St. Charles Borromeo Roman  8615 W. Peoria Ave Peoria, AZ 85345•

Parish Staff  …………...Fr. James Kalliath, MS   In Residence…Msgr. George Highberger   Eduardo Nevares       ……..……Dcn. Catarino Portillo  Faith Formation  Coordinator ……..…….Josefina Camou  Youth Ministry  Coordniator …………….…..Erik Ochoa  Music…………….Bill Grimm (7 a.m Mass)  Dave Stratton (English Mass)   Guadalupe Amarillas (Spanish Mass) 

 MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm  Sunday  7:00 am | 11:00 am ENGLISH 9:00 am SPANISH  DAILY MASS Monday  Saturday  8:00 am Daily Adoration  7:30 am  SACRAMENT  OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 2:30 pm  4:15 pm June 13, 2021 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time  13 de Junio de 2021 Décimo Primer Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Chapel located on the northwest side of the church Office Hours: *access code required  Contact parish office  MondayThursday: 8:30a.m.M 1:00p.m    6239793418 

Be sure that you first preach by the way you live ~St. Charles Borromeo~  

Social Outreach Pantry                  !      ! " #  $ % 6 pm  Tuesday, June 15 &' (    !   ) ' *! + , Thursday, June 17 . $ !  !   )  *! + , 

June 13, 2021 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time       2  Please pray for our sick loved ones. Oremos por nuestros seres queridos enfermos.    Donna Pearsall, Fr. Arthur Nave, Monday, June 14 Irma Aguilar Peralta (+) Rob Greenrock, Loretta Cabanilla,  Paul Mathew, Pablo Milan, Tuesday, June 15 Bob Hallows, Rose Grimm Edie Dew, Yolanda Hinostroza Gutierrez  Efigenia Flores  Wednesday, June 16  Souls in Purgatory    Thursday, June 17  Herminio Lazo Hinostroza (+)   Friday, June 18  Dcn. Gustavo Arteaga (+)   Saturday, June 19 8 am  Gustavo Octavio Gonzalez (+) 5 pm  Francine Martinez (+)  Sunday, June 20 7 am  Fr. Loren Gonzales (+) 9 am  Josefa Garcia (+) 11 am  Pro Populo 

 Please visit our website, for an important message from Bishop Olmsted; “The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.”  You are encouraged to read Bishop Olmsted’s recent Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist entitled Veneremur Cernui. Use the link on our website or the electronic copy of the document can be found on the diocesan website:    June is the start of wedding season !   Marriage is a vocation to holiness. Whether  you were recently engaged or have been  civilly married for fifty rears, we are here to  help you prepare for marriage.   Contact Deacon Catarino and wife Julia for  more information. 6239793418     Visite nuestra pagina de internet, ¡Junio es la temporada de bodas! para un mensaje importante del Obispo Olmsted. “El  El matrimonio es una vocacion. Ya sea que Santisimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo.” se haya comprometido recientemente, o  haya estado casado civilmente durante Los animamos a leer la reciente exhortación apostólica cincuenta años, estamos aqui para ayudarles del Obispo Olmsted sobre la Eucaristia, titulada a prepararse para el matrimonio. Verenemur Cernui. La copia electronica en español se  encuentra en hps:// Contacte al diacono Catarino y esposa Julia 6239793418 veneremosRinclinados/  

3      St. Charles Borromeo • Peoria, ArizonaSt. Charles • BorromeoV Page 3  Celebrate the Ordination of Father Scott Daryn Jakubowski, CM with a special Mass of Thanksgiving  at his home parish of St. Charles Borromeo  Sunday, June 27@ 11 am Followed by an open Receptionin Reid Hall  hosted by the Pastoral Council, the Knights of Columbus, and Women’s Guild  A Talented Scientist and Researcher Responds to God’s Call: Scott Jakubowski: From NASA to St. Vincent’s “Little Company”  For Scott Jakubowski, the path to the priesthood was anything but ordinary. Scott grew up in Tuscon, AZ. His father is Methodist and his mother Catholic. An only child, Scott was raised Catholic. He always went to Mass with his family and they celebrated the sacraments together. After high school, Scott was drawn to the religious life. “My parents were very against me entering seminary at that age,” Scott recalls. “They wanted me to go to college first, so I did.” Scott studied environmental science and chemistry at Chapman University. Soon after, he was accepted for an in- ternship at NASA, where he analyzed the chemical composition of oceans under the surface of one of Jupiter’s moons, Europa, to see if life could be supported. Scott pursued an advanced degree in oceanography at Florida State and worked as a private consultant in the coastal wet- lands. He published many articles in scholarly journals and regularly spoke at conferences. “I was happy with my career, but I could tell something was missing,” Scott recalls. “I knew I needed to make a change.” So, Scott gave up a comfortable life in California and moved back to . He decided to make his faith more a part of his life. Scott worked with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and became actively involved in his St. Charles Borromeo parish in Peoria.  He also participated in the Ozanam Formation Experience, and soon after entered Vincentian formation. “I gave up excel- lent pay, benefits and a career I loved, but I knew that this was where God was calling me,” Scott says. Father Scott studied as a Vincentian seminarian at the Catholic Theological Union in . He is grateful for the sup- port of donors who help cover the expenses of his formation, education and pastoral experiences. Scott and the other Vin- centians in formation pray daily for all of the people who generously support the Vincentian mission. “Formation over the past years has been a wonderful experience, and summer 2017 was no exception," he recalled. "In May 2017, I traveled to southwestern France to retrace the early years of St. Vincent de Paul and the Vincentians including the Berceau, Tihl, Chateau L’Evique, Bordeaux and Toulouse (also the Basilica of Our Lady of Lourdes). In June, I spent the month with 22 small ecclesial communities in central Arkansas where two Vincentian priests minister to six parish communitiesMmostly Hispanic immigrants. "The impact of true missionaries is incredible and an inspiration. Working with these communities reinforced the need for more Spanishlanguage skills, and I spent three weeks in Guatemala toincrease my Spanish grammar proficiency. I have learned Spanish from the time I was younger, growing up in Arizona, but now am able to form complete sentences in many different tenses. I thank all the benefactors who have donated time, money and prayers to support our vocations and mission. Without them, none of this would be possible. I also ask that people pray for more vocations and cultivate them actively in their commu- nities.” *excerpt from a 2017 story about Father Sco in a Vincenan newsleer: A reflection on the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time   I remember years ago, for a ceremony to enroll some candidates, to receive the Brown Scapular, I purchased a pack of Mustard seeds, and put some for each in a welcoming card, with some instructions: “Now you go and plant these in the Garden of God.”  In the OT, the majestic cedar, is a metaphor for Israel, planted on the high mountains (Ez. 17.22, Dn. 4:10 M 12). It does refer to the restoration of the Davidic house (Is. 11.1, Jer. 23:5  6; 33.15). The cedar of Lebanon does not grow in Israel, but the Mustard bush does as well, protecting all the birds, and providing shelter and shade. “God delights in what is small and hidden. In Jesus mind, the Kingdom and smallness always go hand in hand. Mt. 18:3,” says Fr. Simeon (Erasmo LeivaMerikakis). That was the pattern of St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s life, and other contemplatives. They remained hidden, like the seed, and flourished like a majestic tree. From the small Word planted in Mary, the eternal King came as our Savior. So let us manure the Seed, proclaim it with our lives, and let it grow in the world, as the yeast in a batch of flour. This is our duty to evangelize those who cross our path. Farzi Najmabadi (SCB Parishioner) 

June 13, 2021 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time        We are very blessed to have two seminarians from the Diocese of Phoenix visiting us for the next two months   My story is of two parents that reverted to their Catholic faith, had two sons fall away from the church, but through their faithful prayers the Lord and Our Lady brought their sons back. After my brother and I received our sacraments as children, my family never really practiced our faith. However, in 2007 my father was rocked by the Holy Spirit and led us back to the Church; right around that time (age 12) is when the thought of priesthood began. Unfortunate- ly, a few years later, I took a detour and began heading down a road full of poor choices, choices that remained a theme in my life more or less until 2017. Drug addiction slowly crept its way into my life until it took full control landing me in rehab at 19 years old, and a second time at the age of 22. Unable to remember the last time I had prayed my rosary I took out my beads and Our Lady swept me off my feet. I fell madly in love with Our Lady in a way that I never had before, and she has been with me every step of the way on my journey back home. Since my ‘reversion’ I doubted that seminary would ever become a reality or that priesthood Mason Thorman  was a possibility, but the Lord is rich in mercy. I have now been in seminary for one year and I anticipate going to St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, Colorado in the fall.    My name is Simon J. Ortiz, and I just completed my fourth year of Seminary. I am the youngest of six children, and I grew up in Scottsdale. The Lord first put the desire for the Priesthood on my heart when I was a Sophomore in High School at a retreat in Williams, Arizona. When I was discerning where I would go to college after High School, my mother reminded me of this desire for the Priesthood, and she encouraged me to ask Our Lady to help me know what the Lord was calling me to. After going to the adoration chapel every day after school during Senior year, the Lord opened my heart and invited me to follow Him to the Seminary. I graduated from minor Seminary in May, and in the fall, I will be entering St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver. I look forward to being here this sum- mer! You are all in my prayers, please pray for me!   Simon Ortiz Pray for an increase in priestly vocations.  That many young men will hear and heed the call of God 

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5      St. Charles Borromeo • Peoria, Arizona • June 13, 2021  13 de Junio de 2021 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time  XI Domingo Ordinario 

FIRST READING Ez 17:22R24  PRIMERA LECTURA Ez 17, 22R24    Thus says the Lord GOD: Esto dice el Señor Dios: I, too, will take from the crest of the cedar, “Yo tomaré un renuevo de la copa de un gran cedro,  from its topmost branches tear off a tender shoot, de su más alta rama cortaré un retoño. and plant it on a high and lofty mountain; Lo plantaré en la cima de un monte excelso y sublime.  on the mountain heights of Israel I will plant it. Lo plantaré en la montaña más alta de Israel. It shall put forth branches and bear fruit, Echará ramas, dará fruto y se convertirá en un cedro  and become a majestic cedar. magnífico. En él anidarán toda clase de pájaros Birds of every kind shall dwell beneath it, y descansarán al abrigo de sus ramas.  every winged thing in the shade of its boughs. Así, todos los árboles del campo sabrán que yo, el Señor, And all the trees of the field shall know humillo los árboles altos y elevo los árboles pequeños;  that I, the LORD, bring low the high tree, que seco los árboles lozanos y hago florecer los árboles secos.  lift high the lowly tree, wither up the green tree, Yo, el Señor, lo he dicho y lo haré”.   and make the withered tree bloom. As I, the LORD, have spoken, so will I do. 

RESPONSORIAL PSALM 92:2R3, 13R14, 15R16  SALMO RESPONSORIAL Salmo 91, 2R3. 13R14. 15R16   R.Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.  R.¡Que bueno es darte gracias Señor! 

SECOND READING 2 Cor 5:6R10  SEGUNDA LECTURA 2 Cor 5, 6R10    Brothers and sisters: Hermanos:  We are always courageous, Siempre tenemos confianza, aunque sabemos que, mientras although we know that while we are at home in the vivimos en el cuerpo, estamos desterrados, lejos del Señor. body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, Caminamos guiados por la fe, sin ver todavía. Estamos, pues, not by sight. Yet we are courageous, and we would llenos de confianza y preferimos salir de este cuerpo para rather leave the body and go home to the Lord. vivir con el Señor. Por eso procuramos agradarle, en el Therefore, we aspire to please him, whether we are at destierro o en la patria. Porque todos tendremos que com- home or away. For we must all appear before the parecer ante el tribunal de Cristo, para recibir el premio o el judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive castigo por lo que hayamos hecho en esta vida.  recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil.  GOSPEL Mk 4:26R34  EVANGELIO Mc 4, 26R34    Jesus said to the crowds: En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a la multitud: “This is how it is with the kingdom of God; “El Reino de Dios se parece a lo que sucede cuando un it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land hombre siembra la semilla en la tierra: que pasan las noches y and would sleep and rise night and day los días, y sin que él sepa cómo, la semilla germina y crece; y and through it all the seed would sprout and grow, la tierra, por sí sola, va produciendo el fruto: primero los tal- he knows not how. Of its own accord the land yields los, luego las espigas y después los granos en las espigas. Y fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in cuando ya están maduros los granos, el hombre echa mano de the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the la hoz, pues ha llegado el tiempo de la cosecha”. sickle at once, for the harvest has come.”  Les dijo también: “ He said, ¿Con qué compararemos el Reino de Dios?  “To what shall we compare the kingdom of God, ¿Con qué parábola lo podremos representar? or what parable can we use for it? Es como una semilla de mostaza que, cuando se siembra, es It is like a mustard seed that, when it is sown in the la más pequeña de las semillas; pero una vez sembrada, crece ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. y se convierte en el mayor de los arbustos y echa ramas tan But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the grandes, que los pájaros pueden anidar a su sombra”. largest of plants and puts forth large branches, Y con otras muchas parábolas semejantes les estuvo so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.” exponiendo su mensaje, de acuerdo con lo que ellos podían With many such parables he spoke the word to them entender. Y no les hablaba sino en parábolas; pero a sus as they were able to understand it. Without parables discípulos les explicaba todo en privado.  he did not speak to them, but to his own disciples he explained everything in private.  Oración de Renovación de la Fe en Familia Family Faith Renewal Prayer   Dios Padre Nuestro, te damos gracias por el regalo de tu God Our Father, we thank you for giving us your Son, Hijo Jesucristo, nuestro Salvador. Our Savior Jesus Christ. JESUS, Hijo de Dios y de Maria, bendice nuestra familia. JESUS, Son of God and Son of Mary, bless our family. Inspíranos amablemente a la unidad, la paz, y el amor mu- Graciously inspire in us the unity, peace and mutual tuo que encontraste en tu propia familia de Nazaret.  love that you found in your own family in the little MARIA, Madre de Jesús y Madre Nuestra, alimenta a town of Nazareth. nuestra familia con tu fe y amor. Mantennos cerca de tu MARY, Mother of Jesus and Our Mother, nourish our Hijo, Jesús, en todas nuestras penas y alegrías.  family with your faith and your love. Keep us close to JOSE, Padre adoptivo de Jesús, guardián y esposo de your Son, Jesus, in all our sorrows and joys. Maria, mantén a nuestra familia a salvo de cualquier daño. JOSEPH, Fosterfather to Jesus, guardian and spouse of Ayúdanos en todo momento de desánimo o ansiedad. Mary, keep our family safe from harm. Help us in all times SAGRADA FAMILIA DE NAZARET, haz de nuestra of discouragement or anxiety. familia, una contigo. Ayúdanos a ser instrumentos de paz. HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH, make our family Concede que el amor, fortalecido por la gracia, resulte más one with you. Help us to be instruments of peace. poderoso que todas las debilidades y pruebas por las que a Grant that love, strengthened by grace, may prove veces pasan nuestras familias. Que tengamos siempre a mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through Dios en el centro de nuestros corazones y hogares hasta which families sometimes pass. May we always have que todos seamos una familia feliz y en paz en nuestro God at the center of our hearts and homes until we are verdadero hogar contigo. Amen. all one family, happy and at peace in our true home with ( 1 Padre Nuestro, 1 Ave Maria y Gloria..) you. Amen  San Carlos Borromeo, ruega por nuestras familias  (1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and Glory be..) St. Charles Borromeo pray for us. 

THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING  ¡ES IMPORTANTE ESTAR  REGISTERED! REGISTRADO!  Being a registered, active and participating member  Ser un miembro registrado, activo y participante of a Parish is very important especially when you de una parroquia es muy importante especialmente  need to baptize, register for religious education  cuando usted necesita bautizar, inscribir a los niños o classes, sponsor a child for sacraments, get married, adultos en clases de educación religiosa, ser padrino obtain letters (letters of good standing, immigration para los sacramentos, casarse, obtener cartas (cartas letters, sponsor letters, letters of transfer etc.) de buena reputación, cartas de inmigración, cartas de  permiso, etc.) For parents who have children enrolled in Catholic  Schools, in order to receive the school reduced Para los padres de familia que tienen niños inscritos en las Escuelas Católicas, para recibir un descuento Catholic Tuition Rate, your family needs to meet the en la colegiatura, su familia debe cumplir con los criteria set by the Parish for being a registered,  requisitos establecidos por la parroquia para ser  ACTIVE and participating member.   considerado un miembro registrado, ACTIVO y  The definition of a registered, active and  participante.  participating member of this parish includes: being La definición de ser un miembro registrado, activo y registered for the minimum of six months, attend participante de esta parroquia incluye: estar  Sunday Mass as well as contributing with an enve- registrado por lo mínimo de seis meses, asistir  lope to our offertory along with (if possible) sup- a misa los domingos y contribuir con un sobre a porting the ministry life of our parish which is a nuestra colecta junto con (si es posible) estar involu- HUGE plus.  crado en uno o más ministerios de nuestra parroquia,  que es una ventaja enorme.  If you aren’t registered, come and join our parish  family by obtaining a registration form from the  Si usted no está registrado, venga y sea parte de parish office OR if you aren't sure if you are  nuestra familia de San Carlos Borromeo obteniendo una forma de registro de nuestra oficina. O si quiere registered, call the front office to verify.  saber si está registrado, llame a la oficina para verificar. 

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