Century americana

‘Blue Glow’

‘Marginata’ Century Plant Agave americana Family:

Stem & Type: succulent, evergreen Landscape Value: Agave gets very large overtime reaching Leaf Color: blue-green to gray-green, 6’+ tall and 8’+ wide. The large, thick, fleshy grow in a sometimes have dark green or variegated basal rosette and come to a sharp point. require well Fall Color: n/a drained soil and perform well in containers (until they become Time: When mature too large!). Plants are not hardy in Iowa, but grow well as a Flower Color: greenish yellow on a very tall houseplant (albeit, slowly) and appreciate being put outdoors stalk for the warm summer months. Plants produce a very large Fruit: brown, oval pod, 1” to 3” branched flower spike that can reach 20’+ feet on large mature long specimens. Plants are monocarpic, meaning they only flower Light: full sun once in their life, dying after the blooms fade. Agave grown as Moisture: very well-drained houseplants rarely flower. Plants are easily propagated from offsets or “pups” that form at the base of the plant. USDA Hardiness Zones: 8-10 Notes: Insect/Disease Issues: The common name century plant implies that it lives for 100 Few, root rot or slugs years. While plants can have a long life and may take many when overwatered years to flower, it is typically between 10 to 25 years for culti- Nativity: vated plants to flower. Southwestern & Months of Interest: Jan Feb Mar Apr Location in the Gardens: May Jun Jul Aug Conservatory Sep Oct Nov Dec

March 2014