Volume 15, Number 5, May 2009

Ayn Rand in the Classroom: The Free Onkar Ghate at Books to Teachers Program BusinessWeek.com

nother successful year for ARI’s Free Books distributed. (The previous record, from academic s ’s of A to Teachers program is coming to a close. year 2006–07, was 333,734.) A number of factors I rational self-interest relevant The program, now finishing its seventh year, has contributed to this year’s success. to the economy today? Onkar provided more than 1.4 million books to more Traffic to ARI’s Web site for high school Ghate, ARI senior fellow, than 30,000 teachers. Millions of students have teachers, www.aynrandeducation.com, launched in took the affirmative position read Ayn Rand in middle school, high school or 2006, has been steadily increasing. Here, teachers in response to that question in university classrooms as a result. can learn more about Ayn Rand and her novels, a recent BusinessWeek.com The success of the Free Books to Teachers share lesson plans and order free classroom sets of online debate (“The Economy program speaks to the tremendous educational Ayn Rand books. The order form for free books Needs Ayn Rand”), arguing that value of Ayn Rand. includes a Tell an Rand’s ideas provide the Decla- The feedback Associate link, ration of Independence with a philosophic base. that ARI receives which allows He writes, “If Ayn Rand’s philosophy of from teachers teachers to send rational self-interest is irrelevant today, then so is and students an e-mail directly the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration in response to to their associates gave sanction to selfishness: to the moral right to the program is informing them of live your own life, to exercise your liberty, to pur- overwhelmingly the opportunity to sue your happiness. No more taking orders from appreciative and receive free Ayn king or society. Each was free to live for himself. positive. Simply Rand books for “In works such as , Atlas put, teachers love their classrooms. Shrugged, and The Virtue of Selfishness, Rand to teach Ayn Rand More than 1,100 provided a philosophic foundation for the Declara- because students Cumulative totals of free books sent to teachers Tell an Associ- tion’s radical ideas. She originated a moral code love to read her. ate e-mails have that broke with tradition. She believed morality’s Her novels are already been sent. purpose isn’t to command you to sacrifice your powerful, inspiring works of art that deal with The Free Books program was also extended interests for the sake of others but rather to teach universal themes and heroic characters. They this year to eighth-graders and to eighth-grade you the rational values and virtues happiness in generate classroom discussion and engage stu- teachers, who now qualify to receive free fact requires.” dents as only great literature can. classroom sets of a new student edition of The debate has drawn well over two hundred As schools often lack funds to acquire books Anthem. The student edition lacks the original comments, with many pointing out the notable dis- for their students, teachers and administrators 1938 version of the novelette with Ayn Rand’s crepancy in style and content between Dr. Ghate welcome free copies of novels that students are handwritten changes, making it more inviting and his opponent, Christina Patterson, a writer for so eager to read. Said one high school English to younger readers and less costly to produce London’s Independent newspaper. From the com- department head from Warwick, Massachussetts: and ship. More than 16,000 eighth-, ninth- and ments it is evident that Ms. Patterson’s dismissive “We have really enjoyed using the books so tenth-graders entered the Anthem contest this attitude towards Ayn Rand—and consequently of generously provided to us by donors through year. With the essays still being tallied, the final the debate she was participating in—was not lost the . Our sophomores have total for this year’s contest will far surpass the on or appreciated by readers. recently finished Anthem, and it has sparked previous record of just over 14,000. many interesting class discussions and debates. Finally, the Free Books program is naturally This year is the first year that my students self-promoting. As more teachers teach Ayn Rand’s have entered the essay contest, and we have novels in their classrooms, more students will had a great time sharing ideas and exchanging read and become excited about Ayn Rand, lead- opinions on all of the topics. ing other teachers and administrators to discover Objectivist Activism at the “Our Advanced Placement classes are just the educational value of Ayn Rand’s works. Tax Day “Tea Parties” starting —what a timely novel to be With seven years of visibility, it is increasingly teaching! It, too, has helped start some intriguing rare to find secondary or high school English discussions that have tied in current events. teachers who have never heard of Ayn Rand or “We are very grateful to have had the opportu- the program. nity to teach these pieces of literature. Without the The Free Books program is only possible generous donation of books, we would not be able with donor support, which fortunately has risen to cover these works this year because of budget in proportion with demand for Ayn Rand’s books constraints. These works are quickly becoming in the classroom. The program is one of ARI’s fixtures in our curriculum, and we are looking greatest successes—and also one of its great- forward to teach- est expenses. n tax day, April 15, dozens of nationwide ing them next The hundreds O protests collectively known as “tea par- year, expanding of thousands ties” took place around the country. Seeing this on the activities of “free” books grassroots movement as positive in spirit, but and assignments distributed ultimately lacking in the intellectual foundation related to them.” each year are necessary to create real cultural change, both With a month bought by ARI ARC and individual Objectivists nationwide left before the directly from the engaged in efforts to educate the tea-party sup- academic year publisher and porters on the principles that would have to be officially comes to shipped across adopted for real change to occur. a close, a record the United States In the week before the rallies, ARC launched number of books and Canada. a tea party Web page introducing a philosophic are expected be Free Books to Teachers flyer continued on page 4 continued on page 4 ARI at Academic Conferences RI participated in two academic conferences A in early April: the 2009 conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education, held April 5–7 in Guatemala City, and the annual meet- ing of the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, held April 7–9 in Vancouver, British Columbia. is true, what are the answers. . . . The Cultural Impact of “If, in the chaos of your motives, some ele- ment is a genuine desire to crusade in a righteous Education cause and take part in a heroic battle, direct it against the proper enemy. Yes, the world is in a Each month Impact suggests readings and other terrible state—but what caused it? ? resources for fans of Ayn Rand’s fiction who wish Where do you see it, except for some battered to learn more about her philosophy, . remnants that still manage to keep us all alive? Yes, today’s ‘Establishment’ is a rotted structure n her essay “The Comprachicos,” Ayn Rand of mindless hypocrisy—but who and what is the I discusses the crucial role of education in the ‘Establishment’? Who directs it? Not the big busi- culture. The American educational establishment nessmen, who mouth the same collectivist slogans of the time, she argues, had become anti-rational. as your professors and pour out millions of dollars Rather than cultivating man’s mind, American to support them. Not the so-called ‘conservatives,’ schools were systematically destroying it, who compete with your professors in attacking producing violent student activists and drug- reason and in spreading the same collectivist-altru- taking hippies instead of confident, ambitious, ist-mystic notions. Not the Washington politicians, From left to right: Edwin Thompson (ARI volunteer), Luis Figueroa (UFM director of public relations), Debi Ghate, Walter Peter (sculptor), Warren self-sufficient men. who are the eager dummies of your professorial Orbaugh (UFM professor), Giancarlo Ibárgüen S. (UFM president), Eric Despite the seemingly irreversible down- ventriloquists. Not the communications media, Daniels and John Lewis. They are standing in front of Atlas Libertas. The ward spiral—how can crippled minds fight for who publicize your cause, praise your ideals and brass relief is an ode to Atlas Shrugged sculpted by Mr. Peter. It adorns the main façade of the UFM School of Business. reason?—Rand offers a way out. She writes, “It preach your professors’ doctrines. is the educational establishment that has created “It is ideas that determine the actions of all this national disaster. It is philosophy that has those people, and it is the Educational Establish- Association of Private Enterprise Education created the educational establishment. The anti- ment that determines the ideas of a nation. It is APEE promotes education. Its rational philosophic trend of the past two hundred your professors’ ideas that have ruled the world annual conference brings together economists, years has run its course and reached its climax. for the past fifty years or longer, with a growing political scientists, historians, journalists and To oppose it will require a philosophical revolu- spread of devastation, not improvement—and policy makers from around the world with an tion or, rather, a rebirth of philosophy. Appeals to today, in default of opposition, these ideas are interest in private enterprise. The title of this ‘home, church, mother and tradition’ will not do; destroying the world, as they destroyed your mind year’s conference was “Institutions, Rule of they never did. Ideas can be fought only by means and self-esteem. Law and Prosperity: Issues and Challenges,” of ideas. The educational establishment has to be “You are miserably helpless and want to rebel? and ARI organized three panels discussing the fought—from bottom to top, from cause to conse- Then rebel against the ideas of your teachers. You role of self-interest in business, historical per- quences, from nursery schools to universities, from will never find a harder, nobler or more heroic spectives of economic thought, and the future basic philosophy to campus riots, from without form of rebellion. You have nothing to lose but of freedom. and from within. your anxiety. You have your mind to win.” The well-attended panels included Objectivists “This last is addressed to the many intelligent “The Comprachicos” can be found in Return such as Eric Daniels (Clemson University) and youths who are aware of the state of higher educa- of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution. John Lewis (Duke University) as well as non- tion and refuse to go to college or, having gone, For more of Ayn Rand’s views on education, Objectivists presenting a contrasting viewpoint. drop out in revulsion. . . . If the better minds desert see “The Cashing-In: The Student Rebellion” The dialogue was very engaging and respectful, the universities, this country will reach a situation and “The Chickens’ Homecoming” in the same and the discussion often continued in the hallways in which the incompetent and the second-rate will book, as well as “Art and Moral Treason” in The of the host facility after the panels had ended. carry the official badge of the intellect and there Romantic Manifesto and the title essay of For ARI’s participation at this year’s conference will be no place for the first-rate and independent the New Intellectual. A transcript of an interview was particularly timely, said ARI vice president to function or even to hide. To preserve one’s mind with Ayn Rand on education may also be found of Academic programs Debi Ghate, who orga- intact through a modern college education is a test in chapter twelve of Objectively Speaking. As nized the panel discussions. “Ayn Rand was a of courage and endurance, but the battle is worth it this interview was not endorsed by Ayn Rand popular topic of conversation at the conference,” and the stakes are the highest possible to man: the for publication, however, it should not be taken she said. “Many professors sought me out to ask survival of reason. The time spent in college is not as a definitive statement of her position. All of questions about the Institute and Ayn Rand and wasted, if . . . one learns in reverse—by subjecting these items can be purchased from the Ayn Rand to request materials. Of note, one of the plenary their theories to the most rigorously critical exami- Bookstore. To order, please call 1-800-729-6149 speakers ended his talk by saying, ‘As Ayn Rand nation and discovering what is false and why, what or visit www.aynrandbookstore.com. used to say, “Check your premises.”’ The reac- tion in the packed ballroom indicated recognition of and appreciation for the quote.” In addition to the APEE conference, First Round of OAC Applications Up 153 Percent ARI hosted a student workshop at nearby Universidad Francisco Marroquín, a university he early application and often have read a significant portion of in Guatemala City dedicated to laissez-faire Tdeadline for the Objec- her corpus. economics. Dr. Lewis presented an introduction tivist Academic Center “As ARI’s educational programs begin to to Ayn Rand’s ideas and Dr. Daniels followed class of 2009–10 has wit- reach a wider group of students,” said Ms. Ghate, with an elaboration of Ayn Rand’s views on nessed a 153 percent increase in applicants over “there has been a corresponding increase in the capitalism. Approximately forty students last year. Debi Ghate, number of students who attended the event. “I was very impressed vice president of Aca- are seeking a thorough with the students,” said Ms. Ghate. “The demic programs at ARI, education in Ayn Rand’s questions that they asked demonstrated a level attributed this increase to philosophy and its appli- of understanding of the free market beyond positive word-of-mouth cations. The Objectivist that of the average college student. UFM has among students and to a Academic Center looks a beautiful facility, and they hosted a first- renewed interest in cul- forward to welcoming rate event. We met members of an Ayn Rand tural activism in today’s a new class of bright reading group, and it was inspiring to hear of uncertain economic and and talented students in their activities and interest in Objectivism.” political climate. Addi- the fall of 2009. With tionally, the increased OAC classroom at ARI your support, we will American Philosophical Association, Pacific attention given to Ayn hire additional faculty to Division Rand in America’s schools and universities (see accommodate the increased demand for an in- ARI’s Onkar Ghate was the featured speaker at “Ayn Rand in the Classroom: The Free Books depth education in Objectivism.” the April meeting of the Ayn Rand Society, which to Teachers Program” on page 1) has certainly Some OAC courses are also open to audi- took place at the annual meeting of the American been a factor. She noted that applicants to the tors. Visit www.objectivistacademiccenter.org Philosophical Association, Pacific Division. program are not generally new to Ayn Rand, for more information. continued on page 4 2 Free Books to Teachers: Interview with Anu Seppala and Marilee Dahl appeal in the classroom. She generates classroom greatly facilitate the adoption of Ayn Rand’s nov- discussion precisely because her ideas often els by new teachers and will serve as a continual contrast with the prevailing attitude of our day. fount of new ideas. She challenges students to question what they may In addition, we are now offering to send have taken for granted without having thought ARI speakers to high schools. Teachers can through—and students appreciate and respond to submit a request through our Web site, and we that challenge. Whether the students agree with her also send out an e-mail publicizing this service or not, they’re anxious to express their opinion. once a year. , Onkar Ghate MD: I think our experience with the and Keith Lockitch have each given high school Advanced Placement conference is a telling talks this year—with great success. Dr. Ghate Anu Seppala and Marilee Dahl anecdote in this regard. Three years ago our spoke to more than two hundred fifty students, request to host a booth at the conference was and the teachers said they were talking about the Anu Seppala is ARI’s vice president of Cultural rejected. When we asked why, we were told issues for days afterward! programs. Marilee Dahl is ARI’s Education it was because of who we are. The AP did not Impact: Does ARI endorse non-ARI represen- department manager. Ms. Seppala and Ms. Dahl take Ayn Rand seriously as an author, and they tatives speaking at high schools? manage the Free Books to Teachers program. were suspicious about our motives as an outside AS: As a policy, ARI’s Education department They work closely with Matt Ludin, ARI’s educa- organization. prefers that all high school speakers are ARI rep- tion specialist, who handles all practical aspects of We refrained from reapplying to host a resentatives. This serves to ensure that the content running the program. booth at the AP conference until last year—when presented is properly reviewed and approved our application was accepted without question! by ARI’s Academic division—this is a standard Impact: Would you care to comment on the Moreover, we were by far the most popular booth. requirement for all of ARI’s public output. It also success of the Free Books program? There was a steady stream of visitors throughout gives us the opportunity to develop a personal Anu Seppala: Happily. As you know, the Free the three-day conference, including teachers relationship with teachers using Ayn Rand’s Books program is wrapping up its most successful requesting books and teachers who wanted to books, and allows us to record the event and to year ever. We’re very excited about the progress thank us for the books we’d already provided. The distribute the recording to other teachers who may we’ve made over the years, and I would like to hosts of the display booths on either side of us benefit from the material. first say “thank you” to our donors. None of this were especially appreciative—since our popularity We would love to hear from donors who know would be at all possible without their generosity— rubbed off on them. teachers who might like to have an ARI speaker at from the Free Books program to our essay contests AS: And I’m happy to announce that we’ll be their high school. Assuming they have a good rap- to the education conferences we’re able to attend. returning to the AP conference this year. port, they can also encourage the teachers to write Donor contributions are at the root of everything Impact: What do you think accounts for this to us directly. that we’ve accomplished, and we are extremely change in attitude? Impact: Have you had difficulties finding grateful to all who recognize the importance of the AS: When the College Board—which runs funding to keep up with the demand for books? program and have contributed to it. the AP conference—turned us down, we decided AS: Thankfully we have not yet had to turn Impact: Could you concretize that progress? against arguing our case. After the rejection, we down any requests for books from teachers due to Marilee Dahl: In 2003–04—our first full sent them a brief letter explaining more about the a lack of funding. We were concerned that might year of the program—we distributed about 54,000 Institute and the Free Books program in particular, happen this year, but our donors have maintained books. The response from teachers and students but that was it. Given their attitude, we decided their donation levels or even increased them. was very positive, so we expected that interest in the best course of action would be to give the We anticipate demand to continue to grow, the program would only grow. The question was program time to speak for itself. And that’s exactly and are actively seeking funding for next year. how much. Well, in each of the last four years, what happened. The fact that so many students Over eighty schools and districts have adopted we’ve distributed around 300,000 Ayn Rand and teachers were finding value in the program Ayn Rand into the curriculum, and it is especially novels. Many of these requests are from new ultimately trickled down to the College Board. important at this juncture that we maintain our teachers or for new classrooms. MD: Teachers have told us that top students momentum. Not all areas are yet sponsored—so Impact: Has there been a noticeable increase often incorporate Ayn Rand’s novels into their AP new donors, take note! in requests this year for Atlas Shrugged given the exam essays. Impact: How can donors contribute? media attention it has received? Impact: Do you think we’ll be seeing AS: Those who wish to contribute may MD: We have seen an increase in orders for Ayn Rand on the AP book list anytime soon? contact Duane Knight ([email protected]). Atlas Shrugged. A number of teachers have told MD: We think the prospects are bright. The Thank you; and thank you again to those who us their students are drawing parallels between the more work we do through the Free Books to have supported the program over the years. novel and current events. One English department Teachers program, the more likely it is that that head even told us that students have been coming will happen. in and asking for Atlas Shrugged. He said he was Impact: You mentioned that the long-term amazed at how word about the book has spread goal of the program is to get Ayn Rand into the through his school. education curriculum. Is there anything donors can Objectivist AS: The increased attention given to Atlas do in their communities to help achieve that aim? Shrugged is also very beneficial for our long-term AS: If a donor would like to promote the Summer goal of having Ayn Rand become a regular part teaching of Ayn Rand’s novels in their commu- of the educational curriculum in the U.S. Our nity’s schools, the best thing to do is to contact us Conference position is that Ayn Rand is one of America’s to discuss the matter further. We generally dis- 2009 greatest authors and deserves to be there whether courage donors from contacting schools, school or not a teacher or school board fully agrees districts or teachers directly. We want to maintain he 2009 Objectivist summer conference with her ideas. That Ayn Rand’s masterpiece is a unified, professional relationship between ARI T will take place July 3–11 at the Seaport selling at record levels fifty-one years after its first and teachers and school administrators, and we’ve Hotel in Boston. In addition to sixteen three- or publication can only help schools to recognize her found that this is best accomplished if we cultivate four-day optional courses, the conference will contribution to literature. relationships with teachers directly rather than feature General Session lectures by John Allison, Impact: So you do not require that teachers through third parties. , Wayne Fortun, Onkar Ghate, agree with Ayn Rand’s ideas in order to receive Furthermore, teachers, districts and schools , Greg Salmieri, Peter Schwartz free books? are resistant to pressure to impact curriculum from and . ARI’s Tom Bowden and Elan AS: Not at all. The only requirement is that outside sources, and contacts from well-meaning Journo will each teach an optional course. teachers teach the books. How they teach them is donors can easily backfire. As the AP anecdote The conference will include opening and for the teacher to decide. We do, however offer shows, this is a sensitive issue. We understand closing night banquets, a “Meet the ARI Intellectu- lessons plans and hope to add a teacher’s guide and appreciate that donors may be eager to talk als” dinner, an Independence Day celebration, two for Atlas Shrugged and additional materials in to teachers in their local schools about Ayn Rand, dance workshops, a panel discussion on the prog- the future. but we ask that they refrain from doing so unless ress of Objectivism in academia, a presentation Impact: Has there been resistance to the they already have a relationship with the teachers on ARI and much more. For full conference details program because Ayn Rand is a polarizing figure? in question. and registration, visit www.objectivistconferences AS: In some cases, yes, but again the overall Impact: Are there any new program develop- .com/ocon2009. response to the program has been positive from its ments you’d like to draw attention to? inception. If there’s resistance, it’s generally due MD: We’re very excited about the activity to a misunderstanding of Ayn Rand’s ideas or of the Ayn Rand Education Web site is generating. In our intentions. Only occasionally do we encounter particular, teachers are starting to take advantage teachers who are opposed to teaching Ayn Rand of the ability to share lesson plans that they’ve because they are steadfastly against her ideas. developed with other teachers. Teachers submit There’s no denying that Ayn Rand is lesson plans to us, and we make them available provocative. But ultimately that redounds to her on our Web site after review. This material will 3 Excerpt from Voices for Reason Ayn Rand in the Classroom: The Free Books to Teachers Program, Many in the industry, including those close continued from page 1 to NASCAR, were not amused, and rallied to have the article taken down. Car and Driver Although some schools have begun purchasing apologized for “going too far.” Ayn Rand novels themselves, these purchases do No pun intended, but are you kidding me? not yet offset the annual increase in new requests The government is in reality dictating which for free books. Voices for Reason is the Ayn Rand Center’s blog. CEOs must be fired, which companies must If you would like to contribute to the Free Visit us today at www.voicesforreason.com and merge, what kind of cars they must make, what Books program, please contact Duane Knight at subscribe to our RSS feed or e-mail list to receive labor policies they must follow—and people [email protected]. daily updates from VFR. are up in arms over a fictional policy that is almost mild compared to what the government A NASCAR prohibition would be right on is actually doing? ARI at Academic Conferences, continued Obama’s track In case it takes the idea of government April 13, 2009 by Alex Epstein controlling NASCAR to wake anyone up, from page 2 let’s be clear: the principle that the govern- Dr. Ghate discussed the role of reason and On April Fool’s Day, Car and Driver published ment has the right and the wisdom to dictate choice in the creation of one’s character, the sub- a phony news story claiming that the Obama every aspect of industry, NASCAR included, ject of one of his chapters in the forthcoming Ayn Administration had ordered GM and Chrysler, has already been conceded by us, the Ameri- Rand: A Companion to Her Works and Thought, recipients of bailout money, to cease NASCAR can people. The only thing saving GM and a Blackwell book coedited by Allan Gotthelf and activities: Chrysler’s NASCAR programs is the votes Greg Salmieri. The commentator for Dr. Ghate’s politicians want from fans. Unfortunately, paper was Dr. Jon Jacobs of Colgate University. In a move sure to spark outrage, the when it comes to the government’s broader White House announced today that GM takeover of industry, Americans’ votes are and Chrysler must cease participation in squarely with the administration. Impact is published monthly by the Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI) and is complimentary to current donors who contribute $35 or more per year. NASCAR at the end of the 2009 season if There is an alternative. Liberate auto For information on how you can support ARI and to learn about they hope to receive any additional financial companies from stifling labor laws and fleet our projects, please visit our Web site: www.aynrand.org. Atlantis aid from the government. . . . A complete requirements, and let the chips fall where they Legacy®, the Institute’s planned giving program, and related indicia are registered trademarks. The Ayn Rand Archives is a special withdrawal from America’s premier racing may. Stop calling for the government to invest collection of the Ayn Rand Institute. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) series is expected to save more than $250 in the auto industry. As we are seeing, once the and the Ayn Rand Bookstore are owned by Second Renaissance, Inc., which is operated by the Ayn Rand Institute. Second million between GM and Chrysler. . . . government buys the auto industry, it owns it. Renaissance, Inc., and the Ayn Rand Institute do not necessarily endorse the content of the lectures and courses offered. All photos of Ayn Rand are used by permission of the Estate of Ayn Rand. Purchases from the Ayn Rand Bookstore do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. ARC on the “Tea Parties,” continued from page 1 Editors: , Jeff Scialabba Editorial Advisers: Dr. , Mark Chapman, Debi Ghate, foundation to the sense of anger some are other attendees in philosophical discussion. Anu Seppala, Lin Zinser Designer: Simon Federman experiencing with the growth of government. Some were featured speakers at the events, Printing: David Antonacci Copy Editor: Donna Montrezza Essays and recordings by Ayn Rand and ARC such as Jonathan Hoenig, Ellen Kenner and Headquarters: 2121 Alton Parkway, Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92606-4926 Phone: 949-222-6550 Fax: 949-222-6558 articles, videos and interviews make the case John Lewis. © The Ayn Rand Institute 2009. All rights reserved. Not to be that concerned Americans should not simply ARC’s executive director Yaron Brook was reproduced without permission. advocate lower taxes, but should fight for a impressed with these efforts. “It was great to see government which protects our rights to life, so many individuals advocating for Ayn Rand’s liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. ideas at these rallies,” he said. “Many Ameri- The Web page includes flyers which can cans attended or supported these protests out be printed and handed out at the rallies, and a of frustration, without fully understanding why sample speech to serve as a guideline for those they felt as they did. I would like to commend speaking before tea party crowds. and thank all of the Objectivists who spoke out, In addition, ARC’s Don Watkins spoke before either in person at the rallies or through means an estimated crowd of such as letters to two to three thousand the editor, blogs at a tea-party rally in or their personal Santa Ana, California. conversations with Individual others. These efforts Objectivists ensured that Ayn everywhere made Rand’s ideas were themselves seen part of the tea party and heard at their discussion, and local rallies. They I’m confident our distributed books, message was vis- pamphlets and other ible to those who materials, waved were searching for signs and engaged answers.” Don Watkins, ARC analyst, at a tea-party rally in Santa Ana, California

Impact Online

PDF version of Impact is now available will occasionally include supplementary A online at www.aynrand.org/impact. material not available in the print edition. Although the print edition remains available In addition, the PDF Impact has the benefit with a $35 minimum annual contribution to of hyperlinks directing readers to other ARI, donors may opt instead to receive Impact web-based content. To opt out of receiving by e-mail each month. This will ensure earlier the paper version of Impact, please see arrival of the newsletter for the donor and instructions in the lower-right-hand corner of will save ARI $30 annually on printing and the enclosed envelope, or e-mail your request mailing costs. The online version of Impact to [email protected].

4 Two Atlantis Legacy Events at Summer Conference

charitable giving; structuring gifts that return t the upcoming Speaking. He is the founding editor and publisher lifetime income to the donor; and providing future A Objectivist Summer (1979–91) of The Intellectual Activist. support for the Institute while achieving one’s Conference in Boston, Mr. Schwartz’s affiliation with ARI dates estate planning objectives. ARI will host two events from the Institute’s inception in 1985, as Strategies and techniques will be illustrated related to the Atlantis chairman of the board of advisors. He became with real-life examples of planned gifts made Legacy, the Institute’s a member of the board of directors in 1986, by Atlantis Legacy donors, with the donors planned giving program: (1) an introductory session and served as chairman from 1994 until 2005. themselves in attendance at the session. A lunch for conferees and local donors interested in learning He directed ARI’s op-ed program from 1997 buffet will be served, compliments of ARI. No more about planned giving, and (2) an invitation- to 2003. He also taught writing classes, for RSVP is necessary, and attendance implies no only luncheon for those who are already Atlantis several years, at the Objectivist Graduate obligation. Legacy donors, with a special guest in attendance. Center (predecessor to the Objectivist Academic Both events will take place at the Seaport Hotel. Center), from the time of its launch in 1994. Atlantis Legacy gifts are crucial to the long- We encourage Atlantis Legacy donors to range success of the Institute’s work to advance Invitation-Only Luncheon submit questions for Mr. Schwartz in advance. Ayn Rand’s philosophy. ARI may be named in On Saturday, July 11, Please direct written questions to Kathy Cross donors’ estate plans as a beneficiary through a will, Peter Schwartz will be the via e-mail at [email protected] or postal mail trust, insurance policy, retirement plan, etc., and/ special guest at a luncheon to ARI. or of a specialized charitable plan. Participation in exclusively for Atlantis The event may be recorded for archival the Atlantis Legacy is not limited by the value of Legacy donors. Mr. Schwartz, purposes, in which case complimentary copies the legacy gift or by contingencies placed on such former board chairman of may be offered in the future to Atlantis Legacy designations. Donors who qualify but have not yet ARI, is a writer and a long- donors. However, the content of Atlantis Legacy notified the Institute are encouraged to do so. time Objectivist. His current events is not made available for sale. project is a book about Qualifying donors need not be registered for altruism, “The Tyranny of the conference in order to attend the luncheon. Introductory Session Need,” with which he is Invitations will be mailed to all donors who have On Sunday, July 5, ARI’s Gift “more than half-finished” and about which he included the Institute in their estate plans and & Estate Planning Manager welcomes questions from the luncheon attendees. informed us that they have done so. Kathy Cross will give a Mr. Schwartz is the author of The Foreign To learn more about how you can support lunchtime presentation titled Policy of Self-Interest: A Moral Ideal for the Institute through planned giving, browse our “Introduction to Planned America, editor/contributing author of Ayn Atlantis Legacy Web pages at www.atlantislegacy Giving and ARI’s Atlantis Rand’s Return of the Primitive: The Anti- .org and/or contact Kathy Cross at 732-242-9408 Legacy.” Topics include: Industrial Revolution, and coeditor with Marlene or [email protected]. Podritske of the recently released Objectively Kathy Cross minimizing taxes through

Global Warming Alarmism Critiqued at ARC Lecture Series and Campus Club Event

n April 13, at the University of California, he argued, is a climate change “gorilla,” and the (and another 12 percent derived from non- O Los Angeles, ARC’s Keith Lockitch and effects of its fluctuating energy emissions wash “green” sources such as nuclear), it is a fantasy Willie Soon held a panel discussion challenging out the minor influence of carbon dioxide on the to hold that our current energy needs can be met the science and philosophy behind the move- earth’s climate. He also criticized the view of by “green” technology. Attempts to impose such ment to combat climate change. The event was carbon dioxide as a harmful pollutant, pointing a change are a threat to human life. cosponsored by the ARC Lecture Series and to studies that have demonstrated substantially The lively Q and A was marked by chal- LOGIC, UCLA’s Objectivist campus club. The improved plant growth at carbon dioxide levels lenges from impassioned students and self- evening began with approximately thirty-minute far greater than today’s. declared environmentalists. Among the issues presentations by each speaker, followed by a Following Dr. Soon’s analysis of the sci- raised and answered were the ideas that lengthy Q-and-A session. ence, Dr. Lockitch focused on the proposed resources are scarce, that industry is a threat to Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist and geoscientist political “solutions” to climate change, arguing life and that man must sacrifice for the “health” of the the Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Sciences that those coercive “solutions” are the real threat of the planet. The need for objectivity in science Division of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for we face, not an increased vulnerability to cli- and the dangers of mixing politics and science Astrophysics, argued that the science behind mate disasters. Greenhouse gasses will not have were also elaborated upon in detail. claims of catastrophic, man-made global warm- catastrophic consequences for man, he argued, Dr. Soon has appeared on several panels at ing is deeply flawed. He focused in particular but massive interventionist policies, such as cap campus club events and ARC expects to con- on debunking the claim that carbon dioxide is and trade or a carbon tax, will. With 86 percent tinue working with him in the future. the dominant factor in climate change. The sun, of the world’s energy derived from fossil fuels

A Letter from the Anthem Foundation The following excerpt is reproduced from the quarterly update to Anthem in order to support as many of these more delimited projects as possible. Foundation donors. Without Anthem’s support, some of these papers, books and discussions may not reach their intended audience, and therefore have limited impact. Dear Anthem Donor: But where the real opportunities lie is in creating new, multi-year programs. I am excited to forecast that we may have two new fellowships to At the end of my last update letter, I suggested that the announce soon. This is perhaps the biggest indicator that there is a unique current economic crisis might present unprecedented opportunity for Anthem’s mission to advance quickly. With the tough opportunities for the Anthem Foundation to support economic times, the doors into academia are opening. If we don’t help our Objectivist scholarship in academia. As the first quarter top scholars through them now, they may once again close. of 2009 draws to a close, the indications are that this is In the coming months, I look forward to sharing exciting news about indeed the case. . . . our progress in creating new programs. And for those of you coming to the As predicted, universities are slashing their budgets. Objectivist summer conference in Boston this July, please be sure to attend It is grim on the academic front: jobs are being slashed, hiring freezes are in the Academic Panel on Wednesday, July 8, at 8 p.m. Following the panel, place, travel budgets are being whittled away. As one professor put it to me, we will be hosting a reception for Anthem’s donors. The Board of Directors, “Believe it or not, we’re at the point of rubbing two nickels together.” supported scholars and our staff look forward to seeing you in person and This has indeed translated into an increase in requests for support. Over celebrating the achievement of our mutual goals over the past year. the last quarter, Anthem has made a number of small grants to professors As always, thank you for your ongoing support. to facilitate their work. We’ve provided travel grants so that Objectivist academics may attend professional conferences to present papers. We’ve Best regards, supported the publication of a book. We’ve sent copies of books to professors so they can use them in the classroom. We’ve put Objectivist professors in touch with professors new to Rand, but who are convinced her work is worth Debi Ghate studying. What this means is that Anthem needs to maintain a healthy surplus Anthem Foundation Senior Director 5 Leaving a Legacy to ARI: Bequests and Estate Planning

“When I ask myself, ‘What importance is posterity Q: Do I need anything besides a will to have Q: I would like to leave a bequest to ARI, but to me?’ the answer is always: It is not posterity, a complete estate plan? I have other obligations that may require all of my but the exceptional man, or my kind of man in A: Experts recommend a durable power of estate’s resources. Do I have any options? the future . . . to whom I would want to leave an attorney, which allows another person to act on A: Yes. You could consider designating ARI intellectual and philosophical inheritance.” your behalf should you become incapacitated, and as the contingent beneficiary of your estate, i.e., —Ayn Rand (from an unpublished interview) a health care directive (also called a living will), in the last-named beneficiary in case your other which you specify the conditions under which you beneficiaries predecease you or are otherwise no longer want your life artificially supported. unable to accept your bequests. In this way, f you would like to Q: What is the cost of writing a will? you can provide for the most unlikely—but still I help ensure that A: A simple will generally costs a few possible—eventualities that should be considered Ayn Rand’s philosoph- hundred dollars in attorney’s fees. Adding a as part of your estate plan. While ARI recognizes ical legacy reaches the living trust can bring the cost into four figures. the remoteness of such contingencies, we do exceptional men of the Costs vary depending on the attorney you appreciate donors’ inclusion of the Institute in their future, we encourage you choose, where you live and how complicated plans at whatever level is possible and appropriate. to leave a financial legacy benefitting the work of your will is to prepare. Attorneys often charge Q: May I restrict my bequest’s use to a the Ayn Rand Institute after your lifetime. In this a flat fee for the preparation of estate planning particular ARI program? regard, we hope you will find useful the following documents, and can quote you that fee after an A: Yes. With restricted bequests, however, Frequently Asked Questions about bequests and initial consultation. If you do not have an estate a difficulty arises in projecting whether an estate planning. planning attorney in your area, ARI can assist existing program will still be a viable part of you in locating one. ARI’s strategic plan at the time the bequest is Q: What is a bequest? Q: What happens if I die without a will? received, which could be decades away. Thus, A: A bequest is a gift of property made from A: If you die without having legally stated we request that in drafting your bequest, your a deceased person’s estate. To make a charitable your desires regarding the distribution of your attorney include language allowing ARI’s board bequest to ARI, you name the Institute to receive property, the government takes over those of directors the discretion to redirect your gift or all or a portion of your estate through your will decisions for you. Officials in your state of broaden its application if your restricted use is no or living trust. You may designate that ARI residence decide the disposition of your assets longer possible. In addition, we have worked with receive a percentage of your estate, a specific according to “one-size-fits-all” laws, which are several donors to create special gift agreements dollar amount or piece of property, and/or the unlikely to coincide with your personal desires. which address their particular interest yet preserve residual estate (i.e., what remains when other A court-appointed administrator decides what ARI’s ability to maximize the value of their gifts bequests have been honored). You may include becomes of your property and who will care to advance our mission. We welcome your inquiry ARI as a contingent beneficiary, to receive a for any minor children. Family members whom in this regard. bequest under certain conditions (e.g., if other you may or may not have intended to benefit Q: What if ARI no longer exists when my beneficiaries predecease you). will likely receive your estate according to a estate is settled? Alternatively or in addition, you may name statutory formula. If you have no living relatives, A: In your will and other estate planning ARI as a primary or contingent beneficiary of your property will go to the state. The Ayn Rand documents, you may specify an alternate charitable your insurance policy, retirement plan, bank or Institute will receive nothing if you have not taken beneficiary in the unlikely event that ARI is not in brokerage account, and other financial assets. the steps to prepare a will and designate a bequest. existence at the time of your death. Some donors A charitable bequest to ARI offers you the Statistics indicate that more than 50 percent of have provided that, in this circumstance, ARI’s opportunity to make a substantial gift without Americans die without a valid will. Making a will share of their estate be divided among their other depleting assets you may need during your life. is a relatively simple process for most people, but beneficiaries. Others have given discretion in A bequest may also reduce or eliminate estate it is a task many avoid because it involves “death this regard to their executors, trustees or family tax, if your estate is subject to this tax. And and taxes” or because it is contingent on other members. bequest designations are revocable during your decisions they may not be ready to make. If you Q: Years ago I was a successful bidder at lifetime—you may change your mind about your have postponed writing your will, consider that in one of ARI’s fundraising auctions of Ayn Rand’s legacy, should your circumstances dictate. the event of an unexpected tragedy it is better to manuscripts and memorabilia. If I have no other Q: What is my “estate”? have a simple plan in place than to have waited plans for my auction items, would ARI accept them A: Your estate consists of everything you own too long to do the perfect estate plan. as part of my legacy? or legally control, including your home, business, Ultimately, there are three potential recipients A: Yes. The Ayn Rand Archives, a special financial accounts, real estate, personal possessions of your wealth and property: your heirs; the state; collection of the Ayn Rand Institute, respectfully and intellectual property. Estate planning is the and nonprofit organizations such as ARI. If you encourages auction winners to consider bequeath- process of deciding what happens to your estate plan ahead, the disposition of your estate will ing such items, and welcomes the opportunity after your death, and then enacting those decisions properly reflect your choice of beneficiaries. to expand its permanent collection of original with the appropriate legal documents. Q: What information does my attorney need in material. Q: What is a will? order to include a bequest to ARI in my will? Q: Why “Atlantis”? A: A will is the primary legal document A: Your attorney will need to know A: We named our long-term gift recognition directing how and to whom a deceased person’s that ARI’s legal name is “The Ayn Rand program “Atlantis” because in her writings and in property is to be distributed. In your will, you Institute: The Center for the Advancement of conversation, Ayn Rand used the legendary island name an executor or personal representative Objectivism,” and that ARI is recognized by city of Atlantis as a symbol for an ideal world. to settle your estate, name a guardian for your the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c) The first chapter in Part III of Atlas Shrugged, minor children, make special bequests and (3) “public charity” with tax identification which begins as Dagny awakens after crashing her possibly set up trusts to provide for loved ones. number 22-2570926. In addition, you may wish plane in Galt’s Gulch, is titled “Atlantis.” Thus we You can change your will as often as necessary to include ARI’s address: 2121 Alton Parkway, thought it a fitting name—since bequests and other during your life. After your death, it becomes Suite 250, Irvine, California 92606-4926. deferred gifts will help fund the philosophic and an irrevocable mandate. A properly written Q: Does ARI require a copy of my will or cultural renaissance of a new Atlantis in the future. will, signed, witnessed and dated, is your legal beneficiary forms if I have included ARI as a Our mission is nothing less than the creation of assurance that your personal wishes will be beneficiary? a world in which the “exceptional” man, and all honored. A: No. However, we appreciate receiving men, are free to live and create to their highest Q: What is a living trust? such documentation and having it on file, so that potential and greatest happiness. A: Like a will, a living trust is a revocable we are prepared to be as proactive as may be Q: How can I learn more about bequests and legal document that contains your instructions for necessary in seeing that your wishes are carried the Atlantis Legacy? the distribution of your assets after you die. The out. We keep the information confidential, of A: Complete and send in the enclosed reply trust is a method of holding property that allows course, and your sending documentation does not card (included only with the print version of you to manage your assets and pay your expenses, imply an obligation, since your arrangements are Impact); browse our Atlantis Legacy Web pages; and then to benefit others after your death. of a revocable nature and may be changed at any and contact Gift & Estate Planning Manager Putting property in trust protects your time. We do understand that estate planning is a Kathy Cross at 732-242-9408 or kcross@aynrand. privacy. After your death, your will is a personal and private matter, and that some donors org. matter of public record, but trust provisions may inform us about their arrangements but prefer are private. Also, assets in a living trust avoid not to send any documentation. probate, often saving time and money in the Q: I have a will, but ARI is not included. Must ARI is committed to providing donors with settlement of an estate. I write a new will to designate a bequest to ARI? accurate and authoritative information about Q: What is probate? A: Not necessarily. Minor changes to your planned giving. However, we cannot render legal A: Probate is the legal process of settling a will are easily accomplished with a short legal or tax advisory services. We urge donors to consult deceased person’s estate. It is a court-supervised document called a codicil, which amends your their own advisors regarding the tax and legal proceeding that validates a will and ensures that its existing will. If you are making major changes to consequences of potential gifts. We are pleased to terms are properly carried out. Probate procedures your will, it may be preferable to draft a new will work with donors’ advisors as well as our own to and costs vary by state. than to use a codicil. help ensure the best result for all concerned.