Sector Development Plan Wheatbelt Quick Read

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Sector Development Plan Wheatbelt Quick Read Quick read profile—Wheatbelt area consultation document Map based on information provided by and with the permission of the Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate), and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) About the Wheatbelt profile area The Wheatbelt area profile covers about 158,561 square kilometres (ABS 2012a) and includes 44 local government authorities (LGAs) (see Appendix A for a full list of LGAs). There are an estimated 76,376 people living in the Wheatbelt area (ABS 2012a). The Wheatbelt profile area represents 3.28 per cent of the West Australian population. Page 1 Quick read profile—Wheatbelt area consultation document Information about the Sector Development Plan and the area profile consultation documents The Disability Services Commission’s (the Commission) vision is that all people live in welcoming communities that support citizenship, friendship, mutual support and a fair go for everyone. The Commission is working together with key stakeholders to create a Sector Development Plan (the Plan). The Plan will provide the disability sector with direction and will identify opportunities for development. The Commission has written fifteen area profile consultation documents which cover all areas of WA as well as this summary document for each area—the quick read. Each area profile consultation document presents information about supports and services available in each profile area. We want to hear from people who live and work in each profile area—this will help us understand more about the disability supports and services people receive. The Commission will then use this information to develop local plans for each profile area along with an overall state-wide plan. How to have your say We are seeking feedback from interested stakeholders and have developed a list of questions covering a number of topics for your consideration. A feedback form template has also been provided which may assist you in consolidating your comments. Should you wish to use the template provided you can either complete it electronically or print it and hand write your comments. Forms can be returned to the Commission by email or post. email the template to [email protected] post the template to: Disability Services Commission Sector Development Plan Feedback PO Box 441 WEST PERTH WA 6872 The template has been supplied as a helpful tool but it is not compulsory that you use it or answer every question to provide your feedback. Any general comments can be provided to the Commission via email or post using the details above, or they can be provided verbally or by attending a focus group. To provide feedback another way you can: provide verbal feedback by phoning Sector Development on 9426 9309 attend a focus group that will be hosted in local areas (these will be advertised on the web site). If you have any questions or require further assistance, please email [email protected] or phone 9426 9309. Page 2 Quick read profile—Wheatbelt area consultation document Contents Page Population characteristics 4 Networks and support groups 5 People using Commission-funded supports and services Local Area Coordination 5–6 Shared management 6 Supported living 6 Shared supported accommodation (group homes) 6 Individualised community living 6 Support to pursue meaningful occupation and lifestyle— 7 Alternatives to Employment (ATE), Post School Options (PSO) and recreation Support to families—includes Intensive Family Support and Family 7–8 Living Initiative, and breaks for families and carers Support to optimise independence and wellbeing—disability 8 professional services Other community services Employment support 9 Home and Community Care (HACC) 9 Demand for supports and services 9 Sector development issues 10 Tell us what you think—consultation questions 11–12 References 13 Appendix A 14–16 Information about organisations providing support in the area Page 3 Quick read profile—Wheatbelt area consultation document Wheatbelt area Population characteristics Wheatbelt area State-wide Estimated population with severe or profound disability (2) 3.5% 3.1% Population born overseas (1) 15.37% 30.74% Population that speak a language other than English at home (1) 3.84% 20.69% Population of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent (1) 4.65% 3.11% Population providing unpaid assistance to a person with disability (1) 9.23% 7.50% (1) ABS 2012a (2) ABS 2012b Other observations Median household weekly incomes across this area range from $759 to $1,814. The state figure is $1,415 (ABS 2012a). Weekly rental costs for a three bedroom house in a sample of towns in the area is between $200 to $350. The Perth metropolitan median weekly rent for a three bedroom house is $385 (REIWA 2012). Median house prices for a sample of towns in this area are lower than the Perth metropolitan median house price of $470,000. Prices range from $115,000 to $308,500 (REIWA 2012). Page 4 Quick read profile—Wheatbelt area consultation document Networks and support groups People get practical and moral support from their wider family, friends, neighbours and other families—this support is important. Informal and structured community groups also play a valuable role in supporting and strengthening people and families. People might find support through local church groups, sports and recreation activities, community networks, mothers’ groups, playgroups, self-help and peer support programs, disability-specific support groups, cultural groups and education and counselling services. You can also find information about local support groups through Local Area Coordinators (LACs), information services provided by Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres (CRCC), Carers WA or your LGA. Some support groups in the Wheatbelt profile area include: Group Contact details Share and Care Community Service Group Inc.: Postal address: Assists those in need of health, welfare and PO Box 365, Northam, WA, 6401. childcare services in communities in the Coastal, Wheatbelt and Upper Great Southern areas. Services include financial counselling, emergency relief, supported accommodation, women's refuge, and home support service. WA Special Families Access through Facebook only. Is a state-wide Facebook support group. It is accessed by invite-only and the people able to access it must be a parent of, or someone caring for, a person with disability. People using Commission-funded and provided services This section describes how people in this area used Commission-funded and provided supports and services in 2011−2012—it does not provide detail about how well services are working. Local information and support for individuals and families— Local Area Coordination (LAC) Many people with disability access Commission’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) support across the state. LACs support children and adults with physical, sensory, neurological, cognitive and/or intellectual disability who are under 65 at the time they first apply for support. LACs work with individuals and communities to provide direct and personalised support to people with disability, their families and carers to live a fulfilled life. Page 5 Quick read profile—Wheatbelt area consultation document 339 people in this area were registered with LAC in 2011–2012 (Disability Services Commission (DSC) 2012). More than 52 per cent of them were aged between five and 19 (this trend is common across WA). Most lived in Narrogin (51), followed by Northam (49) and Merredin (27). Directing supports and services—shared management Most people with an individualised funding package from the Commission have their support managed and provided by a disability service organisation. Some people with Community Living or Family Living manage their funding through their LAC. Organisations are encouraged to offer shared management. A shared management approach gives people greater control over their supports and funding. To make sure expectations and responsibilities are met by each party, an agreement is developed. (See Appendix A for a list of organisations that offer shared management). Supported living Supported living describes the support provided to people with disability so they can live in their home and community. Supported living relies on individual funding allocation—which people apply for through the Combined Application Process (CAP) or Community Living Program. 36 people in this area were supported in shared supported accommodation or an individualised accommodation arrangement in 2011–2012 (DSC 2012). Shared supported accommodation (group homes) Eight people in this area lived in shared support accommodation homes in 2011–2012 (DSC 2012). Observations included: Activ Foundation and the Disability Services Commission’s Accommodation Services directorate provided all the shared supported accommodation in this profile area. Individualised community living 28 people in this area used individual community living support and services and were assisted to live independently in the community in 2011–2012 (DSC 2012). Most of these people live in Northam (8). Perth Home Care Services are providing most of the individualised community living support in this area (see Appendix A for a full list of providers). Fewer than five people in this area have a community living package. Page 6 Quick read profile—Wheatbelt area consultation document Support to pursue meaningful occupation/lifestyle Post School Options (PSO) and Alternatives to Employment (ATE) are Commission-funded
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