10/26/2020 Campaign Finance Receipts and Expenditures Report

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Campaign Finance Receipts Governmental Ethics Conunission & Expenditures Report 901 S. Ave. 1012612020 Topeka, KS 66612 Office (785) 296-4219 Fax (785) 296-2548 ethics.kansas.gov Check only if appropriate Amended Filing ~l Termination Report Campaign Organization Name: Riley County Democratic Central Committee Finance Address: 1310A Westloop, #208 Filing Report Address2: City: Manhattan Zip: 66502 Chairperson Home Phone: (785) 770-7116 Chairperson Business Phone: (785) 770-7116

Party Committee I 1 PAC SUMMARY (covering the period from 7/24/2020 through 10/22/2020) 1 1 CASH ON HAND AT BEGINNING OF PERlOD $21,086.12 -2 TOTAL CONTRlBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS (Schedule A) view/print $6,740.66 3 CASH AVAILABLE THIS PERlOD (Add Lines 1 and 2) $27,826.78 4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DISBURSEMENTS (Schedule C) view/print $21,384.74 5 CASH ON HAND AT CLOSE OF PERlOD Subtract Line 4 from 3) $6,442.04 6 IN-KIND (NON-MONETARY) CONTRlBUTIONS (Schedule B) view/print $0.00 7 OTHER TRANSACTIONS (Schedule D) view/print $0.00' '. "1 declare that this report, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete. I understand that the intentional failme to file this document or intentionally filing a false document is a class A misdemeanor." Electronically filed on: 10/26120202:20:15 PM Signature of Treasurer: Linda R. Johnson

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Committee: Riley County Democratic Central Committee Type of Payment Occupation of Name and Address Date Individual Giving Amount of Contributor Cash, Check, Loan, E- funds, Other More Than $150 Carolyn Thompson 10120120 1910 Plymouth Landing E Funds Retired $10.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Alton Lee 10120120 808 DeHoff E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Karen Hawes 10120120 777 Midland Ave. E Funds Nurse Practitioner $40.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Lyndal Nyberg 10120120 1027 Houston St. E Funds Retired $10.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Nick Flentie 10/16/20 254 Westwood Cash KSU $100.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Randy White 10108/20 7215 W. 100th Place Check Not known $100.00 Overland Park KS 66212 Tina Steffensmeier 10108/20 721 Harris Ave. E Funds Therapist $18.00 Manhattan KS 66502 John Carlin 10108120 1208 Wyndham Heights E Funds Professor, KSU $20.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Renee Gassmann 10108/20 3439 Woodduck Way E Funds self-employed $10.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Roger Johnson 10108/20 133 N. Dartmouth Drive E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Jane Pel1etier 10108/20 829 Dehoff Drive E Funds Retired $10.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Lany Noble 10108/20 3554 Germann Drive E Funds Not employed $15.00 Manhattan KS 66503 10108/20 Michel Ransom E Funds Professor, KSU $15.00 3325 Newbury St. https:l/kssos.org/elections/cfr_viewerlreports/schedule_a_report.aspx 1/5 10/26/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule A Report Manhattan KS 66503 Jason Coleman 10/08/20 1528 Williamsburg Drive E Funds Librarian $16.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Katha Hurt 10/08/20 1927 Anderson Ave. E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Linda Johnson 10/08120 133 N. Dartmouth Drive E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Carol Barta 10/06/20 1425 Collins Lane E Funds Librarian $20.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Jan Galitzer 10/06/20 1504 Humboldt St. E Funds Not employed $30.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Carl Reed 10/06120 1418 Leavenworth Ave. E Funds Retired $10.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Elizabeth Dodd 10/02/20 2919 Tatarrax Drive E Funds Educator, KSU $200.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Sherri Meigs 09/30/20 2312 Grandview Terrace Check Not known $100.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Kenneth Hodson 09/30120 5608 High Meadow Circle E Funds Unknown $250.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Heather Thomas 3616 Hawthome Woods 09/30/20 E Funds Not employed $25.00 Terrace Manhattan KS 66503 Ann Kosch 09128/20 405 Vattier Check Not known $250.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Philip Nel 09/28/20 116 N. Delaware Ave. E Funds Professor, KSU $100.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Linda Johnson 09/28/20 133 N. Dartmouth Drive Check Retired $260.00 Manhattan KS 66503 David Gustafson 09/28/20 802 DeHoff E Funds Retired $25.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Joan Smith 09/25/20 1510 Westwind Drive Check Retired $100.00 Manhattan KS 66503 09/25/20 Jan Ga1itzer E Funds Not employed $250.00 1504 Humboldt St. https:llkssos.org/elections/cfr_viewer/reports/schedule_a_report. aspx 2/5 10/26/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule A Report Manhattan KS 66502 Sydney Carlin for State Representative 09/22/20 Check Legislator $303.66 1650 Sunnyslope Lane Manhattan KS 66502 Carolyn Thompson 09/21/20 1910 Plymouth Landing E Funds Retired $10.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Alton Lee 09/21/20 808 DeHoff E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Karen Hawes 09/21/20 777 Midland Ave. E Funds Nurse Practitioner $40.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Lyndal Nyberg 09/21/20 1027 Houston St. E Funds Retired $10.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Frank Siegle 09/12/20 1013 Houston Street Check Retired $50.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Tina Steffensmeier 09/08/20 721 Harris Ave. E Funds Therapist $18.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Carol Barta 09/08/20 1425 Collins Lane E Funds Librarian $20.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Jan Galitzer 09/08/20 1504 Humboldt St. E Funds Not employed $30.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Renee Gassmann 09/08/20 3439 Woodduck Way E Funds self-employed $10.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Jane Pelletier 09/08/20 829 Dehoff Drive E Funds Retired $10.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Carl Reed 09/08/20 1418 Leavenworth Ave. E Funds Retired $50.00 Manhattan KS 66502 John Carlin 09/08/20 1208 Wyndham Heights E Funds Professor, KSU $20.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Linda Johnson 09/08/20 133 N. Dartmouth Drive E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Roger Johnson 09/08/20 133 N. Dartmouth Drive E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66503 09/08/20 Jason Coleman E Funds Librarian $16.00 1528 Williamsburg Drive https://kssos.org/elections/dr_viewer/reports/schedule_a_report.aspx 3/5 10/26/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule A Report Manhattan KS 66502 Katha Hurt 09/08/20 1927 Anderson Ave. E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Larry Noble 09/08/20 3554 Gennann Drive E Funds Not employed $15.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Michel Ransom 09/08/20 3325 Newbury St. E Funds Professor, KSU $15.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Michel Ransom 09/07/20 3325 Newbury St. Check Professor, KSU $50.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Greta Baack 09/01/20 3525 Vanesta Drive E Funds Not employed $100.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Heather Thomas 3616 Hawthorne Woods 09/01/20 E Funds Not employed $25.00 Ten-ace Manhattan KS 66503 Loretta Johnson 08/29/20 2347 Grandview Drive Check Not known $100.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Janine Stines Director, Feeding 08/26/20 1218 Houston St. E Funds $100.00 America Manhattan KS 66502 David Gustafson 08/26/20 802 DeHoff E Funds Retired $25.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Carolyn Thompson 08/20/20 1910 Plymouth Landing E Funds Retired $10.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Alton Lee 08/20/20 808 DeHoff E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Lyndal Nyberg 08/20/20 1027 Houston St. E Funds Retired $10.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Karen Hawes 08/20/20 777 Midland Ave. E Funds Nurse Practitioner $40.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Jason Coleman 08/10/20 1528 Williamsburg Drive E Funds Librarian $16.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Michel Ransom 08/1 0/20 3325 Newbury St. E Funds Professor, KSU $15.00 Manhattan KS 66503 08/10/20 Larry Noble E Funds Not employed $15.00 3554 Gennann Drive hltps:l/kssos .org/elections/cfr_viewer/reports/schedule_a_report.aspx 4/5 10/26/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule A Report Manhattan KS 66503 Katha Hurt 08/10/20 1927 Anderson Ave. E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Roger Johnson 08/10/20 133 N. Dartmouth Drive E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Linda Johnson 08/10/20 133 N. Dartmouth Drive E Funds Retired $20.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Renee Gassmann 08/10/20 3439 Woodduck Way E Funds self-employed $10.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Jane Pelletier 08/10/20 829 Dehoff Drive E Funds Retired $10.00 Manhattan KS 66502 John Carlin 08/07/20 1208 Wyndham Heights E Funds Professor, KSU $20.00 Manhattan KS 66503 Carl Reed 08/06/20 1418 Leavenworth Ave. E Funds Retired $50.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Jan Galitzer 08/06/20 1504 Humboldt St. E Funds Not employed $30.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Carol Barta 08/06/20 1425 Collins Lane E Funds Librarian $20.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Tina Steffensmeier 08/06/20 721 Harris Ave. E Funds Therapist $18.00 Manhattan KS 66502 David Gustafson 07/27/20 802 DeHoff E Funds Retired $25.00 Manhattan KS 66502 Total Itemized Receipts for Period $3530.66 Total Unitemized Contributions ($50 or less) $797.00 Sale of Political Materials (Unitemized) $2,303.00 Total Contributions When Contributor Not Known $110.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD $6740.66

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Committee: Riley County Democratic Central Committee Purpose of Expenditure or Disbursement Date Name and Address Candidate Name & address if Amount independent or in-kind expenditure in excess of $300 Printing several mailings Copy Kats 10120120 1130 Westport Drive, Suite 2 $5,931.52 Manhattan KS 66502

Manhattan Parks and Recreation Rental Rental of park pavilion Department 10114120 $30.00 1101 Poyntz Ave. Manhattan KS 66502 Voter file Data Services Nation Builder 10/14/20 520 S. Grand Ave. $59.00 Los Angeles CA 90071

Printing Canvass Info Sir Speedy 10111120 1668 Hayes Drive $45.60 Manhattan KS 66502

Printing Canvass Info Sir Speedy 10110/20 1668 Hayes Drive $257.17 Manhattan KS 66502

ElectroniclWebsite Advertising Ad Facebook.com 10105/20 Not Available $10.00 Not Available NA

Printing Canvass Info Sir Speedy 10102/20 1668 Hayes Drive $226.97 Manhattan KS 66502

Miscellaneous Cash management fees Landmark National Bank 09/30/20 701 Poyntz Ave. $30.00 Manhattan KS 66502

Printing signs Shawnee County Democrats 09/29/20 5350 SW 17th Street $175.00 Topeka KS 66604

09/26/20 Corey Broughman Consultant political services $2,333.33 1415 Yuma Street https ://kssos.org/elections/efr_viewer/reports/seheduIe_e_report.aspx 1/4 10/26/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule C Report Manhattan KS 66502

Manhattan Parks and Recreation Rental Rental of park pavilion Department 09/25/20 $30.00 1101 Poyntz Ave. Manhattan KS 66502 Electronics/Computers Data Kansas Democratic Party 09/25/20 P.O. Box 1914 $109.41 Topeka KS 6660 I

Reimbursement Supplies Kimberly Zito 09/22/20 1013 Cassidy Drive $73.50 Manhattan KS 66502

Reimbursement Supplies Carl Reed 09/22/20 1418 Leavenworth Ave. $244.51 Manhattan KS 66502

Postage/Shipping Mailing USPS 09/18/20 Not Available $1,280.44 Not Available NA

Printing signs Thomas Outdoor Advertising 09/17/20 902 Fair Lane $1,024.79 Manhattan KS 66502

Reimbursement Refreshments Kimberly Zito 09/13/20 1013 Cassidy Drive $380.78 Manhattan KS 66502

Voter file Data Services Nation Builder 09111/20 520 S. Grand Ave. $59.00 Los Angeles CA 90071

ElectroniclWebsite Advertising Ad Facebook.com 09/10/20 Not Available $25.00 Not Available NA

ElectroniclWebsite Advertising Ad Facebook.com 09/10/20 Not Available $25.00 Not Available NA

Printing signs Shawnee County Democrats Joe Biden 09/08/20 5350 SW 17th Street $700.00 Topeka KS 66604

Manhattan Parks and Recreation Rental Rental ofpark pavilion Department 09/04/20 $60.00 1101 Poyntz Ave. Manhattan KS 66502 https://kssos.org/elections/cfr_viewer/reports/schedule_c_report.aspx 2/4 10/26/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule C Report 09/03/20 Copy Kats Printing Voting Info $200.20 1130 Westpoli Drive, Suite 2 Manhattan KS 66502

Postage/Shipping Stamps USPS 09/03/20 Not Available $336.00 Not Available NA

Postage/Shipping Stamps UPS Store 09/01/20 1310 Westloop Place, Suite A $270.60 Manhattan KS 66502

Miscellaneous Cash management fees Landmark National Bank 08/31/20 701 Poyntz Ave. $30.00 Manhattan KS 66502

Postage/Shipping Mailing USPS 08/28/20 Not Available $1,824.57 Not Available NA

Consultant political services Corey Broughman 08/24/20 1415 Yuma Street $2,333.33 Manhattan KS 66502

Supplies Sleeves for lit Amazon.com 08/24/20 Not Available $291.90 Not Available NA

Supplies Sleeves for lit Amazon.com 08/20/20 Not Available $14.90 Not Available NA

Voter file Data Services Nation Builder 08/20/20 520 S. Grand Ave. $59.00 Los Angeles CA 90071

Reimbursement Data Services Kathryn Focke 08118/20 429 Stone Glenn Drive $100.00 Manhattan KS 66503

Printing signs Shawnee County Democrats Joe Biden 08/13/20 5350 SW 17th Street $1,050.00 Topeka KS 66604

Reimbursement web site Kimberly Zito 08/07/20 1013 Cassidy Drive $288.00 Manhattan KS 66502

08/07/20 Kansas Democratic Party Electronics/Computers Data Services $581.42 P.O. Box 1914 https:/Ikssos.org/eleclions/cfr_viewer/reports/schedule_c_report.aspx 3/4 10/26/2020 Campaign Finance Schedule C Report Topeka KS 66601

Miscellaneous Cash management fees Landmark National Bank 07/31/20 701 Poyntz Ave. $30.00 Manhattan KS 66502

Miscellaneous Liability insurance Holmes Insurance Agency 07/28/20 PO Box 1382 $530.00 Manhattan KS 66505

Electronics/Computers Data Services Kansas Democratic Party 07/25/20 P.O. Box 1914 $233.00 Topeka KS 66601

Total Itemized Expenditures This Period $21283.94 Total Unitemized Expenditures of $50 or less $100.80 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER DISBURSEMENTS THIS PERIOD $21384.74

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