
London (Лондон)

27.02.2019 - 28.02.2019 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA

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Zbiór artykułów naukowych recenzowanych. (1) Z 40 Zbiór artykułów naukowych z Konferencji Miedzynarodowej Naukowo- Praktycznej (on-line) zorganizowanej dla pracowników naukowych uczelni, jednostek naukowo-badawczych oraz badawczych z państw obszaru byłego Związku Radzieckiego oraz byłej Jugosławii.

(28.02.2019) - Warszawa, 2019. - 196 str. ISBN: 978-83-66030-83-1

Wydawca: Sp. z o.o. «Diamond trading tour» Adres wydawcy i redakcji: 00-728 Warszawa, ul. S. Kierbedzia, 4 lok.103 e-mail: [email protected]

Wszelkie prawa autorskie zastrzeżone. Powielanie i kopiowanie materiałów bez zgody autora jest zakazane. Wszelkie prawa do artykułów z konferencji należą do ich autorów. W artykułach naukowych zachowano oryginalną pisownię. Wszystkie artykuły naukowe są recenzowane przez dwóch członków Komitetu Na- ukowego. Wszelkie prawa, w tym do rozpowszechniania i powielania materiałów opubliko- wanych w formie elektronicznej w monografii należą Sp. z o.o. «Diamond trading tour». W przypadku cytowań obowiązkowe jest odniesienie się do monografii. Nakład: 80 egz.

«Diamond trading tour» © Warszawa 2019

ISBN: 978-83-66030-83-1


Redaktor naukowy: W. Okulicz-Kozaryn, dr. hab, MBA, Institute of Law, Administration and Econom- ics of Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland; The International Scientific Associa- tion of Economists and Jurists «Consilium», Switzerland.

KOMITET NAUKOWY: W. Okulicz-Kozaryn (Przewodniczący), dr. hab, MBA, Institute of Law, Adminis- tration and Economics of Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland; The Interna- tional Scientific Association of Economists and Jurists «Consilium», Switzerland; C. Беленцов, д.п.н., профессор, Юго-Западный государственный университет, Россия; Z. Čekerevac, Dr., full professor, «Union - Nikola Tesla» University Belgrade, Ser- bia; Р. Латыпов, д.т.н., профессор, Московский государственный машиностроительный университет (МАМИ), Россия; И. Лемешевский, д.э.н., профессор, Белорусский государственный университет, Беларусь; Е. Чекунова, д.п.н., профессор, Южно-Российский институт-филиал Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы, Россия.

KOMITET ORGANIZACYJNY: A. Murza (Przewodniczący), MBA, Ukraina; А. Горохов, к.т.н., доцент, Юго-Западный государственный университет, Россия; А. Kasprzyk, Dr, PWSZ im. prof. S. Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu, Polska; А. Malovychko, dr, EU Business University, Berlin – London – Paris - Poznań, EU; S. Seregina, independent trainer and consultant, Netherlands; M. Stych, dr, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Kra- kowie, Polska; A. Tsimayeu, PhD, associate Professor, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Belarus. I. Bulakh PhD of Architecture, Associate Professor Department of Design of the Architectural Environment, Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture

Recenzenci: L. Nechaeva, PhD, Instytut PNPU im. K.D. Ushinskogo, Ukraina; М. Ордынская, профессор, Южный федеральный университет, Россия.












Кравченко Т.В., Огієнко В.П. НТУУ «КПІ» ім. І. Сікорського, м. Київ

Ключові слова: іноземна мова; читання; індивідуальна робота; інформація; освіта Ключевые слова: иностранный язык; чтение; индивидуальная работа; информация; образование Keywords: foreign language; reading; individual work; information; education.

Самостійна робота студентів є до- процесі самостійної роботи, напри- статньо широкою та різнобічною те- клад, вивчення спеціально визначено- мою теоретичних та практичних до- го лексичного матеріалу. В таких ви- сліджень. В навчальних закладах не падках дослідження присвячені орга- все може бути досягнуто під час на- нізації та плануванню самостійної ро- вчальних занять та за допомогою ви- боти, методам запам’ятовування, кладачів. Час навчання відносно обме- розвитку пам’яті. жений. Тому вивчення частини на- Самостійна робота може розгляда- вчального матеріалу планують у про- тись також як підготовка до самостій- цесі самостійної роботи. У ного вирішення професійних задач, дослідженнях можуть визначатись на- наприклад, теоретичні знання здобу- вчальний матеріал, призначений для вають під час навчальних занять з ви- самостійного опрацювання, та методи кладачем, а практичне застосування його засвоєння шляхом самостійної цих знань тренується в процесі вико- роботи. нання самостійних завдань в реальній Формування деяких вмінь та нави- ситуації. Самостійна робота також має чок може потребувати великого часу та велике значення для підготовки до бути потрібним індивідуально. У зв’язку творчої роботи, де потрібно з цим частина досліджень присвячена розв’язувати задачі, до яких не існує досягненню саме таких якостей, напри- відомих рішень [напр., 2]. клад, швидкочитання, опанування іно- В нашій роботі розглядаються про- земних мов на основі вже відомих знань, блеми формування вмінь та навичок вміння створювати письмові тексти ви- читання іноземною мовою, обумовлені сокого рівня тощо [напр., 1]. потребами значної кількості фахівців Формування деяких вмінь та нави- в сучасну інформаційну епоху. Такі чок може бути більш ефективним у цілі навчання в значній мірі індивідуа-


лізовані, тобто залежать від індивіду- складних синтаксичних конструкцій альних якостей студентів, їх попере- та багатослівних переобтяжених ре- дньої підготовки, особливостей про- чень, вміння їх аналізувати та розумі- фесійної діяльності тощо. Тому досяг- ти, а в подальшому і формування міц- нення цих цілей як під час навчання них навичок сприяють тому, що чи- студента у вищому спеціалізованому тання текстів іноземною мовою стає навчальному закладі, так і після закін- більш творчою роботою, оскільки для чення такого навчання в період про- цього звільнюється додаткова увага. фесійної діяльності, пов’язано пере- Тепер опрацювання текстів іноземною важно з самостійною роботою. В про- мовою в більшій мірі пов’язано вже не цесі формування вмінь та навичок чи- тільки з пошуком або засвоєнням по- тання, за умови, що студент вже трібної інформації, але і з народжен- оволодів основним лексичним матері- ням нових думок, нових ідей, які мо- алом в основами граматики іноземної жуть з’явитись як безпосередньо під мови, увага приділяється складним час такої роботи, так і в процесі по- синтаксичним конструкціям іноземної дальшого осмислення здобутої інфор- мови, особливо якщо у рідній мові сту- мації. Вище зазначені компетентності дента не існує подібних синтаксичних ще більше можуть бути потрібні фа- структур. Також слід додатково пра- хівцям, які працюють з великою кіль- цювати з багатослівними реченнями, кістю текстів іноземною мовою, вико- які зустрічаються в текстах іноземною ристовують такі тексти для пошуку мовою. Такі речення можуть бути пе- ідей, розглядають інформацію як дже- реобтяжені значною кількістю додат- рело для народження нових думок, кових елементів, часто з метою уточ- потрібних для розв’язання складних нення, індивідуалізації окремих аспек- задач в процесі професійної діяльнос- тів змісту. Але такі речення можуть ті. Різноманітні аспекти такої роботи значно ускладнювати сприйняття тек- можуть стати темою подальших дослі- сту, особливо для тих читачів, хто не- джень особливостей професійного чи- достатньо володіє іноземною мовою. тання. Література Тому для оптимізації навичок читання 1. Козловський О.В. Швидкочитання / рекомендується робота з пошуку та О.В. Козловський. – Донецьк: ТОВ ВКФ аналізу таких речень в оригінальних “БАО”, 2004. – 301 с. текстах іноземною мовою, а також 2. Кравченко Т.В., Огієнко В.П. Планування формування психологічної готовності самостійної роботи в процесі вивчення іноземної мови та перекладу: навчально- до сприйняття таких речень шляхом виховні аспекти / Т.В. Кравченко, В. П. формування звички до подібних осо- Огієнко // Молодий вчений. – 2018. – бливостей текстів. Але засвоєння №5. – С. 527-530.



Seit-Asan Feride E., the 2nd year student of Romance-Germanic philology faculty of Uzbek State World Languages University, ,. Umaraliyev F.F., the 2nd year student of Romance-Germanic philology faculty of Uzbek State World Languages University, Uzbekistan,Tashkent. Imomaliyeva G.U., Scientific supervisor, teacher of Uzbek State World Languages University, Uzbekistan,Tashkent. Key words: idioms, phraseological units, collocations, language elements

The English language is one of the exist in a language as ready-made units [1]. most beautiful and idiomatic languages in The same as words phraseological units the world. Besides this, it is a lingua express a single notion and are used in a franca for people with various L1. Under- sentence as one part of it. They are set in standing the lexicon of the English lan- special dictionaries. American and British guage demands more than knowing the lexicographers calls such units «idioms». denotative meaning of words. It requires We can mention such dictionaries as: L. its speakers to have connotative word Smith “Words and idioms”, V.Collins “A comprehension and more understanding book of English Idioms” etc. In these dic- of figurative meaning. Idioms are con- tionaries we can find words, peculiar in nected with this last category. Idioms ex- their semantics (idiomatic) side by side press historical and cultural information with word-groups and sentences. In these and broaden learners’ outlook. Idioms dictionaries they are arranged, as a rule, can be considered as language units pecu- into different semantic groups. liar to the whole people, country, class, Phraseological units can be classified community but very seldom a concrete according to the ways they are formed, to individual. the degree of the motivation of their Before speaking about idioms them- meaning, to their structure and according selves more closely it would be better if we to their part-of-speech meaning. Phrase- touch upon phraseological units as idioms ological units can be classified according are a part of this language sphere. The vo- to the degree of motivation of their mean- cabulary of language is rich not only in ing. This classification was suggested by words but also in phraseological units. acad. V.V. Vinogradov for Russian phra- Phraseological units are word-groups that seological units. He pointed out three cannot be made in process of speech, they types of phraseological units: Fusions

10 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 where the degree of motivation is very speeches, conversation and writing, and a low, we cannot guess the meaning of the part of standard speech in business, edu- whole from the meaning of its compo- cation and mass media. L2 learners are nents, they are highly idiomatic and can- expected to comprehend a wide range of not be translated word for word into other common idioms, which can be colorful languages, e.g. on the Shanks’ mare –on and advantageous for applying them in foot, at sixes and sevens- in a mess etc.; every day communication or for scientific Units where the meaning of the whole can purposes. Idioms were, are and will be an be guessed from the meanings of its com- object of research for many scientists. ponents, but it is transferred (metaphori- Every time we (learners) find out a lot of cal or metonymical), e.g. to play the first interesting in the idiomatic sphere while fiddle (to be a leader in something), old reading authentic materials and without salt- experienced sailor etc.: a) Colloca- help of special idiomatic dictionaries we tions where words are combined in their are not able to grasp those expressions’ original meaning but their combinations meanings. Learners, having B2 or C1 lev- are different in different languages, e.g. els in the CEFR, may come across some cash and carry – self-service shop, in a big hindrance in comprehension. I think even way – in great degree [2]; Besides the native speakers are not insured against it. above mentioned information in different But now I would like to dwell on an- sources we can find a variety of defini- other issue in more detail. Every time, tions to the word “idiom”. For example when you meet new idioms, at least for a Macmillan English Dictionary writes “Id- second you might be curious: where did iom is an expression whose meaning is they come from? After all, every constitu- different from the meaning of the indi- ent may have its history; therefore, every vidual words” [3]. In addition, I would idiom should have its origin. Some of them like to quote lexicologist A.M. Bushuy, were introduced into the language by writ- who said “Idioms are those expressions ers, others originate in the Bible, and oth- we feel such idiots for not understanding ers came from other languages, such as them”. And this situation often takes place French and Latin. But whatever the stories in learners’ lives. Even for native speakers of their origin after reading some of them, it is difficult to comprehend the meaning one will look at the idioms with other eyes, of idioms, which they see or hear for the and they will not seem more complicated first time. Every idiom will not be learned, or incomprehensible to them. It’s raining but as learners become more comfortable cats and dogs- to rain heavily. with the English language and exposed to There are many assumptions about the a greater amount of native English, de- origin of this idiom. Some of them are hard pending on their interests, they will en- of believe, others, perhaps, were invented counter a larger number of idioms. Idi- by people, loving colorful stories etc. oms are wide-spread language elements. In the distant 1500s, when it was still They are used in informal and formal very far from modern architecture, the

11 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA roofs of the houses were covered with a no logic, miraculously acquire it, if you thick layer of straw, which made them a look at them more closely. particularly attractive place for cats, dogs This, perhaps, is one of secrets of suc- and other small animals (apparently due cessfully learning any foreign language – to the fact that this material kept the heat to ask you the question “why?”. And try to better.) During heavy rains, animals find an answer to it. The stories we de- sometimes slipped and fell down, and scribed can help someone remember and the English began to associate heavy rain master some idioms. with falling cats and dogs, hence the ex- pression’s raining cats and dogs. Talking References about the origin of idioms can be end- 1. Muminov O. Lexicology of the English language.- T.,2006 less, finding ever more interesting and 2. Dubenetz V.Lexicology of English.- funny stories. M.,2002. The main goal was to show that ex- 3. Macmillan English Dictionary.2005 pressions in which at first glance there is 4. Collins V. A book of English idioms

12 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 ROLE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISPLAY IN CHARACTERISTIC OF CHARACTERS IN THE NOVEL OF AN ULUGBEK HAMDAM Botirova Shahlo Isamiddinovna Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent Region Annotation: In given to article it is told about psychological display in characteristic of characters in the novel of an Ulugbek Hamdam. Keywords: Novel, psychology, genre, image, character, conflict. Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются психологического отображения в характеристике персонажей в романе Улугбека Хамдама. Ключевые слова: роман, психологизм, жанр, характер, конфликт.

In the centuries since the emergence ics) was strengthened the tradition of of the genre of the novel in Uzbek litera- perception of emotional experience, the ture, our writers have written many nov- meaning of life and philosophical and els, most of which have won the love of spiritual views in the way of natural crea- readers. Despite the fact that created for tures. A striking example of this are the years of independence the Uzbek novels fables of Gulhany, lyrics of Turdi Faragy, can be counted with fingers, their de- Sufi Allahyar. In the early twentieth cen- scription about the relationship between tury, in a period of literary evolution, man and society, people’s attitudes and when lyrical works were popular, there discrepancy between them has originality was seen special approach in the works of in its philosophical and artistic expres- such famous writers as Kadiri and Chul- sion. As “... to think in this world, about pan. In particular, the literary traditions the anxieties and experiences of the peo- formed at that time have acquired a spe- ple is the ultimate test of humanity. Man, cial significance in the period of indepen- far from the worries of the people, can’t be dence. “The volume of literary and scien- considered a man.” tific interpretations and analyses in our In a scientific system, each genre is country is expanding; interest in transi- unique in its stylistic characteristics. It is tional and leading principles of world lit- well known that symbolically figurative erature has increased “(By B. Karim). interpretation is among the leading ele- What is said in this statement can’t be ments created in the recent genres of the false. Now the literary form (the novel) is novel, particularly in epic, with a large embodied in all the complex symbols and amount of possibilities and themes. In allegories, through which it became pop- fact, it is obvious that in the past, in the ular to describe spiritual existence of hu- period up to the literature of djadids in man society, the nature of humanity. poetic works (in this case more in the lyr- Thus, it became obvious that the artistic

13 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA interpretation of the hot breath of real life A young scientist, Manzura Pirnaz- in the characters is also an art. The author arova, said: “In our literature, in my opin- in the novel “Mutiny and obedience” de- ion, the extent of the artistic and philo- scribes the mood of that time and the sophical insights in the novel” Mutiny human spirit, the real life and symboli- and obedience “is not as extensive as in cally figurative interpretation – in a syn- the case of the work “The Balance”. How- cretic (mixed) form. He was able to de- ever, the author chose a peculiar shaped- scribe that the root of the problem of time stylistic way. Surahs and verses of the leads to the rebellion and obedience, the Qur’an, stories with a divine-religious time of Adam and Eve, and the roots of meaning he described separately, i.e. par- this time based on nature, diversity, and allel to time and space of the novel. How- the fate of various characters. According ever, they combine a special harmony in to one of seriously working in the genre of the disclosure of the artistic purposes of the novel, our scientists, Islamjan the novel”. Indeed, to the words of the Yakubov, “The novel began to embody a scientist we can add that included in it a sort of condensed view of the world. He divine-religious introductory words play could master diversity of content, branch- an important role in the composition of ing plot, compositional diversity, the use the work, they help to understand the of artistic means and techniques specific spiritual world of the character, the real to world’s epic experience, aspiration for cause of the uprising and then of obedi- perfection of form”. By the way, this idea ence, the expulsion of Adam and eve from of the scientist can also be found in the Edem garden and also to understand the novel “Mutiny and obedience”. From this history and the experience of suffering in point of view in the novels of W. Hamdam the process of moving to spiritual and we can clearly notice the unusual form of psychosocial equilibrium. Because artistic “compositional diversity”. Therefore, in goal of the writer and the mood of the the novel leading role is played by such time occur in harmony with such an artis- characters as seeking to understanding tic introductory. Thus, we notice the au- himself, his nature and weaknesses and thor, when strengths and weaknesses of thinking about human problems Tabib, humanity are expressed from different experiencing loneliness, suffering from angles. For example, the fact that Akbar this Aunt Larissa, devoted his life to the was sentenced to three years of imprison- work, who didn’t spare himself Tursun- ment and sent to the colony because of boi, seeking wealth and pleasure Makh- one slap, and then on the advice of his kam, enjoying beauty and later turned her mentor Camille will travel to distant own life to ashes, but decided to fix all the countries, get rid of committed to lifelong things Diana. The author describes their sins through rebellion, asks for forgive- fate, the future, their place in life in realis- ness from God and finally submitting to tic view and approaches each of them him, has been realistically described, as with special love. well as the sophistication of the history of

14 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 the novel and serious philosophical idea and the spiritual world of our time, care- make it clear that the author deeply un- ful study of the beauty of the work. Thus, derstood the man’s knowledge in this we considered it proper to concentrate matter. on the applied psychological novel pat- It is noteworthy that criticism of the terns, that is, the ideal of the author in novel of the writer of “Rebellion and revealing the character. obedience” cannot be ignored! We can In the second novel by U. Hamdam meet practically identical opinions in the “Rebellion and obedience” he is unusual interpretations and research of S. Sadiq, for novelty – the fullness of the image, Odouli, Kh. Karimov. At some point, concise detail and ability to assimilate the “elements of reflections of the novel are divine and the religious subtitles of the not so abundant as in the novel “The development characteristic of the artistic Balance”. The language and style of ex- process for the creation of artistic integ- pression of a work are unique, but the rity. The novel begins with the unexpect- characters are not well solved” (our ed situation. So, in the Preface to the statement – S. Botirova). By the way, the work, the symbol of night and the first ideas of literary critic B. Karim about the day of creation there is a link to the fol- new poetry created a basis for serious lowing life of a hero and his fate. The in- discussions about above mentioned criti- ternal structure of the genre, sequence of cal opinions. The scientist says: “When a events, artistic intent and scope of the literary work worthy of poetic studies, writer logically justified by the fact that he literary scholars can turn to him again is aggravated that humanity goes to self – and again. In this case, if interpreter’s destruction – to Revolt. In the process of concept of life, language, art, poetic and reading and analysis you notice that in the artistic patterns are above the level of the novel, the psychological appearance of the work of art, a kind of scientific discovery person seems extreme. Since the work is arises in the interpretation... to under- consistently linked together in three sec- stand and to explain the exceptional and tions, eighty-eight chapters in each Chap- original works of art and literature, the ter the author briefly stops on the phe- scholar must approach the inner world nomenon, and the same compass should of the artist-writer.” Indeed, this ap- be aware of the universe, to understand proach of a scientist is an important fac- the contradictions of time, seriously to tor in the disclosure of the novel, poetics consider the past and the future.


Mambetnijasowa A. H., Paluanova M., Babaeva G Deutschlehrerinnen an der Karakalpakischer staatlichen Berdach-Universität, Karakalpakistan Nuranova S. Deutschstudentin des 3.Studienjahres Annotation: The article is devoted to the semantic structural description of an object in the modern German language. The object is a concerted, which can be used as an isolated form (a concerned object) and isolated form (a free object). The connection be- tween the parts of object is predicative. The structure of object is closely interrelated with its semantics. Key words: secondary parts of the sentence, object, isolation, isolated object, ac- tual members of the sentences, theme-rheme Аннотация: в этом статье рассматривается семантические структура простого предложения в немецком языке. Дополнения анализируется как обособленные члены предложения. Обособленные дополнения изучается как актуальные члены предложения. Ключевые слова: второстепенные члены предложения, дополнения, обособление, обособленные дополнения, актуальные члены предложения, тема-рема

Selbstverständlich die Sätze bestehen stellt wird, wobei der ursprüngliche Platz aus mehreren Wörtern. Die Wörter haben durch ein Korrelat markiert ist. im Satz verschiedene Funktionen. Fast z.B.: Die Prüfung, die hat Philipp be- jeder Satz in allen Sprachen enthält einen standen; Philipp hat sie bestanden, die Ausdruck, den man ohne Umschweife als Prüfung. sein Subjekt bezeichnen wird. In Dieses So eine Erweiterung des Satzes wird Bild hängt schief besteht die Subjektbe- von den Sprachforschern in verschie- ziehung zwischen dieses Bild und hängt. denen Fachmaterialen mit verschiedenen Sie ist explizierbar damit, dass das betref- Betitelungen, z.B.: bei DUDEN-Gramma- fende Nominal im Nominativ steht und tik wurde die Absonderung als Nachtrag mit dem Prädikat formal korrespondiert. des Satzes, bei SCHENDELS –Grammatik Eine Explikation dieser Art liefert das die abgesonderten Teile als Restglied des syntaktische oder grammatische Subjekt, Satzes genannt. „Subjekt“ ist eine syntaktische Schwester- Die abgesonderten Satzteile werden relation. Nach der syntaktischen Kon- strukturell und anhand der besonderen struktion, durch die einen satzgliedwer- Aussprache von dem übrigen Teil des tigen Ausdruck nach links vor das Vorfeld Satzes abgehoben. Sie können Vorderstel- bzw. nach rechts hinter das Nachfeld ge- lung, Nachstellung oder Zwischenstellung

16 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 annehmen. Das verleiht dem Satz und der fassung, sowie Klimax (Steigerung) ge- Aussage Lebhaftigkeit, Ungezwungenheit, braucht und jedes nächste Glied der Ab- Dynamik und erleichtert das Verständnis. sonderung ist inhaltlich verstärkt. z.B.: Dieser Mensch ist wirklich un- z.B.: «Er sei mein Freund, mein Engel, angenehm, mit seiner ewigen Nörgelei. mein Gott» (Fr. Schiller, die Räuber) Er mußte sich seinen Wert beweisen, Würden wir diesen Beispielsatz durch Sophies wegen. die Rahmenkonstruktion analysieren, da Wenn wir die gegebenen Beispielsätze kann man zeigen, daß die abgesonderten genauer analysieren würden, da kann man Satzteile wie ein neuinformiertes, wich- beweisen, daß die abgesonderten Teile tiges Teil erwähnt wurden. Damit sind „mit seiner ewigen Nörgelei“ und „So- wir mit der Meinung von AUER zusam- phies wegen“ von den Hauptsätzen als ein mengekommen und teilen die Satzkon- isoliertes Teil durch Komma getrennt ge- struktion in aktueller Gliederung des geben wurde, aber damit wurde den Inhalt Satzes wie Thema und Rhema. Durch des Satzes klarer und tiefer als ohne iso- solche Absonderung eines bestimmten liertes Teil umgefasst. Betrachten wir die Satzteiles wird den Lesern oder den Hö- Beispielsätze nur ohne abgesondertes Teil: rern aus dem Satz etwas wie ein Neues z.B. berichtet und notiert. Dieser Mensch ist wirklich unange- Wie uns von allen wissenschaftlichen nehm. Grammatikbüchern bekannt sind, sind Er mußte sich seinen Wert beweisen. die Sätze nach der Struktur schwer zu Andererseits kann man bemerken, daß fassen und darüber wurde in den Werken die Sätze ohne abgesonderte Teile wie un- von den Sprachwissenschaftlern fol- vollendete Sätze sind. Sogar den Sinn des gendes erwähnt. „Der rechte und linke Satzes kann man kaum umfassen. Die Ab- Rand deutscher Sätze hat den Sprachler- gesonderten Teile des Satzes kann man im nenden Kopfschmerzen bereitet. Heraus- Satz als Neues verstehen. Denn dadurch stellungen sind syntaktische Erschei- wird die Bedeutung des Satzes ein wenig nungen, die sich der oberflächlich nahen klar und deutlich gemacht. Die Rahmen- syntaktischen Konstituentenanalyse in konstruktion ist solche Art der Absonde- Sätzen entziehen. Zwar sind sie nicht rung, bei der die ausgeklammerten Satz- selbständig und deshalb auch keine eige- teile eine relative Selbständigkeit bekom- nen Sätze; andererseits sind sie aber auch men und in der Form von getrennten Sät- nicht integrierter Bestandteil des Syntag- zen erscheinen. Man erreicht dadurch eine mas (Satzes), auf das sie sich beziehen. starke stilistische Hervorhebung. Generative Vorgehensweisen tendieren Es dreht sich nicht zurück, das vielzi- dazu, hinter solchen ‚Herausstellungen’ tierte Rad der Geschichte. „Bewegungen“ zu vermuten, sie also auf Solche Abgesonderten Satzteile sind einen zugrunde liegenden Satz zurückzu- als aneinander gereihten Kettenglieder, führen“(1). Fehlerhafte Übernahmen v. a. eine Anhäufung mit Schlusszusammen- transformationsbasierter Analysen be-

17 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA sonders haben zu einer Verwischung bei während der Produktion endgültig Ge- den entsprechenden deutschen Struktur- stalt annehmen: „In der gesprochenen analysen und auch in der Terminologie Umgangssprache ist die Auflockerung der geführt. Außer für Extrapositionen haben Satzklammer viel häufiger als in der sich Strukturanalysen in keiner Syntax- Schriftsprache. Das hangt mit der sukzes- theorie wirklich durchsetzen können. siven Denkweise zusammen: der Sprecher Abgesonderte Teile des Satzes sind erinnert sich nach und nach an immer also in erster Linie nicht im Bereich der neue Einzelheiten und knüpft sie (oft erst Syntax, sondern in der Funktionalen nachträglich) an, oder er kehrt zu der Grammatik und Pragmatik zu suchen. Vorstellung zurück, die ihn gerade be- Hier interessieren insbesondere Themati- herrscht (mit Kleist gesprochen: ‚Er ver- sierung und Rhematisierung. fertigt seine Gedanken während der AUER (1991) begründet außerdem He- Rede) (3).“ Andererseits erhalten die He- rausstellungen (nach rechts) in gespro- rausstellungen ihrerseits einen bestimm- chener Sprache mit dem zeitlichen Ablauf ten Charakter, da sie entweder betont des Satzes sowie dem turn-taking-System. oder als unwichtige Zusätze nachgetragen BENES (1968) unterscheidet folgende Falle werden. In der geschriebenen Sprache der Absonderung als Ausklammerung (2). halten sich Herausstellungen nach rechts Nach der Meinung von BENES ist die Aus- und links die Waage: entscheidend ist klammerung mehr oder weniger möglich. nicht die sukzessive Produktion, entschei- a) durch den ausgeklammerten Ele- dend sind v. a. stilistische Eigenschaften. menten wird ein Satzglied stark erweitert Als Zusammenfassung der von oben (Gesetz der wachsenden Glieder) gezeigten Meinungen können wir fol- b) Tendenz zur Ausklammerung wird gendes bestimmen, daß durch die Abson- mit zunehmender Satzlange größer derung als isolierter Satzteil den Lesern Als Schlussfolgerung kann man sagen, und den Hörern etwas aus dem Kontext mit Hilfe der Ausklammerung wird der wie ein wichtiges Teil mit Auszählung eigentliche Mitteilungskern besonders berichtet wird. Anhand dieser Aufzäh- stark hervorgehoben oder Unwichtiges lung können wir den betont gesprochenen abgeschwächt. Ausklammerungen kom- Teil als ein Neues wahrnehmen. men in der gesprochenen wie der ge- Literatur schriebenen Sprache vor. Allerdings gibt 1. Auer, Peter (1991): Vom Ende deutscher es Unterschiede bei den Typen: In der Satze. In: Zeitschrift für germanistische gesprochenen Sprache dominieren He- Linguistik 19. S. 139–157. rausstellungen nach rechts, also Extrapo- 2. Benes, Eduard (1968): Die Ausklamme- sitionen, Ausklammerungen, Nachtrage rung im Deutschen als grammatische Norm und als stilistischer Effekt. In: Mut- und Rechtsversetzung; dies entlastet ei- tersprache 78, S. 289–298. nerseits das Mittelfeld und macht den 3. Duden (6, 1998): Der Duden, Band 4: Satz einfacher zu verarbeiten und ist da- Grammatik der deutschen Gegenwarts- bei ein Zeichen dafür, dass Satze erst sprache. Mannheim etc., Dudenverlag.


Allamurodov Bekhmurod Master of UWED

Abstract On November 24, 2015, shot down a Russian Su-24 bomber aircraft that vio- lated Turkish airspace. This has been interpreted as the primary cause of the spectacular crisis in Russian–Turkish relations that followed. However, this incident should rather be interpreted as the symptom but not the cause, of a significant geopolitical reversal that has been underway since 2008, hovewer Russia and Turkey have found themselves on opposite sides in diplomatic negotation. Dispite this, there is confronting zones between Russia and Turkey. Прошлогодний инцидент с российским бомбардировщиком Су-24 кардинально изменил характер отношений между Россией и Турцией. Стратегическое партнерство сменилось жесткой конфронтацией. Внешний эффект был усилен тем, что отношения Москвы и Анкары еще недавно рассматривались, как пример успешной трансформации противостояния двух евразийских гигантов, исторических конкурентов и геополитических противников. Key words: Turkish- Russia relation, Caucasus, military-air forces, Kurdistan, Baku – Tbilisi-Djehan, Redjep Erdogan, Vladimir Putin

During Russian President Putin’s visit plane by publishing radar images, where- to Turkey on December 1, 2014, which as Russia seeks to justify its arguments was set against the background of West- utilizing its relative power and capacity ern sanctions against Russia that Turkey compared to Turkey. Despite numerous did not participate in, some thought that preventions from Turkish air patrols, Rus- there was a Russian–Turkish “alliance” in sian Planes SU-24 which have broken air the making. Thus, the shooting down of a space of Turkey within 17 seconds, have Russian Su-24 bomber aircraft that vio- been brought down Turkish fighter F-16. lated Turkish airspace on November 24, Russian denied, that they ever were in air 2015, came as a shock and was interpreted space of Turkey while the NATO has con- as the primary cause of the most spectac- firmed the Turkish version. ular crisis in Russian–Turkish relations in According to Turkish sources, preven- the 21st century. From the warplane inci- tions within five minutes have been re- dent onwards, both sides present argu- peated, which Russians asserted, that they ments to justify their actions through re- never and rules of participation of Turkey ciprocal statements. Turkey seeks to prove were well-known Russian. One pilot has the airspace violation of the Russian war- been rescued by the Russian special ser-

19 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA vices, but Turkmen insurgents are trained geopolitical conflicts of interest over Cau- and supplied Turkey – on the earth casus2 through border to Syria has shot and has In the military relation Russia declared killed another as he was a parachute from expansion more advanced S-400 rockets of the plane. The Russian military men as- a class “earth-air” in Syria and continued to serted, that the Turkish action was strengthen positions Turkmen brigades planned-charge which has given up to the which Turkey has organized, has trained, Turkish Joint Staff. Originally having con- supplied with the weapon and money and firmed, that its rules the President of supported completely in their struggle Turkey Redjep Erdogan has expressed a against Asad. Actually, the Russian mili- regret apropos failure of the plane and its tary-air forces have been destroyed these hope that crisis can be resolved. From brigades as within the limits of campaign measures which were immediately under- of Moscow for easing so-called moderated taken by Russian, apparently, that Mos- insurgents in Syria, and also to strike back cow is ready such incident. The Russian in Turkey for knocking down. government has entered economic sanc- But Moscow has not undertaken any tions, which Turkish trading, building steps on reduction of volume of gas which it and tourist sectors, exchanges which Tur- delivers to Turkey and did not use depen- key immensely have benefited.1 dence of Turkey on Russia for 55 percent of However, the shooting down of the consumption of gas. Nowadays the political Russian bomber aircraft was not the situation in the Caucasian region is ousting cause, but rather the symptom, of a tec- as an information agenda events around the tonic reversal in the geopolitical dynam- Middle East and Ukraine. However, despite ics underlying prior cooperation between attention of experts and diplomats, this re- the two countries. The most remarkable gion still keeps its the strategic importance. feature of the crisis between Russia and At first, this region appeared as a unre- Turkey is that they continued to maintain solved conflict where mostly confrontations their strong economic relations, including has happening between Azerbaijan and Ar- approximately 30 billion USD in annual menia. Azerbaijan had been destroyed Ar- trade between 2011 and 2014, agreement menian military helicopter Mi-24 and these on the building of Turkey’s first nuclear incidents became the first cases of destruc- power plant by Russia in 2008, and be- tion of a fighting vehicle of aircraft and utili- tween three and four million Russian zation of the tank technics in a conflict zone.3 tourists visiting Turkey every year. How- 2 Idiz, Semih. “Will Turkey risk military confron- ever, despite developing strong economic tation with Russia?”, Al Monitor, February 2, 2016. ties, Russia and Turkey have continued to 3 2014.- 13 ноября. // 1 Erdem Özlük, “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Özür news/2015/12/09/karabakh 2015. – 9 декабря Dilemek: Özrün Kuramı”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, 2016.- 11(44), 2015, p. 51-78. 2 апреля.


Secondly, Russia and the USA still con- structures. Among the most influential orga- sider Southern Caucasus as area for a geopo- nization are Kafka’s Derneği («the Caucasian litical competition, and events around Ukraine Association»), Kafka’s Vakf and Birleşik Kaf- only shade, but have not cancelled this fact. ka’s Dernekleri Federasyonu Federation the For Russia incorporating seven republics of Caucasian associations »). 5 the North Caucasus and with neighboring Hence, we speak about division of the countries sees as internal political notice, espe- Caucasian region in a case of confronting cially in security sphere. zone between Russia and Turkey, we can pres- If we look interest of Turkey to Caucasus ent three scenario we can define it following several base factors. The first is struggle for preservation of the First, it has strong communications with Azer- present status quo. Russia, not having resolved baijan. Ankarа recognized independence of problems in Syria and Ukraine, hardly will want this country on December, 9th, 1991, after to break a current situation on the Caucasus signing of agreements. And for the last quarter Refference: of the century two states have signed strategic 1. Erdem Özlük, “Uluslararası İlişkilerde allies. Turkey consistently supports territorial Özür Dilemek: Özrün Kuramı”, Uluslararası integrity of Azerbaijan also censure actions of İlişkiler, 11(44), 2015, p. 51-78. Armenia in Карабахе. Turkish military men 2. Idiz, Semih. “Will Turkey risk military con- accept active participation in preparation of the frontation with Russia?”, Al Monitor, Febru- ary 2, 2016. Azerbaijan officer. pulse/originals/2016/02/turkey-russia-mos- Also Azerbaijan and Turkey are involved in cow-tries-to-draw-ankara-into-fight.html various power projects such as Baku – Tbilisi- 3. Djehan and Baku – Tbilisi – Erzurum and in- cles/252305/ 2014.- 13 ноября. frastructural programs like railway of Baku- 4. bakh 2015. – 9 декабря gasped – Akhalklaki -Tbilisi-Kars).4 5. Secondly, the considerable role is played bah/ 2016.- 2 апреля. by the factor of the Caucasian diasporas. Ac- 6. Aydin M. Changing Dynamics of Turkish cording to information 10 % of the popula- Foreign and Security Policies in the Cau- tions of modern Turkey have communication casus // Reassessing Security in the South with Northern Caucasus and Transcaucasia. Caucasus Regional Conflicts and Trans- formation. Ashgate Publishing Company. Approximate number of natives from Cauca- 2011. P. 117–120. sian region is estimated in 3-5 million per- 7. Hill F., Kirişci K. and Moffatt A. Retracing the sons, Azerbaijanis – 3 million, the Georgian – Caucasian Circle: Considerations and con- 2-3 million. Many of them conduct active straints for U.S., EU, and Turkish engagement public and the lobbyist and many of them are in the South Caucasus // ttp://www.brook- presented in army, parliament, and media caucasus-engagement 2015, July.

4 Aydin M. Changing Dynamics of Turkish For- 5 Hill F., Kirişci K. and Moffatt A. Retracing the Cau- eign and Security Policies in the Caucasus // Reas- casian Circle: Considerations and constraints for U.S., sessing Security in the South Caucasus Regional EU, and Turkish engagement in the South Caucasus // Conflicts and Transformation. Ashgate Publishing ttp:// Company. 2011. P. 117–120. south-caucasus-engagement 2015, July.

21 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA PROMOTING SPEAKING SKILL, TIPS ON PART 3 AND WAYS TO OVERCOME CHALLENGES WHICH ARE COMING FROM PART 3 Gulira’no Masharipova Student at Urgench State University [email protected] Abstract This article focuses on the mistakes made by the candidates of an International Eng- lish Language Testing System in Part 3 section in speaking exam and suggests some ways to enrich your comprehension of questions and answering wisely Key words Introduction. two-way discussion, criticizing, practicing speaking, detail and ab- stract, perceive, be minus

A great number of the candidates per- The answer is obvious: ceive that part 3 is the most challenging While you are practicing speaking before part among others.because, in Part 1, you sitting in the exam. learn how to criticize. are only asked about your life, your inter- The reason for that statement is an ests and others related to your personality inevitable fact: while Part 2, you have to talk on a partic- You have to choose one way out of two ular topic given on the card. But, in Part 3, put forward by the examiner. For instance: you are presented questions which re- Many people prefer to live in the quire to listen and discuss with the whole countryside while some would like the attention, so, it might seem mentally de- urban areas. What do you think which manding job to many of us. one might be more appealing ? But there are some ways to achieve Criticizing may teach you how to dis- responding properly in Pat 3. cuss a situation’s both sides: plus and minus. Part 3 is about Part 2 question but it is And at that time, it will not be difficult more in detail and abstract. for you to give your opinion and justify it How can you answer well to that type with evidence and examples. of questions? To speak only one side might be minus for your score. You should see and discuss both side equally. At the end of your an- swer, you should tell which side you pre- fer to choose. Answer: It is hard to choose one of these choic- es, because both have plus and minuses. For example. there is no enough infra- As the name suggests , in the IELTS exam, you are presented questions on 3 parts. structure and study place to attend to

22 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 classes in the rural areas while the city can A solution to a problem: be the best one for many students because Do you think giving up your goal eas- of large number of universities and col- ily is the only way to avoid stress ? leges. But the city is a subject to air and Is giving money as an incentive the noise pollution which can be harmful for exclusive way to address lack of motiva- human. So I prefer the countryside where tion among employees ? we can breathe in fresh air … Cause for a situation: As you see, it may entail some time, What do you think what the cause is but keep speaking until you feel you have for global warming ? answered fully that you have done well on Why is the number of forests which are all criteria. exposed to fire increasing year on year ? But it does not mean that you retain An effect of something: giving a speech so more. After answering What is an impact of global warming the question fully, stop speaking. Do not on flora and fauna? forget that you will be given again several How does high education affect our questions except for this one. life? There are some types of question. One To sum up, although Part 3 is consid- we have discussed is one of them that you ered as the most problematic one, it is not discuss two sides of something. But it s not so challenging part as many think on the he exclusive sort of questions. They might ground that you can gain an opportunity be a general question, solution to a problem, to show your ability on speaking to the or a cause for a situation and effect of some- examiner and can speak without being thing. Generally speaking, all is associated stopped and express your view freely, us- to Part 2 and put forward the demand that ing your holistic power. In short, Part 3 is you have to express you opinion in detail. the biggest step towards high mark in the For example: speaking exam ! General question: Literature in use: Is that that true many holidays which 1. The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS are being celebrated by people are com- 2. IELTS Graduation (Mark Allen, Debra mercializing ? Powell, Dickie Dolby ) Are the school years the most essential 3. Boost your vocabulary 3 Penguin English part of life? Guides)


Jabborova Dilafruz Ergashovna State University Uzbekistan, Samarkand [email protected] Abstract: At the beginning of the XXth century Jadids took their important place in the social-political life of Turkistan. At that time it was not easy to make a creative work. The artworks of the representatives of the literature had been evaluated by the critics in various way. Literary criticism started true and objective investigation of National Re- naissance literature, such as the creative activities of outstanding representatives like Abdulla Qodiri, Fitrat, Choolpon and others and achieved to return the honourable names and creative heritage of the true sons of our nation. At present time they restore real historic body of our literature. The thoughts about the early attitude of the literary criticism to the creativity of Choolpon, who had been a vivid star of the Uzbek literature in the period of the first decade of the former Soviet policy, during the 20th of the previous century has been depicted in this article. Keywords: literary criticism, class-ideological approaches, literary-aesthetic ap- proach, social analysis, vulgar-sociology.

The second phase of investigations on against “class enemy” in the field of litera- Choolpon’s inheritance started in 1927 with ture. This struggle pulled the literary criti- the discussion under the title “Uzbek po- cism into its side and started to publish the ets. Choolpon”1 of Ayn Olim Sharafiddi- articles criticized the inheritance of Qodi- nov (Ayn is the penname). The newspaper riy, Fitrat and Choolpon who were the “Qizil O’zbekiston” which was the official representatives of the jaded literature. publication of the Soviet government at In the prelude of his article Ayn really that time started this discussion. admitting this truth as saying: It is true to note that at that time the “The hard conditions surrounded the Soviet government strengthened its gov- poor has ended. It is started to be busy with erning policy, its policy ruled in all fields of cultural construction. Its hard, responsible life and in 1925 it stabled the leadership of creative work has begun. To build the real the proletarian literature with law by an- bases of the new life and the time to strug- nouncing the resolution about “The policy gle along this way has started”. of the Party in the sphere of literature”. The So the main goal of the article is – to proletarian literature had already begun its demonstrate the ideology of Choolpon leadership policy and started its struggle and its negative influence the young pro- letarian poets, exactly it consists of reveal- 1 Newspaper “Qizil O’zbekiston”, February 14, 1927 ing all the activities.


The early articles which announced etry with the class criteria. He came into about Choolpon: there was a discussion conclusion by giving sample passages on the issue: Whose poet is Choolpon: is from the fiery poems of Choolpon which he a poet of the poor or intelligentsia. are full of with the sorrow of people and This issue which is seemed harmless the nation, “not separating the people into the first articles suddenly became a serious origin saying “I fired for people”, as equal blame in the article of Ayn. While ex- to say “I’m nationalist” pressing attitude to the point of view, This article was the center of the atten- there is given the following political tion of Literature scholars during and af- blame: “Choolpon is the poet of the poor” ter its period. The Soviet critics who are … he is the poet of nationalist, pessimist going to criticize Choolpon really often intelligentsia. His ideology is their ideol- addressed to this article. ogy, he tried and intended on the way of Young poet Oybek joining the discus- this ideology. These are the things which sion went contrast against the claims of have been inspired him.” Ayn and defended Choolpon. In his arti- The critic accused Choolpon of a na- cle “Choolpon. How to check the poet”2 tionalist, a dreamer. It seemed him that while rejecting the claims put for Chool- Choolpon had written only about his pon as he is not a people’s poet, national- dream world, created by himself, he didn’t ist, dreamer, pessimist, spoilt ideology, he want to sing the positive changes which considered to approach to the issue on the had been taken place after the October scientific bases. Here the poet preferred revolution. Its reason depicted in the arti- that without taking into consideration cle as following:“Choolpon agreed in the outer factors – social changes which are revolution, but he didn’t agree with Rus- caused to be formulated the outlook, it is sians, their stay of the native land. He gave impossible to speak about his ideology. his opinion and unusual definition about Choolpon couldn’t be a poor proletarian the national republics, and activities poet, because he grew up the other envi- which are gone there” ronment, such poets “came out from the It is clearly seen in the copies that the young generation who gained the healthy critic correctly understands the motives ideology by fighting” – wrote Oybek. patriotism and nationalism that is specific Oybek stood against for the opinion to the poetry of Choolpon, but in its in- that Choolpon was a dreamer. He stated terpretation he blamed the poet as a na- that the dream needs not only for creating tionalist. It is showed that he did this ac- artworks, but it is also necessary for sci- tion under the influence of Soviet criti- ence and technology. cism. This is the beginning, the prelude of Oybek also considered literature cate- the accusation which is given Choolpon gorical as Ayn. But when interpreting the as “nationalist”, “people’s enemy” the poems of Choolpon he considered one whole period of Soviet criticism. should draw attention the beauty of art. Ayn approaches to the Choolpon’s po- 2 Newspaper “Qizil O’zbekiston”, May 17th, 1927


For this he took Russian poet Pushkin as lowed the other way distinguishing from an example. As to the view of Oybek, the critic Usmonkhon. In some places he “Pushkin didn’t write a poem for the stood against the opinion of the author. poor”. But he created the highest literary But in some places he recognized his un- samples of the Russian poetry. That’s why fair. The same time refusing the claims of all the Russian people read Pushkin with Usmonkhon he expressed his negative pleasure. So do Choolpon. “The ideology attitude to some ideas in the article of of Choolpon is not read, but his literary Ayn: “It is not true to connect dreamer inheritance to be read. They are not re- with the nationalist. Certainly, during the jected.” time dictatorship of the poor the impact After the article of Oybek, the critic of being nationalist was high. Besides the called Usmonkhon interfered to the dis- systematic structure and others influence cussion. In his article “Critic’s criticizing”3 was also high.” he completely supported Ayn. They criti- In fact as to the statement of the cized young Oybek blaming for defend- scholar Bahodir Karimov, “… on the issue ing Choolpon. As to his claim, Oybek method and category young Oybek is not approaches to the literature from the gone far from the Marxist “Ayn” and point of bourgeois view and far from the Usmonkhon”5 view of Marxisizm: “… “Marxist” Oybek Oybek had several different features is definitely far from Marxisism. It is nec- from those “the red” critics. That is he essary to say here that Oybek didn’t reject understood well the essence of the literary the ideology of Choolpon was the bour- artworks and he felt its beauty in deep geois, nationalist ideology. …Oybek paid heart. This is clearly seen in the articles special attention to the Choolpon’s “sam- which gone into the discussion and his ples” besides his “ideology”. At first Oy- creativity. bek loved the ideology of Choolpon and The political structure which was es- that he liked its formation.” tablished in 1917 seemed frailness after It is clear from this that the author of the October revolution strengthened its the article accused of not only Choolpon, cruel policy day by day and it ruled over but he blamed young poet Oybek unfairly 70 years. During that time many repre- who was ready to support. The critic who sentatives of government Fayzulla supported Ayn didn’t glance at young Xo’jayev, Akmal Ikromov and of the Uz- poet. And he also expressed his attitude to bek intelligence Mahmudxo’ja Behbudiy, Choolpon’s creativity with arrogance. But Abdulla Qodiriy, Abdurauf Fitrat became Oybek didn’t keep silence. He published a victim of chorism executioners with his article “To the author of the article vary blaming. The dangerous one was the “Critic’s criticizing”4 Young writer fol- idealistic quarrel. The head ideology made literary criticism to serve it together 3 Newspaper “Qizil O’zbekiston”, June numbers 22-23-27 5 Bahodir Karimov, Choolpon and criticism, T.:, 4 Newspaper “Qizil O’zbekiston” August 28, 1927 2004. p.9

26 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 with the policy of might. The great poet of 2. Newspaper “Qizil O’zbekiston”, February 14, 1927 the 20th century Uzbek literature Abdulh- 3. Newspaper “Qizil O’zbekiston”, May 17th, amid Sulaymon o’g’li (son of)– Choolpon 1927 was also one of those sacrificed people. 4. Newspaper “Qizil O’zbekiston”, June num- There was a big contribution of the liter- bers 22-23-27 ary criticism which became “the reddish” 5. Newspaper “Qizil O’zbekiston” August 28, day by day. Above mentioned interpreta- 1927 6. Newspaper “Turkiston”, May 4, 1923 tions are the proofs of our opinions. 7. Newspaper “Turkiston”, December 10, REFERENCES 1923 1. Bahodir Karimov, Choolpon and criti- 8. Newspaper “Zarafshon”, February 27 and cism, T.:, 2004. p.9 March


Tashkulova Shahnoza The third year student of the department History of the faculty History of National university named after Mirzo Ulugbek Key words: juybor, Shaibanids, Ashtarkhanids, Juybar sheikhs, Abdullanoma, Ak- barnoma, Tukhfat ul-xoniy, naqib ul nuqabo, property, haj, istorical, biographic, and hagiographic (about the saint people) works.

Annotation Mukhammad Vafoi Karmanagiy and This article is dedicated to the social teacher Alimbek ibn Niyozkulibek eshon life of Juybor khans in Bukhara khanate. Nasafiy’s “Tukhfat ul-xoniy”, Badriddin They played a great role in social life in Kashmariy’s “Ravzat ar-Rizvon va hadiqat Bukhara. They were also the officials of al-g’ilmon” works and also Mukhammad Bukhara khanate. Juybor khans had a Yokub ibn Amir Doniyolbiy’s “Gulshan great amount of properties in all the parts ul-mulk”, Husayn ibn Mir Husayn Sarax- of Bukhara. They were also respectable siy’s “Sa’diya”, Abul Abbos Mukhammad among the whole population of Bukhara Tolib’s “Matlab ut-Tolibin” books retell khanate. They had great a lot of properties clearly about Juybor khans’ economic life such as mills, inns on caravan routine, in Bukhara khanate. handcrafting shops, bath-houses and In XX centuries V.L. Vyatkin and P.P. many others. Ivanov wrote works about Juybor khans’ In XVI-XVII centuries in social-eco- great representatives Mukhammad Islom, nomic and political life of Bukhara Khan- Khoja Sa’d, Tojiddin Khasan, Khoja Ab- ate Juybar sheikhs played an important durakhim’s life and activities, about their role. For instance, in the period of dynasty properties. Shaibanids and Ashtarkhanids they par- In general, Juybor khans’ activity in ticipated actively in promoting one per- political life began in Samanids’ dynasty. son to higher position, or dismissing They had good positions, such as naqib ul them from one work. nuqabo (great naqib) and shaykhulislom. Historical, biographic, and hagio- According to the information of the work graphic (about the saint people) works, “Sa’diya” in the period of elkhans imam which were written by those authors, who Abubakr Akhmad had a position “naqib loved adjacent to them, are considered as ul nuqabo” and Badriddin Kashmiriy a basic source about their activities in were given the whole Bukhara by Chngiz- Bukhara khanate. The word “juybor” khan. In the second half of XVI century means “large ditch”. Hophiz Tanish Mukhammad Islom and Khoja Sa’d took Bukhari’s “Abdullanoma”, Abulfazl Allo- the position shaykhulislom in Bukhara.In miy’s “Akbarnoma”, Mir Mukhammad the periods of Ahtarkhaiy rulers Ab- Amin Bukhariy’s “Ubaydullanoma”, Mulla dulazizkhan, Subkhankulikhan, Ubaydul-

28 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 lakhan the position shaykhulislom was he had 50 gardens, 20 thousand sheep, taken by Khoja Abdurakhim’s grandchil- 20 lines (in every line from 6 to 100 cam- dren Mukhammad Bokirkhoja and Kho- els) camels, 50 slaves, a thousand languid shimkhoja juyborids. The other repre- books in his library. From the lands sentative of Juybors Habibullakhodja took 150 thousand man 1 man 20 kilo) crops the position muftiy in Bukhara. were gained. 25 thousand nomads and The basis of financial income was the peasantries were dependent on him. inheritable property, which was passed We should emphasize it separately from one generation to the second gen- that, Juybor khans’ exact amount of the eration. Juybor khans, who took high po- property is very complicated, since there sitions in Nakshbandiya tarykat (which is no detailed source about how much was based by Bkhoviddin Nakshband), land they bought, and how much land they had very much property and this they sold. property the great meaning in ruling the Juybor sheikhs, such as Mukhammad people. Islom and his generation considering We should tell that Juybor khans’ basis themselves saint, they connected their of property was considered lands and pre- ancestors from father side to Prophet cious things that were given by Khans and Mukhammad, from mother side Chingiz- rich people. For instance, Khoja Muk- khan and Juji. In the book “Ravzat ar- hammad Islom’s riches, apart from cash rizvon” Khoja Saad’s ancestors were gone money and precious materials in his to Ali ibn Abu Tolib, from the tarikat side chests, he had 300 pair gov (2500 hectare) began from Ubaydulla Akhrror (1404 land in Bukhara, Samarkand, Nasaf (Kar- -1409) and ended Prophet Mukhammad. shi), Marv and other regions. He had also It is clear that, Juybor khodjas’ gathering 10 thousand sheep, 700 horses, 500 cam- property, playing a great role in political els, 104 handcrafting shops, 7 mills, a lot life the genealogical family tree, which of bath-houses and sardobas – places, was mentioned above was very impor- which keeps drinking water. tant. For example, Abdullakhon con- Khoja Islom’s son Khoja Sa’d 2 thou- quered Nasaf, winning the Shaibanid Kil- sand pairs gov (17 thousand hectare) fer- ich kora sultan. As a result of this victory, tile land, 2,5 thousand sheep, 1 thousand Mudin village was given to Khodja Muk- camels, 1 thousand horses, 12 barh-hous- hammad Islom. After winning Shaibanids es, 10 sardobas, 2 inns on the caravan against Iran in Gijduvan in 1512, Shai- route. He had income of 1,6 million coins. baniy Ubaydullakhan (1533-1539) pre- In addition he had 1 thousand slaves con- sented 200 pair gov land to Khodja Muk- sisting of Kalmyk, Russian and Indians. hammad Islom. Abdullakhan after con- Khoja Sa’d’s sons Tojiddin Khasan and quering Badakhshan and Kulab, he pre- Khoja Abdurakhim also had plenty of sented Badakhshon o Khoja Sa’d. However, properties. Tojiddin Khasan’s property in the book “Matlab ul-talibin”, Khoja Sa’d consists of 1 thousand kit’a. In addition, took a permission to use 200 pair gov.


Tojiddin Khasan’s first born son Yusuf gar, Iran and other countries also sent was presented some villages by their own many presents to Juybor khans. Ashtarkhaniy khans Imamkulikhan For example, The ambassador of the ruler (1611-1642), Nodir Mukhammad (1642- of Yorkand Abdurashidkhan (1533-1567) 1645) and Abdulazizkhan (1645-1681). visited to Juybor with precious materials, It must be emphasized that Juybor clothes, unique things and 20 thousand khodjas’ cash money, precious clothes, cash money and handed them to the of- different materials, cows, sheep, gold and ficials of khoja’s. silver things were myriad. For instance, The rulers at that time tried to connect when there are appeared conflicts among their relative relations with Juybor khans, Ashtarkhoniy Vali Mukhammad (1606- not satisfying only giving precious gifts 1609) and his nephews, the governors of and a lot of lands. For example, Imam- the regions and Imamkulikhan and Nodir khulikhan after sitting in the throne, he Mukhammad, Khoja Tojiddin for the re- gave his own sister to the marriage to To- quest of Valimukhammad, he went to jiddin Khasan and he gave the lands of Balkh three times and came back with the Pirmast in Bukhara, (Dekhi nav) gifts given by Nodir Mukhammad, his in Hisar, some camels and horses, janitor mother and a lot of amirs, who lived in houses and some expensive materials, Balkh. He came back 106 thousand cash clothes. Vali Mukhammad’s sister Tojid- money, about 100 sheep, horse, carpet, din Khasan’s brother was a wife of Abdik- tent, precious materials and precious hoja. After the death of Abdikhoja (1607), clothes. Khoja Tojiddin’s son Abulabbos the khan gave his own sister to the mar- Mukhammad Tolib: “There were so many riage to Abdurakhimkhoja, namely Ab- brought gifts that there were no empty dikhoja’s brother. Abdurakhim khoja was places in our house” remembered like given some villages as a gift land. Ab- this. dulaziz khan also connected relative rela- In the first quarter of XVII century, tions with Juybor khojas. He gave his own Khoja Abdurakhim had to leave the coun- daughter to Yusufkhoja’s son Yokubkhod- try and go to haj, because there was a ja and gave as a gift land Suyunchi village conflict appeared between Imamkulikhan with 20 thousand income each year. The and Khoja Abdurakhim in 1628. On the other parts of Khodjas’ property consisted way he went to Balx, India. Boburiy ruler of land, water, trade and handicrafting Jakhongir (1605-1628) met him with shops, which were bought very cheaply great attention. Before he was leaving Jak- from other people. Juybor khans Muk- hongir gave very much present, knives hammad Islom, Khoja Sa’d and Tojiddin with different crafts, and 50 thousand ru- Khasan prevented not to divide his own piah money. Jakhongir’s wife Nurjakhon- lands and not to access the other relatives’ begim, and other officials like Osafkhon property from their own ones. Even Kho- and Abulkhasan gave 10 thousand rupi- ja Mukhammad Islom inherited his own ahs each. In addition, the rulers of Kash- properties to the first-born son khoja Sa’d,

30 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 denying other sons Mukhammad Kosim nakhr and Khurasan, he had a lot of and Bakhouddin Umar, he made that will handicrafting shops, trade counters, mar- confirmed by khan at that time. 20 days kets, mills, bath-houses and inns on the later after the death of Mukhammad Is- caravan route. In addition the khodjas lom Bakhouddin Umar was dead secretly, participated in the international trade 4 years later khoja Mukhammad Kosim too.Khodja Sa’d’s and Khodja Tojiddin was dead. Khasan’s special representatives: Jonmuk- Preventing the division of their hammad and Yormukhammad, they properties Juybor khans let the mar- ruled the caravans and went to Kazan, riage one father’s sides generation. For Moscow, Bulgar and Koshgar. instance, Tojiddin organizing their rela- In conclusion, the great properties of tives’ marriage, he gained others’ prop- Juybor khans were gained because of erty too. He made his own sons Yusufk- great contribution to the social life in hodja, Mukhammad, Toyibkhodja (the Bukhra khanate. In spite of this, they ex- author of “Matlab ut-tolibin”) marry his tended other parts of the country gaining own brother Abdurakhimkhodja’s other lands, trade, inheritable properties. daughters.He gave his own daughters to So Juybor khadjas were the close people the marriage to Abdurakhimkhoja’s son of the rulers of Bukhara. Mukhammad Siddikhodja and Abdik- The list of used literature: hoja’s son Ibodullakhodja. After the 1. B. Akhmedov. Leesons from history. T.: death of Abdikhodja in 1607, his two O’kituvchi, 1994. –B.24-28 sons Ibodullakhodja and Kudratullak- 2. Khofiz Tanish Bukhariy. Abdullanoma hodja were looked after by Tojiddin (“Sharafnomai shokhiy”) –T.: Shark, Khasan. Ibodullakhodja had to leave for 2000. –B.10 3. Mukhammad Tolib ibn Tojiddin Khasank- Balkh later and served for Nurmuk- hodja al-Husayniy as-Siddikiy. “Matlab ut- hammadkhan. Kudratullakhodja’s des- tolibin” “Shark yulduzi” journal, 2015. N 3 tiny is not known. 4. S. Korayev. Toponomika –T.:2006. –B. 320 Apart from productive lands and 5. П. П. Иванов. Очерки по истории herds of sheep and horses in Movaraun- Средней Азии. –M., 1958. – С.


Dina Mamirbaeva, Ph.D., senior teacher of English Language and Literature Department, NukSPI Shirin Aymanova, 2-nd-year master-student of Linguistics Department, KarSU

Ключевые слова: обучение иностранному языку, образовательные реформы, социолингвистическая компетенция, использование видео-материалов, аутентичный язык Key words: foreign language teaching, educational reforms, sociolinguistic compe- tence, using video materials, authentic language Аннотация В данной статье рассказывается об использовании видео как материал для изучения иностранного языка и роли развития социолингвистической компетенции в обучении английскому языку. Annotation This article deals with using video materials as foreign language learning material and the role of developing sociolinguistic competence in teaching English.

Foreign language education all over contemporary teaching foreign languages the world has become a significant phe- methods. The first President of Uzbeki- nomenon in the present era. Responding stan I.Karimov on December 10, to personal or professional needs, people 2012 signed one of the valuable decree learn a foreign language to qualify for #1875 “On measures of enhancement of education abroad, to communicate with further Foreign languages learning sys- colleagues in international corporations, tem”. It is worth noting, that this very or to prepare themselves for travel. In or- document has changed totally not only der to understand the phenomenon, the system of foreign language learning broad knowledge of the process of lan- but the role of foreign languages (mostly guage acquisition, second or foreign lan- English) in all fields of economics, sci- guage education, sociolinguistics, linguis- ence, technology and etc. tics, psycholinguistics, and specific As well as official documents Uzbeki- knowledge of foreign language teaching stan English teachers are attending and techniques and methods of measurement developing materials in various profes- and evaluation have become especially sional development programs. So, in important. 2015 I attended as a team member and Today in Uzbekistan the range of offi- material developer in EFT – English for cial documents are issued on developing Teachers Project. It is a language develop-

32 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 ment programme for teachers of English of language is constrained by the socio- working in higher and vocational institu- cultural norms of the society where the tions, including universities, institutes, language is used. [Ruzmetova N. Com- colleges or lyceums in Uzbekistan. The municative competence in English lan- course meets all modern international guage teaching // Молодой ученый., requirements for professional develop- 2017, №24] ment programmes and was developed Moreover, this course encourages par- jointly by the British Council, the Minis- ticipants to raise their competences. All of try of Higher and Secondary Specialised us know, that now in the 21st century it is Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, not enough to develop learners’ language the Scientific-Practical Innovation Centre ​​ skills, we have to prepare not only skillful, and under the consultancy of Rod Bo- but competent in terms of the language litho, British famous and experiences usage generation. methodologist and expert expert in the Sociolinguistics can be defined as the area of education. The course consists of science that investigates the aims and 3 modules. They are: two face-to-face and functions of language in society. Lan- one online learning modules. guage differs from one context to an- The aim of the programme is to im- other across geographical borders and prove the English language standards how people in one context communicate across the country as part of the strategy with people in other contexts, for exam- of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary ple, native speaker-nonnative speaker; Specialised Education. This strategy can nonnative speaker-nonnative speaker be implemented only if the standards of etc. So, developing sociolinguistic com- the English language among teachers of petence is one of the requirements of English are raised. educational standards and, naturally, re- The course materials are designed to quirement of contemporary rapidly de- encourage investigation into English and veloping life. to give participating teachers an opportu- Many various researchers are done by nity to identify and work on areas of their scholars, but sociolinguistics is a remark- own English that need improvement. Im- ably broad field and there are still lots of proving language proficiency takes time topics of current interest to investigate in and hard work, which is why Module our learning and teaching English con- 2 online) is spread over a long period. text. It is worth noting that the role of PD In this article I would like to share programs is crucial. Teachers will be able here my experience of attending in pro- to develop their communicative compe- fessional development program “EFT” tences, as the successful language use for and to share one of the sessions, devoted communication presupposes the develop- to features of spoken English language. ment of communicative competence in There were several objectives of the the users of that language and that the use described lesson and one of them was to

33 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA identify different ways of developing so- categorize mistakes according to their ciolinguistic awareness in learning con- types (grammatical, lexical, phonetic texts. mistakes). At the very beginning for involving This activity helps students to raise students into the topic I have chosen lead- their awareness on sociolinguistic issues in activity which asks students to think in spoken English and to be able to com- individually of five words (or short phras- municate effectively using appropriate au- es) that make spoken communication thentic language. different to written communication. (For There is a close relationship between that period of lesson my students were language comprehension and misunder- aware of types of discourse-written and standing. Besides, language comprehen- spoken). A teacher asks students to com- sion is not purely cognitive process. Those pare their words with a partner to find if interferences can clarify our interpreta- they have identified any common quali- tion of the linguistic input. ties of spoken communication. Then a Using videos and extracts can be very teacher writes down students’ ideas on the helpful in teaching foreign languages. board. However, it is important to plan ahead of Possible answers may be: time what you hope your students will • spontaneous learn from the videos. Effective video- • emotional based learning requires the ability to see • non-grammatical and hear content clearly. Classroom tech- • chaotic nology must have adequate audio and • interpersonal quality image display: • situational • Facilitates thinking and problem • fragmented solving • improvised • Fosters mastery learning • physical • Inspires and engages students The next activity is devoted for rais- • Helps develop learner autonomy ing students’ cross-cultural awareness. • Delivers authentic learning oppor- For this reason I have chosen a well- tunities known and popular enough movie Using extract from the comic inspired “Mind your language”. Teacher tells stu- and engaged beyond students’ attention. dents that they are going to watch a short It increased my students’ motivation and comic video focusing on mispronuncia- improved their grades. tion typical of non-native speakers of It is not a discovery, that motivation is English. Ask them to identify the situa- an important factor in moderating suc- tion, the characters and make notes on cessful English classes. Movies/films/car- mispronounced words. For post-watch- toons as a motivator, also makes the lan- ing activity teacher distributes handouts guage learning process more entertaining and asks students to fill in the table and and enjoyable.


Using video is one of the popular and References: favorite activities of English teachers. For 1. Mirziyoyev Sh.M. PD-2909, “On Measures for the Further Development of the Higher decades teachers used videos in their Educational System”. Tashkent, April 20, 2018 classes. Moreover, video/movie can pro- 2. Presidential Decree №1875 on “The meas- vide a source of authentic language and ures of strengthening the system of learn- real-life examples as well as real-life com- ing foreign languages” (December 10, munication. 2012). 3. English for Teachers. Participants’ Hand- Spoken English language is different book. Module 3. УзР ОУММВ, УзДЖТУ to the written language and has many dif- хузуридаги Чет тилларни укитишнинг ferent varieties and features which have to ИИАРМ, Британия Кенгаши. Ташкент, be explored in learning and teaching a 2018 language. 4. Hudson, L. A., & Ozanne, J. L. (1988). Al- Grammar makes language work, but it ternative ways of seeking knowledge in consumer research. Journal of Consumer does not provide all the meanings depos- Research, 14, 508-521. http://dx.doi. ited in concepts that exists in different org/10.1086/209132 context due to different styles, degrees of 5. Ruzmetova N. Communicative compe- formality, and language varieties. [Hud- tence in English language teaching // son, 1988] Молодой ученый., 2017, №24


Kobilov U. U. Samarkand State University Uzbekistan, Samarkand [email protected]

Abstract: This article is devoted to the problem of interpreting the image of Jesus Christ (Iso Masih) in the lyric couch of the “Curiosity of the End” (“Navodir un-nixoya”) by Alisher Navoi. It analyzes the motif of the revival depicted through the symbolic image of Jesus in the poet’s lyrics. However, attention is paid to the image of the image of Christ, which was considered the universal ideas of the poet and humanistic views. Key words: classical poetry, gazelle genre, lyrical divan, artistic image, motive of revival, poetic function, divine miracle, artistic interpretation.

Alisher Navoi, the great figure of the great religions. The poet’s repeated appeal Uzbek classical literature, occupies a spe- to the image of Christ shows a sign of the cial place in the world of artistic aesthet- great humanism of Alisher Navoi. Studies ics. Especially, the lyric couches of the show that the image of Christ in the po- poet are unique examples of oriental lit- etry of Alisher Navoi was used more than erature. Poetry of Alisher Navoi consists 200 times and reflects a variety of poetic of eight lyrical sofas. They include sixteen paintings. From this, in the sofa of the traditionally literary genres. In the couch “Curiosity of the End” was used more of the poet are classic samples of these than 30 times as a craft and performs genres. One of these sofas is called “End various symbolic and metaphorical im- of Curiosity” (“Navodir un-nihoya”). He ages. In the lyric couch, but in the whole is considered the second perfect sofa of poetry of Alisher Navoi, the image of Je- the poet. This sofa is a rare example not sus is compared to the beloved and her only in Uzbek, but also in East poetry. It words. It is known that in the poetry of reflects with high skill all the poetic laws the East and Sufi literature the image of inherent in the tradition of lyrical couch the beloved is considered polysemantic. oriental literature. In particular, the inter- She is portrayed as a metaphorical image pretation of images of historical figures of a mentor, a friend, a prophet and the listed in sacred sources is attractively de- Most High. In the lyrics of Alisher Navoi, picted. This is mainly clearly reflected in the beloved and her words are likened to the interpretation of the image of Jesus the miracles of Jesus from the side of re- Christ, repeatedly depicted in the lyrics of vival. Because in the story of the prophecy Alisher Navoi, in particular Couch “curi- the miracle of the revival refers only to osities end”. As it is known, Jesus Christ is Jesus. This is evidenced by the holy books considered a person, connecting three of Torah (“Tavroth”), the Gospel


(“Inzhil”), the Koran (“Kurioni Karim”). body. It looks like a kravchy as if showing In classical poetry, “lab” (“lips”), “nose” the miracle of Jesus). (“speech”), the beloved is compared to the In the poem one can see the illumina- miracle of Jesus’ revival. In this, the mira- tion of poetic-aesthetic thought through cle of revival reflects the inspiration of the mystical themes and images. It created a heart and soul of the lover. poetic picture through the metaphorical Оразингдур офтоби олам ородин images “lab” (lips), “may” (wine), “mayfu- ғараз, rush” (kravchy), the miracle of Jesus. In Жон физо нутқингдур анфоси this, beat the lips means the divine word, Масиҳодин ғараз[2.347.1]. wine – divine love, mayfurush – the dis- (Contents: The beloved’s beloved is tributor of divine love, the miracle of Je- the sun of the universe. The animating sus – inspiring. In addition, love is lik- speech is the miracle of Jesus). ened to divine words, and the beloved is In the poem it is clear that a lyrical inspiring. Therefore, the divine love of the picture was created through the prism of Almighty is interpreted as the animating the images “skid” (“face”) and “nose” soul of the beloved. It is seen that the poet (“speeches”). In the poetry of the think- juxtaposes the divine word and love to the er, the image of the “face” in its internal miracle of Jesus. In the other beat the meaning means the divine and nation couch of the “Curiosity of the End”, the and beauty. “Nuth” (“speech”) hints at “lab” (lips) is evaluated as the wonders of the divinity of words. From this, these the prophet. images reflect such meanings as the Жон берурда лаълидин Исо сифат sun – the divine beauty, the spirit of Je- жононае, sus – the divine word. Among them Кўнгул олурда юзидин Юсуф ойин there is a dependence in the meaning of дилбаре[НН 2.747.3]. the motive of revival. As the sun illumi- (Contents: The lips of the beloved are nates the universe, so does speech revive similar to the miracle of Jesus, the face is man and his heart. In this regard, the the beauty of Joseph). image of Jesus in the lyrics of Alisher The word of the beloved is likened to Navoi is a sign of revival. In the couch of the animating miracle of Jesus, and the the poet “The Endeavor of the End” the face to the beauty of Joseph. The sources motif of revival-inspiration depicted in say about the gift of nine parts of the ten the image of Jesus apply in a variety of beauty of the world to Joseph. Therefore, meanings. Joseph is interpreted as the most beautiful Лаъли майнинг жавҳари руҳ ўлди man, not only among the prophets, but чун ҳар қатраси, also of all mankind. Therefore, Joseph is Гўйи иъжози Масиҳо зоҳир айлар considered a symbol of beauty in classical майфуруш[НН 2.332.4]. poetry. The poet depicts the words of the (Contents: The lips of the beloved as beloved as an animating miracle, and the every drop of wine became a spirit for the face – the encompassing beauty of the

37 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA soul. In it, the poet emphasizes the image ration of pain to a lover. If someone dies, of the beloved as a sign of absolute divine then the breath of Jesus and the quicken- beauty. ing water will be healing. Do not think Сабо дебон хабар ул гулдин элни Jesus’s breath and the living water and the тиргузди, separation for separation in love. Only a Масиҳча деса бўлғай анинг loved one can heal in love with the sepa- рисолати бор[НН 2.176.3]. ration). (Contents: The wind brought the smell The poet in these beits reveals the mo- of flowers. People came alive from these tive of love, which is special in the poetry scents. Therefore, the wind is similar to of the East with the help of images of a Jesus). lover, a lover, and separation. In this Above “lips,” “wine,” logically likened “lips,” “reviving water,” “Jesus’s breath,” to the miracle of Jesus. In this regard, the they are considered images of a revival «wind» is estimated like the miracle of motif. In the classical poetry of the East, Jesus. The image of the wind in the poetry when it comes to the topic of love, the im- of Alisher Navoi is quite fruitfully por- age of a lover and a lover is always pre- trayed. One of them is the meaning of sent. It necessarily depicts the concept of «herald». In it the wind serves as a mes- separation and achievement. On the in- senger between the lover and the beloved. terpretation of this motive, Oriental liter- If you look from the outside, you can see ature has created a great invention. Based that «the wind carries the fragrance of on this, separation in real life of a lover flowers on all sides.» However, on the in- and beloved is an achievement in eternal side is reflected a different picture. In this life. This motif invented the eternal poetic picture, flowers express the symbol themes of the East, in particular in the of the beloved, and the people – the lov- works of Alisher Navoi. Therefore, such ers, the message – love. Therefore, the classical dastans as “Farhad and Shirin”, message from the beloved animates the “Leyli and Majnun”, “Joseph and Zuleikha” lover. Alisher Navoi in his poetry always and others were created. Indeed, as there expresses the motif associated with the is life, death is indispensable. Representa- recovery along with the image and the tives of the literature of the East, in par- image animates the water and Khizr. ticular, Alisher Navoi interprets death as a Дарди ҳажримға ул ики лаъли achievement by the Almighty, and this is хандондур даво, not an easy path to life. It requires me to Ким ўлар Исо дамию оби ҳайвондур be morally pure, spiritually cheerful, and даво. highly humanistic. Не даво Исо дамин фаҳм айла, не In conclusion, it should be noted that ҳайвон суйин, the image of Jesus is portrayed in the lyric Ҳажр жонин олған элга васли poetry of Alisher Navoi, including in the жонондур даво[НН]. sofa of “The Enigma of the End” as a per- (Contents: Lips are a healing for sepa- fect, virtuous, wonderful image. In the

38 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 poetry of the thinker, the image of Jesus ниҳоя. – Тошкент: Фан, 1987. – 620 б. 3. Алишер Навоий: қомусий луғат. – reflects a variety of poetic functions and Тошкент: “Шарқ”, 2016 йил paintings. At the same time, it shows the 4. Комилов Нажмиддин. Маънолар humanism and tolerance of Alisher Navoi. оламига сафар: Алишер Навоий REFERENCES: ғазалларига шарҳлар. – Т.: Тамаддун, 1. Алишер Навоий. Мукаммал асарлар 2012. – 316 б. тўплами. Биринчи том. Бадойиъ ул- 5. Ҳаққулов И. Навоийга қайтиш. – бидоя. – Тошкент: Фан, 1987. – 724 б. Тошкент: Фан, 2007. –224 б. 2. Алишер Навоий. Мукаммал асарлар 6. Шарқ мумтоз поэтикаси.– Тошкент: тўплами. иккинчи том. Наводир ун- Давлат илмий нашриёти, 2006. – 430 б.



Baratova Shoxidaxon Inomiddin qizi student, faculty of foreign languages, State University named after Babur, Andijan, the Republic of Uzbekistan [email protected] Annotation: in this article author points that, common problems faced in the literary translation process, possible solutions for them, tries to reflect achievements of translation by critical thoughts for mistakes and contrarily achievements in the translation of some fictions. Аннотация: в этой статье автор указывает, что общие проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются в процессе литературного перевода, возвожные пути их решения, пытается отразить достижения перевода критическими мыслями за ошибки и противоречивые достижения в переводе некоторых вымыслов. Key words: expressions, proverbs, culture, “Noughty boy”, syntactic knowledge, flective and agglutinative languages, “Pomogrenate”, medicine, agriculture. Ключевые слова: выражения, пословицы, культура, “Озорник”, синтактические знания, летучие и агглютинативные языки, “Граната”, медицина, сельское, хозяйство.

Introduction. culture, tradition, social life style of the The process of translation is challeng- given period so as to show everything as ing and leads to lots of debates and con- their origin, to express real atmosphere of tinues to do so. Most of the linguists as the work. Therefore, this type of translat- well as translators tried to express and ing namely, literary translation is one of explain the approach of translation. In the difficult and responsible branch of order to achieve this, a lot of models or translation field. ways of translating different materials have been offered, translators are the Materials and methods. helpers between writer’s play and a target It is a fact that, translation challenges language reader. Although these kinds of are mainly the result of the dissimilarities ways reflect a treatment which exceeds between second and target language cul- the traditional approaches to translation, tures. Due to coming out from the life and all of them are either too theoretical or character or atmosphere of people within reduced in their area. specific culture, most of expressions, say- It is well-known that, translating par- ings, proverbs (phraseological units relat- ticular article or various plays or works ed to a particular area) are challenging can be more challenging or tough because unless it is possible to translate from one of lacking knowledge related to science, language into another one. For example:

40 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 in “Shum bola” by Gafur Gulam there is Uzbek: Men har kuni do’stim bilan given a word combination “dandon sopli birga maktabga boraman. pichoq” and its lexical meaning is “fil suy- English: Every day I go to school with agidan qilingan pichoq”. And the word my friend. “ivory” can be suitable for that word “dan- Russian: Я хожу в школу с другом don”, “knife made from ivory” (2) – “dan- каждый день. don sopli pichoq”. Deutch: Jedentag gehe Ich mit dem In this article we observed some mate- Freund in die Schule. rials as well as methods that can be handy Those sentences show that every lan- during the translation process. We gave guage has their different word structure some masterpieces of the writers as exam- or word order: Uzbek S+O+V; English ples such as “Shum bola” (Naughty boy), and Russian S+V+O; German S+V+O or “Qalb” (Soul) and others related to gram- O+V+S and others. mar. While translating “Naughty boy” Miller (1973) assumed that, transla- translator tried to use comparative meth- tion should be organized on four levels: od in order to find the equivalency of the syntactic, lexical, conceptual knowledge, words in second language. During our and system of beliefs (4). observation we have learned Uzbek fic- Let us clarify those criteria: tions and translation versions of them by Syntactic knowledge – information comparing according to their life style, about in what ways words are structured culture, real atmosphere as well. One im- and formation of sentences and it requires portant thing is that translators obtained the translators knowing higher grammar their purpose by showing the original knowledge as much as possible. situations at that time and so on so forth. Lexical knowledge – knowledge about Research methodology. word combinations as well as their mean- The main purpose of our research ings. based on literary translation to assess the Conceptual knowledge – dealing with translators how to help readers express ideas, or based on them. the meaning of the lexemes of SL (second System of beliefs – views based on re- language) or text as long as taking into ligion and comparing with others. account the context. While translating a Analysis and results. specific play or novel interpreters should In addition to this, analysis carried our pay more their attention to not only during our research show that, languages words, context but also word order and can be flective (Russian and English) or grammar as well, as these features shows agglutinative (Uzbek) namely prefixes, how well the translators obtain their ac- infixes and suffixes can be added to flec- tivity or work. And in this situation we tive language that is (prefixes) not com- want to show the dissimilarities of word mon to agglutinative ones. While trans- order in different languages. Let’s look lating words added prefixes can give neg- through: ative meaning although its root is positive

41 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA or strong meaning. In translation investi- tion [5]. gation, it is clear that, lexemes cannot It should be admitted that, there are stand on their own, meaning of them is some masterpieces or different works, mainly derived from the context in which stories which are really enjoyable and en- they occur. For instance: Indistinguisha- gaging although they may be translation ble – in is prefix, distinguish is root and – version. Translators did their best to show able is suffix. Translation at the morphe- the origin of them while translating. For mic level shows that the morpheme example, “Pomegranate” is translation should not be taken as a unit of transla- form of Abdulla Kahhor’s work. When tion. the reader begins to read he or she simul- As we know, Chulpon wrote in his taneously realized the meaning of the poem “Soul” that story. “Tiriksan, o’lmagansan, Following piece from the story shows Sen-da odam, senda insonsan; the proficiency of the translator: Kishan kiyma bo’yin egma “Uylar to’la non, och-nahorim bolam, Ki, sen ham hur tug’ilg’onsen!” Ariqlar to’la suv, tashnai zorim, b o l a m”. In this poem Chulpon tried to wake “The houses are full of bread, but my the people’s soul up and did not want child is hungry, The waterways are full of them to live dependently. Translator A. water, but my child is thirsty”. ( “tashnai Abidov did his best while translating it. zorim – thirsty, ya’ni oddiygina chan- And he showed its real atmosphere in the qamoq. It shows the translators experi- translation version: ence”), (1) “You are alive, not passed away, Conclusion. You are a man, act humanly, By way of conclusion, literary transla- Refuse the fetters, don’t obey, tion demands or requires an interpreter In fact, you also were born in free!”(1) or translator particular diligence and Translators often succeed in finding scholarship as it was mentioned at the correct equivalence and content due to beginning of the article. The translator their well mastery of the profession. Un- must have knowledge in all spheres such doubtedly, the realization of the author’s as medicine, literature, geography, history points or views of the work in another as well as culture. In addition to this, one language requires the translator creative of the common or typical ways to improve talent. And by this way the reader does translating is watching movies, reading not have a different representation of the historical books or science fictions or author and the work. The presence in other books that can be handy for them. translation of such defects, such as the One thing that is really important is find- non-conformity of proverbs, the misuse ing correct version of proverbs from one of phraseological units, the mixing of na- language into another if there is no chance tional realities testify to the presence of to translate them accurately. What is the phenomenon of dissonance in transla- more, translator should feel his or her

42 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 work as a participant or main character in Language Studies, 2012, № 2, Korea 2. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Diction- the work, and terms related to different ary. Cambridge University Press, 2008 fields such as medical, economy, biology, 3. [3] Landers, C. E. (2001) Literary Transla- politics and so on so forth should be tion: A Practical Guide, New Jersey Uni- known or masters of those branches versity Press: Multilingual Matters should work together as a team. 4. Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Trans- References: lation.New York & London: Prentice Hall. 1. Z.Mirzaeva. “Representations of Europe- 5. Halverson, S. (1997). The Concept of ans in Twentieth-Century Uzbek litera- Equivalence in Translation Studies. Tar- ture”. Journal of the Institute for Foreign get1-2(1997).


Murodova Gulmira Muhiddinovna State University. Summary: This article describes the similar and different aspects of Boysun’s topony- my and its related information in the literature. Key words: Boysun, Boyken, Boysunghur Mirzo, Barlas, Basand, Chaganien, Usun- lar tribe

Baysun district was founded on 29th ern parts of the region is a clear indication. September, 1926 merged with Sherabad Third, according to At-Tabari, the on December 24, 1962. It was re- toponym was derived from the Persian constructed on December 29, 1965. word Boysan.Some scholars refer to Boysun is one of the oldest settlements in Boysun’s place as ethnos. For example, ac- Surkhandarya region, with its original to- cording to J.Hojiniyazov, the word baisun ponymic meaning The name of Boysun is appears in the form of Baysin, meaning first known as Boysun in the seventeenth “tribal tribal people.” According to M. Ju- century, but before that it can be seen from raev, the word Boysun comes from the the historical sources of Baisun related to- tribe of Says and means “the place where ponyms: First of all, refer to the theories the tribe of Usunlar lived.” According to about the origins of the Baysun In the well- Nafasov, the term “Boysun” is composed of known dictionary of the the words “Bay” and “sin” in ancient Tur- Baysun has one word, which is the word kic, meaning “Great Mountain” or “Big “Boyken”, which is frost-resistant, its fruit Mountain.” Among the ancient Turks, is light-yellow, white and high-yielding ap- worshiping other subjects, as well as wor- ples. One can argue that the richness of the shiping the mountains, are widely regarded word is the basis of my name, and it is as divine. In my opinion, the toponymism noteworthy that the toponymy of Baisun scientist T. Nafasov’s views are very close to relates to historical ethnic processes, in- reality. Richness of Baysun is not the popu- cluding the information contained in the lation, but its rich nature, ie the abundance toponymic studies, including Temurian of springs, diversity of flora and fauna, and Prince Boysunghur Mirza Cha There are favorable climatic conditions. T. According reports that settled oniyonda found. Ethnic to Uthman’s sources, the local meaning of information can be explained by a histori- the word Boysun means “rich mansion”. cal process. In the Chaganias, the present- Boysun’s interpretation of the etymology of day Denov, , Uzun and, of course, the “Boy-shin” style, Boyshin is a “rich land the Turkic tribe of Amir Temur and Timu- of wealthy people.” This is the reason why rids in the boy lived in the Barlas family. the city was rich in ancient times – the The study of the Barlas’ distribution of the Turkish aristocracy and the nomadic rich. Baisun and the Surkhan oasis in the north- Archaeological research also speaks of


Boysun’s ancient history. In the settlement gorge was a border crossing point known Poyon-Korgon located in the foothills sur- as the Sughd and Takharistan from the rounding the mountains, the nomadic early Middle Ages [Rtveladze, 1986, p. 34- tribes residing in the foothills of the Bud- 39]. Being located on the , Boysun dhist monument, the Cossack-era ceramic has not lost its significance as a border pattern depicts a wide range of sky and point in the Timur and Timurid era. In the mountains. Boysun Istahri and his author sources of the Amir Temur era, the fre- are known as Basand in the book Hudud quent mention of Baisun is a clear indica- al-olam. [2] SH According to Kamoliddi- tion. The name “Zafarnoma” is also men- nov, when Basand was localized, he was in tioned in the Baysun district. In the 19th the present-day Baysun district. Boysun century Boysun was the center of one of was one of the oldest cities on the trade the three halls in the present Surkhandarya route, which was welcomed through the region during the Bukharan Emirate, Iron Gate (Darband), from the old Sogdian where the native Uzbeks and Tajiks lived. caravans. [3] According to Istahri, Basand According to N.A. Maev’s diaries, the true gardens were large and large. Basand is a name of Boysun is Boyshin, meaning two-day drive from Chagnaion. It is writ- “Rich, Rich Tree”. It seems that Maev came ten in the works of “Hudud al-olam”, Ibn to this conclusion because the Uzbeks who Khaqal and al-Thani; Basand is a large, were nomadic Uzbeks had made a living. densely populated city with its rich and [7] According to Kamaliddinov, Boysun resilient inhabitants, standing at the foot of means “Great mountain or high mountain” the city, along the caravan route to Samar- consisting of “Boy” and “Sin”. [8] Another kand and Bukhara.[4] As a result of ar- author, Yo. Hojamberdiev writes that rich chaeological research, the monument of people who had driven their horses from Poyangurgan, which belongs to the first west to east were now living in the territory Iron Age, has been examined by nomadic of present-day boys and looking after their breeders. The ceramic and archaeological livestock. Many of such nomadic cattle- finds found in this monument and sur- breeders have settled down in Boysun, rounding area indicate that Basan, men- which is called Boyshindi, which is richly tioned in the sources, is located here [5]. rich, and has been named Boyshin> This is evidenced by the fact that the Ba- Boyin> Boysun [9]. Of course, this infor- sand and Boysun names coincide, and the mation is a popular etymology. The word medieval carriageway from Samarkand “rich” has a variety of meanings in Turkic and Bukhara to Chagnaion is exactly the languages, and in some cases it is under- same. [6] In the medieval sources, Iron stood as a wealthy person, wealthy, wealthy Currant (Kapap) [Mustawfi, p. 180, 244]. It man.[10] In addition, the word “rich” was was also mentioned in the Middle Ages by also used in the ancient Turkic language in the name of the other Turkish name Bah- terms of body, gvda, gag. [11] Turkic, Tur- celi. [Al-Shamiy, p.55]. In the medieval kic, and Azeri languages, Bismar has been Baysun Mountains, the Buzghala-room described as medieval in Turkish as “high,

45 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA balanced”. [12] According to T. Nafasov, 3. Kamaliddinov Sh.S. Istoricheskaya geo- grafiya Yujnogo Sogda i Toxaristana po Baysun’s word was rich in ancient times; araboyazychnym istochnikam IX – nacha- Great, huge, huge, abundance, greatness. la XIII vv s-72 For example, the ancient name of Baykal 4. Hasanov H. “Scientists” T.: 1981 Lake is exactly the Turkish Boykul, mean- 5. Arshavskaya ZA, Rtveladze E.V., Khaki- ing the great lake, the great lake. The Tyan mov Z.A. Srednekovye pamyatniki Sur- Shan Mountain was called by the ancient khandari. T., 1966; Safarov 6. Sh., Umarov I. History of some toponyms. Turks as Bai-Shan, China’s historian Sima Q. “Nasaf” 2005. 12 // Syan said that the Tyan Shan mountain 7. Materialy delia statistician Turkestanisko- was Bai-Shan. We can see from this that in go kraya // Ejegodnik.Vyp.5 pod. Red.. the later sources, Tyan Shan, the name of MaevN.A. Spb, 1879 //. 8.Maev Openers of the mountain of God, derived from the Bukhara Khanate T.: “Fan” 2012 -162 8. Kamaliddinov Sh.S. Drevnetyurkskaya word “Bay-shan,” meaning majesty, majes- toponimiya sredney azeri T.: “ShARK” ty, and power. [13] The word sinus in 2006.s-145 Boysun refers also to elevation meanings. 9. Hudjamberdiev Ya.Istoriko- etimologich- [14] Thus, if we look at the information eskoye issledovanie toponimi Surkhanda- given above, we can see that the name Bay- rinskoy region. The author of the thesis for sun originates from the name of the Great the dissertation of the candidate of techni- cal sciences T.: 1974 Mountain, the Great Mountain, the Great 10. Sevortiyan E. Etimologichesky slovar Pond, and the name of the city called Ba- 11. Khasanov X. Tsennyy istochnik po toponi- sand, the city of Baysun. mike Sredney and Tsentralnoy Azii // Toponimika Vostoka. M., 1962. LITERATURES: 12. Khasanov X. etymologii nazvaniya Tyan- 1. National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. T., Shan // ST, 1978, 4. S. 2000 13. Nafasov T. “Glossary of Uzbekistan topo- 2. Safarov Sh., Umarov I. History of some nyms” T: 1988. toponyms. Karshi, 2005.


Dilfuza Badirova Assistant teacher Karakalpak State University Azbergenova G. 2nd year Student Karakalpak State University

Abstract: The article deals with various aspects of conversion as one of the basic ways of English word-formation: definition and classification. The main types of conversion models are described and the frequency of their use in the language is commented on. Different types of conversion stems of the modern stage of development of the language system are analyzed. In conclusion, the enormous productive potential of conversion in the English language is determined. Key words: Conversion, verbalization, substantivation, adjectivation, adverbializa- tion productivity, word-stem.

Any language can be considered ex- guage). Word formation is “the richest pressive and rich due to its vocabulary. source of new vocabulary in the language, Therefore, the ways of word derivation and, as a result of this fact, is the object of and word formation are researched care- close attention of scientists and linguists. fully to expand the lexicon of language. [2.87-88] The existence of a language system and its The term “conversion” at the present development are mainly due to the devel- stage of development of linguistics is un- opment of the word formation paradigm, derstood as a “method of word formation the change in the existing types of word- without the use of special word formative formation, and the increase or decrease in affixes; a kind of transposition, in which the proportion of their productivity. One the transposition of a word from one part of the effective ways of that is conversion of speech is used without any material which even does not need any suffix or change as a representative of another part prefix in creating new words. of speech”.[3.33]Some researchers also The emergence of new words in the use terms such as the non-affixing or root English language is carried out mainly in method of word formation. three ways: by borrowing from other lan- Conversion as a linguistic phenome- guages; using various means of word for- non interested philologists as early as the mation (such as affixation, composition, first half of the 19th century (the begin- conversion, etc), as a result of polysemy ning of the study of this method of word (the appearance of new, additional mean- formations associated with the work of J. ings in words already existing in the lan- Greenwood and G.Sweet ).


Conversion is customarily understood units. This latter term has been particu- as “…the change in the part of speech of a larly wide spread, probably it parallels form without any overt affix marking the other word formation patterns which in- change” as such, it has traditionally been volve word class change and thus fits an regarded as particularly widespread in orderly structure of word-formation pro- English in comparison with other lan- cesses. [1.181] However, the most frequent guages with other word formation pro- term for this operation has clearly been cesses. The virtual unanimity in the defi- “conversion.” Certain objections to it, have nition of this concept is, however, not sometimes been raised, for example, by paralleled by the actual term given to it. Adams, who rejects this term on the “Conversion,” “functional shift,” “zero- grounds that it may be understood, rather derivation,” and several variants of these than as the adoption of new syntactic ca- have at one or the other time competed to pacities, as implying a complete loss of the name this process. Such different terms as original identity of the word, like in the the above only the result of various per- noun stimulant, nowadays hardly an adjec- spectives from which the same process tive. Similarly, as pointed out by Lipka, it can be contemplated, and arguments for has sometimes also been proposed that the and against every one of them can be ac- use of the term “conversion” he avoided in cordingly found. Thus, for example, strictly synchronic approaches. However, “functional shift” is preferred in some current practice shows that, more often references because it readily mirrors the than not, this term occurs regardless of any adoption of new syntactic capacities by diachronic consideration. [1.182] One way converted units. Explicit as this term is or the other, all these terms coincide in from the syntactic point of view, it also describing the operation by a lexical unit has to be admitted that, as pointed out by gains access to syntactic functions habitu- Tournier, it rather overlooks complete ally realized by members of a word-class lack of change in the derivational mor- different than the one which that unit phology of the word that is proper to originally belonged, like in the following conversion, while focusing on a syntactic examples, where nouns become verbs, and property common to other parallel but verbs become respectively: still clearly different word formation pro- (1) My boss faxed a letter which was cesses like, for example, suffixation. An very important. opposite view is apparently held by other (2) Jimmy had a look at his toys and authors, who prefer to use the term “zero- began crying as his plane was missing. derivation” instead, thus laying emphasis (3) He told himself that all men are on the morphological dimensions of the cowards when it came to a showdown process, i.e., indicating that no morpho- with a woman. logical variation occurs under this opera- No less difficult is the question of the tion and, by contrast, somehow overshad- types of conversion, as well as the classifi- owing the new syntactic capacities of this cation of its components.


In lexicology, there are four main granny (grandmother)- granny(means types of conversion according to the be- having the style like those worn by old longing of components to certain parts of woman) speech and, accordingly, four conversion 4. Adverbialization (education of ad- models: verbs). At the present level of develop- 1. Verbalization (the formation of the ment of the language system, this type is verb). This type represents the semantic not productive due to the presence of transformation of the “object” – the “ac- the –ly suffix in the language. tion associated with this object”: The most productive type of conver- flower (the type of a plant which is sion is substantivation, and the formation often brightly coloured with a pleasant of nouns from adjectives is much more smell) – to flower (to blossom, to develop common than their formation from verbs. completely) Next comes verbalization with the fre- water ( a clear liquid, without colour quency realization of the linking “noun- or taste, which falls from sky and is neces- verb”. The least productive are adjectival sary for animal and plant life) – to water ( and adverbialization conversion types. to pour water on to plants or the soil that According to the degree of transfer of they are growing in) meaning, researchers distinguish two an elbow ( the part in the middle of an conversion classes: transposable and arm where it bends) – to elbow (to push word-formation (lexical) In a transposa- someone with your elbow) ble conversion, the denotative component 2. Substantivation (formation of of the word does not change, but only the nouns). The semantic transformation of syntactic function changes. an “action” is being implemented – the “ The basis sign of conversion as a pro- object as a result of an action” cess of the word education is the emer- to look ( to direct your eyes in order to gence of a new lexeme with lexical and see) – look ( when you look at someone or grammatical content. The peculiarity of something) this phenomenon is the fact that there is a to sleep (to be in the state of rest when rethinking of the rotation of the meaning your eyes are closed, your body is not ac- of the word- basis and its consideration in tive, and your mind is unconscious) – another aspect. However, one can not but sleep (the resting state) agree with the fact that the word, which 3. Adjectivation (formation of ad- appeared as a result of a conversion, in- jectives). The model expresses the se- cludes a certain semantic area of the mantic transformation of the “subject” original word-basis. into “characteristic phenomenon of the In conclusion, there are a great num- subject” ber of ways to expand the number of christian (someone who believes in words in any language, say, adopting Jesus Christ) – christian(relating to chris- words from other languages, through the tianity) way of derivation, forming words and so

49 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA on. Conversion is one of the most effec- aware of the way of conversion helps any tive ways in enriching the lexicon of Eng- kind of learner of English to be an elo- lish language which makes it expressive. quent speaker who express their opinion This way does not need any change to the with the help of various words and word word which makes creating new words combination. elementary without difficulties. Among the types of conversion such as, verbaliza- References: tion, substantivation, adjectivation, ad- 1. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 12 (1999) verbialization the type of substantivation 2. Zikova I.V. Practical course in English is the most fruitful way which is seen in lexicology.(2007) making nouns from different forms of 3. Kubryakova E.S., Gireyev V.A. Conversion speech like verbs, adjectives, etc. So, being in modern English language.(2002)


Ibragimova Yulduz Urinbaevna The region center of Retraining and qualification upgrading of public education staff by State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz Summary The article deals with different meanings of prepositions and the ways of translating into Karakalpak language. L2 learners especially in using prepositions made some mistakes and are not taken into consideration, and use them unnecessary places. We need to consider how we would deal with prepositions and find the best way to teach or translate them. The prepositions change not only the meaning but also the structure. The roles of prepositions are very important in learning grammar. Grammar is an essen- tial part in foreign language learning. Резюме Эта статья рассматривает предлогов с различными значениями и разными путями перевода на каракалпакский язык. Изучающие делают особенно много ошибок при использования предлогов и при проставления их на места. Мы должны учесть и рассмотреть лучший вариант обучения и перевода предлогов. Предлоги не только изменяют смысл но и структуру. Роль предлогов имеет очень важную роль в грамматике а грамматика важная часть в изучение иностранных языков. Key words; prepositions, at, on, in, linking words, methods, forms, grammatical functions, spelling.

Nowadays developing communication have meanings in using as individual, in ad- with other counties, English is as much as dition, they follows with nouns, verbs and popular. That’s why, it requires some ne- adjectives. Most of them used as linking cessities to teach and learn. Not only our words with a view to fastening the sentences Uzbekistan county but also other users and to make clear, also take order as gram- who speak different languages. English matical functions. For instance: when the language has comfort for us to share our prepositions used as linking words, sen- ideas and give them as you planned. In tences are shortened, in that way, spelling that case, Demands are high, however, also as participle phrase. For example; people learn English like Karakalpak lan- On being called to have dinner, Tom is guage while learning made some spellings always sleeping. and mistakes. Especially using preposi- Ауқатка шакырган уакта, Том хар tions made some mistakes and are not дайым уқлап атырган болады. taken into consideration, and some used On Tom is called to have dinner, he is them unnecessary places. always sleeping. Prepositions have some functions in the Томды аукатка шақырған уакта, ол sentences such as some of the prepositions ӽәр дайым уклап атырған болады.


When Tom is called to have dinner, he guessed, so the expression must be is always sleeping. learned as a whole. The problem is com- Томды акхатка шакырган уакта, ол pounded when a particular vocabulary хар дайм уклап жаткан болады. item which is used again. It’s those com- “On” is preposition but in there used monly used ones that with many different as linking word which is meaning equal prepositions, making teaching and learn- with “when”. ing a longer process than we initially ac- These types of prepositions are enable count for. Consider the adjective ‘good’. to use like this way, moreover, similar As a teacher, which of the following would with the prepositions such as; “upon” you necessary? comes as linking word instead of “on” This food is good for your health. – and “when”. Some prepositions can Бул аукат сенин ден-саулыгын ушын change the meaning of the sentences if пайдалы. they are chosen correctly. These are; at, Tom is good at math.- Том for, to which are used with nouns, adjec- математикадан жаксы. tives and verbs by taking into different Katy is very kind and good to me.- meanings and structure. Кэти маган мийрыман хам жаксы му- In a list of English prepositions you насебете. will find very common words such as ‘in’, Adam is engaged to a famous actress. ‘up’, ‘on’ ‘at’ and ‘with’. Prepositions hold a Адам таныклы актрисаға privileged position as parts of speech. In унастырылған. other words, there is contract to nouns, Mr. Hills is engaged in an important adjectives and verbs, which become new meeting. – Мr. Хилл әӽимийетли ушы- additions to their groups. Prepositions are расыу менен бәнт. important because they act as vital mark- My plants died from lack of water.- ers to the structure of a sentence: they Мениң ѳсимликлерим суусызлыктан mark special relationships between per- ѳлди. sons, objects, and locations. Princess Diana died in an accident. – It’s very difficult to use prepositions Принсесса Диана авариядан кайтыс correctly in English and they present a болды. number of problems for both teachers Jane likes to be comfortable, so she is and learners. Most prepositions, espe- not keen on camping. – Жейн cially the common ones, have several dif- колайлыкты унатады, сонлыктан ол ferent functions. The preposition ‘on’, for палатка тигиуди жактырмайды. example, has many different functions, Sam is keen to join the army when he depending on which is based on diction- leaves school. – Сэм окыуды питирген ary. There is no logical way of deciding уакта, армияға алынады. which preposition goes with a particular All of these sentences are correct, yet noun, verb, or adjective. In many instanc- in each case the adjective goes with a dif- es, the correct prepositions cannot be ferent preposition. Words are the same

52 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 but the prepositions are different. There Karakalpak speakers, say like this sen- have to take into consideration meanings tences ‘he married with her’. Another which are chosen as suitable for nouns problem I usually encounter in Karakal- and adjective. We need to consider how pak learners relates to the multiplicity of we would deal with phrase such as ‘in- uses of particular prepositions. Karakal- stead of’ and the best way to teach words pak language has no prepositions serving such as ‘good’, that go with multiple prep- the same purpose as ‘of’, ‘at’ and ‘to’ in ositions. In the examples the prepositions English, make it difficult for native learn- change not only the meaning but also the ers to distinguish between various uses. structure. If there is chosen different Reference preposition, it will be wrong surely. The 1. M. Gappurov, R. Qosivova›s English Lan- roles of prepositions are important in guage Grammar. Manual for academic ly- grammar. L 2 learners can use the way of ceums and professional colleges – t: «Tu- the learning progress and interfere with ron-iqbol», 2015. 2017. correct English usage. Some expressions 2. AnvarKaraeva, Fatima Karayeva is a great guide on English language. -t «public in English do not use a preposition but press» 2013 the same expression in another language 3. Virginia Evans English grammar Book does. The majority of learners are native “Round Up 6”

53 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA SOME MEDITATIONS CONCERNING THE PARADIGMS IN UZBEK LINGUISTICS Jamoliddinova Dilnoza. Kokand state pedagogical institute phd the 3Rd year,docent Annotation The article is devoted to new paradigms that are emerging in Uzbek linguistics today. In particular, linguo-cognitive paradigms resulting from an anthropocentric approach to the synergistic paradigm and language have been described in more detail. Аннотация Статья посвящена новым парадигмам, которые возникают в узбекской лингвистике сегодня. В частности, лингвокогнитивные парадигмы, возникшие в результате антропоцентрического подхода к синергетической парадигме и языку, были описаны более подробно. Keywords Paradigm, synergetic, anthropocentric approach, linguo-cognitive, dialectic, plu- ralism, language aspect, methodology Ключевые слова Парадигма, синергетика, антропоцентрический подход, лингвокогнитивная, диалектика, плюрализм, языковой аспект, методология

The members of the Roman club, fu- cholinguistic, sociological, linguoculturo- turologists inform that the science of the logical, linguoguerencian, linguocogni- future will be a chaotic one that it is not tive paradigms have emerged. This lin- divided into parts, but united into ensem- guistics shows that there are different bles. In this regard, linguistics subject to- ways and means of research. At present, day needs a new paradigm. This paradigm Uzbek linguistics studies are actively used can be based on synergies based on inter- in the dialectics, such as synergetics, her- connected learning. Indeed, the synergetic meneutics, pragmatics, and phenomenol- paradigm can be a regular paradigm of ogy. That is, the dialectic (dialectical ma- linguistics. The synergies are now entering terialism), the so-called methodology of all sciences, especially linguistics, and even Soviet linguistics, is now adapting to new today, the linguistic-engineering paradigm methodologies. This is a brilliant proof is gradually shaping. In the future, the syn- that modern Uzbek linguistics develops ergistic paradigm may become a paradigm on the basis of methodological pluralism. for language and speech linguistics to be However, it should be emphasized that studied on a holistic basis, which deter- methodological pluralism, on the one mines the future of linguistics. hand, is positive and, in some way, a nega- As a result of the anthropocentric ap- tive situation. Sometimes a variety of proach to language, pragmalineic, psy- methodologies can lead to uncertainty

54 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 and conclusions. It depends on the cor- It should be noted that, in the nine- rect selection of methodological orienta- teenth century, linguistics responded to tion within a particular aspect of the lan- the question of «what is the language» as guage. Thus, in the study of linguistics, «WHAT – linguistics» and in the twenti- «democracy»and methodological plural- eth century it was dealing with the prob- ism should be properly interpreted within lem of «how the language was created». the framework of certain aspect. In the 21st century, linguistics has been The new paradigm in linguistics de- the subject of «language-ethics» as well nies the old paradigm, but does not exac- as the issue of interpretation and inter- erbate it. An unobservant language aspect pretation of language phenomena, more that has not been ignored in the old para- precisely, the problem of «language digm is enriched with a new paradigm by germanium.»In the 21st century, linguis- using its achievements as if it were for- tics has been recognized as a monumen- merly built. For example, in the frame- tal science. For this purpose, linguistics work of the structural paradigm, linguists should occupy an important methodo- often point to the inner construction of logical position in the humanitarian sci- the language, the layered structure, and ences system, acquire the status of «sci- the immanent nature of the language. The ence science», which can propose re- new paradigm does not completely disa- search principles and scientific para- gree with it, it is on the path to anthropo- digms for research in this direction, and centric approach to the language, using suggest new approaches. In this regard, creativity from the achieved results and the science of linguistics has already pointing to the limited aspects of an old achieved remarkable results. In the twen- paradigm-based approach. tieth century, the great philosophers One of the important aspect of modern such as P. Florensky, L.Vitgenstein, N. Uzbek linguistics is anthropocentrism, and Bor, R. Karnap, created their philosophi- another one is polemicism. That is, no cal concept on the «language». Linguistic paradigm can be the basis for a thorough philosophy of L.Vitgenstein, Phenome- study of all aspects of the miraculous and nology of E. Gusserl, fundamental doc- linguistic phenomenon. The existing para- trine of M.Haydegger and neopositivism digms complement one another and come can be regarded as a «language revolu- to cooperate; simultaneously scientific tion» in philosophy. These concepts analysis is carried out on the basis of differ- formed on the basis of language serve as ent paradigms. Therefore, the study of the a methodological basis for almost all so- language should be carried out in parallel cial sciences. From this point of view, with the aspects of static and dynamic, gradually, the science of linguistics formal and functional, semicology, and serves as a «methodological» philosophy onomicology, cognitive and pragmatic. for humanitarian sciences.


Atamukhamedova Ra’no Senior lecturer of the Department of foreign languages of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov Annotation: Language is our primary source of communication. It’s the method through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others. Some people even say that language is what separates us from animals and makes us human. Key words: the primary language, communicate, practice, practice, England

There are thousands of languages in That’s why everyone needs to learn the this world. Countries have their own na- language in order to get in touch on an tional languages in addition to a variety of international level. Speaking it will help local languages spoken and understood you communicate with people from by their people in different regions. Some countries all over the world, not just languages are spoken by millions of peo- English-speaking ones. ple, others by only a few thousand. English is also essential to the field of English was originally the language of education. In many countries, children England, but through the historical ef- are taught and encouraged to learn Eng- forts of the British Empire it has become lish as a second language. Even in coun- the primary or secondary language of tries where it is not an official language, many former British colonies such as the such as the Netherlands or Sweden, we United States, Canada, Australia, and In- will find many syllabi in science and engi- dia. Currently, English is the primary neering are written in English. Because it language of not only countries actively is the dominant language in the sciences, touched by British imperialism, but also most of the research and studies you find many business and cultural spheres domi- in any given scientific field will be written nated by those countries. It is the lan- in it as well. At the university level, stu- guage of Hollywood and the language of dents in many countries study almost all international banking and business. As their subjects in English in order to make such, it is a useful and even necessary the material more accessible to interna- language to know. tional students. There are several factors that make the On the Internet, the majority of web- English language essential to communica- sites are written and created in English. tion in our current time. First of all, it is Even sites in other languages often give the most common foreign language. This you the option to translate the site. It’s the means that two people who come from primary language of the press: more different countries (for example, a Mexi- newspapers and books are written in Eng- can and a Swede) usually use English as a lish than in any other language, and no common language to communicate. matter where in the world you are, you

56 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 will find some of these books and news- nies who want to function at an interna- papers available. In fact, because it is so tional level only consider their staff well dominant in international communica- educated if they are good English speak- tion, you will find more information re- ers, writers, and readers. garding nearly every subject if you can veryone knows that Hollywood is in speak this language. the United States, and that the biggest tele- With good understanding and com- vision and music industries in the world munication in English, you can travel are based there. As I mentioned above, TV around the globe. Because it is the inter- and movies are a great way to practice your national language for foreigners, it’s easy English once you start learning. What’s to get assistance and help in every part of more, knowing English opens up thou- world. You can test it by online travel. Any sands of movies, television shows, and travel booking site you can find will have games for your enjoyment. If you want to English as a booking option. one day work in the entertainment indus- English skills will also help you in any try, English is even more essential. business venture you choose to follow. If Those who are still unaware of the you visit some offices, companies, gov- importance of English should start learn- ernmental organizations, or even math or ing it, as a time will come when every- engineering companies, you will see the thing will be understood, spoken and importance of English. Any big company written in English. In a lot of ways, that will hire their professional staff after get- time is already here. Go ahead, watch ting to know whether the people they are some media, and get an idea of the lan- hiring are good at English or not. Compa- guage. You won’t be disappointed.


Gafurova Surayyo Ulug’bekovna, Teacher of Fergana state university. Fergana, Uzbekistan. [email protected] Аннотация В этой статье идёт речь о произведения «Таворихи гузида» от не известного автора. Излогается историческая сторона произведения. Annotation There is a speech in this article about the works “Tavorikhi Guzida” from not the fa- mous author. The historical party of the work is stated. Ключевые слова и выражения Произведения, автор, история народа, этнография, источник, состав, персидский язык, уйгурский язык, специфические особенности правописания, басмала, потомка, хроники, аспект, заключения, прекрасный выпуск, критиче- ский текст, факсимиле, статья. Key words and expressions Works, author, people history, ethnography, source, structure, Persian, Uyghur, specific features of spelling, basmal, descendant, chronicle, aspect, conclusions, fine release, critical text, facsimile, article.

Тhe third option – «Book of the Cho- writing «Tavarikh...» many compositions sen Dates of a Victory» is represented to in Persian created in Iran and Central us preferable. All composition is imbued Asia during an era after the Mongolian with this idea. It speaks about triumph invasion were used. Among them Ta- Mahomed Shaybani-hana, about his final varikh-i are called «dzhakhan-eat-and statement in . The composi- Mengu-han ibn Tuluy-han» under which tion is begun in a month of a dzhumad is the known composition means probably scarlet-avval 908 g x. which first falls on Is scarlet ad-Din Ata-Malika Dzhuvayni November 2, 1502. The latest events de- «Tavarikh-i of a guzida-ya Islamshakh scribed in «Tavarikh...», 909 g x., i.e. in Gazan-hannyn of a kyza» what it is prob- April – May, 1504 took place in a month ably necessary to translate as «The chosen storageyes. Writing is complete, therefore, chronicles devoted to the daughter Islam- between 1504 and 1510 as in 1510 Ma- shakh Gazan-hana» which, obviously, are homed Shaybani-han died. Most likely, meant as «Tavarikh-i of a guzid» Hamdal- date of completion of writing of the com- lakh Mustaufi Kazvini, by «Muntakhab-i position also needs to be considered 1504. of a dzha-ma›» and «Tavarikh-i shahs», The composition is known in two lists, last of which was written for Ulugbek- one of which is stored in LO YING by mirza. It is possible that names of two last Academy of Sciences of the USSR, an- compositions in the text «Tavarikh...» are other – in the British museum. When divided by the union mistakenly and here

58 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 in fact only one work – «Muntakhab-i in light unseemly. So, for example, it is Dzham ‹ – and tavarikh-and Shahs» un- said that Taragay, the father of the Emir der which the known composition Ra- Timur, was at Chagataidov a keeper of sheed of ad-Din «Dzhami at-tavary» barns; and his name is compared with a means is mentioned. However in that case Turkic verb of a container – «to sow», there is not clear Ulugbek-mirze›s dedica- than the attempt to cast a shadow on ori- tion. Most likely, under «Tavarikh-i gin of timurid becomes, having proved to shahs» some special composition really such way their «mean» origin. Timurida means. Were used as well the composi- of various ranks mirzam expressly are tions written by the Mongolian letter called that had to indicate, according to Mongolian bakhsh. Perhaps, the compo- the author, their lower situation in com- sitions written by the Uigur alphabet and parison with khans and sultans, descen- in Uyghur mean here as Tavarikh explains dants Chinghiz khan. partly specifics of spelling. Both manuscripts which reached our A.M. Akramov considers that the au- time are defective, they corresponded, thor «Tavarikh...» also Zafar-name to ad- probably, from the manuscript in which Din Schami›s Bottoms used and «Matla› sheets were killed. Separate parts in both the expert-sa› Dine ва Majma› is scarlet- lists lack. In general London list fuller, than bakhrayn» Abd ar-Razzaka Samarkandi. Leningrad. Besides two main lists «Ta- «Tavarikh-i of a guzida-ya to a nusrat- varikh...» several reduced versions of these nama» consists of a basmala, author›s in- chronicle which contain the short addition troduction, the history Oguza and Turkic which is leading up statement of events and Mongolian tribes, history Chinghiz about day of death Mahomed Shaybani- khan and his descendants, genealogical hana and which are illegally attributed to chingizid in which Shaibang, Tuka-Timur various persons reached our days. One of and Chagataya› descendants are brought these options in translation into Russian to time of writing of the composition, and and in east text was published by I. Ber- history Mahomed Shaybani-hana. Special ezin. The composition is poured by verses, paragraphs for the description of Abu l- parables Mahomed Shaybani-hana, ex- Hayr-khan, the brother Mahomed Shay- pressing in the spirit of Muslim piety in bani-hana Mahmoud Bakhadur-sultan, different occasions. Connection of sepa- the son Mahomed Shaybani-hana Ma- rate parts of the composition has character homed Timur sultan are selected. Also artificial, joining between them and transi- some data from history of the Emir Timur tion from one to another are not fulfilled contain in the composition. Contents of literaturno. The narration has the tone the composition, in particular the last raised, geroiko-epic. part devoted Mahomed Shaybani-hanu Special comparative research of the are strictly edited with the purpose to first parts «Tavarikh...» (the history Ogu- show actions of this khan to the best ad- za, Turkic and Mongolian tribes, history vantage and vice versa, it to present rivals Chinghiz khan and his closest descen-

59 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA dants, history of the Emir Timur) it was «Tavarikh-i of a guzida-ya to a nusrat- not undertaken. It is quite probable that nama» was described by Rieu, R.G. Muk- researchers will be able to find in these minova, S.A. Azimdzhanova 16, parts of much valuable. For history of the B.A. Akhmedov, authors of the catalog of Kazakh people have important value the Turkic manuscripts of LO YING of Acad- section on life and activity Mahomed emy of Sciences of the USSR. S.K. Ibragi- Shaybani-hana and family trees of dzhu- mov who published in translation into chid. Family trees very detailed, some- Russian small fragments from it 20 which times they allow to cover in a new way are published in the new translation as a origin of some branches of chingizid, in part of extraction from now «Tavarikh particular – finally to resolve an issue of concerned in the works of this composi- origin of a dynasty of the Kazakh khans tion...» in the present collection. A tireless and to open the related relations between researcher of the chronicle is A.M. them that has important value for the in- Akramov who published a number of ar- terpretation of the facts of history of the ticles in which the manuscript «Tavarikh- Golden Horde and the state educations i of a guzida-ya to a nusrat-nama» and which arose on its ruins as the source contents of the chronicle are analyzed study base of this period cannot prompt from the different parties and in various often from where there was this or that aspects and which contain many new and person and what its actions are based on. valuable conclusions. He possesses the They contain names of the Kazakh khans fine edition of all composition which and sultans to the first half of the 16th united the critical text and the facsimile century, for example, names of sons and and supplied with extensive articles on daughters the Chipmunk khan and the history of studying of the chronicle Barack khan. On these family trees is es- and competently executed textual notes. tablished that the Weight and Dzhanibek Data from «Tavarikh...» V.V. Bartold, were not native, but second cousins. A.A. Semyonov, K.I. Petrov, all above- In «Tavarikh...» it is told about the mentioned and other authors used in the provision which developed in East Dasht- works. i Kipchak›s steppes after Abu l-Hayr-khan References: death on Girey and Dzhanibek›s actions 1. P. Lerkh. An archaeological trip to the in these steppes. Mumammad Shaybani- region in 1867. SPb., 1870, p. 11. hana with the Kazakh and mogulsky 2. “Tavarikh-i guzida-Nusrat-name”. A re- khans for possession of the cities on search, the critical text, the annotated table Cheese Darya is especially in detail told of contents and the table of summary tables of contents of the candidate филол. A.M. about fight. The composition contains Akramov›s sciences. Tashkent, 1967, p. 14. also many news on the social and eco- 3. R.G. Mukminova. About some sources on nomic relations, the political system, the the history of Uzbekistan the beginnings tribal list of nomads of East Dasht-i Kip- of the 16th century. «Works Inta of orien- chak and so forth. tal studies of AN UZSSR», issue III. Tash-


kent, 1954, p. 126; See also: R.G. Mukmi- 7. Rieu. Catalogue of the turkish Manu- nova. To history of the agrarian relations scripts in the British Museum. London, in Uzbekistan 16th century. On the mate- 1888, pp. 276-280. rials «Vakf-name». Tashkent, 1966, p. 62. 8. S. Azimdzhanova. To the history of Fer- 4. A.A. Semyonov. The first sheybanida and gana of the second half of the 15th century fight for Transoxiana, p. 113. «Tavarikh-i Tashkent, 1957, p. 12-14. guzida-Nusrat-name», p. 16. 9. S.K. Ibragimov. Some sources on history 5. V. Bartold. The report on a business trip to XV-XVI of centuries. «KAZSSR Turkestan. Western Military District AN bulletin», 1956, No. 9(138), p. 54-55; It. IRAO, t. XV, p. 188. Cossack тарихынын кейбир Jean Derecteri 6. L.V. Dmitriyeva, A.M. Muginov, S.N. Mu- to a zhoninda. «Izv. AN KAZSSR», 1959, is- ratov. Description of Turkic manuscripts sue 1 (9), p. 76; It. New materials on history of Institute of the people of Asia. I, history. XV-XVI of Kazakhstan centuries. «history of M, 1965, p. 87-88. the USSR», 1960, No. 4, p. 152-158.


Khairullaeva Umida Sayfutdinovna Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, Master of Japanese Philology

The article mentions the work of re- woman talks, and her words are sharp- searchers in the field of gender studies. It ened. As a result of our observations be- explores researches in chronological or- low, these qualities are shown as the result der and studies the views of ancient west- of a stable, shared, and popular vision of ern and eastern linguistic views of the the woman’s speaking style. The discrep- East and the gender issues in every aspect ancies in men’s and women’s speaking of the industry. It also discusses the his- styles are also reflected in references, let- tory of gender issues and their prospects ters, works of art and works of linguists. for further development as well. For example, from 1754 to 1756, the The differences between men and New York Times was the subject of the women speech in the dialogue is identi- new English lexicon. It was noted that fied from ancient times and can be easily many authors of the article emphasized seen in proverbs in many languages, the importance of women in the creation which are the mouthpiece of the folklore: of new English lexicon, particularly the A woman’s tongue wags like lamb’s tail fact that women play an important role in (England).1 the development of new words in English. Ou femme y a, silence nyy (Where there According to R. Cambridges writing: “ is a woman, there is no peace) (France) What do we owe to the ladies – so this is The North Sea will be found wanting in the numerous ornaments of our language water than a woman at lose for a word. 2 “4 (December 12, 1754). Lord Chesterfield The woman’s tongue and stillly lay, but writes, “ The point is not in enriching our as it goes, so that three axes: it cuts, and language with completely new words, my the tunic, and the bastards gnaw. village women go even further, changing Spit to the waist, tongue to the knees. the word, using and expanding old mean- it’s easier to carry water than woman’s ings to different and very dissimilar keeping a silent. meanings “ 5(December 5, 1754). A woman without a conversation – As we observe many western litera- that the yard without a fence.3 ture, we can see the similarity of the “fe- In the above-mentioned examples, male” images in the style of speech that is emphasis is put on the manner in which a commonplace – talkative, idle talking and to be laughed at in most of the works. (In 1 W.G. Smith. The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs / compiled by Clarendon Press, 1935. Shakespeare’s novel, Gothsper of “King 2 O. Jespersen Language, its nature improvement. George Allen & Unwin Ltd. L., 1922.253 b. 4 S. Tucker English Examined. Cambridge Uni- 3 V.M. Podobin. Russkie poslovitsy i pogovorki: versityPress, 1961. 92-93 b. V.M. Podobina and I.P. Ziminatopu, L., 1956. 5 S. Tucker English Examined. Cambridge Uni- versityPress, 1961. 92-93 b.


Genrix IV”, argued for the simplicity of gory is reflected in all three persons of pro- speechof his wife; J. Austin described in nouns. That is, it does not change only as a the work of “Eternity of Nortinger” that third person in all languages. the extravagant use of Isabelle’s speeches Many researchers have relied on the in meaningless and irrelevant speeches information they received and describe the was specific to the women of that era). language as “men” and “women”. However, German philosopher and linguist F. the mistakes of these ideas have been clari- Mautner (1913) has also studied the fied in scientific research. In other words, methods of men and women speech in the phonological, morphological, syntac- various social groups, and connects the tic, and lexical aspects of each of the “lan- origins of the women’s conversation style guage” systems clearly demonstrates that with the antique theater. In his opinion, the gender of an individual is merely de- men play the role of women for some pe- fine the form of a word only. riod of that time. However, the fact that In the mid-20th century, problems of the way of women’s talking is related to interrelationships and domains of gender the fact that the women go to the stage.6 and language began to be discussed not English professor O.Espersen intro- only by anthropologists but also by dia- duced the chapter entitled “Woman” in lectologists. Although the way of women’s his book “ Language: its nature, develop- speech was not the object of their re- ment and origin “ (1922), where he ana- search, the information they received was lyzed men’s and women’s vocabulary, say- valuable and significantly superior to the ing that men’s words were much more initial and simple linguistic postulates. “miserable” than women vocabulary.7 Gender research has started to be In the Anthropological literature, the studied as a whole, and has led to a new differences between the male and female direction such as Sociolinguistics in solv- conversations were written in the diaries ing gender and linguistic problems. Soci- of the 17th century missionaries. Accord- ology researcher’s task is not only a lan- ing to their records, there are many differ- guage but also a language movement in ences between men and women speech society9. They focus on variative skills of and this information has been subse- language. That is, it is understood that the quently proved by anthropologists. speaker’s ability to communicate with a In the speeches of the Coasati of Indians second language through a change of cir- tribes in Luiziana, the change of verbs due cumstances in the conversation. Note- to gender were observed.8 Significant differ- worthy is the stylistic variations. It in- ences also exist in the lexical and linguistic cludes the use of language tools due to the system. For example, in Japan, gender cate- social group, age, and the use of language 6 M.E. Soboleva’s philosophy is “critique of the in relation to the social background and German”. SPb., 2005. 7 O. Jespersen Language, its nature development. role of the speaker in the interview. George Allen & Unwin Ltd. L., 1922.253 b. 8 M Haas. Men’s and women’s speech in Koasati // 9 V.N. Yartseva. Linguistic encyclopedia / gl. red. Language. 1944, No. 20, p.147-149 M.., 1990.


Ideas that inspire to learn women views on this issue. They have said, “It is “language” are related to the development necessary to carry out a local observation, of feminism in linguistics (1970-1980). in a practical way of thinking.”11 In other Separ Uorf’s ideas of 1970-1980 have a words, avoiding all the “stubborn” postu- sharp feminist character, in which postu- lates and the views, gender should be lates of linguistic theories are as follows: linked with language, and state that it 1. Language determines one’s bounda- should be learned in social groups in prac- ries for the upbringing of the person and tice. Gender does not appear apart from perception of the existence; social groups and does not fit to other so- 2. Man manages to control the lan- cial groups. Hence, its linguistic organiza- guage and to develop its norms; tional tools also change in accordance with 3. Women are in a disadvantageous social groups and cultures. situation using the same language and use In the study of gender, men’s and the language norms men have developed. women’s “tongues” should not be com- The above conclusions served as the pared between themselves, but rather basis for sociologists’ views of Edwin and their social cultural norms and rules, that Shirley Ardner about the role of language is, to focus on learning in the same or- in society and their role in gender. One of ganization or the same group. Ardner’s leading ideas is that every social “There are no gender-specific linguis- group has internal social considerations, tic forms,” said J. Koate, “but there are but not all of them are freely expressed, some forms of women’s and men’s self- since the form of expression and language determination.” In the future, we can say are governed by the dominant group. As a that it is a task of gender linguistics to result, weak social groups, such as wom- explain according to what rules they are en, use language norms developed by developing in the future. men in society. They have no choice but List of Used literature to express everything by means of “men’s 1. D. Cameron Feminism and linguistic the- language” and their term.10 ory.McMillan Press Ltd., 1992. Sociolinguistic researches suggest that 2. M Haas. Men’s and women’s speech in gender, as well as men and women’s atti- Koasati // Language. 1944, No. 20, 147- tudes, is co-ordinated with age, status, 149, p. 3. M.E. Soboleva’s philosophy is “critique of ethnicity, as well as the origin of language the German”. SPb., 2005. variants development based on above fac- 4. O. Jespersen Language, its nature improve- tors is explained in researches. However, ment. George Allen & Unwin Ltd. L., many researchers are widely trying to pro- 1922.253 b. mote gender-related postulate in their nar- 5. P.Eckert Think practically and look local- ly: language and gender as community- rowly-guided work. That is why P. Ekert and S. McConnell’s Guilds offered different 11 P. Eckert Think practically and look locally: lan- guage and gender as community-based practice // 10 D. Cameron Feminism and linguistic theory. Annual review of anthropology. 1992. No. 21 461- McMillan Press Ltd., 1992 490 b.


based practice // Annual review of anthro- vorki: V.M. Podobina and I.P. Ziminatopu, pology. 1992. No. 21 461-490 b. L., 1956. 6. R. Lakoff. Language and Woman’s Place. 9. V.N. Yartseva. Linguistic encyclopedia / gl. N. Y., 1975. red. M.., 1990. 7. S. Tucker English Examined. Cambridge 10. W.G. Smith. The Oxford Dictionary of UniversityPress, 1961. 92-93 b. English Proverbs / compiled by. Claren- 8. V.M. Podobin. Russkie poslovitsy i pogo- don Press, 1935.


Ibragimov Umrbek Umarbek ogli Urganch state University History faculty 2nd course student (Uzbekistan) Annotation. The nickname Beruni is investigated on the historical and philological arguments in this article. Key words: al-Beruni, Khorezm, Bayhakiy, kitab al-ansab, Krachkovsky, Ray, Tu- prokkala palace, Khorezm language, kunia, Tolstov, Livshits Ключевые слова: ал-Бируни, Хорезм, Байхакий, китаб ал-ансаб, Крачков- ский, Рай, Топраккала дворец, хорезмийский язык, куня, Толстов, Лившиц

Abu-r Raykhon Mukhammad ibn Ma’mun II and his service in his palace Akhmad al-Beruniy was one of the for seven years.2 greatest scholars of the middle age. Beruniy’s explicit biography, like his Beruniy was an encyclopedic scholar contemporary Ibn Sina, was not been who explored all sciences-physics, recorded. There are just some partly mathematics and natural-historical sci- data about him in some sources. In par- ences of his period. Beruniy was not ticular, Abdulkarim as-Sami wrote in only a scholar, but also a prominent his book “Book al-Ansab” (The Book of political figure in Khorezm in his time. the Dynasties): “The name Beruniy is In his works, he wrote about the town of relative to out of Khorezm. Anyone who Khorezm. In his work “Osor al-bakiya”, was born outside of the city that man he strongly blamed Kutayba ibn Muslim was said “a beruniy”. “ The astronomer for his invasion to Khorezm and said, Abu Raykhon was so famous for this “Kutayba killed those who knew the let- n am e .” 3 ters of Khorezm, who learned the data The nickname in the Beruni’s name, and narratives well and taught them to there is no consensus among the scholars others,” he said, “he destroyed Khorezm in explaining “Abu Raykhon”, and the totally.1”. He also wrote the work thoughts are based on assumptions. First “Mashokhir Khvarizm” about his coun- of all, if we explain here the structure of try, about the city of Khorezm and the the Arabic name, “abu” in Arabic, mean- Khorezmians, but it did not reach us. ing “father”, “ibn” means “son”. Some of the fragments from this work It means the general translation is “ have come to us through the Bayhakiy’s Father Raykhan Mukhammad, son “Masud`s history” and described the Akhmed Beruniy “. Some viewpoints on good qualities of Beruniy’s descriptions 2 Abu-l-Fazl Beykhaki Masud` history . Tashkent. 1952. p. 588-589. about Khorezmshah Abul Abbas 3 The Kitab al-Ansab of Abdal-Karim ibn Muhammad al-Sam’ani repreduced in Facimile, 1 Abu Raykhon Beruniy. Selected Works I: ‘’ Sci- Leyden-London, 1912 98bI. Yu. Krachkovsky. ence ‘’. Tashkent - 1968 p 72 Selected Works by Bye IV. ML 1957. p.245.

66 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 this subject were presented in the intro- transliteration form found in Tuprokkala ductory remark by Beruniy, written by Palace archive and listed on line 13 of the I. Abdullayev in Volume I of “ the Se- TK K-1 number 5. S. P. Tolstov and V. A. lected Works”, published in Tashkent in Livshits recommend this person to be 1968. It is said that Beruniy was nick- read as ‘Reykhiamak (Rekhamak)’. Candi- named during his childhood as he was date of Philology M. Eshmuradov admit- interested in botany. I.Y. Krachkovsky ted that this person can also be read in the (1883-1951) said that it may have been form of “Riykhimak”. By comparing ‘’ a nickname “ a man with basil” who is Raykhon (Reykhan) ‘’ in the Beruniy’s far from likely to be meaningful.4 In nickname with this name, it will be clear other sources, one of these expectations that both names are very similar. is trying to link Raykhon’s nickname to We can see this much more clearly in Ray, a city in Iran and it is said that the transliteration of names to the Latin Beruniy’s father was an Iranian. This is alphabet. So, rykhymk (in Tuprokkala contrary to history. Namely, Beruniy documents) – rykhan (Beruniy nick- described his Motherland Khorezm name). It is clear that there are two very perfectly, clearly and distinctly in variants of differentiation. Because the his works, without exaggerating the his- name in this document belongs to the II- tory and the greatest people. III centuries AD. Beruniy lived in the Beruniy`s works also contained many 10th centuries AD and there is a ten-cen- ethnographic information about the life tury difference. It should be noted that of the Horezmians. He provided during this period the middle term of the information about the Khorezm Khorezm language came to an end, and language, which was still quite active in next Khorezm language period started. It his works, and, as we may know, that is known that there are several lexical, language was his mother tongue. Gener- grammatical, phonetic distinctions ally, designing Beruniy as an Iranian between middle and later Khorezm Persian on the basis of the nickname languages. It may be said that the name “Raykhon”, in our opinion, this is an er- Raykhan is a view of formally changed roneous approach. Besides, it is also version of the Reykhamak. wrong to describe it as “a person wearing V.A. Livshits suggests comparing the a basil”, and to associate Beruniy with his meaning of the name with the word interest in Botany. Because, a word is not rikhati, rekha (translation “scarlet”) in about the Beruni’s nickname, but about ancient Hindi,5 his father’s name. That is to say, the nickname of We consider it appropriate to link this Beruniy’s name, “Raykh o n”, so, his father’s issue with the Khorezm language. At the name is a purely Khorezm name, which same time, attention should be given to the name of “rykhymk” in the 5 Toprakkala Palace. Proceedings of the Khorezm Archeological and Ethnographic Expedition, XIV 4 Yu. Krachkovsky. Selected Works. Iv. Page 245 Publishing house “Science”, Moscow 1984. Page 277

67 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA means “scared” and it is not connected 2. Абу Райҳон Беруний. Танланган асарлар II.: ‘’Фан’’. Тошкент – 1965 with no any botany or a town of Ray. 3. Топрак-кала дворец. Труды Хорезм- Used literatures: ской археолого-этнографической экс- 1. Абу Райҳон Беруний. Танланган педиции, XIV Издательство «Наука», асарлар I.: ‘’Фан’’. Тошкент – 1968 Москва 1984


AbdukhakimovaKamola (SamSIFL student) OrzukulovaMavsuma (SamSIFL student) Absamadova Mahliyo (SamSIFL student) Abstract This article informs about great variety of reasoning, and the distinction between deductive and inductive reasoning. Giving some facts to backgrounds of this field, the paperwork looks over several surveys that were,vividly, conveyed by the researchers. So as to explain the meaning of the theme, there are also given numerous examples. Both native speakers and ESL( English as a second language ) students have a difficulty with differen- tiating deductive and inductive reasoning during learning process. Аннотатсия Эта статья информирует о большоеразнообразие рассуждения, и различием ежду вычетом и индуктивныерассуждения. Давая некоторые факты нафоне эт ой области, документы смотрит нанесколько обследований, которые были,ярк о, передал исследователи. Такимобразом, чтобы объяснить смысл темы,есть т акже приводится множествопримеров. Оба носителя языка и ESL(Английский к ак второй язык) студентыимеют трудности с дифференциациейвычитания и индуктивные рассуждения вовремя учебного процесса. Key words: reasoning, deductive, analogic, inductive reasoning, make a decision, proof, importance, prove.

At the beginning person should know 1. Deductive reasoning; 2. Inductive what does mean the word reasoning. Rea- reasoning; soning is the process thinking about 3. Abductive reasoning 4. Backward something in logical way in order to form induction; a conclusion or judgement [1]. The pro- 5. Critical thinking; 6. Counterfactual cedure of reasoning can be utilized not thinking; only to wrestle with a problem but also to 7. Intuition. evaluate things as well. This process can This article mostly focus on dissimi- be formal or informal bottom-up or top- larities between types of reasoning. To be down. According to the information more precise, inductive, deductive and which was posted by John Spacey reason- abductive reasoning are the most confus- ing are classified into 7 main kinds [2]. ing for learners. So, in inductive reason- They are: ing one can make a conclusion consider-

69 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA ing facts from specific to general. To il- which were given by Aristotle about de- lustrate, inductive reasoning can be iden- ductive reasoning. He learnt all data that tified through some certain samples related to deductive and made great con- below: tribution to the discovery of inductive *Jane goes to school at 8 o’clock. She is reasoning by contrasting both arguments always on time. So, Jane knows that if she to each other [4]. goes at 8 o’clock. She will be on time. On the other hand, deductive reason- * Jack showed a gold ring to Malika. ing is not the same as an inductive argu- He told that he wanted to marry Merry. ment, and it has some aspects which are So, Jack had bought the ring for Merry. opposite to inductive reasoning. Deduc- * Every time you drink Cola, you can- tive argumentaresyllogisms [6]. Deduc- not breath and your throat sweels up. tive reasoning jumps to conclusion on Thus, you have an allergy on Cola. relying from general to specific proofs. To * Umida is from 213 group. She is sit- explain such kind of reasoning, numerous ting in the classroom №22. Hence, the illustrations can be utilized. For example: classroom №22 is belong to 213 group *It is an Umka, then it is a dog.It is an students. Umka. Therefore, it is a dog. * All volleyball players in our school *Michael is a bachelor. All bachelors are tall. The volleyball players of college are not married. So Michael is not mar- are also tall. So, all volleyball players will ried too. be tall. *All apples are fruits. All fruits grow In the fact that, by contrast to deduc- on trees. Therefore, all apples grow on tive reasoning, in inductive reasoning trees. there should be several supportive ideas *All birds have wings. Parrot is a bird. in order to prove the conclusion. Nor- Hence, a parrot has also wings. mally, the conclusion of deductive argu- * The chairs in whole house are wood- ment is certain, whereas the summary of en. The chair which is in kitchen is inductive one is in all probability. Some- wooden,hall’s chairs are also wooden. times in inductive reasoning conclusion Thus, the chairs of drawing-room are can be not true or unreliable. However, in made from wood. deductive reasoning it rarely happens.[3] Deductive reasoning has a chance to If we look back at the history of induc- go from specific to general. But this is a tive reasoning, it appeared many centu- rare situation. For instance, ries ago which used by modern people. The members of Smith family are Jane, Famous an English writer- Francis Bacon Victor and Lucas. Jane is fat, Victor is fat, did some surveys on inductive reasoning Lucas is fat. Therefore, all members of in 17th century and became famous as Smith family are fat. “The father of inductive reasoning” Thanks to these examples, it becomes among people all over the world. In his easy to understand the meaning of deduc- work, Bacon relied on some theories tive reasoning. At first, it looks like very

70 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 simple,however, it can go wrong some- scientists. They admitted that all premises times. As a consequence, the conclusion in this method are true, reasonable and will be false. If the premises are true, so logical. So it is better to make a decision the conclusion will be true. According to through deductive reasoning. [6] those examples below, it becomes clear Apart from inductive and deductive that the entire process of deductive rea- reasoning, there is also another efficient soning is the most significant part. [5] type of decision making which is called Inductive and deductive reasoning are abductive reasoning. This method typi- not only opposite but also related to each cally begins with some observations and other. In ancient times, deductive argu- ends with probable explanation. This is ment was used as a standard way of rea- widely used by doctors in daily life. Since soning by many researchers in scientific they always look at the symptoms and put researches while inductive reasoning was a diagnosis. Unlike inductive reasoning, utilized to gain basic hypothesis from in abductive reasoning there should not observation. The assumption gained from be complete evidence. However it is crea- induction can be tested in deductive rea- tive, revolutionary and intuitive process. soning. Einstein used this technics in his great Very many scientists claim that induc- works. He never utilized inductive or de- tive reasoning cannot be used in science. ductive types. Especially, the most outstanding scientist To take into consideration, nearly eve- David Hume thought that there is not any ry types of reasoning is very effective. But evidence in inductive reasoning. It comes most people prefer to use inductive and just from people’s prediction and wish. deductive reasoning. It is better to be Popper also claimed that there are always aware of all of them and to utilize them several problems with justification of in- differently according to different situa- ductive reasoning. He said:” We know tions. Sometimes it is possible to use all of that the sun will always rise accordingto them in one time in various fields. induction. However there is not any in- References formation about the reasons. So we can- 1. Merriam-Webster Dictionary not jump to conclusion through inductive 2. reasoning.” 3. The famous Charles Darwin used in- reasoning ductive reasoning to conclude his theories. 4. bacon/ Darwin gained a lot of data and made 5. several observations. However, his theories 6. HuanMeng “The relationship between re- are very general and wide. By contrast to duction and deductive, inductive reason- inductive, deductive was easily accepted by i n g .”


KhodjaevaRanoUmarovna Doctor of Philology, Professor Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies Uzbekistan

The article is devoted to acquaintance befriended Johann Gerder (1744-1809), Goethe and Arabic literature through the the famous orientalist and philosopher, numerous translations that were made in who became involved with Eastern cul- the 18th century (the Age of Enlighten- ture by looking at its best examples. ment) and especially in the early 19th He read the Holy Quran and the Aves- century. The Development of Oriental ta, the holy book of the ancient Persians, Studies in Europe and intensive research as well as the ancient Arabic poetry of Oriental literature contributed to the and poetry of Hafiz Shirazi and Saadi formation of the concept of World Litera- Shirazi, the great Persian poets. Further- ture, which included the synthesis of more, Goethe was well acquainted and Western and Eastern cultures and litera- talked to Johann Gottfried Eichhorn, tures. Wilhelm George Gersbach, Johann Lud- Johann Wolfang Goethe (1749-1832), wig Kosegarten, Heinrich Paulus, Josef the great German poet and thinker, was von Hammer and Silverster de Sassi, well well acquainted with Arabic literature and known European scientists and oriental- with Persian and Turkic poetry through ists. These orientalists showed Goethe the numerous translations, which were wide- wonderful world of the Arabic poetry of ly carried throughout Europe in the the East, which was revealed through late 18th century and early 19th century. the Moallakat, the best Qasidas of an- It’s well known how greatly the culture of cient Bedouin poets such as Antara, Taraf, the Muslim East, the Quran and Oriental Zuhair, Imrul-kays, etc. And remarkably, poetry impacted on the works and world- in the world of Arabic poetry he was view of Goethe. charmed by verses of Thabit Ibn Jabir Ibn In Europe, especially in Germany, the Sufyan, the poet-thief known by nick- interest in Eastern culture sparked during name “TaabbataSharran”, i.e. “the one the age of Enlightenment when Goethe who wore evil under his armpit” (means a lived. The Oriental language departments sword). were opened in universities and the Ori- This proud poet was expelled from his ental studies began to intensively develop. tribe for disobedience. He roamed the In his youth, Goethe was fond of travel desert all alone, and was distinguished by notes from trips of famous travelers such courage and nobility, but he would occa- as Pietro della Valle, Chardin, Tavernier, sionally attack and rob. Goethe praised and others who journeyed to the Arab his independent free spirit and translated East. In the beginning of 1770, during his his most famous Qasida rhymed with studies at the University of Strasbourg, he “Lam” (“Lamia”), where he described the

72 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 fate of a vagabond, who strayed from the And where the word forever is new, usual medium of collective tribal life. For the word was spoken. Echoes of Bedouin poetry is heard in Goethe was so interested in Arabic Goethe’s poem Hegire, which starts his literature that he repeatedly tried to learn famous West-Eastern Divan that is con- Arabic. Goethe himself wrote about this sidered the deep humanistic synthesis of in Annals,1815, “ Not being completely Eastern and Western cultures. unfamiliar with the peculiar features of Like a shepherd roams with a flock, the East, I turned to the language (Ara- Freshen up under the chinar bic – R.Kh.), because it was inevitable to Lead the caravan through the sands breathe the air of the East, I even appealed With coffee, musk and silks, to the writing with its features and deco- Through the waterless lands and the heat rations. I remembered Moallakat, I trans- PasttheImpassableside. lated some of them immediately after It is known that the name of this poem their appearance even before. The Bed- is inspired by the most important event in ouin lifestyle came to my mind; the Life of the life of the prophet Muhammad – Mohammed by Elsner, with whom I had resettlement (al – Hijra) in 622 from Mec- long been friends, helped me again. I ca to Medina (Yasrib). Goethe did not strengthened my relationships with von choose this name by accident, because at Diez. The Book Qaboos has opened my the time when he wrote the poem Hegira eyes to a scene of Eastern rules in the he was deeply disappointed in Western most significant era such as ours... The values, especially after the defeat of Napo- Majnun and Layla, samples of a bound- leon Bonaparte allies (he was a less love, were again absorbed by the feel- Bonapartist), when there was an increase ing and imagination. in despotism and crisis of consciousness In this passage, Goethe reminded us of in many European countries: the old-time legend of Layla and Majnun. The North, West and South are break- But Goethe knew stories about the other ing up! famous beloved of Muslim East such as Thrones are shattering, Empires quaking; Yusuf and Zulaikha, Farkhad and Shirin, Fly thou to the untroubled East, Sulaymanand Balkis, Rustam and Rudaba There the patriarchs’ air to taste! and that is surprising, he was even in- What with love and wine and song formed of Jamila and Busein (Goethe tells Chiser’s fount will make thee young. Botein), whom he also mentioned in the Thus, Goethe turned to the East in West-Eastern Divan in the Ishq-name search of spiritual and moral foundations: part: In a world where the ancestors of the Old age goes, but their love is true, respect, They are Jamil and Botain. Where someone else’s-in neglect, Goethe referred to Jamil Ibn Maamar, Where there is space to the right faith, the 7th century poet, (died in 701), who Closely the wily wisdom, fell in love with Buseina, the daughter of

73 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA his uncle, and praised her in verse, that aesthetics of Romanticism, where the raised the discontent of the tribesmen. poet is always compared with a prophet, Buseina was married off to another, but bearing the knowledge of the masses but the poet continued to love her until his often left alone from misunderstanding death, and he was called Jamal of Buseina. crowd. The same motif of prophetic po- This legend is not extended beyond the ets is found in the poems of Byron, Keats, Arab world, but, as seen, it did not stay Shelley and other great poets of Romanti- without attention of Goethe. cism. Goethe was well acquainted with the Goethe was attracted by adherence to classical Arabic poetry of the Abbasid era the traditions of the fathers, the closeness (the 8th – 11th centuries). He was particu- to nature, inspiration, the ability to larly attracted to the poems of Abu t- express wisdom in short aphorisms of Tayyib al-Mutanabbi (915-965), the great Arabic poetry. He was particularly Arab poet of the 10th century, who’s works impressed by “badiha”, the art of improvi- differed on the one hand a bright creative sation, in which, in his opinion, Arab personality, and on the other hand incon- poets developed imaginative thinking. sistency, which was due to the extraordi- Through their rich imagination, they nary personality of the Arab poet. The gained ability to use all expressive and brilliantly talented poet was too vain and visual means of a huge arsenal of elo- issued his poems for last truth, so he be- quence and rhetoric art. lieved in himself as a prophet, and for that “These poets are able to portray any- he was nicknamed “al-Mutanabbi” – “pos- thing and easily connect complex ideas”, ing as a prophet”. Goethe writes about this wrote Goethe in his notes to the West – in his comment to Notes to the West-East Eastern Divan. Therefore, they bring to- Divan in the article Muhammad, “One gether the spirit of perspicacity and ironic poet boldly stated: I can also talk about humor. Not only poets, but all the people, everything that Muhammad knows and whose charm and ability to joke manifests says, with what I can express better than itself in countless Hikayats and Navadirs, him”. And he gathered around him as possess this feature. [ Goethe 1985:378] disgruntled as he was. Therefore, in The Folk tales collection, One Thou- mockery of him, he was called “al-Mu- sand and One Nights, was another work tanabbi”. We know him under this nick- that influenced the later work of Goethe, name, which means “the false prophet”. both in terms of content and style. In the [Goethe 2010:119-120] early 19th century, German publishers be- But in general, Goethe thought highly gan to print folk tales collections and One of al-Mutanabbi for his sharp thoughts, Thousand and One Nights was translated vivid imagery, and fearless criticism of directly into Arabic from the Tunisian people in power. Additionally, Goethe’s manuscript. In 1925, Goethe received the interest in the identity of Arab poets first 9 volumes of Arab fairy tales from looked through his commitment to the the publisher. Goethe was already familiar

74 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 with fairy tales translated from French, Divan, we experience the world of Quranic but this new, direct translation from the meanings and tales of Oriental poetry im- original language more accurately con- ages, beliefs and traditions, and yet, we veyed the unique originality and flavor of deeply perceive the personal and intimate Scheherazade tales. feelings of the German poet through the The image of Scheherazade captivated dialogues of Khatam and of Zuleikha. In Goethe and was often found in his works, the Divan, the credo of Goethe, his world- acquiring a personal character as a carrier view, which is felt the influence of Muslim of his thoughts. For example, in the sec- culture reveals. ond part of the brilliant work Faust by As you know, Goethe was one of the Goethe the Emperor says to Mephistoph- pioneers of the Romantic Movement in eles: literature. The representatives of With your thousand and one night, Romanticism had “daemonia”, where real- Please always treat us the same way. ity was opposed to the romantic ideal Be prolific like Scheherzade, world in the image of nature, childhood And you will never be forgotten by me. and distant exotic countries. In such a Just constantly you appear near, world, a romantic way for Goethe has When I’m tired of work by evening.[ become the whole of the East, where he Goethe 1985:378] wanted to go and he wanted to know. But There are plenty of these examples in knowledge of Goethe East has exotic the works of Goethe. Katherine Masen, character. Deep study of culture and lit- the American researcher, who devoted erature of the East allowed him to develop her entire scientific life to the study of an important concept of world literature. Goethe’s relationship with the Arab-Mus- It is the translation of Arabic, Persian and lim culture, believes that Goethe used the Turkic literature, as well as familiarity framework structure of Scheherazade’s with Indian and Chinese literature that tales, as well as the techniques such as allowed us to draw more important con- “the fairy tale in the tale” or “short story clusions about the literary processes, their in the short story” in his novel Wilhelm origins and development. Meister’s Apprenticeship, thereby creating The main thing in this concept was the a novel of a completely new type, in which conclusion that contrary to the claims of there is no clearly built plot. Moreover, eurocentrists, who believe that the funda- the image of the hero serves as a frame for mental in the world literary process are different plot repletes and inserted novels, the ancient Greek and Roman literature, sometimes unrelated to the fate of the Eastern literature, for all its specificity and hero, but representing real life stories. originality, is also the fundamental of The West-Eastern Divan is the pinnacle world literature, and it was Eastern litera- of Goethe’s works, along with his Faust. In ture that had a strong influence on the practice, it realized Goethe’s dream of East- formation of many aesthetic values in ern and Western cultures synthesis. In the other. One more important conclusion

75 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA made by Goethe has meant that a huge preserving its identity features, in the full-flowing course of world literature has process of interaction with other national been formed by the power and appeal of literatures and culture, mutually enriches, world literature. participates in the free exchange of spiri- In 2019, celebrating the 270th tual values and, ultimately, it enriches the Anniversary of the birth of Goethe, the world literature and culture as a whole. great German poet, it is necessary to Goethe’s works were an important step emphasize once again the relevance and towards rapprochement and interaction of importance of his conceptual conclusions the cultural worlds of the East and West. in the modern world, where, on the one hand, there is a tendency to dialogue of Использованная литература 1. Аветисян В.А. Николай Констатнтино- civilizations and, on the other hand, вич Рерих и Иоганн Вольфганг Гете. collisions of different nature as political, Общность целостного восприятия ми- social, inter-confessional, etc. Works of роздания Goethe teach tolerance, mutual sufferance 2. Гете Гарбу Шарк Девони.Т. 2010, 564 and respect, the understanding of the 3. Гёте И.В. Западно-Восточный Диван. universal importance of culture and many М. Наука. 1988 4. Аветисян В.А. Николай Константино- other universal values. вич Рерих. «Иоганн Вольфганг Гёте, Thus, thanks to the translations from общность целостного восприятия ми- Arabic, Persian and other Eastern роздания» languages, Goethe got acquainted with 5. Гете И.В. Изб. Соч. Т.2. Фауст.М.1985.75 the literature of the East and developed 6. Мухаммад ал Джавади, Ала Хавомиш ал-адаб. Гете ва-алам ал-араби.Ал- his concept of “world literature” as a Кахира.2003.320 detailed theory of international cultural 7. Cathorina Mommsen. Goethe and the communication. According to the con- Arab world. Alexandric University cept of Goethe, each national literature, Press.1966.78


Kurbonova Marguba Teacher of Andijan pedagogical Collage Resume The article deals with the role of innovative technologies and the Internet in teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical science seeks to use new technology in teaching. The use of computer technology in teaching in our time is of great importance. Internet is a global network of millions of users. Key words and expressions: innovation, development, demonstration, communi- cative activity, Internet sources, education, learning foreign languages. Rezyume Maqola chet tilini o’qitishda innovatsion texnologiyalar va internetning roliga bag’ishlanadi. Zamonaviy texnologiya fani o’qitishda yangi texnologiyadan foydalanish- ga harakat qiladi. Bizning zamonamizda o’qitishda kompyuter texnologiyasidan foyda- lanish muhim rol o’ynaydi. Internet millionlab foydalanuvchilarning global tarmog’idir. Kalit so’z va iboralar: innovatsiya, rivojlanish, namoyish, muloqot faoliyati, inter- net, ta’lim, chet tillarini o’rganish.

As we know that technology innova- vation process. In the energy area, tech- tion is the process through which new (or nology innovation has helped expand improved) technologies are developed energy supplies through improved explo- and brought into widespread use. In the ration and recovery techniques, increased simplest formulation, innovation can be efficiency of energy conversion and end- thought of as being composed of research, use, improved availability and quality of development, demonstration, and de- energy services, and reduced environ- ployment, although it is abundantly clear mental impacts of energy extraction, con- that innovation is not a linear process – version, and use. Most energy innovation there are various interconnections and is driven by the marketplace, although feedback loops between these stages, and given the public goods nature of energy often even the stages themselves cannot services (and reducing their environmen- be trivially disaggregated. Innovation in- tal impacts), governments invest signifi- volves the involvement of a range of or- cantly in energy research and develop- ganizations and personnel (laboratories, ment programs as well as demonstration firms, financing organizations, etc.), with and early deployment of selected energy different institutional arrangements un- technologies. Still, most investments in derpinning the development and deploy- energy innovation are targeted towards ment of different kinds of technologies; technologies with clear commercial ap- contextual factors such as government plications and financial returns, with only policies also significantly shape the inno- marginal investments (at least in relation

77 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA to the need) towards energy innovation Graphics capabilities of computers can for helping provide modern energy ser- represent any type of activity in the form vices to the two billion poor people of pictures or animation. This is particu- worldwide who don’t have access to such larly important when learning new vo- services. [2, p. 45-46] cabulary, as images on the monitor allow If we speak about learning foreign students to associate English phrases di- languages, it is impossible to imagine rectly with actions, rather than with without the use of multimedia learning phrases in their native language. Moreo- tools. Of course, important tasks for the ver, the media are an excellent means of methodology of teaching foreign lan- interactive communication between dif- guages include providing opportunities to ferent linguistic groups, which is particu- illustrate the actual process of communi- larly evident in the application of com- cation in English, and creating an educa- puter networks. This could be a local area tional environment that provides real network connecting several machines in conditions for learning use of the target one school, or the Internet – a global net- language and its culture. work of millions of users. These advan- The 21st century, often called the in- tages allow us to conclude that multime- formation age, is bringing about changes dia learning has great potential for teach- to the traditional teaching of language. ing oral speech in other languages. The use of computer technology in teach- Through the optimal combination of a ing in our time is of great importance, number technology (language laboratory, thanks to its new possibilities. The intro- video, television, radio, newspapers, mag- duction of new information and commu- azines, books, bibliographies, and phones) nication technology expands access to and having additional features (interac- education, forming an open education tivity, graphics capabilities, etc.), multi- system, and changes the idea of the quali- media learning provides almost limitless fications needed by modern graduate stu- opportunities for teaching and learning. dents [1, p. 56-57]. [3, p. 97-98] Here we have an idea that the most In recent years, there has been a ten- significant group of benefits is teaching dency in the Kazakhstani education sys- the virtues of computer-based training. tem to change the learning paradigm, For example, teachers use the ability of such that schools are transitioning from computers to react instantly to input in- transfer of knowledge to students in fin- formation to create simple training pro- ished form toward the organization and grams in the form of exercises. Therefore, management of self-learning and cogni- the technical advantage of teaching Eng- tive activity. With today’s requirements lish with the help of multimedia technol- for education, where a major element is ogy is that sound cards allow users to re- independent work by students, high cord their speech and then compare it schools can enhance the process of learn- with the pronunciation of native speakers. ing, teaching methods, and forms of work

78 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 organization that will develop the ability activity. [4, p. 215] The use of modern to learn, find needed information using a means, such as awareness programs and variety of information sources, and stu- Internet technology, as well as coopera- dents’ cognitive independence. tive learning and project methodology, It is necessary to know that modern allow us to solve these problems. pedagogical science seeks to use new So, Internet sources that may come to technology in teaching. The aforemen- the aid of foreign language teachers in the tioned interactive media get their proper organization of independent work, in- use. Most of the wide variety of interac- clude broadcasting, interacting with and tive educational software for learning searching in online resources, where cog- English isaimed at independent elabora- nitive information, training materials and tion of phonetic and grammatical as- conditions can be found that are condu- pects and making their use automatic. cive to the formation of professional com- Features of these programs include inter- petence for future specialists. active dialogues, speech recognition and LIST OF THE USED LITERATURE visualization of pronunciation, animated 1. Kouchnirenko A.G., Leonov A.G., Kuz- videos showing articulation of sounds, menko M.A. What is the Internet? Infor- exercises for development of all kinds of mation and communication technologies in education.//Informatics and education. speech skills, videos with translation, ‒ № 5, 7. ‒ 1998. ‒ P.56–57. and tracking one’s own learning out- 2. Polat E.S. New teaching and information comes. technology in the education system. ‒ Since the purpose of learning, the Moscow, Education, 2000. ‒ P.45–46. English language is communicative activ- 3. Polat E.S. Innovative technologies for foreign language lessons. Magazine «Foreign lan- ity, which requires practical command of guages at school». ‒ 2001. ‒ №3. ‒ P.97–98. the language, the task of teachers is to re- 4. Robert I. V. Modern information technol- vitalize all students in the learning pro- ogies in education. ‒ Moscow School cess to create a context for their creative Press, 1994. ‒ 215 p.


Мансурова Малика Аскаровна Магистрант 2-курса Ташкентского государственного Университета узбекского языка и литературы имени Алишера Наваи. [email protected] Аннотация В статье уделяется особое внимание применению диалога в исторических рассказах Атаули. В рассказах писателя «Долгожданная встреча», «Накрывание на стол» и «Прощанье» анализируется основные стороны диалога, его функции в создании исторических образов, сделаны научно-исследовательские выводы. Опорные слова: Джадидская-просветительская литература, исторический образ, диалог, речь автора, язык художественного произведения, исторический рассказ. Annotation. This article focuses on the role of the dialogue in the historical stories of talented writer Otauli. The role of the dialogues in the works of the writer such as, “Diydor” (“Meeting”), “Dasturxon” (Cloth), and “Vido” (“Farewell”) was reviewed in terms of cre- ating a character and scientific-analytical ideas were given. Key words: Jadid literature, historical character, dialogue, author’s speech, character’s speech, literary text language, historical story.

Талантливый писатель Атаули (Ра- компонентом литературно-художе- химджон Атаев) в своих произведени- ственного текста, он является речью ях создает множество образов истори- персонажа произведения» (2, 244). В ческих лиц. Среди них есть рассказы, диалоге отражается характер, вну- отражающие образы писателей-джа- тренний мир, мечты и сожаления об- дидов. Рассказ считается маленьким раза, а также общий облик среды и прозаическим произведением, поэто- того времени, описанного в произве- му в нем отражается короткий проме- дении. Есть такие рассказы в произве- жуток времени и часть событий, про- дениях Атауллы, что большую часть из изошедших в определенном проме- них составляют диалоги. Рассказ «Дол- жутке времени. Особенность рассказа гожданная встреча», где описывается в том, что писатель через короткое со- встреча Чулпана и его отца Сулейман- бытие передает большое содержание. кула баззаза, является одним из таких Место диалога в сюжете и в компози- рассказов. Рассказ начинается речью ции рассказа несравненно. «Слово гостиничной слуги, где встречаются «диалог» с греческого языка означает такие слова: «Эй, поэт, встаньте, какой «разговор, беседа». Диалог является то беспутный пришел и спрашивает


вас!»(4, 205). Писатель уже в начале диалога можно узнать принадлеж- рассказа применяет слово «беспут- ность образа к тому периоду, его ре- ный» и погружает читателя в мысль, месло, и даже моральный облик. Фор- пытается через речь автора объяснять мирование речи к каждому образу, развязку этой загадки. Сулейманкул требует большого мастерства от писа- баззаз тоже был творческой лично- теля. Оба образа в рассказе являются стью и применял псевдоним «беспут- творцами, просвещенными, болеющие ный», и с самого начала рассказа ука- душой народом, отец и сын. Прохож- зывается на это. В диалоге отражается дение этого короткого свидания тай- период, в котором жили герои расска- ком, указывает на тяжелую обстановку за, социальная жизнь, и разные проти- того времени и сравнивается с мраком. воречия в нем. Это можно увидеть в В диалоге отца и сына обсуждаются речи Сулейманкула баззаза: «Я – древ- несколько тем. Во-первых, Сулейман- ний, и если ты джадид, то хорошо кул баззаз, не произнося своего имени, знаешь, что древние и джадиды уже и применяя псевдоним, отзывает сына давно сталкиваются между собой, а из гостиницы. В диалоге основательно даже их сталкивают! Поэтому, давай разъясняется причина. Указывается на вместе огорчим тех, кто хочет сталки- рискованность положения. Отец боит- вать отцов и сыновей, и наслаждаться ся встречи с сыном, потому что это этим» (4, 206). В диалоге отражается встреча мог бы принести тяжелые не- период времени, когда жил Чулпан, счастье для Чулпана. Нежность и лю- резкие отношения между классиками бовь между отцом и сыном описано и джадидами, и недовольство силами, достоверно одним мотивом свиданья. которые заинтересованы в этом стол- Во-вторых в диалоге писатель раз- кновении. Из-за столкновений между мышляет о положении того времени, о населением даже встреча сына и отца бедствиях которые могут достигать происходит тайно и отрицательным просвещенных, интеллигентных лю- образом. дей того времени. Можно увидеть, как В диалоге чувствуется намек на со- Сулейманкул баззаз воодушевляет стояние души образа: «Отец, заключая своего сына не только к творению, и к в объятия его, задрожав голосом, про- продвижению вперед в деятельности шептал: джадидства. –Давай быстрей выходим, перейдем Диалоги, связанные с мотивом сви- в укромное место, сын! Не хватало, данья, можно разделять на три части: чтоб кто-то увидел нас!...»(4, 207). Дро- диалоги, относящиеся к встрече и при- жание голоса и шептание показывает ветствию, диалоги, отображающие на осторожность, встревоженность, на- цель и причины встречи, диалоги, от- стороженность в душе образа. носящиеся к прощанию. В рассказе невозможно предста- Например, в первой части: «Отец вить образы без диалога. С помощью посмотрел на сына испытующее:


–Как ты сын? Ты здоров, твои дела канчивается из-за сожителя Чулпана. идут хорошо?.. Недавно прочитал Как заканчивается встреча, заверша- твою книгу «Утренние тайны», осо- ется и рассказ: «Во мраке, где свети- бенно эпилог, написанный Джулкун- лась душа Чулпана от встречи, при- баем, я очень радовался» (4, 207). ближался тень, один тень уходил, а В некоторых местах второй образ, другой приближался, они не видели не отвечая на эту часть диалога, может друг друга» (4, 210). перейти на другую часть: «Абдулхамид Еще один рассказ Атаули называет- не поверил: ся «Накрывание на стол», где изобра- –Как вы узнали, что я здесь, как вы жено встреча между тремя великими нашли меня, отец?» (4, 207). С помо- писателями, которые жили в одно вре- щью этой части диалога писатель ука- мя. Схожая сторона двух рассказов в зывает радость, удивление, волнение в том, что в обоих рассказах мотив душе Чулпана. Поэтому Чулпан пыта- встречи выходит в передний план. В ется определить причину этой неждан- обоих рассказах события происходят ной встречи. после захода солнца. Писатель, назы- Речь Сулейманкула баззаза может вая внешность мраком, описывает не быть примером ко второй части диа- только ночь, а также период поглощен- лога: ной темнотой. По приглашению героя «- Цель моей встречи с тобой не рассказа Абдулхамида, Фитрат и Аб- только свидание, у меня есть кое-что дулла Кадыри собираются за одним сказать тебе!» (4, 208). С помощью этих столом и беседуют. Чулпан показыва- слов, с которыми начинается речь ется в скромном, добродушном обли- отца, писатель хочет описывать боли, ке, особенно, это замечается, когда он накопленные в душе отца, его обеспо- встречает гостей и когда «тихо опу- коенность социальным положением в стился напротив гостей». В диалоге стране. Как учитель, настаивает в выражается и мечты рассказчика. В творчестве и в деятельности. рассказе это можно узнать из речи Фи- Третья часть диалога, является за- трата: «Фитрат открыл руку для мо- ключительной речью рассказа. Ска- литвы: занное отцом слова: «Иди, иди сын! – Пусть народ станет безмятеж- Только никому ничего не рассказывай! ным, пусть страна благоустроится, Не говори о встрече со мной! Только амин, Аллаху акбар!» (4, 212). Это было скажи, что пропал сон и вышел погу- не только мечтой Фитрата, а мечтой лять, ладно? (4, 210), утверждаются всех просветителей. Для каждой на- Чулпаном такими словами: «Хорошо, ции благоустройство и свобода это отец, хорошо! Вы тоже берегите себя!..» самая большая ценность. Диалог по- (4, 210). может нам представить тот период Долгожданная встреча между Су- времени, когда между людьми усили- лейманкулом баззазом и Чулпаном за- вался боязнь, недоверие и беспокой-


ство. Во время беседы Чулпан потеря- Хотя Чулпан в такой ситуации пытает- ет сознание, и придя в себя, увидев ся взять себя в руки, пытается показы- обеспокоенные глаза гостей, смущает- вать себя веселым, из его речи можно ся. Сразу берет в себя руки, принимает узнать боли, угнетающие его. Чулпан беспечный и веселый вид. Удивляет всегда верил в наступлении светлого гостей своими шутками: « – Извините будущего. А это в рассказе изобража- меня, братья! Как в пословице «Дурак ется очень естественно: «Дай бог уви- не даст никому свое место», я разва- деться в хороших днях, братья, в свет- лился наверху, на почетном месте! Я лых днях!..» (4, 219). Рассказ начинает- допускал вольность, увидев Вас! Ну ся с загадкой, с незнанием причину как я обманул вас, что болею? А теперь накрывания на стол, и заканчивается и болезнь, и представление закончи- этим, то есть, гости так и не узнают лись!» Таким образом, он пытается причину. поправить ситуацию. С помощью этой Еще один рассказ Атаулы называет- речи Чулпана, открываются многие ся «Прощанье», в нем изображается черты образа. Во-первых, железная последние годы еще одного просвети- воля, свойственная характеру Чулпа- телья-джадида Махмудходжа Бехбуди. на. Даже болея, он не хочет, чтобы ему Рассказ начинается убеганием в Буха- сочувствовали, чтобы сжалились. ру Махмудходжы Бехбуди от советско- Даже гости остались в сомнениях на го правительства, и встречи с Амиром счет правдивости этого события. Здесь Алимханом. Еще в первом диалоге также можно увидеть уважение к го- между ними, уточняется цель Бехбуди. стьям и шутливость характерную для После приветствия, в речи Бехбуди андижанцев. чувствуется усиление давления, а так- В начале беседы гости спрашивают же положение того периода. Амир причину накрывания на стол, но до Алимхан предлагает защиту с помо- конца рассказа услышав несколько от- щью паломничества в хадж. Но Бехбу- ветов на этот вопрос, так и не могут ди в таком опасном времени предпо- понять истинный цель. Чулпан приво- читает остаться в служении у народа. дит много причин приглашения, бо- Амир, помышляя слова Бехбуди согла- лезнь, которая причиняет ему боль, шается с ним. Душевное состояние бездетность, приближение смерти, что Бехбуди хорошо открывается при только при помощи смерти можно из- ожидании «царского подарка» в горо- бавиться от плохих людей. Когда гости де Карши. Услышав от рядовых солдат, хотели утешит Абдулхамида, он шут- что приходит подарок от эмира, он ками говорил, что они успешно прош- обеспокоится. Когда дверь открывает- ли испытание, и опять входит в весе- ся и показывается тень с саблей на ру- лый облик. В этом рассказе изображе- ках, он поймет, что был прав в своих ны последние годы Чулпана, отражает- подозрениях. Внутренний диалог ся его упадочное состояние, его боли. очень хорошо освещает внутренний


мир, душу и желания образа. Внутрен- открываются основные качества обра- ний диалог Бехбуди при смерти со- зов. Положение периода, в котором ставляет основной замысел рассказа: жили герои рассказа, их противоречия «О боже, неужели единственная мера чувствуется в намеках. Можно сказать, раскалывания Ярилташа (крепкого что мотив встречи во всех трех расска- камня), является смерть в руках этих зов, осуществляет диалог. Атаули хоро- отцеубийц? За что мне такая кара? Не- шо освещает важный и противоречи- ужели я никому не смогу сказать даже вый период в жизни джадидов-просве- «Прощай»?» (4, 294). Мастерство писа- тителей. теля в том, что одним деталем – саблей намекает на смерть Бехбуди, подни- Использованная литература: 1. Rasulov A. Badiiylik – bezavol yangi- мавший эту саблю «тень» является lik. –T.:Sharq, 2007. символом черных сил, противостоя- 2. Ulug‘ov A.Adabiyotshunoslik nazariya- щим джадидам-просветителям. Речь si. –T.: G‘.G‘ulom, 2018. Бехбуди во внутреннем диалоге под- 3. Quronov D., Mamajonov Z., Sheraliyeva нимается до уровня наставления буду- M., Adabiyotshunoslik lug‘ati.–T.: щему поколению. Akademnashr, 2013. 4. Otauli. Bilga xoqon dostoni. –T.: Обобщая можно сказать, что писа- O‘zbekiston, 2015. тель умело и разумно использует диа- 5. O‘ljaboyev U. Hikoyachilikda davr nafasi.– лог в композиции рассказов. Хорошо T.: Turon zamin ziyo, 2016.


Muminova Oydin National university of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulughbek, Faculty of Foreign Philology Tashkent, Uzbekistan Tel. +94 359 70 70 ABSTRACT The present work is devoted to the study oflinguocultureme do’ppi (doppa) and its linguocultural features of translation to reveal the structural and semantic features of the culture-bound word. Discussed word emerges in many fiction books and texts in which ordinary life of people is described. Therefore, mostly used word sis identified and solu- tions of rendering are given in this paper. Keywords: Uzbek language, English language, linguoculture, linguocultureme, culture, do’ppi (doppa), transliteration, interpretation.

“A language is not just words. It’s a a nation. Therefore, lexicon that describe culture, tradition, a unification of a com- a clothing piece entails cultural colorit munity, a whole history that creates what which is unique and alien in other lan- the community is. It’s all embodied in a guages. Overall, national clothes and oth- language” as famous linguist Noam er accessories has always been the differ- Chomsky claimed. Language as a social ential characteristic of every nation. Such phenomenon creates real image of the borrowings as Japanese kimono (Proshi- community where certain language is na, 2004), Vietnamese ao dai (Oxford spoken, it determines their mentality, way English Dictionary, 2000) and Chinese of life, thoughts and perception of real cheongsam (Proshina, 2004) give us a world. In one word language is a mirror in vivid image of the men and women styles which entire ethnos with all its cultural in clothes at different periods. Naturally, identities is reflected. The national cul- that is true for Uzbek clothing items. ture, social changes and personal behav- Cloth, what makes Uzbek garment so sole iors are reflected through language, as a and majestic. Atlas, adras are types of language is spiritual and social aspect of cloth that contribute “house of soul” of people, and reflection of the ethnic origin. Uzbek people and their beliefs, percep- Thus, a person who is a user of language tion of world and dreams. Each variation is a part of national culture which in- of national cloth whispers about its story cludes national traditions, language, his- by its patterns that cannot be translated tory and literature. into another language. In some cases this Clothing as a pivotal item of human lines unify hope and hopelessness, death routine cannot be studied separately from and life, birth, but consequently triumph culture as it identifies historical trends, of goodness in this dialectics of nature. beliefs, traditions, nature and thoughts of Thus, these elements of national identity

85 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA are thoroughly assimilated in national Thus, translation of these words require clothing items as well. more attempt in order to compose ade- Uzbek national garment stands apart quate text in target language. Culture- with its sparkling features which are as- bound words are generally rendered in sociated with Uzbek people’s character the borrowing language through tran- and behavior. In this paper we try to iden- scription, transliteration and calque tify do’ppi as linguocultureme its render- translation: авеню, sputnik, Статуя ing into English language. Свободы. (Proshina, 2001). In our ex- Do’ppi is headgear of Uzbek people. ample of do’ppi (doppa) transliteration is Speaking about female’s clothing it is sig- used to be caused to lack of letter o’ in nificant accessorie without which women English. It is proper way to adjust particu- cannot imagine their garment complete. lar realia from source to target or borrow- Patterns and colors confirm the life style, ing language as it provides better percep- and beliefs of people of a particular region tion of the foreign reader. Linguocul- of Uzbekistan. They differ respectively to tureme do’ppi cannot be translated in all areal verification, that is, climate, geo- cases as skullcap. There are many expres- graphical position, neighborhood with sions in Uzbek that do’ppi serves as a other republics, ethnical structure of peo- marker and skullcap cannot confirm its ple and historical trends. Mainly, do’ppi exact dennotation. Interpretation of this (doppa) varied respectively due to the age item is the most preferable way of render- and social position of the owner. There- ing it into another language: fore, it played significant social role. From do’ppi linguistic point of view, it is culture- Eng. doppa [dopa] bound word and cannot be given with the noun lexical item that is similar in function 1.round, square headwear quilted with with translating item, because realia cov- silk and golden thread on cloth and fixed ers national characteristics of the text. with glue to make shape. Equivalent-lacking words signify notions noun lacking in the target language and culture. 2.round, quilted, cover – lining head- ( Иванов А. О., 1985.) They are some- wear with wick. It consists of top, flank times called untranslatable words (Влахов and rim. С., Флорин С.,1980.) or “unfindable” noun words(Newmark P. A., 1988). A culture- 3. national cap of Uzbek people worn bound word names an object peculiar to by both men and women, but the style this or that ethnic culture (хохлома, and forms are different. The different гжель, матрешка; babyshower, Christ- forms and ornaments of doppa mean the mas yule log; kimono).(Proshina, 2001) age, social position of the owner. as clothing belongs to words for everyday Proverb life type of culture-bound words they ap- 4.Bosh omon bo’lsa, do’ppi topiladi – pear mostly in any kind of discourse. If you are well, doppa will be found.


Meaning – this proverb says that if you als. The clothes subdivided by sex sign: are healthy and safe it is possible to be- male, female and by ages and classified in come rich or to take possession. In the setting which could give whole, concep- proverb above doppa is used in the mean- tion of national color. Above given de- ing of wealth. scription can be used according to situa- Idiom tion in the text and to be used as interpre- 5.Do’ppini osmonga otmoq – to throw tation. In this paper linguocultural pecu- doppa to the air. Meaning – is used to liarities of culture-bound word do’ppi describe the feeling of the very happy were analyzed and translation issues were person. identified. Solutions were given and ex- Idiom amples were provided accordingly. 7.Do’ppi tor kelganda – when duppi is References tight. Meaning – 1) used to describe an 1. Goddard, C. & Wierzbicka, A. (2013) intense or incapable situation. 2) short of Words and meanings: Lexical semantics money. across domains, languages, and cultures. Expression OUP Oxford. 422p. 8.Do’ppisi yarimta – duppi is half. 2. Halliday, M. A. (2016) Languages and Cul- tures. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 363p. Meaning – everything is fine, OK. 3. Oxford English Dictionary (2000) In A.H. Idiom James, H. Murray, W.A. Bradley, C.T. Crai- 9.Do’ppini yerga qo’yib – put the dop- gie (Eds.) Oxford: Clarendon Press. 638p. pa on the ground or to put it off Mean- 4. Newmark P. A Textbook of Translation. – ing – to think about something calmly, New York a.o.: Prentice Hall, 1988. – P.176 5. Proshina, Z. G. (2008) Theory of transla- attentively, carefully. tion, Vladivostok Far Eastern University Example: Press 2008 Ketidan pachavasi chiqmasligi uchun, 6. Proshina, Z. G. (2004) Perekryestok: An- do’ppini yerga qo’yib o’ylab ko’ring oldin. glo-russkii kontaktologicheskii slovar’ (Oybek, Qutlug’ qon). vostochnoaziatskoi kul’tury. Vladivostok: Think about it carefully before it dis- Izd-vo Dal’nevost. un-ta. 580p. 7. Proshina, Z. G. (2014) Language revolu- graces you. tion behind the cultural curtain. World Synonym: qalpoq. Englishes, 33(1), 1-8. The cloth more than other elements or 8. Иванова А.О. Английская безэквива- material culture reflects national charac- лентная лексика и ее перевод на рус- ter of people and refers to number of sta- ский язык. – Л.: Изд-во 9. Ленингр. Ун-та, 1985. ble ethnic signs. It reflects traditions root- 10. Влахов С., Флорин С. Непереводимое в ing in ethnic history, social relations and переводе. – Междунар. отношения, elements of ideology, belief esthetic ide- 1980.


Annotation. In this article author revealed the way and life of Bakhouddin Naqshband who is the vivid star in the sufizm sky. Also shown the examples of his magnificent heritage and works. Key words. Sufizm, vukufi zaman, vukufi adad, vukufi kalb. “Naqshbandiya”, cultural heritage, “Dil ba yor-u dast ba kor”

Khoja Bakhouddin Naqshband was developed Abduholik Gijdivoniy’s doc- great saint who was to generosity of Allah. trine. Following slogan reflects main He was famous both in west and east as point of Nakshbandiya “Dil ba yor-u dast “Khojai Buzruk”(Great Khoja) and “Shohi ba kor” (Let your heart be in God and Nakshband”. The original name of this hands in work). He called all people to great person was Sayid Mukhammad ibn blossom and flourish their families and Sayid Kamoliddin. Khazrat Bakhouddin society. And reflecting “less eat”, “less was born 1318 y. in a village named Kasri speak”, less sleep”. On ruling country he Hinduvon (current Kasri Orifon – in admonished to be with people with God. Kagon Region) near Bukhara and died On working for strengthen and develop there in 1389. The sulton of holies great religion he was as “Pride and Priceless of master Bakhouddin is the founder of tari- region”. Being a miracle person he had a kat (the way where delivers to be mature) name “Saviour”- Balogardon (saving from Nakshbandiya which revived the sunnats calamity). According to a narrate, one day of Mukhammad (s.a.v). This father’s par- Sheyx Xisrav made complaint to Khazrat entage connected with Khazrat Ali, and Bakhouddin: The water of Haromkom is mother’s descent connected with Khazrat sometimes floving out and ruining sur- Abu Bakr Siddik. Khoja Mukhammad roundings and people are suffering from Boboyi Samosiy raised Bakhouddin since flood waters. And one more trouble, the his childhood. He was tought tarikat les- number of wolkes are going up. So pass- sons by Boboiy Samosiy, Sayid Mir kulol, ers-by Karmana are suffering from them. Qusam shaikh, Khalil ota, Mavlono Orif “Khazrat ordered: Since today no one suf- Deggaroniy and as well as the spirit of fers. Defend Karmana ways!”. From that Abduholik Gijduvoni gave lessons. It was time water of Haromkom never flowed written in “Makomi shohi Makhmud “ out. Bakhouddin had many apprentics: that Bakhouddin had several conversa- Khazrat Alouddin Attor, Khoja Porso tions with Khoja Khizr.Khazrat Bakhoud- Bukhori, Mavlono Mukhammad and oth- din is the author of the following books: ers. Khazrat Bakhouddin was the greatest “Hayotnoma”, “Dalil ul – oshikin”, “Av- saint of Amir Timur’s ruling period “ En- rod”, “Adab as solikin”, “Nasihat ul-so- riching with new contens and conclusions likin”. Bakhouddin Naqshband once more new way-tarikat was named as “Naksh-

88 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 bandiya”. Nakshband added three de- the country, service to the country. Prey- mand into Hamadoni’s and Gijdivoni’s ing every moment, don’t confuse essential tarikat in which it had eight demands: instants to transient ones. 1. Vukufi zaman; Vukufi kalb – it meanes every muslim 2. Vukufi adad; should be aware of Allah. And placing 3. Vukufi kalb. him to their soul, ornament Allah in their Vukufi zamon – the main point of it is hearts. Jaloliddin Rumiy equalized the taking the anvantage of every moment of soul to Caaba. He glorimaturity you life. Every muslim should ask himself should have the beauty and purity of your during his lifetime “Could I do kind- soul. From the concept of great ancestor it ness?”, “How did I spend my lifetime?” is understandable that even seven hun- How much kindness I did on wickedness. dred years ago people tried value every- It means time is priceless and main mean- thing they had. Including not sending ing is appreciating time we value every every instant to unworthe works. He in- instant. One philosopher said: You volved people to honesty, neatness, per- shouldn’t sleep, until finding the answer fectness, respectness, truth, keeping and to the question “What have I succeeded in spacing all creatunes in the world. Being today?” consentient with scholars and geniuses. Vukufi adad – it is a specific doctrine He taught people to value every pure, dust of numbers composed by Nakshband. It is free feeling of people. Great poet Alisher regulation of valueing instant to fruitful Navoi explained: and maintenancely sings. Do profitable Workship is servicing to people, nation, and advantageous works for developing It is not even in tasbeh and “prayer-mat”


Valieva Guzaliya Fayzullayevna, Magister of Andijan State University

Abstract Teaching any foreign language is a complex job, where technical and professional skills are highly needed to master the use of modern teaching aids that facilitate effective presenta- tion inside the classroom. A monolingual dictionary is an effective teaching tool, it should always be consulted and included in every EFL syllabus or in any EFL teaching/learning situation. It should constantly be referred to by teachers to enhance their teaching strategies and learners should resort to it to develop linguistic skills. It can be effectively used to create a comprehensive pedagogical environment; not only targeting the look–up for the meaning of words, but also featuring other important aspects of language skills which a good diction- ary can-simultaneously- provide to teachers and learners as well. Аннотация Процесс преподавания любого иностранного языка является сложной рабо- той, где профессиональные и технические умения высоко нуждаются во владении преподавательскими средствами, обеспечивая эффективность внутри заня- тия. Толковый словарь существенно представляет собою результативным пре- подавательским средством, который должен быть всегда включен в каждую учебную программу преподавания английского языка как иностранного или же в любую ситуацию обучения английского языка как иностранного. Учителя долж- ны непрерывно ссылаться на толковые словари, чтобы совершенствовать свои преподавательские стратегии, а студенты обращаться за помощью к толко- вым словарям для того, чтобы развить свои лингвистические способности. По- стоянное использование толковых словарей наглядно поможет создать всесто- роннюю педагогическую среду: целью которого является не только посмотреть значение определенного слова, но и отводить важнейшее место другим суще- ственным аспектам языковых способностей, благодаря хорошо составленному толковому словарю одновременно обеспечит и педагога и учащего. Index Terms: Dictionary, Monolingual, pedagogical environment, lexicography

With the spread of English as the lin- included as an essential part of language gua-franca since the beginning of the 20th leaner’s indispensable equipment. century the above dictionaries have been As has been convincingly demonstrat- modified to “meet the needs of millions of ed by Crystal (1997) and Graddol (2000), English speakers around the world. Dic- English has become a truly international tionaries have found their place and been language, and that in our interdependent,

90 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 shrinking, global village there is no escap- guage which can be applied to a variety of ing English as being the lingua-franca of activities. A successful dictionary can written and oral communication. There- show students the possibilities of lan- fore, everyone with ambition is trying to guage and is capable of providing a wealth learn English and, naturally, EFL diction- of information. aries come in the picture, because they Monolingual English dictionaries be- provide the most explicit description of gan as a listing of “hard words”, i.e. word- the meaning and use of words of this lan- lists that explained in plain English the guage, a tool essential to the language poorly Anglicized Greek and Latin vocab- process. ulary. Yet, gradually common words were In its etymology, the modem term also included and a goal was set to provide ‘dictionary’ comes to us from Latin “dic- a comprehensive coverage of the English tionarium” through French “dictionaries” language. At the top of this type comes the which properly means “a book of sayings” Oxford English Dictionary (OED) com- (Hartmann, 1992, p. 5). However, in its posed over a period of fifty years (1880- modem usage, the word “dictionary” has 1930) and including 20 volumes that trace become synonymous with that book con- the history and development of English taining lists of words with information words (Stein, 20 02). Other kinds of mono- about them. lingual native dictionaries have evolved Indeed, a dictionary is the first thing and can be grouped according to Jackson an EFL student buys (Baxter, 1980) and (1988: 160) into four types. learners carry dictionaries around. First, there are the very large library Though the prominent examples of EFL dictionaries like Webster’s Third Interna- dictionaries are mainly for the advanced tional Dictionary covering over students (such as Oxford Advanced 400,000 English words. Second, there are Learner’s Dictionary (OALD), the Long- the desk dictionaries like Collins English man Dictionary of Contemporary English Dictionary (about 1650 pages with (LDOCE), Chambers Universal Diction- 170,000 words) and the Longman Dic- ary (CULD) and (COBUILD) Contempo- tionary of English Language and Cham- rary English Dictionary (CEDELD), bers’ Twentieth Century Dictionary. smaller dictionaries have been made for Third, there are the “concise” dictionaries lower proficiency levels, by the three (about 1300 pages with 162,000 words) above leading EFL publishers. such as Oxford Concise Dictionary of Hence, EFL students have a powerful Current English, the New Collins Concise tool at their disposal with which to gain English Dictionary and the Longman further understanding of a range of a new Concise Dictionary. Finally, there is the language, leading eventually to accurate “pocket” or “compact” dictionary (about production and comprehension. Then, a 900 pages with 70,000 words) like Oxford dictionary serves as a means whose pur- Pocket English Dictionary and the Collins pose is to provide information about lan- Pocket English Dictionary.


While monolingual English dictionar- gual learner’s dictionaries place a greater ies have been the focus of a considerable emphasis on how the L2 is used by pro- body of research (e.g. Atkins, 1985; Be- viding more L2 sentence examples and joint, 1994; Stein, 1991, 1999, 2002; Hart- both explicit and implicit information mann, 1989, 1991, 2005, and Wright, about collocations, grammar, and prag- 2001), limited efforts are exerted to re- matics. mind with the impotence of the diction- Monolingual learner’s dictionaries ary as a teaching tool. most commonly mark spoken language A sufficient interest and awareness through the term A further reason for the should have been developed among lan- increased size of learners’ dictionaries is guage teachers and syllabus designers their increased coverage. Publishers boast about the importance of this teaching aid. that each new edition contains a greater Dictionaries, however, do not only in- number of definitions, references, or struct and enlighten the students (Schol- word meanings (the distinction between field, 2001), despite the wealth of infor- these is important, but is often deliber- mation they contain in terms of phonol- ately left unclear). For example, OALD ogy, morphology, grammar and seman- has increased its coverage from tics, and so students think of them as just 50,000 headwords and derivatives in the another book to help them look up words, 1974 edition, to 57,100 words and phrases while the under use of dictionary might (“over 4000 NEW to this edition”) in be attributable to lack of instruction in 1989, and to 65,000 definitions in OALD5 the area of lexicography, its omission (1995). Likewise the COBUILD coverage from the syllabus, and lack of conviction has grown from 70,000 references in on the part of (old-fashioned) teachers to 1987 to 75,000 references in1995, and teach the myriad aspects of dictionaries. LDOCE has shot from 56,000 words and The consequences are observable – that phrases (1987) to 80,000 (1995). student’s oral and written production is Certain standard components have often characterized by inappropriate word been identified by Atkins (1985) as fol- and phonological choice, lack of gram- lows: matical, lexical and semantic precision 1. Lexemes. and social constraints on discourse. 2. Spelling. Teachers who encourage the use of 3. Indication of pronunciation. monolingual dictionaries on the other 4. Grammatical information (includ- (Yorkey, 1992; Stein, 2002). In contrast to ing parts of speech, morphological infor- bilingual dictionaries, monolingual learn- mation and verb patterns). er’s dictionaries provide L2 definitions 5. Definition. using a limited defining vocabulary of 6. Illustrative examples. 2,000-3,500 words, which effectively re- 7. Idioms. stricts their use to intermediate level 8. Graphic illustrations. learners and above. Moreover, monolin- 9. Cross-reference.


10. Etymology. be a good resort for the leaner as an au- 11. Stylistic variations. thenticated learning source of linguistic The above eleven components need to knowledge. be considered in some details in a sepa- Monolingual learner’s dictionaries are rate research, as they are the backbone of constantly being improved because they any entry in an EFL monolingual diction- are based upon regularly updated corpus ary. Theoretical discussion of these com- data that provide an empirically-based ponents can be reinforced by constant description of the language (Rundell reference to the four established British 1998). EFL monolingual dictionaries: OALD, In addition, the inclusion of spoken LDOCE, CULD and CCELD. data in the corpus allows for clear distinc- The increasing focus on lexicography tions between contemporary spoken and and the aspects of monolingual dictionar- written usage, with the result that these ies related to the developments in linguis- dictionaries are potentially more useful tics including phonology, syntactic theo- resources for developing listening com- ry, the lexical approach, and corpus lin- prehension vocabulary knowledge. guistics. All of these developments have REFERENCES slowly found their way into EFL lexicog- 1. Atkins, B. T.S. (ed.). (1998). Using Dic- raphy that is currently casting away tradi- tionaries: studies of dictionary use by lan- tion and utilizing the new insights into guage learners and translators. Niemeyer: their entries. So we can assert that lexi- Tübingen. 2. Baxter, J. (1980). The dictionary and vo- cographers have carried out their task in cabulary behavior: a single word or a hand- professional manner to produce different ful? TESOL Quarterly XIV. 3.325-336. types of dictionaries. 3. Bejoint, H. (1994). Tradition and Innova- However, Syllabus designers as well as tion in Modern English Dictionaries. Ox- English language teachers have to incor- ford: Oxford University Press. 4. Bejont, and Moulin, A. (1987). The Place porate these dictionaries in their work, so of the Dictionary in an EFLProgramme, in that dictionaries can be seen as effective Euralex Seminar. Leeds. and integrative educational tools in lan- 5. Cowie, A.P. and Howarth, P. (1996). Phra- guage education. The dictionary should seological Competence and Written Profi- be consulted not for looking up the mean- ciency. In G.M. Blue and R. Mitchell (eds.), ing only – as this is the general belief Language and Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press. about dictionaries – but it would rather be 6. Crystal,D.(1981).The Ideal Dictionary, seen as an authoritative source of lan- Lexicographer and User. Cambridge: guage, as it can almost tell the user with Cambridge University Press. every detail about other language aspects 7. Crystal,D.(1991). English as a Global Lan- in addition to the meaning. Dictionaries guage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. shall be seen as the first pedagogical aid 8. Graddol, L. (2000). English as a Global which the teacher should keep company Language. London: The British Council. in his teaching routine, as well as it should 9. Hartmann, R.R. K. (1991). What is the Use


of Learners’ Dictionaries? Institute of Lan- 15. Stark, M. (1990). “Dictionary Workbooks. guage in Education Journal. 8. 73-83. A Critical Evaluation of Dictionary Work- 10. Hartmann, R.R. K. 2003). Lexicography books for the Foreign Language Learner”. with particular reference to English learn- Exeter Linguistic Studies 16. ers’ dictionaries. Language Teaching. 25. 16. Stein, G. (1990). From the Bilingual to the 151-59. Monolingual Dictionary. Hamburg Uni- 11. Hornby, A.S. (2000). Oxford Advanced versity. Learners Dictionary (7th ed.). Oxford: 17. Wright, J. (2001). Dictionaries, Resource Oxford University Press. Books for Teachers, Oxford University 12. Jackson, H. (1988). Words and their Mean- Press, Oxford. ings. London: Longman. 18. Yorkey, R.C. (1992). Study Skills for Stu- 13. Rundell, M. (1999). “Recent Trends in dents of English. New York: Mc-Grow Hill Publishing Monolingual learners’ Diction- Publication. aries”, in R. Hartmann (ed.,) European 19. Alternative Dictionaries http://www. Language Council. Thematic Network Project in the Area of languages. Sub- 20. OneLook Dictionaries http://www. project 9 Dictionaries 83-098. 14. Scholfield. (1998). Vocabulary Reference 21. Oxford English Dictionary Online http:// Works in Foreign Language Learning”. In N. Schmitt and M. McCarthy (eds,), Vo- 22. WordNet http://www.cogsci.princeton. cabulary: Description, Acquisition and edu/~wn/w3wn.html Pedagogy, 279-302. Cambridge: Cam- 23. WWWebster Dictionary http://www-lj. bridge University Press.


Tolewbaeva A. Karakalpak State University Assistant teacher, Foreign languages faculty Utegenova M. Karakalpak State University 3 rd year student, Foreign languages faculty

Abstract: The aim of this article is to study the theme “Motherland “ in the poetry of the famous Karakalpak classic poet of the XX-th century Ibrayim Yusupov. Key words: Motherland, Karakalpak, poetry, poem

Karakalpakstan is a land of ancient poet who wouldn’t dedicate the most sin- civilization which occupies the whole cere lines to the Motherland. Ibrayim northwestern end of Uzbekistan. The Yusupov is the greatest one who could world’s second largest museum, The demonstrate his loyalty and love to his Savitsky State Museum of Arts, is situated motherland skillfully in his poetry. He in this wonderful country. It is a real was born on May 5 in 1929 in the village treasure of cultural heritage of of Azat in Chimbay region of . This country can also Karakalpakstan. He is considered to be a boast of unique monuments of bygone classical poet who raised Karakalpak po- civilizations such as settlement Tuprak- etry to the top of its flourishment. I.Yu- Kala, Janbas-Kala and Ayaz-Kala fortress- supov’s eternal poetry was accepted not es and archaeological complex Mizdakhan only by the Karakalpak people but also all that includes numerous historical monu- the Turkic people as well. Uzbek poetess ments. There lived outstanding repre- Zulfiya Isroilova by appreciating the tal- sentatives of Karakalpak literature like ent of the poet writes that “Ibrayim Yu- Berdakh, Ajiniyaz and etc. Ajiniyaz’s most supov is a poet with his individual style, famous work “Buzatau” tells of the rich language and burning feelings” ’ piligrimage. Berdakh is re- [1,10p] garded as the first historian of the The theme of Motherland and love for Karakalpak people, who raised historical his country takes an honourable place in facts, names and information about the the lyrics of the poet. Let’s pay attention to history and ethnography of the country in the poet’s “Qaraqalpaqti ko’p maqtama his work “Shezhire”. Inspired by this pic- ko’zimshe” (“Don’t praise Karakalpaks to turesque places, kind-hearted people and their face”)poem: world-renowned brilliant minds, there He sacrificed his only horse came a beloved and respected poet named He cut it for receiving guests Ibrayim Yusupov. It is difficult to name a He went on foot, being glad for guests,


When being praised for that horse, By these lines the poet equalize Moth- He was ready to do the best. [1,35p] erland with Mother. Why the poet iden- The poet masterfully depicted his na- tify the Motherland with the Mother, the tion’s exemplary characters such as hospi- most dear person? The reason for this is tality, sincerity and frankness by these that the root of the word “Motherland lines. “-”giving birth” is connected with Mother. Poet’s “Watanim” (My Motherland), We are born in the heart of our Mother “Watan” (Watan), “Tuwilg’an jer” (My and grow up in the heart of Motherland. birthplace) and “Watan muhabbati” ( In conclusion, we observed the strong Love of Motherland) poems convey the image of Motherland in Ibrayim Yu- spirit of patriotism with great force to his supov’s poetry. The poet’s love to the nation. For example, enermous love and Motherland and great poetic skills let him tenderness permeated in the poem “Wa- reach to the top of the Karakalpak poetry. tanim” (My Motherland): Poet of Uzbekistan Abdulla Oripov Juldizlarg’a raketalar ka’rwanin tartip, writes about the poet: Ma’gar qaysi planetag’a salar bolsam iz, If somebody regrets about the past life Sag’inarman sen arqali jerdi qumartip, And wants to live twice, “Men senin’ jas putag’in’man,jasaw joq Dreaming about another life sensiz” [2,9p] But Ibrayim entered the world only The poet emphasizes that the feeling once. [1,10] of love for the Motherland is actually per- The poet differed from his contempo- ceived in moments when you are far from raries with his unique and lucid poetry. it. There are many beautiful places on And today Ibrayim Yusupov’s name will earth, but wherever you are, you deserve always be remembered as unrepeatable your homeland. The author also tried to poet. explain his willingness to stand up for the Reference: defence of his country. 1. Р.К. Рзаева «Лирика Каракалпакского Or let’s look at the poem “Tuwilg’an поэта И.Юсупова «Нукус 2015. 2. I.Yusupov «Zaman ag’imi» No’kis 1968 jer”(My birthplace): 3. Q.Ja’rimbetov, Q.K. Orazimbetov «Qa- Anam Shimbayimsan’ menin’, raqalpaq a’debiyati» No’kis «Bilim»baspasi Kim sag’inbas tuwg’an jerin. [2,24p] 2010


Mamatkulova Fotima Ashirkulovna Teacher of Uzbek State World Languages University (UzSWLU)

Annotation: In the Republic of Uzbekistan it is focused on education to give radical reorganization of the system that will give more opportunities to raise pur educational system to the level of contemporary standarts. In this way aims and tasks have been put forward to upbring intellectually challenged generation. In order to have a special role in the world it is necessary to be able to communicate in foreign languages. Intercultural and com- municative perspectives are important factors to have strong relationships with other countries. In this article the benefits and attempts for gaining multilingual youth in Uz- bekistan is discussed. Key words: Multilingualism, intercultural communication, prospects, language, bilingualism, relationship, social, improvement

МНОГОЯЗЫЧИЕ В КОНТЕКСТЕ МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНОГО ОБЩЕНИЯ: ОПЫТ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ. Маматкулова Фотима Аширкуловна преподаватель УзГУМЯ Аннотация В Республике Узбекистан сфера образования сфокусирована на коренной реорганизации системы, что в свою очередь даёт больше возможностей для поднятия системы образования до уровня современных стандартов. Таким образом, цели и задачи были выдвинуты для воспитания умственно отсталых поколений. Чтобы иметь особую роль в мире, необходимо уметь общаться на иностранных языках. Межкультурные и коммуникативные перспективы являются важными факторами для установления прочных отношений с другими странами. В этой статье обсуждаются преимущества и попытки получения многоязычной молодёжи в Узбекистане.

In order to promote an understanding tion. For communicating successfully and intercultural relationship between across languages and cultures, any people countries, it is necessary to build a strong should know the culturally different links by learning foreign languages. Both norms of interaction and one’s values and of language and culture have the function thought. Sometimes there may be some of being a crucial way for communica- misunderstanding while two foreigners

97 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA are talking. At that moment cultural press the same object or idea. To be mul- awareness is the only way to tackle with tilingual can open a new gates to learn the problems between them. Language is more foreign languages at the same time. another way to gain the knowledge, po- After learning two or more languages litical, intellectual, social aspects of the students will gain the ability to convey language learners. In our modern life it is their opinion and explain them wisely in important for the individuals to have front of foreigners. Furthermore, there widely developed communicative and so- are more benefits in social aspects too, cial skills where there are many people when multilinguals talk they tend to com- around them have been witnessing to the municate naturally and expressively, thus phenomenon globalization. It is always it helps to foster wider social contact. mentioned that, in XXI century world, in Multilingual people have a better under- which the borders in all spheres have been standing and therefore and more tolerant faded away, multilingualism and meeting of foreign cultures, they accept news and multilingual individuals is not a new stranger aspects more quickly comparing thing as it was last century. It is hypothe- to the people who has no knowledge in sized that multilingual people have supe- foreign languages. While accepting other rior grammar strategies when it is com- cultures, learners maintain a strong sense pared with bilinguals, as they have lin- of their native culture and language. By guistic knowledge for one more language educating them appropriately they can aspect. Looking at the exact definition of have more respectful feelings for their the term multilingualism- the ability to own cultures, traditions. Also, competi- understand and speak several languages. tive benefits of multilateralism can not be According to recent studies, the children set aside, people who learn languages at raised bilingually develop a specific type an early age and continue this process of cognitive benefit during infancy, and into adulthood will have a sure competi- that bilingualism offers some protection tive advantage when entering university against early loss of memory. and when embarking on a professional Being multilingual gives benefits to career in their future. It should be stated the people who wants to enter to the glo- that multilateralism is a process has more balized world with the knowledge gained benefits and comforts when it is learned by learning foreign languages. Multilin- at early ages. gualism not only simplifies communica- Taking these all merits of multilateral- tion and the ability to understand people ism, there have been many reformations of different cultures, and h as numerous and developments in the education system other proven advantages. Firstly, cogni- of Uzbekistan. It is clear that, the improve- tive skills of the learners will get better ment of English eventually to enable our which leads to have more flexible and youth to go to the world arena with their creative in their acquired vocabulary and own words and roles. By enabling people can count on two or more words to ex- to learn foreign languages Uzbekistan is

98 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 trying to make its role being one of the Uzbekistan there is not sufficient innova- most powerful countries which participate tions for the improvement of technologi- in scientific, technical, social, political cal and scientific spheres. But by having spheres. Improving the learning atmos- strong knowledge in foreign languages phere and facilities Uzbek citizens are be- youth can gain international role in all ing given to communicate effectively with spheres such as: technology, science, poli- the rest of the world. A learner knowledge tics, social relations and others. Before- of English or other languages in our repub- hand they should have a deep knowledge lic is an important facet of a professional in intercommunicative skills. As Alptekin education. However, a report found that (2002,p.58) stated that: Learning a foreign only 1% of students, teachers, professors language becomes a kind of culturation, and public servants in Uzbekistan used where on requires new cultural frames of foreign languages in their professional ca- reference and a new world view, reflecting reer. They rarely read or write articles, those of the target language culture and books in foreign languages which has been its speakers». From learning new lan- a tough need for the professionals of guages, learners experience a new world. today›s era. Thus providing citizens with Traditional thoughts of learning subjects the environment to be multilingual people tend to limit on transmission of foreign is our one of the most challenging aims. cultural information or teaching foreign In Uzbekistan, Russian is a second literature in the classroom. The interrela- language and the English language is a tionship between language and culture foreign. Besides them there are other lan- provides a foundation to the idea that idea guages are taught to children too, as Ger- that learning a foreign language is learn- man and French. English learners is about ing an aspect of foreign culture. 95% of the language learners in Uzbeki- Contemporary subjects require many stan due to the fact that there is a lot at- sophisticated skills at once, by this way tention to this language, facilities are there are language centers have been available in this sphere. Others are Ger- opened with foreign councils. Being aware man and French which is nearly 3.5% and of culture is a way of entering another 2.5% respectively. It is relatively satisfac- countries› community. That›s why multi- torily for developing country, but not lingual people know how to communicate enough for the aimed purpose. One of the with strangers effectively. Multilingualism goals for learners of foreign languages to is important in our century because of the learn effectively is to communicate with globalization has already shrunk the world the target language users, either native into a village where there many people talk language speakers or those who use it as a in international language. XXI century is a second or foreign language. By communi- century for the breakthroughs in informa- cating people may have a lot of opportu- tion technologies and scientific researches. nities for getting knowledge in various It is clear that the way we make researches subjects and news in the worldwide. In is a crucial thing for its future develop-

99 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA ment. There are many qualified profes- try to the world. Intercultural communi- sionals, professors who are able to carry cations is a way to obtain more attention worldwide scientific researches in their from other countries. It has been experi- sphere but with the lack of linguistic enced that, the better international com- knowledge. It is obvious that, the way their munications among other countries the works are translated into another language more fame and name is to be gained. may be insufficient method or at least In recent years our government has without relevant vocabulary choice. Be- established many institutions to make a cause, scientists see the world with their quality environment for language learn- view while linguistics or interpreters have ers. Presidential Decree on December another way of thinking. By critically and 2012 has been an important step for fur- professionally deep learning any field it can ther development in languages. Uzbek be improved or found out new aspects, State World Languages University was sides to be explored. There are many youth reformed in the place of old World Lan- trying to carry their works in world lan- guages University, new building, new fa- guages. Even at non linguistic universities cilities have been provided for specialists. have connected their relationships with In 2016 the negotiations between The foreign universities. Which is a perfectly U.S. A and Uzbekistan for establishing thought method for exchanging knowl- new university for training master›s de- edge and experience. Many teachers are gree among Uzbek students were signifi- sent to practise in foreign countries, even- cant improvement in educating language tually gaining enough skills to conduct specialists. There have been training qual- lessons in modern way as a multilingual ified professionals in language not in one classroom. but two or more languages. It helped to The improvements in the sphere of have more intercultural, social, commu- tourism is an obvious development in the nicative relationships between these two economy of Uzbekistan. Tourism is a countries. cross cultural means of earning money, References: which is emphasized that it is main finan- 1. International scientific journal ( cial revenue of the world economy in the 30.07.2015) future. In order to improve tourism field, 2. Language and culture in teaching foreign language. Chia-Lin Hsin. Newcastle Uni- the country should have close relation- versity ships with other countries. 3. Presidential Decree number 1875 on «The It is stated that even sufficiently measures of strengthening the system of knowledgeable professionals are required learning foreign languages « Tashkent, for this development. One of the signifi- Sharq. 4. «Charter on professional development and cant aims of Uzbekistan is to train special- retraining of public education personnel « ists who can tell their word in front of the 2014. Ta›lim taraqqiyoti journal. Tashkent. whole world. The republic of Uzbekistan 5. http///multilingualism and its advantages is trying to reveal all features of our coun- for the children›s education.


Жанонова С.Б. Магистрант 2 курса СамГУ

Аннотация: В настоящей статье проводится анализ взаимодействия категориальных значений действия – процесса, предметности, признака предмета и образа действия семантической структуры глагольных производных как синкретичных частей речи русского языка. В качестве примеров рассматриваются языковые факты из произведений русской и узбекской литературы. Abstract: This article analyzes the interaction of the categorical significance of the action of progressing the subject and the mode of action of the semantic structure of verb derivatives. The examples are language facts from works of Russian and Uzbek literature. Ключевые слова: части речи; принципы классификации; глагол; каузати; глагольная производная; действие; сопоставление. Keywords: parts of speech; principles of classification; verb; verbal derivative; jux- taposition; actions.

В настоящее время начинается ин- щение: 2 – непосредственное сравне- тенсивное исследование глагольных ние, сопоставление, конфронтация производных на материале различных фактов различных языков, предпри- языков. Важнейшей предпосылкой для нимаемые с целью оперативного вы- таких исследований является общая явления универсальных языковых за- лингвистическая теория глагольных кономерностей и структур. производных и теория грамматиче- Данная работа основана на втором ских категорий, а на более высоком подходе. Сопоставительно-типологи- уровне абстракции – общая теория ческое исследование является в насто- функционально-семантических полей ящее время одной из наиболее пер- и категориальных ситуаций. Ясно, что спективных областей науки в языке. чем больше языков будет вовлечено в Оно открывает новые возможности построение такой общей теории, тем как в сфере практического примене- убедительнее она будет, тем больше ния лингвистики, так и в разработке оснований окажется для того, чтобы традиционных и новых проблем язы- считать ее универсальной. В этом на- кознания. «Констрастивные исследо- правлении возможны два подхода: 1 – вания помогают проникнуть в суть накопление описаний на материале от- языковых процессов и глубже понять дельных языков и последующее обоб- законы, управляющие этими процес-


сами: поэтому контрастивная лингви- рые образуют особый класс, глаголь- стика является той областью исследо- ных категорий, поскольку «они, в от- вания, где пересекаются пути теории и личие от других категорий глагола, практики» [5,3]. В данной статье учи- охватывают и отражают способы тываются работы в области описания функционирования синтаксических и фактов отдельных языков. Замечатель- семантических валентностей глагола и ная традиция описания такого слож- всегда сопровождаются изменением ного «организма», как глагол, является валентности структуры предложе- одной из самых ярких страниц в язы- ния…» [4,66]. кознании. Каузативные глаголы – глаголы ак- В рассуждениях учёных мы видим тивного действия, которое осущест- стремление глубже проникнуть в се- вляется действующим лицом и вызы- мантические свойства различных гла- вает изменения состояний, качеств, голов. Анализ этих семантических свойств другого лица или предмета. черт выявляет наличие активности Вследствие этого каузативные глаголы действия у одних глаголов и отсут- имеют сложную семантическую струк- ствие активности, нечто независящее туру: в них содержится не только сема от воли субъекта, у других. Из сказан- действия, но и сема состояния, при- ного вытекает связь семантических ти- знака, приписываемого объекту дей- пов глаголов с категорией переходно- ствия, а также обязательная сема при- сти – непереходности: чинности, мотивации. Г.Г. Сильницкий 1. Неактивные статические и дина- определяет каузативные глаголы «как мические глаголы. глаголы, выражающие различные 2. Неактивные динамические глаго- виды причинно-следственных отно- лы со значением «становления состоя- шений» [4,3]. ния субъекта». В языке идет процесс непрерывно- 3. Активные процессуальные глаго- го образования новых слов. Последние лы, действие которых замкнуто в сфе- производятся на основе старых и по их ре субъекта – все эти глаголы в своем образцу. Происходит цепная реакция большинстве непереходные. образования производных слов, одно 4. Активные «событийные» глаго- влечет за собой другое. Производное лы, действие которых направлено на слово (дериват) возникает в результате объект, – всегда переходные. применения к производящей единице Исследования последних лет в об- какой-либо формальной операции. ласти глагола позволяет подойти к ин- Одна из двух единиц рассматривается терпретации категории переходности как исходная – источник деривации, в более широкой перспективе. С пере- другая – как результат деривации. ходностью связаны важнейшее функ- Глагольные производные как одна ционально-семантические категории из семантических разновидностей си- глагола – каузативность, залог, кото- стемы глагольных лексем сложны по


грамматическому и содержательному видимому, не существует другого спо- характеру. Они характеризуются объ- соба, кроме сопоставительного анали- единением двух и более разных гла- за внутренних связей лексико-семан- гольных лексем с индивидуальным, тических вариантов, «направленных» собственным значением. Объединен- типа идти – бормоқ и «ненаправлен- ные в рамках одного общего понятия, ных» типа ходить – юрмок, глаголов, лексические значения слов могут быть обладающих компонентом «движе- близки друг другу. Например: чик- ние», с приставками, имеющими зна- мок – выйти и кетмок–уйти, уходить, чение локальной (пространственной) уезжать. Наблюдаются случаи, когда направленности с ГП «ходить». На- лексические значения глаголов могут и пример: кетмоқ – уходить, уезжать, вовсе не иметь друг с другом никаких кирмоқ – входить, въезжать, келмоқ – семантических связей, например: кел- приходить, приезжать. мок- прийти, приехать и ухламок – Ср: 1. Но стоило ей оказаться в тем- спать, юрмок – ходить, идти и уйламок ноте, как все новые и новые мысли – думать. стали приходить в голову одна за дру- В данной статье мы, рассмотрели гой, причем каждая последующая была классификацию семантических при- важней предыдущей. [3,14]. знаков глагольного производного «хо- У зулматда булишига карамай кал- дить» в сопоставляемых языках. Гла- ласига янгидан янги уй хаёллар кела гольное производное (ГП) «ходить» бошлади бир – биридан мухим булган. является каузативным глаголом т.е. 2. Наша махалля с одной стороны глагол активного действия. Осущест- выходит к махалле Тиканли-мазар, с вление компонентов данного глагола другой – к махалле Кургантаги. [2,20] движения зависит от характера внеш- Махалламизнинг бир томони Ти- ней валентности, что используется так конли мозор, бир томони Қўргонтаги. же, как основные особенности для вы- (здесь переводчик пропускает ГП). деления семантических компонентов Мы хорошо знаем, что приставоч- направленности-ненаправленности ное глагольное словообразование в уз- перемещения в пространстве, хотя бекском языке полностью отсутствует. данные анализа внешнего окружения Таким образом, в узбекском языке глаголов движения ещё не дают, на глагольное словообразование от не- наш взгляд, ответа на вопрос, является производных глаголов очень ограни- ли противоположность по направлен- чено, и поэтому значения группы рус- ности-ненаправленности движения ских производных глаголов, образо- свойством внутренней семантической ванных от какого-либо одного непро- структуры сопоставляемых единиц, изводного глагола при помощи или же эта оппозиция основана на раз- различных приставок, передаются по- личии только внешних окружений. узбекски совершенно разными узбек- Для решения этого вопроса, по- скими глаголами или же могут пере-


даваться так называемыми сложными 2. Гулям Г. Озорник. – Ташкент. 1962. – с. 168. 3. Каххар А. Птичка-невеличка. – Таш- глаголами, т.е. словосочетаниями. кент. 1958.- с. 147. В узбекском языке, в отличие от 4. Сильницкий Г.Г. Семантические классы русского языка, каждый глагол движе- глаголов в английском языке. -Смо- ния имеет несколько форм будущего ленск: СГПИ, 1986. времени. 5. Яковлев Н.Ф. Историко-материалисти- ческая лингвистика и грамматика // СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННОЙ Русский язык в школе. – 1930. – № 1. ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ 6. Якубова Х.Я. Практикум по сопостави- 1. Азизов А.А. Сопоставительная грамма- тельной типологии русского и узбек- тика русского и узбекского языков. ского языков. – Ташкент: Укитувчи, Морфология.–Ташкент,1960.- с.134. 1986. – с. 47.


Nasriddinova Manzura, Samarkan state institute of foreign language

Аннотация Цель этой статьи – показать и объяснить орнитологические названия, которые произошли от названий птицу этимологически. Это доказывает доказательствами, как долго они использовались человеком и с чем связаны. Abstract This article’s aim is to show and explain the ornithological names which came from birds’ names etymologically. It proves with evidences how long they have been used by human and related to what. Key words: names, zoology, ornithology, customs etymology, totem, climate, lan- guage.

In every country putting a name to as “Devoni lugotit turk”, “Kutadgu bilik”, new born babies is related to that county’s “Attikhfatuz zakiyatu fillugatit turkey”, history, culture, hope, ambitious, rare Sanglokh”, Mabone ul lugat”,” lison ut – items (fetishism), animals and birds (to- tayr”, “Baburnoma” and “Zarbulmasal”, temism). This article’s purpose is to iden- ornithological names came into existence tify differences and similarities of the a bit later. Nowadays it is possible to find names which are named after birds’ majority of them from names’ dictionary. names. We can call such kinds of this For instance, Burgut(eagel), Lochin( ), names like ornithological names with To’ti(Parrot), kaldirgoch(Swollow), linguistic term. Xo’roz(Rooster), Khumoyun(the symbol Most people can not distinguish be- of peace) and Ukkubola,Qaqnus, So’fi tween ornithology and zoology. However (types of birds). “Khumoyun and other zoology is the scientific study of animals guests were not seen by people when they while ornithology is considered to be the visited”. Uzbek people have less ornitho- scientific study of birds. It is common logical names than others. In English it habit to name people after birds similar to has been already natural, that is why you other nationality. “ Calling people with may come accross such kind of these ornithological names is a custom of our names every day in English society. For people. It is depends on birds and animals example, Crane, Toucan, Parrot, Eagel, which are valued as totems” – said Ernest Wigeon, Howk,Thrush,Loon, Robin, Begmatov. Even though initial aspects of Swift, Swan, Yak, Junglefowl,va Duck. ornithology was related to old books such You can see these names at different

105 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA books, films and net pages. “ Mr Wagel Janet decided to return to England and to was appointed after had been voted by be a lecture in the future. In Scotland Cal- many electors. Now to illuminate the lum( dove), Loa and Lola or Noa(greek: topic more deeply we will take examples dove),Feather is actually names of girls from two languages. In uzbek languages but, it was used as boys’ names at Molsey’s we can be aware of being some names. To novel. Mr Callum’s favorite snack is ice illustrate, “The place of his fivefingers cream, ice cream and ice cream again. become spotted on his shoulder and he Gawoun ( falcon), Gwyland( sea bird), put to her a name like Branwen (a legendary bird) and Robber kaldirgoch(Swollow)”, “After hearding is common for uels. Milikken Rober this word he was saying something to worked on Eynshtein,s Photo-effect many bandmaid Suksur”, “At that time a body of years ago. Sufi was being burnt like Arabian moun- It is important to say that unlike to our tains’ stones”, The football player of “An- custom and tradition. English ornitho- didjan” had a new baby three weeks ago”, logical name existed many centuries ago. “Kumri: O my God… are you still stand- According to history, we can see many ing here, my darling!”. We can show some such kind of these names at literature, his- examples of English names below to iden- tory and other archalogical evidence. For tify clearly. “ Duckwoman, a mother of instance, when you read Sir Thomas Mal- Duckman, rarely spent her time on hav- ory’s “Morted Arthur” you can figure out ing party wish his friends”, “Come, come- the image of Merlin (eagel). He was a said Mr Parrot- I understand your stua- legendary magician of Arthur. Nestory tion. But I thought that it is time to stop (judes: brave bird) He helped Judes to being stupid”. And also I should mention fight with enemies at Trodjor battle. Mod- some names of well-known people. The ern appearance of Nestroy is Nestor. writer of “The emblem of red band” book There is a famous politician in America. is Stephen Crane. Moreover, I can illus- He is different from others with his punc- trate Swan who wrote “Learner English”, tuality. And it is obvious famous captain of Car- To make conclusion, I ought to men- ibbean sea warrors is Sperrow. tion that both of languages has many or- In addition, it is significant to mention nithological names. We can meet a plenty that different from Uzbek naming people of common sides. For example, names of is also related to continental locaton In people’s dictionaries of both languages English. To illustrate, Susan(Sperrow), have names meaning eagle and falcon. Vireo (a green bird which attract others Due to the fact that both countries’ cul- with its singing), Culver and Columba( ture are similar to each other originally. types of doves), Janet or Jonet ( By the way, both of these birds are sup- goose),Circle(greek: Bird) are a lot in En- posed to be symbols of adroitness, power land. Lady Bird Johnson struggled for and strength. There are some differences rights of women, lived from1912 to 2007. that most names are related to their totem

106 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 birds. Illustration, Uzbek people value birds such as gull, jonet, swan and duck. swallow while English population love To shorten every country are detached swan and care for them. Moreover, nam- from others with their own features. For ing people is depend on their locations. this way their customs and traditions are Because of being hot climate Asians kak- shown as important wealth. nus, sufi, suksur (types of birds), Kaldir- Reference goch (Swallow) are possible to meet. In 1. Ernest Begmatov “meaning of uzbek peo- English speaking countries, you know ples’ names”. Tashkent. 1998. that, are stuated on the shore of sea and 2. Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur “Ba- burnoma” Tashkent. 1987. ocean. That is why, you can see many sea 3. Poem “Alpomish” Tashkent. 2007.


Polvanova Mahzuna Farxodovna senior teacher of Uzbek State World Languages University (UzSWLU)

Annotation. This article is dedicated to the role and effectiveness of learning English with usage of specific teaching methods. And in this article we investigated the compatibil- ity of the concept of foreign language environment that helps individuals and groups be- come more effective in work to introduce ways of presenting theoretical view with practi- cal part and construct a good lexical base for the learners who study English for improv- ing communicative competence. Also in this work we demonstrate the findings which can improve to work on teaching foreign languages through “Give One, Get One”, “One- Sentence Summary” and “Three-Step Interview” techniques in the context based learning. Key words: Effectiveness, teaching methods, lexical base, communicative compe- tence, improve, compatibility, classroom activity, environment;

РОЛЬ И ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА НА БАЗЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫХ МЕТОДОВ ОБУЧЕНИЯ Полванова Махзуна Фархадовна старший преподаватель Уз ГУМЯ Аннотация. Эта статья посвящена роли и эффективности изучения ан- глийского языка с использованием современных методов обучения. И в этой ста- тье мы исследовали совместимость концепции среды иностранного языка, кото- рая помогает отдельным людям и группам стать более эффективными в рабо- те, чтобы внедрить способы теоретического представления с практической стороны и построить хорошую лексическую базу и развитии коммуникативную компетенцию для учащихся, изучающих английского языка. Также в этой работе мы рассматриваем результаты, которые могут улучшить работу по обучению иностранным языкам с помощью методов “Give One, Get One”,“One-Sentence Summary” и“Three-Step Interview” на основе контекста. Ключевые слова: Эффективность, методы обучения, лексическая база, ком- муникация, компетенция, улучшение, совместимость, классные упражнение;

Methods of foreign language teaching We have chosen this topic for two impor- as a science deals with teaching method- tant reasons, to determine practical strat- ology that helps language practitioner egies to foster the use of English in a real make learners acquire the target language. context, and to develop language compe-

108 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 tence with applying new activities to im- of complementary methods instead of us- prove communication in an EFL class- ing one. According to my professional room. Concerning the methods and tech- experience I always think about the new niques used in this approach, they are ways of teaching and learning theoretical several and various; teachers use them to knowledge to the given topic and how to approve their classroom practices as well make more effective and interesting my as their students’ communicative abilities. classes which is connected to the seminar The second aim of the study is to explore work. During the lecture the instructor the understandings and attitudes of EFL tells, explains describes or relates what- teachers in adopting such new interactive ever information and learners try to get methods in their classroom practices in them through listening and understand- order to better understand the appropri- ing. In this case, the instructor is very ac- ateness and effectiveness of communica- tive that’s way to be effective in promoting tive activities in their classroom teaching learning, we must involve the lecture with practice. some discussion, where we may ask ques- As we know currently there are some tion in order to check the students com- modern methods of teaching which can prehension. In contrast, on seminars be grouped into some types. These are work our learners are learner-centered teacher-centered methods, learner-cen- and should be very active. tered methods, content-focused methods As a teacher I expect from my student and interactive methods. It is however much more. Unfortunately, not all of important to note that the choice of any them try to participate and give the re- form of methods should not be judged, sponse to the question. So, in order to but needs to be ruled or controlled by avoid of such passive activity of learners some criteria which can help us for clari- the teacher should use the following fication. Learning language is pointed on methods of teaching on practice work or creating the natural environment for classes. As I mentioned, there are a num- communication. Traditionally, teachers ber of different methods as well as varia- have used the Whole-class Question-An- tions among them. This variety is neces- swer structure in classes. This kind of sary because the methods have different techniques gives the students little oppor- functions or domain of usefulness. To tunity to interact in class. Some other illustrate, let’s see some sample of teach- teachers have also used Pair work exten- ing ways or techniques, “Give one, Get sively, particularly for practicing dia- one”, and “One-Sentence Summary”. In logues or conversations presented in the Get one, Give one, each students fold a text. Pair work does have a place in the piece of paper in half and write “Give EFL classroom, but it does not provide a One” on one side and “Get One” on the fully cooperative atmosphere in which the other side working in seminars learners whole class work together to gain fluent on the “Give One” side as them to write speech. Therefore, I could suggest the use one or two questions from today’s mate-

109 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA rial. Then, they stand up and find a part- techniques, he or she can design lessons ner. Each students shares own idea from with positive outcomes. their “Give One” side of the paper and Moreover, the usage of multitech- writes down one idea on the “Get One” niques in class teacher can proficiently side of the paper. This process may con- move in and out of them as need to reach tinue with finding a new partner until certain learning objectives. Such multi- this “Get One” side of paper is full of new structure lesson might begin with con- ideas. The next methods we may use for tent-related class building using Line-up, the checking the knowledge of the stu- or team building using Round Table. The dents to the given topic materials with lesson might then move into direct in- the help of “One-Sentence Summary”, struction, followed by partners for infor- students illustrate an abstract concept or mation input and to check for compre- idea after the explanation in order to hension the key concepts, the teacher compare their summary they may go would shift into another one. Usage around the room or prepare the posters structure or method individually isn’t ef- for clear up the points with one sentence. ficient for all objectives, so the most ef- One more structure can be also appro- ficient way of reaching all objectives of a priate to those methods which are men- lesson making multistructural lesson. tioned above is “Three-Step Interview” “Give One”, “Get One” or “One-Sentence or “Harvesting”. Each person or learner Summary” methods of teaching devel- must produce and receive the informa- oped to encourage student participation tion related to the topic with using L2. in the classroom. Such methods are sim- There is individual responsibility for lis- ple to learn and applicable across all tening, because in the third step each levels, disciplines and group sizes. In student shares what he or she has heard, some cases students can facilitate the and for the first two steps, students inter- process themselves. act or communicate in pairs, so one-half At the same time each method is not of the class is involved in language pro- full-proof, but it has own advantages duction at any one tame. And with “Har- and disadvantages. As we have already vesting” learners have good opportunity know the fruitfulness of using these to reflect on “what” they learned These methods are allow almost every one to methods of leaching Get one, Give one, express an opinion. While they are dis- One-Sentence Summary and There-step cussing, participants are able to ex- Interview are for better for developing change ideas and draw on their wide language and listening skills as well as collective experience. It may provide a providing equal participation during the good opportunity for learners to reflect whole session or seminar work rather on the content of a lecture or seminar than Group Discussion or Pair work it- work. A good lesson will generate many self. When the teacher is aware of the ideas, comments and opinion, the most effects of different teaching methods or important of which will be reported

110 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 back. One main obstacle using such References: methods lay on highly competent in- 1. Clark, D. F. and Nation, I. Guessing the Meaning of Words from Context: struction, the time required, the need 2. Strategy and Techniques.-Birmingham: for leaders within each sub-group need Department of English, Birmingham Uni- to have tables and chairs arranged for versity,1995 quick and easy discussion. Nevertheless 3. Larson, M.L. Meaning Based Translation: teacher can cope with these difficulties A Guide to Cross Language Equivalence. London and New York: University Press of and conduct the lesson effectively. America. 2006. In conclusion, we want to say that us- 4. LunguBadea, G., Dictionnary of terms ing such interactive methods involves all employed in the theory, practice and di- the learners into active work and forms of dactics of translation. Timisoara: Editura motivation. They can be effectively used Orizonturi Universitare, 2003. in improving their speech, other language 5. Lakoff G. The contemporary view of meta- phor. In Metaphor and Thought. Anthony skills and creates favorable conditions for Ortony (ed.)., 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cam- cooperative work. bridge University Press. 1994.


Isoqov Sobirjon Nam SU, social-economical faculty, history department

Annotation: In this article early information was gathered which belongs ancient cities and coun- tries in Asian roads and trade centre in Europe. As such, some opinion of travelers about ancient trade and trade centre in Asia. They wrote manuscripts during their adventures and this manuscripts had a lot of precious information. Key words: Pegolotti, Marco Polo, Tana( Azov), Urgench, Asia, Europe, trade, trade centre, The Great , Golden Horde, Mongolia, Mongol king of Khubilai, Uzbekistan, traveler, ancient cities in Asia.

Everyone should know its own history weinformation. After that, the historical in order to perfectly know its origin and facts was gathered about the forming realize themselves. “there will not be the history of the Uzbek, government tradi- future of the nation who does not know tions, and the khanates that existed till its own history, and who forgets the previ- Russian aggression in the area of our ous day”1. In fact, history plays a main country, and several textbooks and man- role to create perfect and truly spiritual uals were created. It was relied on a lot of personnels. archaeological memories and keepsakes, Our Motherland has a great and glo- historical works written of that time, rious history. But this history was tourists and traders recollections. changed, and was wrongly considered in The great Silk Road also played a the period of the dependence system, the main role to collect information about names of our great ancestors were slan- our country in western European coun- dered, the sacred places were ignored ties and Far East countries, because this and stranded. Particularly, Amir Timur trade road connected the west and the was a great sovereign and statesman, was east on culture and economics for ap- called as “Timurlane”- “Timur the lame”, proximately eighteen centuries. Exactly in the soviet historical literatures. It is our country – Uzbekistan is situated in possible to give more examples, yet it the crossroads of the Great Silk Road. doesn’t matter, having achieved inde- Our first president Islam Karimov said pendence, historical truth appeared, the about it “Historically, the present area of sacred names of our great ancestors Uzbekistan was a place that ancient trade roads (The Great Silk Road) connected. 1 Karimov I.A. Yuksak ma’naviyat – yengilmas kuch. – T.: Ma’naviyat,2008. – B.4. It happened lively connections and the

112 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 enriching process of different cultures chand Handbook”.4 And he wrote that he one another.” 2 had been to Golden Horde in 1340 and Trade caravans and traders delivered dealt with trade business there. The book not only priceless goods, but also valuable above was firstly printed in 18th century information with them from a place to by taking a copy of the manuscript which other ones. In this way, historical facts was copied in 1471. Later on, it was were gradually gathered. Apart from this, printed several times during 1916-1936 in ambassadorship relationships and trade London. served as the basis for the collection of It was reflected historical information information about Asian counties. For related to Pegolotti’s activity in this book. example, Venetian trader, Marco Polo There are ones about Urgench among this traveled to Mongolia and the far East for information: From Saracanco to Organci 25years in the 13th century. He described [Urgench, on the lower Amu Darya R.] his adventures during his travel in the may be twenty days journey in camel- book “Marco Polo”. In this novel the social waggon. It will be well for anyone travel- and economic life of China and Far East ling with merchandize to go to Organci, from 1271 to 1295 is described. He for in that city there is a ready sale for worked in the castle of Mongolian king goods. From Organci to Oltrarre (Otrar, Hubilai for 17 years and collected valua- in today’s Kazakhstan) is thirty-five to ble date about this country and they were forty days in camel-waggons. But if when printed in Europe. you leave Saracanco you go direct to Ol- Another Florencian traveler and trad- trarre, it is a journey of fifty days only, and er Franchesko Balduchchi Pegolotti was if you have no merchandize it will be bet- in Urgench in 1340. In his memories he ter to go this way than to go by Organci.”5 wrote: “ It doesn’t matter to enter the in- It is clear by the information above side of Asia.” Because it is possible to buy that Urgench was totally convenient for all of the necessary things for European merchants. The distances between trade markets from Urgench – the centre of roads and cities were clearly noted. Apart Khorasm. Whoever wants to travel here from this, it was noted what kind of prod- and China from Venetsia and Genua, let it ucts of Asia are in demand in the cities of take cloth and come to Urgench. And let Europe and the names of products which it go to China by exchanging the cloth were exported from these areas. For in- with silver.”3 stance, many kinds of fur, silk cloth, and F. Pegolotti told that he had been to cumins were highly valued in Constan- Antwerpen in 1315, to London in 1317, to tinople. There are so many products like Cyprus in 1324 – 1327 and 1330 on trade these. The Middle Age cities in the area of business in his book “Pegolotties Mer- our country had trade- economic and

2 Каримов И.А. Узбекистоннинѓ уз́ истиклол 4 Allen Evans.Pegolotti’s Merchant Handsbook. ва тараккиёт йули. –́ Т.: Узбекистон,́ 1992.- Б.42. (Cambridge,Ma., 1936). Page 1. 3 Хенниг Р. Неведомъе земли. Т.1. – М.,1962. – 5 Allen Evans.Pegolotti’s Merchant Handsbook. С. 211. (Cambridge,Ma., 1936). Page 3.

113 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA cultural relationship with many cities rope during 14th and 15th centuries on the which were located in the area of Russia travelers and trades. They were the maps by than north branch of the Great Silk “Catalon” (1375) and “Fra Mauro” (1459). Road. For example, they had trade rela- It was a bit easy to learn this continent tionship with Tana (Azov, at the mouth of and conduct trade relationship by these the Don R.) Gintarchan (Astrakhan, at maps. the mouth of the Volga R.)cities were So, it was gathered early information given Pegolotti’s manuscript. he worked about our Motherland in Europe and it in Bardi Trade Company of Florece. He was printed in different languages. traveled to the east areas of Asia, products Used books: for European markets. Therefore in his 1. Karimov I.A. Yuksak ma’naviyat – yengil- memories he gave information about the mas kuch. – T.: Ma’naviyat,2008. cities and trade roads which he had been 2. Каримов И.А. У́збекистоннинг у́з to. As we said above, the distances, among истиклол ва тараккиёт йу́ли. – Т.: ́ cities were also noted clearly, afterwards a Узбекистон, 1992. 3. Allen Evans.Pegolotti’s Merchant Hands- lot of novelties were created in Europe by book.( Cambridge,Ma., 1936). this information. For instance, the first 4. Хенниг Р. Неведомъе земли. Т.1. – maps of Central Asia were made in Eu- М.,1962. – С. 211.


Sagdullayeva Gulmira, Methodist of Educational administration of Navai region, Uzbekistan

We can outline several reasons for accessories for their textbooks, such as producing digital learning material, in- CDROMs and web pages or combinations cluding the following: thereof. These accessories also serve the 1. facilitating instruction goal of enriching instruction. Even now 2. enriching instruction by using mod- the most active teachers already use elec- ern media tronic encyclopedias, language CD- 3. improving remedial teaching ROMs and simulation games. 4. producing and distributing learning Remedial teaching. Creating effective material more economically remedial teaching material which would 5. developing the quality of learning truly help in problem cases is more diffi- material and cult problem that calls for a significant 6. developing new teaching methods. development effort from those who are Facilitating the work of teachers. able to utilize the results of basic research, Most of the different phases of teaching use the methods offered by digital media work can be significantly eased by using and carry out applied research with teach- information technology, but only if equip- ing methods. The results of many studies ment and digital learning materials are indicate that remedial teaching is one of easily accessible and teachers are equipped the areas where the use of digital learning with sufficient ICT skills. One of the main material enhances learning outcomes. areas of competition between textbook Software will not necessarily meet all the publishers has been in easing the work- challenges autonomous learners will face load of teachers. this has manifested itself in the future, but it might have a crucial in the production of teacher’s manuals, influence with respect to subjects where exercise books and overhead presenta- gaps in basic skills and knowledge would tions. The web pages of textbook publish- otherwise put an end to learner’s mean- ers already contain many links to servers ingful progress. which support teaching. Economically efficient production The marketing of textbooks in the fu- and distribution. Investments in digital ture will focus on utilizing electronic learning material should also be made communities. These communities will because this material offers more efficient also ease the workload of teachers. The production and distribution methods. pace of development will depend on the Education is experiencing a budget crisis, extent to which teachers use information and all means for keeping costs down technology tools. The publishers of learn- should be exploited. Even though learn- ing material will increasingly offer digital ing material costs make up only a very

115 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA small proportion of the total costs of edu- tion. Here the starting point has been the cation, it is important to look for ways of relatively widely adopted view that basic saving money in this area as well. In par- education is no longer capable of provid- ticular, the production and distribution in ing students with knowledge and skills a digital format of material with a limited which suffice for their entire lifetime. As distribution would certainly bring sav- learning will continue throughout peo- ings. Publishers are likewise ready to ple’s lives, the importance of self-directed move into network distribution of small learning will be emphasized. distribution items such as teacher’s manu- According to this view, education als, overhead transparency sets and other should first and foremost help students to support products. become independent learners, with the Developing the quality of learning transmission of knowledge being of only material. Digital learning material can be secondary importance. A related idea is used to do many things which cannot be that the nature of knowledge itself is done at all with other formats. Material changing. With respect to an increasing which is authentic in a new way can be number of issues we must resort to prob- brought to students, and learning materi- lem solving under uncertain circum- al can offer several perspectives on phe- stances. Studying should provide people nomena and thus adapt to various learn- with the skills to formulate questions and ing styles. By simulating phenomena, find information in situations where no- learners can be offered an opportunity to body is able to provide ready answers. interact actively with the information. REFERENCES Improving the quality of learning materi- 1. Bangert-Downs, R.L. Effectiveness of al is an area of international applied re- computer-based education in secondary search and development (and Finland schools. N.Y. 1985. pp.59-68. participate in it as it does in other interna- 2. Negroponte, N. Being digital. New York. tional research activities). 1995. 3. Pelgrum, W.J. The educational potential of Developing new teaching methods. new information technologies. Helsinki: The use of ICT in instruction has also SITRA 180. 1998. been as an important means for creating 4. Sinko M., Lehtinen E. The challenges of new approaches within the field of educa- ICT. Finland. 1999. pp.195-199.


Salomova Sh. Student Scientific superviser M.Kh.Khakimova, UZSWLU Annotation: This article is devoted to the vital role of 3D learning in education sys- tem, especially in the branch of English language teaching and learning. It also informs learning process of English language and its vast effect in global communication. Further- more, this article motivates learners due to usage of 3D learning and fosters the acquisi- tion of twenty-first century abilities among students. Key words: 3D learning, ICT, tech-device, Wi-Fi, application, innovative technolo- gies, Internet, education system, teaching process. Аннотация: Эта статья посвящается важной роли 3D обучении в образовательной системе особенно в обучении и преподовании английского языка. Оно так же развивает учебный процесс английского языка и имеет огромное влияние в глобальной коммуникации. Более того, эта статья побуждает обучающих использовать 3D систему обучения и способствовать овладению возможностями двадцать первого века среди студентов. Ключевые слова: 3D обучение, информационная компютерная технология, технические приспособления, вай-фай, применение,инновационные технологии, интернет, система образования, процесс обучения.

Currently, the status of English is as- and up-to-date innovative technologies sessed as it has become the language of has a significant role. social context, business, education, in- It is obvious that over the last few dec- dustries, political, media, library, com- ades growth in information and commu- munication across borders, and key nications technologies (ICT) is discerning subject in Curriculum and the language all over the globe. However, one of these of imparting education. With the spread technologies, 3D Learning, has been gain- and development of English over the ing a tremendous grand on the frequent world, English has been learned and usage of its gadgets in the classrooms for utilized by more and more people. Sci- educational purposes as well as its other entists define English as the language at potentials to consume. So far, it has the leading edge of scientific and tech- changed and revolutionized the world of nological development, new thinking in language learning and teaching from economies and management, new liter- worst to best, not with standing it is solely atures and entertainment genre. Learn- about a decade from its released day into ing this language with new methods public. In our today’s world, it is vitally

117 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA momentous for educators to handle stu- better tools for creating and delivering dents with access to the tech that tend to effective speeches in front of the audience be part of their upcoming world, both in and there are many fascinating apps have profound learning experiences and at been releasing for tablets that welcome to work. Therefore, educators are required utilize to integrate documents, Power to be cognizant concerning the crucial point like slide shows, videos, pictures role that digital technologies have in and as well as customize apps onto pres- classroom instruction. And it is believed entations. Students have the scope to do that as well as assisting and ameliorating live-time drawing, writing, animating and students’ learning, they can be beneficial showing interactive experiences. Since to have a good perceiving of technologi- students circle, outline and note in neces- cal, mobile gadgets since they could be sary points while their presentations, flex- utilized as tool to broaden teaching. 3D ibility will be of some help for them. Learning is the innovative technology 4. 3D Learning Environment makes that can revolutionize the classrooms dif- students or learners to amplify their im- ferently together with Wi-Fi equipped agination and out-looking. 3D Learning campuses. Here are some of them: Environment can easily print the data out. 1. Widely used textbooks and hand- We should teach one of the biggest mis- outs are claimed as costly and waste of takes that we make is having a replace- paper. So, replaces on these sources use ment traditional educating with the in- involving dated data are the easy way of novative 3D Learning Environment in the utilizing 3D Learning Environment to classrooms. What needs to be taken into update information frequently without account is the 3D Learning Environment any headaches of recent textbooks pur- is a teaching tool; we are unable to execute chasing and including waste of time. Ini- the role of a physical supervisor. So, basi- tially, although 3D Learning Environ- cally it is an appropriate use of item when ment might seem as though they are we guide individuals towards their precious, but taking into account the achievements of the eventual targets. If we cost and time, one can realize that how tend to consume 3D Learning Environ- fast they pay back. ment in our school, giving instructions 2. Students are to handle Audio and for utilizing the equipment should not be Video materials rather than educators. missed. So, it is vitally essential to instruct Since they themselves will be in charge of them concerning utilization of the gadget playing the materials, they tend to decide amongst learners for their efficient pur- how long to listen, when to pause, when poses. In order for students to broaden to reply and as well where to focus their their knowledge horizons they should not listening while the material. constantly share information with their 3. It is clear that public speaking is vi- peers at home, but extension by putting tally important skill. Therefore, 3D Learn- their stuff online publicly or for other ing Environment is the best way to make classmates is considered as a better route.


5. With the help of Wi-Fi connections developed technology, many find neces- and web pages, students are highly likely sity in the usage of updated kits for their being able to download, upload, share or benefits. It is believed that potential im- collaborate. pacts of the 3D Learning Environment 6. An instant access to the web will be use being perceived in education nowa- provided in order for doing some re- days, what might be achievements in the searches or access to the library of institu- following years, and especially, the effect tions’ digital collections. on educators who teach languages and 7. The 3D Learning Environment is also institutions including different age the mainly presentation gadgets and are groups. In conclusion, 3D Learning Envi- connected to large displays and projection ronment plays a great role to overcome systems. Although computers are good classroom shortages and conundrums in equipment in terms of delivering the which students might find hard to cope classroom lessons, yet it is believed that with and are the apt tech-devices to use 3D Learning Environment is outnumber them in the classrooms in order for learn- many advantageous over PCs for utilizing ing to be enhanced. them in education. References: 8. Since computer use plays an impor- 1. Hayes-Roth and Van Gent In Proceedings of tant role in our today’s life with its in- the First International Conference on Auton- crease in computer production and com- omous Agents, Los Angeles CA (1997) 1-75 2. Barone, D., & Wright, T. (2008). Literacy mon everyday uses, students should have instruction with digital and media tech- early preparations with the skills that will nologies. Retrieved on November 20, be of some aid for their benefit. There- 2016 from Literacy and Technologies: fore, having 3D Learning Environment 3. Foltos Les. Language Learning Strategies; per individual ensures that they are to What Every Teacher Should Know?. Paris: “Heinle Publishers”, 2009. P-12. have crucial computer regarding skills 4. / needed for the future occupations. blog/How-3D Learning-in-the-Class- As we are dwelling in the century of room-Enhance-Learning

119 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH: SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES. Teacher: NurmatovaManzuraRahimberganovna (UrSU, Philology faculty, Uzbekistan) Student: AlievaSurayyoOzodboevna (UrSU, Philology faculty, Uzbekistan)

Abstract: This article is devoted to similarities and differences between language and speevh. There are expressed the principles and significance of language and speech in teaching English in the given article. Key words: language, speech, foreign language teaching, reading skill, effective reading, principles and sequences.

Language and speech has been asig- rules, and they are compiled and used nificant linguisticsphenomenon. The re- according to those rules for communica- lationship between language and speech tion. Languages can be not only written, has been investigated by different schol- but sometimes some languages are based ars.Language is considered to be a system on signs only. These are called sign lan- of symbols whereby we can communicate guages. In other cases, some particular our thoughts and emotions to others and codes are used for computers, etc. which at the same time understand others. Thus are called computer languages or pro- language is a means of human communi- gramming. cation. Characteristic features of language Language has four different rules which are the high degree of abstraction and, are shared socially. First, what a word related to this, the stability, wide combin- means, the meaning of the words which is ability, high degree of internal organiza- called vocabulary; second, how to make up tion and orderedness of its elements, to new words; third, how to put the words mention only the most important ones. together in a sequence and, finally, how to Language is essentially a general human use the sentence in a particular situation. semiotic system.One of the dictionary Does it need to be a statement, or does it meanings of language is the communica- need to be interrogative, etc. tion of feelings and thoughts through a Language can be either receptive, system of particular signals, like sounds, meaning understanding of a language, voice, written symbols, and gestures. It is and expressive language, which means the considered to be a very specialized capac- usage of the language either orally or in ity of humans where they use complex writing. If we simplify everything, lan- systems for communication. The study of guage expresses an idea communicated in languages is called linguistics. the message. There are many languages spoken to- The most obvious aspect of language day by humans. Languages have some is speech. Speech is not essential to the

120 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 definition of an infinitely productive things: articulation/phonological communication system, such as is con- skills, speech fluency and voice. We are stituted by a language. But, in fact, looking at a child’s ability to: speech is the universal material of most Physically produce the individual human language, and the conditions of sounds and sound patterns of his/her lan- speaking and hearing have, throughout guage (Articulation). human history, shaped and determined Produce speech with appropriate its development. The study of the anato- rhythm, and free of Stuttering behavior. my, physiology, neurology, and acous- Produce speech with an appropri- tics of speaking is called phonetics; this ate vocal quality for his/her age and sex subject is dealt with further below Ar- While speech involves the physical ticulatory phonetics relates to the physi- motor ability to talk, language is a sym- ology of speech, and acoustic phonetics bolic, rule governed system used to con- relates to the physics of sound waves: vey a message. In English, the symbols their transmission and reception.One of can be words, either spoken or written. the dictionary meanings of speech is the We also have gestural symbols, like shrug- act of expressing or the faculty of de- ging our shoulders to indicate “I don’t scribing feelings and thoughts or percep- know” or waving to indicate “Bye Bye” or tions by words, something spoken or the raising of our eye brows to indicate vocal communication. It is a specifically that we are surprised by something. human capacity to communicate verbal- According to ASHA, the American ly or vocally with the use of syntactic Speech Language Hearing Association, combinations from diverse vocabularies. defines language: Language is made up of Each word spoken has a phonetic combi- socially shared rules that include the fol- nation of certain sound units. Speech is lowing: created by vocabularies, syntax, and a set What words mean (e.g., “star” can re- of sound units. It is the verbal way of fer to a bright object in the night sky or a communicating. The following compo- celebrity) nents are a part of speech: How to make new words (e.g., friend, Articulation, which means the way friendly, unfriendly) speech sounds are produced. How to put words together (e.g., “Peg Voice, the breathing process and the walked to the new store” rather than “Peg vocal folds used to produce sounds. walk store new”) Fluency, the rhythm required to speak What word combinations are best in without hesitation. what situations (“Would you mind mov- Simplifying the whole concept, speech ing your foot?” could quickly change to expresses how a spoken message needs to “Get off my foot, please!” if the first re- be communicated quest did not produce results). When we linguists refer to the Some of these “rule” systems that gov- term speech we are referring to three ern a language can include syntax, seman-

121 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA tics, phonology, morphology, and prag- which use codes while speech is a single matics. concept. It is the physical process used to In conclusion, we can summarize all ide- verbalize language. as about language and speech as followings: 3.Languages express the idea that 1.Language is the communication of needs to be communicated while feelings and thoughts through a system of speech is the process which shows particular signals like sounds, voice, writ- how the message needs to be commu- ten symbols, and gestures. However, nicated speech is the act of expressing or the fac- ulty of describing feelings and thoughts or References: 1. “Journal Titles Ranked by Impact Fac- perceptions by words, something spoken tor”. 2016 Journal Citation Reports. Web of or vocal communication. Science (Sciences ed.). ThomsonReuters. 2017. 2.Languages could be human languag- 2. “A Theory of Language, Speech, and Writ- es, sign languages, or computer languages ing” David W. Reed


Teacher: Nurmatova Manzura Rahimberganovna (Philology faculty, English language and literature department) Student: Sabirova SevaraRustamovna (Philology faculty,English language and literature department 164-group) Student: Otanazarova Sabohat Dadaboyqizi (Philology faculty,English language and literature department 164-group)

Annotation. AS technology is developing sharply, it also effects teaching and learning process Nowadays each school, college or university has their ICT rooms which has all facilities to teach and to learn languages. So that it is very important to master consep- tions of using and teaching new technologies in language learning.Wikis are the most helpful because they not only help teach and learn languages,it also develops learners and teachers’ Ict abilities. In this article we want to reveal the significance of wikis in language learning and we share our recommendations to teachers. Key words: Ict, wiki, website, ability, language, pedagogical significance Abstract The history of wikis is generally dated from 1994, when Ward Cunningham gave the name “WikiWikiWeb» to the knowledge base, which ran on his company›s website at, and the wiki software that powered it. thus became the first true wiki, or a website with pages and links that can be easily edited via the browser, with a reliable version history for each page. He chose «WikiWikiWeb» as the name based on his memo- ries of the «Wiki Wiki Shuttle» at Honolulu International Airport, and because «wiki» is the Hawaiianword for «quick».[1]

Wiki software has some conceptual facilitate communication between soft- origins in the version control and hyper- ware developers. text systems used for documentation and Many alternative wiki applications and software in the 1980s, and some websites appeared over the next five years. actualized origins in the 1970s “Journal” In the meantime, the first wiki, now feature of NLS. Its distant ancestors in- known as «WardsWiki», evolved as fea- clude Vannevar Bush›s proposed «me- tures were added to the software and as mex» system in 1945, the collaborative the growing body of users developed a hypertext database ZOG in 1972, the No- unique «wiki culture». By 2000, Ward- teCards system from Xerox, the Ap- sWiki had developed a great deal of con- ple hypertext system HyperCard. As was tent outside its original stated purpose, typical of these earlier systems, which led to the spinoff of content into Cunningham›s motive was technical: to sister sites, most notably MeatballWiki.


The website Wikipedia, a free content time and space, via easily accessible on- encyclopedia, was launched in January line spaces. 2001, and quickly became the most popular 2) They offer authentic writing prac- wiki, which it remains to this day. Its tice. meteoric rise in popularity played a large 3) They allow students to be actively part in introducing wikis to the general engaged in reading and writing: correct- public. There now exist at least hundreds ing, editing, and up-dating. of thousands of wiki websites, and they 4) They teach students the skills of col- have become increasingly prevalent in laboration alongside language skills. corporations and other organizations.[ 5) They present the student writers Practical suggestions of using wikis with a ready audience and critics. in language learning classroom. 6) They are flexible enough to incor- Wikis are appropriate programs to porate multi-media content without clog- practice of constructivist teaching and ging up your email. learning. Basically, if you consider 7) They can potentially be shared with thatlearners master better by actively par- a wider audience and made public 8) ticipating in the language learning pro- Most students will already know at least cess, creating their own “theories” about one wiki for example “Wikipedia”. how language works, and practising lan- 9) Wikis can help students become guage in collaboration with others who better organised because they can store are their peers, then wikis are the helpful their work in folders. tools you cannot neglect. Wikis fit in and In addition, wikis can also support support this kind of collaborative learn- teachers in their classroom management. ing as they allow users to increase their Of course, wikis are more suitable for own rough version of a text which can some tasks and pedagogies than for oth- then be updated and edited by others. ers. To find out more about suitable tasks, Writing becomes a collaborative process, go to section D below. and every contributor becomes at once a We want to give you pedagogical con- critic of other entries, an author or co- siderations which provides details on the author and a reader. Checking, correcting following points: and up-dating the wiki entries can be a What do teachers need to keep in potentially valuable way of learning to mind when they are using wikis in the write in a foreign language, with help and classroom. support from peers rather than solely Wikis mostly fits in reading and writ- from the teacher ing. They are less useful in teaching and In addition to that, according to practicing listening. Because most wikis DOTC there are a few good reasons for focus on writingskill, students need to al- using wikis in language teaching: ready have a minimum level in the L2 and 1) They are quick and simple to use can produce some words, phrases, or and allow collaboration, independently of sentences.


Now we explore some pedagogical is- successful wikis which we have used and sues such as benefits and drawbacks of wikis succeed in using them in our classroom. Benefits: Wikis are suitable for … Step 1: Show students an example of a • group work successful wiki to motivate them. • telecollaboration Step 2: Allow students to choose their • students working on their own or own tasks, agreed upon collaboratively, in independently order to stimulate and maintain their in- Wikis can support … terest. • motivation Step 3: Seedcorn the wiki. Writing on • group cohesion an empty page is always difficult, so start • reflective learning the wiki yourself with a short entry or a • “ownership” of content set of linked pages. Drawbacks: Wikis are less suitable for … Step 4: Set clear guidelines and time • beginners because of lack of vocabu- limits for all tasks but allow the wiki to lary. stay open even after the tasks are officially • competitive groups Wikis can be completed. used for … Step 5: During the wiki task phase, • assessed work as it is difficult toi- check regularly to prevent excess correc- dentifyauthor through history func- tions and “wiki-wars”.In that two students tion. or two groups may be fighting about edit- • authentic authorship.Because real ing and reverting to previous versions. Wikipedia entries – only for quite Step 6: Comment on the wiki entries. advanced learners) and encourage writing, editing and link- E. Teachers need some practical sugges- ing. Step 7: Celebrate the completion of a tions for using wikis in the classroom.Here task, e.g. by publishing the wiki content to are some tips from experienced wiki users. another class or group, inviting their The basics: comments. • make sure all students know how to In conclusion we can say that wikis are access the wiki the important tools in using language • explain the principle of “collective classroom as they not only create oppor- knowledge”, for instance the sum of all tunity to learn and practice language but contributions will make a better wiki also it gives opportunity to edit and help • set ground rules but also allow crea- other peers by sharing ideas.They can tivity broaden their outlook and also develop • explain that editing a wiki is not their IT skills. Morever classes of the about “correcting” somebody else’s teachers who use wikis are more interest- work ing and successful that learners are more We want to share seven steps towards respectfull.



Gulzira Kdirbaeva PhD, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Gulnaz Ajimuratova Student, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute

Annotation: The field of this paper research is the Karakalpak linguaculture which is paradigmatic issue and the continuation of psychological-ethnic reality. It was done sev- eral types of analyses of concept “adam” in this paper, which referred to the method of enriching materials and definitions in the Karakalpak lingua picture of the world. As the result of these investigations we may say that “adam” (man) has his own meaning, status and place in all cultures; he is taken as the starting point of all issues, as social, law, reli- gious, moral. Key words: language awareness, language units, periphery, linguoculture, ethno- culture, national picture of the world. Аннотация: Область настоящего исследования – каракалпакская лингвокультура, которая является проблемой антропоцентрической парадигмы и продолжением психолого-этнической реальности. В этой статье было сделано несколько видов анализа вербализаторов концептосферы «адам», в котором упоминался метод обогащения материалами толкового словаря и определений в каракалпакской языковой картине мира. В результате этих исследований мы можем сказать, что «Адам» (человек) имеет свое собственное значение, статус и место во всех культурах; он понимается как основное понятие всех вопросов, как социальных, правовых, религиозных, моральных. Ключевые слова: языковая осведомленность, языковые единицы, периферия, лингвокультурология, этнокультура, национальная картина мира

The possibility of the language use units: lexical, phraseological units, prov- exactly at comparable research of a num- erbs, artistic and sacral texts, that allowed ber of other cultural concepts appears to to the author to reduce the row of concep- us especially valuable. Absolute dignity of tual signs of concept and character, define work is bringing in of rich language mate- the nominations of concept, and also to rial. So, an author was not limited to re- set the row of concept forming conceptu- search of verbalization of concept at some al-sphere “adam”. It testifies to the de- separate language level, and did stage-by- tailed and careful work done by an author, stage work, studying her representation of and provides authenticity and validity of material of different leveled language the got results.


Judging on the abstract of the work, tions links people and communities to- particular interest causes, research of the gether in some sort of reciprocally benefi- vivid making structure of the conceptu- cial association that forms societies. Thus al – sphere of material on the types of “adam” (man) is a conceptual-sphere that different texts, those allowed to the au- deserves attention. The mankind never thor to reduce the different types of cog- existed isolated: every man had his sur- nitive metaphors, and also to set the ad- rounding, and defined the relationships ditional row of cultural concepts entering with those who surrounded him. From in studying conceptual-sphere. Such go- the ancient times, since our early ances- ing near the study of the language phe- tors inhabited the Earth, there appeared nomena appears very interesting. Think, such realia as family, love, friendship, ha- that this approach can also can be used tred, etc. which served as the differentiat- and in the analysis of the stylistic phe- ing notions for the feelings and attitude to nomena, as facilities of creation of vivid- certain men or societies. The study of ness in the text. Large interest is presented such reality as friendship involves the also by divisions, in that an author study study of the culture of the defined society, verbalization of concept in sacral texts be- which includes the investigation of men- ing to date the least studied object of re- tal processes (i.e. psychology, philoso- search. Bringing in such of language ma- phy), folklore, literature, mass media, reli- terial pulls out the very thorny problem of gion, etc. co-operation of language and religion and The given article deals with proverbs requires from the researcher of not only with concept “man/adam” representing linguistic but also theology cognitions. English and Karakalpak national picture «In different civilizations and in all of the world. Materials of the article were centuries concept good and bad conceives classified on thematic groups and investi- differently not like positive and negative gated their zoonimic components with features. Some societies thinks that both concept “man/adam”. of them includes into one individual For example: group, even for this features there are one Every bird likes its own nest//Baka ku- general point of view, good and bad marks linde, khar kim tiwgan elinde (Frog in its enter into meaning of the phraseological pool, each person could live on mother- structure» (Sokolova, 2004, p. 39). We land); agree with Sokolova’s point, from gath- The biggest building is in the most dan- ered English and Karakalpak examples, ger of falling//Tuyenin ulkeni kopirde tay- which represented morality showed indi- ak jeydi (Elder camel guilty on the bridge). viduality, and in some cases general char- In these proverbs we draw your atten- acteristics. tion on lexis «bird», «the biggest build- “Adam” (man) is a frequently-used ing», «baka» (frog), «tuye» (camel). In word but it is difficult to define it clearly. each language they are the names of ani- “Adam” (man) in its various configura- mals and things and at the same time they

127 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA are representing concept “people”, “per- should be considered from the point of son”, “man”. So, for the definition of the view of the culture as cultures of the na- term “concept” we can find different ex- tions were and will never be the same ex- planations. But we found one general cept those traditions and customs, which point of view about term “concept” al- are purely religious, other spheres as men- most all foreign and native scientists: tal processes, folklore, etc. must have to be concept is mental-cognitive bases, which treated separate from the general notion represents view and understanding about of friendship. fragments of the reality. Concept can have References lingua-expression. Proverbs will be served 1. Dictionary of the Karakalpak language. as united view for the concept. Nukus. «Karakalpakstan» publishing of- To conclude, we can say, undoubtedly, fice. 1982. that most characteristics of the concept of 2. Sokolova T.S. (2004), “Green garden – adam are the vary in any culture because Pure field – Blue ocean – Wild wood… The faraway kingdom, the faraway coun- this notion represents the deepest and the try (nomination of folk concept “Space”), most affectionate feeling which lies on the “Problems of the and basement of love, but, nevertheless, it language science”, – № 2. –p. 184


Xakimova Farida Ilhom qizi The student of Termez state university Paygamova Aziza The student of Samarkand state institute of foreign languages Ro’ziboyeva Dilfuza The student of Termez Medical college

Keywords: “Face to face”, refugee, his mother`s and wife`s fortune, war, main and assistant plot in the story “Face to face”, culmination point. Abstract: the plot of story and the composition analysis, the interpretation of esthetic skill of writer and subject of war and refugee. Аннотация: сюжет и композиционный анализ, интерпретация эстетического мастерства писателя и субъекта войны и беженца.

Chingiz Aytmatov wrote the story (bosh qahramon) Saida and her neighbor “Face to face” initially in the 1957. It was Totioy got bad news from her husband. not issued in the magazine “Ala-Too” in The events were described at “parallel Kirgiz language on June. However, writer time”. And at the same time, it would be did not announce it completely during possible for her to leave her husband and that period. Because, a lot of things were that another woman would be hungry. forbidden during the period and the Author grasped Saida below menace (also works which were written on that days as pupil) and it was not released were interpretated. If it would be written Mirzakul`s aim extempore. Ismoil`swife the work about person in the war, it was was in a doubt that Mirzakul started to existed the order which was defined about speak in a serious way and Saida thought this. Namely, they were victorious per- that Mirzakul was aware of her husband sonage would act like that. Nevertheless, running away from war. Population, ChingizAytmatov was young on that days, women, children and old people were he accosted the theme that no one could working without stopping however, they write: the refugee, his mother and wife`s could not enjoy the enjoyment of this fortune. The story was written on chrono- work.It was real sight of life in the war. logical plot and this served to provide Author came back in the story using ret- epic germination. There are also auxiliary rospection way. Namely, it was described plot lines in the story of “Face to face” the train which was carrying soldiers with main plot.For example: the writer firstly and it was released that Ismoil was scattchs off two position: Mirzakul who is refuglee after passing time. Story started chairman in the story apologized for with little exposition. In the exposition

129 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA writer introduced the period of war to It was seething two opposite feelings reader.One of the protagonists described in Saida`s heart: love and justice. Lastly, Saida`s action before the war however, he love lostthe justice, thereafter, Saida dis- or she described her happy life. After that covered her husband. It was difficult for knot (that is event or problem) started. It her and she knew that her children be- is clear for us knot is a thing to reason came orphan but even though she did not beginning of events and it is the place that vouchsafe her child to conscience and existed the conflect of the work. Knot was creed father. compassed when Saida was sleeping Is- Ismoil`s mother passed away in the moil knocked the gate, that is to clear his story and Ismoil did not go her ceremony. avoiding from the war. Why, exactly mother image doomed pass- The events of plot were developed step ing away and only her child was staring by step.As we look the growth of work not pursuing his mother at the end loca- events we testify that it is paid attention tion. Because mother is one of the most two things in it: these things are difficul- honorable person in the world. Our ties in the families because of war, de- mother is only one gender who is not scribing the cruafixions in people and changed other person in our life. Her love Saida`s life in the threat. enters to our heart with mother milk and It is important the culmination point it is with us until we pass away. Because of in every work. Culmination point in the this writer chose Ismoil`s mother for story “Face to face” influenced people`s death not his wife. In this position he was feelings, reader was believed to hate Is- going to describe that Ismoil became moil, it is possible war to change the per- heartless. He indicated to realize this to son, namely, it believed that it is possible reader. It is impossible to read this story to wrack the feeling which are named which is a picture of a mother who left the mankind as worm.It was caught the read- world without looking freedom at her er below following idea: “it should be children giving her love and becoming dream”. But all of them were true. Ismoil pale her hair, working hard. Writer did shaped as animal which did not think not describe Ismoil as mankurt (not to anything except food. remember anything). He had the feelings Totioy fed three children barely, and of love. Other wise when his mother was she said that “ if spring comes my cow being buried he would not be staring this cubs, there is some milk and also my chil- event “bitting his lip until going out dren eat a lot”. But Ismoil stole her cow. It blood”. was not the portion of three orphans, cow Ismoil went to his mother`s tomp after was one deliverance not to be hungry, people had left the cemetery and no one anymore also it was lost. It was evinced had stayed. He crawled with lost memory the culmination point when Saida knew leaning trembling hands,ashe was em- that her husband has stollen the cow and bracing new sail he growled with fuggy has brought the meat of this cow. sound and he panted from gloom, anger,

130 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 wrath, distress. It was difficult to guess Ismoil in this story. It was bad event that what he shouted as wolf and to curse he had stolen Totioy`s cow. So everybody somebody and something. So he started hated him. Because of this Saida discov- to shout with loud voice as vinous person: ered her husband to soldiers.This caused “my mother, mother, sorry! Sorry! Curse for naming the story “Face to face”. me! Curse me at hereafter! Curse the war! Namely, Ismoil confronted with Saida. Curse the war”. It was denominated Chin- Saida became other person, she carried her giz Aytmatov`s artistic intent and aim in child, she became pale. But she seemed this position. It is writer`s real skill that beautiful. Story ended accordingly. describing the war through the image of USED LITERATURE refugee, to hate oxbow in the war. These 1. Chingiz Aytmatov. Chosen works: Stories. words which were disgorging from his T..”Sharq”, 2016. heart, actually, belong to whole human- 2. Karimov S. In the perfect composition// kind. Ismoil was not a person who hated Tongue language and literature.-1991.- the war, also everybody hated the one. N:6.-B54-58 3. Kuronov D. Yuldoshev N. The theory of Ismoil would have lived with his family. It literature. Methodical manual. Termiz, was appeared good idea which aimed at 2017.


Ahmedova Ugiljon Kuronboyevna (UrSU, Philology faculty, teacher) [email protected] Matyokubova Mokhira Ibragim qizi (UrSU, Philology faculty, student) [email protected] Kodirova Maxfuza Mansurbekovna (UrSU, Philology faculty, student)

Abstract: This article is devoted to teaching reading by using its principles and se- quences. There are expressed reading principles and sequences in teaching English in the given article. Key words: SLL, foreign language teaching, reading skill, effective reading, princi- ples and sequences.

Introduction. Reading is the skill of some larger context–the beginning, mid- understanding written words and using in dle, and end of a story. The ordering of teaching foreign languages. Reading is a events in a story, along with connecting part of the way we use language in daily words such as once upon a time, then, life to gather information, communicate later, afterwards, and in the end, are good with others and also for enjoyment. Read- examples of textual features, an under- ing always occurs in context, that is, what standing of which gives the reader a way we read is part of a broader situation or an of integrating the story’s individual parts extended text. into its larger framework–and thereby Main part. Reading is connected with understanding the author’s purpose. sequencing. Sequencing is one of many Why Is It Important? As students lis- skills that contributes to students’ ability ten to or read text, they are best served if to understand what they read. Sequencing they can understand the information as it refers to the identification of the compo- is presented and then recall it at a later nents of a story or a topic such as the be- point. One of the easiest ways to recog- ginning, middle, end to the ability to retell nise the order of events is to look out for the events within a given text in the order the sequencing words or transitions that in which they occured. The ability to se- are used to connect the various parts of quence events in a text is a key compre- the text. Some of these words and phrases hension strategy, especially for narrative also act as signals to provide an indication texts. Finding meaning in a text depends of whether the event will be located in the on the ability to understand and place the beginning, in the middle, or toward the details, the sequence of events, within end of the text’s chronology. There are a

132 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 wide variety of ‘signal words’ and the fol- the words in a fiction text for unassisted lowing represent just a few of the most understanding 1. common, as well as where they are most It follows that, for extensive reading, all likely to occur. For example, in stories we but advanced learners probably require can use such kind of words. texts written or adapted with the linguistic Beginning and knowledge constraints of language • Once upon a time / Once there was learners in mind. A variety of reading ma- • In the beginning terial on a wide range of topics must be • First of all available. The success of extensive reading Middle depends largely on enticing students to • Meanwhile read. To awaken or encourage a desire to • After that read, the texts made available should ide- • Suddenly ally be as varied as the learners who read End them and the purposes for which they • In the end want to read. Books, magazines, newspa- • Finally pers, fiction, non-fiction texts that inform, • After all. texts that entertain, general specialized, When we cannot remember the names light, serious. For an inside track on find- of people, places, things we can use read- ing what your students are interested in ing sequences in order to teach such kind reading, follow William’s advice:”Ask them of words for instance, so as to remember what they like reading in their own lan- the sequences of names of Smith, Martin, guage, peer over their shoulders in the li- Igor, Lucy, Emily, we can use the first let- brary, ask the school librarian”. Varied ter of these names such as “SMILE” for reading material not only encourages read- above mentioned names. ing, it also encourages a flexible approach It is important reading principles for to reading. Learners are led to read for teaching foreign languages as reading se- different reasons. Learners choose what quences. There are a lot of reading princi- they what to read. The principle of free- ples in teching foreign languages, for in- dom of choice means that learners can se- stance, the reading material should be lect text as they do in their own language, easy for learners also suitable for learners’ that is, they can choose texts they expect to level and age. In helpin beginning readers understand, to enjoy or to learn from. Cor- select texts that are well within their read- relative to this principle, learners are also ing comport zone, more than one or two free, indeed encouraged, to stop reading unknown words per page might make the anything they find to too difficult, or that text too difficult for overall understand- turns out not to be of interest[3;51] Certain ing. Intermediate learners might use the instructional methods are more effective rule of hand-no more than five difficult than others. Many of the more effective words per page.Hu and Nation suggest methods are ready for implementation in that learners must know at least 98% of the classroom.


To teach reading well, teachers must methods and ways of teaching reading use a combination of strategies, incorpo- skills. According to reading principles rated in a coherent plan with specific reading skill needs to be practiced every goals. A teacher who addresses only one day. Learners read further reading materi- area of reading or uses one instructional als such as newspapers, journals, fiction approach will probably not be successful. books two hours a day in order to im- Reading comprehension – under- prove reading speed and widen their out- standing what is read – is best supported look. The purpose of reading is usually when teachers use a variety of techniques related to pleasure, information and gen- and systematic strategies to assist in recall eral understanding. According to reading of information, question generation, and sequences, we need reading sequences in summarizing of information. Teachers order to read instructions, stories, activi- must be provided with appropriate and ties such as a picture story. Reading se- intensive training to ensure that they quences also help us to understand the know when and how to teach specific meaning of topics, activities, games. strategies. Teachers must know how chil- References: dren learn to read, why some children 1. Burns,A and de Silva Joyce,H”a new look have difficulty reading, and how to iden- at reading practices” Sydney,2017. tify and implement instructional strate- 2. Jeremy Harmer “How to teach English”new gies for different children. edition,2001 Conclusion. reading sequences and 3. Hu,M and Nation,P “unknown vocabulary density and reading comprehension”2000 principles are very important for teaching 4. Nuttall,C “Teaching reading skills in a reading because they include effective foreign language”Oxford,1996


Ahmedova Ugiljon Kuronboyevna (UrSU, Philology faculty, teacher) [email protected] Ismoilova Sevara Khushnudbek kizi (UrSU, Philology faculty, student) Otanazarova Shukuroy Matlatib kizi ( UrSU, Philology faculty, student) Abstract: This article gives information about using L1 in a language learning class, and discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using first language in a language learning process. There are some ideas for how teachers and students might use mother tongue in a language learning class. Keywords: First language, second language, comprehension, language learning.

The use of L1 in foreign language ther clarification on some point or aspect teaching has been a controversial issue. of the new material. They may not know Learners are believed to achieve foreign how to phrase the question to the answer language learning effectively when they they seek. Without this opportunity to ask are involved in L2 in the language learn- in their L1, some students may get frus- ing process, but using mother-tongue in trated with their inability to receive im- the target language learning has obvious proved comprehension and language pro- advantages. The widespread beliefs that duction. Some types of students need to the constant use of the target language in understand the details in order to use and the language learning process will lead to link the target language correctly, and so achievement. Learners are prone to devel- will very much need the chance to seek oping their L2 knowledge on the basis of clarification in their L1. It should be not- L1 knowledge. This comparison allows ed that the teacher can sometimes use the them to master the rules in L2 effectively. L1 to help students provide sentences be- Simply put, learners through transferring yond their ability. Students say a sentence their L1 knowledge can easily pick up in their native tongue, which the teacher L2 knowledge. When students can use translates for future use and/or reference. their L1 to ask questions and confirm Scientists advocate this idea and they con- comprehension, it often leads to a clearer clude that “since teachers are often the realization of the form and meaning of primary source of linguistic input in the the language. Students may ask either TL, it is therefore reasonable to argue that their teacher or peers. Although students maximizing the TL in the classroom is a can ask similar questions solely in Eng- favorable practice” [1;56]. Similarly, lish, lower-level students may need fur- Krashen [1985] said that learners learn


L2 better in a learning environment where some point or aspect of the new material. it is spoken. However, the use of L1 is a They may not know how to phrase the useful resource in L2 learning, and it fa- question to the answer they seek. Without cilitates second language learning. this opportunity to ask in their L1, some The use of first language can contrib- students may get frustrated with their in- ute to learners’ language proficiency; ability to receive improved comprehen- therefore, L1 should not be neglected in sion and language production. Some the language learning process. Though types of students need to understand the the use of L2 is given priority, the use of details in order to use and link the target L1 should be allowed where necessary in language correctly, and so will very much foreign language learning. Atkinson ar- need the chance to seek clarification in gues that “although the mother tongue is their L1. It should be noted that the not a suitable basis for a methodology, it teacher can sometimes use the L1 to help has, at all levels, a variety of roles to play students provide sentences beyond their which are at present consistently under- ability. Students say a sentence in their valued”. L1 is a useful tool to help learners native tongue, which the teacher trans- with their language proficiency develop- lates for future use and/or reference. This ment. A total ban on the use of L1 will proves especially beneficial with inciden- hinder learners’ comprehension of the tal language, such as a singular phrase or target language. As Willis puts forward sentence. The teacher may have otherwise “don’t ban mother-tongue use but encour- ignored the opportunity, or perhaps only age attempts to use the target language” addressed it in the Wrap Up portion of Ernesto Macaro lists the benefits of using the lesson. Students may similarly do this, L1 in a class: as in looking at a text in their native lan- First language is helpful for giving in- guage and translating it (or summarizing struction to perform activities in the it) into the target language of the class. classroom; The teacher might also consider using the Translation of some points and check- native tongue of the class to quickly start ing comprehension. an activity. Giving feedbacks to students. There are also disadvantages for the To maintain discipline in the class- L1 in the class, from both the perspective room, first language is a useful tool.[4;65] of the teacher and the students. For stu- When students can use their L1 to ask dents, an entire class in English offers questions and confirm comprehension, it additional opportunities to hear the lan- often leads to a clearer realization of the guage. The English used for explanations form and meaning of the language. Stu- and instructions represent “real” English dents may ask either their teacher or because students actively listen how to peers. Although students can ask similar use a grammar point or vocabulary word, questions solely in English, lower-level or how to conduct an activity. Conse- students may need further clarification on quently, students lose confidence in their

136 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 ability to communicate in English: They lem when students have sought to confirm may feel that the only way they would information via their peers. The explana- understand anything the teacher says is tion given between students may not be when it has been translated, or they use correct, which the teacher would miss. their mother tongue even when they are The issue of whether or not to use perfectly capable of expressing the same L1 in classroom is very complex and idea in English. This can significantly re- teachers have different attitudes towards duce students’ opportunities to practice this issues. In general, while dealing with English, and students fail to realize that English teaching, there should be equality using English in classroom activities is in using both L1 and L2 in class. essential to improve their language skills. To sum up, it is recommended that Translation also regularly creates the first language and second language should problem of oversimplification because consciously be used when it is a direct many cultural and linguistic nuances can- necessity. However, From the teachers’ not be directly translated. For example, points of view, the mother tongue should the sentence, “That’s so cool!” in English be used more during the beginner or ele- means that something is amazing or in- mentary stage, as the end solution in credible. The main theoretical treatments learning process, and should be reduced of task-based learning do not for example dropped completedly as the learners’ pro- have any locatable mentions of the class- ficiency improves to a higher level. room use of the L1. Most descriptions of REFERENCE: methods treat the ideal classroom as hav- 1. Cook, V. (2001). Using the First Language ing as little of the L1 as possible, essen- in the Classroom. Canadian Modern Lan- tially by omitting any reference to it. Per- guage Review, 57(3), 404-423. haps the only exception is the grammar/ 2. , T. (2003). Teaching and Learning in a translation method, which has little or no Multilingual School. New Jersey: Law- rence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. public support. There is also the concern 3. Harbord, J. (1992). The Use of the Mother that the teacher won’t understand what the Tongue in the Classroom. ELT Journal, 46, students are saying, assuming that he 350-55. doesn’t speak the same language well or at 4. Woodall, B. R. (2002). Language-Switch- all. In student-centered classes where eve- ing: Using the First Language While Writ- ing in a Second Language. Journal of Sec- ryone is interested and actively engaged, ond Language Writing, 11, 7-28. though, students are focused on the target 5. Atkinson, D. (1987) “The mother tongue language, not the teacher. Use of the in the classroom: a neglected resource?” L1 among students only presents a prob- InELT Journal, Vol.41/4, pp. 241-247.


Umarova Dilafruz Teacher of school 308 Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Abstract. This article deals with the issues of teaching English as second language and points out the principles of how to teach a target language as well as the peculiarities of communication principle. Key words: communicative orientation, language material, intellectuality.

As far as the result of teaching of pu- Rule 5 – Communicativeness of tasks. pils foreign language is formation their As far as juniors have still insignifi- skills of using language as means of inter- cant experience of collective intercourse course, the leading principle is the princi- and they are taught not only to associate ple of a communicative orientation. in English, but also to associate in gen- Its main function is in creation of all eral, teacher should provide the support conditions of communications: motives, on pupils’ realizing the models of inter- purposes and problems of intercourse. course in native language, realizing the The communicative orientation defines communicative function of this or that selection and the organization of lan- language unit. Realization of this prin- guage material, its situational condition- ciple is carried out through system of ality, communicative value both speech cognitive problems, solving which chil- and training exercises, communicative dren “open” laws of the native language. formulation of educational problems, or- On the basis of this realizing there is ganization and structure of the lesson. children’s acquaintance with the form This principle assumes creation of condi- and functions of corresponding units of tions for speaking and intellectual activity English language. Proceeding from this, of pupils during each moment of teaching it is possible to plan some rules – fol- [1; 22-23]. lowing which allows realizing this prin- Proceeding from the aforesaid teacher ciple in teaching and educational pro- should follow the rules: cess. 1) Principle of communicative orien- 2) Principle of support on the native tation language: • Rule 1 – Selection of situations. • Rule 1. Display of generality between • Rule 2 – Recurrence and novelty. Russian and English languages. • Rule 3 – Participation of everyone in • Rule 2. Formation of the common ed- intercourse. ucational skills. • Rule 4 – Favorable conditions for in- • Rule 3. Use of similarity and distinc- tercourse. tions in the script.


• Rule 4. Use of similarity and distinc- • Rule 1. The account of specificity of tions in pronunciation. each kind of speaking activity. • Rule 5. Uses of carry and avoidance of • Rule 2. Use of teacher’s speech and interference in teaching vocabulary and sound recording for listening. grammar. • Rule 3. Teaching monologic speech, It is established, that for each kind of proceeding from features of each form. speaking activity “set” of actions and even • Rule 4. Teaching reading aloud and the lexical and grammatical registration silently in view of features of each form. [2; 34]. It has allowed formulating me- • Rule 5. Mastering of aspects of lan- thodical principle of the differentiated guage in speech units. approach in teaching a foreign language. • Rule 6. Use semi-typed font in teach- Thus the differentiation is carried out ing writing. as though at different levels of generaliza- In a basis of teaching any subject at tion – precise differentiation is conducted school including foreign language, there are in teaching: general didactic principles. Such principles • oral and written speech; are: scientific character, availability, presen- • speaking and listening; tation in teaching, an individual approach • reading aloud and reading silently; in conditions of collective work and others. • Script and spelling. To sum up, due to training memory of In teaching English language pro- the pupil is enriched with new units of cess of integration is realized, it shows, language and automatism in their use is first of all, that mastering of various developed. At application of new vocabu- aspects of language, its phonetics, lary organizing function of the teacher is grammar, lexicon occurs not separately shown most precisely. He should create as certain discrete components of lan- favorable conditions, benevolent atmos- guage, but is also integrated. Pupils phere for normal course of the speech act. seize and acquire them during carrying At application of new vocabulary it is su- out of speech actions which realization pervised formulation of speaking skills, it can demand the use of a word, word is established, how the pupil can use each forms, a word-combination, super of them in the practical purposes. phrase unity and, at last, the text, References caused by situations of intercourse. 1. David Nunan.communicative Language Considering the given specific principle Teaching – 2004 of teaching the English language it is possi- 2. Shaw, Corsini, Blake & Mouton, 1980; ble to formulate rules, their observance will Horner & McGinley, 1998 help the teacher to realize this principle. 3. Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by princi- ples: An attractive approach to language 3) Principle of differentiation and in- pedagogy. New York: Longman tegration: 4.


Umarova Iroda Shavkatjon qizi Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Academic lyceum under World Economy and Diplomacy, Department of Foreign languages ABTRACT The current article addresses the issues of Contemporary English Vocabulary trends, and is aimed at finding how high-frequency words of English can help students under- stand authentic reading materials in the target language. It also tries to find what sort of authentic reading materials contain more high frequency words and are appropriate for using in reading and vocabulary classes to boost vocabulary enrichment of the students. According to mathematical-linguistic research on finding how much percent of au- thentic reading materials are high-frequency words plus two weeks of teaching has been done by the researcher to find what types of authentic reading materials interest them.

Introduction guage is of a great importance during their The term ‘Vocabulary’ has some dif- studies. The reason for this is that vocabu- ferent meanings. The Longman Diction- lary certainly plays a big role in using the ary of Contemporary English (2003) de- language to communicate and express fines it as follows: thoughts and feelings. The role of vocabu- All the words a person knows and uses lary in using a language productively and in their speech (lexicon). effectively is regarded high. As a conse- All the words in a particular language quence teachers also pay more attention to Word lists with explanation or translations the teaching of vocabulary now while that are often found at the back of a book for teaching a foreign language. A lot of stu- learning foreign languages (glossary). dents are becoming sure that knowing a In our case, most of the time we mean good deal of vocabulary in a foreign lan- the second meaning of the word, when we guage highly increases their communica- talk about vocabulary and its teaching. In tive competence and results in better and addition to that, sometimes we mean the more meaningful communication because first definition of vocabulary when we talk after learning a good deal vocabulary they about how many words a student knows or can easily master their language skills of how much vocabulary they have. speaking and listening, reading and writ- Importance of Vocabulary Teaching ing. As they master their language skills, and Learning. we are one more time assured that teaching One thing that most of the students and vocabulary is important in Communica- teachers of English, researchers and lin- tive Language Teaching. As Nation (1994) guists who are working in this field gener- says having a good deal of vocabulary ally agree that vocabulary learning in makes the skills of listening, reading, writ- learning English or any other foreign lan- ing and speaking easier to perform. The

140 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 more words a learner knows in a foreign foreign language grammar, most of the language the better language learner they time, students have them as a receptive will become: they will be able to speak it knowledge of a wide range of vocabulary, more fluently, they will be able to express but most of them lack productive use of that their ideas more clearly and they will be vocabulary. As classes did not provide able to comprehend more reading materi- enough practice for the words. What he als in that language and etc. suggests is that new vocabulary should be As Folse (2004) says “basic level of integrated into everyday use of the students vocabulary will allow learners to commu- and should be taught intentionally and with nicate some ideas to certain degree; better an explicit attention to it and the students communication can be accomplished should be facilitated to come across with when learners have acquired more vo- that vocabulary on a number of occasions in cabulary”. He says that the more vocabu- their English classes. In this way only, we lary a learner acquires the better speaker can expect the learners to have a large vari- or communicator he or she will become ety of vocabulary to be a good language user and can express his or her opinions and with communicative skills. thoughts in better and more comprehen- Taking into consideration this, EFL sible way. Constantly learning a good deal teachers have implemented and are im- of vocabulary results in a constant rise in plementing vocabulary now as a separate student’s communicative competence. class or paying a greater attention to it in Teachers and linguists thought that other skill based classes. Vocabulary students could learn sufficient vocabulary teaching is being regarded important in to communicate while learning the gram- English classes in many places. It is not mar of the target language or mastering being neglected as it was in the past. Na- the other languages skills such as reading. tion (2001) pointed out that it is impor- Students were expected to build their tant to learn vocabulary, as it makes up a lexicon as they learn a language. As a re- large part of any language. He says that sult many of them didn’t learn sufficient vocabulary is a very important part of the vocabulary as expected. They failed to language and makes up a large part of it. communicate their ideas as they lacked So we can’t neglect it and go over without sufficient vocabulary. learning it properly. Also, Green and As Moras (2011) argues that this tradi- Meara (1995) say that “learners need vo- tional vocabulary learning has been proved cabulary and see acquisition of vocabu- not enough to ensure a wider range of lary as their greatest challenge” and they meaningful communication. He argues that continue to say that, vocabulary learning this traditional method failed to enable stu- should be their first goal when learning dents to be able to become a good language any foreign language, not only in English, speaker with good communicative compe- in all other languages of the world, with- tence. He goes on to say that if students ac- out the knowledge of vocabulary one can’t quire a lot of vocabulary while learning a express themselves properly. Carter


(1987) pointed out that the gradual devel- teachers of English, this method has been opment of foreign language lexicon is a used to teach English for centuries and it fundamental part of the process of learn- has shown its effectiveness. For example, in ing a foreign language. He says that learn- the former USSR, language teaching was ers should work hard to build and develop wholly based on grammar translation and their foreign language lexicon across all there was great progress in learning and their studies. They should know plenty of teaching English. words on a wide range of topics to be able After some research and advances in to communicate freely and cohesively. language teaching, the backwards and is- For good vocabulary learning, Com- sues the grammar translation method has municative language teaching provides came to the light. As this method of good basis, the more vocabulary the stu- teaching usually didn’t improve students’ dent has, the better communication can communicative competence and even af- be achieved says Folse (2004). However, ter the finishing the course many of the foreign languages haven’t always been students lacked vocabulary to interact on taught this way. There have been another various topics, the grammar translation method of teaching. For a long time, lan- method was rejected by many linguists guages were taught through a method and teachers at the end. what linguists call grammar translation Resources: method. Although my research topic isn’t 1. Knight, T. (1996). Learning vocabulary language teaching methods, I believe that through shared speaking tasks. The Lan- guage Teacher 20, 1: 24-29 it is vital to shed some light on them and 2. Folse, K. (2006). The effect of type of writ- give some information on them as well. ten exercise on L2 vocabulary retention. While talking about grammar transla- TESOL Quarterly, 40, 273–293. tion method Folse (2004) says grammar 3. Folse, K. (2007). Implications of second translation method is based mainly on language vocabulary research for teachers. In Davidson, P., Coombe, C., Lloyd, D., & learning grammar rules and being able to Palfreyman, D. (Eds.), Teaching and learn- translate sentences from the source lan- ing vocabulary in another language (pp. guage to the target language. Usually in 9–20). Dubai: TESOL Arabia. grammar translation method, students are 4. Folse, K. (2008a). Teaching vocabulary is taught grammar rules systematically, and not the writing teacher’s job. In J. Reid they practice translation of sentences and (Ed.), Writing myths: Applying second language research to language teaching texts. Vocabulary is often neglected and (pp. 1–17). Ann Arbor: University of students are expected to learn vocabulary Michigan Press. themselves while being exposed to the tar- 5. Laufer, B. (1997). The lexical plight in sec- get language, for example, while reading ond language reading: Words you don’t texts and translating them. This method know, words you think you know, and words you can’t guess. In J. Coady & T. has been used for a long time in the history Huckin (Eds.), Second language vocabu- of language teaching. Of course, although lary acquisition (pp. 20–34). Cambridge: it is rejected now by many linguists and Cambridge University Press.


Юлдашева Севара Файзулла қизи, студентка 4- курса Гулистанского государственного университета. Исмоилова Барно Равшановна студентка 4-го курса Гулистанского государственного университета.

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются некоторые методические приемы применения интерактивных технологий на занятиях по русской литературе. Ключевые слова: веб-квест технология; коммуникативные задачи; невербальная коммуникация; интерактивная групповая учебная деятельность, медиокомпетентность. Annotation: The article deals with some methodological methods of using interactive technologies in the classroom of Russian literature. Key words: web quest technology; communicative tasks; non-verbal communica- tion; interactive group educational activity, media competence.

Глобальный процесс информатиза- мы, позволяющие задействовать всех ции общества и культуры в Республи- участников образовательного процес- ке Узбекистан ставит новые задачи са, реализовать их творческие способ- перед образовательной системой. Од- ности, воплощать имеющиеся знания ним из путей воспитания самостоя- и навыки в практической деятельно- тельной, творческой личности, спо- сти. К таким формам организации об- собной свободно ориентироваться в разовательной деятельности относят- существующем медиамире, является ся интерактивная игра, мастер-класс, целенаправленное, продуманное проектная деятельность, создание включение современных информаци- проблемных ситуаций, эксперименти- онных средств в образовательный рование и мнонгое другое. Все эти процесс. формы могут существовать как от- На современном этапе развития об- дельно взятые элементы, а могут соче- разовательной системы появляются таться между собой и варьироваться новые технологии и деятельностные педагогом при планировании учебных формы взаимодействия с обучающи- занятий. Особенно хорошо они соче- мися, в основе которых лежит их акти- таются в квест-технологии, или как визация и включение в образователь- еще называют образовательный квест, ный процесс. Наиболее востребован- который пользуется популярностью у ными становятся интерактивные фор- подростков и взрослых благодаря не-


ординарной организации образова- • умение находить несколько спосо- тельной деятельности и захватываю- бов решений проблемной ситуации, щего сюжета. определять наиболее рациональный Об использовании Интернет- тех- вариант, обосновывать свой выбор; нологий и ресурсов в системе образо- • навык публичных выступлений вания в свое время говорила и Евге- (обязательно проведение предзащит и ния Семеновна Полат (1937-2007) – защит проектов с выступлениями ав- доктор педагогических наук, профес- торов, с вопросами, дискуссиями). сор, заведующая лабораторией Итак, что же такое веб-квест? дистанционного обучения ИСМО «Образовательный веб-квест – РАО, а методологической основой это сайт в Интернете, с которым рабо- формирования медиакомпетентности тают учащиеся, выполняя ту или иную являются работы Федорова Алексан- учебную задачу. Разрабатываются та- дра Викторовича – доктора педагоги- кие веб-квесты для максимальной ин- ческих наук, профессора, руководите- теграции Интернета в различные учеб- ля проекта «Медиаобразование в Рос- ные предметы на разных уровнях обу- сии». [3, С. 207-209]. чения в учебном процессе. Они охва- В настоящее время в различных тывают отдельную проблему, учебный сферах деятельности ощущается не- предмет, тему, могут быть и межпред- хватка специалистов, способных само- метными. стоятельно и в команде решать возни- Впервые термин «квест» в качестве кающие проблемы, делать это с помо- образовательной технологии был пред- щью Интернета. Поэтому работасту- ложен летом 1995 года Берни Доджем, дентов в таком варианте проектной профессором образовательных техноло- деятельности, как веб-квест, разноо- гий Университета Сан-Диего. Ученый бразит учебный процесс, сделает его разрабатывал инновационные приложе- живым и интересным. А полученный ния Internet для интеграции в учебный опыт принесет свои плоды в будущем, процесс при преподавании различных потому что при работе над этим про- учебных предметов на разных уровнях ектом развивается ряд компетенций: обучения. Квестом он назвал сайт, со- • использование ИТ для решения про- держащий проблемное задание и пред- фессиональных задач (в том числе для полагающий самостоятельный поиск поиска необходимой информации, информации в сети Интернет. оформления результатов работы в виде Попытки расширить и дополнить компьютерных презентаций, веб-сайтов, определение Берни Доджа были пред- флеш-роликов, баз данных и т.д.); приняты Томасом Марчем, который • самообучение и самоорганизация; значительно детализировал понятие и • работа в команде (планирование, представил ряд теоретических форму- распределение функций, взаимопо- лировок, помогающих глубже проник- мощь, взаимоконтроль); нуть в суть технологии квеста.


Во многом опираясь на труды Л.С. разработка плана или проекта на осно- Выготского, Т. Марч утверждал, что ве заданных условий. этот вид поисковой деятельности нуж- • Самопознание – любые аспекты ис- дается в «опорах», которые должен следования личности. предоставить учитель. Опоры – это • Компиляция – трансформация фор- помощь учащимся работать вне зоны мата информации, полученной из раз- их реальных умений. Примерами опор ных источников: создание книги кули- могут быть такие виды деятельности, нарных рецептов, виртуальной выстав- которые помогают учащимся правиль- ки, капсулы времени, капсулы культуры. но строить план исследования, вовле- • Творческое задание – творческая ра- кают их в решение проблемы, направ- бота в определенном жанре – создание ляют внимание на самые существен- пьесы, стихотворения, песни, видео- ные аспекты изучения. [2, С. 17-19]. ролика. Различают два типа веб-квестов: • Оценка – обоснование определен- для кратковременной (цель: углу- ной точки зрения. бление знаний и их интеграция, рас- • Журналистское расследование – считаны на одно-три занятия); объективное изложение информации и длительной работы (цель: углу- (разделение мнений и фактов). бление и преобразование знаний уча- • Научные исследования – изучение щихся, рассчитаны на длительный различных явлений, открытий, фактов срок – может быть, на семестр или на основе уникальных он-лайн источ- учебный год). ников. Особенностью образовательных Структура веб-квеста, требования веб-квестов является то, что часть или к его отдельным элементам: вся информация для самостоятельной Ясное вступление, где четко описа- или групповой работы учащихся с ним ны главные роли участников или сце- находится на различных веб-сайтах. нарий квеста, предварительный план Кроме того, результатом работы с веб- работы, обзор всего квеста. квестом является публикация работ Центральное задание, которое по- учащихся в виде веб-страниц и веб- нятно, интересно и выполнимо. Четко сайтов (локально или в Интернет)» [3, определен итоговый результат само- С. 27-29]. стоятельной работы (например, задана Определены следующие виды за- серия вопросов, на которые нужно даний для веб-квестов: найти ответы, прописана проблема, • Пересказ – демонстрация понима- которую нужно решить, определена ния темы на основе представления позиция, которая должна быть защи- материалов из разных источников в щена, и указана другая деятельность, новом формате: создание презентации, которая направлена на переработку и плаката, рассказа. представление результатов, исходя из • Планирование и проектирование – собранной информации).


Список информационных ресурсов пространстве, так и на улице, на при- (в электронном виде – на компакт-дис- роде, охватывая все окружающее про- ках, видео и аудио носителях, в бумаж- странство. [3, С. 227-229]. ном виде, ссылки на ресурсы в Интер- Посмотреть ВЕБ-КВЕСТЫ1 по ли- нет, адреса веб-сайтов по теме), необ- тературе можно на сайтах, и пройдя по ходимых для выполнения задания. ссылкам: Этот список должен быть аннотиро- ВЕБ – КВЕСТ «Слово о полку Иго- ванным. реве – героический пролог русской ли- Описание процедуры работы, кото- тературы» рую необходимо выполнить каждому site/kvesturok/ участнику квеста при самостоятель- ВЕБ – КВЕСТ «Прокурор обще- ном выполнении задания (этапы). ственной жизни» (М.Е. Салтыков – Описание критериев и параметров Щедрин оценки веб-квеста. Критерии оценки ВЕБ – КВЕСТ «Карамзин – есть зависят от типа учебных задач, кото- первый наш историк и последний ле- рые решаются в веб-квесте. тописец...» Руководство к действиям (как ор- site/karamzinpisateliistorik/home ганизовать и представить собранную Таким образом, технология веб- информацию), которое может быть квест в помогает студентам: добывать представлено в виде направляющих знания самостоятельно; выстраивать вопросов, организующих учебную ра- работу по алгоритму; приобретать на- боту (например, связанных с опреде- выки, используя различные виды дея- лением временных рамок, общей кон- тельности, такие, как поиск и система- цепцией, рекомендациями по исполь- тизация информации по теме; прове- зованию электронных источников, дение исследования в образовательной представлением «заготовок» веб- среде, формулирование выявленной страниц и др.). закономерности в виде гипотезы, её Заключение, где суммируется опыт, доказательство и представление ре- который будет получен участниками зультатов работы.. при выполнении самостоятельной ра- Литература: боты над веб-квестом. Иногда полезно 1. Быховский Я. С. Образовательные веб- включить в заключение риторические квесты // Материалы международной вопросы, стимулирующие активность конференции «Информационные технологии в образовании. ИТО-99». – учащихся продолжить свои опыты в дальнейшем. 2. Осяк С.А., Султанбекова С.С., Захарова Задачи могут быть различными по Т.В., Яковлева Е.Н., Лобанова О.Б., своему содержанию и наполнению: Плеханова Е.М. Образовательный творческие, активные, интеллектуаль- квест – современная интерактивная ные и т.п. Особенно значимо, что кве- 1 zovaniie-tiekhnologhii-web-kviest-v-urochnoi-i- сты могут проходить как в закрытом vnieurochnoi-dieiatiel-nosti.html


технология // Современные проблемы системе образования / Учеб. пособие науки и образования. – 2015. – № 1-2.; для студ. пед. вузов и системы повыш. 3. Полат Е.С., Бухаркина М.Ю., Моисеева квалиф. пед. кадров / под ред. Е. С. М.В., Петров А.Е. Новые педагогические Полат – М.: Издательский центр и информационные технологии в «Академия», 2001.

147 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA IDIOMATIC PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS RELATED TO TOURISM INDUSTRY IN ENGLISH, UZBEK AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGES Yakubova Noira Isxakovna Teacher, Uzbek State World languages university Annotation: This article aims at focusing on idioms and expressions related to tourism in English, Uzbek and Russian languages and attempts to show a fresh look at the idiomatic phrases that make English, Uzbek and Russian languages the rich and intriguing language that it is. Key words: idioms, phrases, expressions, research, practical direction, tourism Аннотация: Эта статья посвящается идиом и выражениям, связанных с туризмом на английском, узбекском и русском языках и попытках показать но- вый взгляд на идиоматические фразы, которые делают английский, узбекский и русский язык богатым и интригующим языком. Ключевые слова: идиомы, фразы, выражения, исследование, практическое направление, туризм

Among figures of speech, idioms represent pretations could not be comprehended on a set expression of two or more words that the basis of only learning linguistics con- means something other than the literal mean- nectors. (e.g. to beat about the bush). ing of its individual words. According to Ox- Idioms has swiftly proven to raise con- ford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary an idiom troversies due to their versatility and un- “is a phrase or sentences whose meaning is not predictable behavior. To learn a language a clear from the meaning of its individual words person needs to learn the words in that and which must be learnt as a whole unit”1. language and how and when to use them. The meaning of the idioms can be sometimes But people also need to learn idioms sepa- understood by looking the words up in a dic- rately because certain words together or at tionary and using some common sense and certain times can have different meanings. imagination and the context of the phrase. Knowledge of these idioms would be use- Makkai divides idioms into two categories2: ful to all English speakers who are planning to Idioms of encoding (identifiable) which spend some time travelling or working in are those idiosyncratic lexical combinations Britain as the saying goes: “when in Rome do that have transparent meaning involving as Romans do”3. Given the nature of this study collocational preferences and restrictions. namely to capture the way connotations at- Idioms of decoding (non-identifiable) tributed to travelling are reflected in idiomatic refer to those non-identifiable and mis- expressions the present paper is referred to a leading lexical expressions whose inter- wide variety of sources. Miscellaneous infor- mation will be correlated from academic and 1 2 Makkai, A.,-Idioms Structure in English, Janua 3 Penguin Dictionary of English Idioms, Penguin Linguarum, Series Maior, 1972 Books

148 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 non academic reviews, websites, travel bro- Book tickets – олдиндан чипта сотиб chures, etc. English is a versatile language and олиш – купить билеты (заранее) tourism and travelling English, Uzbek and Get tickets – чипта олиш – достать Russian are no exception but there is a real билеты challenge for students had those who need to Book tickets in advance – олдиндан practice translation of some idioms or idiom- чипталарни буюртма қилиш – заказать atic expressions related to travel and tourism. билеты заранее Practical direction – a list of idioms/ idi- Deliver the tickets – чипталарни omatic expressions/common phrases related етказиб бериш – доставить билеты to traveling. Have (the tickets) delivered – In the section below we provide a list of чипталарни уйга етказиб бериш – some common English, Uzbek and Russian получить билеты с доставкой на дом phrases used by travelers which will assist you A ticket for a train, a plane – поезд, in developing your vocabulary in a wide vari- самолет чипталари – билет на поезд, ety of possible travel-related situations4: самолет Desk clerk – навбатчи администра- The meaning of the idioms can be some- тор – дежурный администратор times understood by looking the words up in Room service – хизмат кўрсатадиган a dictionary. Finding idioms in a general dic- бўлим – бюро обслуживания tionary is a slow and laborious task so it is Hitch-hike – сафарга чиқиш – hoped that this list of idioms and idiomatic путешествовать на попутках phrases and expressions used in travelling and Make a journey – саёхатни тугатиш – tourism will provide assistance in a practical совершить путешествие way. It has been observed that native English To set off for a journey – саёхатга жонаб speaking professors use idiomatic expressions кетиш- отправиться в путешествие when teaching in EFL/ESL classrooms having Go on a two-day trip – икки кунли саёр- an important impact on academic perfor- га чиқиш – отправиться в двухдневный mance. The idiom and idiomatic phrases поход present troublesome expressions that cannot Travel agency – саёхат бюроси – Бюро be translated word, that’s why they must be путешествий given in a special dictionary as ready-made Package tour / holiday – тур пакетлар expressions with their translation. қ қ ор али саёхатга чи иш-путешествие по BIBLIOGRAPHY туристической путевке 1. Cambridge Dictionary of American Eng- Buy a package tour – тур пакет сотиб lish – Paul Heacock, Cambridge Univer- олиш – купить туристическую путевку sity Press, 2003 Reserved booking – брон, олдиндан 2. Penguin Dictionary of English Idioms, буюртма қилиш – предварительный заказ, Penguin Books 3. Makkai, A.,-Idioms Structure in English, бронирование Janua Linguarum, Series Maior, 1972 4. 4 Cambridge Dictionary of American English – Paul Heacock, Cambridge University Press, 2003


PhD G.Adashullaeva

Abstrakt: In this article, we will introduce the laws of the pronounced expressions, phraseological units, also a semantic analysis of phraseological units with elements of the Persian- and ways of developing of languages. Key words: borrowing, polisemantism, component, borrowed phraseological units, formation Аннотация: В данной статье речь введется о закономерностях заимстованных выражениях, фразеологических единиц, также семантический анализ фразеологизмов с элементами персидско-таджикского языка и пути развития языков. Ключевые слова: заимствование,полисемантизм, компонент, заимствованные фразеологизмы, формирование

It is well-known that inner source pos- guage, Tajik people language and Russian sibilities are considered as the main fac- language. The Uzbek language has influ- tors of enriching the dictionary of every enced by these languages. They influ- language, in particular, the Uzbek lan- enced to dictionary of the Uzbek language guage. Though as any language in the and Persian-Tajik, Arabian and Russian world, the Uzbek language is not satisfied languages have mostly enriched it by its words, its layer richness and possi- [3,113;4,5-17]. bilities. The outer factor plays an impor- Several words have borrowed from tant role in enriching and developing the them into Uzbek language, the borrowed dictionary of the Uzbek language. Gener- words had formed some phraseologisms ally, every language can’t exist in pure and they created its dictionary and phra- state. Really, different languages have def- seologic layer in lexical and phraseologi- inite relations in various historical condi- cal system of the language. In other words, tions. Ancient roots of the Uzbek lan- Tajik, Arabian and Russian words in the guage, then the language itself came lexis of the Uzbek language are mostly across and interrelated with several lan- met, formed phraseologisms on the basis guages during historical development for of this borrowed layer are considered as many centuries. They are ancient Iranian the layer of borrowed phraseologisms in languages (ancient Sogdian language, an- phraseological system of the Uzbek lan- cient Khorezm language), ancient Altay guage. and Chinese languages; ancient Greek For instance, there are several phrases and Indian languages; Arabian, Mongo- with two-components borrowed from the lian, Uygur; classic Persian-Tajik lan- Tajik language as …[2, 165-200; 1, 40-45].


One of them is “dardi bedavo” (lumber) medicine for the sake of health (UzAS, and has a polysemantic character [Expla- 7.04.2004); 2) same, for the name of God: nation dictionary of the Uzbek language, For the name of God, what is it? (Uzbeki- 1,94]: 1) incurable illness. (Due to un- stan voice, newspaper, 10.01.2006). faithful beloved became incurable, But these two borrowed phrases Frightened from the death I weep) weren’t given in FDUL as polysemantic (Khamza. Secrets of paranja); ones, they presented as synonym phrases 2) figurative, inherent to conversa- [FDUL,18]: azbaroyi xudo-call to believ- tional language: impossible to mend or ing (as introduction word): For the name reform the object or person. of God, you haven’t honesty! (P.Tursun. This borrowing phrase is noted in Ukituvchi) Phraseological dictionary of the Uzbek “Azbaroyi xudo” was given as monose- language as simple: dardi bedavo (lum- mantic phrase, “azbaroyi shifo” as polyse- ber)- impossible to reform, to escape, mantic phrase in SURPD [SURPD,15]. lumber [PDUL, 71]. They weren’t given in EDUL. In Explanation dictionary of the Uz- Azbaroyi shifo-call to believing ( as bek language, 5th volume, the explana- introduction): For the sake, I forgot its tion of phrase “lumber” based on the name being in a hurry (I.Maksudi. Laylat- EDUL, but there are some differences in ulkadr); For the sake of God, there isn’t so the later one. Let’s look at lexicographic good man in the world (Sh. Toshmatov. explanation of this borrowed phrase in The freedom). order to imagine it [EDUL-5, 1, 205]: We find out that almost hundred Tajik Dardi bedavo (lumber)-1) incurable ill- steady phrases used in the uzbek lan- ness; 2) fig. impossible to reform, to es- guage. Their main part is included to cape, lumber: … (It is very lumber one!) conversational process and they have idi- (UzAS). There is also another meaning of omatic-phraseological character, compo- “dardi bedavo” –half-and-halfer (bungler) nents’ meaning is transmitted fully ot [SURPD, 82]. This explanation isn’t given partially. For instance: dardi sar in EDUL. (headache)-problem; deradi bedavo (in- Persian-Tajik phrase “azbaroyi” (for curable illness)-lumber; tarjimai hol (bi- the sake of) is often used in explaining the ography); gultoji xuroz (originally:gultoji meanings of “because of, for”. The polyse- khurus); charkha falak, gumbazi davvor mantic phrases as “azbaroyi xudo”(for the (circled dome-sky) etc. These Tajik steady sake of) and “azbaroyi shifo” (for the phrases were borrowed completely and health) were formed with the help of it they were adopted as lexical-phraseologi- [EDUL, 1,30]: azbaroyi xudo (for the sake cal unity due to structural-typological of)-1) for the god, for the sake; 2) by God: difference. If we pay attention to the Hearing that, by God, I was so angry meaning of structural phrases, grammar (Aybek, Sacred blood). Azbaroyi shifo structure, we would find out that the ma- (for the health) 1) to be healthy: Take the jority of these components aren’t used in

151 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA the Uzbek language separately. For exam- phraseologisms Persian-tajik word-com- ple, the word-component “bozor” (mar- ponents in their structure have a special ket) in the phrase bozor(i) shab (market place. There are differentiations in pre- at night) has general meaning in both senting Persian-tajik borrowed phraseol- languages, but the word “shab” (night) ogisms as monosemantic or polysemantic isn’t used in the Uzbek language. And the phrases in EDUL-5, FDUL, EDPUL and semantic of the word-component “margi- SURPD. mush” (“marg” –death, “mush”-mouse, Reference the meaning is the death of the mouse) 1. Abdullaev F, Eshondadaev D, Tajik steady isn’t a definite word for Uzbek, the mor- phrases in the Uzbek language// Uzbek phological structure isn’t indefinite. The language and literature, 1973, №1-40- word “juvonmarg” which often used in 45pp. Uzbek oral conversation speech is the 2. Borovkov A.K. Uzbek-Tajik bilinguity and issue about interrelation of tajik and Uz- same. The first part the of word “holvay- bek languages// Scientific notes of the In- tar//holvay(i)tar” reminds the word “hol- stitute of Orient study AS., Volume IV., M., va”, but for the uzbek language the second 1952, 165-200pp. part is indefinite and it changed phoneti- 3. Begmatov E. Lexical layers of modern Uz- cally: “holvaytar”. Due to no understand- bek literary language, Tashkent, Fan, 1985, 113pp ing the lexical-grammatical link among 4. Mirtojiev M., Borrowed word- engrafted components of steady phrases, some of stemlet, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1988, them are admitted as complete lexical 5-17pp. unit and formed as complex word which 5. Hushenova S.V. Steady phraseological pronounced with complete stress [5,36- units of Tajik language.-Dushanbe: Irfon, 38]. That’s why, the main part of Tajik 1967, 36-38pp. 6. Abbreviations steady phrases used in oral and written 7. PDUL-Rahmatullaev Sh. Phraseological speech of Uzbeks can be changed pho- dictionary of the Uzbek language, Tash- netically: “astoydil” (“az tahti dil”- from kent, 1992 all heart), “shur peshona” (“shuri 8. EDUL-5- Explanatory dictionary of the peshona”-miserable), “sohibjamol” (“so- Uzbek language. Five volume. Tashkent, 2006-2008 hibi jamol”- pretty); “xotirjam” (“xotiri 9. EDPUL-Mengliev B., Khudoyberdieva M. jam”-quite), “holvaytar” (“holvai tar”- wet Educational dictionary of phrases of the halva); “sahar mardon” (“sahari mardon”- Uzbek language, Tashkent, 2007 morning) etc. 10. SURPD Sodikova M.Short Uzbek-Russian So, in forming Persian-tajik borrowed phraseological dictionary, Tashkent, 1989.


Mukhabbat Ruzmetova Shakirovna Senior teacher

Аннотация: В этой статье обсуждаются несколько сокращений и инициа- лизмов в преподавании и изучении английского языка. Кроме того, общая инфор- мация о типах экзаменов по английскому языку также включена для изучающих язык. Ключевые слова: Сокращений, инициализмы, TEFL, TESOL, CELTA, BULAT, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, сертификат, получить, приобретать. Annotation: In this article is discussed several Acronyms and Initialisms in teaching and learning English. As well as, general information about English exam types are also included for language learners. Key words: Acronyms, Initialisms, TEFL, TESOL, CELTA, BULAT, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, certificate, obtain, acquire.

According to Vangie Beal, an acronym lish language teaching and learning by the is a word that is formed by combining author. We hope that this glossary materi- some parts (usually the first letters) of als to assist everyone to encounter teach- some other terms. In everyday speech, the ing career and outcome learning difficul- term is also used to refer to initial- ties of learners and instructors. isms, which are combinations of letters Recently, most teachers apply for a dif- representing a longer phrase. For exam- ferent International certificates for be- ple, CRT is an initialism for cath- coming qualified specialists or to work in ode ray tube. The difference is that an several parts of the globe. For these, they acronym is pronounced as if it were a usually obtain international teaching cer- word rather than just a series of individu- tificates. At the bottom, there are ex- al letters1. plained such type of certificates and their An acronym is a pronounceable word differences. formed from the first letter (or first few A TEFL (Teaching English as a foreign letters) of each word in a phrase or title. language) certificate covers the funda- Sometimes, the newly combined letters mental concepts and practical application create a new word that becomes a part of that apply to Teaching English as a For- everyday language. In this thesis, there are eign Language. A TEFL certificate, when described and summarized several acro- issued from a reputable institution, is a nyms and initialisms that related to Eng- professional certification, but it is not a teaching license. TEFL certification is 1 html usually required or highly recommended

153 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA for ESL jobs. It also specializes the skills of speaking countries, such as the United licensed teachers hoping to teach over- Kingdom, Canada, the United States, seas. However, it cannot replace a govern- and Australia. Whereas TEFL is more ment-issued teaching license. This certifi- geared toward teachers planning to relo- cation can improve teacher’s applications cate temporarily or permanently and can increase potential earnings. It abroad, TESL is a suitable course choice often benefits educators planning to teach for those looking to expand their careers. abroad by identifying common language If someone interests in teaching Eng- barriers, introducing culturally appropri- lish to people from other countries, they ate teaching techniques for working with come across the term TESOL (Teaching non-native speakers and help teachers English to Speakers of Other Languag- develop cultural fluency. At least, TEFL es). This is a more modern term that certificate is highly recommended for encompasses the old way of describing teachers who wish to teach abroad. this sector of education. The importance TEFL was primarily focused on help- of TESOL is more apparent than ever in ing people who didn’t speak English in our increasingly global and diverse their day-to-day life in their native coun- world. tries. People who might be from Russian Thousands of teachers around the cities where only their native language world have found this an invaluable cer- was spoken, would be an example. tificate-level qualification. Having TESL, on the other hand, was the ap- a TESOL Certificate will give the skills to proach developed for people who came teach English to speakers of other lan- from countries that used English in some guages whose first language is not Eng- capacity, such as in government and busi- lish, especially in an English-speak- ness related affairs. These types of learners ing countries. Furthermore, it provides have a background that includes English, the base for teachers to teach in both but still requires a formal education to gain non-native English countries and within a complete comprehension of the language. English speaking countries. It provides a TESL (Teaching English as a Second solid basis for teachers and for developing Language) similarly to TEFL, TESL pre- personal expertise in a diverse range of pares educators to teach English to non- English teaching situations. TESOL certi- English speakers. The significant differ- fication is a vital element of any profes- ence between these two certifications is sional training program. Therefore, the the intended teaching location. TESL demand for teachers with training in courses are geared toward teachers plan- TESOL is very high around the world. ning to teach English to speakers of for- CELTA (Certificate in English Lan- eign languages living in a native-English guage Teaching to Adults) is an initial speaking country. teacher training qualification for teach- A TESL qualification is an advantage ing English as a second or foreign lan- for teachers looking for work in English guage (ESL and EFL). It is provided

154 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 by Cambridge English Language Assess- TOEIC – Test Of English for Interna- ment through authorised Cambridge tional Communication. English Teaching Qualification centres BULATS (The Business Language and can be taken either full-time or part- Testing Service ) is an English language time. CELTA was developed to be suitable test provided by Cambridge English Lan- both for those interested in Teaching Eng- guage Assessment. It assesses the level of a lish as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and person in a used language and in a profes- for Teaching English to the Speakers of sional context. This foreign language Other Languages (TESOL). skills assessment is validated by a two- CELTA is designed for candidates with years valid certificate. BULATS is a flexi- little or no previous English language ble online tool that assesses English lan- teaching (ELT) experience. It is also taken guage skills for business, industry and by candidates with some teaching experi- commerce. It helps you develop a work- ence who have received little practical force that is confident communicating in teacher training or who wish to gain in- international business environments. ternationally recognized qualification. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Candidates should have English language Language). A test in standard American skills equivalent to at least C1 of the Com- English, administered to people whose mon European Framework of Reference first language is not English. The scores for Languages (CEFR) or an IELTS score are used to determine eligibility for col- of 7.5. lege or university admittance, or hiring CELTA gives equal emphasis to theory and placement within companies or pro- and practice. The strong practical element fessional and governmental programs in demonstrates to employers that successful the US. candidates have the skills to succeed in TOEIC (The Test of English for Inter- the classroom. Courses can be taken full- national Communication) is an English time or part-time and either face-to-face language test designed specifically to or online. A full-time, face-to-face course measure the everyday English skills of typically lasts between four and five people working in an international envi- weeks.2 ronment.” There are different forms of the The following testing acronyms all re- exam: The TOEIC Listening & Reading late to a few well-known and internation- Test consists of two equally graded tests of ally accepted tests. comprehension assessment activities to- BULATS – Business Language Testing taling a possible 990 score; There are also Services. the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests. IELTS – International English Lan- The TOEIC speaking test is composed of guage Testing System. tasks that assess pronunciation, intona- TOEFL – Test Of English as a Foreign tion and stress, vocabulary, grammar, co- Language. hesion, relevance of content and com- 2 pleteness of content. The TOEIC Writing

155 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA test is composed of tasks that assess gram- REFERENCES mar, relevance of sentences to the pic- 1. Anthony, E. 1963. “Approach, method and technique”. English language teaching 17: 63– tures, quality and variety of sentences, 7. Reprinted in H.Allen and R.Campbell (eds.). vocabulary, organization, and whether Teaching English as a second Language (2nd the opinion is supported with reason and/ edition). 1972. New York: McGraw-Hill. or examples. Both assessments use a score 2. scale of 0 – 200.3 html 3. 3 4.


Feruza Kurbanova Kokand State Pedagogical Institute senior teacher

Creating a hero to the artistic and rais- ing it to the level of the character requires In the series of stories and stories of Uz- great skill from the writer. The character bek writer Normurod Norkobilov, images clearly conveys the artistic concept to the of animals and plants and various “repre- reader. Each hero created by the writer sentatives” of the whole world are created, plays an important role in the realization which describe the positive and negative of the author’s artistic intention. For this aspects of man’s spirituality and encour- reason, any writer tries to bring his acapu age them to come up with an observation heroes to the level of life type. Through of natural phenomena in human life. The the same heroic behavior, he achieves a well-known literary critic A.Rasulov, level of artistic reality of vital reality. It commenting on these features in the sto- does not matter whether the hero of the ries and stories, writer N.Norqobilov Bunda acap is human or figurative. The wrote: “His works describe complicated writer intends to describe in both types of animal and human relationships. The heroes one goal – a person. Therefore, writer looks at the world of the grass achieving the figurative symbols to be (green nature), as well as the cemetery understood by the reader at the level of (mountain pebbles, hills). In his story the human image requires great skill “The Rocks Cried”, he was skillfully en- There are works in the world literature grossed in man and stone, mountain and that have been brought to the level of man. The animal world can not be sepa- leading emblems, such as the natural rated from the green world. world of plants (the green world), the In the “Pakhmok” story, the bear creature (the animal world), the world of smashes the fruits like hawks, dirt, and inanimate things, through their actions, apples. A heroine of the story “The Man interconnectedness, “intuition and of the Mountain” falls into the ravine. The thoughts” the spiritual world of a person roaring horn of a tree growing on the who is considered to be a blessing. Chin- rocks will “catch” him. The writer can giz Aitmatov’s novel “The Hour”, includ- achieve the same natural expression of the ing wolves like Akbara and Toshchaynar, animal, the plant, the animal. It is natural: horse in the story “Alvido, Gulsary”, Lost animal, vegetable, and bird is a parent: in Ernest Seton Thompson’s “The Wild they are born as human beings. “ Horse” story, and the dog’s essay on Narymbekov’s ”Dog of the jungle “ is Mukhtar Avezov’s “Kukyol” story. the same as Karavay. He treats dogs like

157 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA people around him, he is good friends, era. Entering the jack russell terrier’s soul punishes the bad. In the case of people, he dress, in the hope of warm meat, the behaves just like a man. He will respond to owner brings a queen to the chickens of their greetings with goodness and to their the Haydar Köse. Having noticed this, evil deeds. In the story of Ganim, when a Heydar kyca condemns him to death. The teenager named Safar died, Toldmas would jack russell terrier gnaws the wrist of the join, and the wolf could not find a place for Heydar Köse, escapes into the thicket and himself. The wolf manifested his loyalty to finds a landing from here. What can you his wife in the wolf’s behavior, and his expect from a Karavoy who is the off- deeds glorified him, thereby demonstrat- spring of a family who does not have the ing that he was an exemplary man for same father! The subsequent events in some people. Indeed, the wolf man erupt- Kuccagaru prove how true this is. If it is ed in the stomach of the wounded man, permissible to retreat a little, you can say and his life spared the body of his body. that if the mother in the family comes out There is a ran that the environment of the dirt, her kacpu ypagu to the child. plays an important role in the upbringing An example of this can be found as much of the ogam child. It is possible to find as you want, both from life events and out from every aspect of life that the ne- from artistic works. Especially some gation of the idea is correct. The role of lonely women go into bad ways, without the family in the upbringing of a child, his having to endure the difficulties of life. becoming a good or bad person, one can No one can guarantee that will become a never ignore the interaction of the family perfect person if he has a son or daughter. and the neighborhood. From a family that So is the fate of karavoy. Since his moth- is morally harmonious, a dirt-free ogam er does not bring him sucking, he looks at will not come out. On the contrary, it is everything from hunger with shock, also hard to believe that a decent person thinking that they are “mine”, thrown will grow out of families that do not fol- away, irritated: will reach the residual low the criteria of morality. There is an- things, will fly to the counter-shock. After other side to the issue. An adult child who time, they go full of strength and stick to is brought up in a stable family can also the bone that the mother brought for her. go to the bad side if he falls into an unfa- He grinds his mother’s teeth. Jack russell vorable environment. ”Dog of the jungle terrier first feels that he does not have the “ Karavoy’s puppy period confirms this. strength to his puppy. Scratching a chalk The first branches of the karavoy, open- mouse, which later became the prey and ing their eyes, were thick bushes, on a Toy of a cat-it first smells of hot blood, wall rotting each other. Mother dog terri- after pulling it unbearable to threats. er brought him into the world in this From this, the feeling of hunting in it thicket. Jack russell terrier is actually a awakens. First he learns to mice, then he honaki dog. Only late have earned evil. rubs the tuber. Attack the sheep in the The karavay is the valve of the same evil flock and plunder the shepherd’s dogs.


Three days lay with bad suffering. When into suffering.As a result, his evilness these images of Kuccagaru are read, the prevails, he joins the Wolves. Now, his reader may seem to emac a dog nick- further fate is known. named Karavoy in the eyes, but also the In Our View, N.Norkobilov told kucca evenings of the past of an infant child of that the behavior of a creature, observing an infant family. It should be seen that and feeling their past with such precision, this is undoubtedly the fruit of the literary created the image of a perfect dog as a skill. Because the art of persuasion of the brunette. By observing the negative and Adib was the reason that he managed to on-the-moment positive qualities of his achieve the image of a figurative hero as Fe’l, the reader’s belief in the dog of this if he were a real man. The further “way of creature will not remain indifferent. life” of karavoy is even more strange. He When the reader finishes reading the sto- eats a hard blow from two-legged crea- ry, he grabs a deep thought, feels that the tures, threatening the horned creatures, metaphor is closely connected with the getting used to the tame dogs defeats He truth, and makes sure that all this is a fruit does not find a landing, his life will turn of high skill.


Bazarbaeva Shaxzada, Djurayeva Nilufar Uzbekistan state world languages university Annotation: The communicative method is based on functional and communicative approaches. The development of methods that provide practical knowledge of the lan- guage in the shortest possible time has become a vital necessity Аннотация: Когда вы впервые используете парную работу, объясните студентам причины использования пар. Вам, вероятно, придется использовать родной язык учеников. Кроме того, студенты должны понимать следующие правила. Key words: communication, language, society, analysis, method, relation, competence

Communicative language training ap- based on error analysis. Therefore, the peared in the 60’s in British procedure communicative method is based on func- where trained on situational language ba- tional and communicative approaches. sis. The main structures of the English The development of methods that provide language were treated in various commu- practical knowledge of the language in the nication situations. In the mid- 60 years in shortest possible time has become a vital the United States was rejected by the theo- necessity. In 1971, a group of scientists be- ry of language audiolinvalizme. British gan to develop methods of teaching lan- Methodists questioned the theoretical guage, taking into account the needs and principles of situational methods of teach- needs of students. In 1972, a commission ing foreign languages. They realized the under the leadership of the British linguist inefficiency of teaching methods on the D.A. Wilkins prepared a message propos- structure and began to develop a func- ing a functional or communicative defini- tional and communication approach to tion of a language, which could serve as a language learning. They saw a need-based basis for developing a communicative pro- language teaching communicative needs, gram for language learning. The merit of and not on the basis of only structures. D.A. Wilkins was that he conducted an Proponents of this view were Kendlin S., analysis of the student’s communicative H. Vidovson. Another condition for the need in terms of both the expression of emergence of different approaches to lan- thought and speech perception. This pro- guage learning was to increase the social gram was adopted by the educational de- need for mastering a foreign language in partment of the Council of Europe. Subse- Europe. The subject of research of this quently, this program played a major role technique is: language as a means of ex- in the development of methods and im- pression. Language as a semiotic system proving the quality of textbooks in Europe. and an object of study, the interpersonal M. Kennel and M. Swain (1980) cre- relations of students and corrective study ated an important speculative model that

160 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 considers the connection between theory “method” is a covering (umbrella) to de- and practice. They identified 4 main com- fine the term (s) of the relationship of ponents of communicative competence: theory and practice. The approach is the 1. Grammatical competence: perfect position point of view, the theory of the mastery of lexical units, rules of morphol- nature of the target language. The concept ogy, syntax and phonology. Grammatical L. Buckman communicative person’s abil- competence is mainly related to the lin- ity consists of knowledge or competence, guistic aspects of a language focused on the ability to perform speech acts. He be- dictionaries, word order, sentence forma- lieves that the concept of communicative tion, pronunciation, writing, and others; language teaching includes three compo- 2. Sociolinguistic competence: corre- nents: spondence of statements (grammatical 1) Language competence, and communicative functions) in this 2) Strategic competence, context related to topics, roles and par- 3) Psycho-physiological mechanisms. ticipants.3. Speech competence: mastery In this case, language competence is of the skill of combining grammatical knowledge: strategic kompetentsiyamen- forms and knowledge to achieve unity of tal capacity to carry the components of oral and written text; 4. Strategic compe- language competence. Thus, we can con- tence – verbal communication theory, clude that in the history of foreign lan- which consists of the above 4 types of guage teaching there, and there are nu- competencies. 5.In other words, they con- merous and varied sider communicative competence as a attempts to find the most rational synthesis of knowledge of grammar, method of learning foreign languages. knowledge as the use of language in a so- Every attempt (approach, method), and cial context. However, in the development has had some impact on the development of communicative language teaching of the theory and practice of teaching. methodology theory has been a number Moreover, each approach or method is of controversial issues. One of them is the based on a certain theory, both the meth- use of terminology. J. Richards and Redrs odology and the related sciences. One of write this “method” is defined in terms of the modern technologies in teaching for- three levels: approach, structure (design), eign languages is computer learning. Of proceduretechnique works. The approach course, one cannot reduce everything to is a theory of language and learning. Pro- it, and the number of hours spent behind ject (design) – the definition of linguistic the screen cannot serve as a criterion for content and description of the role of the the quality of teaching foreign languages, teacher, student and educational material. as they try to present in some private Methods of work associated with the schools. But, of course, the fact that the methods of work. E. Antonia differenti- computer is an excellent assistant in ates the concept of “approach”, “method”, learning a foreign language for the or- “welcome”. According to him, the term ganization of individual training. After

161 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA all, as soon as the teacher stops seeing the matically increases the speed and quality student just a vessel that needs to be filled of the assimilation of language and speech with knowledge and skills, he has to look material. The creation of a communica- for an individual approach to everyone, tive methodology is explained by the in- adjust to his interests, the pace of master- fluence of two linguistic competences – ing the material, and the personal charac- structuralism and transformational-gen- teristics of the psyche. The computer erative grammar, which prevailed in 50– performs the program that it contains, 60 years. XX century. and presents a huge selection of topics in References: a foreign language to study. Modern 1. Lyakhovitskaya MV, Methods of teaching methods of presenting information in foreign languages. M., 1981 – p. 110–111. 2. Maslyko E.A., Babinskaya P.K. Handbook computers include not only language and for a foreign language teacher. Minsk, speech material for mastering, but also Higher School, 2001. – p. 77. pictures, videos, sound fragments, which 3. Methods of primary education in foreign is very important for the phonetic devel- languages. Ed.I. V. Karpov and I.V. Ra- opment of words and whole sentences. khmanov M.,1987 – p. 34. 4. Essays on the methods of teaching oral This allows you to use almost all the speech in foreign languages / Ed.V. A. Bu- senses used for the perception of the ma- chbinder Kiev, 1990– p. 160–161. terial, while it is duplicating through dif- 5. Palmer R. Methods of teaching English ferent channels of perception, which dra- spoken language L. 1983.


Diloram Erkinovna Xidayeva Tashkent Medical Academy Teacher of Department of Languages Tashkent, Uzbekistan Abstract The article discusses the factors creating difficulties in teaching reading to EFL learn- ers. Particularly, it focuses on key factors contributing to reading difficulties of learners and suggest some solutions to these reading problems. Key words: reading skill, reading difficulty, reading strategy, reading for compre- hension, factor, reading for pleasure. Аннотация В статье рассматриваются факторы, создающие трудности в обучении чтению учащихся EFL. В частности, в нем рассматриваются ключевые факто- ры, способствующие трудностям чтения учащихся, и предлагаются некоторые решения этих проблем чтения. Ключевые слова: навык чтения, трудность чтения, стратегия чтения, чтение для понимания, фактор, чтение для удовольствия.

It should be reported that problems of rooms should be explored further so that teaching reading skills have been investi- the EFL teachers can improve reading gated from different viewpoints recently. skills of learners without making them To be more exact, it can be said that prob- bored and anxious during the lesson. In- lems of teaching reading at multilevel stead, they should liven up children and classrooms, teaching strategies and tech- make them anxiety-free during the lesson niques of reading, reading types and mod- through appropriate ways of using read- els, problems of different age group learn- ing techniques and strategies in the les- ers and teaching reading to them have sons. been studied in recent researches done in Many linguists and scholars have in- this field. However, factors contributing to vestigated the problem of teaching read- difficulties in teaching reading to EFL stu- ing at different stages of education and dents should be significantly investigated ways of teaching effectively reading in the further in our opinion. Therefore, this ar- EFL classrooms and tried to use some ef- ticle aims to investigate this question more fective methods and techniques into thoroughly and intended to explore the classroom practice, especially in foreign factors resulting in difficulties in teaching language teaching contexts in general and reading to EFL students. reading classrooms in particular. They Factors resulting in difficulties in have explored different sides of this ques- teaching reading to EFL students in class- tion and investigated the problem to a


Table 1: Some effective reading strategies and their interpretation: № Reading Interpretation strategies 1 Previewing reviewing titles, section headings, and photo captions to get a sense of the structure and content of a reading selection; 2 Predicting using knowledge of the subject matter to make predictions about content and vocabulary and check comprehension; using knowledge of the text type and purpose to make predictions about discourse structure; using knowledge about the author to make predictions about writing style, vocabulary, and content; 3 Skimming using a quick survey of the text to get the main idea, identify text structure, confirm or question predictions; 4 Scanning reading for a specific information; 5 Guessing from using prior knowledge of the subject and the ideas in the text as context clues to the meanings of unknown words, instead of stopping to look them up; 6 Paraphrasing stopping at the end of a section to check comprehension by restating the information and ideas in the text. certain degree. For example, such scholars inability of learners to control or monitor and researchers as P. Hench, 2010; P.L. their reading for comprehension and how Griffith and J. Ruan, 2005; Nuttal 2005; to adjust if comprehension is lost. The au- A.J. Aebersold and M.L. Fied 1997; thor suggested several ways of avoiding, Bryners 1998; Robb 1996; Sarasota 2001; overcoming and dealing with such prob- Leki 2001; Carrell and Carson 1997; lems in teaching reading. As he stated, Huckin and Flower 1990; Cook and May- there are considerable advantages of using er 1983; Barnett 1989; Cohen 1990 and reading skills and strategies to effectively others have done researches on this topic. deal with reading tasks in the EFL class- More particularly, these researchers in- room and implementing these skills and vestigated general problems of teaching strategies into classroom practice as out- reading such as techniques for teaching lined below: a) learners should be taught reading, problems in reading comprehen- how to read effectively using reading strat- sion, strategies for developing reading egies; b) learners should be guided to read skills. appropriately by reading properly and fol- According to Hench (2010), teaching lowing along with what has been written; reading can be difficult due to some factors c) learners should be guided how to rely on in the EFL classrooms and these factors their background knowledge and skills should be considered by every EFL teacher while they are reading and as a result, they when they teach reading to their students. are highly motivated because of the moti- These factors can be regarded as the fol- vation that such reading strategies brought lowings: a) inability of learners to recog- to the classroom. nize letters, letter clusters, words and word Similarly, Nuttal (2005) also stated combinations, phrases and sentences; b) that the EFL teachers can encounter dif-

164 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 ficulties in teaching reading to EFL stu- stand the main idea, topic of the text. dents due to the factors related with And, by applying predicting strategy in learners themselves. And the author sug- reading classes students of academic ly- gested employing different reading strate- ceum can use knowledge of the subject gies can enable learners to develop their matter to make predictions about content reading skills and comprehend the text and vocabulary and check comprehen- properly. As is mentioned in his work, sion; use knowledge of the text type and teachers can overcome possible difficul- purpose to make predictions about dis- ties in teaching reading when they teach course structure; use knowledge about the students how to read using some reading author to make predictions about writing strategies. style, vocabulary, and content. And in its Sarasota (2001, p 11) also claimed that own turn, this leads to the use previous teachers can avoid possible difficulties by knowledge about the topic given, students making or encouraging learners to use can predict the text, foresee the main idea reading strategies and the author outlines of the text; what is about, what is the main some linguodidactic peculiarities and idea of the text and others. By using skim- benefits of the use of reading strategies in ming technique, students can use a quick the EFL classrooms as outlined below: a) survey of the text to get the main idea, reading makes more sense for struggling identify text structure, confirm or ques- readers when strategies are used; b) good tion predictions. By using scanning, it can readers use strategies naturally; c) the use be said that students at academic lyceums of strategies helps struggling readers to can read for a specific idea or informa- become proficient; d) strategies make tion. It is clearly stated that by using reading more fun. guessing from context, students can use It is clear from the content of the table, prior knowledge of the subject and the students can use these strategies and ideas in the text as clues to the meanings avoid possible reading difficulties, and of unknown words, instead of stopping to help teachers to overcome some possible look them up. difficulties faced by the EFL teacher and In conclusion, the learners’ inability to the EFL teachers can encourage their stu- recognize letters, letter combinations, dents to use such strategies in reading words and word combinations, phrases lessons. Lets’ deal with them in detail: and sentences and the inability of learners By using previewing strategy, students to control or monitor their reading for can review titles, section headings, and comprehension can create main difficul- photo captions to get a sense of the struc- ties and as a solution, it can be said that ture and content of a reading selection the use of reading strategies in the EFL and in its own turn this can help students classroom can contribute to the preven- to know about the main idea, thesis, argu- tion of difficulties appearing in the class- ment or focus of the text. As a result, it room and help make the reading lesson helps teachers to make learners under- more successful and effective.


REFERENCES Mc Milan Publisher, 2005. 1. Hench, P. Comprehension develop- 3. Sarasota K. Difference between strategy ment. Handbook of college reading and skill. and study strategies. New York: Rout- sarasota/strattactisc. ledge, 2010. html#Understandind% the%20Differ- 2. Nuttall, Christine. Teaching reading ence%20Between(accessed February, 3, skills as a foreign language. Thailand. 2010), 2001.


Исроилова Д.М Андижанский государственный университет

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается анализ современного состояния обучения профессионально ориентированному английскому языку в технических вузах. Постановления Президента Республики Узбекистан их реализация и внедряемые проекты. Ключевые слова: постановление, специализированное обучение, реализация, внедрение. Annotation. This article discusses the modern condition of teaching English for spe- cific purposes in technical universities. Decrees of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan and their investigation and invented projects. Key words: decree, oriented teaching, investigation, invent.

Машиностроительная промышлен- странным языкам связываются иссле- ность имеет стратегическое значение дователями с идеями интеграции язы- для нашей страны, в условиях глоба- кового и профессионального обучения лизации и вовлечение инвестиций ис- (Комарова 2008; Крупченко 2005; пытывает потребность в квалифици- Крючков 2003; Cloud 2000; Crandall, рованных специалистах, владеющих Kaufman 2002; Gatehouse 2001; Kasper специальным английским языком и 2004; Klee, Tedick 2007). При этом от- способных к эффективному професси- бор содержания обучения и интегра- ональному взаимодействию на между- ция межпредметных дисциплин явля- народной арене. Повышение требова- ется приоритетным подходом к обуче- ний работодателей к качеству языко- нию профессионального английского вого образования выпускников техни- языка в нефилологических вузах. Зна- ческих вузов (машиностроительных) чительную роль в подготовке будущих вызывает большую необходимость специалистов к взаимодействию с за- поиска новых путей его развития и рубежными коллегами считается обу- совершенствования. Однако данная чение практическим коммуникатив- проблема пока не получила должного ным способностям. Практическая ра- решения в методической и в педаго- бота в техническом вузе показывает, гической науке. Вместе с тем наиболее что интерес студентов английскому продуктивные и оптимальные концеп- языку возрастает в том случае, если туальные подходы к профессионально язык становится практически значи- ориентированному обучению ино- мым когда обучающиеся видят и по-


нимают перспективу в дальнейшей ности теории и практики в процессе профессиональной деятельности. В высшего образования, в результате не- последние годы и в нашей стране воз- эффективной организации квалифи- росли требования к профессиональ- кационной практики студентов на ной подготовке и повышению знаний производственных предприятиях зна- иностранных языков выпускников. В чительная часть выпускников, вместо этой связи, принцип профессиональ- того чтобы выходить готовыми специ- ной направленности при обучении ан- алистами, после устройства на работу глийского языка в технических вузах заново осваивают свою профессию, приобретает особую значимость и специальность.»[1.1-2] приоритетность. Переход к информа- У нас в стране имеется свыше, со- ционному обществу требует развития рока высших учебных заведений не- личности, в том числе умений и навы- филологического направления, что ков, повышающих как профессиональ- привело необходимости уделения вни- ную, так и предметную компетенцию, мания специализированному обуче- облегчающую вхождение специалиста ние иностранному языку (в нашем в сферу межнациональных контактов случае английскому языку). Разраба- и позволяющую успешно функциони- тываемые специальные проекты для ровать в ней И.Л. Бим). В настоящее развития ЕSP (English for specific время в Республике Узбекистан дан- purposes) в Узбекистане коренным об- ный вопрос рассматривается в каче- разом меняют отношение преподава- стве одного из важнейших, потому что телей к организации учебного процес- сама подготовка квалифицированных са в неязыковых вузах. Соответствен- специалистов для различных отраслей но, меняется потребность обучающих- народного хозяйства настоятельно ся, ориентированная на будущую требует кардинальных изменений, а в конкретную специальность. В связи с отдельных случаях и совершенно но- этим в 2016 году Британский совет в вых методов обучения. В постановле- сотрудничестве с министерством выс- нии Президента Республики Узбеки- шего и среднего специального образо- стан от 27.07.2017 года №ПП-3151 «О вания, Университетом мировых язы- мерах по дальнейшему расширению ков и республиканским научно- прак- участия отраслей и сфер экономики в тическим центром развития иннова- повышении качества подготовки спе- ционных методик обучения циалистов с высшим образованием» иностранным языкам инициировали отмечается, что “на основе анализа схожую программу, направленную на результатов комплексного исследова- подготовку реформ преподавания ан- ния системы образования Республики глийского языка для нефилологиче- Узбекистан, проведённого в январе- ских специальностей (EnSPIRe-U).Об- июне 2017 года, указывается на такие щая цель проекта- разработать целост- недостатки, как необеспечение целост- ный подход к преподаванию и изуче-


нию английского языка для за рубежом в отечественных предпри- специальных целей (ESP). В конечном ятиях. По требованиям этой програм- итоге проект направлен на повышение мы студенты первые два года обуча- уровня владения английским языком ются в нашей стране, а остальные два и улучшения преподавания и оценки года продолжают учёбу за рубежом. знаний английского языка в нефило- Данный проект был внедрён в Анди- логических ВУЗах Узбекистана. жанском Машиностроительном Ин- Как нам известно, современное об- ституте совместно с Северным Ки- разование нынешнего времени стано- тайским Технологическим универси- вится всё более открытым для между- тетом. Готовность студентов воспри- народного сотрудничества. Ускорен- нимать содержание лекций и ное развитие, происходящее в мире, и практических занятий на иностран- изменения в политико-экономиче- ном языке приводит нас к тому, что ских отношениях между странами мы должны призадуматься об особен- приобретает общемировой характер в ностях методики преподавания ан- сфере образования. На уровне выс- глийского языка в технических вузах. ших образовательных учреждений Для этого при обучении иностранно- реализуются многосторонние межго- му языку необходимо формировать сударственные связи, ориентиро- все навыки иноязычной коммуника- ванные на крупные целевые и ком- тивной компетенции. И основная на- плексные образовательные проекты правленность должна быть в первую и программы. По постановлению очередь на лингвистическую компе- Президента Республики Узбекистан тенцию, которая является основой ПП-3775 2018 года 5 июня “О допол- иноязычной коммуникации. нительных мерах по повышению ка- Использованная литература: чества образования в высших обра- 1. Указ Президента Республики Узбе- зовательных учреждениях и обеспе- кистан от 27.07.2017 года №ПП-3151 чению их активного участия в осу- «О мерах по дальнейшему расшире- ществляемых в республике нию участия отраслей и сфер эконо- широкомасштабных­ реформах”[2.2-3] мики в повышении качества подго- товки специалистов с высшим об- были внедрены различные проекты. разованием». Одна из таких программ «2+2». Цель 2. Постановление Президента Республи- программы – сотрудничество с ино- ки Узбекистан ПП-3775 2018 года странными университетами и вовле- 5 июня “О дополнительных мерах по чение студентов, преподавателей и повышению качества образования в высших образовательных учреждениях научных работников для повышения и обеспечению их активного участия в качества образования, обмена опы- осуществляемых в республике широко- том и внедрением полученных знаний масштабных реформах”.


Zilolakhon Askarova Base doctoral student (PhD) (National institute of art and design named after K. Bekhzod) Аннотация: Статья посвящена периоду Независимости на изображениях женщин, созданных художником Гафуром Кадыровым на авангардной картине. Работы художника отражают красоту и неповторимую красоту женского тела. Образ женщины впечатляет происхождение жизни, воплощение основы жизни. Эмоционально заряженную женщину называют ангелом. Annotation: This article is about the independence of the period in the avant-garde painting of women created by the artist Gafur Kadyrov. The artist’s works reflect the beauty and unique beauty of the woman’s body. The image of a woman impresses the origin of life, the embodiment of the basis of life. An emotionally charged woman is de- scribed as an angel. Ключевые слова: женщина, ангел, архаика, фигуратив, философия, помощь, божественное, красота, пластика, образ, композиция, символы, портрет. Keywords: woman, angel, archaic, figurative, philosophy, help, divine, beauty, plas- tic, image, composition, symbols, portrait.

As a result of independence, there was style is that we do not see such ideas in a free chance of free software, any artist’s works. There are some similar philosophical and aesthetic constraints, elements in his works, but his works differ and as in all kinds of art, a new stage of in style and color. avant-garde has begun. The main image In Gafur Kadyrov’s creativity, we see in their works was the image of women. women’s works in the works that show The image of a woman is widely that love, affection, human dignity, and interpreted in the arts and literature of the dreams are the highest value. East, and is the leitmotif of the arts of the Her works are unique to the tricks of world. In Uzbekistan women’s role plays the most important themes in an important role in all spheres. The main contemporary art of Uzbekistan. His image in the field of art is women, and works reflected national philosophy and this image is often chosen for love. The thousands of years of spiritual traditions image of a woman is widely represented and modern methods. The emergence of in the official and religious art. Gafur Gafur Kadyrov as a painter has to do with Kadyrov is one of the leaders who created the ability to create a great talent in the the image of women in Avangard style. world of literature and art, rather than the The artist’s uniqueness differs from occurrence of random, random and that of his artistic personality. His unique diverse mysteries.


The masterpiece of creativity is the value for humanity for centuries. G. theme of love and its universal Kadyrov’s book entitled «Layli and significance. In the works of the artist Majnun» is an example. In the game, the were used official symbols, moon, fish, artist expressed love for two years by pomegranate. His works such as «Sleep», symbolizing love. «Loneliness», «Fazo aksi», «Kochog» They are about the images of eastern show that he is trying to create his own art poems that reflect secular and divine love. world. In many of his works such as In the works, the symbolic body of loved «Valentine’s Love», «The Dream of ones seems to fly in the air. Their sensitive Dream», «Leyla and Majnun» are the bodies become an integral part of the leaders of the women. overall design, and further enhance the The woman is first of all the beloved, emotional power of the image. mother, beautiful lady, the holy light, the In the works of the artist, symbolism, imagination of creativity, the source of integrity and harmony are emphasized, inspiration. It is compared to a series of and emotional and spiritual potentials of historical and scientific-art sources that colors are emphasized. The set of colors, are inactive in nature. In archeological which is the basis of the works created, cultures, the femininity of the feminine leads to the development of new ideas, the embodies the life-style and the status of further development of the image system holiness. In India, the femininity is in the works. Previously, some of the associated with activity. That is, the works of the artist were far from nature, woman’s image is seen as a power of light and shadow games would have been creation. This aspect of the woman’s an artificial image space. image is taken into account in the image The artist’s «Red Riding Woman» is created by the artist. The work is attractive impressive, as if it were a child. It is at first glance with emotional responses. difficult for any artist to have the world Love is the moral purification of the spotless, child-bearing and understanding, human being, the understanding of the simplicity. G. Kadyrov sought to give the truth, and the beauty of the world as a unique world of a lady dressed in the blue result of the light of Allah’s Light. Indeed, world. The two-dimensional paintings of the idea of ​​humanity and perfect humanity the artist, as well as the miniatures, do not plays an important role in Navoi’s creative make sense of space and time. In them, heritage. the focus is on the eternal and unchanging Many artists who spoke about the time. It is determined by the motives of creation of Alisher Navoi have created nature, the universe, the living things and amazing images. It can be assumed that the plants. The same is one of the G. Kadyrov has also succeeded in thousands of ways the Sufis are to mastering the works of Navoi in comprehend the Baptism. Just as the pine perception of the concept of spiritual and is clear, as the uterus is clean, the artist divine love, which has become a sacred also reflects his sincere feelings through

171 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA the color evolution. Each painter in red. The blood that comes from the hu- demonstrates his ability to express his man heart is also in the color of the heart, feelings. It is the will of the great judge of love and emotional disturbances closely the time to determine its true size. related to the heart. He uses a lot of blos- Even the world that is the world has soming pomegranate elements. regained its humanitysubjugation The New images appear in the artist’s Unique Theology – Memory. «Memory», works. He strives to discover the philo- dedicated to the memory of his grand- sophical essence of love between men and mother. Eyebrowed, white eyes. The dark women in his works. In love, he sees the creature who goes to it firmly is a destiny. divine power that a woman can become The hands of the Spirit extended forward. the most powerful creature in the uni- The hands can be flying only to angels. verse. People described in the game are Only purity can give those wings. She is like ruku ‘or think of man’s existence. That always great and holy. Loss of a woman is exactly what the divine power of the from her fiance is a crime. This is the artist brings to the highest ideology. world’s strength, the glory of the nation, Although the artistic and creative and the immortality of the woman. She dreams of these artists are different, they has the only wealth she can get from this have a common feature, an art of extend- transient world, and she is a child. Chil- ing the art horizons with the traditions of dren are the worlds longer. Elat, the con- the Universal. tinuation of the nation. The Next Genera- GafurKadyrov is an artist who often tion – The Purity of Women. The next uses coins, pomegranates, and various generation is the Remembrance of Wom- trees and plants as elements representing en. his lyrical works. Ancient coins – moon, In «Valentine’s», the search for har- sun and stars are round, mysterious and mony, which separated from existence, magical. Pomegranate – perfection is a expressed through many symbols and sign of ripeness, a beautiful emotional symbols. Anore is an old symbol of mar- woman breast. Leaves – a tree of life, a riage. Persephone wrote that Aid’s wife sign of eternity. The works of «Ramadan», had come out of the underworld every «Legend of love», «Mayhem», «The wom- spring to bring the earth to life. From the an in a pink and the blue cat» are distin- Greek to the Chinese, pomegranate is a guished by their softness and simplicity of symbol of productivity. It shows the feel- goals, the magic of the call for relaxation ings of love and immoderate through reminds me of the most sweet and beauti- colors. GafurKadirov, as a background, ful moments of life. Severe affectionate uses traditional ornamental ornamental feelings and emotions recalled. Change of patterns of the Middle Ages. In his works, the soul expressed in the pink, light green, the pomegranate represented in the hu- light-yellow colors. The works of the man heart. In «Valentine» and «Layli and painter resemble a picture of a child at a Majnun», the pomegranate color is shown glance. It is a challenge for an artist who

172 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 wants to see the universe in childhood women and nature, but also the spiritual- and to express it in simple ways. For ex- ity, the beauty of truth. In any of his ample, in G. Kadyrov›s Woman in Red works, you will not want to see the audi- Shirt, G. Kadyrov represented a woman ence. His works filled with great spiritual wearing a red robe in her blue world. In and energy. G. Kadyrov›s works, the main theme is By portraying a woman›s image, cre- the lack of relationships, the beauty of the ators have specifically reflected the beauty female body, and the different feelings in of the heart, the heritage of the world. It is it. The painter did not try to describe the worth noting that the creation of such characters and their experiences in the works reflected in the high human emo- works, but rather interpreted their mood, tions such as respect, reverence and re- status, and diversity through life›s diver- spect for women. We are convinced that sity. This is also an important aspect of the image of the woman will continue to the artist›s creative work. G. Kadyrov inspire all the creators and create new freely expresses the love and feelings of ones for them. the women, which seen in the work of «Valentine». The painter pointed to many REFERENCES colors and brands in search of harmony, 1. Т.Махмудов, Я.Олимов. Ўзбекистон санъатида инсон омили.Т,1987. which he found in his works. In the game, 2. А.ҲакимовСанъат:»Луноликая». he sought to reveal the philosophical es- 1/2009. sence of love between men and women. 3. Н.Р. Аҳмедова “Живопись Центральной What is the beauty of G. Kadyrov›s Азии XX века: традиция, work, beauty is not only the beauty of 4. самобмтность, диалог”. Ташкент, 2004.


А.И. Зияев. к.ф.н., доцент. Ферганский государственный университет, Узбекистан

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы изучения фразеологических интенсификаторов с сопоставительно-типологической точки зрения в английском и русском языках. Ключевые слова и выражения: сопоставительно-типологический анализ, фразеологические интенсификаторы, эквивалент, изоморфные и алломорфные признаки. Annotation: This article touches upon comparative–typological analysis of phraseo- logical intensifiers in Modern English and, Russian which allowed the author to reveal their allomorphic and isomorphic features. Key-words: comparative-typological method, phraseological intensifiers, equivalent, allomorphic and isomorphic features.

Использование фразеологических В свою очередь, П. Дикенсон писал, единиц в процессе обучения повыша- что существенное изучение формуль- ет познавательную активность уча- ного языка, мы же в настоящей работе щихся, расширяет их коммуникатив- рассматриваем его часть – фразеоло- ные возможности, а также способ- гию, ведет к беглой речи, наряду с по- ствует решению некоторых воспита- вышением ее качества[4; 25-26]. тельных задач. Фразеологизмы Важность фразеологии, ее функции запоминаются студентами, делая их и компетенция по усвоению значений речь более многогранной. Помимо и смыслов приводят ученых к выраба- этого, развивается культурный ком- тыванию и использованию образова- понент изучения иностранного язы- тельных подходов с использованием ка. Д. Вуд и М. Свэн отмечали пози- формульного языка. Например, В. тивное влияние изучения готовых Гиббс и Х. Колстоун обратили внима- речевых оборотов в классе (группе), ние на то, как образный язык идиом поскольку они играют важную роль в усваивается и воспроизводится раз- усвоении языка [6;25]. ными людьми, предполагая, что по- Далее М. Свэн подчеркивал, что добный процесс требует больше ког- данные единицы помогают прибли- нитивных усилий со стороны не носи- зиться к овладению языком как род- телей языка, поскольку тропы изменя- ным в процессе обучения [5;74]. ются в их значении, функциях и целях.


Р. Мартинез и Н. Шмитт утвержда- ФИ в значении и формах между род- ли, что фразеологические выражения ным и иностранным языками. М. Азу- должны стать частью учебной про- ма утверждал, чем меньше студенты граммы, занять свое место в учебниках знакомы с образным языком, тем ме- и материалах по языку, стать подспо- нее компетентными они становятся в рьем в совершенствовании языка и нем, что, следовательно, ведет к недо- мастерстве в нем. Они выражали на- пониманию и нарушению коммуника- дежды на то, что подобные изменения ции [3; 167]. Важно обучать не только сыграют важную роль в EFL/ESL (ан- значениям идиом, но и тому как и где глийский как иностранный язык/ан- их правильно и эффективно использо- глийский как второй язык) учебниках, вать. Стоит отметить, что изучение в которых, по их мнению, в настоящее идиом приходится на студентов со время недостаточно подобных выра- средним уровнем знания иностранно- жений для классного изучения. Далее го языка, поскольку на начальном эта- находим, разумно включить подобные пе обучающиеся могут не справиться с выражения в тесты, оценивающие ре- усвоением подобных языковых еди- цептивные знания и навыки изучаю- ниц. Наиболее широко в речи распро- щих второй язык, а также подчеркива- странены компаративные фразеологи- ется их значение в контроле усвоения ческие единицы характеризующие лексики иностранного языка. Более внешний вид и физические качества того, ученые отмечают, что периодиче- человека. Также часто встречаются ское повторение важных формульных фразеологические единицы описыва- выражений при обучении языку долж- ющие неодушевлённые предметы, яв- но быть взятым на вооружение авто- ления неживой природы и характери- рами учебников, специалистами по зующие мышление человека. В англий- разработке тестов и учителями, по- ском языке редко встречаются КФЕ скольку положительное влияние оче- выражающие трудовую деятельность и видно. материальное положение, в русском На основе сравнения обучений языке – КФЕ выражающие чувства и сфокусированных на отдельном изуче- эмоции человека. Антропоцентрич- нии новых слов и изучении идиом, Н. ность языка обусловила широкое рас- Шмитт констатировал, что идиомы пространение КФЕ характеризующие должны изучаться эксплицитно. О т - человека. носительно перевода, М. Азума пола- C зооморфизмами особенно на- гал, что образные или метафорические глядно увидеть подобные отличия, где высказывания (какими являются Фра- одно и то же качество приписывается зеологические интенсификаторы да- различным животным. Например: as лее: ФИ) должны быть включены в strong as a horse – здоров как бык; as уроки языка, предполагал сравнение clumsy as a puppy – неуклюж как мед- сходств и различий, в нашем случае, ведь; as hungry as a wolf – голоден как


собака; as proud as a peacock – гордый ясняется тем, что одинаковое отраже- как осел; as silly as a goose – глуп как ние находит в языке общечеловеческая сивый мерин (осел); as bold (brave) as a практика. lion – храбрый как лев; as fierce as a Как отмечает Ю.А. Сорокин, такое tiger – как разъяренный бык; as gaudy явление, как снег, присуще носителям as a peacock (butterfly) – разодетый в обеих культур, в нашем случае, двух пух и прах (как павлин) культур и адекватно передает качество Также наблюдаются отличия: в ан- «белый», в результате мы имеем парал- глийском языке такие качества как «ту- лельное сравнение: as white as snow – пость» и «глупость» сравниваются с та- белый как снег. Несмотря на то что, кими животными как «гусь» или «сова», концептуальные поля здесь пересека- в русском языке с животными типа «ба- ются, признак «белый» в представле- ран», «овца», «осел»: as silly as a goose – нии носителей английского языка мо- глупый как баран – глупая как овца. жет быть соединен с большим количе- Англичане трудолюбие сравнивают ством денотатов, и в отличие от рус- с птицей, а в русском языке данное по- ского, «снег» будет далеко не первым. нятие ассоциируется со словами «ло- «Белый как снег», таким образом, наи- шадь» и «вол», коварство в английском более устойчивая связь в русском язы- языке сравнивается с грачом, покор- ке, чем в английском, ввиду его боль- ность – с собакой или кошкой, а в рус- шей распространенности, и первич- ском коварство сопоставляется с ли- ной реакции носителей русского язы- сой или змеей, покорность с овцой. ка. Можно сравнить и другие ФИ: as Фразеологические интенсификато- white as sheet (ashes, milk, death, chalk, ры, обозначающие цвет, оттенки, ин- wool) и белый как лунь (полотно, ска- тенсивность цвета, представлены терть, стена). большим количеством параллельных Для эффективного использования ФЕ: as black as crow (a raven, as raven’s фразеологических интенсификаторов wing, coal, a sloe, sin, soot, thunder, (ФИ) на занятиях они должны быть thunder cloud, jet, ink ebony) – черный преподнесены в контексте, где студен- как сажа (ворон, вороново крыло, ты могут догадаться о чем идет речь: уголь, смоль, ночь, земля; as red as текст, диалог, беседа. Например, в сле- labsters – красный как рак, as red as a дующем диалоге мы можем понять, turkey-cock – красный как индюк, as что значит идиома to be a chicken трус- red as a fire – красный как огонь, as red ливый: Jack: Ooh, wow. Look at that as a blood – красный как кровь; as green roller coaster, Jane! It goes upside-down!. as grass (as a gooseberry) – зеленый как Jane: My stomach aches just looking at it. трава; as yellоw as a crow’s foot (as I will not ride that. gold) – желтый как лимон (золото). Jack: Ah, come on. Don’t be a chicken! Наличие общих эталонов сравне- Уместным было бы также использо- ния для носителей разных языков объ- вание здесь ФИ ‘be like a chicken’. ФИ


должны также изучаться в устной ющие положительные эмоции челове- форме, студентам следует объяснить, ка. Так, студентам будет легче схватить что в разговорной речи они встреча- значение фразеологизмов и увидеть ются довольно часто. Занять студентов как одни и те же слова могут значить использованием ФИ в диалогах, что совершенно разные вещи. поможет понять как они используются В следующем задании, можно по- в разговорном английском языке. просить студентов посредством ФИ Отдельно стоит рассмотреть ком- выделить какой-либо пункт в тексте поненты входящие в ФИ, чтобы по- либо диалоге, усилить значение на- нять насколько значение их суммы от- званной информации. лично от значений самих компонен- Таким образом, ФИ могут стать тов. Преподаватель должен избегать ценнейшим материалом при обучении одновременное использование боль- иностранным языкам, коммуникации шого количества идиом, 5-10 не более, на данном языке, сделать речь более а возможно и еще меньше. насыщенной и образной. Помимо это- Можно использовать картинки, го, стоит отметить воспитательную чтобы объяснить контекст. Лучше все- функцию как ФЕ, так и ФИ в частно- го использовать картинки, которые в сти, поскольку они являются зеркалом юмористической форме иллюстриру- национального самосознания, храни- ют смысл ФИ. Это заставит студентов лищем национального наследия отра- улыбнуться и, в то же время, понять женного в языке, народной мудрости. смысл той или иной идиомы. ФИ в Библиография красочной форме передают значение, 1. Амосова Н.Н. Основы английской фра- послание, которое можно легко ото- зеологии. – Л.: ЛГУ, 1961. – 207 с. бразить посредством фотографий. По- 2. Кунин А.В. Англо-русский фразеологи- казав изображение (приложение 2) ческий словарь. (в двух томах). «Совет- студентам нужно поинтересоваться, ская энциклопедия» М., 1967, 1264 с. 3. Azuma, M. Positive and Negative Effects что, по их мнению, может значит при- of Mother-tongue Knowledge on the In- веденный ФИ. terpretation of Figurative Expressions.Pa- Разделив студентов на две группы, pers in Linguistic Science, No.15 (2009), попросите их найти действительное pp. 165-192. p. 167 значение двух разных идиом, предва- 4. Dickinson, P.Improving Second Language Academic Presentations with Formulaic рительно опросив какое значение мо- Sequences/15, p. 25-36. 2012 жет иметь ФЕ, выслушать идеи. 5. Swan, M. Chunks In The Classroom: Lets Подбор определенной темы – от- not go Overboard. ELT/ Applied linguis- личный способ выучить ФЕ. Напри- tics. 2006 мер, можно использовать все ФИ от- 6. Wood, D. Formulaic language in Acquisi- носящиеся к погодным явлениям или, tion and Production: Implication for Teaching. Tes. Canada Journal/Revue Tes. как показано во второй главе, выража- Du Canada. Vol.20, No.1, Winter 2002.


Исакджанов Рамзжон Рахимджанович

АННОТАЦИЯ Важность темы: Взаимоотношения философии и религии рассматриваются в мусульманской философской мысли. Доказывая несостоятельность философского пути познания, аль-Газали постоянно использовал философские методы опровержения, широко прибегая к приемам аристотелевской логики. Ибн Рушд в спорах с Аль- Га з а ли в своих сочинениях выступал как рационалистический защитник философии. ANNOTATION The importance of the topic: The relationship between philosophy and religion is addressed in Muslim philosophical thought. Proving the inconsistency of the philosophical path of knowledge, al-Ghazali constantly used philosophical methods of refutation, widely resorting to the techniques of Aristotelian logic. Ibn Rushd in his debates with Al-Ghazali in his writings appeared as a rationalist defender of philosophy. Ключевые слова: Газали, Ибн Рушд, извечность мира, бурхан, кияс, жадал.

Абу Хамид ибн Мухаммад Газали но работал в течение трех лет. За это родился (1058-1111) в г. Тус (Хорасан). время он написал книги: «Макасид Один из самых известных средневеко- аль-Фаласифа», в которой он раскрыл вых мусульманских мыслителей. Пол- цели деятельности философов; и «Та- ное имя с куньей – Абу Хамид Мухам- хафут аль-Фаласифа», в которой он мад ибн Мухаммад ибн Мухаммад ибн опроверг их воззрения, как с позиции Ахмад Газали. Родился в иранском се- ортодоксального Ислама, так и на ос- лении Газал близ города Тус. Был по- новании логики. Для написания этих следователем шафиитской правовой сочинений Газали подробно ознако- школы. Имел высокий титул мился с различными философскими ходжату’ль-ислама. воззрениями и, несмотря на его опро- Мухаммад Газали выступил против вержения философских воззрений, его воззрений философов, которые, изу- самого можно назвать величайшим чив древнегреческое и римское фило- мусульманским философом. В то же софское наследие, подвергали вероу- время, надо отметить, что он не высту- чительные положения исламской ре- пал против самого предмета филосо- лигии критике, либо трактовали их, фии, а подвергал критике лишь основ- применяя свои методы. Для опровер- ные положения воззрений тех фило- жения философов Абу Хамид усилен- софов, которые стремились смешать


свои теории с доктриной ортодоксаль- рых три должны быть признаны про- ной исламской религии. тивоверными, а семнадцать – “ерети- Ортодоксальная исламская тради- ческими”. К числу трех противоверных ция почитает Мухаммада Газали как тезисов он относил следующие: 1) тело реформатора (муджаддида), который не воскреснет, вознаграждение и на- действовал в период забвения истин- казание носят духовный, но не теле- ной веры и возродил ее. Он был авто- сный характер; 2) всевышний Аллах ром около 1000 различных сочинений обладает знанием об универсальном, и книг. Наименования 400 его книг но не об индивидуальном; 3) тезис об приводятся в книге «Хазаин» Абу Ис- извечности и нетленности мира. Он хака Ширази. считал, что аристотелизм опасен для Мухаммад Газали также является ислама, так как утверждает, что “мир всемирно известным мыслителем. Его всегда существовал сам по себе и не наследие тщательно изучалось евро- имел творца, что животное всегда про- пейскими учеными и исследователя- исходило из семени, а семя – из живот- ми. Некоторые его сочинения переве- ного, что так было и так будет во веки дены на многие языки мира. веков. Это еретики”. Наиболее известным его сочинени- По Аль-Фараби и Ибн-Сине, бес- ем является «Воскрешение наук о смертие души состоит в бессмертии ее вере». В этой книге Газали стремился разума. Душа после смерти лишается преодолеть противоречия между ду- своих индивидуальных черт, особенно ховной практикой суфизма и суннит- личностного начала, поскольку бес- ским Исламом и соединить их. Он смертен лишь разум. признает основные идеи суфизма, вы- В противовес этим философам Га- раженные в аскетизме, «путях», «сто- зали утверждает, что Бог всемогущ, и янках» и «состояниях». Газали считает поэтому невозможно предположить, необходимым одухотворить ортодок- чтобы было какое-то совечное Ему на- сальную религию, сделать ее оъектом чало, существующее самостоятельно, чувств и эмоций. Для этого он рассма- каким, по мнению Аль-Фараби, Ибн- тривает проблемы, как в рациональ- Сины и Аристотеля, является материя. ной, так и в иррациональной сферах. Всемогущим является только Бог, поэ- Газали считал сомнения путем к тому материя несамостоятельна, зави- осознанию истины. Истина также по- сит от Бога и сотворена. Бог знает все знаваема, как путем разума, логики, вещи непосредственно, для этого [Кто размышлений, так и путем сверхчув- сказал, что “для этого”?! Какая досад- ственного озарения. ная ошибка! Ведь одно другому не Выступая против Аристотеля и его противоречит: и законы есть и инди- последователей в лице Фараби и Ибн видуальные вещи. – о. Иларион] Ему Сины, Газали свел все их “заблужде- не нужно создавать какие-то универ- ния” к двадцати принципам, из кото- салии, какие-то общие сущности, это


излишне, ведь Бог может познавать потенция также всемогуща, поэтому безо всяких посредников. Поэтому Га- сотворение мира Он не ограничивает зали может быть назван номинали- каким-то разовым актом и творит мир стом: существуют лишь конкретные постоянно, так что каждый момент он материальные тела, и Бог их творит творит мир в новом облике [т. е. по- непосредственно, миную посредников стоянно поддерживает существование в виде универсалий. мира абсолютно во всём, как луч на В арабском мире ситуация в споре экране телевизора]. Мы не замечаем об универсалиях приняла характер, нового творения, и поэтому оно ка- противоположный той, что была в Ев- жется нам изменением, вызванным ропе. Там номиналисты были пресле- предыдущим его состоянием. На са- дуемы Церковью за их ереси, а реали- мом деле, это новое состояние мира не сты, наоборот, отстаивали официаль- имеет никакого отношения к предыду- ную церковную позицию. Реалисты- щему, а является [просто уже] новым мусульмане Аль-Фараби и Ибн-Сина творением Бога. Все в мире зависит от используют свой реализм для ограни- воли Бога, нет никакой свободы, нет чения воли Бога, так что универсалии никакой случайности. оказываются сущностями, препят- Философия, имеющая ограниченную ствующими Богу познанию мира и как область знания, не имеет никакого от- бы отгораживающими мир от всеведе- ношения к Богу, человек не может иметь ния и всемогущества Бога. И наоборот, разумного знания о Боге. Бог, конечно Газали – богослов-мистик, отрицаю- же, имеет знание о Самом Себе, но оно щий философию, утверждает номина- не похоже на наше знание. Это знание – лизм для того, чтобы утвердить всемо- сверхразумно. И поэтому человек, удо- гущество и всеведение Божие. По- стоенный Богом созерцания Его, может скольку Бог – всемогущ и может знать видеть Бога только лишь в сверхразум- мир в его многообразии без каких-ли- ном мистическом экстазе. бо универсалий, то универсалий не К XII веку арабский мусульманский существует, существуют лишь кон- мир значительно расширяется, к этому кретные единичные вещи и Бог. времени завоевывается уже и север Необычной является и концепция Африки, и Испания. Идеи мусульман- причинности у Газали. В споре с фило- ских мыслителей через Испанию, тес- софами-естествоиспытателями, кото- но связанную с остальной Европой, рые объясняли все естественными начинают проникать в умы образован- причинами, Газали утверждал, что ных католиков. Особенно сильное естественных причин не существует, влияние на умонастроения католиче- ибо есть лишь одна причина – это Бог. ской Европы оказал Ибн-Рушд (Авер- Все остальные взаимодействия, в т. ч. роэс, 1126–1198). Более известна ла- и причинно-следственные, нам лишь тинская транскрипция его имени – кажутся. Бог всемогущ, Его творческая Аверроэс.


В историю европейской философии Ибн-Рушд, следуя Аристотелю, Ибн Рушд вошел под именем Коммен- строит классификацию умозаключе- татора: практически все мыслители ний и утверждает, что существует средневекового Запада воспринимали 3 вида умозаключений: 1) аподиктиче- его именно как толкователя учения ские (греч. apodeiktikos – убедитель- Аристотеля. Возможно, он и сам рас- ный, логически достоверный), или сматривал себя в этом же качестве; по собственно научные; 2) диалектиче- крайней мере, его преклонение перед ские, т. е. более или менее вероятные, и греческим философом не знало гра- 3) риторические, дающие лишь види- ниц. В одном из своих сочинений Ибн мость объяснения. Соответственно Рушд писал: «Учение Аристотеля есть этому существует и 3 класса людей: высшая истина, ибо его ум – предел аподиктики (бурханийун), диалектики человеческого ума. Поэтому правиль- (джадалийун) и риторики (хитабий- но будет сказать, что он был создан и ун). дан нам божественным Провидением, 1) Аподиктики составляют мень- чтобы мы познали то, что можно по- шинство, это как бы интеллектуальная знать». Многие произведения Аристо- элита, стремящаяся к истине, облада- теля Ибн Рушд комментировал триж- ющая истинно научным методом по- ды: сначала в виде коротких парафраз, знания истины. Из арабского мира затем в виде компендиумов, или сред- Ибн-Рушд называет Аль-Фараби и них комментариев, и, наконец, в виде Ибн-Сину. объемистых и обстоятельных (боль- 2) Гораздо больше тех, кто имеет ших) комментариев. Перу арабского диалектическое, вероятностное, близ- мыслителя принадлежит и значитель- кое к истине знание. К числу диалекти- ное число произведений, посвящен- ков относятся современные Ибн- ных отдельным философским пробле- Рушду теологи, в том числе и Газали. мам, а также вопросу об отношениях 3) Но большинство людей относят- философии и религии. Характерно, ся к типу риториков, довольствующих- что часть сочинений Ибн Рушда сохра- ся поэтическими и метафорическими нилась только в латинских и еврейских псевдо-объяснениями: простые веру- переводах. ющие, для которых какое-нибудь связ- Аверроэс настолько хорошо знал но сказанное слово или образ является Аристотеля, что первым усомнился в объяснением и успокаивает их. авторстве «Теологии Аристотеля». Не Если подлинные философы при- будучи уверен в авторстве Аристотеля, надлежат к категории аподиктиков, он не стал комментировать эти тракта- удовлетворяющихся только строгим ты, увидев их противоречие с работа- аподиктическим знанием и постигаю- ми самого Стагирита. Поэтому пери- щих истину во всей ее целостности, то патетизм Ибн-Рушда наиболее чист и прочие люди способны воспринять последователен. только ущербную истину, достигну-


тую посредством вероятностных за- на – научение истине. Однако далеко ключений (диалектики), или вовсе – не всякий человек способен постичь через воздействие на чувства и вооб- истину через философию, а потому ражение проповедей и наставлений Закон санкционирует и другие пути к (риторики). истине, различающиеся сообразно Одним из наиболее существенных 3 категориям людей. Последние 2 ка- разделов учения Ибн Рушда является тегории людей – это богословы и про- его трактовка взаимоотношения фи- стые верующие, которые всю истину, лософии и религии, которая, вероят- которая доступна их скромному раз- но, и послужила основной причиной умению, должны черпать из Корана. вышеупомянутых гонений на фило- Потому-то священная книга и содер- софа. Аверроэс стремится объеди- жит в основном аргументы диалекти- нить философию с мусульманской ре- ческого и риторического характера, лигией, различая уровни толкования ведь ее основная цель – привести к Корана, соответствующие различным истине неспособное к философии уровням разумной способности че- большинство. ловека в соответствии со своей клас- Истина изложена в священных сификацией. книгах Корана, но в Коране, по ут- Кажущееся противоречие между верждению Ибн-Рушда, существует философией и религией Аверроэс 2 смысла: внешний и внутренний. Для объясняет тем, что люди не умеют получения псевдо-знания о Боге до- пользоваться правильным методом статочно довольствоваться внешним, познания. Из-за того, что богословы буквальным смыслом, изложенного в используют свой диалектический Коране, но часто внешний смысл дает псевдо-метод, и возникают расколы и лишь диалектическое и даже ритори- секты. В действительности, религия ческое знание. Возникает масса проти- важна и познание Бога возможно, но воречий, и их надо решать, находя возможно оно путем чисто аподикти- внутренний смысл того, что сказано ческого научного знания. Философия Аллахом через своего пророка в Кора- и религия имеют один предмет позна- не. Внутренний смысл доступен лишь ния, Бога, но философский способ по- аподиктикам, а риторикам и диалекти- знания более адекватен своему пред- кам – лишь внешний смысл. Аподик- мету. Другие способы также существу- тики вскрывают противоречия в Ко- ют, но они менее адекватны, дают ране путем аллегорического толкова- лишь кажущуюся картину. ния различных высказываний. Боль- Прежде всего, Ибн Рушд утверж- шинство верующих, неспособных к дает, что мусульманский закон пред- аподиктическому знанию, должны ве- писывает изучение философии, по- рить этим толкованиям. скольку именно философия является Если тот или иной стих Корана путем к истине, а цель и смысл зако- противоречит аподиктическому зна-


нию философов, то таком случае, го- ния». Работа эта полемическая, на- ворит Ибн Рушд, Коран надо толко- правленная против книги Газали вать аллегорически, а не буквально. «Опровержение философов» (на рус. Но заниматься этим должны вовсе не яз. есть еще одна небольшая, но суще- богословы, а философы, поскольку ственная работа «Рассуждение о связи лучший способ рассуждения – апо- между религией и философией»). В диктический силлогизм, а искусством трактате «Опровержение опроверже- такой силлогистики в полной мере ния» Аверроэс защищает чистую фи- владеют только философы. Но эти лософию и подвергает острой критике аллегорические толкования ни в коем мистицизм мусульманского теолога случае не должны выходить за преде- Газали. лы узкого круга аподиктиков и стано- Как известно, Газали обвинил фи- виться известными нефилософам, по- лософов, преимущественно перипате- скольку последние должны почти тиков (и прежде всего – Ибн-Сину и всегда воспринимать Коран букваль- Аль-Фараби) в неверии на основании но. В буквальном понимании священ- 3 основных пунктов: 1) философы ут- ной книги низшими категориями лю- верждают, что мир вечен; 2) они счита- дей Ибн Рушд видит залог духовного ют, что Бог не может познавать инди- здоровья общества, ибо любое алле- видуальные вещи; 3) они отрицают горическое толкование некоторых по- бессмертие души. – Ибн Рушд отмел ложений, напр., о личном бессмертии, обвинение Газали, указав, что в дан- может привести простого человека к ных вопросах философы ни в чем не неверию и в конечном счете к эпику- отступают от положений ислама. реизму, понимаемому философом как Впрочем, в отношении вечности ложная теория, провозглашающая це- мира имеет место простое недопони- лью существования человека удовлет- мание. И богословы и философы ворение чувственных влечений. Итак, признают, что есть 3 вида сущего: религия объединяет людей, учит их возникшее благодаря чему-то во вре- истине в той мере, в какой они спо- мени (вещи, подверженные возник- собны ее воспринять, а потому фило- новению и уничтожению); невозник- соф ни в коем случае не должен вы- шее и независящее ни от чего (Бог); ступать против религии. невозникшее, но сущее благодаря Разграничение Ибн Рушда “рацио- чему-то (мир в целом). Итак, мир нальной” религии (доступной образо- имеет характер и первого и второго ванным) и образно-аллегорической вида сущего, но богословы делают религии (доступной всем) явилось од- акцент на первом, а философы – на ним из источников учения о двой- втором. Т. обр., не порывая с мусуль- ственной истине. манской религией, Аверроэс доказы- Основная работа Ибн Рушда назы- вал вечность и несотворенность ма- вается «Опровержение опроверже- терии и движения.


Литература 4. Уотт М. Влияние ислама на средневеко- 1. Ал-фалсафат ал-исламия ва бина ал- вую Европу. –М.: Наука, 1976. инсан ал-маъасир. –Каир, 1997. 5. Газали. Тахофут ал-фаласифа / Под 2. Степанянц М.Т. Восточная философия. редакции доктора Али Бумалху – Вводный курс. Избранные тексты. – М.: Бейрут: Дару ва мактабул хилал, Издательская фирма Восточная литера- 2002. тура РАН, 2001. 6. Ибн Рушд. Тахофут ат-тахофут /Под 3. Фролова Е. А. История средневековой ара- редакции доктора Сулеймана Дуня – бо-исламской философии. –М.: Наука, 1995. Каир: Дарул маъориф, 1964.


Mukhammadiyarov Aydos 3rd year student of foreign languages faculty of NSPI Tadjieva Aliya PhD on Pedagogics, dotcent of NSPI

Key words – opposite meaning, antonym, logical relation, poet’s state, Lyons clas- sification, assertion, negation. Annotation: The article is devoted to expressing of oppositeness of meaning or anto- nyms in diverse poems of English and Karakalpak which describe the poets’ opinion, idea and feeling but also state. The author indicates that Lyons’s classification for oppositeness of meaning is very remarkable for understanding of the message of the poems. Аннотация: Статья посвящена выражению противоложности значения или антонимов в различных стихах английского и каракалпакского языков, которые описывают мнение, идею и чувство поэта, а также его состояние. Автор указывает, что классификация Лиона для противоположности значения очень замечательна для понимания послания стихов.

As we know antonym is very impor- tem of each language has a great number tant as it is basically used to mean the of opposite words in their meanings. Let’s author’s mind, opinion, idea or under- take examples fro English and Karakalpak standing. languages. Antonym is a word with the meaning E.g. English: white-black, goodness- that is opposite to the meaning of another evil, tall-short, rich-poor, belief-incredu- word. Antonyms (Gr. antí “against”, óny- lity, Karakalpak: aq-qara, dos-dushpan, ma “name”) are two or more words of the uzın-kelte, bay-jarlı, isenim-gúman etc. same language belonging to the same part Lyons described different types of op- of speech and to the same semantic field, positeness of meaning and subdivides identical in style and nearly identical in them into three types: distribution, associated and often used Complementary, e.g. male-female, together so that their denotative mean- married-single ings render contrary or contradictory Antonyms, e.g. good-bad notions [1]. Converseness, e.g. to buy- to sell [Leon- Lyons, Leonard Lipika, Kastovsky, hard Lipika:145]. Leech, Ljung, Gecke have explored about But he limited this term “antonym” to antonyms and oppositeness of meaning just one of the three types as above men- and put several particular concepts and tioned and called it “the traditional lexical opinions connecting to this. Lexical sys- relation of antonym”. Lyons’s classification

185 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA is correlated with logical relations to iden- contrast, that is, to set one against the tify sense-relations. other, for example: E.g. My heart is sad, my hopes are gone, A saint abroad, and a devil at home My blood runs coldly through my (Bunyan). breast; Better to reign in hell than serve in And when I perish, thou alone heaven (Milton) [И.Р. Гальперин:202]. With sigh above my place of rest. (By- Here are words “saint-devil”, “hell- ron) heaven”, “reign-serve” are antonyms that In the example, the utterance “My heart “than” on contrast. In another example, is sad” implies “My heart is not happy” and Jónsiz qırıq kún qayǵı-uwayım shek- also “My heart is not sad” implies “My kennen, heart is happy”. As pointed out, assertion of Densaqlıqta bir kún shadlıq jaqsıraq. a person can awake the negation of the (Berdаkh) other and vice versa. If you make an impli- We can take as antithesis the following cation logical you can grasp poet’s state words “qayǵı-uwayım”, “shadlıq” which which is depicted on the literary work. In were given in the poem of Berdakh ac- this, other opposite-meaning word is given cording to stylistic device. in an abstract way so that the reader is in- I.R. Galperin states out: Antithesis is spired to think and directed to find an ab- a device bordering between stylistic and stract word logically. We can also come logic. The extreme are easily discernible across them in Byron and Ibrayim Yu- but most of the cases are intermediate. supovs’ poems. For example, However, it is essential to distinguish My soul is dark – Oh! Quickly string between antithesis arid what is termed The harp I can yet brook to hear...(By- contrast [И.Р. Гальперин:204] ron) In fact, generally they are not con- Kewil aspanımda juldızlar sónik, spicuous in the poems. In order to find Ay da on tórtinde tolǵanın qoydı… them from poems the readers have to (I.Yusupov) apprehend in a logical way. For in- The words dark and sónik mean the stance, same meaning in both languages and they The cold in clime are cold in blood denote the meaning “not bright”. Another Their love can scarce deserve the name; word which has opposite meaning is the But mine was like a lava flood only in readers’ mi nd. That boils in Etna’s breast of flame (Byron). According to stylistic devices antonym Jaqsıdan-sharapat, jamannan-zıyat, words seem to be antithesis in literary Izzetinde bolǵıl jaqsınıń mudam, works. “In order to characterize a thing or Sóz mánisin bilmes zeyni pás adam, phenomenon from a specific point of Danalardıń aytqan sózine turmas view, it may be necessary not to find (Maqtumqulı). points of resemblance or association be- In the examples, antonyms do not tween them but to find points of sharp seem obviously that is why we try to iden-

186 PHILOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY №14 tify antithesis through logical thinking. which was showed by Lyons is very sig- The logical opposition is based on mean- nificant in poetry because poet may not ings between lines above. Moreover, an- give both of antonyms or opposite-mean- tithesis is generally less clear in the poetry ing words to express ideas, feelings or than in prose. We can see that some words minds according to poem’s rhyme or are set one against another as cold-lava structure. flood, jaqsıdan-jamannan, zeyni pás ad- References: amlar-danalar. In recent research it is 1. studfiles. net. found that Lyons’s classification lost its 2. Leonhard Lipika. An outline of English importance in science, after that, some lexicology. –Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1992. scholars suggested new groups instead of 3. И.Р. Гальперин. Стилистика английского them. But I think that logical implication языка. – Москва: Высшая школа, 1981.


Sh.Khodieva UzSWLU English language faculty №2 Applied science department e-mail: [email protected] Annotation: this thesis is devoted to the analysis of Evelyn Waugh’s satire works in literature between the periods World War 1 and 2. Besides, many critics criticized his works at that period of time. However, others supported his works without doubt. While reading you may also aware about author’s writing style with comparing other satirists. Key words: analyze, satire, satirizing, focus on, critics, mannerisms, aristocrat. Аннотация: этот тезис посвящается сатирическим работам Эвелена Вауфа в перевод 1 го и 2 го мирового война. Очень многие критики раскритиковали его работы, когда другие поддержали его ни без каких сомнений. Кроме того, во время чтения вы можете узнать стиль писания автора других сатириков. Ключевые слова: анализ, сатира, сатирической, сконцентрируйся, критики, манерность, аристократ.

Before analyzing Evelyn Waugh’s sa- work) Concerning the Eccentricities of tirical works it should be mentioned that Cardinal Pirelli (1926). Most critics de- Evelyn Waugh was not alone in satirizing scribe this writer as “butterfly”. Some uti- the period between the two World Wars. lize it to praise, the others to damn. Ac- For examining it we focus on his four cording to Sir Osbert Sitwell (English contemporaries’ works. Thus, we take writer) “he must attempt to pin down upon into consideration Ronald Firbank, Al- a sheet of paper that unrivalled butterfly…” doux Huxley, Norman Douglas, Nancy [1;68]. Mitford’s works and make a comparison Yet Hugh l’A Fausset (the author of with Evelyn Waugh’s works. To begin with Between the Tides) writes that “Doubtless Ronald Firbank, being born in Britain on we will be accused of breaking a butterfly 17 January, 1886, he was the son on the wheel of crlticism”[2;42]. of MP Sir Thomas Firbank and Lady Fir- Another critic says, “His personal leg- bank. At the age of ten he went to Up- end is slender, and on its score he might pingham School for two years and then only have fallen into the ranks of the minor on to Trinity Hall, Cambridge. His first eccentrics, something between a wit and a story, “Odette d’Antrevernes” was pub- dandy, a butterfly whose life need not be lished in 1905, before going up to Cam- further inquired into once it had flown bridge. He then produced a series of past” [3;824]. novels, such as The Artificial Prin- Finally, Professor E. M. Forster claims cess (written in 1915, published in 1934) in his essay: “To break a butterfly or even and Vainglory (1915, his longest a beetle, upon a wheel is a delicate task”[4].


Throughout the essay he retains this fig- sertion Lady Something, who was blandly ure as representative of Firbank. As a mat- listening, imperfectly chanced to hear. ter of fact, many critics have urged against “Who would credit it… It is too appall- him a frivolity and pointlessness. Other ing…Fleas have been found at the Ritz.” critics are re-evaluating him nowadays, [8;196]. therefore, most of them admit that his One of the critics of that time, W. H. novels have a significance, but not all crit- Auden is one of the few who fail to re- ics have changed their opinions, for in- mark upon the underlying sadness in stance, R.D. Charques (English literary Firbank’s novels: “Firbank’s extraordinary critic): “I have never in the past been able achievement was to draw a picture, the fin- to read him with any very great pleasure, est, I believe, ever drawn by anyone, of the since his fanciful and impudent triviality Earthly Paradise, not, of course, as it really seemed to me to have not merely too little is, but as, in our fallen state, we imagine it reference to human affairs put too little to be, as the place, that is, where, without formal or stylistic virtue” [5;902]. having to change our desires and behavior Edmund Wilson (American literary in any way, we suffer neither frustration critic) considers that “Ronald Firbank is nor guilt… Everyone is welcome to this dealing with a later and less lusty phase of Eden”[25;5]. the same society as Congreve” [6]. In his If what Auden says is true, one should article Cyril Connolly writes that “Fir- admit that the Eden of Firbank excluded bank recognized frivolity as the most inso- the greater number of his characters. lent refinement of satire” [7;45]. Another novelist who as a satirist, Mocking at the people of his time Nancy Mitford, to whom Waugh dedicat- Ronald Firbank used most frequently the ed “The Loved One”. Nancy Mitford was method of the light touch, mannerisms, an English novelist who was born in 1904. “incessant titterings” and “flickering inani- Mitford has great importance as a novel- ties” to some of them [2;42], and an ap- ist, though she has written two interesting parent aimlessness to others. Therefore, books. She represents a new development Evelyn Waugh proves his ideas by show- in satirists; she is one who goes after ing an example from R.Firbank’s work Waugh for imitation. Reading her works The Flower Beneath the Foot. So,he dem- one not only sees points of similarity to onstrates very essential and concrete Waugh but also the road Waugh might points of his view. Furthermore, he adds have taken. Of course, he would never that it is typical of Firbank method: “The have written exactly like her. case of the Ritz Hotel v. Lady Something in Given the above we may be inclined to The Flower Beneath the Foot is typical of accept the pronouncement of the dust the Firbank method. The King at a dinner- jacket that the “Pursuit of Love” is in the party employs the expression: “I could not manner of Waugh’s early novels. The mat- be more astonished if you told me there ter is there but hardly the spirit. Very were fleas at the Ritz,” a part of which as- English and very funny, Miss Mitford

189 MONOGRAFIA POKONFERENCYJNA deals with the same venomous characters Bibliography as Waugh, people of charm, eccentricity, 1. Sitwell Sir Osbert. Rona1d Firbank. Noble essences or Courteous and savagery. Waugh pillories his aristoc- 2. Revelations. London,1950. – 187 p. racy, especially in his early novels. Miss 3. Fausset Hugh I’A. Valmouth and Other Mitford’s aristocrats are not a whit less Stories. London: The Bookman, 1930. – wicked but there is an excusing of vice, a 341 p. false “to know all is to forgive all” attitude. 4. Wild Pleasing Fables// Times Literary Supplement, December 16, 1949, 824. In what is an extraordinarily “happy” 5. Forster E.M. Ronald Firbank. London: ending to a novel? One reviewer calls it Abinger Harvest,1936. – 113 p. about as happy an ending as that of Ham- 6. Charques R. D. Five Novels// The Specta- let”[ 34;70]. tor:1949. – 902 p. As Waugh does in his early novels, 7. Wilson Edmund. Classics and commer- Miss Mitford assembles light-headed cials. New York.1950. 8. Cyril Connolly. Enemies and Promise. characters who act everything in ex- London,1938.- 345 p. tremely unpredictable ways. Thus, we 9. Evelyn Waugh. Ronald Firbank.//Life and may say that we determine some similari- Letters. Scien.magazine: London,1929. – ties between the authors’ writing style. 325 p.


Zarif QUVONOV Navoi State Pedagogical Institute base doctorate Annotation: The article explores the artistic methodology of Oriental literature, in particular, the works of Alisher Navoi and its study in literature. The example of Navoi’s Abdukadir Hayitmetov’s research relates to the study of romance and realism in Navoi’s creativity. Keywords: method, creative method, romance, realism, folklore, romantic style, conditional image.

Abdukodir Hayitmetov is a leading [4], N.Mallaev [5], V.Zohidov [6], were literary critic, literary method, as well as not specifically studied and analyzed. the artistic style of the literary criticism. Properly identifying the relationship Hayitmetov was one of the first, who first between style and style, the essence, studied the artistic method and style of relationships, and complexity of each one literature on the example of Navoi, later of them can help to comprehensively on the Oriental literature [1,2]. The comprehend many of the issues that are creative method of medieval Oriental directly related to them [2.280]. Therefore, classical literature, including its one of its Hayitmetov drew attention to the most important figures, is one of the following aspects of Navoi’s creative work important aspects of scientific research, and the creative method of Oriental which includes the solution of the literature: following problems: Firstly, the levels and 1. Conceptual study of creative method requirements of creativity, the general in Navoi and Oriental literature. The state of the art, and is bound by its creative method of Navoi is a part of the extremely complex, multifaceted and creative method of the whole Oriental controversial whole creative activity, literature, which is a traditional ideological approach, artistic means and continuation of the present method methods, directly covering most of these, (romanticism, realism), until the creative and, secondly, The problems posed by the method of the scientist is not only an problems of theoretical nature are closely artist, but also a characteristic of the linked to the ancient Greek and Roman entire era; centuries-old Central Asia and Iran, Arab 2. Romanticism in Navoi’s creativity. and Azerbaijani culture, especially to As the novel examines the methodology of literature, art, philosophy and aesthetic romanticism in the world literature, this teachings from the 15th century to the trend, which emerged in Europe in the late third century, as well as the creative 1800s and early 19th centuries, method and many other issues related to characterizes the common features and it, to Hayitmetov. Hashim [3], A. Saadi distinctive features of Oriental literature,


“writers in romantic style point out that a creative method. In his work, we can see didactics play a considerable role in their the realistic image as well as the Sufi works, the image of the rebellion, the characters and the features of epic burden of man’s commitment to the heroicism. “[1,84] society, the “traditionality and the 3. Realistic image marks. In Navoi’s conditionality” and the European romantic creativity, realistic manifestations appear literature researchers have found that in his lyrical works, especially in poetry traditional romanticism has had a negative poetry, continental and chaise, as well as impact on literature development. In the satirical works. The scientific evidence Oriental literature, the role of folklore in suggests that “realistic stories and stories the romanticism separately points out that are closely interconnected with the poet’s the “roots of the genre of idealization in didactic teachings and ideas,” while the the artistic image are also in the oral realistic images are symbolic-figurative, folklore” [2,257], meaning that “the most and the conditional image can not be the unfading fountain in the creation and essential sign of realism. For example, the development of Romanticism is the folk destruction of Bakhrom in the “Sakha oratory” ], that the problem of Sayyor” is not a real picture, but a symbolic created in the Oriental literature is an poet’s conception of his ideology. “The ideology of “decoration in works created realities of the East, which is reflected in on the basis of folk myths” [2,289]. the thought of the mind, the According to the scholar, “the main heroes enlightenment, the people, and the love of of the Oriental romantic works are the Homeland, are different from realism, different from the characters in the works which moves the imagination of European of European romantic characters, in writers” [8.13]. particular the characters of the Byron Hayitmetov learns creative poems, which do not reflect the spectral methodology not only with the notion of mood of a certain romantic age. They are romance and realism, but also with very close to the main characters of the aesthetic ideals, conditionality principles, works of the people, and not for their own and methodological issues. It is impossible personal interests, but for the masses of to imagine the artist’s artistic method the masses “[2, 283]. without it. The scientist initially Academician Izzat Sultan describes commented on the artistic method and how romanticism in the art of Oriental style of the Navoi Lyricist on the analysis literature shows that poetry is romantic of Navoi’s lyric poetry, and in his book poetry when we take on the classics of “The Art of Navoi Creative Style” and Hofiz and Navoi, Nizami and Rustaveli. “From the Oriental Literature Methods [7.370] A.Hayitmetov correctly defines History”, this problem was studied as a the creative method of Navoi, “It is single object of research. It is possible to absolutely impossible to understand draw conclusions from the research on Navoi’s creativity within the framework of Hayitmetov’s creative method:


1. In the process of studying the discoveries, renewing existing traditions creative methodology and determining its in Navoi. historical foundations, the works of the 5. The presence of realistic moments great artists such as Nizami, Omar and elements, along with the romantic im- Khayyam, Saadi, Hafiz Sherozi, Lutfi, ages in the poem of Navoi, explains the Abdurahman Jomi, Alisher Navoi, with realistic appearance of the poet›s creativity. their period of literature, literary-aesthetic REFERENCES: views and literary methods closely related 1. Haymitmetov A. The creative method of scientifically. Navoi. -T.: “Fan” 1963. 2. Hayitmetov tries to check the 2. Hayitmetov A. From the history of the ancient methodology of Oriental literature Oriental Literature Method (X-XV centu- in Navoi as compared to Navoi: identical ries) -T.: “Fan” 1970. 3. Hoshimov O. Some of the creative issues and distinctive aspects. The artistic of Uzbek Soviet literature. Tashkent-Sa- method of Navoi is an ongoing markand, 1933, p. 28. continuation of the existing method, and 4. Sa’di A. Polojitelnye obrazy v tvorchestve it concludes that it is traditionally based; Alishera Navoi. “Trudy UzGU” novaya 3. Examines the method of Navoi›s series, № 17, philology, vyp. 3. Samarkand. Izd. UzGU, 1946. creativity on the example of the poet›s 5. Mallaev N. “The Romanticism and Real- epic works and scientifically substantiates ism Trends in Navoi HAMSA” The History romantic characters: «From the methodo- of Uzbek Literature. Tashkent, 1957. p. logical point of view, all the main features 115. of his epic creativity belong to the lyrical 6. Zohidov V. “The world of ideas and im- creativity.» ages of Alisher Navoi” is the heart of the great poet. 1984. In the example of Navoi lyric, he em- 7. Sultan I. Literature Theory – T.: “Teacher”, phasizes that the traditional methods of 1980, p. 370. the poet›s inspiration, as well as the tradi- 8. Hukul. Ani’s knowledge and creativity. // tions of his poetry, are more prominent, Journal of the and Lit- as well as the artists who created the art of erature 4 / 2018. Page 13