Volunteering Opportunities

Dear Volunteers,

We hope you are well.

This document collates ongoing efforts by individuals, non-profit organisations and community groups supporting People and Planet during the pandemic. We hope to keep those willing and able to support local initiatives informed about safe and accessible ways to help.

We emphasise the importance of keeping yourself and others safe. Please do not attend an opportunity if you are showing any symptoms of the virus, are living with someone showing symptoms, believe you’ve been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus, or are in a high-risk category required to self-isolate . There are plenty of ways to offer support from your own home!

Each individual project/charity will offer specific guidance around safe volunteering (based on the type of work they carry out), but you can also find official Government guidance on volunteering here!

In this document (Direct links to page):

1. Protecting Yourself and Others 2. Key 3. Volunteering Opportunities a. -Wide/Multiple London Locations b. Listed by Borough (A-Z)

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

1. Protecting Yourself and Others

Our charity partners are taking all measures possible to ensure ongoing activities are safe, but please make sure you are up to date will all best practice. Here are some useful links from the Government and the BBC:

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): UK Government Response

EASY STEPS: How To Keep Safe

A SIMPLE GUIDE: What Are The Symptoms?

CONTAINMENT: What It Means To Self-Isolate

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

2. Key:

Telephone Support:

Delivery Support:

Remote volunteering:

Practical Support (eg. Sorting, packing, shopping):

Cooking/Food Prep:

Donations of Food:

Donations of Other Essential Items:


Animal Care:

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

3. Volunteering Opportunities a. London-Wide/Multiple London Locations

Find and support your local Food Bank: • Volunteer with a Trussell Trust foodbank! • Find an independent food bank near you!

Age UK – Find and support your local branch:

Too many older people feel they have no one to turn to for support. We exist to help older people when they need us the most. Find out how you can support a local branch here!

City Harvest:

City Harvest is delivering food to charities still providing food for the vulnerable and need volunteers! If you can help, please visit here.

NHS Responders:

There are various roles that are part of the NHS Volunteer Responders programme. All volunteer roles have been developed to ensure that volunteers can help local communities wherever they can during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Find out more and sign up here!

British Red Cross:

Help your community in a crisis. We can help you share your kindness with those who need it most. By becoming a community reserve volunteer, you will help your community get back on track in the event of a major local emergency.

The Felix Project:

The Felix Project collects fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold. We deliver this surplus food to charities and schools so they can provide healthy meals and help those in need. Sign up here!


FareShare saves good food from going to waste and takes it to over 200 charities and community groups across the capital, who turn it into meals for Londoners in need of support. Sign up here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Brighten Up London:

Since the launch of our Brighten Up London 4 years ago, we have been working with volunteers to enhance London’s green spaces and to make them as safe and accessible as possible to the public.

Over the years, thousands of volunteers have given their time to Brighten Up parks, charity farms and community gardens, creating wildlife habitats and nature trails, restoring ponds, planting trees, building allotments, outdoor classrooms, nature trails and much more across London. Help us support local communities and wildlife… Click the logo on the right to find out more!

HandsOn London Virtual Sessions:

We have been working with our non-profit partners to connect with isolated people with familiar voices and faces whom they are used to interacting with every week.

Volunteers have been helping to run uplifting sessions that have involved quizzes, themed discussions, exercise classes, show and tell, and even ‘Desert Island Discs’ style sessions. We’re really open to new ideas and would love your help! [email protected]

Refugee Community Kitchen: In London, we are being supported by Camden Council/ Make & Do Partnership with a kitchen and work space where we cook 4 days a week for Camden Town, Archway and Goodge Street, We also cook at Ridley Road Social Club in Hackney & Soup Kitchen in Brixton.

Our distributions bring communities together as well as allowing other groups and services to help the people we work alongside, including the likes of StreetVet. You can find more information on our website, and here is the registration page!

Good to Grow:

Good to Grow is an online platform to support food growing in the UK, run by Sustain. The Good to Grow Network is all about getting people involved in their local community garden.

Whilst many community gardens are running at a reduced capacity for volunteers, they still very much need the continued support and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved! Find your local Community Garden here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Food For All: Food For All is an entirely volunteer run and managed food relief charity based in central London which currently provides 5,000 free meals a day to community groups and local authorities, as well as on the streets for people without accommodation. There are several ways to get involved as a volunteer for us:

• Preparing & packing meals at our central London kitchen, near Holborn Viaduct • Delivering meals in your car, on your bike or even riding one of our rickshaws • Handing out meals at one of our food hubs around London • Helping with admin tasks at home on your computer

St. Mungo’s (Emergency Hotel Assistant): For anyone facing homelessness, and particularly for people who are sleeping rough, our first priority is to make sure that they have somewhere safe and secure to sleep – especially now.

We are operating in hotels specifically repurposed to support our clients. The clients have been transferred to the hotels from a variety of communal sleeping spaces and shelters for the specific reason of offering somewhere safe and isolated to stay until the government determines the risk of the virus is no longer.

We are currently recruiting for volunteers who have an understanding or experience of working with vulnerable adults to support in these emergency hotels (in Camden, Leyton and ).

Click here to find out more!

With Compassion: Compassion London is a group of professional chefs, foodies and people who have come together to cook and deliver free or donation based healthy, nutritious and delicious meals for those who need them most.

We believe no-one should go to bed hungry. In these difficult times, please join us and show our common humanity through the power of giving a meal to anyone in need.

• Please note – With Compassion are in the process of moving home! Whilst there may not be an opportunity to join their volunteer team straight away, they would still love to hear from you!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

FoodCycle: We support people who are hungry and lonely by serving tasty lunches and dinners every single day in towns and cities across the country. Many of our guests struggle to afford the basics to eat and many will eat alone without company or conversation.

If you like what FoodCycle does and want to make a difference in communities across the country, there are tonnes of ways you can get involved! All of our Projects are run by a team of incredible volunteers and we are always looking for more people to join our team. Volunteer roles include cooking, collecting or hosting. You can also support our new ‘Check in and chat’ service by signing up to make weekly phones calls and having a natter with our guests.

Rhythms of Life: Rhythms of Life is a London homeless charity. Every day, 365 days of the year, our amazing volunteers hit London’s streets to help those in need. We currently operate in Islington, Camden and Westminster, providing meals, clothes, toiletries, sleeping bags, and, most importantly, a friendly ear whenever needed.

Volunteer to help London’s homeless. At Rhythms of Life you can make a real difference to the lives of people living on the streets. We are staffed entirely by people who give their spare time and energy to volunteer to help London’s homeless. Join our family!


Meet people to have real-life experiences and have fun doing good!

1) As a host you can create an experience: event, masterclass, meetup, date, and so on. 2) Any user can make a financial commitment to donate to participate in your experience. 3) You can choose one or a group of users to join your experience. 4) Funds raised from the users you selected go to the verified cause of your choice.

Find out more and download the app!

Omega: As a charity which helps people stay connected in later life, we're calling for urgent help to scale up our telephone befriending programme in the light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We need more volunteer telephone befrienders (who can work from home) to check in with vulnerable older caregivers and bereaved people who are self-isolating.

If you have the skills needed to talk regularly to someone who is lonely and socially isolated, or want to help us by making a donation please get in touch: 01743 245 088 or [email protected]

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


FEAST! is a London based food poverty charity, which brings together surplus food and an army of committed volunteers to provide healthy and nutritious meals for the people and communities who need it the most.

Since the coronavirus outbreak, we’ve seen demand for our service increase by 300% which means we are currently delivering approximately 600 healthy meals per week. We need your help to cook and distribute meals – Get Involved Here!

NCVO Volunteer Network: Find your local Volunteer Centre – https://www.ncvo.org.uk/ncvo-volunteering/find-a-volunteer- centre

Volunteer Match: We feel a responsibility to unite our broader community--to use this moment to learn from one another, to grow, and to become stronger. Explore the growing network of #COVID-19 and virtual volunteering opportunities for practical actions you can take today to support your community. Help with COVID-19 by Volunteering Remotely or On-Site!

This page features virtual and on-site volunteer opportunities to aid communities impacted by COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Thousands of volunteers like you are needed daily.

Jesuit Refugee Service: JRS UK shares the global mission of JRS: to accompany, to serve as companions, and to advocate for the rights of refugees and the forcibly displaced.

We have set up a new Emergency Response Team to distribute food parcels and hygiene packs to the most vulnerable refugee friends we support, taking the essential help from our Day Centre out onto the road. Our volunteers are also offering vital support remotely – If you are interested in volunteering as part of this team, please visit this page!

The National Care Force: The National Care Force is a nationwide network of care providers, healthcare workers and volunteers ready to support the most vulnerable members of our society through the challenges we face due to coronavirus. Register if you are a care provider, healthcare worker or want to volunteer to help the national effort to support the most vulnerable. We'll in touch with next steps.

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Good Gym:

We're a community of runners that combines getting fit with doing good. Join us and find your reason to run! Get Started!

• Community Missions: Run, walk or cycle to help community projects with practical tasks • Group Runs: Run with a group to help community projects • Mission Runs: Run to help older people with one-off tasks • Coach Runs: Run regularly to see an isolated older person

Vital Meals: Vital Meals is a new non-profit venture set up in response to the global Corona Virus pandemic. Run by Ayesha Pakravan-Ovey, the head chef & founder of The Plattery, we are cooking & delivering free nutritious meals to anyone unable to feed themselves during this difficult time.

This includes (but is in no way limited to) the elderly, the vulnerable, the high risk, the homeless, single parent families who can’t take their children to the shop (and can’t leave them at home), children now unable to access a cooked meal due to school closures, those on low income/Universal Credit or those just unable to access food for whatever reason, including NHS staff & Key Workers. Register to help here!

Open Kitchens:

Free meals for those in need across the UK. Open Kitchens is a national food solution that brings together restaurants & their communities to fund, produce & deliver free meals to those in need. You can get involved with a wide range of volunteering roles, from transport & logistics support, to fundraising and ‘spreading the word’ from home.

OLIO - Fight waste. Help your neighbours. Save our planet. Feel amazing!

OLIO connects neighbours with each other and with local businesses so surplus food can be shared, not thrown away. This could be food nearing its sell-by date in local stores, spare home-grown vegetables, bread from your baker, or the groceries in your fridge when you go away.

Volunteering is a rewarding and tangible way to reduce food waste and strengthen ties in your community. Explore our volunteer roles here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

London Friends of Green Spaces Network:

Many of London’s Green Spaces have an associated Friends Group, who run volunteer sessions and have a say in how the park is maintained and used. LFGN are an ‘umbrella type’ organisation for friends groups and if you drop them an email, they will help you find your local Friends Group!

Trees for Cities: We get stuck in with local communities to cultivate lasting change in their neighbourhoods – whether it’s revitalising forgotten spaces, creating healthier environments or getting people excited about growing, foraging and eating healthy food.

We're busy watering our newly planted trees while following the Covid-19 guidelines, but a dry spring has made the trees extra thirsty. Will you help us water trees local to you?

Reach Volunteering:

There are many good causes in need of help at this challenging time. Reach supports you to volunteer your professional skills for charities across the UK. Click here to explore a variety of remote, skills bases volunteer opportunities!


Migrateful supports cookery classes led by refuges, asylum seekers. By providing chefs with skills- training, social networks and a source of income, Migrateful’s mission is to empower and celebrate for these communities.

You can sign up to either evening (5.30pm-10pm) or day sessions (11am- 3pm) for cookery classes, or remotely through blog writing, graphic design support, recipe testing or photography. You will be matched to your most local session.

Bankuet: Donate a food bundle to your local food bank! https://www.bankuet.co.uk/

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Amnesty Decoders:

Join a global network of digital volunteers helping us research and expose human rights violations. Amnesty Decoders is an innovative platform for volunteers around the world to use their computers or phones to help our researchers sift through pictures, information and documents. All you need to get involved is a smartphone or a computer with internet access. Join tens of thousands of other Decoders from around the world! Register Here.


Every year over 600 people open up their homes to young people who have nowhere to stay. This incredible army of people change young people's lives by doing something very simple - by being a Nightstop volunteer .

We rely on ordinary people all over the UK who host young people experiencing homelessness in their spare room, letting someone into their home who ordinarily have nowhere to go. We also need people who can be a Nightstop driver or chaperone and help put young people's mind at ease as they make their way to the volunteers home.

SANE: SANE is a UK-wide charity working to improve quality of life for people affected by mental illness since 1986. At the present, SANEline is temporarily closed as staff and volunteers are can no longer travel to the office. There are still ways to get involved to help the community from home: • Write a blog post for SANE website to raise awareness and acknowledge the impacts of the situation to mental health • Signpost SANE on social media by tagging them or sharing their posts


Help made simple. We match volunteers to older adults who need help. We are working as hard as we can to facilitate on-boarding all of our new volunteer sign-ups so that they can start helping out and making a difference to people’s lives as soon as possible.

Keep an eye out for updates via the onHand app or on our Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Be My Eyes: Bringing sight to blind and low-vision people. Be My Eyes is a free app that connects blind and low- vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call.

Every day, sighted volunteers lend their eyes to solve tasks big and small to help blind and low-vision people lead more independent lives. A blind or a low-vision user may need help with anything from checking expiry dates, distinguishing colours, reading instructions or navigating new surroundings.

• Download Be My Eyes - Get the Be My Eyes app and join our global community as a blind/low-vision user or a sighted volunteer. • Translate Be My Eyes - Help us make our app accessible for more people in their native language. Getting started is easy and straightforward. • Help us spread the word - Helping through Be My Eyes is easy. Invite your friends, family or colleagues.

Local Helpers: The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is forcing many people to self-isolate. This site is here to connect people in affected communities to support one another with essential tasks like food shopping or collecting medicine. Please share this tool and help connect more vulnerable people in your community.

British Transport Police: We have been working with the British Transport Police to help meet their volunteer needs. They are restarting their Operational Scenario Training Days with their Police Constable Recruits, and they need members of the public to volunteer their time to take place in the scenario-based training.

This is a crucial stage of training for the students, who will be engaging with members of the public for the first time, in many cases wearing their uniform for the first time outside a training environment. This is also a unique opportunity for volunteers to be introduced to how the BTP operate, gaining an insight from a 'police perspective'.

Drop me an email for more detailed information and upcoming dates! [email protected]

NCVO Volunteer Network: Find your local Volunteer Centre – https://www.ncvo.org.uk/ncvo-volunteering/find-a-volunteer- centre

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Underdog International:

Become an Underdog Unity neighbourhood volunteer! We are redirecting our resources to help our fellow UK friends and neighbours cope with the coronavirus outbreak.

To be prepared for the next few weeks and months, we have set up a new initiative called ‘Underdog Unity’ which is a network of vetted and insured volunteers who support dog-owning neighbours in need.

In light of the potential impacts of the coronavirus outbreak on our family, friends and neighbours, this network of experienced volunteers can help walk dogs or care for dogs, should their owners not be able. Twitter feed here!

CHD Living – Adopt a Grandparent:

We’re pairing the lovely residents at our CHD Living homes with caring individuals in the community who want to help combat loneliness. We launched our ‘Adopt a Grandparent’ campaign to bring a sense of comfort to young people and the elderly who may not have grandparents/grandchildren of their own, with the aim of creating long-lasting intergenerational friendships. Here are some of the ways in which you can help:

• Having phone calls/video calls with your new friend • Sending cheerful pictures/stories/poems (post or email) for them to enjoy • Sharing stories from different generations • Sending letters/postcards to your new friend, much like a pen-pal!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

b. Listed by Borough (A-Z)

Barking and Dagenham

B&D Volunteers: Volunteer for the response in supporting people in our community that need help and support. They may need practical things, like shopping, or they may just want to connect with someone while they self-isolate.

We've teamed up with local community groups and faith organisations to get the right help to the right people and we're looking for volunteers to do their bit.

Register your details on our simple sign up form. You'll then be given an induction and have access to guidance and support from our volunteering team, enabling you to get started helping our community as soon as possible.


Volunteering Barnet: Volunteering Barnet is currently working on a collective volunteer response with Barnet Together and Barnet Council so keep watching this space to find out more about how to volunteer to help people in Barnet.

The following organisations are in urgent need of volunteers:

• One Stonegrove Community Plan • The Felix Project • Homeless Action in Barnet

Belmont Farm:

Belmont Farm offers a unique opportunity for anyone, young or old, to meet, handle and feed a huge variety of farm animals. Being the only public farm of its size within the M25, Belmont is the perfect place for Londoners to experience a real working farm, hands on.

Belmont Farm’s aim is to create an inspiring environment, for people, especially children, to understand where our food comes from and see the farm animals that live in our countryside. Our further aim is to engage, inspire and encourage people to learn more about farming and the countryside. Sign up to volunteer here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


Bexley Voluntary Service Council: We really appreciate the offer of support from anyone willing to offer it. At the moment, we have set up a volunteering scheme to match those who can help with charities and community groups in need. No matter what kinds of skills you have to offer, if you've volunteered before, or even if you're isolated yourself, there will be charities and community groups who need you.

Get involved here!


Sufra: Sufra NW London addresses both the causes and consequences of extreme poverty, homelessness and social isolation in the community.

Due to effects of the COVID-19 crisis and our ongoing emergency appeal, we are now recruiting more volunteers for a range of new roles. If you would like to get involved, please fill in the Volunteer Application Form (Google Form).

Roles include: Food Bank Packing, Food Deliveries, Kitchen Support, Gardening and Admin Support.

North Paddington Food Bank: People working together to help those experiencing hardship in North Westminster and parts of Kensington & Chelsea and Brent. Due to a consistent increase in demand and need for home deliveries, we are looking for more people to sign up to give some of their time to help deliver to those in need in the local area. We’re always looking for people to help us with the occasional food collections too!

Volunteers sign up to help and stay updated through Better Impact, a platform which should provide all the information you need, which can be accessed through this link. You can also join their WhatsApp group via their link here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


Community Links Bromley: Community Links Bromley is working with alongside Bromley Council to allocate volunteers to support vulnerable people during these challenging times. The Council is adopting the lead coordinating role amongst all interested parties and individuals seeking to do their bit to help. Please note that this is a community coordinated response led by the council, should your help be called upon, you should continue at all times to follow the advice given by Public Health England and the council. If you would like to assist in the Council's response to Covid-19 by volunteering your time and services in support for those in need, click here!

Coney Hall: Coney Hall (Bromley) Covid-19 is a community group of individuals, volunteering support for neighbours during the COVID-19 outbreak. Sign up Here!


Little Village Camden: Little Village is like a foodbank, but for clothes, toys and equipment for babies and children up to the age of 5. We’re a movement of parents committed to alleviating material poverty in London.

• Donate stuff: Little Village is a gift from one family to another, passed on with love. So please use our simple rule of thumb: if you’d give the item to a friend, then we’ll take it. Learn More! • Donate time: There’s still lots you can do to help while coronavirus means we’re all staying home. And you can sign up to help once the lockdown is over. Learn More!

Camden Town Refugee Community Kitchen/Streets Kitchen:

WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS AND SUNDAYS – 19:30 Evening outreach near Camden Town tube station, NW1 8QL. Hot food, bedding, clothes and other essentials are available. View map. | Join the Facebook group. Hot food is provided by RCK.

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Time To Spare: At times like these, it’s more important than ever that we come together to look after our loved ones, neighbours and communities. Camden is full of generous people and we have already been overwhelmed by the incredible response from the local community.

It is extremely heartening to see so many people come forward to volunteer to ensure the wellbeing of their neighbours during these difficult times. We thank you for your commitment and generosity and look forward to working with you.

Kentish Town City Farm:

Kentish Town City Farm is a local charity that helps city people connect with animals, nature and the environment. The farm is situated on a four-acre site, alongside two railway lines in the inner London Borough of Camden.

We are inviting volunteers to help with activities on the yard, in the gardens, and in the office/working remotely. If you would like to lend a hand, or have skills you would like to share, get in touch with us!


Simply Connect Croydon: Simply Connect are supporting the COVID-19 Response in Croydon.

Are you looking to help your local community during the COVID-19 crisis, and support those most in need? Simply Connect are working with local authorities and charity partners nationally to recruit local people to support the pandemic.

If you’d like to pledge your support, complete the form and we will share your details with the local authority, Volunteer Centre and voluntary sector agency who is leading the response in your area.


Ealing Together: Ealing’s community is its greatest strength and across the borough, people are standing together to help our most vulnerable residents. Ealing Council has joined forces with charities, local groups, businesses and concerned residents to rapidly respond to the COVID-19 crisis and launch a new coalition called Ealing Together. Find out more about volunteering opportunities here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


Enfield Voluntary Action: We support volunteers and Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs) to help provide positive experiences for both. Volunteers add value to organisations, bringing local knowledge and experience, specialist skills, a desire to contribute to their local community, and much more.

Sign up HERE!


Volunteer Centre Greenwich: Volunteer Centre Greenwich are working with @Royal_Greenwich to coordinate a large volunteer team across the borough. Volunteers will help to support at risk and vulnerable people through these difficult times. Would you like to get involved?

Sign up HERE!


Volunteering Hackney: Our volunteer hub will match volunteers with residents who need support during this difficult time. If you want to volunteer, please provide your details to the Volunteer Centre Hackney, who wil match you to a suitable volunteering role.

Find out more and get involved HERE!

Tree Musketeers Hackney:

We are a community of volunteers who plant and care for trees in Hackney! We grow trees at our Community Tree Nursery, plant trees in parks and other green spaces throughout Hackney and support local groups to plant and care for trees in estates and green spaces. Volunteer roles here!

Join us! Everyone is welcome to join us for volunteer days and a wide range of special events throughout the year – You can just turn up, unless the event details ask you to book in advance.

Training, gloves and all are equipment provided. We recommend you wear strong footwear and dress for gardening work and for weather.

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Made in Hackney: With our classes paused, help us to switch to a FREE food home delivery service - taking healthy, nourishing food direct to the doorsteps of our most vulnerable community members.

Get in touch if you feel you’re able to help!

Hackney Refugee Community Kitchen/Streets Kitchen: THURSDAYS 20:00 Evening outreach outside Hackney Central Library, 25-27 Hackney Grove, London E8 3NR, nearest tube is Hackney Central. View map | | Join the Facebook group. | Hot food is provided by RCK.

Dalston Streets Kitchen: SATURDAYS 20:00 Evening outreach opposite Dalston Kingsland tube station, E8 2PA. Hot/cold food and drinks, plus bedding, clothes and other essentials may be available. View map | Join the Facebook group.

Jamming for Change: SUNDAYS 16:00 to 18:00 Outside Shoreditch High Street station, Braithwaite street with warm food and drinks. Vets are available to see street pets 16:30 – 17:00-ish. Bring musical instruments to join in the jam. View map. | Join the Facebook group.

Hammersmith & Fulham

H&F Community Aid Network: H&F CAN is the volunteer community aid network launched by Hammersmith & Fulham Council to support vulnerable residents during the coronavirus pandemic.

Working with the voluntary and charity sector, and alongside the ward and street-level mutual aid groups, H&F CAN offers support to residents who don’t have friends or family close by to help them. Our taskforce of volunteers will help those most in need at the time of their greatest need. Sign up here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


Hampstead Volunteers Corps: We are a group of residents of Hampstead (NW3) who are coming together to help out the community during a time when some people who may experience everyday difficulties due to concerns about getting ill. We are working to support the community that we live in, by ensuring that nobody is left isolated or without what they need.

Are you young, healthy, and a resident of Hampstead village? Sign-up to help out the team! You will be matched into a local neighbour group and plugged into existing efforts to help out those in need around you. Sign Up Here


Haringey Together:

Volunteers are an important part of the Coronavirus response. Click here to see available volunteering opportunities in Haringey and to register your interest.

Bridge Renewal Trust: Can you volunteer to help during the COVID-19 pandemic?

As we try to manage and deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in Haringey, we are working in partnership with Connected Communities at Haringey Council by initially collecting the details of anyone who is wanting to volunteer their time and / or skills to help others in the borough.

If you are interested in helping out, please fill in this form. Please note this does not commit you to volunteering, and we will be back in touch with you as soon as possible with more information.


VA Harrow: Voluntary Action Harrow is creating a database of individuals who may be able to volunteer in the community during the Coronavirus outbreak. Sign up here!

Please note that we will not be promoting opportunities that will involve working with individuals who have Coronavirus. However we can't guarantee volunteering opportunities will be in environments that are 100% free of Coronavirus. We advise potential volunteers to consider the risks before taking up a volunteer role.

Voluntary Action Harrow is a non profit organisation that works with other organisations to recruit volunteers. http://www.voluntaryactionharrow.org.uk

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


Volunteer Centre Havering: If you are wishing to provide support during the current pandemic, please email our team: [email protected]

We strongly advocate that if you are wishing to support the wider community please do so via your volunteer centre for safeguarding purposes. Please do however look after you neighbours, loved one and those known to you during this crisis. http://www.haveringvc.org.uk/


Hertsmere Mencap: We are looking for volunteers who can help us calling our members to have a conversation, enquire after their wellbeing and to find out if they have everything they need during this difficult Coronavirus situation. This role will be based in our office in Borehamwood. Register for more information!

Goods for Good: Drivers to collect and deliver goods during Covid - 19 pandemic. We are looking for volunteers collect goods such as hygiene goods and clothing from our Borehamwood facility and deliver them off to the local refugee and asylum seekers drop-in centres.

The need is more than ever - if you can help us deliver these goods and ensure we can carry on our local work please get in touch. (Volunteers aged 21 and over). Register for more information!


Volunteering Hounslow: What can I do to help? Register on our volunteering platform if you’re looking to get involved in supporting others.

Do you have a neighbour or relative who might be having to stay at home? Could you drop off a roll of toilet roll or essential items? Use this printable ‘Kindness card’ and post it through a trusted neighbour or relative’s door. Please be sure to take sensible hygiene precautions as well as taking care of your own health and safety.

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


Food For All: Food For All is an entirely volunteer run and managed food relief charity based in central London which currently provides 5,000 free meals a day to community groups and local authorities, as well as on the streets for people without accommodation.

There are several ways to get involved as a volunteer for us:

• Preparing & packing meals at our central London kitchen, near Holborn Viaduct • Delivering meals in your car, on your bike or even riding one of our rickshaws • Handing out meals at one of our food hubs around London • Helping with admin tasks at home on your computer

FCV Dorcas:

At FCV Dorcas we believe no one should be alone. Our voluntary organisation supports isolated older people living in Central and South Islington, with the sole aim to enhance their quality of life. There is nothing more rewarding than helping someone who needs it. The work of FCV Dorcas can provide a valuable experience for those wanting to pursue opportunities in care or community work.

Find out about our volunteering opportunities here!

The People’s Army: The People’s Army is an Islington-wide support organisation to assist those in need during the Covid- 19 crisis. We are able to provide help with shopping, errands and pet care. We can also provide meals to vulnerable communities.

Please get in touch if you need support or can offer help in any way. Click here to register.

Kensington & Chelsea

Volunteer Centre Kensington & Chelsea:

We are now working remotely in response to the emergency situation. All of our programmes are operational, and we are coordinating with community partners, the local and health authorities. Anything you can do to make things a little less stressful for others during the Coronavirus outbreak can go a long way, especially for those in high-risk groups. Volunteer Centre Kensington & Chelsea is coordinating the community response to the crisis, and you can register your availability here.

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Dad’s House:

Dad’s House Foodbank will be open to help anyone that needs a helping hand during the most difficult times ahead that faces all of us from Monday the 30th of March and will act as a distribution centre

From our base in West Brompton, we will deliver to Residents in Kensington and Chelsea and Hammersmith and Fulham. We are looking for volunteers with cars to help deliver food to residents and also donations of non-perishable food. Get in touch here!

The Children’s Book Project:

Our core aim is to address the disparity of book ownership amongst children and young people. At present one in eight disadvantaged children owns no books of his or her own, whilst one in four owns fewer than ten books. We help to address this book gap by gifting good quality, gently used books to children within communities with a high level of disadvantage.

We run regular book sorting sessions during school term-times and occasionally also at half-term. Typical jobs may involve checking the quality of books, sorting them by age and stage and packing up for gifting to schools. You can find out more here!

North Paddington Food Bank: People working together to help those experiencing hardship in North Westminster and parts of Kensington & Chelsea and Brent. Due to a consistent increase in demand and need for home deliveries, we are looking for more people to sign up to give some of their time to help deliver to those in need in the local area. We’re always looking for people to help us with the occasional food collections too!

Volunteers sign up to help and stay updated through Better Impact, a platform which should provide all the information you need, which can be accessed through this link. You can also join their WhatsApp group via their link here!


Volunteering Kingston: At Volunteering Kingston, we are taking measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and advice on how you can keep yourself and others safe. We have teamed up with Kingston Council and Kingston Voluntary Action to form ‘Kingston Stronger Together’ to support and coordinate the volunteering efforts across the borough during the current health situation. Find out more Here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


Be Enriched/Brixton People’s Kitchen : While all our social activities are on a pause, we are offering deliveries of hot meals and fruit/veg boxes for vulnerable people without access to food in Lambeth and Wandsworth and are working quickly to scale up our services. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in helping their neighbours in South London. More info and Registration here!

• Volunteers to sort donated food and pack • Drivers & cyclists to deliver meals and food parcels food parcels • Volunteers to staff our referral call line • Community shop support • Cooks to prepare and pack hot meals

Brixton Soup Kitchen: Brixton Soup Kitchen support anyone in need of a meal and are trying to reach as many people as possible during this difficult time. We need help to cook and deliver food between 10am and 2pm everyday! Get in touch if you can help!

Clapham Common Streets Kitchen: TUESDAYS 19:30 - Evening outreach on the grass next to Joe’s Pizza/ opposite Waitrose. 8-1, The Pavement, London SW4 0HY. View map. | Join the Facebook group.

Healthy Living Platform :

We are actively recruiting volunteers to cook, pack and deliver food during the Covid-19 crisis, and beyond… We also need help with our communications such as website and social media.

We are currently partnering with Lambeth Council to pack and deliver food parcels for shielded and isolating residents, as well as people who are struggling. Check out more info on our page here!

Vauxhall City Farm:

Vauxhall City Farm is one of the oldest and most central city farms in London being located within earshot of Big Ben and in the shadow of MI6. Despite this proximity to ‘wealth’, Lambeth is one of the most deprived boroughs in London and the farm is surrounded by high-rise blocks occupied by individuals and families, many of whom have low incomes and suffer poverty of opportunity.

Find out more about volunteering here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Oasis Farm Waterloo:

We’re an urban farm in Waterloo, a hidden gem just moments from the Southbank. We have transformed a strip of wasteland into a flourishing community resource and a haven for nature, where we learn to care for ourselves, others, plants, animals and the environment.

We run therapeutic and educational activities for children, workshops, seasonal events, and we’re always keen to welcome volunteers! Check out more info on our website here.


Lewisham Local: Lewisham Local is working with voluntary sector partners to help connect you to safe volunteering opportunities through community groups in your neighbourhood. Please complete this form so that we can work with a local organisation in your area to connect you with a suitable opportunity.

Please do not expect an immediate response from us as we are already experiencing a high number of enquiries, which is positive but we are therefore prioritising volunteers where they are most needed. We will be in contact soon.


Merton Voluntary Service Council: MVSC is working with the voluntary sector in the borough to mobilise a volunteer taskforce to help isolated households and those at risk from COVID-19. Anyone who puts themselves forward may be asked to support people who are currently unable to leave their home.

How Do I Volunteer? If you are able to volunteer, or know anyone that wants to volunteer, please visit this page or contact the volunteer taskforce at [email protected]


Active Newham: If you are of good health, physically able to get out and about, a real team player and wish to support those who are isolated and vulnerable during this difficult time, join our team of volunteers who are supporting Newham Council and other partners on the #HELPNewham Campaign.

All you have to do is to register online, complete an online Induction and you are ready to go.

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

The Magpie Project: We provide a safe and fun place for mums and under-fives suffering in temporary or insecure accommodation. We can’t solve the housing crisis, but we believe in making mums and children’s lives better during their time in temporary accommodation. https://themagpieproject.org/

• Make a donation • Shop • Sort and Pack • Home Deliveries

Royal Docks Learning and Activity Centre: Open seven days a week, our centre plays an important role for those living in the Royal Docks area. We currently offer a wide range of activities including a year-round early years play project, women support services, support for parents, over 50’s social club and activities, training and community education, healthy cooking and well-being, leisure and sports activities, trips and outings and seasonal activities and celebrations.

Check out some of our volunteer roles here!

Newham City Farm:

One of London’s longest established city farms, Newham City Farm provides the local community with free access to animals in a countryside oasis which offers a unique learning experience. It is suitable for all ages but especially children, who love meeting our rare breeds and learning about all kinds of farm animal.

Find out more about volunteering opportunities here!


Redbridge CVS: Redbridge CVS is the local umbrella body for the voluntary and community sector. We host Volunteer Centre Redbridge, supported by Redbridge Council, to connect local people who want to volunteer with organisations that need help such as charities, community groups and public services.

On this page you can sign up to volunteer to help a local charity or community group - enter your details and we'll get in touch.

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


Richmond CVS: If you are interested in volunteering in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, please register on our volunteering database and state COVID-19 Support when you set up your personal volunteering profile and/or select the COVID-19 option in your Volunteer Interests.

Our online registration form has only a few mandatory questions and takes a few minutes to complete. However, any additional information you provide is really useful.


Community Southwark: Due to the coronavirus, charities are under more pressure than ever and as a result new volunteering opportunities have opened up. We really appreciate so many of you are getting in touch with us to see where you can help.

We are working with organisations to gather all of the volunteering opportunities that they have available. Sign up here to see what you can help with!

St George the Martyr: We run a small charity that supports around 260 pensioners in Borough, Bankside, Walworth and Newington (SE17).

We are in the process of contacting them all by phone to identify those that are particularly vulnerable in the event of a 'lock down', i.e. no family nearby and/or no social support networks to help them get food in or collect prescriptions. If any support groups are operating in those areas and would be willing and able to help, please e-mail me: [email protected]


Volunteer Centre Sutton: This is a coordinated effort between the London Borough of Sutton Council, Volunteer Centre Sutton, Community Action Sutton and Age UK Sutton. We're building a list of people who can support those who are most at risk from the Covid-19 pandemic and others who are struggling and might need help.

There has never been a greater need for volunteers to help in our community. To sign up, please register here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Tower Hamlets

Whitechapel Mission: The Whitechapel Mission has been serving the homeless and marginalised for 143 years, and it remains open and serving. If you’re nearby and feel you could help them, get in touch!

Volunteer Centre Tower Hamlets: We are recruiting volunteers to help local residents through the Coronavirus COVID-19 emergency. Apply to let us that you can help and we will put you in touch with organisations providing services to local residents. A variety of roles are available and more will become available during the crisis. Sign up today

Mudchute Park & Farm:

Set in 32 acres of countryside in the heart of East London, the Mudchute is a community charity, with a working farm, stables, a children’s nursery and a wide range of education activities.

Here at Mudchute, much of our work relies on the support of our wonderful team of volunteers. We welcome enthusiastic, dedicated volunteers and work experience placements. Unfortunately we can only take on volunteers who are 16 or older. Find out more here!

Spitalfields City Farm:

Spitalfields City Farm was originally set up by volunteers in 1978 and we still rely on volunteers today to help maintain the farm and gardens, look after the animals and assist in delivering projects. In short, without volunteers there would be no farm.

You may be eligible to help out in a number of areas, so we've outlined here how you can easily sign- up!

Stepney City Farm:

Stepney City Farm is a three acre working farm; a rural oasis, in the heart of Tower Hamlets. We give children and adults a chance to meet farm animals, learn how to grow food and try out arts and crafts. Every Saturday, the Farm hosts a popular Farmer’s Market.

We are an educational charity working to improve lives through farming; we provide a welcoming green space to bring together our diverse community, and cultivate wellbeing through high-welfare, environmentally sustainable farming practices. Find out more about volunteering here!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291

Waltham Forest

Community Help Network: The Community Help Network includes the launch of a new helpline service to provide additional support for the over 70s, who are self-isolating and do not have easy access to community support.

Delivered in partnership with Age UK Waltham Forest, Eat or Heat, and PL84U, vulnerable residents will be provided with support such as essential food supplies, prescription collections, emergency home repairs and social contact. Find out more here!


OrganicLea is a community food project based in the Lea Valley in north-east London. We produce and distribute food and plants locally and inspire and support others to do the same.

Our work is scaled back for the time being but please get in touch. Below are some of our regular volunteer roles and you can find out more here!

• Horticultural Assistants • Cooks • Buddies • Stall volunteer • Veg Packers


Wandsworth Council: By completing our online form, you will be partnered with key groups, including the likes of Age UK Wandsworth, who will allocate you to volunteering tasks. These may include:

• Shopping for food/supplies and • Walking dogs for those self-isolating delivering to vulnerable residents • Supporting with critical transport • Picking-up and delivering prescriptions needs • Having a friendly phone conversation • Helping with digital skills coaching with those at risk of loneliness

Tooting Streets Kitchen: MONDAYS 19:30 to 20:30

Evening outreach outside the Iceland by Tooting Market. Hot food, dessert snacks, hot and cold drinks, some clothing where possible. 25-27 Tooting High St, Tooting, London SW17 0SN. View map. | Join the Facebook group.

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


City of Westminster: It’s crucial that in times like this everyone pulls together – as a community, as councils working together, and with business and our other partners. We’ve already had a number of enquiries from local people and groups asking how they can help their neighbour or in their communities. We are as always humbled by the amazing community spirit of Westminster’s residents. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/coronavirus-how-you-can-help#volunteering

North Paddington Food Bank: People working together to help those experiencing hardship in North Westminster and parts of Kensington & Chelsea and Brent. Due to a consistent increase in demand and need for home deliveries, we are looking for more people to sign up to give some of their time to help deliver to those in need in the local area. We’re always looking for people to help us with the occasional food collections too!

Volunteers sign up to help and stay updated through Better Impact, a platform which should provide all the information you need, which can be accessed through this link. You can also join their WhatsApp group via their link here!

Time and Talents: We see a core part of our work as providing ways for people to connect and share their time and talents, including a wide range of volunteering opportunities, skills-sharing, and opportunities to socialise and connect neighbours close and far to reduce isolation.

Our priority is being able to ensure that all the positive action we take is safe for those involved and within government guidelines. Telephone befriending is what we're currently organising as our primary service. There may be other opportunities as listed below, but these are currently in development with partner organisations, thank you for your patience. http://www.timeandtalents.org.uk/volunteering-application-form

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291


You are amazing!

HandsOn London | 55 Philpot Street, Whitechapel |London | E1 2JH | Charity No: 1140291