District of Lantzville AMENDED Agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council of the District of Lantzville to be held on Monday, November 4, 2019, at 7:00 pm in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 2 nd Floor, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC Meetings Recorded by the District ofLantzville may be Viewed at www.lantzville.ca Page No. 1-3 1. ADOPTIONOFTHEAGENDA THAT the regular November 4, 2019 Council meeting agenda be adopted, as presented.


3. DECIARATION OF CONFLICT (Member may announce, ifknown at this time, intent to make a declaration during the meeting per section 100/101 ofthe Communi'ty Charter) 4. PUBLIC AND STATUTORY HEARINGS - Nil 5. INVITED PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLIC DELEGATIONS - Nil

6. PUBLIC INPUT PERIOD (Persons recognized by the Chair to speak must.first state their name and address for the record, may speak once for up to 2 minutes (unless Council resolves otherwise), and are limited to providing comment regarding items listed on the Council agenda for this meeting ( excluding public hearing topics). Comments must be directed to the Chair, are not to be directed to individual Council members, stqfTor the audience and must not include personnel issues.

4-8 ,. APPROVAL OF THE MINlITES THAT the October 21, 2019 regular Council meeting minutes be approved, as presented. 8. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES


10. BYLAWS 9-13 a) Bylaw No. 214 MOTION ON THE FLOOR (Referred September 9, 2019 to Committee of the Whole (COTW) - Financial Plan) - No Mover or Seconder Required THAT "District ofLantzville Property Acquisition Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 214, 2019" be given first, second and third readings.

11. CORRESPONDENCE 14-15 a) Rosemary Bonanno, Executive Director, Regional Library (29 Oct 2019) Appointment to the 2020 Vancouver Island Regional Library Board THAT pursuant to the Library Act, Council appoints [insert Council member name] as the District of Lantzville representative to serve on the Vancouver Island Regional Library Board of Trustees for a term ending December 31, 2020. THAT pursuant to the Library Act, Council appoints [insert Council member name] as the District of Lantzville alternate representative to serve on the Vancouver Island Regional Library Board of Trustees for a term ending December 31, 2020. P1 District of Lantzville AMENDED November 4, 2019 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Page2 of3 12. REPORTS a) Mayor & Councillors - Verbal Updates

16-17 b) September 19, 2019 Parks and Trails Select Committee Meeting Minutes - For Information

c) October 17, 2019 Parks and Trails Select Committee Meeting Recommendation THAT parking signage be installed near the Normarel Drive trailhead to the Copley Ridge Trail to improve safety. Staff Recommendation THAT Council refers the Parks and Trails Select Committee recommendation [That parking signage be installed near the Normarel Drive trailhead to the Copley Ridge Trail to improve safety.] to staff to provide a recommendation. d) October 28, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting Recommendations THAT $9,800 be included in the 2020 Financial Plan to green up the Lavender Road and Harper Road beach road ends. THAT the Parks & Trails Select Committee complete a priority list of trail projects for Council consideration, and that trails be funded annually from taxation as determined by Council. THAT staff, using the design attached to the October 28, 2019 staff report, tender the project in January 2020; AND FURTHER THAT $900,000 be allocated in the 2020 - 2024 Financial Plan for the rehabilitation of Sebastion Road with funding from Capital Works Reserve ($300,000), Road DCC's ($300,000), and Gas Tax ($300,000). e) October 30, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting Recommendations THAT the draft new Zoning Bylaw dated October 25, 2019 be amended by removing kennel as a permitted use in the Rural and Agriculture zones.

THAT the draft new Zoning Bylaw dated October 25, 2019 be amended by applying the Community Services zone to Lots 3 and 4, Plan 7330. f) November 4, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting Recommendations - To Be Circulated


14. NEW BUSINESS a) Police Funding Model Recommendation to Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) Councillor Proctor's Recommendation WHEREAS the current model of police services for municipalities exceeding the 5,000 population threshold, creates a sharp increase in costs to taxpayers that go from P2 paying the 33% Police Tax towards front-line police services to District ofLantzville AMENDED November 4, 2019 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Page 3 of3 paying 70% or more of policing costs; AND WHEREAS unincorporated areas with populations over the 5,000 population threshold continue to pay only the provincial police tax which is perceived as inequitable by municipalities and their taxpayers; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the current model of funding police services for municipalities reaching 5,000 population be reviewed with consideration to establishing a graduated annual increase, once the 5,000 population has been reached, in policing costs from the 33% Police Tax to the 70% of policing costs, over a five-year period.



17. PUBLIC CLARIFICATION/INPUT PERIOD (Persons recognized by the Chair to speak must first state their name and address for the record, may speak once for up to 2 minutes (unless Council resolves otherwise), are limited to asking clarification questions or providing comment regarding business discussed by Council at this meeting (excluding public hearing topics). Comments or clarffication questions must be directed to the Chair, are not to be directed to individual Council members, staJjor the audience and must not include personnel issues.

18. MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC THAT Council closes the meeting to the public, pursuant to section 90(1) (e), and (g) of the Community Charter, for the purpose of considering: • whether dealing in public with a matter relating to the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and if Council determines that such harm might reasonably be expected, the meeting be closed to the public for the purpose of considering the disposition of land or improvements of land by the municipality; and • litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality.

Following adoption of the above motion, the meeting will be closed to the public. MEETING REOPENS TO PUBLIC

19. ADJOURNMENT THAT the Council meeting be adjourned.

NEXT SCHEDULED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: Monday, November 18, 2019 @ 7:00 pm

P3 DRAFf Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of the District of Lantzville held on Monday, October 21, 2019, at 7:00 pm in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 2 nd Floor, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC

PRESENT: Council: Mayor Mark Swain Councillor Will Geselbracht Councillor Karen Proctor Councillor Ian Savage Councillor Jamie Wilson Staff: Ronald Campbell, Chief Administrative Officer Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration Jamie Slater, Director of Financial Services Fred Spears, Director of Public Works Kyle Young, Director of Planning Victor Goodman, Economic Development Officer Amelie Rosewich, Management Intern, University of Applied Sciences, Kehl, Germany The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and aclmowledged that the meeting was being held on the traditional territory of the Snaw-Naw-As, the Nanoose First Nation. The Mayor introduced and welcomed Amelie Rosewich, volunteering in an unpaid 3-month management internship with the District of Lantzville as part of her Bachelor of Arts Public Management degree work at the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl, Germany. Amelie is an employee of the state of Baden Wurttemberg while attending University.

ADOPfIONOFTHEAGENDA MOVED and SECONDED, THAT the regular October 21, 2019 Council meeting agenda be adopted, as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY





PUBLIC INPUT PERIOD • John Halliwell, Lancrest Terrace, commented on support for item 14b) Hudcllestone Park Trees Relocation and suggested also relocating the fence around the Park to be only around the playground.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES MOVED and SECONDED, THAT the October 7, 2019 regular Council meeting minutes be approved, as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY



P4 District ofLantzville October 21, 2019 Regular Council Meeting Minutes- DRAFT Page2 of5 BYLAWS 1. BylawNo.141 MOVED and SECONDED, THAT draft "District of Lantzville Council Procedure Bylaw No. 141, 2019" be referred to a Special Council meeting to be held at [insert time, day, date] in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC. · MOVED and SECONDED, THAT Council amends the motion by striking "[insert time, day, date]" and inserting "7:00 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2019". CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED THAT draft "District of Lantzville Council Procedure Bylaw No. 141, 2019" be referred to a Special Council meeting to be held at 7:00 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2019 in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC. MOVED and SECONDED, THAT Council amends the motion by striking "Special Council meeting" and inserting "Committee of the Whole meeting". CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED THAT draft "District of Lantzville Council Procedure Bylaw No. 141, 2019" be referred to a Committee of the Whole meeting to be held at 7:00 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2019 in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CORRESPONDENCE 1. Michael Pearson, District Manager, Vancouver Island District, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (8 Oct 2019) re: Council request for Accident Traffic Plans & Traffic Operation Review for Hwy 19 through the District ofLantzville MOVED and SECONDED, THAT the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure be requested to: • provide Council with Safety Performance Indicators (number of collisions, frequency of collisions per year, severity of collisions) at Highway (Hwy) 19 intersections along the Lantzville Corridor (starting at the intersection of Hwy 19 and 19A ending at the intersection of Hwy 19 and Lantzville Road); • investigate installing electronic highway advice signage at Northwest Bay Road and Aulds Road that would indicate traffic congestion and wait times due to congestion; and • provide Council with the Traffic Management Plan that is currently in place to be used when the Lantzville corridor of Hwy 19 is closed due to traffic accidents in order to facilitate discussion concerning the impact the detour plans have on municipal roads. MOVED and SECONDED, THAT Council amends the motion by adding as a fourth bullet ''begin the process of planning and constructing a vehicle, bike, and pedestrian overpass with interchange at Ware Road and Highway 19". CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED AND SECONDED, THAT Council amends the amendment motion by striking ''begin" and inserting "investigate". Opposed: Councillor Geselbracht CARRIED P5 District of Lantzville October 21, 2019 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - DRAFT Page3 ofS AMENDED AMENDMENT THAT Council amends the motion by adding as a fourth bullet "investigate the process of planning and constructing a vehicle, bike, and pedestrian overpass with interchange at Ware Road and Highway 19". Opposed: Councillors Geselbracht, Proctor and Wilson DEFEATED MAINMOTION THAT the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure be requested to: • provide Council with Safety Performance Indicators (number of collisions, frequency of collisions per year, severity of collisions) at Highway (Hwy) 19 intersections along the Lantzville Corridor (starting at the intersection of Hwy 19 and 19A ending at the intersection of Hwy 19 and Lantzville Road); • investigate installing electronic highway advice signage at Northwest Bay Road and Aulds Road that would indicate traffic congestion and wait times due to congestion; and • provide Council with the Traffic Management Plan that is currently in place to be used when the Lantzville corridor of Hwy 19 is closed due to traffic accidents in order to facilitate discussion concerning the impact the detour plans have on municipal roads. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

REPORTS 1. Mayor & Councillors - Verbal Updates • Councillor Proctor commented on attending the Vancouver Island Economic Summit October 23 and 24, 2019 in • Councillor Geselbracht commented on Federal election results • Mayor Swain commented on attending the Volunteer Firefighter Award Dinner and service recognition awards and service medals presented to: Highest training attendance - Firefighter Justin Viau Highest call response - Firefighter Justin Viau Officers Appreciation Award - Firefighter Sean Wiley 5 Year service - Firefighter Cherie Alyward, Firefighter John Westby and Lieutenant Trevor Johnson 15 Year service - Firefighter Sean Wiley 20 Year service - Acting Lieutenant Diane Blanchette 25 Year service - Firefighter Martin Kortas, Captain Glenn Dickinson and Deputy Chief John Marment The Mayor expressed appreciation to the department for their service and to the Fire Chief for organizing the event. He commented on visiting Frank Wallace to extend congratulations from the District on his 100th birthday, and noted, in reply to the Mayor's question if anything should change in Lantzville, Mr. Wallace recommended having housing to support aging in place.

2. September 10, 2019 Economic Development and Sustainability Committee Inaugural Meeting Minutes - For Information

P6 District of LantzvilJe October 21, 2019 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - DRAFT Page4 of5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. 2019 Council Meeting Schedule Amendment C19-166 MOVED and SECONDED, THAT the 2019 Council Meeting Schedule be amended to: • schedule a Committee of the Whole meeting, regarding the draft new Zoning Bylaw, for 7:00 pm, Wednesday, October 30, 2019 in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NEW BUSINESS 1. Cost Estimate for Parking at Sebastion Road Park C19-167 MOVED and SECONDED, THAT staff prepare a cost estimate to convert Sebastion Road Park to accommodate permeable (gravel) off street parking for beach access. Opposed: Councillor Savage CARRIED

2. Huddlestone Park Trees Relocation C19-168 MOVED and SECONDED, THAT Council authorizes the Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Br. 257 to relocate two small trees in Huddlestone Park from north of the Cenotaph to along the fenceline, location subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works and with the RCL Br. 257 responsible to replace the two trees if the trees die within six months of relocating the trees. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

INTRODUCTION OF LATE ITEMS 1. Parks and Trails Select Committee Terms of Reference Councillor Geselbracht introduced a Late Item, a motion to amend the Parks and Trails Select Committee Terms of Reference and requested that Council authorize the Late Item. MOVED and SECONDED, THAT Council allows the Late Item to consider a motion to amend the Parks and Trails Select Committee Terms of Reference. Opposed: Councillor Savage and Wilson CARRIED

C19-169 MOVED and SECONDED, THAT the Parks and Trails Select Committee Terms of Reference be amended in clause 3. Membership in Term by striking "and an alternate member of Council" and by adding after the bulleted list of voting members, the following "Plus one non-voting member, a member of Council appointed by Council." Opposed: Councillor Savage CARRIED MOVED and SECONDED, THAT Council appoints Councillor Geselbracht as the plus one non-voting member, a member of Council, on the Parks and Trails Select Committee. MOVED and SECONDED, THAT Council amends the motion by striking "Geselbracht" and inserting "Proctor". CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

C19-170 THAT Council appoints Councillor Proctor as the plus one non-voting member, a member of Council, on the Parks and Trails Select Committee. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

NOTICE OF MOTION - Nil P7 District ofLantzvi11e October 21, 2019 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - DRAFT Page 5 of5 PUBLIC CLARIFICATION/INPUT PERIOD • John Halliwell, Lancrest Terrace, commented appreciation for the tree motion and expressed concern about Highway 19 safety • Dave Scott, Harwood Drive, commented on Highway 19 safety • Graham Savage, Harwood Drive, commented on Council addressing traffic safety on Highway 19 and recommended retaining a traffic specialist.

MOTION TO CLOSE THE MEETING TO THE PUBLIC MOVED and SECONDED, THAT Council closes the meeting to the public, pursuant to section 90(1) (a), (e), (g) and (k) of the Community Charter, for the purpose of considering: • personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; • whether dealing in public with a matter relating to the acquisition and disposition of land or improvements might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and if Council determines that such harm might reasonably be expected, the meeting be closed to the public for the purpose of considering the disposition of land or improvements of land by the municipality; • litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; and; • negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MEETING CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC: 8:16 pm. MEETING REOPENED TO THE PUBLIC AT: 9:13 pm with all of Council in attendance. Also, R. Campbell, T. Coates, J. Slater, F. Spears, K. Young, and A. Rosewich



Certified Correct:

Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration

Confirmed this day of '2019.

Mark Swain, Mayor

PS District of Lantzville Redistr~~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Oct~~o19

Meeting Date: Sept~ 9~ SUBJECT: District ofLantzville Property Acquisition Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 214, 2019 Redistributed Council PURPOSE "lovember 4, 2019 For Council to consider establishing a Property Acquisition Reserve Fund and if supported, determine the source and level of funding to be committed to the fund annually and establish a desired maximum balance for the fund.

RECOMMENDATION THAT "District of Lantzville Property Acquisition Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 214, 2019" be given first, second and third readings.



ALTERNATIVES AND IMPLICATIONS That staff prepare a District ofLantzville Property Acquisition Reserve Fund Bylaw that provides: (XX$) annually to the reserve fund and that the reserve fund achieves a maximum balance of (XX$).

That a District of Lantzville Property Acquisition Reserve Fund Bylaw not be established. The implications of this alternative is that the District will continue to lack financial resources available to acquire desirable properties when they become available and Council Strategic Priority 3 .8 will not be achieved.

BACKGROUND/RELEVANT IDSTORY Council has previously noted that it would be advantageous for the District to establish a Property Acquisition Reserve Fund. Also, Council' s Strategic Priority 3 .8 directs the development of a land acquisition reserve fund.

ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Council Strategic Priority 3.8. 2. Simple Calculation 3. District ofLantzville Property Acquisition Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 214

ANALYSIS/RATIONALE The District of Lantzville CUITently has no landholding other than parkland and occupied institutional lands, i.e. Municipal Hall, Costin Hall and the Tennis Courts adjacent to the public parking area owned by the District. It is considered important to municipalities to have adequate financial resources available to be able to quickly acquire strategic properties when they become available. The establishment of a Property Acquisition Reserve Fund enables the municipality-to acquire properties either through negotiation or a property sale without having the cost and implications of a referendum. It also enables the municipality to acquire strategic land without borrowing, which will negatively impact the municipality's ability to borrow for important infrastructure projects with an already limited borrowing capacity. pg District of Lantzville September 9, 201 9 Council Agenda - District of l.antzville Property Acquisition Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 2 I 4, 2019 Page2 of2 1. Strategic Plan Objectives

Strategic priority 3.8 (attached)

2. Policy (Existing/Relevance/None)


3. Resources

Some financial and administrative support will be required.

4. Financial/Budget Implications Depending on what Council chooses to do it could have an ongoing impact on the annual budget revenue requirements.

5. Sustainability Implications NIA

Prepared by:

'i-7' . L-J -

Date: September 3, 2019

RFNIEWED WITH: !ZI Corporate Administratio6t' D Fire Rescue D Public Worlcs/Engineering □ RCMP l.zl Financial Services -f°S _ □ Planning D Solicitor D Committee: □ Other:

COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION: Meetin2: TvPe Date A2:enda Item # Regular Seotember9 2019 10 c.,) Closed

File Number: 3900.20.214 T:\DISTRJCT OF LANTZVlLLE\Reports to Council\2019\201 9 09 09 Property Acquisition Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 214.docx

P10 District of Lantzvllle Lantzville Council Priorities/Objectives - 2019-2023 Worksheet, June 30, 2019 Page 4 of 9 Attachment #1 3.5. Create amenities policy for new development

Summary: Establish a policy/list regarding community amenity contributions from developers.

MIiestones 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Staff Develop amenities policy CD, F/A - - - - KY Create list of potential amenity CD, F/A - - - - KY contributions for Council consideration

3.6. Negotiate Foothills phased development agreement

Summary: Complete the negotiation of a phased development agreement.

MIiestones 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Staff Migrate MOU amenities to I, CD, DC A, CD, - - - RC, KY, FS proposed phased development DC agreement Potential amendment to Foothills I, DD, CD CD - - - RC,KY,FS Zone

3.7. Establish parking lot on Ministry of Transportation and lnfrastructu~e (MOTi) property at Ware Road/Industrial Road for trails and car pooling

Summary: Acquire authority to design and construct a parking lot on MOTi land at Ware Road/Industrial Road.

Milestones 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Staff Initiate discussions with MOTi - I $, A - - KY, RC, FS Design and construct parking lot - - - $,CD .. FS

3.8. Acquire as much land as possible through development

Summary: Establish municipal land holdings.

MIiestones 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Staff Develop a land acquisition F/A $,DC $,DC $, DC $,DC RC reserve fund

Key: Red= Top Priority; Green= Secondary Priority

Requirements Legend: + = After 2023; A = Agreement; $ = Funding; R = Additional Staff Resources; D = Design; DD= Developer Dependent; SA= Specified Area Bylaw; F/A = Fully Achievable; C = Completed; I = Initial Steps; CD = Council Direction; PTC = Parks Trails Committee, GD = Grant Dependent, DC= Developer Contribution P11 Attachment #2 Sample Calculation Property Acquisition Reserve Fund

Year 1 2020 40000 40000 ("'2% Increase) Year2 2021 60000 100000 ("'1% Increase) Year3 2022 80000 180000 ("'1% Increase) Year4 2023 100000 280000 ("'1% Increase) Year 5 2024 120000 400000 ("'1% Increase) Year6 2025 140000 540000 ("'1% Increase) Year7 2026 160000 700000 ("'1% Increase) Year8 2027 180000 880000 ("'1% Increase) Year9 2028 200000 1080000 ("'1% Increase) Yearl0 2029 220000 1300000 ("'1% Increase) Year 11 2030 240000 1540000 ("'1% Increase) Year 12 2031 260000 1800000 ("'1% Increase) Year 13 2032 280000 2080000 ("'1% Increase)


P12 Attachment #3


WHEREAS Section 188 of the Community Charter authorizes Council to establish a reserve fund for a specific purpose and direct that money be placed to the credit of the reserve fund;

NOW THEREFORE the District of Lantzville Council in open meeting assembled enacts as follows:

1. This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "District of Lantzville Property Acquisition Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 214, 2019".

2. That a reserve fund be hereby established under the provisions of Section 188 of the Communi'ty Charter to be known as the "Property Acquisition Reserve Fund Bylaw."

3. In 2020 Council will deposit the equivalent of a 2% general tax increase into this reserve fund. In each subsequent year Council will deposit the equivalent of a 1% general tax increase into this reserve fund up to a maximum reserve fund balance of $1.5 million.

4. Funds in this reserve and interest earned on it may only be used for the purchase of Real Property as directed by Council and may not be used for any other purpose.

READ A FIRST TIME this day of , 2019.

READ A SECOND TIME this day of , 2019.

READ A THIRD TIME this day of , 2019.

ADOPTED this dayof , 2019.

Mayor Director of Corporate Administration

P13 Administration Box 3333 I 6250 Hammond Bay Road Nanaimo, BC Canada V9R 5N3 t: 250.758.4697 f: 250.758.2482 e: [email protected] w: www.virl.bc.ca RECEIVED ~ Council 0 Circ. To Staff October 28, 2019 OCT 2 9 2019 0 Mayor ·@- Public Works ~ CAO. ~ Planning Mayor Mark Swain DISTRICT OF LANTZVILLE \tJ Director of Finance rfJ- Fire Dept. District of Lantzville Corp. Admin. 0 Other ~ PO Box 100, 7192 Lantzville Road ff! -~ Agenda ~Ol9 V\ C l Lantzville, BC V0R 2H0 tJov,'- { Cou. I Original sent via email: [email protected] 036 tJ, ~o ; Vi&

Dear Mayor Swain, Re: Appointment to the 2020 Vancouver Island Regional Library Board It is time to consider your 2020 representation on the Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) Board of Trustees. VIRL is the fifth largest library system in serving more than 457,000 residents on Vancouver Island, Haida Gwaii, and Bella Coola on the Central Coast. VIRL enhances lives through universal access to knowledge, lifelong learning, and literacy in the communities we serve. When appointing your representative, the Library Act (October 9, 2019), section 17 (2) states: "All subsequent regular appointments must be made each November at the first meeting of the municipal council or regional district board." The term of office is one year, January 1 to December 31. Reappointment of sitting members is encouraged for continuity, but no member may serve for more than 8 consecutive years. The Library Act, section 55, reimbursement of expenses states: "(1) The members of a library board are not entitled to be paid by the library board for their services but may be reimbursed by it for reasonable travelling and out of pocket expenses, including child care expenses, necessarily incurred by them in performing their duties under this Act. (2) A library board may not reimburse a member for any expenses if another body reimburses the member for the expenses or pays the expenses. VIRL requires annual documentation by December 16, 2019 for both your appointed VIRL Trustee and Alternate, including: 1. Certified copy of the Resolution (by provincial legislation) 2. Financial disclosure statement (original or copy of that on file with the municipality/district) 3. VIRL 2020 Appointment form

Strong Libr a ries s Strong Communities

Bella Coola Bowser Campbell River Comox Cortes Island Courtenay Cowichan Cov.-ichan Lake Cumberland Gabriela Island Gold River Hornby Island Ladysmith Masset Nanaimo Harbourfront Nanaimo North Nanaimo Wellington Parkwille Port Ahce Port Clements Port M cNeil! Quadra Island Queen Charlotte Sandspit Sidney/ Sointula South (owichan Union Bay Wess P14 Page 2 of 54

4. Electronic File Transfer (EFT) form (if travel expenses are to be reimbursed via EFT) By December 16, 2019, please return the completed forms and a copy of the certified resolution to Mariah Patterson, Executive Assistant, [email protected]. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Patterson by phone: 250-729-2310 or email. Thank you for your continued support of Vancouver Island Regional Library!

Rosemary Bonanno, BA MLS Executive Director

CC: Ronald Campbell, CAO, District of Lantzville

Strong Librarie!' Strong Communities P15 Minutes of the Meeting of the District ofLantzville Parks and Trails Select Committee to be held on Thursday, September 19, 2019 at 4:45 pm, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 2 nd Floor - 7192 lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC PRESENT: Members: Julia Ohly, Chairperson Doug Nutt, Member at Large Ian Savage, Councillor Gerarde Sullivan, Member at Large Absent: John Dunn, Member at Large Wendy Phillips, Member at Large Liette Masse, Member at Large Staff: Kyle Young, Director of Planning The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 4:48 pm. ADOPTIONOFTHEAGENDA MOVED and SECONDED, THAT the September 19, 2019 meeting agenda be adopted, as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES MOVED and SECONDED, THAT the August 8, 2019 Parks and Trails Select Committee meeting minutes be approved, as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY




STATUS OF COMMI'ITEE RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL/COUNCIL MOTIONS (1) September 9, 2019 Regular Council Meeting Motions - For Information a) THAT the Copley Park Playground Replacement Project be deferred to 2020; AND THAT an additional $10,000 be allocated from the Park Land Capital Infrastructure Reserve Fund for the Copley Park Playground Replacement Project in 2020. b) THAT the Parks and Trails Committee recommendation (THAT $9,800 be included in the 2020 budget to green up the Lavender Road and Harper Road beach road ends, subject to public consultation.) be referred to the 2020 financial planning process. c) THAT the Parks and Trails Committee recommendation (THAT a Trails Development Reserve Fund be established.) be referred to the 2020 financial planning process.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS (1) Huddlestone Park User Fees - For Advice to Staff MOVED and SECONDED, THAT the Parks and Trails Select Committee recommends that a $30 rental fee be charged for non-Lantzville residents for use of the gazebo, water and electrical in Huddlestone Park. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

P16 District of Lantzville Minutes of the September 19, 2019 Parks and Trails Select Committee Meeting Page 2 of 2 NEW BUSINESS (1) 2019 Minetown Day Update Ms. Ohly provided an overview of the 2019 Minetown Day process.

(2) 2020 Minetown Day Planning Deferred to the next Committee meeting.

(3) Consideration ofWorldng with Community Partners to Facilitate Potential Events - For Recommendation to Council THAT Lantzville Council Strategic Priorities/Objectives 2019 to 2023, Item 4.1.1. [Increase community engagement through: Farmer's Market(s), film nights, Minetown Day, Summer Beach Festival, Polar Bear Swim - Summary: Parks & Trails Committee to consider working with community partners to facilitate these potential events] be referred to the Parks and Trails Select Committee. The Committee discussed the possibility of a future public farmer's market and noted that it would take a dedicated volunteer group to organize and maintain this type of event.

INTRODUCTION OF LATE ITEMS (1) Copley Ridge Trail Parldng Safety concerns were expressed regarding on-street parking at the trailhead to the Copley Ridge Trail. This item was deferred to the next Committee meeting.



ADJOURNMENT MOVED and SECONDED, THAT the Parks and Trails Select Committee meeting be adjourned. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Certified Correct:

Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration Confirmed this 1'111 day of October, 2019.

Julia Ohly, Chairperson
