto budget limitations, thisisnow Agreement onthedesignofVillage was H epatitis

S ummit added to theplatform. stigma onour • Encourage peopleto share theirexperiences of Affairs ofDenmark. Embassy to Belarus andtheMinistry ofForeign by eminent organisations including the British and Instagram. The hashtag was alsopicked up was used433timesacross Twitter, Facebook • Over amonth period,thehashtag #StigmaStops and APAHE. from theHepBFoundation, Hepatitis Queensland podcast series.We alsoreceived strong support campaign, publishedinfographics, videosanda memberships. Hepatitis Victoria ranamedia • Sparked additional campaigns amongst our The articleonHMAP received 350views. Hepatology, MedicineandPolicy (HMAP)Journal. and discrimination and a in thecampaign that featured onHepMag’s site • Produced an increase indownloads. campaign’s launch, thereport hashada50% Accountable report to learnmore. Sincethe • Directed peopleto theHoldingGovernments viewed 9,210times. the videolaunchedon1March, ithasbeen a videocall to action hundred photos were received andWHAcompiled type ofstigma they have experienced. Nearlya their handwiththehashtag #StigmaStops andthe • Encouraged participants to share aphoto of times. launch, thematerials have beendownloaded 257 and socialmediagraphics. Since thecampaign • Full Zero Discrimination Day (1March 2018). was developed usingresults from our that perpetuate stigma andencourage peoplelivingwithviral hepatitis toshare their experiences.It #Stigmastops isasocialmediacampaign aimedat highlighting thetrueimpactof stigma, dispelmyths #S H S ighligts trengthening suite ofmaterials created includingposters blog exploring theissuesaround stigma tigma Wall ofStories. Three stories were article encouraging participation S that was publishedby the tops withthesubmissions.Since

HoldingGovernments Accountable report andwas launchedon the


on theground. collaboration withmembers andagreater impact key activities to promote better engagement, the organisation’s vision for 2018andhighlighted delivered this quarter. TheWHAteam discussed around capacity buildingfor ourmembers was The first inour2018 webinar seriesdesigned WHA M • • C hallenges in thevideoorsocialmediaposts. how muchtheirsubmissionscould beincluded that they remain anonymous, whichimpacted Some peoplewhosubmitted photos requested proves. number ofsubmissionsto theWall ofStories their personal experiences, asthelimited It can bevery difficult to get people toshare

v oice embers ’ W ebinar

Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2018 March - January Report: Progress Quarterly World Hepatitis Alliance Hepatitis World 9 • 10 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 • • • • N range ofoptions for financingthe investment. in budgetary terms, develop abusinesscase to supporttherequired investment andthenproduce a governments oftwo pilotcountries, Nigeria andColombia,to cost theirentire hepatitis C programme jeopardising theglobalgoal ofelimination ofhepatitis Band C by2030. We are workingwiththe theredonor funding, is consequently a high risk that the strategies will not be effectively implemented, accompanied by awell-developed planfor financingthe strategies. Intheabsence oflarge external Many countries now have orare developing national hepatitis strategies. However, they are rarely Access Initiative(CHAI). conducted inpartnershipwiththeClinton Health H F igeria The outcomes oftheconsensus meeting were; financing recommendations. Federal Ministry ofHealthto discussthe and thehepatitis deskofficer atthe Nigerian Consensus meeting heldwithWHAmembers programme. discuss financingoptions forthehepatitis C both thepublicandprivate sectors heldto Interviews withkey stakeholders from Investment case completed. ighligts inancing • • recommendations. build anadvocacy strategy around key office teamwill work together to WHA members andWHALondon forward. taking thefinancing recommendations to discussnext steps inregards to officer atthe Federal Ministry ofHealth WHA members andthehepatitis desk committee was created withCHAI, A multi-disciplinary stakeholder : TheworkinNigeriaisbeing


hepatitis • Health Organization. AnalysisFoundation andthe Pan American conducted inpartnershipwiththeCenter for • C C olombia hile work inthenext quarter. a face to face meeting to furtherdevelop this is neededto start work onthis.There willbe date to discusstheinvestment case andwhat Chile. Two initialphone calls have beenhad to case onhepatitis Cthey are conductingin Health to actasanobserver for theinvestment Health Organization andtheChileanMinistry of Colombia, we were asked by thePan American Following theinvestment case work in Health for theirapproval. report was sent to theColombianMinistry of by theColombianMinistry ofHealth,thefinal of key findingsofthe World Hepatitis Summit case at theendof2017andpresentation Following thecompletion oftheinvestment : : The work in Colombia is being TheworkinColombiaisbeing WHA members met for theconsensus meeting inAbuja,Nigeria

11 Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2018 March - January Report: Progress Quarterly Alliance Hepatitis World 12 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 Partnership s video recording from theevent here. is available A blogsummarisingthe event discussions conference, whichhindered attendance. many delegates hadalready left the after themainprogramme hadfinished, government contacts butasittook place received ahighlevel ofinterest from to curbtheepidemic.Thesideevent drugs andmaderecommendations of hepatitis Camongpeoplewhouse side event discussedtheglobalstate and MédecinsduMonde(MdM).The for People whoUseDrugs(INPUD) Fédération Addiction, International Doctors forHealthierDrug Policies(IDHDP), International Network co-sponsored asideevent on16March at the61st SessionoftheCoalitiononNarcotic Drugswith to harmreduction we services cannot hope to eliminate viral hepatitis. Toaddress thisissue, we People whoinjectdrugsare disproportionally affected byhepatitis Band C,andsowithoutaccess here. the campaign. Ifyou’d like to findoutmore, you can access our World Hepatitis DayCampaign Toolkit provided uswithglobalandnational diagnosis estimates which we have used to develop messages for We partnered withtheCenter for DiseaseAnalysis ontheWorld Hepatitis Day campaign.The CDA to advance thehepatitis response. This quarter we continued to actively work together withimportant partners sharingour commitment of theCoalitiononNarcotic Drugs.Pleaseseefurther details below. of drugusedisorders. We alsoco-sponsored ahepatitis Cside event on16March atthe61st Session letter to theWHODirector-General aboutquestionable normative guidance related tothe treatment connection between drugpolicy, harm reduction andviral hepatitis. Inaddition, WHA co-signeda the International Drug Policy Consortium(IDPC).Inthis role,heisable toemphasisetheimportant WHA President, MichaelNinburg, was elected to serve ontheMembers’ Council(MAC) Advisory for F H N M C I nternational édération enter etw ealthier édecins ork here andyou can watch a


D for du A D rug M P ddiction isease D onde eople P rug olicies A P (M

who , I nalysis olicy nternational (Photo credit: ANPUD) Side event onhepatitis Camongpeoplewhousedrugs atthe CND d (IDHDP),I M) U C se

onsortium D rugs nternational D (INPUD) octors

for and

13 Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2018 March - January Report: Progress Quarterly Alliance Hepatitis World 14 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 2018. outcome oftheproject willbeaglobalshiftin terms ofdonorinterest. Thepilotwill conclude later in case thenumber ofpatients achieving InaddressingSVR. thesedonor concerns itisintended that the is that itenablesdonorfundsto beusedtransparently whilealsotracking project outcomes, inthis based network hasbeen usedinahealthcare context. Theadvantage oftheMasterCard technology solution that helps facilitate thedistribution and tracking ofaidfundsandisthe first timethe points- C treatment through theuseofMasterCard AidNetwork. Thisplatform isanon-financial digital Alliance isimplementing apilotproject in Pakistan whichgives low income patients access tohepatitis In conjunction withMasterCard, Gileadand Ferozsons Laboratories Limited, the World Hepatitis support two key posts at WHOEURO andWHOAFRO. Hepatitis Programme inGeneva and regional focal points. Tothat end, we continue tofinancially Over thelast couple ofmonths we have continued to work closelywithWHO, bothwiththeGlobal M W aster orld H C ard ealth O rganization existing good practice. ThiswillbepublishedinJuly2018. HIV/AIDS, STDs andTuberculosis to take stock andidentify Working Document whichisbeingdeveloped onhepatitis, in Europe to coincide withaEuropean CommissionStaff the disease.Efforts are beingmade to strengthen policies political commitment from EUMemberStates to eliminate European Unioninthefirst halfof2019and forge a during theRomanian Presidency oftheCouncil government make viral hepatitis monitoring apriority the VirusesinEurope), we co-signed aletter to the Romanian Minister ofHealth requesting that the As amemberoftheACHIEVE (Associations Collaborating onHepatitis toImmunize andEliminate and A ssociations E liminate C

the ollaborating V iruses


E on urope H Romania ACHIEVE leter to theMinistry ofHealth epatitis

to I mmunize

15 Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2018 March - January Report: Progress Quarterly Alliance Hepatitis World 16 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 Meeting Attend ance advisor inthefinalguidance. women. WHA willbelisted asanexpert hepatitis Bscreening amongst pregnant strengthened especiallyinregards to was that thecurrent draft needs to be The mainconsensus from themeeting and impactoftherecommendations. the current draft anddiscusstheviability The two-day meeting was used to review first-ever guidanceonhepatitis testing. Disease Prevention andControl (ECDC)’s which reviewed European Centre for We were invited to attend ameeting on Zero Discrimination Day. used inthe#StigmaStops videomessage taken ofeachparticipant, which were message ontheirhandsandphotos were were asked to write their#StigmaStops campaigning activities.All attendees strategically abouttheirnational and encouraged groups to thinkmore to profile theStigma Stops campaign mission. We alsousedthisopportunity of collaboration, a cornerstone ofWHA’s particular, emphasisedtheimportance which are alsoWHAmembers), andin capacity amongELPA members (many of The interactive sessionhelpedbuild stigma andsuccessful campaigning. (ELPA) University onthesubjectof European Liver Patients’ Association We were invited to leadaseminarat S ECD T ELPA U tockholm niversity esting , S weden G uidance : N : 5-7F ic osia Workshop oncampaigns to tackle stigma at ELPA University Participants in ECDC’s Testing Guidancemeeting

for , C HB ebruary yprus V, HCV : 12F ebruary and HIV:

17 Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2018 March - January Report: Progress Quarterly Alliance Hepatitis World 18 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 longstanding partnership withCEVHAP. in more detail andto continue our opportunity to present thecampaigns campaign. Themeeting offered a great the upcoming FindtheMissingMillions also usedthisopportunityto highlight region to the50guests inattendance. He NOhep VisionariesProgramme inthe and usedthisplatform to launchthe an overview ofthe NOhepmovement President, MichaelNinburg, provided play ineliminating viral hepatitis. WHA focused ontherole stakeholders can was “Partnerships inAction”, which (APASL 2018).Thethemeofthemeeting Association for theStudyofLiver Annual Conference oftheAsianPacific the symposium whichcoincided withthe We were invited by Coalition for theEradication ofViral Hepatitis inAsia Pacific(CEVHAP) to present at response. support for World Hepatitis Day and an acknowledgment that collaboration is key toaccelerate the of harmreduction andHIV/AIDS organisations. Themeeting concludedwiththeMinistry offeringtheir of HealthandtheDepartment ofJustice, dentistry andpharmacy representatives alongwithmembers celebrate World Hepatitis Day. Stakeholders includedministerial representatives fromtheDepartment stakeholders involved in the hepatitis response the todiscuss various ways they could work together to meeting onthesubjectof World Hepatitis Day2018.The meeting convened awide range of Our Germanmemberorganisation, DeutscheLeberhilfe invited us to present at ahigh-level ministerial I CEVHAP S M F ndia ebruary inistry : 15F

of ebruary H ymposium ealth


at ermany (left) andDr Khin (right) WHA President MichaelNinburg andNOhepVisionariesProf Rosmawati APASL 2018:N : B erlin , G ermany ew D : 15 elhi , in theabsence ofhepatitis-specific funding. initiatives were alsodiscussed. Weemphasisedtheimportance of integratingservices, especially these initiatives were presented anddiscussed,including efforts in Ukraine, Georgia andIndia. HIV-related the numberofpeopleaccessinghepatitis C treatment. Several examples ofsuccessful HCV-related event explored ways to diagnose,treat andengage peoplewhoinjectdrugs,inaneffort to increase We participated at an event hosted by Wilton Park onthesubjectofinjectiondruguse.The two-day created. It was alsoconfirmed duringthemeeting that aviral hepatitis civilsociety working groupisbeing Adhanom Ghebreyesus was delivered stressing theimportance ofincorporating UHCinadvocacy. down andthat infectious diseasesmust beaddressed at ahorizontal level. A statement by Dr Tedros society, themeeting explored ways to better engage andhighlighted that siloesneed tobe broken in healthcare settings. Recognising that UHC cannotbeachieved withoutthe key contributions ofcivil subject ofviral hepatitis andthe factthat somany peoplelivingwiththedisease are often leftbehind overall topic ofUHCwithintheircontext. Alongwithanumberofourmembers, we spoke onthe organisations to share their vulnerableexperiences ofserving populations andtheirviews ofthe Hepatitis, , STIsandUniversal Health Coverage”, themeeting encouraged different Coverage (UHC).Entitled “Promote health, keep the world safe, serve thevulnerable: HIV, Viral On 22–23March, we joinedcivilsociety groups at WHOfor atwo day meeting onUniversal Health inject S WHO’ M Society Meeting Delegates at theWHO’s Universal HealthCoverage Civil lo eeting wing

drugs s U : G

the niversal enev : S HIV ussex a , S and H witzerland , UK:26–28F ealth HCV C epidemics o the WHO’s Universal HealthCoverage CivilSociety Meeting Acting CEO Karine Belondrade delivers anintervention at verage : 22-23M C

among ebruary ivil S arch ociety



19 Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2018 March - January Report: Progress Quarterly Alliance Hepatitis World 20 World Hepatitis Alliance Quarterly Progress Report : January - March 2018 Organisational updates

• • • • • • • voting members). means whonow have 258members spanningacross 86countries (121voting members and137non- Forening whohave bothceasedoperating. As we nolonger have amemberpresence inDenmarkthis we alsolost Canadianorganisation Let’s Finda Way andtheDanishorganisation DanskHepatitis members come from theAFRO andEMRO regions ofNigeria, Cameroon, Uganda andPakistan. Sadly, In March 2018theBoard approved four new organisations for non-voting membership. These S N Communications at Goldsmith’s University. & CampaignsIntern for thenext sixmonths. Isabelisstudying for aMaster’s inPolitical This quarter we welcomed IsabelBullwhowilltake over from asCommunications Henry future. internship withusinMarch. We thankhimfor allhishard work and wishhimthevery best for the Our Communications andCampaignIntern Arnoldsuccessfully Henry completed his6-month part ofourteam andhewillbemissed. making oursecond World Hepatitis SummitinSao Paulosuchahuge success. Paul wasan integral This quarter we say goodbye to Paul Taylor, WHAEvent Director. Paul hasbeeninstrumental in of thisorganisation whoare proactive intheir awareness raisingactivities. Save Your Liver Foundation (Uganda) – Board Member Kenneth Kabagambe alsositsontheboard provide ‘humanitarian to services’ thoselivingwith hepatitis BandC. Trinity Healthcare (Nigeria) –they aimto raise publicawareness aboutviral hepatitis and to and portsofentry. the fieldofviral hepatitis conducting screenings acrossorphanages and marginalised border areas Global Forum for theDefence oftheLessPrivileged, GFDLP(Cameroon) –are actively working in remote areas. area ofPakistan through awareness andbloodscreenings across schools,colleges, universities and Back To TheLife (Pakistan) objective -theirprimary is to eliminate hepatitis intheBalochistan taffing ew


21 Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2018 March - January Report: Progress Quarterly Alliance Hepatitis World UK and mailing address: 1, Baden Place London SE1 1YW UK

Swiss address: 86bis, route de Frontenex Case Postale 6364 1211 Genève 6 Switzerland

Telephone: +41 (0) 22 518 06 16 Email: [email protected]

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