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5-1-1993 NDLS Update 05/1993

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Recommended Citation Notre Dame Law School, "NDLS Update 05/1993" (1993). NDLS Updates. Paper 2.

This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School History at NDLScholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NDLS Updates by an authorized administrator of NDLScholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume II, No. 10 May, 1993

News of the Notre Dame Law School

GRADUA TION 1993 DISTINGUISHED GRADUATE STUDENT AWARD TO At the Commencement Exercises NDLS STUDENT held on May 16, Notre Dame awarded 190 J.D. and 8 LL.M. degrees. Among the The Notre Dame Alumni Association many students recognized for their conferred the Distinguished Graduate achievements were: Elizabeth Keenan, Student Award on (NDLS '93). winner of the Dean Joseph O'Meara Award The award is based on service to Notre for outstanding academic achievement; Dame, service to the community and James O'Brien, winner of the Colonel academic standing. Mary served as assistant William J. Hoynes Award for outstanding rector in Siegfried Hall for the past two scholarship, application, deportment, and years and was active in SOS as well as a achievement; and Richard M. Rolwing and number of other campus activities. Michelle Stahl, winners of The Farabaugh Congratulations, Mary! Prize for high scholarship in law. Congratulations to the members of the class of 1993. 2

NDLS MEN'S TEAM TAKES 1993 E. Blair Warner award. This Award 2ND PLACE in was presented to Dean Link by The Mental XXII Health Association of St. Joseph County, Inc. at their Volunteer and Donor An NDLS men's team took second Recognition Luncheon held at the Morris place in this year's Bookstore Basketball Park Country Club. Tournament. The team, Malicious Prosecution, consisted of Ken Boehner, Garth Meintjes will participate in a Andy Curoe, Tom Gorman, Rich UN sponsored conference on International McDermott, and Rich Rolwing. Andy Human Rights that will be held in Vienna in Curoe was named Bookstore MVP. June. Garth recently has assisted in organizing the Journey for Hope, a CENTER FOR CIVIL & campaign against the death penalty HUMAN RIGHTS sponsored by Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation. Students in the LL.M. Program in International Human Rights Law next fall Carol Mooney received a Presidential '..; ... :., '"~. :~""~"ersfrom Chile, Colombia, Award at the President's Dinner. G••~.,: .•' "."""--;'1 7'~i.;ja South Africa ~ ••. , ;,;-; •• ".:~, <> ·~Li~.': Do.r:~~:-:~'!vitt, NDLS Eric Smithburn presented invited ., . lectures, entitled "Current Evidentiary Issues 1') Child Abuse and Neglect Cases in the

Toomas Sil1aste, FI..".••;'," (If Law, i"j:med States and , II to a Tartu University, Estonia, h2S been admitted group of visiting British judges. The to the J.S.D. Program in International lectures were sponsored by the National Human Rights Law and awarded a full College of Juvenile and Family Law of the scholarship by a United States funded National Council of Juvenile and Family program for students from the Baltics and Court Judges. The lectures were given on East Central Europe. May 26 in Reno, Nevada.

Lisa Bosman, NDLS LL.M. '93, has On June 30, Eric will give an invited secured a position with the American-Iranian presentation entitled, "The Challenge of Claims Tribunal in the Hague. Child Abuse: Evidentiary Problems in

Adjudicating Child Abuse and Neglect. II FACULTY 1\TEWS The presentation will be given in as part of the annual conference of The British Joe Bauer published an article Juvenile and Family Courts Society.

entitled, II Antitrust and Sports: Must Competition on the Field Displace LEGAL AID NEWS Competition in the Marketplace?" 60 Ta-.rN. L. REv. 263-94 (1993). Thirty-one members of the class of 1993 worked for the Legal Aid Clinic either On Friday, May 21, 1993, Dean over the summers of 1991 or 1992 or during David T. Link was the recipient of The the past four semesters. That means almost 3

20 % of the graduating class participated in MISCELLANY the clinic. Those 31 students either closed or left for this summer's staff a total of 337 Some of our faculty children were cases. The clinical faculty reports that they recently recognized for their achievements. were a great class to work with. The Deborah Bauer was named a scholar as a faculty states that the students are excellent result of her performance in the city-wide attorneys and will make outstanding "Notre Algebra I contest. Ninety-five students took Dame" lawyers! the exam and only five were named scholars. Liz Efta won a silver award for The clinical faculty reports that they placing in the top 10% of the 33,000 have an outstanding group of interns for the students nationally who took the National 1993 summer. Orientation for the new Latin I Examination. interns began immediately after graduation. From May 17 through May 21, classes were Rudy Sandoval, former NDLS held every day from 10:00-3:00. From faculty. member, was recently tenured and 3:00-5:00 the interns worked to familiarize promoted to associate professor at tne themselves with their cases. University ot Texas, San Antonio.

Ten of the 12 summer interns are ALUMNI NE'''S enrolled in the first of the Keck Foundation funded clinical seminars in legal ethics; Bob Joel E. Bair (NDLS '74) became a Rodes was a guest in the first session of the partner in the firm of Varnum, Riddering, seminar held May 26. Schmidt & Howlett in Grand Rapids, . STAFF :NEWS Carla Consoli (NDLS '91) and Carl Nancy Wesolowski was honored at Wortley were married in Phoenix, Arizona the President's Staff Appreciation Dinner for on April 17. Rev. John Pearson, C.S.C. 25 years of service to the university. presided at the ceremony. Carla is an associate at 0' Connor, Cavanagh, Lois A. Plawecki was also honored Anderson, Westover, Killingsworth & at the President's Dinner for 15 years of Beshears. service to the university. Robert W. Cox (NDLS '62) recently On Wednesday, May 26, 1993, stepped down as chair of Baker & Rosemary Reiter retired from the Notre McKenzie's executive committee. He Dame Law School. Rosemary had been remains a senior partner with the firm. secretary to Dean Link for the past 15 years; she had been at the University for Andrew Firth (NDLS '92), IS more than 20 years. A "going-away" party working for the National Center for the was held in the Lounge to send Rosemary Deaf in Washington, D.C. He has passed off with good wishes for a happy future the D.C. Bar and is a prospective employee from all of us at NDLS. of the United States Department of Justice, pending lifting of the hiring freeze, where 4 he will work on cases related to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Jerry P. Genova (NDLS '92), is the newly elected Mayor of Calumet City, -- a city with a population of 40,000 in the Greater Chicago area.

PatrickF. McCartan (NDLS '56) has become managing partner of Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue in Cleveland.

This will be the l~,~issue until the fall. Have a wonderful summer.