Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

Rising Coaches Elite – Clemson Journey - Started in 2000 after graduation o Worked as a security guard - “Dixie Basketball Camp” – war – look up - Worked camps - Never know who is watching you!! - Worked at Georgia College (GA for 2 years) o Might be better off as a D2 GA rather than D1 o How you present yourself is vital… - Basketball is not a job, it’s a profession!

- Worked at Citadel – got 1 st job making $16 thousand. o Military had to grind to get guys. - Moved from Citadel to Winthrop o *Applying for jobs = wasting your time! o *When working camps, got to bust butt for assistants.  Develop relationships with assistants. - If you can get Head Coach to let you coach = great!

- Went from Winthrop to Wichita State (there for 6 years) o **Set a goal (Head Coach=5 years), strive to reach it! o RELATIONSHIPS = KEY - Dave Bender tells Earl…I have been watching you for 10 years = you’re special. - * At camp, coach a lot out of the kids!! Recruiting - Who do you spend time with? o Uncle, Dad, Mom o The right way is being able to sleep at night 1. Be loyal – bust butt 2. Get Head Coach an extension 3. If in it for the right reason, you don’t mind what level you are at. - Initiate stuff = make things happen

Q: How do you find time for wife/kids? - Stay away from non-family guys - WIFE=trooper - At night shut phone down, go home for lunch

Q: How to balance observing players/meeting coaches? - Hang out with buddies at night - Watch games (watch more = talk less)

Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

Q. Finding a kid’s people? - START EARLY - Build a fence - Get kid when young - Email him = short!

Mark Morefield – Baylor - Don’t have to play college ball to get into coaching. Example – Lawrence Frank - RELATIONSHIPS = KEY - *Keep learning the game! o Goal is to get on the floor o Everything is important in a program  Get to know people here! 3 things to get experience with: 1. Recruiting – creative (rules) a. Ex. – build relationships (web) b. Get involved with visits – ask coaches c. Peel back layers of player’s onion - *communicate with everybody - Mind set of Assistant Coach - Don’t be afraid to write people – letter to coaches (AAU)…it will pay off in the future. o Interact with coaches (work camps)! o Never know who is around you… o “Pyramid” o Write recruits – “small introductions” - Show assistant coach that you want to help - Surf websites…send info to staffs - Find informal thing out about recruiting o Find out who is calling shots - More info is better - Treat everyone like they are apart of the process “Baylor = not shootout @ OK corrall” - Dealing with 16,17,18 year olds o Don’t live/die by rankings. o Don’t overlook players Ex. – Patrick Beverly - *1 time to make a 1 st impression… o Give info overload – what is vision o When 1 st get into program = SALE VISION! o Run vision to the ground. 2. Networking - Exchange whatever/whoever - *Be all lobby - Talk basketball with coaches - Stay in contact = talk everything

Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

1st time on floor…be at all individual workouts - Find out how to talk to players - Will make mistakes…talk with confidence - Watch film of yourself

Cornell – Mann-Dayton - Degrees = biggest thing (message) - GA for 1 year - Restricted earnings coach… o Jay Smith – great X’s and O’s guy - Worked camps = valuable, meeting people o Develop individual relationships (deep) - *Every morning writes 10 letters to different people o Follow up with coach o Over aggressive can be good - *Do a great job with the job you got o Most important people to feel good about you = people you work with o Ex. – Work extremely hard with assistant coach (scout, etc…)  Scout reports: Walk guys through scouting reports…ask assistant coach if you can do anything!! BEST WAY TO ADVANCE… 1. Attack assignments with passion 2. Create a niche (something you’re good at) a. Projects outside of what you got going 3. Do you own scouting reports 4. Work in the summer 5. Look good (slacks) 6. BE IMPRESSIVE

- *Learn how – not who!/Maintain personality - *Don’t compare yourself to others (success) - *Be very loyal to players/coaches o Cross 1 guy = whole team

He doesn’t talk about other schools, only talk Dayton basketball

Letters…form them - People that coaches think you should meet

- Hardest position to recruit to is back-up point guard

Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

Jim Fox – Davidson [email protected] - Was a HS coach @ Long Island o Been at Davidson for 9 years - Is Head Coach preparing you to be Head Coach? o Wear a lot of hats - Do I wear a lot of hats? You should.

Being a good Assistant Coach 1. Be loyal – know your place (Bars, etc…) a. Commit to program – it will commit to you. b. Program success will bring you success. 2. Trustworthy – let mistakes be out there/don’t be funny 3. Be competent – know your stuff 4. How you handle problem – get out ahead of things 5. Seek out chances 6. Know things others don’t know – know what’s going on. 7. Be reliable a. Detailed!! b. Datebook (everything is in it) c. Coaches want finishers! d. Results business

*”sloppiness = disease”

8. Networking – John Daly = UT says it’s “who knows you!” 9. Respectful/flexible 10. Work ethic a. Think like a Head Coach b. Get involved in conversations c. Write notes/write scouts

- Conversation = personal advertising! o Show personality

Recruiting C – W – E – T - Show people you love them

Texas Guy - Never say “nice to meet you” - Don’t ask about people - Always dry hands - Ask questions - Remember names!

Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

Great vs. Good = Aggression!

Q: How not to be complacent – - Get better, build program

Q: Overcome small school – - If kid gets in - International

*Call Alums

Josh Pastner – Memphis [email protected] 31 years old - Anybody could have job o You’re a coach - “GREATFULNESS” – enjoy the journey/process

Pastner gets job @ Memphis - AD says he need to see you… - Do you want job? o YES!

- Work hard…breaks will come - *Be accessible

Keep focus – don’t focus on winning - Calmness = key - Recognize things = move on = stay with clear vision! o Long term - Head Coach = overseer/it’s about players! - *No profanity/calm o Win but sleep at night

- Keep documentation/always know rules - Always have somebody in compliance working for you o When Head Coach = have compliance officer - Keep game plan system o Watch Coach K

- In practice: guys played hard!! It comes down to this. KEEP IT SIMPLE!

Q: Biggest obstacle as 1 st year Head Coach? - Adjust from assistant to Head Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

- Start tough then back up!

Q: 1 st time you called recruit…what did you say? - No fluff – know how makes decision o Who makes this decision?

Q: Filling out staff? - Guys who do it all

Bob Cantu – USC [email protected] - Good HS player (not great) o Started at HS level - Volunteer assistant at Cal Poly - *Continue your network

Interview Question: 1. What can you do to help me win? Bring to table? a. Put money in your pocket

- Power = knowledge - Only thing you can control is your work ethic! - “You gotta last!” – o Hang in there - If you say “if”, do not sign him! - You are interviewing for your next job everyday! o Ex. – dating a girl

- *Be the guy who nobody can live without o It’s fun to be that guy - *Be prepared to sacrifice all aspects - *If you want it, don’t let anything get in way of it - Expand network – write down names - 3 Head Coaches…3 Assistants – text, email, whatever - *Loyalty is key - Pass up on normal life

Recruiting - Sit across from bench - Look for… *see how guys respond o Talent o Hard play o P,D,S o “hands/feet” Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

o Shoulders – shave o Point guards – can’t turn it over  get into offense/defense

Intro call: get all contact info - most influential person can change

- make name on your own staff - outwork people - efficient - agenda for next day - find area and be great at it - take ownership of work (small things)

Task vs. Responsibility - get lunch vs. handle things

Idea – email people on plane - make network priority

Who you know gets job, what you know keeps it. - Players = assets - Always tell truth = RESPECT!

*Social events with guys

Q: Favorite Set

Paul Fortier – Washington [email protected] Willing to move/sacrifice

Who you work for is important: - Do they share same values

*Head Coach is always looking!

*When it gets hard, always stay focused and keep pushing

Take jobs upon yourself!! - Don’t ask boss if you should do something, tell him…rephrase it.

Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

*Don’t be a yes man!!!

Recruiting “Button pusher” – who holds power No secrets in basketball

How to further career: - Do your job to the best you can

*Have wife on the same page as you!

Jeff Goodman/Gary Parrish - Don’t be a self-promoter - Lateral moves are not always bad… - [email protected] - [email protected]

Stan Jones – Florida State [email protected] - If you’re any good, you will find a way back = HS coach - If you do right things long enough, good things happen - Roller Coaster

Several things to make it in coaching… - Develop a specialty area o Strength/conditioning o Camp o Video o Great administrative skills o Academics o Networking (get to know people)  Help somebody…they will help you!! - Know why network: o People who give you information o People you do business with o People who can get you jobs - Get to clinics! - Read about everything… o Learn about personal finance - Develop a teaching skill on the floor o Do individual o Learn how to be a situation guy Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

- Be a self-starter

- If you’re green, you got to grow o *book – Make the Big Time Where You Are! – Frosty Westerman

- Consistency = key o Truth = on side of time

- Don’t waste favors on getting a job you can’t o Go into an interview and be prepared  Position of confidence - Make relationships with AD’s, scouting services, HS coaches o Get to know retired/old coaches

12 BIG CRITERIA OF ASSISTANT 1. Loyalty – ex. 2. Ability to recruit – ex. Good on phone a. Practice selling 3. Be a self-starter 4. Have ability to teach 5. Explain experience 6. Great people skills (recruits, AD’s) 7. Great enthusiasm 8. Know current family/financial situation a. Your decisions are based on wife/children 9. Great work ethic 10. Clean background 11. Know your negatives 12. Have FANATICAL attention to detail

Q: What is 1 st thing you look for when scouting? - Know your Head Coach - What is most difficult thing to defend

Q: Interview – how to present - Everything that you bring

Jim Christian – TCU [email protected] - Respect everybody on staff o Bad at networking - Assistant coach should know everybody on campus Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

o Go to other coach’s staff - Process = good, but got to know how to coach o It’s about players - Guys who suffer when you suffer - Assistant Coaches get other Assistant Coach’s jobs - Don’t have to be from there to recruit there o Just meet people - It’s about relationships o Am I good with our guys? - Don’t forget about players = most important

TAKING A JOB – - If you take over program and they have players back (pieces) o If not players then it’s a bad job

Q: How did you develop your philosophy? - Take things from certain people/different people

Q: What is your style? - Ask your rival (they will tell you)

Mo Cassara – Hofstra - Been fired 2 times in last 3 months o Never know what chance is going to come - Willingness to do anything o Little job, move - Take a chance o Ex. – move to Dayton o If you can be a Head Coach, be a Head Coach - Take a side step o For step forward - Build relationships o This is what it’s about - Do the little things, big things happen - GET MASTERS o Need it - Know where you want to be o Might need to be a Head Coach! - Multiple experiences are important o Talk about Head Coach - Best friends in Coaches = equipment guy, workers, janators - Don’t be regretful…be prepared - Dynamics, media always changing - Build infrastructure! Everything in office is together Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

- Know who you are and what you do well o Improve on things you don’t do well - Ask assistants if you interact well with players?

Steve Lavin (St. Johns)/ (Clemson) - Make sure wife understands the coaching business - Lavin: writings/pen-paling - You can learn something from somebody - Get the most out of your team - Can be important to watch multiple stylers - Who is your Mount Rushmore? o Who influenced you? - Work hard = leads to destiny

Lavin Q: What you look for in staff member? - Guys from area - Feel of a person - Solid people/solid basketball

Actions/Deeds are louder than words

Principle: got to get best teachers possible, then instill philosophy/approach, then bring in students


- Look for guys you trust o Don’t worry…relax - Work like crazy = then find guys you trust - *Lucas McCay* - Be really good at something o Video o Know basketball o Administrator/organizer o Recruiting  Key is not networking…it’s doing hard work - Learn how to write notes! o Know educational abilities - Want to get a job = do unbelievable job at the job you have…things will come o Brownell’s “network” is small Coach Keady 3’s 1. Loyalty Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

2. Work ethic 3. Talent DO ALL 3!

- Get along with staff!! o Tell team that there needs to be harmony within the staff - Daily improvement = important o Appearance o Ability - 4 laws of teaching o Explanation o Articulate o Demonstration o Correction - Sometimes, best move is NO move!! - Don’t make decision based on money - Highest level is best, but not always o Get to a court - Goal: to become a good basketball coach

Charlton Young – Georgia Southern [email protected] “The Business” A. Master recruiting a. Call people b. Get on phone c. Get with 9 th /10 th graders d. Figure out rules B. Learn to evaluate players a. Watch all tapes that come in b. Verbage: you need a guy that’s 2 leagues better than him. Ex. – steal, high energy, 1 league better 1. Low major Low major plus 2. Mid-major Mid-major plus 3. High major High major plus 4. Pro - Get people to trust you - *Recruiting is not RACE thing, it’s a RACE thing C. Don’t think you can just do your job; Do more than your job. a. Have to network b. Respect is ultimate currency Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

Pick 5 mid-major people (start at 3) *Talk Pick 5 high-major people – help your people…they help you *Pick 5 guys

- Find diamond in the rough - Go by what you see - BE REAL!! - Got to get 1 guy…SNIPER MODE!!!

“Gate” – 1. Who is juice? 2. Shut gate

Assist. HS Coach Coach


Coach mom GF



School Barber Coach

Godma mma

- Only must get players Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

o Have multiple players in mind

Q: How you figure gate? - Conversation…piece info

- Don’t let “NAME” on chest determine who you are

Dustin Kerns – Santa Clara [email protected] - Get with this guy…GOOD DUDE! - Never pass up a basketball chance! - Trust = key! - Self-made guy – stay motivated o Basketball is most competitive market - Worked for Dustin: o 2 types of jobs…1. Good jobs 2. No jobs o We are all replacements and replaceable - Not about money - No rank order on staff - Know everything that’s going on in BASKETBALL o Be thankful - Let actions show you are serious o Don’t chase jobs! No matter what!! - As a young guy, BE OVERLY ORGANIZED!! - Job you have now will make you a better coach - Get your hands on everything in program o Camps, video, always coach - At age 23, was a camp director o Get resume together - Be creative/proactive - Know compliance rules!! - Best way to succeed in fail! Recruiting - Got to love recruiting o Everybody starts without recruiting experience o Ask coaches for packets – follow up with coaches - EVERYDAY! - Trust your own eyes - Don’t be “ME”, be “WE” o Let kids know entire staff is in - Don’t believe internet - Watch parents as much as kids Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

o “Choices are determined by voices” - See small things - Don’t waste Head Coach’s time - Don’t tell a kid when you’re coming - Study other coaches when on road o Watch them everyday

Players: 1. Do they affect winning? 2. Tough/competitive 3. How serious is school? (high GPA = hard work) 4. No kid calls you back 5. How is he around family? 6. Does he LOVE basketball?

When you get to a new school: - Get on an admissions tour - Answer crazy questions…need to know!

Personal Development - Go watch others practice - Find way to BRAND YOURSELF o When your names come up…what is said? Ex. – work ethic - Work smart - ALL IN!

You make time for what’s important to it… - Make relationships then BUILD them

- In references: Get who knows you best!!! - Read a lot

Books: - Winning Takes Care of Itself - The Winners Manual - Competitive Leadership

- Don’t stop learning - Farther you go, friend should get smaller (5 people)

Getting a Job: - Be honest - Be persistant – not overbearing - Be yourself Notes: Ty Beard July 20 – July 22 nd 2010

- Not who you know, but who knows you - Email = key!

Josh Postorina – DePaul - Hang-in (do best job at job you got = things will come!) o Stay around - 4 things when getting a job o Do your job well  Make yourself the guy people need  Hang with players o Develop personal basketball philosophy  Have your answers ready o Network  Follow up (separator) recruits and coaches o Get good at interview  Practice  Get tape recorder

Q: How to leave coaches and stay connected? - Reach out to coaches

Be POSITIVE all the time!!

Q: Possible mistakes? - Don’t think you can do it all - Didn’t delegate - players