Our County D. Gary Davis County Mayor

“Dog Days of

Wednesday June 23, 2021

One of the great things about growing up here, not only in the South, but also in Bradley County are some of the terms that become part of our culture. If you are new to our County or have lived here for decades you most definitely have become accustomed to several. Reckon, fixin to, using the term buggy for all shopping carts and Coke for all soft drinks or soda pop for our friends from north of Johnson City. One of these type terms is also something that I had thought about recently with the tremendous increase in outdoor temperatures. What is and where did the term “The Dog Days of Summer” originate and become part of our culture?

Utilizing Dictionary.com you find a period of lethargy, inactivity or indolence. And the sultry part of summer, supposed to occur during the period of , The Dog Star, that rises at the same time as the : now often “reckoned” from July 3rd to August 11th”. The Weather Channel further explains that we might have heard of the named , often referred to “The Hunter”, that is visible throughout the world. Nearby is the constellation , which is for Greater Dog. Located in this constellation is a star named Sirius, also called the Dog Star. Besides our sun, it is the brightest star visible from earth and its name originates from the Greek word meaning “searing”. With the change in seasons it became harder to see in the mid-summer sky but they knew that it was still present as it reappeared in the fall as a separate visible star. The reasoning from long ago maintained that both the “Dog Star” and our sun had joined forces in the summer to help increase the effects of sunlight and produce the “Dog Days of Summer”.

As our history lesson is now complete what can we do today to prepare for and provide safety for our family and friends?

1) Drink plenty of liquids. While it is nearly impossible for some to drink only water, it is still the best at providing for what our body needs to survive in the heat. 2) Protect yourself. As we are told on an airplane during instructions for flight, you cannot help others if you are unable to function. Monitor exertion levels during the extreme heat and make sure to limit outdoor exertion if possible during this time. 3) Take care of others. If you have family, neighbors, friends, even people you may not have had an opportunity to be introduced to yet and you see a need, please help them. This applies to those who you know may have a diagnosis or health condition that may make them more susceptible to this weather especially. Use common sense to protect you and your family but also seek ways to help others who may be in need. 4) Pets and Livestock need attention during this time also. If you have responsibility for any of these animals it is up to you to make sure they have access to adequate water, shade and nutrition each and every day. If you cannot supply this requirement please ask others for help. And if they are unable to respond to your request seek community support. Please do not just ignore their health needs to survive. 5) Transportation devices are under extreme demands as well during this time. Whether it be your personal car, truck, SUV or public transportation please do not ignore the preventative maintenance schedule. Inflate your tires to the correct amount and frequently check ALL fluid levels to ensure safe travels and arrival times for all of your family. And do whatever you have to make sure you never leave a child or animal in a car, for ANY time in this heat, unattended. Prepare for the journey, take care of yourself and others and take time to rest, if needed, while working outside in this heat.

I hope these 5 ideas will help us all to enjoy this season. May you know that each of you are vital and important to making sure we all remain safe, secure and protected in Bradley County, Tennessee at its best!