HUNDRED RIVER & WAINFORD BENEFICE Brampton, , , , , , , , Weston Sunday 11th July 2021—Trinity 6 COLLECT FOR TRINITY 6 Merciful God, You have prepared for those who love You such good things as pass our understanding: pour into our hearts such love toward You that we, loving You in all things and above all things, may obtain Your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY SUNDAY READINGS 9:30am St Peter, Redisham Morning Worship Morning 10:00am All Saints, Ringsfield Holy Communion 2 Samuel 6.1-5,12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1.3-14; 11:00am St John Baptist, Shadingfield Holy Communion Mark 6.14-29 6:30pm St Margaret, Stoven Evening Worship Evening Psalm 66*; Job 4.1; 5.6-27; Romans 15.14-29; Luke 10.25-37

REFLECTION FOR TRINITY 6 The earth, the blue planet, our home. Someone once said that we have the earth on loan from the next generation. I wonder what they will think of how we’ve cared for it. Deforestation, fracking, climate change, oil spills, plastic pollution in the seas. I watched Prof Brian Cox’s recent series, ‘Adventures in Space and Time’. In the first episode he suggested that part of our exploration of space could be to find new sources of minerals and resources; that we could create a ‘paradise earth’ where all industry takes place on other planets. What we have done so far to this earth, we can do to other planets; we somehow have a right to extract what we need from wherever we can find it. The psalmist recognises that: The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it In the Genesis creation story God created the heavens and the earth. And humankind was created and put into the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Long before the Westminster Confession’s ‘the chief end of man is to glorify God’, we were created to work and take care of Earth. This is why one of the marks of the church’s mission is: To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth The next generation is wanting to know what difference being a Christian makes. Part of the answer is in the way that we treat the earth and its resources. We need to consider what practical steps each on of us can take to safeguard, sustain and renew the life of the earth. Because, Prof Brian Cox, there is no Earth 2.0. Rev Phil WORSHIP NEXT WEEK READINGS—Sunday 11th July - Trinity 6 Wednesday 14th July Morning 10:00am St Peter, Weston Mid-week Communion 2 Samuel 6.1-5,12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1.3-14; Sunday 18th July—Trinity 7 / Rural Mission Sunday Mark 6.14-29 11:00am St John Baptist, Shadingfield Holy Communion Evening 11:15am Westhall Village Hall Family Worship Psalm 66*; Job 4.1; 5.6-27; Romans 15.14-29; 6:30pm Holy Communion Ilketshall St Andrew Luke 10.25-37 All Saints, Ringsfield Friends Evensong

REVD CLAIRE KIDDY We had a wonderful, joyful service on Monday evening to welcome Revd Claire as Associate Priest. It was a joy to have Archdeacon Jeanette lead the service and remind us that we need to remain in Christ, loving one another, as we work together in God’s mission. A big thank you to Charles Baker, Helen Holmes and the team at St Andrew, Westhall for preparing the church and laying on refreshments.

BAPTISMS We will be welcoming a number of children into God’s family over the next couple of months. Saturday 3rd July Ayla Ximena Rawlings All Saints, Ringsfield Sunday 18th July Ezmai-Rose Evie Hunter St Andrew, Westhall Please hold Ayla, Ezmai-Rose, and their families in your prayers. TRACTOR RUN The Tractor Run will be taking place this year on Sunday 18th July. The Run will be starting at 10:00am from the lake at Sotterley Hall, arriving at Brampton & Stoven Village Hall at around 12noon for lunch, before returning to Sotterley. VOLUNTEER DAYS From Friday 28th July, Ringsfield Hall will be running weekly Volunteer Days. This is a chance to help the work and mission of Ringsfield Hall in hands-on, practical ways. For more information please contact Jo Townend at the Hall on 01502 713020. BRAMPTON PLOUGH DAY Brampton Plough Day will be happening this year! Sunday 5th September is the date for your diaries. More details to follow. Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is He, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty— He is the King of glory. Psalm 24: 9-10

PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: • God’s vision for us as a Benefice • Revd Claire Kiddy as she joins our Benefice • All who visit our church buildings • The work of hospitals and hospices • The work of Ringsfield Hall • Our schools—the children and staff—as they come to the end of the school year. For the Year 6 children as they prepare to move up to secondary school. • Foodbanks and Pop-up Pantry’s • Farmers and farm workers as the harvesting season begins • The families in Uganda whose children have been kidnapped by militant groups.. • Those recently bereaved: the families of Penny Mills, Hazel Marshall, Brian Blowers, Teresa Kent

CLERGY CONTACTS Revd Philip Miller Rector (Day off: Monday) Revd Claire Kiddy Associate Priest (Day off: Friday) 01502 714786 [email protected] 07469 718695 [email protected]
