Illustration Acknowledgments

Maps drawn by Julio VelAzquez: xill, 161, 282, 337, 347 ••• Courtesy of the Library of Congress (Harper's Weekly 1857): 6, 7, 153, 174, 199; (Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper Dec. 1855-Nov. 1856): 92, 105, 124, 146, 176, 189, 190, 191, 206, 207, 214, 257, 296, 297, 305, 306, 313, 314, 318, 338, 339, 348, 349, 361, 365, 376, 377; s.ex. 99, 49-1: 93; USZ62-3171: 96; 132 ••• Courtesy of the Margaret Leggat Butler Library, Lindenwood College (Harper's New Monthly Magazine 1854-1860): 8, 9, 24, 25, 26, 38, 82, 117, 152, 175, 233, 283 • • • Courtesy of the Naval Imaging Command, Washington, D.C.: 118, 119 ••• Courtesy of the Library Company of Philadelphia: 138 •.• Courtesy of Librerra Loaisiga, Masaya, : 154, 162, 394, 404 ••. Photographs taken by Patrick Bolaf'los Davis for these editions: 155, 319, 340, 350, 351 ••• Courtesy of Alfonso Vljll, Llbros Latinos, Redlands, : 213 ••• from the Pictorial Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1: 234 ••• from John Haskell Kemble's The Route, Berkeley: University of california Press, 1943: 244, 332.

The maps on pages 161 and 347 were drawn on a Rivas city plan made from aerial photographs: the Plctomapa de Rivas, edic/6n 1-IGN, Instltuto Geogr4fico Naclonal, Managua, Nicaragua. For the map on page 282, names and locations were obtained from "Towns and Villages of , 1700,"" Murdo J. Macleod's Spanish , Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973, p. 335. The Cyane on page 118 Is an oil painting by Carlton T. Chapman, showing General John c. Fr~mont's troops going ashore at San Diego July 29, 1846, to relieve the navy/marine landing force that had captured the town that morning. 420 WILLIAM WALKER

The Harper's Monthly Illustrations are from articles by Ephraim George Squier on Nicaragua, Alfred H. Guernsey on Mosquitia, and Thomas Francis Meagher on Costa Rica. The Frank Leslie's and Harper's Weekly's pictures were drawn by artist correspondents covering the Walker war. General Corral's family on page 213 Is a lithograph In color painted by J. Ralmond de Beaux and printed by J. Hesse In Berlin, Germany [In 1856?]. The caption reads: General Walker Verkundet der Famil/e des General Don Ponclano Corral dessen todes Urtheil. BIBLIOGRAPHY


"Letter from Colonel Walker to Hon. William L. Marcy" (, Sept. 11, 1855). New York Herald, oct. 1, 1855, p.1, c.4. Letter to a friend In San Francisco (San Juan del Sur, oct. 4, 1855). "The Position of Colonel Walker." San Francisco Herald, oct. 23, 1855, p.2, c.2. ''Manlflesto a los Nlcaraguenses" (Granada, oct. 13, 1855). M- 219-10 National Archives. "Nicaragua Independlente. Treaty of Peace between Generals Walker and Corral" (Granada, oct. 23, 1855). El Nlcaraguense, oct. 27, 1855, p.3, c.1. "Trial, Conviction, and Execution of Don Ponclano Corral for High Treason and Conspiracy against the Government of Nicaragua'' (Granada, Nov. 5-8, 1855). El Nlcaraguense, Nov. 10, 1855, p.2, c.3. "When a despotism." El Nicaraguense, Nov. 17, 1855, p.2, c.1. Letter to John Berrien Lindsley (Granada, Nov. 26, 1855). Miss Margaret Lindsley Warden family holdings, Nashville. "A Ruined City In Chontales." El Nlcaraguense, Dec. 22, 1855, p.2, c.1. Lain6 Contract (Granada, Jan. 11, 1856)."More Nicaragua Revelations." New York Herald, Nov. 24, 1856, p.1, c.1. Letter to President Mora (Granada, Jan. 17, 1856). "From Gen. Walker to His Excellency Juan R. Mora, President of Costa Rica." New York Herald, March 15, 1856, p.1, c.3. Letter to Young America Pioneer Club (Granada, Feb. 9, 1856). "Sword Presentation." El Nlcara'se, Feb. 16, 1856, p.2, c.4. 422 WILLIAM WALKER

Kinney Inverview (Granada, Feb. 11, 1856). "Col. Kinney in Granada!· El Nlcaraguense, Feb. 16, 1856, p.1, c.3. Letter to relative in Nashville (Granada, Feb. 28, 1856). "Affairs in Nicaragua.'" Picayune, March 29, 1856, p.1, c.6. ""To the People of Central America"" (Granada, March 10, 1856). El Nicaraguense, March 15, 1856, p.1, c.5. "War With Costa Rica.· Ibid., p.2, c.1. "Cool Proposition.· Ibid. "European Policy." Ibid, p.2, c.2. Order degrading his brother, Lipscomb Norvell (Rivas, March 29, 1856). ""General Orders No. 67.'" General Order Book, Nicaraguan Army. Item 111 Fayssoux Collection, Latin American Library, Tulane University. Speech (Rivas, March 30, 1856). "Our Nicaragua Correspon­ dence... New York Herald, May 2, 1856, p.2, c.2; "Speech of Gen. Walker." E/ Nlcaraguense, June 7, 1856, p.4, c.4. "He that taketh the sword." El Nlcaraguense, Apr. 19, 1856, p.1, c.1. "The Prospect.·· El Nicaraguense, Apr. 26, 1856, p.2, c.2. "As comets periodically flash.· Ibid., p.1, c.1. "Universal Democracy." El Nicaraguense, May 3, 1856, p.3, c.1. "The Issue." El Nlcaraguense, May 10, 1856, p.2, c.1. "Time Executes Justice." Ibid., p.4, c.1. "The Glory of War.·· Ibid., p.4, c.2. "Poetry of Nicaragua.· Ibid., p.4, c.4.

The War In Nicaragua. Mobile: S.H. Goetze! & Co., 1860.



"Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers." National Archives, Washington, D.C. Costa Rica. Caja de Guerra, 1854-1860. Archive Nacional. Costa Rica. Ceja de Relaclones, 1854-1856. Archive Nacional. BIBLIOGRAPHY 423

"Despatches from Consuls In San Juan del Sur 1847-1881." Microfilm Publication T-152 (reel 1 ). National Archives, Washington, D.C. "Despatches from United States Ministers to Central America 1824-1906. • Microfilm Publication M-219 (reels 3-5, 9-10). National Archives, Washington, D.C. "Fayssoux Collection of William Walker Papers:· Latin American Library, Tulane University. ""General Correspondence: America, Central, and Guatemala 1824-1860. • F.O. 15 (reel 58) ERD/4350, Public Record Office, London. "Harbour at the Mouth of the River San Juan de Nicaragua." Rec. Group 185, IN-79, National Archives, Washington, D.C. ·James Buchanan Papers at the Historical Society of Pennsyl­ vania.· Microfilm Publication of the Society. Reel 48 Outgoing Correspondence 1848-July 1853. Philadelphia. ""Letters Received by the Secretary of the Navy from com­ manding Officers of Squadrons 1841-1886." Microfilm Publication M-89 (reels 92, 93, 96). National Archives, Washington, D.C. "Log book of Lake Steamer La Virgen.· Records of International and Domestic Claims commissions. Claims Against COsta Rica Under the Convention of 1860. U.S. National Archives, Washington, D.C. "Mosquito General Correspondence 1844-1859. • F.O. 53 (reels 29, 30, 35, 39). Public Record Office, London. "Mosquito Territory--The Case of the Claimants under the Black River Land Grant--Mosquito.· Ms. New York Public Library. "Nicaragua. Map of the communication between port San Juan de Nicaragua ••• through the River San Juan and the Lakes of Nicaragua and Managua to the Port of Realejo ••• 1840 by John Bally R.M." F.O. 925-1627. Public Record Office, London. "San Juan del Norte." Admiralty Chart 519. F.O. 925-1527. Public Record Office, London. Thayer, William Sidney. Papers. Manuscript Division. Library of Congress. 424 WILLIAM WALKER

Torres, Marfa Lourdes. Interview at Managua, Feb. 7, 1975. Walsh, Robert M. to Edward Everett, Washington, November 19, 1852. Ms. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Wheeler, John Hill. "Diary.'' AMs, The Papers of John Hill Wheeler, box 1, Library of Congress. ------. "Nicaragua: The Centre of Central America." AMsS, The Papers of John Hill Wheeler, vol. 21, Library of Congress. Wood, Samuel S. Papers. Yale University Library.


American Atlantic and Ship Canal Company. An Open Letter to the President of the United States of America. New York: n.p., February 27, 1888. Andrews, Wayne. The Vanderbilt Legend. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company,1941. Ay6n, Tom4s. Historia de Nicaragua 2 vol. Managua: Coleccl6n Cultural Banco de America, 1977. Baily, John. Apuntamientos. Guatemala: Imprenta de Ia Paz, 1844. Bigelow, John. Breaches of Anglo-American Treaties. New York: Sturgis & Walton Company, 1917. Bolal'los Geyer, Alejandro. ~/ Testimonio de Scott. Managua: Coleccl6n Cultural Banco de America, 1975. Byron, Lord [George Gordon]. Poetical Works. London, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1970. Castell6n, Francisco. Documentos Re/ativos a Ia Legaci6n de los ~stados de Nicaragua y Honduras cerca del Gabinete Britlfnico sobre el Territorio de Mosquitos y Puerto de San Juan del Norte. Granada: Imprenta del Orden, 1851. Chamorro, Fruto. ~stado general que con presencia de los documentos que existen en el ministerio de hacienda demuestra los ingresos f/jos en un affo, el importe de los presupuestos de gastos en Ia misma epoca, y el cn§dito contra el ~stado a/ comenzar Ia administraci6n de 1851. Managua: n.p., Junio 3 de 1851. BIBLIOGRAPHY 425

Childs, Orville w. Report of the Survey and Estimates of the Cost of Constructing the Inter-oceanic Ship Canal. New York: Wm. c. Bryant & CO., 1852. Conferencias Habidas Entre los Comisionados de Costa-Rica y Nicaragua, SObre Ia Anexaclon del Partido de Nicoya a/ Prlmero de los Estados, y lfmites territor/ales de uno y otro, mandadas pub/lear de orden del supremo gobierno de Nicaragua. Imprenta de Ia Paz, 1848. Crowe, Frederick. The Gospel In Central America. London: Charles Gilpin, 1850 Dante Allghlerl. The Inferno. New York: The New American Library, Inc., 1954. Darfo, Ruben. Cantos de Vida y Esperanza. Barcelona: Casa Editorial Mancci, n.d. Documentos Relatlvos a/ Armisticlo Prellminar. Le6n: Imprenta de Ia Paz, 1848. Doubleday, Charles W. Reminiscences of the "" War in Nicaragua. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1886. Dunlop, Robert Glasgow. Travels in Central America. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1847. Dunn, Henry. Guatimala, or, the United Provinces of Central America, in 1827-8. New York: G. & C. Carvlll, 1828. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1962 ed. Floyd, Troy S. The Anglo-Spanish struggle for Mosqultla. Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press, 1967. Folkman, David I. The Nicaragua Route. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1972. FrOebel, Julius. Seven Years' Travel In Central America. London: Richard Bentley, 1859. Gage, Thomas. A New Survey of the West Indies, 1648. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1928. Gamez, Jose Dolores. Historla de Nicaragua. Managua: Tipogra­ ffa El Pars, 1889. ------. Hfstorla Moderns de Nicaragua. Managua: Coleccl6n Cultural Banco de America, 1975. Garcfa Pe~a, Angelita. Documentos para Ia Hlstoria de Ia Guerra Nac/onal contra los fillbusteros en Nicaragua. San Salvador: Editorial Ahora, 1958. 426 WILLIAM WALKER

Goldsmith, Oliver. Poems, Plays and Essays. Chicago: Belford, Clarke & Co., n.d. Gonzalez Saravia, Miguel. Bosquejo Polftico estadfstico de Nicaragua, formado en el aflo de 1823. Guatemala: Por Beteta, 1824. Guardiola Cubas, Esteban. Vfda y hechos del general Santos Guardfola. Tegucigalpa: Talleres Tlpograflcos Naclonales, 1953. Guier, Enrique. William Walker. San Josl§, Costa Rica: Lltogra­ ffa Lehmann, 1971. Jamison, James Carson. With Walker in Nicaragua. Columbia, Missouri: E.W. Stephens Publishing Company, 1909. Jim~nez, Manuel J., and Faustino Vfquez, eds. Documentos relatfvos a Ia Guerra Nacfonal de 1856 y 57 con sus antecedentes. San Jos~. C.R.: Tipograffa Nacional, 1914. Keasbey, Lindley M. The Terms and Tenor of the Clayton-Bul­ wer Treaty. Philadelphia: American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1899. Kemble, Stephen. The Kemble Papers vol. 2 (1780-1781). New York: New-York Historical Society, 1885. Lane, Wheaton J. Commodore Vanderbilt--An Epic of the Steam Age. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1942. Macleod, Murdo J. Spanfsh Central America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973. Marcoleta, Jos~ de. Documentos Dfplormlticos para servfr a Ia Hfstoria de Nicaragua. Parfs: Imprenta Hlspano-Amerlcana de Rouge Hermanos y Compa~ra, 1869. McGowan, Edward. Parker H. French. Los Angeles: Glen Dawson, 1958. Memorfa dfrfgida oir el Ministerio de Estado y del despacho de Relaciones de Nicaragua, a Ia Asamblea Constituyente del mismo Estado, en Diciembre de 1847, sobre los derechos territoriales del propio pafs en Ia costa del norte 1/amada Mosquitos. Leon de Nicaragua: Imprenta de Ia Paz, n.d. Miller, Hunter, ed. Treaties and other International Acts of the Unfted States of America Vol. V. Washington, 1937. Molina, Felipe. A Brief Sketch of the Republic of Costa Rfca. London: Printed for the Author by P.P. Thoms, 1849. BIBLIOGRAPHY 427

------. Memoir on the Boundary Question pending between the Republic of Costs Rica and the State of Nicaragua. Washington: Gideon and co., 1851. Nicaraguan Land and Mining Company. The Kinney Expedition. New York: w.c. Bryant & CO. Printers, 1855. Obreg6n Lorfa, Rafael. La Csmpsffs del Trtlnslto 1856-1857. San Jose, Costa Rica: Antonio Lehmann - Llbrerfa e Imp renta Atenea, S. en C., 1956. Ortega Aranclbla, Francisco. Cusrents sffos (1838-1878) de Historls de Nicaragua. Managua: COieccl6n Cultural Banco de America, 1975. ------. Hlstoria de Nicaragua. Managua: Tlpograffa COmerclal de Francisco Huezo e Hijos, 1912. Palma Martfnez, Ildefonso. La Guerra Nsclonal. Managua: Edlcl6n del Centenarlo, 1956. Perez Valle, Eduardo, ed. Nicaragua en los Cronistas de Indias: Oviedo. Managua: COieccl6n Cultural Banco de America, 1976. Perez, Jeronimo. Obras Hist6ricas COmpletas. Managua: COieccl6n Cultural Banco de America, 1975. Rivas, Anselmo Hilario. Ojesds Retrospectlvs. Managua: Talleres de La Prensa, 1936. Roberts, Orlando w. Narrative of Voyages and Excursions on the East Coast and in the Interior of Central America. Gainsvllle: University of Florida Press, 1965. Rocha, Pedro Francisco (de Ia). Revists Pofftlca Sobre Is Historia de Ia Revoluci6n de Nicaragua. Granada: Imprenta de Ia COncepci6n, 1847. Scherzer, Carl. Travels in the Free States of Central America: Nicaragua, Honduras and San Salvador. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1857. Scroggs, William 0. Filibusters and Financiers. New York: Russell & Russell, 1969. Squier, Ephraim George. Nicaragua; Its People, Scenery, Monuments, and the Proposed Inter Oceanic Canal. (2 volumes). New York: D. Appleton & CO., 1852. ------Notes on Central America. New York: AMS Press, 1971. 428 WILLIAM WALKER

Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel In Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1969. Stillman, Jacob D. B. An 1850 Voyage: San Francisco to Baltimore by Sea and Land. Palo Alto, cal: Lewis Osborne, 1967. U.S. Congress. House. San Juan de Nicaragua. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Reports In reference to the destruction of San Juan de Nicaragua. Ex. Doc. No. 126. 33rd Con g. 1st Sess. 1854. U.S. Congress. Senate. Message from the President of the United States, communicating, In compliance with a resolution of the Senate, Information in relation to the transactions between Captain Hollins, of the United States ship Cyane, and the authorities at San Juan de Nicaragua. December 20, 1853. Executive, No. 8. 33rd Cong. 1st Sess. u.s. Congress. Senate. Message of the President of the United States, communicating A report of the Secretary of State, In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 17th ultimo, calling for copies of certain correspondence and other papers relative to the republics of Nicaragua, COSta Rica, the Mosquito Indians, and the convention between the United States and Great Britain of April 19, 1850. Ex. Doc. No. 25. 34th Cong. 1st Sess. 1856. u.s. Government. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and COnfederate Armies. Ser. II - Vol. II, 1897. Vega Bolaf'los, Andres. Documentos para Ia Hfstoria de Nicara­ gua [COfecci6n Somoza]. Vols I-XVII. Madrid: Imprenta Vluda de Galo SAez, 1954-1957. ------. 1840-1842: Los Atentados del Superintendente de Belize. Managua: Editorial Unl6n, 1971. ------. 1854: Bombardeo y destruccf6n del Puerto de San Juan del Norte de Nicaragua. Managua: Edit. Unl6n, 1970. VIgil, Francisco. Una Gloria 0/vfdada. Granada: Imprenta El Dlarlo NlcaragOense, 1935. Vljll, Francisco. El padre Vfjil. Granada: Tlpograffa de "el centro-amerlcano"", 1930. BIBLIOGRAPHY 429

Wallace, Edward S. Destiny and Glory. New York: Coward­ McCann, Inc., 1957. Wells, William V. Explorations and Adventures In Honduras. New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1857. ------. Walker's Expedition to Nicaragua. New York: Stringer and Townsend, 1856. Wheeler, John Hilt. Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Ctl.rollna. Washington: Joseph Shillington, 1883. Wilson, David. "Deposition... Supreme Court. David Colden Murray against . New York: Wynkoop, Hallenbeck & Thomas, Printers, 1861. Wood, s.s. and W.P. Kirkland. A Memorial to the Congress of the United States. New York: John A. Gray, Printer & Stereotyper, 1859.


Bell, Horace. "Confessions of a Filibuster:· Golden Era [San Francisco]. May 7-oct. 1, 1876. "Documents. I. Papers of Major John P. Heiss of Nashville"; "II. Walker-Heiss Papers. some Diplomatic Correspondence of the Walker Regime in Nicaragua." Tennessee Historical Magazine. December, 1915. Guernsey, Alfred H. "'something About the Mosquitoes." Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Vol. XI (June-Nov. 1855). Ju4rez, Gregorio. "A Mi Patria.'' Reglstro Oficial [Maseya] March 1, 1845. Meagher, Thomas Francis. ''Holidays in Costa Rica."' Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Vol. XX (1859-1860). Pasos Arana, Manuel. "EI Centenario del terremoto de Rivas, 1844-1944. • Revlsta de Ia Academia de Geograffa e Historla de Nicaragua, Abril 1948. Schwartz, Col. A. "Ten Months in Nicaragua. • San Francisco Pictorial Magazine. Vol. 1 No. 1 (May 30, 1857). Squier, Ephraim George. "Nicaragua: An Exploration from Ocean to Ocean." Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Vol. XI (June-Nov. 1855). 430 WILLIAM WALKER

------. "San Juan de Nicaragua." Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Vol. X (1854-1855). ------. "The Volcanoes of Central America." Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Vol. XIX (June-Nov. 1859). Van Alstyne, Richard W. "British Diplomacy and the Clayton-­ Bulwer Treaty -- 1850-60." Journal of Modern History. Vol. 11 p. 149. Whelpley, James Davenport. "'Adventures in the Gold fields of Central America." Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Vol. XII (1855-56).


Belize Gazette. 1841. Alta California [San Francisco]. 1850-1856. Boletfn de Notlcias [Le6n]. 1855. Boletfn del Ejl§rclto [Costa Rica]. 1856. Boletfn del Ejl§rclto Democrlft/co [Le6n]. 1854. Boletfn Of/cial [San Jose, Costa Rica]. 1856. Colonial Magazine [London]. 1849. Correo del Istmo [Le6n]. 1849-1851. Democratic State Journal [Sacramento]. 1854-1856. El Defensor del Orden [Granada]. 1854. El Nicaraguense [Granada]. 1855-1856. El Noticioso [Le6n]. 1847-1848. El Siglo [San Salvador]. 1851. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper [New York]. 1855-1856. Harper's Weekly [New York]. 1857. La Gaceta [San Jose, Costa Rica]. 1854. New Orleans Crescent. 1856. New Orleans Picayune. 1846-1857. New York Herald. 1848-1857. New York Times. 1856. New York Tribune. 1855-1857. Reg/stro Oficlal [Masaya]. 1845. San Francisco Bulletin. 1855-1856. San Francisco Herald. 1851-1857. State Tribune [Sacramento]. 1855. INDEX

A Briel Sketch ol the Republic ol ~rica, ship, 279 Costa Bic.., 277 Aaerican Atlantic and Pacific Ship A IIi Patria, 1 Canal C011pany, charter, 36, 41, Acapulco, 62 45, 54, 101-102; operations, 44, Accessory Transit eo.pany, char­ 48-51; and Transit C:O.pany, 56, ter, 54, 58-61, 66-67; clash 58-59, 67; and cr.. pton-Webster with Greytown, 68-69, 109-116; treaty, 70-71, 75; and Vander­ and cr.. pton-Webster treaty I 70- bilt, 94 76; under Vanderbilt, 94, 97- Allerican Phalarut [ l'alange Merica­ 98, 263-264; under Morgan-Car­ na], 151; at battle of Rivas, rison, 99, 236-247; defrauding 156, 158, 163-164; at San Juan Nicaragua, 100-109, 242; and del Sur, 167, 168, 182; at bat­ Kosquitia/Kinney, 121-122, 133, tle of Virgin Bay, 172-173 140-144, 216, 240; and Wheeler, Anglo-Miski to Treaty of Friend­ 129-131; and Walker, 165, 170, ship, 22 172, 180, 183, 186, 194-195, Anglo-Spanish Convention (1786), 200, 202-203, 205, 240, 243-247, 22 249-260, 264-275, 302, 328, 331, Antoinette, ship, 279 363, 375, 397; and Costa Rica, Apaches, 182 278, 284-286, 328, 335, 359 Archivo de Jndias, Sevilla, 280,, Clapp, Howard • Son, 35 403 Acoyapa, 371, 383 Ardschunaa, 235 Aesop's Pables, 323 ArgUello, Juan, 14-15, 210 , 266, 310 ArgUello, Col. Manuel, 159, 290- Alabaaa, 135, 197, 216 291 Alajuela, 291, 360 ArgUello C~rro, Sofia, 210 Alar., frigate, 29 Arkansas, 7 7 Alban, ste.-er, 69 Arwlstrons, Captain Robert w,, 260 Alden, Captain, 381 Arrogant, fripte, 69 Alfaro, Gen. Florentino, 360, 362 Ashe, Richard P., 131 Allen, Daniel B., 237 Asher, 230 Allen, Willi.. H., 256 Asia, 312 Alt.a, on Micarasua, 51, 147, 170; Aspinwall, 264 on filibusters, 169, 196, 249, Aspinwall, Willi.. Henry, 272, 274 262, 270 Attila, 226 Alvarado, Lieut. Col. Pio, 360 Aycinena, Pedro de, 227 Alvarez brothers, 19 ~la, schooner, 291 Bagaces, 315 Aabassador of the Buccaneers, 254 Bailey, T., 147-148 ~li.a, ship, 142 Baily, John, 23 432 WILLIAM WALKER

Baldwin, (Li.ut., Captain) John Bulwwr, ste.. boat, 50 "·· 327, 334, 360, 362 Butcher of Central ~rica, 165 Balti.Jiore, 121 Butler, Mr., 251 Bancroft, Ceorge, 36 Byron. Lord' 368 Barillier, Lieut. Col. Pedro, 345, 352, 354 Cabafias, Gen. Trinidad, and 1844 Barrington, Henry, 260 revolution, 17; and 1854 revolu­ Battle of Rivas, First, 160, 161, tion, 79, 83, 85-86, 165, 284 248, 287, 290; Second, 344, 341- Cabo de Graci.. a Dioa, 21 SSl, 364, 368, 3?9, 381, 392 cain, 370 Bay [Culf] of ronseca, 42, 79 C&lero, Alonso, 402 Bayly 1 John 1 84 california, and lficaragua route, Belize, 22-23 SO, 55, 111, 200, 203-204, 236, Bell, Captain Horace, 331 245, 256, 272, 304, 331, 362, Belua, 230 366, 384, 388, 408-410, 414; and Benj.. in, Ron. J. P., 130 McLane, 62; and Doubleday, 81; Bennett, J.-es Gordon, 120, 253 and Kinney, 123; and Pisber, a.~uda, B.H.S., 56 129, 259; and Bornsby-DeBrissot, Be~6dez, Col. Jost, 336, 353-354 130·131; and Walker, 144, 151, Birdsall, Hosea, 363 181, 184, 223, 228, 232, 260, Blakesley, Dr., 414 304, 311, 333, 379, 392, 397- Blanco, Gen. KAxi.a, 295 398; and Parker B. Prench, 169- Bluefields, 21, 23, 28, 31 172, 183, 201, 253; and SAenz, Boaco, 21 186; and Kewen, 217, 221, 224, Bobadilla, Fry francisco de, 10 259, 262, 269; and C..pbell, Boca del Toro, 27 230; and Sutter, 250; Bo1etln O~ic1al (San Joa6, Costa California &old rush, 33, 47, 49 Rica), 315, 344-345, 352 california Bouse, 414 Borland, Solon, and Nicaras:ua, 77- california Know-lfothins Party 78; and Transit C~pany, 106- (slavery propagandists), and 109; and Creytovn, 111-113 Kinney, 128; and Walker, 168- Bosque, Col. Manuel del, 157-158, 110, 112, 197, 220-221, 224, 160 247-248, 251, 259, 262-263, 270 Boston, 168 California Vigilantes, 163 Breckenridge, captain M. c., 381 callahan, Charles, 363-364, 374, Bre.en, 279 378 Brewster, (Major, Lieut. Col.) A. Calle Real Party, and caatell6n, s., 328, 346, 381 64, 67, 149-150; and Mufioz, 66, British Honduras, 23 150, 157 Britiah Navy. 141 calvo, Joaquin Bernardo, 281, 285, Broadway, 412 359 Brotber Jonathan, 44 calypso, 4 Brother JoiJII.thMI, ste.. ship, 149, calypso, corvette, 69 270 ca.oapa, 21 Brown, Dr. David Tilden, 35 C..pbell, Georae H., 224, 230 Brown-Mu6oz Contract, 35, 40 ca.pbell, Tboaas B., 356 Brownsville, 140 Caftas, Gen. Jos6 Karia, 287, 290, Buchanan, J.-ea, 34-35 295 1 375 1 381 Buitrago, Pablo, 66-67 Cape Honduras, 27-28 Bulwer, Sir Henry Lytton, 44, 48 cape Horn, 277 INDEX 433

Carazo, Manuel J'os6, 281, 362, 373 Cha.orro, Fernando, 371 , 20, 216 Cha.Jrro, Pruto, and 1851 revolu­ Carpenter, Captain a. A. I 384 tion, 55-56, 58-59, 65-67; and Carrera, lafael, 15, 261 Transit to.pany, 59, 104, 106, Cartago, 280, 400-401, 403 109; and 1854 revolution, 77- caatell6n, Francisco, envoy to 81, 84-89, 121, 284, 287; death London, 31-32, 36; and 1851 of, 89; and Wheeler, 128-131; revolution, 57, 84-65, 6?; and and Walter, 177; anc:J.Coata Rica, cr-pton-Webater treaty, 74-75, 281, 284; widow of, 371; r-ins 77 i and 1854 revolution, 78-80, of, 395 84-85, 87; and Walker, 148-151, C~rro, Jacinto, 193 156-157, 164-165, 167, 173, 177, ctua.orro, Pedro Joaquin, 203-204, 243, 398; death of, 177 393-395 Caste116n-Cole Contract, 2 Clumorro, T011asa, 210 castillo. S.. 11 Castillo Viejo. Change Bend, 200, 304, 331, 334 castillo, lduardo, 160 Charles v, 401 Castillo Kapida, SO Charles llorg-.n1 ate-boat, 87 Caston, Lieut. George a., 326 CM.rl•• /forgan, ateaaship, 363, Castro, Dr. J'oH Plaria, 374 366 Cazneau, Gen. Williaa, 254, 256 Chasseur• de Vincennes, 266 Central ~rica, and Wheeler, 4, Chatfield, Predericll:, and Nicara­ 122; and Stephens, 15; and Bal­ aua. 27 • 33: and Costa Kica I 30; ly, 23; and Buchanan, 34; and and Squier, 42-43; replaced, 72 Bancroft, 36; and Chatfield/ Chicaao, 123 Squier, 43; and Clayton-Bulwer Chicbigalpa, 18, 47, 64-65 treaty, 53; and Craapton-Webster Chihuahua, 123, 169 treaty, 72; and Parker rrench, Childs, Col. Orville w., 48-50, 53 90, 182; and White, 110; and Chinandega, and Valle, 18, 166; Anglo-Saxon race, 120; and Kin­ and gold rush, 47: and 1851 ney, 123, 125-128, 133, 136, revolution, 57, 61, 64i and 1854 293; and Walker, 149, 178-179, revolution, 79-80, 147; and 221 1 223-2241 2291 250 1 2521 Walker, 148, 151, 163-167, 346; 256, 265-266, 290-293, 308-310, and cholera, 172 356-357, 388, 392, 407; and Chiriqui Lagoon, 284 Mui\oz, 150-151; and Vanderbilt, Cholera .-orbus, spread throu&h 273, 275; and Costa Kica, 277, Nicaragua, 90-91, 165, 172, 182; 279; and Mora, 289; and Pedro and death of Caatell6n, 177; Joaquin Cha.orro, 393 and deaths of Transit passen­ Central ~erican Allies, 167 gers, 181, 201; and deaths of Central Yerican Colonization filibusters, 261; spread fi'OII Association, 170 Kivas to Costa Kica, 374, 390 Central Aaerican Pederation, 15 Choluteca, 1? Central Aaerican Land and Mining Chontalea, and Iinney, 137-141, Ca.pany, and Fabens, 114; and 143, 216; and Indian ruins. 230; Kinney, 116, 133, 135; and and Walker, 230, 334, 370-372, White, 120-121, 133 375; and rebels, 370-3?2 Cerda, Manuel Antonio de la, 14- Christie, w. D., 31 15 Ciudad Pineda, 68 Ceuta, penal fortress, 255, 310 Clark, Captain, 104 Cha.orro, Dionisio, 187, 281, 284 Clay, Henry, 36 434 WILLIAM WALKER

Clayton, John K. , Secretary of Corral, Sofia ArgUello de, 210 State, 30, 36-37, 41, 43-45; Corral A., Sofia, 210-211, 213 Senator, 274 Cort,s, Hemin, 303 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 44-46, 48, Cortes~ ste.. ship, and Hornsby­ 53 DeBriaaot, 130; and Vesta~ 147; Cleveland, Dr., 414 and recrui ta for Walker, 183, Clinton, Captain De Witt, 353 1851 224 1 248 1 2501 2591 269- Coco river, 21, 70 270; slipped away fi"OII Walker 1 Cole, Byron, 2, 164-165, 221, 302, 331-333, 342-343 333 Costa Rica, and Cuanacaste, 14, Cole, Dr. J. L., 383 19; and San .Juan river, 27, 30- Collins, Captain Napoleon, 331 33, 36; treaty with lngland, 42- Collll&ll. 322 43; and Clayton-Bulwer treaty, Cola.bia. Stte New Granada. 45; and.Craapton-Webster treaty, Colonization Decree, 248, 259 70-72, 74-76; Leaitiaist govern­

Colorado river, 71 ..nt debt, 84; and Kinney 1 125, Colt revolvers, 159 136; and luiz, 195; and Walker, Colu.bia, flagship, 103 224, 261; war with Walker, 269, eo.alapa, 383 288, 290, 304, 308-310, 312-313, Ca.ayagua, 165, 209 316, 321, 326-327, 334-335, 343, Co.pagnie rrancaiae, 320 357-358, 368, 370, 379, 405; Concha, Captain General, 135 encroaching on Nicaragua, 276- Concepci6n volcano, 1 288; ttora banished, 295; and Condega, 165 ling's charter, 400-401, 403- Confederate Ar.y, 197 404 Confederate Navy, 119 Costa Rica Transit Coapany, 284, Connecticut, 407, 409-410 286, 287 Connolly, John, 321 Cottrell, B. Squire, 399 Conservatives, 5, 13, 15 Crabb, Henry A., and Iinney, 128; Constituent Asaeably at Managua, and Pishar, 129, 168; and Horns­

34, 78 by-DeBrisaot 1 133; and Know­ Contreras, Rodrigo de, 402-403 Nothing, 168-169; and Walker, Cook, Captain J K., 381 170, 181 Cookra Inc:J.ians, 23 Cra.pton I .John r. I and cr-pton­ Cooper, J 121, 126, 133-135 Webster treaty, 70, 74; and Cop6n, 231 Graytown, 104; and Uerican Land Corfu Island, 321 to.pany, 121; and White 133, Corpus Christi, 123 140, 144; and Kinney, 134, 141, Corral Argilello, Caraen, 210-211, 144; and Molina, 281, 401-402 213 cr.. pton-Webster Convention, 71- Corral, Gen. Ponciano, recaptures 77, 102, 278, 401 Lake and Castillo, 4-5, 85-87; Crespin, Pr., 18 at Managua, 90, 164-165; peace Cri.. an War, 241 talks with Huftoz, 150, 157; Crittenden, Alexander Parter, and courier fro. Hanning, 156; at Walker, 184, 221; contract with Rivas, 184, 188; and Wheeler, Garrison, 247 • 250-251,262-263, 193-195, 198; and Cushing, 194; 269-270 Treaty of Peace, 201-205, 245; Crocker, TU.Othy, 148, 151 execution of, 208-215, 217, 220, Cro.vell, Oliver, 389 222, 246, 252, 262, 379 Crowe, Frederick, 219, 225-226 INDEX 435

Cuatro Zaquinas, 346 Doubleday, Charles w., at Granada,

Cuba, and Nicaragua, 5; and Kin­ 81, 83, 85; and Walker, 148 1 ney, 135; and L6pez, 168; and 150-151, 156; and ttuftoz, 150; at Walter, 256, 265; and Schles­ Rivas, 158; at Virgin Bay, 173; singer, 310 at San Juan del Sur, 179-181 CUba ( island), 29 D~er, Captain, 26 Cuban 3unta, 144, 254, 256, 270 Duarte (Legiti•ist officer), 88 Cuban Liberation League, 141, 254 Cuaero (Leoneae soldier), 88 laster (Sunday, Konday), 328 Cushing, caleb, 133, 141, 144, 274 l~nda, J. w., 102-104 Cushing, Cortlandt, and Wheeler, lj4rcito Protector de la Paz, 17 130-131; and Walker, 186, 242- lj6rcito Restaurador del Orden, 65 243; and Corral, 194; and Xa­ 11 Castillo Viejo [de la Inaacula- truch, 203; and White, 247, 396 da], erected, 20; and 1854 Cyane, sloop-of-war, tM:.barded revolution, 4, 81, 86, 129, 204; Creytcnm 3uly 1854, 4, 113-116, and British, 21-22, 29; and 121, 131; at Creytown Karch Kinney, 216, 243; and Walker, 1854, 103-105; picture, 118 228, 303, 334, 339, 342, 363; and Costa •tea, 285, 359, 362; Daily St•te rribune, 170-171 and travellers, 303, 363, 365, Daniel lleb6ter, ate.. abip, 128, t08, f13 260, 265, 268, 270 11 Cuadra, Battle of, 83 Dante Aligbieri, 292 11 Desaguadero, 401-403 Dari6n, Ist~ua, 223 El Desorejador, 15 Daring, brig. 29 11 Gigante, 155-157, 163, 170 Dario, Rub6n 1 145 El .Jocote, 173 Davenport. Captain Charles, 366 1 llKinistro filibuatero, Wheeler'• 375 sobriquet, 131-l.JZ; and Kinney, David, 219-220 136; and Walker, 147, 187, 202, Davidson. Captain George R., 183, 224, 229; and Corral, 195; and 260-262 French/Pry, 197-198 Davis, Jefferson, 140-141, 252 Kl N1caragullnBfl, and Corral, 212; Davis, private (deserter, shot), and Walker 1 222-223, 225-227, 378 2301 301, 310 J 326-327' 367 J Dead Karch, 330, 342 369, 380, 389; and Walker's DeBriasot, Julius, and Wheeler, amy, 248-249, 260, 262, 266, 128-131, 136; and Walker, 181, 269; and Transit to.pany, 271- 208 273; and: Kinney, 293; and Battle ne.ocratic Ar.y, 79, 81, 387 of Iivas, 344-345, 353-356, 372- Dewey, Oliver, 163 374; and Wheeler, 357; and 11 Diaz Zapata, Francisco, 57, 65 Sardina!, 360; and executions, Dillard, Fleet Surgeon, 228-229 378-379, and Jaaea Walker, 381; Director, ate.. boat, 49-50 and Randolph' 391 DiriOIK), 85 El Polv6n, 83 Dobbin, Jaaes c., and Wheeler, 11 Pozo, 79 122, 225, 229; and Kinney, 126, El Jlealejo, and the buccaneers. 140-141, and Walker, 203, 228- 20; and England, 21; and aold 229, 252, 267; and Vanderbilt, rush 47-48, 51-52, 55, 67; and 264 McLane, 62; and 1854 revolution, Doss, Hajor Henry, 81 79, 284; and Port~uth, 103; 436 WILLIAM WALKER

and Wheeler, 128, 131; and Walk­ falstaff, 268 er, 147-148, 151, 156, 163-164, Fanshawe, Adairal, 134 167, 182, 184, 288, 379; pic­ ra~. Captain J. IIbert, 259 ture, 152 Faulkner, Charles J., 122 11 Salvador, and Nicara.aua, 15- Fauntleroy, Lieut. 115, ll8 18, 53, 57, 65, 67; and Walker, Ferrer, re~in, 49, 137-lSB, 325 276, 304, 329, 333, 3&6. See Perrero, Caesar J. , 260 •lso San Salvador. Perrier, David, 322 11 Sardina!, 360, 362 Yiebres, 13 11 Sauce, 166-167 Pill.IIOre, Millard 1 45 1 53, 68, 102 11 Viejo, volcano, 149 Firat Rifle Battalion, 326-327, ~. schooneor, 143, 147, 171, 215 356, 378 lngland, and Nicaragua, 19, 21- fisher. ,..,.... r. I Know-Nothing 23, 27, 29, 31-36, 42-46; and slavery propagandist, 128-129, Coata Kica, 31-33, 42-43, 276- 168-170, 181; contract with 278, 285, 327; and Honduras, 42; Jerez, 129, 137, 170; and Walk­ and Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 44- er, 248, 259-260, 262-263; and 46, 52-53; and Cra.pton-Webater Kinney, 292, 295 treaty, 69-71, 74-76; and Van­ Plor River, 281 derbilt, 94, 100; and Walker, Florea, Col. C6ndido, 15 178, 225, 311 ronseca, (Creat Marshal) casto, Bnsenada, 142 15, 17-18

Ericsson, Captain, 186 1 334 roote, Ron. H. s., 45 Erie Canal, 48 rorney, Col. G. w., 121-122 Brie Railroad, 100 Port San Carlos, and Lubborough, Escudo de Veragua, 30 20; and Nelson, 22; and Loch, Esper&n%a, ship, 279 29; and McLane, 62; and Segur, Estrada, J'os' Maria, escaped fn. 81; and Corral, 86; and Hornsby/ Walker, 187; Legitiaist Presi­ De8risaot/Wheeler, 129; and dent, 201-202, 308, 388; and ate... r Virgin, 186, 197, 204; Kinney, 216; and Transit eo.­ and french/Pry/Wheeler, 197, pany, 242 200, 202-204; picture, 199; and lurope, and Vanderbilt, 98-99; and Walker, 333, 342; healthy, 413 Criaean War, 241; and Costa forty-Miners, 47 Rica, 278, 280; and Walker, 311- roster, John, 55 312 Pr.ance, 215, 254, 393 8urydice, frigate, 362-363 Yranc»•, bria, 47 lverett, Edward, 102 Pr'-ont, Col. John Charles, 111 8xp~ss, R.M.s., 68-69 french, Parker H., and Walker, 91, 181-183; Know-Nothing slavery fabens, J. w., u.s. Ca..ercial propagandist, 168-172, 221; and Aaent at San Juan, 112-114; and attack on Port San carlos, 196- court teati110ny, 116, 121, 139; 198 I 200-203 i c~iaaary of War I and Wheeler, 122, 131, 136; and 204; Minister of Hacienda, 209; Kinney, 137, 141-142, 399; and counsel for Corral, 211; envoy Walter, 216-218, 248, 295, 357 to u.s., 224-225, 246-248, 251- Fajardo, Neri, 160 255, 258-259, 262-263, 268; and Palange Aaericana. See Aaerican contract with White, 253, 265, Phalanx. 270-271; left Nicaragua, 327 Palla, Antonio, 372, 381 French Revolution, 179 INDEX 437

French'• Battalion, 268, 270, 327 Cood Friday. 326 Pr6ebel, Julius, 158 Good Natured Man, 367 Pry, Col. Birkett D., Know-Nothins Gorgon, R.K.S., 42 slavery propagandist, 197, 220- Governor's Island, 255 221, 248, 251; attack on Port Granada, and Wheeler, 5, 128-129; San Carlos, 197-198, 200-203; lakeshore, B; and civil wars, and Corral, 204, 211; ~ 14-17, 33; and pirates, 20; and Vo1tigeurs, 227, 230; ~a British, 29; and Squier, 37, 39; Infantry Battalion, 325, 328, and gold ruah, 47-49, 51; and 346, 374, 384, 415 1851 revolution: 56-60, 63-64, 66-67; 77-78; and 1854 revolu­ Cage, 'l'ho.aa, 3 tion: 80-90, 92, 242; 102; and Cago (Leonese 80ldier), 88 Walker, 147-150, 157, 165, 184- Gallardo, Matividad, 19 195, 198, 200-212, 215-218, 220- ct.ez, Jos' Dolores, 14 222, 224-229, 243, 245-249, 256, Garcia de Tejada, ltafael, 108-109, 259-266 f 2681 2701 2961 298 J 242 300-302, 304-310, 324-329, 333- carriaon, Cornelius 1:., and Van­ 3351 342 J 344-346 J 354 J 3571 derbilt(Korgan, 98-99,105, 236, 362-364, 367, 369-372, 374-375, 238, 242, 284; and Walker, 170, 378-379. 381, 383-385. 388. 391- 183, 186, 196, 204, 243, 2471 393, 409-413, 417; and Parker 333; and Crittenden, 250-251, Prench, 168, 171-172, 251-252; 262-263, 269-270, 302 and Corral, 211, 215; and Kin­ Garrison, w. R., 247, 250, 263- ney, 216, 292-293; and Costa 264, 331 Rica, 287-289, 402-403; and Gauffreau, Dr. Gustave A,, 131 Scbleaainger, 317, 322 Ceering, Willi.. 8., 284-286 Granada City Council, 192-193 George II, 22 Granada Court. Bouse, 192 George Prederict Augustus, 22 Granada Gove~nt House, 205 Ceorge Willi.. Clarence, 22 Granville, Earl, 69 Georgia, 120 Cray-lyec:l Man of Destiny, and Gettysburg, Battle, 197 Wheeler, 2, 357; portraits, 146, Geyser, H.B.K. st.... r, 104 234; and Crowe's legend, 219- Gil Gonz.lez River, 336, 340-342, 221, 225-226; and Paulding, 228i 346 and recruits, 260; and Vander­ Cil-.n, Col. Charles, arrival of, bilt, 275; and Kora, 291, 358, 183, 248, 251; shooting of Cor­ 369 ral, 212; death of, 260-262 Great Britain. See England. Goicouria, Do.ingo de, and Prench, Greeley, Horace, 127, 385, 388 254; and Vanderbilt, 270; in Green, Gen. Duff, 254, 258 Nicaragua, 303; and Schleaain­ Green, J ...a, 88-69, 71 ger, 310; at Kivas, 329, 416; in Greenwich, Connecticut, 407 Chontales, 370-372, 375, 383 Grenada, 21 Golden Gate, atea•ship, 331 Grey, Sir Charles, 32 Col~ith, Oliver, 367 Creytown, (na.ed after Sir Charles Golfo Dulce, 284 Grey). s .. San J'uan de Micara­ ~z. Cen. Prancisco, 83 gua. Connan, Peter, 321 CrLa, Lieut. Henry, 260, 262 Gonzales, Rev. J, Bstanialao, 61, Cuanacaste, and Costa Rica, 14, 63 19, 32, 276; and Squier, 41; and 438 WILLIAM WALKER

cr.. pton-Webater treaty, 70-71, Rollins, George N. 1 Cyane COit­ 75-76, and •!grants froa llivaa, aander, at Greytovn March 1854, 84; and Corral, 210; and ctua.or­ 103-104; tx.bardedGreytown July ro, 281, 284; and.Leoneae atrag· 1854, 113-115; portrait, 119; glera, 287-288; and Schleaain­ and Wheeler, 122 aer, 290, 310, 317; and Walker, Holy Week, 324 333, 343, 345 Roae Squadron, 69, 103, 126, 228 Guard House, Granada, 206 Honduras, and Mora.Un, 15; and Guardian Angel of peace, 193 casto Ponaeca, 17; and Jtosqui­

Guardiola, Gen. Santoa, and 1844 tia, 28; and Squier, 42-43, 53 1

war, 17; and •1 Sauce battle, 57; and 1851 revolution, 64-65 1 165-166, and Vir&in Bay battle, 67; and 1854 revolution, 78-79, 172-173, 186, 243; portrait, 85, 284; and Byron Cole, 164; l16; and Corral, 209; and the and. Corral, 209; and Walker, Gray-Eyed Man, 226 224-2251 2761 3291 3661 3791 Cuat.,, and Chatfield, 28; and 387, 406; and Costa Rica, 400 Savage, 34; and BiH, 35-36; and Honolulu, 148 debt, 84; and Corral , 209; and Born, Albert, 56 Walker, 220, 249, 261, 276, 329. Hornby, Ad81ral Phipps, 43 333, 366, 381, 406 Hornsby, Collier Clarence, and

Guerrero, Jos6, 66-67 1 78 Wheeler, 128-129, 131; and Walk­ Gulf [Bay) of ronseca, 42, 79 er, 148, 163, 181, 184, 186, Gulf of Mexico, 311 208, 221, 265, 363, 372, 374; Gutierrez, Cap. Jose K., 320 and Corral. 211 Cuti6rrez, Diego, 400-403 Houston, Captain B. c., 353 Cut16rrez, Jose Maria, 280 Houston, S.., 126 Bugbes, Willi.. , 156 B.L. &outh, ste.. boat, 111 Huntress, boat, 216 Balf--y Bouse, 172-173, 114, 181 Hyacinth, R.K.S., 23 Ball, J, Cavalry, 51 Halloway, brig, 169 Incidents of !'ravel in Central Randvick, private (deserter, Dllrlca., Ch1apas and Yucatan, 15 shot). 378 Independent Opposition Line, 99 1 Havana, 21, 135, 310 236 Heiss, John P., 302, 363 Indian river, 71 Heredia, 291 Isaiah, 226 Be~iticos, 291 Israng, David, 87 Herrera, ~os6 Maria, 166~167 Herrera, Miguel, 167 Jackson, Kr., 409-410 Herrera, Pedro, 21 Jalteva, Jerez's quarters, 80; and Herrera, Rafaela, 21 v~ito prieta, 83; ancl Cabaftaa, Herrera, Ubaldo, 187, 227 85 ; anc:l La Merced, 88; and exe­ Ria&ina, Lieut. A. J., 381 cutions, 89; and Piaher, 129, Hinchlnbrook, frigate, 22 137; and Herrera, 166 Ripp's Point, 334, 360, 361, 362 Jaaaica, and Kiskito King, 22; and Hiae, llijah, 35-36 San Juan de Nicaragua, 28~29, Biae~Selva Convention, 35, 41 31-32; and •unit ions for Chaaor­ History of North Carolina, 2 ro, 129; and Carlos Tboaas, 218 Hodgson, Captain George, 29 .J ..iaon, capt • .J01es c., 381, 383 Hoff..n, Dr. Carlos, 352 Jennings • Co., w.. T., 412 INDEX 439

Jer.. iah, 226 170, 172, 240, 243, 286; and JerRy I, 22 Walker, 215-217, 260, 292-295, Jerez, Mhi.o, and 1854 revolu­ 397, 399 tion, 78-81, 83, 88, 287; and Kirkland, Willi.. P., 284 Piaher, 129, 137, 170; and Walk­ Kitchen Cabinet, 125 er, 149, 165, 209; and Valle, Know-Nothins. See California Know- 166; and Doubleday, 180 lfothing Party. Jerez, Toribio, 187 Kossuth, Lajos, 255 Jerusat.. , 324 Jesus Christ, 324-326 La Brea, 79

Jinotega, 21, 86 La 8s/Hiranu 1 schooner, 85

Joan of Arc, 389 La cr-..dina 1 bungo, 111 Job's ~forters, 367 La Guerra Nacional, 392 Johnson, Adjutant, 415 La Libertad, 137, 231

Johnson, Willi.. Cost 1 121-122 1 La Merced Church, 84, 88, 92,

126. 133-135 La Parroquia (Masaya), 88, 931

Jolly, Captain, 56 La Parroquia (Rivas) 1 346, 3501 Jones, Lieut. JohnS., 269, 381 352 Jordan, Patrick, 208, 217 La Pelona, 14

Juirez, Gregorio, 1 La Proceai6n del Silencio 1 326 Juevea Santo, 325 La Virgen, new village, 50, 68; Juisalpa, 21, 371, 383 and 1854 revolution, 89, 242; and Wheeler, 129-130, 194-195; Kanab. John, 156 battle, 172-173, 177, 181, 183, Kansas, 136 196, 208, 243, 288; picture, Keelins, David Francia, 120 l15; and Corral, 184, 194; and Kelly, Captain, 334 Walker, 185-186, and Prench, Kentucky, 135, 203 197-198; and aaa.. cre of pas­ Kerr, John, U.S. envoy to sengers, 200-203; and recruits, Nicaraaua, 54, 77; and 1851 217, 259, 304; and bonds of the revolution, 56-58, 60-62, 65- New Republic, 249; and new 67; andCra..pton-Webater treaty, wharf, 258; and war with Costa

73-75; and sunboat dipl011aey, Rica, 310, 3l3-3l41 316-317, 102, 104, 106, 109; opinion on 321, 327-328, 331, 333-335, 338,

Hufioz, 150 342 I 345 I 352 1 359 I 374-375 j and Kewen, Achilles, 151, 159, 197 han&inga of rebels, 378-381; and Kewen, Col. I.J.c., Know-Nothing Walker • a headquarters, 383-385 • slavery propagandist, 197; and 391-392; and Snyder, 408-410, Walker, 212, 217-221, 223, 226; 412-414

recruiting in California, 248- La Virgen [V1rg1n] 1 ateaaboat, 252, 259, 262-263, 269 seized by Walker, 186-187, 243; Key West, 264 rescued Wheeler, 194-195, used King Buppan's Landins, 30 by Preneh, 197-198, 200-204; and King of the Jews, 324 Walker, 224, 310, 327-328, 331, Kine'• Council, 31 334-335 1 3701 3741 3791 381 j and Kinney, Henry t., llollulus of recruits, 266, 269, 304, 327

southern ..pire, 116; portrait, La .lara 1 schooner 1 85 124; and Alleriean Land C011pany Lacayo, Gabriel, 242, 372, 378, 122, 125-128, 133-137; and Nica­ 380 raguan Land C011pany, 139-144, Lafayette, Marquis de, 196 440 WILLIAM WALKER

Lain6, Pranciaco Alejandro, 256, Lindsley, John Berrien, 229 265, 270 Linton, Captain Ja.ea, 260, 334 Nicaragua, and O.etepe Is­ Little, Mr., 29 land, 7, 21; and La Pelona Is­ Livingston, Dr. Joseph W., 148, land, 14; and Cuba Island. 29; 164 and Costa Rica, 32, 70, 278, Llorente y Lafuente, Ansel..o, 315 280-281, 284, 287, 400-401; and Loch, eo..ander Granville c., 29 gold rush, 47. 49, 54; and coal London, and canal aap, 23; and aine, 137; and Walker, 271, 369, Castell6n, 31, 36; and Molina, 398, 408 32-33, 277, 280; and Clayton­ Laurel Gal4n, 86 Bu1wer treaty, 43-44; and Van­ Law • Roberta, 264 derbilt, 48, 53; and Lawrence, Lawrence, Abbott, 68-69 68; andCra.pton-Webstertreaty, Lea, Isaac c., 240, 363 72; and bond holders, 84; and Legitiaistas, and "legiti-cy or Crowe, 225; and interest rates, death," 81; and Muiioz, 149-150, 241; and Wallerstein, 279 157; ba.ttle of Rivas, 160; evac­ Lope, Gen. Francisco, 64-65

uated San Juan 1 168; and Parker L6pez, Cen. Narciso, and Parker French, 171- 172; battle of French, 168; and Keven, 197 ; and Virgin Bay, 1?3; fall of Grana­ Goicouria, 254, 303, 310; and da, 184-186, 188; and Kuiz, 193; Schlessinger, 255, 310 and Wheeler, 195; and Garrison, Lord, Thoaas, 240, 245-247, 252, 196; and Peace Treaty, 200-204; 363 troops disbanded, 210; and Kin­ Louis XIV, 179 ney, 216; and 81 Nicaraguense, Louisiana, 62, 130 222; and Transit Coapany, 242; Louisville, 203 and deaths of Aaericans, 261; Lbvago, 21 and Costa &ica., 287-288; rebels LovigUiaca, 21 against Walter, 309, 323, 383- Lowell, bark, 363, 366 384 Lower C&lifornia, 183, 253 Le6n, • a Paradise, 3; and Lubborougb, Prince, 20 slaying of Indian chiefs, 12; Luther, I. B., 156 and civil wars, 14-19; and pi­ rates, 20; and British, 30-31, llacbeth, 5 33-34; and Squier, 37, 39-42; MacDonald, Col. Alexander Archi­ and gold rush, 47-49; and 1851 bald, 23, 27 revolution, 56-58, 60-62, 64- ttacdonald, c. l., and Garrison, 66; and 1854 revolution, 78-81, 183, 196; and Walker, 186, 204, 84, 89-91; and Mannina, 100; and 243; and Randolph, 247, 250 Walker, 147-149, 156-157, 164- McCarty, Michael J. (Walker's 167' 177. 261' 287-288. 326-327. orderly), 342 329. 333. 335-336' 346' 357' NcClelland, revenue cutter, 142 370-371, 379, 391-392, 398, 412- McCook, Gen., 197 413; picture, J53 Mcintosh, Major Leonidas, 366, 375 Liberals, 5, 13, 15 McKeon, John, 255, 258, 267-268 Liberia, 315-316, 321, 33 NcKi•, steaaer, 62 library of Congress, 2 McLane, Col. John, 62 Licona, Gen. Marcelino, 83 Machado, col., 333, 336, 345-346 Light Infantry Battalion, 325, Machuca de Suazo, Diego, 402 334, 346, 356 Machuca Rapids, SO, 71 INDEX 441

Macleras volcano, 7 Martinez, Col. T~a, 86, 188, 209 Madrid, 393, 400 Martinique, 21 Hadriz, lailiano, 18 Hltry, brig, 47 Hagnoli•, ship, 142 Kaaaya, and 1833 revolution, 15; Kasuatesa, 10 and aold rush, 47; and 1854 Kahoaet'a Paradise, and Gage, 3; revolution, 80, 84, 88-89, 93; anarchy in, 15; and Mosquito and cholera, 91; and Walker, Shore, 20; slaughterhouse, 167, 203-205, 335-336, 410; and again, 67; and Walker, 144, 148 Kora, 341; and J'-a Walker, Mahoney, Charles, 335 381; and Pedro .Joaquin Ctaa.orro, Ka16 • Cook, 222 203, 395 Kalespin, Gen. Pranciaco, 17-18 Mason, Senator, 225 Haoa Coyita, 210-211, ZlJ *••chu.. tt•, ateaa frigate, 224 Managua, and civil wars, 15, 18; Matagalpa, and civil wars, 17-19, and Brown-ttuftoz contract, 35; 64, 165; and Fry, 227; and and Squier, 41-42; and gold Schlessinger, 323; and Mariano rush, 47; and Legislature, 54, Salazar, 371, 383 57; and Clumorro, 56, 77-78, Matagalpa Indians, 219, 226-227 104; and Cra.pton-Webster, 89 treaty, 74-75; and 1854 revolu­ Katina, 281, 403 tion, 80, 88-91, 149, 164-165; Matus, Ireneo, 89

and Walker, 156-157 1 167, 188, Maxy, Charles [Parker R. French], 209 168

ftanifest Destiny, 120 1 123, 147 Kayonne, Auguste, 137 ttani1a, 21 Mayorga, Mateo, and Transit COOl­ Manning, Tboaas, British Vice· pa.ny, 59, 106, 108-109; and Consul at Le6n, 33; creditor, Borland, 78; and Wheeler, 147- 56; ~issioner, 100; and Cor­ 148, 198, 202; and Walker, 187, ral, 156-157; and Aycinena, 227 198, 201-202, 204, 217, 220, Planning • Clanton, 84 222; and Costa Rica, 288 Karcoleta, Jos• Torcuato de, and Ma.zatl6n, 169 Cr&lq)ton-Webater treaty, 72; and lfe.oir on the Boundary Question Transit Co.pany, 100-102, 104; pentl11l/l bet..., the Republic of and Kinney, 121, 123, 125, 127, Cost.a Rica and the St•t• o~ 133, 141-142, 144, 216 Nic.ragua, 280, 400

!tarcy, Willia. L. 1 and Transit "'ndez, Col. Bernardo, 15 Ca.pany, 106-109, 112-113, 121; M'nclez, Col. ttariano, 81, 86, 288, and Wheeler I 122 t 130 t 203 t 252 j 379

and Kinney, 125 1 127, 133-135, Kercher, Santiaso, 84 140-141, 144; and Molina, 125, MeridionalDepartaent, and Legiti­ 127, 285; and Walker, 178, 252, •ists, 130, 172: &Del Walker, 399 i and Corral, 195 i and Parter 151, 157, 165, 167-168, 327 rrench, 255, 268; and Vander­ Mesopota.ia, 230 bilt, 273-27f Metropolitan Hotel, 133 Market Place, Granada, 207 Mexican War, 34, 62, 123, 183, 255 Kar~, John, 163 Mexico, 126, 169, 179, 223, 254 Harling, John L., 333 Meyer, Charles, 408 Kartin, Captain, 295 Hills, Kr. , 236 Martin, Mr., 68 Minie rifle, 266, 279, 320, 355,

Martinez, Captain rranciaco 1 359 374 442 WILLIAM WALKER

Miskito. See Mosquito, Mosquito A~y, 26 Mississippi, 135, 216 Mosquito captain of the Port, 56 Mississippi rifles, 159, 215, 374 . See Mosquitia Mississippi River, 119 Mosquito flag, 4, 22, 29, 68, 229 Kob11e, 123, 140 Mosquito Indiana, 19, 70 Molina, felipe, and Mosquito Pro­ Ko•quito ling, dynasty, 22; au- tec::torate, 31-32; and Crupton­ thority, 23, 27-28, 30-31; and Vebster treaty, 70-72, 278; and Shepherd land grants, 120-121,

Kinney, 125 1 127; and Sketch of 129 Costa Rica, 277; and King of Mosquito Kingda. (Nation, Shore, Spain's charter, 280-281, 400- Territory), s.. Mosquitia. 402; and Vanderbilt, 284-286 Mosquit~. 120, 122, 126, 133, Molina, Luis, 286, 288 135, volcano, 149 Mount Vernon, 368 tlonC0808 1 Captain Po r o 1 363 ttoyogalpa, 375, 378 Koney Market, 239 Munoz, Cen. .Jose Trinidad, and Mon&alo, z.aanuel, 159-160, 162 Valle, 18, 166; and Brown, 35; Monroe Doctrine, 44, 179 and S.:.Oza, 39, 166; and Taylor, MOoney, private, 356 53; and 1851 revolution, 56, 58- Moore, 3ohn T., 203 59, 62-67; and Walker, 149-151, Kora, Gen. los• Joaquin, 315, 320 156-157, 164-167; portrait, J54; ttora, .lua.n Rafael, and Chlworro, •urder of, 166-167 284; and Walker, 288-292, 315, Murphy, Willi.. S., 27 357-358, 390-392, 405-406; and Murray, carlisle [Parker H. Santa Rosa, 321; and Transit Prench], 168 Route, 334, 359, 362, 364, 368- lluy Muy. 21 370; and Battle of Rivas, 336, 341-346, 352-354, 373-375; por­ Hagarote, 64, 167 trait, ftu Manda~. 85, 194, 336, 342, 345 Koracia, 284, 290, 320 Napoleon, 150-151, 303 Koraz4n, Francisco, 15-16 Nashville, 302 Morgan, Charles, Transit Co.pany Nashville latr1ot, 299 President, 98-99, 105-106, 236- Nathan, 219-220 239, 241-242, 245, 284; Land Havas, Creacencio, 18 eo.pany director, 121-122; and Kelson, Horatio, 22 new &rant fraa Walker, 263-265, H•rod, 145 275, 302, 362-363 Neutrality Law, 141, 255, 258, 266 Morgan Line, 98 New lng1and, 408 Morris, captain lohn, 20 Mew Granada (Cola.bia], 27, 108, ttorton, Gilbert, 79 210, 284-285 Moses, Col, Israel, 325 New Orleans, and Nicaragua route, ltosquitia, and lngland, 19-20, 22- 51-52, 242; and Iinney, 123, 23, 27; and Costa Rica, 30-32, 125, 135, 140; and DeBrissot, 36; and Squier treaty, 41; and 128, 130; and Walter, 221, 248, Clayton-lulwer treaty, 45-46; 259-260, 262, 265-266, 268-270, and Transit Co.pany, 68; and 273, 302-303, 316, 327, 331, Craapton-Webster treaty, 70-71, 334, 362-363, 366, 386 74-76, and Kinney, 116, 120, New Orleans Delta, 302 lZZ-123, 124, 126, 133-135, 139, Nt111 OrltMIIB Picayuntl, 52, 259, 217; and Walter, 293-294, 397 363-364 INDEX 443

New York, and Nicaraguan Ste.. 46; and gold rush, 47, 55, 68; Coapany, 35; and Canal Collpany, and Canal ea.pany, 48-54; and 36, 41, 43, 48, 53; and Nicara­ 1851 revolution, 57-67; and gua route, 47, 50-51; and Kerr, Crupton-Webster treaty, 70-77; 54; and Transit eo.pany, 59-80, and 1854 revolution, 78-91; and 68, 94, 98-100, 106-110, 183, Transit ea.pany, 94-109, 236- 185 1 197 1 2001 204 1 2361 239- 246, 396-399; and Kinney, 121- 2401 242-243 1 263-267 1 396 1 408- 128, 133-144, 292-295; and Walk­ 409; and destruction ot Grey­ er, 147-234, 247-275, 298-392, town, 112-113, 116; and Mosquito 407-418; and 1838 Constitution, speculators, 120; and kilmey, 151, 204, 210 123, 125, 133-136, 140-142, 170, Nicaragua, ste.. boat, 50 215-216; and Wheeler, 130-131, N1car.,u., t~ Centre oE Central 224; and Corral, 195; 215, 218; AINr1ca, [J'ohn Bill Wheeler's and Walker, 220, 245, 228, 280, .anuscript], 2 263-271, 273, 298, 302, 316, Nicaragua Independifmte (blue 327, 331, 334, 336, 382-364, ribbon ensian), 204 386, 412, 414; and Parker Micaraaua acrip, 251 Prench, 248, 248, 251-256, 258, Nicaragua wood, 277 268; and Randolph, 392 Nicaraguan Land and Mining eo.­ New York Grand Jury, 141, 258 pany, 139-141 New l'or.k Herald, and Clayton-Bul­ Nicaraauan Legislative Asse.bly, wer treaty, 44; and Transit and Canal eo.pany, 41; and Tran­ Ca.pany, SO, 97, 101-102, 109, sit eo.pany, 54, 103; and 1851 237-239, 241-242; and Muftoz, 83; revolution, 57; and Cra.pton... and 1851 revolution, 64; and Webster treaty • 74; and CU.Or­ Cr.. pton-Webster treaty, 75; and ro, 77 1854 revolution, 78; and Canal Nicaraguan Ste.. eo.pany, 35 eo.pany, 94; and destruction of Nicholson, A.O.P., 121-122, 137, Greytown, 115; and Mosquito 139 hu.bug, 120; and Kinney, 125- Nicoya, 14 127, 134, 136; and Wheeler, 131; Niniveh, 230 and Walker, 253, 255-256, 267, Noabre de Dioa, Panaaa, 403 273, 298, 335, 360i and Costa Norfolk, Virginia, 120 Rica, 277, 284 North Merica, ste... r, 62 Mew York Reai•ent, 258-259 North Carolina, 225 New l'ork rr1bciiM, and Kinney, 125, North Star, ste.-er, 98, 236 127. 136, 139, 144, 295; and Northrn L18ht, ate.. ship, and

Walker, 256 1 260, 262, 266-267, White, 108; and. Borland, 112; 301, 3421 362 1 3701 384-385 1 and JUcaragua news, 240, 263, 407; and Vanderbilt, 264-265, 268; and Vanderbilt loan, 241; 272-274 and. Parker French, 247, 252, Newton, eo-:H!ore John~ •• 103 254; seizure of, 255-257, 287; Nicaragua, and Wheeler, 2, 4-5, and. recruits, 259, 266, 302; and 128-131; and Spanish conquest, La 1M, 265; and Snyder, 302, 10; and civil wars, 13-19; and 407-408, 410-411, 413-414 buccaneers, 20; and British Nueva Segovia. s .. Segovia. attacks, 21, 28-30; and Costa Nugent, John, 184 Rica, 30-33, 276-291, 400-406; and u.s., 34-37; and Squier, 40- O'Brien, Willi .., 141-142 444 WILLIAM WALKER

O'Neal [O'Neil], Major C&lvin, Pearson, Col. Hira. B., 123 250, 346 Peck, Surgeon Ceorse, 104 Obraje, 39, 382~383 Pecorini, Prancisco, 193 Occidental Depart.ent, 326, 392 Pennsylvania, 120-122, 302 Ocean Bird, bris, 216 Pensacola, 103 Och~go River, 336, 342 Pefta Blanca, 334 Old lfelse, 156 Perez, Lieut. Jacinto, 360 o.etepe, 1, and tlosqui to raids, Peru, 13, 276 21; and Wheeler, 128; and stran­ Philadelphia, 140, 142 ded passengers, 203; and ste.. er Pickering, Lieut., 115, 118 wood, 335, 375; and rebels, 315, Pierce, Franklin, and Wheeler, 2, 379-380 131, 229, 252; and Borland, 76- Oaeyatecigoat, 11 77, 104; and destruction of o.eyateite, 11 Creytown, 113-116; and Kinney, Oriental Departaent, 327, 393 121-1231 125 1 1281 134 1 137,

Oriuba, steaaship, 362-3651 366, 139-141; and Walker, 229, 245, 384 249, 252-253, 255-258, 267-268; Ortega Arancibia, rrancisco, 88 and Vanderbilt, 274 Orus, steaaboat, 50 Pineda, Laureano, and 1851 revolu­ Overland Express Train, 253 tion, 57, 59, 65-66; and cr.. p­ Owen, Richard, 23 ton-Webster treaty, 75; and Costa Rican boundary, 280 Paci£ic, steaaship, 50 Piper, Col. s., 356, 374 Pacific Mail Steaaship C01apany, Plyoouth Rock, 303 and Vanderbilt, 236, 264, 272, Polk. J ..ea lnoz, 302 274, 331; and Morsan, 238-239, Porter, Georges., 331 245 Ports.outh,sloop-of-war, 103 1 105 Pacific Squadron, 131, flagship, 228-229 Padilla, Col. Justo, 304 Potosi, 346 PalacagUina, 86 Potter, Lieut. Nathaniel Parker, Paladino, Antonio, 111 381 Palenque, 231 Priest, John, 178 Pal• Sunday, 324 Proaetheus, ste.. ship, and Transit Palaeraton, Viscount, and San Juan Line inauguration, 50; and lterr de Nicaragua, 29, 31-33; and and White, 54; and .uskets for Clayton-Bulver treaty, 44; re­ Granada, 60; and British out­ signed, 68-69, 72 rage, 68; and Vanderbilt, 99; Panaaa, 13, 55, 333, 403 and Piaher, 259; and recruits, Panaaa railroad, 238-239, 272 260, 266; and news of charter Panaaa route, and Nicaragua line, revocation, 270 50-51; and Vanderbilt, 99, 236, Puntarenaa, oo.pletion of hospi­ 264, 272, 331; and Morgan, 239, tal, 278; and Ceraan settlers, 245 279; and M•ndez, 288; and Paradise of North ~rica, 298 Schlessinger, 291; and Mora's Paris, 241 execution, 295; and Von BOlow, Parker, C~re Poxhall A., 69 315; and Walker, 331, 333, 343 Paulding, C~ore Hir.. , 203, 227-229, 267 Quadra, Pedro, 202 Peacock, John, 23 Qu~Htn of the Pacific, clipper, 184 Pearl Lagoon, 21 Queen Victoria, 31, 42, 69, 225 INDEX 445

Quiateot, 11 212; and President Pierce, 255; Quijano, Col. Manuel, 27 and President Mora, 391. SIHI Quit-an, Gen. John A., head of also Walker-Rivas Cove~nt. Cuban filibusters, 135-136; Robert Charles Frederick, 22 resigned, 141, 144, 254; and Robinson I captain Robert Spencer. lUnney, 216 69 Rocha, Jes~s de la, 104 llaaa Inc:J.iana, 23 Rogers, S..uel, [Italy}, 3 llaaa river, 21, 70 ao.e, 139 1laabler, 384 ac.ulua of the Aaerican Southern Ra.irez, Col. r•tix, and Walker, ~pire, 116, 124, 139 148-149; and Mufioz, 156; at Roosevelt, Theodore, 145

Rivas, 158, 160, 163-164; and Rosse of Scot land 1 5 Valle, 166 Bouhaud, Pedro, 202-203, 215 Raairez, Korberto, 34 Royal Street, New Orleans, 259 Randolph, Kdaund., and Walker, 184, Ruiz, luan, and "cLane, 62; and 263, 391-392; and slavery, 221; Walker, 187, 193-195, 198 and Garrison, 247, 250, 264, 271, 273, 302; and Wheeler, 333 Sabbat.., 328

Rawle, Captain ldward W. 1 259, Sacr... nto, 2, 170-171, 197, 269 355, 374 Sacra.ento Rifle eo.pany, 196 Heal Consejo de las Indias, 402- S.c.raaento State .Tournal, 259 403 Uenz, Guadalupe, 186 Realejo. See 11 Realejo. Salaais, 368 Revista de los Archivos Nacionales Salazar, Col. Lorenzo, 320 (San Joa,, Costa Rica), 345 Salazar, Mariano, 164, 371, 383 Rio Grande de Matagalpa, 21 Salinas, Sebaatib, 34

Rivas, and Wheeler, 5, 129, 131, Saa 1 sailor, 163 194-195, 197-198; and civil, 20-23 wars, 5, 17, 37, 59; and canal, S..Os Island, 321 23, 48; and Squier, 37, 39; and San Antonio Ar.y Post, 253 So.oza, 39; and transit, 49-51, San Carlos. See Port San Carlos. 53, 56; and Pineda, 59; and 1851 San Carlos, steaaboat, fired at, revolution, 62; and 1854 revolu­ 200; and White • a letter, 243; tion, 80,83-84, 89; and. Walter, and recruits, 259, 364; and 151, 156-160, 181, 163-164, 166, travellers, 304, 331; and Walk­ 168, 170, 196, 208, 227, 240, er, 310, 333-334; and Pry, 328 322, 327-329, 333-336, 341-356, San carlos Island, 287 368-3701 3751 379-3801 3871 4101 San Carlos River, 8, 359-360 415; and Parker French, 171; and San Felipe [Le6n suburb], 66

Guardiola, 172-173; and Corral, San rranciaco 1 California, and 184-185, 188, 194; and CUshing, gold rush, 47; and transit Ca.­

203; and Mora, 334-336, 342-354 1 pany, 50-51, 98-99, 203, 237. 359, 364, 372, 374-375, 392. See 239, 242, 385; and Iinney, 123; also Battle of Rivas. and risher, 129; and Wheeler, Rivas, Patricio, and British oc­ 131; and Walker, 147-148, 156, cupation of San Juan, 28; and 180, 224, 2471 260-264, 269-270, Walker, 204-205, 209, 218, 224, 302, 304, 331; and Parker 310, 325-326, 333, 370-371, 386, rrench, 168-172, 181-183, 195- 391; and execution of Corral, 196, 220; and Uenz, 186; and 446 WILLIAM WALKER

!'ry, 220-221; and Kewen, 248- 295; and Paulding, 203, 228-229; 251 and Walter, 229, 273, 293; and San !'raociaco, [church/convent, Parker French, 252; and re­ Granada], 187, 189-191, cruits, 259-260, 265, 268, 270, San Francisco, [church, Rivas], 302, 360, 363-364, 408; and 346, 351 Costa Rica, 278-279, 281, 359, San Francisco Blues [•ilitary 362, 403 corps], 196 San Juan de1 Sur [Sud) , and Tran­ San Jorge, and Corral, 157, 185; sit C011pany, 50-51, 67-68, 147, and Wheeler, 195; and Walker, 196, 200, 203, 264, 385; and 329, 346; and Costa Rican strag­ t.oo.ia White, 54; and McLane, gler, 380, 383 62; and 1854 revolution, 80, 89; San Jose, California, 169 and u.s. Navy, 103, 131, 147; San Jose, Costa Rica, and Chris­ and Wheeler/Hornsby/DeBrissot, tie, 31; and Chatfield, 42; and 128, 130; and Walker, 156-160, Wyke/Walsh, 74; and Geraan set­ 168, 172-173, 178-184, 186, 194, tlers, 278-279; and Dionisio 197, 223-224, 331, 342; and Chaaorro, 281; and artillery Parker Prench, 168, 171-172, barracks, 283; and .unitions 197; and Jtanclolph, 247; and fl'OII lnsland, 285; and war with r&eruita 248, 251, 269; and Nicaragua, 287; and Walker, 288, Schlessinger, 291, 316, 322; and 333-334; andexpeditionaryarwy, Costa Rica, 328, 334-335, 345, 289, 315, 359; and: Battle of 352, 359, 374-375, 376 Rivas, 344•345, 352; and 11 San Juan River, and Wheeler, 4; Sardina! skil.. ish, 360, 362; picture, 6; and pirates, 20; and and ~lot against Kora, 374; lngland, 21-22, 28-32; and gold anc:J. &l'lty'a return, 371, 390; and rush, 47; and Transit C011pany, White's letter to Cushing, 396; 491 541 1101 2001 408; and and Kora's proclaaation, 406 cr.. pton-Webster Treaty I 70; and San Jos4, schooner, 79, 163 1854 revolution, 81, 86; and San Juan [Le6n suburb]. 66 Creytown, 110-111; and Borland, San Juan de Dios Hospital, 18 111; and Costa Rica, 278, 280- San Juan de la Cruz [San Juan de 2811 2841 2871 327 J 359-3601 Nicaragua], 403 362, 400-402; and Walker, 327, San Juan de Nicaragua [del Norte], 346, 360, 362 and Wheeler, 4, 128-130, 136; san Luis Obispo, 169 and England, 19, 21, 23, 27-32, San Salvador, 161 209, 225, 387, 34, 35, 42, 251; and Squier, 37, 406. See also El Salvador. 41; and Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, San Sebastian, 324-325 45-46, 52-53; and gold rush, 47; San Uba1do, 370 and Canal Cotlpany, 50; and. Jterr, Sancho, Francisco, 19 56; and White, 59, 109-110; and Sanders [Saunders], Lieut. Col. Transit C011pany, 68-69, 103-105, ldward J., 346, 356, 374, 415 197. 200, 244-245, 264, 413-414; Sandoval, Josf Le6n, 18 and cr.. pton-Webster Treaty, 70- Santa Ana [hacienda], 90 74, 76; and Borland, 107, 111; Santa Anna, Antonio L6pez de, 150 boobarded by Hollins, 113-116, Santa Clara, 334 126; picture, 117; and Mosquito Santa Rosa, Battle of, 317-320, land speculators, 121; and Kin­ 322-324, 328, 343, 333, 370, 418 ney, 141, 170, 216-217, 293, Santo no.ingo, 254, 256 INDEX 447

Sapoi, 32 1 28? 1 316 1 334 &o.oto, 18-19 Saranac, flagship. 69 &o.oza, Bernab4 1 18, 39, 64, 166 Sarapiqui river. battle at junc­ Sonora, 183 tion. 29; and Coll'ta Rica, 32 1 South Merica. 312 278, 281, 359-360, 362; and South Sea bubble, 134 Walker, 334 Southern Confederacy, 168 Savage, Henry, 34 Southern States. 127

Savannah, Georgia 1 120 Spain. and Central Aaertcan In­ Schleasinaer, Major Louis, arrival dependence, 10 1 47, 77,85, 2?6; in Nicaragua, 255-256;­ and Treaty of Paris, 22; and aioner to Mora, 290-291, 304; Ybarguen, 84; and King's char­ a-ander at Santa Rosa, 310. ter, 280 1 400; and Schlessinger 1 316-31?, 320-324, 326; court 310; and Sevilla archives, 401, -.rtial. 322, 329; joined Lesit­ 403 i•iat rebels. 323, 3?2 Spanish ._.rica, 417

Scott, Joseph M, 1 and White, 113; Squier, Ephrat. George 1 and Brit­ and Walker, 186; and Kinney 1 ish-Coata Rican treaty, 30, 32, 240; and Calvo, 359; and Bird­ 42; and u.s.-Micaragua treaty sall, 363 and canal grant, 36-46, 52; and Second Infantry Battalion, 366 tri-State NationalAas.. bly, 57; Second Rifles, battalion, 323 and Stephens, 58; and White, Segovia. and Siete P&nuelos, 19; 106; and Paladino, 111 and Miskitos, 21; and 1851 Revo­ Squires, Mr., 409-411 lution, 64; and Guardiola, 165; St. Lucia, 21 and Valle, 3?1, 383 St. Hll.ry'a, sloop-of-war, 147-148

Segur, Dr. John Henry, 81 1 85 St. Nicholas Hotel, 254, 259 Selva, 8uenaventura, 35, 284 Star of Destiny, 357 Selva, Hilario, 3?2, 380 Star of S.pire, 231 Serviles, 13, 387 Star of the Neat, ateaaship, and Seven Years' War, 21 Wheeler, 130, 136; and Transit Sevilla, 280, 402-403 Ca.pany, 200, 241; and Kinney, Seward, Willi.. H., 2?4 216; and White's letter to cuah­ Sharon, Connecticut, 409 tna, 243, 396; and Walter, 244· Shepherd, Captain, 29 246, 252; and recruits, 254, Shepherd, Peter, 120, 129 258, 265, 268 Shepherd, Saauel, 120 Starr. 1. T,, 412 Shepherd • Raley, 293 State Depa.rt.. nt, and British Sl.erra Nevada, ste.. ahip, and Kosquito clai•, 2?; and White Walter, 170, 186, 262; overdue, and Clayton-Bulver Treaty, 43- 196; and recruits, 217 1 250-251 1 44; and Squier treaty, 46; and 259; full of travellers, 239; White and Kerr, 54, 60, 66; and and Randolph, 247; sickness on White and British outrage, 68; board, 385 and Marco leta, ?2; and White and Sl.ete Panuelos, 19 Marco leta, 102; and Parter Sterrett, (Cap., Col.) Kart 8., French, 168, 254-255; and Wheel­ 250, 326-327, 415 er's depositions, 202; and Van­ Slave-pen, 144 derbilt, 274; and Vanderbilt and S.ith, Captain, 111 Kolina, 285; and Heiss, 302 Snyder, Willi.. D., 301-302, 414 Stephens, John L., 15, 58, 231 Sol6rzano, Santiago, 193 Stockton, 250 448 WILLIAM WALKER

Stout, Peter r., 151 third person, 389;: and a new Subtiava, 18 phase of the war, 392 Swru tribes, 20 [Peter Connan's friend], Sun, Mosquito Cutter, 28 322 Superintendent of British Hondu- Tboaas, carlos, 218, 292 1 295

ras, 23 Tt.o.paon 1 Ph. a., 309 Sutter, John Augustus, 250 Thorpe, Captain D. w. 1 265 Sutter, Williaa Alphonso, 250, Thou Art the Man!, 219-220 290-291, 304 'l'hunder, R.M.S., 23 Swartout, S..uel, 224 Tico.ega, 10 Swift, Captain l. a., 217-218 Tigre Island, 42-43, 79, 156 Swingle, Captain Alfred, 355 Tt.fls, ship, 279 Tinklepaugh, Captain Jdward L. 1 Talavera, 402 255 Talleyrand, 258 Tola, 151-158 Tarleton, captain John W., 363 Ta- [•ulatto servant], 171 Taylor, Zachary, 36, 45, 52, 123 Toro Bapids, 334, 342 Tehuantepec, 51 Torres, Karia Lourdes, 210 Te.pleton, w. c., 242, 260 Tortuga, 287 Tennessee, 302 Towkaa Indians 1 23 Teoba. 11 Tracy, Prescott, 300-301 Teustepe, 86 Trafalgar, 22 Texas, and Prusaians, 23; and Transit Ca-pany. See Accessory Kinney, 123, 126-128, 135-136, Transit C:O.pany. 140, 294; and Parker French, Transit road, and Childs, 49, 53; 169, 253; and Walker, 223, 311; and McLane, 62; and travellers, and Cen. Duff Green, 254 68; and the cholera, 90; and The Central ~rlcan, 216 Walker, 151, 172, 177, 186, 194, The Gospel in C•ntral AINrica, 240, 243, 328; and Schlessinger, 219, 225-226 316; and Costa Rica, 334, 345, 'f'he InFerno, 292 359, 364, 374-375 f'he liar in Nic.rqua, and Walker's Travilla, Carlos, 330 first sight of Nicaragua, 148; Treaty of Paris (1783), 22 and death of Dewey, 163; and Tri-State National Asseably, 57 Valle, 166; and Herrera and Tropic a.pire, 232 Mufioz, 167; and castel16n, 177; Truxillo, 27 and the hill next to Virgin Bay, Tuapi Lagoon, 21 185; and death of Mayorga, 201; Turks Islands, 215 and Parker rrencb, 203 , 225 , Turnbull, Captain Charles J., 265 252; and the cholera, 261, 390; Tweed, H.M.S., 27 and the Know-Nothing, 263; and Tyler, John, 254 the Transit charter, 270-271; Tyler, Lieut. Charles, 375, 378 and Mora, 292, 295; and Schlea­ ainaer, 323; and speech in Bi­ Ugarte, francisco, 382-383 vaa, 330; and the "ruse of war," uaolino, 292 342-343; and the Second Battle Uncle Billy [Willi.. Walker), 293, of Rivas, 344, 352-353; and tbe 364 wells filled with bodies, 373; Uncle Saa, steaaahip, and Parker and death of Ugarte, 382; and French, 171-172, 181, 196-197, Walker refers to hi•self in the 201, 203; and cholera, 181; and INDEX 449

Transit Ca-pany, 236-237, 263; Vanderbilt, Cornelius, and Canal and recruits, 196-197, 250, 289 eo.pany, 36, 41, 94; and Childs, United States, and Nicaragua •a 48-49, 53-54; and Transit eo.­ pleas for protection fro~~ Great pany, 94-100, 105; 241, 246; and Britain, 34-37; and Squier Opposition Line, 99, 236-238;

treaty, 40-42; and Clayton Bul­ and Walker, 263-265 1 270-275, wer Treaty, 44: and cowardice 331, 343, 358, 363; and CosU and bad faith, 46, 52-54; and Rica, 284-286 Craapton-Webster Treaty, 69-76; Vandewater, a. J., 51 and gunboat diplo.acy, 102-105, Vega Bolaftos, Andr6s, 403 108-110, 114-116; and Mosquito Veragua, 400 land speculators, 120-122; and Vesta, brig, fro. San Francisco to Kinney, 125-126, 131, 136-137, Realejo, 148, 170, 208, 248, 143; and Walker, 147, 178-180, 259-260, 330 i fro. Realejo to 193-195, 198, 218, 224, 248, Gigante, 151, 156, 163; f~ 251-258, 268, 302, 311-312, 397; Cigante to Realejo, 163-164; and Vanderbilt, 274; and Mora, fro. Realejo to San Juan, 167- 288 168, 182 United States, aail steaaer, 130 Victorine, brig, 62 United States, ste.. ahip, 141-142 Vijil, rr. Agustin, and "happy day u.s. Circuit Court, 267 • • • Granada! , •• 49; and "Guar­ U.S. eo..issioner's Court, 116 dian Angel of Peace, 11 193; and U.S. Congress, 36, 216, 225, 267, Te Deum and Inaugural, 205; and 274 pleas for Corral, 211; and U.S. Court, New Orleans, 259 prayers for Walker, 325; Minis­ U.S. House of Representatives, 121 ter to u.s., 357, 363 u.s. Marshal, 134, 141, 259, 363 Virgil, [Aeneid], 3 U.S. Navy, and Trans! t C011pany, Virgin, ate.. boat. S.. La Virgen, 102; and White, 113; and de­ ateaaboat. struction of Greytown, 115, 118- Virgin Bay. See La Virgen. 119; and Wheeler, 131; and Kin­ Virgin Mary, 324 ney, 142; and Walker, 224 Virginia, 120, 122, 225 u.s. Senate, 42, 45-46 Viteri y Ungo, 3orge (Bishop), 65 U.S. · Special Agent to Central Vivas, Rosario, 129 Aaerica [Williaa s. Murphy), 27 ViKen, H.M.S., 28-29 University of Zurich, 58 Voltigeurs, 220, 227, 316 Uphaa, Purser Charles C., 104 Von BUlow, Alexander, 287, 315

Urtechito[Legiti•ist officer], 88 Von Natuer, Bruno, 287 1 346, 353, Uzaal, 231 374

Vald6s [Leonese soldier], 88 Walker, Captain l'.. ea, arrival of, Valladolid, 401 363; appointed captain, 366;

Valle 1 Jos6 Karia (Chel6n), and. death of, 300, 381, 391 Mui\oz, 18, 64; and death of Walker, Captain Lips~b Norvell, Mui\oz, 166-167; and Walker, 166- 300, 329, 355 167, 181, 184, 209; and battle Walker, Patrick, 27-29, 31 of Virgin Bay, 172-173; and the Walker, Williaa, and Wheeler, 2, cholera, 182; and Granada, 64, 131; and gold rush, 33; and 187, 193; and deatb of Corral, McLane, 62-63; and Parker 209; and Segovia, 371, 383 rrench, 91, 168, 170, 172, 268, 450 WILLIAM WALKER

327; and Kinney, 128, 142, 144, coleta 1 102, 127; and J'oseph 216-218, 292-295; portrait, 146, White, 104, 110, 112, 133, 140,

234; and .U.rican Phalanx 1 148- 267, 274; and Kinney, 116, 121- 151; and Pirst Battle of Rivas, 123, 125, 134, 216; and Molina, 156-160; and aurders of Dewey 127, 280, 284-286; and Fabens, and Muftoz, 163-167; and Battle 136, 139; and Walker, 224, 266- of Virgin Bay, 172-173, 177; at 267 1 328; and Parker French, San luan del Sur, 178-185; and 225, 247.252-254, 258-259, 262, capture of Granada, 185-193; and 268; and Vanderbilt, 264, 273- treaty with Corral, 193-205; and 274. 285 .urder of Mayorga, 201-202; and ~ashington, revenue cutter, 255, .urder of Corral, 208-212; and 251 Walker-Rivas govern~tent, 217- ~ashington 8vening Star, 245 2321 298-307 1 366-367 t 3701 372 J ~ashington Union, 121-122, 125, 378-392, 408-409, 412; and Tran­ 302 sit Ca.pany, 240, 243, 245-247, Webster, Daniel, Secretary of 263-275; and Know-Nothing, 248- State, 45, 53; and Kerr, 54, 58, 263; and Costa Rica, 276, 287- 60, 65-66; and White, 68; and 292, 307-312, 315, 322-331, 360- Craapton-Webster Treaty, 70-76; 364, 375; and Kora, 292, 295, and Molina, 281, 401-402 368-370; residence and office, Webster, Daniel J'r., 121, 143 296, Z91i and Second Battle of Webster, Fletcher, 121, 137 Rivas, 331-358; and filling Webster, Sidney, 121-122, 137, wells with corpses, 373-374; and 139. 141 White, 396-399; and speech at Weir, Willis-, 86 Rivas, 415-418 Wheeler, John Hill, Assistant Walker-Rivas Governaent, and Kin­ Secretary to President Pierce, ney, 217; and Transit Coepany, 2; Minister to Nicaraa:ua, 2; and 246; and Colonization Decree, 1854 revolution, 4-5, 89; 81 248; and President Pierce, 250, Nin1stro Eilibustero, 122, 128- 267; and Wheeler, 252, 268; and 132, 136, 171, 216; and Walker, no dipla.atic relations, 312 147-148, 187-188, 193-195, 197- Wall Street, and Vanderbilt, 94- 198, 200-203, 212, 215, 218, 95, 97; and Horgan, 237, 239- 224-225 1 228-2291 252 1 268 1 300 1 240, 245- 246; and Walker, 270, 302 1 304 1 327 1 333 1 335 1 353- 273. 275 354, 357, 387, 397, 399 Wallerstein, lduardo, 279 White, David L., 41, 43 Walsh, Robert K., 72, 74-75 White, Joseph L., and Vanderbilt, Wanks (Coco) River, 21 36 1 99, 273-274, 363; and Clay­ War of Liberation, 392 ton-Bulwer Treaty, 44, 48; and Washington, George, 145, 218, 249 Kerr, 54, 56-5?; and Accessory

Washington 1 D.C. 1 and Whee 1er, 2 , Transit to.pany charter, 59-60, 122, 171, 229; and British oc­ 67; and.Cra.pton-Webster Treaty, cupation of San J'uan, 34; and 68, 73; and Wall Street, 97; and Squier, 40; and David White, 43; Morgan/Garrison, 98, 238-239; and C1ayton-Bu1wer Treaty, 44- and Marco leta, 100-102, 141-142, 45; and Father Vijil, 49; and 216; and gunboat diplOIUcy, 104- transit Ca.pany I 61; and cr.. p­ 116; and Mosquito land specula­ ton-Webster Treaty, 70-72, 74- tors, 121-122; and Kinney, 133- 75; and Borland, 77; and Mar- 134, 140-142, 144, 216; and INDEX 451

Estrada governaent, 242; and Xatruch, Pedro, 209 Walker, 243, 245-247, 252-253, 255' 265' 267 f 270-271 f 273-274 f Yankee Bl•de, steaaship, 236 363, 396-399; and Molina, 286 Yankee Doodle, 218 White, Looeis L., 54 Ybarguen, Cayetano, 84 White, Mrs., 200 Yellow fever, 261 White Rouse, 43 Young, Mr. , 131 Willard's, 122, 136, 139 Young Aaerica Pioneer Club of Woolva Indians, 23 Nicaragua, 300-301, 413

Woolwich, arsenal 1 280 Wyke, Charles Lennox, 72, 74-75 Zapatera, 85 1 111 Zavala, Juan Jose, 280 Xatruch, Col. Florencio, 88, 194- Zelaya, Col. Laureano, 4-5, 87 195, 198, Zepeda, Jose, 15 DESKTOP PUBLISHING by the author.

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Cover: Thomson Printing, St. Charles, Missouri. Library binding: San Val, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri.

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