1NS1DE: e Washingtonians demonstrate outside CBS offices - page 3. e Reaction to "The Ugly Face of Freedom - pages 6-7. - President Leonid Kuchma concludes visit to - pages 10-13.

Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fraternal non-profit association

vol. LXII No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 75 cents Ukraine wins pledge of Si .2 billion in assistance from G-7 by Christopher Guly Spec tat to The Ukrauva;uan Weekly W?NNiPFC -– A-'though Russia at?empied to lay 'J!';MTI U 'X-1 c! C 7 ач! going Ukraine's way 'ind insist- on 1 :MS a -ч)!е n Ukraine's economic reform, President І.чгжі Kuchma was able to leave Canada with Si.2 bil– i'O'i in nev assistance Ггот the world's largest industri– a'hzed states Highly senior oH'icials representing 14 delegations, including those from Canada, the United States (President Clinton's adviser on the former Soviet Union, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, was with the delegation), France, Germany, Great Britain, ltaly, Japan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine (led by Economy Minister Roman Shpek), as well as the three world financial institutions — the international Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development — agreed to the boost for Ukraine. Another S2.2 billion could be forthcoming in the next f"v months as the world's leading economic powers help move Ukraine from a centrally planned economy to a market-driven capitalist system. For G-7 countries, however, the aid package promised Ukraine also appeared to be aimed not at handing Ukraine "charity," as described by Russian Foreign Minister Andiei Kozyrev (a surprise visitor to the confcience), but at entering a partnership with the Kyyiv government on the principle of "help for self- help," as suggested by Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Andre Oucllcl. President Leonid Kuchma (left) with Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Andre Oueliet at the opening of the (Continued 00 page 11) special economic conference of the G-7. On the right is Foreign Minister Andrei Kozy rev of Russia.

Kuchma vows to press radical reform Reverberations of "60 Minutes" broadcast as he completes first 100 days in office Community representatives meet with CBS

by Marta Kolomayets do something totally different. He looks by Khristina Lew said "60 Minutes" Executive Producer Kyyiv Press Bureau you in the eye, but thinks something else. Don Hewitt, "it is our obligation to cor– NEW YORK - An ad hoc delega– This was one of the most painful lessons rect it, not for them fthe Ukrainians) but tion of Ukrainian Americans, armed KYYiv - There is no alternative to Fve learned. for our viewers. And 1 keep using the the radical reform program presented to with a statement from Rabbi Yaakov word if," he emphasized. "1 can't say there have been some Bleich decrying CBS's unbalanced the Parliament if life in Ukraine is to extraordinary pluses, but 1 consider it The one-hour, 40-minute meeting, portrayal of Ukraine, received no com– improve for its citizens, President Leonid very positive that the Parliament has sup- organized by Mr. Hewitt at the insistence mitment from CBS to publicly rectify Kuchma told journalists on Monday, ported the president's program. Both the of Ukrainian Human Rights Committee the inflammatory "60 Minutes" seg– October 31, during a news conference left and right forces in the Supreme President Ulana Mazurkevich, pitted the ment– on anti-Semitism in western marking his first 100 days in office. Council understand that we can no longer executive producer, CBS vice-President Ukraine during an October 3.1 meeting "1 will be uncompromising on two live this way, we have to go toward radi– Joseph Peyronnin, "60 Minutes" corre– held here at CBS headquarters. issues with the Parliament: 1 will not cal reforms," he said. spondent Morley Safer, and segment pro– instead, according to meeting partici– back down from the radical reform pro- Once again, President Kuchma under- ducer Jeffrey Fager against Messrs. pant Askold Lozynskyj, president of the gram, and 1 wiil insist on strong execu– scored his determination to take responsi– Lozynskyj and Olesnycky, Mrs. Ukrainian Congress Committee of tive powers," said Mr. Kuchma, looking bility for the course and results of radical Mazurkevich, Ukrainian Catholic Bishop refreshed and optimistic just two days reforms, warning Ukrainian citizens that America, CBS pledged to revisit the Basil Losterv-Rutgers University Prof. after returning from Canada - his first such a course will be neither easy nor issue, convene its own meeting of Taras Hunczak, and Profs. Borys state visit abroad. painless. researchers and experts, convene a meet– Rabiner and David Meltzer of the And, in order to help implement his Already, Ukraine's citizens have felt ing with Rabbi Bleich when he arrives in Association of Jewish Emigres from programs, Mr. Kuchma has named three the pinch of this radical program as the U.S. and then make a decision. Ukraine and Eastern Europe. new premiers to his government, includ– prices for transportation in Kyyiv "it was a draw," said Ukrainian At CBS's insistence, three additional ing viktor Pynzenyk, Yevhen Marchuk increased 10 times as of November 1, National Association vice-President members of the delegation — corre– and Petro Sabluk (see story, page 2). with the price of a bus ride going from Nestor Olesnycky, another member of spondents from The Ukrainian Weekly, Stating that the preparatory stage of 100 to 1,000 kbv and prices for such ser– the 10-person Ukrainian delegation, of The National Tribune and "Kontakt" his presidency, a time of study and anaiy– vices as water and gas in state-owned the meeting. "1 don't think we scored Ukrainian Television — were asked to sis, had ended, Mr. Kuchma, 56, reflect– apartments increasing from 50,000 to any knock-out points. CBS promised to leave. "This is not a press conference," ed on both the pluses and minuses of his 450,000 kbv per month. look at the material and information we clamored Mr. Safer. Mr. Peyronnin three months in power. The price of bread also was scheduled provided them and get back to us. if they assured meeting participants that while "Many of the people who are in power to rise from 3,000 to 15,000 kbv per loaf agree with our version, they will retract." now, and who were in power under the "if we find we have made any error," (Continued on page 20) old system, today declare one thing but (Continued on page 2) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45 Kuchma appoints three premiers, NEWSBR1EFS reflecting domestic policy priorities 1MF approves S3 71 million loan set up last year to help former communist by Marta Kolomayets from democrats, who consider Mr. countries. Oleh Havrylyshyn, 1MF alter– Kyyiv Press Bureau Pynzenyk not only a talented reformer, WASHINGTON - The international nate executive director, who represents but one of their own, from the western Monetary Fund approved a S371 million Ukraine at the fund, welcomed the deci– KYYiv - President Leonid Kuchma Ukrainian city of Lviv. Mr. Pynzenyk loan for Ukraine on October 26 to help sions: "We are very happy to see there has appointed three new premiers to the has twice been elected a deputy from that the country in its transition from commu– was very full support from all members Ukrainian government, in an effort to region. nism to capitalism. "The Ukrainian gov– of the board." He added that Ukraine ernment has begun to implement a coura– tackle three of the country's most press– "With the appointment of Pynzenyk, intends to reach agreement with the 1MF geous program to address the country's ing problems: the withering economy, President Kuchma has shown that he will on a larger stand-by loan by no later than economic problems," said the 1MF. "This the wave of crime and corruption, and not bow to the left majority in early next year. (Reuters) is the first stage of a major effort ... the imminent collapse of the agricultural Parliament," said vyacheslav Chornovil, which will take time to complete and Zaporizhzhia reactor offline sector in this land once known as the the leader of Rukh, where Mr. Pynzenyk require persistence in implementation. "breadbasket of Europe." started his political career. ZAPOR1ZHZH1A - Reactor No. 1 of The loan will be extended under the On Monday, October 31, Mr. Kuchma "1 would even go as far as saying that iMF's Systemic Transformation Facility, (Continued on page 4) named two first vice-premiers, viktor Mr. Pynzenyk will assume the role of Pynzenyk and Yevhen Marchuk, who acting prime minister," said Deputy will be responsible for economic reforms Yevhen Zherebetsky, a member of the and fighting organized crime and corrup– parliamentary faction Reform, which As deadline passes, Crimean deputies tion, respectively. Petro Sabluk was Mr. Pynzenyk helped organize in the named vice-premier in charge of the new Parliament. agro-industrial complex. discuss constitutional conflict with Ukraine This may well be the case, for many "Naming viktor Pynzenyk to the post political observers note that Prime KYYiv - As The Weekly was going Constitution be brought into line with of first vice-premier in charge of eco– Minister vitaliy Masol's days may be to press, Crimean Parliament Speaker the Ukrainian Constitution, which is still nomic reform is a logical natural step for numbered in the Kuchma government. Sergey Tsekov suggested several ways to being formulated; that a committee of the Ukrainian president," noted political Although Mr. Kuchma had signed a settle the legal conflict between Ukraine Ukrainian and Crimean parliamentarians analyst Artur Bilous, adding that Mr. three-way agreement of cooperation and the Crimea, reported interfax– be formed to work jointly on the new Pynzenyk has served as an adviser to among the three powers - the president, Ukraine. A vote on the issue was sched– Constitution of Ukraine; that a full-scale President Kuchma and was instrumental Parliamentary Speaker Oleksander uled within the next few days. treaty be signed between Ukraine and in preparing the president's radical Moroz and the prime minister - when he Although the Crimean Parliament had the Crimea, and then the Crimea's laws reform program, which was presented to was elected to office, he has said that he a deadline of November 1 to bring the be brought into compliance with that the Parliament on October 11. will not tolerate those who stand in his peninsula's Constitution into line with treaty. Mr. Pynzenyk, 40, served as deputy way to implementing reform. the existing Ukrainian Constitution, the Mr. Tsekov told reporters that the dif– prime minister in the government of "1 am ready to cooperate with every– Crimean Parliament only began dis– ferences between Symferopil and Kyyiv Prime Minister Kuchma from October one, but 1 must have a team of like-mind– cussing the issue on Thursday, were a matter of misunderstanding rather 1992 through August 1993. His resigna– ed people. І respect the prime minister November 3, when Mr. Tsekov delivered than real conflict. tion came just a few weeks before Mr. and his many years of experience, and І a speech to his legislative body. More than 40 deputies lined up to Kuchma stepped down from his post in do hope that he will use that experience During his speech, Mr. Tsekov pro- voice their opinions on the issue, post– September of 1933. Both men had said for the benefit of all of us," said posed three options: that the Crimean poning the vote for at least another day. that their efforts toward real reform had President Kuchma during a press confer– been blocked by old-guard Communists, ence on Monday, October 31. directors of industrial state enterprises Prime Minister Masol, who had been and heads of collective farms. Ukrainian Canadian Congress announces The appointment has garnered praise (Continued on page 4) creation of Canada-Ukraine Foundation "We are gradually trying to realize our News of the establishment of the CUF Kuchma vows... new course, that is balanced relations WINNIPEG - On the occasion of the was welcomed by both Canadian and with the East and with the West," said first visit to Canada of the president of an (Continued from page 1) Ukrainian governments. Mr. Kuchma. independent Ukraine, the Ukrainian on November 1, causing a panic among Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs "1 am pleased with the results of our Canadian Congress (UCC) Headquarters citizens of the capital city during the Andre Ouellet stated: "1 welcomed delegation's participation at the OS talks announced the establishment of the weekend as they queued up to stock up efforts by the UCC to establish a in Moscow on October 21, and with my Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF). on this state-subsidized product. Canada-Ukraine Foundation and my talks with President Boris Yeltsin. We The CUF will be a national non-profit However, as of November 4, prices were Department could consider financing have every right to say that a new quality institution that will endeavor to develop still at 3,000 kbv. specific project proposals put forward by of inter-state relations is forming, the special partnership that is evolving in order to help ease the pain of such such a foundation." although 1 must add that there still are a between Canada and Ukraine and escalating prices, the Supreme Council enhance that partnership. Ukraine's ambassador to Canada, voted two weeks ago to double the number of complex issues that we need to resolve together," he commented. The work of the CUF will be to practi– viktor Batyuk, affirmed: " The Ministry salaries of state workers and institute a cally implement the unique ability and of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine welcomes minimum wage of 780,000 kbv per "Our relations with the West also are developing, which gives me pleasure," desire of the government and people of the intention to establish the CUF. month, or S10 at the inter-currency Canada to provide multi-dimensional Ukrainian officials, organizations and cit– exchange rate. (The minimum wage had noted President Kuchma, adding that Ukraine's integration into international assistance to Ukraine, recognizing izens will eagerly cooperate with the been 60,000 kbv per month.) foundation created by friends of Ukraine economic structures is growing stronger. Ukraine's special needs as a newly inde– During his hourlong press conference, and Canada in undertaking projects that During this press conference, Mr. pendent state and emerging democracy Mr. Kuchma outlined five important points with an evolving market based economy. are of assistance to Ukraine." he wished to concentrate on in the near Kuchma also informed reporters about future. Among them were the above-men– his recently completed trip to Canada. tioned appointments, and a clear division of "The main i'd like to make power between the legislative and execu– about this trip is that we received assur– FOUNDED 1933 tive branches, which should be defined in a ances - not only declarations but broad- THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY new Constitution. Mr. Kuchma spoke out reaching political and economic support An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., strongly for a new Constitution to be adopt– - from Canada. This is witnessed by the a non-profit association, at 30 Montgomery St., Jersey City, N.J. 07302. fact that we signed inter-state agree– ed by the Parliament, but foresaw the pos– Yearly subscription rate: S30; for UNA members - S20. sibility that this document may be put forth ments," he said. in a referendum. Mr. Kuchma said there was a second Second-class postage paid at Jersey City, N.J. 07302. (lSSN - 0273-9348) The Ukrainian leader also spoke in aspect to his visit to Canada: a successful international conference supporting eco– favor of judicial reform and the need to Also published by the UNA: Svoboda, a Ukrainian-language daily newspaper (annual sub– strengthen that branch of government. nomic reforms in Ukraine. He also men– scription fee: S55; S30 for UNA members), and veselka, a Ukrainian-language children's He underlined his determination to tioned that the first installment of money, magazine (annual subscription fee: S10; S8 for UNA members). fight crime and corruption in Ukraine, S371 million from the international saying that his government would use all Monetary Fund, was released in The Weekly and Svoboda: UNA: methods to make sure that only legiti– Washington to help develop a stabiliza– (201) 434-0237, -0807, -3036 (201)451-2200 mate businesses succeed in Ukraine. tion fund for Ukraine's economy. "Practically speaking, we have declared "Today, this is extremely important for Postmaster, send address Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz an outright war to fight corruption," said us. But at the same time, 1 must underscore changes to: Associate editor: Marta Kolomayets (Kyyiv) The Ukrainian Weekly Assistant editor: Khristina Lew Mr. Kuchma. that international credits will not save P.O. Box 346 Staff writers7editors: Roman Woronowycz Lastly, President Kuchma told journal– Ukraine's economy. Our own financial Jersey City, N.J. 07303 Andrij KudlaWynnyckyj ists that in the past three months funda– system and our own production must be mental corrections had been made in put in place and must begin to work. The Ukrainian Weekly, November 6,1994, No. 45, vol. LXll Ukraine's foreign policy and foreign eco– Credits can be eaten up in one month, as Copyright 01994 The Ukrainian Weekly nomic relations. was done by the Soviet Union," he said. No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 з Ukraine's Jewish community has risen from the ashes, says Rabbi Bleich by Andrij Wyenyckyj Yaakov Dov Bleich. ingly allowed a Jewish group (not a part gregation in a difficult position, since Rabbi Bleich was shown in the "60 of the main congregation overseen by only one rabbi in the country is from JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - Although the Minutes" program, providing accounts of Rabbi Bleich) to use for prayer three Ukraine (born in Odessa, he had emigrat– American Jewish Committee's "Project anti-Semitic incidents and attitudes. basement rooms of the former central, or ed to israel and recently returned). "This Ukraine" is significant in itself as a mile- Rabbi Bleich has since denounced the Brodsky, synagogue, it had been turned conflicts with Jewish tradition," Rabbi stone in Ukrainian-Jewish relations, few broadcast as "unbalanced," saying that it over to the National Puppet Theater in Bleich pointed out, "because usually rab– could have predicted how urgently rele– "did not convey the true state of affairs" 1927 and has served as a cathedralic set- bis are called in from a different city, if vant its participants' "phase two" visit to in the country, and that his words "were ting for children's entertainment since. he was from your city, you knew too Ukraine this summer would become, in quoted out of the context that they were Rabbi Bleich said that when he took much about him." He added wryly, the aftermath of the CBS television net- said." (See page 6.) over five years ago, his synagogue on "After all, you need someone you can work's broadcast of a "60 Minutes" seg– The meeting with Rabbi Bleich took Shchekavytska Street was the center of respect." ment titled "The Ugly Face of Freedom" place in the capital's lone functioning syn– all aspects of Jewish life in Kyyiv. Since, illustrating the variety of opinion in on October 23. agogue, on Shchekavytska Street, restored the israeli government set up a cultural the Jewish community in Ukraine, Rabbi "Project Ukraine's" mission to lay the through the efforts of Rabbi Bleich and center elsewhere, as did three other local Bleich voiced his disagreement with a groundwork for long-term constructive the Karlin Stolinsky Association, with Jewish secular associations. The commu– colleague who had told government offi– interaction between Ukrainians and Jews offices in the directly adjacent complex of nity that grew up around the synagogue cials at that Friday's meeting that he was on both sides of the ocean is feasible in buildings. is now flourishing, offering all manner of against any Ukrainian Jews leaving the large part because of direct contacts with To begin the meeting with the AJC community services, from regular meals country. "Well, 1 don't know who he was the Jewish community in Ukraine, in this group, Rabbi Bleich explained that, prior for poor pensioners and children, to art, speaking for," rejoined the Brooklyn- case, these contacts have also provided to 1922, Kyyiv was home to over 60 syn– drama and discussion clubs. Rabbi born rabbi, "but i'm not against Jews evidence that CBS's "Ugly Face" pro- agogues. Most were razed or seized for Bleich also said that summer camps in leaving; i'm against any restrictions on freedom of movement. One of the most gram misrepresented the situation of the other uses by the Bolsheviks in the 1920s the Kyyiv region and the Carpathians basic freedoms of democracy is the right Jewish community in Ukraine and the and 1930s; the rest were finished off by have become an important focus of his attention. to decide where you want to live — climate of inter-ethnic relations in the the Nazis. The one presently serving as whether it's here, israel, or anywhere country. the center of Jewish religious life in in 1991, he set up two schools (one for else in the world." xxx Kyyiv escaped destruction because it was girls, one for boys), with instruction from On the Saturday afternoon of July 30, used as a stable, and has been the only kindergarten to grade 11, within the city if he finds students are struggling in the AJC mission, led by trip organizer one in operation since the war. He said public-school system. With financial and Ukraine's environment, Rabbi Bleich said and institute of Pluralism Director David the city's officials actually have a poor staff assistance from North America and he urges them to apply to schools in israel Roth and accompanied by New York record for returning shrines to any reli– israel, 600 students are offered courses or America or elsewhere, "where they can realize their ambition as a Jew and as a rabbinical student Lisa Greene, met with gious groups. ranging from Ukrainian to computers to person." He added with conviction: "1 the chief rabbi of Kyyiv and Ukraine, in 1993, the city government grudg– business to lab science. Rabbi Bleich commended then newly don't work to keep people here, 1 don't elected President Leonid Kuchma for his work to send people away, 1 just work to responsiveness, saying that Jewish lead– teach them Judaism — that's my job." ers had just been called to a meeting with Rabbi Bleich said that a holdover law Washington Ukrainians protestMr . Kuchma and senior government offi– banning any religious organization from cials the day before. With characteristic opening a school (whether Christian, against "60 Minutes" segment humor, he said "1 wish them luck, Muslim or Judaic) makes life difficult. by Larissa M. Fontana credibility of the media in general were because this bureaucracy is almost the "That's stupid. There is no civilized also raised. same size as in the U.S., and they (the country, even Russia, where this hap– WASHINGTON - About 100 angry A letter from the Ukrainian American new administration! face a much more pens, but you can also get around it: you Ukrainian Americans representing a broad community of Washington signed by difficult task of reorganization, f former just register as a private organization, run spectrum of the local community protest– Ukrainian churches and 13 area organiza– President LeonidJ Kravchuk kept a lot of your school, and bring in individual staff ed the CBS "60 Minutes" segment "The tions, detailing grievances and demands, the old meshuggasen (no good crazy that will teach religion." Ugly Face of Freedom" aired on October was presented to Ms. Cochran. The typesj around," referring to the previous Offering a historical perspective, 23. The protest, sponsored by The demands were: a public apology on "60 regime's practice of retaining corrupt Rabbi Bleich said that in Ukraine there Washington Crisis Committee, an ad hoc Minutes," the resignation of Morley Safer, old-guard officials. had never been "a democracy that gave committee of Ukrainian Churches, organi– a Ukrainian response to "The Ugly Face of This extends to the continued activi– Jews the possibility to build the way they zations and concerned citizens, took place Freedom" and an airing of "Famine '33" ties of the internal security police, now can today. Under the tsar, they might Wednesday, November 2, at noon, at the as a means of educating the American known as the SBU. "Look," said Rabbi have had a more compact and more reli– CBS offices, 2020 M St. NW. public about the Ukrainian people. Bleich, "our conversation is being gious life, but their possibilities were The mood of the protest was reflected The larger issue of media credibility recorded right now... SBU, KGB, MvD, strictly controlled. Under communism, of in the placards: "CBS turns a jaundiced was also raised, if this particular story Cheka, these people have changed their course, it was all destruction. Now, if the eye on truth," "Don't watch CBS," was handled in such a manipulative man– names and heads many times before, but Jews want,, they have the possibility to "Tabloid journalism reigns at CBS." ner, then it can be assumed other issues they haven't changed one employee." rebuild." various slogans were also chanted, are equally mishandled, argued the "1 can tell you a story about this fac– Rabbi Bleich said the principal obsta– adding to the mood of the occasion, such Ukrainian community representatives. tional fight between the head of the com– cle is the impoverishment and lack of as "An apology is due - CBS from you," in the end, Ms. Cochran stated that the munity and the rabbi in Kharkiv," the religious consciousness among Jews, "CBS, oh no, journalism at a low," major responsibility lies with CBS head- Jewish leader related, "after a about six who have largely become assimilated and "Truth, yes. Lies, no." "CBS, CBS, is a quarters, but that the presented letter will months, the rabbi was visited by an SBU have few devotional habits. When they journalistic mess." be reviewed and sent to New York. guy who let him know, through biweekly send their children to Jewish schools, he The thrust of the message was that The demonstrators expressed the need visits, about the contents of all the con– anticipated, "a huge cultural gap is going Ukrainian-Jewish relations were present– to lobby the commercial advertisers of versations he'd had in the past month... to develop." One of the first things that ed in a biased and distorted manner on CBS and the CBS board of directors. Bugging and all that stuff is still going he seeks to teach is a sense of pride in the "60 Minutes" segment. The demon– on, it's just not being acted on in the being Jewish, an effort that is running stration was covered by voice of same way." against the grain of a post-totalitarian America, lntel and Window on America. New York slates However, he pointed out that President people who have learned "to keep their Representatives of the Washington area Kuchma's attitude about what religion heads down because they were knocked Ukrainian community - ihor Gawdiak, banquet for Kuchma can give to society, voiced at that down." Ukrainian American Coordinating Friday's meeting, is an encouraging sign But he points to one statistic with Council; Tamara Gallo, Ukrainian NEW YORK - A reception in honor of change. "Kravchuk would have never great satisfaction: "if you look at the Congress Committee of America; the Rev. of President Leonid Kuchma, sponsored said anything like that ... Religion was percentage of our children who are affil– G. Pidhuretz of St. Andrew's Ukrainian jointly by the Ukrainian Congress still the 'opium of the people' for him." iated with some form of Jewish educa– Orthodox Church; and Larissa M. Committee of America and the Ukrainian Already in the country's brief inde– tion, 1 know we're ahead of the United Fontana, Washington Crisis Committee - American Coordinating Council, will be pendent existence, there have been a States and most anywhere else. That's a attempted to meet with Barbara S. held Saturday, November 19, at the few shifts in policy toward religion, tremendous accomplishment. Maybe Cochran, vice-president and bureau chief Marriot Marquis Hotel, 1535 Broadway, initially, Rabbi Bleich said, there was a some of the smaller communities in of the Washington CBS office. in New York. total liberalization followed by various Western Europe have higher numbers. Ms. Cochran insisted on one and then The reception begins with a cocktail factional disputes (some provoked) and But for a large community like the agreed on two emissaries. Mr. Gawdiak hour at 6:30 p.m., followed by a banquet a massive influx of all sorts of cults Ukrainian community, which has risen and Ms. Fontana met with Ms. Cochran at 7:30 p.m. Evening attire. Tickets: from America and all around the world. up from the ashes, we're really doing and voiced the concerns of the protesters. Si00 per person. "Also, the Russian Orthodox Church great." Among the items discussed were the The organizers of the event have stip– got very nervous about losing many of XXX results of the October 31 meeting in New ulated that reservations should be made its adherents and threatened to make As told to the AJC's "Ukrainian York between CBS officials and by letter or by contacting the offices of trouble, so the government reasserted Seminar" group, Rabbi Yaakov Bleich's Ukrainian community representatives. UCCA, 203 Second Ave., New York, control in late 1992 to early 1993," he account of roughing it in Ukraine is hard– The offensive manner in which NY 10003, or the UACC, 142 Second said. ly a story without blemish, to be sure, but Ukrainian-Jewish relations in Ukraine Ave., New York, NY 10003, in person; As a result, to this day, Rabbi Bleich it is strangely at odds with the apocalyptic were presented, the effect this presenta– telephone reservations will not be says all foreign religious leaders are sub– portrait drawn by Morley Safer's report tion is having on private citizens, and the accepted. ject to controls. This puts the Jewish con– for "60 Minutes." THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45 Worldwide Plast conference OBITUARY^^^^^^^^^^^

meets to elect new leaders The Yery Rev Bohdan Smyk, by Larissa Onyshkevych dations of both sessions were then pre– sented to the general meeting. Among EAST HANOvER, N.J. - A lively the topics that precipitated the most dis– Utica pastor, chaplain of Plast meeting of the 12th Conference of cussion and were accepted by the dele- UT1CA, N.Y. - The very Rev. Ukrainian Plast Organizations was attended gates were the following: Canon Bohdan Smyk, longtime pastor of by delegates from various continents here - to makv– no amendments to the Plast St. volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic at the Ramada Hotel on October 8-10. Constitution; Church, spiritual leader and chaplain of Delegates came from Austria, Canada, 9 to change the arrangement in pub– the Plast Ukrainian Youth Association Germany, Great Britain, Poland, lishing the leading Plast journals, with and well-known community leader, died Ukraine, the United States. Argentina Hotuys and Yunak to be published by the here on October 12 at the age of 82. and Slovakia were represented by local American and Canadian Plast executives, The Rev. Smyk is remembered in the Plast members, and a representative of while Plastovyi Shliakh is to rely on vol– the Ukrainian Plast of Latvia was also untary subscriptions; Ukrainian community for his life of ded– present. ication to the Ukrainian Catholic Church, 9 to let individual national Plast com– The general program was preceded by Ukrainian youth and his homeland. mands determine the maximum age for a meeting of heads of the various nation– As a chaplain of Plast from 1956 until members of starshe plastunstvo; howev– al Plast councils on October 7. his resignation for reasons of health in er, the age should not be higher than 35 1993, the Rev. Smyk was loved and The conference was chaired by Roman years of age; respected by Plast members of three gen– Zavadovych (U.S.), with Yaroslav m all planned projects by individual erations. His active engagement in Hawrych (Britain) and Oles Rokitskyi Plast members or Plast groups from one Ukrainian scouting dates back to 1950 (Ukraine) as deputy chairmen, and Nina country dealing with Plast members in when he served as director of the first Samokish, Stefa Korol and Tania Pash another country should be reported to the Plast camps held on the grounds of the serving as secretaries. Supreme Plast Bulava, and permission Ukrainian Catholic Summer Camp in The heads of the executive council and should be received from the executive Stratford, N.Y. The Rev. Smyk's last the board of overseers, Dr. Orest council of the target country. Hawryluk for the Supreme Plast Bulava appearance at the vovcha Tropa Plast While there were two separate slates Camp in East Chatham, N.Y., was on and Dr. Lubomyr Romankiw for the of candidates presented by the Supreme Plast Council, respectively, July 24 at the anniversary ceremonies Nominations Committee, there were also honoring the camp's founders. The Rev. summed up their reports. The latter also some last-minute additions made from presented a brief summary of the current Smyk was a member of the A. the floor by the caucus of starshe plastun– Woynarowsky Plast Fraternity. The Yery Rev. Bohdan Smyk status of Ukraine's application to the stvo. in the early hours of Monday, a World Scouting Bureau. The Rev. Smyk, the son of the Rev. as assistant pastor in Syracuse, N.Y., and new leadership of the worldwide Petro and Rostyslava Kuzelya, was born On the first day of the conference, sep– director of the Ukrainian Catholic Conference of Ukrainian Plast May 6, 1912, in the village of arate concurrent sessions were held deal– Summer Youth Camp at Stratford, N.Y. Organizations was elected and sworn in. Konkolnyky, formerly of the Rohatyn, ing with the specific agendas related to The Supreme Plast Bulava is headed On May 1, 1952, the Rev. Smyk became Plast members organized in four age and presently, the Berezhany raion, in pastor of St. volodymyr Ukrainian by Dr. Yuriy Slusarczuk (U.S.); with western Ukraine. He attended the groups: children (novatstvo), youths ihor Welyhorskyi (Canada) and Dr. Catholic Church in Utica, N.Y. St. (yunatstvo), adults (starshe plastunstvo) Stanyslaviv and Rohatyn gymnasiums, Michael's Church in Rome, N.Y., came Romankiw (U.S.) serving as vice-chairs; in 1931, he graduated from the Minor and seniors (seniorat). Leaders of these Ludmyla Darmohray (U.S.), general sec– under his pastorship in 1968. He served groups were then elected: for novatstvo - Theological Seminary and continued his in both parishes until his death. retary; vasyl Sosiak (U.S.), in charge of studies at the Theological Academy in Tania Onyshchuk (Canada) and Yuriy finances; Yuriy Senkiw (Canada) in The Rev. Smyk was accorded the title Lviv. He married Wolodymyra Zayats, Slyvynskyi (Canada); for yunatstvo - charge of publications. of canon by Patriarch Josyf Slipyj on daughter of the Rev. Yakiv Zayats, Oresta Hrytsiv Kovch (U.S.) and Yuriy The Supreme Plast Council is chaired February 7, 1974. Monchak (U.S.); for starshe plastunstvo director of the Lviv Seminary choir and by Dr. Hawryluk (U.S.); Sonia Skrypnyk composer of religious music. The Rev. Smyk and his wife had been - Roman Yakubovych (U.S.); and for (Canada), vice-chair; Dr. ihor Hayda The Rev. Smyk was ordained to the instrumental in the growth and develop– seniorat - ihor Komarnytskyi (Canada). (U.S.), secretary; Adrian Hewryk (U.S.), priesthood on December 12, 1937, in St. ment of the parish as well as in running On the second day, delegates worked in Petro Sodol (U.S.), Andriy Pereklita (U.S.) George Cathedral in Lviv by Bishop the parish school. one or more of the following committees: and Marta Khychiy (Canada), members; ivan Buchko, in the presence of The Rev. Smyk is survived by three statutes, publications, financial, nomina– and volodymyr Bazarko (U.S.), Evhen Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. children: Tanya Nazarewycz and tions and resolutions7recommendations. Duvalko (Canada) and Mr. Rokitskyi His initial pastoral assignment corn- Rostyslav Smyk, both of Chicago, and Proposed resolutions and recommen– (Ukraine) as alternate members. prised five villages in western Ukraine, Oleksander Smyk of Clinton, N.Y.; six of which he became administrator in grandchildren; a sister, Stefania 1939. During the war, in the spring of Tarnawska; and a brother, Dr. Roman tion of the sovereignty and independence Smyk. The Rev. Smyk's wife died on Newsbriefs of other states." She added, "Russia's 1944, the Rev. Smyk served briefly in the Lemko region before fleeing with his October 20, 1992. (Continued from page 2) policies and actions must reflect the fact that it is no longer surrounded by vassals, family to Graz, Austria. Subsequently, Funeral services were held October 20 the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station but by independent sovereign states." after American forces occupied Bavaria, in St. volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic was shut down on October 25 due to a (RFE7RL Daily Report) he reached Munich, where he helped Church. Officiating with Bishop Basil defect in the generator's feedwater organize parishes in the displaced per– Losten of the Stamford Diocese were the pipeline. The repairs are expected to take immigrants flood Ukraine, Belarus sons camps. Revs, volodymyr Tarnawsky of Edmonton six days. (RFE7RL Daily Report) The Rev. Smyk and his family emi– and Stefan Yanowsky of lvano– KYYiv - The Ukrainian govern– grated to the United States in 1950. His Frankivske, among others. Burial was at Ministry reports on troop strength ment reported that illegal Asian and first pastoral assignment was in the St. volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic African migrants, traveling with deftly KYYiv - The press office of Middleport, Pa. in 1951 he was assigned Cemetery in Whitestone, N.Y. forged documents, are pouring into Ukraine's Ministry of Defense said on Ukraine and Belarus. The influx has left October 26 that the Parliament has con- border guards in both countries unable to firmed that the country's defense forces first vice-premier and chairman of the cope with the trouble of identifying, should have 450,000 personnel, in accor– Kuchma appoints... President's Coordinating Committee to housing, feeding and deporting thou– dance with this decision, the Defense (Continued from page 2) Fight Corruption and Organized Crime. sands of people who are seeking an Ministry is reducing the number of its He has also been asked by President escape from miserable conditions in their ousted as prime minister in October of units. The ministry also reported that Kuchma to head the Ukrainian delegation homelands. Ukrainian officials said 1990 due to the demands of student Ukraine is complying with the to the Black Sea Fleet negotiations with 12,000 persons trying to cross Ukraine's hunger-strikers, came back to power in Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty by Russia. Most recently, Mr. Marchuk border were detained and deported in June of this year. Many had viewed dismantling military equipment. However, spent a few weeks in the Crimea as 1993, and that similar numbers are this as a move by former President the ministry added that only old equip– President Kuchma's special envoy during expected for 1994. in 1991 the total was Leonid Kravchuk to win favor with the ment is being dismantled so that neither that peninsula's government crisis. 45. Belarus reported 900 detainees in newly elected Communist-dominated the quality nor readiness of Ukraine's 1993 and a similar number during the Parliament. The third of the newest appointees is armed forces are affected. (RFE7RL Daily first 10 months of 1994. Most of the Gen. Marchuk, 53, was the minister of Mr. Sabluk, who has been named vice- Report) migrants try to cross the border with the security services in the last adminis– premier in charge of the agro-industrial complex. U.S. ambassador on policy toward N1S "increasingly sophisticated counterfeit tration and was kicked upstairs by Mr. documents," said viktor Piatnytsky, a Kuchma to become vice-premier in Mr. Sabluk, a director of the institute NEW YORK - in a speech to the senior border guard at Chop, near the charge of fighting organized crime and of Agricultural Economics at the Polish American Congress, the U.S. rep– Hungarian border. "Most of the docu– corruption. But as of October 3 1, he Academy of Sciences, has been hailed as resentative to the United Nations, ments are produced in Singapore and assumed the post of first vice-premier, a welcome change in the government. Ambassador Madeleine Albright, said Hong Kong — including British and which accents Mr. Kuchma's commit– "For the first time, we don't have a that "Russia has a right like any other American passports. Border guards can– ment to rid Ukraine of what he has representative of the Soviet collective nation to look after its interests," but that not separate forgeries from the real labeled "the fifth power." farm elite, but a learned agrarian," com– - this right "cannot be exercised in viola– ones," he said. (Reuters) Gen. Marchuk"s official title now is men ted Mr. Bilous. No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 Chopivsky Family Foundation Kyyiv-Mohyla Academy officials establishes ф1 M fund at Yale to visit United States, Canada NEW HAvEN, Conn. - The estab– travel, attendance at seminars, and research PRINCETON, N.J.– The first indepen– important support during the crucial first lishment of a Si million fund to support relating to Ukraine. The funds will also be dent institution of higher learning in years of this institution. the study of Ukraine at Yale was used to cover the costs of conferences, sup- Ukraine, The University of Kyyiv-Mohyla Next week, the president of the uni– announced on October 28 by University port visiting faculty and meet the demand Academy, has now begun its third year. versity, viacheslav Briukhovetsky, and President Richard C. Levin. for teaching of the Ukrainian language. Tracing its roots to the 17th century, when three members of his administration, The fund was made possible through the With more than 200 actively involved the Kyyiv-Moyla Academy was founded, vice-President Yevhenia Onyshchenko, generosity of The Chopivsky Family faculty members, YC1AS is the universi– the university today is structured on Rector Serhiy ivaniuk and Director of Foundation, headed by George Chopivsky, ty's principal agency for inspiring and Western models, with undergraduate and Public Relations Natalia Shumkova will a member of the Yale College Class of coordinating teaching, research and pub- graduate programs. visit North America. They plan to meet 1969. it will be administered under the aus– lie service relating to foreign societies There are three areas of studies: humani– with top officials at several American pices of the Yale Center for international and cultures. YC1AS works closely with ties, sciences and social sciences, in the and Canadian universities, visit founda– and Area Studies (YC1AS). relevant academic departments, with the next several years medicine and law will be tions, attend training seminars, and meet President Levin, upon announcing the international Development Economics added. While so far there are only under– with members of the Ukrainian commu– gift said, "The e.id of the Cold War has Program, the School of Management, the graduate studies, master's degree programs nity in order to report on the first three provided vast new freedoms for open dis– Yale Law School, the School of Forestry in economics, literature, history and sociol– years of their institution. course across many borders. The and Environmental Studies, and the ogy will be introduced next year. As a group, or individually, they will Chopivsky Family Fund will enable Yale Department of Epidemiology and Public The university requires students to pass speak in New York (at the Shevchenko to gain knowledge about an increasingly Health at the Yale School of Medicine. entrance exams in both Ukrainian and Scientific Society, Friday, November 11,7 important area of the world. We are YC1AS will administer the program, English, since these are the two languages p.m.), Philadelphia (Ukrainian Cultural grateful for George Chopivsky's vision with participation from the Council on of instruction. For the 1994 fall semester Center, Saturday, November 12, 4 p.m.), and generosity." Russian and East European Studies and there were 1,200 applicants, however only Washington (St. Sophia Association, To be distributed over the next five the international relations master's 247 of the best students were accepted as November 14, 7:30 p.m.), Detroit years, a portion of the fund will be used degree program. freshmen. At present there are 700 first–, (November 18), Chicago (November 19), to defray the costs of students by cover– The committee to select the fellowship second–, and third-year students, and 70 Rochester (November 22), Los Angeles ing such expenses as tuition, room and recipients as well as administer the members of the faculty, including 15 from (November 22), San Diego (November board, living costs, fees, course books Chopivsky Family Fund will be chaired by abroad. Many of the latter are from the 23), vancouver (November 26), Edmonton and travel. The funds are available to stu– Michael Holquist, professor of comparative Ukrainian diaspora and teach at the univer– (November 28), (November 29), dents of Ukrainian background studying literature and Slavic languages and chair- sity as Fulbright or visiting scholars, in as well as Cambridge, Mass., Winnipeg, at Yale, as well as to any Yale student man of the Council on Russian and Eastern addition, other diaspora members help and , Ottawa and Montreal. who wishes to study this area of the European Studies. The committee will also advise in the field of administration and The Mohyla Academic Society, Dr. world. Preference will be given to gradu– include Gaddis Smith, the director of planning. Larissa Onyshkevych, (609) 883-2488, ate and professional students. YC1AS, an associate dean of the Yale Besides funding scholarships, confer– serves as coordinator of the tour in the Graduate School, and an associate provost. ences, lecture halls or library rooms, and U.S.A.; in Canada, Prof. Yaroslav An additional amount will be used to Other committee members include Harvey donating library books and entire private Rozumnyi of Winnipeg, (204) 488-8693, support the acquisition of books and period– Goldblatt, professor of Slavic studies and libraries, the diaspora has provided very is the coordinator. icals relating to Ukraine for university-wide acting master of Pierson College; Paul use. Tatjana Lorkovic, curator for Slavic Bushkovich, professor and chairman of his– and East European Collections at the Yale tory; and viadimir Alexandrov, chair of the University Library, has scheduled a trip to Slavic department. Ukraine this fall to begin the process of Last month, the Chopivsky Family Fund identifying materials for purchase. Her trip supported Prof. Holoquist to meet face to is funded by The Chopivsky Family Fund. face with the rectors of several major uni– The remaining funds will support the acquisition of materials, student and faculty (Continued on page 21)

FOCUUS presents benefits proceeds to Columbia Ukrainian Studies Program

NEW YORK - Friends of Columbia Rak and Andrew Rak C$1,200), Helen University Ukrainian Studies (FOCUUS) Newmerzyckyj C$1,000), SUM-A turned over a check for S20,340 - the Yonkers FCU C$1,000), the Ukrainian proceeds of a gala fund-raising banquet American Professionals and Business — to the Ukrainian Studies Program at Persons Association of New York and ^^иево^тдогилАТУськл^лдеміа^ the Hard man institute. New Jersey C$1,000), Dr. Bohdan and The presentation was made on Bohdanna vitvitsky C$1,000), and Mrs. September 28 by Dr. Bohdan vitvitsky Joseph Willen C$1,000). Logo of the University of Kyyiv-Mohyla Academy. and Areta Pawlynsky, co-chairpersons of The institute is proceeding vigorously FOCUUS, which had organized the be– with its fund-raising effort, turning both nefit event held March 26. The duo met to individuals and institutions of the with Dr. Richard Ericson, director of the Ukrainian diaspora community as well as COMMENTARY: The KMA has Harriman institute, and Profs. Mark von to firms with business interests in Hagen, Alexander Motyl and Yuriy Ukraine, in addition, much effort is being faith in the young generation Tarnawsky, members of the institute's invested in applying to government and faculty. private foundations for grants for the by viacheslav Briukhovetsky tion of these concepts; an ongoing day-in, When added to the S25,000 pledged at Ukrainians Studies Program. One of the day-out effort to have the historical territo– the banquet by Ukrainian Canadian busi– applications that is being considered at it was not so very long ago that a gath– ry of the Kyyiv-Mohyla Academy and its nessman7philanthropist Petro Jacyk and this time is to the National Security ering was held of a small group of enthu– buildings returned; large-scale renovation the S5,400 transferred earlier to the insti– Education Program for a Black Sea siasts dedicated to the renaissance of the and restoration work, which is so exhaust– tute, the benefit's net proceeds for the Studies Program, in which Ukraine plays Kyyiv-Mohyla Academy as a modern ing in today's economic and financial con– Ukrainian Studies Program were a major role. university. When we embarked on the ditions; and a careful selection of people S50,740. As a result of these efforts, Ukrainian realization of our dream in 1991, little who have the strength to carry out such a in addition, the Harriman institute has language has recently been made eligible did we suspect what a difficult and monumental project. responsible project we were undertaking! raised an additional S8,550 to date. With for Foreign Language and Area Study it involved above all an internal strug– the S50,000 donated in 1993 by Mr. (FLAS) support. This means that, start– And thank goodness, for if we had only imagined all the problems that would gle with ourselves. We were all brought Jacyk, the total raised so far for the ing with the spring 1995 semester, stu– up under a totalitarian regime, which left Ukrainian Studies Program at the dents taking Ukrainian language courses stand in our way, І am afraid we might not have even risked even beginning it. a crippling impression on our mentality. Harriman institute is Si09,290. at Columbia will be eligible for govern– And so it became necessary to remold The donors to the program (with con– ment grants, which provide full tuition Just imagine: making that dream a reali– ty involved not only the creation of a uni– our consciousness almost hourly, scrap– tributions of S1 ,OOO or more) are: Petro and stipends of $8,000 per year. versity with modern teaching concepts, ing away the programmed stereotypes of Jacyk (S75,000), the Ukrainian National The 1995 fund-raiser will be a benefit based on the experience of the best educa– the past. This did not come easily, it was Association C$5,000), Selfreliance New concert on April 22 at Columbia's Miller tional institutions in the world; but also a sometimes painful, and it continues to be York FCU C$5,000), Roma and ihor Theater, it will be followed by a recep– search for funds to cover the implementa– despairingly difficult. But we have lived Hayda C$3,000), Arthur and irene tion and an art auction at the Low library. this way for three years now, and 1 can Hryhorowycz C$2,500), Dr. George The performers will include Oksana tell you sincerely that they have been the Rudnesky C$2,000), Col. Basil and Krovytsky, Oleh Krysa, Natalia Khoma, viacheslciv Briukhovetsky is president of Martha Andriuk C$1,250), Taisa Nahirny– Mykola Suk and Tatyana Tchekina. the University of Kyyiv-Mohyla Academy. (Continued on page 21) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45 НН^ШІШ^Ш^ШІ^^ШІ^ШІ^Ш^ШШІ Rabbi Yaakov Bleich's statement: Statement of officials Jewish community is flourishing from Lviv and Odessa The following is a statement issued in the pre-war years, the majority of Published below is the statement indicated that over 100,000 Ukrainians by the visiting delegation of Ukrainian both peoples faced economic hardships. released by Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich, actively collaborated with the Nazis, municipal government officials, which During the World War П, Jews faced a chief rabbi of Kyyiv and Ukraine, however they were a small minority of was forwarded to The Ukrainian situation that was equally tragic in all regarding the "60 Minutes" broadcast the populace. The Ukrainian people Weekly by the press office of Ukraine's countries occupied by the Nazis. "The Ugly Face of Freedom." Rabbi should not be blamed collectively for Embassy in the U.S. on October 27. Why was it not mentioned that many Bleich was among those interviewed in the sins of few. Ukrainian families risked their lives to the segment His statement was present– І feel that it would be appropriate for We are a delegation of deputies of hide Jews? Why were the services to ed to CBS officials on October 31 by a the present government of Ukraine to the city councils of Lviv and Odessa, the Jewish people rendered by delegation of Ukrainian Americans. publicly denounce anti-Semitism and invited to the U.S. under the auspices Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky not any other form of bigotry. This will Having viewed the segment of the of 1REX, the international Research mentioned? Why were doubts raised prove that the government fully endors– CBS "60 Minutes" broadcast titled "The and Exchanges Board, in order to share about the words of fLviv Greek– es the laws on national minorities. Ugly Face of Freedom," 1 would like to experiences in city governing with our CatholicJ Chancellor, the Rev. flvanj Experience teaches us that these same make the following statement. Without counterparts in the U.S. Dacko? Why did the sight of "plas– forces of anti-Semitism are also against minimizing the danger of the extreme Having watched the CBS-ТУ pro- tuny" (scouts) walking in procession to democracy, human rights, liberalism, nationalist parties such as UNA7UNSO gram "60 Minutes," which included church arouse such fears in Mr. and a Europe unified on the basis of who proclaim "Ukraine for Ukrainians," Morley Safer's report about the alleged Wiesenthal? these beliefs, it is on these basic princi– І feel that the broadcast did not convey anti-Semitism of the Ukrainian people, Many such questions could be posed ples that democratic Ukraine stands. the true state of affairs in Ukraine. І also we hereby express our deep outrage at to the framers of the broadcast, who would like to state unequivocally that in conclusion, as an American citi– the biased presentation of information, tendentiously chose material to illus– my words were quoted out of the con- zen living in Ukraine for five years, which borders on an attempt to incite trate their point. For example: under the text that they were said. having witnessed Ukraine's transition inter-ethnic hostilities. Soviet regime, a prison was set up on Credit should be given where credit is from the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Relations between the Ukrainian and the site of the Nazi concentration camp. due. The present government of Republic to a modern democracy, І Jewish peoples have a centuries-long Although the prison continues to oper– Ukraine, continuing the policies of the must state "the beautiful face of free– history. ate, the choice of site can hardly previous government, has an excellent dom" in Ukraine is a lot more predomi– During World War H, Ukrainians blamed on independent Ukraine, in record in human rights, respecting the nant than the ugly one. І feel that the and Jews fought shoulder-to-shoulder addition, images of large-scale public rights of national minorities in deeds CBS broadcast was unbalanced, since it against occupiers, and many Ukrainians gatherings were shown, although they and actions and not only on paper, it has focused on a very small minority, ignor– risked their own lives and the lives of bore no connection to anti-Semitism been noted that Ukraine has the best ing the majority and the positive their relatives to save Jewish families. whatsoever. record on human rights of all former achievements of Ukraine in its three in independent Ukraine, every effort in independent Ukraine, Jews, as Soviet republics. years of independence. has been made to create conditions well as all other national minorities, Former President Leonid Kravchuk The revitalization of the Jewish com– favorable to the spiritual and cultural have been granted the right to create has publicly apologized for the crimes munity in Ukraine, which has become the development of Jews: synagogues and their own cultural organizations and of those Ukrainians who collaborated strongest and most flourishing Jewish Jewish schools have been reopened, educational institutions, in Lviv, syna– with the Nazis in the persecution and community in the former Soviet Union, is Jewish organizations have been estab– gogues have been reopened, the origi– killing of Ukrainian Jews during World but one example of the bright side of free– lished, streets have been renamed in nal name of "Staroyevreiska" (Ancient War 11. A responsible researcher has dom and democracy in modern Ukraine. honor of outstanding sons of the Jewish Jewish) Street has been restored to one people; the memory of Jews who per– of the thoroughfares in the downtown ished during World War 11 has been core, streets were named after Solomon preserved for the ages by memorials Rapoport and Sholom Aleichem, and Cardinal Lubachivsky's reaction: and plaques; representatives of the an imposing memorial to the victims of Jewish people have risen to leading the Lviv ghetto was ceremoniously positions in public institutions and pri– unveiled. So what is Mr. Wiesenthal CBS commits "a grave injustice" vate enterprises; and Jews occupy afraid of? senior government positions at the We consider the report aired by "60 Below is the statement of Cardinal Poland, italy and many other countries. national and municipal level — for Minutes" to be a political provocation Myroslav ivan Cardinal Lubachivsky, head There are neo-fascists in Ukraine. They are example, in Odessa, the mayor is and an insult to the Ukrainian people. of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, also Germany, France, italy and Austria. Edvard Gurvits, who is Jewish. We expect that CBS-ТУ will disassoci– regarding the "60 Minutes" segment "The This is not the sentiment of the entire peo– ate itself from the tendentious notions We believe that it is not coincidental Ugly Face of Freedom." The statement was ple. To try and represent all Ukrainians in of the authors of the program, and will that the report in question was aired released by the Press Office of the this manner is by no means a method of prepare, for the American viewing audi– just prior to the visit of Ukraine's Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church on resolving the issue. ence, objective information about the President Leonid D. Kuchma to the October 26. it was presented to CBS offi– І must also add that my office was mis- history of the Jewish people in Ukraine U.S.A. Certain forces have an interest cials on October 30 by a delegation repre– led as to the actual thrust of the report. Mr. and about the actual conditions of the in ensuring that Ukraine is portrayed as senting the Ukrainian American community. Fager presented the piece as one about present day. "post-Communist Ukraine." if the reasons a poorly developed country with The American television network CBS why such anti-Semitic sentiments exist in nuclear weapons, and Ukrainians as recently broadcast a report, "The Ugly Ostap Semkiv Ukraine were of interest, they could have "genetic" anti-Semites. Face of Freedom," on anti-Semitism in vice-Mayor, Lviv been discussed and debated. І can only in the ТУ program "60 Minutes," western Ukraine. Upon viewing the report, deduce that the of the report was to the American viewer was presented Oleksander Prokopenko one has the impression that all Ukrainians present all western Ukrainians as rabid with tendentiously selected material vice-Mayor, Odessa in western Ukraine are anti-Semitic and anti-Semites. concerning manifestations of anti- eager to rid Ukraine of all non-ethnic Ukraine today is a nation trying to shake Semitism in Ukraine. A number of us, Halyna Kupovych Ukrainians. І feel this is a grave injustice. off the legacy of centuries of imperialism as members of the Ukrainian delegation Deputy head of the Lviv Mayor's if the producer of the report, Jeffrey and occupation, its goal is to be a just of municipal deputies currently in the Office Fager, and the correspondent, Morley nation for all its citizens - whatever their U.S., and as residents of Lviv, were volodymyr Kurennoy, Serhiy Ky valov, Safer, were interested in presenting a bal– ethnic background. There are difficulties disturbed both by the selection and the Yuriy Liushnenko, Liubov Remin anced report, 1 believe they would have along the way, and there are people who interpretation of facts, and by the deci– Deputies, Odessa City Council also included the fact that Metropolitan exploit these difficulties. sion to air such a program on the eve of Andrey Sheptytsky distributed a pastoral Only by facing the truth, even if it is a President's Kuchma's visit. letter against the persecution of Jews in Tetiana Krushelnytska bitter one, can we as a nation learn from it. "Genetic" anti-Semitism is ascribed Ukraine titled, "Thou Shalt Not Kill," and Deputy, Lviv City Council We have a history which kept us from to Ukrainians, and particularly to resi– that the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian being a part of the world community, and dents of Lviv. The segment's con– Dmytro ivanov Greek-Catholic Church, particularly this ignorance led to some actions and tentions are not substantiated with doc– Deputy, Odessa District Council Metropolitan Sheptytsky, hid hundreds of decisions which can cast a negative sha– umentation, but only with opinions of Jews in monasteries and convents. dow over our people as a whole. private individuals and the commentary ivan Levytsky Under no circumstances do Ukrainians І urge the faithful of the Ukrainian Greek- of the reporter. Head of the Lychakiv deny that there was a Galician Division in Catholic Church to register their displeasure Historical facts are distorted, and district administration, Lviv the German Army. But it is erroneous to with the one-sidedness of the CBS report. there is a conscious effort to defame Zinoviy Kurylo present this simply as "fighting for Hitler." Ask for a fair representation of the issue. famous Ukrainians, if Morley Safer This was a perhaps misguided way of fight– Head of the Shevchenko in closing, allow me to encourage all were truly interested in the history of district administration, Lviv ing for an independent Ukraine against the Ukrainians to recognize all aspects of our the problem in question, he would Red Army. common history. Let us live in peace with know that Jews and Ukrainians lived Roman Tsiatsiak There is anti-Semitism in Ukraine -just all God's children and look towards a bet– together peacefully in Galicia for cen– Deputy head of the Zaliznychy as there is in the United States, France, ter future for our beloved Ukraine. turies. district administration, Lviv No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 7

CONT1NU1NG REACTlON TO "60 MINUTES" REPORT ^^^і^^^^^^ Letter from Philadelphia-based Letter from U.S. Federation Ukrainian Human Rights Committee of business^ professional groups

Following is the text of a letter sent to 9 You identified Symon Petliura as an Reprinted below is a letter sent by The also pretends to offer a bird's-eye view Don Hewitt, executive producer of "60 arch anti-Semite, when in fact, in 1919 Federation of Ukrainian American of Ukrainian history, a view that borders Minutes," by the Ulana Baluch Mr. Petliura issued a decree making anti- Business and Professional Organizations on the grotesque. According to Mr. Safer, Mazurkevich, president of the Ukrainian Semitism a capital crime in then-inde– to Laurence Tisch, chairman, president Ukraine is "a nation that barely acknowl– Human Rights Committee based in pendent Ukraine, in fact, at least two of and chief executive officer of CBS; Eric edge its part in Hitler's Final Solution." Philadelphia. Mr. Petliura's Cabinet Ministers W. Ober, president of the CBS News Might it be that Ukraine does not ((SolomonJ Goldleman and fArnoldJ Division; and Don Hewitt, executive pro– "acknowledges its part in Hitler's Final Thank you for your prompt response Margolin) were Jewish, and Ukrainian ducer of "60 Minutes. " The letter was Solution" because its own role was that to the pain and dismay caused the currency of that era was imprinted with signed by Lydia Chopivsky Benson, pres– of a victim? in 1945, Edgar Snow, an Ukrainian community by the airing of Hebrew characters. Your attacks on ident of the federation. American journalist who had traveled the October 23, segment of "60 Minutes" Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych throughout Ukraine immediately after the titled "The Ugly Face of Democracy." On the October 23 edition of "60 are equally unjustified and can only be Germans had been driven out, published We think it is appropriate that you will Minutes," Morley Safer did a feature interpreted as an attempt to smear promi– an article in the Saturday Evening Post be meeting with us so that we may about Ukraine entitled "The Ugly Face of nent 20th century advocates of Ukrainian titled "The Ukraine Pays the Bill." in it resolve this matter expeditiously and cor– Freedom." That feature was outrageous, independence with an anti-Semitic brush. he wrote: rect the wrongs done to the Ukrainian Two of Bandera's brothers, in fact, were because its portrayal of Ukraine was American community and Ukraine. You imbalanced to the point of deformity, "This whole titanic struggle, which killed at Auschwitz, and Mr. Bandera some are apt to dismiss as 'the Russian must realize that the public sentiment himself was a German prisoner. suffused with crudely vicious stereo- generated by your segment cast types, and rife with historical and factual glory,' has, in all truth and in many cost– 9 Your reference to a bishop who 50 Ukrainians, and by indirection, inaccuracies. A license to use the public ly ways, been first of all a Ukrainian war. years ago prayed for Ukrainian troops in Ukrainian Americans and Ukrainian airways should not be license to engage And greatest of this republic's sacrifice, the SS could only be interpreted as a ref– , as hateful, backward and in trash journalism, in the dual sense of one which can be assessed in no ordinary erence to Metropolitan Andrey indeed, barbaric. trashing the subject of coverage beyond ledger, is the toll taken of human life. No Sheptytsky, the only Catholic bishop all recognition and in the sense of treat– fewer than 10 million people ... have The numerous factual and historical anywhere to issue a plea to occupying ing historical and fact checking as though been Most' to the Ukraine since the inaccuracies and distortions presented by German forces not to take Ukrainians such were wholly inapplicable to televi– beginning of the war... No single the interplay of your video footage and into their service, as it was against sion journalism. European country suffered deeper commentary put modern-day Ukraine in Christian moral principles to participate The feature was profoundly skewed wounds to its cities, its industries, its a completely false light, leaving the in atrocities. Metropolitan Sheptytsky and imbalanced because it pretended to farmlands and its humanity." (January viewer with the impression that this new has been recognized in many circles as a offer a bird's-eye view of an entire coun– 27, 1945, p. 18) nation is on the very verge of Nazism. strong advocate for human rights and try, and then chose to adopt a bizarre More specific estimates after the war The examples of gross distortions in decency at a time of extreme horror in view by portraying Ukraine as either dis– provided that out of a total pre-war popu– your piece are legion, as would be borne Ukraine, in fact, Metropolitan integrating or diseased: "But, Ukraine is lation in Ukraine of some 40 million, out by a frame-by-frame analysis. We Sheptytsky himself sheltered Jewish hardly a unified entity. The south, between 5.5 million and 6.7 million were have in fact performed a line-by-line children and as such, ranks among the Crimea, wants independence. The eastern killed by the Nazis. Of this number, it is analysis of your transcript and have com– righteous. ment on virtually every statement made. part feels the pull to Russia ... and the estimated that 900,000 were Jewish 9 Your report was rife with statements However, let us point out just a few of west, where we go tonight, is on a binge Ukrainian civilians and 3 million were so defamatory that they almost seem the inaccuracies andZor questionable of ethnic nationalism ..." gentile Ukrainian civilians; an additional absurdly funny. To wit, Safer: items and techniques used in your pre– The "60 Minutes" segment was imbal– 2.5 million Ukrainians were taken to "independence only underlined its back– sentation, which we can use as initial anced because it pretended that a fringe Germany for slave labor; furthermore, wardness; uneducated peasants, deeply discussion points: party that won three out of some 300 some undetermined number of the 2.5 to superstitious, in possession of this seats in Ukraine's Parliament represents 3 million Soviet POWs whom the Nazis bizarre anomaly: nuclear weapons capa– what contemporary Ukraine is all about. killed were Ukrainian; lastly, there were ble of mass destruction thousands of That is akin to a Martian's landing in Tel the military casualties; the millions of miles away, the Soviet legacy." Your Ukrainian Canadian Aviv, taping a JDL rally and then return– Ukrainians who died while serving in the characterization of a population, which is ing to Mars to show the film to those Red Army, or while fighting the Red in fact highly educated, brings back who would otherwise be uninformed Army and the Nazis. Congress reacts images of medieval serfdom. Assuming about lsrael for the purpose of demon– your absurd characterization to be true, There were also those Ukrainian indi– Below is the text of the letter sent by strating that the JDL and its activities surely you know who has control of the viduals who collaborated with the Nazis the Ukrainian Canadian Congress to represent the essence of lsrael; the same nuclear button, and it is not any villager in persecuting the Jews, but in contrast to "60 Minutes. " The letter was signed by point applies if someone taped a KKK in Ukraine! the millions of Ukrainians whom the W. Oleh Romaniw, president. rally in this country and then showed that 9 in terms of video time, you gave Nazis murdered or enslaved, the collabo– The Ukrainian Canadian Congress film to an audience of otherwise unin– short shrift to the points of view of rators numbered approximately і 1,000. Headquarters, the national umbrella formed persons to demonstrate that the Cardinal Myroslav Lubachivsky and the ^Source: Stefan T. Possony "Anti- organization which officially represents Klan and its activities represent what Rev. ivan Dacko, while devoting most of Semitism in the Russian Area," Plural the Ukrainian community in Canada, is American society is all about. your footage to a melange of shots and appalled that your program would run The segment was skewed because it (Continued on page 14) interviews to perpetuate the view of an such an irresponsible and historically anti-Semitic Ukraine, both as a contem– inaccurate piece under the guise of jour– porary nation and historically. nalism. 9 Your historical footage was uniden– Morley Safer's alleged reporting was tified: there was no disclosure of the ACTION ITEM nothing if not rife with racism and bi– source of the same or the dates on which gotry. Labeling the Ukrainian people as Below is a listing of advertisers on the Mr. John O. Grettenberger, general man– it was allegedly taken. being "genetically anti-Semitic" is hate– "60 Minutes" broadcast of October 23, ager, phone (810) 492-4567 9 Your presentation about wartime mongering of the worst kind. This type which aired the segment titled "The Ugly Mr. J. Jim Williams, director of public Ukraine presented absolutely no histori– of reporting should not fall under U.S. Face of Freedom." relations, phone (810) 492-4329 cal context about the previous Polish and First Amendment protection, it was dis– it is imperative that we inform these Russian occupations of Ukraine, and Oldsmobile Motor Car Division graceful and at the very minimum war- advertisers of our outrage at "60 facts of immediate and tremendous psy– General Motors Corp. rants Mr. Safer's censurement. Minutes" and the advertisers themselves chological and historical import, such as 920 Townsend St. Your program owes the Ukrainian peo– for supporting such a show. the Great Famine of 1932-1933, during Lansing, Ml 48921 ple an immediate apology and retraction. which 7 million Ukrainians were forcibly AT 8LT Corp. Phone (517) 377-5000 W. Oleh Romaniw starved to death during the process of 32 Avenue of the Americas Fax (517) 377-2833 President Soviet collectivization. New York, NY 10013-2412 Mr. John D. Rock, vice-president in fact, the UNA7UNSO, the ultra- Phone (212) 387-5400 General Motors Corp. right-wing group on which you focused, Mr. Robert E. Allen, CEO and chairman, 3044 W. Grand Blvd. represents the viewpoint of a tiny minor– fax (212) 387-5965 Detroit, Ml 48202 ity of the Ukrainian population. As a UNA, not UACC Mr. Richard S. Bodman, senior vice- Phone:(313)556-5000 human rights monitoring organization, president, Business Department Fax:(313)556-5108 in last week's issue of The Ukrainian we would be aware of any significant Mr. John F. Smith Jr., CEO and president Weekly, a headline mistakenly labeled "Ukraine for Ukrainians" movement. Cadillac Motor Car Division Mr. Bruce G. MacDonald, vice-presi– the letter of UNA President Ulana The group you presented is as much a General Motors Corp. dent, corporate communications. Diachuk to CBS as coming from the fringe element as the American Nazi 30009 van Dyke Ave. Ukrainian American Coordinating Party (which we note is legal in this Warren, Ml 48090 Chrysler Corp. Council (although the text correctly country and is guaranteed free speech Phone (313)556-5000 12000 Chrysler Drive referred to the UNA). We apologize for Fax: will not give out fax number, only the confusion. (Continued on page 14) phone numbers (Continued on page 16) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45 PASTORAL LETTER: Commemorating THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY the anniversary of Sheptytsky's death

Kuchma's state visits Pastoral letter of the Ukrainian 4) Where possible, we should organize Thus far, the reviews of President Leonid Kuchma's first trip abroad, his state Catholic hierarchy of Canada on the to have programs in honor of Metropolitan visit to Canada, have been excellent. Especially since the president succeeded in 50th anniversary of the death of the Andrey. persuading the G-7 countries to come up with some very necessary financial assis– Servant of God Metropolitan Andrey 5) Since 1989, our Church in Canada tance to cash-strapxped Ukraine. He presented himself as a true believer in reform, Sheptytsky. has officially sponsored the development of the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky one willing to make the sacrifices required for the radical reform so sorely needed in in the more than 1,000 years of the Ukraine. Columnist Richard Gwyn of the Toronto Star noted, Ukraine finally has a institute of Eastern Christian Studies at history of the Ukrainian Church, the fig– St. Paul University in Ottawa, a center of leader who speaks "the language of truth" — and "he's not scared of the truth." ure of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky These sentiments were echoed by officials of the Group of Seven industrial– theological education for our Church, in looms large because of the greatness of which both seminarians and laypeople ized states. "Our main objective is to tell the Ukrainian government that they are this saintly pastor of souls, and because on the right track," said Scott Clark, Canada's associate deputy finance minister, can learn the deep and meaningful litur– of the trying times during which he was gical, theological and spiritual tradition who chaired the G-7 Conference on Partnership for Economic Transformation in able to lead his worldwide flock with Ukraine. Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Andre Ouellet called that special and the history of our Church, in the con– wisdom and dignity. On November 1, ciliatory and ecumenical spirit of conference a "milestone" in Ukrainian history, while Lawrence Summers, U.S. Ukrainian Catholics throughout the Treasury Undersecretary for international Monetary Affairs, said at the conclu– Metropolitan Andrey. Through its degree world will be remembering the 50th programs and its publications, the sion of the landmark meeting, "Three years ago, we saw Ukraine's political lib– anniversary of the passing into eternal eration. Today, we are witnessing Ukraine's economic liberation." Sheptytsky institute carries on the work life of this spiritual giant who prophesied of Metropolitan Andrey. Meanwhile, in the United States, things look good for more commitment to both the persecution and the resurrection Ukraine, as Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott met with the Ukrainian it is fitting that a special collection be of the Church in Ukraine. held in each parish to support the work of president at the G-7 gathering in Winnipeg. And, there are other indications For us in Canada, Metropolitan that the U.S. is treating Ukraine more seriously. the Sheptytsky institute. Andrey is a shining example of pastoral President Kuchma's visit was to be given only "official" status — meaning no Donations should be forwarded to the solicitude, it is largely through his efforts White House ceremonies, no state dinner and, what is most important, no recogni– Sheptytsky institute Foundation, St. Paul that the first priests and sisters were sent tion equal to that given Russian President Boris Yeltsin, when he recently visited University, 223 Main St., Ottawa, to serve our faithful in Canada, it is this country. The Washington Times, in its "Embassy Row" column, wrote: "The KiS ІС4. Where possible, lists through his insistent intervention that our Ukrainian American community is outraged over President Clinton's rejection of a of donors with their addresses should be Church in Canada received its hierarchi– request by Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma for a formal state visit next included so that the institute can send cal structure with the appointment of month." Askold Lozynskyj, UCCA president, wrote to the president: "it would be acknowledgments. Bishop Nykyta Budka. ironic if an error in protocol were permitted to overshadow the significance of For more information on the work of But Metropolitan Andrey is loved for President Kuchma's visit at this critical time in U.S.-Ukrainian relations." the Sheptytsky institute, the reverend much more than his diplomatic skills and Among others who spoke out for an upgrade to state visit status were Sen. clergy are urged to contact either the administrative prowess. His lifelong ded– Dennis DeConcini (D-Ariz.), who noted that Ukraine "is now at a pivotal junc– institute itself or the eparchiai directors ication to Orthodox-Catholic reconcilia– ture in its efforts at economic reforms, democratic transformation and political of the Sheptytsky institute Foundation: tion, his courage in defending Jews and stability," and therefore President Kuchma needs a shows of support; Frank national president: Eugene Cherwick; Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who wrote that "the administration's decision to desig– other victims of Nazi aggression, his eparchiai representatives: Toronto - nate President Kuchma's visit as only official underscores the concern of many myriad works of mercy for the poorest of Luba Zaraska, ihor Bardyn; Winnipeg - that U.S. policy emphasizes Russia at the expense of Ukraine and the other the poor, his attention to monastic and the Rev. Jaropolk Radkewycz; Saskatoon newly independent states"; and Alfonse D'Amato (R-N.Y.), who noted that the missionary activity, and the holy warmth - Mary Cherneskey; Edmonton - Peter U.S. should "stand firmly behind (President KuchmaJ as he marches down the of his presence are what stirs the soul and Kulet; New Westminster - the Rev. path of economic reform." have convinced many that this is a man Kenneth Olsen. Now the situation has changed. After weeks of pressure applied by the UCCA whom the Universal Church should rec– What better homage can we bestow and other Ukrainian organizations and their supporters, the White House changed ognize as a saint. upon the blessed memory of the Servant its tune. As a result, newly independent Ukraine's second president will indeed be To mark the 50th anniversary of the of God Metropolitan Andrey than to treated to all the pomp and circumstance of a state visit. "Embassy Row" quoted death of Metropolitan Andrey, the recite his prayers, further the cause of his Dmytro Markov, the first secretary for press and cultural affairs at the Embassy of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada canonization and support the labors of Ukraine, as saying of the state visit: "it is extremely important for us. it is a second enjoin the reverend clergy and all the the institute that carries his name and recognition for Ukraine." Mr. Markov went on to note that the state visit will also faithful to mark this event with special continues his efforts in our own day? Let serve as recognition of the reforms instituted by Mr. Kuchma during his first 100 prayers and celebrations: us make this 50th anniversary of his days in office, including his new economic program. 1) in each parish, on Sundays during passing into eternal life a moment of . The bad news, however, is that the timing of the visit is now off. President the month of November, one of spiritual growth and a holy celebration of Kuchma will arrive in Washington on November 21 and will spend two working Metropolitan Andrey's prayers should be how this great man, imbued with the wis– days (November 22-23) in the capital at a time that Congress won't be in session read aloud before the dismissal of the dom of God, has made such a lasting (it reconvenes November 30). He arrives right before the Thanksgiving Day holi– Sunday divine liturgy: his prayer for impact on the life of our Church. The day. Thus, any meetings with senators and representatives will be minimal, and divine wisdom, his prayer for the blessing of the Lord be upon you! there is less opportunity for press coverage. Ukrainian people, the family or any other Given in Winnipeg, Toronto, Edmonton, So, there will be a state visit, but how much attention will there be? prayer composed by Metropolitan Saskatoon and New Westminster on the Andrey. These can be found in numerous Feast of the Protection of the Mother of prayer books popular in our Church. God, 1994. 2) in addition to one prayer composed by the metropolitan, a prayer for his beati– tMetropolitan Michael, fication and canonization should be read Archeparch of Winnipeg Turning the pages back... by the whole congregation. The reverend f Metropolitan Maxim, pastors will see to it that the practice of Archeparch-Emeritus of Winnipeg praying for this cause will be encouraged as well beyond the month of November. t isidore, Eparch of Toronto in the 1920s, Borys Hrabovsky, the son of exiled poet-revo– 3) On the first Sunday of November, tMyron, Eparch of Edmonton lutionary Pavlo Hrabovsky, experimented with electronic the reverend clergy should deliver a ser– f Basil, Eparch of Saskatoon transmission of images over space, in 1928, he demonstrated a mon that will highlight the life and sanc– crude transmission in Tashkent, the same year that viadimir Zvorykin, a Russian-born tity of Metropolitan Andrey and his tRoman, titular Bishop of Nyssa, physicist working in Pittsburgh, patented the world's first electronic scanning system. untiring work for the renewal of our Apostolic Administrator of Toronto However, the crude state of the Soviet electronics industry prevented Hrabovsky Church and for the union of the holy the very Rev. Kenneth Olsen, from making further strides with his invention. The first television broadcast in Churches of God. Administrator of New Westminster Ukraine took place in 1939, using the "spinning disk" method to transmit 40 minutes- worth of images of some portraits and signs. The country's first television station was not built until 10 years later. The first day Re: Mail delivery of The Weekly of broadcasts from Ukraine's first television center, in the nation's capital, was November 7, 1951. Stations were brought into operation in Kharkiv (1955), Odessa it has come to our attention that The Ukrainian Weekly is often deliv– and Donetske (1956), and Lviv (1957). By 1960, there were centers in Chernivtsi, ered late, or irregularly, or that our subscribers sometimes receive sever– Dnipropetrovske, Kherson, Luhanske, Mykolayiv, Sumy, Symferopil, Uzhhorod and al issues at once. Zaporizhzhia, while other cities received retransmissions from Kyyiv. in 1962, Ukrainians began receiving broadcasts directly from Big Brother in We feel it is necessary to notify our subscribers that The Weekly is Moscow, giving viewers a second channel, and their home-based network went color mailed out Friday mornings (before the Sunday date of issue) via second- in 1969. in 1991, there were over 15 million television sets in the country, manufac– class mail. tured by plants in Kyyiv, Lviv, Symferopil, Dnipropetrovske and Kharkiv, which also if you are not receiving regular delivery of The Weekly, we urge you to exported their product throughout the former USSR and abroad. file a complaint at your local post office. This may be done by obtaining Sources: "Television, " Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Уоі 5 (Toronto: University of Toronto the U.S. Postal Service Consumer Card and filling out the appropriate Press, 1993): "Television, " The New Columbia Encyclopedia (New York: Columbia University sections. Press, 1975). No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 9


nothing to do with displaying one's body encouraging parishioners to participate. Continue promoting to the world, it is reported that Ms. Zdrok Thoughts on eve Ukrainian-rite monks, priests and tradi– is doing graduate work in clinical psychol– tional nuns should visit all parishes to Ukrainian language ogy. if that is the case, then she should be of Laity Conference spend time with our children, it is hard to aware of that more than the general public. encourage religious vocations in our chil– Dear Editor: Dear Editor: Being cast by Playboy as a "brainy sex- dren when in many parishes they have so Last July, 1 was part of a military contin– pot" is a sham and a gimmick. The two І cautiously await the direction that little exposure to the religious. (The only gent escorting Gen. ivan Bizhan and other words are a contradiction in terms. What the Ukrainian Catholic Church Laity religious communities that are growing in Ukrainian officers around the U.S. to show she is showing to the world is a sense of Conference will take the weekend of the Latin-rite are those that have returned Ukrainians how our military reserve system low self esteem, insecurity and rebellion. November 11-13. increased participation to their traditional habits and disciplines.) works. At one of our stops, a Russian And she's not doing Ukraine a bit of good. of the laity in the Ukrainian Catholic My job has required me to move sever– teacher (newly arrived) told me how won– it might be best for her to continue to refer Church can be a tremendous help in revi– al times. І have gone to Latin-rite church– derful it was that the Ukrainian and Russian to herself as "Russian." talizing the Church; however, it can also es, Orthodox churches and Ruthenian languages would now have equal emphasis As far as sacrificing herself to help destroy the Church. Byzantine churches because 1 did not have in Ukraine. І responded by stating that І change the Western stereotype of Ukrainian in reviewing the various quotes in a Ukrainian-rite church available to me. if looked forward to President Boris Yeltsin's andfor Russian women, that is a cop-out. Myron Kuropas' article in the October 9 we have anyone to copy, it is some of the statement that the Ukrainian language Obviously, sophisticated people do not sub- issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, 1 saw Orthodox churches and most of the would have the same emphasis in Russia. scribe to such a stereotype, and those who much wisdom in Bishop Basil Losten's Ruthenian churches, which have educa– With a shocked look on her face, she said do we can dismiss. But if such stereotypes comment: "it is essential that all of our tional material on their Church and tradi– that would be impossible. Yes, she was indeed exist, then they will take care of laity deepen and perfect their knowledge tions readily available in the back of their right, it's OK for Russian to dominate, but themselves without help from Ms. Zdrok. and appreciation of her (the Church) and churches and who welcome new people to it's not OK to allow Ukrainian to exist. This is the first time that 1 have heard its thousand-year-old tradition." Dr. Leonid join them. І truly believe that if more peo– Communism may have died, but the that Playboy magazine "depicts with hon– Rudnytzky, president of the Shevchenko ple better understood our traditions, they Russian imperialistic chauvinistic agenda esty the sensuality of women." in the Scientific Society; Harry Makar, past presi– would be led closer to God, and then God lives on. The goal is always the same: 1950s Playboy created its own market dent of the League of Ukrainian Catholics; will take care of our fledgling churches. destroy the Ukrainian nation. when the general consensus was that and Anne Palczuk Harris, political activist My wife and 1 pack up our four small chil– Language is the cement that binds a women were objects and should be dis– in Pennsylvania; also shared in the wisdom dren on Sundays and drive over an hour to nation. Destroy the language, you played as such. The motivating factor was that cleaving to our beautiful traditions and go to our church. We would not have done destroy the nation. Recent events point money, which is the reason women pose educating young members as well as re- this several years ago, but we have educat– out how crucial it is to protect the for Playboy in the first place. None of educating old members in our ancient tra– ed ourselves to understand and appreciate Ukrainian language and promote it as the those whose photos appeared in that maga– ditions is the key to revitalizing our rite. our Ukrainian Catholic traditions. language of Ukraine. Recently, The zine amounted to a hill of beans in the film І was alarmed to read Dr. Kuropas' May God bless and guide the partici– Weekly reported that Russian translators industry or others fields. As a rule, Playboy comments to the effect that we have much pants of the conference. were provided to Ukrainian delegations. centerfolds are not taken seriously and are to learn from the Latin-rite Catholics "who Robert Adamiak Now Eugene iwanciw reports that the considered a big joke in the film industry. are experiencing spiritual renewal in their Ocala, Fla. European Bureau in the State No matter how smart they claim to be, Church because of an involved and vigor– Department will be split, de-emphasizing very few 21-year-olds have the maturity ous laity." if we have anything to learn the importance of Ukraine as an indepen– to make prudent decisions (including from the Latin rite Church, it is what not to dent nation. We also hear that some yours truly). Unfortunately, the decision do. Beginning in the mid 1960s through State Department Russophile "Ukrainian" officials request one makes has a tendency to follow him today, they have thrown out one tradition Russian interpreters while in the U.S. if or her for the rest of their lives, if Ms. after another, in most of their parishes they and Russia's role this is true, it should be explained. Zdrok claims to be no ditzy blonde, then have reduced their liturgy to little more Dear Editor: What should we do? Continue to fos– why does she behave like one? than a protestant meeting where the priest ter the language here, keep sending our now sits like an icon in the location where A recent State Department document viktor Zhuk kids to language schools, it makes a dif– the tabernacle once stood, watching as the reportedly circulating in high diplomatic Malibu, Calif. ference. During my trip with the laity conduct most of the service. The circles produced a flurry of press reports Ukrainian generals, we met a group of tabernacle is now off to the side where it and editorial comment. This document young SUM-A members from the camp will not distract parishioners from singing allegedly cedes Russia an expanded in Baraboo, Wise. They all spoke Rep. Hinchey their pop-music hymns. Processions are "sphere of influence" on the territories of Ukrainian. The generals were very non-existent and the "service" is over in 25 the former Soviet Union in Eastern impressed and moved. They asked me deserves support minutes or less, in most parishes the Europe and Asia, if this is true, then this "involved and vigorous" laity have taken alleged document appears to be the next during the rest of the trip: How do we do Dear Editor: it? One of the Ukrainian officers stated over all the visiting of the sick, personal installment in a line of the previous rather that after that experience, he would only At a time when it seems that history is counseling, care of those in need and man– unpleasant agreements imposed on the use Ukrainian with his children. No mat– repeating itself and we are seeing a "Yalta agement of religious instruction to free up people of Eastern Europe by the great ter what happens in the future, if the И" policy being adopted by the United their pastors to do 1 don't know what. powers: the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (a Ukrainian language survives, the States, whereby the U.S. is prepared to in contrasting, our liturgy is a beautiful series of secret protocols defining the fate Ukrainian people will always strive for accept and even endorse an extended worship service in a church that looks like a of Eastern Europe signed by Germany freedom. Russian sphere of influence in Eastern sacred house of God. it is the beauty of our and the Soviet Union in 1939-1941) and Europe, it is important to have knowl– rite that attracts more and more Latin-rite the Yalta agreement defining the post-war Roman G. Golash edgeable legislators in Congress who are Catholics to join our parishes, if masses of world order, signed in 1945 by the Schaumburg, ill. familiar with the aspirations and fears of Catholics are looking for a modern or "feel- Western powers and the Soviet Union. countries like Ukraine which have been good" Church, this is something they need Not surprisingly, the press prophetically enslaved for decades.by Russia, and now, to correct in themselves, not in the Church. calls this alleged new agreement "Yalta H." victoria Zdrok's at all costs, wish to hold on to their inde– We need to protect our rite from the rad– it should be remembered that maintaining pendence. ical feminists, heretical teachings and cafe– the Soviet Union's "sphere of influence" in outmoded ideas Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D– teria-style Catholicism that has grown out the aftermath of the first Yalta agreement N.Y.) has proven himself to be such a man. required the use of tanks: East Berlin, June Dear Editor: of these changes to "revitalize" the Latin- During his tenure, he has expressed con– rite Church. More and more Latin-rite 1953 Poznan, June 1956 Budapest, October Some of the justifications offered by cern for Ukraine and the other newly inde– Catholics are now just realizing what they 1956, and Prague, August 1968. Since then, victoria Zdrok, Playboy Magazine's pendent countries of Eastern Europe. have lost. І pray that our dear brothers and there has been a historical decline of the "Miss October," in an interview with Earlier Mr. Hinchey traveled to Ukraine as sisters in the Latin rite are able to truly "spheres of influence" concept, which Roman Woronowycz (October 2), indi– a member of a delegation monitoring the revitalize their Church and bring back their began in vietnam and accelerated after the cate that this young woman holds ideas first democratic parliamentary election. beautiful ancient traditions and canon law. Soviet defeat in Afghanistan. The "spheres which were prevalent in the 1950s. There Moreover, Mr. Hinchey was known to it is only through education in our tradi– of influence" concept finally died on are reasons for Playboy's rapid decline the Ukrainian community even before he tions and increased devotion in the hearts November 9, 1989, when the Berlin Wall from the late 1970s on. Maybe Ms. Zdrok was elected to Congress. As a member of of both our laity and clergy that we can fell the and Soviet Union did not have the can catch up with some modern thinking the New York State legislature, Mr. revitalize our Church. might or the will to roll out tanks. Hinchey for many years attended and co- Today, the "spheres of influence" con– and attain some personal growth. There is a need for more participation sponsored the Ukrainian independence cept is a historic anachronism; its time Today's women have pretty much by the laity in most of our parishes, but it Day commemoration in the New York passed with the fall of the Berlin Wall. shunned the "message of support" she is the kind of participation that the Assembly in Albany, N.Y. As newly if the alleged Yalta 11 document was seems to promulgate. Ms. Zdrok seems founders of our parishes showed. They elected congressman, he took the time to indeed produced by the powers that be in to subscribe to the philosophy that it is supported the Church financially and send a special message to Ukrainians of the State Department, it is a very sad perfectly all right for women to be dis– actively. Many times they built the New York State on the occasion of the reflection of the intellectual caliber of played as decorations - an old and out– churches with their bare hands. They also 60th anniversary of the Great Famine. the foreign policy-makers under this moded idea. Ms. Zdrok claims that, as a participated in religious activities. Through his actions and concern, Mr. administration, or if one may paraphrase professional woman, she should cele– (Remember when the churches were filled Hinchey has earned the respect and sup- Nietzsche: "Haven't they heard that the brate her sensuality for the world to see. at those evening holy day services and port of the Ukrainian community. god of "spheres of influence" is dead? І wonder which "profession" she is processions.) Priests must continue these espousing? Lubomyr M. Zobniw traditions even if only a few people show ihor Lysyj Sensuality is a state-of-mind and has Binghamton, N.Y. up, and they must be more forceful in Canoga Park, Calif. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45

Ukraine's president touches FOR THE RECORD: Kuchma's hearts of Canadian communities speech at Edmonton banquet by Christopher Guly our prayers have been answered that there is a free Ukraine." Notes for a speech by W1NN1PEG - Ottawa may have had Canada's Western Economic President Leonid Kuchma the pomp and circumstance of a state visit, Diversification Minister Lloyd Axworthy, to the banquet hosted by A. but President Leonid Danylovych who represents the federal riding of Anne McLellan, Canada's Kuchma's visits to Toronto, Edmonton, Winnipeg-South Center, used the occasion minister of natural re- Saskatoon and Winnipeg proved that to announce further Canadian-Ukrainian sources, and the Ukrain– Ukraine's second president had succeeded programs. ian Canadian Congress, in touching the heart of the community. His other portfolio, human resources Alberta Provincial Coun– By the time he arrived in Winnipeg dur– development, would establish a bilateral cil in Edmonton on Octo– ing the late afternoon of October 26, a y national employment service with ber25. tired-looking Mr. Kuchma was instantly Ukraine, providing Canadian expertise and revived by the outpouring of emotion that information on labor markets, employment Distinguished Minister greeted him. counseling, labor exchanges, industrial McLellan, distinguished Following a private Ukrainian Canadian adjustment services and the creation of a representatives of the fed– Congress reception, attended by former national job bank. eral, provincial and Governor General Edward Schreyer and Mr. Axworthy also said that Human municipal governments, current Lieutenant Governor Yvon Resources Development Canada would business and the Ukrain– Dumont, the president was feted by 860 create a partnership program to the ian Canadian community. guests, 600 of whom, explained ihor Research and Training for Reform І am sincerely grateful Shawarsky, spokesperson for the UCC, Program of Canada's foreign affairs and for the opportunity to paid Si25 to attend a dinner in his honor. international trade departments. address this distinguished Westin Hotel waiters and waitresses, Under the existing program, 36 acade– audience. dressed in red boots, sharavary (baggy mics and professionals from Ukrainian First of all, on behalf of pants) and embroidered shirts, served a institutions are participating in specialized our delegation, 1 would dinner of prime rib and holubtsi on tables academic training and work internships in like to thank you for the adorned with sheaves of wheat. Those who Canada for periods of up to four months. Canadian hospitality and President Leonid Kuchma addressed President Kuchma during that The areas covered include legal and judi– benevolence which our dinner offered praise and further assistance cial reform, democratic principles, envi– delegation has felt very well, during though there have been attempts to for Ukraine. ronmental issues and conflict resolution. our short stay in your country. The allege that it did. it seeks to become in welcoming the 56-year-old president The human resources program will farther we go from the Canadian cap– an active and reliable partner in the to Manitoba, Premier Gary Filmon said focus on enterprise development activities ital, where 1 have started my visit, international arena. that over 150,000 Ukrainian Manitobans focusing on building women's networks the more we feel respect for your We see the future of Ukraine as an were personally touched that Mr. Kuchma and community involvement. state. important and highly developed, would decide to make Canada his first The federal minister added that the fed– We are aware of the fact that the democratic and influential state of international visit. eral government will twin a Manitoba province of Alberta is the most Europe and the world. "My maternal grandparents came from community with a Ukrainian counterpart developed western region of Canada. To fulfill all of our tasks and Ukraine and my father came from the that has a similar linguistic and cultural Chemical and petrochemical, metal- plans, Ukraine needs the support and Carpathian Mountains," said Mr. Filmon, working, food-processing, machine- assistance of the international com– who also spoke in Ukrainian. "Their and (Continued on page 12) building industries, all those sectors munity. of the economy can find reliable Canada was the first Western partners in Ukraine. country to recognize the political This large audience conveys a independence of Ukraine. Here, with feeling of interest in cooperation the help of the Ukrainian Canadian with Ukraine, therefore, 1 hope that community, the Ukrainian Embassy tomorrow we will have business like, was established. Last March, our practical discussions. governments announced the begin– in its history, the Ukrainian people ning of a special partnership between have experienced a number of tragic Ukraine and Canada. Canada has events, but every time have found the demonstrated a sincere interest in the courage and endurance to alleviate economic well-being of Ukraine. On pain, to restore and revive what had October 27, a special conference of been lost. The value of historic expe– the G-7 will be held in Winnipeg to rience consists in making use of it for discuss economic transformations in building the future for one's people, Ukraine. in efforts to enrich and improve on it represents only a small part of the achievements of predecessors, everything that has been and is being and to go further in preparing the done, including efforts by the ground for future generations. Ukrainian community in Canada. it is with such an outlook and Ukraine sincerely appreciates these hope that the people of independent efforts. Ukraine live at present. On obtaining Ukraine is entering a new era in its our independence we have faced a development. All of us should work number of problems. We have faced towards preventing the repetition of new tasks, new obstacles, but, at the suffering caused the Ukrainian peo– same time, we have acquired the ple by the famine, repressions and feeling of a responsible people, who national oppression, the horrors of should rely primarily on themselves, devastating wars, the physical and on their own efforts and ability to spiritual Chornobyls. learn from mistakes of the past, as The life of a president is to serve well as to make use of the good people and to serve his government. advice and assistance of friends. The Ukraine of my dreams, the Our people cannot be satisfied with Ukraine that 1 cherish in my heart is the present state of affairs in our coun– territorially and spiritually unified, try. it is clear to everyone that resolute democratic, neighborly, independent cardinal changes are necessary to get and a wealthy state by both European rid of the burden of the past - changes and world standards. in the economy, as well as in politics - in closing 1 want to avail myself and to this end, Ukraine critically of this opportunity to once again needs support on the part of the inter- express profound gratitude to the national community. Canadian government and Ukrainian The sovereignty and independence Canadians, who have warmly of states are realized through cooper– responded to my arrival and mani– ation between states. At this time of fested such a keen interest in the suc– global labor specialization and uni– cess of the positive processes initiat– versal interdependency in the field of ed in Ukraine. security, Ukraine cannot exist in iso– Thank you from the bottom of my President Leonid Kuchma lays a wreath at the foot of the Taras Shevchenko Monument lation and it does not seek that - heart. in Winnipeg. No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 11 Kozyrev: surprise guest at G-7 ,, ,i '– -s v 7c^;s Ukraine's faltering economy: by Christopher Guly a good friend to Ukraine, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Gennadiy Udovenko W1NN1PEG — For some, he was a replied: "Russia has been good to an overview of the situation z credible and welcome dinner guest. For Ukraine with its gas and oil." others, he was an unwanted intruder. Minister Kozyrev announced that by Christopher Guly stabilization introduced late last year by The last-minute appearance of Russia's former President Leonid Kravchuk Russia would give Ukraine S700 million W1NN1PEG - Delegates attending the Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev at the reduced inflation substantially in the first (U.S.) in aid through debt referral, and unprecedented G-7 Conference on special G-7 Conference on Partnership for eight months of this year. Monthly infla– would also delay Ukrainian debts on oil Partnership for the Economic Transforma– Economic Transformation in Ukraine held tion fell to less than three percent in and natural gas for four months. tion in Ukraine here on October 27 heard in Winnipeg on October 27 was unexpect– August, or 40 percent on an annual basis. "We assume that the forthcoming much about Ukraine's current economic 9 ed. Mr. Kozyrev arrived in the city at 4 Non-energy imports have fallen by international assistance will be used by situation—both its potential for good and a.m., having traveled from the historic more than 20 percent in the first half of Ukraine, at least part of it, for paying her its reality of tough times. israeli-Jordanian peace accord signing, 1994. debt and other obligations to Russia," The international Monetary Fund, 9 with a stop in Moscow en route to Canada. said the nattily dressed foreign minister. President Kuchma's economic reform which held a policy-setting meeting earli– package includes measures to reduce the His message was simple: help Ukraine Russia's foreign minister reminded the er in October, will meet again in budget deficit to 10 percent of GDP and you will help Russia, that is, help 80-strong, 14-delegation conference that Washington on November 15 to discuss (gross domestic product) through a com– Russia to recover some of the assistance it Ukraine owes Russia S363.3 million and hard numbers in allocating G-7 funds to pression of subsidies and a broadening of has offered its neighbor. "Russia is the S121.8 million in interest as of October. Ukraine. the tax base, to limit credit growth to rates principal creditor of Ukraine," said Mr. Mr. Kozyrev said he hoped that the S4 The good consistent with low single-digit monthly Kozyrev, who later told reporters that billion in economic assistance offered inflation, and to improve Ukraine's exter– Russia has done more for Ukraine than per– Ukraine at this summer's Naples summit 9 Ukraine, with its arable land and nat– nal position through the introduction of a haps the entire G-7. "Of S4.3 billion of the "will be a little bit more expeditious in ural resources, has much to offer, its unified free exchange rate. total external debt of the Ukrainian govern– translation to practical deeds than it was work force is well-educated. The indus– 9 The plan also includes the privatiza– ment, Russia's share is S2.7 billion." in the case of a similar package for trial sector is large and dominated by tion and restructuring of large state Russia." heavy industry and mining. Citing preferential prices Ukraine pays enterprises, as well as improvement of He added that Russia was prepared to Under the former Soviet Union, to Russia — S50 for 1 ,OOO cubic metres Ukraine's social safety net policies to postpone Ukraine's payments of its prin– Ukraine had the second largest economy, of natural gas, as compared to the S70 protect vulnerable groups during the cipal debt and interest, totalling S635 accounting for 16 percent of total Soviet average world price — Russia's foreign adjustment to a free-market economy. million, until February 1, 1995. output. Ukraine was also the largest pro– 9 minister said Russia has been "paying Statistics of the European Bank for independence, he said, means "respon– ducer of iron ore, and the second largest not only our share of debts of the former Reconstruction and Developmeat indi– sibility for conducting reforms, for ful– producer of most material input to pro– Soviet Union, but also those of Ukraine cate that 30 percent of Ukraine's GDP is filling international obligations...We duction in the former Soviet Union. for the last two years." produced in the private sector. By the need no free gifts from others." 9 Financial policies aimed at economic When asked if Russia was indeed such end of last year, private enterprises also contributed to 43 percent of Ukraine's to support its new currency. great economic pain, for little gain" corporate profits and employed 28 per– Ukraine wins pledge... U.S. Treasury Undersecretary for because "there have been gross short- cent of the total labor force. Private or (Continued from page 1) international Monetary Affairs, Lawrence comings of economic policy." non-state enterprises also account for a quarter of all of Ukraine's enterprises. "Our assistance to Ukraine can only be Summers said the 1MF is expected to He said: "A national currency was intro– effective if the Ukrainian government takes announce that sum shortly. The World duced in 1992 to provide autonomy in The bad the necessary steps to put in place the Bank also was expected to approve a S500 monetary decisions, only to be followed a few months later by a massive expansion 9 Trade with industrial countries is framework in which a market economy can million emergency loan; Japan and the of credit to loss-making enterprises. paltry, estimated at over S5 billion (U.S.) develop," Mr. Ouellet said during the open– European Community, Mr. Summers said, Domestic prices were initially liberalized last year. ing session of the one-day conference. would increase its aid by Si00 million each. However, French and British officials in 1992 but — faced with a large surge in 9 By the end of 1993, about 2,500 joint For Mr. Kuchma, a former rocket told the Winnipeg Free Press they do not inflation— the government reversed its ventures, mostly from Poland, Russia and engineer, that meant making some tangi– support such a move. A German official, policies and reintroduced price controls the United States, had been established in ble reformist commitments to the confer– meanwhile, had no comment. one year later...With policies like these...it Ukraine, but they resulted in an investment ence. He did, including: Canada's associate deputy finance min– is not surprising that the economy moved of only some S200 million. Most have - cutting Ukraine's budget by 15 per– ister, Scott Clark, who served as chairper– backward, not forward." attracted only the minimum capital required cent of the country's gross domestic son of the G-7 Conference on Partnership Thierry Baudon, deputy vice-president to benefit from available tax concessions. product, or 150 billion karbovantsi (S3 for Economic Transformation in Ukraine, of the European Bank for Reconstruction 9 Between 1991 and 1993, prices in million Canadian); said the adoption of further reforms in and Development, told the afternoon Ukraine increased by more than 7,000 9 increasing interest rates and ordering Ukraine could lead to a further S371 mil- roundtable discussion that the EBRD, percent. the National Bank of Ukraine to immedi– lion from the 1MF and more than Si.5 bil– which already finances small and medium 9 High inflation has led to collapsing ately freeze lending by commercial banks lion in loans from the World Bank and the Ukrainian enterprises, would help Ukraine real incomes and living standards, with for the rest of 1994; EBRD over the next two years. establish a Si00 million equity fund to inflation-adjusted wages falling by more 9 setting inflation targets to lower the Mr. Summers said that Ukraine could support newly privatized enterprises. than 50 percent over the last three years. rate from 4,735 reported in 1993, to 842 also attract more than S3 billion in pri– "The objective of the fund in Ukraine 9 Since its introduction as a separate percent this year and 210 percent in vate capital and export credit over the would be to facilitate the modernization, national currency in November 1992, the 1995; next two years. restructuring and expansion of medium- Ukrainian karbovanets has steadily 9 increasing the price of food, water When asked by reporters if the United sized newly privatized enterprises, and depreciated, falling to its current rate of and electricity to between five and 10 States, as it did recently with Jordan, was selected existing private enterprises," 100,000 per U.S. dollar from its initial times higher than their current cost; prepared to also forgive Ukraine any debt said Mr. Baudon. rate of 200 per U.S. dollar. 9 introducing the hryvnia within owed, the American Treasury official The night before, President Kuchma - Between 1990 and 1993, officially months and making it convertible, so that was direct. "With Russia, for instance, told a Ukrainian Canadian Congress ban– recorded GDP contracted by over 40 exchange rates on exports would be the there is a matter of debt rescheduling," quet that he would move to privatize percent. However, in the first half of same as on imports; and, said Mr. Summers. "But make no mis- some 8,000 medium-and large-sized 1994, the decline in measured output 9 privatizing 6,000 government-owned take, this is not debt forgiveness." businesses in 1995. greatly accelerated, with real GDP facilities. Russian Foreign Minister Kozyrev, Mr. Ouellet said that Ukraine also falling 34 percent and industrial produc– President Kuchma, who opened the whose remarks drew criticism from needs to establish an institutional and tion falling 40 percent on a year-over- special conference, also said that in order Ukrainian Canadians, had earlier promised legal framework to ensure a prospering year basis. Measured GDP is predicted to succeed, Ukraine needs more financial Ukraine S700 million in aid which, he market economy. to be 23 percent lower this year than in hoped, would be repaid through future 'The Ukrainian public service has a 1993. help, in addition to "securing the stable 9 purchase of energy sources up to the end financial assistance to Ukraine. vital role to play in developing the poli– Ukraine's reserves of hard currency of the year and over the next two years," Mr. Ouellet said that Turkmenistan also cies and legislation that will enable a have been depleted to an amount equiva– was prepared to defer payments from market economy to function properly," lent to two weeks' worth of imports. and "securing the appropriate postpone– 9 ment of promissory notes of the Ukraine, but Tcharnazar Annaberdiev, he noted. The Canadian government has Ukraine's rising energy import bill Ukrainian government and overdue pay– charge d'affaires of the Embassy of offered S4 million to the Kyyiv-based from its two major creditors, Russia and ments due in 1994," Ukraine, said the Turkmenistan and the country's sole dele- institute of Public Administration for Turkmenistan, has grown to a rate of Si president, requires Si billion (U.S.) gate to the conference, said such a decision public service training. billion (U.S.) every three months. However most senior G-7 officials immediately to support its balance of would have to wait until after President The neutral Kuchma met with Turkmenistan's presi– seemed to agree that the Winnipeg summit payments. 9 "We need another S600 million (U.S.) dent, Miyazov Saparmurat, on November 2 was a significant one in Ukraine's history. Open unemployment remains low at immediately, primarily credits in hard in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. "in the future, we hope when people less than 2 percent of Ukraine's labor currency that are urgently needed for the Rather than throwing more money Mr. talk about the Winnipeg conference, it force. But since health care, child care stabilization of the national currency and Kuchma's way, some delegations suggest– will be seen as a milestone in Ukrainian and education come with state-controlled the purchase of energy resources," ed the Ukrainian government needs to history," Mr. Ouellet said. employment, many Ukrainians have taken unpaid leave and sought work in explained Mr. Kuchma, speaking in develop a more finely tuned infrastructure. Said Mr. Summers: "Three years ago, the country's so-called informal econo– Ukrainian. As Michel Camdessus, managing we saw Ukraine's political liberation. my. As a result, actual unemployment is He said that Ukraine needs Si.5 billion director of the international Monetary Today, we are witnessing Ukraine's eco– probably closer to 10 percent. (U.S.) in the form of a stabilization fund Fund suggested, Ukraine "has suffered nomic liberation." 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45 Canada's aboriginal people protest at G-7 conference by Christopher Guly a solution to the native problem in Canada, Chief Stevenson said the Canadian govem– W1NN1PEG - Some 600 Manitoba ment should ask its G-7 counterparts to help aboriginal people bused in from around the solve Canada's aboriginal crisis. province on October 27 descended on the "We have to question why economic Hotel Fort Garry, site of the G-7 conference assistance to a large, resource-rich, on Ukraine's economic transformation. industrialized nation (Ukraine!...seems Some carried placards with such mes– more important than ending welfare sages as "Canada clean up your back- dependency and child poverty in yard," '"Help Canada's third world, too," Canada," he said. and "Canada is a hypocrite." Ovide Mercredi, grand chief of the Phil Fontaine, head of the Assembly Assembly of First Nations, said that he of Manitoba Chiefs, said the group had "no bone to pick with Ukraine," but wasn't out to protest G-7 assistance to suggested that Canada has treaty obliga– Ukraine, but decried Canada's foot-drag– tions with its native people that have ging in alleviating native poverty and never been fulfilled. "intolerable living conditions" for abo– When asked if he would sit down with riginal people in Canada. the chiefs, Mr. Axworthy shrugged and "There is a 90 percent unemployment responded, "What for?" At an earlier Andrew Sikorsky rate in Manitoba, and we have to rely on news conference, he told reporters that transfer payments from the federal gov– Canada "is not an island unto to itself Manitoba Premier Gary Filmon meets privately with the president of Ukraine. ernment as our only source of income," and said that future trade with Ukraine he said. would benefit Canada. "Let there be no mistake," said the After circling the hotel for 30 minutes, Mr. Axworthy also pointed out that Ukraine's president... president. "For decades, our stateless the group insisted on entering the hotel to while Canada had offered Ukraine S50 (Continued from page 10) existence did not drain us of our sover– present its case before G-7 delegates. million, Manitoba status indians receive profile through the Community Futures eignty," he explained to cheers. Despite the presence of plainclothes 10 times more from Ottawa annually. Program Model. A twinning has already "The Soviet Union doesn't exist any Royal Canadian Mounted Police security Minister Ouellet added that the occurred between communities in Russia more and never will," Mr. Kuchma added. officers, they finally pressed through the Department of indian and Northern Affairs and British Columbia, in which both doors and entered the foyer. was the sole department to escape cuts dur– rural areas work on joint projects of com– But the G-7 meeting had already bro– ing the last federal budget, in fact, he said, munity economic development. ken for lunch, and President Leonid it received a 6 percent increase. "We ought Winnipeggers react Since scheduled toasts to be delivered Kuchma had long since departed and was to be involved in assisting a country that to Canada and Ukraine by the two coun– by Christopher Guly touring a rural dairy farm, learning about has greater needs than our own," Mr. try's ambassadors had been overlooked Canada's genetics program. Ouellet told reporters. during the program, Mr. Axworthy W1NN1PEG - Krista Babinski, George Chuchman, an economist at Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister offered his own to President Kuchma and 11, who visited Ukraine last year, the University of Manitoba, said he could Andre Ouellet was at The Westin meeting Ukraine. Before being officially intro– said, "1 hope President Kuchma understand aboriginal demands for sup- with Ukrainian ministers, while Human duced, Mr. Kuchma stood up and recip– stops to say hello." A few moments port. "That's an internal issue for Resources Development Minister Lloyd rocated with his own. later he did, and signed her Canadian Canada," he explained. "Offering assis– Axworthy was addressing a Canadian- A few minutes later, the former flag. tance to Ukraine is part of Canada foster– Ukrainian Business Symposium in a build– Ukrainian prime minister, who was Slaw Rebchuk, 80-something ing a partnership with another country." ing behind the hotel. greeted with a prolonged standing ova– former deputy mayor of Winnipeg, Nevertheless, Chief Louis Stevenson Added Cecil Semchyshyn, a senior tion, reminded his Winnipeg audience said: "This day has shown me that of the Peguis reserve told the boisterous civil servant with the Manitoba govern– that he is firm in his resolution to make even old people can dream of inde– crowd that the Canadian government ment: "We've been paying for the rape Ukraine an economically viable nation. pendence and see that dream real– inflicted on natives for over 200 years," "wants to help underdevelopment in Mr. Kuchma listed his national priori- ized." (He said this after being other parts of the world when right here he said. "And we will continue paying ties: stabilization of Ukraine's financial asked whether he had been named in their own backyard on most reserves for that because, unlike Russia...which and monetary systems, a liberalized tax– after a bridge. Actually, it was the across Canada there is evidence of mas– has raped Ukrainians for hundreds of ation system, government accountabili– other way around, as the Slaw sive underdevelopment," he said. years...Canada has a heart." ty, privatization of 8,000 small– and Rebchuk Bridge, not surprisingly, Promising to stage a larger protest that Meanwhile, Oleh Romaniw, president medium-sized companies, and targeted was named after him.) would embarrass Canada at the full G-7 of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, wor– social assistance to replace social secu– The Rev. isidore Dziadyk, provin– summit next June in Halifax if Prime ried that President Kuchma might get the rity. cial superior of the Ukrainian-rite Minister Jean Chretien refused to work out wrong impression "on what Canada is The speech was the president's warm- Basilian Fathers and a great-grandson up to the next day's G-7 economic con– of Ukrainian immigrants to Canada, ference on Ukraine. But it was also Mr. noted: "Never in my wildest dreams Kuchma's personal report card to the did 1 ever think 1 would see the day of World's financial institutions offer help Ukrainian Canadian community. having a Ukrainian president visit by Christopher Guly if it meets these conditions, The emotional thrust to his speech Winnipeg." Ukraine will qualify for financing of especially moved his audience. W1NN1PEG - Senior bureaucrats almost Si billion under an 1MF Stand– from the Group of Seven, Russia and By Arrangement. Turkmenistan may have met in 9 The World Bank, which focuses Winnipeg to strategize over their offer mainly on infrastructure, institution of economic assistance to Ukraine, building and sectoral reform, could but already the G-7, the international commit up to S800 million for project Monetary Fund, World Bank and the loans over the next two years. So far, European Bank for Reconstruction one S27 million loan has been and Development (EBRD) have approved, which offers help with pri– offered Eastern Europe's second most vatization and public sector reform. populous nation financial help. m The EBRD began an active lend– Among that assistance is the fol– ing program in Ukraine and may soon lowing: establish a venture capital fund to 9 The 1MF has entered an economic mobilize private capital, it could com– program with Ukraine worth S730 mit up to Si50 million in loans in the million (U.S.) under the systemic next two years. transformation facility (STF). The day The Winnipeg economic confer– before the special G-7 economic con– ence on Ukraine marked the first time ference on Ukraine, the 1MF approved officials from the world's most indus– a drawing of S371 million. trialized countries met to discuss the Developed last year, the STF is economic future of a single country. designed to help central-planning To date, Canada has announced economies move to Western-style mar– S87.5 million in technical assistance to kets. The Ukrainian government must Ukraine, while the United States has in turn make good on President Leonid offered S70 million in aid, with S30 Kuchma's economic blueprint and million more conditional on other G-7 reduce government subsidies. partners adding their own resources. Canada's minister for human resources development, Lloyd Axworthy chats with President Leonid Kuchma. NO. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 13 Winnipeg Free Press proud of role in covering new Ukraine by Christopher Guly Canadians who had visited the country within the last month. As a result, Mr. W1NN1PEG - Canada was the first Douglas was able to glean such personal Western nation to recognize Ukraine's anecdotes as Ukrainians selling stolen independence three years ago. And it was scrap metal across the Polish border to the Winnipeg Free Press, says the paper's get some money. business reporter, that was the first "Describing Ukraine's economic Western daily to assign a full-time corre– plight in that way is a lot more interest– spondent in Kyyiv. ing than writing that the GDP fgross After serving in the post for one year, domestic product) has shrunk by 7 172 reporter Georges Nikides left the percent over the past five years," he said. Winnipeg Free Press., but remained in Others stories in the series include Ukraine. He's now based in Moscow, profiles of the first Ukrainian Canadian where he freelances for several newspa– settlements, Ukrainian Canadian cultural pers, including The New York Times. life and how local Ukrainian Canadians John Douglas, who spent eight years have helped purchase the new Ukrainian as the Winnipeg Free Press Ottawa corre– embassy building. spondent, said that Mr. Nikides' depar– The Free Press' interest, noted Mr. ture is a loss to the Prairie daily. Douglas, extends beyond its position in a However, unlike The New York Times, city linked to historic Ukrainian- which he says demands a "full picture of Canadian ties. "David Walker (member President Leonid Kuchma and his wife, Ludmyla. Ukraine in 500 words," the Free Press of Parliament for Winnipeg North continues to follow Ukraine and Center! told me that what's interesting Ukrainian Canadians with great interest. about Ukraine is that it's a country "Ukraine is the second largest country emerging," he said. "Manitobans, if not Kuchma on the record in Europe, so it would be like asking Canadians, are interested in it because by Christopher Guly a desire to support our country politically. someone to describe Canada without they don't want to lose an opportunity to Your visit to the United States, so looking at Newfoundland, Toronto or the be involved with a country going through W1NN1PEG - During his five-day far, isn't a state visit as was your visit Prairies," explained Mr. Douglas. "We this self-help process." visit to Canada, President Leonid to Canada. realize that there's a huge (Ukrainian Added Mr. Douglas: "Compare that Kuchma made only passing comments to Canadianl constituency here. You just with how Canada is helping Haiti, and the media. He had only one official news Nothing has been settled yet. look around the newsroom, and almost what you have is only aid, not bilateral conference with Prime Minister Jean What can you tell me about your everyone here has Ukrainian roots or has agreements and joint technical assistance Chretien in Ottawa. November 22 summit with Russian a Ukrainian connection, like me. My projects." That's the way aides to the president, President Boris Yeltsin? wife is of Ukrainian descent." Mr. Douglas, who last month returned to who has been dubbed "The iron The Free Press reporter is one of six Winnipeg from Ottawa, is especially aware Chancellor," "The Missile King" and Working on relations between our two who are working on a special 13-part of how much interest the Free Press has now, "The Great Reformer," wanted to countries is a high priority. series for the newspaper called "The keep it. generated from within the Ukrainian Do you think that having G-7 support Ukrainians." But, during a private Ukrainian Canadian community itself, even beyond behind your economic reform package On October 26, Mr. Douglas wrote a Canadian Congress reception in its Manitoba borders. "Every time there will bring Ukrainian parliamentarians9 story on how Ukraine's economic crunch Winnipeg on October 26, the president was a story from Nikides in Ukraine, І full support for them as well? is affecting cities. He personalized the unexpectedly greeted this journalist. Here piece by speaking to seven Ukrainian (Continued on page 22) are excerpts from that conversation. Actually the Parliament has already supported it with 231 votes (to 54) in How would you rate the success of favor of the economic package. There your visit to Canada so far? will be legal acts to be adopted on specif– Notebook from a state visit They seem to understand all of the ic measures. І think in the end, common domestic problems in Ukraine, and there's sense will win. by Christopher Guly gates. All hotel rooms were pre-swept

9 looking for weapons or bombs. Fifty About 1,100 students, in six extra phone lines and 18 extra fax Winnipeg school divisions, are machines were installed for delegates Ukraine's first lady moved by visit enrolled in the English-Ukrainian at the hotel. by Christopher Guly Mrs. Kuchma clearly was more affect– bilingual program. Some of those kids m Eleven Ukrainian journalists, ed emotionally than her husband. turned out to greet and sing for along with correspondents from The WINNIPEG - At official functions, Although the president smiled a lot President Leonid Kuchma during his New York Times, The Washington Ludmyla Kuchma, always dressed in and warmed up to well-wishers during visit to the city. Post and Reuters either tagged along dark sombre colors, was never far from the course of his Canadian visit, his wife, Sixty students involved in the pro- with President Kuchma or covered the her husband's side. who often stood a little behind him, was gram at Westview School collected special G-7 meeting. That's a far cry four boxes of school supplies for their But when the Ukrainian president was more expressive. from the 5,700 journalists — from off meeting with businesspeople or visit– Ukrainian counterparts. Japan alone — who were accredited Before the couple left Winnipeg, they 9 ing a Manitoba farm, Mrs. Kuchma did A 60-minute video highlighting for the G-7 summit held in the United were serenaded by a children's choir from the stereotypical wife-of-a-head-of-state President Kuchma's visit to Canada is States two years ago. R. F. Morrison School who sang for them thing and went sightseeing. expected to be available this week e President Kuchma's entourage in Ukrainian at the Taras Shevchenko through the Ukrainian Canadian traveled to Canada on two planes; the She visited Niagara Falls, the Royal Monument, Congress headquarters in Winnipeg. third was a cargo plane. But one of the Ontario Museum, Edmonton's Provincial While Mr. Kuchma listened intently, 9 in the last two years, Premier Gary planes didn't just have Ukrainians on Museum of Alberta, the Ukrainian Mrs. Kuchma sang with the children, her Filmon's Manitoba government has board. Three wily Ukrainian Museum of Canada in Saskatoon, and the eyes filling with tears by the end of the led two trade delegations to Ukraine. Canadians, Andrij Hluchowecky, Royal Winnipeg Ballet headquarters. performance. Among the Manitoba firms doing Orest Dubas and Nina Romas who business with Ukraine are: Agri-tech publish the Ukrainian-Canadian Trade Canada inc., Pollard Banknote, Smith Monitor, hitched a free ride on the Meanwhile, at other stops... Carter Architects and Feed-Rite Ltd. plane carrying the president's junior Winnipegger Myroslaw Tracz has team. The trio hoped to scam an exclu– by Christopher Guly met with Alberta Premier Ralph Klein. acquired worldwide distribution rights While in Edmonton, the Ukrainian sive airborne interview with Mr. W1NN1PEG - Maybe Governor for Ukrainian comic books, and anoth– leader also attended a breakfast meeting Kuchma, but ended up talking with the General Ramon Hnatyshyn didn't want er, Myron Spolsky, runs a six-year-old with members of the Ukrainian Canadian Ukrainian leader on terra firma in to interject his Ukrainian in addressing pizza shop in Kyyiv. Mr. Spolsky, Chamber of Commerce and the Edmonton Winnipeg. President Leonid Kuchma, but who delivers 17-inch cheese pizzas for Chamber of Commerce, and opened an - He didn't say anything about the Premier Roy Romanow S3.50, started importing baby formula Alberta-Ukraine business seminar. holubtsi, but there was one memory apparently abandoned Canadian bilingual into Ukraine in September. A local Edmonton ТУ station offered President Kuchma took with him from (English-French) protocol to greet the - Three hundred delegates attended live coverage of President Kuchma's the Ukrainian Canadian Congress ban– Ukrainian leader. the conference at the Hotel Fort Garry, quet in Winnipeg. He liked the local arrival. where 200 employees were involved tradition of having a Ukrainian "1 wish you could have spent more time The emotional high-point of this swing in preparations. Fifteen hotel security Orthodox cleric lead the opening with us," the premier told Mr. Kuchma, through western Canada, came at a public personnel and some 60 Royal prayer and a Ukrainian Catholic priest who spent less than five hours in Saskatoon meeting with Ukrainian Canadians at Canadian Mounted Police officers end dinner with a benediction so much on October 26 before leaving for Winnipeg. Edmonton's City Hall, where hundreds of were assigned to provide security for that he hopes to carry that tradition President Kuchma arrived in the school children from the province's the president and conference dele- back with him to Kyyiv. Saskatchewan capital after spending less English-Ukrainian bilingual program sang than a day in Edmonton, where he also for the president and his wife, Ludmyla. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45

country in the world that has agreed to against the Red Army. think about Bandera, who in 1959 was U.S. Federation... denuclearize.) The first of the two libelous misrepre– assassinated in West Germany by a Soviet (Continued from page 7) And, by scoffing at the Ukrainian sentations are that the SS Galicia Division agent who then surrendered to the German Church's and government's assurances "helped round up Lvov's Jews." The authorities, ascribing to him the status of Societies, Winter 1974, pp. 91-92. Based "that Ukrainians, despite the allegations, Galicia Division could not have rounded "father of the modern state," whatever that on figures of israel's War Crimes are not genetically anti-Semitic," he sug– up the Jews in the city, because the means, is not one of them. But whereas investigations Office.J (ironically, it was gests that they indeed are "genetically" Division was not formed until 1943, and this misrepresentation is amusing, Mr. none other than that same independent anti-Semitic! the Jews had already been rounded up two Safer's claim that Mr. Bandera's organiza– Ukraine, which Mr. Safer went to such Happily, Morley Safer is so intimately years earlier, in 1941. The second of Mr. tion participated in the Nazi Holocaust as lengths to vilify, that, in 1992 erected a acquainted with Ukrainians that he knows Safer's libelous misrepresentations is that victimizers is less so, in light of Mr. proper monument at Babyn Yar in Kyyiv how they all think and feel: "in the flower the Division "helped march more than Bandera's having spent part of the war in to commemorate the Jews who had been garden square ... every day of the week ... 140,000 of tthe JewsJ to extinction." the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, killed there, and it was that same inde– tmjen and women ... disagree about plen– Simon Wiesenthal and Soviet sources and in light of his having lost two brothers pendent Ukraine that sponsored a three ty, but they do have two things in com– of disinformation tried for decades to at Auschwitz. day public commemoration throughout mon, their own enemy, Russian commu– smear the record of the Division by alleg– Still other misrepresentations involve a the city that was attended by Jewish dele– nism, and their old, old enemy, the Jews." ing that it had participated in various translation, a photograph and the apparent gations from around the world.) Next to Mr. Safer's open attempt to atrocities, including killing Jews, helping dangers posed by Ukrainian scouting Mr. Safer further demonstrated his his– delegitimate Ukraine, the specific factual to put down the Warsaw rebellion, etc. organizations. The Ukrainian word torical acumen in "The Ugly Face of inaccuracies and misrepresentations Mr. Wiesenthal's allegations came to a "Zhyd" was translated by "60 Minutes" to Freedom" by opining that "Western found throughout the segment seem to head in Canada in the mid-1980s, mean "kike." in Ukrainian and Polish, Ukraine also has a long dark history of pale by comparison, but they too play an prompting the Canadian government to "Zhyd" simply means Jew. in Russian, it blaming its poverty, its troubles on oth– important role. establish an official commission to deter– does mean something like "kike" (the ers." He apparently means that Ukraine's mine whether in fact Canada was home neutral term in Russian for "Jew" is having been enserfed, colonized, exploit– The central misrepresentation involves to war criminals that had served in the "Yevrey," i.e., the Russian for "Hebrew"). ed and oppressed was all its own fault. the volunteer SS Galicia Division, of Division. The commission, named the But when the Ukrainians whom Mr. Safer He must also mean that Ukraine's having whom Mr. Safer said: "Thousands of Commission of inquiry on War was interviewing used the Ukrainian word repeatedly been invaded during World Ukrainians joined the SS and marched Criminals, was established in February "Zhyd," they were simply saying "Jew," War 1 by the Red Army, Denikin's White off to fight for Nazism, in the process, 1985 and was headed by Justice Jules not "kike." Russian armies, the German army and the helped round up Lvov's Jews, helped Deschenes. in its final report, issued the Polish army; having its territories be march more than 140,000 of them to One of the photographs shown during March 12, 1987, it completely exonerat– the theater of incessant warfare; and hav– extinction." "The Ugly Face of Freedom" as depict– ed the Galicia Division of all charges that ing millions of its people killed as a There are three critical inaccuracies in ing alleged Ukrainian persecution of it had engaged in any war criminal activi– result was similarly Ukraine's fault. that statement, two of which are libelous. Jews during World War H, the photo ty. Does CBS now take the position that Mr. Safer must likewise mean that it First, Ukrainians did not join the showing a distraught woman, sitting or it was wholly unaware of the Deschenes was the fault of the 7 million Ukrainian Division "to fight for Nazism." How lying on the sidewalk, was the same Commission's findings? peasants purposely starved to death dur– could they, given that the Nazis consid– photo that had been used by Time maga– ing what Robert Conquest has called the ered them to be subhumans? On page in light of the Galicia Division's inno– zine in its February 22, 1993, issue for genocidal "Terror-Famine of 1932-1933" 472 of his "Ukraine: A History" cence, Mr. Safer's interview with the same purpose, in its April 19, 1993, that Stalin chose them for such distinc– (University of Toronto, 1988), Prof. Cardinal Lubachivsky about the mass the issue, however, Time published a retrac– tion. And Mr. Safer must also mean that Subtelny explains: cardinal held for the veterans of that tion, admitting that it had not been able it was again the fault of the Ukrainians "in spring 1943, after the stunning Division takes on a completely different to pin down exactly what situation that that the Nazis considered them, along German defeat at Stalingrad, Nazi authori– light. The cardinal's partially fumbling photo portrays. with all the other Slavs, to be subhumans ties belatedly decided to recruit non- answers become understandable as the Lastly, at the end of the feature, the (during the German occupation, a sign at German 'easterners' into their forces. answers of someone who did not know viewer is shown a group of young men the Kyyiv ballet theater read: "No Consequently, Otto Wachter, the governor what Mr. Safer was getting at by making and women in uniform approaching an Ukrainians or dogs allowed"), and that of Galicia, approached the Ukrainian such a big deal about the mass, instead of archway, at which point Simon they suffered the kind of devastation of Central Committee (UCC) with a proposal as the answers of yet another leader of Wiesenthal proclaims with a seeming which Edgar Snow wrote in 1945. to form a Ukrainian division in the the "genetically" anti-Semitic Ukrainians heavy heart: "Not to believe," and then Lastly, Mr. Safer must also mean that German army. After much debate and who didn't seem to understand what was "They have not changed." Apparently it was the fault of the Ukrainians that the despite opposition from the OUN-B, ... wrong with holding a mass for veterans unbeknownst to "60 Minutes," the young Russians decided to deport millions of tthe UCCJ agreed. Their immediate rea– of the dreaded SS. people captured on film are members of a their priests, intellectuals, writers, scien– son for the creation of such a division was Other inaccuracies and misrepresenta– Ukrainian scouting organization partici– tists, entrepreneurial peasants, and some the hope that it might help to improve tions include Mr. Safer's referring to the pating in some type of scout gathering. who merely wanted to speak and write in German treatment of the Ukrainians. The city in which he was conducting his Of course, if one goes to Ukraine expect– their native tongue to the gulag. specter of 1917-1920 was also extremely interviews as "Lvov." The Ukrainian ing to see nothing but villains, even There is a point in each narrative when influential in persuading the UCC leader- and, therefore, the present name of the scouts can appear menacing. it becomes difficult to accept that so ship, for ... ttheyj (as well as Metropolitan city is "Lviv." The Russian name for the There are still other misrepresenta– much ignorance can purely be attribut– Sheptytsky himself) were convinced that city is "Lvov." One would hope that Mr. tions, but 1 think that the point has now able to innocence. it was the lack of a well-trained army that Safer's choice of names does not betray been made. What the "60 Minutes" seg– if, however, any doubts about Mr. had prevented Ukrainians from establish– the source of some of Mr. Safer's ideas ment at issue revealed was not the ugly Safer's sentiments towards his subject ing their own state after the first world about Ukraine. face of an independent Ukraine, but still remained, he dispelled them with his war. Realizing that the defeat of Germany Mr. Safer describes Symon Petliura as rather the ugly face of prejudice com– hideous stereotyping of Ukrainians as was probable, they were determined that a man who slaughtered 60,000 Jews dur– bined with journalistic incompetence. this time Ukrainians would not be caught ing World War41. As explained on pages moronic, but nuclear-armed thugs: "The We demand a detailed correction and in the ensuing chaos without a regular 363-364 of Prof. Subtelny's History, western Ukraine is fertile ground for retraction of "The Ugly Face of Freedom" military force." which pages are attached hereto, that hatred, independence only underlined its on "60 Minutes." We also demand that statement is untrue. backwardness. Uneducated peasants, volunteers for this military unit were Mr. Safer be relieved of his duties, unless, deeply superstitious in possession of this recruited in June of 1943. Part of the Mr. Safer also states: "To Ukrainians, of course, you take the view that defaming bizarre anomaly - nuclear weapons." agreement leading to its creation stipulat– tStepanJ Bandera is the father of the mod– Ukrainians is acceptable. ern state. Peace Street in Lvov has been (ironically, Ukraine is thus far the only ed that this unit would only be used We will be represented at the meeting renamed Bandera Street. He's considered a in your offices on October 31. great patriot, even though the Jews remem– ber him as a leader of a notorious army of Lydia Chopivsky Benson Don't let your subscription lapse! murderers." Whatever various Ukrainians President

Help yourself and the Subscription Department ot The Ukrainian report totally ignored the fact that under Weekly by keeping track of your subscription expiration date (indi– Sfcfsc Philadelphia-based... 8s Ukrainian law, the equal rights of all citi– cated in the top left-hand corner of your mailing label 5Ss. (Continued from page 7) zens are guaranteed regardless of ethnic (year7month7date) and sending in your renewal fee in advance of "4 C3 rights) and the white supremacist move– origin or religious persuasion. You also ignored that Jews have been welcomed into receiving an expiration notice. np ment in the United States. "1 Your piece ignored the fact that in report and are in the forefront of the Ukrainian This way, you'll be sure to enjoy each issue of The Ukrainian ^5 after report (of which we will provide you independence movement, by such parties x as Rukh, and that a number have been Weekly, and will keep yourself informed of all the news you need to copies), the CSCE fU.S. Commission on ^ elected to the Ukrainian Parliament. know. ^, en Security and Cooperation in Europe! has noted Ukraine as one of the few nations to The false light in which you have depicted Ukraine is inexcusable; similar– Subscription renewals, along with a clipped-out mailing label, ^s rise from the ashes of the former Soviet Union in which there are no noteworthy ly, you have used the same brush to paint should be sent to: The Ukrainian Weekly, Subscription Department, 30 N rtl Americans of Ukrainian descent. To rem– Uj-i inter-ethnic or inter-confessional disputes. Montgomery St., Jersey City, NJ 07302. 1 Your report ignored that one of the first edy this situation, we look forward to our 5 upcoming meeting to further air our con– Subscription fees (until July 1) are: $10 for members of the Г0 international acts of the Ukrainian govern– ment was the erection of a memorial at cerns and to discuss appropriate remedial Ukrainian National Association, $20 for all others. Please indicate your Babyn Yar in 1991, and the tremendous action. UNA branch number when renewing your subscription. positive impact this, among other acts, had Ulana Baluch Mazurkevich on Ukrainian-lsraeli relations. Finally, your President No. 45^^^^^^^^^^^ THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 15

THE BlG APPLE: The sound of music by Helen Smindak

The halls are alive with the sound of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. who stayed on for almost 20 years. Mrs. who turned 90 in December 1993. (A music - the music of Ukrainian voices in January, Met Opera bass Paul Lesawyer performed in many major review by Oles Kuzyszyn appeared in The raised in song; the music of pianos, vio– Plishka will be heard as Dr. Dulcamara NYCO operas, including "The Ballad of Weekly on October 16.) lins, tsymbaly and flutes in the hands of in Donizetti's "L'Elisir d'Amore" and as Baby Doe" (and the MGM recording), and During the reception at the Ukrainian Ukrainian musicians; and the music of Timur, an exiled Tatar king, in Puccini's the world premieres of Douglas Moore's institute following the concert, the ener– Ukrainian composers. The 1994-1995 "Turandot." Next April, appearing in a "The Dove" and Kurka's "The Good getic and affable nonagenarian spent hours Ukrainian cultural season in the Big cast with Placido Domingo and Gwyneth Soldier Schweik." Marta Kokolska– greeting admirers and friends, among them Apple is truly notable for its large num– Jones, he will sing the role of "Titurel in Musijtchuk also appeared at the City former students such as soprano Olga ber of musical events, the majority in Wagner's "Parsifal." Opera, as did bass Stefan Szkafarowsky, Lepkova Jastremsky of Manhattan. Manhattan and some in Queens. viadimir Grishko, who is on the roster who sang Raimondo in the 1989 produc– Mingling with guests were the concert per– The concert halls at Lincoln Center, a of the New York City Opera, just across tion of "Lucia di Lammermoor." formers: pianist Maria Krushelnytska, vio– mecca for music lovers, have a goodly the Lincoln Center plaza, has been signed Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall was lincellist Kharytyna Kolessa and violist share of top-notch Ukrainian artists - 10 in by the Met to sing leading roles in "La the locale for pianist Mykola Suk's con- Halyna Kolessa (the composer's daughter all, if vou count three on the Metropolitan Traviata" and "La Boheme" in March and cert of works by Beethoven, Bartok, and granddaughter, respectively), and Opera roster, six at the New York City April. Now in his third season at the City Liszt and Sylvestrov on October 23. At soprano Oksana Krovytska. Opera, and pianist Mykola Suk in concert Opera, the Kyyiv-born tenor has comple– the end of his recital, Mr. Suk was greet– Carnegie Hall itself will be the scene of at Alice Tully Hall. ted principal roles in "Prince lgor" and "La ed with a standing ovation for his master– the November 13 concert of Lviv-born At the Met, bass Sergei Koptchak, a Boheme," and will appear in next spring's ful keyboard artistry. An excited concert- volodymyr vynnytsky and Armenian eel- native of the ethnically Ukrainian City Opera productions of "La Rondine" goer was heard to exclaim, "Mykola Suk list vagram Saradjian. As winners of the Priashiv region of Slovakia, has been and "Lucia di Lammermoor." arrived in New York on October 23!" 1994 international Artists Award, the two Soprano Oksana Krovytska, also in emoting in verdi's "Rigoletto." Next Mr. Suk, who is artist-in-residence at the will make their Carnegie Hall debut, month he will tackle roles in Mozart's her third season at the City Opera, has Ukrainian institute of America in New beginning at 3 p.m. Their program will "Don Giovanni" and Shostakovich's sung leading roles in "Prince lgor" and York, gained international recognition as include world premieres of works by "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk" (a work "La Boheme" this season, and is sche– the winner of the first prize and gold medal Tchaikovsky, Khatchaturian and Myroslav never before seen at the Met), and will duled for April appearances at the City at the 1991 international Liszt-Bartok Skoryk, as well as works by Bach, continue these roles in December along Opera in "La Traviata." Competition in Budapest. A former mem– Schumann, De Falla and Shostakovich. with further appearances in "Rigoletto." Bass Sergey Zadvorny of Dnipro– ber of the faculty of the Kyyiv and Mr. vynnytsky, who promoted new Andrij Dobriansky, scheduled for Met petrovske, who sang the role of Khan Moscow conservatories, he holds the title music as a member of the Kyyiv chamber appearances in December and January as Konchak in "Prince lgor," makes his of Merited Artist of Ukraine. ensemble Perpetuum Mobile, taught at the ivan in "Die Fledermaus," is presently final appearance in Rossini's "11 Barbiere Kyyiv Conservatory before coming to the rehearsing cover roles for "Lady di Siviglia" this weekend. Weill Recital Hall and Carnegie Hall U.S. He has performed extensively in this Macbeth" and "Der Rosenkavalier." Mr. The City Opera's Ukrainian contin– country. Last month, he appeared in a con- The white-and-gold interior of Weill Dobriansky will be the featured soloist at gent is rounded out by baritone George cert in Newark sponsored by Branches 86 Recital Hall, with its shimmering chande– the Dumka Chorus's 45th anniversary Bohachevsky, a member of the chorus; and 28 of the Ukrainian National concert on November 12 at the Cooper violinist Helen Strilec of the City Opera liers, is a smaller version of its sister insti– Women's League of America in aid of The Union. As the director of two choirs at orchestra, and dancer Stephanie Godino. tution, Carnegie Hall. On October 9, the Ukrainian Museum's Petro Cholodny St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Church, Over the years, the New York City recital hall was the scene of a jubilee con- Fund, in September he was the accompa– Mr. Dobriansky is engaged also in Opera has been host to other Ukrainian cert honoring the distinguished Ukrainian nist for the Kyyiv National Opera's Maria preparing the choirs for two commemo– artists, among them lyric soprano Mary composer, conductor and Shevchenko rative masses and a concert in honor of Lesawyer, the first Ukrainian to sing there, Prize laureate Mykola Kolessa of Lviv, (Continued on page 19)

Pianist Mykola Suk. The piano duo of Yalentina Lisitsa and Aleksei Kuznetsov. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45

Planning a trip to YEVSHAN Distributor of fine Ukrainian products - Cassettes, Compact ACTION ITEM discs - videos - Language tapes S Dictionaries - Computer (Continued from page 7) UKRAINE? fonts for PC u MAC - imported icons - Ukrainian Stationery - Cookbooks - Food parcels to Ukraine Highland Park, Ml 48288-0001 Fax (212) 449-2626 Personalized Call for a free catalog Phone (313) 956-5741 Mr. Paul W. Critchlow, senior vice-presi– Travel Service at Mr. Robert J. Eaton, CEO and chairman, dent, marketing, 1-800-265-9858 fax (313) 956-5143 Fax (213) 449-9424 viSA - MASTERCARD ^AMEX ACCEPTED Mr. Theodore R. Cunnigham, executive Reasonable Rates FAX ORDERS ACCEPTED (514) 630-9960 Toyota Motor Manufacturing USA inc. vice-president, marketing and sales BOX 325, BEAC0NSF1ELD, QUEBEC 1001 Cherry Blossom Way CANADA -H9W5T8 Enterprise Rent-A-Car inc. Georgetown, KY 40324 'viSAS'HOTELS'MEALS' 8850 Ladue Road Phone (502) 868-2000 'TRANSFERS'GUlDES' St. Louis, MO 63124-2065 Fax (502) 868-3060 'AlR TiCKETS' COLOR IT UKRAINIAN Phone (314) 863-7000 Mr. Mikio Kitano, president and CEO Coloring book of 'RAIL TICKETS^ Fax (314) 863-7621 Mr. James Wiseman, vice-president, cultures, history, and language. Mr. Jack C. Taylor, chairman of the board marketing and sales 'CARS WITH DRIVERS' IDEAL CHILD'S GIFT Mr. Andrew C. Taylor, CEO and president 60 pages; S5.50 ppd Toyota Motor Sales USA inc. -INTERPRETERS' Mr. Donald Ross, chief operations officer D Samull 6261 Artesian 19001 S. Western Ave. 'SlCHTSEElNC' and senior vice-president, marketing and Detroit, Ml 48228 Torrance, CA 90509 sales. Phone (310) 618-4000 LANDMARK, LTD For Sale General Mills inc. Fax (310) 618-7814 P.O. Box 113 Mr. Shinji Sakai, CEO and president toll free (800) 832-1789 One story house on over 172 acre, Minneapolis, MN 55440 Mr. Yale Gieszl, executive vice-presi– DOMDTVA (703) 941-6180 woods adjoin property? Phone (612) 540-2311 dent very safe beautiful area (Stirling, N.J.) fax (703) 941-7587 Fax (612) 540-4925 close to trains, stores. United Parcel Service inc. Mr. H. Brewster Atwater, Jr., CEO and S169,000, tei.: 1 (908) 647-3492 55 Glenlake Parkway, NE chairman, Mr. Joe R. Lee, vice-chairman. Atlanta, GA 30328 The Goodyear Tire u Rubber Co. Phone (404) 828-6000 insure 1144 E. Market St. Mr. Kent C. Nelson, chairman and CEO, FLOWERS Akron, OH 44316-0001 fax (404) 828-6619 and be sure. Phone(216) 796-2121 Mr. Richard Greene, vice-president, Join the UNA! Fax (216) 796-2222 marketing, fax (404) 828-6321 Mr. Stanley C. Gault, CEO and chairman Wal-Mart Stores inc. Mr. Hoyt N. Wells, vice-chairman and 702 SW Eighth Street Delivered in Ukraine chief operations officer TRIDENT Українська Друкарня Bentonville,AR 72716 1-800-832-1789 Associates Printing „ТРИЗУБ" Ф international Business Machines Corp. Phone:(501)273-4000 oronto - St. Catharines Landmark, Ltd. ill Торонто — Ст. Кетеринс Old Orchard Road Fax: will not give out fax number Buffalo Боффало Toll Free 1-800-821-6034 - Fax: (716) 691-4532 Armonk, NY 10504 Mr. David D. Glass, CEO and president -4gf UKRAINIAN PRINTERS jgn–. Phone:(914)765-1900 Mr. Paul v. Higham, vice-president, mar– Our Specialty: Mr. Louis У. Gerstner Jr., chairman and keting and sales Ukrainian Engraved wedding invitations CEO Books Ф Journals Ф Newsletters Ф Magazines United States Postal Service WEST ARKA Fax (914) 765-6007 Ribbons Ф Tickets Ф Program Books 475 L'Enfant Plaza 2282 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont., Canada M6S1N9 Ms. Abby F. Kohnstamm, vice-president, Washington, DC 20260 Gifts marketing, (914)765-7593 Mr. Marvin Runyon, postmaster general Ukrainian Handicrafts Merrill Lynch and Co. inc. Art, Books, Newspapers CUT THE COST World Financial Center, North Tower — submitted by the Ukrainian Professional Ceramics, Jewellery A. CHORNY OF YOUR STAY 1N KYYiv New York, NY 102811-1332 Society of Philadelphia and the Federation Embroidery Supplies NEWLY RENOvATED, FULLY EQU1P- Phone (212) 449-1000 of Ukrainian American Business and Audio Cassettes, CD's, videos PED APARTMENTS, CENTER OF KYYiv Mr. Daniel F. Tully, CEO and chairman Professional Organizations. Packages and Services to Ukraine PHONE, TV, AIRPORT PICK-UP S200-225MEEK FOR 2-3 PEOPLE Tel.: (416) 762-8751 Fax: (416) 767-6839 ШСЛМЧСО REAlfSTATE SERviCES 1 ^ 11 TEL: (714) 523-3969 To The Weekly Contributors: "-J-LJl FAX: (714) 739-7106 INSTITUTE FOR EASTERN ORTHODOX STUDIES We greatly appreciate the materials - feature articles, news stories, press clip- Eparchal Seminary, UAOC in Texas pings, letters to the editor, and the like - we receive from our readers. in order to facilitate preparation of The Ukrainian Weekly, we ask that the guide- Programs: Reader, Deacon, Priest lF" 'ИЩУВ t WlW lines listed below be followed. Full scholarships available 9 News stories should be sent in not later than 10 days after the occurrence of a 3011 Roe Dr., Houston, ТХ 77087 ДІТЯМ! given event. - information about upcoming events must be received one week before the date of The Weekly edition in which the information is to be published. ЩЖ, !!v, lT'S FUN! - All materials must be typed and double-spaced. and educational - Newspaper and magazine clippings must be accompanied by the name of the immigration (but don't tell them!) publication and the date of the edition. Yentresca 8c ventresca Cassette available at - Photographs submitted for publication must be black and white (or color with Attorneys at Law fine Ukrainian stores, good contrast). Captions must be provided. Photos will be returned only when so Call for a free subscription to our or by phone requested and accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelope. immigration Newsletter 1-800-265-9858 - Full names and their correct English spellings must be provided. mmw vi MIMCA fc ішад (412) 26W5366 ^ Persons who submit any materials must provide a phone number where they may be reached during the work day if any additional information is required.

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Brooklyn, NY Rahway, NJ Millville, NJ Union City, NJ Meest-Karpaty, 120 Runnymede Rd.f Toronto, Ont. M6S 2Y3 Canada 718 438-3290 908 381-8800 609 825-7665 201 974-2538 ^„„^^^Tel.: (416) 761-9105^„^„„^^ AUTHORIZED AGENTS ПАМ'ЯТАЙТЕ, ЯК ПОСИЛАТИ, TO ЧЕРЕЗ ШСТ-КАРПАТИ! No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 17

Ukrainian pro hockey update HURYN MEMOR1ALS by lhor Stelmach For the finest in custom made memorials installed in all ceme– teries in the New York Metropolitan area including Holy Spirit in Hamptonburgh, N.Y, St. Andrew's in South Bound Brook, N.J., The 1994-1995 season tion of the entire draft, defenseman Oleg Pine Bush in Kerhonkson and Glen Spey Cemetery, Glen Spey. Tverdovsky. He was joined by another We offer personal service and guidance in your home. For a Fans left out in the cold first-round Ukrainian selection, by the bilingual representative call: The 1994-1995 National Hockey , in the person of League season continues to be on hold as defenseman Wade Belak. HURYN MEMOR1ALS the lockout of NHL players has dragged in addition to these two first-rounders, P.O. Box 121 on for a month. League officials are now one was chosen in the third round, three Hamptonburgh, N.Y. 10916 expected to cancel as many as 10 games in the fourth round, one in the sixth and Tel. (914) 427-2684 from the regular 80-game season. This two in the seventh. The rest went in the Fax. (914) 427-5443 after the initial four-game cancellation late rounds. The NHL's biggest Russian announced nearly two weeks ago. investor, the Pittsburgh Penguins (they At issue are four major points: revenue sponsor a professional team in Russia), splits to help small market teams, a rook– had the most Ukrainian selections with three. Elwyn inc. seeks candidate for a Special Educator in Ukraine. Contract for 9 months, ie salary cap, salary arbitration and free from January to September, 1995, includes housing and transportation. agency. Both sides have offered tax pro– Following is a listing of 1994 posals to provide money for the small Ukrainian entry draftees, with round Duties: provide appropriate educational evaluation services and special education for markets, although the players believe the selected and over-all selection number in children with dissabilities ages infancy to five, develop appropriate classroom-based league's version would translate into a parentheses: programing and train staff. salary cap. Anaheim — 1(2) Oleg Tverdovsky, D, Requires: at least Bachelor's degree in Special Education with proficiency in adminis– The lockout has ruined the sport's Krylia Sovietov-Moscow. tering standardized assessments of infants and children, and axcellent communication chances to take advantage of the absence Buffalo - 10(251) Mark Polak, C, skills. Prefer at least three years experience with developmentally delayed or multi- of baseball. The baseball strike wiped out Medicine Hat (WHL). handicapped children. Ukrainian and ;or Russian language proficiency a plus. the World Series for the first time since Dallas - 11(280) Chris Szysky, RW, 1904. Swift Current (WHL). Sent resume to: P.O. Box 1988, Alexandria, VA 22313 or fax to (703) 823-3830 Just like their baseball counterparts, Edmonton — 7(160) Curtis Sheptak, hockey fans are about to be left out in the LW, Olds (Tier 11). cold. Florida — 4(84) Davis Nemirovsky, Nonetheless, there is news to report to RW, Ottawa (OHL). TheultimategiftfotyoutrelatiY^inUKRMNff Ukrainian hockey fans. N.Y. isles - 4(90) Brad Lukowich, D, Kamloops (WHL). More Ukes to join NHL ranks N.Y. Rangers - 7(182), Alexei Preliminary research reveals at least Lazarenko, F, Red Army. Tractors and 14 Ukrainians were selected by NHL Pittsburgh — 3(76) Alexei Krivchenko, clubs in last summer's 1994 entry draft. D, Red Army, 8(206) Boris Zelenko, F, small farming Exactly half of these NHL aspirants were Red Army, 10(258) Mikhail Kazakevich, drafted from clubs in the former Soviet C, Torpedo Jaroslav. "" equipment leagues. Quebec - 1(12) Wade Belak, D, Five of the 14 were picked from junior Saskatoon (WHL). teams of the , a San Jose — 6(141) Alexander For product information, league with a reputation for toughness. Korolyuk, C, Soviet Wings ToltFree: 1-800-354-31' Eight of the draftees play forward posi– Washington - 11(275) Sergei tions; the remaining six are defensemen. Tertyshyn, D, Chelyabinsk. SEPCORP international, inc. Of course, the entire Ukrainian contin– Winnipeg - 4(82) Steve Cheredaryk, 25 Mountain Pass Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 USA gent was led by the second over-all selec– D, Medicine Hat (WHL).

MONUMENTS UKRAINE: PERESTROIKA TO INDEPENDENCE. MODERN UKRA1N1AN. By Assya Humesky. xvl5 By Taras Kuzio and Andrew Wilson. Edmonton- 438pp. Edmonton-Toronto: ClUS, 1988. S19.95 OF DISTINCTION Toronto: C1US, 1994. xiv, 250pp. Hard cover. intended as a first-year Ukrainian grammar, this textbook S34.95 presents the fundamental morphology and vocabulary of SERVING NY;NJ;CT REGION CEMETERIES Ukrainian and some notations on syntax and intonation This is the first extensive examination available in English of through the use of exercises and dialogues. Notes explain events leading up to Ukraine's independence. grammar rules, usage, stylistic flavor and regional variants. OBLAST MEMOR1ALS LETTERS FROM KlEv. By Solomea Pavlychko. P.O. Box 746 Translated by Myrna Kostash. Edmonton: ClUS, UKRAlNlAN FOR UNDERGRADUATES. By Danylo 1992. viii, 177pp. Hard cover. S19.95 Husar Struk. Edmonton: ClUS, 1991. xxxii, CHESTER, N.Y. 10918 This book by one of Ukraine's most prominent young literary 350pp. Soft cover. S19.95 914-469-4938 figures is an eyewitness account of political and cultural intended for university students with some background in the change in the tumultuous months of 1990-91 that led to HOME APPOINTMENTS ARRANGED language, the volume introduces basic morphology and Ukraine's declaration of independence. Solomea Pavlychko, vocabulary through numerous drills, written and oral exer– a specialist in British and American literature whose cises and tables. Points of grammar are explained in translations include works by D. H. Lawrence and William English, but grammatical terminology is given in both PRAYER TO ST. JUDE Golding, provides an expert assessment of key de– Ukrainian and English. The "introduction to Phonetics" by velopments in Ukraine, focusing on aspects of particular in– Oh Holy St. Jude, apostol and martyr, Edward Burstynky is a valuable addition to this useful book. terest to the Western reader. The author is a professor in the Department of Slavic great in virtue and rich in miracles near Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto and editor kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful inter– FEMINISTS DESPITE THEMSELVES, WOMEN IN in chief of Encyclopedia of Ukraine. cessor of all who invoke your special UKRAINIAN COMMUNITY LIFE, 1884-1939. By UKRAlNlAN-CHlNESE DiCTlONARY. Compiled by patorange in time of need, to you 1 have Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak. Edmonton: the institute of Lexicography, Heilongjiang ClUS, 1988. xxv, 460pp. Hard cover. S29.95 University, Harbin. Zhent Shuru, editor-in-chief. recourse from the depth of my heart and The first history of the women's movement in Ukraine. The Beijing, f990. 578pp. Hard cover. S19.95 humbly beg to whom God has given book explains how Ukrainian women, constrained by na– This unique dictionary contains approximately 21,000 en- such great power to come to my assis– tional and traditional issues, began to develop self-help or– tries. tance. Help me in my urgent petition, in ganizations in their rural communities, it analyzes a vast UKRAINE AND RUSSIA IN THEIR HISTORICAL return 1 promise to make your name range of material, encompassing Ukrainian women in the ENCOUNTER. Edited by Peter J. Potichnyj, Russian and Austrian empires; the national liberation known and couse you to be invoked. struggle; the interwar period; international feminism; and Marc Raeff, Jaroslaw Pelenski, Gleb N. Zekulih. Say three Our Fathers, Hail Mary's and Ukrainian women in the Soviet Union. Edmonton: ClUS, 1992. xiv, 346pp. Hard cover. $24.95 Gloria's. Publication must be promised. ENGL1SH-UKRA1N1AN DiCTlONARY. Compiled by St. Jude, Pray for us all who invoke your Ukraine's attainment of political independence has focused M. Podvezko and M. Balla. Edmonton: ClUS, world attention on relations between Ukraine and Russia, aid. Amen. This novena has never been 1988. 663pp. Hard cover. S34.95 the two most powerful successor states to the USSR. This known to fail. This novena must be said This dictionary, containing more than 65,000 words, has collection of essays by eminent specialists provides a re!i– for nine consecutive days. G.A.K. long been out of print. Originally published by the Radianska able and detailed guide to the subject, examining the his– Shkola publishing house in Kyyiv, it is an invaluable aid to torical, political, cultural, religious, economic, and demo- those studying the Ukrainian language. graphic aspects of Ukrainian-Russian relations.

Need a back issue? To each order, please add S2.00 for shipping u handling, plus SO.50 for each additional title (i.e. two books, if you'd like to obtain a back issue of The S2.50; three, S3.00, etc.). Ukrainian Weekly, send $2 per copy (first- SVOBODA BOOKSTORE class postage included) to: Administration, The Ukrainian Weekly, 30 Montgomery St., 30 Montgomery Street, Jersey City, KJ 07302 Jersey City, N.J. 07302. New Jersey residents add 67c sales tax. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45

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ORDERS COULD BE PLACED BY MA1L: MEEST, 97 S!X POlNT ROAD, TORONTO, ONTARlO, CANADA, JH8Z 2X3 BY PHONE: U -6BCS)(0)-^B(2) U "2^343Ш OR THROUGH OUR AUTHOR1SED REPRESENTATivES 1N USA UKRAINIAN CERAMICS PARCEL A TRAVEL VARSOVIA TRAVEL 6 SHIPPING INC. H0WERLA PARCELS DNlSTER CO. lNC. 11 ONTARIOVIEW SI, ROCHESTER, 74 EAST 7TH STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 1307 EAST CARSON STP1TTSBURG PA. 4408 BRUENlNG DR., PARMA, ОНІО, N.Y., 14617 TEL: (716)275-7474 10003, TEL: (212) 529-3256 (4745) 15203, TEL (412)481-2^50 44134, TEL: (216) 842-4961 PREFERRED 1NSURANCE S. KARPATY TRAvEL BONNIE MURAL MR1A 284 R1DGE RD. E,, ROCHESTER, N.Y., 14621 703 S. BROAD ST, TRENTON, N.J., 239 MCGOVERN BLVD., WEIRTON, PA. 26499 RYAN RD.. WARREN, ML, TEL:(716) 467-1060 08611, TEL: (609) 393-9455 48091,TEL: (816) 574-0303 15001, TEL: (412) 457-2307 MARK'S FURN1TURE STORE VATRA INTERNATIONAL UKRAINIAN GIFT si!op 1105 LINCOLN AVE„ UTICA, N.Y, 76 MALN ST., SOUTH BOUND BROOK, FLAMENGOLTD. 2422 CENTRAL AvE. N. E., M1NNEAPOL1S, 13502.TEL: (315) ?33-0719 N J „08880, TEL.: (908) 805-9664 537 FARMINGTON AVE., NEW BRITAIN, M1N., 55418, TEL: (612)788-2545 COSMOS PARCELS TRANS EUROPA1NC, СТ, TEL.: (203) 224-99^2 WETC01NC, 122 FlRST AVE.. NEW YORK, N.Y., 8102 ROOSEVELT BLVD.. PHILADELPHIA, PA., 0H10 EXPORT CO. 1-800-884-1730 7 FULLVIEW CRT., QA1THERSBURQ, MAR. 10009,TEL:(2i 2) 533-2906 19152, TEL: (215) 331-0060 6089 STATE RD.. PARMA, 0H10, 20878, TEL: (301)216-0142 44134, TEL: (216)884-1738 DELT0EUR0PAC0RP. HANUSEY MUS1C ft G1FT BAZAR G1FT PARCEL 1NC. CHEREMSHYNA 318 EAST 9TK Si, NEW YORK, 244 WEST GIRARD AVE., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 5689 STATE RD., CLEVELAND, OHIO, 44 YALE RD., NEEDHAM Ш N.Y, 10003, TEL: (212) 228-2266 19123, TEL: (215) 627-3093 44134, TEL; (216) 845-6078 02194,TEL:(617)449-532i No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 19

1970s, and was a scholarship student The sound... with the veriovka Choir in Ukraine. Her (Continued from page 15) recordings include an album of songs Kyyivan with the Winnipeg Symphony and a new Stefiuk, during her concert at the release titled "From Paris to Kiev." Her Ukrainian National Home in New York. Pecherska Lavra appearance at the Jewish Museum was East Side Story prompted by what she says is "a deep interest in the healing process between Operatic arias and contemporary Ukrainians and Jews." Mr. Kytasty is a Ukrainian music were given sensitive bandura enthusiast and a former head of renditions by a quartet of illustrious New York's School of Bandura Studies. artists from Lviv and Kyyiv at the The program marked the opening of Ukrainian institute of America last week- the museum's exhibition "Jewish Life in end. The performers were soprano Maria Tsarist Russia: A World Rediscovered," Hirska, baritone Oleh Chmyr and com– revealing the remains of Jewish folk life poser7pianist Myroslav Skoryk from and material culture on the territory Lviv, and pianist Anna Klymashivska, a between the Black Sea and vilnius, and professor at the Kyyiv Conservatory. from Minsk to Warsaw. Many of the arti– Mr. Skoryk's paraphrase on themes facts in the exhibition, which were drawn from Puccini's "Madama Eiutterfly," per– from the Jewish Collection of the State formed by Ms. Klymashivska, was one Ethnographic Museum in St. Petersburg, of the highlights of the afternoon's oper– originated in 18th and 19th century atic segment. Ms. Hirska and Mr. Chmyr Jewish settlements in Ukraine. This unique film about the secrets of the catacombs in Kyyiv is now available both in sang arias from operas by Gounod, Ukrainian and English. Scenes from this underground monastery have never been available verdi, Mozart and Rossini, with piano Songs of love on video. During the times of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, the holy monks Antonij and accompaniment by Ms. Klymashivska. Feodosij founded the underground monastery on the, banks of the river Dnipro — this was A musical written by a young New The second half of the program featured the beginning of the Kyyivan Pecherska Lavra - a great religious and cultural center. Jersey woman is currently playing in an a song cycle for baritone and piano to lyrics Off-Off Broadway theater. Lydia Price: S39.95 U.S. by vasyl Symonenko, "To Ukraine," com– Semanyshyn of Maple wood, N.J., who has S49.95 Canadian posed by ihor Sonevytsky of New York, been writing songs for 12 years, created an and Mr. Skoryk's song cycle for soprano To order edl: 1-800-KONTAKT operetta that is being presented by the 13th and piano to lyrics by Shevchenko, with the (566-8258) Street Repertory Company, at 50 W. 13th composer himself at the piano. Skoryk's or send in your order to the following address: St. in Manhattan. "Windows of Love" pre– Toccata for piano, performed by Ms. Ukrainian Television Entertainment miered on September 23 and can be seen on Klymashivska, and the duet of Odarka and P.O. Box 740232 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays through Karas from Hulak-Artemovsky's "Kozak RcgoPark, NY 11374-0232 November 27. Curtain time is 7 p.m. Beyond the Danube," completed the pro- "Windows of Love" tells the story of real gram with a brilliant flourish. relationships between four women from dif– Phono: Mr. Skoryk, a professor of composi– Day( ferent walks of life who meet at Kennedy tion at the Kyyiv and Lviv conservato– J-v Airport as they depart for Paris and later Shipping 8L Handling: U.S. Canadiai ries, heads the Lviv branch of the return to New York. The plot is advanced S3.95 55.95 1 irsi Copy Composers Union of Ukraine. He is 51.95 S2.95 Additional Copies through 22 songs, some of them with known for his contemporary orchestral No. ol copies Shipping A. Handling Subtotal Taxcs^ Ukrainian motifs. Says Ms. Semanyshyn, -1 r and chamber music, which echoes „ made 01 y. Ukraim "How could it be otherwise, given that i'm Enclosed is our check in the amount of S „ Ukrainian folk music. " Only for N.Y.S. residents. a product of SUM, Soyuzivka and the Mr. Sonevytsky is the director of the Ukrainian Music institute?" Please check one Q Ukrainian Q English Music and Art Center of Greene County in The musical is being presented by Ms. Hunter, N.Y. At the invitation of Ukraine's Semanyshyn's publishing company, Ministry of Culture, he will serve as a Kalyna Music inc. it is directed by member of the jury at the Second Gerald Уап Heerden, with choreography ATTENTION international Solomeya Krushelnytska by Robin Reesen, musical direction by Competition of Opera Singers, to be held in ALL MEMBERS OF BRANCH 36 Jeremy Rosen and set design and cos– Lviv from November 17 to December 1. Please be advised that Branch 36 will merge with Branch 343 as of October 31, 1994. tumes by Greg Hywel. During his stay in Lviv, his Piano Concerto All inquiries, monthly payments and requests for changes should be sent to (revised edition) and possibly his opera From Russia? Mrs. Mary Sweryda, Branch Secretary. "Zoria" will be given performances. Mary Sweryda Further uptown, at the 92nd St. Y's Ukrainian artists were among the per– 90 Karlan Drive Tisch Center for the Arts, the husband and formers in two Russian ensembles that Rochester, NY 14617 wife duo-piano team of Aleksei Kuznetsov appeared at the Queensborough (716)342-2089 and valentina Lisitsa made their New York Community College Theater in Bayside, debut on October 22, Ms. Lisitsa, who is Queens, in October. Ukrainian, and Mr. Kuznetzov, of Russian Baritone Sergei Dzhemelinsky of Kyyiv ancestry, met in 1988 when both were stu– was one of six vocal soloists in the October dents at the Kyyiv Conservatory. 2 concert presented by the Red Star Red NEW U.N.A. ANNU1TY RATES Combining their talents, they won first Army Chorus and Dance Ensemble of prize at the 1990 Ukrainian Chamber Russia, a troupe of 120 singers and dancers Effective September 15, 1994, the Single Premium Tax Deferred Music Competitions. The following year, that appeared with a full orchestra. Annuities will earn б 174Q7o interest, The program, consisting mainly of they took first prize at the 3rd Murray and the Flexible Premium Tax Deferred Annuities 6Q7o. Dranoff international Two-Piano Russian melodies and dances, included Competition in Miami. the Ukrainian Hopak and the ever-popu– That interest rate is guaranteed for one year. Allan Kozinn of The New York Times, lar "Carol of the Bells." Surprisingly, but whose review of their concert appeared on quite properly, the program notes credit– For further information please call: ed the Hopak and the carol to the people October 25, emphasized that the pianists (201) 451-2200 (N.J.) or (216) 888-4919 (Ohio) have plenty of power, together and individ– of Ukraine. or (215) 887-8823 (Pa.) or (800) 253-9862 (N.J.) ually, and that there was much to admire in According to the troupe's artistic their work. He wrote: "They played with director, Col. Anatoly Bazhalkin, the unassailable unity and precision, and the dance ensemble included several artists or kindly clip off the coupon below, of Ukrainian nationality. more overpowering moments were offset enter the information requested and return to: by moments of real delicacy." On October 29, irina Dvorovenko, a principal dancer of the Kyyiv Ballet, and Neighboring village songs Maxim Belozerkovsky, a principal dancer Ukrainian National Association with the National Opera and Ballet Theater Ukrainian songs and bandura music Director of insurance Operations of Ukraine, appeared with eight other 30 Montgomery Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 were featured with Yiddish liturgical and dancers in a concert billed as "Ballet Stars folk music in the program "Night Songs of Moscow" (a bit of a misnomer, one Name: From a Neighboring village" at the could say). The two performed an abstract Jewish Museum, Fifth Avenue and 92nd ballet "The Wall," to music by Mozart, and Date of Birth: Street, on October 9. Alexis Kochan of the Pas de Deux from "La Sylphide." Winnipeg sang Ukrainian sacred music, Ms. Dvorovenko, who hopes to audi– Address: ancient folk songs and dance tunes, and tion for American Ballet Theater in New Phone: bandurist Julian Kytasty of Montreal York later this month, has won a number added Ukrainian dumas and bandura of dance competitions - the 1990 USA Best time to call: music to the afternoon program. international Ballet Competition (silver Ms. Kochan, a psychologist by profes– medal), international Ballet Competition in Productfservice of interest: sion, studied music in England, toured with Winnipeg's Koshetz Choir in the (Continued on page 23) 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45

explain to them that 'Zhyd' is not only used Community... in western Ukraine, but in Poland, in HAMALIA (Continued from page 1) Slovakia, in Romania and so forth, and that Ч it is a legitimate word in western Ukrainian 43 Saint Mark's Place TRAYEL CONSULTANTS N. Y., NY. 10003 discussion between the two groups was dialogue for Jew. it is not a derogatory "for the record," prior agreement for word." Mr. Olesnycky added: "in western media participation had not been reached, Ukraine 'Zhyd' is a generic word for Jew. CHRISTMAS IN UKRAINE and his delegation objected to its presence. in eastern Ukraine, 'Yevrey' is the accepted KYYIVTLVIV 13 DAYS-Si 199 "There was great tension during the ALL INCLUSIVE AIR UKRAINE word. So it depends on where one comes meeting," recalled Mrs. Mazurkevich. from." 1T1NERARY- 3 JANUARY! 5 JANUARY Prior to the meeting, the Ukrainian dele– Another point of contention was the dis– gation had agreed to a list of grievances and ^ Tour of Kyyiv's Major Cathedrals missal of Mr. Safer. "We suggested the demands, which included a retraction and ^ Excursion to Zhovkva and Krekhivski Monastery dismissal of Safer similar to that of Andy apology in the preamble to a balanced pro- ^ Christmas Eve in Lviv Rooney," explained Mr. Lozynskyj. "CBS ^ Christmas Mass at St George's or SS.Peter and Paul gram on current Ukrainian–Jewish relations ^ Participation in a Christmas 'vertep' that would include the reading of Rabbi argued that Rooney was not suspended for ^ Christmas Festival of Ukrainian Arts A Crafts Bleich's entire statement; the dismissal of the anti-gay statements he made on the air, ^ Lviv Philharmonic's Christmas Concert but for something else. But they wouldn't ^ Malanka celebrations in Kyyiv Mr. Safer; no rebroadcast of the "Ugly Face of Freedom" segment; and no unsolicited elaborate," he said. dissemination of transcripts of the segment. The Ukrainian delegation maintains that Rabbi Bleich's statement (for full text, A1R ONLY The delegation also agreed to impress see page 6), received by Mr. Lozynskyj KYYiv 545. INCLUDING TAXES - THRU IS DEC upon CBS that inferences that Ukrainians several hours before the meeting, surprised are "genetically anti-Semitic" and an illiter– Lviv 599. INCLUDING TAXES - THRU 09 DEC CBS. "They were very interested in the ate lot of peasants in control of nuclear letter from the rabbi, and likewise they weapons are objectionable, as was the 1800 HAMAL1A image of young scouts marching and the want to meet with him when he comes translation of "Zhyd" as "kike." over on November 10," said Bishop Losten. it appears that a resolution to the During the meeting, one of several points of contention between the two situation hinges on Rabbi Bleich's meet– delegations was the pejorative translation ing with CBS. SEND THE WEEKLY TO UKRAINE of the western Ukrainian word "Zhyd." Mr. Lozynskyj has called on the Ukrainian American community to contin– To order an air mail subscription to The Ukrainian Weekly for addressees Accorclng to Prof. Hunczak, the Ukrainian delegation "presented objec– ue to protest the October 23 segment to in Ukraine, send S125 for subscription fee and postage costs to: tive evidence, which CBS did not dis– CBS, its affiliates and the sponsors of the program. He added that during the meet– Subscription Department, The Ukrainian Weekly, 30 Montgomery St., pute, except for the translation of 'Zhyd.' They said they have someone who says ing, CBS officials had stated that they had Jersey City, NJ 07302. that 'Zhyd' is pejorative." received numerous letters from Ukrainians, Bishop Losten elaborated: "We tried to as well as letters from other groups, such as the Polish and Jewish community. Sandy Genelius of CBS's press office, however, could not confirm the number of Prices for food packages include the letters for or against the segment, "it is very OKSANA international Trade, inc. cost of products, shipping, delivery difficult to give you an exact number," she 1111 East Elizabeth Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036 and insurance said. "We have received letters with both a positive and negative response. From our standpoint, there was a response, and that's Hour 25 LB Mayonnaise 8 LB Sugar 50 LB Sugar 25 LB Buckwheat Groats 10 LB Drf Orange Drink 5 LB the primary issue." Sugar 25 LB vegetable Oil 8 LB Hour 50 LB Flour 25LB Oatmeal Flakes 10 LB Danish Cookies 3 LB The Ukrainian American community Rice 20 LB Luncheon Meat 5 LB Buckwheat Gr. 10 LB Buckwheat Gr. 10 LB Cream of Wheat 10 LB Peanut Butter 2.5 LB continues its protest, writing letters to CBS Macaroni 5 LB Corned Beef 5 LB Cream of Wheat 10 LB 1 Cream of Wheat 10 LB vegetable Oil 8 LB Sweet Prunes 2.5 LB and the sponsors of the segment, meeting Canned Ham 2 LB 1 Canned Ham 5 LB Oatmeal Hakes 10LB Oatmeal Flakes 10 LB Luncheon Meat 7.5 LB Powdered Sugar 2 LB with CBS affiliates and demonstrating. Dried Yeast 2LB Beef Stew 6 LB vegetable Oil 8 LB vegetable Oil 8 LB Beef Stew 6 LB Dry Cream 2 LB An October 28 meeting between five Weight 79 LB Canned Sardines 5 LB Mayonnaise 8 LB Mayonnaise 8 LB Canned Ham 3LB Raisins 2 LB representatives of the Ukrainian American Weight 42 LB Beef Stew 6 LB Macaroni 5 LB Corned Beef 3LB Coffee 2 LB Macaroni 5LB Canned Ham 1 LB Canned Sardine 3LB Tea 1 LB community and Rochester CBS affiliate S 111.00 1 S 125.00 Dried Yeast 2LB Canned Sardines 1 LB Weight 61 LB Chocolate Syrup 1.5 LB WROC-Channel 8 resulted in WROC Weight 159 LB Dried Yeast 2 LB Bubble Gum 1LB vice-President and General Manager Gary All producns are Weight 118 LB Weight 29 LB Bolton granting the Ukrainian community from American stores S 218.00 1 S 168.00 S 142.00 S 88.00 30 minutes on a local public affairs pro- gram to present its views on the "Ugly Packages to Ukraine, Face of Freedom" segment. According to Russia, Belarus, volodymyr Zacharkiw, vice-president of Canned Ham 6 LB vegetable Oil 1 Gal Chicken Boulion 13 Oz Tea 1 LB the UCCA Rochester Branch, the segment Hard Salami 3LB Rice 20 LB Dry Milk 2 LB Powdered Sugar 2 LB Baltic States, Slovakia, will be taped either November 16 or 17 Corned Beef 3LB Crisco 6 LB Canned Peas 1.5 LB Danish Cookies 3 LB and aired in late November. The Rochester vienna Sausages 1 LB Black Pepper 1 LB Raisins 2 LB Peanut Butter 2.5 LB Czech Rep. and Poland Canned Sardines 3 LB Mustard 1.5 LB Chocolate Syrup 1.5 LB Bubble Gum 1 LB community also submitted a petition with Chicken Soup 12721P Olives 1 LB Coffee 2.5 LB Weight 105 LB 510 signatures protesting the segment to Macaroni 5 LB Ketchup 2 LB Cocoa 1 LB Mr. Bolton, who agreed to forward it to CBS headquarters in New York. Weight 105 LB Price S 240.00 in Detroit, the local CBS affiliate cov– ered an October 27 community rally at the Package Pick Up Service available anywhere in the U.S.A. Ukrainian Cultural Center attended by some 600 Ukrainian Americans and aired it on that evening's 11 o'clock news. A video Equipment, Tvsets local newspaper, The Macomb Daily, car– Money European дл A ried a front-page story about the event, Transfer to Medications 2^! and Appliances for Ukraine which resulted in the signing of a petition to CBS by 550 people, on October 28. Ukraine and wheelchairs v^y' Contacts with Michigan Reps. David Bonior and Sander Levin, who issued a Our Company is licensed by the US Banking to Ukraine fljl statement that was read at the October 27 Department to transfer funds to Ukraine. meeting, resulted in a November 2 meeting with Ukrainian Cultural Center director and Detroit area UCCA President Borys Tel: (908) 925 0717OFax: (908) 925 3724 Potapenko. Mr. Potapenko summarized the For Package Pick Up Call: 1 800 9 OKSANAoCall for brochures and Free UPS labels meeting: "The two congressmen have indi– cated that they will use their elected office to further mobilize Capitol Hill in this regard. They will speak out on the floor of OKSANA TRAVEL the House. Congressman Levin indicated The Lowest Prices for Tickets to Sc from Ukraine, Russia, Poland and other Euro– that he will himself seek a meeting with pean Countries, visa to Ukraine о invitations for visitors о Medical insurance о CBS on this." in Washington, a November 2 demon– Travel Passportso Tickets delivery in Ukraine etc. stration at the CBS office resulted in a meeting with vice-President and Bureau Call (908) 925 9737 to make all arrangements Chief Barbara S. Cochran (see story, page 3). No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994

Berehynia College in Cherkasy, the Sich 'Kremlinology' toward the evolving, plu– The KMA has faith... College in Zaporizhzhia, Theodosia Chopivsky Family... ralistic reality of the present," Prof. (Continued from page 5) College in the Crimea, and Mykolayiv (Continued from page 5) Holquist said. College. Similar colleges are in the process best years of our lives. versities in Ukraine, as well as with repre– The Steering Committee has invited of being created in Kharkiv, Kherson, Today, the National University of sentatives of the Ukrainian government, the George Grabowicz, director of the vinnytsia, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky and Kyyiv-Mohyla Academy is regarded as international Monetary Fund, World Bank Ukrainian Research institute at Harvard other cities of Ukraine. the most prestigious institution of higher and the Soros Foundation. University, and Mark von Hagen of the it so happened that my first public learning in Ukraine. We have realized Prof. Holquist commented on the Harriman institute at Columbia University, speech about the idea of renewing the our dream. Of course, we are not con– Chopivsky Family Foundation's efforts a: to meet in New Haven next month to Kyyiv-Mohyla Academy was given in vinced that everything was done perfect– Yale: 'This investment in the study of establish a consortium of Ukrainian studies America. І made many presentations both ly, and we are aware of many oversights, Ukraine occurs at a point when history dou– programs. in the U.S and in Canada, explaining the but we are continually working to over- bly resonates: at a crisis point in the subjec: Next spring, Yale will be the site of a process of renewing the academy. And І come them, improving our teaching to be studied, and at a crisis point in the major international conference hosted by always emphasized that the success of this methods as well as our approach to the methodology devoted to the area," he said. Paul Kennedy, the Richardson Dilworth project was assured because it had engaged general organization of the university "Since 1989, great changes have beer- Professor of History and director of inter- such enlightened, dedicated and highly and our work with the students. taking place not only in the geopolitical national security studies at Yale, and qualified people. Naturally, these are all tasks for actual boundaries of Eastern Europe but in the Prof, von Hagen. The topic will be Thanks to several grants, a delegation people, and so the most important boundaries of disciplines which tradition- "Security issues in Ukraine." from the National University of Kyyiv- responsibility from the very beginning ally had constituted the 'area studies' in The Chopivsky Family Foundation was Mohyla Academy will be arriving in the was to find the best and to convince the U.S. directed to this part of the world. founded in 1986 to promote cultural, educa– United States on November .10. Our them to work for the academy, in three "The Chopivsky gift will greatly tional and religious activities, with empha– goals for this trip will be: to make pre– years 1 have had to fire over 150 employ– enhance understanding of the varied rich– sis on Ukraine or Ukrainian-related pro– sentations about the university to the ees. Some did not want to work as was es of Ukrainian culture and society, help– jects. George Chopivsky Jr. of Washington Ukrainian community, to sign several expected of them; some were not capable ing Yale to readjust the study of Eastern is chairman of the board of United agreements with American and Canadian of working to our expectations; others Europe away from traditional models of Psychiatric Group. universities, and to submit project pro– regarded the Kyyiv-Mohyla Academy posals for financial support to American exclusively as a step on their career lad– and Canadian foundations. der; and still others were simply inatten– tive to their responsibilities. For all that, it is with great pleasure that 1 wish SELF REL1ANCE (NEWARK, NJ) now to introduce my colleagues, people today we have a competent team whose FEDERAL CRED1T UNiON on whom 1 have depended always. members know what they want to 734 SANDFORD AvENUE, NEWARK, NJ 07106 achieve and go about their activities with Serhiy ivaniuk is the rector of the uni– Tel (201) 373-7839 - Fax (201) 373-8812 utmost conviction and commitment. versity. The second person to come to BUSlNESS HOURS: work for the Kyyiv-Mohyla Academy, he Tue. A Fri. -1:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Wed. A Thurs. - 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM - Sat. - 9:00 to 12:00 Noon (Closed July A August) - Mon. - Closed Clearly, we could have done little with– founded the Faculty of the Humanities and out support that was truly national and was its first dean. With the introduction of international. Friends of the Kyyiv- the position of president of the academy, Mohyla Academy number over 4,000. І to which 1 was elected, Mr. ivaniuk AUTO штщ take this opportunity to express our deep became rector in August 1994. 7 gratitude to those Ukrainians in the United The third employee of the academy, States and Canada who have given us Ї24 нош Approval І Natalia Shumkova, a historian, arrived in 0 0 extremely vital financial support. Without vtft– tb100 fo 'рСклчсіи,р 4-к ltccv– фліл November 1991 and today is the head of you we would not have the best computer the university. Yevhenia Onyshchenko, 0 classrooms in Ukraine, a fine library, a tyn,ta,t ltctctcbt ^.a,ttb a-K Ttbtct фльь was also one of the academy's first foreign languages laboratory, as well as employees; she began working in 1991 physics and geology laboratories, a mod– New 1993-94-95 6.25Уо APR - 36payments - S30.43 per Sl,OOO as vice-rector for finances. , ern print shop, a newly furnished board- o These people, along with many others, 6.50 7oAPR - 48 payments - S23.71 per Si, 000 room for our Academic Council, and made the renaissance of the Kyyiv- many other amenities. 6.75Го APR - 60 payments -Si 9.66 per Si, 000 Mohyla Academy possible. Our heartfelt thanks to you from all of Our new nation has many urgent tasks Used"" 1992-93-94 7.25Уо APR - 36 payments - S30.99 per Si, 000 us. Your names are inscribed in the Honor at hand. We deliberately chose one of o Roll of the Friends of the Kyyiv-Mohyla 7.50 7o APR - 48 payments - S24.18per Si, 000 them: to bring up the young generation, Academy. This treasured book will be pre– 5 giving it the best education and fostering Use^ " 1991 or earlier 9.00Уо APR - 36 payments - S31.80 per Si, 000 served at our university as a testament to its devotion and loyalty to Ukraine. That if qualified. 24 hours is after receipt of completed application dc verified information. the contributions of all kinds of people, is because our faith in the genuine pros– j """ Used car purchases - maximum loan amount is based on the NADA quoted "Average Loan Amount". without whom our existence and operation New Jersey Residents Only - All rates subject to change perity of our nation is inextricably linked would not be possible. with the new young generation. This year, the National University of Kyyiv-Mohyla Academy has 628 students enrolled in faculties of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. There are nearly 150 members of the faculty, of Trident Trade Group whom one-third are professors, doctors and academicians, in the last two and a hall' years over 60 professors from many is pleased to extend lower prices for shipments during the holiday season: countries of the world - including world- famous scholars - have lectured here. 109k OFF on all parcel shipments We are very proud that we have built a Ukrainian university. Sadly though, of 10 ^ OFF all standard food parcel orders all the universities in Ukraine we are the only one where all lectures are in the Established in 1989 TRIDENT TRADE GROUP is committed to offer the best parcel Ukrainian language - except when invit– delivery service to Ukraine in both our locations. ed foreign professors teach in English. Our biggest source of pride at the acad– Services offered: emy is our students, who come from all oblasts of Ukraine and from the Crimean ' Parcel package delivery ' Food parcels ' Car shipment Republic. We have also had students from ' Air express delivery ' Custom food parcels ' Appliances Canada, the U.S., Germany, Poland, ' vCR's, Radios, Cameras (220v) Japan, China, Finland and italy - and they ALSO — scarves, sweaters, material, threads and many other popular items for Ukraine. all have taken or are taking Ukrainian lan– guage courses. Next year we will finish :хШлвєй^:т:,:ШШ' PARCELЖ the construction of a student residence, MQfrQO S90.00-S42 lbs. J?45^CrS41.00-17lbs. and then we will be able to admit more JW40tfff 5126.00 s 67 lbs. foreign students. Nonetheless, our central focus will continue to be on the education 5 lbs. Ham 2 lbs. Raisins 3 lbs. Coffee 5 lbs. Ham 100 ctr Tea bags of highly qualified professionals in our 5 lbs. Bacon 10 lbs. Macaroni 6 lbs. Sausage 3 lbs. Bacon 2 lbs. Ham country. 6 lbs. Sausage 5 lbs. Cocoa 10 lbs. Rice 5 lbs. Sugar 3 lbs. Sausage Today, the renewed Kyyiv-Mohyla 20 lbs. Flour 5 lbs. Pwdr. milk 5 lbs. Peanut Butter 3 lbs. veg. Shortening 10 lbs. Macaroni Academy is not only a university. We are 5 lbs. Tuna 24 pk. Soup (Raman Noodle) 5 lbs. Sugar re-establishing a network of educational institutions that we oversee directly, and whose teaching programs are approved by UKRAINIAN GIFT SHOP DNIPRO our Academic Council. They are: the 11758 Mitchell St, 'Detroit, Ml 48212 698 Sanford Ave, ' Newark, Nj 07106 Kyyiv-Mohyla College located in the capi– tal, Ostrih College in Rivnc Oblast, (2Ш)373--8Щ 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45

100th Anniversary of the UNA PREVIEW OF EVENTS BANQUET and DANCE (Continued from page 24) Route 10 W, starting 8:30 p.m. The names of all sponsors will be included in the Saturday, NOv. 12, 1994 evening will feature dancing to the music commemorative concert program that will of Tempo, under the direction of ireney be sent to the museum in Lviv. Kowal. Admission: S25; S30 at the door. at Ukrainian American Citizens Club Wednesday, November 23 Proceeds to benefit the building fund of in WATERVLIET, N.Y. The Ukrainian Museum in New York. To MONTREAL: Dr. Joe "The Right reserve tables or for more information call Chemistry" Schwartz, CJAD-Radio 800 Marie Kukuruza, (201) 779-4720. Personality, will give a slide presentation 5:30 P.M. -– COCTA1L and talk titled "Have You Ever 6:30 P.M. - PROGRAM Sunday, November 20 Wondered...," to be held at St. Sophia 7:30 P.M. - D1NNER TORONTO: The World Federation of Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral Hall, 6250 9:00 P.M. - DANCE Ukrainian National Women's Organizations 12th Ave., at 7:30 p.m. For more informa– Orchestra - viDLUNNYA is holding a benefit concert at the Ukrainian tion call (514) 331-3569. National Federation Auditorium, 297 Thursday, November 24 (Formerly from Lviv, Ukraine) College St., at 3:30 p.m. Featured perform– ers at the concert are Christina Romana TORONTO: The Center for Russian and Lypeckyj, mezzo-soprano, Maria East European Studies at the University of Program includes: Lonchyna-Lisowsky, pianist, with Natalie Toronto is hosting a lecture by Dr. Ukrainian Songs and Dances Hewko, recitation. Tickets: S10. Proceeds Yohanan Petrovsky, head, department of from the concert will be donated to the Judaic studies, international Solomon Honoring of Branch Secretaries of the UNA. Solomea Krushelnytska Museum in Lviv. University, Kyyiv, on the topic "Hope Main Speaker: ULAN A D1ACHUK - UNA President WFUWO asks that the Ukrainian communi– Dies Last: Ukrainian Jews and Ukrainian ty support the effort by becoming sponsors independence, 1991-1994." The lecture of the program. Sponsorship, in the amount will be held in the Board Room, Sponsored by the TROY7ALBANY of Si00, S50 and S25, should be made, by Multicultural History Society of Ontario, DISTRICT COMMITTEE November 10, by contacting Maria 43 Queen's Park Crescent E., 4-6 p.m. The Pidkowich, (416) 225-9845, or to the event is co-sponsored by CREES and the of the Ukrainian National Association WFUWO office, (416) 366-4299. The Chair of Ukrainian Studies.

Branches: 13 - Watervliet 150 - Pitsfield nation of Austrian Archduke Francis 57-Cohoes 191-Troy Winnipeg Free Press... Ferdinand, Bishop Budka called on 88 - Kerhonkson 266 - Amsterdam (Continued from page 13) Ukrainian Canadians to be loyal to the Austro-Hungarian Empire when the war 476 ft 477 - Hudson would tack it up on the bulletin board at the broke out. But although the prelate's com– back fof St. John the Baptist Ukrainian ments were made before Canada entered Donation - $25 Catholic Church in Ottawa)," he said. the fray, Bishop Budka was dubbed an "Everyone would always make a point of agitating traitor by the Free Press. Reservation bu TUE.. NOY. 8. 1994 stopping by to read it after mass." An editorial considered the bishop's CONTACT: Nick Fil, Paul Shevczuk, Michael Sawkiw, Roman Rakochy Historically, the newspaper, which used to be called the Manitoba Free initial proclamation "a striking manifes– Dmytro Kocan, Jerry Tysiak, Walter Warshona tation of the danger that this country may Stephanie Hawiyluk, Walter Kwas, Lidia Chuda, Michael Mariak Press, wasn't as friendly to its Ukrainian Canadian readers, in the past the daily become a land inhabited by different newspaper was often at loggerheads with peoples speaking foreign tongues and the community. Anti-Ukrainian diatribes cherishing divergent national ideals, instead of a land, peopled by Canadians, intensified during World War 1, when To subscribe: cherishing a national ideal." Canada's first Ukrainian Catholic bish– Send S30 (S20 if you are a member of the UNA) to: op, Nykyta Budka, angered the But that was then and this is now. The Ukrainian Weekly Anglophone community when his Today, the Winnipeg Free Press' appar– ent love affair with its Ukrainian Canadian Subscription Department remarks over loyalty became misinter– preted. readership adds further justification for 30 Montgomery St., Jersey City, NJ 07302. choosing Winnipeg as the site of the spe– On July 27, 1914, following the assassi– cial G-7 conference on aid to Ukraine and the final stop on President Leonid Kuchma's five-day visit to Canada. Where lack of coverage in either The As a result of rapid growth, Ottawa Citizen or The Globe and Mail, Canada's self-described national news- Self Reliance (NJ) Federal Credit Union has an paper, greeted the president's arrival ear– lier in the week, the Free Press made up IMMEDIATE FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE for their current oversight. in the following area PERSONAL "

Assistant Loan Officer: individual must possess a B.S. or B.A. degree and one to two years, THEO related experience or training. The candidate should be fluent in Ukrainian and English, and possess PC and computer-related skills. Position will be responsible for interviewing, Happy Birthday examining, evaluating and recommending approval of customer applications for lines 8c or extension of lines of credit, real estate loans, consumer credit loans and credit card accounts. Good Luck in School

Experience within the credit union movement is preferred, but not required. froxm Mom, Dad A Lisa Please send a resume and salary history in confidence via fax (201) 471-4506,

or via mail to: PERSONAL ADS Self Reliance (NJ) Federal Credit Union Make it a special day 851 Allwood Road for a family member, a friend, Clifton, NJ 07012-1922 or an associate Attention: Personnel Committee by extending special greetings

on BIRTHDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES, Compensation and benefits commensurate with experience. CONGRATULATIONS, THANK YOU or just HELLO. No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 23

- biqtobi. ,f я' чг'Л -У4?;ІЇ?;',^ Ukrainian crossword EMBASSY wcMevfam

Show your Ukrainian Heritage with this exquisite timepiece! EMBASSY QUARTZ WATCH Battery powered quartz movement with conventional hands to indicate the time. 18k Gold plated thin case design, stainless steel case back with genuine leather band. - Water Resistant - One Year Warranty - Assembled in the USA - Deluxe Gift Box Available in two styles! Available in His A Hers! Satin Black Dial with Gold Trident ІтргіпШаск Leather Band MEN'S (EM-101M) -WOMEN'S (EM-101W) Dynasty Gold Dial with Black Trident imprinf Brown Leather Band MEN'S (EM-102M) - WOMEN'S (EM-102W) 1DEAL FOR HOUDAY G1FTS! Only S59.95 each plus S4.00 for Postage, Handling fc insurance Two for only S109.90 plus S5.00 for postage, Handling a insurance New Jersey residents add 6Уо Sales Tax. Send Check or Money Order and indicate Model Number fc Quantity to: THE WESTWOOD GROUP 167 Main Street, Metuchen, NJ 08840 USA

"Break a Leg" Across 2. Starring role in a play. СОЮЗІВКА m SOYUZIVKA islands where 6 Down and 7 Down 3. 19th century playwright whose works Ukrainian National Association Estate were imprisoned by Soviet authorities. included "Chumaky" and "Naimychka." Kerhonkson, New York 12446 Lviv's Ukrainian Drama Theater is FAX 914-626-4638 named in her honor. 5. Location of certain seats in a theater. Type of theatrical performance. 6. His "Sonata Pathetique" was banned He was director of 36 Across from in Ukraine but staged in Moscow in 1910 to 1914 and again from 1921 to the 1930s. SPR1NG 1995 1924. 7. He created a dramatization of Taras Kvitka-Osnovianenko's Shelmenko Shevchenko's "Haydamaky." Available dates in April, May and June in 1837 play title.. 8. The show must go -. for special events at Soyuzivka Resort Curtain. 11. Standing . "Spring Wedding" Actor's milieu. 12. What almost everyone does in the Part of an act. last act of Hamlet? "Anniversary Celebration" Ukrainian puppet theater. 13. -- Arts Group. "Reunion" 14. Bane of many Ukrainian playwrights "Blind ," play about Ukrainian Make reservations early to guarantee space poet vasyl Yeroshenko. under Soviet rule. for your special function. villain's character. 15. Kvitka Osnovianenko's Shelmenko Response of unappreciative audience. in 1831 play title. Ne Zhurys style theater. 19. "Lend me your —." vynnychenko play title about 21. Ukrainian Communist whose Soviet shopping? propaganda plays led to his assassi– ON TrltNKSGiviNG DAY THERE 1S NO PLACE L1KE SOYUZivKA! Home base for 13 Down. nation by Ukrainian nationalists. What Soviet authorities decided 6 22. First name of title character of Taras JOIN US FOR A FAMILY Down should be in 1956. Shevchenko play. THANKSGIVING DINNER All the actors in a play. 23. And so forth. vynnychenko play title about law 24. Director of Philadelphia a Teatr u AT SOYUZIVKA and order? Piatnytsiu. Thursday, November 24,1994 at 1 p.m. Lviv's "chatterbox" theater? 26. Theater founded by 7 Down. Traditional 28. Rukh member fired as director of Members of overactors anonymous? Turkey Kyyiv Youth Theater by Soviet 7 Down or 28 Down. Dinner His "Bohdan Khmelnytsky" was pro– authorities. ducedin 1897. 29. "Much -– About Nothing." Special Order: 31. Applause makers? Plot. Whole Turkey 32. in 1893 Franko play, this was Number 27. for the family Down 33. Where to go during intermission. 1. Ukrainian theater family that estab 35. in 1990 she created and directed "A " Extensive salad bar lished a Ukrainian enugre theater Light from the East." ' Turkey dinner with trimmings in Prague in 1923. 38. Theatrical success. ^ Complimentary glass of wine 11 viennese dessert table were brought to town last month from ivan– ' Coffee 8L tea The sound... Frankivske in Ukraine by the folk ensemble Dinners by advanced reservations only. (Continued from page 19) Karpatskyi vizerunok. Four musicians, two singers and two dancers, all in embroidered Tokyo (bronze medal) and the Serge Lifar attire, presented a lively program at Holy international Ballet Competition in 1994 Thanksgiving dinner only „^„^„^^,„^„^„„ „ S14.50 per person Cross Church hall in Astoria, Queens, on (gold medal). Thanksgiving dinner only (children under 12) ^„^„ „^S7.50 per child October 9 and at the Ukrainian National Mr. Belozerkovsky, who has been signed Home in Manhattan on the 16th. Thanksgiving dinner with overnight accommodations „ „865.00 per person by American Ballet Theater, will join that S120.00 per couple company upon completion of the group's Baritone volodymyr Pirus, of the ivano-Frankivske Philharmonic, the only „^ S32.50 per child U.S. tour. He became a leading soloist with Children 13-17„^ professional performer in the troupe, gave the National Opera of Bulgaria after com– Children under 12 „ ^^^^,FREE out with solos and joined Oksana Oleksyn pleting his training at the Choreographic (including steak dinner, evening wine u cheese party by the fireplace in several duets. Accompaniment and School in Kyyiv in 1990. Returning to in the Main house lobby, and breakfast Friday morning) musical interludes were provided by Kyyiv in 1991, he joined the National vasyl Mykytiuk (tsymbaly), Petro TAXES 8c GRATUlTlES ADDlTlONAL Opera and Ballet Theatre and was promoted Yaremchuk (a variety of flutes), vasyl to principal dancer status in 1992. Both he Dydych (accordion) and Roman Melnyk Ukrainian National Association Estate and Ms. Dvorovenko are in their early 20s. Reservations are required - please contact: (violin). The program was embellished Soyuzivka with spirited folk-dance solos and duets Phone:(914)626-5641 Foordmore Road From Ukraine, yes indeed by Bohdan Hotsaniuk and Olha Fax:(914)626-4638 Exuberant mountain music and dances Dereshchuk. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1994 No. 45

Tuesday, November 8 For additional information contact Susan Duplak, (201) 473-3068. NEW YORK: Prof. Yaroslav Hrytsak, PREVIEW OF EVENTS Sunday, November 13 institute for Historical Research, Lviv State veterans' Day services at the UAv monu– tion following the concert at the Plast University, will present a lecture on ment in Hollywood Cemetery, Stuyvesant Headquarters building, 144 Second Ave., to HARTFORD, Conn.: The Hartford "National and Political Consciousness in Ave., at 11 a.m. Refreshments will be served which present and former members of Chapter of the Ukrainian Patriarchal Society Western and Eastern Ukraine: The Case of after the service at the Ukrainian Dumka are invited. in the U.S. invites the Ukrainian community Lviv and Donetske," to be held at the New of the greater Hartford area to a commemo– Community Center in irvington. For infor– NEW YORK: A conference marking the School for Social Research, Graduate rative concert dedicated to the memory of mation call John Pawlow, (908) 249-0861. 50th anniversary of "The Ukrainian Faculty, Room 242, at 6 p.m. Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, to be held Quarterly," a journal of Ukrainian and inter- EW1NG, N.J.: The Alexander Plishchuk at St. Michael's Ukrainian Catholic Church Wednesday, November 9 national affairs, will be held at the offices of Ukrainian American veterans Post 25 of auditorium, 125 Wethersfield Ave., at 3 p.m. the Ukrainian Congress Committee of PASSA1C, N.J.: A concert program titled Trenton, N.J., will participate in veterans' Taking part in the tribute will be children of America, 203 Second Ave., beginning at 'The Poetry of Lesia Ukrainka in Song and Day services with the Military Order of the the School of Ukrainian Subjects and the 9:45 a.m. Speaking at the conference will be Recitation," featuring artists from Kyyiv Purple Heart, to be held on the grounds of Dibrova Choir. The event will be preceded Ambassador L. Dobriansky, Profs. J. Svitlana vatamaniuk, Molodizhnyj Teatr, the Ewing Township Municipal Building, by a liturgical service for Metropolitan Holovinsky and N. L. Chirovsky, among recitation; Nadia Petrenko-Matviychuk, Upper Ferry Road, 11 a.m. The public is Sheptytsky to be held at St. Michael's at others. The afternoon session will feature a Tele-Radio, Ukraine, soprano; and Svitlana welcome. For information call John 8:30 a.m. For additional information call panel discussion titled "The New Situation Hlukh, Kyyiv Music Conservatory, piano, Tymash, (609) 499-3339. (203)563-2717. will be held at the Ukrainian Center, 240 in Ukraine and the Emerging Geopolitical TORONTO: The Center for Russian and Hope Ave., at 7:30 p.m. The event is spon– Reality: The Future Role of The Ukrainian NEW BRUNSW1CK, N.J.: Ukrainian East European Studies at the University of sored by the Self Reliance Federal Credit Quarterly,'" with Prof. W. Stojko, Patricia National Women's League of America Union of New Jersey and the Ukrainian Toronto is holding a lecture by Prof. Huntwork, Tamara Gallo and 1. Dlaboha, Branch 4 presents ivana Kanoniv's "The я Center. Yaroslav Hrytsak, institute for Historical participants. A reception will follow. For Original Musical Comedy Repertoire," star- Research, Lviv State University, on the additional information call (212) 228-6840. ring vasyl Kawatzuik, at the Nativity of the І Thursday, November 10 topic "Social and National identities in Blessed virgin Mary Church, Livingston Western and Eastern Ukraine: A PHILADELPHIA: vyachesiav Bnukho– СЛМВІШНІЕ, Mass.: Harvard Ukrainian Ave., at 1 p.m. There will also be an exhibit Comparative Analysis," to be held in the vetsky, president, University of the Kyyiv– of recent paintings of Gregory Hywei and Research institute is holoing a lecture by fan Board Room, Multicultural History Society Mohyla Academy, and members of the uni– В r c І і ІПІС . r e s e a r c h fell о w, H о о v e r Christine Bokalo as well as art work by con– of Ontario, 43 Queen's Park Crescent E., 1- versity's administration, will give a presen– temmmporary artists from Ukraine. Free- !nsiiuition, Stanford University, on "The 3 p.m. The lecture is co-sponsored by tation on the first three years of the universi– Russian Minority and tiv New Ukraine." to will donations, with proceeds to benefit the CREES, the Peter Jacyk Center for ty as an independent institution. The briefing building fund of The Ukrainian Museum in 4' bekl in the HURl seminar room, 1583 Ukrainian Historical Research and the Chair will be held at the Ukrainian Educational Massachusetts Ave., 4-6 p.m. The lecture is New York. For additional information call 1 of Ukrainian Studies. and Cultural Center, 700 Cedar Road, Oksana Bokalo, (908) 549-1577. being presented as par of the institute's Jenkintown, Pa., at 4 p.m. For additional '"Ethnicity and Politics in Ukraine' series. Saturday, November 12 information call (215) 663-1166. SHENANDOAH, Pa.: The Kazka Friday, November І І NEW YORK: The Dumka Ukrainian Ukrainian Folk Ensemble will present a con- YONKERS, N.Y.: St. Michael's Ukrainian Chorus of New York invites the public to a cert of Ukrainian song and dance at the NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific Catholic Church is sponsoring a Las vegas gala concert on the occasion of its 45th Shenandoah valley High School auditorium, Society invites the community to an evening Night at the Ukrainian Youth Center, 301 anniversary to be held at the Cooper Union at 2 p.m. Tickets: S5; group rates are avail– focusing on the Univeisity of the Kyyiv– Palisade Ave., 7 p.m.-1 a.m. There will be auditorium, Third Avenue and E. 7th St., at able. Proceeds from the concert will benefit :^ Mohyla Academy, with presentations by roulette, Black Jack, wheels, dice, a 50750 5 p.m. The concert program will feature the the Anthracite Miners' Memorial Building ^ Yyacheslav Bruikhovetsky, university presi– raffle and door prizes. Admission: S5; performance of works of Bortniansky, Fund. For additional information call (717) : dent: Serhiy ivaniuk. rector: Evhenia includes a buffet and S3 in chips. Proceeds 4 Hnatyshyn, Leontovych. Lysenko, 622-8056. ^ Onyshchenko, vice-president, finances; and will benefit St. Michael's Church and Sichynsky, Sonevytsky, Stetsenko and oth– І Natalia Shumkova, director, public relations. Ukrainian medical relief. For additional Friday-Sunday, November 18-20 ers, under the direction of vasyl J The university representatives will report on information call (914) 965-3003. Hrechynsky, conductor, with Genya Paley, CH1CAGO: A weekend cantors' workshop, І the first three years of the institution as an accompaniment. Also there will be a guest presented by Prof. Joseph Roll of Norwalk, І independent university The presentation PASSA1C, N.J.: SUM-A and Plast invite appearance by Andrij Dobrianskyj, soloist Conn., will be held at the Ukrainian Cultural Ї will be held at the society's building, 63 the public to their annual fall dance7zabava of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Center, 2247 W. Chicago Ave The work- g Fourth Ave., 7 p.m. to be held at the Ukrainian Center, 240 Hope Tickets at 515; S10, senior citizens, are Ave., starting 9 p.m. Featured will be the shop is sponsored by SS. volodymyr and ї UNlON, N.J.: Ukrainian American available at Surma, Arka, from chorus mem– Burlaky band from Montreal. Proceeds to Olha Parish and the Krylos Choir. For fur– 5 veterans Post 6 of Newark, N.J., will host bers and at the door. There will be a recep– benefit the Ukrainian Olympic Committee. ther information contact John Wirchnianski, (312)342-4749. CH1CAGO: An exhibit of the paintings and art work of Alexander Tkachenko, sponsored by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Chicago Branch, opens at the Ukrainiain Cultural Center, 2247 W. Chicago Ave., at 7:30 p.m. Proceeds to benefit the English as a lliNEvvp Second Language Program sponsored by the UCCA Branch. For additional information calf Orest Hrynewych, '.ti^ljnl^^v^^rlti:CJt'Su"airife""–-^""a richly illustrated English languager magazine (708)698-4917. ІЄШ Saturday, November 19 NEW YORK: The Taras Chuprynka Branch of SUM-A invites the public to UKRMI UKRAINE their traditional fall dance7zabava to be held at the Ukrainian National Home, їЄ 120 Second Ave.^ starting at 9 p.m. а^ , There will be dancing to the music of Fata Morgana. For table reservations ,bot^ call Dibrova, (212) 473-2955. ,wvef' JOHNSON C1TY, N.Y.: St. Mary's Sisterhood at St. John's Ukrainian Orthodox Church is holding a holiday bake sale at St. John's Memorial І?іЛії",?) e lvi^l Center, St. John's Parkway, 11 a.m.-1 ^W 5 p.m. Apart from baked goods, there 'ІШШШІМ will be Ukrainian arts and crafts for .роЛ Г sale. For advance orders call (609) 729-3843 or (609) 797-4789. gcooot NEW YORK: The Ukrainian World -o^ Association of Professional Educators Available from Ukrainian American Joint ventures Enterprise (UWAPE) invites Ukrainian certified Send check or money order to: Subscriber information: social studies and history teachers to attend the organization's meeting, UAJVE Name: which will take place at the Ukrainian Sports Club, 122 Second Ave., at 2 RO, Box 34266 p.m. For additional information call Cleveland, Ohio 44134 Z.Kwit, (215)769-0889. voice mail: 1-800-466-4594 City: StateTProvince: EAST HANOYER, N.J.: Ukrainian 216 area code call 886-0820 National Women's League of America Branch 75 and the New Jersey introductory annual subscription; S36 Zip code: Ukrainian Museum Building Fund Canadian subscribers: S48 Committee are holding a cabaret7dance Subscribe now to receive our next two special issues; "Gay Paris" to be held at Ramada inn, Regular subscription: S48 THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF UKRAINIAN INDEPENDENCE and Newsstand price: S5.007issue CHERNOBYL zM (Continued on page 22)