Cheese making ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 59 NINETEENTH ANNU AL REPORT Table No. 4-Showing number of cvws for each county and for the state for the years 1900. 191> 1, 1902, 1903, 1904 and ~alues for 1904, as re· orted by the county auditors to the state audttor. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 60 OP TJIB P 62 Creamery list . . .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 90 factory list .... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 92 Railway shipments ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · STATE COMMISSIONER








To His E:uellt•llcr, ALBERT B. Cu.:-.t:'\11:-.S, Governor of Iowa: SIR-In compliance with the law, I have the honor to ~ubmit here­ with the :\int.:teenth Annual Report of the Dairy Commissioner. Very Respectfully, II. R. WRIGHT, Dairy Commissioner. DEs 1\Ior:-.-ES, N'ovember 15, 1905. EXPE~SE OF OFFICE OF DAIRY COMMISSIONER FOR THE YEAR ENDING NO\"E~uBER, 1, l!l05.

Dain Comml§sioner'~ SRhr} ••••••.•••• ···········-·················:- 1,500.00 Dairy com missioner's expen~e.. •• •• ••••• . ••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• 5!1.~4 ~ 2.011.14

Deputy Oairv commltsio:~er's salary •••• ••••••.•.••.•••••••..•..••.••" 1.200.00 Uepul\ Dairy commissioner's e:~.pense.... • ...... 20S Hi~ 1,405. •s Assistant DAiry commlsioner's ulary (P. H. K lelter) •••.•..•••• •.••.. :- 1,200.00 AssistRnt Dairycommluloner'sexpenae (P. II. Kielter) •••.••.•...•••. __l_.Oi2.91 1,172.1}7 Assistant Dairy commissioner's 111lary (W. S. Smarzo) ..•.••••••.••.~ 1.200.00 Assistant Dairy commissioner's C\pcnse (W. S. Smarzo) 1,191.4~ "'

EXPESSI! OF lNSPiiCTION IN F OUIHI B:-1 CtiihS Milk Agents' Fees •..••.•..•• • ••..••.••.••••••.••..•.••..•.:' 1.839.00 Milk A~:ents' C\P!'nse ...•••••••••••••••••••••••..•••..•••••...•.••.... 129.68 Milk :\gents' apeclal work...... ----3.00 ~ 1,971.68

OPI'ICE EXPE'iSI'S. Legal expenses ...... '$. UO.OO .o\nalyses ...... , ...... _...... lli.OO Atlas ...... 25.00 Star EngraYing Co.,...... H.OO Kubber Stamps...... 1.50 Cream Albumenoid...... 1.215 Oleo samples ...... ___3_.69

Express. frel~ht and cartage ...... 42 .19 Telegraph and Telephone ...... 21.94

~ JO,, ~T.IU •less salaries ...... 5,too.oo • 5,837.26 Less rebates on mileage ..... 400.23 Total expenditures from approprlllllons ...... Average monthly e\pcnses

• Salaries are not paid from the apeclhc appropriation. The amount appropriated lor the biennial period e'teodln.r from Aprll l , lOOt, to July 1, 1906. 27 months, waa ~12,825, of wblch bas beeo expended In 19 montht, '7,812.•0 DAIRY CO:\DIISSIO~ ER'S REPORT.


This report shows a larg-er amount of creamery butter made in the State than ever before reponed for an} y(•ar since such reports have been made. Over 82,000,000 pounds of creamcl) made butter are shown to have been manufactured in this State for the year ending July 1, 1905, and the make of butter since that period has been phenomenal in amount. Not only is the amount of butter 'cry high, but the price ob­ tained for it is higher than the average price for any year since 1893. At the average price for the twel\'c months rnding July I , 1905, the New York value of the creamel)• butter made in this state was in • ~xcess of $2o,ooo,ooo, nearly $5,000,000 mon· than the value for the next pre­ ceding twelve months. Since 1900, the number of creameries in :his State has been stead­ ily decreasing, so that now we have 65 5 creameries and skim stations, whereas in 1900 the list showed 994· It mu<;t be understood, however, that there has not at any time been any corresponding dccrea-;e in the dairy business of the State, or the amount or value of the butter made. There have been, before this year, considerable dl'creases in the amount of butter made, but the causes of the decrt'asr have been easily pointed out. A critical comparison of the amount'> of butter made in the dif­ ferent counties and different parts of tht Sum, will show that there has been a considerable increac.e in the la.-;t year in the northern and north­ eastern part of the stat~ usually dc.-.ignatecl the dairy districts; but the largest amount of increast; of creamer} rnade butter has been in the southern half of the State. This part of the State, with the ex­ ception of a few counties, has never been knc..v. n as a dai>y M:Ction at all, and until the introduction of the hand '><'parator and the practice of shipping cream to large central churning stations, the dairy business of the southern half of the State was veT}' <.mall. It never amounted to enough in a locality, so that creamer}· building was successful, except, of course, in a few instanc('S ; bur the esrablishmrnt of the central plants 8 NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE STA1E DAIRY COMMISSIONER. 9 and the shipping of cream br rail made possible the practice of the The cream shipping has another failing nece~sarily un:l\ oidable, in dairr busine'>s by an ind ividual "ithout any particular co-operation on_ t~1e that in many ca~es the cream purchased is a long time on the road, in part of hi-; neighbors. For this reason, there are dozens of locahtr~ hot weather, amid not too good surroundings, after ha\ ing bt"en pur­ south of the center of the State where t~e dairy business has trebled and cha_sed, tested and shipped by an agent, who, in the very v;rcat majority qua lruplecl in the last cil!ht<'en months, to the very great advantage of of ca;;es, ha~ had little or no experience in handlin!_! cream. This the farmers in tho~c count ie ~. \Vithout the plants and the ine\·itablr results in lowering the value of the cream for butter making railway facilitie~ for ·cream ..;hipping, this dairy business would not exist purpo~es, and makes it impossible for e\ en rhc b~t ot buttermak.ers to at all for the 1eason that the profits in farm-made butter are very small make out of it butter that will bring the highest price, a lo~s which is, indeed, a" compared \\ ith tho~e of creamery made butter. Twenty of course,·' isited upon the producer of the crram. of these larger plants make a total of 17,627,000 pounds of butter,­ Th:tt the ccntraliz:ttion plan is increasingly expensive, is shown tn·enty per cent of the total for the State. There can be no doubt that by the fact that the net prices paid by them to the f:trmers at present the principle of centralization of the creamery industry has been of \'Cry is less than it was a rear ago. At that time this office securrd from great value to the farme rs of the southern and western parts of the the central plants themselves statements of the prices the} had paid State, where previously no creamery facilities were within their reach; for butter fat for the first ten months of 1904. A comparison with and equall} \\ithout doubt, the buttermaking industry of th~ parts New York prices for butter showed that therr net prices for delivery of the State "ill, for a co n.;;iderable time, at any rate, be controlled to the creamery was from one-half to one and a quarter cents under br the central plants; and, except in a few localities where the succe:.sful New York prices. In order to compare '' ith the present srstem, it is local creameries are nO\\ operated, the farmer will he compelled to necessary to remember that for the first ten months of 1904- the cen­ choose betl\een giving up the practice of dairying altogether and the tralizer operated upon the play of buying cream from the individual shipping of hi.; cream to the best market for butter fat within his reach. shipper and that the shipper paid the freight directly, so that his net It does not follow, however, that the centralization plan is the return was from one and a half to two and a quarter cents under New be.;t either for the fam1er or the industry as a whole. It is now, as York. During the past summer, under the agency system, ruling suggested, the onl) plan avaibble in many localities, and is very valu­ prices have been always two cents under New York, nearly ah\ a}"S tlkee able for that 1 ea~cm. But there are plenty of places in the State where cents under New York, and sometimes four cents under the market. successful creameries of another kind are already established, and where Of course, a general statement of this kind does not include the prices also the central cre:uncr[e::. have their purchasing agents for cream. that have been paid by certain centralizing plants in localitirs where There are se\ eraI facts ' hich ought to be recognized in regard to the competition r-equired a very high price in order to get any husiness, centralization of cream for butter making. One of them is the ques­ because in some cases prices above New York have been paid for butter tion c f e'perhe of the plan. L nder the head of "Iowa :\l anufactures, fat and the accusation has been freely made that this was for the Dairy Products Second," follo\\ ing, some figures bearing on this subject purpose, and with the effect of closing up the local creamerr. are gi' en and will repay ~orne study. Under the almost universal For a good many years the dairy commissioner and the professors practice now, the cream sh:pping creamery pays its local agent one cent a of dairying at the college and a very large number of other persons pound for butt<.'r f~t purc.Jra,ed and the freight on the butter fat is about interested in making the most out of the dairy business of the State have one cent a pound for butter fat in addition. So that the farmer has to pay used every effort to induce f:trmers to take better care of their milk about two cents a pound to get his butter fat to the creamery after and cream to the end that better butter might be made to be sold for he ha;; taken it to the shipping station. That is to sar the larger a higher price. Progr<"'S in the proper direction has always been entirely plant is handicapped at the start by two cents of expense more than too slow to satisfy the dairy enthusiast. With the advent of the hand attaches to the creamery that receives its cream direct from the wagon separator, it was discovered that the quality of cream delivered was of the patron. much below the quality of milk delivered, and that the quality of butter made \yas actually deteriorating, and with the beginning of the cream , 10 NINETEENTH -'NNUAL REPORT OF THE STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. 11 shipping system the quality of cream has still further deteriorated, for would not onlr be practical, but would, to a large extent, enforce itself. the reason, as already pointed out, that the cream does not reach the The buttermaker, or creamer} manager, would not rake chances against buttermaker as soon as it did under other systems, and hence the a law which would cause him to suffer a fine of $25 or $ roo and he greater the deterioration. Compecition between the central .p~an~ ana would make the law an excuse for rejecting the un\\ holesome cream. the local plants has been so strong that in only a few locahues 1:. a!'Y Such a law as suggested, followed by any reasonable attempt at en­ kind of cream rejected. Hence, the farmer, instead of having an induce­ forcement, would very greatly increase the quality of the butter made in ment for producing high-class cream, is actually encouraged by the the State, would protect the public from being imposed upon by butter situation to careless practices in the handling of his product. It is not made from unwholesome cream, and would add to the profits of the practicable for the local creamery to reject his cream, because then he dairy farmers a very considerable amount. can ship it to the central plants. Up to the present, the cream has nearly all been paid for at the same price, regardless of its quality of WHAT THE FAR:\1ER SHOULD RECEIVE FOR HIS BUTTER FAT. cleanliness or wholesomeness. Practically the only grading of cream, as now practiced, is based on the percentage of butter fat, a less price It is true that creameries vary great!} in size, efficiency of manage­ being paid for low testing cream. If it were practicable for a creamery ment and quality of butter made, but in the cre::tmeries of moderate to receive all cream not unfit for the making of human food, and then size, making 16o,ooo to 175,000 pounds of butter it is easy to make make two grades of it, to be kept separate in the creamery and made the butter for a cent and a half a pound from the time the milk or into two lots of butter and sold and the butter fat paid for at its real cream comes into the factory until the butter goes into the car. If value, then the farmer would have no cause to complain at all and the buttermaker can make a twenty per cent overrun, as he ought would have an inducement of a cent and a half to two cents a pound to be able to do, then for every pound of butter fat for which he for producing a better quality of cream. Not only would this be true must pay he will have I .2 pounds of butter which on a 20-cent with the man who now produces second grade stuff, but the same facts market will sell for 24 cents, not taking account of the premmm. would be an inducement to the man who is now producing good cream, The expense will be because, under the present system, he gets no more for the good cream Factory expense...... l. 5 cents Freight ...... • ...... 1. S cents which he produces at considerable extra expense and labor than does the Commission, 5 per cent...... • 1. 22 cents other man, whose cream is bad. Experience has shown, however, that such a plan would not prob­ Total...... 4. 22 cents ably be followed, except in a few cases. Then there is the further That is to say if he sells at the market he will lack . 22 cents o f question of what legal enactments and measures would be of value in being able to pay New Yorlc prices for butter fat. If he sells at a cent bringing about the desired result. The statute, at the present, provides a pound premium he will have .78 cents a pound profits after paying a penalty for the sale of unwholesome cream, a statute that was en­ New Y orlc price for butter fat. If the market is 2 5 cents a pound he acted to co,•er the sale of sweet cream for immediate consumption, and will sell his I .2 pounds of butter for 30 cents, and the expense will which, of course, would be applicable in cases where unwholesome be the same except for commission which will be I .5, making the total cream is sold or delivered to a creamery. The enforcement of this expense 4·5 cents, so that at this price, without premiums, he can pay statute by the d::tirr commissioner is not at all practicable on ac­ all expenses of buttermaker's salary, expense of operation, freights and count of the great number of sales of cream to be inspected, and for commissions and have money left. And in this day of universal pre­ the further reason that, under the present situation, a partial enforce­ miums of at least a cent a pound, and prices above 20 cents the year ment, such as could be secured, would onl} serve as an irritation in around it is not too much to say that a good creamery should pay New view of the fact that so many of the creameries are willing and anxious York prices for butter fat-that the farmer is entitled to get, for butter to accept cream in any condition whatever. If now, an addition to this fat delivered at the creamery, at least New York prices. Of course, statute is secured, making it an offense of like character to purchase if the creamery hires the cream collected and hauled to the creamery, or receive unwholesome cream for buttermaking purposes, such a statute or if the cream has to be handled by an agent or transported by freight 1 12 NJSET£1!:-iTU ASI'TA'TE DAIRY COli\IIS!IIOS&R. 13 th~ co;t of •uch colln:uon mll't be burn~ b) t~'" farm~r. ~1it!~ fru~ \1h"ch m',;ht be, aJdrd in almo.t 11n1 am"un1. Thr llairy l~rrmm: •uch f thr fnrntr dotS nor rttnH :--;..,, ) or• pnces tor btl t'.rrmc 1 at ,\mr-. b) a ~n.- oi nprr:mml• llOd in•rstil:<'tton> •ho"rd that n~t bul!rr iat it i• bm: nnh cuuhl a 1~1111ul malt his o>rrrun 11lmO«t 311) thinJ: he

, buttrr mal n<•t \\til sol•l Jlt it ,huul.t ht. Thi• ;, thr 4 1 Th~ !I<' "-' Jtstn-,1, but that t·trtain in 'unnsful cr~amtno '' rtt al m:u1a~'• bult and em ~ t'2Sll)' rrmrdird. rtad) doin1: 11: tbt a 1(> ~r cmt t ju hr can mal.e butn-r cun· , Thr cr~n ~ small th2t rhr bu:1rr ;. m~< at an 1 mar '" tainml: St• prr cmt of buuer lat. In 1hr on• ca.~ he 11ould ha•·• a 2~ "~ of t\\o or 1\\'0 anrl • half c.r thrtr ,..,,, a l"~"~'i. l ~n ~n f'('r \"t"Ot tt\C'rrun an,J in tht othrr ht- wuuJ,J han• rht u~ual mrrrun ot 'nlr bt ttmC'tlit'lt h) ~ocr•-n~in~ thf' bu~intt.', and •t .tht~ •: Jlolt ,)(,.... ~l~l( ahout 1b ~>tr crnt. An.! 1he buuer ,·nnl:tinin.: but So ~r cent ot butttrittlly undrnroo.l, w it. 'l'hi• is tb< tauh ot thr fam>Ol- nl 1hr Crt";tlll about llO,(l(lO poun,l• uf huutr n )lion amon~t la.•t )<11r this buttrr odl> !or nrarlr 'ioJO.OOtl. A diffrrmcc ol onh fht crramrritt it is ntc~f) 1o the •ucn::osiul ~ration ol a. crramrl') to ~"' rrnt in the nl'er run 11ould amount to more than 'IoriO a monrh for ru:akr thr: mutt J'C'"lhlr buctt"r nut of a ~iH·n quantit\ ut fo1.t-t~ J:ft 1hi< avrra~rt creamer), nt'arly twice tht buttrrmaler's ..alary. If his 1hr lorgt>t pmoible lr¢1im31~ o~~n· in thi1 f1 makn it nter"ary that thr 1111aller uhout 10 rhall ~ ..., 1:00<1 an overrun u rhor uf' anti thC" o\trrun uf huttt"r o\tr hutttr fat wa... t-oanputN. an•l tlt'\1.-~ lar~r com~1i1or; or &o out of butints< btrau.,. of lad of ability to mtet tion lrum 8 a6 p('f cmt 0\rtrun, "hrtha lt "~\ morT ?' \C$3 t~~." tb• C'Ompt'lition. .\ dlltrrcnce of only s ptr c'nlt in the """ run makts, 1his amount, "._, ,n, ariably C'hargtd to inaccuracy in te<.t•nl!. \\ '":• at lut )'tat'• pricn a cmt and a quarter nn thr p<111nd of buttrr fat, "" fnct 11 "' re..vgnifrd that tht amount of water anJ salt and Cll><'~n a differen&lrons Dl the >tate. 14 NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. 15 Too many creamer} managers and buttermakers rely upon their or quite t\\·o cent.; abo,·e t!te market. ~early every creamery visited computations at the end of the testing period in computing the O\er-· br the a.;..,istanr Jain· commissioner.; receiv"-· ., prcm· 1 1 run. A much better way is to find the overrun directly from the butter . . · ... , " 1um, an< on , t h ose making the \'en· poor~t q l' f · · · by analysis or other test. In such a method there can be no mistakes . . . . . · ua It) con es~ to rece1v1ng lc'>s than I extra pncc. So much 1s th1s that it is entire), s.,fe to 1u de t h a rising from improper or careles~ testing. I t is in fact one method . . . · . . .. cone at t here 1.; .;omethmg ntallr wrong at the crcame'"' tlt.,t d .· · of determining whether the testing has been accurate or not. One of • • < '·' " OC' not rcCei\'C a good premmm o,·er th(! market. the central plants of this state regularly employs a chemist to analyze its butter so that proper steps mar be taken to increase or decrease the I . On the ot.her hand this practice of premium!'i makes it possible for overrun to the proper and legitimate proportion. Other central plants I smndlers ~o mducl': shipments of butter under promise of high pre· do something similar, so that they know every dar from the butter mlums. !\early every year some creamery manager is induced to ship itself just what its contents are and how much of the whole is butter to so~e unkno\\ n firm by reason of excessive prrmiums offered, and later IS compelled to mourn the loss of the. butter so shippe 1 ]) I' bl fat and what percentage of overrun. This department in the report of · · h · <. '\.C 1a e .OU'Cs last year, illustrated and explained apparatus designed in this office, comm i ~'>JOn easily shO}\ their responsibility hy their ratings 10 for use with the Babcock test, to determine accuratel}r the butter fat ~he comme.rclal ~gencies or by unquestionable bank references and it 15 content of butter from which the overrun can be computed and the only thr mcautwus manager than can be deceived by the swindler. water content may be estimated with considerable accuracy. It is in use in only a fe,-. creameries of the State but is quite satisfactory and is the only apparatus in use in our creameries for the purpose. A chemical analysis in the hands of a competent chemist is the only way to g~t an ab~Hlutely accurate estimate of the constituents of a sample of butter, but of course the expense prohibits the smaller creameries from making use of such a system. But approximate results are suf­ fici('nt in every day work and extremely valuable to the creamery operator. The question of overrun is of the greatest importance from the standpoint of values and should receive more attention at the hands of the buttermaL::ers and creamery operators.


During the last ten years there has grown up the practice of paying a creamery more than the published and established official price in all of the markets. A half a cent premium used to be the cause of great pride on the part of the buttermakers whose butter sold for that pre­ mium. Now a full cent premium is almost universal, a cent and a half is common, and a cent and three-quarters or even t\\'O cents above the market is not by any means unknown. Seconds and firsts sell at the published price of extra<: and above, and the real extras nearly 16 NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 1 STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. 17 -!. t: "tl .. These figures note the decr<.'a....;e in numbt•t of butter, cheese and con­ "'"':;, ... to "= ,i densed milk factories from 1900 to 1905 from ()07 Jactones b57, ::.. ~ (.)- () with a decrease of <:apttal employed of $+20,318. This stun ts not ~ ~ nearly the loss of capital emplo) ed, b("l..'att-.e the chan!!e~ in the creamen ...~c;: 'J)e.l 250 -.:l business have closed up many more th:tn the apparent difference of E8 plants. That is, some of the present b::;7 are new plants and so more c· og0·= than 250 of the 907 ha\'e been do~ed. The :wcragc ,·:tluc of c:~pitnl .::... ()= in 1900 was $3,813, at which Yaluation, rhe capital invc•,ted in the 250 6~ :ll rn plants would amount to ~951,.222. The fan that the new creameries ...r _:: E-< ;J W:t.l> C> u no\\ built are larger and have each mon· capital than the ca.~ .. .. 0 0 <1 C> c: fi-.e years ago makes the apparent lo,, of capital .1ppear as first st:att>d. z ...... ,.c 0 0 .. 0 0:: The real subtraction has been far in excrss of the $9~2,222, just as (.) ::l 0 c. t.( ~ c;:'2 0 the real number of clo~cd trcamenc.-s C\.Ct:L"ds 250. Probably 350 C/) 0 .cec... " 0 different creameries have been in the 1900 to 1 90S and a C/) E-,d u • for salaries has increased in like proportiOn. The number of \\7\gc -rn.... E-< ~ ~ Q) fJ) ~ "tl.c c:il earners employed is practicallr the same. That is, nothwirhstandiog the ...... o ... 0:: <: ~ fact that the 657 plants now do nearlr the san1c businrss ns the 907 0 f 0 E-< 8§8§&§8§8§ ...C"> f z ~~-:~~-~-~:- did in 1900 the number of wage earners ha.-; not been changed. Bu-;: rJi u c ... f;rl ..."'w u c» • : I : they receive more than $1 oo,ooo more in wages than formerly. _<\. c .. z ' : ~ a ... ' compari-;on of the other items in the column of wages will show p "'::l • -~ f-; s ~ : p : : ; (.) C) - 0 E-< rhere has been no corresponding increa"Cs of wages in other industries. <: .:lc...... 0 ' \:; --~o < ' 0 .:l"' p "~liscella n eous expense:;'' is an interesting item. It is rvidrntly too 0 4)U~ ""z small to include the haul in!! or other 1 ransportatinn of milk or cream, z uoca..,.., < <: $~~ ;;: or freight or commission. The numht·r given is too small to include ~ ...... &.,c tubs, and probably docs not include such certain and unifonn e' ~:~ .... proportioned to the amount of busines:-., and if anything tht.>y should .. -I>Ca>= ~ ., .. "" be smaller in 1905 than in 1900. '\li'irellancous expenst>s must include ~~:cn.Q_ II: a> ;!: various smalJ items not classified above, and douhtlrss consists largely 0 C> 0 .C!:..c QO ': GD of the expense of running the business, of srC'uring new patrons, or :Om-• .. Q working up patronage at a distance from the creamery, perhaps of per­ s =!i.. .o t.tC>d centage of buyers of cream and their expen c:~. At any Tate, in 1900 .2~8 a: 0 Iowa's 907 creamerie:; each had $r6g misC'ellaneous expenses and they 0 . .. - ...... did a business averagin~ $17,476. In 1905 we have 657 creameries o="tl..... g C> 8 g ll ~t-c.., 1:1.• 18 NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE STATE DAIRY COMMlSSlONER. 19 · f ""560 and they do an average busi- each with miscellaneous expeme~ o ;> , • system "·ent out of date twenty years ago because the power separator ... rage "mi<.cellaneous expenses have mcreased at the creamery would get out of the milk enough more hutte.· fat ness of $ 21,07. J. Tlte av ... more than 140 per cent. than the C 10ler sr.;tem to pay the charge of ten or tweh r cent;; a hundred pouncfs for hauling the milk and show a profit besides. Yet Stated in another wa)', the 907 creameries did, in .IC)OO, b~siness in the last two years hundreds of farmers have bought water "sepa­ . t ~I 5 846 077 with a total expense for salanes, wage::;, and amountmg o .P • • • d"d b · rators," inferior to the kinds discarded a score of } cars since. · f $8 o68 In 1905 the 657 creamenes 1 a usmess mtscellaneous o 24, · ' · · 1 - h . ~ 8 027 nearh three-quarters of a mllhon es::; t an amounnng to ..,, 5,11 • • · · f The water dilution sr~tem is a kind of perennial humbuf' inflicted for .;alaries, wages and m1scellaneou< o periodically upon the agricultural public for the exclusive and personal in 1900, at an expense $I,207,54j· . benefits of their makers and salesmen. The Iowa Dairy Commis,ioner's The producer of the butter i.; vitally interested in _changes in cost Report of 1899 denounces the dilution "separator'' as a humbug and ·t aff,...t<. the price he can get for hts product. He quotes from agricultural experiment stations as far back ac; 1890 to manuf acture f or 1 • ...... - , 0 f substantiate the statements made. The use of thi" srstem is wasteful l · 00 000 more to have the states butter manufactured now pays near y ::>4 , · in the extreme. than he did in 1900. The farmer who will partition off one end of his stock tank, put In the above analysis of the figures, the cheese ~nd condense~ milk a cover o,·er it to exclude sun and dust, and arrange so that the water factories are ignored, for the rea~on that their combmed product IS only from his \\ indmill runs through this part of the tank, has an ideal about a third of a million of dollars and is practically the same now place to .;et his milk for hand skimming or to keep his milk or cream · ·n 900 · t'f there has been any change, the values are t h at 1t was 1 1 , for delivery to the creamery. If he skims his milk by this plan he less now than formerly so that any changes in the aggregates must be fully must be content to lose from one-sixth to one-fifth of the butter fat charged to butter factories. and to take a low price for the butter fat he sells.


One of the caus<.>s of thin and poor cream is the so-called water "separator." Those factories that make any distinction between the In order to prevent the spread of tuberculosis by means of the different lots of cream offered them pay two cents less a pound for but­ skimmed milk sent back to the farms by the creameries it is suggested ter fat in "hand-skimmed or water separator" cream, for the reason that that a Ia\\' be enacted requiring creameries to heat the skimmed milk it i.. likely to be 24 hours older than hand separator cream, and so to 180 degrees before returning it to the farmers. Pac;teurizatton of trtc ot poorer qualit} ; and also is usually of low per cent and hence the skimmed milk would doubtless result in a smaller amount of tuber­ freights on it are greater in proportion to .its value in butter fat. Not culosi<; among the hogs and calves that consume the skimmed miilc. J. t only docs the farmer get less price for his cream raised by the "water'' can be effected at the creameries at very slight co-;t and a law of this method but he loses very much butter fat in the skimmed milk left kind would only make compul~orr a practice that is already followed bv the method. If his water "separator" is of the dilution kind he by a large number of the milk receiving creameries of the State. aiso spoils his skimmed milk for feeding purposes by diluting it mor~ The statutes referring to adulteration of milk and cream were en­ than so per cent. acted in the present form a number of years ago. Since their enact­ ~ 0 deep setting system has yet been devised that is superior in ment not onlr has the sale of cream to creameries increased to an extra­ remlts, either in quality of cream produced or closeness of skimming ordinary extent but the sale of sweet cream for immediate consumption to the well-known submerged cans of the Cooley system. The Cooley is increasing very rapidly. The statutes should be amended in such a way as to make certain that the restrictions in regard to sale of adulter- 20 NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE STATE DAtRY COMMISSIONER. 21 ated milk applr also and in the same manner to sales of adulterated ASSISTA'\T DAIR'l C0:\1\IISSIO;.;-ERS. cream. The same statutes provide for the punishment of one who sells "unwholesome" milk or cream. There seems to be no law providing The demands for expert ath·in~ and a.;sistance among the cream­ penalties for receiving or buring such cream for butter making .,ur­ eries are more than this oftlcc can meet with the force at command. A po~es. That is to sar the man who sells "unwholesome'' cream may growing intere~t in scientific management of creameries and ad,·anced be fined twenty-five to one hundred dollars for his offense. but there and improved methods of butter making require instruction that the is no war to punish the perc;on who buys the cream, make:. it into butter buttermaker can scarcely secure otherwise than at his own creamen and pub this product on the market. while carrying on his work. Hence the work of the ao;sistant con;­ This state has a very strong statute requiring that the apparatus missioners at the creameries has been productive of much improvement used in the Babcock test shall be efficient and accurate, and under this of methods and quality of butter made and hence of profits to the statute this department has induced the use of scales for weighing the factory. Four hundred and fift) -six visits have been maae by them cream samples for testing by general notice of intention to make prose­ to creameries in fifteen months to November 1, 1905. A very few cutions if the cream was not so weighed for testing. But under this creameries have been found in unsanitary conditions and the man.l&e­ statute it is impossible to control manipulation of the test. Accusations ment has bren given the choice bet\\een a thorough renovation of the am! co.nplaints of both Lowering the test and raising it are not only plant or facing a criminal charge in court. The number of creameries common but incrrasingly so. Lowering of the test might be reached to be visited is so great in proportion to the number of inspectors that under the general statutes of the State in regard to cheating but some it is difficult to make sure that the suggestions are carried out but ~pecific statute is needed to cover manipulations of the test in the other usually the directions to clean up are followed very promptly. direction. ~Ianipulating the test has for its object the deception of the A good deal of unclean cream and milk has been rejected at the seller of the product tested "hethcr the test is raised or lowered and creameries under that section of the statute which forbids the delivery the laws should provide punishment for the offense. to a creamery of "um\ holesome milk or cream." No prosecutions have The shippers of cream complain that not only are their can;; used been brought under this statute fo r the reason that the delivery of unfit fN otQer purpose" than carrying of cream but that they have considerable milk and cream is an offense to which the receiver is often a party l o!.~es of cans. Other states where milk and cream are largelr ::.hipped just as much a~ the one , ..·ho delivers. T he law would reach only by rail have laws covering both situations. In lo\\'a the ·~hipping of the one who deliveries the unfit material. milk and cream has developed in the last two or three year:; and no The chief service of the ao;sistant:; among the creameries is in the specific 1:-ws are found on the statute books sufficient to meet the present direction . of inducing the adoption and practice of improved methods conditions. The situations complained of are sufficiently serio\IS tO· of butter making. :L\ I ore than half the creameries of the state are co­ warrant new laws covering them. operative creameries, and are under the management of men whose knowledge of butter making is extremely limited. It o'ften happens that the buttermaker is not able to induce the management to allow him proper appliances fo r usc in carrying out plans and methods that are now considered essential to best results. Under such circumstances the efforts of the assitants are of service in pointing out what arc the successful methods and appliances indispensible to them. 22 NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SrATE DAIRY COM:.USSJONER. 23

The growth of the city milk in,pection in this State is indicated by the followin~ table .;ho\\ in!,! the numhrr of pcm1its tor milk dealers i~;;urd in the )Cars from 1895 to JtJ()'i. Thr \l':tr:- end in every cast ~r. the of July: · 1:\SPECTIO:\ OF :\IILK. 1001 '";'I The milk inspection carried on under the din:ction of this depart­ ment affects about one-se\·enrh of the population of the State, as will The inspection of milk offered for sale in the fourteen ctues of be seen by the following table: the State having ren thousand population or more is confined to

inspection to determine thc butter fat contents and to determine whether ClUes Inspectors preservatives have been added. It is not possible with the force and money at the service of t.his department to make inspection of the Burllogton .....•.•.•••••••.••••.•••.•.••••••.. Dr. W. C. llummoll Cedar Ra.pldA ...... Dr. J. W. Griffith sanitary conditions of thf cows from which the milk is produced nor Clinton •••••.••.••.•.•..••.•••.•••.•..•.•.•..•.• P. 8. llannlster Cot, nell Bluffs ...... IL A. Lennox the conditions in which they art kept. Such an inspection '\ould Davenport ...... II. .J. IJigh Des Moines •...... •••••...••.•.....••...•.•..•.• Hay Johnson Or. Obu.rles Pnlon be valuable. ~g~u~~~ie ·.: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: 1>. (). Benjamin I paid 468 buttermakers of the State show .assistant commissioners has been much more intelligently directed by an average of $62 per month. \Vages run as high as $ISO per month. reason of the kno"·Jedge gained of the butter made in the creameries. VI' I)' few crearoPries now operate less than fu 11 time and no doubt the By this means they have been able to spend their time among those average amount received yearly by the buttermakers of the state is fully creameries where the possibilities of improvrment were the most obvious, $725 to $750, a total for the State of $-t-00,000. and have not wasted any time with those that are already successful to the highest degree.


The cheese factones of the State now number twenty-nine and repom have been received from twenty-five of these. Only five of The quality of milk and cream and its relation to tl1e quality of the:;e make as much as IOO,OOO pounds of cheese, and but one makes butter to be made from the same and the price to be obtained for the 1c; much as 200,000 pounds. The total amount of cheese made is finished product are of such obvious relation and importance that con­ ',575,646 pounds and practically all of it is sold and consumed in tinual efforts are made to improve the quality, not only by adoption of th:: State. I t is an anomalous situation that the greatest dairy state better methods of manufacture, but by improving the quality of the in the ''est must import all but a small part of the cheese consumed, material from which the butter is to be made. Three-fifths of the but the fact remains that the farmers of this State have never taken butter made in our creameries is made from cream skimmed on the lcindly to the cheese making and cheese factories are only possible under farm. Since the adoption of the hand separator the quality of cream e'Cceptionabl} favorable conditions. delivered at the creameries has very materiallr lowered. At the su~;­ gestion of numerous creamery operators the dairy commissioner earl>'· in the rear sent out a card, of which a copy follows, with a suggestion that the same be reprinted for distribution among the pacrons, a sug­ gestion that was followed by a large number of creameries. NI:OOET£F.!-iTII A:OOSUAL RE~ORT OF TilE SrATf: DAIRY COl>I1SI,.siOSl:R. 27

c;ooll BUTTKK try the bu mc-;s, and f tl:rrt" \\rre n rral bona fiJ~ dcm ~tl f r ,._ .. s •• :Y:ADa OJII'L\' paow cL&As-, !lw-aar cauM mnr;:;~rine thr h~:t~res \Cn brlt in.cead of the rC\cN-. 'I e f t IS t 1at there ,, sli~:ln dnnan I ror tt:tlrtnr btt1er aradH of cr.-am from creamery pa1roo1 aarl 1o redate pr~•­ olrc mar .orne and "hen 11 " •old tor exacth· "hat it is the coruumr­ tot ~o'•~• to the farmer resulunr from low qaahtr creatD and butter tiun i< relati.-rh -mall. ~incc nll oleom•r,:arin<· 1'1)" n tn\ tl•r lib'U«< The farm separator mutt he watbcd afttr each lime at 1s uaed. gil'tll hrlrJ\\ arr ab: lmmedfately after Mparatloo rool the cteam to tb• lowe!lt POS"ible 1 soaa tilt: '1\\ LA\\"' tea::apcratare, .SO dea:ret.J or lower b 1905 ...... • .. ... 49,680,11112 Nuer aHx wum cream with cold cream l:lefotc" m atog, cool t e 180t ...... tS071,4SO freshly M:parated cream to tbe umc 'empuatare u that of tbe cream to 1903!...... ••• .. • .. • .. il,'l04 ,ll'l wb1ch It Is ac! lee!. Always keep c.ream caotiD cold water. sam mer and winter t'"!"lltf.a 'J"JIICOL[I LI\W, Uon't cover the caoa till tbe cream i~ coo1tcl. Tben kU~p them closed. 190? • . .... • • ...... • l26, 16,472 Don't allow c:ream to tre-.u It le ens itJ \'alue a~d may toterfere wttb 1901 ...... • ... • .. 101,9t3,8.16 Aec:urate testing. I tOO ...... 101,0t5,0ZH l)eHver cream as often •• poalb1e, daily ln aumJUer 1\0d ever)• other ·rhc.· olromargarin~ hu"irw''· w far as it-. manufacture.· as <.'onu·rnrJ. day In wloter unlile the tlair) bu,inc-> is In the hanJ< ul a '""" In• men, mt doubt, in the immedratr tutu~ ns they ha1 ... in tbc pOtlt, wr ntl")" ll1rJln> that S<"lt·intercst can dnise or unlimitrcl mont) can ~ur<" to lltakrn or n·rn to rrJleal rht· Ia\\. "11•n· ha•e l'<>"trtul trirnds in hit.:h Jllar<:S. If tht .lair) m•n arr too rull1 .ati•fi•d "ith rhr victor) It thr olromnrgannr qur:~~ru1n \\ t"fC no )!fc::ncr rlo.t'\\ hrrc th.m 1t j.; that '""bern '"'" for pure butler an•l hf>nest draling they 1111l 1\ake in [m, a it woulcl call fnr n•• rommrnt whatt'H'r ur attrnnon irom up some da1' and di...:cn·cr that rht) hal"r de..-ril"ed th<'tn..-hes. Srlf­ an1 d~inmtn. but uniorrunatrk tlut hlH bern a.:· ~tllte brntJ>t the con:tlr 01 it compl'~hcd and 1~ immstrd n d:ul')int! ntry\\hert (JII)d assi>t l'rolitablr. In add a n t' 1 f th., 'tate hlH the best ol('om:u;;a· thi~ or1:3nitation in this "orl. rlnr stat lite in thr V mted States a •tntute forbrddin~t the -•le ol nlrom ug;1rinc "ha~ ing a ~rllo" color." A· ~t torth n la>t ) c·ar's JU..:sO\' \Tf;ll RI'TTER. rrpurt the cfc.·ci"!.ion ut our surrnm· cnurt in thr a~ ut lht• Stare ot lo\\ll 3J::Iin-t the Armnur 1':1 lir\T Co. 1~>•1 the effrct ul pulling,out of hi1SIIlt:55 nearlr all rhe J..alen in thr JO- ello\1 color.' The f:acr mu;t not ~ Jc,;r t •ht ul that under the prnmt ( n:ted ~tat~ Jay,s, n lien~~ permitting I I th~ 03lr 01 "uncolored" olromarL:annc tt..,ts t~ d..aler b t ;io(.o and a. I he us.Wly uhs out the I ~ larr in the Jall or rarly "inter he • acru:all} onl} pn' Eo~ or $.4.50 lor the balance c.f the )<&r mdino; June ~ .101h, 'Jnr li<:en•e fr<" '' 10 Nll31l that Jar~!(' numht!h a"' tn~ucrd tO STATE DAIRY COlollltSSIOl\"ER, NI:-.'F.TEE:.IH A..'

Th< ol><" t li'l nt rcno,·ate•l buttrr f~ctori~ show; a drcre:to< of Bt'TTI.n PRlltlUL'TIU" 01' Ttl!; ~TATF. F'OR 81\ I P.AI!" three from the list or ye u'; rep )ft. Th! ,to~k from WhiCh th~ number of pounds ~:iven below i\ made i> collected from all puts of the m'ddlr ,,...,t, '!'here art morr rm<>nr:ng lactorie> in lo\\3 tha~ A urage puo•d SW"r c~.umr1 in 3 11 11,.. re-t o! thr n11mtrr ,,.,t ol the 'ti-siosirri river. There IS Total l>f'!Und<~~ ut 3 all ereauu.•rlf~• n u·ndrnn to c"n«·ntratc the bu,inc" in the '""''' of a few men and ft\\ t J( tori~. •to l'.(li a.u,., for.,.~,..... till amount m•·l· to aloe c .. lag (rt-am•rtf'§ .• oot lndadN, but tbe A4riNCat• &J tocludf'lila clile toL&t. ala 18f"'\ lllu,..• tor au'*'" tbe •mouat~r balt.r aW•ln )'t reatrallaJa.a pb.ett lS oot.1adudtd bot tbt1 .,,,_au- Is Joclud.O lo tbe tc:n.a~

lh flllf'-at~l tiUUt•t

Founern J'<'f>On' ha, c hem com i, tr•l and tined for the Cd \\a.' ...,15 and ""'"; th~ dtl~nolant on the one ca-e havin~; h•en fined $too anti CO\t<. Thr,r cases ''ere brought in the followinJ! citie>: Ottumwa, 2; Council BlutT,, J; Davenport, 6: Sioux City, 3· a,auotb li \1i 11i ti \ii 1ti ., l~ 1: !~ !: ~~ ~~ I Besidt:> the above ment.oned pro..ecurioo• there are now pendin~: in =~t ,.~i~ I;~; I!~i !~~ !~; ~ ... - --- -'-- ra.- r .... - '""""'- ju,tice coun in Council Bluff, one ca-r for the sale of adulterated milk --;----T---.--- 2nd one case for the J• Ml i to1t t .2112 1 1 I>N~tmll4·r. .:.1M~I' .:-:.o""' 1 ~ J•·..,~.211H :i.LI) I .JJiil .r.)IO .:t••.:~~~:.o .t~.~117 lum.!l&"i$ J•IUirtrt • t!M t ~lO ~ Ul1~ :M.10 .!:IS:I .:\!."i t:'C:: t'!70 .21UO In a ca><' brought a~:oioht a De:. .\Joines dairym2n, he was con· 1-.. tlbru~trY Wareb !I..J I\~· ~-l..ui JAJ:\ ~ ·;t~ :i;.~ :~!!I:~-.~ •·ie consi,tetl in scllin~: mille contain in( Au•u~t -1~71 lti:.~ ·-llt&t .....- .~!100 21'1:.0~ ··~- ···~~ ,Jj'fll.m,.~ 2111 :Ctpteanbtr . 1800 .1\IJO .~~ ,%jtH .%1YI .ZIIO llil) .21:ra • UHT .~ C"k·wbor ·- ~ ~- .~ ~ 00 ~ ~.~ formaldchrdc. ------1 Pos«ut·on> of thi> kind are hampered br the fact that it i> not :.::..I~~:::...-"'~'J:::..!,-!:I....::::...~•-':.:r.:.:·'='-'"'"'=~·-':!1::":.;· ... \~'c.'<>;;: 1 :u1!..:..!!!.!...! ~ato tu< ca,)· to l(tt the "rvi= of a competent chemist. On .ocmunt of "premium," now almO>t universally received by . l n the city of Davenport rhe association of phy nn lindin~ the •i-c ~ mentioocd above were brou~ht. br the crr:uneries i> probablr a full cent a pound more than the above Fi1 e of the of burter for the last plrnd guilty, "ith the explanation that they had not added anything twelve months. to the milk direct!)•, but hnd u~d a liquid preparation for the purpose of di>infectinl( their cans after washing and suggested that the formal· dth}de found by the chemist got into the milk in that fashion. For this reason the justice as>eS>Cd the minimum fine of $lS, with a severe 30 NIN£TEENIH ANNUAt. REPORT OF THE STATE DAIRY CO\!MioSlONER. 31

TABLE NO. l. \larn·nr: lor 1, turc g·~.J hdta,ior. Inside of a momh one of the :\('\IHKR OF C'R£A\1EIUF"" \~U C"ltA~f.J.S m~ l"lrt'"' "a, a~;am arre-;tcd and tried and tound ~'Uilty of ~lling ======milk containin~ formaldrh~.Ic, nt "h•c" time a fine of $100 was assessed. ---~ TAHLF: NO. I CO)IP,\RI•ON! ~moll ..!-. e ~

Tu1&1 :\o. ofcreat trl.-.aud.!'khh•t.aUor1~t '~ :,1 OWSIHIUU•, lndh lrloal {'A)o-OfJ1jtfltht• i'l\ot•k CNDPIUI)' I St;!ltt~ JJtoperty

n.r tbe c..e-t. ••• Ry Wt•la:h\. or ,.,

·B~fore l\.104 b"od •t•para.t.or crumertH Wf'~ lneludN1 •• f:'&t be red Cf\•"m pJanu lo '9l'~ t w•zH1 ....T ea ,.kim "tattnu" ~lo..d: In UIOC fotLJ·fourtk lm st.a.tlont rlotOCI. .,.I :oiii>I;H:ENTB ANNUAL REPORT Or Tilt I STATE DAIRY OO:II'IIISSIONBR. TABLE NO.2.

TA6LBSBOIVt'!il 'iU'I9f:R or rHR•l'i< O.liV< ORF.~\I£RIK• U•t~·; 0011- \lEQ.Ol\.L ... r-\ar&n \'H \Oto Tr. .. -r .,t't\'ilsrur. .. Ta~\rl''"r:ut1t.t T::~~~~~";_tB D 'IlL!{ '~ I> On \\I&IIC• TIIH' Cl\11: • IIIL>!

IAa• Ik!,131 'I><> I1 1.'~'"" I I,A."C l !tel 1 II 2.0'1& ll iO' S 11'4 I I ~ 1.~ It u I •' ··-... :- 2J ·~ uu • ...•,. C..lhooo._. -~·-~-~ ...... • 6 ,..,_ l.&rf'OJI ...... ~•·•·•U•a••••• ••••• 1 ~ ea...... ,_ --·- -····---- •I ... ()edar...... ·~······--····•·• .., ·-··,r 5 fill I 3.177 I •I g{F!~:~:::::~:::::::::::::: :·~:::: : s Ill · ~ .. -~- Orawtord ...... "I 1,(,00 Dllllat ...... <07 li.IO .¥1::::~·:·~ Oa•ts ...... [lft)I\WAI"(!o ...... •••· s.o.;.,· ...,; 'i!6.lii7" ·--;g· ·--;a· ·--;r .....ii. l OlckJn~n ...... u ••• 5 W"1..6i'53'1 I ·~ · It i, irn11<>->i~le to estimate the total numhrr of cre:unery patrons Dobuquo ...•••..•.••...... so :,1(15 1J U.l'GO 1 3 I t an.l total number of cows with any accuracy, for the rca!On that &mmet. •••..•. ______...... II&< 3.N tlu· 1-~r~oter plant' report a very large number of p~tron' in proportion to the amount of butter that they make. Thi, no doubt ari'es from Er!~t~;~:::::::~:::::::=:~::::::: l'rtiiiCIII\ ...... ·-·---·· the f..-t that th~r patronage i> shifting and thclr li,ts in the cou~ of Cre-tn•--- ...... _ ·····-·-······· ... a 1 t~r 1111l carry m·icc as many name. a> their acrual number of 8~J~~ :::::::::::::·::::·· r•:r '" on the 11 era~. Thu-, ""l'e namt> 1\uuld arpcar on the lists Raaatla.on ··-····· ...... - ...... ot othrr crtamcri.,.. and hence, in a complete rerort, 1\0uld be counted 11.....-oek-•• -...... _ .. . II&J"d ln •••. ----·-····-· ...... t•l icr. Thcrr i, no wa)· to estimate 11 hat proportion of tluplicarion~ I HatT'floD ~---~···•• - ·•··••·•••·-- of thi, kind orcur. ~::~~::::::::::::::::::::~.:::·:""' llomboldL ..... ____ ...... •..•.... '\'cithrr i, it easy to estimate tht nuonber of COliS, because the cen­ ld•--·-· ·····-·--···-·----··--·-·· ... trnli7tr. h;tvt no means of knowing how man)' cows their patrons have, to••------··········-·········--····· Jackson...... 0 8 --: ·,-·--:· and there i> no way to estimate how many cows it takes to make the 1 I I I ..... I enormou~ quantities of butter there is made in these plants. ~:"J:.~n·:::::::::::::: :::::~~::::::. ~ 1::::'.~::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ···u • .... r --····r There arc, perhaps, creameiJ patrons and cows tributal)· to the ~68 creameries of the State of Iowa. STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. 36 NINETEENTH AN NUAL REPORT OF THE

TABLB ~0. 2-CONTINOED. Q.. HAND SEPARATORS• •c Oo'Antles. ... . "a.'i The total number of hand separators given in the foregoing tabl~ ...O".. o& is doubtless too large, for the reason that the number of patrons, and z likewise, the number of hand separators used, as reported from the cen­ Kookulc ·····•······•········•·····••· .. ·2r --·· 626. ···ir "j2~m· ·-··s ····r ··--·ir ··is· tralizing plants evidently carry a good many duplications, because of 0 K0118Ut.b •••••••••••••• ·····-·· •• ••••• the shifting character of the patronage d£ the various centralizin& ··s.oio· ·-·-··&· ··T ·· -·· ·· ·---r ···-a- ·---s- plants, and for that reason the number 49,130 hand separators reported ~~~~:::::: ::::::::::::::::_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_~~ ;;;~: ~=~=~~~: :::::: :::::::: ::::1:: ······ ·····--· ---· J,ucu...... 2 1,800 .. is perhaps fi ve to seven thousand too large. The fact remains, however, 2 aoo T :::::::: ·-T Lyon ..•... ······················-···· ...... --­ that fully one-half the butter of the State is made from cream skimmed "'tAdl•on ...... 1 ...... _ ..... ·--- ,, .. ~ ··•••• •••• •••••• ••• •oo··· •..• 1.• ···1·,ooo··- 1 ·••··· ··-· •••• --- by hand separators. Not only the twenty centralizing plants of the Mahaska --···· ····-················ · 1 .. M nrlon ...... ••·••·•···•·••••• _.••...... •. .••••• -····· -·-··· ······-· ·---- llf ~trsball...... •....•.•••••...•. State, but seventy-one others, receive practically nothing but hand 1 Mlll'l---···---··----··················· ···•9· ···u12r 1 ·ii,ii6i. 1 • -· ·-· separator cream, and a total of seventy-six plants a re receiving cream Mlt.cbell ····················--······· 1 67 1 600 ·••·•· ·-·--· --···-r ::= Monona ...... 1 5 1 865 ······ ······ shipped by real. The managers of certain of the smaller creameries t1onro&.-- -·- -······ ·· ·············-·· ·····• ·••••· ·······- ··-- Montgomery-·····················-·· ····r ····iai" ····i· ····eoo· ...... ······ ········ --- - have been enterprising enough to get into territory other than their own Musca.tlne ...... ·-··-···--·········· • ..••.••• 2 5 920 3 3,840 2 O'Drlen...... 2 Ml5 1 1.500 1 1 1 ·--· and induce the shipment of cream to them, rather than to the larger Osceola. ...••.... --···················· 1 ······7· centralizers, a plan which every creamery ought to follow if it hu PuRe-- .....•.•...•..•.•.. ·· ······· ··· ·--i4... i~!Of ·--if "io:54o· 1 l ··u· l'ILIO Alto --·························· 8 2SG I 1,754 1 1 2 easy access to a territory not already covered by a local creamery. Plymouth. ··········-····· ········· 2 !59 ··•··• ~ ··-··T 1 Poeo.bon ta.a...... 6 61H ····i· .... ,00. • TABLE No.3. l'olk ...... -········-···-··········-··· '702 1 860 • a a 1 Pottawnttamle---···-·············· 3 ...... 3 2 2 ··-·· Powesblek .••.•..••.....•.. ...•....•. ···•·· ··· 8'0 r; ...... ·- _c .s !:S .... 0 I) Ringgold •..••...••••.. ·······-·-····· · --· ·· · ••· •·•· ..a .. ~:! 0 S._f .. -~~~ ~i s 765 6 4,200 •••••• 1 · · -····· ----- ... u~- ~ ... Ba.c .•.•. ····-········-···-···· ···· ""iiG95" ····;- •····· --··--i· ::::: •Qo ~'i ...... "S.Q Counties. 2!-ii 5:1: .,.,e> <>1::J oo ... oa ~8 0 &o. Q~ --T • 4) Q ~5! ~117:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~ ---l·--a~· ·--t ~~:~ ~ ~ -----... o .... ,sf; oft 2 1ro z 1,~ J 2 z -·-·· - z t!l z :.-: Tnma.---····-········· ·······-··· •· 2 1,160 ···•·· ••·••·•· 1 1 ·····--· ---- Taylor•••••••• •••·••••••••·•••••·••••• The >;tate .•••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IllS 411110 8' 711 ...... Adair •••...... •.••.•••••...•••.•..•.•.....••.•••.. B 422 1 Ad lUllS-----············-·· ...... •.. 1 115 A llaml\ kee .••••••..•...•••.••.•••.••..••••••••••••••••••• 7 1Cl2•1 I ~:~0:~~~~:~~~~:~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~:~~~ ...... ··-· ··-·-· .... ··-- .0 •••• • • ::• •••••••• ·---- Audubon .....•••...... ••...•...•••.••...... •.•••.• r. (,00 1 1 701 :!00 11 21 Wapello...... 1 M •••••• ·-···- ····-··· ··- RentQn ··················---················-·--········· 3 &20 3 1 Black nawk ...... •.....••.•. ·--·· · ······-··-·······­ 10 8(j.j 1 1 ;~~~~'i.(;n::::::·:::::::::::::::::: ...... ········ :::::: :::::::: :::::: ....i. ·::::::: ::= Booue .•...•.•...••...... •...... •.•..••.•••••••••.. 2 10 wayne ···········-·-·····-······----- ····r ·--·7i3" ····r ·····oo· 1 1 -·····-- -·-·· nremor ...••..••••.•.••.••••••...•...••••••••.•••••••••• 1 12 WebstN·. .•••..•...... •.•••.....•••... l,lJ' 1 7,607 I! 15 8 15 8 nuchl\n&n ••••••••.••• ········-· ·••••••••••••• ••••••••••• 1Q' I Winnebago ...... • ···············-·· "867 o 1741!1 1 ------···· ·- · ---- Huenl\ VIsta .•.•••...... •...•....•.....••••••...••.•.••.• 6• 72.1 8 .•••••. j Winnesblck...... 13 7ooo 1 s:ooo 2 2 ······-· ---- Ilutler •.•••.••••••••.••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• u 1(17 I Woodbury...... 2 '@O'l 8 6,630 5 15 15 ' 8 "'orth .••. ······-----·-····---·-···· 4 6..'!3 :1 3 300 1 .•.•.••• --- Oa.lhoun ••..••.•••••••••••••••••.•••••..•••..••••••••••••. IS !ISO 1 1 Wrlght ············ ·····-···· •••·•• ' Carroll ...•...•.•..•.....•••.••..•...••••.••...•.•.•.•••.. 0 21!11'1 a I 105 201 Onss ...... 2 )11 l Tbo State·····---········---·····.... 483 83,031 3$5 367,3G8 228 t18 ('orl"r .•...... •...•..••.•.•...... •••••.....•...•••.• 711 ...... i 1 Oorro Gordo•••• ·-··--······················· ·········· •4 1125 1 Ohl'rokee .•••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••...•••••••••• a 1!17 8 2 Oblcasaw ············-····-···········-·················· II ou I r, :m 2 8 13 2121 4 I J 7 3 ~~:~;ti=~~~-=~~~~-=~_:_:~j_:~jj_:j~~-:_:j~_:j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 1500 1 1 1- DaYlS -----···-·-······· ·······--·······················- ...... STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. 37 86 NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TABLE NO. S-OONTINUBD. TABLE NO. S-COliTI~D.

~~ :a 152 1 1 1-0 Taylor ...... 2 1,240 2· :a Ui~;:so... ~= -=~~ s:~f Union ...... 1 750 1 ~Ptf: !!;' Counties ~:g~ Van Buren ...... -os ~a ca~ ~"'... ~ 1 3 1 .. : :~r~~~= ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: 1 2 ,zo.a..,·"''" Oc.l z 1 1 ~~~~~~====~::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: 1 ····eoo· 1 1 328 z ~ 183 1 Dallas •.•.•...••..•...... --······ ···· ·······•···· ·•••··· 2 ;:~~=~:ret:::::::::::: ::::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: 13 959 1 ------.r Decatur ••••••..••••...••..•..•.•.••..•••.•..••... •··•··· -----·io -----393 2 1 ! 8,800 2 2 Delaware ..•••.....•..•..•.•. ·····-··············-·· •···• • 285 6 ...... i 6 291 Dickinson .••••...... ••••....•.. •• ·••·•·····•••··•••• ••·· 12 U32 1 5M ...... :r ····--r Dubuque ...... •...... ···• ·•·· · ····--·-··············· ;~1:~~~::::::::::::::::==~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: s U3 1 1 TheSto.te ...... 368' 49,130 01 76 Emmet•.••.. ••••••••••• ···················-········· ····· 7 490 2 1 518 643 ------z JtOR TBR YEAR RNDING JULY 1, 1905. !t%i~~:_:=.=-~::=.:::::=.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '5 ...... 6 ...... i Fremont .•••••.•.•••••••.••••••..•....•.•••••.••••.•• •••• ------i 1 506 creameries make ...... 75,345,028 pou ods Greene ..•..•.•.•..•••••••..••..••..•••.••.•.•. ·······-·-· 5 127 1 20 centralizing creameries included m ake, ...... 17,627, 108 pounds g~~~~fe :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 10 *96 4 187 1 486 creameries, not ceo trallzers, make...... 57,717,920 pounds IJa.mllton ..•.••...... •... ···· ····•····•·•········· ·•····· 7 680 4 2 llancock ..•.••.••.•.•..••....•.. ·· ·••· --······ -····· ···-· 6 416 2 an average of 118,000 pou ods fo r the local B ard1u •••.•••••...••••••..•••. ··••••·••••· •••••• ··••••••· 1 20 H arrlson .•...... •.....••...•••..•... -······· ··· ···· ..•..264 creameries of the sta te. ------6 O n this average, the 548 creameries, other than the ~~~rlr .., "'O .. . '0> .. ~ ..,o! "'"' -oB"'" ... ~"' of butter and the pounds of cream given would make 45,000,000 pounds 8 a~ .: .... c:~ll: J:l .. 0 2,628,850 1,388.000 27,10<' 46,60( 1,315,8110 Q "'O ... '1:10<1) .0 ... -g 'd8 ~ 'd .. ol!; d ...... J Cl- c ... l'l"' J e erson ------2 1,382,213 219,800 115,100 4,340 15,00(1 0~850 a =~ ::SQ 1'10 ::sl'l-5 p O"' 0.. ~ ~ z" ~ 0.. ~ ones------· 13 87,568,249 1,824,332 2,231,160 102,668 94,837 2,0a3,005 68,812.99'7 W,369,998 76,346.028 3,292.42~ 3,239.609 Keokuk ------...... ------...... __ .•.•••..•... ____ ··------·---·-·- Tn1: ST~TE ..... 606 736,373,800 21,858 11.43! 645.545 • Kossuth .... --·- 21 al,235,686 1,961,055 1,8G8,G50 H6,343 27,46.'i 1,605,_1141 1.(60,000 678.835 Adair ... ··--- 6 4.3U.OOO 11.760 94.2!!1 Adams .•.. .•... 2 1,720,000 13'7,803 105.~Rl 1,910 1,361,102 19,2G8 36,05 1,805,(19 Lee ...... ····------...... All&.makee ..... 7 1,020,000 4,453,520 Linn ___ .... ---- 13 17,239,400 2,5..'"9,475 1,460,8ta ---.s:s57 ..... i?s:a1o ---i;235.o:ia Ap]lanoo so... .. ·---.. 8t;8i4 ----1~2oi:337 Aud u boo ...... ""8 ""i7;~6~:!6i ·---~~l!£$;

T.A.BuE NO. 4-

~ Pounds of Bolter llade, and Market ro:r ~ .. •.. Same. RAILROAD BUTTER SHIPNENTS. 1:1 a 0 'Q t ~ ~ .9 0 rJ .. 8. Through the kindness of the freight officials of the various railroads a .. .D 'Q :g Q.e Oountlee. ""4> .... •(.) ..... {)f the state, this office is able to give the following table, showing tbe ~ 0 ... i.; i ~~ o'i o'i R number of pounds ot butter shipped from each county in the state to .. eai ,a a •o .a• ~"'j .! .a ... ~:~ ~ .,_ points outside the state. The railroads report the gross weight, but ~'2 .. """"'"'~=~· ~~ .. . ~ """'oo g1 0 ... o"" O'"' ooQl z 0.. 0.. a."" 1!. ... 1!. the table given herewith shows the net weight, which Is found by sub­ tracting sixteen per cent ot the gross weight. 2.260,000 750,000 50,000 700,000 Union------·· 1 ··-········· ...... ·-···- COUNTIES SlllPPI::\G liORE TBA.S 1 /~.•)00 POUSD3, SEl'. OF BUrl'ER IN TilE Van Boren.--· ...... w•••••••••• • ...... ····------·····-·- YEAR E~WING SF.PTEMBF.R 3l', 11Kl6. Wt~pd lo •••••••• 2 ?60,000 700,1100 200,580 U.!leO 2..>2,030 1 M~.•oo 1,&7,650 ~031 ~~ 3,000 687,031 Counties, \\ IITr(D • • • - --- ...... 1~ W uhln~tlon •••• ...... _ WII,DI!------2 ·----~iio ·--···--·rio ------i7:300 ---- ·206:2io \\ ( ~tcr •••.•••• ···--iiOO:ooo ---- '31.;280 t~:m :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~b-u~~.::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :~:: :::· g11f:!~ lV lnm•\lltl!O..... 9 20,720,295 7~5.357 1.141,955 90,773 12,ono 1,(38,273 S,l 8,600 hlck ...4 ...... 1,8:.>1,11«19 1,82 3,~2 ' ...... Buchanan...... 1,1110,4711 1,181,2ga ...... Mitchell ...... 1.1110,811 1,896,892 ------·--· ...... L inn...... l,'leii,JIIII 1,8Sl,8U ...... Hnrdln...... 1,1181,400 1,569,576 ...... __ .... Sioux --· ...... ---- 1,008,287 1,5, 8,515 ...... Jilck~n ...... 1,800,788 1,470,090 ...... Ha101lton ...... l.lii8,110G 1,803,855 ...... Oerro Gordo...... sza,MO 1,838,671 ...... Black lin. wk...... 1,08n,418 1,881,858 ...... Adair...... 847,,.4-& 1,327,867 ...... Audubon ...... 899,488 1,901,759 ...... Onion ...... 4 81l. ~ 1,298,697 ...... Allamakee...... 1,227,281 1,08l,486 ...... Palo A.lto ...... 1,088,00! 1,07<>,783 ...... Oa lboun...... ••• 1,011,175 l.Oj9,1161 ...... 11oward ...... l ,OIIT,081 1,008,893 ...... Grundy ...... ------·-········ et9,8 I 1.003,201 ...... Buena Vl11ta...... 11~7 I 1,004,4311 ...... 0ra.wford ...... 1!9 ,1..-T ll,llt50.1101o ...... Total11 ...... 61,671 ,7117

T ho~e ll coun~IC:l sblp 71 per cen~. of ~b~ OJ. 1111, ~51 neL poundi of buttor shipped from Stt~te.


T A BLE SBOWI~G ~ BT POU~DS Of' ROTTER :;nrt'I'EO OUT OJ< THE 1-T.\TE. TAHLJ..: SBOW I ~G TOTAJ, NET BUTTEH -..nrt'MENTS OF THE !'TATE FOR THE A$ REPOitTF.O RY Ttn : UA I LIWAOd. YEAH" I!-OOTU IOJ5 INCf,USIVE. FIW~I IOWA TO POr''ITS OOTSI [)E Tll J.~ STATE; AL~O INOHEA'EOR I>ECitE.\gEAS CO~IP.\ItED WIT£! THE YEAR PRECEDING Countle ~ 1004 1110S 7 I (, jtncrea~>ejnec r c3Se ~~. f ~ P"''tl o P.l>ll o p,l>ll o~t~> • .... CIJ Guthrie ...... &40,372 07,4-"8 •••••• ··- 742,8&! Yenrs Ending Octob..-r I. P._5i5; ... ..=..: "'a.9 ..: - f ~-g ~ f 2-g .e Hamilton ...... 1.158.\ltO 1.470,(3( 811,121 ...... ---- ~"0~ gou>. g.., 8:_ Hancock.------...... · ...... (81.~~lll 17...... ,::a 'nJ.(/70 810,171 ·------Bo.rdln ...... U U90 1,831,311 !40,s:!l ···--- •••• 18'.10 ...... ----·------· ------...... ?1,26MOi B a rr lion...... 2$3,600 39,60( .... --- :!48,1100 J8Ul ...... ------·--·---. (8,800.116 :::::::::::: ··z;6M,oso· ~. 67'0 13,0Cil -- ••• .0,670 11\!rl ...... GO,ll t ,llSl ...... 8,677,786 ~g~~ii·:::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::: ::::::::~:::::::: 1,007.9!!1 J,040,M.'I 41,071 •• • .• -- 1b!l3. ------...... ------54,572,0G2 ...... li,t(0,020 H u mboldt...... ··------7!7,710 663,«.3 ...... et,IM 1604 ...... ····------...... 64,5'11,(17 ---··------68,4& 88,(07, H8 li,IS7,6i1 ...... I d a ...... -·---... -...... --.... 102,787 213,1~ 20.~7 ....: ..... }~J- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: 80,0Sll,ll111 18,~86,8(8 ------Iowo...... _...... Gl 0,04J 4.94,717 ...... 11&,1124 lf;Ui ...... -----...... -...... ·--· ...... ·---...... 8,,621l,t81 3,187,165 ...... ---- 1Mtlli ...... -...... 75,86f,SS7 ..... -----· 8,2615,744 Jackson ...... 1,800,758 1, ~ 43,~6 1{8.779 ...... 1!$}...... • ...... 78,020,623 ·------· 744,011 231,0CO 131,f>2.1 ...... 00,477 10)0 ...... --·--...... --.... • ...... -----· 71,7111,129 ...... ••••• 4,010,W7 j :r~~ii::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0',105 1SMM 67,840 ...... ltl 1...... ·------7f,808,1106 8,144,688 ·------· Jobu-.on ...... !'11,711 37.044 ...... 1!4,727 11) ' ···-----· ------·------...... 12,7H ,b!!i ------%,14.9,411 J onc ...... 2,bli(l, 04 1 2,2b8,810 ...... ~· .~5 ] Q.)lJ ------·--··· ------...... 77,07'0,704 4,161,210 .. --·----·-- Jl)f•• .•• ·------...... ------...... ------. . .. 76,880,260 ..... ··---· 1,190,&34 Kcolcu k ...... _... : ...... 118,608 103,278 ------16,280 JOOS ...... • ...... 0 1 ,061! ~1 1U62,l!lll ----·----- Kossuth ...... l ,66G.017 1,0211,40~ 872,4!ltl ...... T ARLE SIIOWIXG NET Ponms OF BUTTER SHIPPED OuT OF TB ESTATE, AS Lee ...... B,80S, 3.'19 2,404,:J:ljl . •. .... W.018 Linn ...... 1,8el',200 1,ell6.b'O:l 3:!9,6~ .... ·-·-· REPOitTim BY TilE RAILRO ADS. Loulaa ...... 17,'i'G4 17,1 ~3 • ...... 831 Lucas ...... 8~,767 101,823 17,11M ...... Lyon ...... 221,808 34.8,000 126,262 ...... Counties. 1905 Mad I-liOn ...... ---·--· - 21,684 3,818 ... -- ... 19,2e0 Mo.bnska...... 9"i,%~ 'ro,'i%2 ------· 17,181 Tho Stnw ...... 76,880,260 91,C5l,IS51 lli,H2,29 .... -.... . ?llarloo ...... 86,0'111 112.'i':!l 127,6-11 .... ----- Achdr ...... 647, 7H 1,831,358 885,t! H ...... M an~ba.ll ...... 632,231 465,689 •.• ----- OM '-2 Mills ...... 8,221 4,801 1,~80 • • ...... AUIIIllll • - ...... ------·--· ...... 5J,O:W 84,2~~ ------17,t86 1\IItehell...... 1, 764,:.'118 603,(65 ...... A llarnakee...... 1 ,227,2~11 1,%93,607 88,3(!8 ------1,180.11&1 69,81!7 8~7 ...... I ll,~ Monon!\ ...... 61,86~ 4.';,617 • • •• • • • • • . H5,CS6 1\Jou roe...... 47,8~ 16,010 ...... ~ ~8~=-~::::: 600,t3b 1,S27,8b7 427,0111 ·----·--- 32,8.'4 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Montgomery ...... 8(1,67( 117,601 · - · ·--·· 21,Ctc8 ll1 u~ocutlnf' ...... 12,014 20,5811 llont{ln ...... 422,9$;1 '67,083 85,030 ------· - 82,32t! ...... Blnc.-k Uawk ..... ----· ...... l,t86, 4 1~ 1,S38,(1'il 261,663 ...... O' Brien ...... 7(13,2'9 SSS.~' ...... C0,87G Buono ...... 87,601 (ll,<7• ·------~ 18,{28 Brt-rner ...... 2,1•0,617 ll.i\)5,231 es.s.e3 ...... O.. ccoln...... 100,087 ~.'i54 127.71i ...... Buchanan ...... 1.810,47\1 I ,SlJ.~ 13.04~ ...... llUt·na Vbta...... ,...... 843,712 1,0CS,:?.;, l62,tlll ...... Pap:e ...... : ...... 6('6.417 2,800.88\ l ,'i9U~Il ...... 1'1\IO Alto ...... l,t!4,4'111 t.O,CO:l ...... llut iC'r ...... 1 ,~71>,7&2 1,9Z4,72~ 37-&,m ...... 1,o:n,IM:! Plymout b ...... 41:10,7~ J'IO,I 07 ...... 29,e40 Calhoun ...... 1,0H.37f 1,070.'ib3 M,4r8 ...... l'ocahontll>t ...... ---· ...... 88M, 7:.'11 BOf',f\1!11 ...... 8.1,003 Polk ...... 8,271.4!~ 5,r.27.kll Z.M~.t!l~ .. . l'arroll ...... ------...... 1,272,k~j 1,9'.!8,9:.2 OM,ICH ...... PoLtawattl\mlu ...... ~1.8 1 1 t41,1'JCI 244,1UII ..... _ .• t'll~"---· .... ·------· ------.... ------...... 72,fo:i 2l1,2n 1!8,~!! ...... Cpcla. r ...... ---· ...... 814,\0S. U4,171 ...... 110,818 Powe~hlek ...... ~0.174 &7,1H2 ...... 40%,~ Ct•r ro Gordo ...... ~.6~ 1,30!,866 572,80\ ------Ohc•rokee. • ...... JSI,l·7l 270.(81) 88,f t8 ...... Ringgold ...... Ohlckasa.w ...... l ,922,C4 ------11,420 0 2,693,41& 8,149, 7~3 U8,S27 ...... ~~~ ~~::::::::::::::: ·::::::::::::::::::::::::: ·::::::: 1,~~~ J,:::::f: ~:~t :::::::::· f:!~ftti:. :. :::::::: ==~~:::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~.8 51 665,H8 ...... 218,,06 Blory...... 804,321 &16,80 1 ...... J F1,427 CJr~tw!o rd...... 896,187 1 ,00(,4~0 109,002 ...... T amcL ...... 6'1'7,121 4Rft ,272 ...... 00,84.0 Dallas...... -----· ...... 800,681 661,107 lOl,f-:!2, ...... 828,22:1 Da.\•ts ...... 1W 1.0!" 940 ...... Tay lor...... --...... 07!1,681- l" ,d&t ...... IlccMur ...... ~.m s.,ots ...... u,m Union ...... ~.401 1 ,101,7~& 118,&1 ...... ll11lawa:ro ...... S,021,2!1! 2,474,1UI 462.871 ··------Hos Moines ...... 28&.7 1~ 82-!,177 67,(81 •••• ------Van Buren ...... 11,1580 (8,01l'J .0,1)39 ------· 1Hokloson ...... 646,1100 48~.316 ------02,5~ J>ubuque ...... 2,276, 778 ! ,669,868 293,(176 --.... --.. 78,918 U3,10f 21i,187 ...... ; !Fr~~~-.: ·:.::: ·:::::.::::::::::: =~:::::::::::::::::: 218 l.IOA 1111:1 ...... Emmet .... ------·--······------· ...... 4.53,128 597,0ST 1~,1100 ...... 210,2:!:! l&,b'ZI ...... 182,401 8o8,WtJ 933,112 120,0J3 ------2,022.812 2,366,6S4 3'2.872 ...... -·-- i!~~:~~~ ::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: 1101,100 6112, 11 7 ...... : !1,083 700,1122 723,058 ..... ---- 76,2M W lnnobn~o ...... 988,787 009,20'1 ...... 10,630 ~~~:r,~-~: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 461,786 7e3,SC9 281,674 ...... Wlnnesblek ...... 1,02%.U9 J.010,201l 208,8«1 ...... F remont ...... 15Z,tQ3 ...... 15s,m 5,878,214 8,078,201 3,89U87 ...... ~:-~ ~=-: 700,717 '/'llt,N6 82,6!8 ...... Greene ...... 15'7,167 88,671 ...... 14,088 ;W right ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..::....:::.. Gru ndy ...... G19,8a8 1,()(8,893 889,080 ...... 808.009 682,230 ... -----· 2SO,m Tbe Stnte ...... 75,881l,UO 01,061,661 15,182,201 ...... ~ CREAMERY LIST . ~

ln addition to the fvllowiog 3C\S cr1ameriea aod B7 akhnmlnc 111tation• ther~ art 1001 purchaaing a~· en \I reporttd by :.~-, etntra.l c:r~merie1. ll '*evident tbat thia report i& not couapletf' aod it ia eatim&ttd that there are Jz:,u to 1300 pun:ha•iug arenta for crum in the State. ~ t ~ "' 'f ~ '

10. CNam >II THI ~~ e::,-caJ~~ :·::Ui~~~.. ~~:r;at{!. -~:~ · :·~~ ~~; tf ('rto.a.m fll Trst. It IJ<)IIo\ YIIU. ••••. _ .l l'c•t•111~ F&.._.f'l \lo-«'' ,,, (", C,l-o()p 18andtH.p 111 'l't•t S6 WaUM'Ule_.,_. ranu.,.t,o.op. l',...rut•r7 Oo-..-.r.-).Hp 0 . (.'r.m Jll l'•·•t 11 \Vaukon .••••••._.. . IL.utllow O()..op. <,;"'-"~~"'' o.,, U.Op "'· &UU Tt·•t 17 ~o.• nd ...... AI'(' lit\ !'iprtna Or6amt•r7 .••..• - ~lodlv u. ~ream II 1'-•t. u . Oroaw 'l't•l :: ~:.:~bin·::::::·. ~~:~::~ ~~~lW(~~~~~~:.~· ~g~ I8. & G 0. Tt.'lk\.~



~ t. ~:;::.n.::::: :::·: ~~tft~t.Pf'::~_~t-~ ••o:· -·::: ~~. ?t~~= ~·;:~~~'~t~·(:':. -::::::: r~~t,~~:;.n ~~· Nu •1 ~·P~~t~r;:~~ :. 21 ·~I Ir.a...... -,.~Au•luhf•n Twp. :o'!'p l1, Oo. . ...••, ('~op. P. J•u~fllJ .. ¥ •toe ••. c ...... _._ t:,tr" ...... 1". J~nt-•·11 •• II l:a:!ra ...... _ w.-... ""mun-..p. Creamcor,. r-o. Oo-op. P""·r to•lft'f.M'D. fltc>...... ll:.r lrfl ...... -~ - •• l~el.for :0Ht".d4C'n H •~ •I ra •• ___••• ,. F.•lr• l!rMmetJ' Co • - •••. --- t;o..op, -Cbr11 ll. 't'lllioo., ~- _ •• M U amlla ••.,_., ,_, IUUflffr&.u i't-p. t'rpa~t r t.."o,Co-op.IO. Y. f'br ..t • o•co, to«" •••_ • tU•baJlton ....._ ()aab,b ~•p..l','7 tO...... Oo-op. P~t•r l.alckfl. ~ ~ - "· ··~· : ~Ulfti:::::=~ ~,ti,~·~~::;t..,=::::-:t~ ~~~\:a~'::::::::::: 8&:.-tOIJ COCIJ T - 1 • 1 Rt~ntow-D ...... ~U. mtn\

T~l Ten =~g:~:~;t ::::: .. "' .... C> LIST-oonrn=. -- _e!~ 'I.I:M' o:r rfoprJctgr, t'aGM u1 en..~.. , ~u .... Socnt.uJ' G1' Ji&flaftt B•~=;. :~ •r I ~ .. ]E ::: tt >1 :: ""'&i 2 T ... ._ ... l'tiit = Tt·~t ,> I'"''... :z 'frt!l-\ T""t c T ..t ~ ' F:''t "~ ...... lluDd., 0 T ..l ... T ... "' T-t. 0 T ..l -.: T,..t lhaod. :! Tool :ol

r.. , T ..t


r... , ...... , Ttot~t···~·' '"J'tt•l "l••l..... , ...... ft"Ji,l , T ..t let....., I Test

'JJ ,,., ..> T ..t ... lHI !'l T ..t c T ...t > ,,.., ;o n 0 .: ;=: r£ "'0 :.0: !""'

T ..t .:.. t ...... ~ CREAMERY LIST-COlfTJJI'lJm>. 00

... .,_.~ 0.. .., _a.. - ~ P. o. Address of g; Ote 0 l NalDO Of o .. Name of Proprleter, Proprietor, .eo8 .,., No.IDe of Orea ~a ery. ~ Socreto.ry or Butter H a"er ... ..::: ~ -g.: kp Location. Secretary or H ana1er, .... ., 0 Manager. c.>~ ...... :: .,a "" ., ~() II: en ~B z 0" 0 ~ eld 'Z 0 III - Separator Test ~ Renl'y Krulceuber~. Sec .... ,Fonda ...... \Charley Grant .•. , Test 118 Lytton...... WUllaiDs Cp Creamery Oo... , Co-op. G. B. Moon, Proprietor .... Manson.. _ · ··- r.harll'~ Moon .... B.&.G.C. 117 Manson ...... l\lan•on Oream.. ry. ------... - JndiT. .J. E. LtLurlnsem, Proprietor Pomeroy_ ...... J. E. L!\urll•sen •• 8. & G. C . Test 1\8 Pomeroy ...... Pomeroy t:l"eamery ...... Indlv. ~ Rockwell Olty • •. Andrew Wood Creamery Oo ... Stock I. H, Allen, Secretary-----· Rockwell Olty ••• Henry Holrranc. Gr\th. Or. Test llD E. B. Colee•.• ••• ""t:Q QAllROL COUNTY - > Test 2 120 Arcad1a...... Golden lta.r Cre~&mery Oo ...... Stock 0. Wlobers_, Secre~a.ry ..... Arcadia ...... 18. J. J_nns ._-- --.-----\ Separator Te,t Broda ...... VIola Mut. Oroo.mery Assn •.•.. Oo-op. Paul Luckow. Secretary ... Broda ...... lot> J,n\lpplng..•• Separawr Test. z 121 n. L. Fest, Proprietor ..... Coon Rapids. . ... F. 1~ . Lut•.lcwood .• llnnd sep. Cl 112 Coon Raplils •.•.. Coon R apids Creamery ••..•.•. Indlv. Tl'St .J. A. Stamen, Proprietor. .. Carroll.... J no. Staml'n ...... I1 1H1d "''~) . Te:.t > ua Lanesboro .••••••. Lanesboro Orea mt>ry ·-- •••••. lndlv. 'i. J. Berp:er. Secretary .... Cnrroll a No ! E. n. Fle-.kes .... !:lopa.ra.tor "t" 1U Mt. Oarmel. .... lilt. Cn.rmel Mut. Creamery Co. Co op. C. Koborst, Proprietor...... Carroll ...... '. Kohnrst ...... S. & G. 0 . Te»t 116 R08e11e · ·-· -- ... Rose Valley Creamery ...... Ind1v Goo. Rlerl ______...... Templeton . __ _ Aug. Thielke.. · 8. & G. C. Te:.r ::0 11!6 Templeton_ --·- Templeton Crt>amery Co •• ---- Co-op. J. H. Rushton, Pro rlotor•. Fairmont, Nob .•• 0. P. Yant...... !land "l'P· Tes\ tt1 127 Manning-·-- --·· Fa.1 r nwunt Creamery Oo ...... St.oek Test "0 118 Breda...... £Ianford Produce Co. (s) ...... Btock ""'''"' .,..... 1:'1, ...... """ Ctrt Ueyn -··· ·1 Band scp. 0 110 Oumberla.nd ···-- Farmer<~ H ut. Oo-op Or'mery OoiCo-op. Wm. Woblenhaus, Prop..... Orls,\'old ...... Wm. Woblenbaus S. & G. IJ. Test 180 Lyman ...... Lyma n Oreamory ...... Indlv. "" QBDAR COUNTY- ~ W. B. Kroe~er, Proprietor. a ennett ...... lw. II. Kroeger ... Separator Test tt1 181 Bennett ...... Golden <:tar Crl'amery ••••.•••.. [ndlv. ft. Buxoll...... Lo_ wden .. ____ ••.. E. Hu"p. Teat 1" \Mason City ...... J. n. Bickle Produce Co...... IStock l. A. •ol'

U O ,.\IP.<;errey ...... f Meserv~>y Creamery ...... , l ndlv.IM, J. Kerman, Proprletor.. IHe:.ervey ...... , If.J. Kernan ..... ,Galh, Or. T est 1'1 l'lla-onClty . .... [E.B.Uigley Co ...... S toek lioward D. Reynold.,, V.P.Mo.:.onCJty ...... C.ll.Oleveland •• Gath. Or. Test

,... Cn~:nOKEE Cous TY·- 142 Aurelia ______Aurl.!lla Creamery ---- -·---··--- Stock A. V. 0. Ttdson, Secretary -- ...... Alu. Mc Adam ... Dand ..p.l Teat US MIU'Cu:...... White Hosu Creamery ...... l ndlv. C. E. Austin ...... --·- ---- Marcus •••• _ ••• -- E. J.'. Julian ...... 8. & G. U. Test tU Cht•rokue ...... Cherokee Creamery. ______Indh·. Youngt-r Bros...... Cherokee ...... Thomas Devlin •• Aand8ep. Test ti6 ~ t\sbta.... ____ Washta Creamery...... Iodlv. JaiD& ltobertson, Jr ...... Washta...... Otto .l:lueher ...... liaud Sl•P Test

OniCK.~SA w Cou NTY- 1~ Boyd...... __ Boyd Farmer.. ·Oreamery ...... Co-op.IJ. De Betllgnes, Secretary. New Hampton rtd Ed Capper ...... 8 eparat.or T Cl>t. No.2 UT Uta VIsta ...... Alta Vbta Farm e..,., Crm. A Sin. CO'Op. J. Westenberger, Secretary Alta Vista...... R. J. White..... 8 eparat.or T e&t (fJ 1'8 llovon ...... Devon Farmer,; Ureamery Assn Co-op. Ed. Capper, BecretMY----·· Devon ...... Barry P ore;ter •• 'ieparat.or Ttlit ":1 Ull Alt1~ Vl!ot:~ ...... Deorllohl Crea.mory ...... Co-op. J. W. Kane, Secretary ••... Alta Vista ...... Jo.ktl F.olrstth.-.. Separator Test 160 {?re.burl; Butter J.'actoryl Co-op. 0. L. W bltcomb, Secretary J.' redorlck s burg J ohn Finnegan . • S eparntor Test. rtd No.1-...... Fred Zigler...... Separator oil teRt ~ 161 Ionia ...... Ionia Farmer:. Creamery A!>.">D. Co-op. H . B. Young. Secretary----- Jon!&...... __ tj 16! IJerlco...... Jerico Cn:amery A>-sn ...... Co-op. L. R,. '<' Ill Iamson, tiec .•...• Jerico ______...... B. Nlckkel~on •• Gath. Cr.. T~. · 163 Lawler ...... Lawler Crenmt:.ry ...... Ccretary .. Lawler...... ___ Gco. G. KoltboiT Separator Test > 16' Little Turkey ••• ~lttll'l Turkey t 1reamery Co ... Stock. 8. R. Carpllnter, Secretary ElktLder ...... •.•.•...... ----····--·· S epa.rat.or Test ~ 166 Now Hampton ... ~uw Hampton Creamery ...... lndlv. James L. Humphrey, Jr.. .. Now Bedford, Mass ...... Gatb. l.r.. Test -< 1M New Hampton ••. :\"ew Hampton Creamery <~l .... l ndlv. Jame~ L. l:lumphre;t. Jr.... Now Bedford, Mass J. W. Cagley . •••• S . & ll. 0 . TCbt. :) 1~; fo'rt-derlchbur,; • :-lew Hampton (Jreamery (s).. .. lndi\·.,Jnmes L. llumpbrey, Jr.... ="ew Bedford, MUl> Chas. llerren .... S. & G. C. Tel>t 161! Nashua...... _.... Farroersl'o-op. Creamery .\SliD Co-<•P· "' W. Blinn, Secretary.... _ Nashua...... Robert. Mall lie •••· 8. & G . 0. oil telot 0 1~ Nashua...... ___ j'~.a~hua Creawury .~----··;------lndiv. 0.. ba.s. Curler & Co...... DcKalb, 111 -·· ...... Gat b. Cr.. Test. ~ 1tl0 lhh . Washington :-ith. V.. a.-.Wmuon tlrm. l;o ... .. { o-op. 1· rank N. Glndortf, Sec.-.. North "'ashlngton ...... Oath. Cr.. Te&t e:: 1111 DC\'On --~---·-- •. ::\th. Wa:.blngton Crm. <;o. (s). Co-op. Frank N. Gtodor1f, Sec .... North Wasblogtoo ...... ·...... Separator 'le&t (fJ 16J Dl•crfield •••••••.• 1-l tb. Wru.bln!"lOn l)rm. Co. (',). Co-op.•F.rank N. Glodortl', Sec.. ... Nortb Washington., ...... _...... Separator' Test. (/J 183 ,ll>ula .... _...... :o;,b. Wa.-.blngton Crm. Co. b ). Co-op.'Frank :\. Glndorll'. l'ec.... North Washington ...... S eparator Te:.l 0 lfU :'ande ...... :;,. ude Co-op. Creamery .\&TY- 1156 Olcken"' ...... Fal"mers p. Creamery Co. Co-op.I Wm. McCurdy, Bee. & Hgr. Dickens...... A. W. Snyder___ _ Separator oil test 107 Fo.. torla ••••••.•.. Fo:-t.orl~ Ore:uner.f C COU'!ITT Elkader - --·------~Elkader CreamNy Co ...... , Stock .,H. R. Carpenter. Becretary.,Eikader ...... 18. H. Olour;h ..... IGath. Cr• . Test 173 Ed!o!ewood _...... Fidelity Creamery ...... Ind1v. H. F. Seyer, Pl'oprietor..... ldtewood ...... Ed. J, Wbl1 pie .. S. &:•.G. C. Te&t 1!4 Elkport...... Elkp(>nCreamery ...... l ndlv . H . F. Beyer, Proprietor ...... David Smltt ..... nand-sep. ~dgowood Tes&. ~ 1o5 Farmc.rsblll1; . .... Farme.nburst Co·op Creamery. Co-op. Jno.Jonson ...... Fr.rmel"lburg ...... I . D.Bendershoot Hand-sep. Test (0 0\ CREAMERY LlST-()()JHINum>. 0 .. &,.!ii.. _ 0 ~ s P. 0. Address of ._'0 ....a . :1 0. .. Name of Proprietor, Proprietor, I Name of _o" ... 8. otc gt Location. Name of Creamery. Secretary or Butter Maker. .. .0 8. Secretary or Manager. ;!~. '&~ 0 JllaAager. ..c.:: oS ., ...... , ~ CJ:s ~ ..... C)'!CCJ OICJ Ec :c0 , ,. -z 0 ~ 178 Garo&Y!IIo ••••••• Garoavlllo Farmers Co-op Test trl Creamery Co ...... Co-op- R.n. Hublman Secretary•. Garoavllle ••••••• O.B. Schumacher Gl\th. Or.• Test trl 177 Luana •••••••••.•• Luana Farmers Co-op Crm. Co Indlv . Jamee Humphr ey Secretary Luana ...... Jns. A. Barker •• Gat h. Cr .. z 111 Llutorort •.•.•••• Llttlep~rt Creamery ...... Indlv. H. P. Beyer, Proprietor.... Ed~ewood .•..•••. Dan W~lpple •••• ~epamto; · Test ""3 Meyer Kling Creamery .••••.•.. lndlv . J. W. Meyer. Proprietor ••.• Elkport R. No.1 . Peter Kllug•••••. l!.. 0. 1.:.· 'ten 1711 Commuola ..•.••. ~- Test 180 Monona ..••••.•••• Monona Creamery Co ...... Stock . 11 . lt. Carpenter Secretary Elkader ...... G. M. Miller •.•.•. II and Sop. = O>terdock Creamery Co ...... Stock. B. R. Carpenter Secretary. Elkader------A. B . Pef\Coc'k ••• Gath. Or.. Tc-.t > 11$1 Oet~rdook ••••••.• Test z IU .McGre~tor .•..••.• J. D. Bickel Produce Co ...... Stock J.D. Rickel, Manager .••.•. McGregor .....•• Geo. Heffron ..... Gath. Cr .. 183 St. Ol11f •••••.••••• St. Olaf Co-op. Creamery Co .. Co-op 0. R. En~telbardt. Beo ••••• St. Olaf R. ~o. 7 •. J B Frisbie ...... Oath. Cr .. Te:.t z 18' 'ltrawbl•rry Point Strawberrl Point Farm.I.Jrm Co Co-op. 0. 0. GltHiwln. Secretary •.•• Stro.wbe;ry Point H. J. Evans .••••• 1:' oparator Tt!SI. ~ Pride oft e West ...... Co-op. Ba.rne.)' Olinger, Secretary Volga Ctty ...... Watson 8hlok • & G. Test > 181 Volga City •..••.• S. 0. t" 188 Wnteon ....•.. , Blue Grass Creamery ...... Co-op. J ohn Geraghty , Secretary .. McGregor R No.1 F. A. Flct•••••••• Hand Sop. Test ~ CLINTON COUNTY•- trl ~ 18T Delmar Junction Springbrook Creamery .•.•••••• lndlv - ~John Newman Co .••.•..••••• IEII(In, Ill .•••..•• W. Gos~man -----~ ~- & 0. 0. Test 0 188 J\tlou ..•.. Diamond ('reamery Co (s) .... Tndlv . 0. W. Simpson, Manager .•• Mvntloello ...... ••••.•. . .• •••• S. & 0. 0. Test 1115 South Grove •.... Diamond Creamery Co (l>} ...... Indlv. C. W. Simpson, MtLnager . .. Monticello ...... S. & G. 0. Test ~ 105 Smithtown ..•.•.. Diamond Creamery Co (s) ..... lndlv 0. W. Almpson, Manager•.•. Monticello ...... S. & 0. 0. Test 197 Browns •••••• ---- Springbrook Creamery (s) •••••• Indlv John Newman Co...... Elgin, IlL .•.••.•..•••••....•...... S. & G. 0. Test

CR£ Wl"ORD COUN TY- 103 I Den I'

DAVIS COON TY- 20 l 1!3Joomfleld .... Yorkshire Creamery Co. ('11 •••• Stock R.N. IfOrrell, Seo ...... ~O~tumwa ...... G ~to th. Cr. Tf'!IC 205 Puh1skl .•.••••••. York~hlre Creamery Co. N--·· St 8 211 Oetawaro ...... Central Creamery Co...... Co-op. J. B. Wblte, Soc• ...... Hopk.·lnton R. 2?1Anton Naohan~ •• S"parator Te't trl 21. c;recley •••••..••. Greeley Farmers Co-op. Cr. ~"o . Co-op. J. C. Mathew'{ ...... Greeley ...... f{. R. 0 raub .••• 'i;oparat"r Ttlt !16 C'otcaburg ...... Oolesburg Creamery t'o ...... Co-op. Robert A. Gu I Sec ...... Colesburg ...... 4 . L. Landi, ••.. S. & Q. 0 Tf'M c 218 Manche~ter ...... Barryvllle Co-op. t·r. Co ...... Co-op. John Dugjtn.n Ser ...... Ryan ...... E. E. 14Jttlestadt Se~·a.rator Ttqt > 217 Hopkinton ...... Hopkinton Co-'>p. Cr. l 'o. .••.•• C'o-op. 'tf. L . .'If cO lade, Sec ...... Hopkinton ..•.••..' John Steven•on •• ~cparator Tt>t't :;; !18 Petersburg .••••• Bear Grove Co-op. Cr Co •..•••. Co.op. 1'. H. Kloo;termann, Sec •••. Dyersville, R. 2l ,'Jobn B. Oomayer 9"parator Teat -< 119 Ooll\ware .••. •.•• Delaware Creamery Co...... Co-op. Johann Yclden. l!cc...... Delaware...... G. 0. Miller ...... Sepuator Tt'IIC 2!0 En.rl\·lllc ...... Earlville Creamery.:.••.•••• ••• lndlv. J . M. Dunn. Prop ...... Earlvllle --······ IJienn 8 Dnon .. S. & Cl , e. Teat () 221 Enrlvlllo ...... GilL Edge Creamery...... lndlv. J . M. Dunn, Prop ...... Earlville ...... J E McCatfn·y •• S. & 0. 0. T•t. 0 t~t '1anche~ter •••.•• lfancbester Co-op. Cr. Co ..•••• Co-op. James tnshop. Sec ...... lllancbester •.•.•• C 0 Elder ..... Sep&rator Tete 121 )lancbcst{'r ••.... Dairy City Creamery Co .•••••. T~ull v. M,or~e & .A ndrews, Props... Manchester ..•• W. K Pollard .... Hand ~ep. Teet ==~ Mao;onvllle ....•.. Masonville co-op. Cr. Co ...... Coop J. . S Barris. Soc ...... »a,ooville •••..... John F. Da•...,on .. ~ep&rator Te.~t Q) F'. '11. & !), - lli~· AI moral...... Tbo A.lmoral Creamery C'o •.••• Stock L. Carpenter, Sec•••.•• •. Almoral ...... C. Oubbt .•. s . 0 . T~t 2tll Oolhl •••••.•.•••• !!liver Spring Crean,t>ry Co••.•. Stook. ll:. B. Porter. Sec ...... Oelbl ...... A. H . B+ntz .••••. Separator Te~~t ~ 127 Pote~burg ...... Petersburg Creamery Co ...... Co-op. H . R. Scherbrlnp:. Sec ...... P~tersburg .•••••• Nick Budden •.•. qeparator Teat 0 m Manchester ...... Spring Branch Co op. Cr. Co.. Co.op. W. J. Davis. Sec .••.••.••.•. Delaw&re ...... EJ. Everu ..••••. Separator Ttet z 2tll Thorpo ...... FarmersCo-op. Cr. Co ....••.••. Po-op. M. K Blair, St>e •..•.•••..•. Manchester ••.••. G. Stnnse ..... Separator T~>~ara\or Te•t ~ JSl Ryan ...... Palmer-Hubbard Co...... Stork C. V. Rosenberger, Sec.•• •• Independence •.•. Geo. E.mry ...... S. & G 0. Tret 2!l:l Ryr\n ...... Hazel Green Creamery Co •..••• Stock 11 . F. McBride, Sec.... . - Hopkinton ...... Cbarlea Rohde ... St'J)&rator Teec !3.1 Broadway ••.•.•. Palmer-Hubbard Co. (s) ...... Stock 0. V. Rosenberger, Bee ...... Independence ...... 8 & G C Teet. 2J I Ryan ...... 811\"er Creek Creamery ...... lndlv. qeo. E. Packer, Prop ...... Ryan ...... Gao. E. P&Oirer. ~· & G.' o: Tt~t. 2'-~ Oneida ...... Oneida Creamery ...... lndiY. I•. M. Burbridge, Prop .••.•. Oneldo ...•.•.••••. '1'. Dickson ••••.••. Rand eep Teet 23ft Dnndeo .•••••••••. Farmers Co-op. l reamery Co.. Co-op. &. 0. BaMeo, Sec...... Onndee ...... F. W. Stephenaon !'lep&rator Tnt. 117 Shier ...... Ehler Creamery ...... Indlv. Nathan Patton, Prop...... Ehler ...... 1Lester Pierce •... S. & G. 0 Teet


t!S,Lake Park ...... Lake Par" Far. Co-op.Crm.Co. 'CQ-ilp.,J. G. Chrysler, Bec .••.••••.• ,t.alte Park .••••••. ,11:. E. Storr••.••. ~ S. &. G. C. Te~~t 139 Milford ...... !dllford Farme~ B. & 0. Assn. Co-op. EJ. H.Sblpman. Sec a11d Mer Milford ..••••••••• J. 0. Mfller...•.• s. &: G. o. Tee$ 2.o Spirit Lake •..••• Farmers Co-op. l:reamery Abn. Co-op, 4 . F. Bergman. Bee ••••••••• Sptrl• Lake• ••••• Geo, Wllllama .... Band eep, Teec c.n ~ ...,. OREA.MERY LIST-CG!fTTIJU1:D. N . .. 'd '2 .. •:: .. c P 0 . .A.ddreee of o.., ::a .. .. 0~ .. Name of Pro~rletor, Proprietor, Name of Location. Name of Creamery. • Secretary or a r,ager. Secretary or Bu\ter Maker. s~a ~.5 b 0"' Manager. ~-s: ..o.! •Eloc:s II: _., z 0 !tit ..... er: II) ;,; IQ -z 0 1'11 ,., Terrll ••••••••..•• -ro.l"mera~ uo-op. uroamery oo .. oo-op. T. H. 'l'redto•. Sec ...... 1er rtl •...•••... Roy A Burt .••••. s. ~ <:t. o. Ttlolt a., Suporlor •...•••••• Superior Creamery Co..••.... Co op. Guy W. Small Seo•..•.•••.. Superior...... •. Mr. Wolle .••••••. Band ae, . Tet~l ~ t:>-:1 DtJBUQU & COUNTT - I a~ Ba.lltown •..••• Ball town Co-op Creamery Co.• Oc-op. 0. D. Harrln~tton, Secretar> Speeh~'s FeJTy R 9 Henry Koehler .. 8. & G.O. Teet ~ 249 Cascade ....••••• • Sprln~ Valley uroamery Oo •••. Go·op. J. N . .Kremer, 8eoretarJ .... Uaecade ...... •••. Wm. Thompson. Separator Tes' • Casca e ('reamery IJO ••.•••.•• Co·cp. t>. J. Conlin, Secretary .•.••. Cascade...•••••••. C. T. Elllo"····· ~operator Teal > 160 Cascade •.••••••• l!'raolt Rubly .••••. Saparator Teo-t z Ul Farlo_y ------······ Hickory Valle_y ureamer_y Co .. 8tocll. .John Ramm, Srcretar_y .•••.. l!'arle_y R 17 • ••••. W Dyeravlllc..•.•••• Farmer.; Goldon Sta.r Crrn. Co. ' .o-cp. J. H. Prier, Secretary .••.•. Oyera•ille R 19.. .J. B. Feldman •.•. 8.& \.i. c. Tn~ z ll63 Ep.worth •• .•••..•. Oubu(lue Butter aud Milk Co .. Stocll. I:L H. Hopkin!!, Prel>ldt!nl .. Dubuque .••.•.•... L. H. S"Lagle •••••. dand sep. ToJt c:: Separator Test > 2~4 I•' llmore ...•.••••• Flllmoru co-op Crei\OJOry Co .. Co·op. Wm. Craft, I:IO<'retar~ .•.•.. Cascade R 28 ...... John G. Stemmer t"' 266 L•'arloy ••...•.••••• Jobu's \.:reck Creamery ..•.... lndlv. A. K Heald & Son, rops .. Farle_y ...•••.••••. John Rogan .••••. Separator T&~ 2» Farler--······---- ~·ariel Creamery <.:o ••••...•.••• Stock. \:t. W. Oro~ Sec. & MJr... l!'a·lll.Y ..•••.••••.. Thoe. ••.. 8. &\:t. c. Tet" ~ !67 O"Nel I •••••.••••. Oak Urove Cruamerv.. • •.... !nviv. Jonathan P ley, Prop etor Waupeton ... J. W. Farnt.. •••. 3.& G. C. Tet-t t:>-:1 2~ Lu:remburlf ----- Globe Creamery llo...... Stocll. Joe Friedman, decretary .... N .liluena Vl&ta R! Anton SmHb .. ~p&rator Ttl'-t ., Ull Nuw VIenna •.•... :-lew VIcuna Ccutral Crw. Oo .. Stoolr. Heng.r fl'angmaon, Seoretar1 New Vlenn& R ~.4 George Landl-1 •••. Separator Hnnd 0 litO Rlcknrdsvllle •••• Fartu Croamery Oo... .• . . • •. Stoclr. Jno 11her, Secretary ...... Vnrango R 116 •••• Peter N. Schmitt Separator To~t ~ Ul :ibcrrlll .•••..••••• Hlvorslde Creamery Co•...••.•• Co-op. Nlo Semmen, Secretar_y ••.. Oobnque R 1 •••. Nlo Semmen ••.. :3eparat••T 'l"tll!t oi Sherrill Creamt-ry Company ..•. Co-op. J. C. doleyn, Secretary ••.••. ~cht'll Ferry R I I. Sllolmunkes .•.. Separator 2Sl ~berri!L .•••..••. Te" 0 Jd3 Worthlo~too ..•.• Worthington Crt•amery .•••.••••. lndiY. C. Boehl•r. Proprietor .••••• ortbiogton ••••. C. Baehler•••..•.. ~.&G . 0. Teoot ..., 2M Zwlnglu •••••••.• Ladd'a Ureamerr .....•.•.•.•.•.. !mllv. F. G. L!ldd, Proprietor •••. Zwingle .•.••..••. F T. Tbiel..••••. Ba nd aep. TOll~ liM Holy IJross ••.•.•• S:oly Orns~ Creamery Company. Oe·op. Leo Sweeney, Secretary •••. N, Buena VIet& R I John P. Crippee .. 8epar&tor Tm1l 8 2i5 Dubuque ••••.•... Ells Bluff ('!reamer::r ....••••.•.. lndl•. S. P. Wadley & Bon .••••••.. Dubuque..•.•..... A. 0. Wa l.lrer •••. Hand eeg Teat 2G1 Dubuque•.•..•••• Columbl& Crumer:,-....•.•.•••. lodlv. Gt>Orge Warnt:r, Proprietor Dnbnque R. ' ···· Geo Worner .•.. >~ .&G .. Teat =t:>-:1 J63 ·DubUrs Oo-op. Crcamer_y Co..• Co·o~. Petrr H. BortMSecretar_y... Armstrong ••.•.. Ben.,v. Ohronbolm S. & G. C. rest. 278 E9thorvllle.•••••. Eo~thervllle Creamery Co ..•••• Stoc . J. Cronholm, anagcr ••••. I!Jatherville .••..•.. EI. • Sidles ••.. !la ud BeP. Te~~t. 214 Halfn •••..••••.••• The Farmer11 Creamery Oo. . .. Co-op. P. A. Gaardt', Secretary .••. Balta R. F. D. 1.. Adolph Weiss •.•. S. & G. 0. Test. 176 Huntington •••••• Bnntln~n C...·or. Creamer_yOo Co-op Gt-o. A. Por~. Secretary . Buntlagton •.•••. Goo. Graham .••. S. & U. C. Teet. 278 Boprlg•••.•••.•••• tloprig "s Co-or. Cream'_y Oo. Oo·op. John A. Bosold, Secretary •. GraeUinger R. 2.. Jn1Jn1 J ensen ..•. S. & 0 . 0 TN&. ll7r Rlngstead ..••. .. Denmtuk Creamery C11 . ..••... Oo·op. R. J. Fink, Secretary ...... Armatronr •••.•...••.•.•.....••••••. S. & G. C. T01ot. 178 Rln~stcad ••••••.• Fora,tbe Creamery Co. . .••.•. Oo~ . B.. A.. Gllllrde, Secretary. .. Armstr ong .•••.. Ed. Kressl.n .••••. 9eJ>ar ator Teat. 179 Wal lngford.. • • Wallin&ford Creamery Co..••... St . 0. 0. Anderson, Secretary .. Wallingford •••••• J . C. Jeneeu .•••• B. & G. 0. T81t.

.. • -- -.1· ~------·~· ------~~--~----~

F .AYJ:TT:& Cotm TT-

180 Arllnston.... •. Brush Creek Fm'a Cream'y Co. Co-op. Go,- L. Raw ~;on, Secretary AriJogton •••••••. l L. s. Edwards .• serarator Te~~~. 21!1 Clermont...... Clermont Valley Cream~:ry Co. CJo op. F ll' I< er gu!lo~>, decre,ary .. Ulcrmonr. •••••••. Amon l!;rlc~won •• t:111rod Bcr· Tt!IO~. 282 Elgin...... Elgin !farmer>~ Oalry t.o •...... Oo·op. Meloh',. Luch,lnger, Soo•. Elgin .. •.•..•.•••• l!:d IIan~on .••.•. Oath. Cr 'l'tlJil. 283 Fayetle •.•••••••. F•ye~te Creamery... ..• ..... tndlv. a. F. Bt>yor .•••.•••.••••• B 290 3nmner •.••..•.. Cenrer Valley Creamery Ou •• Stock. A. E. Frldl:v. t!ecrt:tllry .... Sumner, R r.D. K. 8. Old• .••.•.• St:{'arator Hu•d. 2~1 8~. L.ucas.... .••• The Farmu& Oo·OP. Creamery. Co-op ••John J Mlhm, 8eoretary .. Fl. Atllln&on, Rt B. H. Kuennen •• St>pllrator l"tll't, 292 W83lgale ...• .••. Wost~tate Oo·op. Creamery Co. CQ-op. F . B. Coh.>rnan, Secretary .. Wt•tgatf' ••.• .•.. 0. B. Capper .•.. BeJ•&rlltor T."t. (JJ 208 W!ldeoa...... Rlvertolde Creamt>ry.. . .••••. lndlv. F . J. 8cbrurd11r. Proprietor V.adeno .•••.•••.. F. J . Schrot'dt-r l:landS.-., '1't•Jif. 201 West We~t U11lon .•••. Union On•amt>ry...... lfldiY. Boe & Nd~on. .••.• . •.. Col eo or ..•••.••..•.••...... •••••••• G111h. Cr. T·a~. ~ 19~ Wauooma.... . Waucoma .-arm'• Cream·, Co. Co·or. Fraoll w. Chde. 8t-crl!tary Waucoma .•••••.. P. J. Kolbt-t ••.• 8. &G. C Ttlilt, 8 %911 Stanley..... ••• ,.armera .14. Co-op. Cr. A·~n- Co-op._ -"' A ~hr-rman, Sf-C. & Mgr Stanlt-y ..•... ..• FranltStrong .••• ,..ra•or lll m Alpha...... Alpha Farmertl Cream.,ry Co. lJ(X)p.l F. J ldclntyrt'. Secretary .. s .. 1 til~ . 2118 Al1.1ha ...... ••.. ·1 C N. Beach . •... Separator T•,.,~ t::l Sumner . .•.. ••• Richfield Creamer,- Co ••. Co·or. B. C Schro;.dt>r. St!orotftry RAwkeye ••...... 0 . .A . D•y .••. s~parator T••t. 209 Oelwtlu .••••.••.. Maple \:I rove Creamery 0, ... Stock. Tbomu SadltlJ, Stcrorary. 1 > 1 Ha;wltou, R. 2. fhomas Sadl~>y •. Stp,.rator Test. :a FLOYD COtJ!CTT- -< 800 Powersville ..•••. Powersville Creamery...... lndlv. Ch1111. Gnrler & Co .••••.••.. 1101 Ot>Killb, IlL .... W. R. Miller .••• Oath. f'r. 0 I Te<~t 0 Rockford...... Rockford Co·op. Dairy 4un .•. , Co-op. E F. BrlggR, Managt-r .•.. Roo.llford .•...••. J . 0. Farnham .. \:taU• C'r 011 T ...l 0 SG2 Chule8 CUy..... Flo(ld Creek Crtamery Co...... Uo-op M. A. alr~ch, Secretary .. . Cbarle>< City ••••. llt!3 Hl'nry Bln1111r •• r.aoh Cr. ln. Teet Nlle.-vUie .•.. ••• Nllt!a Cresmt-rr Oo....•••••....• ~lt<·ck. .J . .J. Brunn.-r, St>cretary .. . Chari&.> Chy •... ll"rank Brnnnt·r .• Galh. Cr. T•.o:. 5 804 Cbarlett CIL_y ••... Oharlee Cttyldilk & Cr•m Co. 8te>clr. J . J. Bronner, Kanaeu ... . Chnrles City •••.. Emil J. Wt-18~ .. Gatb. Cr. Tau. CD- (JJ- FR-A NKLIN CotJ NTT- Ackley•.••..• ___ _ 0- !ICl6 At-tna Creamer_y •.•••••••...... h:dlv. Martin & Jobnoon, Prope .. .Ackley.••••..••.. Chrl1 <:tralltlbnr![ Bera•ator Tt-lt. z 8011 Coulter .••....•• Hamilton Co-op. Creamtr7 Co. c .. op. !leo. Dohm&Dn. Secretary. f)owl •.•.....••. HamJ>tOn ••••.• .. L. C. Kangr-n•l!n Oath. Cr. Test. g$ 1107 Farmers Co-op. Creamery ~o •. C :-op. C. A Nlcbol.110n Secrt-tllr-y Uow11. R 'J...... E"rank L. Lat!On S•patatO• Ttn 3011 Hampt-na .•..••.. Hamptun Creamery .•.••.•... lndlv 1.7. 8 Gnrl~r, Proprietor. DeKelb, Ill • ., ••. R. E , ~hoekey . 11119 lowa Falls •. GraM Center Oreamery ..•.... Brock Gath. Gr. T.-.~t. J J Rensing. Secretary .. . Iowa Falls, R. 1 W.l!'. Ml~tl efit ad t 81'p&ratoo TP.~I. 910 Latimer.•••••.•. Latlmt-r Co-op Creamery Co .. Co-op. A W. Meyer, Secrt-tar.v .. . Latimer .•••... •. A . W. !olf_ytr ••• Sll Lte Cent.,r .•••.. Alden Creamery Co. (a) •••.•... Hath. Cr. Tr:st. Co-or. T. lt. HtutOD, Se<:rttar.J .. . Alden...... •. ---- •.•..••••••. 8. &\i.l T_.t, GRI[IJ:J•• COUNT. Y- 9071 Graad Junction Grand Junction Co-o;:-. Cr. Co., O.J-op.l Daniel Maloney. Se<'retaryl Grand Junotlonl H . A. . 8herlr •••. , S. & G. 0.1 Ted. 8118 !kranton ...... __ Scranton Crumery...... Indlv. Lewl8 & Anderson, Propa •. 8cran$0n...... Lewi•&Ander.. •u Band Sep. Tea~.


'Q •:< 'E ... .. o:;­ o. .. o'Q .. - .. P. 0. Address oC .. 4> • ...a ()"' Otoe Nn.wc of Proprietor, Proprietor, of Sta u Location. Name of Vrcamcry. c. ol..g~ t>S 0 l:'ccrctary or Manager. Secretary or Uuuer Maker. .. .. 0) "g.!: f.l:> Manager. ., .. ..::!: .c.110o .. Q Ec ?; :>o 0 ... ~ Cll :a z~ GRUNDY COOI'T!Y- ~ t'lj t'lj 809 Aplington ..••.• Buck Grove Crtftmuy...... Co-op. 0. Nlehni~~,. Becrelt.ry••••••• AIJllngton ...•••. J G. Ellinger •.. Separator T.,.,t. til\) Ackley .....•••.•. J ·hnaon Crtt.m11ry .••. .... •••.. lndiv. Martin & Jobn~on, Prop~. Acklt·y ...... Hank tlchu~zer. s .. ,.arator '.lest, z tllk" Co-op. Creonuo•ry , .., ...... Co·OIJ. E. <), Rou b, Secretary ••.. 1'•81. '"l till !>Ike ..•••••..••. l•tkc ...... J. t> Chri•tPnsen 8. &U. O. Ill ~12 Fredsvllle . . ••••. ~·roo~tvllle Oo-oJ>. urcnouury l.."o. I..Ju·op. Han~ Lausen, Secretary ... Cedar F~>lls, 1~. ~ ­ A. Kln... Co op. Jacob A. Meyer, Seor&t~ny Rrour . ...••... 'l' ll: llll ger ..•.. tl. & u. o. Test. > all R('lnbock .•.... Ho·tnbeck .Yt~e&tnHJ Co...... Co-op. 0 Vlttnm, ·secrctftry ..... R"lnbt<'k . ..•.•...... '·· ca,...... Har.dSep Tell!. z 1116 F .. rn ....•.•..•.. Jl't•rn Cr~amery Oo ••••.•. ..•... Oo·op. W. B. Henning, Seort-tar) I'll kcrsburg• .•.. B. '1'. Sole...... S.&G.C. Ta~t. z GOTBRIE Cou:-ITY- ~ t" 81 0 Bay.. rd...... · Kayard Co-op. Crt~amery Co..• CG·op. M ..J HaUl mao, So.:crvtuy BaJ ud ..••.••••• L. R. Wino •••••. Gt.tb. Cr. T8tlt. 8f UNey ...... Ca•t>y I..Jreamery Oo ..•••.•••.•. S:oclr. a. E. Smllb, s.. cr.. •ary ..•. c .... ., ...... U . H.. )l,.tra\•er~t t:l.& G.C. Tt!at. :a 8 I Guthrie c.nter •. Guthrie Center Co·op. Cr. Co .. ~o-op . J A. lloLanghlln, Stc .. Guthri" c.. ntt>r .I ~. 'l'afL ...... 8. &G.C. Test . t'lj 1118 .,t .. ndou ...... •• ry Co..... Co-op. U M Cftdy, Secretary . litu~~rt .•••.••••. A. Cochrane .... S. &G. C. '.l'Ol1d •••..••••. b'. E Howard. Se1•arator Te..t. '2j 81.5 North Branch ... ~orlh Brauch~o-op.Oreamery Co·op. R B. oughes, Secretary ..•• Nor' hbranch ... ueo. J118t ...... s.&~.c. Te~~i. "'i HAlfiLTON Cous TV- Ill t'lj 9:!8 l!ll"worth ...... Ellsworth Co-op Crm'ry Aun Co·or. S Sttooberg, Seo...... ••••. 1 ~:11,...-orlh ...... D. W . Mohle r ..• S.&G.O. Ttst. 8'!7 Witlit.m~ ...... l!:ll-!WOrth Co-ov Crm'y A~l Radcltlfto ...... ~:ll~worth Co-op Crm'y Allin (.t) Co·op. 8 S~enber~, Sec...... Ellaworth ...... tl & (l. <'. Teet. 3 <11 Jewel! ...... Jewdl Creamery . . . •...... lndiv Groubeok & Morek, PrOJ.t'~ Jewell •.•••• •••. C"J:i~i& ·i!(irck: :::: S. & G.C. Test. 830 Jewell ...... Jtlwell Creamery(&) .••..••..•.. lndtv. Gronbeok & Morek, Prop'!!~ Jewf'll ...... S. &G.U. Test. 11a1 R~~ondalt ...... The Handall P'arruer Crem'y Co Cu·op, EL N. Miller, Sec ...... HandoiL ...... ·ii. ·N: ·:Miliei-·::.:·. Separator TeRt. 392 Stanhope ...... Stanhope Creftmery ...... lndiv. E. (,, Brewer, Prop • 1 Stanhope .•.••.•. W. I. Oliger .... Gath. Or. Otl-t e~t

RANOOCK COON TY- 833 Brit~ .. . . •.•• Brt•.t Co-op Creamt-ry Co...... Co-op. H. C. Jackson, Sec •..••••• l Brit' .••• • ..••••. H. L. McNary .I S. & G .C. Tee~. 8!6 Jluncau .•.. ..•••. lira~~ Co op Creamery Ce (.•) .. Co-op. d. u . Jaokson, So~o .... •••• ~rht ...... ••.••• ...... 8. & G. c. Tes~ . M~Artio & 113~ Cryslal Lake.... Cry,.tal LaJte Creamt~ry Co.... I..Jo·op. Larson, Sec . .. .••. Crystal l..ako:... . L. A. Ne16un .. 8 G C. Test. tsa8 Goodell ... . .• • . . . Goodl.'ll .::reaml.'ry Oo .• ...... Co·op. o. E. Weeenberg, Sec ...••. Uoodell .. •...•.. Hay T homaa.... Haod Sep. Tee~. SJ7 Garner... ..•••• UarJDer Cr eamery ••••.. .••••. iodlv. H . C'. t!chuhz, Prop ...... , Garner:...... H. 0. Schultz . Hftnd Sep. T~~St. Garner ...... Concord Crt-ftmery .... •. .... Co-op J. Kl~el, Seo ...... Harner .••.••.••• U. R. Uouwaft . tJ. & G c. Teet. 83i F. L.. Blllll:l, Sec...... ••••. Kanawha ...... 8. 0. Browne l Hand Sap. tl~ Kanawha...... Jraoawha Crnmery ('o...... Co·op, Test. 810 Woden ...... •••. Woden Creamery ...... iodlv L. C. t'ete~aon, Prop ••••. Woden ...... ! L. u. Pe,erson.. l:lt.ac18op. Teet. H.t.RDIN COUN'!'Y- CIJ 841 Alden...... ••• Alden Crpamery Oo .••.•• ... Coop. T . E . Huston Sec ...••••• ·1Alden...... N. El. Trimble 8. & G. 0.1Test. su ouchye ..•••••• Hucbye Co·op Orll&m• ry Co .. Uo·op, E. A. Oar-riel, Sec. ••.. . Buckeye ...... G . l:l. WhUney t:l. & ). C. T0o1t. sn ( 'leve.o...... •. Olens l.."reamery .. ... •. .•.•.. Indlv, Martin & JohoooProp.. ••. Ackley ...... ••. A. J. Glmer .... li8J•arator J'e~t. Stt Eldora .•.••. . ••• E!dora Creamery...... ILdlv, Pto~t'r J.,nsen, Prop...... E dora ...... EJ S~eu11vt.d.... 8 & ., 0 1 Te5i. ~ 1116 Hubbard •..•••.. !;prlngoranehCo·opCrru'y.... Co·ov. J. K Towley, Sec ••••..•. IHol>bard •.••••. J . YV. Mohler .•.• R:&G.c· •res•. t1 IUCS Hubbard •• •••. Hubbard Cc-op, Orm'y Co . .•.• Cu·op. l!:rn~t Hillrer, Soo ••••••.••• Hubbard •. ..•••• t!ol. 8t.ree...... 8. &. G.o' Test. > 11,7 lowa P'•li" ..... l~wa Fall6 Crm 1 Co ...... Uo-op, G. L. WbJaery,Seo ...... iowa Fall" .••••. J .J. Ro•s.. .• 8. & G.C. Tesc. 1<48 New Provide-no• New Provldt>J•Ce I..Jrm'• Co ..•. !Hoclf. W. T. Kersey, Sec ...... New Provldtnce Obt.•,N Bar~ .... 8. & G U Tess. :a 8~11 Rlldnlilfe •••.•••. Concord & 8cou Crm'y Co ... Co·op. 0. E ll'!ldan, Seo .• .....• Garden City .•• . R. H . Alcorn •••. tiepuato; Teet. -< 1160 Kadcillfe ...... Ooo10ord & Scott Crm'y Co (a) l'o·np, 0. E. Fada'IJ, Seo ...... Gtlrden Chy ..• . •••. • ...... •••.•. Separa tor Tess. 801 Garden City •... Concord & Scott Orm'• Co11 .. Co·op. 0 E. Fadan, Seo...... ••. Uarden Chy ...... 8ept.rator Tetlt. & 8 ~ l:lteambot.t Rock 9 l·amboal Hock Crm'y Co.... Co-op ~· L. Willis, Sec ....•• •.• Steamboat Rook M. J Mall8ager S. G.C. Teat. ~ 1::: HARRISO!'i Cou 'TY- en en- Magnolia •• •.••• llagoo:ia Creamery Co ..•••••• Co.op. F. H. Cadwell, Sec •••••• Logan R. F. D. 2 G. F. Scott ...••. 1 S. &G.O I Teat. 3l3 0 HOWARD Coo~ '1TY- z I t'lj Cre.,co Creamerr ...... lndtv, C. W. PleTce, Propr1totor .. Cre•co...... C. W. Pierce.. . .. 8.&G. c. Teat 854 Cresco...... Chester...... E. B. Hoopman :a ~'I ...... Farmer.. • Creamery ARs'n .. Co-or. H . 0. Leslie, Seo .... . Ua1h. Or Oil Te.t Elma Co-op. Cret.mery A..e'n Co·op. Daniel Fallgather, Sec ... . Elma...... John Whalen ... 8. &G.C. Teas e:~t~ Elma ...... Maplw Leaf . A. J. Herman. 11~7 Elma ...... ~aple Leaf Creftmcr:r ~o ...... Co-op. v. Lane, Sec...... ttepar&Lor Test 8M! l..ourdl.'q ...... Lou.rdl.'s Creamery ...... ~ ...... I ndlv 8 Har11ess, Proprie-tor ... . Elma, R. F. D. •. B. B. Aroese..... e.&G.c. Teas 869 Lime Springt • . l,ime Sprinp Crean~t•rv Co ... . tllock. H. P. Carpenter, Seo ...... E lkader...... AllenGulbr&Dllon Oath. Or. Tees 8110 ProUvln ...... Protivin Crl'amery A~'o .... . Co-op. J. A. Dostal, Sec ...... Protivin...... J. A. Dostal. .. . Uatb. Ur. OU teet 881 Schley...... 1-. T. i'o_-.;e & SoM ..{a) ..•. lndlv., L . T . FOMe & Bona ...... Schley...... ····1 ...... 8. &li. c. Ted I6S Saratoga ...... Saracoga Co· or. Creamery Co .. Co-op. Alfred llli!ee, Sec...... Saratoga...... l:lenry i'osae... .. Gatb. Cr. 011 Tees

8l Ol CREAMERY LI81T-CoNTnroro. CJ)

'E 'ti .. .~ s o._, "'=.. a ~i,..o i: P. 0. Addre.."e 4)8 Name or Creamery. a. sCIS,Q ... d u::t c Secretary or .Manager. Secretary or Butter Maker. 113a .Manager. .,.,...... '8~ it ,Q.::: :2! 0 c c:lol>lt.l _.., ..... <.><) z l::l CD"' :e Hu.BoLDT CoUN! TY- t:zj~ 8&S Arnold ...... z Grove Coop. Creamerr. Co Co-op. Charles J. N eiPon, Bee... . Arnold...... John F. Schultz. S. &G. C. Te.'lt ~ u. Bradgate...... Bradgate O:l·op. Creamy Ae•"· Co-ov. ,J, L. Vau Born, Sec ...... Bradgate ...... 6'red D t-hlfHet .. Teat 866 Bode...... Bode Creamery Aas'o ...... s . &~.c. :rl 36& Co-op. John Peder~on, Bee ...... Bode...... Ill. B . Ro~lllng ... 8 &G.(\ Test Goldtleld...... Owl Lake Creamer,- Oo...... Co·op. C. M. Clausen, Ek-e ...... Goldfield .. . L. M. 'l'ysvor .. 8. &G 0 . Test > 1137 Hard:r ...... Farmers' Co·op, Creamery Co .. Co·op, S68 BnmboldL A. N. Clancy, Sec...... Hardv ... . Ira ()'Nelli ...... 8. &G. C. Te~~t :2! Humboldt Creamery Co ...... Stock. G. (.,, Cruikshank, Seo Homboldt ...... L. D. Hill ...... S. &G.C T~>.•t 8&9 Ottosen ...... W'&eonsta Creamery Ass'n ... . 870 Co-op. L,, J. Clave. Seo ...... OttOI!en ...... I. J. Shllr&en .. . 8. &G. C. T('Rt ~ Renwick...... Rronwick Co·op, Creamery Co .. Co-op. W . l!ll. Hntrman, S{o ... .. Renwick ...... S . &G. C. Test > 371 Rutland ...... Rutland Cr~am ery Ass'n .. 11'12 Co-op. S. S . Bartley, Bee...... Rutland ... . . J ·P. ·a<>iili: :::::. B. &G 0. Teet t" Thor...... Clover Creamery Co ... . Stook. 1 .ewi~ Olson. Seo . .... , , . 178 Arnold...... Thor...... Ben Lanning .... S &G 0 . Test Arnold Creamer y ...... lndlv. J. F. Schultz, Po oprletor .. Arnold ...... John F. Schultz, s.&G. Te~~ ~ c. t>l IDA. 00UNTY- "1:1 0 B74 IAr &hur .... ,Arthur Oream•r y ...... lndiv Ill. J. Conklin, S ec ...... 'Arthur...... M. J. Oon<"klln .. , Har:dsep., T eF t d'Ttl Hot.teln...... Bopklne & Hubbard Creamery lndlv Hopkins & Hubbard ...... Correctionville .. Arthur R. Meen. Handsep. Test ~ 0 LOW..&. COUNTY· - "1j 37& Conroy .•.•...••• Shimer Creamery Co...... Oo·op, B. H . Stanerson, Sec . .... •. Conroy ...... W. B. Woodcock Rer"r"tnr Test,, .... 971 Genoa Blufl'.... . Genoa Bluff (;r eamery Co. .... Co-op. M. W. Kelttn~~:, Sec...... :rl 878 WllllamsburgR.I Geo. t>. Byrne ... S. &G. C. Test. Ladora•. ....••... Ladora Creamery Co ..•••..... Co-op. 1... W. WILeen, Sec ...... I adora ...... Jobn Baltlnger .. Tt>n, :tl 9711 Marengo• ..•.•... tl, & u. c. Mareneo F. M, Oo·op, Cr. Assn. Co-op, Dennis Snlli vau, Seo...... Marengo ...... W. F. R etd ...... S.&G.O. ·r~s t. 880 VIctor ...•.....•. Vlc&or Co·op, Oream~·ry Co . ... Co-op. 1::1. Whl~worth, Sec...... 881 Vtrtor ...... G . W. Bnltlnger s. &u. o. T~st . Wfllfamsbnrg .. . Troy Creamery Co...... f'o-op. Gee. C. Honse, Sec...... Willlarnsborg ... B:,E,Montgomery Beparl\tOr Tellt 802 Williamsburg . . . Troy Creamery Co. (I) ...... Co·op. Geo C. Bonae, Sec ...... Wflllamsbor (l .. . Separato 'l'est. 8811 Wfllfamsbnrg . . . York Creamery Co...... , Co·OP. H. W. Hnedepohl, 8ec.... . WllllamsbnrgR. i'lieo. \vi.;i8;:::· SepRrator Te•t. 884 North Eng•ish .. Yorkshire Crtamery (8) •.••••. Stock R. N. Morrell, e. c ...•..•... Oltumw&...... Galh. Cr.i Test.

Ill-:. - ~

J.&.SOb:Ol{ COUNTIT - 886 FnHon ...... Fulton Oo·op, Creamery Co. .. Co·op. Jobn Heide, Sec ...... Fulton ...... Howard Coulson Separator Teat. SSG Monmouth ...... blonmonth Creamery ...... lodlv J.P. YonnJI(er ...... Chicago, IU ...... C. E. l!llll111 ...... B. & ~. t'. Teat. ll87 Maquoket& ...... Farmers Union Co·op. Cr m . Co Co-op, Walter M. M!llt•r, Sec...... Meq ,, oketa ...... u. C. Po•t ...... 8. &G. C. 'l't:l!lo 858 Mil.,e ...... ~prlngbrook Oreamer.r ...... I ndfv John .Newman Co ...... Elgtn, I U...... A. J. Spohn .. .. !'1. & (J, u. Test. S!l\1 Zwingle ...... The Ladd Oreamf!ry ...... lnd1v. F. G. Laaa, Prop...... Zwingle., ...... J. T. Mogle .. .. 8.&G.t. 'J est. 890 Presoon ...... Preston Creamery A~sn. . . .. uo-op. Samuel MoNell, tlec ...... r're.•ton ...... Jno. S. 8rniU1 . S.&G. C. Test. 891 Preston ...... Preston Creamery Assn. (1)... Co·op. Samuel .MoNell. Sec...... Preston ...... s.&u.o. Tellt. 392 Preston ...... Springbrook Cr eamery...... lndlv. John Newman Co ...... Siglo, Ill ...... A::T 'N'i8n;:::: . H.&G. C. Ttlbfo 811.1 Spragueville ..... Springbrook Creamery (•) .... Indtv. J ohn Newman Co...... Elgin, Ill...... S.&G.C. Tl"'t, S94 Union Center ... Springbrook Creame ry (II .... lndlv Jobn Newman Co ...... El~tin, Ill...... S. &G. C. Te1.t. 8115 Lamot&e ...... 8 terllng Separator Creamery .. lndlv. N. A. H olfu.ann, Prop... .. Lamotte ...... j()Ji~- M".'fiofim&; ~- & u. (', Teat. 396 St. t>onatns ..... St. Donatus Creameo :r ...... Ind I v. Krier & DnP'Jnt, Props .. .. St. Uonatu~ ... . P J IJupon, .... S.&G.O. Test. 8117 BatdW1n ...... Dlam->nd Creamery Oo. t•).... lndlv. 0. W. Slmp>~on, Mgr...... MonUcello ...... t:l. & l• . v. Ttlllt . 8~ Maquoketa ...... l:lansen Cold Storage o•o, ...... lod1v E. D. i:lau~en, Prov ...... Maq •Ol et"' ...... a:;•: u1i;t· ;; :::· •. &G. C. Tto'"t. 8911 Lamoue ...... Lamotte Creamery, ...... 1 lndfv N. B. N ..mmers, Pr op ..... Lsmotte ...... J C. N~mrne•e .. B.&G.C. Test. 400 Maquoketa ...... Springbrook v reamery...... lndlv .fohn Newman Co...... Elgin, 111...... G 8. Wtnr;: ... . -..&G. ·J . Te> J4SPI!IB COUNTY ~ 401 I Baxter ...... , B~xter Oalry Co...... , Oo·op.l H . Krampt>, Jr. Sec...... 1 Baxter ...... : .. ~ H . C. Sch~rlbhlre Creamer,- (&I ...... SGOck R. ~- Morrell, Sec .... :... OHnmwa ...... Oath, Or I T~et. - ~ 4C9 F6trftotld ...... Elmwood Creamery Co...... Stock Jno MoJ .. aln, Mgr...... Fairfield ...... ·-·--· ...... Hand. Sep Teat, t:zj JOHNSON CoUN'r T- :13 410 Oxford ...... Oxford Cramery...... l lndlv. Adam Floochiuger, Prop... ! O.llford...... l H. Ambler ...... 1 Gatb. Or.! Te,t, .Tons COUNTY-

411 Anamosa ...... F a wn Or eek Creamery...... J . S. Condit, Pl'oprletor .... Anamosa ...... Wm. Gl~rhart .. 8 . & .1. C.l Te1>t. '12 Monticello ...... Clover Leaf Creamer y Co...... , Indfv. J ohnFolJrerlts,Secretary .... Monticello ...... W, A, Kizer .... Separator Te•t. 41B Amber ...... Amber Creamery...... Co-op. Jamts P. Younger, Prop., 41• llearborn Slrees, ...... Chicago...... Frank Nickel.... :3. & G. 0. Tes$. 414 Center June~tion . C.mter Jnncllon Creamer.r .... lndi'V JamPs P. Younger, Prop.,4l• Oearborn Street, ...... Cblcago...... A, E. Robertson S, & G. 0. Te•$. 415 Bale ...... Hale Creamer.T Co...... Indiv. C. R. Walston. bee. & Mgr." ...... W. B. B-ownell s.,p&ra ,.,r Tea~. "& Langworthy ..... Langworthy Co-op Cream'y Co S'Oek Louis Baiehelder ...... Langworthy..... J. 8. Batchelder s ..p ..rato' Teet. 417 Martelle...... Manelle Or-mer,-...... Co-op . 8 . C Batehojlder, Prop ...... ManteUe...... B. C. Batchelder. S. & G. C.I Test. 418 Montlcallo...... KlondykeOreamery Oo ...... [odiv R. Bohren, Secretary, ...... lllontlcello ...... F. 8. Kleckner .. S.& t:t. C. Teat. 0'1 -;:J CREAMERY L£ST-CoNTINUBD. ~ ,.:.i '0 4>:;: c.. .. "~ Ci-g :;:~ 0 Manager o!.. ...s ~.. '8> !1: OS t:t/<.1 .:Q e<: 0 Q)<> 0 4l 2l ::: rll"' ::8 !2 419 Monticello ...... Dlamood Cretornt'ry Co ...... Co ·op C. W . Slmpaon, Managl'r Monticello...... 11. B. JohnlOn S.& G. 0. IT est. ~\) Monticello ...... Dt"mond Creamury Co. (1) .. .. s,oclt C. W. 81mp•oo, Manager Monticello...... S. & \1 0. 'l'ee' . ~ 4:1 1 Monticello ...•.• l•iamond Creamery l'o. 111. .. tllock C. W. Shupsou, M&toager Monticello ...... S.& G. 0. Teat. l'l 424 Monticello..•••.. I; Iamond Orea m .. r y Co. II) ... . tl~oclt C. W. Slmp!!on, Maoa 11er Monticello...... i.& o.u. H'!l,, z 423 Honllcello lll•u•oud Creamery ()O . 111 ... . tl~ock C. W Slml·~l)n, Man&ger Monllcell'l •..•• _...... 8.& A.C. Tett. 424 Monttc{'Jlo ...... i..ll"rn•wd Creanwri Co. (&l ... . Stock C. W. Stmp~on, :Manag.,r Montict-11o . -·-- ...... ~- & G . 0. 'l'par. ~ · ~6 Moutlcttllo.....•. l•iftmoud Crt>amury Co. (I) ... . l::lcocll 0. \V. Slm IJ~On, .Manal(ur Monticello ...... ·----- .... S. & tl. 0 . T ()8t, > 426 Oxford Ju.ndlon l>lumr,nd Cr.amt;ry Co. (st ... . Stock C. W 81m v>a(!er. Monticello ...... S. & G.O. Teat. c: . !9 OJ:tord Jonctlon lllamnnd Urf'Amtry <'o. (1) ... Stock C. W. Slmp~on, Ma n~>g.,r •. :'\lontlcello .• ••...... ••.. 8.& G. 0 . Te11t . 430 Oa81ow...... c.ay Valley Coop. Cream. Co s~ook John 0. Nt·.. lau>', Seoratar:r Onslow .... - ...... •.• .. ·--- Separator Test. ~ 4Sl Ana m'>~ a ....•... .IAcl!snn Cream.,ry ...... Co-op J. 1, Condh, Proprietor. Anamosa ...... Fred M Hn:rch .. Separa$or Teet. 4:f.l Olin ...... O ' in Or~amerr ...... _.. . ludlv, G.,orge 0. Hogul', Prop .. OUn...... •. Wm. Eva ns ••. Separa\or Tet~t . 4"J.3 Seocch Grove.. . H... otch tJrovl! Co·op.Orcaru. Co. l~dtv. B. R Jacobs, S~ r et ary Scotch G rove.... Geo. D. Hcwue.. Separator Ted. ~ 111 4 Wyomlnll ...... Wyoming Co-op Crtlam AM•'n Co-op. 1... M, Barrt·U, Seoretary Wyoming...... J . .H. Woeller,. 8 . &G.C. Test. "0 4lU Montict>llo...... Downervllle Oreamtlry Co. .... Oo·op. 0. R. Wilder ...... Monticello ...... S. M. Conley .... S. & G.O. Test. 0 KEOKUK 00'0.10 TY- ~ 0 43~ I Wl'b~ter. .••••. . York~hlre Crtame r y C'o (I) ····I Rtock I R. N liorrell, S ecretary. OUumwa ••••.••. , .•••...... ········1 Gatb. Cr .l Tesi. 4J7 Hakesvllle .....•• York· hire Cr.. amery Co (1)... Sto<'k R N. lforrell, Secrel&ry Ottumwa •••.....••.....••.•••••••.•. Garb. Cr Tellt . .Si What Chur..••. Grinnell Creamery (1)...... Jndiv J W. ll'ow1er, Proprlvtor I Grinnell ...... 8 . & \1.0.1 Teat. ""8 Ill KOSSUTH COUNITY. l'l 489 Algona.... -...... Algona Coop Crfnmery Co-•... Co·op. A. W. Bterzba oh . Sec Algona ...... A. W. Sterzbach 8. &G.O Tea,, 4.0 Algona ...... · J>h•m Creek Ort•aruery Co .•••• Co·op. C. W. Bopkiuw, Seo ...... Algona ...... W. G. Sterzbach 8 &G.O Tes,. Burt ...... B:u t Co-op Crt"Rmflt:'l' Cu....•.. UO·Or. A. Dan, See...... • .. linrt ...... D. 1,. Driver.-· S. &G.C Test. "412' Bancroft ...... H11ncrot' CJo-op Creeruer y Co .. Co·op. John Bl'rnhard, Sec & mgr Bancroft ...... A. J. Doll'~ t-hal.. 8 &G.O Tvat. H J ll't~nlon .... -.· .. .. Fenton Cream• r:or Co .••...••. •• Co·op. F. C. Nf'\Vl•l, S•·c ...... Fenton·...... B. W. Pettibone SepMator Teet. 4U o .. rmanla· ...... O"rmauia Co-op Creamery Co Co-c•p. Pet;,r O •aY.,,., Sec...... Uormanla . John l.undborg S. &G. 0 Tu•. •til tio an ...... Hobart Crfamer:r .••... ·--- ... Jndlv. W~·tl·r B P'O!<. Propj, .... . Hobart ...... R. Weatl'r .. S. &G. 0 THt. ua Irvington ...... Irvington Oo-op Crt amery Co CO· OJ", A. P. lvf'o, tffo ...... Irvington .. Augost Norrell .. S. &G.O reu. 447 LnV•rne ...... l.uVt><"ne Co-op Crflamery AMn Co-op. R . W. Hanna, Sec ...... LuVerne ...... ~.H . Raney ... S. &G. C Teat. 468 Lone Rook ...... Lone .Roolt Oo-op Creamery Co Co·op. B .•T. McChesney, Sec .••••. Lone Rock ...... J. T. HanM ·--- 8. &G. 0 Tee•.

- ~---i

449 Ledyard ...... · Farmers Oo-h • •To>·epb Oo-op Cruam .. ry Co Uo up. E 0. ClarJr, 8eo ...... -:Sude R. ))'. 0. 1 Cnrl~ 8ogb . ... · tlttpanuor T~t . 4&1·~ Swea \ ity ...... Hwo• Ctu· Co-op Creounery \.)o Co·OI'. Wm Korre<·t, Hee ...... Swea Olty •.•.•. B S. Nelaon .••• 8. & G. C l'e•'· , 65 Titonka ...... o .. rwau Valley .:o·opCrt>ftw. Cu ll'> ou· Berman Nel~on. !:leo ...... 'l'ttonka .. -- ...... Bon .l!'rar k ..... 8. & 0 C Teat. •5'1 Lom• .R ok ...... l-OitM l'reek Co·op l.'roamery l:u C>·op. Aug thetlchn, !!~c ...... Loo e Rook H.l Mark Dyer .• tle(Jarator To~t. 457 Whlttemnr e .... . Whlttl'more Oro aroo•r)' Uo...... Co·ou. H . 1:". l::l.acoh, tlee ...... Wh.ltt ..more •••. A. M Whitney S. & G. 0 Tur. •6S Wo-t. B.,ud ...... (l,.rd.,ld C · l'amery Co ...... 8tO<'k_ J. M. Bordf', s~o ...... Wt>,t Bend...... •. A. O'Neil 8epara~ or Tt:11t . 459 we~ln · ...... l'le:~ley C t-llruury ...... lodlv. Wester Broa Props ...... H •Jban •.••. ... B. 1.1' . B ollt:nbec- tJath. Cr. T eo-t. L ll:ll: COtn;Tf. (IJ ·~ I New K eokuk .•. I The 9. P. Pond Co ...... 1 s:ock I c. ~- Pon~. v. P. & Gen m(lrl Keoknlr ...... I ·--·-· ...... ! Baud Se!il Tea•. ~ LI.SN C'OONTf. ~ l'l 461 I Anamosa..... I Birk Orumt'ry ...... lndiv.l 0. L. Perry, Prop ...... l Anamosa ...... j 0 L. Perry .•.•.. l S & G. C Te~t . 462 OentralCity ..... Ct!ntralOIIy(.;rumery ..... -.. lncllv,Prop ...... Ct~utrlClly .•_ .• P.W.Sa~rr . I:I.&G.(; Te"t· t::1 483 Cen\ral Chy •.••• Valley Farm llrt•&mery ...... lndlv. P. G. BendHMOn, l>rop. Cen,ral (.;ity ..... S L. Elmo r laht 8 & U. 0 Tee$, > 4M Co~tttnn ...•...... Cooturon Crea mery...... Inn tv. J. J. ~ c Ar.-ay, Prop .... -.. Co11gou ...... J. J. llllcArtay. Separator 'J eu. 4611 Oos.;on ...... NorthSideOr~am.:ry.- ...... Coo~. W.H.Tntz ...... •..•. Co~r gov ...... Pre« vhman ••• 8 - &G.C T ..t. 4111\ Ot ar Kapld,.... Gu.r 1~r-Ba rt b Co ...... SII'C A. J. Martb, S-'<'. & Tre~~ .. Cl'dar Ra'-ld•... C. C. McCue ..... Hand top. Teat. ~ ·~7 Ot!uter Point .... Center Point Cnaruory .... • .. lndlv J. 1'1. l>er tl.lnKer Prop .. ('uoter t>oln' .•.. ('. lrf. Jfl•ot·r ... 8 & G. C T•t. 0 46 ~ Ely...... B:ly & Weatern Crfllmtry Co .. Uo-op.l Frau It J. Oolt•z .. l. 8(·0 ..•.. Ely, 8. F. D 1 Frank Vavrlct>k 8. & G C Tt-lt. 0 4ftll Wttttt'rn C'ollt'gt Ely & We,tern Crc11meru Co(~) C .J·OI. Frank J Doltzal, Src ... 1':1,-, R. F. 0, I. ·----·· -··· . . 8. & G. C 1 eer, e: 410 8 (Jriol(vtlle ...... Sprlncvllle (;rum~ r y ...... ludh. c . E. Batchelder, Prop..... Sprlocvllle • 0. E. Batcbe1dar 8. & G C T .. Rt . e: 671 Par&ha ...... SprlnJ;rville Crt-amf'ry ce) ...... lndlv. 0 . E ~a tohcldto r , p . Op· - . Hn r lngv1lltt ·-··· ··--· ·-··· •.. 8, & G. ( Tt!llt. H2 Troy !IIIIIs ...... Trov~llliCrt-amer.v ...... lndlv J.M.Tupper,Prop ...... Troy•Ulls ... J.M.Tnp~r --- S &0 c.; lOIIi. (IJ- t73 Troy !11111;...... Hlchlard Or('Srnl'l y Co...... Co-or. lob.D Tth1. Sec...... Walker. R. D. 5. G. R. Batchelder Separatotl Bu.nd. CD 474 Wau~ek ..... •. 4'aubeek Crt>arDtlry ••.•.••••... lndlv. Bati'"'& l:lemenway, Pro.... 71au.beell: ...... B. 0 . Hemenway Separatot TNt. 0 4i5 Walllu .••••. .... Walker Cr eamery ...... 1ndlv. B. J . Nieterr, ""rop...... Walker ...... 1:1. W. l.alrd .••. Separator T e,.t. -z 4'16 Viola ...... Viola Cre.;meor,-...... l11div. ~ . 8. Romiol", Prop .. ..•. VI Ia ...... W. D. Romlne .. 8tp&ralo~ T t>si, 411 Prairl~bnqr ...... Diamond Creomer, 0>. (<) ..... lndlv. C. W. Slmp.. on, Mgr .... . Monricello .... ••...... 8 & G . C T"'*· ~ 478 Ct'dar RapldP .... Cedar Rapid-. Crm. & Bntttr Cu lndiv. F. W. Beyer, Pr op •..•• Ot dar Rapld-4 .... l::l, R. Bollia.. Hand •op. Tu~ . 1 41Q Ceda.r Rapids.... Iowa Cramery Co. Bcot'k A. E. 'l'hompson,Stc . & Tre Cedar RapldM .... ··--···---···-···· 1 Hand eep. Teas. Ltlcas Com;T1".

480 Derby...... Cold Colony Crt>amory (a) ...... lndiv., Jame:~ !.Humphrey Jr, prop Humeston ...... ( _...... 1 8 . & ~- Cl Teat. LTos OonTY- •'~t Oeorgto ...... lhe GI'Orjle Crf·~ml'ry ---· ··--: ndlv IB. P . Jeonnlnga. Pronrletor Gl'orge.... --····1 Peter Pt~t4!t80n .. l8. & G cl Tea~ ,9! Llttlt. l:

c:n q;) CREAliER 'i LIST-CONTINUED. 8 'i .. '2 ii 0 §.: .. P. 0. Address of ._'tS .::a-~ Location . .,. Name of Proprietor , Proprlesor, I !' H.oi. RIO~ COUNTY- z 'Z 4851 Pella .••••...••.. PellaCreameryOo..•••••.•.•• •• , S&ook., D. R. Rhyneabarger, ldgr., P..tla ••.•...... , T. Smorenbnr111 Fl . &G Oj Till!~ c: 488 P a llas .••••..•••.. Beatrice Cre&mery Oo (1) •••••• Stock. 'l'. A. L~lgbton, Manager .. Dell .Moines ...... Oath. Cr. Teat > t"' ld.oi.RSIU LL COUN.TY- ~ 487 Clemons ..•..••• Minerva Valley Creamery A&ll'n Coop, H. P. Clemons, Sec ...... (llemons...... G. R. Jackman .. Oath Or, Teat "0 4~ Don bar •••••.•.. Dnnbar Creamery Oo ...... Oo-op 0 J. Oiaon, Sec. aDd ~1~rr .. Dnnbar .•.•.••.• U, U. Bomberger Sllparator Tt•t 0 489 Ltsoomb..••.•••• Liscomb Che<~le co: ...... Stock, Tho•. K Culp. d~ ...... Lisoomb...... Th011 , E Oulp .. l:lath, Or . Teet 490 SU•te Center .•••. SLa•e Cooter Farmer;,' Cr .t.!l'\'n Co-op. 0. IlanRen. Mana110r ...... State Center .. .. G. T. Sbaunct~. Ol\lh Cr. Oil TcHt ~ 491 New S•. Anthony Farmers' Cr eamery Co...... Uo·up T. A. Uavenport, l:lec .... . St. A nthony .... . G. R. Price. ... ~Jath Or. Test 0 Mn.L8 COUNTY- '>1 8 4011 Allver Olty ..•••. Waterloo Cr eamery Co .••.... ,Stock., Leroy Oorli'"· . . ...•... ..••. Connell Bluffs... , ...... , Grtb, Cr., Test :Il 498 York...... Wa$erloo Creamery Co...•.•... Stock. Leroylorllea ..•.....•..••••• Council l:llu!fe.. ••...... •.•. •••••. Gat h. Or, Te~mesrnd .. G&th. Or 011 To:11t 4116 Orcb rd ...... fl'armers' Co-op, Cream'y .A.e11'n Co-op. J \.\1, Clay, Suo. and M~r. Orchard ...... M M B,andln .. Oa1h. Cr 011 T;,st 491 RIM llle ...... Rlctov111e Co-op. Cream'y A>&'n co-op. ~- J C'ar pentl!r, St!C. • •••• Rleevtllf' ...... A. B. Grov!'r. Gath Or ·r.. st 408 fltac yYillo ...... Staoyvllle Creamery ...... In11v J . B. Spen-lov, Proprlewr. StacyTille ..... J. B. Spen~>ley . P. &G.O. 411~ St. Ane~ar ...... F armers' Co-op Cr!'am'ri": Co. Co-or. J, M. Tolltofo!On, 88<', & llgr,,St. An~ gar •.•. B .. Ullttr ...... GtUh Ur. To·at 600 TO< · ervllle .... . ToetervHle Co·op. Cream y Co. Oo-op L. <:. 8 •ker, Soc...... Toetervltle ..... A. M. Nofland., Haud ~"P· Tt-at 601 Nf'w Ha'l'en ...... l'armers' Co-op. Cr eam'ry 1 'o C'o-op. ii'red C. Sheldon, Sec...... Elma. ... • .•. .. . o. 0. Thomae •• Gatb. Cr. OJI Test ~ot Oaaae ••••••.••••. Once Co-op . Ort'&mery Alll'n. Oo-op Johu Torald!, Seo.. •••• .••. Mitchell .•••. •••. Geor11 Beltter ., Ga$h, Or. fe·t

-=~..=~~ ·~ ~ -~ ;

JrlONOl'l .t. lOOUl'\TY- 608 1 K oorhead••.••••. Moorhead Creame r~ .•••. ••••• ..! [adlv, P, D. N elson, Propriet or I Moo rhead •.•••••. ! P. D. N elaon ..•. l Oath. 0 .I T est,

MONROII OoUN Tl'- ... S. &O.L.I T eet. 50' 1 A.lbla.•••••••.•••• l Albia Creamery ...... ! lndlv. Elder & Bider , P roprietors I A lbia ...... •••. I W. A. Bider M tJ'SOj.TlNJ: CO UNTY- 60S I wmon Jnnctlon Nickel Plate CroilBIDery •..••••• , Indlv, Gen. w Kelley, P roprietor ! Wilton J nncUoul E. E. He~eon •••• , Gatb, Cr ., T eet. 608 WNt Llber$y .... 1 Iowa Condensed MUk l'actory lndlv. R. L. 0 1 r k, Secretary...... West Llber~y .••. . •••.•.•..••.••••• Milk •.•••• Teat· C/) O'BRIJ:N COUN Tl'- 8 8 ,&G.C. Teet . Germadown.... Caledonia Creamery Co .••..•. Stock. l'red Hoeolrroauu, Seo.. .. Germant own .... Wm. Gehrla •••• ~ rm Indh·. A. D . Rozeboom, Prop .••••• Bartley ...... •.• W. Webater •••• Ga•b. Cr. Twt. I:Q 11(!8 H a r&lPy ...... Rutley Creamery-~····· · •••••• 0orr eet1onville. Gee. 8 r1atoL. .••• lfatb, Or. Tuat. 60!1 Pr1mahar ...... Bnbbard. 8rletol & Oo ...... lodl•. A, W. Hubbard, Manager .. T11111. Sheldon ...... Sh eldon Croramery...... Indl•. D. A. Killer, Proprietor .... Sbo don ...... II. Haner .••• •••· Hand8e[. 610 Stock. Wm. Stram pe, Secretary .. Paullina ...... W. tlt ramp• .... s. & (),c. ' 611 PaulliAa ...... Union Creamery Co ...... ;o~ ~OJ:OLA 0oUN TT- < 61S AaMon .•.••.•••. A@h&on Creamery ...... 1 lndl• . K ramer & Dam, P rops •••. , Ashton ...... ··1 C. W, DaYiP ····1fl. & G. 0 Teat, (") •ts ISlbl ay .•••••.••••• l tltbley Creamery ...... lndi'l', 0 . .A . SmHb, P roprietor ••.. Sibley ...... Dtclr. Colgro•e .. Hand Ssp.I T~:e~. 0 !:>::: 614 Allendor f ••...••. AliOJ:dorf Creamery ...... Co·or. A. Klampe, Stcretary .••••. Allendorf.. ... Oa&b. Cr . T•t. r::: P.t.OlC C0tl'NT1'- en en i US I Olar!ada ...... IJarinda Poultry, Butter &IStoolr. W. T. S. Whitf' , Seore,ary I' Clarll:da ...... I B er man Beck •••. ! Rand Sep.l To.. . 0 Egi Company ...... 'Z 1 P .oi.LO A LTO llOU NTT- ~ Oo or. C. B. fiooklohem, See •.•.. Ayrehtr e ...... Jl'red Shellman Separator' Tt~~~t. ~16 Ayrshire ...... Silver Lake Creamery Co. .'•••• . 'oparator 'l'011t . t;yllnder ...... C7Under Bntter & Cheese Assn. Oo·op. Theo. DeMonrh, Seoretar)' Oyllnder ...... E. P. ()ono&d ••• ~11 Co·op. J . B, McCr eary, Seretary •••••. Co-or. LaTa. 0 Ohrlaten•on, Sec E m metabnrg •••. J . N Brnck •.•. S.paratot T e~; i , 6%1 Graeutna!lr •••. Lck;t Wend Creamery Co ....••. ' B. & G. Teu. Xallard ..••.•.... Kallard. Butter & Cheefe A•an. Co-op. T. C. T r nog, Btoretar y .. .. Mallard...... J. W Finnell •• c. 1 n:a Oc·op. F. L. Lambe, Secretary .... GraettJuger R. 2 W. W. Bond .... Separator Teet. 6!3 Graetttncer •..• P'armera Oc-op Creamery C;) .. Beparator l T•t. Oi~ Creamery Oo...... Qo-op. G C. Thomp•o~~t. Seeretar1 Emmetsbur~r R. I Edgar Chadwloll t:!l o~tood ...... Separator I To lt. Graettlngu .••. Palo Alto Creamery Uo ...... Co-or. Seth. A . Smnh, 8r-cretary .. Rothn nR.F.D.l W. A. Tha7er .. ~ ( ..'o·op . Cbu. E. Yocom, Secrelary Ruthven ••...... • . L. Remlnaton 8. & G. 0. Teat. 6:'$ Rn,hve" ...... Farmer ~ Co-op. Creamery Co. S. & U. C. Teo.•. 6%7 Rodman ...... Rodman Co-op. Creamery Co. Qo-op. C. J. Frn, 8ecr etar-. .... Rodman ...... ". C M. Vohll .••••• Wes& Bend Co-op. Cream'• Oo. Qo-op. G. W. Bro'llrD, See. & Mer. West Send .•.•.. Thoa. A. Clarke S. & G. C Ta~~t. rm~ We-o' Bend .••••. 8, & 0. C. T~~ot. 0) 6211 West Bel.d ..•.•. Euarelr. Co-op. Creamery Oo .•• Qo-op. Wm. Reardon, See. & Mgr. 'lh 3$ Bend •••.•• ChaP. Kannteon ...... CRI.UISRT Ll'n'-COJIYI~D'R. "" i! '2'f P, 0 A44r-ot zi \ "I:a I t 1'\ ..•t>fPl t.~or. P"PfiC'kt. Nam•ct £.. • h l.ooca>-. Na... or Q,..•• ,, o 9wretarJOI'T... w. s-.-.•afJor lhu""' Kaker. e1if 1e • ...... 1; ~ .. 0 .. t ' .ij e•z= :II ::1 z ~ tndh.l Pa711o Broo., l'nop•l•loro ,.1 Rln~l07, B•A •. JraS"'""'' .....1 U••"l .,.J T ..l , ; 8::p: ~!. ':.~~~~~~~; ···. ~t~:~.'~.. ::~.::.·· {v!~'!.'ri1!~~)· ~:: ~: t~;!l :.~::: o-f tfwot J, 8, WhiUC"mOro. H•v. _- tUOoll CUJ ~····· ...... ••••• Ha1ol tt.. p ·r.,., M~k J . lJ. Wbluowor•, II.,. I Hluo~ Ull7 ...... • .. l llan ~ Do W. & J, 0. Ulna, Proa-•.•• l.•Gt•n• W , Jt.~buo• ~p THI. • c: J. 8 WhJn.. tw.r ...... , u•1 tllou «,.lly •·•··1_ .•••••r. -··· .••••l llaodII. aU.\ T...a. ... H. f'1nC'•n-d. )lanac-er ,.a. Plour ...... O.o 8•thcnaa HaCilliMp T•l ~ ... N,&J U.HIAD,.,r .-.-,.• , ,,.r,lf"t'U -t tt. ~Jb&.rPI ll•nd ..p ·r--• ... :ll ... YO• ·• K.&.c... .. l'tOJ>'I••M Iloilo ...... W. H. R•)c.-n irl'f, &: U. U, 1... , .. ~ r. A. ~toe. Ma.o-UM 0. •oeata .••• "I x .....,. Pow ... r• tca..S u -p,! T-• :i ..., W. I , 8s.wud. '&.l:hc.1"1 •· IUrta• .... - A L K.l!HDC.rf twvu•Wr T•' .. w.J. ril_..wa.rd.. feeretary , CJrt•" ---···- .- -...... - - ti.&U ,C~'h·• c ...... 8. ~ Sdt.•riDetbon, l'r•. [- Mo1_._ ·- 1A. 8. Ooo.ld _.. n.• ••P· l"t11l .. ... ~~R!· :::.~~~~~ , ~ : ::: ::::: ~·:: ~~~~ \ n::: ::~. ~=~ ..= "" ..m .. P. T. Pro;..rt•l(lr I A"tOCa ...... r...r.. «-n - l Hahdaop.l T.-.\._ ... Prarl•Ar.,..._t~,.. IV,.. CrNrnt!I'J:tJ -~·· - ··!Jo.- ······~ lll l~-op.tDCU.-. l J, (J, Wrea\a.n,Ba~u, 't\'alflOt --...... I. »..••••••••• . ••. Hfoptora\.ot 1'••' 611 f'.,.,.,.,,, Wa,,..,IOQ O'M'JJ"'' OvmP'I'l1 ,.,ook &...ororC..'or•l..aV'Ir-t'£'t,&:'AI• Om•b•, N•. A.C.Zta.u:u..riDab H. a:u 1.!. -r,..t ...... w •••,.IM) or... rnr:r_,-· Ill,.~ • • •• RlM&Il..UOJ'COtU!lf.VIM"I•r.&Mar O~•ba, N"b. ••!••··--·· ...... -· R. ltU.C. Tr•\ llO Wa,•rluo Cr•au•rr W t11 .... thoak LAroJOurUM, V~·i-'1,$11111' Omaba, 1-htb...... • .. •. •u lt. 6-IJ,O, T,·•l .., MJDdhb Or••a.u•rJ ...... Jodi•. N. P. Jor.cwon, l,roprtt"t.or Mtadt~n ...... N. P. Jorretv('D

------~ r -~--- -1- -

61it o ...... , .. SprlnRbTOOk Crt•uoerr ...... IDdtw-. John Nf"w•an COtt~PADJ JO:Irlo, 111 ...... , 0. w. Hlo.. " H If< O.t•. T ..l 661 IOrlnoeU •. Vrlna"U Cr••mrrJ ·•·•··-·· ltldlv.l J. w. r owl•r. Proprt~or (Jrtontll ••.• .... Onu. ,qooJew...I U•lh, Ur. 'J't-tot 1$1 Broold1o ...... Orl•n•ll Ou•a•t-rJ hS •••••••••. lndtv. J. W. "uwler, l'roprttwr lirfanen ...... Oath. Ur. ,... l N6 f4Mr•t>Oro ...... Urtttnf"ll Crto•nu•tJ .. -.:... • ..... IDdiY. J W. 1-~owler, l'r'OJitletor Urlnnell .• •...•. ,.__ ..... Uath (.'r, 'l'f'll 6611 Han-.·tok ...... 8pt1n~tbrooll: Orum;!l' 1 •.•••• •. JndJ..-. John N•wrxuu\ ('ompam• T ..t 6$7 Moak-Zuma _. . ... tJprln1brouk ()rrara•rr ...... llult•. Jobn N•wmen Ouml*DJ ;:~:: :::.:.:::.·· !:.; ~!!': ::··: I ~.. ~h~·o~· T ..,

... T .., ... T-t Ml IIIII ..."' MJ !i ... ~ .. ':;) :;;> * 1r.oa.oro" ····~ fer ... c.~ ...... ,.,. t.o.rOron_, .•-.1 J, w. Bla1r Iff O.nnport.• ~ A•wood l:re&lll•I'J' Oo OtU'-pbrl ~ H. 0. w -< 88UoaT CoVIIT T- g IM Oorla.r ...... f'Of"ler cr.. aur.r Or-. ••• 4.-ot~a _ •...... w. P ..u ... .: J r•·-· r. JO:: Mol &uUar...... JCo•lln• 11t KJt'kmaa ...... ""'""'",. MtH, (bop Ur10 Oo Klrkmau. K. Ntt,1 JaUa11 An•1"'--.J" 0 m Klllr.horo ...... ClaY T-..wn.b1p Cr••"''''1····· Marn' U H'o.l t."tul• Tc·m·~n l f 4 Porlt"mouth .u.. Por,•m'"'••tht'r,.auu·• • ·- ...... Port1moa•n M All " "'•lvrn~ \Valnut, R No t Chrtu ltaclk .• :;: ~:\b;' :····· .... ~r::~;,!'(~,.'l'7...,..._...... IDdJ'I', H Hawa....Su ... .I Haward"'a -~ hadl•. 18\ Hall ...... Hallt!..... ONa••r,., ...... -- - •• llldt'Y, liJ Rodl V.U.7 .1 R-.ek Va:W• ar... r.J -- • - led.l-.. :: r;c;!,.s~~=~J t:~'J:!~cCG.•:::·= =:· ~ OllBUI:BY WST-oonroom>, ...."" ,:!! i "i P. 0. AM,... of I ~1. : ~ ..eot P.-.tNI•ktr . PNprtMor Name of Name ot C..-•trJ• ~ HoMor...... ,. or Butler JII.Uer. ~J· ' Loea:ttor. 0 8«-N.,.,. or Jl•••l"". H K AAAI'C'I'· i:t ii t ~ r.= ~l z A! • :;; 0 "' STOaT Cou~oTTI ~ AI»"'······ ...... 8.AO.C. TMI, ~ Am•-·-·· ··-- ~~~~~J;!-,.~~~~:~op·if·.. · ,:.;ool ~;·I ~: ~ ~fu~~~~; ~ta.17 Oambr1dlt ••••.. j, r. SlilJ'ren• T. au.o. ,.... . "' g-~rldc• ··-·· 'rut, = 0. P. IA11tt, Mao&l• r •• RIUMWl Stattoa C. P, IA-1- 8. & 0 0. ~ 181 Otlbf>rt. Bt•Uon hrrnf'" ")(.~uOr•rmlflr1 Co .••. Oo-op.l , Oo--op, A. B 8b~ld•bl. S.C. t>. J. ~•Urakl ~r•raLOr ,... Utu.I•T "''"'""P<. ·">pCtm.Qc\,, > C~OP L- T . Ot.on., 8t."f'NilU J ~:.~':1 :::::. :::: Oeo. Wlek .. :f•u.,r•tor T• L ltoland l'•rmrn t)r"m~1 Ct-. R . J. 8nerald titt~,..,or 1'Mt. z 681= Sr-orrlf:i~~--=----· C1t7 •••.• 8&o1'7 .... rarm-.r• Oo-op ann eo. . ('oop. AJu. B tond•""'o. 8to Rt.orrOI•T······ z f'lat•r ll'araaero~ Co-l'lp Orm Oo. Hlater .••••••••. c ., "l·~----·· .... ~:- it>dP"ii.!'.~~:.--617 z.rtnc ...... ~: ~.. 8~~7 ,:~. =~-:0.'0~ +::~ IUJ z,.ana~ ... Z.,loc Cl"ftlllltt'7 Co. ...> 1'•.,_,., COt'llo'tT- - lob.A N•w•ao'}o...... r.lrfo, m ...... Job Boii!!M-r fl .&O.O I' T•• IH Ob•• ...... ·--~- prt•rhrootl Or•••rT·····-·IIodt• lobaN...,auOo. ~··- 'I, XJwt,a, 111 ...... l Ohaa B11"'btr ',,' I8 .a•t,·; T-l "" "'..0 =~~~ ~~-::·:.::: ~::~-~- ~::::.~:: oo:::: ~~ ~ k ~-~i:'.. ft;p~r • .'l 6t;~· ::::::~: :: l :' · ~Ac;:.,~,:., :~·~'0': ~~ _, lClatter ...... CaU•r C•-•IT• ..... " ..... I•~• =: TA'I'LOa rtoO"t'l' _ c.., loe ()Gobel. &two --...... ~·-·~ Olea•l•lcl·--····•1 O.Or1t~ KoNair Haod•ep.l T•., J"raDk OGb•l• , Pftpr1•tor BecUor4 ••..• , .... L•ll• lttopp.. H••dw l ..t :: ~~~ ::::·:~ ~l:'"~~.~'L;::~rr~ .:::=: r~: : J . (., , JfiO;;)bJ, ~r•rart••· IADt...l .,,...... sao.ll. To •< :! teO 1 LeaCIK...... •• ... lA1:1oa Orf'• ••rt Uo ••••• _..... ()o-4)p ;; o,..-,o,. 'lOr:r.n- •••. ( Ua-o4..-p. l Tnt eJI I ')r-.looo...... Ol•~:; J;~~~~-~: ~~~!:." -~~~ Stoa.l W. T 8. \YbU' fkoo'1 •••· I Olarlnda.• ••..•. 1J . 0. HaU ..

V .AX 80'RV 30CJt n - 110118onapulo...... v...... c ...... ,. eo ...... , 8tock. l R N. Mon oll ...... I0\tnmwa ------t·------IOaoh c.,IT .... ~ KtlloD ...... ''""rkt~hlr• (lr•amflrJ qo. te) . Stock. R. "N'. l!llorr...,u. S.O .•• , •• Onumw• ...... Ualh. ('!r. 1'•n ~ Stookpor...... Y orbhlre or ..m-.·rr <.:o (I) 8toe.k R. N . Morr~ll. ~-·-· 0\.UUOWA ...... 40 ...... 0Alh. Or. 1'•11

...., - .- - ~:...-----


001 I t ..rlltle .. .•• .... C'a1'llllt (.;rtamor, lodlv.l 8. L. Oweoe, ProprltWr I CarU1111e .••••• ~ •• J B. L. Oweu , ••• IS•par• torl Te1t \V AillltSOTO!I tJ HUIIJTT'-

W A fl'l'lt COO

1 a I Bom•\OiD Okl C'oiODT C' rMID"rJ ...... ladlv. J u.L. Rompbr•1 Jr. .._.o,.• • Hom.. ton P••~rtO• ····· a l_.w lf.bu1 0,., C'olo•T O'na.n~e.f"J' ( 1) ..... ladl•.· Ju.L. Bampb.nJ Jr., Prop. 1-ht•••oo , 8 ::: ~: 8:1 i::! flO 0o)t'J4on Old (..'ulonJ c;...... ,, t i J ...• IDCih Jw.L. Boatpb.r•J J r Prop_j Ho•••oo e. au. c. TMt ...~ " ali8Taa Cor~ TT" "' Oil O.IM'Oabtt c r ....•n ...... ladt"., 8.8'm.ttll. Propr1fl.Of" ···I Oaaocuabe .. .. OM Cort-J _ • 8 . ..\;Q,O.'T ... l I ll IFt Oa~be Doclp. .••••••···I PaJ•w· tlobbarcl 00...... 8t01."•• C. V, ROM.okrcw. &.e.--- lod.,....d•oe• 8 B~ o.eeb.u - Uaocltt.p.l T•t ~ ;; Wt.~Y&&AOO CO 01"1'- -< 0 Co-op, O.O.l Aop. Cr•ro•ry Co-op, L. O. Peo.,ooo...... Wodon ...... 1 lobo T. Olooo ll.. n, Secretary. Ridgeway...... G. A. Bakken .... Oa\h, Cr. 1 011 Teat Woon:atJJIT oo tmTT- 8.0 Oorrecttonville .. Boplline & Hubbard Oreamer} Hooktna & Hnbbard, Correction'rill e .. , M. J. Good.Jiow .. , Band Sepj T••· I I I Prope., > 0•1 Sioux O"y •••••• Ruford Produce Co.•• •••••••. 81oclt: J . H . WhJnemore, Seo'y .. Sioux CUy.•. ..•. W. 0, Whealoolt: ll&Dd Sep T••· :Oil! :Oil! WORTH 00'0'NTT'- 0 Fertile ...... Ferlile Oo-op. Dairy Oo...... ro-op. J. T . Tallaokaon • Secrefar, Fertile ...... A . Johneoa .. Tt~~tt. 0~ 1 J . 8. &0.0. ~ 8.S Joice ...... l(ordland Crt~amery Co...... Oo·op. P. R. Hammer, a eoniary .. Jolca ...... A H. ~fl lllo n •••• 8ef'ara\or Te.•. 844 lrfiDIIIU ...... Danville Creamery Co...... Oo·Op, M. 0. Bray, Seoretary. ••••. Kenaeti ...... Gilbert Olean .••• B. &G.O. ou Manly...... B'armera Co-op, Creamery Co. .. Oo·op. E . B . Slack, Se c r t~tary •••. Manly ...... H . E . Fo rd ...... B.&G 0. T••·Teat. 8'5 Mel\onvllle ...... Lorenzen Brae. Crt~amery ....•. lndlv Lore nl eD Broe., Proprietors MeUonvUle ..... N . E. Lorenzen Gath. Or . on Tea• Ot7 Nonhwood ...... B'armen Batter & Cb-e Aas'n Oo·op. M. D. J ohnaonJ. Secretary •• Nor\hwood .... . R . 8 . Berpa\har s.&u. o. Test. 0(8 Northwood •••.•. Hartland Dairy AleoolatloD•••. Block E. L . Loberc, a ecr etary .... Northwood R. S A. K . Ha neen .. Ae(>ara\or Tea•. ~ 8'11 Northwood •••••. Brook11eld Creame.ry A81'n ... Oo-op, E . A . Tt~nold, Bee. & Mgr. Nor\hwood •••••• A. 0. Talle ••••.. S .& G.O. Teat. ~ Co-op, 060 Brtetol Tow.neh'p Lalrt~ :M111• Ort~~UD•r::r Co (B) •• J. A. Harvel, Secretary •.•• Lake Mllla •••..• Se~ra\or Teal. 0 &I Tt~nold •••••••••• Tenold Oream.ery ...... Jndlv. Galh. Or. Teat. ...,

WaroaT OotmT T- ~ Oll I Belmond •••••••• Norway Oo-op. Creamery l)o•.. Oo-op, 0. J . Bane r , Becretary .••. I BelmondR.B'.D. II 0 , H. Vandarhaml Band Sepl Otl Tea• til 06S Olarton •••• •••••• Olarlo.n Creamery .&.aaoola\lon Oo-op. 0. P . Morton, Seore\ary •. Olarlon ....•••••. B, W . Umbreti. Gath Or. 011 Teai = OM GoldJleld •.•••... B'oun\aln Oraamar:y ••.• •••• .• lndlv. De W US Goodrich Pr op..... Gold1lel4 •••. .••. John Beck ...... Hand Se Tea\. ~ Gal•-····· ········ Gal• Oreamt~ry Qo•••••••••••••• Oo-op. A. lL Ketchum, Seort~tary. Gah...... A. B'aUand ...... S. & U. ~ 'leat,

IOWA CHEESE FACTORY LIST. CD AlphabeticaUy Arranged Accord in~t to Counties and Towns Near Which Factory is Located, Together with Information Pertaining to Each. ~ ~ '0 i ~ ..0 • .. :0 8'" I! .. 1 Located at or .. P. 0. Addrwa of Pro- :: a -< Near. Nama of Oha- Factory. g, Name of Proprietor, ·~c:~ ~e 0 prtelor, Stoert~tary Name of Cb-e 0 Secretary or Maoagn. or llanager. .u & kf'r. -g.: e~ . It .c.! 0 0 ~ a:: ~ ..• o a:: :II r;; B:KJQTON Cotrl!f T'l'- r.o 1 A•ldn• ...... 0 ldfl&l Oh-e !'actory ...... lvd tv. .. A, 0. S•ewan, Proprietor .. z A \ ...... A. 0, Stewart... Hundred. t:Jj B~OE B..t.Wlt COtmTT- :0 BJUJUB Cotrlf TT- t Janeavtlle •••• •... The .J'owler Oo..... Btoolr... 080. V. Fowler , Ka.acer .. ············ ···· Wat•loo ...... J , McMurray .... Tetn. 0-.o GOilDO 0oVJrTT- a BurohJ.nal...... Bu.rehJnal Oh._ F.otor;:r•.•.••.•••. IDcUv... T, B. a.._, Proprle&or•. . hnhJ.nal ...... T. B. Ooatea .... T•t. Oa.tWlOU Oo VJri'Y- Aator...... •. J.nor Oheeee -PI&D:r...... hadlT ... • o. 4. o:a.-, ho~ ...... Anhu '71Ultam . a1Ul4rad. oa -I ·IOWA CliERSB FACTORY LIS'l\--CoN~D. ·· ~ ... 1! l I I . .!:ii·- ;.: Looac.d ai or P. of Pro-1 of Oheu• l o .. .. .! Name of Ch-e J'actory. & Name of Proprleior, prieioll8ecr~- ~ddr- eSarJ ~~~eKilker. Near. 0 Seoretary or lllanacer. or anarer, • ]~ 39 ..ll ~ .. .. 2 ~I: Ill :.- - - 2 ~ C UtK.a COUN,Tr- ttl . ttl i I Weldon ...... Weldon Oh-e Factory...... lnd11'... I L. M. Parr, Proprietor ... Weldon ...... L. lW, Parr...... I BDAdred. 7 ~ .i'LOn> OoUllrr - ---· ·- - = e I Charlee Cti y. .. . Elm SpriDgs Fuiory ...•..••••.... I Indh·... , B . D. Whil~. Proprie,or Charlea City ...... WalterB. Pfellfnl Hundred. ~ GR••~'• COtrN n - 2 <= 7 I Dana...... Oana:Mntual(Oo-op, Crm,Compao1 1 Oo·op.. . , W,J. Elltna, Secretary , ... I Dana ...... ( W,J. EUJoc ..... ( Teet > t" G 'O TBB~ Cou •rr- 8 ( Jamaica ...... JamaioaCh-eFae•orJ ...... Indlv... I Goreham & Coou, Props .... ( Jamaica...... I W. E. Gorebam Hu ndred ~

B~nDrN OotrN TY- ~ 9 I Io"a Jl'alls...... E:lUa Oh-e Factory ...... lndlv, .. I W . I. Clark. Proprieior IowaJ'alla,R.S, 8 .181 W . l . Clark ..... Hundred. ~ 0 B OWJ.RD COUll Tr- ., 10 I Oret10o ...... • . . . CrMOo Cheese Factory: ....•...... lndlv. ··I Wm, Kellow ...... _ ...... Cresco...... W. N. Lathrop .. , Hnnd. ~ 11 Cresco . • ...... Olonr Leaf· Oheeee ~t ory . . . . Indtv ... J.J. Bonee ...... Cresco ...... · . .. J, J . .Bou11e ...... BuDd. ~ BBNBY CO'OliT T- 1! I Noble...... The Chrt.tner Butler and Cheese Col l ndtv .. I 0. 0. Ohn.iner ...... I Wayland ...... 1 0. C. Chrlatner I T"t. J•rr~RSON Cou,NTr- 11 Pl... ani Plain .. Pleasant Plain Cheese Factory..... lndlv... J. H. s-een·...... Pleaa&ll' Plain ...... Fred L. Reynold Tee•. 14 1Veo ...... Veo Oheeee Fae•orJ ...... I s tock' ... I E . A. :Hoeler...... I Pleasani Plain ..... I.a. W. Spencer 1-ree•.

.. -- -- ~ ~ ----- ~- '

KKO KtTJt OOUN ITT- ttl I Talleyrand . .... Talleyrand Factory ...... ·I Stock .. , L. M. Tooker, Secretary .. ·I Talley rand ...... j Clifton Tooker . 1 Teet. L~lt COUNTT- 11 1Franklin StattonI FrankllllStatlon Oheeee Company .. j 8took . 1 Ohaa. Kllnrler...... , Don11ellaon ...... ·I A. W, Newe.ll. 1T u a. MONBOB COlTN TT-

1T I Albia...... Bone Cheese Factory ...... , 1Dd11' ... 1 8. G. Bone, Proprietor.. Albia ...... 1 8. G. Booe ...... l Bnnd . .M~RSBJ.LL Co UNTY- (I} 18 I Liscomb ...... LiiiCOmb Cheeee Company ...... ( Stock ... I Thomu B. Onlp, Manager. I U.Comb ...... I Thoe. E. Oulp ... l Teet. Mt180A.Tm• <:o UNTT- 18 I Wllion JUDotton Muscatine Freneh Oh-e Company Co-op .. J'ritz Kolb, Secretary ..... I Wtlton Jnnoilou ... I .Bomer Canon .. I Bond. ~ 0 POWUBRX CO ll"NTT- ~ t() I Jacob...... Jacob Oh-e F.ctorJ ...... lndfy., :0 A. 0. Payne, Proprietor ... Jacobll ...... 8 . .M, Payne . I Te~t. -< SCOTT COlTNTY - 0 Jl I Prtnoeioo ...... Wapste Oh-e F-actory ...... Stooll: ... Chat. .A. Pope ...... 0 Princeton ...... P~rry E. Bower a:: 8~0RT COUNTY•- & 0. A. Hope,. I Teat . m!5 22 I Amea ...... I. A. C. Oh-e:Factory...... j 8tate . .. j G. L. McKay, Kanacer ... I Amea ...... ( ...... I Teet. m.... T~YLOJI COlTN TT- 0 '2! ts ..... j shaTP~~bnrg SharpebnrdhCh-e Company.. . •. Ind11'... G. 8 . &utlaok, P~rtetor . ,Bharpebnrr ...... , G. 8. EuUack'. BUDd, I' Blooll:to11 ...... Blooll:tou - • Factory ...... lndt,., .. Waldrip&: Bonaft , Propa Blockton...... Waldrip & Bona·I ~ W A8BII'IOTO• 0 O'V""TY- ftelcl...... Bond. !S Weet OhNier .... Lee• Oh-J'aetory...... Indlv. 10 IRichland ...... W . E. Leeah!'oprie*or.... Weti Oheeier ...... W. E, Leea ..... B•nd. Clay Oh-e Faoaory...... Ssook. .. B. A. llll'eao an, Seo. . . . ·IBlohlaad, B. ll... . I W. J. A beer.....· I Tee a. W~Tini OO'O""T T-

Ob- 0. .. , ...... , ...,., .,_....,..•. .... , ...... , 8amuol ....., ., Hnnd, .,• jo.w.nLlne1'1ll .._...... _..Llnntlle ~"~"'" l'aciory'.....~'"•..... lnd11'. Math•~ ew eHaaD ...... Une't111e...... llaibew DeHaan .iund. Ill Seymour..... 8eTrno1ll' Oh- Oo1npaay...... 8tooll:. K. A. W-~tley, Seereiary Seymour ...... B. K. lilpenoer.. Bund. ~ .. lNDEX. Page. Lttterof transmittal...... 3 Expense of office of Dairy Commission for year ending N" ve •n ber 1, 1905...... 5 Conditions of the Dairy Industry ...... , ...... 7 10 Price of Butter fat...... 11 Over run ...... 12 , 13 Premiums on Butter...... 14 . 15 Table-Showini' five chiet manufa cturing Interests of Jowa...... 16 'l'be •• Wa ter Separator''...... 18 Changes in Dairy Laws...... 19, 20 Aulstant Dairy Commlasioners...... 21 Inspection of Milk...... 22, 23 Farmer's Institute Meetings...... 23 Wages, Average of, of Butter makt:rs...... 24 Cheese Factories and their productR...... 24 Twelve months' acorini'...... 25 Quantity of Cream and Butter...... 25 Oleomargarine ...... 26 Tables of comparison.... • ...... 27 Renovated Butter ...... • ...... 27 Table- Monthly Average on Fancy Western Creamery Butter . . .. . 28 Table-Butter, production for six years ...... 29 Prosecution•.... . • . • ...... • ...... 29 Table of Comparison. . . . . • . • . . • ...... • ...... 30 Table No 1.-Number of Creameries and changes . ....• ...... 31, 32 Table No. 2-Showing number using Acid test ...... 33, 34 Hand Separator•. . • ...... 35 Table No. 3-Showing number creameries reported ...... 35, 36 , 37 Table No. 4-Showing number pounds butter made ...... 38-40 Table-Showing railroad butter shipments ...... 41 Table-Showing butter ahipments outside the state ...... 42, t3 Creamery list...... • ...... 44 66 Cheese factory list...... 67-69 l