Dale J. Florio, Esq.

Dale J. Florio brings over served as federal public affairs representative with three decades of public the National Association of Manufacturers and as affairs experience to the an administrative assistant to a member of the New service of his clients. Jersey General Assembly. With a highly successful track record at all levels In 1979, Mr. Florio was elected as a member of the of government, Mr. Florio Borough Council in Somerville, NJ. He chaired the is widely recognized as Finance Committee of the Council while serving on one of the most influential that committee for nearly three years. In 1992, Mr. public affairs professionals in the Garden State. In Florio was elected Chairman of the Somerset Coun- fact, PPAG–Princeton Public Affairs Group has been ty Republican Organization and served eighteen consistently named ’s Number One Lob- years in that capacity. bying Firm for the last fifteen years in a row. Mr. Florio was nominated by State Assembly Speak- Mr. Florio was named one of the most influential er Haytaian and appointed by Governor Florio to people in the “The Power Issue” of New Jersey the New Jersey Building Authority. He served as a Monthly. He has been routinely cited as one of the key advisor to Christie Todd Whitman during her 100 most influential personalities in New Jersey pol- successful primary and general election victories itics by PolitickerNJ.com and by NJBIZ, the state’s and was subsequently named to the Governor’s leading business magazine. Mr. Florio is frequently Transition Team. He was also served as a member seen on television news and public affairs programs of the Task Force on the Affordability and Accessi- commenting on politics and policy in the Garden bility of Health Care in New Jersey. State. A graduate of Allegheny College with a B.S. in Eco- Prior to founding PPAG–Princeton Public Affairs nomics and Seton Hall University Law School, Mr. Group in 1987, Mr. Florio managed the nationwide Florio was admitted to the practice of law in New Philip Morris state and local government affairs Jersey and . Dale is on the Board of the program. He developed and implemented the com- Crossroads of the American Revolution Association. pany’s public affairs strategy, grassroots effort, and He serves as the Assistant Boys Varsity political contributions program. Prior to this, he Coach at the .

Princeton Public Affairs Group, Inc. The Princeton House 160 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608-1102 P: 609.396.8838 · F: 609.989.7491 PPAG.com