No 61 • May 2 01 3 Two television stars!

We received exciting news about two befrienders in Dwyfor, Contents Mrs Elmina Roberts fr om Nefyn and the volunteer Mrs Maira Griffith From Mantell 2 from Edern. Both took part in a short film showing how Ffrindia’ works. News 3 2 The film shows how the frie ndship has developed during befriending and Children and Young People 4 shows one activity, a visit to the Age Well Centre in Nefyn. Thanks to Volunteering Centre 5 Llinos Griffin and Stuart Murray for their professionalism as producers. Ffrindia’ 6

Enterprising Communities 7 Following this Media Trust, a television company got in touch requesting

Health, Social Care 8 that they can show the film on a Channel on the television. and Well-being The film can also be viewed on by typing Ffrindia’ in Teulu N i/B2C 9 the search box. Making the Connections 10 Funding O pportu nities 11 Events an d Training 12

The three ‘Rs” summarises the aims of the w I Back Row:- Wil Huntley, Professor Robin Grove-White (guest speaker), J Unfortunately Gwen Angharad Roberts was unable to attend. M

Tel: 01286 672626 • Fax: 01286 678430 R The Old Police Station • Lombard St. • • LL40 1SB. Tel: 01341 422575 • Fax: 01341 422147 E


Registered Office: Registered Office: 23-25 Y Bont Bridd, , The Old Police Station, Lombard Street, Gwynedd, LL55 1AB. Dolgellau, Gwynedd, LL40 1SB. Tel: 01286 672626 • Fax: 01286 678430 Tel: 01341 422575 • Fax: 01341 422147 E-mail: [email protected] Website: From Mantell May 2 01 3

MANTELL GWYNEDD A note from the offer better facilities for bowling and STAFF tennis as well as adapting a small building Chief Officer for community use), Cruisers (to Chief Officer: work on a project to develop a BMX Bethan Russell Williams Working in Partnership biking track in Talysarn), DEVELOPMENT & SERVICES Community Centre (to improve energy TEAM This year Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd efficiency), Senior Development & Services celebrates its third birthday. When it was Regeneration Group (to assist with the Officer: established in 2010 it promised to play a purchase of Preswylfa which will be Delyth Vaughan vital role in developing sustainable Social Enterprise Development developed for community use), Menter Officer: communities in Gwynedd. To this end it Fachwen (to improve disabled access and Bet Huws established the Community Investment facilities at Caxton House Cafe and Making the Connections Officer: Fund which could support local walking centre), Dolgellau Theatre (to Carol Evans community groups to hold events, offer fund a digital sound and lighting system Children & Young People training, improve community facilities and Facilitator: for the theatre) and Garth Community Carwyn Humphreys support environmental improvement Centre (for a new floor at the centre). projects . At the beginning of 2012 TEULU NI PROJECT I was really interested to see that 49% of Teulu Ni Project Officer: Mantell Gwynedd were offered the the Fund was spent in Meirionnydd, 39% Mair Richards opportunity to administer this Grant in Arfon and 12% in Dwyfor. Fund and twelve months later we have BUSINESS SUPPORTING been reviewing the immense success of Key to all of this success has been the COMMUNITIES PROJECT collaborative partnership between Business Supporting Communities the Fund. In my column this time I am Officer: delighted to be able to share with you Mantell Gwynedd and Cartrefi Emily Williamson some of this excellent news. Cymunedol Gwynedd. It has been an Business Supporting Communities absolute pleasure to work with the CCG Administration Officer: Just over £273k was transferred for and their staff who are involved with this Rosie Seymour administration by Mantell Gwynedd for Fund. This partnership is an excellent HEALTH TEAM the period 20 12 - 20 13. Prior to this it example of what can be achieved when Health & Social Care Facilitator: was the Economic Development we pool our expertise. We all have great Sioned Llwyd Larsen Department of Cyngor Gwynedd who assets and when there is joined up Ffrindia’ Project Manager: had been involved in the administration Carys Williams working and thinking we can really Arfon Volunteer Co-ordinator: of the Fund but following criticisms and maximise potential. At the end of the Nia Haf Jones substantial underspending (over £64k day it is communities in Gwynedd who Dwyfor Volunteer Co-ordinator: underspent in 20 11- 12) the role was have been the greatest winners here. Dawn Thomas transferred to Mantell Gwynedd. I am The public sector should sit up and take Meirionnydd Volunteer absolutely delighted to report that Co-ordinator: note of this partnership working, they Gwenlli Haf Evans Mantell Gwynedd have not only managed could pick up some useful tips! I am to achieve a 100% spend of the Fund on most grateful to CCG for giving us the FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION some really worthwhile projects but we TEAM opportunity to administer this fund and I Deputy Chief Officer & Head have also managed to attract £2.1M of really look forward to the collaboration of Finance & Operations Team: additional funding to this Fund. What an with them over Ceren Williams achievement! the next year as Administration Officer: we move ahead Bronwen Rowlands Amongst the 37 community groups Finance Assistant: who have benefited from this Fund are to administer Tracy Williams Caernarfon Rugby Club (to improve the another traunch Administration Assistant: pitch at Caernarfon), Edern Community of funding. Tracy Lynne Rotheram Administration Assistant: Centre (to upgrade the building and Until the Ellen ap Dafydd offer better disabled access), Dolgellau next time! Receptionist: Partnership (to upgrade the park and Bethan Tayera Khan VOLUNTEER CENTRE TEAM Volunteer Co-ordinator: Rhianon Jones INFO & ARTICLES FOR THE NEXT ISSUE OF MANTELL Volunteer Officer: The deadline for information or articles to be included in the next edition Ann Angharad Fleming Volunteer Officer: of Mantell is Iola Till 21st of June 2 01 3 Youth Volunteering Officer & Big Send or e-mail any information to Ellen ap Dafydd at Mantell Gwynedd, Dolgellau. Lottery Project Officer: [email protected] m Mirain Roberts Tel: 01 341 422 575

2 MANTELL GWYNEDD May 2 01 3 News

Youth Led Congratulations! Grant – GWIRVOL The Gwynedd Volunteering Centre for the sixth year has received the Gwirvol grant. For 201 3- 14 there will be £4,000 of grant money available. The main aim of the grant is to support small projects that are organized and led by young people (1 4-25 old) . Timetable – Closing date for applications:

 31st of May 2013  27th of September 2013  29th of November 2013  31st of January 2014 For an application pack or for more information regarding the fund please contact Mirain on Congratulations to Tracy Rotheram , (0 1286) 672626 Administrative Assistant, Mantell Gwynedd or [email protected] for successfully passing her “NVQ 3 Diploma in Business and Administration”.

New online system for Gift Aid claims Community cyfieithu cymunedol Charities will soon be able to claim Gift Aid Translation repayments online. Are you a community C HMRC have written to 110,000 charities and or charitable group? Community Amateur Sports Clubs to tell them that Do Welsh speakers and non-Welsh speakers from 22 April they will be able to enrol to make repayment claims online. attend your meetings? The service, called Charities Online, has been introduced Would you like to give everyone the following feedback from charities. Sajid Javid, Economic opportunity to speak in their language of Secretary to the Treasury, said: ‘Charities Online is a choice? significant step towards reducing the administrative Mentrau Iaith across North have a new burdens that can be a weight on charities.’ project which is part of the Welsh Government Rural The Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) will also Development Fund. be introduced in April. This allows charities and CASCs The intention is to offer a professional translating to claim top-up payments on cash donations of £20 or service, both written and simultaneous for a price within less without having to collect Gift Aid declarations. reach of community groups and third sector If you have any questions about the changes please get organasations. The scheme will run until December in touch with Eileen Kinsman, Giving Wales Officer at 2013. WCVA on 0800 2888 329 , [email protected]. uk If interested in the service and for more details contact: or come along to one of our Gift Aid registration Glyn Jones or Esyllt Tudur on 01492 642357 surgeries.

NEWSLETTER 61 3 Children an d Young People May 2 01 3

Achievements – Millennium Volunteers Achievement of young volunteers on the Millennium Volunteers Scheme.

Certificate for 50 hours of volunteering at the following placements: Sera Thomason – Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Elin Lloyd Griffith –Ysgol Gynradd , Ysgol Gynradd ; Gwynfa Residential Home, Caernarfon Robat Glenn Roberts – Llyrfgell Bangor Library Eiri Haf Jones –Ysgol Bro Lleu, Ysgol Dyffryn Elenid Williams – Tenovus Shop, Caernarfon Fflur Harman – ILS (Independent Living Skills) Glynllifon Nathan Burns – Age Cymru Bangor Gwen Angharad Thomas –Ysgol Gynradd Bontnewydd, Ysgol Brynrefail

50 & 100 hours certificate for volunteering at the following placements: Molly Vale – CIP (Cynllun Ieuenctid ) Molly Vale (left) Chloe Hughes – CIP (Cynllun Ieuenctid Pwllheli) and Georgina Fletcher (above) Georgina Fletcher – CIP (Cynllun Ieuenctid Pwllheli) receiving their certificates. Lowri Williams – Ysgol Dolbadarn Ffion Jones –Ysgol Brynrefail, WRVS, St John’s Ifan Webb – Wrexham Asylum Seekers Support Group Sophie Burgess –Ysgol Bro Lleu, Ysgol Dyffryn Nantlle, Plas Gwilym

100 hours certificate for volunteering at the following placement : Gwenan Mair Williams –Ysgol Dyffryn Nantlle Congratulations Award of Excellence, 200 hours of Volunteering: Rebecca for Rebecca Jones – CAB, Caernarfon achieving 200 hours of volunteering. A big thank you to you all for your commitment.

Ffion Jones, Lowri Williams and Elin Lloyd Griffiths receiving their certificates from Mirain Roberts, Mantell Gwynedd.

4 MANTELL GWYNEDD May 2 01 3 Volunteering Centre

Gwynedd Volunteer Centre Volunteers’ Week: 1st - 7th June 2 013

The aim of the week is to celebrate the contribution that volunteers and volunteering makes to our society. As part of the celebrations this year, the Gwynedd Volunteer Centre has organised: Celebration and Thank you Tea: For volunteers – to be held at Hercules Hall in at 3.00pm on Thursday, 6th June. Lord Dafydd Eli s-Thomas AM will be the guest speaker. Photography Competition: An opportunity for you to win a hamper for your organisation! You’re not too late to send in a photo portraying VOLUNTEERING in Gwynedd. Closing Date – Friday, 24th May 2 013 Dave Taylor volunteering at Menter Felin Uchaf, Rhoshirwaun was last year’s winning entry – photo submitted by Dafydd Davies Hughes. Travelling Information Stall: Raising awareness of volunteering and recruiting new people. Plans to date, include visitings:  Bangor – Tuesday 4th June  Pwllheli market – Wednesday, 12th June. Anyone interested in joining in the volunteering celebrations … please contact The Gwynedd Volunteer Centre on 01 286 672626 or [email protected]

Computer Taster Course

 Do you have problems or no experience in using Are YOUR volunteering computers? opportunties on the all  Would you like to keep in touch with your Wales Volunteering website? grandchildren by using e-mails or ‘Facebook’? Digital Cameras – but what else? Work is continuing on development  of the new-look all Wales volunteering On Friday , 24th May , the Gwynedd Volunteer Centre has organised two website. free ‘Computer Taster’ sessions for volunteers in Mantell Gwynedd in Click onto Caernarfon . This is an opportunity for you to discuss any aspect of using computers! Choice of times: from 10.00am – 12.00pm, or 2.00pm – 4.00pm. to check if the details of the volunt- eering opportunities available with your A warm welcome to all … whatever your present level of ability! organisation are on the website. If they Please contact The Gwynedd Volunteer Centre on 01286 672626 or are not listed or if you would like to see [email protected] if you would like to book a place on changes to any of the details – please one of the sessions. contact the Gwynedd Volunteer Centre.

NEWSLETTER 61 5 Ffrindia’ May 2 01 3

Ffrindia’ Fair On Friday 28th of June 20 13 as a pinnacle event to the promotional Ffrindia’ week a ‘fun day’ is being held at Y Ganolfan, (by the harbour) from 10.0 0am and 3.0 0pm. This is the closing event to the Ffrindia’ tour which will visit a number of places between the 24th and 28th of June so keep an eye open for an event near you. More information is available on our website: or by telephoning Caernarfon 01286 672626 or Dolgellau 01341 422575 . If you are interested in volunteering with Ffrindia’, remember to call in at Y Ganolfan, Porthmadog on the 28th to have a chat.

Dwyfor Volunteers enjoying themselves Dwyfor volunteers enjoying a tasty meal at Pwllheli Yacht Club. It was an opportunity for them to share their experiences and meet new volunteers.

Information sessions on services for the elderly Following a request from Ffrindia’ volunteers a group from the Arfon and Dwyfor area came together at Canolfan Pentrefelin for an inductive session on the Services For the Elderly with Sioned Larsen from Mantell Gwynedd, it was a very informative presentation. During the second half Councillor Gareth Thomas talked about his role a s The Older People’s Champion with , again very interesting indeed. Thank you to you both for giving your time.

Arfon Volunteers Here are some of Arfon’s volunteers who enjoy meeting for tea and cake at T yˆ Golchi, Bangor. This is the second time we’ve met as a group to chat and socialize. Our thanks and appreciation is endless to them for giving an hour or two of their time as companionship and support to individuals in Arfon.

6 MANTELL GWYNEDD May 2 01 3 Enterprising Communities

Gwynedd Community Halls Forum The responsibility to reduce costs and maximize income lies with Gwynedd’s community halls’ committees. Thus, a Forum was formed, coordinated by Mantell Gwynedd, which meets twice a year : in March and September, at near , to share good practice and information, networking and joint marketing. In 2012 Gwynedd Council’s Energy Survey commissioned by John Pooley Consultancy Ltd in collaboration with the Carbon Trust found that the three main running cost of community halls were insurance, caretakers and cleaners, and energy. It became clear that an energy usage benchmarking framework was needed to get an overall view. At the last meeting on March 20, 2013 John Pooley explained the process of collecting energy data for annual benchmarking purposes. Mantell Gwynedd has sent a package to the county’s community halls which includes an energy data collection questionnaire plus guidelines. It was asked that the data be collected as close as possible to March 31, 2013, as a baseline for an annual benchmarking framework, and the questionnaires returned by April 12, 2 01 3. Available on Mantell Gwynedd’s website in the near future will be a copy of the Community Halls Energy Handbook which deals with understanding and measuring energy usage, looking for the best price, control, maintenance and investment in order to save. The next meeting will be on September 18, 2 01 3 at Prenteg.

North Wales Cancer Care Open Day and Launch • May 11 • 11am – 3 pm Bryn Eisteddfod,

North Wales Cancer Care offers guidance and support in the community for people living with cancer, by integrating Conventional and Complementary Approaches in Cancer Care. • Information – Support, • Complementary Therapies, • Wellbeing Workshops – Activities Why not come along and find out more?

For further information call Sheila: Tel: 01286 660678 • Mobile: 07851 792014 • e-mail: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER 61 7 Health, Social Care and Well-being May 2 01 3

Health, Social Care & Wellbeing Network Event March 19, 2 013 There was an excellent turnout at the last Health, Social Care & Wellbeing Network event held in March where a number of presentations were given on current and relevant topics; it was also a good opportunity for networking and sharing information. The next Network event will be held as a “Working & Supporting in Partnership” event held jointly with the Children and Young People Network at the Porthmadog Football Club on Friday June 14th at 9:30 am . The focus of the morning will be on sharing information by using the ‘speed dating’ method and the afternoon session will be looking at issues around “Keeping your House in Order ”. For more information you are welcome to contact us on Some of the participants at the last Health, Social Care 01 286 672626 or [email protected] and Wellbeing Network Event held in March or [email protected] at the Ganolfan Porthmadog Cruse Cymru Management Committee in North Wales is looking for new members Cruse Bereavement Care Cymru can provide support through: • One to one Bereavement support sessions, • Bereavement support groups, • Providing information, e.g. leaflets, national helpline, website, e-mail, etc. North Wales Cruse is currently recruiting new members to join the local Committee. To find out more, and for an informal chat please contact Janette Bourne, Director of Cruse Bereavement Care Cymru, Tel: 02920 886 913, Mobile: 0753 202 6582 or e-mail: [email protected] National Helpline: 0844 477 9400 , Website: Tyˆ Adferiad – HAFAL The National Mental Health Recovery Centre based in Porthmadog offers up to 3 days Life Plan Residential breaks focused on promoting recovery from mental illness. Funded by the Big Lottery the project provides tailored sessions for both clients and carers giving them an opportunity to step back from their everyday lives, etc. and partake in challenging and fun outdoor activities. For further information please contact Mandy Mosley on 07896 0874 81or e-mail [email protected] Headway Conference 2 01 3 – “The Route to Recovery” Venue: Nick Whitehead Lecture Theatre, Glynd wˆ r University, Wrexham –17/ 05/ 2013. This Conference will be an opportunity to hear about leading-edge developments in the field of treating and managing injuries to the brain. The Conference will include prominent speakers in the field of neuroscience and neuropsychology. For more information please contact Dave Maggs at Headway Wales on [email protected] or 01 446 74 01 30 . Next South Gwynedd Long Term Health Condition Alliance You are welcome to join us at the next meeting which will be held on Monday the 10th of June at the Glan Wnion Leisure Centre, Dolgellau at 10.00 am. For more information please contact Sioned at Mantell Gwynedd on 01 286 672626 or [email protected]

8 MANTELL GWYNEDD May 2 01 3 Teulu Ni / B2C Teulu Ni Project The project is going from strength to strength. We currently support twenty families, eight in the Arfon area, seven in the Dwyfor area and five in the Meirionnydd area, with half the referrals received from the Gyda’n Gilydd Team (Team Around the Family). In February the families in the Teulu Ni project visited the Greenwood Centre. Without a doubt, it proved a worthwhile experience with the children enjoying the different activities and the parents having the opportunity to chat and discuss. Once the weather warms up, a ‘Trip to the Beach’ to play games and have a picnic will be arranged. The project is part of a consortium which offers services to families that includes SNAP Cymru, Cartref Bontnewydd, Action for Children, Barnardo’s, Gwynedd Council and Groundwork North Wales. The project is now ready to refer families to Groundwork North Wales. It is highly likely that the need for the projects’ services will increase due to the changes in the benefit system with many families facing an increase risk of poverty and confusion due to the new arrangements. We are busy preparing and arranging for the first monitoring session by Ipsos MORI on behalf of the Big Lottery. They will interview every family in the project (with the families’ consent) and will follow this up with a phone call within three months.

Business Supporting Communities

Do you need Volunteers for one off events? We are working with a couple of local community groups and schools to help develop their community gardens and tidy up their halls. Do you have anything in your local community that would like a little bit of extra help? B2C Work Placements / Volunteers places available We are currently taking on Work Placements and Volunteers within the B2C Team, opportunities available, either in the office or from home, we can help develop your IT skills or just give you a general experience of the working with B2C in the Community. Please contact me for further information. Free Workshops coming up Accountancy Advice Session … 1st May, Porthmadog. Informal session offering you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have to a qualified local accountant, topics could include: Registering as a charity, Restricted / unrestricted funds, and much more. How to Approach Businesses Master-class … date and venue to be confirmed. This is a fun interactive session that will leave you with a greater understanding of how you can approach local businesses. This 5 step guide is presented by a local business offering advice and information from a business perspective on what makes them say ‘YES ’. For further information on any of the above contact Emily Williamson, B2C Project Officer at Mantell Gwynedd on 01 286 062877 or [email protected]

NEWSLETTER 61 9 Making the Connections May 2 01 3

Carol Evans … “Making the Connections” Project Development Officer

Before joining Mantell Gwynedd in August 2012, Carol spent 11 years working for Cymdeithas Tai Eryri on the Communities First Project in Peblig Ward, Caernarfon. Prior to this, she was an Administrative and Advice Worker for Angelsey and Gwynedd Citizens Advice Bureau. Having broad experience of advising individuals and of working with community groups, Carol succeeded in gaining a Post-Graduate Certificate in Community Development whilst employed as the Community Development Officer in Peblig. Still keen to ensure that citizens are heard, Carol is a member of the North Wales Participation Network. Brought up in Caernarfon, Carol now lives in Waunfawr with her son, Cian. She spends her spare time with close friends and family, and is keen on walking, swimming and travelling. Carol’s main role in Mantell Gwynedd is to ensure that the third sector has input to the Local Service Board’s priorities and to improve the role of the third sector in the preparation of the county’s public services.

Is “Your House in Order”... i.e. is everything in hand for applying for grants or tendering?

 What sort of establishment are you?  Do you have a Constitution?  Does our establishment have any policies in place?  Do you keep accounts?  Does your establishment have a Business Plan? This is an opportunity for your organisation to conduct a self-assessment which may identify issues that need attention. During recent weeks, ‘Get your House in Order’ questionnaires were distributed to third sector organisations on our data base. This is an opportunity for your organisation to conduct a self assessment and possibly identify issues that need attention. It is also an opportunity to build the capacity of third sector organisations, enabling them to be better prepared to contribute effectively to the development of public services in Gwynedd. It is important that we are able to identify those organisations that have the potential to deliver services, and also to offer support in preparing for any forthcoming opportunities. We plan to offer the opportunity for organisations to share good practice, offer support to less experienced organisations, and to organise workshops as neccessary. During the next few weeks I’ll be contacting those organsiatios who have returned their questionnaire, and will be offering a visit or workshop as required. An initial ‘Get your House in Order’ workshop will run during the ‘Working in Partnership’ event –14 June 2 01 3 at Porthmadog Football Club (9.30 – 3.30) – please contact Mantell Gwynedd for further information and registration details .

10 MANTELL GWYNEDD May 2 01 3 Funding Opportunities

Community GwirVol grants 20 13 -14 Investment Fund The aim of the GwirVol Youth Volunteering Grants scheme is to support the delivery of a wide range of The Community Investment Fund aims to strengthen new volunteering opportunities in Wales and overseas and develop groups and enterprises within the third that will support the step change in access to sector. The purpose is to enable the third sector to play volunteering for young people aged 14-25 and especially a full role in the Gwynedd communities. Groups or for disadvantaged young people. The GwirVol grant enterprises can apply for a capital an d/ or revenue grant scheme offers three different strands of funding: up to a maximum of £10,000. Creating Opportunities: For organisations looking Groups or enterprises can submit applications to the to create new youth volunteering projects, new youth next round (subject to funds available) by 5.00 pm on volunteering roles or to recruit more young people Friday the 28th of June, 20 13 subject to funds available. into existing volunteering roles. Creating Opportunities grant applications can be for up to a maximum amount The other closing dates for 2 01 3-14 are as follows: of £10,000. 27th, September, 2 01 3 (subject to funds available) Millennium Volunteers: For organisations looking to 3rd, January, 2 01 4 (subject to funds available) recognise the commitment young people give to For more information or to discuss a project idea please volunteering through offering the 200 hour award of contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672 626 or excellence. Millennium Volunteers grant applications [email protected] can be for up to a maximum amount of £10,000. or visit International: For organisations looking to develop overseas volunteering opportunities that benefit young people and their communities in Wales as well. International grant applications can be for up to a maximum amount of £30,000. You can get more information and download the application forms and guidance at The deadline for applications is 2pm Wednesday 5 June 2013.

You can also apply for up to £1,000 directly to Elin Morris, Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd. Funding is available to not-for-profit For more information please contact Elin on [email protected] organisations in the or 0300 123 8084 . UK that are supporting children and young people of 18 years and under who are experiencing disadvantage through: illness, distress, abuse or neglect; any kind of disability; behavioural or Further news, psychological difficulties; living in poverty or situations of deprivation. Grants of over £10,000 are available to articles and support projects for up to three years. The 2013 information deadlines for applications are 15 May 2013 and 15 can be found on our September 2013. The small grants programme provides grants of up website! to £10,000 and are available for one year. Mantell is published by Mantell Gwynedd. The 20 13 deadlines for applications are 1 April, 1 June, The opinions expressed in Mantell are not necessarily 1 September and 1 December. those of Mantell Gwynedd. For more information please visit We reserve the right to edit before publication.

NEWSLETTER 61 11 Events and Training May 2 01 3

MANTELL GWYNEDD TRAINING COME AND JOIN US … Title Date Location at the Meironeth County Equal Opportunitie s/ 26-06-2013 Mantell Gwynedd Office, Agricultural Show on the 28th of Diversity Workshop Caernarfon August in Bala. A warm welcome is extended to all third sector organisations to join the WCVA Mantell Gwynedd stand at the Meironeth County Agriculture Show. TRAINING CALENDAR In the past, Mantell’s stall has been a 14 May 20 13 hive of activity with a good cross Introduction to storytelling Conwy section of organisations joining in. in organisations A small contribution towards the cost 15 May 20 13 will be required, but the rest of the Discrimination in the workplace Rhyl arrangements will be made by Mantell’s staff. Therefore don’t miss this 15 May 20 13 opportunity! We can assure you of a Managing organisational change Rhyl busy day in the company of other 04 June 20 13 organisations, allowing the chance to What do funders want? Rhyl share information with the public, and – Big Lottery Fund to network. 12 June 20 13 Pick up the phone – 01341 422575 – Getting publicity for your EU funded project Rhyl to secure your place. 18 June 20 13 Turning your ideas into income – Intermediate Rhyl 19 June 20 13 Confidence at public events Rhyl TRAINING 26 June 20 13 If you would like to discuss the training Engaging with people with learning difficulties Bangor needs of your organisation contact – seminar Delyth Vaughan on 01286 672626, 27 June 20 13 [email protected] Using the evaluation toolkit Rhyl Or to find out more about the training – seminar offered, contact To book a place go to or to get more information, Ellen ap Dafydd on 01341 422575 phone 0800 2888329 or e-mail [email protected] [email protected]

MANTELL GWYNED D WILL HAVE A Remember, STALL AT THE FOLLOWING EVENTS … you can hire the Mantell 06 May 20 13 • Nefyn Show • Botacho Wyn field, Nefyn Gwynedd 11 May 20 13 mobile unit North Wales Cancer Care Open Day for a very Bryn Eisteddfod, Clynnog reasonable 08 June 20 13 price Dyffryn Ogwen Show • Dôl Ddafydd fields, Bethesda Hiring costs … 28 June 20 13 Ffrindia’ Event • Canolfan Porthmadog Mantell Gwynedd Members: £130 per day (50% for each consecutive day thereafter). 06 July 20 13 North Wales Agricultural Show • Caernarfon Non Members: £150 per day (50% for each consecutive day thereafter). 20 July 20 13 International Snowdon Race • You are welcome to contact us to discuss special rates, 28 August 20 13 • Meirioneth County Show • Y Bala e.g. hiring the Vehicle on a regular basis for a period of time (we could come to an arrangement). Remember to call in at the Mantell Gwynedd Stal l/ E-mail: [email protected] Mobile Unit if you happen to visit these events. Phone: 01286 672 626 Always a warm welcome and lots of information. Or visit our website: