Ill ■ Pif.13 ■ Pitt 15 Art CMMSNtrt the clout He's MI MM ef 11M Isuai SUSIMCU Style and substince A collection of artifacts spanning the ages Rat-shirt junior Steve Kodish brings and the globe waits to be discovered. Academy Award-nominated actor Chazz Palminteri spoke at ]MU last week about a combination of athleticism and a 'Acting, Writing, Filmmaking and Beyond.' intelligence to the wrestling mat. TT» •' w -v James Madison University Mar Partly cloudy Hich: 46 Lew: 2t Vol. Si). IssueHEftBREEZE 35 * 'ltd-.' ► E-campus tracks graduation progress New degree progress report available to students online BY MICHELLE MORAVEC in making sure [students] have don't know what is needed to going to see how it goes with contributing writer met their requirements for grad- graduate and might not care access for juniors and seniors." A new addition lo e-campus uation." she said. enough to meet with their According to the e-mail, the makes it easier for students to According to an e-mail sent advisers regularly, according report will be produced once keep track of their progress on to students by the university to White. However, she said, it each semester and "grade the road to graduation. registrar Feb. 3, the reports are is no substitute for meetings changes, course substitutions, "The degree progress report designed to track students' with your adviser, the JMU requirement waivers and other is a record of necessary courses progress in meeting graduation course catalog and GenEd adjustments to the transcript that have been satisfied as well requirements by matching the course requirement guide will not appear on the report as those classes that still need to courses they have completed The report currently is avail- until the next semester." be fulfilled including General and for which they are currently able to students with 60 or more The degree progress reports Education and major and minor enrolled against a template of credit hours completed and aca- were made available online to requirements," associate regis- degree and major requirements. demic advisors. "Eventually we students and advisers Feb. 3. trar Michelle White said . The system is perfect for will get to sophomores," regis- "It will be a very helpful tool those students who really trar Sherry Hood said. "We are see REPORT, page 5 Comm. Searching for vehicles Museum's future undecided FEB2O20O3 BY KATE MARSHALL contributing writer From a 1947 television set to one of the first color video cam- eras produced in the '60s, the C ommunic.ition Museum in Harrison Hall displays various items that show the evolution of communication technology. Berlin Zirk, former opera- tions manager of the Media Production Center at JMU, first proposed the idea for the museum in the mid-1980s, according to George Johnson, director of the School of Media Arts and Design. Burl Facemire, Media Arts chief engineer, leads tours of the Communication Museum. '1 show tin (•!... of equipment, explain how technology has advanced and tell a story about each one," Facemire said. These free tours of the 15 to 20 items in the classroom usually last any- where from 15 to 30 minutes. According to lohnson. over 100 students visit the museum each semester during the course of the Fundamental Skills in Media Arts and IX-sign II (SMAD 202) class. Yet any- one with an interest in commu- nication, especially video tech- nology, would benefit from vis- iting the Communication Museum, he said. "Visiting gives students a chance to see what was used in the past and appreciate what they've got today," Johnson said. "It's pretty amazing to see how BRIAN COKKH/wnior phtntniplier far we've come technologically." Students try to dig their cars out from under the massive amounts of snow Harrisonburg received over the weekend. Despite the university re-openlng see MUSEUM, page 5 yesterday, many residents and commuters had trouble removing their cars from the snow or finding clear parking spaces. Students get serving Speaker discusses personal finance of Guinness at Wilson Economics professor shares

BY DAN GIBSON-RUM MI K After studying at the how to 'Get a grip on money' contributing writer University of Umdon, Guinness BY KIT COLLINS On a night where hundreds received his doctorate in philos- contributing writer of students pack local bars in ophy from the University of -U search of good deals on domes- Oxford and has written and The College of Business' We lend lo give up a tic beer, some students found a edtssd more than 20 books. lecture series on how to live night of free Guinness to be A crowd of around 1,000 successfully with a business hi of long-term gain more tempting. listened to Guinness describe mindset began Feb. 13. William Students filled Wilson the path to finding meaning in Wood, economics professor for short-term Hall last Thursday night to terms of four stages: asking and director of the JMU Center gratification. hear a message of developing questions, looking for for Economic Education, dis- a meaningful understanding answers, examining the evi- cussed "Behavioral Economics and Personal Finance." - William \\owl of human life. dence and finally making a economics professor "This is human life we commitment. Guinness said he Beginning the first of four want to know what it's all hoped to help students who lectures this semester, he about," said Os Guinness, vice were at the first stage of this posed the question, "Can irra- 99 process use their hunger for tional people quit smoking, chairman and senior fellow at "People want things so knowledge to engage in what lose weight and savi? money?" the Trinity Forum , a nonpmht The author of the recently- much right now that they leadership academy in Mil asn he called "a thinking person's quest for meaning." published book, "Getting a are willing to pay an unrea- Mewing is what help- m sonably high price for it "In our world, there's a thou- Grip on Money," Wood shared make sense of life," he said. The second error, he said, is sand and one answers," his theories on why the typical According to the Trinity American person acts irra- that of high psychological Forum's Web site,, Guinness said, adding that peo- transaction costs. "We act as if ple have to seek the one answer tionally when it comes to Guinness studied in England the costs of even very simpk' they are looking for. Speaking spending money. but moved to the Washington, He said there are four changes are very high." He D.C. area in 1984. The site Its* about the mle of Christianity in explained this by talking about the development of Western sci- errors that cause this irra- ed since then, he has been the consumer who buys a ence, schools and human rights, tionality. First, people working "to bridge the chasm refrigerator that costs $50 less Guinness urged students to behave as if they have been between academic knowledge offered irrationally high than the competing refrigera- and popular knowledge, tak- explore the ideas of other faiths tor, but is half the quality. What in their search for answers. discounts. "We tend to give ing things that are academical- the consumer fails to realize, Ultimately, he said, "there is no AUDREY WIUJAMS/jciito)**>fn»»rr up a lot of long-term gain ly important and making them for short-term gratifica- intelligible and practicable to a William Wood, economics professor, spoke to students Feb. see GUINNESS, page 5 13 about "Behavioral Economics and Personal Finance." tion," Wood explained »• WOOD, page 4 wider audience." 2 ITIIK BRKKZEITHURSDAY, FEB. 20. 2003

Thursday, February 20, 2003 DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Speed dating • V .' inn i \dvising & OuTGCt I Vvolopnu'tit will sponsor .1 • GIRLS CAN!, a career Mr featuring IMU faculty and "Cool Queen Panel' from o to 8 pjn m thr t olle«e Center women working in areas of technology, health and research Physics speaker discusses Balboom PeneUsn will ropnuonl tht- fieldi of graphic will take place from 8:30 a.m. to noon in Miller Hall nuclear nonproliferation design/ cartooning, radio, inl.lli^en.c. evenli pl.innini;. em i- Presentations and hands-on workshops in math and science roninenta] lobb) ln& ■Hemative edut ation, photoenpny pub- will be offered; call 564-2797 for more information OPINION lic relations, law enforcement pubtk lafaty and otonuarj n I ence. For more information, t.ill \8-6555 or \ ItH • Big Brothers Big Sisters is sponsoring "Bowl for Kids Sake" House editorial. Bush's man between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. For more information contact Marv denouncing of protests Beth Colville at 443-8886 or puts his efforts in bad light FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 • UREC will sponsor the fifth annual Reach Out Climb (ROC) Salary increases not mark • Auditions for p.irlKip.ints in "One Day; One Community," at the URFC climbing wall. Registration is S20, which of a leader 7 a project put on py the School of Media Arts and Design, includes a free lunch, and climbers of all experience levels arc will be held front 12 to 6 p.m. in Taylor 31)7 and 404. welcome. All proceeds benefit the Jared Neville Foundation Darls and pats 7 which protects Western Virginia climbing sites. Check out • |MU alumni and Btudeflta who have participated in for registration forms and for more informa- Dance club frequenters have commnit) sen ke-learnlns protects bi ma nation of tion call x8-8726 or e-mail porieaee. , several things to consider 8 Dominica will «lis, use then experianoaa from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Leeolou Alumni Center. A reception will follow and TO SUBMIT A DUKF DAY EVENT; Campus spotlight: What's your admission is tree, E-mail Kyra of The Breeze at papaftkc with the information favorite computer commend (event, date, location, contact info, etc.) and why? 8 • A )Ml I'livMi - Seminar, featuring Andrew Bennett ot Mi trit \ Ision, will be held from 3:43 t»> !■**> p.m. in Please submit by Friday for a Monday issue and Tuesday for LEISURE Miller UN. a Thursday issiu- Crossword and horoscope 10 FOCUS POLICE LOG AQ unknown subject discharged a fire WEATHER Bi SHARON BI I \KSI I extinguisher into the attic of "C" section Madison art collection 11 poUct log rtpt i u • in McGraw Long Hall and removed the from the water fountain Feb. 14 STYLE mm Today David A Hantman, 18. ol ( was arrested and charged w*h OMfejage Partly Cloudy Chazz Palminteri: Not your possession of alcohol and posse:; A JMV' student reported damage to the High 46 Low 29 usual suspect 13 marnuana in Eagle Hall Feb. 12 a! 11*6 paSawKjer side roil bumper ol a vehicle p.m In connection wi'n ftia same rictdent In the parking deck Feb. 13 between 8 High Low Senior dance concert 13 Daniel L Bloss. 18. o' CUksburg, Md.. a.m an'' Friday Showers 48 35 All things literary 13 was arrested and charged with ucberage possession ol alcohol. T A non-student reported both tail lights ot a Saturday Rain 56 29 'Daredevil'won't save your money 14 Were broken while parked in P-kjt In other matters, campus police r« h Feb 14 at 7 30 p.m. and Feb. Sunday 37 23 Sex in the suburbs 14 the following Snow 11 30 a i SPORTS Monday Snow Showers 26 19 Petty Larceny i-student reflated damage to both Men's club volleyball A JMU student reported the farceny ol ■igtit lenseo and the right front 15 a JAC card and |arkpt from the Godwin: turn signal of a Article in G-lot between MARKET WATCH Steve Kodish feature 15 Hall locker room Feh 10 between, to Feb-l& (f«f»ncl Feb. 16 at 1 p.m. Aa at doae on VWeOwaday. Febnary 19 2003 and 11 a.m JMU wrestling vs. Duke • \ Nufdber of drunk in public charges since DOW JONES AMEX and NC Slate 15 Property Damage Aug. ?6 87..* 18.08 t 1.80 t A JMU student reported damage to the left . ' close: 2.230 66 dose: 813 72 JMU outdoors 18 quarter panel and door of a volnclr in W-lot'Hot ■ ^Member ol p.irking tickets issued between Feb. 12 between 1201 and? 20 am s LVftfi ^oahd.ian 26 990 NASDAQ S4P5O0 1222 6.04 close: 1.334.32 ♦ dose. 845.13 ♦ INFORMATION ADVERTISING STAFF CLASSIFIEDS The Bneie a puMrted Monday and Thuraday mornings and dietneuted throughoul James Madson University and the local Hamaonburg community Assistant Ads Designer Lead How to place a classified: Come to The Breeze Commoms and complaints should be addressed to Jeanne GateWl editor | Manager Carty Medoaoh office weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. MaMngaddrns Lauren Kjnetski Advertising Cost: $3 00 for the first 10 words, $2 for each Trie Breeze Section phone numbers G1 AnOiony Soeaer Hail i Advertising Designers: additional 10 words: boxed dassified. S10 MSC6805' Style xB-3151 Executives: laahMcCombe James Madison University News xM698 per column inch. Hamsonburg. Virginia 22807 ■M041 1 MarkCole Beverty Kitchons Phone: 1540) 568-6127 Fax: (540) 56M736 OtxnorVFocus i8-3846 Steve Doheny Msnaj Majeajoa. Deadlines: noon Friday for Monday issue, noon E-Mail address: fhe_ Sports xS«709 Ryan Fagan Kristy Nlcotch Tuesday for Thursday issue. Photo'GfapliKa x(W749 Breeze Net: imp />www thebreezo org Brandon Pagetow Jennifer vase Classifieds must be paid in advance in The Bookkeeper Receptionist Business/Technology Sara Rogers Breeze office Coordlruto' ] NeaSims Buaan MM A ...;.• M MRM Donna Dunn

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"I think it was a great oppor- ■ Stopping the 'nukes tunity for JMU students to University of Richmond physics get a chance to meet each professor speaks to JMU students other in a formalized setting." on stopping nuclear weapons in the new age of terrorism. ERIN JAWORSKI NEWS sophomore Students speed date in race for love Health promotion brings singles together in time for Valentine's Day

BY SARA CHKISTOPH contributing writer "I think it was I great oppor- -44- tunity for JMU students to get a In the spirit of Valentine's chance to meet each other in a Day, a new form of courting over- You get to meet a lot of formalized setting," sophomore took the Festival last Thursday. Erin Jaworski said. "I hope it "Speed Dating," an innova- new people with no spn'ads across campus. I think it tive trend sweeping the West obligation to would be ■ lot of fun if more Coast, gave JMU students a people came." chance for love at first sight, or continue anything. At the conclusion of each at least within two minutes. brief date, students were According to Ann — Ann Simmons asked to rate their partner Simmons from the Office of coordinator. On a red sheet of paper the\ Health Promotion who Office "I Health Prnn-aiien chose whether thev felt a organized the event, the idea 59 "love connection," "friendly behind "speed dating" is to tie" or "flat out nothing." give participants a chance to Othrr .uti\ ilics Ihi1 group took There was also room for com- meet other singles without Earl in w«ra gunat ol ' neve, ments if a participant felt the w.isting time and money on ave I ever" and passing a life need to relay additional multiple dates. She said, "It's saver with coffee straws. information about their date. a ball. You get to meet a lot of When paired ofi into OOU- Also, a "wild card" partner new people with no obliga- plev sttuU-nts wen given help could be designated by an tion to continue anything." with conversation Btufan. Slips individual. This option was As students wandered in, of paper on the table had ques- in case someone did not get they were asked to create a tions like "Pepsi or Coke? the Chance 10 talk to a person name tag and sit at a small table "What cartoon character would they were intrigued by dur- with one member of the oppo- you liken youtaeU to?" and ing the group activities. site sex. Giggling and small talk "Where do you call home?" Held in a comer of the ensued as participants surveyed l-ater^Tinnrl t>n, our.tged stu- Festival the Office of Health the other partakers. Thirteen dents to play "two truths and I Promotion hosted this inaugu- total students took part in this lie" with their partner. The niom ral event from 9 to 11 p.m. experiment, with one pair of was filled with chatter about After the students left, two women interchanging things from astrological signs to Simmons looked over all the every so often because of lack of the perfect dream date. results and then matched up male participants. After participants had con- potential mates. Participants The night consisted of sev- versed with their fellow "speed were notified by e-mail after eral rounds that included ice- dater" for appn>ximately two the event of individuals that breaker games tor the group as minutes, the hosts then I also felt a love connection a whole and individual cou- the women to move to the next during their short-lived ples. One of the hosts, senior table, while the men waited engagement. Then, "the ball is Amanda Tinnel, who is an patiently for their next compan- in their court," Simmons said. intern in the Office of Health ion to join them. In between If students are interested in MokC-W RttrMJvutfphtioKraphfi Promotion, started off the rounds, prizes were given out in participating in the next Junior Will Brown (left) and freshman Jen Brown Interact during a speed dating exercise, host- night with a candy heart game, a raffle. Gift certificates to local "Speed Dating," Simmons ed by the Office of Health Promotion last Thursday In The Festival. According to Ann Simmons, encouraging participants to restaurants and stores were said they can receive further coordinator of the Office of Health Promotion, this was an event that gave students a chance share random facts about awarded to participants by luck infotmatioif by e-mailing to meet many different people without wasting time and money on multiple dates. themselves with the others. of the draw. [email protected]. Va. schools protest pending war with Iraq Hokies hold anti-war 'Rally Cavaliers congregate at UVa, in the Valley' in Blacksburg Rotunda to march for peace BY BRIAN MrNhii. BY CHRISTINF. WALLACE Students tor a Five Tibet also par- other, then' was no way to be The Collegiate Times -66 major cities and much of the Cavalier Daily country is wracked by con- ticipated in the march. silent, Forman said. Despite the cold, drizzling ... war won't lead to stant warfare. Proponents of internation- "By having a sik-nl march, we Tile loaders of the march said rain, several hundrvd anti-war Also, the money that would al peace assembled in front of were hoping to connote a funer- thev oppose tlit* war in general protesters packed downtown the results that be used for war could be used tin- Rotunda at the University al procession," Kindig said. hut support American soldiers Blacksburg Saturday to show for programs to fix the immi- of Virginia Saturday after- Police lollowed the marchers "We support our troops," Forman said. 'Wv don't feel it is their ardent opposition to the Bush and his nent domestic problems, such as noon to march against the and monitored the area sur- looming conflict with Iraq. administration believe. the economy. Potter said. prospect of war. rounding the- protestors Many I time tor tlx'm to nsk their lives "If we keep putting our The marchers had planned people were holding signs with — we just want to keep them The cmwd grew as large as alive so they can come home to 450, organizers and, nidg- funding into military might, to walk in silence from the slogans like "Trillions tor war. — Dustin Potter their tamilies and friends." ing from the sea of people, that graduate student, Virginia Tech we're diverting funds from Rotunda to the downtown pennies for poor" and "Mr. social issues here in the Charlottesville area and hold a Bush: Use our tax money for our University of Va police guess did not seem too far off. sen ad as an escort to the down- The protest, dubbed "The -*9 states," he said. candlelight vigil, but were schools, not war." world's demonstrators and Katherine Soniat, a poet and unable to hold the vigil due to The silence of the march town area. At first, the sight of Rally in the Valley," was held the police and a paddy wagon the same day as millions of peo- show that not everyone sup- Virginia Tech English professor, inclement weather. came to an abrupt halt when ports the coming war, said addressed the crowd, saying However, a demonstration various groups of marchers startled some marchers. ple around the world held "The police escort is increas- demonstrations against the war. Dustin Potter, one of the organ- she opposed the war in the in which nine students fell to merged the first time at the ingly unsettling.'' kindig said. In , a march izers and a graduate student. spirit of Walt Whitman. Yusef the ground as if killed in battle downtown mall. In the end, Forman said she near the United Nations drew "My feeling is that war Komunyakka, Wilfred Owen with bagpipe accompaniment "After everyone saw each u as appreciative of the service between 100,000 and 400,000, won't lead to the results that and Paul Celan — poets who proceeded as planned. (President George W.) Bush and wrote about the horrors of war. Percussionists who used -66 the police provided. while m London, 51X1,000 to "The poUoi were great," 750,000 demonstrators con- his administration believe," he Soniat read her anti-violence frashcans as improvised drums Bv /laving a silent Mid "It won't lead testability: it poem "Words Without A Song," led the marchers. Pbnnan -aid "W in really verged to show their opposi- thankful tor all their help. They tion Similar rallies were held will lead to instability." written after Sept. 11,2001. The protest was organized by march, we were The United States has I hor- Speaking on behalf of "Poets the Anti-War Coalition at the did a gnat job keeping us togeth- in more than .100 cities hoping to connote a er, i-srxviallv in these conditkins." rible track record of toppling tor Peace.' an international col- University of Virginia, led by around the globe, from Alhcmarle County resident governments in the name of lection of poets against the war third-year student Matt Kindig Amsterdam to Melbourne. funeral procession. |im Bryan said he remembers The Blacksburg protest, democracy and then leaving with Iraq, Soniat said she hopes and third-year student Jessica them before the country is a non-violent solution can be Forman. The Charlottesville the Vietnam era protests, which organized by a coalition of reli- — Matt Kindig win spars*' in Charlottesville. gious and social justice organi- back on its feet, Potter said. For found. "We ask that the arro- Center for Peace and lustice, ihiid-ycur Kpden members of the University zations was intended to stand example, he said, Afghanistan University of Yirmnu see Wt, page 4 in solidarity with the n*st of the is still without electricity in its .,r IHII I"'.' ■ Democrats and members of -ft Physics speaker discusses nuclear nonproliferation

Bv JENNY Km IN He said we should care installing security systems to ((inirihuling writer about security in nations such as protect and secun' weapons- An associate professor of Russia because the United grade material. . pin si, s trom the University of States' policy has been nuclear Gilfoyle listed several things Richmond discussed "Nut loar nonproliferation. that the public can do. Because Nonproliferation in the Age of Gilfoyle discussed the dif- panu is a chief enemy, he said it Terrorism' to a p.nked room fercnecs between two types of is important to learn about comprised mostly ol chem- weapon designs as well as the nuclear weapons. ■ - [■*- VI Istn and physics majors effects of their blasts. Many responded positive- Friday in Miller Hall He added how a nation- ly to C.ilfoyle's lecture Senior ■Eg Gerard Cilfcnlc said it is state \ersus a terrorist organi Erin Edwards said she found ML important to understand these zation might produce nuclear his talk informative, saying, problems in order to break weapons and addressed the "He provided a very good down the teais that tcnoiism probk-ms in protecting materi outlook and perspective on and nuclear ott.i.k an* definite als used to make weapons so as how to live in this age w here throats I want in educate JTOU to lessen the opportunities for terrorism seems to be such a that when you matoadedatai such groups to steal thorn likely concern and worn' about these things. America's response deals in Senior Kevin Finnegan said von have to won] about how learning how to react to these he "enjoyed hearing about the these dangers fit within thi problems by educating the pub- rWool nuclear terrorism from a text of all the othci dangers we lic, lie said "Panicking about it realistic point of view, as face in our lives," lie said can be worse than the bomK opposed to the fear mongering According to Gillovlc. -■>" In older for Americans to be n ident in recent media." rity issues in oilier nations .no.-i leaders in those situations 'we ling to senior I Is,i have to get all sorts ol govern- Kw isnek, "Yes, it seems that the great importance Isvausc there MORGAN Kll:MW*'<#r'' is a large amount of unpiotc, u.i ment agencies talking to one idea of is valid, but when another " He pointed to the U.S. put into pcrspiectivc, I'm not University of Richmond physics professor Gerard Gilfoyle spoke .o students Friday In Miller material available to make 1 Hall. GIHoyle talked about ways to reduce the chances o» terrorists acquiring nuclear weapons. nuclear weapons Department of Energy for going to lost skvp " 4 | THE BREEZE I THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2003 TECH: Hokies host UVa.: Police WOOD: Economics professor anti-war speakers escort Cavs speaks on personal finance TECH, from pi WOOD, from page 1 we feel the need to flex our mus- about snowy shred small pieces away at a gant diatribe of war be ClM against a nation that is he explained, is that he or she small amount of our savings. -6 6 junior Ryan Merriam, a stu- Ml.'intd," ihSSakL WCatI( already on its knees?" she said. C-ville streets will spend much more than $50 our silent conKMMOMn .ind sen- Lerch also quoted Matthew on repair of the less expensive We live in a dent in Wood's econometrics ators eng.igc now in an ener- class, said it was interesting to 5:9, which says "Blessed are the U\b.,frompage3 refrigerator, than that of the RM trank debate about peacemakers, for they will be more expensive one. world of people... stop and look at the "errors' this impending war and its called children of I .od " "I don't remember any demon- In the long run, the cheap- that people make when it comes impact on the future of the A small counter-protest was strations then," Bryan said. er refrigerator ends up cost- who won't make to irrational spending. country', and of the world." held on the fringe of the anti- "Charlottesville was not politi- ing more than the initially sensible changes... Junior Beth Mold agreed. "A UN. inspections should be war demonstration, led by Tech cally active then." expensive one. lot of people make decisions k*ivrn more time and the United student and former Blacksburg If war is declared, the Anti- Overconhdence is the third -William Wood according to the 'here and now' States should be working to rather than what's going to ben- mayoral candidate. Beau War Coalition plans to organize error of personal finance, professor of economics combat the roots of tenon in. Correll. "We support the free- a student/faculty walkout at 2 according to Wood. "We see a efit their future, and data really namely poverty, said Daniel dom of the Iraqi people," p.m. the day after war is pattern where there isn't any," 55 suggest that," she said. Breslau, a peace activist from Correll said. announced. he said. "People think they can Wood recently was selected Israel and a Tech professor. Abo, Correll said he is frus- "When war is declared, you anticipate where a stock is going Wood explained the implica- for the "Distinguished Teaching "Terrorism cannot be trated that voices supporting should not be going about the by looking at the charts." In tions of these common mis- Award" by the Southern defeated militarily." he said. the war are too often silenced daily tedium of you life," reality, the charts only reflect the takes. "We live in a world of Economics Association. "We must get rid of the pover- in Blacksburg. Kindig said. past, not predict the future. people who can't control their According to the College ty that fuels it." It jus! seems that there's lots of But poor weather didn't The fourth error is that of the short term desires, who won't of Business Web site. Wood The Rev. Marilyn I ercH people who support the admin- prevent many students from saliency principle. He discussed make sensible changes and who was chosen for his innovative pMtOf of The Gtxxl Shepherd istration," he said, "and those turning out last weekend I the sample of one: Someone make poor statistical infer- and extraordinary teaching, of the Brethren, also addrewd raiOM .iren't getting heard in think [the march was) success- may read in countless consumer ences," he said. his contributions to economic the crowd. She said she oppos- the community." ful, considering the weather," magazines how a Toyota Camry Wood also offered sugges- education in public schools es military action because the Brittney Bowers, a senior third-year student Katia is an extremely reliable car. tions of how to ethically exploit through curriculum design Iraqi people have been devas- political science major who also Maguiresaid. Then, when that person hears those flaws. He said that, as con- ana innovative teacher edu- tated by sanctions and their took part in the counter- "It's a shame that there about one friend's bad experi- sumers, we need to control our cation and his extensive con- children are dying. DVDtttt said she fears another weren't more people out because ence with a Camry, he or she own short-term desire* by, for tributions to effective eco- Warcould just fuel their mis- large terrorist attack if Iraq is of the snow, but anything that automatically assumes the example, engaging in "bounded nomic education through ery tenfold, she said. "Why do not attacked. brings people together helps." unreliability of the car frittering," or letting ourselves published research.

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....■•.,.. . •I k* **w hag* N> .r pnanpud ua> ^4 umw-xU*. * uu.. —.p* AM* IS*f ■«*■ p.-u o- Ptttf l*» «W « p*--*-- -»'«• «~ ••*. H—4 •-* —^J -*-, tf» .»•*, •» . •, .', ■ • •JM H> «•>■«*«• •» «|r«-« f -m <•** v* •* *•»•• -*» «VWiN MM Mawi WnCan Mrvi* ■nfcU <• wMi «f •pwfaa' » —tm eny Ct-. t«, wo ■■I Malty MM. pWfxiory »)*•«• «*«mip( atrviop tinJ! NEWS THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2003 I THE BREEZE I 5 REPORT: Program aids check degree progression DAVE KIM/»iu,» /*»..|,r,,pl«., REPORT Jwm pa^l said, "I thought it was kind of "Degrer Pro^rrss Report." An Image orthlcon tuba, According to Lindscy confusing. A lot of my friends Errors on the report should right. Is one of many differ- Treadwell. a junior double- didn't think |the progress be circled in red and submit- ent pieces of equipment majoring in communication sci- reports! were correct when currently displayed In the ted to the registrar's office in 0V3M and disorders and psy- looking at them." VV.irrcn Hall. Students with Communications Museum. chology. "I really like It because To access the degree .jut'stions about Central it lays out everything I need for pn>gress report, log on to e- Education requirements both my majors and minors. It campus., click should consult the GenFd Web MUSEUM: Victim of renovations? makM everything n-.illy easy." on "For Students,' go to site. u'u'U'*- MVSF.VM.fnm page X Junior Kevin McCarvey "Academic Summary." then tvn.himl. said. The museum is not listed the museum are the uhlitu-. ma. Sophomore I is,i I rccdman on the blueprints for the new taining every other room in the saw the COtlsmu) ot Ihe muse- ll.irrison Hall "With the reno- building, Facemire said. um last semester Alter see vation of Harrison, there's no While there is much uncer- GUINNESS: Helping with answers ITI« all the old equipment, it nx>m lor the muse-um,' tainty about the future of this (,( /NY/ \S ->■ - , ,, , / tively to Guinness' message. with Campus Crusade, said they makes you realize how much Facemire said. Then- are no display, Facemire said he hopes answer like that of Jesus of 'It im good !*> Mt C hnst glo- wanted Guinness to come e.isier everything is today," plans as of now to move it dur- space will be allotted to accom- Nazareth." rified at an intellectual level' because he Lfl a well-read, bril- she said. "I can't imagine try- ing the renovations or put the modate the museum. It is such a Guinness also emphasized senior rric Noll said. liant guy that we thought could ing to transport a 150-pound museum back in Harrison fol- great way for anyone to set- how the mysteries «>l life, chiefly the I mhflian Michelle Harden reach out to I cam pas that val- video camera or having to lowing the renovations, accord- eli\ tnmics evolved, he said. ideas of time and evil. Finding .1 Mid, "I wish they could have ued intellectual pursuits " Slu edit a tape with one of thus,' ing to Facemire I le SBU IK- did- The Communication meaningful understanding of had a more one-on-one ques- said she hoped that his IdflM old machines. n't know why. "I have not been Museum is located in A-201 life does not mean explaining tion and answer conversation could help students who may be While the collection of able to get an answer from the and A-202 and is open week- these great mysteries, according to find the answers that they searching for answers at an antique communication equip- powers that be." days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to Guinness. If pressed to explain arc obviously looking for," important time lfl their life. "A ment rus stayed intact over the According to Facemire, Anyone interested in the thes*'. Guinness said, "I don't referring to the students who relevant theme to college lih1 If years, the Communication between II* and 15 students tour Communication Museum know I the answers], but I know lined the aisles to ask ques- that we're all on a journey,"- Museum may not have a place the museum on a typical day. can call x8-6060 for more why I trust God who knows." tion! at the end of the talk. Bonker said. "V\ hat better part ol at JMU in the future, Facemin- The only costs required to run information. Students responded posi- I-Xiwn Bonker, a staff member your lift1 to kiok at that joumevF HUNTER MCGUIRE SCHOOL Hair Corral "Shenandoah Valley's Hair Care Specialists" OPEN HOUSE on 42 South o short distance from Supei-Walmart; Dayton, VA :

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A guy doesn't look any sexier or more Publicly closing the door to any kind of macho by knowing the words to Def public display of opposition is no way Leopard's "Poor Soome Sugar on Me." of rallying people to a cause. DAVID CLEMENTSON senior OPINION see house editorial, below see column, page 8

HOUSE EDITORIAL Bush's denouncing of protests puts his efforts in bad light

Peaceful protests are a popu- because of questionable tain become the wrong ones. lar way for several people to motives, the threat of so many We become separated into voice their opinions about gov- people's lives at stake and also those who work for and those ernment actions. It seems, how- for religious reasons. Each con- who work against the presi- ever, tint President George W. cern was voiced at an appropri- dent's vision, rather than a Bush will no longer heed the ate outlet and by someone who, cohesive unit of people who concerns ot his citi/ens who because he or she is in the share their ideas on how to deal choose that form of persuasion United States, is a stakeholder with various issues. According to the Feb. 19 in government actions concern- Bush's commitment to the issue of the Daily-News Record, ing Iraq. Combined, these types safety and protection of the "I Xvlanng that America's secu- of resolutions should at least American people is admirable, rity should not be dictated by seriously be considered by the but by shutting off individuals protesters, President Hush said president each time they are who have decided to oppose Tuesday he would not be brought to the table. his decisions peaceably, he has ■Wiycd tool disarming Iraq." Yet, if Bush openly has made himself look stubborn Publicly closing the door to admitted that protesters will not rather than like a leader. What any kind of public display of have a say in further decisions, actions or decisions would, in opposition is no way of rally- what are protesters such as the end, provide the best pro- ing people k) a cause In what those who attended last tection for citizens is not being was probably an effort to assert Tuesday's speak out supposed questioned. It is the fact that to dtbCM that he strongly to do with their opinions? concerns from the public no believes in the current plan to Although Bush's declaration longer seem to be valid in the disarm Iraq, he may have does not take away the right for eyes of our president that raises upset and lost the support of a person to express their opin- some eyebrows. several constituencies ion, it certainly makes their According to the Feb. 13 efforts considerably less fruitful. issue of The Breeze, "An anti- It is an action such as Bush's war speak out was held on that can put divides within the commons Tuesday [Feb. groups of people. Rather than 11] at noon with guest, facul- different kinds of positions and ty and student speakers." opinions, certain opinions According to the speak out's become the right ones and cer- organizer, freshman Ammar the goal of the speak out was to allow all sides of the story to be heard. Several people expressed their opposition to the war

■ Breeze Reader's View Salary increases not mark of a leader Darts governmental leaders, for no Darts & Pals are submitted anonymously AdamSharp government acts without the and printed on a space-available basis. We know that people, for all planning and actions of indi- Suhmissums are based upon one person s their diversity and quirks, are viduals. So let's see how optnion of a given situation, person or event Madison's analysis applies to and do not tm mvi) trflect the truth essentially the same. Cut away Pats the layers of pigment that we the leaders of the only public use to divide ourselves and university in the United States E-mail darts and pats to [email protected] you will find something that is named after him. in all of us: a soul. I'm not talk- We know that men are not ing about the idea ol a i1i\ melv angels because not one ot us \$ Pat... Dart... planted nature inside ourselves perfect. We have all hurt some- or the thing that missionaries one or been selfish and incon- A "you-rock-on-the-rocks" pat to a cer- A "didn't-your-mamma-teach-you-any- come to save and the devil siderate. All humans have a tain bartender for slipping me a few thing" dart to the inconsiderate boy, driving comes to buy. I'm talking about soul — that container of varied drinks Friday night. the fruity maroon car, who stole our parking the fact that we all have the emotions <\nd desires that Sent in by a senior who likes the way you spot on the top level of the parking deck after same emotions, desires and make us ad very un-angelic at mix it UP. we had our turn signal on for five minutes. frustrations. Hate, love, jeal- times We know that we are Soil in by three senior girls who did not appre- ousy, compassion, trust, hope, being governed by men at JMU ciate your immaturity and feel you need to learn faith, bitterness, lust and greed because the\ gave themselves some parking etiquette. Hope you enjoyed the are all universal human emo- raises during Imam ial difficul- tampons we left you. tions, .ind when I speak of the ties. According to the Feb. 10 soul, I am addressing all of issue of Vie Hrcezc. Senior Vice these together. President of student atfairs Dart- Pat... It is very hard for me to con- Mark Warner, Senior Vice demn the actions of someone President for administration A "stop-please-just-stop" dart to A "thanks-for-making-us-feel-like-wc-were- •IN knowing that all of the and finance Charles King Jr., I>imino's for playing their Domino's Dots in-a-scary-movie" pat to the boys who hunted ui faults of that individual are Provost and Vice President for mdlo jingle 4,000 times per day. with snowball slingshots and forced us to hide present, latently or visibly, in academic afflan Doug Brown An annoyed listener who believes you in the Wilson Hall bathroom making a day my life as well. When Jesus and |ML' Pn'sident I in wood should be rhyming with "fun" not "pletho- without classes extra fun. said, "He who is without sin Roee received pay raises over ra" in your last verse. From three girls who appreciate being cftflMd cast the feU stone/' (John 8:7) the last year. land tackled) by boys they don't know. he knew that we are all equal Now let me make an impor- in our guilt. Tolerance hat its tant point the raises are |ustiti- foundation in the Christian ahle. I will not argue against Pat... idea that no human is right- the Ead that taking on addi- Dart... tional responsibilities deserves A "you-are-true-heroes" pat to all of eous and therefore there is no A "since-you-haven't-gotten-one-in-a-while" one who is worthy to judge the a wage increase I he adminis- the great groundskeepers who brave dart to the parking services for their relentless actions of others, no one wor- trators Who have received the the cold and nasty weather to keep our pursuit of expressing their indiscrimanant thy to say that someone els,' is raises have the right to expect roads and sidewalks clean. You are hatred toward all of car-owning mankind. doing | great job and should be recog- wrong. Whenever I see greed them Warner, King and Brown From a junior who sees you hiding behind busltvs present in the lives of others. I deserve to receive mon mone\ nised tor your faithful and hard work. and trasli cans and didn't want you to think tluit since would be lying to myself if I That having been said the I mm some people who do not like to you hadn't gotten a dart in a while tluit you might be did not acknowledge the greed ndaei are Wrong Please note walk in the snow carrying vital equipment doing a good fob. present in my lite the difference — that which is and mm mtv the snowless sidewalks. If that is the case, why am I liistiiiable, that which is writing this column? Am I deeerved or that which con- being hypocritical? No, cern! a right can be wrong because leaders are to be treat- Why? I am talking about our ed differently than others I he leaders, and I hold them to a apostle Paul said in 1 Timothy higher standard. ^ that leaders are to be held to I believe that it is wrong for a higher standard. We need corporate executivei to give leaders became we are all. the themselves bonuses after la) Lraj lame: we baker, hadrttab and off employees I Ivlievr it is burn our bridges. I eaders Wlbng for member* bring us together and get to vote tteanearvec mam while things done, but they do not unemployment rises. From EDITORIAL POLICY hold power with responsibility. what I nave seen, the large ThefBreezek lake, for example, James majority of JMU statt. hcuE) The hnuwnliinriiil rrfleut the up mm at lite Madison's words in Federalist and itudcna think the ■alary (canine Gajrwiki Photo rdttor Rachclle Lacroi* htard as a whole, ami is m* neceuanly the opinim •* ,inv No. 51, "If men were angels no hicreaaei an1 wrong. We grant Photo editor MananlittjaeMpr Travis Clingrnperl Laura Dean individual -raft mctnbcf trff The Bretre government would be neces- some people power over us so Ads manager Gail Chapolinl Art Director Richard Than? sary. If angels were to govern that administrative attain and David Clrmrntsnn Graphics editor Sarah Sianit/ Editorial fttard: men, neither external nor Intel an overall direction can be hdt New* editor Khalil Garriott Webmaster Theresa Sullivan Jeaninc (>;iw|rtki Rdirt* nal controls on government Hated. Inherent in the bargain Kyra Papal II Online editor Kevin Marinak Invnt hm

'All-tab because "FU so / ll-shul- trl-alt-dc ■too lazy to lift the cmt my pom tohen I'm not — this is a stup I spray paintedi.'rf mi.'my hand that's not atr question." computer camoflauge tpU." mid it doesn't want to work anvmore.

TimBij-deli Sameer Yousef MattAvery Wesley Crane freshman, biology .a-shman, 1SAT .«»F*r sophomore. OS sophomore. ISS Topic: Whatfs your favorite computer command and why? ■ On the serious tip I PAY: raises Paranoid, karaoking, girl-on-girl action annoying in clubs disputed JIMP, from pgi 7 Davi iCIementson their thought. They only like "Been Caught Stealing' comes have long waits outside, with ed. While people may (oke two girls if they're between on, doesn't mean the club own- the bouncer checking IDs. If you about girls going to college to enough to control the people 'em — turned into a slut er-. Mm you pickpockehng So don't pregame enough to main- find a husband, hopefully Bid strong enough to control ilselt I he tirsl issue deals with sandwich, if you will. When I don't freak out, thinking that tain your bun once inside the marriage interviews aren't power, which JMU proved it guy has the nerve to the girl's purse you just t*H»k club, just go home. taking place in dance clubs, since it forced a tuition approach a stranger on the must not have any money In ii. Clubs require a healthy mix How beautiful that would dance floor, he's not turned when the next song that COONi ot i lance and conversation. The be, though, to establish I Increate on us. The bigger question is whether JMU l >.iri■ t (ItlbS lie the OIW on when the girl rejects him Oil Hi You Ain't Nothin' But a only depressants should COOM healthy, respectable relation- administrators .ire strong place where guys Men to by preferring to keep grind- Hoochie Mama." from Jim Beam, Jack Daniels ship by grinding on the dance enough U control themselves. nave the upper hand. The ing on her roommate. People go to dance clubs to and Johnny Walker, not vour tioor and actually maintaining The idea of the leader being girls come in .ill hooched-out, Another big tum-ott is have fun and loosen up. If you friends' conversations. People the relationship. But what if the a public servant comes from with their skimpy shirts and singing along with the song. This can't dance, accept it I \ aryone should be able to come up with couple got married and raised the Bible Jesus said in John tight pants Ami the guys gel goes toi both sexes A guy does- else on the dance floor already better discussion starters than children? What would the par- 20:27 that leadership CODM* to check 'em out writhoul pay- n't look any sexier or more knows you have no rhvthm Dl saving how trashed thev are ents tell their son or daughter through service. A true Ic.ioVr ing their fair sham Nope, i macho by knowing the WOfdf to and your "Harlem shake If you need 10 tell someone who wants to go out and pick put- the interests of the com- have never seen .t guy club- IX-l lepp.mi s ToorSome Sugar looks more like a 'Harlem cup you're trashed, you're lying. up hot babes? That can seem bing in i Spei do on Me." And a girl with a nasal pie." Maybe the only Michael In order to sta\ together frightening to older, stable munity before his own. Anything else is a gathering of But the EMB are on to us; k'oice trying to sing Ashanti's [adCBOn movea yOU can do are compatibilitv is required. parental units. All the confus- they'll not turning us on. Jay Z It's atari us. it's BOOUl tnist.' the crotch tug and the baby opposites may attract accord- ing ins and outs of dance clubs hogs at the public trough. I .isk the administrators hat bragged about marr) will result in the opposite desired dangle. That s tine If you feel ing to n-lationship counselor can become devastating willingly to give the money things: "mon«'\, Cttft, hot, eftad Sure it's impressive to uncomfortable and want to just Paula Abdul, but if you're a Whatever family we grow up buhhlin' in Dublin" and h.iv- know the words to songs: next stand there, bobbing your mas4Khtst. it spnixiblvniit healthy in, we tend to think that's nor- back. The gesture will speak volumes about their qualities Ing "hoi in different area time you're on Jeopardy, you'll be head, hoping the girls just want to desire a mate who's a sidist mal. So perhaps the best policy ,i- Indent Perhaps the money No waft, thaft another set Rut leave tlv sing-a-longs for you for pole-dancing, some- No one goes to a dance club would be tor the parents to be poet laureate, I udai na karaoke — especially if you're things wrong and you obvi- looking for I future spouse I've forthcoming and honest with could help lave the translation program, which will result in a Hut anyway. Jay Z's datrn of obnoxiously humming along to ously require more alcohol never heard a friend tell me he their children and establish the much larger legacy and bench I "romancing «iris that dance every tune you recognize it extreme amounts ol alco- was hitting up a frat party safest, least-confusing policy: with ftirK" he.its them all. At Don't act all paranoid on hol are required for you to bacauaa he needs a wife. no premarital dancing. to JMU and to the nation than his other i latmi wen leaa the dance floor, as if the disc dance and have tun, don t COOV Just because two people's David Clemenlson is a senior four men buying bigger cars. ludicrous While some guvss.iv lockey is eyeing you and tailor- plain about not being able to ayea meet on the dance floor, political science major who looks Gentlemen, show the strength thay*ni turned on by this kind ing his selections for you. Just afford getting drunk in the club. doesn't mean a lasting forward to seeing you on "'• of vour character and prove to ot thine,, they're not completing . because Jane's Addiction's Plan accordingly. Some clubs friendship should be expect- floor — with beer goggle* on all of us that you know what leadership is truly about. Give the money back. You. House editorial cartoonist. Next year. E-mail [email protected]. Monkeybuti. Fin. Adam M. Sharp is a junior for- eign languages major.

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IOITHE BREEZE ITHURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2003 LBSOK HOROSCOPES CROSSWORD Daily rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. I 1 3 4 6 7 8 » 10 11 12 13 Today's Birthday (Feb. 20). This year, you may want to tap into that money you've saved for a rainy day

Be ready if the right deal comes along on a house or household items. Get only the things that will get 14 18 better and more valuable over time. " 17 1 19 Aries March 21-April 19 Libra Sept. 23-Oct 22 W jag- Today is a 7 - They say opposites Today is an 8 - You're naturally talented 20 22 ■^_» attract do you Ihink' A person with words, but why not also play with w * J^n ho may be your opposite now seems fib color? your imagination run wild. 1■ '* 25 quite compelling. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 28 27 28 | 30 31 32 Taurus April 20-May 20 ■ Today is a 7 - Wrap up a household project 33 34 35 ^-, Today is a 7 - Is your job getting easier, or ' once and for all. At this point, perfection SjAu are you getting smarter? Some of both. isn't as important as completion. 36 1? 38 ^^W Continue to make changes for the better. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 39 40 41 Gemini May 21 -June 21 Today is a 6 - You may need decorating Today is a 6 - Your career will become -J£\ tips, and you know just the person to 4? 43 44 i more important soon, but you can spend '■■j^ call You might be able to give the job tonight on romance. Get well rested in away, which isn't a bad idea. 45 48 47 I case you have extra work tomorrow. _j JKl 48 49 50 51 53 54 Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Cancer June 22-July 22 I " Today is a 6 - Go ahead and ask for the 55 56 Today is a 6 - Home is your favorite ML money. Make an unreasonable request. _ place to be. so make it even nicer. A fM£r You might not get it .ill. hut then agon, 58 5'J new color and a little more work ought »*-C you might. to do the trick. 1,1 62 « Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 1 Leo July 23-Aug. 22 jj^L Today is a 9 - Remember that window Today is an 8 - Your contribution to the ^P of opportunity that you've been heir ACROSS 42 August sign DOWN 37 Old king of ■^gj conversation is keeping the others on J^\ ing about? Look around. It could be 1 Napoleon's 43 Building wings 1 Flows back rhyme ^P^> track. Present options thai they haven t open now. 1814 address 44 Snow units 2 Plunder thought about before. 38 Toll 5 Apt. manager 45 Japanese- 3 Squarish 40 Dry expanses Pisces Feb. 19-March20 9 Pie nut American 4 Had a bite 41 Turn red Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Today is a 6 - Financing you need for a 14 British trunk 47 Writer Bellow 5 Serengeti trek 44 Bird of prey t£^. household project is possible, so go ^ **^ Today is a 6 - Your work should be get- 15 Manchurian 48 Cubic meter 6 New England 1>^H ting easier as the money st.irts coming in. ^~J^ ahead Of course, you should look for a 46 Dancing Castle bargain but also get high qualify. border river 50 Iridescent sch. 47 Casual military 'MS\ h had to happen eventually, and it isn't .1 16 Make amends ^••^ moment too soon. gems 7 Brownish purple address 17 Specific breed 52 Bath place 8 Latticework 48 Thick slice of foot soldier? 55 Stratum structures 49 Skater Lipinski 19 Avoids 56 Specific 9 Transit 51 Father of 20 Pigs' digs species of 10 " Frame" France —Tribune Media Services 21 Atelier stand shrew? 11 Footway specifi- 52 Pitchfork prong 22 Epic tales 58 Looks cally for 53 ET vehicles 23 That girl's everything pumas? 54 Outdo 24 Jungle vine 59 Cogito sum 12 O'Neill play, p E R M B 1 T t A i L E 11 57 Sebaceous 26 City south of 60 Son of Seth " Christie" cyst A S b A V fc L D R A K F B Roma 61 Military installa- 13 Scottish loch S ! 1 O A N 1 M A N F S H 29 Half a peal? tions 18 Lively dances T 1F N H F R S 0 T H 1 N G 30 Slugger's stat. 62 Viewed 23 "Bonanza" R F T 1 1. F N E[A R| I) A W 33 Bottomless pit 63 Brooding place character v H S O R ■ ■ EL A C F 34 Hindu social 25 Hooked on ! 1 K E T H|E|S|1|G H T system 26 Orange variety Solutions to N A A 35 Gel hitched c P °m m 1 l V E E S 27 Slacken Last Issue's Puzzle 36 Dyeing con- o F A N 0 1 \[) F N E M 28 Monty's throw tainers u A R G 1 E X E S P > of the dice, ■ 37 Walk-on part specifically? A R A L A N A P L A T E N 38 Washed-out 29 Titled ladies O W N O N H 1 S L U K ■ C 39 Ordinal ending 31 Strait of _ Isle s H 1 R <- B O A R o P A L 40 Elizabeth and 32 Brainstorms F A B E 1 E D 1 E N O N E Robert 34 Steam-whistle 1 E W F L 1 L E G s i E R S T 41 Guy instruments Focus THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2003 I THE BREEZE 111 MADISOK „ ..

Diverse, historical art, artifact collection comes out of closet

Stories by senior writer Jeanine Gajewski • Photos by photo editor Laura Dean

Kathryn Monger, collections researcher and JML' instructor of art history, gingerly lifts a small clay object and holds it in one gloved hand. The delicate artifact is a 2,000-year-old oil lamp that people of the This Neo-Babylonlan Roman Empire hung in nets as a source of light. "These stone statue l« from objects tell you about the common people, the everyday around 1,500 B.C. people," Monger said. The lamp is only one of the 2,000 pieces of art and culture found in the Madison Art Collection. Together with graduate student Melanie Mason and senior Rertee Decker, Monger is conducting a systematic inventory and photo-documentation of the collection, which includes objects spanning the ages and the globe, from a Neolithic stone tool dating back to 2,000 B.C. to a 19th century Native American arrowhead. Like the objects it encompasses, the Madison Art Collection itself has survived a lengthy and varied history, having been relocated about a half a dozen times. Monger and her team are the most recent in a long line of curators and caretakers. "Our biggest handicap is that this collection has been shifted from place to place, so no one really knows what is here," Monger said. "We want people to realize that we have this beautiful diversity of objects." Currently in a transitional space in Anthony-Seeger Hall, about three- fourths of the collection began in John A. Sawhill's Harrisonburg home over half a century ago. Sawhill, a former JMU professor of Creek, Latin and German, bequeathed the myriad objects he had amassed from his travels to the JMU Foundation in 1976, Monger said. According to Frances Dovel, programs support technician in the School of Art and Art History, the Sawhill Collection first was inventoried by members of the art department on the floor of what is now the Sawhill Gallery in Duke Hall. "It took a good part of the summer," said Dovel, who took part in the initial inventory. "|Sawhill| collected everything. He kept everything." Former JMU professor Horace Burr served as curator and added objects to the collection until the mid-1980s when Stuart Downs, director of the Sawhill Gallery, assumed responsibility. "Like Burr, my responsibility was a partial one," Downs said, adding thai he also ran the Sawhill Gallery and taught while curator of the collection. This Greek pot was found In Italy Downs said that when he inherited the job, the collection was housed in and dates between 3S0 and 300 Wellington House on South Main Street. "One of the ongoing issues has been B.C. It also bares a partial fin- a proper facility to house it," Downs said. "First and foremost, you have to gerprint embossed In the clay. take care of the objects." As Wellington House was not equipped to house an art collection, Downs said he oversaw the collection's move to Carrier Library where archival boxes and units were secured. The collection's stay in the library proved to be short lived. II was moved in 1993 into "four little music practice rooms" in Duke Hall, resulting in a 50 percent reduction in space from the library, according to Julia Merkel, preservations spe- cialist for JMU libraries and former curator of the col- lection. "Every time you move it, there's a risk involved because anything can happen," Merkel said. "So a permanent home is very desirable." When Merkel became full-time curator in 1997, she said she sought to make the collection more accessible lo the JML community. She used items from the collec- tion to establish a Study Center for World Art and Culture, beginning with a display of about 70 ancient Greek and Roman coins in the Carrier Library lobby. 5he also set up two microclimate cases, which can be found on the first floor of the library, to display 53 repre- sentative objects from the collection. The study center's Web site, www.lib.jmu£duAvorldcul- tures, shows thumbnail pictures of the pieces, which include Native American beaded cuffs and a Babylonian sir ART. page 12

This Sub-Saharan figurine stands at about a foot and Dated around the 18th century, this wood panel probably was used as a per- a half tall and Is carved from a solid piece of wood, sonal devotion Hem depleting Mary and Jesus In a Russian Byzantine style. dated around 19th century. Who is Sawhill?

matter what it was I 12ITHK BKEEZE I THURSDAY, FEB. 20. 2003 Focus

This .tn< i.-nl ART: History re-examined through project Egyptian baboon AKTJnmpqi n statue Is from are amazing." 66 build up that relationship,'' the 26th cuneiform tablcl from 1,800 B.C. Marital said, "What really adding to the educational value dynasty, dated Thcdispl.n also highlights IVth surprised me was the scope of of thr (olkvtion anywhere (torn OMun loons, ancient the collection It's a really spec- Decker said, "As a stu- 1.000 to 800 Egyptian itatuu, nth century tacular collection, and unfortu There are a number of dent, it would be so much B.C., according Peolan ainiiu- -.(XlO-viMr-old nately, it's little known." uses if or the Madison more useful to me to have a to Monger. Most Roman glass and wcxtden According to Merkel, she .1-D object to study." likely the African ceremonial mask. set up the displays for educa- Art Collection) that we Mason said the Harrisonburg baboon Is mpre tional purposes — to give stu- community could benefit from sentlng Thoth. dents a first-hand look at what aren't yet aware of... interaction with the collection as the scribe god. 66 the cultures they were study- well. "The public schools are There Is a hole It's fun to look at these screaming for help, and they will In the top of Its What really surprised ing produced. "Primary expe- head that proba- rience is key to any art history things and find out be in here in droves," Mason bly once held a me was the scope of program," Merkel said. said. "It makes it real to them. It headdress. Monger and her team hope about them first hand. puts it in their hands." the collection... and to extend the educational To add another layer of unfortunately, it's power of the Madison Art It's a shame to have access to the collection. Monger Collection. Next year, Moogei something like this stuck said she is photographing the little known. said the collection will be mov- objects to build an online data- ing out of storage in Anthony- in a closet for years. base. "I want to have a Web site — Julia Merkel Seeger into a display room in where you could learn about proervalions specialist for JMV libraries the College Center, complete — \ Ulan it Mason the collection and to reach out to 55 with two adjoining tech rooms graduate student the community," Monger said. wired for presentations. "We Mason said, "There are a "For me, personally, 1 am need to have a display, a facility 59 number of uses (for the captivated by the glass in the so that we can accommodate Madison Art Collection) that collection," Downs said. "It is these kinds of educational proj- these objects have been invalu- we aren't yet aware of... It'» interesting how rimesorts some ects," Monger said. able to me." Working with fun to look at these things objects out and leaves other Mason, who is researching scholars to catalog the collec- and find out about them first l-AUH.ADEAV;*.».r,/ir.» objects for us to be amazed by. the Madison Art Collection as tion. Mason said the project has hand. It's a shame to have They would not be considered part of her masters degree proj- "given (her) the opportunity to something like this stuck in a great works of art,' but they ect, said, "As a grad student, Contact scholars in the field and closet for years." Work for "ffl

Openings for all Editorial Positions To apply submit a cover letter, resume, and 5 clips to: Drew Wilson Editor-in-Chief The Breeze office (basement of Anthony-Seeger) Due by Monday, Feb. 24, at 5 p.m.

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UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Professionally managed by Weisz Properties. LLC THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2003 I THE BREEZE I 13 "If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. The big- ger the risk, the bigger the reward. I never felt like I wasn't going to make it. though. In my heart I knew Dont play telephone'... I would have to work hard." ...especially when you've been drinking. "Drunk CHAZZ PALMINTERI dialing" ranks high on (he party foul list. actor STYLE SM story pa(t 14 See story Mow Chazz Palminteri: Not your 'Usual Suspect' Oscar-nominated actor speaks to, advises JMU students about 'Acting, Writing, Filmmaking and Beyond'

\1( MAM RKIHI/o,(ffpl»»nirapVr Oscar nominated actor Chazz Palmlntarl spoke at Grafton Stovall Theatre Feb. 12. BY ERIN Lbt murder while sitting on the still refused. Finally, Robert Sopranos." but turned it down contributing writer stoop of his apartment. The DeNiro ("Analyze That") dis- because he did not want to Oscar-nominated actor incident changed him and was covered the play and wanted play the same character daily. Chazz Palminteri spoke about included in his monologue. to direct the film. He honored Palminteri said he attrib- "Acting, Writing, Filmmaking The monologue evolved into Palminteri's requests. utes his accomplishments to and Beyond," hosted by the what later would become "A According to Palminteri, the love of his parents, confi- University Program Board at Bronx Tale." DeNiro wanted "real people" dence, perseverance and the Grafton-Stovall Theatre Feb. 12. Palminteri then success- to be cast for the film, so many drive to succeed. Palminteri said the most fully performed his one-man of Palminteri's childhood "When you have a dream rewarding aspect of his career show for Theater West in Los friends played themselves. inside, don't let anyone tell you has been the opportunity to Angeles, Ca. He continued to Palminteri discussed other you can't do it," he said. "Be come and speak to students. He write until he had an hour projects he has done in the positive and work very hard. As said in an interview before the and 40 minutes of material, last decade. He said he prefers in any career, the people who show the reason he finds it so which was enough to be con- "three-dimensional charac- work the hardest succeed. rewarding is that college stu- sidered a full play. During ters." He played a writer/hit- Disappointment in the arts is dents are at the point in their his speech, he demonstrated man in Woody Allen's common, take 'No' as normal lives when they are making cru- a part of the monologue for "," and be surprised when some- cial decisions. Palminteri the audience in which he which earned him an Oscar one tells you 'Yes.'" stressed the importance of a played three characters, nomination. He also was in Palminteri said when he first quote from his film, "A Bronx using different voices and "," which, came to LA, he had no connec- Tale," "The choices you make body language. from its reaction, appeared to tions and worked as a doorman. will shape your life forever." According to Palminteri, a be the audience's favorite. "If it was easy, everyone During the speech, good friend in sent Other film appearances would be doing it. The bigger Palminteri credited^us success him $25,000 to put up his have included "A Night at the the risk, the bigger the to the love and support of his show. After this, several Roxbury," "Analyze This," reward. I never felt like I parents. "My dad always told agents called for the rights of "Down to Earth" and many wasn't going to make it me that the saddest thing is the play to make a screen- others. He wrote "Faithful," though, in my heart I knew I wasted talent, so I decided to play. Palminteri refused which starred . He also would have to work hard." take life into my own hands." unless they would let him has done several HBO films Senior Vince Neil thought He staejed writing a monologue play Sonny, the murderer, and guest-directed the HBO the show was great. "The about his life experiences. and let him write the screen- prison series, "Oz." Palminteri speech catches a glimpse into MORGAN RHHUilu(r/Vir»,)jru(7Afr Palminteri said when he play. They offered him $1 said he originally was offered his life and what he is Junior Gabby Revllla. UPB director of media and public was 9 years old, he witnessed a million for the rights, but he James Gandolfini's role in "The about," he said. relatlone, poiea with Palminteri before the speech. Dancers reminisce about first 'Steps' Memoir proves BY SHKLBY GILES Hart's solo piece, some oldies such as "Can't said during the piece. contributing writer "Becoming," also had a hip- Touch This," by MC Hammer This improv ended with a difficult art form From choreographing hop vibe. From the music to and "Smooth Criminal" by short modern piece to repre- I dances to operating the the movement, this was the Michael Jackson. sent the dancers' experience BY ZAK SALIH in Eggers' story. They are tools to soundboard, senior dance most memorable piece in the The performers got sultry as part of the School of All Things Literary gain the reader's sympathy and majors and minors partici- show. The lyrics of the to "Big Spender" as they Theatre and Dance and tak- Last month, 1 finally read a to elevate our narrator to the apted in all aspects of the music by Blackalicious were remembered dancing their ing "Steps to Remember" to book 1 had been looking for- level of martyr. It feeds off the production of one of their the heart of the performance. first "sexv dance," it was be where they are today. ward to reading since it first was presumptuousness of the mem- final performances in Hart said she used these published in 2000. The book was oir M a reliable art form. Eggers Godwin Room 355 last rhythmic lyrics as a guide for Dave Eggers' memoir, "A hints at his own unreliability as a Friday and Saturday nights. her movement. In her sheer Heartbreaking Work of storyteller, reminding us that The concert, titled Steps to maroon dress, she vividly Staggering Genius" and 1 was names and incidents may have Remember," consisted of 10 painted a picture across the not disappointed in the least been changed or exaggerated for pieces, all choreographed by stage of the emotions con- For those of you unaware of the sake of the memoir. senior dance majors and minors. veyed through the song. this gem of a memoir, the book In short, this book addresses Senior Molly Lehman's cho- Sophomore Ashley Parks, recounts the events in Eggers' almost all the problems I have reography opened the show who was in the audience, life after his parents die of can- with memoirs, especially those with her intriguing piece, "Raw said, "I like that it seemed cer within weeks of each other fn>m middle-aged men and Anticipation." This aptly-titled she wanted you to focus on and the semi-bohemian twenty- women who still have the rest of piece began soundlessly with the spoken words and how it something takes his 7-year-old their lives to lead. I find myself sluggish, suspended move- relates to her movement." brother Toph under his wing. in line with those few tradition- ment'.. The introduction of The dancers concluded The duo moves from Chicago to alists who believe that a memoir music into the piece brought a their show with a comical, Southern California, when? our should be a writer's last work — sense of relief to the atmos- retrogressive improvisational narrator struggles with raising a all those years pressurized, dis- phere that was created by the piece. They began by thank- brother as a mock child, tilled and crammed into a few dancers'snail-like movements. ing the audience for coming, attempts to live the MCkleM hundred pages. While Eggers Inspired by their friendship, then dove into reminiscing social lifestyle to which tvejy hn.iks this cardinal rule, I feel seniors Pedm J. Batista and Henry about their first ballet recital. twenty-something is entitled he's justified in his implication Hill came up with a clever mix of Dancers came out in white and fights with the desire to that, after the deaths of his par- mcxJern and hip-hop dance in tutus, imitating when they elicit pity from his wounds. ents, the end might soon be their piece, 'Two of a Kind." The were small kids performing What makes this book so coming for him as well. His style two often used partner move- in their first shows. astounding is the way Eggers is peppered with a paranoia not ments as if dancing as one body. There was even a tap number plays with the format of the uncommon to those who have Pop-influenced hip-hop move- to the song, "Sing, Sing Sing," memoir, twisting and molding it gniwn up with death as a third ments mixed with elongated which, it was said onstage, was into a panxly of itself. Believe parent, those who rear it gnash- modem dance movements the song each of them had me when I say you've probably ing at their heels with every step helped Batista and Hill achieve tapped to at least once in their JULIE WrTHF-RSViloff phmoinphtr never read a memoir quite like they take. their goal of exploring the possi- lives. The performers followed Senior dance majors and minor* performed In the annual this, one in which the characters As for the art of the memoir, bilities of both types of dance. that number by bringing back aenlor dance concert last weekend, "Steps to Remomber." refer to themselves as mere cogs steATL, page H 14 THE BREEZE THURSDAY; FEB. 20,2003

[REVIEW] THE CINEMA sroop 'Daredevil' wont save your money ijt? the suburbs SARAH STANTT27«™p»lfi «i,„, B^ TRICM FRI H\ II I E "DAREDEVIL" staffwriter Oicgood fight scene, however. ly unbelievable. Daredevil's STARRING: between Bullseye (Colin attempt to dodge chards of it you TV looking lor a mart, 1 arnll, "Minority Report"), the I just called to wv) superhero flick, then BEN AFFLECK, JENNIFER K>ass. m a manner resembling assassin hired by Kingpin to Keanu Reeves' bullet-dodg- director Mark Steven lnhnson'* GARNER, COLIN FARRELL kill Elektra's Esther, and Flektr.i ing in "The Matrix," defies 4 AND MICHAEL DUNCAN ( Simon Birch") "Daredevil* li etching, intense and dark. logic entirely, as he simply isn't for you. Bui if you're in the say, I love you' RATED: PG-13 Farrell plays Bullseye with does a fe<#back flips. mood tor mndlBM I'ntcrt.un- RUNNING TIME: creepy skill. His crazy-eyed BY LAUREN YORK Why did I make this call? What ment. it would sullu. The film incorporates 110 MINUTES look and overall twitchiness some humor into the mix, senior writer was my goal or purpose? What In thi- Marvel comic book make the assassin a very which is a relief from the did I gain from talking to this i ition, Ben Affleck When I go out, I usually scary individual. onslaught of corny one-liners. make sure that I have my cell person? My answers are no ( i hanging I anea") playa ••• Although superhero flicks Franklin Nelson (Jon Favreau, phone. I would guess most idea, none and nothing. That's Mall Murdock, who later are generally action-based "Made"), Murdoch's friend people who have cell phones pretty much the point — the Ixvumes Daredevil. As a boy, help others - are overacted entertainment, some, like he blinded when and law partner, is a great do. But some make it a special drunk dial is purely for the and exaggerated. "Spider-nun" give some atten- comic relief. The interaction point to leave theirs at home. amusement of the dialer. Ured in the lace by Mohaz- While Affleck has been tion to plot development. ardout chernicala Although he between the two characters is Why? Because they realize the Other times, the drunk quite successful in other types "Daredevil" avoids plot fun and light, giving the film dialers are those lost in love call- cant see, in- other terne) importance of avoiding those ol movies, action flicks don't development like the plague, a sense of humor. ing their exes, because the alco- become magnified and, mveta- embarrassingly intoxicated seem to be his forte. His scenes leaving the audience wonder- As a comic book adaptation, late-night phone call 1 like to hol makes the dialer think they riousrj enough, superhuman. as Murdock are genuine and ing how Murdock's attuned "Daredevil" is amusing at times call the "drunk dial." miss their ex and can't live with- SM an adutt, Murdock plays often funny. However, as ■•< nsea somehow turned him and entertaining, even though it .i lawyer bj day and .1 vigfiante Drunk dialers, more often out them. But that is a fallacy if 1 taredevU, he's tar Irom intimi- into a muscular, building- lacks the elements to make it a I've ever heard one. Hopefully 1 rim,- fighter by night, ultimate- than not, are repeat offenders. dating and almost laughable, lumping, flying superhero good movie. Wait until this one They like going out because the you'll have a good friend stand- K working again) the mob boss r-piviallv in the red leather Daredevil also suffers comes out for rental, it's not oil New York, Kingpin (Michael more people they meet, the ing by who knows when its suit with little bom*. from "The Matrix" syndrome. worth the ticket cost. more people they'll eventually time to take your phone hum i l.irke Duncan, "llu Scorpion Garner's performance is That is, the use of special King"). Murdoch then tails in have to call. Even if they don't you and end the shenanigans adequate, having done the ettects is overabundant, meet anyone new, they'll still before they begin. love with ,1 sassv, beautiful best an actress lould with a obtrusive and realitv-defying. have a cell phone full of stored The next best thing to mak- woman I I. ktr.i l|enniler flat character like Elektra While this works for llu Gamer, ".Alias), who, tfrangeh numbers to call. ing the drunk calls is to be on the Despite the fact that she has no Matrix,' a movie which is When I feel the urge to share enough, .IIM' has the fighting receiving end. Many times, my ■pedal powers, Elektra has based in a computer-driven, «■«•«•«• °™"™« worn. in. my good cheer with everyone I skills ot a superhero. learned to tight with immense phone has rung in the middle of fictional world, it fails miser- know after a night out on the the night and I have answered to The movie, .is .1 whole, is skill and demonstrates such in ably in this film, because it is Aft« *"***x»i<.on.«>plr, town — regardless of whether hear a bunch of gibberish com- trite and melodramatic. some decent fight scenes set in reality where normal * * * MO^MJIIMIa OMIon-Slowl Murdixh s vokeoven explain- I'm still out or under my covers ing from my nearest and dear- Hut lor die most part, the humans, like Elektra, .ant fly Should rava ton — Ill flip through the numbers ing his emotional dilemma — tight scenes in the movie are *9 est. One night, I got a call from a from building to building. I \v saved on my phone and the struggle between his need overdone, with too much good friend at another school Stunts, like the special wno approved ts* start calling away. Then the next ■ and the drive to emphasis on special ettects. ft «tu»ioiN»am; while she aimlessly walked effects, are hokey and complete- day, I'll sporadically remember around barefoot. She had wan- who I called or receive calls ref- dered off from a party and erencing messages I have no decided to take the scenic route ATL: What memoirs really should be about recollection of leaving. Also, it is home, all the while calling her ATI., flu important to pay attention friends, making sure they knew — if I had never told you, you movie — we are always the ifestos of life but just as .moth- I find the unreliability of our- WOttld have been none the when dialing, because I've acci- how much she loved them. heroes, the wounded ones, er story that has the possibili- dentally dialed my grandpar- When all is said and done, telvea to narrate the Iton ,.t wiser VVe can train ours.lws the misunderstood and the our liws .is the) rcalK hap- tv to connect with us on some ents in the middle of the night. the drunk dial is inevitable — to forget what we want, to people who, in the end, fundamental level. pened .in.i not as we remem- change what we want — and Fortunately, I immediately real- we've all made and received always are redeemed. Eggers Whether playing on our ized my mistake and hung up. them. 1/ you haven't yet, trust bering them happen, to be the reader, who never al knows how egotistical the act innate fear of death, our |ust this past weekend, I me, you will. Don't worry, they problcmatii I vents can be so our side to begin with, always of writing a memoir can be struggle for survival in the called a 28-year-old family basically are harmless, not skewed by the passage ol lime will be oblivious to the and makes us well-aware of that to trust one's memory wake of emotional devasta- friend who was out with his counting the bruised ego the changes unters make for the this His culminating rant is tion or our basic need for unconditionally is to invite a sake of characterization, girlfriend for Valentine's Day. It next morning. proof of the memoir as a interpersonal communica- was completely unnecessary, misshapen \lew ot one's life. theme and plot. flawed art form, as a psycho- Besides, the recipients of tion, the memoir is proof especially since I could hardly drunk dial calls should be flat- lor example, the truth of In our memoirs — analyst's couch from which the matter is that I did not that our lives are among bil- talk and it was only 11 p.m. The tered that they were thought of whether \\ c write them down we whine and moan. lions of stories creating an buy this book with a gift card on paper or simply replay best part is that the phone call and have fun talking to their Perhaps we should not impressive anthology of the undoubtedly will get back to but received it for t nristmaa them in our minds like .1 treat memoirs as honest man intoxicated friends. After all, the human existence my parents and their friends. drunk dial is just another way to 9 This is a good place to stop articulate, "I just called to say I and analyze the drunk dial. love you." WERE EXPANDING 60MF0P-T AND INSPIRATION TA-l-ltf ON TH6 \M6& AT \MVJVJ.S?IP4TUALITY.60M Eight part-time positions (again.) available in our phone T0FI6S TO eXPL0P6: center. Candidates must *« Hours will be have excellent telephone #fc .*•*- 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m Spirituality yiellness, Self/Identity Mationships, and selling skills. Tele- 1 Monday-Friday. marketing experience a plus *d5»' Career/Workplace, Financial Security Current Events VISIT CHAT PO0MS Please call 437-3303 or 866-624-4312 and Poster for inspiration delivered to four e-mail address ask for the Marketing Sales Manager. ITS f OP- YOU HI

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Junior forward Dwjyne hand, hit on lSof-33 Odd Bn >vlrs .ind red-shirt sanioi goals in the first half and ux>k eenla kennv Whitehv.hi Ml h a 47-21 lead into halttime scored 14 points to lead JMU Senior forward Ian past Towson University. H7-S6 C .i s k i I I ■I home VvWnesday. WedlU'sil.i\ scored •» The Dukes improved to career-high 10-15 overall and 6-9 in the 1'owson 21 points Colonial Athletic Assiviation and Last week JMU was swept grabbed six on its two-game road trip, rebounds. (ailing at the UnlvtiiU) ol UBM the Delware Thursday. 74-71. and | BhttHmi losing to Drexel Univcr-ctv late \ point 78-67, Saturday. er by UD guard Ryan Kerson In the Dukes' loss to the with 24 seconds left in the SSC Dragons, JMU Ml behind 17-4 ond half propelled IX'lware to in the opening nine minutes the win, and was never able to recover Ked-shirt senior .enter JMU turned the Kill over Kenny tVHtehead led foui 1r- limc-s in the first half while Dukes in double-figures only shooting nine-of-27 (rom with 16 points the field. Drexel on the other —from staff rq\>r^ —MEN'S CLUB VOLLEYBALL— JMU ranked fifth in country

BY BRAD RICHARDS do lots of things together contributing writer From partying to Spring After seasons of building Break trips to relying on a dominant force on the each other for transporta- court as well as a solid foun- tion, we are then' tin e.u h dation Off 'lie COUrt the other men's club volleyball team Being ■ team is some- was named 9porti club of thing they have accom- the Month for January by the plished which is shown Sports Club Council. through its national ranking. Over the past three I've slid he thinks the club's years the team has been BUCCeea and achievements ranked in the top 10 have come in large part nationwide according to through the efforts of their Club President Jeff Pro, I "at times under-appreeiat- senior. IMU currently is ed" coach Blaine Tendler. ranked fifth in the Another effort the club National Intramural- members make off the Recreational Sports court is tn be an active vol- Association poll. unteer in the JMU commu- Being recognized as the nity. It participated at this Sports Club of the Month is year's annual UREC 5K - something the members of Race, held on the morning the team are very proud of of Homecoming, and is according to Pye. getting ready to parti) tpate "Being chosen as Sport in the upcoming Relay for Club of the Month just Life event, April 12-13. makes you feel like all the The club raises mone\ hard work put forth all year, by working as line judges not just this past month, has and score keepers fot all truly paid off and was well the home varsity v olleyball worth it," Pye said. matches, i responsibility Junior Matt Spears, SCC they have undertaken the WIY ('Mil KsciN/,,«ri*»wif ahMofiaasff representative said, "There past two seasons It also is something special about support its financial needs RedeMrt (unlor Steve Kodcsh has earned 65 career Wins at JMU. Last season he finished second in the state championships at 197 pounds. us in that we are more than just players on a team, we see \OU£YBALL, page 17 BASEBALL Style and substance B> ADAM Wish "His work ethic and ( olebells said, "He's staff writer unorthodox style have alwayi willing to stay after Ked-shirt junior wrest lei helped him to be consistently U and practice some moves, Steve Kodish always finds a successful throughout his He comes in and winch Bays a lot about him." way to win on (he mat. time here," Elliot said. Kodish slid he likes to help Although the 197-pound Since Kodish arrived si analyzes a lot of film of out tin- younger wrestlers m native of Schwenksville, Pa. JMU, he has proven to be a the program partly because Of takes a slightly different tor, e on the mat, I BCt Year the younger guys. He the way he felt when he first approach to his matches, there he notched a team-high came to |MU. is nothing strange ibOUt his eight major decisions and takes a lot of them 1 remember when I was work ethic off the mat. has tallied f>5 career wins under his wing. just coming into the pro- "When he goes in, he goes thus far. This season, Kodish gram, I really looked up to about it the completely has tied his career high for -Todd Schroeder the older guys," kodish wrong way technique wise," wins in a season with 21 and junior MEStkt said. "So I tt\ to lead by senior D,\\'f Colabella said "1 only has 11 1< example and be there foi don't know how he docs it, Both Colabella and junior 55 the younger guyi but it works." Todd Schroeder Agreed that Wrestling hasn't alwa\s Coach Chris EUlott agrees Kodish's work ethic help him "He comes in and ana been Kodish's primary with Colabella, citing the to be a better wrestler, as well Iwes .i lot of film ol tin- Choice though. In seventh as ■ role model tor mam ot the younger guys," Schroeder grade Kodish wai faced III I 1111 >Ml7J.ii. Am combination of Kodish's techniques as a reason for his other wrestlers, especially the said. "He takes a lot of them JMU dropped Its first two games of trie season, losing to the freshmen and sophomores under his wing " I? University of South Carolina and the University of Tennessee. solid tenure at JMU. Diamond Dukes drop JMU tops Duke, two over weekend In a pair of tough opening sum, sua-ndcring tour earned falls to NC State <^^SalSBaT~^ ^r wetland matchups, the run on n hits. BY DAN BOWMAN day in helping the Dukes to a b- •*JS%V Diamond Dukes lost to the One day later, the assistant sports editor 11 record overall. l nivenrin ol Sou* ( nolira Vuluntirrs I'xpltHlixl lor six The 174-pound Cameron in 111 innings, 7-6. and to the inaMajaad inns .ii;,nnst IIM- In its last two home matches earned | pair ot ma|or deci- 1 niversitv of lennessec, 11-ft. Diamond Dukes' buUptn m of the season, JMU earned i sions ^n the day against the Feb. 14 and 15 at the RSPN )MU'sll-ftli-.s split, defeating Duke Blue Devils' Tim Marcantonio KKixn Radio 1340 Shootout in Red -shirt (reshman It-lt- university 25-14 in the first 14-4 and against tlu Ml III IC II, (tiaihrton.SC h.ind.T c ,reg Nesbitt, sttpho- match, but falling 2b-\b in the Wolfpack's Courtney Hird 12-3 Mcgjpjjaaji |MU surrendered a one- OBON right-li.mder Brian let ond match to North Carolina — to improve to 12-4 on the Red-shirt sen- run lead in the bottom ol the leatherwood and red shirt State University Saturday. Red- season Colabella, who ior Seth ninth to and the game into senior right-hander Rick shirt senior Soth Cameron, sen- Cameron (top) McKernan wenl three and ior Dave Colabella and red- improved to 25-K on the year, extra innings, when the won both of his two-thirds innings out ol tin- shirt |iiniors Urian Consolvo earned two decisions at 184 . ..mii'iiiikswonitcnlln' lOttl matches bullpen, allowing three and Steve Kodish each won senior right-hamler Chris Saturday for earned runs on six hits both ol their matches on the see DUKES, page 17 Cochran uvnt six and two- the Dukes. thirds inning- m ll" MHlad —from staff remits 161 THE BREEZE I THURSDAY. FEB. 20. 2003 SPORTS —MEN'S BASKETBALL— -WOMEN'S BASKETBALL- SOFTBALL Female JMU gets first conference JMU splits two at road victory against Tribe Triangle Classic coach The softball team split a pair run of the game. Dukes top William & Man, fall to North Carvlina-Wilmington of games over the weekend at In the second game, llic the rain-shortened Triangle Badgers put up four runs in Itor topping Old Dominion while red-shirt guard |ody lonlest with IS points Morgan C lassie in Raleigh, N.C. The the sixth inning. Wisconsin's i niverttt} a Mg accomplls- l eRose and sophomore center and senior guard Jess I hikes topped Pordham Erin Bamharst put three of makes mi'ni — fab. ". me Dukca lir.Hiks each added 13 IK how K/ cadi scored 14 points University. 3-0 before dropping thoM runs on the hoard with a accomplished another one ol points in tin' win fa IMI in the loss a game later in the day to the three-run home run. their goals M mning ,1 confer- The i>ukes tried to continue Tlte Dukes will n-main on Univeristy of Wisconsin, 4-0. The rest of the tournament, ence toad game. their winning streak Sunday, the n».id heading into Friday, JMU scored all three of its scheduled for tomorrow Last Thursd.n |MUedged bul the University of North where the] will face llostr.i runs against Fordham in the through SundSJS was canceled history out tin' i oOege of William & because of unplayable condi- 1 arolina-Wilnungton used ,i lo- University in Hi'iTipstead, N.Y. bottom of the second inning. Man, 78-71 in Williamsburg. tions from heavy rain. B^ RICK MORRISSI > 2 run lo avenge an earlier IINS to |\ll will then travel Ihvxcl Junior Kara Schwind and Chicago Tribune The Dukes had lour playera JMU to win 60-53. University Sunday. freshman Kelly Ann TheDukes(i-l)will return x.'Tr in double figures, with The Seahawks' Shameka I he l)uk«s, head into the Berkemeier both scored on to action Feb. 28 and March 1 It hilkxi as a historic senior forward Shanna Prfca Montgomery helped lead the weekend with a 1V> record h.K k-to-back Fordham emirs. at the Dixie c lassii in Virginia momcnl - ,i WOOUUt COMhifW loading the w.iv with 2(1 points UNC-W charge with 22 points and an 8-5 in the Colonial Red-shirt junior Leah Fvert Beach. JMU is scheduled to a Division I men's basketball Senior forward Nadine Price once again led the Athletic Association, then singled in sophomon' face four teams at the ft ent team — and in a \\,\\ i! was, Morgan Blushed With 17 points. I hikes in scoring, linishing the from sttffnporH Katie Jaworski for the third —front s/flf/r^vf.. but not in the iv.n that wtuiM hive mattered most We'll know women truly have arrived wlx'n the\ 're the ones doing the cheating, the brawling and the earning of firearms. Thev have a lot of catching up to do. felom -wise. Christ was a liar. But this will have to do, and it's an important |tM3 when a woman can preside ova a mesa like the one at TennesMv State even it she had nothing to do with it I >ne step in the mud at a time Either that or a complete raving lunatic. Oh yeah, St then' was kresa Phillips stalking the sideline tor the ligers "Thursday night, yelling there's one other option (and only one): He was, out instructions, providing encouragement and inquiring whether the reterees had quite possibly missed their most ^K^m and is God, just as he claimed. recent optometrist appoint- ments. That raixvi the obvious question: l>.vsn't this lady know how to IhlOW a , hair' "I almost burst a blood v Btaei a couple times. >hr said Its .i itari Histpr\ will Many people prefer to think he was a good moral teacher, show that her team lost 7l-=>h to Austin Peay, Hilton i^ such a spoilsport. Phillips is lenneaaee State's but if you think through it, that's not logically possible. Jesus, athletic director, and bv all Wts, good at her fob — too good it you're the kind of COadl or athlete looking to cut in the midst of a fiercely monotheistic culture, through his a lew corners. She'll need to stop that it the expects to get anywhere m this world. In the meantime, she is dealing with actions and overt statements claimed to be God in the the sort ot mess the big schools make Small doesn't have to mean angelic, you know flesh. That's win I'hillips was shouting out instructions to plavers Thursday night, hirlier in the week, the OHo VaDn Conference had suspended Tigers interim coach HOSM lewis tor one game after a If the claim was false, then either Jesus knew that, or he bench-clearing fight in fenness*v Mate s It-,", to I astern Kentucky two weeks ago Nineteen players were ejected didn't. If it was false and he knew it, the/i by his intentional Phillips named herself coach day, and it made perfect sense She had a 212-189 record as OOadl of the women's teams deception he has scammed the world with the greatest I faneasec Mate and I isk and won a national COadlOl the war award in 1991). Nohod\ at the school was mitre qualified to hoax ever conceived. Liars don't tend to make COadl the men last Thursday. She was introduced to polite applause from the Austin Peay particularly good moral teachers. crowd It was hard to miss |I,T on the bench She was the one in the powder blue jacket, the blue blouse, the blue slacks and the hirls She was the 0M imploring her plavers to ple.w- please, please MOie some If, on the other hand, he honestly was convinced in his own points she was the one taking Deem forward [eremj |a kson aside during a timeout, using the opportunitv to teach a bit mind that he was God (and wasn't) then it's pretty clear and then patting the sopho more on the back. I verythlng she was w ing was right," said torward that he was a lunatic. If your roommate really thought she Roahaun Bowena, who i 21 points "Every tune she saul to do tomething and we did it, it worked." was God, what would you think of her? But if VOU want someone who is aping to pia\ dirty like the boys, I'hillips might he a bit s,irt she s much too upstand- ing and cares too much about those pesky graduation rates The only remaining possibility, as implausible as it sounds, is While she was interim athletic director in 2001, Tennessee State's teams had the highest combined grade-point average that the claim was true: Jesus really is God. He really does in the conference With those sorts of priorities, theUni\crsit\ ot ( in. innati bas- ketball program never would love you. And he really can forgive your sins. have been built And where are Phillips' ska/v credentials' Mic can't take cradfl for hiring Nolan Kkh.irdson 111, the former [enness.v state coach who got Into an argument with I. w is Liar, Lunatic, or Lord. Can you think of another option? earlier in the season and then returned to the BChOO) gym with a gun. Richardson I in January. Campus Crusade for Christ Phillips wasn't the athlet- ic director in 2000 when the NCAA said the school had Thursdays at 8:00pm HHS Building Room 2301 lost institutional control over the athletu department email: [email protected] and put Tennessee State on three year's probation. SfORTS THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2003 I THE BREEZE 117 DUKES: Earn weekend split against ACC opponents I>l MS, from page 15 into wrestling najnM lately, pounds — over Duke's Tom -66 nisi taking it to whoever If ui C ,iss, 4-1 .ind over NC State's front of me." Jon Goodwin, 3-1. Colabella I'm not really into ElllOtl Mid lodd has is now two wins shy of 93 for just been doing what I've his career, which would put wrestling names lately, wanted him to do ot latl H< him in seventh all-time on just taking it to whoever has *■ intwwih the |MU wins list. i ► e r Coffcy on the other hand "It was a good match," is in front of me. was tied 11-0 with Williams coach Chris Elliott said of entering the final period of the Duke match. "I don't — Todd Schroeder their match, lip 1-n late, like to make predictions, but junior w roller t ottej earned two points on .i I felt like we had the capa- takedown in the closing stv- bility to win the 'last four 59 onds to leal ins victory. nights if my team wrestled "I wasn't really expecting to their capabilities riofl to NC State's Dan anything except to go out and "I didn't want to itfumfl Pacitti, 11-3 and Coffcy by have a good match," Coffcy we would win (over Duke) — fall against the Wolfpack's said. "I thought our whole on paper we matched up pret- Loroy Harris at 6:28. team came out here with a ty well against them, so I Against Soliman, Schnx-der head ot si,.mi toda) though. I hoped we would win." dominated from the get-go, though! we'd win." Other key wins for the getting .1 neat-tall early on and )MU travels to Norfolk to Dukes Saturday included taking a 7-1 advantage into the take on Old Dominion junior 133-pounder Todd second period. The only points University Feb. 23 in the Schroeder's 13-4 decision Schroeder allowed his oppo- team's regular season finale. over the Blue Devils' Andy nent to gain came on aacapei The Dukes cany • 4-5 record Soliman and freshman "I just came out pretty against Colonial Athletic lu\i\ yweight Matt Coffey's 5- intense," Schroeder said. "I Association toes into the 0 decision over Duke's Roy heard this guy was tough, so match. The CAA tournament Williams Both lost their later I just had to go out there and begins March 7 in KRISTl MCOl KHiavli*nitnplitr matches, Schroeder by deci- do my thing. I'm not really Hempstead, NY. Re*sWrt |6nk>f Steve Kodish won both of his matches Saturday. Improving to 21-11 this Mason. VOLLEYBALL: Nationals or KODISH: Role model bust for Sports Club of the Month Kiiliisn |h i Division III level, I received a decided to forgo. Instead VOLLEYBALL, from page 15 Mid "Whether it behind raising, with a dilemma. call from JMU saying they had Kodish, who graduates in by having membership dues 46- community service, pm "Seventh grade came seen some of my wrestling May, will continue his educa- and charging other teams entry tournaments, scheduling or ,i around, and I had to make a tape. I came down and I was tion in graduate school in the fees to tournaments hosted at The future of the number of other things, the club decision of whether to play lust sold to the school." field of special education. JMU, according to Pye. has ttown great dedication and basketball or wrestle during Kodish also managed to "I debated staying around The money dub members club looks good. We effort to making our program the fall season. Kodish said. carry his winning tradition off here at JMU, but I chose have collected through fund have a solid base of one of the best in the nation." "I had a buddy who was on the mat as well. In high school instead to go on to graduate raising this year will give them lunior Jason l..invtt outside wrestling team, so he he was named a National school," Kodish said 'I've the opportunity to travel to players... hitter and dub via- president. kind of persuaded me. Now Football Foundation and already been accepted to |the Columbus, Ohio for the said, "Then1 are .i lot of hard- here I am wrestling at the College Football Hall of Fame University of Virginia's] grad National Championship tour- —Jason Garrett working and deserving clubs Mvision I level at |MU." Scholar athlete. In addition, the school and I'm waiting to hear nament April 10-12, as well as to junior here and it feels great to be rec- Kodish was not only a past two years he was an hon- back from a few other schools." 1 mope for Spring Break. ognized as one Of them 11 us vrestler ,ts ,i voung man, but I T.ihle mention for the National Elliot respects such a deci- The Europe trip will provide -5? club has a great chance ot taking football and baseball Wrestling Coaches Association sion, but said he believes them the chance to mmpere home hist pMCe at \ationals Byer. He continued to M res Academic All-American Team. Kodish would be very success- against Division 111 teams in yet to accomplish is i\ ision I bracket. Pye said the Highlawn Pavilion where it Some spoil in college, but I named IColonial Athletic his decision. He has already "We have been East coast team will stop at nothing to win will sell Spaghetti dinners tor wasn t really sure what dia*c- Association] scholar-athlete of been student teaching at a champs the past two years," a National Championship at $5. The team's next home tion I was going to take," the week a bunch of times." local high school, so I know Morgan said. "We were con- this year's tournament. match will be Sat . March 22 Kodish -.mi \s I was almost Kodish has one year left of furthering his education is ference champs last year "So far this year the erf. >rts 14 when it will play for the con- set on placing football at the eligibility, which he has very important to him." and the only thing we have our club has been nonstop," Pye ference championship. 181 THE BREEZE I THURSDAY, FEB. 20. 2003 SPOUTS Fly fishing, anyone? Local parks home to often overlooked outdoor activities Attention: i v ipHa .ill of the outdoor America's best smallmouth acttvtUei MI-h ,i^ --.imping, hik- kiss rivers. ing end spelunking ,n jil.iblc 10 Want to be sports editor? A lack of outdoor gear doesn't 1 |ML' student - throughout the need to slow one down because surrounding Shenandoah I Kit n'nts out camping equip- Valley m theft is one SCttVtt) ment, tents, cooking utilities that ntton Boa overlooked. -ite. less heavily traveled side canoes and other equipment vou Although it Bin s»vm a little SM'lusovei 150 miles of peren- might not have at JMU. •bangs n tir-t th Salting is one nial trout water and 320 mills of For those interested in getting Submit: a cover letter of the nunv untapped actfft ilies intermittent water involved or for the novice who that can pmve to he en|ovanle Small streams requiring a seeks to learn how lo fly fish, Billy given the right opportunity hike can challenge your casting Kingsley and Amy Cerclli own IViving an hour west on ability as you attempt to hook and operate Blue Ridge Angler resume Route 0 le.i.l- into .1 beautiful native bniok trout. If vou prefer Fly Shop on South Main and part of West Virginia, fl\ fishing larger streams vou may want to Nueridgengjerxoni. Their waters near Sentv.i Ki * . check out the Rapid.™ River. Wfcb site offers updated stream five clips Smoke Role recreation area an? If you are interested in conditkms as well as suggested i'i-ip.irahle to fly tishmg found smallmouth bass fishing you destinations throughout Wfest out West l«vrge Washington might want to rent a canoe Virginia and Virginia They offer To: Drew Wilson National lon-st also contains fmm UREC and travel seven guiding sen ices and an' intend- miles ot excellent area-, t, .t By fish- miles down the Shenandoah ed in connecting with students. ing, as well as gn\i t s. ener>. to the River from Berry's Ferry Fly fishing and other outdoor I ist im. Massanutten and the editor in chief landing to Locke's Landing. sports bn'.ik up the monotony of Shen.lnd.vili National I'ark ISM') The scenic, seven miles of daily classes and offer outside although SKI' attracts many pew water is slow moving, suitable exercise and enjoyment when pie from the Washingn in, I) ( for beginners, with views of I Kit is too crowded or you By: Monday, Feb. 24 at 5 p.m. RSBS, IML' students would most the Blue Ridge Mountains and need to relax away from the ■ :•!!I SNP Horn the oppo- the chance to fish one ot campus setting.

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FOR RENT Mountain View •1 Spring Ireak Vacations! HORIZON CAMPS Cancun. Jamaica. Bahamas, and Townhouses EARN $5,000!!! Florida. Best parties, best hotels. SPRING Spring Cloth., are Harel Gift A best prices! Space is limited! Hurr, * Wanted * Currently accepting Are you a dynamic, energetic. up and book now' 1 800-234-7007 1106 - 3 bedrooms, deck, Thrift. 227 N Main. fcaic more itwmmaie for 200* compauionaie, motivated www endfesssurnmertours com BREAK! applications for available Aug $750 [2004 We hive » people in ■ 4 individual looking for the VW Cafcrlo 1H7 - CO. AM/FM. Conference Asst. Positions! 1 bedroom lownhouw Great 1 CaMdty Spring Break - brought to power locks/steering, new bells EXPUtlENCE OF A LIFETIME I location. Always mjiiiiaincd U03 - 3 bedrooms. 2 U2 you by! Book now, and spark plugs, good condition. Must be able to work II so. then Horuon Camps is the liinycxirav Excellent Undkird baths, deck, basement available save up to $100 on all $9,500. Call Devon. 43&6502 place for you Hori/on Camps is MuMice! S2.VViiH) Call 5'12D3-8/15/03 International tnps. Party like a rock Aug. $825 made up of five OUTSTANDING star with MAXIM magaxlne and ■33-8423 (or more information Superior Sound Custom Speeker Pick up application packet at co-ed summer camps, seeking Jechess's Stev»0. For details call Boa • for Jeop Wrangle' 97 03. 2 Events 4 Conferences. Taylor 233 1 800-293 1445. or e mail CRUISE illng Cramped? Compara our University Place 10" JL audio subwoofers. Can \U\/IMi staff to »nrk«iih or book bicious houses duDio*os and I>i 4.1 lint- 2/21*3 3 bedmorns, 2 baths deck. 5741127 V ,. I I HULL kids ranging in online at $279! irimentt. See photos, prices I current availability for 3003 Available June. $060 E-mail Joyce at age from 7 to 15 Localed m NY. fkee aad MM For Sassl 5 Super " 1 at PA. MF end WV, position* are JSKi SprsrsTaasetL-^sa yau Oakajr •rw^$arl*iOra'«kYr«rW.«o« Call 433-2221 Swamper ISL/SX tires. [email protected] for more details Then go Direct! Booh now and ge» available in the areas of group Ii-abata Street • 5 bedrooms. 30X11 50X15 70H tread Five Aft guaranteed lowest price and free 1-800-678-6386 leading, aihleucs, theater-arty rchss. hardwood floors. Ethernet. 767 wheels 15X8. New tires and parties' Campus reps wanted' tag* ■ Large 2 bedroom. 1 I appliances Call MS 3068. rims. Call 574 1127. tcgna JUptM lambda - a national water sporta. outdoor education. Organize some mends - travel free 2 bath suite, all appliances leadership and honors orgamraiion We ftave aero customer complaints' including stove, refrigerator, and so much mure. For more ■WrOOlienai CsWtOOO - new tires. ia seeking motiveted students to 1«»367 1252 | CHECK THESE Ol 77 dishwasher, disposal, microwave, mformauon and to complete in $5,000, o.b.o. Call 2711089 bagtn a cnaptar on campuo. 30 OF* www weshar and dryer furnished, within reoueed. Contact lrece>sationors .ore. application please coniact us 1*5 Y Hlih- Id- 12 Urge rmp://cob., 1/2 mile of JMU. on bus lint. Quiet i Available July or August CafCW • Ac^rauc) * NUaV area m back of complex. Available CSsar - Ptmnm, 24 raniial Ooaceet I • Massanutten Rivet awAaw* e Pjsaw 2003. S25GVpencm. 8/3/03. $640/mo For details call Tickets - Six ivatiabie Floor row Advertures. Inc MRA is seeking 6- I -800-544-5448 18008422227 or email 29, Roanoke Civic Center. $110 8 man and women for the canoe, 1113-D Reservoir- Bpyder60#sherual net. each. Call 433-0242. leave hayak. tubing and rock climbing larn Up to $B00 Per Week • [ 4 bedroom* College Station message 2003 season MRA is located assembling products at home. No across from Massanutten Resort. eipanence. info. 1-986-6461700. I Available fVOI/03 I■umuhed. Employees must be motivated, Tired of your current Int. at Music Matters - come Oept. VA-4806 W/D. DAV, Ci/D $900 mo. enthuslaatic. serf-managed, and & see' Q.ft & Thrift, 227 N. Mam roommate situation? good driving record. CDt and CPR Make a Psflefersoa Thss Swtamer • Call 82S-04A4 today! are a plus. Can 289-4066 or email while having the time of your ufe. IWtllWHISSU IMec OS 8.6 - 160 MB Qulckan. Room with private bath M assan utienRKer#aoi .com. Counselors snd activity lesders Lutti CA». so mil ■elk 1/2 ■loch to Camsus • available for female. Appieworks. Encyclopedia. Adobe www needed to work at summer campus nartments for 'ant groupa of 4. Pago, $375 Call 8799947. for children and aduila with ato parking 10 W Grace St. Contact Lisa. 442-4800. disabilities. Campus located near fell Hj 374 305' IJFH.IARDS/MANAIJKRV 1S97 JasB Wrangler ■ 6 cyl.. Richmond and Roanona. Virginia. K manual. A/C. freen/tan, 62.000 SUPERVISORS Camp season early Juna mis- Mi. View Drive TM • 5 bedrooms, l.»O0.e4a.4M9 "Student Friendly" Call 67*1127. M MMF.H POMTKAS IN NO. VA Auguat. Visit our website at snarw. i Tstrsrva I .tew furnished, Ethernet, walking www. va. a eater seMorg/rvcnrnond Rentals cutence. $230/mo. One year ease 1SSS Toyota Camr, • A coor $ CHEAT PAY WITH BOM'S S or call 604633-9656 3 bedroom home 290 W. Wstrr to (8/03-8/04) 7034604006. power doors, locks. 10 disc CD. v* N a. prttTuerenlerpriatsax'xoni heat location and cool place to live' keyless entry, great condition, Bartandar Trainees Needed • $260/oay potential Local positions Available rV0IA)V Pets and wnoken I ■edreew Heuee • good location $6,000. Call 437 6508. (■a i-m.7u.7tts 1800-2933985. ext. 216. SUPER SHCIALSIU Iwalcome! Yard, baarmem. gantat. W/D. available a/17/03, $675 •eaaner/MPS Playar Epson P750/mo S'O-904-. ka>« meuate Call 433-1560 mm•Mai■ 111■ ■ ■ "vMajor >NMOSS■■■«■■ -. Uu> .::'-"«■« AC4C la jeakfng Committsd 1200U U86 scanner. $60; Hip Zip Fridays snd Saturdays for office Summer Camp Counsalors • for MP3 player. 240 MB. $110. Call ana outside Must be | Bedroom Conde for Rent ■ 3 •eveVTedreee* Heaee " $250/ June 2 August 23 Counselors Kurt, 5664952 (dayai. available for full-time In summer. yooms still available $290/mo. paraon, 2 kitchens. 2 baths Ca i can esrn from $6.50 - $9 00/hour, Located in cry and could lead to depending on eipenence. If you shei/dryer, Hunter's Ridge, 1996 Toyota 4-Runnar ioedsd fuaxkne arnpioyrnent on graduation. mutes from JMU. 804-937«791 are creative, aieitmg and brush and gr.n guard, feather. Oood telephone and computer energned, then ACAC has an sunroof. muit> CDortangar, 119.000 BkMIs a must. 433-1234 opportunity for you. Full-time wttn Jamaica • 3 oedroorna, A/C 3 or 4 Bedroom House miles, one owner. $10,900. Call bsnefitsi For more Information ^L. W/D. 1 block from campus, Good neighborhood close U) 574 2321. See*ersT»*reon ** Houai"Ch»enlng ■ p«ase ceil Adam, 434-617-1747. r leaea August. 2 or 3 people. and light yarowort. 4 8 hou'S pet '5 each C*t 4330984 csmpu, Wuher/drver includrd ween 4346098 WaRraeeee feaaeM • Appty at Jess June '03 - June '04 lease. OBI) SIS to run >our "For Lunch Must be avaiiaois to work lags Head • Student summer PERSONALS KJO/penon. Call 43J-0380. Sale" ad for the entire |rg lunches Freshmen, Sophomores, . Call 252-255 6328 or ova circulars. Free information. Call end Juniors preferred. dsy; or 4JM589. evening semester or until your Item 2034830202 irtender Trainees Needed ■ sdls (whichever rum** first)! Lifeguards Wanted • n North 50 a day potential. Loca< Hunter's Ridge 2 Bedrooms - Escape to the Myrtle Beac'i No eipenence Aopy s-.ons Call 1 800 293-3985. Largest m Harnsonburg. $640/mo. This tffer ■ good new through nw*.r.&btiiftguaras.eo™ : 613 Wi HAVE total. Furnished, starting August 1. May 1. 2003 and only anpues lo sin- nil mil Mountains 2003 Call 568 3580 or e-mail advertising in the Tor Sale" Are you looking lor an escelleni^ Cttv SKYDIVE! PROPERTY AT: greangwSSjrrHi .edu section Ads must be X words or opportunity io work with children AcapuknNBCP ft& 8anwnas One day first Tandem skydives leas Offer lashes w tndrviaual 0 Rr.l P-,. , from 2 1/2 miles up' Large 1 Bedroom Apartmonta • items only. Retail stores and and teach yt»e fatorae sorvty whue Found: Computer Software In WESTPORT VILLAGE 22 lumper aircraft. good location, available July 1, bustasssss do not qualify for this living In the Shrnandoeh Mouitaan* Campus Perking Lot • Ptease call 1 800 234 7007 5607273 to verify and claim. JMU student discounts! HUNTER'S RIDGE $370 Call 433-1569 special offer AI ads are cubarrt IO of West Virginia? Well. Timber Call 1877 346-3759 DEVON LANE Btrejr SJgTOal Ridge Camps is the place for you! I877DIVESKY) New Large 1 BR Spaiiasaata - Ai: MASON STREET Doit trass out on das great dosl! www. sfcvijjveo range, cci appliances, available August, We are currently lixiking for SPRING BREAK 03 LIBERTY STREET $450. 433-1589 566-6127 counselors to work at our freoSreeelng In bi#a*/Oerman residential summer camp that warn Punctuation, grammar, MLA/APA J-M'S free Meals In lamaica' 3 Bedroom House - 2 baths s great deal ol challenge, fresh sir. E isabeth Simmons. 540672-5758 GuarameemowesiPricesl OLD SOUTH HIGH possible In-law quarters, EseaaeM satisfaction, and an attraciivc commas! Subscribe to Drive. Close to JMU So-ry. no HELP WANT! salary This two-month [EAST & WEST MARKET groups. $825/mo 433-3395. NOTICE MUWSWHMJSSS The Breeze! commitment i> perfect if you evenings. For more infixmauon and assss-uncc HIGH STREET genuinely lute kids and want a „,„. v Olloi I""* *»"" $40 lor thud class mall Fraternities • Sororities rcginting the investiasbon of fiaaaciag hands-on experience working with business oprxetsinitWs, contact the or $60 for (Irsi class mall. 1-2-3-4 OR 5 BEDROOM children Localed only 90 miles W/D, available 8/17/03. $410 C'kibf • Student Groups Bettct Business Bureau. IIK you can receive a full year of APARTMENTS $445. Call 433-1569 wen of Washington DC. Tlmhei I-SSS-533-55SI "Win Ham Sl.000 - S2.000 this T(V» Brteitl Ridge ncedi college age students semester wiUi a pruven 2-3-4 BEDROOM Mov*#ejyLMeg Off Campus? Visit who can leach lenniv woodshop. p ...|..,. aM pui "^r- HOUSES web(rmi«*/od/laOra>J«m. JMU's C ampusFundraiser 1 hour riflcry. canoeing, basketball. official site for offtaynpus housing, fund raising e\em. lacrmse. archery, baseball, address & money to roornmases. furniture. Also great for ALL WALKING Our program* make fund gulf, magic and more satiating sutMou/rentass. DISTANCE TO JMU! raising rasv with no risks. A representative will be The Breeze NO BUS RIDE' Fund nuHiri|> dam ntc filling qutckly. Interviewing at JMI during lames Madison University m pnvete home. 1 1/2 miles eeet of 1 so get wsth ttw program 1< * afal the Internship Fair on Anthony-Seeger Hall the city, with large kitchen. Sun Splash Tours Kllne-Rlner Rentala I liu IN. i.iv. Feb. 27 at the (rdlege Available immediately, deposit Contact Campus Fundraiser MSC 6805 aiHS*923-32Jg.orvuM (enter, 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 aun. 1800.4267710 438-8800 required, monthly rent $400. Harrlsonbute. VA 22807 i si-i :

BAND LINE UP: (araoke Friday - Scott Jeffries Band ; Saturday - Ki Theoru^JB^cc up Brew Mrttytnd Sundsi£*$r*$YOo\ 19S0-A DEYERLE AVE. HARRISONBURG CHECK US OUT ONLINE AJsronsDuo.rafn Rockingham Medical Center v& (540) 568-9899 1031 Port Republic Rd Now Accepting Walk Ins! Chinese Restaurant next to Food Uon torn i-lMt, StO.OO Mmvmm - JlmUti Aim

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SCI Chicfcan Broccoli 438-9292 I7r».c S. High SI. « H.irnsonbur (C>n 42 South, behind 1 larducs) K SC2 Port. ChioKeri. Baal or Shrtmp Chow Mem SC17 Beel with Broccoli SC3 Swael and Sour CMcken 'SCI8 SzechuanBeef SC4 Swaat and Sour Pork SC19 Jumbo Shnmp with Lobster Sauce Need a Sunday Morning BraakP SC5 Moo Goo Gal Pan ' SC20 Shrimp with Mixed Vegetables 'We respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person." see Chicken with Garlic Sauce SC21 Hunan Shnmp SC7 Hunan Chicken SC22 Triple Delight We provide an atmosphere to assist you in sea Pork with Mixed Vegetables • SC23 General Tso's Chicken SC9 Mixed Chinese Vegetables SC24 Sesame Chicken realizing your own spiritual path. SC10 Hunan Vegetables SC25 pour Seasons sen Chicken with Cashew Nuts SC26 Pork. Chicken, Beef, or Shrimp LoMein For further Information about JMU campus meetings, SC12 Kung Pao Chicken SC27 Ch-ckon with Vegetables contact Merle Wenger [email protected] SC13 Szechuan Chlckan ' Indicates Spicy (can be altered to taste) SCM Almond Chicken See bigger menu In JMU phone book Harrisonburg Unitarian Universalists SCI5 Hunan Beet SCI6 Pepper Steak Credit cards accepted TAKE 33 WEST 5 MILES TO DALE ENTERPRISE Lunch Special from (3.95 11 4pm tTTl tZM ^aS« *""* Phone: X67-007J Sunday Worship 10:30AM We do not accept checks

■m 201 THE BREEZE I THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2003 Come tfleet \jowi "Roommate At 7Kc


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