for 36 yean the best advertising medium in the newport harbor district • • • the newspaper that goes hume THE SAND Buy Bonds BALBOA KEEP POSTED! to End War 1 Year .••• $2.60 CRAB ...... ()._....,...... Quicker N••• · 11~nMo N..,..;.n .... By ~~XIM.ES ~~) SAM EMBRACING BALBOA PENINS~LA. ~~ST NE~P!JRT, _ S~A SHORE COLONY, liDO---.siE, NEWP

puaoptna matblrwry ou bP IIM!d Ullnta 1 .. trn•tlt• hly. anol wtwt"'"" Ulla tlllck In ., ..,.. -n pc ~ bht•·k 1111 whlo-h r.. rm•·rly wu •I· •kt tocJa¥. "1 wUI liM - .....,_.. rn•.-t wurthl"""· anol Willi • r t wtlly ,., anud ,....ulla, until a ft,U at OONNA ADkl.E STANLEY ' '"~'" lu .,,.,,., •· non.nv ''-'"''" ln lhr J,.oul e lahl tloui.UIIU\tl tNt down a. H•rbofo Hlgh Q,.aduate Enll•ta N••W J• •rl otl'f'u. l• ""W ""' v ""'" · olrlll,.ol whtrh ma y I• ttone twtlllt• .the wa .. ee "''''' '" "''w ""' •· H ~•oo v f••t ""' """Y I '»'"'"" tu .-,11 my land llilfklloll "' 111,.; 11 ~~ ltoll•• "'"''"'"''; "'"' In 111111 1 llf'll•v,. Mr Wullo•)' ' ·""""" ""''" " 11 11• 1 w l,•v••r ''""'' 1 IIICT"~ • •I rio llv ,,..,.,...,.,.. 11( Ita In· 1•111 II •·I I I" f• ••mol tlh· h111lo ••nvtt v t f - 1 • " l""· w.. ,,., •• lllth·• · llntl waJu• "ll ,,. l • •lllld lllflfo•o llo•u llo. "' IH' IH llll r f'•ltff'llllul IUid 1Ntfl'l1flaJ bual· tt Z••lff u ,..,, • •' I'Hi u l \-\ t•ll 111 f hf• ' ,..,. .. f'"''l.,.r1Y •• Side Fish Co. to • + • Thrift Ditty. Down Thrift Offices Here Shop way is Mrs. E. E . Bou­ dinot, watchful gatherer of its funds, all of which goes to worthy causes. Last wet-k the Thrifty ladies were all ~- garbed in outlandish cos­ tume, presumably from their Thrift shop. at the Ebell dub opening, and here is a charming ditty Mrs. Boudi­ not wrote that tickled the ladies: The- Thrift Shop Girls are we. The Thrift Shop Girls are we. We take yow;.discards We wear your garbs. 1lle Thrift Shop girls are we. We sell to rich and poor ; We ~~~e ll to rich and poor; We have antiques And even a sink The Thrift Shop girls nre wt>. l lP~ I~ nn~ In t h •· :"•·"' po r t fht' Jt'•-t t)ttn \VaM rr, •. ,.,.,., j t l . \\.<' ~iw to csu ll lltl~• l oil~ ' Ill I Jl lnlpo• I '""" ' l h1111 ""11 '" t ul!l !)..-to • lntn.•·ot 4 "l "'IIII . I \I •••Y uf 11 oft vital llo l1111/o our Rl r And 1o the Hcd Cros.<; you ~ f •Ot~ • nr -· liH' .\1 11~ Jlt lff\Ht , tf'l, t • ~ l' • f H!• . \\llh f lu f!fillhht t fl~ I ..n vl,r• •' 11• ·•••1 t •••\ ""' 1 lot tit. At•J ~ . I•"' l • AI Jlfl• ltiM ifl I •UIIII· 1\ nu\\ : ol i H r illfll; H• t ~'l• t· ·~ ju,.l Hl t~ l )l(ttf tHC '*"'' :~'. "1 1 . , .. r Hi• 11• ·• ~ t- t I w,.,. \\'t' H' "twk fl) do. b y t•nun1 y ('l•.. rk ~ rrHth ~•W ) ••• I t ' •• t ;t,r, ~~: 1r ..t..h• ·t. ~ · u lt •• t •• I • ·'" • ,, •• Y h uy ~n111111tr W11 r 1 ' • tI t , ,, t tl l •,t y fnr CfUC f ) f lhf'fQ, \\"t• II st•t • 11 through. l anct ....It t , ill t "' . ,. I L " ,,, y f 'II p-1 I ·•II P'tlh l• WIH• \ t d l ~ ,,, \ot•·r,. n •)..:tJ!'lntl •'•n• f i•t l f flJ'- is now looking 0 . K. He's .... f If 141 .... ,,.~ I 'I t .. I I II. , ,1, tl'f t " ' t';tPIIPJl '" working on his boat trying , , •· ~ ..v .•n , t_. r 'i J.:• flf'fnl • kilfu n , • rol l ' ,, • • • tu h roy 70 2)-e,·nl "h"" "'"' 7'7 :!q , ... ,. • •r ,,. • · L~t ,It 1 f tlt• ~H , ~ k , , I ft o•ot ru• \', ' '' •II 1 I ~ · 1t l fllf'rf"lt tU k to get it going. while 1\l au~­ Hannah l't•oc·kto. for 37 )''"'"" a aHE GRABBED IT ' 1 11 II "' ,,, •I "" " " ' f u r "'' txtrl 2$ ine who l'tnrted on '1e r bus•­ ml~onary In (111na. t rn,.lrd ,.. ""'· I l ,h··•"tl' " f•t ~ I" \ 1urt ' '•if0 111'•' ' '•f• , , 1 ,1 ~ 'I '• flo • ur~ttul l " for Vtl'\fJ ry Th 1 ~ r~ · l " ' M••nu ~< ;: ~oor\ ..r '" " '" A thlo'f w,.,. .. .,.,.,.t n ~o: 11, ~ career a t the News­ for mnnthl> thrnutth Ot..-u"""' '"'*' 1 1 ' ' •· A ...... ,,,, II ~ ...... , '"''"' f *"•· l r ' ,_,\'t tu I( l hu h* ~u m Y. ith f\;rld• tll•.n J4,o(ll'o Vt •l"r " •tno t• 1 1\~1 t.hy =" ''" I"•"' M'I"I OIIll( ' ' ~. r •. l' rtt 1 r, helping C"hlna •n"'r ll'rrlhlf' dlfflr ul· I ...,..,_ " ' 1 ""-" I• ,._., •fl•ucht" r .,, " " r. tl 'f•·•·--u ,._, I ' '" ' ' ' ''"" • II• ' ''" ''~ " ' "' • "'"' t , •• ••I, ,.d llo•l oc <~t •· •• aud otht·r Times. is Russ Craig Urf'l&.kdr.wn •>f I h ~ f rr: u r"ll lltt•.w :1" 1 ~· ·ulh ~ ~" " 1-'Tvrn t ~h• ,,, ttN, fi-lly ....-hllltt India and -. ...._ lh•"J In""""'" 1,., ' ""' , ,.,."· "''"""• ..,.,... '""" • ...... _, p , .. ' """"' 'II ,,,111 1, 1 1 1., , 11 ,1 f , ... 1, , ·'"''' •""'I! • nrrltl r,. in the harhor department. · httl ~.n .. I'I'J'Uio!iuulll h••lrt 11 allrht ' • ·rv• •I " mtu~ ,. ,.,, .,.,, ,, T ··• 1 tlw fl111tl'd Mtat.... 8 Jwo h.. t-n ...... _, 1 ~.~ """"'"' "'"" .., ••...... , , ,.. • .....,"'.,...... , " ' "' "'' 11 .... , ,. "' 111 ,,.. ' " ' ' : ·, ·, .; ,' ,t" ·' ~·;;·":·, , ~',',:"'r~ "'~~;,.e, n'; Alan says it won't he long nl")"rll )' 111 ' " lt l"\ r ~ttt • .n hiiYinrt • tro •rn h~>r •lr tVI" II\ lo )', ,., till "' ,1,.,Una at thf' lin""' nf Mr. ~ 11 ...... totltJI \ltrh• 1.,..11,. 1'1 ,..,,..,,lh ....., '•"'"" ,.....,_ te ..WI I ' I• " ' d 11~~ •II 1>', lo••• ,,.,.,. )'oulr until hc ran hit the ba ll a~ain M,.._ 7. . ( ,._,,_ ...... un ...,.,, i)''" • \ II !It•· ~. T I ••• lf••rf'l •" tiO I A 1 <· I( I l •l'l" •I Ill e I Ill• k o.O.t I no 11 11 0,, 1t.-•t .... Ma.. _ , . I,....,.,, ""'"" 1' ,.,.,_ .-4 •.,,.. 1•" ~.. wtn .,,.., • .; Mr '"''' Mn. \\ lllu or11 I II•· I• It W ,~, o p ,..,11 I""'"" t.u. k tu you 111 111 11 1 for SheU and if J'!IY wishes ••· Mr. ...._..._ w-et, ...... ,,,.,.,, f '" all••"' n l••tnl ''~ :t7 7Mi t,. " ' ' "~ ""'"ll)" ~tl .. ran Allro t hr • at U...... , ' '' ..,., "-'"" llet fM "or" •--' t11P ••• fr U..t ' ,,.,. , 11 •"J"''" '" "• I v t•OII ,, '" ,, I• ,, o 111 I" •••rlrll•l', "'""" will do it. h<'re's hoping you llahrd • '"'"""'n In (1Lina •• r. f) I' lllflllll ll'~ l int• k anti • tot r "•·d•"l tn ttl al!tlw•• I ~.... -u.. ~~rat,. ... attf't!Uu• · • ...... ,. with fr1r •t~•llo • n•1 rrlrotl'"' "" 111 , ' ol 11 ~ ••I• oil h ~ " ' " IJc l•l<•nU• both Nne~(' on top. ,....,...... fn thl'\ 1'•Ut p, ,~ . " ' "" ' •~ tl y •ar . t h•• T,, ,.. J ut • - _._ · rn.rtlwm f'•ol ll" mtn 1n1(1 lt1Jol\cr, I I ( ' " "'• t•• .,., . ,

t ( .. -

~ALIIOA ~-~ •--..n ...... Orlll1 ..... ,...,....,, ~ 1.1, ltM ------~------NRWPORT-8AL80A I With Ernie Pyle at the Front: threw out Ulloa aD4 booked oo to NEWS-TIMES the lltfll to lte«p her from br-eq. NEWS • LAWMIIEIS II COIIIESS lnf up lmmedi&Uiy, aDd thu they PIIONU: NEWro&T IIA II BJ CONO•UIM.uJ IOIIN PIIII.LIJ'S rode out the n lp L ,~...... , ... n.MaJAnln•••------ve~-mn------of the British Flier HPro Wins The.e f tn t lwo rlllumn• . whl ·h 1part 1D the ,.. • r dt't&Jia AI" • al· In the JDOnl1nl. at low tide. a IJDe wu I'W1 from Ow borlt to ...... ,._ Payable In Ad.ance:-U ~ per yw.r Ill 0 .-.n ,-e Cl.unt y , will probably r o b&ck In the 1111m ~ l lhouah the State departmcont tf'll'· ll.U per ~ •., 4Ua - : 11.00 per year !!til .-. 1 CHURCHES abo" , &Jid the pa.-.ncera ,.,,..,. to mall C&JI gtve only th.- tn< l<.h.nt1 ~ly arran~ t h t• b<'forf' I takm Ol'e by one. Mally Hat·d Figl1t Against Death o f the trip nvcor and ~~ tht flr-.t l ll'fl. l hHe I• eoouflh toott. o f ltl ott. ot ~ u Sf't'ond-<..'1- ma u u al t ~ P a.l otf lce ID N- 'J)Ort Beach. 1 thl' acto n were cowboy• wbo bad 0..WL r1U&, UD4er tht Acl 0( Marcb ! , 1878 I ·~ t-uutT! CBllii(;Jt WHk Thco next th n: ~ w etk8 pr,.. k ind War bread replace• wl. otf' ne ver been on the oce&J) or CXMrt A MDA s lbly wit h o thf'r t n ps. a nd r••a c· l bread ; err• are 8C&rce : fnalt tl and vo• •ed ntvtr lo ~o qatn, L A. KI.'"YE.Jt EDITOR AND PRESJDENT Ril~U t' d ''Y Amllriran s. Ill' Finally (a.rdl ., ...... ,...,., Uon. condltlnl\l htre, w ill have- • caret-, a ll com m odll.lea rr" r&· ...... t'la.Dl, lOll W. Central Annue, ,~~; ..,.. port Ue&ch, Ca h t ornta to .... o. WlllaN -..r...... lo be rt"porled when 1 ~ret bl'rk tlon t'd The IRr k ''I vatll't v v•uuld It wu lm~ l bl e to aivace th. tll(ls 111 ,1 rm y flospiwl in England Official Pa~ of the CitJ of Newport Beach ...... ,.,c.- ...... My p.rtlcular lntert'Bt h 9-< bl.'t'n p robably be noUr able It ,.,.,. "' '" ' bnat and llhf' wu dytlamlted, tbu1 , .., In the probll'm o r tood 1\D d 1 w aa to hvco hcore tor a longer- t tm co e nd tnr the ca reer ot what bad beUJ 4 Detle,.._Dte l..ecal lnltttwtl._. Fw o .. er l4 Ve•,...... Fri~y . 7 :30 p. m . wo nhlp werv· d~ er r lbed aa N ewport Harbor'e Ry F.rnir P yle ltct>, Rev. Mae Steams In chaflite. uked by lht' War F'ood AIJ!T' n l!t- 1 Sun dlly achool, 9 :30 a . m . t.-.tOI' LJJ r hffk Into l'l'rtaln cJ ••oAill! Cenaored btjtjtt'/lt lloat l lti /TfiH'S "'IIITI lllut- - A. .. " " ' b« ~ 10 rh- r "''"" ~cau. I« e-.\ Mom ln1 wo nhlp, 11 a. m . llpec­ whic h hco d id n ot want to p u t uatfJ I WIUI the Fremont c ooe, &Jiot He r ,.,.,..f,.d '""· h ttt• t•,t, '"'"""fN"d "" t lll u lwll 10 ' " '"' , ..J ,.,. lllu ,,._.,.,..., NAn~.~~llORIAL ~ oa l m utlc. putor'• wermon. the ~ttr fo rma lit y of a lt•llo•r bo •lll wa a tn come to Ole harbor /tot .. / .. ll , t 11/llitiiJ I 25 YEARS AGO I havco h~t.l III' YI'ral co n fl! r en t·r ~ anct I ' n ~ et' k , pala l !a l yacht. the Uncaa: LON DO N Tlw ~ l!· r v a b o u t the RA F' pilot w ho was trapped F IRST CliUIICH OF CHIIIIT, a m t o WI' Lord Wootton o n Thur~ - FROM OUR FILES ; owned by J oh n Bowe n , Goldwyn 1944~:1~.~ 11 1 l u~ wr<·t·kt•d pb nt• c,;r •·1g h t d avs had o huppy ending. He ICIIlNTIIT day He iet u p the f()()(l t' nlrnl l alar Mr 11 nd M n , P . H . L W U- Lo do Theater, C.ntr•l A venue he r co a n d d id a tint r lrt" j'll> Sc t t h.w th ' eon, Hugh M cKIUan, Claude L. tS ~;alt \' t• , und d utllt' nt<·t.·l _, And t·ven l hlluJ.:h ht· h os a long ha. 1 •nd V Ia L~ Yo u w o uld have l au ~th t'\.1 t 1 lit'" • arce Y ,_wo m on agu e I H a~ten Jo.:dwurd Klrkaldi and Fred pitH I ordNtl o lw :od , hr· t<; ha ppy and g t 1.1 t1 fu l a nd the aun A branc h or Tbe Mother Cburcb. m• lu t 'Frida)' O ne dt l. h e t h lng s Ihtlr k t n tlne F rem t>nt eam .. into th ~ Buay · lert for New York. wh rre What to Do With Germany " h1nc•s f 1'r h1m Hl'l•tn :"hco Fln l Cburcb of Cbn.t. Bel· Wto .ar,. U k ed t o d o h ~ rt , h)' th o: hllrbor The big tbrt>e· m&lllt' r, the yacht wu to be o utll tt~ . and Wh"n I r cotum t'd ID J..,,don rrum tntlat . Ln uo.ton. Muachuaetta. O Wl. Ia to m a ke a rffnrcl ~or ""' ~rt y o f the Colt.lwy Film <:olrp· they we re to br1o~ ber back When Secfttary Morgenthau recently suggestf'd n pla n to " ' 'tontually h" shnuld hav• to .-r !;~,;n day Scbool al 8 :30 L m . broa d cu tlng lo lht C o:rmana uv"r n ra t ann . ....,.a.e lht p r •tlf of the bay through the P a nama C&Jial, l lop­ F'r .•nrt on "'1 " "' 11 Amnlca I l"'· 11 1 1 1(10 tr:IC'IOI lilt cnt utf' nr ' " T'h~ t m~a l\l be :'·Jntlay &orvlc e at 11 a m . Wed- 8ho rt wave. In a t hou~ehtl f'M mo- and her flr11l e otra n <·e ha.l ht>en ping a t all ot tbf' lnt t l"l'tttJDC port c1eprtw poatwar CArmany or its heavy industry. a gn-at cry wall J•rnb .. t • l~ ~< al k ~r· 1 tlllnt a "' I co rt· h • .,. .•1 .,... . lk n- Juy T H ll.m ootal MH at 121'·- "" · •urreeted lhat If th e t t l · clllu eo roule. They planned to went up. " You can't do tha t to Germany, shouted Amf'ri· •lwtloh II tntJk al• • u u 1 ould etled l pt<" ta to rlt. As hi• ,.,1., " 101., m e 10 a be&lltJ 'dnck noon . •nn w have a 1hort p.ragraph Sbf' w u l-d to thl' Ca p ital ~ h1om r by F'ebruary. a.. and Britons " 'ho Wf.>re- volubly ~ by nonf' ot ht'r "''''t • "'.-.rk tu r .1 ll'ttf'r ltf'Ut11 nJ Room located at TU I put tn to Ctorman. a.di.lreued t1 n•c l- F U d Othe r pklure comptiJllea wen- 1 111 nlld hort .. on ally ,.,. to tllian Herr ~ls hi~TUWll . Mr. Morgenthau was at•tu"-Ni w. n4 nur lln«ers rrou td F:xwt Ce nu-.1 A venue Balboa. la ly lo tbe Germa n t ann.-ra I C•lulo m com pany an was Ullt'l bu!r)l In Newport. and Btll Hart I ''"'"It d nu h<>•· h r C ..... __ " I"'D dally rrom 1 p ln. •o .. p m Iu n oluu btedly read II That wu making picturu On Tul'llday. waa here, ma.klll,. a p ictur• for ol ~to l"'fdU("-" Germany to a mere agricultural staff'. ~;r t htm " n r ' ' ' l1rlltma• ,..._,. · · " · • Ocl 17 a bad ltak •le\'elc,ped w htl" ,. ~ 1•11~1 and I traY· Ul•l 1 1., ..,. 11,. ..r•d Cla rco M atl&rlt f''C I'co pl Sunda y• II.Dd h oliday• oa- a ppa rcon lly eom t lb tng the atll l l"'l th U l'olumbaa. ~l\jl e both Metro and 8 M we unc~Hstand it, however . his plan does not t-all for t l r <1 n•ll"' • 1 cart tu ch ,. .r h '' 'h<'r to .... 111 " taonally " '-rved. • ha tl wanted. bul wben l r;ot there I ~ com~y wu t mlng pactur ... l'nl\'tMial ~e tum.nlg 11eenew tbt niiDOYal ol aU German tndustry. but of heoavy indus t r y • cr"" f. nt:la nd Clare :'tl .. 1M ·" • t 11 ~ ~ .. ., baby. aow Th e put.ilc ._ c ordlalJy Inv ited to to mak e the record I fuunJ mv ou n n e <>Ccos n Mr and M r11 W aller Ra.c.ker, 10 ' ' '" han My nm.. mloi\ UI> uld ,ttc-no.J l he c b u reb wrvlcea and UM 1 Germa n broadcaat w aa tw o l on~ F our l ui'" wen l to her res<'llf' "''ho h&d b<'t'n recently married ln Gilly. After World War I, the ~ch was allowed to k~ It" I f ra ~ ntl . Ooll '-trand AI lil t> 1 "•1•11..11 tilt R A ~· palo! and :h .. lteadlnc Room, , pagu, Wtth c haract erl-.tlc m ulti· ~ e J and rdL . wltb ~ E and J M Blue!ll'lds. Weat Vlrctota. came bee plant&. In fact, ~ ~ bllllons of dollars Into 0('\\' OO<'S of tilt Ctuc" ao I .. nJnyl'd '"'ln.: uvLt a caln tht s y llablt Ct>rman wo i"'U You •hould lll un llboa · the. ana to eap- here un their hont>ymoon and bemllllt we thQu&ht they ~re- good investmrnts. Wf.>ll, they T tl t.une. n ... de 1 chmu tu Ul n~ r f' oll hl a ay a ol im· have heard mt atnagcl• through It tal n ed by George !'\ ula n d. tht' Hur-l .tayed w atb Mr Rac ker'a b rother Ul e- 1011 1 trip "' alb • tnu•.ot on co f\1 '" ho> .,.rec krd plane In C..' K&UIT Cllt1IICII BY Till: SEA I a ppealed lo the farmtrw to ~~t ve rlt'l ~ w ll h Coooom p~IIY F'ranr r CeM••tr ...... _, the ir Jl'T1llna • n d cattle. no t! ln. r ha r ~tco anH the la.unt h I ?"' ' l t h ll• lren of & lllnr ham, Wawb.. ar· IJ'UI the fad.orim weft ~ to be URd. An RA t" •l•tlon "~inn , dr~ v t n by Whe n IH '"" ' ur d ham that d eJ I Ear._)v . ~~ ~ ~wonhPu~·to'9 ·. 30 ,· t hem lo th e c llle•. for l m~•rls \\ t•w l'apt&lned by w II h a m l• •l · tiVt·d on a long Yllll to Mn. Me· 1 11 1 111 11 WAA t·. me-t us th• ' " " a nd hall not """tf'ol tu toad ilt't h im wtUI " munu w • r c.> ra p idly belnc c ul ott. 3.11d by llns l l:ltllan. Mr11. Cle mon '1 .Uter. Now, lt ~ qaln pennlt hea'ry lndustry t o nourish in \l('r· 1•• •1. 111 to • h o •p tt ~ l out 111 the cuun· tra\ la l q u... t aon· • ..., r ~ w ~r· ~ -:hurd\ Sdlool • 10: L m .: d th Alwav 11 a hazardou:: a r!alr en· J • • 0 .., ~ ~ ~ • 1-·- Momln1 wonhJp, 11 o 'clock. eo o 1n11 ey w ould aho rtt n t h•• I · . I . 8 . Stewart a n d J ohn VUeUe many wtwn pmot' COillM-8 peace bought at the ('()St of mil­ tly · Thco llf'\J t•ua nl had bt'en In· ' " In • • 1 d odrl 1 ~ 1 atr aoc ht, ._.. 1'h t r" n (' ~ t•) ... A h a rbor a g a anst an uo " 1 ~ -- Sunday f'Venlnc werviet>, 7 :30 wsr en I ma de o ne In l'.:n g liA'I g . ~ ' '"'' ~ • were ln tt'reale d In d uc k buotiD .. lorn•c-d .,.., ... ,. comln& w.. were oUJto r thm 11• 1 h•d atrr•lll ht wh l ~ h ta. f l'bbtng title seemed almoet unpus " liaaa ~ bwe-wtll ~ not be lnvitlng the Gennan propl.- to 0 1 11.,,. 11 luttJ 1 .ma ll . aunn)l ,. ~ rd . o'c lock. AI d id t he other•. · • and went out to lmperta.t vallf'y 8ft r.dy ror a thlrd attempt at world domina tion" Of a nd Hst' Jo"uteraura t btl "n am lllnll u ...... milled up "" Mld·w~rayer wervlce,Wer the close llap~e u lll a beel llarco.- IMuw '" [)n('trlnP o f Alon,. ntf'llt · " 'Ill be 1110me d l1tant routine 1 bad ntv.-r I~ · u h u rled onto the san d bar . , BARBECUED atcu !alP ball eru""'· ·~ th,. ,ub,..ct of lh,. ~und ay Lf'uoll· S(>('O the.m before. It avt• mt' nea rly WTf'c kang the re 11cuJo g t ug1 . we ·~ ~- 8 ~ U. war, ol would step ln. But wha t a bout 20 or ..._...... "' UIC'rr ••• abcolllnc aatl ...._.. St'rmoo In 1!11 ~"'" '' ~"" o f Tbe j ChiUlCt to talk about cunda• The J . and L. bung on u ntU the , SANDWICHES ptallr U..l ftJ at•... .. a meeUt ft. .. 1111 all arenlll him Hr ultl tlilal :'tlolh,.r Churrh fh,. J lrllo Church lion• ot the bllt. d lh n lut mo me n t and w a..s Dt'arly 25 ,_,.. from now. when tJxo fear and fury or today have a11 Wf' brw ~~ Ia a YK)I few .~uo ...... r 1111111 .r "-rll II .... o r t'htltll . ~klt•nl l • l In no•tnn. T he I btl bA bl ~an e ylng Wnoc.·k e J ne O:xon Are Delicious! CUiiii*'WIY ••twkled! WouJd we "bother'' then'! lla) a ~ •..W e~ laiP-•&41• ..a~ 8 wrrllk ,., ,.,., wt.e. H Golden T Plfl 18 fmuo I Th.. a aalo- m A g mb had faUr n 1 cut the lin t I We are told that German heavy industry is essentiaJ to a Yrr UIC' ll•mp le-"' r..-e .. ery, t'ame """'" thf' pl ... .., nla na: "Cod hat h ""' lllll" •lnlesn't 11 111 1 1a111FC'IIIIft. aetl , ...r ~- werlll ... b)' ou r Lortl J · · ••~< l 'h r l• • "' hn d ied Ibornb a ba d tak en the back win- e • cr• w an m em rs o: M • C f ti• IUftllr Incomparably more rrom Gennan a~gression built up The Ultl ~ llolr I 11\r • dC' of the fo r u~ . thai . .. h•lh••r ...... :olul or dO \Io'S out or the homt T ht lht' I aim C<>ffi J'Illl)'. SQ t hey stayeo.l oore • on ec onery 'W···r ll· n .. ,.., . tlo st ta k• n to a r h•u - IJI&nr throuch "' by tx-­ hi. h nd th 1 h d b l " .. r & '" · t ht> pound'·• .... · ly t ""'R ln.: • '••'"'n · ~r t.h.- Am• r •("«~n 30th "dtvt " "' ~ 1 '"'~ . •!:•~~ tr life p reee.rve n . w ho le Phone 73 - ,.ew port a..dl tnc dep1wd ot ~ pteot'time benefits of thOI'il' Industries" • •• " " " "•• ' t'r;o d roway from m or 1 18 1 luro< Who " h•• be&.a n t..• com• to, But a ctua lly p1lt•t h.ICI n•• de 11 •All tha t the F':llh"r ath f'th m .. 1 . t lmJlt llllble loa tvery. An ounot' ot prevention is worth-millions or li\'es-our b1maell dur cUl t~l ,. • ·s ~tht day a try· 1hall C'OW"' lu m". and h im that thtng , u ptortally un a> quk•~ k ly a r· ~e::J~~a~nd~L~~·~•n~J~~til~i'~~K~a.s~:lll~a~t~u~~==:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~ . 11 hr • oulrt '" • r .,. .. ,. a lot nf chatter 10 ln to tear 8 h" lt 1 , , , , '•II .Ch Ctl ccime th to m" I •Ill In no •· t~ .. caal rang etl a nd 110 s hurt a t rop J ddldftn'• Uvea. I u , t •• r-n.o•n ~A- Ilh vuit'e'S an a w~nn1 1 10 O\lt oul For I c:~m,. o iO~< n l rn roa h ..a ,'t'D. hnpe t o 114!'1' thr la rgu l ror •111 r n108• tv 11 .. 11. lll't 111 an. etr He ork d t 1t rt 1 d ltll not lo do min• o.,. n • Ill. but the p lt ala. and to go down w IJovl.'r 1"1 r a .... . , lt t uk'na nt ll j~ ur ed ,. e a ' ' " ' n '"' • Ill o f hi m l h~ l ••·'fl n~t• And Tv.· . Give to the War Chest II••' ,,,. II IU• I be In c .. rman hand • • ltttle trQ~to tl a r he 111 thr r •ICk· l t h t ~ I• !hf' ,. 111 of 11101 111 ~, • ••nl mt. J . o nr tht pa rty "'tnt d o "''Jl lAlit ~n• • r •II Hut 11 tumf'd out that ht (>It Hf' askf'd m., al I th ,,o ~hl ht I h i t P \f' l'} nn,. .,.hll'h . , .., h th P " tt'k J(f'ltlng ••If at l h t· ~t •t• .. ~ cantomaa'a quota in tM aecood ann~ War Ou-st np­ '"•• h • •ra rtt: "'"undcod Gf'rman pns ruuld e \ er h o;, , ~ mall<' Ill, ""It' b ill ~on . '" ' '' b•·ll••l'••l h ,.11 11 1, 1, ru 11 y l and walka ng tu o•unol Ill<' t u,. 11 •Jilt" t.ol ka ne to t ~ c h nth..r enOUJlh b)' himse lf I lnld h om thr re hnYI! " ' "rhu' l.a $20,000,000. 1be foods go to USO. 1 r:h 1111{'11101( TlaiP- llt1neeut'a III& C'II r f'­ w a~r a ' t chan ceo l' rll yf'r. ns "n ht :lt :. llh• • ~< . J o>sua T hRL \loK I' nut bo •mblnfo: HI! u ld the " IIIII tl11111 1n tho•• I t " Y'· · "T hy k lnl!•lmu t'•Hu o>. T hy WU' Pnawn Aid, United Seamen's Service. American •,ee4H &e tnat- ••· '1-. ra• I t'lllhl d ays ~ou lh<' thtrst Alte r lht II III be "done In ..a nb, as It 1• ID • The 1111perturbabh• rnu r~tg r of lbco.l .,...... _.~.:..J1;;;,Wd 9l'rvb and the relief agencies ol Ammca'a fighting •'•• ••• c• •-J. a .. II ••• l On\ couple or .UJa be waao'l l he:,veo. Dalt ~> r F/.lty .,.. ·llf'il · scr. BrU.Iah Pf'Ople under tuc h t'\lnJ I-1 rn.ny heo.lth. wel­ ...... '""' . 11 ~ ~ f9"' a"'-" home front _ "_ , huncr)' 11 o.ll. but tlle thlnt • •• en ce.':nd llt lllth' with' K;y ~ the t ro n• i• mar ke d . .. __ ...... 0 &11111 ~bulldlrw apndes. .,.._ aew __,...., ... .-.. to rturlrlll Hr satd tha t ror houra s ~ rt p t ur··~ ·· · " T h!' ~ CI Pnl l fl c un ity J am anxiOlll to .... fQOd l'lllloll I TM quota f« C&llfom.. ahoWd be ove r-subflcribed. ror &lll'ft ..,. lalft ...... ,_ a nd day a he va1 uo~h 1f d Cl cek• lull of whlrh ,. 1 1~1~ b• , ,.,.,,11 0011 xnra, ha.5 met the harsh fads or a. aate Vuu ntl)l rt lllrrnbtr that when we l"r' • I•ttl~ C. · ~r " ' tht bol\Om of Rll d t;od' a .. til must U.. umversally ro por t11 rrn m .:• \ , 1 11n14•nt "II•''' at •• ~· u done." ., . ~ 11 1 war f~ tot~. Among the men or Batatan. now bt>him1 th (.' II" ' hurl a u t of h11 ,. rrrketd I)I~ n" he 1 110 11 1 11 H" h.u1 mnny l'On-t nf e woundt'(.! frum th<' dn) • ,, .,. ,11 1111d hi' hufX'd ' '' make ~ ~~~~ ~ o lu ,, ~; l. • d .at <•l. f' lh•n.: I t; ~ d u ld- bitter ~ts t he Pacific. And from our ports tlt'­ It back tu ~ lo Jol l.utd rur that lie "~s or tll .•• Ill• ('\ {J IU h•· ro llf'd uwm Ebell Clubhouae and :u •• ~I. ill Ill I' ''" k !•II· ( ., •·llll IWMN 111-hl lh ~ ll \oiP had thl•l.l l!ht part~ met1 about to ~11CO the ordl"al or batfJP w ith tlw tlwoo 11 hll 111 n><•nn t•nt. were I.Jte SIS Ce nt ral -"" e., Newpo rt Beac h bo •t•l•·'"'" lie 111 "' rd tn t.nllla nd .onr day 1 next street haJ a telephone Japa. • fter lhl' ••·""eroat) · UoJ: t.r .... u I• · " " ba ll• II •111 '" " 11autr ll WOillulp ttcr · A tlvo~lly h.• I' I I'I dad aHm hke Temporary S uPJ)Iy Clerg,. "" •· !'t'n 11 r 11.- lo.J m ''C 'hllJ"lf'l by to comfort mtm Alii r Ulul ht 111 •• 10 a n Amul A contribution tM and welfare of t h<-Se ttiat Rut "' tilt' h051/Itlll tbat tl't'Ct 9 4 1'1 rt m . Sunday achuol. Me rle l h·· S<•ll. 4 1•1 ( ·.,a!!t Hoj: hl\ :ty c a n ::<·llual hO•PIIII fur II d aya Aa ill both an obllgaJioll and a privilegt> or Ncry one of u~ . We ha d cone a nd 1111 '"fU aeemed or S J.fatlhf'wa. • up~> rl n t l'no.lcon t . ~ ... rn .. •n hv Po l r . • lorn•. k ' \\'hen hla ,.,le ••~ • · he ,. u • trcoa ted Ilk• can do much to aid our boys physically and mU<'h to ll<>lsl<'r m) lord ' II• wu tlle•r prize pa· nt'rn "' l i Lt ll ol l.t cf' t. .. d tlllf'd vut 11 00 a m ' Mo rning Service a nt1 J t·sus 11\l t..l . ·. , Cam e !'>:nt l ro l:irao~ u r nt Antl tlltn ht wu rl'mv\ rd to ~ nd h11 rol 'r ~o u n n ~ lit • muk t d Rnnon P ~a1 r but A S \lo o rJ · \\'hat Dht llr tbetr monle. And aa ror our Allies. relief is u.rgt-ntly l"l('o(.'()cd 1 a r>d la uch .. d a nd hta d tsron tt nt .. ill thf' RA•· h..,.l•ltal "' hf' rt ht •• no• CO,.ONA DEL MAll .. f« the war•wn!'Ckf'd communitJ(>tl through which our vktor­ llnl}· becau•r thco h r•• tu t~ l "ouldn' t IM eAn~ a nd ~& I ll be fo r a ion& umt to co mt Itt htm out on lnvt arnmf'd .. te ly COMM11NIT1' CBUIICII low ~ have pushed the enemy. Hla .,. .teo and baby com• to see b1m Congngatlon•l COSTA IIUA COMHUNIT\' Efwy oae ol u. ..aale here- at home, must give to the Wa r IWICe I "' 1' ~ 11. • • • CHUIICB installed J;J ke Hit prc-•eut c-und ttlon ll Uu a Tlato U..w..,awet llae atrea1 ~to.. P erry F'. Sch rock.. m lnlater In 1 Cart a. hill a • · IUIIJeUor a-t to~ utma.t llmJt ot hl.s ability. Hie ba r k u at•ll pa111ful but 11 hut. Ill&• &ewarlll America . Ht 1110'1 cbarwe. 114 E. !ttll SL Pill. !415·a Inc •u ~lle ntl1 Unfor1 unatr ly he hU tell •• .. llltat ._,. ef &h.- ,.._, S u ndRy, O<·tn ber I :S. 1944. 0\urch Sch ool, 9 :45 a . m . to ll f' on II. bf' ~ ~ '"" or h is aha tte rf'd llet 1111' uti tilt ftl11tt lralnl.oc .. 9 30 a .m Churc h IJ(' hool. The Momlnc Wonhlp, 11 o 'clock . IChool Will meet In two S<'Cllo ne Ill! Youth H l&h School. ln· 1 ftl bC'In1 an • rark llllt alat.os. Hco trellle4 at Cleo ... 1 croupa. Will Russia Fight Japan? follow•· Utogtnnr l'll P rlm11ry a nd 1 •~ale , Adult. 6 :30 p. m . Haa rl1ht hMnd. on .,. hoch • bullet lea, Fla., aetl wu Ia Amtrka · · EvftWII aervlce, 7 :30 o 'clock . It baa been polnted out on many occasion.c; tha t lr Rus.,.la I had t'Ut thf' fln iC'fl to the bone. Ia tram Octellf'r ef lt U 11 11 AJI'II Junio r a g t In the wmall bulld l n ~t on MXtw~k fe llowahlp and p.-.yu , would attack Japan our problem ot crushing the Nipporl(>Se out of the band•&• now but 11 attll •' ·u. Jumlne a venuf'. All a bov f' J unior W~y. 7 ;30 p. m . very ttndtr ll• had betn tl} 1)111 tn r om bat tor &l"f w ill m~l a t the home ot Lt. I get one WV..mlne would be grNtly simplified. To do thls bE-fore : Hla rlcht It-t. wlllc la waa ... 1 t\ll u ) U ra. and • TUao u ~ h hu pia~ SJ:VENTB DAY \DV£Nn8T8 ~faD oiGennany, however , would require- Stalin to wt"akc n ••..ttt-111 •• all. .. , ...... aau. had ork'n bcoen hit, Ilia • .... the c..... , Wa.t..t ... Ouell 8&e. tre•blc. ef ITIII& fw 1 nrst llm t ht' hiid l>et n t hot do- . He C..taM- bll prz 1 ~ ap.ilwt the Reich. So whlJe wf.> mig ht gnln in Bee-•- etae.t III•J• Ill - ,..1u... wtUt rco m arked v\ e r a nd o"tr ' I " ID bow IIJW MUCH IS ENOUGH? Sabbath IChool. ' laturday mom· : - IIM!ater ol war, victory in ~ othe-r would be delayed. llllt ..,, Milt ... ~ •• Il ucky he .,. .. to beo ~t h,· e .,._It-• ..._....A_. ~ . 9 :30 o'clock. l'fl'tala 114'""· tw Ma &eat c- Ue ,.. .. rec rrll..ot thl! hl1 wound D. ll1f04IOII .. - ._ _, Pr?ach~ wervil'll!, 1 1a. m. or Cl!OUIW, after the fall of Gennany lt will tx- 1\ dlrr<-r«>nt ...,..._~ ...... _...... - I tr&t e Yer Wa r... . lilt caa IDeYe , would takr •o l••n c 10 htal tlla t lbe t11at Is a fMifural questloft. 81ory. Wlth the western bordH' ol the Soviet Union rree rrom .,_._.,_~ .. a --.I IOUJliADYOFMOUNT C.UUU:L aM lt-1 all n,tll. llwt llllt f... • • r • ould undnubled ly bt o.,tr be- _.., ., .._ ., ,._... C1I1JIICB I D'llmBCP. ,...... Tile ~ fore ht ...... u ~ ~ ~ a n As ht n ld, tile Nul Stalin will be able to tum his gaze t'6stward ...... lUI W . CewtNJ. NeW110rt BMclll There are a number of NCIIOM, one or ..,.. I& •IU f .,f'tltullr M all he would " llllr ••n r mnrr crac-k at wttbout C0111tant.Jy looking beck over tfts shoulder. nce.t, Uloae Jtrrau " ( unday masan at 8 and 10 :1 . m.. eft~~ of which may ftt the ca-. .But the tq question is: Will Stalin join in the war against Hta len Ire h lhr wou t probltm Tbt h~u t enan t • ·aa am«*lnc D N E DAY I liT. 10~ VIAN~T CRUIICH Japan when HJtJer ls crushed! Diplomatic observers say that At JOU m a1 reca ll tua lt lt foot Lutlr )l Str:ll• a \ll ht n ... . '' llottd hlrn, 114 !'Ianoe Aft" Balboa lalaad It's possible your neighbor Oft the next strMt • ·u runnf'd Wld tr tht nadder bar a ll and h• u td. " You <" an ~ e I've be-. Sun day mau a t 8 :30 a. m . be wtU. Amonc the reuoo~ for their ~~ are the Rus­ 5 onlered MrVice ~ than you did . •• hen that tlmt . and calf of h11 1•1 in a n Ame nran hooSp1ul " 1 look .. -o- A 0&1'" ..,_. VtlaMhl ------M.D ...,.. to have a a1.J"ooli voice in ttae PaclHc peaCl' settle­ had 1 ahell hole In tt We couldn't h im • ZarrJO h c rtrr H a e alt. a nd A_. D ~ .. __..,._ ift V•t• FULL GOSPEL CBURCB been longer on the waiting Ust, · tt U Jus! ho'" bad Ulf • ound waa he wu \'t ry pruud of 11 Aa toOII IDI!ftt IDd tbeir urge to rewonge their defeat In the Russo-J ap­ ..... ~~~~--~- ~ !!Dd ... Eldea, Coate Meaa •· h ~ ll ... c ot hun out a a he c:tn uae • pen h ~ It 101n11 11 aaae war ot 1904, wht>n the Japs gained the advantng<­ .,. 't -' ~ u-t OU S unday ~hoo l. 9 ·45 : m orning Or the Mlghbof who applied later but got Well. the wound wa a appart nlty t · 1'tJere abo other rectors which art> exJ)l'Cted t o lead whach t xpiC'df'd !11$1\lf' ha• le-11 . It b1m C I Y• ...... tF - ~ lng on Wf'd nesday, 7 4!'i p. m .; bilities for defenM, public health, w'Jifare and r umple lt'ly de11 rnyf'r tlaaa Or there may be more wire capacity avail­ Hco h u a h ead, ha d lhrrC' o ~r • · be,... fer bco ro.a ld br ••• ,..~ PAUL NORMAN art!!IU becall8e of the net'r f' Thr y ~< I ll h A\' f> to would c rl ~ at bWty ol a Jap attack on castt'm Siberia. The n . too, Brita in tllii1- S alls. Awnlnga, Boal Cove,.. r r•fl In n .. ,. b••nl' and thrn 81\'e tt • • • e UntU the telephone factories are able to turn and America wUI not tx- nbl<' to ma nufarture ma rt y or t h<' m~>n tlu It 1o: ro"' a nd strr 111!1hrn T lof' :1~ 4 ~ 21et S t :-.;,.,.-port Bnch He '' f I Rh ' I i'•11 R lrrt Gord 011 Dw• I • ~ a nd,­ from wor production, there will continue to be Juclova • ·'" 11 10•tll bt 10 m .•nlhs In JII'(Jduct8 Russia wUI IX't'd in her rehuilding p~YJ'a m until tlw f'.ll u l " " ••r " • II•• •. f . Orch~rd .... ., :..W'..aa- Ill Atu ....u. P hone 207 war wtth Nippon is ooncludro. A yr -r bl'l ·•rt' hr ~An ,. alk, but thAI n .-d. Sh.alf •r ·l 1 ~ .rr• ' shortages of certain facilities here on the hom. So. t,.om all Ind ica ti on~. it Is qu it«.' likely tha t when .Jnpa 11 front. eoUeJ a Russia will tJt- in on lht• kill. We are doing our level best to mHt the ... Mntial requirements of our country and co""' A• h4' Ill)' " " h11 •lnm a ch nn tf'r p ·' l'l o! Ill •'n ci, "' 1 • • . .. , n rr a nd s trcotrhrr th<')' llt'\.1 • m co u l • rlmt d t'•t'd h iS f' ~ "' Ti' r 'I I l"r f\ nQI. munity, and to be fair to everyone. a rouo t1 tt•• "0\lhdf'd lee Wh oI ~ tn f'~' l\ "a~ ,... . ~ ,, 1: t,1" C' • E' i"ut It a£11 MAlliE SERVICE ,. r rco d•' " 1 thaJ I bathed h•• "oe- ad rn o r d II put " •IT• , 1 Your co -operation and understanding are • .:••In tn ... ,.trr lro•m • l'a ntN>n Yo. will •nd ,o.rwlf one of rhe lottl intor..d T '1,. Cl t ..rf't t> urnf'd •I r In "•I to ,..,... ia poar'comnnanity ~hen you red nw.auasu .. A .oldof'r It t .. nnther ~ I I!M C' I al'd appreciated. ht· ~r r:rr-! An ut ~!< , r ••I ll 11 s ro. ~ M«!i- rf8"Wiy. Yo. w oll 6nd frM. """••-potnn, e •• ve II to h1m It drOill C'il lhr.•u,ch lrr to b ~ r n h IT ,, 1 , "'IN 10 ...... ricM ...... _ndoq of 'Wotld 1ft11n . .. rnu hful, acoante. bu llncr n onto Ule "' " I 1r.Hs. a nd puU n fhUJl ~ -Ail\ :1 t,., 1 •t·r• Rut tw-<' a m• t oa kf'd I h i a notll<'r orw th• 1'•1"1 brut! • lid l• u l• ' e-r r ; Ilia _...... erie& _... •IIICri,UO.. Wpoe """' ' O< _,G, , ., .,,. ro rH ro nw r••• ,,..... a nd put It In hll ft nl!ttl l •'<>lr putT , '1. 1. SHELL DOCK r)le.. I IH•Ih.., ~ n d 14 ·tb .;J .,~. ro r••• ••• t••n H• tCK\ll • lonl. d ~p d ra1 &Dd bU lhumb l'vt hf'd t h ~ <'~ It • ,,.. r~------:'------,...,..._-...... · I ~ ... -~_...,,...,... -- - - -..L I "·.,_ ..., .. • • "I• • to\. ... - , • ' BAL"IOA ISLAND 0...-, - ...... _ • ' on t • r ,...,-. 'W nl •,- I I _ ...... -.- ,,.. .. I . IOUTHIIN CALIPOINIA TILIPHONI COMPAftY --__--._'_-·_. _-.... --..~---...... ··...·· -- ...... JI uar.a.s&. Ca.sslflecl Ads brl111 res111ts ...... IW1 ------~-~-- · - .. .. &WfOin'-ULIIOA H&Wa·ftiiD. H ...... C.We,..._ ~ . ~ ll. .... =-~------~~-7~~==~------~------~~ D•nes Free Comp•trlots The S)111bol ~ - ======--=-~===

An1l no w t b~ U.lllt.. haw• 1'1 '11\f' IEIMirS liiBO GIVE A PORTRAIT I ''" qaln all ••••r ttw • otrl•l Tho- ••• c...... ,._..c.r- ...... , " " "" f or t.e .,..c I._.,. .,.. ,.,.~''"''"w•, :v_,.._ llw aha('-"" "'101 I ..._N..,....n• m_.:ht ma)' have lined fttr ,...n THlS CHRISTMAS I. n.l Meats - Staple Groceries - Fruits I \\nrtdcor ,_ lf t._ ,....,..... Vegetables - Milk - Eggs 1•···1 tltrv hav.- n o ,...A] IW'f'\1 ' " ' I ll1: h t "'' . ,..-I.W( ,.mf'd thf')' ha\ r ,,.. Delicatessen Items , .. on.- '" • ' f'lnc thmly u t hrv • aU. <1 n t.:ht l'lnlwn ..,...,..-.. hi• Ia WN IF ... Prine-..,.. ... ~ ""' "haolo•a . Jt8''" rr-tv•"Y that nl A\ I;,, ,. , .... ••n •• pn.. · h-.11' ''' "'•"'' I l oko• I• • "•lk al nl~tht "'""« ,...... 1 ...... ,... h ...... jtlof\\lll. ... "llh lt~·h t II ....· me •• fn.-n.l h FLOIIEI SlOP ..... n.OWt:RS ··on l:.VF.RY OC(';\,.;I0:-.1 I f1•o•l I '"" 1,.n tt( ttl<' , "'"'"'' • ..... UUI\).:IIw '" th4- rt• N••• •'I "'•"• I I h •• ",,r '·t rr'(11 ' ,. m ...... t an•I ,., • .l o'l\•' h • I ho•r I 1 t hr lit:hla •••• " U~UIH - l llnn lo ,,, lltr htU..rhllol ,.,.n """ IORMII'S ,..,,., r ,.1,. "'" t'lty llhlnlna •• an •.,C' ...... y~ ...... • It llt1111o.'1nr thf'lr • .,...... ,,._.. , ,. " " \\'r I ...... _. T au· ltw •-..._ ' 1l• •r " ' 1b lwtn lt )' i I Ifill soH•• ltlle ll~:ht mt.. l I"'"" Tftrttnph ! n ol o• 1,, t h,. \ ' I ' F'V • •ul• •of lh""" FlcM"'"' Ill SEll .. J 1 ~ " 1·1·· ' ' "l'rtVf'd fotr •• lt.,~: e . . .,.,, ,. la n 't \ ' k'lt>n' . .... ' """' J k lloo\\ tl '"rll f o>t" ""' l hrv n .. • tt • r '1ne: 1011 1 hr "'""'"' hur•.,.n• f1TI.I.ESS UP liiE DANISU city ol Ode... ruth to otop • prioon """ loe4e4 " " " lvo•l tot"' I'•""'" oo,. · •~J "' ,1, wln lo l hO'tr nlf"n a...- at Ill at '"ar • HIGH GRADE BOX SPRINGS ••, ....11 1. Brlore c ..... n roiiiiO(t'C ...... could Ill. ruehed in.-the .,..,.,...... tn ••• f ...... - .-ful lhtun ...... PORTRAITS ~~~ta J ~~~:7;' t uh~~ e M ::l~~:~ from Iso FRANCE ~ ~ ~; I•· ;~•,o ; ,', 1 ' ":','~\t ~< \~~~.'~ • •· :~~~~: ·! l.llt:IU CTIA WAY !.olvr laLngJ !oll.hrl"• J·v· ~k ' or"rllof'mliH l .~3r6•• • ------l'rol ut•• l.totto • •~ !I IIIIo• I a a I ~" r reshJ.. n t• or Co11ta Mesa now t h" C'n! ti< .. ht t _, lh Ceotnr This Fall >II,., 1 1 1111 cettll ua l ( .. nd •t J • r an n t'rt'on n e l 'f 1 1 ~ u e • • o .. r u " rR. 1. ho • hne alii'\', "' h h'h """" owned , ' , , \\ lu t dl• "'' A A I· Arrallp ...... _ co..-...... , ... ae AUSTIN STUDIOS ' ' o•l•l!t l'r n( ~ 7 U lange a\·rnuc- JHinllv It\' h l~l nnd lfor ' lfv•le of \Ooh n , , .., ' I •\ " · ' ~ J,: r ~t • l tt : • · II "' t- 11'1.1 t-'1mh. b utl\kl ••f Ute at· l P.alhooA · IJ · l lhr ~ 11111 'I' "' lt•••l nl 1\ ou ~man . Oatdocw ...... l rat·t"'" new ~omt" o' the F a tr· \\'h 1,, l h• lllfrorrnnt " n 111 m r a er ~n r " ·' ' I• I' ' " n ·1• •t;,t >tl TIUDJ'IO , Awalap. Ua•rc" TEN,EVENTS view Farms \\ n t t" r <'ompany untl It "'lUI l<>arnNi that C'hul'k wug It!. ~ • ••II r •t·•·udtt ~ " ' " ,,,,, 1111 Bring This Ad I F r.utc.. ~ · ~l1 1 sN• llt'au• v !'>ttl on. '" lh<' n k ill- ·• ' l uur~ h " " · " '" t··" • 1 ~ ~ , ""'' llfXX)Vt:lli:D · • 08 y 1nv ru1 1on n no 1 wa11 .,... ~· , 1erecting anolbtr uoI t tn bb t'Ourt m :t· llun . . rs 1 \\ , 1 •lo • tol .. r., .. , I'll It 508~ N. Mala St.. •>n l.lalova atnct 1 _ __ l'tl,.tl"l'f' ~ ef ('AJiurw SIIIIY, OCT-I 15 SANTA ANA A. J . Burton , painting contrac· 11. • • 1 J olt •: r .til-. l l1 u :• r 1 · :-; ~ "' ...... ,...... DAILY HOURS: 9 a . m. to p. m. t n r. 18 rrom a a1esan Rei rased "'·' :t111tay 1• •,., ,. wllh A...._...... ,.. llaUF ...... ,. 6 I r r•uv•· nn~ nl~ f' l y "' """'I "· ~ . l muJ"r .., ,.. 111 t1•m p.'rt ...... nt :-: t From Roumanian 1. ,~ "'"' 't ~~ ~ ·""' ·'"• .1 Sat.: 10 a. m. to H p. m .-Sundays by Appointment 1 J nltt'pll·:- h •>~~r 1 t R I ~~ r uurtu n n ·- • c: . u ,~ II• " · ' ~ •····n ,...,. ,, . 111 Santa Ana lllilc Starts II 1• P.ll.• f N .T . • HH:.! ' ~> . llt•llttl " ~ ' N•·wpnrt """'('''llnl Pnson Camp Ar n l" llal, '" " I lor :"'" Tent & Awnin• (•o..

It W/18 , 1 Jlh'lHUlrll olay d o'VII lt' d 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~;..:.;.;.;~~~: ------l t'J r ent•WIIIj.; llll frlf'nthll;tplt Whl'll l t H iinnl \\ tor

WC<'kll at Ult'lr <" llhtn tn ~l ..nto •· 0 S1..' ! 'h;o"l.un ••nl••l•'•l thl' Ann\' 7.\un,, \"alh \ ltl ~· ·1 I • ru l+• r ••' 1! •1..:. Hrt•l r •· •·h•·,f Ru~ and ' Ill"' J: l•l\nt ,.,. t r ·• n:•p•• t , •. , . '""'"'"" "' c·arl'f'b 1 '" " ' fl~'x 1 hle g'!Jnn c-ry a t Har- ( 'lf'anf'd, Firemen's Wives n•·· • I t• I H• ... ,, _., • •1 n • Rf'pall"f'd In Monthly Meet ,\ I f 'fl 0 f t If f f , f t t I ,::111•h•·tl f1 .vm ~: <-tr,!lll with three ~ ! 1 ~ A I ill'•lf•n \\ Ill 1)4• l it• h••-"l ' ' '•k - L• ·o! t I , , , ,,. Jl, I 'til Carpet Works f'llll Wllt'll m··mht rl< tlf ( ...... ~ 1 · ·>!1 ~ .....Jo . .. 1'1111 ''"I . '''" l h· Alrl .,, .. ca..-. LUDLUM F1rt" frlhll M \ \ , ,,.,., J.: .ttltt•t 111 tlll' I• ·t•a 1' 111"1'' Hl \Jed•tl• l !u"' • t fll I ... , ~uta. l'laln St . l•tanne Santa Ana U01 8A:ST A ANA 1r•· llod • It Tt .• u~dt\ t' \t' Oittg f t •r p.n~n • d• 11 '·' 1 a r,, ,, ' · l fll l'•• ' ).."'ll ------.!· '..I It• II Ill l1l hly Ill• fl nt.: "'I'l l ~ ----·------Homemakers Club In All-Day Session

TAKE HER TO (·, ,~ Ia ~t ~ o.c ,, II •II I•' UI Hk ••r._ '.\ Ill ., n' " " ' Tn ;., null dav pu•v.·tnJC -t~ r ,.. '' •1 I nn \\' o•oltlf' ,.,llty. flt •\tot)oor IR It• "111 a l 11,,. Prttlav A ftt• rn ool•~ ' luhhrott~• · IH t ortllllj; t" M n• \\' 11 · 11 .•111 ll1t1 l•· r • ha tt111 11 11 n f l hr' • ~·r"'• l ' Mr>t Lw•ll11. 0Rio•n 111 ,.,., • Ir• lnt y ONCE A WEEK Mf'mbrr11 nr.. hllk•·•l I n hr1 111: " n n,.,·-llag lunc h


BALLROOM H EN Functional N<'rvoue W IJ11tu rbancee euch u tii""P" Presents INtnHA, (;rankineu, t;••itelul1t ' ' R.Ntle.. neu or N uYo11s IInder he lnt.nfere w ith J our work or •voiJ JOta I'~ times, t.ake Dr. Illes llnl11 O.W • U~~ Tahi..U) (,JMMH t\ \ ,en· till•'<: l11tk rhen~ rhar hn-alt clu•n tn rhc: IAmJ• · - c Cjaal art' hartJ flfl lht· «fe\Jlf~ICIIIII arMf uftt·n hutJ IIJ fitkf. lf ~rc: .._y_...... J(... • •...... _..,.H..._ w••• .11 lhl· \f,urh ( ll.t\1 hartl•art" ~tufT wt spt'C'ialiu in Jtemmedn . .. •.ni)._C: u llr~m " u~lt' swlfchH:' ...._ Ia U.. lib U.... we arr -•lllrel_r diu _...... m• .. ,h<·t'f p1n' · ur · "<:' Knows:· Nnr timor yuu're cununJt by rh1\ way mak~ a ll\t u( chr Jtummed-up ...... ~ud .. .w. '• •...,...... _ rw. Jelmmtdl\ around yuur huuwo ur b1101t •• uur t· a~n\ will ~ ~tlad tu ~lr ...... N ...... Iaa ...... ,.. AND HIS ORCHESTRA --aw ...... u ... .. If,...... - ...... SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY, OCTOBER 16 !:...... ,.. .., ...... , ~ _. Uws 111 T.w.t ...... -a. ...-117 ...... -··-JW. ·-· _.._ w.T DOM"'r YOU ftY IT T A OIVIIIO" Of MVMA.O'I ICMf. eo&af COIWA.Y . .... M".. itl e 1Me .... Cl.f.Al. MWPOef. CAlif . Comllll Satllrday, October 21, Pa•l Marti• ._OC • .a F ..r ... - --.~...... _ .,... ! ...... -~ ......

• ~ . - ~- --

...... ~" ~.. -TIIID. !lf_,...t ~ ~ ...... , . ~ u. 11&6 Late Class. Ads 1Home From Pearl lOuR Bovs IIIOUICEMEIT TO TIE FiiEIDS '---- '"" ·~·~·~..,~·~a~•:._===-== 008TA IIE8A Muo.le rn tw~~room bou.w. Harbor,T ells.of Attack' OF I. M. LIIE, lEAL ESTATE SS,7~Te,.. w~ wish to take thls opportun- th<' cit y o f Van· l"uys and comes I BALBOA ISLAND 1lty to thank our many frir nd' lor to us highly ~omnwndt'd. Mr. ,..,~ •1f 1h· · Jafllln••s.> who aided In Cvod two-IK'drvom home With Tho• " " ' JlliUWfl unh••lu I 'lw their fine patronag.- during our Jon(>S is moving his famil) into a th o• ~UII'r&-"' seared b} rental In rear . ~ h r!C' k tlf n'Dht:tll. S A . Court. of 127 Bay avt>­ ,\!oJitOf' In I ht• f>l'l War. ht 1\aJ. lnt X' l1~ Jzo pim oot l ' "" 11:1"' ·111•111 We havl' n ow dt'C'idl.'d to tum nur. Balboa. Is a sister of M r . Three-bedroom home. a ew . m e~.t . I• lf tlllt ) "''"rt' \1\UII) tlo•..rnl .. ~ l 1.. ., ., 11'1n.: '" ~;..r back mto Ult' active m a nau('mf'nt of thr Jl the J o nes. .. ru r>rlced right. Te'tms. · h) I• ~1 Kn•.,..lton hr"'" ' • "' , ,.n II'•· oHtd h a• • U('('t•l'tiC'd In h !J. Court M . Lanl' Rf'al E.~ l :llt'. 111 ull•·m1•l J\, ... . n as hi' h it laJI (' ,\ Kn•'"'lt"fl ''" '"I ' ·" 11 1 2006 Court avenue. Nrwporl Wr 'hall continul.' to ~u JJt•rv t ~e ~F:E US F'OH GOOD BU YS ,, ...k••f Ft anc·t"'" t il• ·> lllo'C'I 111 :o.hl fl him Beach , over tn Mr. tl'Pd W . Rr h:t::~ uur office a nd we \Ooish to a:-.sur•c In Bnlbt:n a nd N ewpo rt [l('ac tl, IOIO II~ I& . tl l · l~ fc,r tho• nt·r.od Of \ It ror11l M" .,...... ltl' tate, rt'al rstatr listings. rrnt­ Real t-~atate A ln ..lran ce ut.: tiJt\ n.t·•, t 1on ., 1.... tl tn priVIII•· ;tlf.tll' tho •ro• hncl Will thf.n 1• 8 r 00. r 0 181 r 1c . avrng !:<'n'f' nr d ·11 1 r 11 fiw years o n t he New rt Be h 11 1s . un 1~ s ur11nce wt r('(.'e v~ u 30!! Main Strt>et " ''" "'"'." l••r ,,.;.,, '' ' " ' .·nd M r 1:0 I•IH'k 111 10 So'rvlcl'. l po ac c·o-opc •·u tron fur the ir tw s t mter- hn••" ltt•n • •..,.. aut r ;.tl • 1•-. ·tr*t•·•an Plltnnln!: Commlsston, ~Pve n \ 'C'(ll'l> t BalbOa. California ~ \ 'S S 1 1>1 I h• • I ho w loll Au I ~ 1•11 8!' Lido l s ll' Club rl'. tdl'nt and a lso • ' f'ho oe 2034 79· 111' 1 1 I lo •c·r&l11 n1: lho• fat..ttit Sunr1a~ Building Permits ! al!SOCiatl.'d as sall•sman w ith P . A. Cordlall mut~n l nar,: lh tt t r"'"' '-= ttw ul,,nu Palmer . G<-nl'ral Sales Age nt for y, HAN DBAG GON E "'htrh "lflwn•-d :t il Amt·nt:tn• tqa N EWP ORT BE ACM • I Lido Isle propt>rtlrs. 1 H: M. LANE ro•,l ll/.tlltlfl trl lh•·ll J• nl :onrl" 1!•.1 1 ::98 2~.074 1 !\lr. J ont>S Is romparatlvely a I ANNA BAW'KINS LANE. Mu. H R. Hall. 219 Huby IIV- no~ •I tcor A tttlool :ttl · ~otll plt•hw· ····) •. ltl:l 497,.40 I Lt. John C. Terwilliger II CO· n.•wromcr. Ht> h as bN>n In busl- ~ t'nUI'. &lboa JAiant.l. left h~tum~ :~... 911,137 ~tat1oned ~t Clovla. New Mexico. l••mh"' "'h wh d llll•l""' " ' ''' t h<• 1 th d tn N rt H . T'ut'sllnv mommg 11 wu g on.,, ttllu•t of ttw• IT\I'f'OIO ~ lho h l'l 1939 :'>42 R& l ,T 4 ~ I He 11 ~ n ep hew of Mr-a. C. 0 . ay "wpo 0 e Wall on I hiH'IDl{ . be{'II tllkt'o aome lime tx~ Taylor, 20~ Pearl a venue , Bal­ Long 8 each M an " t ho ottl!ht I hill I lw) "" ,.,,, •our ~TI l!t-40 M :> 1,0-40,12:1 I , ••• t . ,.. 1.:.!29• • 8. Held for FBI . I the pier. and phoned lhe local draft I tween 6 lill<.l 8 I'm .. accorc m~ t" l• lfl'll• ·l' JlUIItnl! tlfl to ~:• ••I • hoow boa l al~nd , ~nd ret urned t o hi• ,mrl tho·n tho• t'k outl• ••I •mt•k • ami 3:!0 260.W foe ld l• 1t wuk • fter • -k'a t•.u h urd K Anderson . Olive 1 b<~ro..l uklog about hla draft obeervera. It contained $200 to I 191 1 stntUA. The board phoned the 1 war bonos f u rloul!h ~t home. I flllrnt• t hAI &n:N' ltcotn •••r '"' l.ol ­ ____ - ~t'l. Long Beach, wu »pton dlog F B.l. a nd waa t old the man was lllltl(lf\• and ltw IM'I Uiol rt·toh1:11tfln wanted by them on draft eva8ic.n I..- - --- A-u_to_mo--blle------ol ''"''"') at 1ack "'h••n 1h• • p lan•·' 1943 flo-w hV••r • •tth t lw n •m.: ~un ul Jan uary Japan llllllnly vL•tbt.· F'.. hrH~try IH~~ ~~~~~es.dratt boar<~ lmm etllately P A I NT I N G 1l1vy Day to lew Era 11w-n· • ..,,. f r''"' a humlro., l ano1 \111rd'1 A...... I • • • h p .,. , ., nlll'll tht·. pollee station. an vlft- 1 Prompt Service Say a Merry Christmas lift) to two hunolro"fi an.l l1ft y April ~~:~~ ' In wun ct•v•ty 1n t e ac1 IC ~~~ :,n~~tn:~ ~;o~g~~y~de;~ l BALBOA MOTORS 1olarw.. an ltw•'k . h<· 'tattod, ~~: 14 to the Boys Overseas hftlh h t(Ctl and lv"' l•lfl'lt"·" but J tell the F .B.I . "how com~ . " Tel E a.y A II&Jbo& 1 ·= 0(l.y O<'t, ll'W•t ot ttw'f11 ..,,.,... al an alllllidc- u Y ~ '-- !: N nvy J.'ridnv 27th \Pt~ ~o f lhl' Wesh·m Tratnlng f'~orn- • ve. .1410~ will thlto yt•ar m.trk I!•·· •op.·nln~ nf I mnn r, ... , JUI' t 1 ~~mhfor 1 ..... 22 37 1\ nt'w •' rtt in !'laval a ctivity under A 1tlllf'rv at llolsa Chic a , th•· t ' IHlll't ••••• out of r.m ~;• · uf ttw:.o antl· ;un·raft 1 k ~ bP lI!Ot.... OH(l t h e A me-r ' rttn ""'r o n~ () l"'nlng t•n- r.uurll !1\.lltlnn at Nrwport Harbor , curuc lbo• h natlon!ll ar11rnal. TREATER TREATER Your Portrait hor to lhtlf' Wa r crnit la rtorl' 11nll In or d..r that proprr rer njtDI· c!••nh A.' !oOOn a~ l tw·y could rt•al'tl I 11m" II ~~~~ fll< •· and ~'UU · aur!al 't> l ti•.n he p11ld to Navv Dnv flf!lc'lalll i"ttoM ! 116 Free Partd.a1 E v8ln_. at T:OO a 1 :16 0.-t o.laJ-IIaft You...... ,...... _ NOW. " '"'''I..'TaJth olf lf'f• tht•y ~• "'onl 1944 •of lht•lr woff'l)', rf'I.-11\'Mi h<•n · n · I \C'~,.d~ • arrh' l" with their nt•"t" frum 11 lll!f'l' t l~on8 otf Oranj:t r ountv ~•·• .., 1:00 '1:16 r-a llhowtnc of a Double Fee· JllnuRry 1 1 a ~ ..... ileMJ ,_ ....,by Odoller l.MII t•t •IHod th<· lnf'Ma&:l" flvr Wo'(' k ~ 1 : · ~ u f youn~; I'UI(I•·llf, I h e- d!Uih tng 1hiWr joine-d In pl nnn ln~r a N avy Kau - 811tarcl&y at 1 :•a hare Pl'opam 8tarta at 8 :10 f'f'bn•a ry 1 l>t l t• r f'!IIIOf'" • t•rf' ''" rl!atlllf' .T I' T '" !!lid fl,,. whnlt• ran.:" c.f l"avy I>11y lun<'htttn at N~"1.ort Harbor. Oolllla- ' 8 uaclay from ! :10 )l&r'C'h TIM·f\ clli'IM' t two lor&& hlackout :· ! ~: •ra ft h owo· l;,•••n •lni nl! a dnuble f'W't :!7 l're!ll'nt at thlll m tet&ng ·•1>11 , ..... l'(lfb lnnt r.-.r uf 3 111lf'k t.fav · Dnd tt tr pi" •luty 111.11 Jrori!IJ! of t hl' county w ill hfo TburL - Frt. - Sat. ~--SPECIAL-___, 13 431 J oel Me<'rea - Macareen O'Hara "' hwh N"\'C'r c11 '"' 'Tbl· t.;t'nt•rnl Junr · I Nnw 1114 t'w pr.. s~ c t of action nfftrPr!l rf'pre!l4'nllnJt everv onco <> f Walw r Bren..- Ia 4 4 00 lll "BUl'"YALO BILL" 11 111t11d•• an lla,.. ah "' a.~ rhal Atl· Julv • ~· " " a .•• nl•• IDrgt>r t haro ,.,.,.r an&.l thl' Naval units lo thl' <'f;unt v "HOME I N L'liDIA.'IiA" 10 VIva Mexklo-Ptk'ILla' In the m1ml Ktmmrl nnd Grn<•ntl S h<•r1 Au J: IIItl : ·' • ovn Kn•::\<•1 IIC' t'anic «'lC J} aDl!t' !'. Tbt· lunt'h•mn mr~ltn~r w 11l bt- IUtcilllell . ,.,.., not to hhun l" but lhnt 11 "' a.' .toO lror 111.11 htrJtl' " " t hP n l'ar h " r lzon. hl'ltl 111 tht' !':I'Wfl'> rl llarbnr Yacht (= ·=utoo==n======!li=' =e-= C a rtoon ..tiiTid h InI! I h a I C'OU ld n<>l ha" ' lht' Navv·,. place In the wor ld de- l r lub at nuon nn the 27th wht'n SUJI. • ~ on . - TuH. 11of't'f\ ttvuedc-<1 in \ u-w nl J :tp;on'• \\'llh nt•\\ t c•U I(JO bt-rumt'll more vlt&l. I C'a ptoln Albf>rt l';c~& lan d l! S :-;It r.ary ( ' IWl{W'r In Mun . • Mnn . I ,. I t !I 1 Jl r" ~ 11 Io n c.t frii'TI<1hno')• • tn ..- ,., ft•r ~; ': '";~ ~~~~ ~~ F' Ontns;•· 'uunl ,. Ill l'ntl'rPstl'd l!c>t 1''111 Ac t All t011stmat1tt•r F nl- 1 1 "TID': S T OR Y o•· Roullnd Ru•wll In Kno-II•Jn t ntM1 II•• a l"'t " ' 111 1 our lmrorlnnt unlb " ' t hP 1'\a\'y' !! lowin~: lhf' lunl'hi'Qn vi,knr-. w ill D R. WASSELL" "W11AT A WO~ A~" lhnl ltw JaJOII04"<' In th•• hl.tntl• :\f,lrk<'l no•W , q ~,rl m o • OI •lwd. 111 1-:1 lh!' '·.. n,nH •r•·t• , .•. ,.. tlrubA R ahtlun R l nu~ l ~70 , ' ~ J: ."t••tlnn 't.u'!.!..!! nol 11"": " Ttlf: Wl ii ~Tt . F. R " .., NOiri'IIIIAIN _ NEA'T TO WA.JUJ8 "'hwh "''' '"' um:J••I"t and.olol· · .t •u · C tl l ~o • rl S o•al. 615 n rontl atre<•l , :-.ln\Ul Amrrunlt&r•n a ncl !': l't ~t ..r - Ill lW' Ilolllll( I ttl 0111 II • ' t•f til<' llkk Ark'n In MXT.& .A.M.&. C.&.LU'. •'_ h_•_ · _t_n_''_'c-_hf'_l")_o_C_A_.mt_·r_l_••_•n_•_ H_l_t_h_· . • nge dt•pt>t nt g!'al Rc.-11r h m11kl' 1:11\h• rllll! ('u p\.1111 _,';tollfl ntl ur..:· · ~ "ST O R.\1 0 \ 'F. R U~RO~" a l..n "COW HOV C'ASTEF.N" ndd h\'lna.; room to dwclhnu. 11000: !""'" ~" C'nuntv wlth il!t ~nntn Ana thnt thf' t h"ll ~hl I n 1>\• ko•pl In s l!l41 ..11 00~1ER HOLIDAt "' Con unualty 8lq Ruth l11•r,lt•r . :n;l7 W• ·<~t Bm:t., Army A1 00 · d lh h mint! n l oil tlrrl'll l~< "1'ht• Nllvy is .____ .... __ ....__ .... __ ._._ .._ .._ .. _._ .. _ .._.,..._, ____ /'So. Patifit Hero. Lt.., An.:l'l••" to hullcl f1vc·room r IH' ll1l e c allqtt ar· l the- nallnn'" ( lr~ l llnl' M til'' I n•t' StartlnJt T1tuF"., Oct . 19 Mt artlnlf Thu no .. ~ t . I ll 1 11wdlm..: "' :."!2 fll 'lm.. n cl 11\'l'llUe. C-ub ScotJtS H-a e - 11 ntl tu l'llw k It "I' \\' r must ul wav~ "TffF. l ~t Po\ Tlt: 'I: T l T.A R~" "l .AU\' I S TifF. DARK" flJ:IIIlf•"~ l 1;1l ofmr <1101 Ml l ' oo re w n \\ ,11,. " •• ' " lol 111 l h· ;, II • o 1 •-111 (~ • (HI t>o olllo \',Ito! :tll•l Kt•mo• t'•tllrl. ~~ Acl . tm~ '• lwo l lllolt l•llllltn T'lto•:Oollly • J:oof•ql J•f t " O foo r" tll111 '"I 1\ ( o \\ f" •r Jlt>" 'lld ("\4,..\\ otr lh rf"n•ofll)jt, I \ ' ('ntrl: '" ' ~~· 11•· ha.• ' "'' n \ ll r"•' S"-'flfl AOHtll t.; lito• !1 '1 pr••,..•nt ••r. lhll!l· ,, n • 1n t h• ~·ll t ll l', l • 11 1o ~ ' ' " auol t-:.1rl t'r• n r h !liR \\o•" t Ct•nlf81 la~m rnn h ll!h f••r lhr l'll•'tt'l'lt "' I "".. uu•.-. t•t ·•! u ·· ·~ 11( ' ltr t,: tt ol\t•nur. alt.-rrttlnn,c: tn Mli tm nnd C'u h~· ·nutln,:: l u(',~ · :· ~, . ~... -. 1-rr~. , I' r; ltu•t n,." tnloo th o· , mhat J:;-& r a.:o•. ~~no I c.-nl to •pt-n k Ito tlw par.-nl!t 11nol &r<'tut Of (:uaol.rah 1\ntd u.. llj! IOin\'111 •· ' Rl·~ Rtlf•) . !.Ill' ;\n~tf' l·~ . per I "'' rl' \\' I l'nrrith.-rs. fc rlo l GA:RAGE "'"'S AL'S I ~hi J tn n T ll l'll\\'" " "'' ,; ..l)m , ro•ffih\ - C'r•n rnrt Shonk l'f'rnnflf'l clwrlhn& I c lub t'Ommltll'•'. l'halrmsn: Jam~ll 11n ..: Ow "'"""' I"'' Ho· <• •nr1"''"l at 1702 Park nvrnut•, BstlboR 1111- 1 Mnrlg••l•l r hau mnn ••( C'teh , " " '· n .laruo ,.,, ,, ~~ nu\\ h''"'" rnton ~~; '!Incl. 1400: rr&lll'""· anti Mr C ampbt•ll rtll llr h11" lh •• l 'r••• •lt•ntull d t allo•n R u c!k , Ann t '""'' .. "'"'" S100: Aft'8a_f4l'tt\ll m~U~tPr nr TT'"'I' ~( ' I IIU1t·r ~.: 111 l'l~ 10 t lh•• K•·mJ-•r E . 0 ., Y.'•·~ t . 1:\.1!1 Glt•nnr~l' r , La- 6 . llttwarol llnqwr nml 11 group ..r 1220 COAST BLVD. h<)lllr ,.,.,,. Mt C\nol ) lr ~ Jo'r n t :\h r - ~nn H••ach. nomctrlt•l hn u•r n t ~ \1 h i" bt•_vt~ lnr lud 111g l \1r hanl Dudfl.l lJt flll "' ll•·lfloo· .,.r 111o·v '"' r•· " ' " r" I F Pmlr:lf, $750: fill VIti I :a rlinl'r, 1-111 n•ld Ut'stl'rll'V f rttm ~Aiu nl n\· unlit T'l1,.,.d tt\' 11n 1l J M l.nwry '2'ln7 i\llt"tnnflro 11nd J ohn f'nlo•rnlln. wert' p rr~e ni Corona del Mar ll c • lo I• m ilo n · ,...,.,. ho•lo l In hono r '' r~'<'t , hlldfl how.,• Ill l:! -1 13rd Al&r• tn Rtlt•ntlllnl't• \\'8!1 the 11t' \\' I" ' 1tw1r :liilll ~t~~• f'cl ohn .: an nl v~raan· ' ' rl'\' 1. ~ifi5 . <"'ttb Scllut 1111\/Jtt'r, Ma11ter Sgt. I ~ ·,. M ~t 1 ~ 1 11 1 .~~ )I 1 K•·ml'•·•· , R. '' \\nltt•< ldl', :•.' 0 ll.·,,. u n H.1y, Hconry Robt't l s. -11 r.H' rnbt'r of thr ' " •t• r h uild ~111 1 11;•' a nti npa11 111· n t ol\'o•r. COIII'tllnt' l' cu•t an..t lltatl on~d at Bigger, Better Quarters to Serve You 1 1 ""'"' :-.lnCtnAn fcorm••t rnco ll'nt "' :\.1 l}·.lt'nn llny ~ ~·()e l(l F.l 'T'o rn. of Cnr;'"" tlt'l ll.lttr It nnw with I R. A \\'hur,lliP :.~ ) ll.•, h'l'n 1\ny, A t l'f'hnll'folnr nt tmilrt at :\.1 !Wnnm II :& ~ . ~ 1 11()1). tn the H flntt'" wa11 ahown with rr======Announcing ======~ ,.,. 11, \\' I I h II fll" In E n.:h•n ·l I Mar lin £lfRUtl o r tht' h igh !'ICh !'IOI !':l'l):hl• •no R fo' IH'Ool n ~: hlin A Jrul>- Loca 1 Couple to Wed atatf lUI npnateor of the mar hln•· ~ c rwta oon tr• 111" :-;," .. · l'lm• ,. ,., In Church Ton1'oht A new guaranteed Auto Body, Fender Repair I hat ht' may kt'•·t• up "'1UI ln. nl .., Profl',.llvr " I Wlllll y tou to ex· Don't Be One of Those t' Hnt.. pla in tbll! I'X&mlnatlon pnptor \\ny Wr &nd lira J ~ \\ .,, t.. l loi rnt~tll )1 •' ~ 11 C'nmmun il ,. r lu1 rch do you ha\'e nil ~·our a nswrrs tn Service and Complete Auto Paint Service Who N~lett to Protect lltvo•l llr&\ t' lln,·r hl\ol a~ ~: uo ·s 1 11 w' ll "" thr l't'tl&nc:: tonl&:hl ror the quotat1nn marlul !" f, r «'''"r"l oiK)S thl'tr .Jnugbt .. r. rr.-th· \\"ll•llnt or :\Inn I'' " l \n\ d . t-'rto11h man: "Jutot 11 b tl of cour· Newly arrivro factory equipment does your r;tint job \\;th pre-wnr Their Property Against Fire \I t ,. l ;n ltf'llf't' "••f lh ut>.u .k ,, n.t •IA u ctt•·r n f M • An• l Mr" \\' J . tco&y to the m iLll 81'ated at my ten. 111 I eCCiciency and satisfaction at Pre-War Prices ht·rl bait~· )lr Htobt • ••n. "' " " 1.. ,.. A · •\'•l 21\iO Ornnc,. II\ l'nur 11nd 1tr ." ~ walt• f~ no man - • • ~ firr rtlltf'll thf' dnma~l' I• m•tn "''"nll113N, 18 "'""' Rl F a r - l' fo f>:t\'ht R" bl'r1 t rt• l'o l Hnn ,hny. Nlfo:ul . l•l•h•• .\ rm' Air r 1 ,rp' . ' " n ,,f Mr ¥d Oaulfltd Ads Get R-E·S·U-L-T-S P1a.y safe . .. Prot<"Ct your hc>mr or btt..ft ...... ft. Npt. Bela.. m~ r JIM ...... ,,..,._ 111 ._,lp ac f'm· -I.e IMii .,. .... PhoM Nf'wport ~Jf'ac'h -& ": ...... ,...... , ...... ,_ . h. ~ 0 1!'11 1 - , ,,.::;-.t l it I' " .. ' Phon ~ Xr wport 2144 t ine. ! .: 11t t, f· •• 1 o1 n ' ., tr :\ .Ph ,.1, "'" . n. ri ll ~ ~ " ' h · ·~·· . Coas\ Hardware • 8ay o·lstrict n.. ll('lll • ~· k t oo J•ltt YOUr 141-48 Fot"8lt Avf', Allen Glover George von Graben mnnf'y Hot" Is lh·· otnl' lo rl n~t hand- L••ber. Co. t'd ~ •r enemll"ll. Buy 1110,.,. War la«- ' 0.10da.. 1:..------· • ...... ExpertOa.,.., Meehanlca ~~.:!§f~~ ~ Harbor High Sports Boys Loot ! Pal~r Answen ~.=~~lio!~or Factory Trained BALBOA MOTORS ------Harry ( ~ arey Friday BALBOA IIO'roal 1 1.. &...,.~A- ...... ~1 •::...::£::.:...•=-:Y A:.:..:. ve:::.:..·_ _::a.J::!!Me~· , TUSTIN I NVAD£ HARBOR TODAY Don Miller 18 First ' ' Hat ' """" " o•t t h" '"'"" ' " ··•m ·

------I Wha t m ny prow to bo• IIOP o( lito• I u' IIUit •n·t'lc'll ~tartl' rll will nul ITar of the week t•· llt.:hc•sl J,.ltnWl! on l h ~ :'allror 'll Tblll Wtek"ll n om lnC'e f or T ar ol or a lme • ~n · t <";< ld Is t hr J!:lffit' this n ft C'I · s tart lht' JtlOllf bo-l'au... o f tnJurlt•l! l \\"l'f'k Ill Dnn loLIIIr r . D on wal •I"'''"' '""" "'"'"' llh' \\' ~t.r FUnd, lhl' mn,.: tlol t :t "' lho• h••lll" 01( WHAT NOT 11 1 11o• "' hd" •'•' 11 t ho• f• ;!hllnc T 11l cr IIUetalnnl '" t ho· Artis t j:lt 11\1" o"hoe<"l1 M <'lt.UIW o f h 1 e brUII.,nt I' ""''" '"II "' ott rllh' llt f rc •m I' A I " " \ .,., '' ' I" • " "'""' liN• talh"•• .., TH~ttn ll "~ h lllltl t h(' sa lor,. ,,11f T hotSc' that llt1'11" t .:otn.: to 8tart I>&Uf'll, and leo~ )' run• In tbe 1'"1""' ' Nc • w t ~·• t llarl ~<• r • ...,. • "'"' h•n I"'"' ••r·· ,.,., ,,,., Hll:'> O··••a u SHOP 1 111 111 1 1 1 1111 ···" 1'"11 ' hrl•••• nt H~r . 1tut\ltl'rll&t'k ; La ~o:una l(&ml' H~ ' • t•rnbably o n• " "t "'"~ ~~~ I•• "''" t ho• oo tht•t '"""'" "" """ "" l ho• 'I' lilt• t all.:•· '" "'" ' ." " " " ' Mn• lh •"••• •l hndtun Jl&eftlllaMd • ... '''"'''"' a "·"' Rttlph Frt'tllll( (llllblll k . ""'' J nho 01( the' ~·t J>IU't'l"8 In UIC' lf'a&"JC'· hA ll '"·· 1:• •1 II\ • 1..... "' ''"'"'• •• r "' ti\IIII'Jl AI " " "''" 11 11•1 ""'' '" " ' ln.:1 11, ,,11 11l ho• lllllh•llllo111 't11'lll•' lll ••f "''" Tlw Tllh \\Ill , •., , ,,, 111 t olWll l"IHU ··r . •·•·llt•·r Shafc•r IR In playln;o: hl8 flr10t (&Jill' h · '""' 17 ,,.,. , . o•t .. .,:. · 1111•• "hlol> "' '' "'""'" "ol ll\' lhr \\"" ' I•" l h " • ' " ' '"'"'' r . PIC!ture Fnmlq. 1 ~ li~ l<' li 1111 f•~< l thall hu)· ~ 1 ''" ~ 111 • ' 1 11 11 1 <~ ( \'.' ll h n ,.,,,\"111 r lllt' 1:; 11 \'tl'lory a u~ouhttuJ ~ t u rto ·r F rttlny. Pun eh !\W~d that h ie tal· t ruuhl. ·"••l•lol\ Tlk\ '·'"'' "''"" (1u•"t l ito111• 111' 1 "'~·1 1111111· '" Y llc•lll•"rlll k P.Uo and Unflnbhecl t~ml · 1111 ,.. , , 1\:o· Allllh\l:n t • .,: h • . ttn•n 't I'Ullflneol t o f llr "'"'' lh• I"" ' '''" o• t .uit• ••: ""' "' llf t ho· ' ''' "' tlullltl, •Ia \,. amt l ''' .' ' 11 ••• tuft! Supplied. W I n d o w :.l~t"11: 1 I•'"'" ~ ln.g ' !1'\'• '' Il l lo t ll••·ir l~ ·lt s ll >~lh. > r • ( "'" 'h M lllo·r IHta ~>No n Wl>fktllj; ht• pr.. vo ·.l that h,. Ill A trtpplt lind "' ol ~·~hi ">'o'tll.: ~~~· If, •.,, ''""I 1\lthl!< I•• ' " ' ,.,,,..., 1, ••Ill' N"" II ~ M • .,_ , lll t r~· I•• Ill n•l'l•h•nl lndalled. P ..e. ' od: l .... ,,. .. ,. llw "k!rllll!li. \\'tilt 1\ lolynll Unl\'ll l"l' l(t.llllr 1' 1111 Il l llw thl"l'ltl bN'li. Ull~ h• K1ll11 kir k•. and lleh··· ,.,,,. t ; u ·k ll pOt " "·' IJC'III 1111'11H I 11\'t' l H t• al"' ' '""""'dIn " ll" hll•kt>t · \\' rnll l h~ llttlll do·. t tlll'ol ""'' "''"'· \lot'>' · " ' " l ll(hfllljot 1111"11 tlllo 'lll: h I' •' llldt• " .....ti olll ...... '" It•'"" wh•• Odd Job? • " "' k ,.. I to lllll V&nllilrn, the h u llko•y lollll and " H" trl\l'k , Do n playf'd 11 ~1 t h• , '' " "''I '".,,,,. ""·" " tlh 1':' 11 , 1\lll•h Ill 111111 lnt'hhl•• IM n llll' lllh•·• "' t h• " "")'\' •K>< I \'OUR F.VM -'RE m& ·r• . T l Uut• hmu11 "h" 1•.1•·•1 m ,._, w,•ll ul th 1 1 " A" ba•k•t· bta 11 ,, - , 1 , " '' " "" , ,,, ,, • "" ''" ''''' oou•l ' '""' S01 Pltlm Avenue Balboa " 1 . \1(4 llllll :t· fll t>Jlh•r 1111' r II I t k l l'r ' ' " ,. I ' mn•pi1'11""1' n ~ • ·~ " ' " . ... ,, ,. \h• \ · · ~ II h •l( 11111)11" "' " '" " '1' 11 111 &111 11>11~ UOIIT OF AMERICA lill Y With l hl' otlds 1\'\'11 . Thrro• II Ill' " ' '' \\ 11"11 • \"lt u,. \\lUI l•llll lt•l llll u.>Ofu'"" :" ' ' "'' l'"llil t' U\ld I'U 11• •1l , ...... '"""' , ...... ·1. •\ ••r t IO it o••l 1'\o•ull lllll • Ho•r\'h'c' , " ""r ll t'urt•\'. ""' ' h• nt!'P u tn••n ,l• •r nr .• thtt Ur~t to • nllat ln alA ---- rl' llh \ o•ll tltll l •l ,l )"lJ "'" ( trill Atlrolt.:•• I'Pil \\Ill ,;I a)' vor•lty T he•\ "''II """",.,,, , ...... l'l l:t. •l'o o>o A t. l lllht 1. .. .. 1 \\ ltl ... llu• llo\ll)'\\ tl•'' o'oiJII II It lt••• l lin... o r d uly to win the wu. gam,• f rom l ho• full I> JIIIl lut \\C<'k l t.H•r · lo~t 110 10 '" '" ' "''"!~ 11 11 1 11 "' ''~'" ~ . j,., de!Horve •~~«lal ~ntlorl past Wet'k. l>vn has l {f l\\" hut :my pin \ In t ' t•• "• tho 1 ,, • tt ,. ol tlh \' .,., ,_ \"o•tf'J AII JO" liollt 'l' tiiiM• "''""II All Noo wl'"rl B1~ Vau ~: hn Tu~i t'l 111 1 1 1111 11111 1 1 , , 1 ,. 11 ~, . 1 1 ~ •·t 1 11 11 1 1 .•. thcoy dnerve to be alvt'fl b.:•t-o f tl hn_~: . th• • ot•niA'r ' r" •" " " " ll' .: an~o· t> •ol;oy ,,.,,tho' I •\ 11 1lh th W•l• '""'-'' I •• Ill • l httt tllc•ll '"' l '• n l or :-..tvnllo~ll Allll\' l;lo1 h llnriM• t ''' IIIIMI "h ""' " "' " the ex~1ert •••unlnaUort and phil'•• Ill Sh.oa. r ~laeM illuAcJI '1'"11" pt nn.a ....• ""l ' h p .,, .lltll••• tllll ~ ~ If! " 11 1·1 """ )'"' '" o· ''' tho• 'I \\ "t ~. ''" •·• . Anwr ..· ·n \\"otr ~ttlc•n• l '" " I ' " """ ' llu•• r " " ' I' In flttlna ••tended to all our UH\ 't \J to •u.:ht-.• nd and Uut \\• t' k" ,,ul fl t ttn•hll).: T.l h ou.• u ltd n Uuoft ••t '"'•uuuutut \ !"~ • · • '" ' '" "'"' "Uh•r lh•· tun \t n M • · •uua ~nta:n patroru. b r• u~ h \ "I' , ,, h•t l lo• ''" lh• viol· \ ' I•· " n, 1 DR. II. D. ORAWWOIW I y mn·t.· I•)' llule• Bees Play Anahea·m I'Oulu. ., I 1.. "'"," " ' '"" '"I 1 I I I lh f l l ' lh!<'ll<· 114•nn•·tt llf ••.,.., . ~ I'',"'~,''; ' ~-· ·, ·: • 1 '", ' · • ..,, • • I . . "" • •• • •u uu·• · .,.. . '"' Klh , ••, ln" .,r l\h.,. UPTOMETRlST ITH I! U!'(lt:l r- Pin• " 1'1. I' . " '"' y .... , ... r.t '"" A,...... ·~ · h d '" IH· olllll "'" ''"' , ,,...... II ···n.: I I me• J '(·~tc lt • nt nr lin I· am N..,.n...... ,. t< u llr .• n• Lr. • Harbor• highly touted .... wtll &IU'11j..• ll ltol '' •k ' '"''' " ' sooo·•l<·• ll.r••lll(h 1'1 11 1• ·1 :"nt'""" , ,.,,.. . ,., h"n ( , IJu u l, '' vl~ ll i llll ••hi f lk•lllllo , ..,,.. , .. Ll" " , -:::;:;; • e nt•r thei r flr'lt game of the year and ~• , _ and llc't"hl•n1" t twn· lttu l rnjo' Nl o-tall- ...... l I I J.A., • t U 1 \ K 1H• • 1 U\ $ 1 t 'I ll thl Bh lth1t• I h .- It fl' " ' ' I \ ' lt1t( 1\u... a , .. -' Credit Tt>mw \·~~ ~ ~" , l~ ~·.: " txt Thu r'lday whe~ they eome te pro.. et'u• ,1 101 ..,11111 ,.,, 1.111 1111 \"II~>: • .,. ' an.•. l ~< · l.-•um . t<:n•· nwl'\ 11111 11 11111)' uf tht' lll I\ I tlw '"' 111 0 " •• •••"•' t1oea w ith Anaheim 1 mighty .... tt , " ml'\'1111•' 1•r ''"' \ \'S('S nt M"r C~t-""' Brokftl lAlnNe r _,, u.,.., J..,.lnf • n s,.,.,. s..... Y. t ' 111 I 1•lll j,; 1'" "" :'>II \\ l•••l lo I•' J llnU, t"l.t•1 hnl•••l lttatv . 'l"'lt'"" "Y· ' "''"" Q •: , , .... 1 a~ . t 1me t here waif\ f any In formation f ' =====.,;=== :::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;==-=;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;-i.:::=:liiaii______•• b Ill an. 1 I ,,., . ,~ l 'o~ltlo 1111\1 AJ•I•Iohu f )' l.tlHmHIII ...... f\\ 11\ l 'hilll'l' '""" · II SANTA ANA ..·;: ; •vallable aa to llne· upa. for • 11 l'rul•t• r 111 lti•'IJ I"''"·· , ,, ••1 L llllo· mbuu J .:. llu!IILIIII, A mer ican ... w. Cor. 4• &Sycamore ,.·~ 1 11 : : : :: ·~: · I v .... u om ,. " •~'-'; polltlone are etlll w lde· open. Uk l oo '. I ••·~ ' • • Ill . ~: ·"· · ~ I !to• 1-" I I ,\llllou lll ll• ,. S o• I \' h,. 1\11•1 'llf" Newport Balboa Coeta Meaa 11<11'\\,oll, ' " "' ''''' 1'. 11111 tt l11l l 'o\•ttll 011 :ltlt i,IM'ttii<'IUI( f'<' ll thr.lUtlh••Uitho•

~~~~~~ ,::,t,l ~'.',','11;.: 1 •:~·::· : IJ.-: ·,',','?I'"r;~ 1"' '~~~; ' '' """ ' " ' P" Jtanl 11.•1 !flat•· l HARBOR HIGH NEWS ln& l• •t Til•• l ~ •.1~ "'''" ''•I tl""" '"''' h k 11 1 ,,.,,.., "'"' W••lfltrP "II'"" J RADIO SERVICE I t c'tlng In th(' audlt l:'r l um year• Harbor'• r ampult hu been Clptur•••l h) 1'ulllo· Tt ..... th•·• ""' 1111111 .. r KIOi h t\ t u ('ll'r t lht'lr u ftil',.ra f n r the com- marrf'd by 110me atudeot. from >'""' MONTHS P\'f' llllluwlt UIJ who·n Ul o• o il In•• t:tf,Jl,la!BI lng yur M IIB Ad&mll, ont' t1f thr San ta Ana High school. La ~t tiiTK' ~ 1 Jlln,.. r ltt1vi!Wtrll. took rharge o f tht' they thrt'w paint all ovt'r thl' malo Wt r,. ""''"'1: t u r h trn •I 11 :""" . Th • pon ... ,. .... ,,.., .. .. , ...,. '' " '" ·" ...... mt't'tlnJt tntranre lhl• Urn~ tht y burned a 11 1 ree Harborat~B NOW OPEN UAILY Thl' n nmlnatll>nlt fn r tht' ofllt•• ~>f larRt "S A " o n lhl' lawn In f ront "'(''"h".: '"" •. , ,,""~~ On Grand Jury ~~~-~~~ ("hllrl!• ol "1111 III•·J:"I en t ry ~t ml 10 to 6 , f'rt'lldcnt wc•no Gt-or Rt' Yardlt')', uf tht' train f'ntrrt.nct' Undoubt· ...... JTalHJ U1o· t. I h• )' \\ , 11• IM ollllll u\lt"l Snlflo' ll u ( thrt•,. ll lu l~ •r Al••li ... Exf'f'pt fikuNia)' ud ...... )' & .lim Ru~l 1 And Ralrh Ffltag F o r edly l.hl• don n ot rrllKt lht' Santa CAU IN , t n t hr )11\ •·III Io• o mo rt ...... tht' of fice uf vlcf' · J)ruldt'nt R.t-nato Ana •tudent body aa a whol•, but 1" '"1' " ' "··r·· , ,, ""' n w... ttll"lt•lav l•v PhOH Nrwpnrt &Neh S46 lVII IXAMIN!DI l\lonocn. AI Amna , J oyct> A nn e just ont' or two " m o rons" "''ho ~"I, . ,'"' ., u o t ~: r K rnnl't h 1-: Mut J 11 n" 11 Brw t• Mr <1av<'m. a nd l lhlnk t hat dl'atroytng pruperty Ill rU.U11 t u ..• rvr ''" l h r 111 44 4:, •Y046Irolcen Lent DUPUCAT!DI Prompt Senicel c;... ,,r J:t" F'lnc·h l'n o thc>rl In Fine Lectures 1 tYour Cr~ Is GOODI Open on ACCOUGII I n~ f'l.l!! t y••nrs and mauv ••f th• cui· I·'"' " t ho ::•1 • nll•·•l tlw l( l nn•t l Md ollwrr o/lk:• n_,. In.,...,,. yoM Co ...... )Ill \ .,.Ill ,.,. 1101 JIWol With Ill nlf'n All ..... , tiun I ommtlt t•c· Wll!l l rrttll hA\"1' ht'•·n 1'1\;lj;ltl nnoJ In your o/11,.. .-,ulpfflftftl ,.,. . r. •1/lft..rwy. .,_,,..or. Ywt Mo4 ...... Poor I ·- I• h n tu n .. n o~ nnlt• 11un1e p uplllt mnst C'Btlt' ll p r nvo•ol t u b<• 1111h· laf..,anf "'- by ...... - ~ r the urr11 c11 . noor mHI. An ln•· ·sll~:o t u• u w 11 1 ~ · DUPLICAnNO fill ..., .,.., ...... ~ .. Yllall Tltc• f umJ ur to •c•rrt "'""" t•rNfldent, l J:Un at ttw ~nnl t t A11a 111 h"ol t m · l'nlph F'n •illtl' , " "'l' · r ro• s • d~nt . AI mtrllutt•ly. c MACHINES Now 'I.·"' ,1J1ol Ho~lld II( ('•JIIIl ~< l m <'nt· AllhC>II J:h ~ 1 111ta A na l;o ~ i l f'Y\'11 Avollow.t In r H111 ol I t •\\"•' l In ht• hal ho11 lnl( I hi' IIIIIIJ 'N't ll It lll __ nu t l mpunaiiJII' that lhe YJtnd&lll - DR. HORAGE:£ADEN Thla aftc·rnoon t h!' T Urll nntl l "'er.- trom f ur nwn bi\Ck yard 'T'rl ·r wnl nu x 11 , ror tho• lfixt h Titlll i>1 lntprnh!lhl•• n~ llurbor III II · 1 8 111 •• ; . ~ Tt •tH \ :-~ ~ •\Ill 'A:' ,II l>' ' lh•' d••rt i!-t k o•l\\ l h.,t !h· · ~· •tun't nt'"t d - l '• '~ , I•, ""' II 1 ~ l' rn• ·,. 1u c u t.:-t •· If U lit ,\ 1 1o " J 11 l 11 p ;tt< t L rttllt\•l ••I • t tid 11 1 l1• f h l\\l l fl 11 t t\\ U t'fl h ulJI \ Hh t 1ul •11 ,1ll• 11 I , n t .~~ '''·' \o t • •I t .l" + ~~t •L,:tt ;-. I ' HAVI YOU ltJ t 'H \ f II I •I .' In I I ,.• . OPTOMETRIST t ,, ... P ~ "; ( t t l.•1lu I "f f' tt .: • •·u~ ,, I· I ,,,, \\. h"' ,o , I .t. .,, .I lu· \I • ld ftltlul• • I I SICUifD YOUI I· I I , •• I' 1'· :·, .. •I II rnr• r • Ito 1111 IP• dli• I •. J.-. ... I' I I \\ dl "'' I: lt It\ a ~ • · I I ot u t 1 tt j ' I \ I ll :11 IHI\.\ U \' '11 ,1, I '. ~ "-w. Cor. 4th &Sycamore sANTA ANA ''' d I • ,,II t tt l f It Ill t .I I ' ''"II ADDING OrrtCII COHVIHtfNTl\' lOCAUO OM TMI aAtN PlOOI "f' 1',"' •• 11 .. ' •"" \ t:fUJ , .. h :n ·· Tllt' 1>4 t u• 1 I• ,,._ ...... ,., t h II f I • MACHINE .j .• ,.. '*'' tt\\ 14 Tri-Y ln(· rea~es •I··•. Watch Your . II 1 hill 1 I C .1 l I tt • t ~ · · •· Tl,.nuu•'• I u d • Its :\lembcrship p , •• ,, \\ti t I (OJ I IIIII• I I f lo• Kidn s I r" r '"' "'"'"''"" .., . 1\ ft •·r Rf'\ • n-a• ••t tl)l,•"'i • ' , , , .. 111 'r I• , .. r . llhilrtl( )'flU In bU, 1 .. , I n1111n~ I II J1 '"'\ It u .. tp , ,,_ u ...._ " ' . Hloo4 , n•w •lt11111C 11••• hlne ••t t.r .• ul \\"r k h\ ,, , nH' Ill t,..r AIHI I r • ..- n • l:-o~ • ·I 1fl, lfl h tl...... " at lla,..tul ...,, .... . ,. tl•l f e I • ~ I"'' oil \' :'>l tl'>' A d:11o" tho• t"rl Y IU\ ltt•tl I•• a ll • &•! bul .. ,. "'~'" y~our "'" eftlc.e .. e "t Att ,.n lluu • lul1 a •l d • ~.t s Oll" l • n._,.. , ar~ • ,,,,._,.,. •.!::w.: :=-c.::.. ~-=~~ ~-:. ~~ '-'ct••re ...., ,.. . ,.,,. ,-..u • ., ~ 4A too""' • luh f llnlll it11l •• •11 ~" 1\J< "'"'"' 1 • ro t e f"t M Net•,.. 1••.,..•_. - fell •• r• '"' ' l ,t~o hl p ma ~ ht t,.. uu ,, ~~~· •I 1-'irst ( ~rand(•hild M• • • l t~~tl'et lll • 1e.e t. , If ...... , ,...... ,., ...,. • ~• eyet•• aa4 ..... tM 'l"h•· n .. \, m~m ht • r ~ ·whtJ • ,, ..... J•o•- e a... WI HAYI For the Ken Browns ktiJ ..,...... ,, CHAIR CUSHIONS! ht untl•'\r th,..~ · ' ltP t ,..,., '''·hi· h MnAL 1.,\,.,.n ... t rt' •t Uu •·n l•·tl l.ot 11 lt~h t1 \' r ,.!'.::~~::.::rt!:-.~~:!, "--~~= 1 Motla ef alr-feam rvltbar. Came It~ c·unt:rnt tt lh tlt+"" hrl' Ul d• '''' f" t ...... " .,...... 1 nru~t h:w,• fulrtll•••l t it•· r<'~IIIR r ,,•• VftdH tM •r• e ,.. ... fil l • .,. . .. COPY Mr ll n!l M1 " h•·11n• Ill II• '" 11 nf ...... , .... ·- . , .., • •d • .,... l ... all ...... lavarteble covert. .,..._"a4 qu• r••""'"' " th•~ ~· · · a • ur th" Y " Il l ftlh• ...... , ~ , • ._.,- ...... fl .. 4• 1 H tl r h •• l>il•· r "'t ' .. ' ·A h· n r • ,,,d., .,...,. .., . .... b ..,...... , • fw cemfort a~ttl tlurablllty. HOlDElSI " ' t c·nnlln11r t o ho• m rmlwrH 11 •·•1 ,,,,, ,,.q.... \ .. ,.,..,,... t h•1ruu~ h l y ' '"! ''" "~' 11 " ' ''" .r y •~ nr 1 h•re e t. .. eJ4 M •• d o•bt U••• fH.. ,. lhr lr f1r"l ~r:wol o IIIIo! ...... , ...... ,.... u .. ('"n l(rat u i U l t "n~ to .t••n nnf' I ; •U It,..• t l't4&. ,,... .. h• •• t.... • •aetat 1"ll•· Y••un..: full ""'' hn•• h•" 11 r;rllnl'l ll" tl)f'J'II\ J ltH . I, A nn .lnnNt, 1111d J o· A11 ( ; olllnJ:h•·r ettwalr-t .,.,. , ~ • • , ..,., . .. . , ~'·" ' ' \ \' ( ; I 'UIIt•n nf \\"t•llltnll••••·• Tttr• \\'hn "n.... •·lt·• trd a n h h nur:u v rrwtn •ntJ\' 'A tu. \\ u ~o~ l !t ,, n nt ~ I l ~• • •t •pJ 1 " PHONE 743 tw•r twt' HIHII!t.. "h• · ,,. ti l n u u•f•·r ~1 ·1 902 NO. MAIN ST• •• " I H (hl. UHif ' " ~ fj lfllh• f \Alii ft• rlt•nl ,,,., ... 1W 1Ult \lllh I \\"tlh tilt• ll ''•tll l••n of lho•loo• "' memiJI'fl\ lho· Tri- Y II'IW I oo Jj~ ·- ·~ M IIIXll'<'n Rlr l ~t, n nrr,f'l y l\1 1<1 tloo ·l Ma r ~ h;o ll .lf'Anllf· r.o•truolt. I '• ~I:' Mto kl• wAlt. D 1Bn8 :'>IH r.:wnr ll. \' ~ rj: lni A Ff'nl(lluiPll E vl'lyn II•" l \\an d a 1- ullo•r 1 ;,.,,.,.,,.,., 1 t t 1 hrn"k .l un.- f•rnwf<•rol llflol 1\ 1•1• I • t< "nnrll. GORDON B. FINDLAY Ttl• prugr &m lt fur l •o<.IAV ~ ~ , . w tth T u11t 111 1 u mpilf'rl hy tho· Ill \ f ill h. w ql bl' ""''' lo\" l h•• 1'1 1 \' Announces Temporary Clo~lng of Plants m ••mlwr.<. Anrl 11l'o n~ll rP t hi' I'" I ...... - PM'I"C -09111 ... . J.l'f •~\ 1' , \\' tilth \ \ t"l• d••• n rn l• •I I • I hr• g t r ll• In order t11 gtve Clur employe a much-needed rest and - . "'""" 0# -·- ...... , - - nG'f - UM._ Wt ,_ Lll.$l p •nr l hr Tr - Y nnd I; A A vaca t 111 11 , th e follflw Ill~ order ha" heen issued : <1\l oln..t ml'mho·r ll •I•• 1ol •·. thfll 11 • ---·'-·· -*-···· "' ··· - J,: 1rl" ll"f••J"'J ,.. nu+ ,.,.,\. t.udr It · ___ _ n Hk• t~ a n'S 1h• • '''!1''•1t '"'"" t h ,• lOAM 0# .,.__ - · ~ t!tt •·•pJt('lmf"ut r"'•rn ha" t,. 1 Starting Saturday, October 14 QOf---~­ ,._. tut tfll'd \.\ It)! ' "' lv• n••w f i' ' k' '~ Ml ftiONfL :\u •• v• • n • p n r 1 :~ :t N • · d J,v th•· f ; ,\ ' Innol t l• r "" t.v l hr Ttl y and t·nntinuing until + - • Campus to C~mpu~ Monday, October 23, 1944 • • .,., J',. f ,. Ht'q•· , f I I 1 '1 rt ·•k Ill) f•la • J- . ,., 11 1T'. G1. .:. RHOR e ('ahint•t ShoJJ Ot)(•ratinn t olt tl &' \'lJH•t• "'• •".' '" , .,. ,_ 1 I • • 1 n 1 h• I 11 t, 1 I'"" t ,., I• FRED e All Building ( ' ()m~trudiun tt• r • • n ,. t r • ··f .J ,,. •·" l lo •• " li t.:~> e All t·nn,·rl'h• (·unNtrudinn

\\"III II tor llwh l ~ proou , • 1 \Vill he dnHed. H .. r ~ ••. .._ •• h u •.,.. ,u ta••\ •, a1 ., ·' ''"· HOUSER -- nt M'-' l " ' " •'flL uu•l "" t h 11111 . , .,., ~ · c appn.:ctatc th e patr o na ~ e of our many cuC\tomers and H I ~ " k tllf ul lllltlll\" t •~ k tun 1 • ' U.S. SENATOR t•• .s., n Frant t 1' '1 \Vht- r •· h.. w,u will he ready for y(111r husines{) on th e date "pccified . ' "'" ( INOL f•hH• ., . nrol11 l\ 11 ol I ' • r>ownn• '" ' ':• t il\ ,.~ , tu f1lt. · a~ o ~' h • · r • • tu• wun ,.,.-4 ,,,,.t l h-.c: nl 'I \ 1 ~ oof ~IIAII fl ooll p l1u •• H ro WI'\' ~ 1 lh .. r,. w ill ~ 1\ll HiEEP Ull\. ()llllrlj.: ... ., U' ,. In '"' r ,....honl and ''" f94f-4\ Ju '"A' Ah\tlll IT"II I GORDON B. FINDLAY th4' w atC'r polo l l:'llm hf'(:nuv Bill th•n h.alf u l 1ht u ml- U", • TilE /IA/Uli/A/11 ARE THE IAU.I/IIE /IF IIFFEM6E 1 h u mov~ \1, Nawport ..Kh lUld I 10 be 1'1111. , will att•nt.l fl('h(nl Ult'r. Wllltt ,,.., I ,..... •• "•••• •••••c••• ••••• " ...I ,.. - ce•n·••·c••h •n•••• · ~b ...... RADIO SERVICE PRAISE THE LORD­ l.ocll Cl•~ Defeats Los laceles ...... AIIte...... • AND PA.SS Dr. A. S. Newton ...... allll'rdlw I• Fat lyer Di11~Y IICIS Burt R. Norton .._.. un Optometrist 'ftle annual race • Repre8en ttnc t h e 'I 1111 c..& ..,._7 NEWPOaT 8&ACII ~tKond matcb cb•ll~ngers 8JC'rke betw~ the Loe An~teln , w t re Ht'rb Wnr t'~ eter Jr . 47 1,4 lleom 101, Moore ...... Yacbt club and 1M Nt>wport Har· points: IMl P F\llmor . 36•i polnt~t ; 1U No. B...,..._,. bor Yacht club ""'llll ht'ld Sunday John W t'll8, 17 polnt1; Mra. Ev· 1 o.-tlftt C.rde Mtll a GrMt Vulety of V"ueual Gi ft. In N~rt Harbor wllh 14 Oyer Prell MorriK. 2:• points ; W tllilim Suta Aaa Ptaowe ant '"NK INVI'I'E TOU TO 8ROW8Z AROUND'' cliqtUq eatued. Kellf'y , 29 pointe. Addii'IOn c;urll'y, C.£. LOUCKS '!be Loe Ancel.:• club ml"mbel"8 :)1\ Jl()lnt11 · Hul!MII C'l o lg. n po1nu, .IKWKL.RV IN ITATION.RV Wt'rc ch,.l'.. n gerF IU'Itl t" m akP It Roy KcCullougb. 111 po1nt11 , Cl··· Dla,...... • Watctta • ,.,,.. Repalrl11g a rae f llklll th ... luutl l:lllXh •r . ti Plllltt.IO. IU\ll Mr! ...... N~IU.a a.;, l ~ r eC'&«'o h 1 a cera tb ee rc ...n>wsan orha.n~;r boatao •t..l, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~Hlr hard T erk l'l. 14 points. 1,.7-11 N-port ••vet•. Coeta ...... Calif. to boata or the oppolltll' l'luh anti J'i'raona on eac b 1ldo> tuok tume •• u tip!)f:r and u c rew. Aa tht' ICOIIllllodore o f e&«'b club le a m eru­ J ber of both clut.. It happened In drawlnc that Commodor e nnx- low leHy to Serve You te r of t ht- N H Y.C . ..Ued for the 1 Loe Angeles cl u b, and Cbmmodore Dancing I F:lltou or L.. A Y.C sallt'd for the N t •'POrt flub. Every Saturday • I Fourt~ din;hlu wtre ente('t'tl, but tbl"t'e o f lhem \\'t'l"t' d lsa blt.'d MIDWAY by the rrHtl bnoeze . One or theft ~·•• aklpJN'red by Ba.rney Lehman. In Costa Mesa Leiion Hall Wh11 W IIS r njO) Il l~ h l !l last tiny ( r ...a· l ng lM'fo,r c rtartlng n f l fur th<' ~uuth l'a r lllc. Barney had chalked 18th Street - Just West of Greener's Store REFRIGERATION up po1nlJI away nh end o· 1.'\'o·n •.. n <' • l!'t· unt 1l l ho• lu..t r>ill'. when ho· < "' PI . I ht' f i rs t g111ng to GLEIDELLI'S ),f1'11. J ohn S wigart. AT 1505 WEST CENTRAL AVE. l.arh dinghy o·ar-rred 1\ <' rcw u f ORCHESTIA l ~c· ~h o 1\t'n' pal rt'l! n ff by t..lnlW· I m~: lot s amon g aJI rr t>m~ rs nr tht.' Gives You • Sped.eltz:tne ln all klnds oC ]WrrigeraUon &rvtce. "''w 1 lub. an.l wa. addell Wuhlnc Machines and other HOU8('hold Appliances. I n m a k P the wetght carrtC'd an •,., n 30ii pnuntla C~chalrman or "Just Good Dance Music" t ht' l't'l'ft 'l Wf'r(' 1-:v<'rel t M orns or I:\ II Y c· und J O!Wph Bltterlln or and a Full Evening of Fun L AY (' 1 • Th;o :\I'Wport Ha r bor club wu DANCING ADM18810N PROMPT RADIO SERVICE I '"" " ' ' ~" · w1t.h 170• 2 P'' ID III agiunat From 9 P. II. . I 14 :l•~ pnonts rnr the IAtl Angt'ln &Oe plaa lOe Tax • We wW ltrlw to take ca.~'@ of tM needs or our club. Tropb1u wt>re presentl'd taaaenlD tJw be.t sx-Able pay permitted by present 1 !'un.Jay t \'enU\g nt donner by Wa.J­ ' l f•r F:ll wtt, L..A Y C <·ommodco re. OODdldana. to ( 1f'land Baxtt> r, c< nnt.s. A nlly Uange \Vork for 1\fNB 1 !;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~;;;; [ Harbor Matrons h r • :l&• t..; ly ..n a.. h a" I 5 " ' I II.. :l•ll . r>' 111 1!< ltll hn rt..l Tcrkel. State (;uard Company ,11 -1 • "· anti t h u• Ill lll't'Yr &t•IL., h••d 'J:, f><"nt s . J , hn S w l.•:art. 29"- U nder penonal aupen1alon of I 0 TE Hostesses to w h.-n 3C'Ir .,, h •l'l In l ,.l'.',. tor l;od "' I •In: ,. \\'alto •m lru'lltt•, :.!4 pomta: Cbartee M . Merralla, ...._. l'•,._l ,o :'-l•••a'" Sl:olr r.o1n rd Unl• ·• ~ 11 pluu ..t "a 1 v a 1 1 0 n ry Hu•l (;utbnc :!4 P<•lnla: MriJ. Speakers' Forum C'••rn r~>an.\ l'. 1-t n n t .. l!lth R• ·~: Ha kl'r ..A itly V <'l o 111 " '1 Rut••r l!l pomts. and PRoaped 1SII ''I 0 '' ... '"II lo •:o\'" I h• • I ~ · ~a"n Ifa II Sund11\ llh tl nan~; jo( t~' rln('k for r ; on~;r " 'OI k \\1I1Ht u 1 l ' utnlll. ;;;;;;:::::::;;~~~iiiiiii~ii~ Proposition 12 ' Mno (' M 1'• ln• " "" \Ia En\'11 m S to vall, Ll I brC'akrut wu wrvt>ol an ~ r ~A• hu· h J< ahlalriC' k or Lt Durwartl C&rl· • d tlrn• wMdler of worldnpen, Mrw F"r?d Wt>IMI ot A nallrlm , wn ~: h L las cua...... _..en, dlurcltmen, or J>rf'llllfent . rondut tffi " .llhr rt hu11i • ------I " """ m f'ttlnj{ Thr• nBml'lO n f ~l r• 1 ' '" ' " " " 101 o1,.,t11 .,f l h ..ur, ht ('Pn · war yeterana, formed to protect and II ll No · ~· k tt k 1111cl Mrw l'nu t h n f • · • • r nor o~ h•· r p•·Ar•• r•'•l'w•L• adnnee the rightA and interests of l I.Ar tl••ro l ~rn \c' Wt•r r 1111 bmltlt'tl fn r Amo·r 1r;1 ftnol h••r l'll t l 111 t h At " ' ' rr l wf ~ll l' ~ tr !'l t •' u ri:'•• t •lu,t.:• ' :• t . t•• , tl (•· r••nt f\ \\ uc !!1\'••n by ·their membership& ' 1 \n ~tl'!'r: un WIL.q l ''"~ '' "ftl. • luur· M r " F: H Rnllt h nf l) r n n ~:• · "'hn rnnn , ,, .,, ' '" •· r·n• m .• t lht -.;r,.at ~u h .JP f I •or ttl.-.. f n r uru w ,u• T hi\ ' ' "~ ' I • tn pu hlw t fl.l l \l.'f' ~ I I) not "" VOTE NO F nur c·uuutl h'" At lht.. P e•art.• ~I :t f t •· tl tl n t\ \\t' \V:,nt J ...... t! . _...... mCHEI "aAI'I run 1',•h l•• ~"'" ~· F i'rnol h ~ f \ n :; · T hnt !:ro•nt llrltlltn " 1111>< 1 ·o r~ k quickly for perfect results. S lbs. • 27c: 2S lbs .. S 1.18 - l ot 0tfU t nhl tct •:ne• 1 1 : t h t ,.,..,, f f fl~ l' 't• ht l H f ( If ~\ \\ l!;t f \l tr • } ~ SIC ~ Proposition No. 12 "'' IIIII\ • '(J~ < ! lltoll! !';111 1! 11 or d 1o \ ' \ !Ior i l :ll'n no! " ' \na - 1(11~ ,.,., · ,: ttw I' roc •· tahl•·. lhnt ll"l!' 11 I ," " '" •II ~ ~~ ~ ~·· I ~" " ,. of ORANGE COUNTY OISTRICT "1th Jwr u n l lllllll'tl rNIOU M' ~.IO tolot' lho• oll f 'o •t>nfl!B•c "CC htra fi ne Sour, datgncd especially for._ in making cakes...... - S"'•"' ( 111 rr ll:u lopr ""'"' '''' " ,.,,, ~lr11 sc Roy I Sat lb fOr 60c: 2 a ffi ) RPul,.n l>a.•· ~I n• 1 ;'"'" · " ~ llllllt'r Crisco s..,, ••, .,o Mol ~~~ ~ t ' A l'\Hitt r . 81lt' f ('Mt.a , l lb '"'• 6Jc __ 116M-RUII fiHIIICE Sno-White Salt ~,:::.~ P ta · ~o· Morton's Salt to.· in Proof of Citizenship b,•.J. 1.;,.,.,, ,.11r111 , l'nt , .'rui­ Duchess ·, ... 21• • bly. tin•).. j'Jo' ~~ ol f Will• I' c.> r .. . • Social Security Card f n.u t jul. (!~ . n. . sur (' t•• ~& Libby Deviled Ham !,:·It• ~ • e nou.rh \ ' itlln11 n•. C - Comfort your ~ O r t' , Rupy Kem Luncheon Meat'!: a­ - APPLY- Throat, if C'a ut.·J hr tht' t'Oid, by rar~r ltn g w ith A t ka - ~ Tomato Sauce 01r1.::;.. ~ s• l t'r. It '"'''"r tlt.'v<'lt•p•. or aympl•' mt b~ r<> mt' more Spaghetti Sauce ~~~ := Ita a C' Il!t' rnll Y••u r

Lt. Si11ms, Freell Wit~ 1121 Air~~• PuaLIC NoTICES IEWS-TIMES CLA'SSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES 11 Wetl IH lo11111ia, to Co•e lo•e READ NEWS-TIM~ CLASSIFIED ADS FOR PROFIT • • • USE' THEM FOR-_ ~UL'm An ~~: loua l y awaltlnc the arrival Aucuat I' a nd In the many .ub- _- _- _- _- _- _-___ _r_o_r _a_d-::\::'C'::::rt_t_IM'd= --'"-:-'-:h::ls= lss-:-ue=:-Ph-Oflf'__ of their 1'00 and brothn , f.'lr.t Lt. aequt!nt bombiD&"a Ott Roum&Dian bu~~lldlyn &t.~ ~,.,.in and<' lr numbera ateadHy tnc ~ued . rom~,...., Ott thfo followin ~t pt't"!lln YA RfN~>; RA L••' A·..... ' E -~• "' 0 t ~ rv . '~ '11 11 h \ -11" • n 1nr \ ·• •ran> ll'8, L&I r IH'n'h"f' Nu t•rl ..rlty nf'C' M • m r 1--t\. Npt l UI-R. n-4te ... .. I 15 I>I P'O. CO. 1!16 \ 1r, 1n111 f'h11·r l 'n10 :n Mo•aa aarv fn r •'"''" " A" . trur k 1q bla nln.K wtth 1,126 other f\&l'lic ularly anu April 4. when "''~ Mm«' and addrt>ss as fol· oeo W C.ntral A vi'. Pb 1SSI-W :ltp l.• • t ~ 11 lUIh IH9 \\'A=" TFII •h• lnun 1 N,,,,.nll"• r 11. 11\U 77·81 1' UVE8TOCK FOR SALE thr~ougb c-ty ., ~· l ll~thwa y , !'-"'"'''"'" ,,, h Ph. 18M-ft. October 20th and he baa a 3().day nf bt!mg ahot down u "bo t " tar- On th h. 9th rlll\' ol 1 l<'lnbt>r , 17· tft' dr)' r.u ltn-tn. dulv c-ommt~iorll'd and liAS \\'ANTED I ( ;Jo::-o:t-:H AL IN!HittANl.,; AOENT 711 •U C' N \• 8 llay Vl• w C\lurt. Tl· lt· were prt.onen of war near Buch· m&DI•R•- and the .._....nniUUI"'- I a. f u r- 11worn, JM'n J*l"l'Ofl whet!~(• nllfll(' •~ ~ uh · n~e~nt.,,...y •tyl• , d ouW. t.d c:-· FoR ~ALF: At l&•' "'''I'" p•:11· IUld t ~"• ' ' ,r .J I ••Uh' If 1101 anle'r• ' 311~ Mnln HI t 'lhiiUI :t03• - Oil A~ 23. One week latn, all of K r laeyvlllt', Oallf., whNar plane -.cnbo_-d tv tho • ~A' Ithan ln ~ trunw nt . 11 1-~ IJ'! ttt<:L t' l Ytttllljl man 21\ Jtl • t • . dlnlna tabla and 4 c~~l marlllt' " ' Il l '' ' " ~ , .,. ... un lAnd· h t• tl tu l'll•l ' ' ' ak Ut) not &J'JIIV I 1\1\ lhua, l 'allf 7111111' had bel'n t!V&euated by air to Italy waa ahnt from under h am at P lo- and ackno"'' lo'(l~:o od 10 mf• that h•' .Jo•lnlf C' '\tlf'htlal WIU" wurll hu llay tw1t r••m1•lf'tt~ 1ft au tng, 1301 ('n.-•t Newport. rrom the Gt!rman lnfnted t e rri- eaU ahortly befOre! the Houmanlan <'Xf'Cu trd 1 ho• v tnw ""''Y. Newport · ~'e &- Cold sao,... ~-~IIC ~ Al.Jo: '1"\\ .. bt'flm••m htoUH l'opfl)'. C~ron a del War. 10 to t , 78-tto 4 1(I 3m h !'t :>: , ,, 1>0rt l.lf'at' h I ltrf'f1 h ")' l'o JC t.• de • " """ "'"*Ina tory. H ow the 16th AAF plan- r a pllulatlon, who joined thr p ria~m I• Wit- \\'lle.--r. 1 huv,. "'"' wu• attr;: f" tiU '"u ..... In Nt•W· P'ln ~ It tno mur h fnr him. Muat 11·2t· l 'h oo rw 1117 7~• tf,• 1"'1·1 ll••l .:ht• $41>1141 t'lall 1:1 71-J nfd and aucct'..tully carried out mt'mbenlhlp ana offered the un- ht>rt'unto M>t my hand n nd nffiocPd f l•a•l h< tartl A rucuu. IJrlvat" fam ­ ru.l'iALI: Yat t ltect daYepoft the e vacuation. tht' larrest of Ita (orthodox aolulJ(In tu thf' men'a m) ofrtdal l'('a) thr d uy and )t'llr 81:--AII\' I' A I,' I'll.,. t n t•c2M thf'lr home buea In Italy. T o do Two daya later. t he na.cuatlon BOAT STORACE lafa r f lon All Wtlrk JrU&r&nt~ tabla, a ...... 1J. ud • pt!t t'll'IUIInl(. tn your hom~ l' rompt .,.rvll'r N II I' M ttaltlo C'Aal,., ...... ; ...... that IHmed lmmedlateJy lmpoll· be~. Ell-priaonua had been N•tb b ~ Olve. th•t tht> N- Bulldlnl( fl~ll200 Work tuarantr... t l'.llor a nflll'~n ·· hnrnr "" 80 n wll1r \(It , Rf'rvlt'f', 11lM V, NI"WJlOtrl lllvfl , ...... , .. l8bM, • ~ IMUtaH 1ible. The re were buDdreda ot m ov~ to the! f af'ld and we~ ~ - Newport &ach nty Planning Capable of alortng lxtth S a il a Dd b.-aut\• t r vh,..l, ""'" n.. w ah,...n S ~ 1 ''*' .,,,. •• lo1 )'" 711· 2tc· lllt)fld and rouctwtry on lrvlae mana clubed In Bucb&reat, the a irmen IUlO lit'\\' tht!m to Italy and 22 and 23, Block 8, JW-Subdlvlslon Yacht Anchorage """·n·"•' ,.,., ..."""")' , ..r wtlllna n>H BAUD R C.A ~ ntdlo, btttwHn l~th A 18th ftt.a , Ar rc.. very city wbere moat o1 the Am· actual tr.dom. lll o r~ than 700 &>et lan 1. Balboll b land, ("allfo r- Phooe N~rt 196 I w.•cork rr I 'Urt limco "'n rk prnvhll'cl 'i lAlla un I 'rut rt•l A " "IIUf> trom Npt Harbor Unlall H111a t•" ••a. nne e~u.. ..., t'rican• atOOd " liberated." a lrmf'n w~re n own to Italy t hat nia. The ll8.m4' being thf' North · 78-U c for wit•· ! ril wa~tu II f'IU'elhm t In .,;1 I'-Y" Trar t J!:ttc.,wa t.r, Balboa. ""hllOI Qtlll'll aervlre Tl-4t p .,._.lf The nnt day, Au,u.t 24, the flrat day. Auguat 31 All the re- M.St com t'r o1 Par k a nd Aptr ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~ m oilrm ltvln& ta nn ll•)' A Yt'IIU.. TllAN8POitTATION FOH MALit V-.rvua CIMMr, ..... powt'rlUI In local a.ctlona. loo.ed an followtnr, lkptt!m~r 1. prt'Wf'lt r lau Hicatlon of R -2 to C·l utility runabout. 4 r yllnd~!r Ly- 1104 " ' • 1111 1!11 Nu I llay !alan. I 111 tr.l llayu TrAA I roc•m Nt an4 tw- • C' nlture :ll H M I ra • a r Drtw . lnfurlated bombing at t a k on The t'ratwbUe prt.onera · had 1Local Bu.SS 1. c-omlnjt m •tt nr, S:IOO r uh. Cail u.u... c '""' a -2u· saeoo RI CYct.r8 llolcl. 1"8ftt.acl cw ,. Buc harHt. whic h ICJ!t ed aJmo11t varit!d ato rlee to tell Tbf'y a greed, The abovr·mf'nllonl'd h('arlnr at n>ar, ! Ill Uanwnd Avf>., Ral· Ba.lbuL Tl..... 1 3 1-A>II Ut>t-1 ltll'allull fut •IUJIIt•a ..a p&J nod Vo ...' e, * Mat. M.. rontlnuoualy for 7 2 houra. Ont! however . that tbt!y v.· t!~ not tn-at- will bfo ht>ld In t hf' City Council hoe l•land 79-ltc FOR 8AI.IP'--;AVT08 I .. • :ut Nf'WJlMt Mark rt BaJt.o. aDd 108 YU1Re A ...ue . KA LIC Twta t.ct., ~,..._ Ame rican ex-prilortt!r wu kUJfd f'd badly at thC!Ir pnaon c:ampt. 'nw! Olambfora, O ty Hllll, N~ ron RALE ':»! <' MIIau. 1 1' bf'tlm. BaJboa l.taDd. 11-U: ,,,n FOR SA J. P. 1113!\ l"nttar RJll•r t IMOO wllh 8JlMnp aDd -"'-· ~ m IL mf'n Wt're not rt"qulred to work. Bf.ach, CaiJfomta. 7 :30 P M.. lArJ{f' c-•x·kpll. Autanr I)Ven I W. L. JORDAN cpu!"• ,; •wl c·oncJit hon . al•• 2· Hil t It W A NTICP l"t""' llalhota N..-pcHt u.-w q... Each of theiR ne wly fret'd pr ia- The food wu nolo,. tno bad. lht' Thursday, Octobe-r 19, 1944. llt ove. Ita , t' bt>ll , Kermalh 71111 1-: ( •.,rtlral, ll&lbua une ra h&\J ~tlrea dy partaken of Ro umanian_, Wf'rt' rethn frieocUy By Onktr o( t ht> Olainnan. 100 1 whrrl 1r111h•r . ~tllk t' l•ldy, •·tt 1•1•11•1 '" Hanta An• II ''">'" a xiOrt ~: x • · · I <' IIIII I J L. Ntamp. , Wrt•k Mu•l tw t h•r<' II ~ In fl'llR KALil fWund oak 41DI... IDOI'l' thAn hla •hue of \"llr Be- lfroJir al t~atment " 'U fuml-.l'd C IIAROU> IIOPKINS . h<' IWY dutv m utnr. al ee p~~ • 7tt-:ltc: g inmng with the famo us IOW·It!vel and thf' mffl Wt'l'l' allowl'd to aend HO WARD W . SEAGER. .t.f otrf'r 1112 \f Bay Avt!., lll1 l'.,raal l ~lbt>& l"llllld 77 -ttl' 1\ I' m ..... ltal~eht ,. 0 n.. . morn t• ble. Il k• ..... n a.cbee 4 ~4 . u r :tO:t lit an1l l 'IUlal, ttalhota wlda. a OtJJ l "pt. •IlL attac k by Amer ican heavy bomb- and n·t't'ave mall and pac"ff"ee ..,."".,__~ t.ary . N"'PI llC'h Ph 2427-W 79· 14> WANTED TO RENT FOR ~ AI.Jo: '3D L>•w tr.: r . 4-cJ•••• .... c _ -- IIIIane! 7J.%t r lUll THtAI ,. ,. on lh~ vital Pluatl oil fields, tll r nu~,:h th" ltetf't rtarn l 'h ------1 :.! :.!:}11 77 •4W l"t!ll lll:lCI M•wlt•l " ... . , Professienal Directory Hll h U..w H le'b MONEY ro LOAN ~ AU: ~· OCTOaE R Low IWANn :o . LO AN $30(1() 1,1 buy I I' UII Jil', luu •l tf•JI Mut••r "'rr· W A NT!o:IJ Tu 1 enl u r buy II!Jiall IIOI&'IUID ICIIOOL ~ SURPLUS MATERIAL . rra hin r ry outtlt rommercla l haul•·•l 111\tJ ~araJilt'l"•) ILIIIMIA planu of Kntld mak l! l'h Npt ..... '. F ta 8 .24 2:03 1 :01 2 11 1 111 .. Oenl ...... · f Urbinl boat and wiU J600 Mulur• 70$ a.:. Bay Av• . Balboa & b . 1840. ll-tlc { .. O.t 1.0 1 .4 · P h 22t 1,.· 2tr DA1' .,.,.,._ "-=1-== s. J4 8 :44 2:30 1 :43 2 :.. a bove lntc n1t for IIIII' or monry 1 - ~-.,...'-,-:--~:--:---.,...;:--:---:--:-- W J\ NT Til u •: N'J' Mrnnll '"'" ""· U,.._1 C.)al...... ,..,.,.,_._,. N.D. CASH D. Y. M, 5J 0 . ~ 4.1 1.1 for )'t'lll lnq111re 204 36th ~1. . ~'O H HAI.t: . "31\ 1 'h• v' "'' ' • '""'' n td•II••Ht: •·d '"'';•I l '<' l lll &tu•nl I N.,...,. u..tW 000 1N14 CAT .._,.ITA'­ S u l:i 9 :04 2 ~ 1 : 15 J : 1e N f'WIM •M h 78-2tp llt!(Ja n 1111• r llr Jll•l 11 · I'" ""' '' ' SALE \\ ' ''' 11.. , A 1 """ :-.: "' " Ttt" "" cJ. A. MorU-r, M. A •• Oafef'll .._Me .. :,.3 0 I) 4.1 0..8 S\4>11 •1 nt 111111_. ,., • '"" 0: ' -;-, ,., ~ - 7 11 41 1' ' l ' rtltf'4p81...... " 1114 ...... lit., a-te "-· Cellf. M lti Y 2'ti 3 17 1 :41 3 :46 Pf:R.'«lNAL Bay Avo• 111•111••11 l 'h ~: • :; • 0.11 4.7 0.6 ~ ~: 1-: 1<1-:V IU111 r.u11: · 1 .. "'"" '" :; 5 I I 4.5 fl ''""'" Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Conrad Richter, M;D. upr-.nntr-:.••n1 ,._ •._. \ \ .. t(t ; ,. IH \ , , .: 0 .4 1 ,,ur1h ~ ~ 1 • ••U•I•t •• fl •1 rt \.\'d I I\ lll·lli 4 0 1 11 :01 1 1 I'" • ""' ' " " ' " ' '"'"' l"ll ul!· Phyald• n and t urg oen ~h y e lol •" ...4 Hand Tools, Electric Cord. Clam ps. 4 ;S() ~ l tl i l.l Attu I'll Ill" : 7~ 1tr whrt•l , ,. .,, , f, , ·17 , au,...._ 1 111 1 1 11 11 tt4tllt hfl·l ' fl l " ' '" t • :•·nt l,·u•uu ;, 5 I 4 4.2 o.s Nint h e nd Cent r• Avo. Ofrloe 10 7 U "d ltrMt Galvanized Bolts, Paints. Galvan­ 1 tiHIV ltillttt •Jt I ,..IHrt•l I'll N r•t 'I'll Ill II) 30 4 24 I I :43 \ \ A :\Tt·t O

SooSIE BUY NOW BALTZ MORTUARY SEflTtNLY City Tall Sale Lota C H A~IL • ., THI IU .. ·poPPA! GETS .. VR A. J . TWIST 410 c..• ·1~. M\JNNi£.5 101 Cooac Hltllw • y ~lteno .MI2 c.;...... """ . ...._...... "'vR rt-t our CO ,.ONA Df.L MAR ~ ...., • .,._~ 41 v v Hl~ .\ f(AT£S- ,...... " " Gerald Rausa. M. U. ' I I I I S ttf' voNr HR. ODED LUCAS Mtc;.S 11M WNt f'-lnal A -. Dentlat N.,w-pwt ...... , I I/I N'{ T/lt NG I • r ., A Pll, lOU-- No a•w... Nil lti·N 11ft y, " · O.tnl, ...... II\,.[., X ·lllaJ "'*~ l f ·., •r Ff P.. NEWPOaTB&AO. • '- •1 H '-' • 1¥ ~ . .... r . JACK RAtJR . Sf;PTJC TANK ---~...... · ·.w. ·i ~ ------Ur.niMid lAnd Hurvt~\' or Cr.MPOOI. P1TIIPINO ------ZIJ17 W. V..ntral Avr.ntlf' a By ( 'harlt·M ~1<·.\lanu ~ l"honM: N1'wpor1 ROY MtTNOZ ttl K"n• flit, Pll. N pt. 'ft·W o~ . tT 5 ~ u " ~ otnN! 1 2~ : •~~~~ - Jfl.'WJ l .'H M'J A MF.ftA, C AI.IP'. M •ST""~< r II II I rF T ri L B~to t~ r :WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT f FIR£PL AC£ AND KI N Ol INO W OOD - II W Wr JC lr t. 17114 N J'I lllvd , f '••..t11 """" l ' ar•l !,llln hf'r . l'tl SM-J ~ I N tR A l CnNTRACTDR- r,.,,., ,,,n It Flr1•l111y, :\-! 10 r-out lllvd. . l''h 41 2 Plan• 11nd Conatruc:tlt:D LUMBER COMP ANIE8- I 1 ''• ' • "'~"" ('•• " f ,.., 111 h"IJ• Y'"' pl11n yuur hom ~ .. Ph011• 61. lliiV I tt Ill rttl l.urnllfor f :0 l'htm• 111';(1 <:<..- lll«hwa, a t Arc.._ I OrFIC£ I UPPLI£a- IJ N""'- I" ' rt llarbor I '1Jbll•hlnc n , l'tlon u 12 . t ~ NPWJ)O't OM.oll. P RI N TIN O - I N-J,oor1 lfar- Pubi!Mitq Oo Phon ... U . t.a, Nowpen Beech R £ AL I.IT ATI, INIU .. ANCI A NOTARY ~UeLtC- 1- H, U02 W . 0.~ A~ ,.._. I. RUB.f.R ITAM~a- N -pert Harbor Pu...... OD ,..__: 1J • 11. Newp.t ...._. IHIIT MITAL WDRK- -· V\11 .. ,.,___ A ...... W ...... JfML YARIITY 8TeA&- ...... IIal'- • ....., YWtet7 ...... _.. . ta.. • .,.. .,. .._. nu-w ...... Arts-Crafts and Garden Sections Religious Trend of China's Officials Harbor Femi· n1. ne Meet in j oint Session for Ded ication Told at Tuesday Meeting of WSCS Aa IDtenlliAI' tr.nd In roven - 1 8h~k br lnr• Chrt.U&nlty Into th~ I Activities Th• atatrly tlt>N!Ilr tree which dt'l!IC8l01 y t t'rt:m lHiiee ,...,.,...p Jll Ol1n& a·u to)d .chool• . w he~ ll 11 not only laul(hl -tf By Winifred Barb~ * Pbonea 12 and 13 "'"" g . ' '<'n by t hf' C:al'l'•n ~ c dlon 1 Thl' P''" IP lOll OJu' nl'< l with J 1)'1<' -,. Mra 1t. P.uc• Haye, l"l'tumed but p rac ticed, and lhnl aftf'r tiH' uf lla• 1-''lltlay Afl •• rn t ~ llr•wr 11 • "1 rt'<'M," ~11r.g by ~~~.. . Aa·thur h n rJit'l ul l orttll&. •kl Mar ....IOD&ry from t hat COWitry, war C'blnl may w•ll t.akf' flrat I Change in Schedule C"IILA Alt'lilt. a nd fllanll.'d laat " ' , nmpiUlh'tl tl,\' !>Ira. T'1ur:raa ~I' at ~ mH'lllll of the piiU'f' amoor Olrt•tlan nation• 1 Notable Program Big Bear Wedding l pring In th ~ pilrk, "'a• torma!ly \\'onl· · \11.1 l:oo rg t l ,o•OA h wll.ll w .a.c.a . of Cbn.t. Cbu reb by For lb• m uelclll part of thr pro· l Made at Meeting of 1 1 ._ • '1\Meda.y at 11&1' C... Bal· I1'1D W111 A J . Rutter. •n~r .two For First Meeting Of Betty Hiner d f tlkatt'\J on Tuttll(!ay In t he dub- 1n , L:tr I.. •' , ~ 1.11" - l Tht N o·.,.·port Btolll'h 1 'lr~l•• mo·l I Ao lnformaJ card rec elv ~d by lu n1·t>ron togt't hl'r t. l!o"• o.1 by u·., Md bMD m&Mlonariee ba Cblna Jn.m followed a lunrhl'ftn IOf'rYI'·tl l IA.'t th&ll 20 ,...,.., On their by membeh of the Ualhola l l!l! and It It 11111 , l :l l Alb••rt l 'lsr o> I b• r t Inion Hrg h "chool Par•nt• veaJed l hf' marrlaee ot ),fl• Bl'tl)' W alk tr, J M Shearer. 11 . It . aa.t ~ ebe &Del lbelr cl\Jld. Clrcl• undflr lhf' dlrt<"tlon ot Wr• <'o•Lo M ~ • In lhr• al!Mnn .. r T•·" ' h!'r U ll()(' i atlon bt>ld Tuuda y ~u H lnt>r,,rbter of Mr. and Florence Kesel Ket'lrr. H If L tcnllu. P \' Park• ~ r\'l·nlltfC Ia U•• IIC:'bool auditorium J , C l' u~·ne . Lucy ~roullcy , n, C' Nl ren•ln.S .. t.ble cowat.ry wllUe MAml• F oot• 1nd Mrs !'l lrflh'"n l lllf' pN'11 1tlrn t.• B•'lllman. tho- I Wr• . Hiner . J07 Z7lh alrerl, Wed in East llle _, '-dl. but be bu eUiee ,.. Smith, proaram chairman Mr• vltr· prt•llhlrut, Mn t W i'l H un· Willi I '11pt. Umrir u guellt apeak· lo Noel W. Phoenix, AOf 1, c. •1acK eru:i ~<. J P Coo~ r . Tbomu , r He told of Hie at lbe SAAAB \Vnght, Sht·t u1u n S<~ ller . C' ~1 t-.d • the 0~ . Mr.. Sleph•o W•at hertnrd J•rrllltllld , aakt•r, ... ..,. In 1 h~rg,. uf lhl' m<'f'l· U .S.N .1100 of Jof r. and lira. Henry Of ke<> n lnt Pr•' illll (lil'n ,,r 1'1~ U.CJ..A. &Ad ur ch&rmln& aDd on "OUr Bettt Selvu" ..., twr KUh · l O•vnllona Wf're led by Mn• tc-r• ..tlng anectlotu Anoo UIIc•mcot of the rngagf· gut•al IJ4>1ly K 1dl\' and .I L ::-J1 • I mllrrtagf' ( I( rpl J-)Uf t'l\! t• J••lo'l Sharing hooor s with the popu­ ...U.Ot penona.Uty beld bt r aud· jrcl lor devotion. 1Cit'•lrl:t Coltlerwr. w h~o cho.e u h,.r e menl of the young couple wu n c tlt' K t>lft'l, \<\11 <' . d tlllgbfo•r of Mr ' ' nn. lu r Hmw IJI()t'&.k f'r waa Rudy Story {IUt' l O tllrt t'S8 ._,. ...,Ubouad w bUe ~ de· Pl an• wer" madfo to urv• lh~" "u b J ,. r I " lluw l;,.d An1 111 •·r11 I made lut Novl'IDber. Thry mel MIII I M111 Char i,·!! Keqo I. :ti O ~831 " ' S1t1tta Ana . a blind boy wbollt' v ·rll b•· 11 na1Jk IC• •••nltnuu ua lk'• ' '*""-' oee ot !.be m011t IJiaplra· annual flllh dlnnf'r to t hi'•' j l 'r KVt•r ·• at Big Bear wbe~ tltl t> wu IIJ)Cnd· lll th 11t rrr-t. '" :-: ~et . \\'1><\ ••r \\' '"' ' prano IK'Ie<:tlnna won the ad· '"tary , I lht• l :lirol•·n !It'' \ lull. Ml · t-.s tallla t.bey "'-'1 •vtr IIMtt~ County M l n l lllrra A••l('latmn Kt l l«'alll!f' lhr m•"'ttn,; datA- uf lh,. tng a tw ~>- rnooUu ' vacation anti F:fl ill. >lign111 ('r• rfll! ut '·' "'''' "-" " •ll 1 applaur~e t he aud· ... l~ r hurch, T ul'llday, Oct 16 . ami I Circ If· ''" ""' " ' •·•mfl WrdDt>8tiMy or h• wu hom• on furlough, W 1lh Ga l' l'atl Lu pl<•n "' til ~~~· • I'\.-. I h .., 1 M r. PhOt!n ht o n acUve tl uty I n the :-.l ••l\l nw cllll,tl ' " '' llw Jllol ll )..'rHII I·~ De .ue-d the put lht t.'hrlat- ror the annual 5 ~ b&nrtuet al the Ira il,. lmm••riiH td y llll,.r th,. •lilt•· Tht> • o•ro·roonv I • k t ill r 111 •·n• '' 11 1 lw• Junuh <) " ... dMuQ 1e playtn1 ln Cblna, and r·burr b Nov II Mn lol.t~ ry Stanlry ''' thl' \\' S <• ~ on I hi' ,... , ., n•l j • Altral'lllll; m uch att ... n t lcon wu ~u th Pnclflc on a eubmar1ne, the or Ul l' ()III JI... " Ill V IJ I'I ·' '''ll"''' .,, ~t out fa.ct. t uf anti Mra. It t1 H ill. c n ·Chiii11'DI'I1 Tlwt~f' hr rl ""'' rn tho ful ach 1 11~ n ( St•(ll<'ll l><• r 30 Hoth ' liP lnttt."r part .-IJ oee per cent a"' O'lrlllttan, I chllrto:'" r,f hnth d lnn•·ra, Mr ~ S t >t•w .l•• ~• · v I'""' w11en• t h · r •.,. , ...n,.llll t· fnr thf' ht.:t o rlc n ig h t to Big Ut'Jar ff•r a ,•acauun, aud .. TO per cent are Chrllltlan Sbl" l and ••r•. Hill In thf' k th·h• n A r•' ' " '" ••I J'Rrl u: lh•• IHHok • 11 liP\\ ' . 1 ~ I II·~ l l< Ill th· " ''"IIi t bey a~ •t1ll tht• re. No lfd.alla In ..W u..t OM N l'W U f f'. mriVo•ment l \\' llh ~tnnu rrl flrl\\'vr Wl'l' k 8' h••\\l~tnJ tu i\J Mr~ Stan· ro·IH\1\'t'lf In l cJ aho t.nd aho• wl\.ll IIII I I I Ill D OW at lbf' Ha r bo r H I Openlnc with a. 1:.1 o'clock el ....._ O.W· l•y. Wra E. 0 Oocxlell r t'pnrl<'tl by a g-trt fro m rnt'mht·IA luncht'on In thr Sot' llll Han of the .,_..epee .... p~nt f'd ft•r thr• OOntl drive lhls w~k . - .. dr' ... .ut ...,_, ..,.. ttat 11 crmlalnlng 1'111lhln1[ till' gr"Ufl Communit y c hurt'h all <'lrtle11 of I"' l 'llni' IJISI DavldiiOfl Introduced ...... ,.,.._, fNIIII...... and bou•l'hllltl ooqu lpment had bc>nl Thr " 1-'allh Jar" \\aJO opt'ni'J tbeo Coela M eaa. W SCS wall me.-t lhc It'll! h • · n~. and pan-nta lntru· ------C'rl(e rn l>- • •·mbt·r . pr~•bably a Cbrtalm.. dt>nt, attend•d recently lh• ge~ ral SOOO Ocean F'rnnt )ot .,rrla nrl MU t ll lln~t Mr l hll In II-"'' I)', witit I ht· d ate to bt> made c on f e r e n c e ot U•• .Uethodlat I k llt•V. II llllt•l JIM Marirw A VettUl', ------~wrv l n.: roofre.flklmrn!Jt ------r-- -.:h un:"h . _, .... bland Mlu JaM Taft visltt'd Jut w1..-k Annuunr r•ml'nl wu nuu1r that ~-- ~ : ~ . B.ltrlf wtth "''-tiVH In AJtadfona. thr ne Jt t rr. •·c-Ung w nuld bt• In Jllun t to 5. Exctpl Sun&ly (.., Nuvt'nl bt-r at th• hom.. of Mr a. I 8UV WA" 80NDI LJavtd Hollby Thii!W' prt'~· nl wtrl' MI'IKiame• Your Friends and 1\tline 1 ~ D (jl,.,.lell, 1 van Goo" ' r , • t ary Slanlf')'. W . S HUIIMkH Geo rge - · ,; ,,.•l•lnl"r, J ~; ' "'"'"· J H Mills. ''' ·•n . Clny Alger ot Lol. Mrs. E an 1 Mr. and Mn. J . F . Bhtllrlin o f , Ebell Cl uo, cto er ~ ouc s ew orne !oront. wttil'h 1hey purchllS<'d n.'"l Los Angt-les are vacationrng for a 1 t't'nlly 11nd have remodeled. w~k a t the Newport H arbor 1 8 1 pe~: ~ ~: ~_:.~ ~~~b ~.~~ ';! ~lr ""il Mn r ·~ · Lc •t~o• k• ami I Mr. Anti M 11<. C. A. Knowlton. Yacht club. and en joying the sail· M Wl W&Y to renew window sba4es 1a h l'ld a t the r luh huu~~e Thur.orlny 111mlly w"rl' plr•ll.•nntly 1urpri... d ' 3409 t'lnlt ·~ R\rnw•. hravt• Rs gueslh Inc. to paint the• with ordiaary flat 1 Ot·l Ul ll wu ' " hll\'e ~en !11vl'n lAIII \\ ,., k Whl'll II ~'""" ,.f fnf'Dn" paint which has been by thtt mt'mb<' rllh1p commit~ hut I~IH ' • • ''"'Ill 11 '""'"'' "'' JQa Js lu n d . Moe, 1617, ~t C<' nl r ~ a vcnuf'. s tretch out flat, rub ,.,.rn lliVl' t.. 1ard I ·'"'I M rJO !t umo•d hom,. a (H·r ,:p.•nding Balboa. as IS MN; .. 1\f()(' ;. dau~;h · I with c o r n s tarc h , 1 It 111 to IJco 1\ dc-al!4'r1 br ~o l~;e ,.1 1 • •I t ht' t..nur k" \\1111 a l>#s uta tu) ).('Vrral W('t•k s \4Ith r..tnt IVl•:> 1n Il <> r . Mrs. Jack Ptlkrnton a nd ~:u n then oaretuu., brus h p.m anli rc llt' n• ~tttun• ', ,.' l'"lr rrf •l r •·~· ·r lurnr.- H ynt'" nncl (.lnfurw J\lr. Inns ~ ~ Johnnif' of Gh•ndBII'. i\no t ht•r 11 8 11 1 1 ott. Six Reuons for Choosing m a,lt· with •1 n• llrl'tl ~I• · Rrl r lc- , ~ un• l lly 1111 " ' '" '"'" ...... tbe M·rvin..: in F<'•' gul.'~l tn t hf' Moe h(lme . over thf' I, flhnnr • 6fo· R • .., rl" l' ,,.,. k ,;.. , fttr , Ia " '". 11 ror Cpl \\'alr,.1• (' Soud.·r . .-on o f was MIX' son ·tn· j ~ I 1 1 ~· · tt~r> :: "'"""f Iw c~· k t• nd Mr~: . ~ l•llonc I H IUld Mrll \'hltot 1;111<'1'. St.:l ('lln(l'o' oiK lotj.l luWilr ol IJ\1\'In J! " ':tr hn,h·~~ "hH """ ' ' 111 1111 1•• ln a COIISI jiCll'l llnd <':qiN' f ~ I() IW l IIMSUL IISULATIOI loond11. whl~h Will l:llrr ~ IIM'•I In ~ II.Ql ll UAIIonr .• Arm\' r••J(on 111 C;omp C'nmphl'll. \ ' 11 , 1 ...... 1" II·· " ruo " ' • "'"I' Hll • ~ l hv hla Ml"'t. M ar)' Swnlo·y 16:!\j \\·,., , I "''" • >lh•·r ""' '"'' •l •umoi lbt Central An·nuo•, :.po·nl lhl' \4'(•rk· ...... VFW A UXiJi ary llthlt> '"11· 1'1••1•••1 Ill•• lh " \\0 frunlly e nd In Loe; An.: ,..l· · ~ :1 ~ n KUt''l u( ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...... IBuy s Record ing ' ""'' " " """' ''• " ' ' E. hf'r dllught.•r. :\lr-:-. f{t•n Morris.! -~-·...... _ 1 '1""' " !'r 1.1 rtown Thu!"!'dl\)' ...... ,..,.. Machine for SAAAB " •'Yih·mAn """ ~'r" ,: .... r.,. ~d- ~v•nl ng t .. r•ttrmr '"'' ftr!ll 111 .-et· m"r•· 1tll ..r u • ~< Ant.:l'l ~'.• BoUl Jng of thr )o' llr n( thr f\u ~ tn• •,;s nnd ~- Hrallr.Atlnn nf ll o1N'tun th"l :II IH lit \' ol•' lltllfiiiOt.l .\lr,01 Skltlmore Profel'Aional \\'nmnn·,. duh nf ,------: $1.85 per 100 h o ~11ln l I'HIIo> n l ~ Kt lh~ ~ AA AH tl · pre!'lrdPnl h cu•pllal m iJ!hl ..wn a lint> phnnn· M d M J " ' .... I r. an rs. ami'~C .-. Obu.~ . I CHILDREN'S sq. fL Roll ;:r"J'h N'<'nr .. l"to: " ·" ' h ln,. 'Inti th.. Friday Afternoon 20th !ct n>l'l, are on a rampm .: trip HAIRCUTS bt•l!'lnntnK nf " mull lt'lll ll brarv h"- In the moon taJn1 fo r two WN>k !<, ca mr an At' lll•hly "" n.;,.,lay Club Announces IMr . Woods having 11 vacat ion from A Specialt:f'i anrrn1oon whrn " 1:rnup fr11m lhf' 1 hill w o r k fo r the clly. 1 Storqe Water Heaters AUltth l\ry of Coulllne l'ost of Musical P rogram Capt. JOI't'ph A . 0.¥k, com · M...... A. 0 . A . Appro"' Vrtr ' " " " of ~o~n "' ' ll " "'"'"· Cn"'" mandt'r of an army transport, wa<: JACK'S M1' 11tt . pnollt'nt Pd lhf bt~y • with • A '""' m 11 ~1• 111 1•1 ~•Rtn y ,uest tlpt>ak er at 11 m N>Iang of thr $49.50 llt'llllllt\JI P''rlll hlr mam ~nds llt'Ctron or th <' BARBER SHOP $:::. With Wl r h 111 •tart thr library,; llw t 'rHirw Af1Hnr .., 11 '''"' ,,11 rn- Santa Ana Ebt-11 club 1'\Jesdl\y af- 1 (lACK BVCKABEZ. P rop. ) F'unr:t. tnr thl• ~t tl we~ ralatod ol••r f' " ffot)d llt\111 •· f l .<•l' Ara:•''"" "~ f"'r·r ..rrr w ... Tbe 1'<.'~ Patte r:!IOn , 1415 Mar tha I Hour&: 8 A. M. to t P . M. rummatr aalf' . llrli•U ,. ,,. t luro•n • ' "' f'lfaFI , Lane. Md ga\'l' sn ac- 1 in terc~tl ng 1 S%:.l'::'a~a!.vt'l. r.t·Werll.., A <"t'omp!Ocnl<'fl by " ,·.. lo•n .. J rrom , , n . l .tu 111·· \\'hill- ··dh>'l and count or his r x pt'nt•n('('S 1n Pbone: 1 ttw 11101 $84.50 ~~..,.,. thf' ll&M , n.llnt bt•u "'''" p1t rt1r1- \'11 1:1n1n 11.. 1 '' " "'" "'" "" 1\ry South Pacifl<'. ..._u....,... l •.at•d In llw · ~· · ·n ,. h•~ """'" ll ~tl'<'l llt t· 11 11 ,·nmrlt 1 ., 1 f ,• rn w r~ and ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;=:;;;~ I\ . ln~:r:u .\l'ln"n K ttA.•I'I , lln7r•l 111o• l'' •' ~lil ll l !l1111 r 1111111 \Ji • w , (;111. A r llt<' r Tllllman "'"' O. ' l o r ~ l" E ~~~ kt-11 ,,. " '"" 1 , · · PERFECTION Mt•rrii!IOII I t>• If, l'r>'ll'nl Portable Oil Heaters rh,• n1 •·•·1 n~ •'f ··u:- '' 't· , 12 30 hll.t f1t n u I''"' a.t. It\ ways WE WILL BE CLOSED 11 1• 1 11 • Ill ~ 1"11 II ll ' •• I Wbk h tl\\,., GI VE I-IEH \ ... •t•... ,, ,,, •11 na~r­ I''' I ' . ' t: 11, be Dearborn Gas Heaters C 0 L U i\1 B I ,\ \\II t l·.' ' i'l\rlne Cool Top- Radtatlnc - t 'l rC'u latlac October 13th Erftr DftrCIOUJ 12,000 BTU 3 double radiant $16.95 - To- riched ""- Sl tee ot W DIAMOND Ponw na Cl.111n ~ i ShJ " n .L. t e Bread . eber•a lo- 25,000 BTU 5 double radiant ~:~0.25 ' . ng Va lu contai n I h rcc F m m BraJn cereal es naturnl t o s nour- \f'tlllirlll f' l't'I IIIIN'tl C IIIUST~J..\:-\ B,tlhoa 1-.J,tnd .. November 5th t eader in t s . Aad ever y s l~hole ­ . ' t u r e and t tx- ce is "\ .IHI. I •' • Ii i v or-t r es h Ba ... I . I sure t • • • I ' l lil l'f' To give our employes a much­ Pl o s erv e I J.l old Ill J'• ent y at every WEATHERSTRIP II· lmun. needed rest. W'e know you ttal.Cetal II ~h' I f \ I • o ., I :\1 . t oday. oat Kl'\'fl out th'lluRhts Amt rnan "'1\h th 1 ~ will understand. II '" "' I , , • •' Hal ..,, lin t QIIUAIII~ twa\')' f l'h \\,•lllh••rttlrtp ~~ ,o llt " '" • I ~ I t '", ~ lr• lfal Thank You EA~y to put ''"· \\ l :-:nlllt, ~I i"' I 1'1\ \ .1\, flUe; e Sh• "ill 1...- thnllt~ \1 II II ... I , . , ..... I l , rh' ·~ · u~ h- y ou r "<'lf'<'thm of 11 ('••hm1· ' ' ' '1 ~1 .... o'l " ' "'"' "'' ~ l th l I ' I I ~ I ItI .. Bicycles Released hill ~mm t•n tl ho~ · nu -. shr' knt•w~ thr) ,II'\' ~I\ It ~ I :\f,... IA7:!'trr l))mhnnt Ill· '" n'lter MOORE'S We have a few left, $34.50 in rich !Umphcit) R·"•'lll:ll) ' "'" m11n. '··t•tn11-d to h, ,. h o111 w 10 S 111 Fr·lln• ,,,.,, aftt>r CONFECTIONERY • t• •ntiln.: 11 1v. •• wr.•.k • 1 .u·a lion Louck's '''tl h hrr p~tn ·nt~ on &IIMllt hlnnd . 1~·...,. aiMI 8 tat....,ry ~lo l'f' A lnmwr l'mphl~< · at thr ht.nd 21fMI 0<-na Fl'ont " n<*' I•"'' •'>~f•t't' , ~" ,..m~ l ' hnna• 1Tt7 S _,.ort Blvd. AI the S IUl Fran c 1 ~ i""'l 1\( fl~ Nt•"Pt•rt ~h '::i C'0 8 TA M ESA "'hi~ lwr hU•band Is 10 rht' "<'rv- l('t•