in the Twenty-first Century

A Global Challenge

Edited by KATHLEEN E. MAHONEY Professor ofLaw, The University ofCalgary, Alberta, Canada and PAUL MAHONEY Head of Personnel, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France


Preface xi Table of Cases xvii Acknowledgments xxi Editor's Note xxiii

Section I: Interdependence and Solidarity: Is the Human Rights Approach Relevant 1 Introduction by Rolv Ryssdal 3 Irwin Cotler / Human Rights as the Modern Tool of Revolution 7 Catharine MacKinnon / On Torture: A Feminist Perspective on Human Rights 21 Michael Czerny / Liberation Theology and Human Rights 33 Joe Thloloe / Human Rights and the South African Context 41 Marc Bossuyt / International Human Rights Systems: Strengths and Weaknesses 47

Section II: Discrimination: The Need to Respect Equality and Diversity 57 Introduction 59 / From Civil Liberties to Human Rights: Acknowledging the Differences 61

Section H(a): Exclusion of Wonnen From Equitable Participation 71 Introduction by Chafika Sellami-Meslem 71 Shelley Wright / Human Rights and Women's Rights: An Analysis of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women 75 Mona Makram-Ebeid / Exclusion of Women From Politics 89 Norma Wikler / Exclusion of Women From Justice: Emerging Strategies for Reform 95 Marilyn Waring / The Exclusion of Women From "Work" and Opportunity 109 vi Table of Contents

Section II(b): Exclusion of Ethnic, Religious, and Racial Minorities From Equitable Participation 119 Introduction by the Editors 119 Irwin Cotler / Antisemitism, Pogroms and Human Rights in a Single Party State 121 Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im / Cross-Cultural Support for Equitable Participation in Subsaharan Africa 133 Edward Durie / The New Zealand Maori and the Waitangi Tribunal 149 Ovide Mercredi / First Nations and Self-Determination 161 Section II(c): Equality Rights of Disabled Persons 167 Introduction by the Editors 167 David Lepofsky / Equality Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Canadian and International Perspectives 169 Katarina Tomasevski / Before AIDS, Beyond AIDS: Human Rights of People With Contagious Diseases 191 Niall MacDermot / The Rights of Mentally Handicapped Persons in Japan 209

Section III: Violence: The Need to Respect Human Life and Dignity 219 Introduction 221 John Ladd / Ideological Components of the Concepts of Collective Violence, Human Rights and Solidarity 223 Section III(a): State Violence 233 Introduction by David Morrison 233 Ninotchka Rosca / Effects of Militarism and State Violence on Women and Children 237 Jonathan Kuttab / Overt Forms of State Violence 241 Michael McClintock / Establishing Accountability for State Violence 247 Dinah Shelton / State Responsibility for Covert and Indirect Forms of Violence 265 Brian Currin and Paula McBride / Hangings in South Africa - On the Trap Door to Oblivion 277 Section III(b): Non-State Actors and Violence 293 Introduction by the Editors 293 Nigel Rodley / Can Armed Opposition Groups Violate Human Rights? 297 Patricia Marshall / Violence Against Women in Canada by Non-State Actors: The State and Women's Human Rights 319 Vitit Muntarbhorn / Violence Against and Abuse of Children 335 Section III(c): The Human Rights Response to Violence 343 Introduction by Basil Hall 343 Table of Contents vii

Christian Strohal / The United Nations Responses to Human Rights Violations 347 Paul Mahoney and Fredrik Sundberg / The European Convention on Human Rights: A Case Study of the Response to Violence 361 Francis Boyle / The Right of Citizen Resistance to State Crimes 377 Anna Michalska / Humanitarian Intervention 393 Christine Chinkin / Women and Peace: Militarism and Oppression 405 Judith Gardam / The Law of Armed Conflict: A Feminist Perspective 419

Section IV: Evolution of Human Rights into New Areas 437 Introduction 439 Nani Palkhivala / Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 441 Section IV(a): The Right to Food 447 Introduction by Martin Low 447 Robert Robertson / The Right to Food in International Law 451 Asbjorn Eide / Strategies for the Realization of the Right to Food 459 David MacDonald / International Responsibility to Implement the Right to Food 473 Section IV(b): The Right to Health 479 Introduction by Lynn Smith 479 Virginia Leary / Implications of a Right to Health 481 Daniel Wikler / Privatization and Human Rights in Health Care: Notes From the American Experience 495 Rhoda Howard / Health Costs of Social Degradation and Female Self-Mutilation in North America 503 Section IV(c): The Right to Environment 517 Introduction by Susan Tanner 517 Mary Simon / The Integration and Interdependence of Culture and the Environment 521 Fred Roots / Population, "Carrying Capacity", and Environmental Processes 529 Alexandre Kiss / Concept and Possible Implications of the Right to Environment 551 Cancado Trindade / Environmental Protection and the Absence of Restrictions on Human Rights 561 Maguelonne Dejeant-Pons / The Right to Environment in Regional Human Rights Systems 595 Section IV(d): A New Framework for Refugees and Displaced Persons 615 Introduction by Deborah Anker 615 viii Table of Contents

David Matas / A History of the Politics of Refugee Protection 619 Marshall Conley / The Institutional Framework of Refugee Law and Political Forces 629 Nirmala Chandrahasan / The Effects of Refugee Law on Families 645 James Hathaway / Reconceiving Refugee Law as Human Rights Protection 659 Section IV(e): Development and Human Rights 679 Introduction by Petronella Maramba 679 / Human Rights and Democratic Development 683 Denis Goulet / Development: Creator and Destroyer of Values 689 Clarence Dias / Rural Development, Grassroots Education and Human Rights: Some Asian Perspectives 701 Edward Broadbent / Human Rights and Democratic Development: Foreign Policy Concerns in the Western World 715 Tom Axworthy / Democracy and Development: Luxury or Necessity? 721

Section V: New Threats to Human Rights Through Science and Technology - The Need for Standards 729 Introduction 731 Ursula Franklin / New Threats to Human Rights Through Science and Technology - The Need for Standards 733 Section V(a): Mass Communications and Human Rights 739 Introduction by John McLaren 739 Hans Christian Krüger / Use of the Media to Promote and Infringe Human Rights 743 Kathleen Mahoney / Destruction of Women's Rights Through Mass Media Proliferation of Pornography 757 Carl Ginsburg / Destruction of Local Cultures Through Mass Communications 777 Kevin Hamilton / Control of and Access to the Media in the Third World 783 Section V(b): Information Technology and Confidentiality 789 Introduction by Knut Hammarskjold 789 Heather Menzies / Information Gathering and Confidentiality: Data Bases, Monopolies of Knowledge and the Right to be Informed 793 Lawrence Early / Science, Technology and Human Rights: The Role of Data Protection 801 Alan Rodger / Human Rights: Surveillance and Intrusion 817 Section V(c): Medical Ethics and Human Rights 829 Introduction by Paula Kokkonen 829 Table of Contents ix

Alan Scheflin / The Use of Medicine and Psychiatry to Commit Human Rights Violations: The Mind Control Experiments 831 Glenn Randall / Use of Medical Science in Protecting and Promoting Human Rights 845 Ian Kennedy / Experimentation on Human Subjects 853 Sheila McLean / The Impact of Technology on Euthanasia and the Elderly 859 Section V(d): Reproduction, Technologies and Human Rights 871 Introduction by Margaret Somerville 871 Margrit Eichler / Human Rights and the New Reproductive Technologies Individual or Collective Choices? 875 Renate Klein / The Impact of Reproductive and Genetic Engineering on Women's Bodily Integrity and Human Dignity 889 Sheilah Martin / A Women Centered Approach to Laws on Human Reproduction 905

Section VI: Achieving Human Rights Goals 919 Section VI(a): Improving Present Structures 921 Introduction by Thomas McCarthy 921 Jan Martenson / The United Nations and Human Rights Today and Tomorrow 925 Theo van Boven / Prevention of Human Rights Violations 937 Aryeh Neier / Remedial Human Rights Strategies 951 Section VI(b): Shifting the Paradigm 957 Introduction 957 Peter Leuprecht / Conflict Prevention and Alternative Forms of Dispute Resolution: Looking Towards the Twenty-First Century 959 Charlotte Bunch / Feminist Visions of Human Rights in the Twenty-First Century 967 Adolfo Perez Esquivel and Beverly Keene / Active Non-Violence in the Process of Liberation 979 William Warden / From Analysis to Activism 985 Rapporteur's Report Richard Devlin / Solidarity or Solipsistic Tunnel Vision? Reminisces of a Renegade Rapporteur 991 Index 1005