A key mission is to raise ’s

business image and profile around the

world. TDC reaches out with consistent

messaging and strong speakers to

make new business contacts for Hong

Kong overseas and reinforce existing

ones. We lead overseas firms to Hong

Kong’s platform, connecting them

with experienced SMEs who can help

develop their business in China and the

Asia-Pacific. MARKETING Hong Kong’s business platform: connecting SMEs

52 53 The more overseas companies we attract to Hong Kong’s Integrated marketing platform, the greater demand there is for Hong Kong’s We developed a marketing model that integrates pre-event services and the bigger Hong Kong’s role in global commerce. research into the needs of Hong Kong’s potential customers TDC organised outreach events in more than 100 overseas with momentum-building publicity before, during and after cities, directly reaching nearly 25,000 business executives. We events. We also invited selected business journalists to also organised equivalent programmes for the mainland (see Hong Kong for sponsored visit programmes that generated page 30). extensive coverage of Hong Kong’s advantages.

Strategic targeting Joint outreach with PRD cities Our chosen locations were cities with high concentrations of For selected overseas outreach programmes we teamed up, mid-sized companies engaged or interested in international We promote the Hong Kong business platform respectively, with Dongguan, Shenzhen, , Huizhou business. Partnering with local multipliers we leveraged overseas in partnership with PRD cities. and Guangzhou to promote the combined business attractions their networks. Hong Kong service providers often travelled Pictured is Chairman Peter Woo at a Hong of Hong Kong and the PRD. Invest Hong Kong was again our with us to provide free consultation services at TDC events. Kong–Shenzhen seminar in London. partner for some of these events. Several found new business on the spot. Individual success stories are prized deliverables of TDC’s outreach initiatives We targeted Japan for business SME networking (see page 80). seminars in Tokyo and Osaka We continued facilitating the expansion of Hong Kong’s with Jiangmen and Invest network of Business Associations around the world. The Hong Kong. At the lecturn is Consistent messaging annual forum of their global Federation was again held Deputy Executive Director Steve Recognising that many overseas firms have concerns over concurrently with World SME Expo. The Expo, which is the Alexander. the China market, we positioned Hong Kong as a partner only event of its kind, has grown enormously in scale. Within for “Turning China into Opportunity”. We emphasised Hong Hong Kong, we strengthened sector-to-sector SME networking Kong’s role as a risk manager with an advanced business by organising “Traders Meet” events for niche industries such infrastructure and strong intellectual property safeguards as packaging and auto parts. backed by the rule of law. A major theme was Hong Kong as a secure marketplace for technology and other knowledge- High-level dialogue intensive assets, especially for overseas firms targeting China. At the highest level of business-to-business dialogue, we Consistent visuals and backdrops carried TDC’s eye-catching Dongguan was our partner for an outreach created one more bilateral group with France, bringing the programme to Toronto. new icon of Hong Kong’s modern skyline. total to six (the others are with the US, EU, UK, Japan and Korea). We gave all the bilateral committees a more practical, sector-to-sector focus.

Hong Kong service providers Online outreach often travel with us for TDC The design of the Council’s portal, tdctrade.com, was Fast facts and highlights outreach programmes to give on-site consultations and meet significantly enhanced to be more user friendly and to reinforce • 199 outreach seminars overseas with a total of nearly 25,000 attendees potential clients face to face. TDC’s branding. We launched our first fully customised • 249 incoming missions, including 11 directly resulting from TDC’s outreach events Pictured is an outreach event e-newsletter, tdctrade.com express, for local SMEs and • 31 Hong Kong Business Associations in 23 countries, with over 10,000 members in Manchester, UK. redesigned Hong Kong Trader in TDC’s new corporate livery • 27 overseas journalists visited Hong Kong for sponsored programmes in connection with TDC seminars to make it more attractive to online readers around the world. held in their cities • 39 Hong Kong supplements published in overseas publications • 881,000 page views per day on average on TDC’s redesigned portal tdctrade.com, up 23% over the previous year • 250,000 plus overseas business contacts receiving the new-look Hong Kong Trader each month

54 55 Fostering partnership TDC organises business-to-business dialogue at all levels to facilitate closer economic cooperation between Hong Kong and major trading partners. Many practical issues are discussed and there is a strong sector focus.

1. Chief Executive (centre) was guest of honour at a luncheon after the 7th Plenary Session of the Hong Kong/EU and EU/Hong Kong Business Co-operation Committees. With him are EU Committee Chairman Sir Rod Eddington (left) and 1 4 Hong Kong Committee Chairman Dr. Raymond Ch’ien.

2. The Hong Kong–France Business Partnership was launched during World SME Expo. Pictured with Former Prime Minister Jean Pierre Raffarin and Chief Executive Donald Tsang are (left to right) Executive Director Fred Lam; Chairman of the Hong Kong section, David Lie; Chairman of the France section, Charles Henri Filippi; and Executive Director of Ubifrance, Louis-Michel Morris (far right).

3. Japanese business leaders came to Hong Kong for the 28th Plenary Session of the Hong Kong–Japan and Japan–Hong Kong Business Co-operation Committees. 2 5

4. The Hong Kong–UK Business Partnership met in Hong Kong for the first time. Pictured are Chairman Peter Woo (centre), Group Chief Executive of UK Trade & Investment Sir Stephen Brown, and Co-Chair of the Hong Kong–UK Business Partnership Dr. Allan Wong.

5. Technology was the sector focus of the 12th Korea–Hong Kong Business Roundtable luncheon in Korea.

6. The annual Hong Kong Forum, organised by TDC for the Federation of Hong Kong Business Associations Worldwide, continues to energise Hong Kong’s 3 6 extended business family around the world.

56 57 Welcoming missions We bring business to Hong Kong by organising incoming missions for a wide range of industries and sectors. These include return missions directly resulting from TDC outreach programmes overseas. 1 4 1. Members of an Italian mission took advantage of TDC’s customised Business Matching service during their visit.

2. We organised a reciprocal mission from Germany after a high-profile Hong Kong seminar in Hamburg. Pictured is the German mission visiting a Hong Kong electronics factory in Shenzhen.

3. Digital entertainment industry executives from Korea visited Hong Kong after a TDC seminar in Seoul to learn more about opportunities for tapping the Chinese mainland market. 2 5 4. We arranged a fact-finding visit to Hong Kong and the Pan-PRD for senior researchers with leading Japanese think-tanks who help to shape Japanese business opinion. Mission members are pictured in Guangzhou.

5. We recruited a mission to Hong Kong during a TDC outreach programme in three UK cities. Delegates visited a Hong Kong-owned gifts and accessories factory in Shenzhen.

6. We organised a Swedish mission to Hong Kong, which also visited a Hong Kong-owned factory and toys 3 6 showroom in Panyu.

58 59 Communicating consistently We are sharpening our messages about Hong Kong’s advantages, presenting these more consistently through eye-catching marketing 2 collaterals, and upgrading existing image promotion vehicles such as Hong Kong Trader.

1. Advertorial supplements on Hong Kong’s platform were published in overseas newspapers to raise Hong Kong’s profile before, during and after outreach programmes.

2. We took advantage of the WTO’s Sixth Ministerial Conference here to co-host a Hong Kong business luncheon. Pictured are then Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology John Tsang (second from right), then Permanent Secretary for Commerce, Industry 3 and Technology Denise Yue (centre), Deputy Executive Director Alan Wong (second from left), Deputy Executive Director Steve 1 Alexander (right) and Head of the Government’s Co-ordination Office Janet Wong (left).

3. Our e-newsletter for business readers around the world, Hong Kong Trader, had a makeover in the bright new corporate livery. Readers liked it.

4. We developed an à la carte menu of presentations on Hong Kong’s advantages, with modules tailored 4 to different andiences and sectors.

60 61 3

Connecting SMEs We enhance networking opportunities for local SMEs through TDC’s annual World SME Expo, the world’s largest such event, and tailored programmes year-round for specific industry sectors and niches.

1. World SME Expo continues to go from strength to strength, becoming even more effective as a meeting ground for companies from the mainland, overseas and Hong Kong.

2. Visitors to World SME Expo were 1 4 offered a wide range of business seminars and practical workshops.

3. We bring SMEs together sector by sector at “Traders Meet” events in Hong Kong. Pictured is a session for the plastics industry.

4. For TDC seminars and workshops we choose themes that are topical and directly address industry issues and concerns.

5. We launched TDC’s first fully customised e-newsletter, tdctrade.com express, to ensure that local SMEs get the trade information 2 5 they most need as soon as we have it.

62 63 Making new contacts We make a point of targeting business contacts not yet “converted” to using Hong Kong’s platform. We reach them with our message about China as a huge opportunity and Hong Kong as a reliable business partner.

1. The Council’s annual Hong Kong Dinner in London, hosted by the Chairman, took on a stronger SME focus. Chief Executive Donald Tsang (centre) delivered the keynote address. With him 1 4 are TDC Chairman Peter Woo (right) and Executive Director Fred Lam.

2. Our first outreach programme to Spain – which covered Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid – generated enormous interest. Pictured is Executive Director Fred Lam (second from left) during a panel discussion in Madrid.

3. Cathay Pacific Airways is a natural partner of TDC for many overseas promotions. Airline Chief Executive Philip Chen (fourth from left) is pictured at the first UK Cathay Pacific Awards with the Chairman of John Swire & Sons, James Hughes-Hallett (second from left), and TDC’s Regional Director 2 5 Western Europe Lawrence Yipp (left).

4. Chairman Peter Woo made a whistle- stop tour of four US cities – Los Angeles, Chicago, Cincinnati and Minneapolis – addressing a total of 1,000 US business executives. Many were first-time contacts for Hong Kong.

5. Executive Director Fred Lam (seated, left) tackled the US East Coast with a Hong Kong delegation that gave seminars in Philadelphia and Boston.

6. Local business leaders with a high profile in their community and special Hong Kong connections play a key role 3 6 when we organise events overseas.

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