UDC 800 Fedorova Mariya Alexsandrovna PhD student, teacher of the Language training center of Turan University, Republic of Kazakhstan


Postmodernism owes its origin to modernity, the main direction of Western European culture of the 20th century, and its cult of technical transformations. However, the crisis put an end to the modern era. It was replaced by a new perception of the world, opposing faith in the progress and intelligence of mankind. The classical type of thinking changed to non-classical, and later to post-non-classical. The Great Russian Encyclopedia gives the following definition of this movement: “Postmodernism (postmodern) is a wide trend in the culture of the 2nd half of the 20th - early 21st centuries (in philosophy, humanities, art and literature), mainly in Europe and North America. Unlike modernism with its programmatic orientation to novelty, postmodernism refers to the cultural heritage of the past as an object of playful exploration, ironic quotation and situational rethinking (when included in various contexts), a source of stylization and eclectic combination of its forms. Postmodernism is not a trend or a direction, it is a broad cultural phenomenon that includes philosophy, art, psychology, and even science (postmodern geometry, for example). It appeared after the Second World War - 40-50 years. According to the forecasts of futurologists, postmodernism is the last stage in the development of culture. In the 21st century, such a global cultural corps has formed that digesting it is a laborious and long-term task. The inventory of world culture is the essence of postmodernism. This is the first era in the history of art where there is no canon. Whatever you do, everything can be presented as an art. As a result, there is a lot of trash, which is called "kitsch art", i.e. fake. The distinctive features of postmodernism include:



Pluralism (in other words, a concept that supports the presence of many different views and interests at the same time). Uncertainty (art cannot develop due to established rules). Multiple interpretations (absence of one interpretation, existence of many). Shocking (surprise, defeat and provocation by the artist). Plagiarism (presence of frank quotation and borrowing). A combination of high and low culture (mixing of two cultures, blurring the boundaries). Irony (ridicule and parody). Fragmentation (attention to detail and rejection of general synthesis) Politainment, , Shocktainment, etc. (combination of and ; information and entertainment; shock and entertainment We would like to dwell on the concept of politainment in more detail. In addition to the fact that the influences the opinions and attitudes of the audience, the conditions of media democracy and the newsmakers themselves dictate the need to follow the staging principles of media: “A successful politician now is, in fact, not a functionary, but a star in the sense in which it is understood in the entertainment industry ". The need to sell politics as good entertainment gives rise to a new format for presenting political information - “politainment”. The term " politainment " is a contamination of the words "politics" and "entertainment" and denotes a concept that reflects the presence (or prevalence) of the entertainment component at the level of politics. Researchers understand this phenomenon related to the political entertainment industry as a strategic form or type of , which is designed to obtain mass support for the politics of power through a political show. Donald Trump's primaries are one example of the successful use of this strategy. The inclusion of entertainment formats and political activities in mass media in particular makes them oriented towards human emotions. The use of the emotional aspect has been interpreted as a classic technique for blocking rational analysis and critical perception. According to scientists, the use of the emotional


SCIENTIFIC COLLECTION «INTERCONF» | № 1(34) factor "opens access" to the subconscious in order to deliver thoughts, desires, fears, coercion, or the necessary behavior patterns there. The goal is to divert public attention from important issues solved by political and economic elites by using the technology of "flooding" with continuous distraction and little information. On the other hand, the constant production of political scandals, sensations, when an excess of information merges into noise, generates censorship. Mass media politics saturates the agenda with the mention of political figures. At the same time, the context of the discussion shifts from the political sphere (for example, a critical analysis of political decisions), to the entertainment sphere (discussion of Donald Trump's hairstyle). This tendency modifies the goals, instruments of influence and practice of the mass media. Newsmakers and media managers, being involved in the media game, pragmatically use political manipulation, often substituting emotions and deliberate entertainment for logic, event analysis, and journalistic texture. We would like to give several examples of politainment in the published on information portals. Take the BBC article “US calls for shower rules to be eased after Trump hair complaints”. A serious topic about wasting water (Under a 1992 law, showerheads in the US are not allowed to produce more than 2.5 gallons (9.5l) of water per minute) is served through entertainment content, namely Donald Trump's hairstyle. Also, an article titled "Donald Trump: I don't wear a toupee" talks about the protests in California, but only the president's hairstyle is included in the headline, and only one line is devoted to protests. It seems to us that the purpose of this article is to distract the reader from important issues and "play" on emotions. With the help of reductionist strategies, the representation of political events is simplified and personalized; emotions begin to prevail over facts. The policy becomes accessible even for those people who previously did not accept and did not understand it. Elections begin to take place in the style of a carnival: debates can take place in the stadium. Today, the election race in the United States is approaching its final, and the less time remains before the vote, the more scandalous, controversial and postmodern materials about candidates appear in the media. Taking the article “Brexit 'Godfather' Farage Says Trump Will Win U.S.



Election". Note the word "Godfather" is a reference to the movie "The Godfather". This article "hooks" the reader with its title, forcing them to follow the link and find out who this godfather is and why he believes that Donald Trump will win the elections. The next example is taken from CNN website “Trump says he likes Putin”. A serious political article in The Washington Post focuses not on relations between the two countries, but on the personal relationship between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. Perhaps the authors are trying to lure readers with similar headlines. News item "VP debate: Did gender play a role in the interruptions?" is not devoted to the debate between the current vice president of America Mike Pence and the candidate for vice president Kamala Harris, but the role of gender in the life of Americans. The article cites the words of linguists, judges, scientists who sort out the pieces of speech of speakers, focusing not on the essence of the speech, but on the role of gender. It should be noted that the formation of politainment is a complex process that is a consequence of the general political and communicative trend leading to the formation of a special communication space that integrates elements of various discursive environments - political, mass media. The main linguo-pragmatic attitude of politainment is associated with entertainment, the actualization of the "human" function of the language. At the same time, it must be recognized that its bearers are not only politicians, but also the audience expecting more interesting, lively and less serious communication than was traditionally characteristic of political speeches. In order to meet the needs of the addressee, the linguistic personality of the politician is forced to transform, abandon the classical political stereotype of the "superman", the leader, and turn under the influence of a number of factors into the linguistic personality of the politician-actor.

References: 1. Avetisyan, N. G. Language of the media as a factor in the development of language // Vestnik of Moscow University. Series 19. Linguistics and intercultural communication. 2002. №4. pp. 80–86.



2. Dobrosklonskaya, T. G. Language of the media: the formation and content of the concept / T. G. Dobrosklonskaya // Vestnik of Moscow University. Series 19. Linguistics and intercultural communication. 2007. № 4. pp. 9-15. 3. Smetanina S.I. Media text in the cultural system. Saint-Petersberg, 2002. pp.11-12 4. Kashkin V. B. Fundamentals of the theory of communication. Moscow: East - West, 2007. P.229 5. Shevyakova T.V. “Internet text as a kind of media text” // Vestnik of UIB. - Almaty, No. 3, 2011, pp. 114-116. 2. Popov Yu. N., Romashko SA et al. POSTMODERNISM // Great Russian Encyclopedia. Volume 27.- M., 2015.- pp. 261-264. 3. Electronic source: 4. Electronic source: 5. Electronic source: 6. .Electronic source: interference-intelligence-assessment/index.html 7. 11.Electronic source: godfather-farage-says-trump-will-win-us-election