Statttimit« 4to. IDonuî). TRIBlliNJ A YOCNG MAN who can command about $1000 cap fíEW-YORK ¦"...tal, wi»be» to associate himself with tome one already -_W-YOP.K ÜAII.Y TRIBUNE IS PURL1S «tabu.hed hj. the wholesale and retail grocery and provi- «p MORNING. SUNDAY EXCKPTED, »ion bu.ine»« ; the North tkie of the city would be prefer- EVERY ^î ^f* * ^«î" drcie of acquaintance« la the city. corner of !*pi Vil'ut a« well a« and »j the Tribune ISutidlust«, w,u,w ^'»«»»»iderable custom credit, »tree.«, onpoalte the «try lit Nl»10«* bl« enur» aUrnüoo. All .ndlS'-»»«». eae^r.^ôV"" P*."' nm" "» td- for Nun Cent d«»Ted »'thV.?'''1"^ 5Ü5n,: wbere M ""ervlew5* »»' &* . -a aoiiverei lo Cuy SubscriVa-a hVlhad. Addrea»AdXslTA. B**?VtMC. * .or, when they can r-s-y In advai OFFICE TRIBUNE BUlLDíNGcS. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. ggg ofceaL ^ Ä. prefer;theya \ ear at the »ar-e rate. the Desk for «tx cioslt.» or BY G REE LEY & McELRATtl ATION WA~NTKD-B. « tMoi Mac who corlea Two Ckxts. Mall »ub»cntiers e ive D' SITlhat had coi.lder.bie ríe lU ia noca#e vri-Oï.«- so. 150I. expert^Xa'tla.'drjfÄ *+ 5er»ar.uis, in advance, and p»ier Sah, rVB\7-YOKÄ, THLB-OAV. gJEBBPAJtTE 5, I S4G. y- B«»lofrefer~««ï.v,0. Adore« WM. I .. Tor wWeh H I« ITiV^at?at mis office. .* .>,- UBUed beyor ll time paid. In au' vor.. V. NO. $57. taken !-r »*x month». Thr** Dollar» UC2» N«w»p« ni mi ¦¦¦¦¦na iinaaii ami »»111»" VV AN TED-By twe iv-specttblë i lu all exchange, with Country . Yon»Vwê«â> recuire this wkce whose- term l'ur.i«,hi;iont. Fer The Tribune. ÄUMritteü. V» Orst raie cook, and who lived three year» in b*r latt Daily r«Pnr» received at .Mine». Cnpitiil ííicbirirtcs. putnii place the other at plain cook, washer aad miner. No ob¬ than lacee of Tim Triswxe, nrenot ailowt« The Luke Superior Copper Punishment I'innnn'n PhonoKrriphy. Patent to in bhrher -2. 1 ".'¦'¦ The feeling of opposition to Capital jection» go the country. The be«! of reference« given ' ¿li'erence. Po.vTixc. January one the introduction a RHEUMATISM 1 RHEUMATISM ! ! SANDS'FsaIi^ÂFAILiXLA Please, anpiy at 41 AmowL near -IV ADVr.*T:»l!«C. which oar As earnestly desiring of aso reaisAMSNTCCRe or au. diseases Faciory._4fjfv> TKISI« : is extending.a fact of exchanges SARSA?\Rl!.LA is used withthe for. T^E rhvovai. í To the Editor The Tribune ia the of our TOWNSEXD'S AN IMTCKK STAR Ol' THE BI.OOO, By a respectable Proleatant Young Wo¬ orless.Flrr. Insertion.V> cf not us The Former scientificorthography place present DR.mes:;- fects -.-.--sin Rheumatic however AKUI.MC rSOM *"««re Line«, bring evidence. Long-Lsland Compl^t*^ OR HABIT or TI'E 5V>TEM., a «ltuauon u nurae and team «fee», or u cham¬ .¦ each subsequent Insertion.12i Deaf. Sm lu u communication published daily lawless and absurd spelling, and of an «evere or chronic The ^sicn^ihiiig cures it lias performed " " a leader : this the bermaid. The beat of reference Please ...... ,.»i and ia The andAdcrrti'cr ha3 the for inteligible ire U:i..-r n rr. -.::..« sometime« tem¬ The «earrblng influence of preparation reaches city given. apply --,Ifin tbe Inside since in the Boston Post copied following of short-hand in teed wonderfaL give either or ren¬ No. II McDoag«!-*iL 4C2t» I.lneri->".r«t Insertion.'jm-.-iub long now a feeling in i»v.,r of try¬ .uní practical system instead of the reiirf..this eradicate« it from the system. blood, and its aotiiwpuc properie« discharge Over Five the Mines in the Then i» just very strong porary entirely t*-- of disease ¡n that Huid. while Um a Insertion, which may h* ) the subject of Copper tbe and tiresome characters nciw ase.i at such even when the limbs an i "bones are dreadfully swollen.. der harmless vira« a respectable Woman, _»th iiibseoueni > a Tribune upon the experiment of doing without Gallows,and cumbrous tonic »trencillen the stomach, and ihe silghl laxa¬ underttatrdt U an excellent day, or once, twice or ihrer, lime» a ¿ cests wc are informed by the ing better with some other rsaparii . :< srx timss enturen, p.eatant. and the qualities WAÄTKD-Bygood cook and pa»lry,and every ) of Lake Superior, if we cannot get along an of time and labor. I have read with ;; to ». id tive pow-r wuli which-(however »image the combination washer and ironer. Good city reference« given Apply at ween, at the option of the advertiser. region seeiirg We think that all mu»t expense following eenificatea prove it superior any act» on the excretory or¬ cents a Une for ih* "had access to some authentic for capita] offence«. Dr. TownacXD:.1 »'i.< attacked with a distressing may >.-. m) it s bnbnod, gently uj 14 Kraakim-sLin the 4f :i' Inside AdvertUementw.Five writer that hehaa punishment be done in the matter. If ¡rrcat interest ".ite difTerent ronnnunicadons ami no¬ pait To those KÖicieJ with or other eruption», rear:_ und Ir'«ur cent» for each subsequetit out as agree that hometbine aboul.l in my «o. bad that I could not walk without my gans. posauotts a Protestant Wo- ¿sertlon, information" upon the subject And to a cliü.l he i» in hipjoin», »crofjloiiiuirer», or deep-seated »ere«, inflam¬ ANYJiD.By reapectabl« Young Kumsikal *SCTieES,JiC not exceedingflvc sources of « man steals B ¡oal cf bread feed starving tices that have The Tribune from time >; and much of tl :..;.¦ I was obliged to keep my superno*, a attuation a« coot, washer aad trôner, or cbam- IIaXSIascs. to a hi« con- appeared orchr.-aic general rrottmtion, hepsilc moo, .. amont: the oues /¦¦¦¡¦rr for «eason t me. matory theomatisui, cent*. ¡* a knowing noà property I« by 1 had bed. I tried several remedies, butthe relieve lo most beneh- berwo' k and waiUng. Good city reference« given. 25 there disposition punished are not un¬ to lime on this subject. hoped that the advo¬ r-i not diseos-s. _c '¿c it will be found produce» Apply " .'ir he did AdverdsemesUuTlserted tn thispaper appesr rinemf-nt ; but in most en».'* murderers only ieof Phyrician«: help '- at ó Ro«e-«L ». e; door. 4f ¡it* «y Ml he thinks it important that whatever i dal. ar.d -,, to «, rtrritaliring effe ibe Momltv and tbe >'.. .¦lIhj i tidoo. monopolize," but are leit at ¡arge to repeat the offence if cates o: diiFeren'- systems niitrht be able to agree on me ; beard of your sa-saranlia, and obtained b. tie, mo»t ihe |e punished, .¦--- un: as Tin* testirrvt.lal prove» conclnsiwly amuea to wiiu »ober, bOt> in relation to it should be made the fault is with Juries and in a few it end tied me, and 1 weD, following " »apply, (rails, can be known pub¬ Wear« told that of some or days of the Sorsar-arlha in a case of Ha mopiiais or bleed- Yy.l.MKl)-ev «; and held, v,eb ecvramended, at the old THE S101I-WEEK.1.Y TKIlU'.Sií. theyplease. t. it. But il i« not iru. ol of- tbe coutiiiion- public trial, othersatisfac now *s ever. ASHBJSLL WALKER. 22 Daniel-sL etficacy competes; nom There "in the communications ihn« far h- o wi not com Grant Jvl. ing .'.'thelunc«, aat alwougb it i» col recommended for established office. 1Ö4 Grand-»L near the Bowerv. Please Wr.osnfusv end Satcrdav lic." being i» not death. They do not .- ;. Bt of ihe n rits of their systems. -l/fririv. 2,1515. ils combination, il Is pabltshed e.-ery of f.rceä'wb, n the p;:t.i ihmeul respectiv« Bear Mr. Sen one of the oldest and most re- pulmonary au'ecnons. yet from peculiar caU here WATTS. Price r" per iSBSm, «Two 1 «SS tot ti. made to the public an unaccountable scarcity when the ia imprisonment f, r a desirable thatthe iy Terry, renderti exceedinglv valuable in time_|4fJf]_IT hetitate is mol- > an . puniahnrn-nt a» It certainly very constantly Lawyers in Hartford, Conn. Tbe following is possesses propertieswlncb !o«»of A having »ome practical knowledge ¡! th th< .! is, lb >t they II »t a .-. all casks «nere the system la m-.ich pn>»ir«.iêd t.y person TRIBUNS, facts and results." month t r f.-r life. tultj of which extract letter celved fruiu him: find it» tonic WANTfiOof the valu.- of real ettate in the Immediate viclntiy of KKW.YOKK WÊKXLV is let i; be but imperfect systems short-hand, Dr. oce lnood or other cau»e«, and ibe patient will from KOR THE COUNTRY of mines worked not convict while the punishment death, tiplytng TowxfEXO:.Ibaveused bottle of your S.*r«a- benefit from ii» use; and New-York, with from Sow to 5000 dollar«, to unite wlih the A VER- LARGE PAPP.R Without reference to the profits .¦¦. rto so hut a. a.-..'. ;"...! a and aiierauve properties great Moaxma, «i ibe low pr> changed to imprisonment for life without the p nre daily tP.-içht'to many, brought into actual pa-.: It L» excellent in it« effect-* upon Chronic is «utticient staUUlna in ihe constitution to a.iveru»er U) ihe purchase of a piece of property which will every S»Ti;ay*v nature as it i« and Juries Rheumatic ram to which 1 am tub from un ir .,r-.- oc¬ when there rally a and intere«! on the Investment, Is pobUsie-1 1 for or 20 co in other countries, where the pitiful compensation Wo must take human be some one ect, a cure wü¡ be its» resu.L yield prêtent permanent copies *>15, pierden. more safe axebyeofew, should superseded by casioned M VL-ral year» ago in a »¡-.go. Plea'.e "»end uader iu use, perfect with an »Inn'«i certain advance on the cost la a few feperaripjtm,madvaoc«. no to the as are drawn. All moat agree that it is put.lie. Chatham, Mu». Dec 1,1S4Í. large to ihe laborer bears comparison they tb-«n tn.-.t il; run Bvstem satisfactorily/»" rea^to furnish most rom- me two boules to the ra.-e of Dr. Seymour. 1 have con¬ month», which will be ?au*faclonly ibown by addressing a giren for thatmurderer« be confined y two Messrs.. SaNdí,.Although II I» uanec**»ary for me to sad in the first and most society the these combined practice! ailvantagei-: versed with of our principal Plijs.cians. und recom¬ value of as it note to S. II. Tribune otfico. »taung where an interview value of labor this country, at large »s at present. We think that conservative p'etelv mended your '»ETH TERRY my lesiunooy to the great your Sar»»par:.a, be bad. aúllos' amount tbe friend* oflaw and order,should 1. The union of the greatest l,r. (y, »peed pre! fo¬ Sarsapariua. acd-»u'il is effecting such wonderfcl cure» in various may _3f natural is to ascertain the probable portion ofthe people, Hartford. MaTChlZ 1845. liaj, 1 feel to to th- afflicted snow- tribuxe. inqniry that the law* may be ob«erved an.i the ci v of r-r the most perfect system of û ¦. Da. To-.v.ssenu:.Dear Sir.-.\ have diseases, yet the desire give fÏH» ÎToTËL KEKl,liKS.-Aman»»hoh«»bteneo ;the favorthe writing, been ¦ to work the change entirelycured, of Providence may t» tbe die last six in the Hotel butine« of that will bo required i« to a >ni- which under the blessing 1 gOfed South for year« expenditures guilty It public opinion opposed taking I and, with the greatest legibility, adapting it to all by using your Extract of Sanaparilla, of Chronic luí led^e to henlth, me lo the like to In tome roed Ho¬ mines.or to make suitable for work¬ punished. and murderer!, thus with which I b. en atfi means ofrestoring them prompt» duty. on hi* own account, would engage Matter« and Thlntrw at Elarrisburg. preparation«," riuman It!" a« a pur.inhmer.t, gel cjm,no-i ofwriting. ¡iiatory Riieuniaitem, ka^v cte-l for 1 been attacked at different are extensive, Tb-mott vein rock ton- and the well of purposes ..:.¦. bût two severe'.v. I have endured the Kor severni years past have tel in this City. Hit acquaintance» of The Tribune. ing; them, and the value of the per e'ear, common prudence being society .J. The simplicity of construction and a.-- years very at the finally la August, 1S4Í, reference« a» to i.e. Correspondence it be an lo en- bo ItIs a« greatest m»»: H.'on:/ dr patns.ray lee« «ne. lees were dreadfully limes with bleeding luugs.and ««Jfafaelory given atanding, capability, no as to determine whether object require» that that opinion should observed. with the he.ime ko reducen ths.1 1 whs ,-oníined lo the tied. Three of Wuutd be w to take an Interest In some Hotel If IlAitr.isjn no, Feh. í¡, lei1 the ¡u, to combined power of atid there have been montli« when 1 w-»» unul>> to of tiling good or not. To invite to un wi»e to be too far bemed tbe spirit of age, be rangement, '"' '-'..' expressing swollen, our Piivsici»-:» me tucurabie; I de»o«:re,l ray de.ire.1. A.i.ire»s a lie u> B lh¡» i tfice. Sflw« now gage in the business people and accurately ¦¦'.¦-.-.'> nf the lan-'u-.-o lend my business. Being cured of the Rtieini'iLsHi, and pronounce«! In this ittua- of absorbint; interest before seems to be the too fur In ad canee. fully heBiib restored medi. own life,and was given up by tny friend* who bas The topics consider ol the subject favorably whether the or tbe ?sible of time havini my général t.y agreeable of a-.d resolved American Woman, Baltimore and Ohio Rail Hi To ut it seem« that the question l>nr>t employe'!, greateet saving 1 1 could do n.> less than you of my lien I neanl your Sarsaparilta, immediately I HOl'SEK.Ehl'EK..Anhad considerable experience in ail branches of house¬ arc the delusive object of the writer. mur and trouble in th" learner, without sacrifice of dm», thought "acquaint on which 1 did the result wx», tn a Jew days the ¡.egislMure flour¬ death penalty i? right or wrong, butwhetherthe any s ¡cees« in u»:ng your Sarii.panii-i. Pernaps l'sbotild ndd. trying it, improved, keeping, wants a situation. She will give and require Senate, and the Tariff Resolutions in The reader, after this introductory who lave studied -. nets or in the itself. oi stopped spitting blood, my strength gradually he»t of reference«. She can be «een at 330 Pearl-tL IFrank- bill in the perusing not derer« »hf.ll be at all Those adequacy system that I u.»ed the prescription« Physiciens, andpurchased in that 1 loumi recovering ish which we have cited above, if he has like punished will be > some of «I; ibe Embrocations in ¡lie marue;, my appetite relumed, and myself 3f 3l" The former wn« taken tip on with attention the «abject agree that society 3. The easiestand readiest adaptation t the wants and,tnntmenia I ».is by Pby»ici»ns itn-»qti»re._ Hoase. Friday. " some authentic sources of it aad do m health, noii*i_t.t_idiug p'ocouticed this writer had access to more safe ! abolishing the Gallows, «nd at any rate of the so '.hit his notes 1»- made ns received benefit Tour«,fee. with tne I consider 1 owe my life WANTED of Henry With and of led off in one of tbo I was to have a y reporter may WILLIAM L1PPINC0TT, 225 Water-SL lar cone Consumption. from Darsie Allegheny information, would conclude he about will be Baff tn try theexperiment, and ifit ¡«not attended as without the trouble of to ihe use ofthis invaiuahie medicine, ami I would therefore INFOKJIATIONhit » »ter. Bridget Wal»b, Coamy Mayo, Ireland, in favor of the bill. Ho t it be to r-atore iL It legible ordinary writing Ken Yort. Nov. u. iüiä u»e to all »imiiariv -itiiicied. to retlde at prêtent te New-Orleana or Mobile. of the pension full, definite and accurate exposition of tbe subject with the desired result w¡!i easy To this we add ihe Lr. when 1 obtained a most earnestly recommend Its supposed speeches r... of Eu¬ copying them. may recurring Towmsexd:.Too remember thai EXOS ELDREDUE. information respecUng them will be thankfully re¬ to errors he have entertained should be remembered that »ev government« o a With much res¡ eel, yours, Any Mr. Bigler, n!-*o favorable ihe bul, so a* to correct any may I"** oi lii-i' _reat s:-i:::i:l:n_ block in o.r present tie ;' your SaraaparlQa, and promised, If it effected ««..Mass, Lite. lSlô. ceived their mother, Elena Walsh, al 236 Mott-»i New- followed!»}* Punishment, and that it Bystem, . it BarcsUOile Co. 1, by in of and imperfect statements rope have abolished Capital and the of a cere, t give you t certificate. I tun happy to have in my Eno»Eld- Sty restrictions, nfir-r which Mr. Crabl consequence partial decrease ofmurders. We miscalled Orthography, substitution io reinrn the Personally ap-earedivforemethea-ovenamed der certain in the when in fact uniformly been follow, d bya power favor. I bad been sorely afflicted by lo ihn facts couuutied in the York._3f published papers, ot" or the right to take --. stem of which shall be as and tti- of lue tune "so Bad that I redge, and made foregoing »ltuauon a» clerk lu a wli desale, drug took the floor in Then previously not a word >>: the «¦lererine'R spi Iliiig simple easy Rheumatism for months; much MAYU. Juslice of Ule Peace. who naa know,, Philadelphia opposition. is no information of the kind sriven. On the fay c r .¦... :;..r it be .late-rent. JOSt.Ul WA.NThll-A«lore, a Young Man 17 year« >f »ge there human various opinions are entertained a« oar numeration. .::..: e lb aleep walk, would Imposatble are aruuainted with by I vea. rest as to inte of (be m< so fortúnale as to have life,because present I a We, the undersign- d, personalty the buaines«. Uuexcepdonable reference a much feeling ami inU the oilier band, if he has been we think the maybe I have found all these se- forme to letcribethe pun and agony 1 .-tidured tried know ice statement be ha» made to be edgeof IW upon ihose subjects,and question advantages eminently of rem>>« with n: A Eno» Eidredge. and Addreu I Tribune seem« to our ¡.-rent Eastern an-l W< ..had access to some of these authentic sources ol more one of aud ">r r'ltnl.-r l.eirjg I'eueiiied. gentleman. of Uli he w»» mil to live orrtcw._3f ore. It throw settled by the simple expediency policy. cared in the system ol Phonography short-band toe Sarsa-mriiia. induced u.e Correct. In the Kail expected at once conclude that the who kno«v« qualities ol ycur one another; hi» «aid one luag was íAM'hü-A Gur. todo the work of a auioli lauiiiy.. collision, lloth bave s infoi liuii." he would to tound invented Mr. io I from day to Physkian 3t* em Emporium* indirect that his writing according lately by try a bottle. did so, and. to my great BBtoaiabment, It »ad be could not live a week. Soon after he w Apply at Î1 Cornelia «l _3i writer knew but little of the subject.or I-;:".- <»l H»1'1 It has in a few days effected a perfect cure. If «ny are jrt-.iulou«. entirely gone, hi» men here tr> nid their " or Water,.A late number Pitman, England. already commenced ihe u«e of Sar^apariLla; strength, ap¬ few active Men to South or theirbest representative) arc full of Stock in many of tiie Curious Effects I invite them to call oa n e, and I r>ron.ts-> to satisfy tle-m of your he reaird Young go pockets Copper been introduct ,1 into extensive use in Great Britain, and health Improved.he «aid weil, o act a« for the «ale of new and popu¬ out the wishes of orPhilat which he is anxious of the Water-Cure among a variety of interest¬ ihe !r,ith of the ah >ve. IflA GUDKREY, No ó Liberty-.L petite general was WANTED.AWe»t, Agent« carrying Pittsburgh companies named by him.and Journal, and has attract! d considerable attention in this Conn- .tl. and his appearance allowed the Sar.upunila restoring lar Publican a.$300 over and above their expenae« will to their rated value. an on Effect« of Water Albany, March IMS. best of n!l blessing«.heallh with clear - as the caw lie. The Western and No: to ». II at the prices he stated be ing matter, contains article the can be brought forward which wife wa« last attacked him rapidly to that temporal he inaured to them In writing, am opportunity of rntty try; If arty system Dit. Towníend:.Sir:.My Fall we be is now attending to hi» busi¬ our no phia, cost of ore to the surface is n ble cose re¬ .a It t» with pleasure add, Slfuu Some men now In employ will, irt the bill.the East) He sa\s, "the gettincr in Intoxication,' fournie 1 on very remsrkl can be to be superior in any or ail of these i severe fever, and took large quantities of calomel; ihe and ha» made oue trip un . Ing per year. Each era members or proved « was t ness a good part of lime, douut, make over #1000 per year clear of all expenae. generallysupp about t :-ir dollars per ton. The cost of smeltim.' Currio in his Narrative years interest that it should It this »lie euHghi a violent cd t, and confined !.. b HUMAN ELDUKÜOE, for them to it. Tin lated by Dr. published fifty respects, the requires be ., the let; »in- was voyage without injury man will have bUdttlrlct. Iiwlllbe neoestary Middle men a« unanimously oppose, that alto- public room our two month«. When fever her. fithing of»chr. Motiuuo. Ne«.-.fork. ou;.. and BO far is nhotit half price.say to bo true on thorough ex¬ made known. 1 would enter into were sometimes SO Master have at least from S-i5 to &50 to oblalu a good BlUng Mr. of the working ton. If ore ago. The facts ascertained generally gladly attacked with distressing pain«; ibey JOSHUA ELDREDUE. Ä1 up is an exception, however Gibbons city some six dollars per the yield amicable discussion nf the claims of bad in her neck and shoulder thai she was almost distracted. Apply at FRENCH'S Publishing Hall. Broadway, togetlter amination, occur.»,! at Barbadoes, and are thus stated any public, Master of «chr. Turk, New-York, suit«. All letter» muai be poat paid. ]7 Im* i« one of tbe warmest, as be is cermii per cent of metal it is worth, at sixteen as with 1 could get nothing to relieve her until we tried your Sarsa- Chatham, Mass. Philadelphia twenty-live "A ofthis ¡aland, whose, name waa Weeks. Pitman's Phonography, compared any when we cured her.. riace of re»idence, Omce..Kami- of the rik*hi cents dollars, thus leavintr a large gentleman ami if no i-ich p»ri,.a. which, applied, immediaiely Still farther of the valu« and efficacy of this medi¬ LD ESTABLISHED Intelligence one of the ablest sapporters granting per pound, eighty a Ereat of Bacchu». wo« in the practice, from fit teen other short-hand method opportunity We feel under obligation» m acknowledge it, that proof ¡let with good tervanta olevery capacity, male the measure was first forwi after the of working tlie mines are votary water when he I intend to to all who publicly cine. Another link added to the ctmin of lesUmony. tupplled office way. When brought profit expenses to twenty years, of plunging into cold should be presented, furnish, other» may avail themselves of this cheep and effectual West Pol-utmey, Vi. Dec 4ih, 1845. and female, al BELL'S (late Button's) Intelligence with the other Eastern men. v This is all ho the subject of ex¬ to in a a In the and baa Carlton Home. Smeod huit session. Mr. O.. paid." says upon rose from hi» bottle, and actually going sleep may be interested, the means of judging of its indi¬ remedy. She had lever two year« Spring, Me«ar*\ A. B.iD. Sand».Ikar Sirts.Although a «tronger, JJ Lsonard-»L near Broadway, Jal it. But nfter int( a which we will head on a kind been troubled before with a severe In her bead and and the icclinci to oppose having gone penses, except paragraph presently trough full of water, with his supported vidual merits for themselves. H. J. EL pain DIELL. permit me lo reiste to you tbe slory ofmy »«tl'erlnsr« of the whole subject in all notice. He desires it to he inferred that of wooden made t.,,-tiie purpose, above the sur¬ neck. JOHN K. rebel 1 have obtained from Ihe ii«e of your äarsapanlia.. PIN..Lost, a Pearl Breast Pin set In aclaw. thorough investigation evidently pillow ti. 1845. a reward lie came oui its decided friend. six dollars too ol rock will pay the face. When ho dined abroad, and bad not 'be conveni¬ Daniel-ad. Albany, April About the middle of January, ls*32 I was attacked with BREASTThe UnderwUl receive Uve Dollar« by leaving bearinits per expenses otl" hi« coat, From Cuba..The Herald hasthefollowing letter Dr. TowNsr.M):.Sir:.1 have ben for a number of called K/_-»u-um, and I u»ed it at Wm. K. Lad.i'» Watch Store. No. 23 Wall-it 3f3l« that the bill will the Senate to tit the ore for market.for which ex¬ ence of hi« own trough, he used to «trip 1 was not sub¬ dudase wtucli my Physician It is thou.-lit pass ofworking and arrived In Hi days from year» badly a.tiict. .i with Rheumatism only as were and tunlioul three weeks in the Hoi dollars worth of mineral waistcoat «nd »birr, and «it exposed in the open air, by tbe brig Joseph, Tuesday, to en at bat was unable to take coat on", or such remedies preicrilied, it The vote will bo a close one. Its fate penditure the valueofeighty it or not.. ject pain, my put It but nearly die same tun« the next year appeared of tn that situation go to deep, whether rained M itanzas : Matanzas, Jan. l~. 1846. it on, without h-lp. A gentleman of my acquaintance, who left, the from which anît Rotels. is more doubtful. No certain calculations will he obtained, Thus making an.immediate profit the nearest ad¬ the Cram this me to a again in ihe same place, right hip Joint, jüoarbiug " And sometime« he went and bathed in We this opportunely 01 sailing bat .'real confidence in your medicine, Induced try to limb and to ~ bill there, can now be made. of dollars tor the fiilint,' up his lari:e profit by and it .ncreased, moving on from limb joint Joint Mreni'th of the seventy-four to which he generally required assistance of the American brig Joseph, to Inform you about bottle ol your Sursupa. ilm.and to my »urpriae sautfac- until it had taken pos»es»ion of my whole »y«. ïoÀ^ÎNâÂT 27 Ô^HTLÂlîi^sf! are »trivio, to kill can this have hut to ex¬ joining pond, port emphatically three or its opposera in tiio Senate margin." What tendency to be The effect of thi« practice was. that In- the critical state ofthe country at the present time. lion, after a few application» it relieved mc, und, although lent. I tried every remedy prescribed by ihe various Phy- OERË can now accommodate four tingle a less certs the leading hundreds and conveyed. and monte« have it ha» not returned. And 1 would a'ler to see disease with board and comfortable with amendments.a slower but not cite a manin for business, stead of debility, lassitude, head-ache, The despotism and atrocious depredations oi tbe elapsed, i Ii :ati=. hut was doomed year year my MRS.gentlemen permanent with the false of experiencing on awaking, cheerful and re¬ have arrived ai ;he ce:.", e recommend it to other». baffle the combined skill of th« Medical Profes¬ room», ou modérale term«. Reference« exchanged. 4f «tw" death Iban by direct voie in opposition. Varie thousands of people, deluded hope nausea he found himsèlf Spanish Government highest CORNELIUS VANDERZEE, Bethlehem. completely of relief taxine; the with tonna to invest means necessary and free from all the effect« of intoxication. In oi The enlistment fora militia, the suppres¬ sion. 1 became dlsouiage.i, ail hope ded, prosperi¬ looms with board to be ob¬ for company large and speedy profits, freshed, iniquity. Albany, Sept.',,. 1844, wa-, t-irred to adver.iiy, and I could say with the wo¬ propositions have in the of tie; 1789. one abroad he cot alternately sion oi a ereat number of advócale», the extinction of ty re¬ BtlAHDINU..Furnishedtained at No. 487 Hudson-sL References exchanged, nave been offered, ami the Senate adopt lo a comfortable subsist.nee purchase year dining day midnight. Dr TownsiNO:.Dear Sir:.Believing your Sanrapa- man in the Sen piure, thai I had »pent all my living and " druiiK and sober ton e sever,.! time-: before the of this Island, the introduction of new io be one that will be a liueod* Due 25 cents per ton for tonnage, ami Copper Stock," created irresponsibly for the sheer University rilla a very valuaob) medicine, und ceived no benefit. I continued thus until September IB38, jo taxing each time hi* sobriety by immersing himself, Rud enormous taxes, have xcitetl at la«, the public In- benefit to the Kheumatic community generally, wh-ti It» severe cold, ami my t'iir each who travels over the ro: of selling.a of swindling already recovering when I took a sudden ai.l immediately a cents paiwenger purpose species and sleeping in cold war»r and on awakening returning ;_o atton, and the opinion of the natives is almost pro¬ virtue« are sufficiently known, I wishto a Id my feeble les- with increased fury throughout, my whole FOH. SALE, very low, splendid Uj amendment offered Mr. Heekman of Non resorted to, and which every good man was so received. disease niged Octave Piano Kurte,hollow coiner«, Goiln." An by extensively to the company. The lust timo, alter »upper, be nounced. inuoiiy in it» :avor to ¡he many you have already My body was racked wllh canvu.»tun» and twisted for the oC Sta Another remark of the writer might ihnI be :u»i»tfd on hi» com- of tbi« Island Ahoul three year» »¡¡ice, I was pr.-trateu lyan allack of system. was dislocated, and every limb Iroul. S,c Ha« been In uaejusllotig enough imptoij, providing employment will-oppose. immoderately intoxicated, The hews about the proposed purchase dis¬ with cramp uniil every Joint lo know that In lone and touch H cannot be shall have access to tbe books ai He the stockholders and him themselves to Stiites has reached ns Inflammatory Rbeumatlsm; on recovering Í found it limb» and body were drawn to¬ Agsuis, who favor ibis conclusion. says pinion» uudropsirig bim carrying by the Governmi nt nf the United in wrist« painfully distorted. My ,n btU St* » of so a in a chair, and with posed to linger-in thy joint«, and particularly my inl) a silting in which every joint Howard-»!._jf of the company, and general supervision cannot be made personally liable, company the pond, rhey true.i him accordingly with Incredible and has been echoed or sometimes gether, nearly posture, papera over the rosid pleasure; It hast oubled me more lesa sitio-, severely. become »o »et that il wiu to move, hand 1'IANO r'UKTt, Manulactory.The tisir», with the privilege of traveling he formed, the stock away in market at set him to the chin in water, where be continu-.1 un- shouts of anil enthusiasm in every and a who bad a perfectly impôt»tble may gated up joy quarter, by A few days »inco 1 wus requested by frisnd, or foot or of lmibs. Itubtcnber« are now finishing an endrely cur. at and all times, free of charj hands and ward« of an hour, a him. I had this Creole heart. in ¡L I did so, and any my ite Company's any prices until a majority had changed person supporting every boiile of your article bis bouse, to try I was routined in this condition about one year from the article of lnilrunieats, which are war now coasidi ration. high circumstunee from a one of the puny, the Government of the Union, with tht: to me, l a«»iire : ibe lame¬ bed for one ¡new to ii under the balance can only bo forfeited. The original pro Ids' gentleman, An agent of the effect was very pleasing you alaive date lo a common lied, uexl lo a hydrostatic I ranted «uperior in tone any In use, and to I have greatly mistaken the character of the llaHlmo whose bo on. el our brethren, the Americans, be ness wa* remove.; ui a short time. I then procured a bottle which 1 was taken in February IMl, and plac¬ lo lune much The Improvement con«i»u lo a will the cannot be hold responsible to pay a just veracity may entirely depended help Anglo might have had little year ; from keep louger. ud Ohio Railroad If they accept pr prietors "A'home, however, he used, ns I have already men¬ enough to attain the object of the without mil¬ io keep by me,.but I am happy to say I very ed in a large easy chair, made so as lo conform to the angle Harp frame peculiar in construction, obviating every objec¬ Company, of the mach greater then is purchase, u-e in this u*e metallic in In- ruions of a bill, born-' down with exactions upon then proportion tioned, u trough made for the purpose, with a bench in lions being necessary to it. The natives are disposed to occasion to ¡I. Yours. of my stiff body ami limits. I had not been long tionheretofore «auted by the of plates every invention that ti- the inducement to he villainous. The organization when means, on and we J. N. CUTLER. Watchmaker, 58J f!reen-»t. Albany. before feet to «well and continued to in¬ the tone. Professors and purchaser» are Invited t ¦ilrenderedobjectionable by it as a pillow, having been nearly drowned sleep. ihe cooperation by all that, purpose, eso would i«ae chair, my began forving of its can devise. of an association such u did no*, origi¬ the negro, who was to number of A Wo«n to PrirsictANSt.Dr. Towns crease until the «fciu literally hurst at every pore, discharg- an examination of tbete. Instrument«. .stefhlingenuity opponents upon principle lagia hispond, from appointed un- tbe organ of the opinion of the greatest to thank hi« Medical friend» who ot A debate in the Elouse, little progress men. In this this oppertsnity numerous iu.: sucha of rluid üial large folds cloths placed GLENN, ROGERS CO. In the Tariff nate with honest wntcli bim, having himself fallen asleep. waiery them. have ao recommended hi» to their pa» i|iiiuii'uy drenched in a ol Knlton-at P,a»t «Me K rondwar Messrs. Kimx. Hill of as been three or even more hours. bberaby Sanaparilla under and ar«u:.d thi-m would be completely _Ig sude. Meagehan, Montgomery Hut his fucts are untrue. It has not yet bed he Would Bleep, one, tivo, ti-'nis.and to «iicli us have not already testedluquallUe« Beside» lie» I discharged a gluey «ubslance and Bartholomew have addresse st refreshment Hi« wife Tlie colored of iioston have obtained the best «tiicle .f few hours. Ley surface U.kTS, UA'íe»..Pan. Hal» al §3, equal Webb, Brackenridgo ascertained the of any company upon experiencingalways iho greati ¡3P people bo would «ay that be uses none bat very that accumulated iu thick cru«t upon the .until other» at ; al»o droat Hols _ou»e. Of these Mesara. Webb and Knox take uili by experience him to his a calli i extracts it without hkat.. lo thoao »old by $4 elegant lk of Lake that six dollars per and family, when they wished change quar¬ a charter from England, and formed lately Lodge HondarSJ Ssrsapnri'la, and matter was formed underneath when It peeled otf, forming 50 and St .';>. in tiyie ana hniah lo thote the Tariffof 1843 the shores Superior, :.t,,l l.-t water run oil*, Fel- is aware, destroy* until feel were one al §g »uperior psonil against the of the ore to the ter«, used to draw out the plug the .he "Bay State Lodge of the United Order of Odd rHeat,aa every iateiligeot practitioner ulcer«, which continued lo increase tuy lu at $3; neat Huts at $¿ C. O. Murch will Mr. inflicted a mainly to prove th ton will pay expenses raising nnd of the loss me virtue« of Ibe Root. Thi» be compounds to nauseous thai Ibecame loathsome eveu to many placet Rnpx long speech, or ex¬ when he awoke humorously complained SarsaparUla iu the complete sore, be pleased lo tee bl» friend» at Ibtt eatablitbmenL ores following propositions surface ami of washing smelting.Fufaras of his bed-clothes. Ar length tin.« began to with »evoral of th.- musí powerful alterative agents my nearest m,<] beatfrtenda, Although my feel were so ex- P. H. BRuWN, I4ii Canal-tL . expedient Dr. T. ihe of .)»i lit TliHt In the Tariffof 1842, the discriminations «r perience proves twice that «um will be requisite lose its in and oa time be continued Vegetable Kingdom, and, «a prepared by possesses tender ihai I could scnrcei} endure weight Im"_GEO. effects rousing him, in acting noon the ab> ceedlngly M limes they woold bum and Itch so fc.« OlMMlV AND »ASUlO.l-To lluse who illin favor of the and in to th It is not lo raise it to the surface in any in In c.:.-. ..! thi» be ©encrai notices. extraordinary powers, particularly a cloth upon them, y«t (III lu Manufacturing, opposition expected to sleep his empty trough. quence »or. e:r. and glandular it ta anti-spasmodic, car¬ that nurse would lw obliged lo take a rough couoiny, the «abtcriher, accordance with Irriciittnrii. Interests, dollar«. It must then be and i Systems, lI- Intolerably my JU^aiudy Molo case for less than live was seized with extreme rigors chills, followed j Nos. 159and 161 Crosby minative, duretic tonic, und a gentle etninenagogue ; cloths, rubtbemuntllltwassomeibnes samrated with blood, the time», ha» reduced bis «uperior Imitation îd Th:it ,'.«. discriminations, are all in favor of Capit; con¬ which affected him a tST American uymnaainin, ei.i diseaae« »ai-i^ umo there was ¦kin Hau on Kur to the extreme low «WyBB» broken up into small pieces withhammers ; that fever attack ofrheumatism, long ne-r been is now for though.ltis of »uric power to remove chronic '. forel could get relief, whil" at ih Bodies, puceof . Bleeeker-sL having completed, open most a drett and will ad* ltd »Minst Labor. ero must then he washed and time. an;', him dc»i»t from the practice in future at a considerable ;:i rolts, It can he taten by lofants with the per¬ inflammation throughout my whole »y»tem,anJ The above I« an elegant Hat, compare taining native crushed, exercise, Tbi» hist tuUou has been got -ip yet for Children a aging on with hat« told In tin» city at .>:,.'«! and 83.1)0. 3d. bai the consume] pay* the duly. Hut to thoend of ¡.is life he was in the habit of sitting, «.. c»» died and came "ft. I distressing pain Al»o, conatantly maiiufucmrtng mines in the intoxicated, opt branch, city R !¿ IL Van Butkirk, 293 cor. a ueadacbe almost continually best latest pattern, and al Hit, lowest city price* fur st felt tint he was unequal to the Hercnleai Ho says, "the only world.except nnked. to Ihe wie.I aim rain. Thll I SO t- ol athletic es ic .'-. t the great benefit ol For sale al 1& Fulton-eL; In tuy left side, m«iraciiiig quality, evidently ("uba anil of which be is quite exposed encouragement I"-""1 ex. of Market and Broad-sts, newars, N. J ; C. Ingli.«, Jr. Pat- aa-i besi-tei» w.-re so lorpid lhat tiioy did not casII kilt ttmt he had laid out for himself,and he was talkini those of Jamaica, ignorant character died oi about three weeks the general health. Th« bulldtng having erected Co. Mo. mybo*e's once tn several of velvet and cloth on are ordinary apoplexy k r«on, N. J.: lutfSoutbPearl-el A i.sny ; r.e.I lings: unless the ai,i of pills o'tener ih&n An as«oriment Caps constantly to men, inn« of whom would be the slowest ol al .that rival in richness those of Lake Superior, ;-ressly for a Gymnasium, covers insl. »psceoi 6,t00sqr. Mr. move by of actual slato hand. in instance, the abovo does not ago. aged sixty-three." !L: arena of exercises risum'i.;* R The evr- 8 State-aL Bollón; BacRust Bull,Troy; Wells, Drug- days. Tin«, Sirs, is but a faintdescription my If, any give perfect other» to to lend credence to his those of Russia." It is a singular fact, and one not the occupying; mi of found me it cau bo obtained information premises On this remarkable case Dr. Shew maVea sumo obser¬ cises be amusing a* well as ben ficlal.associa¬ gist. 1 '.¡ca; Orunt ¡. ilookee, Dmggrst«, Poughkeepsl«| wnen yoiirSa-ssparilln, like Angel Mercy, »ati»facuuu, fully by giving A bill tu reiiuce th« Stock of the Erie and North to that he can will found Truax.SchenectadJ ; Mr. to relief. Whiio r-'movlng the wrap¬ to the aubscrlher. J. W. KELLOGG, capital Hattering hi« general intelligence, -¦'.¦ .::'. and select. Tbo baths with hotand col.i water ilusarr.un .v. Co. Hudson: Andrew and administered my introduced Mr Johnson ol Erie, was of vations which we would copy at length but for want tions 11 >'irgl' mid druggist» generally from ihe ti.-at my wife raid, My dear husband, «14 Canal-St. EutRailroad, by so ofthe minea in Russia.and win lie an acqulslli m i" the establishment, as also Fowler. Lansing by prlncipitl ihe per bottle, for if 3m'_11Ü defeated on third The bill th" corree speak positively room. He int. ...cation, considered in refer¬ agreeable tim tecs and the Uoilea Stale», westloales and Canada«. must not allow yourself even to hop» for relief, H i i.i.'.s aad AImIo- reading. propose,! the mines of Lake of which but little can of defines tho ReadtUK Room containing of Ciiy English ibrongbout llie bolles, you lo DU. TMDSfkJEri mi which means had inti Superior, ar-- so that iha use of Mfone eácept pot up In large square do it will add another your already many kmiuui No. 4 As- tien ut error, by some crept he is of those ence to its effect« on the. aa a «täte of fever, caused paper«. The exercise* constructed by genuine with ii;¡) wrillcn »igna- you only fell the elfect« of Supporters.Otfico Veaey-aL »ci of n m present be known.when ignorant body, each muscle 1» Into action, causing a general which COOUUa a quart.'BOd signed grievous disappointment*.. I very sensibly |ior House. .eoiicinal incorporalii requiring thesubscrlp nearer than Hussin, and maintains that wnicr is the every brought ai1 of the tiio: of S. P. TUVVNsEND, and his name blown in Ihe and wh»n I ha.' inken one half of the first bot¬ tlfinof fire millions of st"c!¿. and wbich was reduced to in Cuba and Jamaica, much by the stimulus drank," development and atiengtbenlng ot parts body. din the lirai dose, the Many persona have undertaken I o vend Imi¬ .. of the at«. lawlyTb '.et slopped, and Tht .uni which have heen wrought lor years with sue febrifuge or cooling agent in nature. In many "..,¦ III be ander the instruction Director. To [ tle Uie discharge from my entirely tation» ui Hull'« celebrulod Trusaes, and Ihou- the prcient bill to six hundred thousand dollars, greatest oceo latioes me iii»uiuiiou Is of much* i m and before I had finished taxing initiation» them busi¬ a man cannot walk or re¬ th«»« of sedentary vVIííEH'S AdOAUUM. EXTRACT welling began abale, aand» aie imposed upon lu consequence. The»e object of the bill si emed to be singularly misapprehend cess, and in thé working distinguished ai-es of drunkenness, where »ni we invite their u-.teuiion a« thesec-ud, ihe and Itching was gone, lim loathsome reden aie made uoiklUful meclia- en¬ luípoilance, particularly, Versus Sarsupurilla. burning ceas¬ cannot be upon; they by «d members, The was started tha ness men in N'ow-York and Hosten have been a a The beneficial effects oi an nn-1 e.-tab- »leuch Uie In my he id, »ide and back byaiany objection member long enough to «peak through, also that of the public generally. MEDIl INK hasaccrulred extended disappeared, pain In four moved nica, and aro no bi ttur than ihe ordinary Trutset, this lUuroad to connect with tht he so anxious to BO fur as Russia to .¦ etic amui.ents ire to « r.-,-it unmber invaluable, and the which bus been ed, while mv bowels for thntirsl timo year» Company proposed gaged, why go be found in a ..I ihowerbath, Thcmnn THISii»he,l celebr ty ihroughoat country, todo so and bealih Kew-York anil Erie and that if such was its In he ever hear of tiie remedymay this h-»» needed an Instltadon so complete with it» virtues at 1 alone, ut a remedy for naturally and have continued »lnc«, my SALE.Tb» i,uain«»a of a Bakery, averaging So RaUroad, find a rival mine ?.Did Copper buth city greatly con- sii-umied by efficacy this will see whaiauunex- ibe boat no for fich con above referred to was enabled to endure the co'.d necessary i well-regulated ami properly or I» improving. By you I^OKlihla. Hour per week, die year of radon-' theState receiving equivalent Mines in ! every thing Scrofttla, King's Evil, rapidly lias been the bake-house has all the conven¬ «houid so -t as to ren l< rit un lir the ducted The following gentlemen have given Sore Throat. pecu.'d yet tinspeatnlile bl''»*in,'your Sarspartlla locations in city. The be embarrass) width from six inches to in consequence of the heat generated Gymnasium. Ulcerated I desire that every one amicled with a such a» oven», flour ic metnberi "These veins vary in ns their an in tbem wefaavelbeltbertyofreferiog: Rheumatic Affection«, lo me and earnestly iences lor conducting large business, »bis proceed with the work The efficient to inform the but he wat not there! y enabled to endure fa¬ support, i> J. Lot./ «binding as comeWithin Its healing cower» may obtain cellar for and all in order. The (', such view on the sixteen lee:." Will he condescend alcohol ; Valentine Mou. M D : .1. C. Cheesman, M. ; Kearney Diseases of Ibe Skin, White Swellings, s'jcii disease» lolia, large wood, complete IromEric ciity disclaimed any pan vein to Ton I).: A C L>. and it widioutdelay. Your afflicted friend, is a modem built replete with all thecon¬ wan as state« or whom, a well developed on the contrat y h-j was disposed sleep. Rogers,Al. Post,»!. Disease» of the Bone«, all Ulcerous Case«, try dwelling houte, ofthe Company which Ina rporated tiny public, where, by tigue N. y. Jan.-. ist, line. und Mercurial Disease«, WM. RYDER. venience« for one or two genteel famine», wnh handsome .Btloeal Still, however, tbe Bouse negativo sixteen in width has been discovered Y And well man it would, have been exceedingly dangerous to JAMES T. HATFIEI.D. Proprietor. Syphilitic This thatwe have been pemouaily acquaint, stove attached. The i.minea« hau been long established, and advantage. feet Affectioas of the Liver, Dyspepsia, may certify and mal die business the bilí. A motion will be mude to reconsider. what company has possession ofsuch a vein? Will thus in water but tlie drunkard was hole to endure 2rr.cod- HENRY L. TWIGGS. Direct, r. Chronic uni Nervous occur- I'd with the Lev. William Ryder for many y.ur» past the proprietor bos no heillauon m laying lie Jal C )«Üv«ne««,all Complaints, to be correct. v-.-o; .1 to ,.'¦.' lo one who understand» Ilia A nice wtii be brought undertake to answer Î We .;. cachectic constitutions. e i:eve the above «tnleicecls I» for »ufety, question involviug tuanj points any. man of character on account of the amount of heat in his In. :. -hi.,luted and Dlst. to »ave the none but a baker need bciorcthe It i» that of exempttoj of hut the indiv i.lnal is it extraordinary The Siib-rriborV Lozenge for Cou in the caused an state of the Mood. Kev. J.-hn Clark, Presldlog Elderof Poultney irado ; und trouble, apply. Legislstureshortly. have often heard such veins, The t**?** Duteases by impure *' Paslor of Meiliodist E. Church. A h.kur Oteaos u> the wUi and IVsnth -ta from fine ft-r a breach ot our Sab Such in substance is Dr. Show's theory. aileviau » il:-- óisi^r, eabie toms of that an.i effecdonsre» Joseph Ayre», Baying the purchase good He,- Bsptl scarce who can where one of them is located. system. Hea instantly sym] Ovei Syphilis tbose'very dUagreeable of Main. CooC Acad. and c.t.i for Ihe con bave a lease ia t< say lodissolve «¦i ti.' .trui which f.n-e heretofore been coasid» J. Newman, Teacher Troy utensil», give security rent, bath. Under existing laws this Society compelled f:ict« are very curious. on» eeaanl disorder. Permitted slowiyinlhe dna refrom, " " Science do. »evou The owoer II" "the ores on an average nbout certainly on mu a membrane of thai o ran, »uch us Ulcer« ofthe Throat, r,. Weatworih, Nai urol ol i:..; premttes fur rive or year«. preaent two In the week.the lirst in obediencoti says yield mouth. In it» action the ere.i icarable, Larynx, Nose, " " do. Uis for the ia»l two keep days cent, ot r." Some bla. k it wni. .thus Inflammation fi .-t the parts affected. Ills Nile«, .tc. J. Strong, Laiigusg'-i bas contemplated leaving iliy years, a-, and the seventh iu accordance with the dictates ol twenty live per pure copp, and conclusive evidence of Ils su¬ und he lni.l» a and lanant lo his at also an mil :eme,iy for hoa-senes« Arcanum Extract i« a completeAnudóte to theseri¬ For farther particular« provided purchaser mind, tODsclenco feel that m-- thus re oxide veins have been discovered, especially general ivoiicca. efficacious approved The see which may be will leave tor '.he West on lie; si of A letter direct¬ They they legally Blid io».. Price SS cents a box. ous E ils the Injudicious u«e ofMercury, A» perior vaine i;id efficacy, pamphlet», May. tpired to violate one ofthe hiebest ci nun inda and moni Harbor,about "ix inches in width, that yield ufvqice. i COO- produced hj work ng obtained of grat'.-.. ed X. Y. /.. Baker, Tribune, giving name and refer¬ fNinp.-r of the laman Gnllery..At «ouei s st ibe --.¦-, and byj. I. i ring «ud Fall Purifier :t cannot be surpassed, A¿ent« A. B. it D. immediate answer.. ms ol ti o divine law."Six days el-a^: over cent. are in the con¬ Bf,*" Opening c,,r. S| a »i ent amleüecUve force: and sold, wholesale and retail, by ences, If sa.laloctory, will receive an Uttmninjuncti twenty-five per They ingot'tbe tr.en.i- ofthe late .mecieu il> nby In.max, con- DlNuTON, 303 11 idson, Spring-si y-, Unlstp' it« way through the. system w.ih Prepared 79 Pulton-»*- **TJ Broad¬ if »teod* Cl ask fot the ol the Le hard to work. lene« > m t certain kinds >-l laboi way, and Easi Broadway, raisin.e to Bill iht ()("rb,rtn the rock musí be cut several feet in width for the Gen. Cummins«, it w«.» thought proper,while offering earn¬ Hr** ETydropntliy..A Hydropathic Instlmiion has Bemoyiog Dyspeptic Influences, the United Slate»- Prie« THÊ^HOTÔEST PÄEMIüM t-i remove the ¦. generally ibrougboul s vitbou» penal liability, or rather, penalt] veins are occa- estanJ heartfelt condolence t.. il '.'. .;...; i ..m,y of the de» been hi stornstown, N. J. under the supervision of Soothing lb "Nerve« '».iiggist» lui 'X'ullel Soap«, highly perfumed with i ¦ -. con' cnienco of ihe miner. These opened would «ti re, bottle. His hottlearor 85. jii trcm ¡he I'irt to th.- seventh day In their the and ce»»,-.!, Hint it.o eC'-a»"or. rlioii,.; !..¦ ¡v proved io 'nvite tbe Dr. U.T. Dexter. Removing Internai Ohstruct'oas an.i Disease« lliat Veroeua, ao»e, Bouquet, kc. ate are lo be It« v « delicatentattez for the to touch »tonally interrupted by "conglomerate." Art unite la some more substantial establishment has ihe mo-t ample accommodations oll.erw ¡se calife injury to the Liver and Lungs. for tbe Sslt Rheuni-Tbîs luund at tue store of the «ubacriber. be Legislature ore is so ereat th'il as friends of g nerullyto This down the use »VANUS'sri^arEiFi* FATCHOULY, ''¦¦. sucreil institution ol the Snbbalh. It tbe the labor in obtaining the yet token oftotere»! in their wflfarc. for at.a itsarrangements of Ba.iis, i.e. are oiler the Persons wlioae constitution« are broken by C5 medicine has a very extended and estiihliahed E. ROUSSEL, IK Broadway. petillonluj .. patients, who are suf¬ acquired on Its i« thelt conscientious an it is a whether will yield any con¬ The painting» of tbe sifted linnar, now SO much et let i and mi»: approved of Uercary, Arsenic, Bark or Quinine, and any reputation wherever it ha» been u«ed, ba«ed entirely Wholesale and lm* »cieiy aempted.if icmples question they ir »i treaimuuto« «ualalned. retail._kL> and othe from these narrow black ¡n value wemelancholy fa .. that ,,e enn neveradd tothi The eti'eel o( WKier on disease i» Iruiy surprising-. Old fering from DuMBsed Liver an injudicious 0 WQ merits, which it« superior efheucy bus alone L. tw«rried.why not those of th-> Jews, certain siderable profit. If, aside by tue u»e Extract without io lie a and A. F. KAYaMEL.M. number, are liable to be more scattered than ever, by chronic complaint», such a» dyspepsia, gout, long standing the ubovBOiietse», should the Arcanum '- has h.-eii found In thousands of case« perfect AsaUtaol Hahnemonb. net« i The first innovation TTiay lend to consequence oxide veins, there are any known in that region of tbetn will command nervous difficul¬ for ihe cutaneous diseases, viz: Salt OMcF.UPATH, Pupu and of cannot now foresee price which this new appreciation rbeumaüstl diseases, curvatures, delay. nnd in lasting cum foliowiug Ulfaca No. 2 loi* »hlch the most prudent sagacity whi.h will yield on an average, say of a hundred from Of Wealth a;;d ia«le m the remotest parts of ihe ties, rant!', r-s. -»'¡i diseases, iojnii ofjoints, pile«, dronsy, In complicated caae« of Scrofula and Syphilis, Rheum, H^ad. Barber«' or Jack- H Ainity-«L_)U . to persons Rp'g-Worm.T-ner,Scald tal be considered the nteriog wedge Sabbath-anni ions ¡ike cent of And it is ihe earliest opportunity oi .he receive inunediate and case» w here ¡lie Vi, u» of the pai ent causes u do- Psoriasis Palmaria, Bloicbes P Kr. it a of rock any thing twenty-five per Union. thought right that prolapsus womb, permanent Syphilitic ion Itch. Mentagra, Rcatema, acucan. kiliting legislation. In any luht the question ver; their and very fortunate »boiild b» seized to t.rli.g ibem en-e togs liter, will, the per- tieni-fit. and acute d;.t-n,.e« are at once arrested ami cured. veiopmeui oíScrofula la the child, u.i» Utbeoaly remedy and limn.,'» on die Kace, and olner iilf.-ciions of the skin. SAJVLL. S. G1VENS, -. metal, locality possessor l.i..»ion of 11). ir owner», in nu exhibition, inien.ted n i« weli known as one of the most which a rea».n.a!,|>, hope of recovery can be founded. thousand case» of «kin diabase» have been cured ddlcsie OB can What treolnsist present Morrtstov. delightful apon had Overfifteen General Auction and Commission .MsrchanA. now incident to our l.'-ti-in be easily named. respectable a» a trinu'e io the of ihe de -eased while and vilUgeslo the country, rendering it, merefore, In nuu.-rous instance», also, where ulceruúon laid this wonde'lul medicine, which alone I» a sufficient guar¬ Agent, One of the greatest evils a vein '.Even becoming memory healthy and and to all by CER- Depot. lion, is th«) amount Of leglsl itiv, can certify to the existence of such inuring to n.e benefitofhi« widow and fan i y. a very desirable restdeuce for invalid». bare both ligament bone, where, appearance, anty of ns grem medir.inai vlrtu-î». Ttw following Literary yearly accumulating on thai with power a.ln.i.,«¡..n can he made at 121 Waier-st. 00 human mean« but amputation cou.d have »ave hie, Po- selected from a var.ity of oiher». whicn It i» Refers to Doremua U. Nixou, New*York. matters and generall' that deceived and all geologist The Committee appointed occasion, Applications for TiricxTB Is " " "' .ction required upon purely local, egotistical, knowing fmm the fries t- ol who w. aid lu Dr. D nier, at MorrlslOWn. j!J tf :>tl* have been snatctied tro.u me grave and restored lo will the minds of ail w ho may use the Mygau, Conkimgit Co. .17? our Com is. Dr. Jackson, cannot do it. to add to their number, Art, or by ¡euer tpoal paid) believed fully sallafy Jan Im ailbiu the province pi of Massachusetts, m such a movement, called n more gérerai beailh. the devouring dlaease heiug completely er^Uica-ed iiteilicir.e of u» intrinsic virtue». New York, lt>, l«4ri-_c ]I7 tor chinches and ompa amountof sympathize u»e tU« Inestimable Extract 1 certifv lliat I have Actsofincorporation privai" He informs usthat" the money required meeting at the (.1 lobe Hotel butevening,when Mr. THOS. applied an a iiinanosils of by the of Messrs, A. Ii. ¿r />. Sands.Oenls hOFEHIOit COLOGNE, m mosteases,and the settlerneni ofestates rendered it to t1 e sod Mr ()i oboe f7" Clairvoyance Tue of tin; Arcunurn Extrae! have br.d this of lb« Salt Ith'-iitn of 1er year» siandtrig, by the ties, civorce«, to prosecute lhe»e undertakings expedi¬ S. (Ij.i!MINGS being called Chair, by Dr. J. P. Wi-.h.-thr. R-.-id-::.-'', -.^ ¡i.1,¡.,,,- proprietors most l»i-en cured For aaie by the «ubacnber, ear Stati ihe arrar lottlei.U for I)ir.«'it.«.e, '< '. used in all ihe above disease» with the grati- and of and I wish or the occupy a of thetlmeof Legisla ent to such associations" as Stock Com- BUCKRAM belüg appoin.ed Secretary, st iii-sr Cli«rles. ConsuIt-tiMn- f.-i-m A. M. til! P M.. medicine Use of your Remedy Syrup Saraapartlla, EVERY VARIETY and shaped bottle«, by gal¬ largeportion ir form Copper f I m ai were re¬ reaulis. In ibe medicine nei-h.-r busbies« or! wub this dreadful disease in liny i>) year. Whilst the are complaining .. it re- ti exhibition the Gallery duly EXPERIMENTS IN MESMERISM, lyiog u»lng every person troubled [Nlon and quan. E. ROUSSEL, Broadway. tarecTerj people i ies he s:.;.-*, we understand that proposed followi g Also, PRIVArB teed be requiring only tlie usual re- on me, and I will them that your 1m* tbeitronîi'st terms, a"-i up their prayers for pai Again by a special Committee, and the gentle¬ same .Monday, U edne«dsy and Knil«. plevure interrupted, form would call satisfy Wnoiesuue and retall. J«3 sending .¦lires bat a siir.ll sun..some three or fourthousan 1 ported iheir zealous Inlcretl a place,every ludieLand is eqaal'y apphco'.i'i and will cure them Your«, truly, cuninu-.ion »,f and shortening of le men, many of whom comuiuiiica'ed c. at 8 o'clock. Ticket», a genii«.nan ¦traiatol moderation medicine purtectly. legislative expenses in as thu Oenerai C .uiuiîtiee man nclng admitting to i.e trn^:ii as well us Lis adult. AN.N MARIA WEIBALL. EXTHAOTS EOfi THE HAJMDEEHOHIEF. Bslttlva encumber their commence these operations mining these proceedings, were named and iwo laities, .* ; single tickets SO cents. J12 liiin.>" efficaciou« lia» choice»: for sessions, they representative! for teem into ete-et: '." giving a dwertpuon for what the Arcanum Jone WO. AllUS of ülty varloUe» of extract», .iti buiiae«s out oftheir Now it is manifest that no draft upon rnrrytng Pamphlet« on New-York, Si, entirely province. profitably." mine, need Tito», s. Cinititi'.tig«.A. B. Durand, John W. Edmonds, Extract is applicotiic, with obsei vallons Insensible Per- Prepared and »old. wholesale and retail, by A B- ¡t D, ÜPW.of, wholesale uuà retail by It I« .amusing to list« n to the titles of p#t:;ion«n« ihe owner, other than as drawn from the V. W. It B. Foadick, Juri»* aTrealLeon Dis.-aseain general,accompany Wholesale Drug/lot». 79 comer of Oold- iag im» KOl'SägL. Broadway. really The Edmood«,- Pbalen, Job anb juook iiiitbing. »piraUonand the above SANOS, Kullon, _E. Ig ¦9arepescnted by hundreds on petition day. l>e made after mining haabeenprofitablycommenced, Ab'm. M. Cozzeoa Ugden Hsggerty, C C Moore, priming eacbbOUJa AgeLtsare suppiien wiüi pampblei« .L Sold by A. B. SANUS it Co. Ï71 Broadway, corner of NEW FIHMS. fit fruiitul conld not Invent formasuffi- :< to extend the scale of Wm B. Maxwell, for gram.tout circulation. DAVID SANDS ic Co. 77 Eo»l Broadway. uun» about their Imiginatlon even when it desirable Jas. J.JXape«. Crosby, Hugh TK1BUNE JOB PRINTING OFFICE. J. Ham Cbamtiers-sL; lut Merchanu and having !'- . Wax Lawrence. Priceil liouie. and ao'.d by Winer, J17 one« desUj ntiiuerciis tor the association»praying (.".¦¡..'r When an is t Chas, lu- Leupp, il. f, Ï'hree ilonri per Preparetl New-Yora. altered, or new paiuled, by ACKEilMAJH i. .t* erationa opportunity presented W. .". Geo. W. Hatch. No. 7 8rRl'CK->TRK!'T.( from Sa.iuui-¡tre uy.utid Druggists generally Ihrougboutûecry. Brook¬ of of Mia medicine required lo exprewly ACKERMAN PxNN. men as David Henshaw, Dr. Thomas Jones. : ¡J-, T. ¿ Co. corner Tile exceeding small quantity lui Nnaatui-oL of Phila- »»»¦d «rffi continue. Four», truly, .Iks. K. De«ay. Edw Curtis, Wm. S. Conely, ¡.unie-. ¡s».,e be foliowtng Card lyn by Mis. Huye, Ku¡ion-»L, W. Lluirs of worm» or to remove every one from MANUFACTUREDLER, Siga Painir-ra, by King, William Ward or Guerdon Williams, Roi-l 11 with all kind* ..":" \ In :t,.; and Wt.Thlm* le»l the existence with Iu IS it sey Crooke, Edm'd. Siiiip»on, K J. Bens, Morris, TO MERCHANTS..Merchanu supplied C...iimic«._jig the u» operating In a few hour», together de.pbia-_ -Ili-sourl-Tlie New Cou-illutioii. or of the Presidents of the several .1 D. M. De Laforen, James Harper, of Millie t'ueopest rale, \u «ysU'in. it one of the most bril¬ any companies Campbell, pRlNTlNii r»l KlliLU» give ju'.ice great certainly ot ..fleet, con»riuite SIGNS, ever think it to form such an l'terre M I) Embury, T. *V. Humming, i sr is. Buis Ladin?, 'I'llfc. Ui»C lespei.llul.y of tne It »Wdom r.»ed» lo bu repealed ACKERMAN The the he name«, expedient Irving, r. ii ve ent- red i;uo underJjie name of liant discoveries age. ILT, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL, by United States Journal gives following sy. ¡>. C. tolden. Cha», f. Cl ucli, John L. Morton, Circula-«, i', i; _, A tiiey ..v, .n:,..-.--,.¡. other purge; therefore In sf Fulton alai in order to the enterprise .'. A. SI.MNEKlor lue u,u;:u;a..lure of Biitainia and never to be followed by any Vi A M1Í.LEK, tul Nataau-sueol, between new association prosecute U". T. Whittemore.A. D. P*ter»on, Cha». E.lvard», Bul Beads, Checn«,_i- ENDiCOTT of or convu.aious, caused «opsisofthe features of the Constitu- was intended and at corner of Canai, ríew-lTork, where urgent cases, a» those fit«, »pasms principal The idea is absurd. It probably Or. S L. GriswoldjHsnry St-lit.ins. Samue. Ward, TO LlTEKAKV Ul.NTLUMIlS. .(» .tlj«rtajcrtfif/pttDl- Ware, 10Btlm-st, So¬ ll» unrivaled 1» manifest- Few med¬ a and »ixin to be *ub- similar to b.ttnd also to keep for sale a general assortment of by worms, »uperloriiy Ann._flMy coaUtfly adopted by Convention, is well calculated to deceive. Statements S Draper, Chas."A. Canton, Franc!« Hall, ed with accuracv. they for oil and icine» art» better calculated to improve the healtn of children, WOOD ENGEAVING. R.,bL E. Saml. W. Siereotvpe Work, and all kinds of lar Lamp«. Girandole», »iueond hanging Lamp», as removes those masses of a CO. Desujoer» and Engravers ou sutled lor the or rrjecliou cf the people. Much those of this writer have been frequently published, W. F. Havem-ver, Lauuitz, Parmly. Pauipbleu, even where no worm» exist ; it 'llL'DOR HO&TUN tf adoption NattCl. rearce,' E G. Lucio«-, M.D.W. G. King, Books. lxLtcr Presj P. iiitin¡¡. campöene, Shade«, Cbimneya, &tc- altered crudities that line und cioaeiy adh-re to the stomach and JL V\ end. Nu. W sissarlstsclian we learn, on account of some of are admirably calculated to mis¬ Cha«. A. J Bntonma »-Vare, !¿c, Lamp« Limp« va¬ Na««au-«L_Jyi. prevails, and they generally Ja*. T. Brady, Dnnr&ii C. Pel Davis, To LecTLRERSa.nü MOSIClsJU.Pro¡ramme} beautifully repaired,Aïtralinvited to call and ex- bowel», giving rise to symptom« that counterfeit every EilGEAVEH. » most radical hut it will be lead the who are usually least able to JacohLiitle. Jit. Stewart, M D. Cnss. L Livingston, to »olsr. The luuU: nre ieapeciiallv of worm-di«ea»e. Though and certain in its and provisions, probably unwary, san¬ printed. Small Bills for Distri- amlue. EDMUND ¿NDlCOTT, riety prompt S. H0RT0N, UUuirlcal Wrillng Engraver, it. will be in their Jo.'mMcKeon, John Nelson, Jr. Cbtw. McVeaif, Lecture Bi'ls. U i» sale and adapted to the tendere»! .«. ¦dopted:- afford People disappointed W.ti Bdls, button, i.e. f3 F. SÜMNEK. opération, perfectly JOHNNo. of the amount of money required Fred'«. L. Vultee. De H.o.Hlguod.E H-Ludlow, .ifomraofA Zi"_WM. he- age. Nm'»"-»i_lynu* It the of Free No guine expectations P. Ja» John L. Stephens, Of Plain and Onumumtal Job Work, hertlotort cAl-ung are a muiiilude iU lttU.'N, UOOFS9, ÓCC. fue »uotcrioer» adopts principle Suffrage. person amount of John Itiaticr, McMurtrie, And every description OT1CJK..The t.oparmer»hip The following testimonials »elected from ol '»a be collector or unless he for the business as well as in the profits i're-co-t C G. ¿real neatnei« u¿d poncmaUry, at the Office, tween tie»uoscriisera under the lirmofSlLAá BK.OV\ N .:¦, value. oUer lor aa.e o, iy.i.;to' Hod. ol all size«, superior qua»- hohler of public money, J. Hall, Henry r.eid. Col. Child«, executed with IN un¬ of olhers a« evidence of great medicinal KUl is itselfdelusiva No E. C B.nedic , d.s.-olvcd. Tee to Iron 10¡¿inches. P»)«orern:i monies collected him Ko m be obtained. The of Chas. ?. John H. No. 7 _ ti. Co. is -.t_is uutial H'tuirton. ny. l/oai j-lti i. Hoop \ previously by subject Stetson, Gourlay, SpruCe-sL day by io r. h sr Estract a letter recededfrom Or. a CO. No. .54 Fullon»t ".otoror ;., be t>e that will more strongly Wm. P. Ha'lett, Ja«. N. Wel ». J. K E. i' The POWER fREaSES, for Bookí, Pan- sealed t.UtitiL-s« ofibe concern will be a!le:,dcd hj from 4f silEAMAN, ATWATER Representative appointed bythoGov- enterprise can named J H M. O Improved to »ign the uarue ol Newcastle, Vs.,Jan. 3,1S44. «»»to office the term which he was when T. W. Tucker, L,. L.trob-v Robert«, of l:.e»igned, who are aumoiigeu a of the "Dead Shot" you left CitANE CO. lttÜN-IW tons beat Le- any during for excite the multitude than that of - will be done at extr&ardi- will he uitenJed lo Dear Sir: I gave vial ülliUU mining', pub¬ u. P. Morn*. Geo. W. TaylorfF Hoppm, A.l w ork on the alnjv* Presses the rirm for tliut Ta!» butines» to a friend of Iron for for tale shall not to « purpose. - with me lor the of it» merits, Cru i« Pig puddling, by The have ¡rrant more - ' jrtne testing tiigu Assembly power discussed, when the precious Kuw'd. FÄAKCA3, o: i Brown, wnlcb, f pre»-nt purpo»e «» *|«ct*d. licly particularly Horace Brown, WooUef, Wintbrop, narysrv low pnces. J_¿ZJ:.'^- , at the store A. ü. G. H. use m his by giving it lo a Af IVATE It Co. No. 51 Soulh-aL «twee in Knv esse. So bill shall embrace more - i,,.,- I'r.nter. ne removed lo who introduced lis family if Stir.HMAtN, private metals are of consideration. All ex¬ Ana'w. Warner, J. W. ¡.'ranci», MU Demiii, TrihuT;-J. at No. lld Pearl «L but in a few days will mice, ac¬ .ass one sut -cet to be enibrsced in its v.tle A is the subject selected as a »uitable case, ll was admin-.itered Mol*ui.c auober uver- duelist lime, skill, an«! Ja«. McCuituutb. QuhanC.VerplanckAbm. Benedict, ill ru.ton-sU ^o IKl pear! »L SILAS BROWN, ;..<'.;...-.t and to astoo- k jtA-lA.'» Pa'üM proves that much capital iXlliW-VOUlv liOOi.-iilNi-'J'.lt.'» , A. cording to the direcuon» around tbe vial, my wnr rano;d not lo sluten or solton under any de- from holding offioe under the State, It also perience even the JohnL. O'Sallivan, Aalfafy, J. Bleecser.Gej. F. Al ea. plaie au i Boos-hinilln«; ex- ANDREW BROWN, 53 worms I GOOU.tioe», .****.Jjawbhedit the oi to i.» to develop mints, C. H. W. Allen. il _Au ü eieçm.1 G1L.E» S ELY. usinent, the first operation brought away of cold or beat. An article unequaled tur dtuaoliUy, duty the Legislature provide themodo patience requisite L. (. Clark. Wm. WaddeilGeo. ecuteii with neatness and despaich. bave administered ii In several other laitances since, with giee wcoleaa-e and r v. of a and is most situated, as those of Lake Superior J Jeun Béni. H. Jarvi», GEUKGE L. bKOWS, ncstlue»« or price. For sale, retail, by ¡jal ttinm in hicti the survivor due!, es- favorably WelsonWebb, F.wen, In mi» esuttiltfbiuenl ..Ucctlon is r.vea la »eiecl- SILAS BROWN. ¦nntl'-.r ¿oo'd success; and it will adord me much plt-asure Gtlu. bEECHER, luo Broadway. *» ib«;; be rendered to,and be are said to be. And too much cauiion cannot be Wn'. T. Porter, IL M. Blotchford. ana the uiosi »unsnuiiicj würimsn- HUÜATiÜ lo it to the notice of ¡s» responsible charged wi:l at the Art l'jion im; the be»l of ni».ena_i in doing aU In my power recommend new and beaudfui 71''n, s for the wife and children of tn- used in statements on this to prevent Ttie loman Galiery ..pen Room», New-York, February 2, lSt^-_LiLJ^L friend» and the V EAli'S PATENT..A compensation giving subject No .j.' oa tbe lOtb day of February next, and will lo my put.lie of Crumb mucb cheap¬ he |las slam The Governor is to hold a Broadway, and Gen lernen having Libraries find It Hillsburgh to» Uiia day assocloird With your», u.c. THOS. J. WHARTON. GOODaruc.e Clouts, eleganUy painted, ¦» the guilty rise of wild speculative spirit. E\hibiiion will coLiinuo auring tbe four loliowm. ¿brananä exa-inne tor at 1.4 JSaJOTJCü..Cnanea respect, 1244. durable than at. g*~i»ïfj,-,»:t,motic«» for lour und be tor the sue- t-eir auvantaje to call and liieraseive» wiui !.¡m Aiired B. Sand«, in me general Plum-n.-.g Je»»-ekso.mville, Va., l.'Jtb May, er a .d more drug, years, ineligible It the information and statements of the writer wee>». in --be .-sr.ou« of il I made u*e of BEECHER, term, PultOB-sl opecuuecs of B'.LQiiiu S- »tyles ana win continu-! L',e some at tlie old a;anu, INo. 1 thai about «¡x nionita »Inco ja, Broadway. alluded to he correct, La it that so many are so All persons owning picture« bv the late Henry Inman, Morocco »nciVeivei Binc.ue:». b.isit'«.», of hereby certify rnvcnildreo, u_GEO. Mg "^«c ,;., l,oci«;aturo to establish Ireo »chivils why loan trem lor tbe Saeep, Csil.Kus.i-, ^.;g WKie,-»L ander ih^ firm Dr. H. K Peery'»'Vermifuge, ioac»»«oioneof !, ..iihLUt't«) tOsi. Lx.Alr.ita.-a Olio a««urte Ursquirt., end who are to pai pose« of this , r.l).l »í.ü '.'..VLKF.K- - was so anxious stock I not it themselves Willing d '¿ w CUAKLE3 HILLSBfRGa íl CO. f<«ir year» Tbe child very low ; under tee oew State, and movida means for thwtr sap to sell Why keep a'e to ad re«» a noic to thai täec; to fg ; etio-it the age of Io JLa ukou», just luade up lor uae, Po»u«;e not be¬ Exhibition, rr.;;iö»ieJ mucn so Uia; I thou worm», and in course A CO. ru:..uûex», is cause moni are from and »re t id be obuiaed of the Trea- arm ot AtivEriMAN i MILLER. Siyu" raini¬ passed bealih. I tor tieel pent, uy K C. ROOT tobi'iin an andall instruction profits expected creating Ticket» now ready may tae l ôncerl» of O.e Kail. De il der toe next was entirely restored to her former «or. of UvM. \Si Pearl-«!. J**«re vq'usi tooting, KUSDICK, No. Sag and at the Art 0v 7e ."u.-e-J u\ Meyer, d.asoi.ed uy mutual cutgsonl Xbe «tfiir» of day the »ame benefi- Jel y Mvrn in the '.Real ige. stock than from Much might be »t.rer, B B. Broadway, of me Ora-ono» or any crowded Lecture, er» U itj.sday have g '.ven I other» of ibe family wllh *j** English selling mining. f'ti'on GaUerv.SSl Tcmnli-tou a'-.anv the laie ¡.rm wie be *eU.eU and Ihe tiUalne»» CoudU^Usd by have received a few *?propri»tes the of all lands heretofore said to enable the formation of a more accu¬ Broadway. no ma ter how ¿real the rush by one ot Brown k Co.'» cial effect». npo ütJtTK-»SUtrüTEKfs..VVe va» proceeds tending THOMAS S. CL'MMINGS, C-airmar: of Com. are a iit'.ie man llieor- Jame, Ac.ermaa. JA31ES ACKERMAN, ha» been made u»e of by Dr. A oi a tuperior UeecripUoa ofDuck a.ooi» of to the titate the rj (States.and all other .and* rate the their Cans Cuairs. Tn-'se artice» jargrr ED -v. A. MILLEK. The above Vermifuge tamp.ea we will *j"»1W by opinion respecting Copper Companies, Gto. Bl'ikiiAM, Secre.arv. 4;' lv n.tJ a chair. N-w-Yoi«, Feb. 2, 1816. a wide field of embracing tht» and »ev- riou« «Ultahu: for tea tbooLOg, ¡or or be devised to ibe State; the caae.stiJ c_u iinaedute.y opened er lo remain ai tue old Peery in practice, paUeni« cash J^havetbeeo, may value and reporte.', progress. »Vc. than seems to have mnJv to bean .o N. B-.Mr. Mil having consentei! for a number of year», and with un- receive orders for any al the lowest P'1***; r^sfcaardeceased where the estate i» heir-at- Mesirs. Adam« it Co. Tnov w_j be found accompauiiucui iae work wnl t>e executed in their usual eral adjscem Counties, quauUty al»ay« persona, obtained. lj7"Jixiirc»»i Notice.£< srsmaL. be __e alror.c-r» or as¬ e.uiü.isbment, »ucees». ALEX. ST. CLAIR. and malerAi» of every Ueacripu00 **a ¦.! Sne» an,; tV rfelturcs that accrue to the ibosewbo are obliged to crowded JliJ JA.Mr¿S ACK.E..MAN. i''i Nkssou sL ex-unplrd Shooung hslung may announce to their iiund» and the New-York C"»^ out vial. _._ ,.,, gt the Perhaps tlie subject may be pursued if re«pecuu:iy semblies as the i^.-ífs'«' P'^e mem la any uci.rcd ¦tyltv Price 25 cent» ou batui al wholesale and retail, by ""'"'"y* "Ith interest thereon,received by acceptable e a_i. atu^s i»i H. K. and sold A.B. it D. BROVVTiiCO^ àwV have removed their Gcn.-rai Kai- -, . rinn taie, wb »lesa r-ta.l. t, m-uncwim.oi _ood« remarmng b: PEERY, by JOHN J- to columns. Yours, &c. D. pahiic generally, tliat they pouion. ForKor by rv 1 lit;..An toe Prepared by t-eorfisssna. the United States. your and ü;i,)vvN ¡_ çqf i¿j.-,i;ton-s.. 11 District Po.lce ütñce lor ihe «IX month» preeedlng SANDS. Druggist». 79 Pu.i-in-at. *73 Broadway, and 77 i-Mitaw*- ¦&£*" «eat ot at thecitV Urn, Southern und Kuropean Agency yorxvardtng Ojjice »ju^ be of at Public and j31 Qf lí?alb,' coverntnent ¡a'rmanentlv at na. t' 110«*»t»»ii Uiiï;-. oeil..: lit Monday in January la»Lwii. dl»po»eU East B. o.ulwav. New-York, by Drugg-Jrts generally Mails South..The New-Orleans Delta from No. 11 to No. 16 Wu'.l-tt- nearlyopposite their former L itUi" >*** «TATJtS Aucuou, Wiljel i. We»K*»rvelt, bi :neir Aucuoo ¡>.ore OirouglxMit th» lini'isd State». t2t Im .' t ne aen.-r» in Hardwaren] t-^e by ocloci JtpuiXFUJAATlcDamu while auto »«i»Äl^l^ru^^d- .Prohibtu the si! *ty¿ : We would ¡ay betöre Congress our humble pcti- be to a.1 order» or _,,1> cow on sale by pnnc:¡._i io on tne ¡¿bin ifeoruary next at mi ; p.oln ^f'fal*í^d carel envelope*. creation, renewal or extension of location,»here they will liappy sr- all warranted pertect In .oriu. an.: made ol fto. npnice-au Pn..c» |U»w forPro»u-d Llmba.-Tbe oreü Üttúe coto älauonci», or t: ia tiiat the "SüU'bern man" may be entirely discon¬ L ai'eJ siaes A.V J T. M. BLKAKl.K.V.Ce-r«. KK.tlliDY paper, P*P^rîl7TiiiÇL.*> ^»ny\l,iAHUHproprietor exceptfor political or municipal pur asa suitable oecarion lo return their noi in ¿xoruauce wtth tie abftTe rtsvtamemlattoo UUlitit tV LE ItOi suca tn the north of Europe, for its efficacy In barrel« new p0,^C:'^I>''*')OJ'.,. mid be left iree to the of Individ- embrace the -._. wi^ Water-.L near Peck »Up. celebrity crop lil" PurPu«o °f cdncation or charity, »hail ter» papers competition present r_-»i--.' _^»xslüiemoney ,-~ur?.-< *.,*.«.peuses.from »tor.-, itanber» -oi and Äi Pro»ted Ltmbs,(and been Introduced by him In Phl- Jêl-_r----r7--r^j1í»-»5o»r ^ foUU l>u*ine«a Iheu be done with for Ihe patrorage ex- r healing -view uMwm, tvcmiîli"' 'h'"' h'" at will hv a ¡tis- ual enterprise.tbe might grstefu! ackiiowleignieau generous f.^f . .-..,< Darts oftl oonxtsry. H. BL'KDiS. Af.-r.i UkiBve afnlcted, ibst iiAutetWO^t^» jariv «/' il""1 '""-y repealed and at less cott. The uc.i ladelputa, withes{uai»ucceas,iacqijovtuu (',*",'rNl ätockholders ai« to be more »peed and punctuality, prê¬ tended them, and they ttuit that tbe Sdeity pr- mptne»» üW fc'ÜK 5>\1-E..t" tw > j.Ts, uilddio «la.e.muie h«» ba» appoinusl Agencie« a; */7b B.e«*_er.»t. and V> Assembly, service ils» ceased to be even a res-peciuule com- uu r't tn-aveuue. oe rV.'eO ind'4? 'î U^-''v Tae st'lle *-o uwii no »lock iu cor,.,.- tent muí. wiih wLiib ijey have tver endeavoiad ;o execute ail _it,enin"e.Li_^.el price ^sio lu tun :or ^1 Rev Dr Peíiop-'« Church, M-ilc-n- _.;¦-. and 21 Meiden-lsne, up suurs. where a supply _ Itneti! trom it, and if auch the in the ehurcu. vr i->,r~i «j _t »etits tmr »llj ."sti'iii ***'tnti 'und» »hall be in bani one expect« nay care, ted w! ich w;;¡ ciiaracter- I0UJ and Uth *..-. D i» one of "e»t. pew« .nus tv«>ml»»«T« hollín. ini deposited any by in cud. We bave u mail mi»»ion» cLiruti' d to tbeir K.,;_kuid's J. ti-s,¿ can be, i> »» i» received ú exps lo aconttnuance of -;- ÍU,;- Appiyto ANTHONY occasional; toree lielbt:.-future til. it«, city entitle them o!U:f i.>;.u,...^.ür^R^. »LEECH-.^Auctioneer,No. 7 Bioad-tL » Dual- »ometitnes »..;.:. une» twice, and y » w tor ligoi »Osaonrland !.» branches alone to have OUCO, Lead nf M _^___ CHAPPED HANDS. -rrrr¿Tiiit's» wim ale»m Power .jo«j.*..!knítoí oí the coibdence of ar.d commend their Agency l> L. "PUT?-ô!'i B.ïçs PoU, ooosa «-xcrcise bsnkins p,.wer». lune» a w.-eS but never, with any degree regularity. their patrons K*TS-T7nmlw,ra.ali-fatlli_Kl7¿AlJ rsaieiuwby cite HAM'S a^u ouiaiam w^uui account tU>'«-*#": s A¡üii,(im»3. L.'.»«eries aad I'm» could all bo remedied it tbe government w.uld not to tbe ronce ofall who may nave busine»s trtntaciion» wnn dam_