TABLE OF CONTENTS...... 3 THE FUTURISTS...... 117 INTRODUCTION...... 4 THE FIEND...... 118 VILLAIN DESCRIPTIONS...... 4 MORTICUS...... 120 THE BRAIN TRUST...... 6 GRAB...... 123 THE OVERBRAIN...... 9 BLACK DIAMOND...... 124 APE-PLUS...... 10 BLUEJAY...... 126 BLACK MIST...... 13 CAT...... 128 LYNX...... 14 HUMMINGBIRD...... 131 MR. ZOMBIE...... 16 MERC-FORCE 1...... 134 THE CIRCLE OF THE SCARLET MOON...... 18 STAREYE...... 135 ARCHDRUID AIRETACH...... 21 PILEDRIVER...... 138 MARTIKA DUQUESNE...... 25 THE CAHOKIAN...... 138 ROGER DUQUESNE...... 28 PSI...... 142 CIRQUE SINISTER...... 31 PSIMON...... 145 AMNESIA...... 32 MEDUSA...... 148 CAULDRON...... 34 MIND SLAYER...... 150 FLOW...... 36 DEUCE...... 152 MINIMAX...... 38 HYPNOS...... 154 BOBBY HOLMES...... 41 SOULFIRE...... 156 THE CRIME­LORDS...... 43 Red Winter...... 158 DREADNAUGHT...... 44 THE SOVIET GUARD...... 159 MORGAINE THE MYSTIC...... 47 DRAGO...... 163 STARFLARE...... 49 HAMMER...... 164 TIGER LILY...... 51 RED DAWN...... 167 WARHAMMER...... 53 SICKLE...... 168 THE CROWNS OF KRIM...... 55 WHITE WOLF...... 170 DARK SERAPH...... 57 SMOKE AND MIR­RORS...... 173 BLOODSTONE...... 61 THE SYL­VES­TRI CLAN...... 176 ECLIPSE...... 63 PATRIARCH...... 178 FORCE...... 64 ASTRALLE...... 182 PHOENIX...... 64 CORNELIUS LIEFELD...... 183 TEMBLOR...... 67 BOCAL McFARLANE...... 188 ...... 70 THE TIGER SQUAD...... 192 REQUIEM...... 71 GRANITEMAN...... 195 FROST...... 72 RED BULLET...... 195 THE DEVIL’S ADVOCATES...... 75 SUMMER CLOUD...... 197 THE DEMONOLOGIST...... 77 ...... 199 GOLEM...... 80 WINTER DRAGON...... 201 GYRE...... 84 THE ULTIMATES...... 204 KAPILASA...... 87 BINDER...... 207 TARTARUS...... 91 BLACKSTAR...... 208 VILSIMBRA...... 92 CYCLONE...... 210 EUROSTAR...... 96 ORION...... 214 FIACHO...... 98 SLICK...... 215 DURAK...... 101 THUNDERBOLT...... 217 FEUERMACHER...... 103 THE VANDALEURS...... 220 MENTALLA...... 105 ADRIAN VANDELEUR...... 223 PANTERA...... 106 EDUARD AND ANAIS VANDALEUR...... 227 SCORPIA...... 109 CHATOYANT...... 230 ULTRASONIQUE...... 112 TOBIAS “THE TOAD” VANDALEUR...... 233 DER WESTGOTE...... 114 4 n Introduction Hero System 6th Edition


s fun and fascinating a place as it is, As an enemies book, Champions Villains is ABBREVIATIONS the Champions Universe wouldn’t be designed primarily for use by GMs. If you’re not This book uses the nearly as exciting a setting for a GM, you may still find it useful as a source of roleplaying campaigns without one major example powers and character ideas, but get the following abbre- A viations to refer to element: the villains. Player Characters are impor- GM’s permission to read it. Some GMs may prefer tant, but without equally as impressive adversaries, to keep the information in this book secret until other HERO System books: antagonists, and foils, there wouldn’t be much they reveal it during game play, and may not ever reason for them to be heroes. want players to read villains’ character sheets. 6E1: The HERO Champions Villains — a trilogy of Champions OTHER USES FOR VILLAINS System 6th Edition, supplements — describes the bad guys of the Although all the characters in Champions Volume I: Character Champions Universe in thorough detail. It doesn’t Villains are costumed supercriminals from a Creation describe every single villain, of course (three Superheroes setting, there are plenty books, even big ones, aren’t enough for that), 6E2: The HERO of other ways you can use them if you’re running but within these three volumes you’ll find over System 6th Edition, some other type of HERO System game than 300 villains — the most important, intriguing, Volume II: Combat Champions. For example, they could be: dangerous, and defining supercriminals in the And Adventuring setting. This book, Volume 2, covers villain teams: „„a fallen god the heroes battle in a Fantasy APG: The HERO groups of villains (usually of roughly equal power) campaign System Advanced who form a group so they can commit more prof- „„a demon who tempts and attacks the heroes in Player’s Guide itable crimes, protect one another, and perhaps even take over the world. (Volume 1 covers master an Urban Fantasy game CU: Champions villains, and Volume 3 solo villains.) „„a powerful alien in a Science Fiction campaign Universe Although the characters in Champions Villains „„ CV 1, 2, 3: The are tied to the Champions Universe setting (which a mad scientist’s creation run amok in a Pulp respective three is detailed in the aptly-named Champions Universe Hero game volumes of Cham- book), you can adapt them to your game in just a Beyond that, you can adapt specific types of pions Villains. This few seconds if you’re not using that campaign. Just villains to certain campaigns. Any of the martial book is CV2; CV1 change the background, and perhaps the name, arts or Oriental-themed villains (such as Dr. Yin covers master and voila! — you’ve got a new villain for your Wu, Cheshire Cat, or Spirit Fist) could appear in villains and CV3 game. Nothing could be simpler. some form as NPCs in a Ninja Hero campaign, for describes solo Similarly, you should feel free to re-arrange example. villains. or revise the villains in this book to suit your campaign. If you’d rather have Ogre in the Ulti- HSB: The HERO mates instead of Blackstar, you can easily make System Bestiary the switch. If you need more teams instead of solo VILLAIN DESCRIPTIONS HSG: The HERO villains, pick some likely candidates from Volume In addition to a character sheet, each villain in System Grimoire 3 and group them into a gang. If Gravitar is too this book has a description covering the following powerful for your game, decrease her Character- subjects: HSMA: HERO istics and the Active Points in her powers. Each Background/History: System Martial Arts character comes with a “Campaign Use” section This section covers the that includes suggestions on how to make him villain’s early life, origin, and general personal HSS: HERO System history. Skills stronger or weaker, in case you have to adapt him to the power level of your campaign. After Personality/Motivation: In many ways the most all, each game is a little different, so not every important part of a villain’s entire description, this published character fits every GM’s preferences section explains how he thinks and why he does as-is. The Campaign Use section also discusses what he does. It discusses the traits that give rise possible ways to integrate the character into your to his Psychological Complications, Enrageds, game, interesting plot hooks associated with him, and the like, but may also touch on aspects of and how he’d function as a Hunted, and so on. his personality that don’t rise to the level of Complications. Champions Villains Volume Two: Villain Teams n Introduction 5

Quote: A memorable quote that epitomizes the villain. MMO INTO RPG, Powers/Tactics: A general review of the villain’s powers and how he prefers to use them in combat. RPG INTO MMO This section may be short and simple, or long and The three volumes of Champions Villains detailed, since not all villains are combat-oriented. include material based on the massively multi- Resources: Master villains, some teams, and player online (MMO) roleplaying game Cham- some other villains have a section reviewing the pions Online created by Cryptic Studios. While resources available to them. a lot of effort has been devoted to making sure the MMO content is accurately represented in Campaign Use: A brief discussion of how the these books in HERO System terms, MMOs villain could function in your campaign, as and RPGs aren’t the same type of game, so mentioned above. the same type of content isn’t appropriate for Associates, Allies, And Adversaries: Some villains each one. For example, a villain’s lair in an have a section discussing their relationships with MMO is deliberately simple, often with one other members of the Champions Universe. Not room leading to another to guide game play. every villain’s description includes this section, That doesn’t make much sense for an RPG, since not every villain has notable associations. where it’s possible (and often very useful) to expand things beyond the scope of an MMO. Appearance: A description of the villain, his Similarly, a villain or costume that works costume, and so forth. well on-screen in an MMO might not be as appropriate for a paper-and-pencil RPG (and Additionally, most character sheets include a vice-versa!). sidebar of Facts concerning that villain. These are Thus, the MMO-based information in tidbits of information the GM can tell PCs if they this book, while containing the essence of the succeed with a Skill Roll at the indicated penalty. Champions Online presentation, may add to (“N/R” means “no roll required” [any character it, or rework it in minor ways, to make things knows that particular fact if necessary, or if he more “realistic” and appropriate for an RPG. asks]; “K/R” means “knowable with research” Characters who have one or two simple abili- [anyone can learn that particular fact after no ties in Champions Online may get fleshed out more than an hour’s research (and often much into more detailed characters with a greater less!) using the Internet, newspaper archives, and variety of powers in this book, since an RPG similar readily-available sources of information].) character sheet isn’t constrained by the same This assumes the PCs use general Knowledge restrictions as an MMO. And of course, there Skills like KS: The Superhuman World or KS: may be some MMO secrets that you should . If they have more specific KSs, such only be able to learn by playing the MMO as KS: Supervillains Of [City] or KS: The Crowns itself. Of Krim, the GM should reduce the listed penalty So don’t be surprised if you see a some for knowing a particular fact, or even change it to slight variation between the Champions an N/R or K/R fact. If more than one fact is listed Universe as portrayed in this book and the for a particular modifier, the GM chooses which Champions Universe of Champions Online. one to reveal (or may reveal them all if he prefers). The differences are just the result of the book taking the wonderful elements Cryptic Studios has created and doing even more with them. Department of Defense Designations Accompanying most character sheets is an icon — a stylized A, B, Δ, or Ω — representing that villain’s classification in the Department of Defense’s annual Superhuman Survey (Alpha, Beta, Delta, or Omega). See CU 44 for more informa- tion on the Survey. If a villain doesn’t have an icon, that means he’s not ranked by the Survey for some reason, typically because the Department isn’t aware of him. (In the case of villains who are presumed dead, the icon indicates the rank they’d have if known to be alive.)