The Weekend Critical Skills Course Master The Fundamentals

Thank you for choosing Thomas Coyne Survival Schools for your training needs. The Weekend Critical Skills Course is designed to impart the most essential skills in wilderness survival. We say it is the survival course everyone should take at least once. In an emergency, it will be falling back on the fundamentals that saves you, and this course takes them to a new level.

This course will take place at a high adventure camp on the San Bernadino National Forest. You will be in a beautiful and wild location, but you will have access to a bathroom, shower, and your vehicle. We will not be hiking into a base camp, large expedition backpacks or expensive packable gear is not necessary. Don’t be fooled however, this course will take you out of your comfort zone, and push you to perform, just as a survival situation will. We will run live scenarios and test the students to respond.

Start time:

9am day 1. Ends approx 3pm day 2.


Camp La Verne

41954 Jenks Lake Rd W

Angelus Oaks CA 92305

From highway 38 turn onto Jenks Lake rd. It is approx 35min from Big Bear if coming from the desert side, and 10 min past Angelus Oaks from the valley side. Look for the Jenks Lake sign, and “Church of the Brethren” sign. Turn onto the road for Jenks Lake and the camp entrance is approx 50 feet on your left. If you hit the lake just turn around.

Please bring the following (you will have access to your vehicle so feel free to bring extra): Dress in rugged clothing that can get dirty/damaged. No sandals or shorts during training periods.

A head lamp

Work gloves

Any foodstuffs and/or snacks you may require, we recommend mountain house backpacker meals and MRE’s.

A sleeping bag, mat, tent (you can bring a tarp instead of a mat and tent and sleep inside the survival shelter you build)

A water bottle

A small backpack

You will have access to your vehicle so feel free to bring extras A . We recommend either:

A non serrated locking Swiss w/saw feature Victorinox-Swiss-Trekker-Pocket-Knife/dp/B001DZT0M0/ref=sr_1_2? ie=UTF8&qid=1489474554&sr=8-2&keywords=victorinox+trekker

Or, A w/ saw feature Stainless- Leather-Sheath/dp/B019EN7TV6/ref=sr_1_12?s=power-hand- tools&ie=UTF8&qid=1489474743&sr=1-12&keywords=leatherman

Or a 4” or longer full tang fixed blade (the mora is a good starter blade) https:// ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1489474654&sr=8-1&keywords=mora+hd

You may bring any knife you want, but we cannot guarantee their performance. Feel free to bring any personal survival gear you want to train with

Head to the “Gear” page on our website; for advice and tips on brands and models of specific gear. The Skills:

*Emergency Fire Making *Water Purification *Emergency Shelter Construction *Emergency Signaling *Forming A Proper Outdoor Emergency Kit *Forming Tools From The Environment *Field Recognition & Treatment of Exposure *Encountering Dangerous Wildlife *& More!

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Remember, you can call, text, or email and questions or concerns whatsoever, anytime. We’ve got you covered.


Thomas Coyne

Founder/Chief Instructor
