KlezNews קלעזנײַעס 25th August, 2006 דעם 25סטן אוגוסט 2006 Marching the Sabbath in, Backwards It began as a Hasidic tradition. Years ago, the mysteries of the march backwards were taught to a select few here at KlezKanada. The kavana, or intent, is to greet the Sabbath bride by walking backwards into the village, always facing her, until she has arrived. Or, at KlezKanada, to walk backwards up the hill from the retreat center, making joyous music, playing a nign (some say, only part of (ץa nign—the rest has been lost So, in our tradition, we begin gathering in festive dress, even with garish costumes and amusements. Then follows the recounting of the story by the Sabbath Angel (or is it the Sabbath Bride). Then, the begins play- ing the nign and all begin humming the nign, and we slowly begin walking backwards, joyously, singing and dancing and making music. At the top of the hill, in front of the Dining Hall, there gather the dancers and musicians and from tall places, the camera folks attempt to record the ritual lest, in

another generation, this fragment that remains to us is, itself, lost. א גוטן שבת !A gutn shabbes A Bit About Bruno all kinds of concerts including rock, schedule. That was it. No informa- jazz, folk and even punk, which he tells tion about instruments or number of by Richard Kurtz me that he always wears earplugs for. performers in each band was included. KlezKanada is not static. Every sum- He absolutely loves working No less than 14 musicians came with mer changes are made. specific requests, just It is new musicians, before the concert, different lecturers, fresh related to sound levels, students and creative accordion microphones, new programs that make or vocal and piano am- KlezKanada so vibrant. plification. Bruno took There are, however some no notes. He was just aspects of the camp totally ready to adapt to that remain rock solid all changes. The concert consistent aspects. Each started, he rushed back year we take the reliabil- to the soundboard after ity and high quality of adjusting some stage the sound that we hear in speakers. He put on the the various music venues headphones, and voila for granted. The man re- the concert was on. As sponsible for amplifying he adjusted sound levels the sound blaring out of he turned around to me B’nai Brith is Bruno. Part with a big smile and let of KlezKanada from its me listen in the head- birth, he is the gentleman phones and play around dressed in black standing with dials a bit. You got behind the soundboard at every concert with the musicians at KlezKanada. In to know I felt cool! in the Gym. fact he has turned down opportunities Next time you see the guy wearing Interactions between Bruno and for other work during this week. Bruno black behind the soundboard, show musicians tend to be brief. There is no is familiar and comfortable working your appreciation--schmooze a bit-- time for schmoozing so most people with the more acoustic style of various but not too long. Here comes another know very little about Bruno, whose different folk cultures. He likes the fact Klezmer with that concerned look in surname is Paquin. I thought that it that he has a good working relationship their eyes asking Bruno, “can I have would be interesting to learn more with musicians that he has known for another microphone” and “where does about a person who is so vital to the many years now. When he is at work this cable go?” success and the enjoyment of Klez- he is always calm. Musicians Kanada. Bruno lives in a town close preparing for their acts with to the camp called Val-Morin with few minutes to spare need his partner and 10-month old baby help with their specific needs daughter. Back in 1995 when Klez- quickly. They rush over to Kanada was starting, staff found Bruno Bruno, who calmly resolves through local connections. issues to the benefit of each Bruno is responsible for stage lights, performer. There are no microphones, electrical work and sound checks for nighttime even the stage curtains for all playing concerts at KlezKanada so he venues. He has been doing this type of has to adapt to challenges on work since junior high school. He said the fly as they come—that that since he could not sing or play an means adjusting sound levels, instrument and wanted to be involved placing microphones and in music, he decided that sound and speakers, and dealing with stage work would be his ticket. His various personality types. first gigs were at Carnival at his local I got to shadow Bruno school. Over the years he has built a before and during Thursday Robin Young and Emily Socolov are selling lap blankets, and various other business to a point were this summer night’s concert. He was given handicrafts to raise funds for German Goldenshteyn’s family. See them for he has done 41 shows. He has worked a list of the performance merchandise or to make donations. Page 2, August 25 קלעזנײַעס Dancing on Shabbat in Tsevat by Carolyn Hartstein Levine My friend Carole called to say, only peek down through the three- the middle of the night and heard the “Nesia tovah” (Hebrew for “safe jour- foot-high criss-crossed slat, or through missiles. They carried the 3½-year-old ney”) as I was leaving the house on De- the solid white satin curtains, but we twins into the safe room and there cember 13 on the first leg of a beautiful can hear the Hebrew prayers of the they lived for 13 days. trip to Israel. Cousin Irv and his wife, service. The women make room for The village was almost empty. Harry Sheila, had invited me to go with them us at the long ledge as they bend their went out onto the street and found to visit their son and his wife who live long skirt-covered knees and rock with the baker still in business. Somehow, in Safed, Zefat, Tsevat, Tsevet, and the sounds of the prayers. he hired a taxi and they left for Sigal’s the capital of northern Galilee. A city Suddenly, the chanting changes to father’s kibbutz. It is near Haifa, but of contrasts 3200 feet above sea level, “Lai-lai-lai.” I hear feet stomping and in a safe place (we hoped) surrounded it looks west to Mount Meron, north peeking through the slats, I see a crowd by mountains—inland—from the to Mount Herman and Lebanon, east of men and boys begin to sway, chant, Mediterranean Sea. to the Golan Heights and Syria, and and move together in a circle. The Tsevat is barely 18 miles from the south to Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee wordless chant, known as a niggun, border with Lebanon. One of the mis- (known as the Kineret in Israel). is like an old Hungarian gypsy tune, siles struck near the Ascent building. It is a city of rocky staircases, cob- a melody I recognize. So, taking my Their condo is on this street. blestone streets, historic synagogues, silk scarf from my pocket, I join hands Just this Monday on the way to Klez- artists, ceramicists, religious folks with two lovely girls from Jerusalem, Kanada Sheila called her husband in from Ethiopia, European villagers, a teacher from New Zealand, and a Virginia Beach. Their son and family survivors of the Holocaust, tourists, Yemenite woman to move in a sponta- are back in their apartment. Yesterday, shopkeepers, book dealers, dress neous dance of joy. We are separated, a gracious camper let Sheila use a cell designers, embroiders, weavers, sculp- but somehow connected to the men phone. Irv said, “everyone is still fine!” tors, and a geschamkt or thrift shop, dancing and stomping in the crowded So what great Joy for all of us to where I bought a great skirt for folk synagogue downstairs. That is how my listen to the musicians, together as dancing and made a new friend, Isaac, family welcomed the Sabbath, our day ensembles, bands, duets, soloists. the money changer. of rest, joy, and prayers—by dancing. We continue to sing, dance and pray The young family we went to visit, Afterward, Sheila and I walk down together. Keep us safe, please G-d. Sigal and Larry, lives in a condo on the rocky stone steps to the edge of the Shalom and Gut Shabbes. the westernmost street on the very village, looking down into the valley Who knows what comes next? edge of the village. They have adorable of olive and almond three-year-old twins, a golden-haired groves, pomegran- boy named Geriki (“little bear”) and a ates and cedars, and brown-eyed girl, Tutika (“little straw- up to the fading berry”), who showed us one of their pink sunset over favorite dances, “Yesh Lanu Taish,” Mount Meron. The which they had learned at their gan or sounds of the joyous pre-kindergarten, while their mother melodies echo in my strummed her guitar and sang the mind, through my about the little goat. “Yesh” is also brain, my body, my one of the favorite dances of every K-6 soul, to the soles of classroom in which I’ve taught. my feet. On our first Sabbath in Tsevat, (Reprinted from after lighting the candles, Sheila and National Folk Dance I walked up three flights of winding, Newsletter, Spring- rocky, stone steps to the next nar- time 2006) row street to the Makarov Shul. Irv Addendum, writ- and Larry were already praying in a ten erev Shabbos, crowded room of boys and men. The KlezKanada 2006 women and girls must go up a narrow More of the story: wooden staircase onto a rectangular Sigal and Eliezer balcony above the synagogue. We can (Larry) woke up in Page 3, August 25 קלעזנײַעס Distressed Stuffed Animals Wanted—Casting Call An Inverview with Tine Kindermann by Richard Kurtz There is always a story behind a song. of “Hallelujah” and This is especially true for the stirring he played an instru- rendition of “Hallelujah” sung by Tine mental version of Kindermann at Wednesday night’s staff the song at Klezfest concert. The song was written by Cana- in London, England. dian singer/ Leonard Cohen. Tine picked out 4 of Tine’s husband, Frank London arranged the 17 verses of Le- the version sung by her, and were backed onard Cohen’s verses up by a band of fantastic KlezKanada and they decided faculty musicians. Few people at Klez- to try the song out Kanada have seen Tine sing on stage. together for the first But after talking to Tine her wonderful time at KlezKanada. performance should not be surprising. To Tine the song is Her musical talent is an obvious exten- really two poems in- sion of a creative and artistic person. tertwined one about So what’s the story? We can thank love and the other Tine’s and Frank’s nephew who lives in about spirituality. Scotland. He planned to play “Hal- Tine is a self-taught lelujah” at Blad Rock, a rock festival in visual artist who did Bladnoch, Scotland. Tine and Frank not go to art school. were visiting Frank’s family in Scotland She received on- just before KlezKanada and they heard the-job training in their nephew practicing the song. Berlin in the theatre. Even though they knew of the song She worked paint- they had not heard it for a long time. ing scenes, building Tine recalled it from Shrek. They were sets and making on production design, sets, props and totally taken by its haunting melody costumes for various productions. She costumes for the “Kids in Yiddish” at the and lyrics, which they could not get brought these talents to New York City Folksbiene Theatre in New York. This out of their minds. Soon afterwards, where she now lives with her family. Tine past summer, her art was shown at three Frank decided to write an arrangement wears many artistic hats while working shows in New York City. She is preparing out of her for an upcoming solo show in Pittsburgh Manhattan at the Musée de Monoian. If that is not studio were enough this busy woman is creating she makes video for a production of “Bay Nakht” for dioramas the Folksiene which begins in early 2007. with figu- Oh yes, the title, “Distressed Stuffed rines made Animals Wanted—Casting Call” While of Sculpey, at a street sale Tine found an old a type of stuffed animal and her creative light modeling bulb went off. This particular stuffed clay. She is the animal reminded her of a 1940’s chairperson movie, “Freaks” by Ted Browning. of the Artistic So now Tine is heading towards a Alliance a new project to remake the movie us- non-profit ing old stuffed animals. They will be organization animated by her 4th grade daughter and works and friends. So if you have an old “dis- with Jenny tressed” stuffed animal let Tine know. Romaine and One of the Yiddish Toy Theatre sets overseen by Jenny Romaine, Emily Sokolov, Tine It may come alive again in one of Tine’s Joanne Borts Kinderman. See the sets exhibited tonight in the gym before the student concert. newest creations. Page 4, August 25 קלעזנײַעס Table Talk: Highs and Lows from the 11th KlezKanada by Elaine Cooper • having fun • Michael Albert singing the song Twenty four hours from now most • the music faculty translated by Daniel Kahn stands of us will be in some form of wheels • the discussion that Frank led yester- out as the best amongst the best or wings making our way home, or as day which included Pete Sokoloff. • Just being here, the evening con- I remember from my camp song from When Pete talked about the Klez certs because the talent is getting the 1940’s and 50’s “back to civiliza- revival and his group “Klezmer better and better tion, back to mothers and fathers, Plus”, it triggered this memory. • the feeling of family that I get here. back to sisters and brothers (or for “On Labour Day, 1984, I was hired This feels like a community, our many of us here, back to children and to take photographs at a wedding own shtetl, a chavarah grandchildren) ... the trains will carry where Pete’s group played” • drinking coke at breakfast us there” This morning I took the op- portunity to undertake a quick Lowlights and dirty (Q&D) random sample survey in the dining Ten of this random group of Klezmerits room of about 40 blurry-eyed said “ nothing ... everything was great people. The group included: • the smell in the washroom this folks who had been here since morning for 11 years to “newbies”, chil- • the cold; I came unprepared dren to people in their ninties, • being constipated from time to time musicians, and non-musicians. • I came to bask in the sun and my I asked two questions, What cabin was freezing was the highlight of your week • Monday evening during the march, at KlezKanada” and “What was I was playing my trumpet and a the “lowlight” or the one thing dancer banged into my trumpet, I that you didn’t like”. Their ended up with a fat lip and I haven’t comments were: been able to play all week Highlights • one couple brought their own dishes • Fiddle talk with Deborah Strauss • Last nights march to save the environment • Everthing this year was very good— • Watching Adrienne, Joanne and • couldn’t get on the internet especially playing in the band Marilyn critique and help young • this was my first year here, and I • The dancing music students wish that I had known about it 11 • The 2–3 minutes of swing dancing • all of the concerts years ago • Every lecture that I attended • I didn’t have to cook • the cold • the lectures • This is the best year of all, the stu- • the huge lineups for food dents are getting better and better • the backwards march • walking to the Dining Room • The Rejewvenation discussion led • the growling m.c. at the Caberet • The classes led by Adrienne, Zev by Barbara Kirshenblatt and Kurt on analytic klezmer • the food • The Slow Jams • The “mosh” that SoCalled led • should recycle more • The Mosh • the classical piece played by Aaron • the sparse bathrooms and the cold • Every Yiddish program that I • All of the Yiddish programs in my accomodation attended. Eugene Orenstein and • having to leave • Barbara Kirshenblatt’s program on Adrienne Cooper • the backwards march how do to “autobiographies” espe- • Staff concerts, and Pete Sokoloff cially her first class on Jewish auto- • too many anmnoucements biographies and her use of panels • We are Michael Wex fans and we loved his comments on the frumo- So now it’s your turn. What do you • all of th evening concerts wrestlers think? Don’t forget to fill in your • swimming in the lake • I can’t choose between Pesach Fish- evaluation forms. Your comments are • this is my first year—just finding it man, Orienstein, Sokoloff, London important to Hy, Sandy and the Board.

Page 5, August 25 קלעזנײַעס The Klezmer Revival is Dead! Just enough time by Dov Vinograd for a snack? By craft, I am not a linguist and marvelous, inspiring, exciting world of have not yet done even any prelimi- Klezmer was revived. Tayere tates un mames! nary research on the derivation of the During the last 3 decades or so, This week we celebrated like crazy word “revival.” On the basis of every- Klezmer has risen from the ashes. It is at Ilana’s Bas Mitzvah, we had snack, day usage and its probable Latin root, very much alive and its ascendancy is we learned a song with words writ- the word “revival” refers to “bringing not at all in doubt. A danken got!! ten by King David, we had snack, we back to life,” or something similar. But to claim that Klezmer is still in heard Chelm stories, we had snack, If someone falls unconscious and is a state of revival is as incorrect as it is we acted out Chelm stories, we had then revived, they have been brought insulting. snack, we did Aleph Bet Yoga with back to a homeostatic condition, Those, like myself, who have been Melissa Kurtz (we spelled out “Sha- namely, consciousness. re-connected to our oh-so-rich musi- lom”), we had snack, we had a mudpie A patient, undergoing surgery is cal heritage, are living witnesses to its contest down by the lake, we had revived when heartbeat and independ- very vibrant, heart-pulsing, vigorous snack, we played basketball in the ent respiration is reinstated. health. The tree of Klezmer is strongly pool, we had snack, we learned a Ger- You get the idea. rooted, with many, many vital branch- man Goldenshteyn (z”l) nign on the Thirty or 40 years ago the world of es and it’s healthy leaves are readily violin, clarinet, flute, recorder, piano, Klezmer was, more or less, moribund. reflected in the countless kinderlach drums, and can-jo—we had snack, From the Latin, once again, the word being steeped in their wealthy herit- we had a dance lesson with Madeline “moribund” denotes a condition close age. Solomon, we had snack, we watched to, or resembling death. The Klezmer Revival is dead! Long Sruli play two recorders at the same To our great good fortune the Live Klezmer! time WITH HIS NOSE, we had snack, we heard Lisa’s Special KlezKanada boy and girl story, “the princess and the pus,” we had snack, we listened to A Touch of Klez—Ottawa’s Capital Band soooooooooo much Klezmer music, If you ever wander into the lobby of at Hillel Lodge, a generous sponsor of we had snack, we played “my shvester” Hillel Lodge (Ottawa’s only long-term the group. In return, the residents and with Kenny Green, we had snack, we residence) on any Monday, evening their visitors are treated to several con- adopted a beautiful green caterpillar you will hear the sweet sounds of a certs a year. The band also performs named “Hairy” and it turned into a Yiddish melody or a rollicking freilach regularly at other seniors’ residences, chrysalis!—and we had snack, we wafting out from behind the fireplace most of which have only a handful of wrote about our Bubbies and Zaydies, and potted plants. On closer look you Jews; all audiences, however, love the we had snack, we danced in the dining can see a handful of residents keeping uniquness and energy of the music. A room for Shabos, we had snack and time with their canes or walkers, to Touch of Klez has played several ben- TONIGHT we are going to perform on Jewish music played by A Touch of Klez. efit concerts, as well as weddings and the big stage in front of EVERYBODY! The group is made up of 12 people bar mitzvahs. Oy! Gotta go—time for snack! from diverse backgrounds and ages, They are always on the lookout for a XXX The Kinderlakh who are joined together by their love new gig. . of Jewish music and their desire to Each member has come to Klez- share its joy with anyone who will Kanada to improve their style and listen. Of the twelve members, nine of technique and to soak up the yiddish- them are here at Klezkanada, including keit. Then they will bring their new Haze Wainberg, founder of the group, knowledge back to the other members, honourary member and firstBale- practise their newly-learned skills, busta. The current members are: Fred entertain their audiences, and dream Brown (double bass), Eric Elkin (flute), about Klezkanada 2007. Asher Farber (sax), Rena Herman (viola, cello, vocals), Jacki Langsner Last chance: The Klez Kanada Faculty (keyboard), Don McVeigh (mandolin, Anthology CD will still be available at the banjo, guitar), Ruth Mendell (clarinet), Gym at tonight's student concert, and also and Peter Teitelbaum (clarinet). tomorrow morning. Don't leave KlezKanada A Touch of Klez rehearses weekly without one! Joanne Borts and Michael Winograd on stage Page 6, August 25 קלעזנײַעס Eugene Orenstein on the 1912–15 Jewish Ethnographic Expedition by Rokhl Kafrissen If I had to be a Hasid, I would un- nationalism was a self-reflexive move- there too would be a flame in the heart doubtedly be following the Ornsteiner ment towards identifying Jewish folk of the potential convert who would Rebbe. Eugene Orenstein is a professor themes and symbols. The members return to the Lord. The brick was then at McGill University. This year and last, of the expedition included Kisselgoff, brought to the grave of a Rebbe. he has given lectures on different top- Engel, Yudeven, An-ski (the leader and Professor Orenstein also talked on ics related to Eastern European Jewish organizer), and Rekhtman. the folksong collection of Marek and life. For example, last year he talked The expedition went all over the Ginzburg. Unfortunately, the book about Y. L. Peretz as well as the 1905 Pale of Settlement collecting folk they produced didn’t include any failed Russian Revolution. , stories, legends, and customs. music! Nonetheless, the collection This year Professor Orenstein Professor Orenstein described how is a treasure trove of Eastern Euro- lectured on different aspects of the the expedition would come to each pean Jewish life. Ginzburg had been a famous St. Petersburg Jewish Ethno- shtetl and in order to win the trust of lawyer who left law for the glamorous graphic expedition of 1912–1915. the Kehilla (community), the men of world of Jewish research. The idea behind the expedition was the Expedition would daven (pray) [Editor’s note: It was long thought both scientific and sentimental. The with the community in the morning that the wax cylinders recorded by expedition was part of a larger move- and then do interviews with the shtetl the An-Sky expedition were lost. ment of nationalisms, and part of residents, usually in the Bes Medresh After the collapse of the Soviet Union, nationalism was establishing national (synagogue). they were found in Ukraine. Stanford myths, canons, and pantheons. One The expedition collected a tremen- University has recently released a Jewish nationalism was the growing dous amount of folkloric material. One book/CD, Dos Oyfkumen (the upward Zionist movement. But another kind of great example of the material is the flight) about the recordings. The CD nationalism was Diaspora Nationalism. shmat tsigt (brick of apostasy). When a includes a couple of cuts from the Diaspora Nationalism posited that family feared that one of its members original cylinders, and recreations of a Jewish nation did not need to be might convert (shmat zikh op) they many more, sung by Michael Alpert recreated, as one already existed in would form a brick and inscribe it with and others, here and in St. Petersburg. Yiddish-speaking Eastern European a formula in Hebrew, imploring that as The publication is available from the Jewry. Part of this alternative Jewish the brick would be fired by flame, so Stanford University Press.]

New Jewish Words from David Kahn 1. Jewbilation n. Pride in finding out not knowing exactly when. 15. Re-Shtetlement n. Moving from that one's favorite celebrity is Jewish. 8. Disoriyenta n. When Aunt Sadie Brooklyn to Miami and finding 2. Torahfied n. Inability to remem- gets lost in a department store all your old neighbors live in the ber one's lines when called to and strikes up a conversation same condo building as you. read from the Torah at one's Bar with everyone she passes. 16. Rosh Hashana-na-na n. A rock 'n or Bat mitzvah. 9. Goyfer n. A Gentile messenger. roll band from Brooklyn. 3. Santa-Shmanta n. The explanation 10. Hebort vb. To forget all the 17. Yidentify v. To be able to deter- Jewish children get for why they Hebrew one ever learned imme- mine ethnic origins of celebrities celebrate Hanukah while the rest of diately after one's Bar Mitzvah. even though their names might be the neighbors celebrate Christmas. 11. Jewdo n. A traditional form of St. John, Curtis, Davis, or Taylor. 4. Matzilation v. Smashing a piece self-defense based on talking 18. Minyastics n. Going to incredible of matzo to bits while trying to one's way out of a tight spot. lengths and troubles to find a tenth butter it. 12. Mamatzah Balls n. Matzo balls person to complete a minyan. 5. Bubbegum n. Candy one's mother that are as good as mother used 19. Feelawful n. Indigestion from gives to her grandchildren that she to make. eating Israeli street food. never gave to her own children. 13. Meinstein slang. "My son, the 20. Dis-Kvellified vb. To drop out of 6. Chutzpapa n. A father who wakes genius." law school, med. school or busi- his wife at 4:00 a.m. so she can 14. Mishpochadots n. The assorted ness as seen through the eyes of change the baby's diaper. lipstick and make-up stains parents, grandparents, and Uncle 7. Deja Nu n. Having the feeling found on one's face and collar Sid. In extreme cases, simply you've seen the same exasperated after kissing all one's aunts and choosing to major in art history look on your mother's face but cousins at a reception. Continued on page 8 Page 7, August 25 קלעזנײַעס Omission (Harvey Niebulski and Bernice Maslan) Yesterday's poem, "Born to Kvetch," Personal Ads are looking for a place to stay in Mon- was reprinted with permission of the To submit a personal advertisement, treal for a few days after camp. Please Retired Jewish Golfcart Association. accompany it with a $5 (or more) contact us, or leave a message with contribution to the KlezKanada newsletter staff. A sheynem dank! Words Continued from page 7 Scholarship fund. Jewish Music & Cultural when Irv's son, David, is majoring Festival. in biology, is sufficient grounds KlezCalifornia 2007 June 17, 2007, Syra- for diskvellification. Join us in the San Francisco Bay Area cuse, New York. Contact Sid Lipton, 21. Impasta n. A Jew who starts eat- for our next event. See us on the web at [email protected]. ing leavened foods before the end www.klezcalifornia.org for details, or Available for Bar Mitzvahs, of Passover. call Julie Egger, 415-789-7679. Pick up Bat Mitzvahs, Weddings, Etc. 22. Kinders Shlep v. To transport other our flyer in the KlezKanada Boutique The People’s Republic of Gefiltestan. kids in your car besides yours. in the Retreat Center. Bluegrass, Folk, Klezmer, Meshugas. 23. Shofarsogut n. The relief you feel Band located in Oberlin, OH, but avail. when after many attempts the KlezKanada Afloat. Join fellow to all venues. Email: gefiltestan@gmail. shofar is finally blown at the end klezmorim on a Klezmer Cruise on the of Yom Kippur. Dnieper River, May, 2007. Brochures com, or visit myspace.com/gefiltestan/ 24. Trayffic Accident n. An appetizer available in the KlezKanada Boutique (in Oct 26, 2006—Save the Date one finds out has pork. the Retreat Center), or see Marc Dolgin. Thursday, 8pm, Oct 26, there will be a Brave Old World concert DVD concert honoring the work of Yiddish Overheard The first live concert release, and the poet/songwriter Beyle Schaechter- first klezmer concert DVD by the pre- Gottesman, at 92nd St. Y, NYC, at dinner mier “New Jewish Music” band Brave featuring Michael Alpert, Adrienne A pre-teen says to his parents, Old World, with Alan Bern, Michael Cooper, and many others. “I’m tired now. I want to go back to Alpert, Kurt Bjorling, and Stu Kaufman. New CD—Children’s Songs— the cabin.” The parents reply, “It’s DVD produced by David Kaufman, from Beyle Schaechter- dark. Are you sure that it’s safe to go producer of the KlezKanada video, “The Gottesman. Look for the release back to the cabin alone?” He replies, New Klezmorim.” $25 from the Klez- of a CD with Beyle’s Yiddish Children’s “Don’t be ridiculous. This place is full Kanada Boutique in the Retreat Center. songs, Fli Mayn Flishlang. Check of Jewish mothers.” Get your copy here before the Boutique CDBaby.com or look for the announce- closes on Friday and the artists and ment on the Jewish Music WebCenter producer will autograph it for you. (www.jmwc.org) or the KlezmerShack לשנה הבאה Temporary Montreal lodging (www.klezmershack.com), for this ב"קלעזקאנאדא" sought Two klezmorim from Seattle latest Yiddishland Records release. KlezNews www.yiddishlandrecords.com קלעזנײַעס Staff include Ari Davidow, Richard Kurtz, Elaine Cooper, Jonathan Cohen. Pho- Janina שמג tographs by Bob Blacksberg Wurb. All contents copyright by their crea- tors, and all rights reserved by the creators. A PDF copy of this newsletter will be available online after camp, and HTML versions of the stories and art will be placed online, along with additional materials, in a weblog format to permit comments and participation. Web: www.klezkanada.com E-mail: [email protected] In addition to this newsletter, articles by KlezKanada participants are published daily to the KlezKanada blog: go to www. klezkanada.com and click on the button in the top navigation bar, “blog”. At the KlezKanada Cabaret.