THOMAS J. MILLER H lyH "7 O 1305 E. WALNUT ST. ATTORNEY GENERAL ° tt W tf H DES MOINES, IAiA 50319 P: 515-281-5164



May 1, 20172017

The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator FOPO BoxBox 279279 Ocheyedan, 5135451354

Dear SenatorSenator Johnson:Johnson:

Thank you for your letter of February 1, 2017. YourYour letterletter referencesreferences Governor Terry 's Branstad's recent recent nominationnomination to to serveserve asas UnitedUnited StatesStates Ambassador toto ChinaChina andand poses ninenine specificspecific questions about thethe effecteffect of his potential resignationresignation as as GovernorGovernor of of Iowa. Iowa. We agreeagree thatthat your letter raises importantimportant legal questions aboutabout Iowa'sIowa's constitutionalconstitutional frameworkframework forfor the succession of executive power. ThisThis officeoffice has has notnot previously addressedaddressed thesethese questions directly, nornor has the IowaIowa Supreme Court. Thus,Thus, wewe believe believe they are appropriately addressedaddressed in anan officialofficial opinion of the AttorneyAttorney General under Iowa Code sectionsection 13.2(e).13.2(e). We shareshare your belief thatthat these important issues requirerequire aa thoughtfulthoughtful and detaileddetailed analysis. TakenTaken asas aa whole, whole, thethe ninenine questionsquestions youyou posepose implicateimplicate two centralcentral constitutional questions. ThoseThose twotwo important questionsquestions ofof law are: First question: If thethe governor resigns,resigns, does the lieutenant governorgovernor become governor? Second question: If thethe lieutenant governorgovernor becomesbecomes governor,governor, may she then appointappoint aa newnew lieutenant governor?governor? The answersanswers to these questionsquestions mustmust flowflow fromfrom a carefulcareful consideration ofof the successionsuccession frameworkframework set set forthforth inin thethe wordswords and structurestructure ofof thethe IowaIowa constitution. See Rudd v.v. Ray, 248 N.W.2dN.W.2d 125, 129129 (Iowa 1976)1976) ("The("The framersframers of our constitution necessarily gavegave us us theirtheir ideas in thethe wordswords theythey agreedagreed upon."). TheThe debatesdebates ofof thethe 18571857 constitutional constitutional conventionconvention alsoalso shedshed importantimportant lightlight onon the meaningmeaning andand intentintent ofof thethe constitutionalconstitutional provisionsprovisions establishing that framework.framework. See N.N. W.W. HalseyHalsey 86& Co v. City ofof Belle Plaine, 104 N.W. 494, 494, 496496 (Iowa (Iowa 1905) 1905) (noting (noting that that reading reading the the constitutionalconstitutional debatesdebates may aid in a fuller understandingunderstanding of constitutional provisions). Finally, ourour answersanswers can andand shouldshould bebe informedinformed byby interpretationsinterpretations ofof the samesame oror similarsimilar The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 22 provisions inin otherother states'states' constitutions. See VanVan Horn v.v. CityCity ofof Des Des Moines,Moines, 191 N.W.N.W. 144,144, 148148 (Iowa(Iowa 1922)1922) (considering(considering "similar provisions in in the Constitution[s] ofof otherother states"states" to decide anan issue ofof first impression).

I. BackgroundBackground

We firstfirst provideprovide contextcontext forfor thethe legallegal questionsquestions by identifying thethe relevant constitutional provisions,provisions, examiningexamining portions portions of of thethe 18571857 constitutionalconstitutional convention, and noting historical practicepractice bothboth inin IowaIowa and onon thethe federalfederal level.level.

A. Constitutional Provisions.Provisions, Article IVIV ofof the IowaIowa ConstitutionConstitution establishes the executiveexecutive branchbranch and setssets forthforth aa framework framework for thethe succession of executive power.power. SomeSome provisionsprovisions of article IV have been amended since 1857, butbut wewe initiallyinitially focusfocus onon thethe original original provisions provisions becausebecause thosethose established the originaloriginal framework.framework. InIn doingdoing so,so, wewe considerconsider all the originaloriginal executive branchbranch provisions without placing undue significancesignificance on one section. See Rolfe State Bank v.v. Gunderson,Gunderson, 794 N.W.2dN.W.2d 561,561, 565 565 (Iowa (Iowa 2011) 2011) ("[W]e ("[W]e avoid placing undueundue importanceimportance onon isolatedisolated portionsportions ofof anan enactmentenactment byby construing all parts ofof the enactmentenactment together.").together."). WeWe alsoalso remainremain mindfulmindful not to renderrender anyany provisionprovision meaninglessmeaningless oror redundant. See IowaIowa Code § 4.4(2)4.4(2) (2017)(2017) (presuming(presuming eveiyevery piece ofof languagelanguage is intended toto bebe effective); effective); Mall RealReal Estate, L.L.C.L.L.C. v. CityCity ofof Hamburg, Hamburg, 818 N.W.2dN.W.2d 190,190, 198198 (Iowa(Iowa 2012)2012) ("We ...... interpret statutes inin suchsuch aa way way thatthat portions portions of of itit dodo notnot becomebecome redundantredundant or irrelevant."); see alsoalso Junkins v.v. Branstad,Branstad, 448448 N.W.2dN.W.2d 480, 483 (Iowa(Iowa 1989)1989) ("Constitutional("Constitutional provisions provisions are are generally generally subject subject to tothe the samesame rules ofof construction as statutes.").

Considering articlearticle IVIV as as aa whole promotes aa holisticholistic understanding ofof the constitutionalconstitutional framework, becausebecause each provision cancan inform thethe others. See IowaIowa CodeCode § § 4.1(38)4.1(38) ("Words ("Words and and phrases phrases shallshall bebe construedconstrued according to the context ...... ");."); see alsoalso AllenAllen v.v. Clayton,Clayton, 18 N.W.N.W. 663,663, 667 (Iowa(Iowa 1884)1884) (noting(noting thatthat toto determinedetermine thethe meaningmeaning ofof aa constitutional constitutional provision,provision, "the sections preceding and following it, it, whichwhich havehave referencereference to to thethe samesame subject- matter, mustmust bebe readread andand considered"); considered"); State ex rel.ret MartinMartin v.v. Heil,Heil, 77 N.W.2dN.W.2d 375, 381381 (Wis.(Wis. 1942)1942) ("[T]he provision provision should should be be examined examined in in itsits setting in order to findfind outout .. . . thethe realreal meaningmeaning andand substantialsubstantial purpose purpose ofof thosethose whowho adopted it."). TheThe following following constitutionalconstitutional provisions areare relevantrelevant toto our analysis.

Article IV,IV, section section 11 providesprovides thatthat "The supremesupreme executiveexecutive power ofof thisthis state shallshall bebe vestedvested inin aa chief chief magistrate,magistrate, who who shallshall bebe styledstyled thethe governorgovernor ofof the state ofof Iowa." Iowa Const,Const. IV,IV, § § 1.1. In other words, thethe person who hashas the power isis governor.governor. ThisThis sectionsection hashas remainedremained unchanged since 1857. The Honorable DavidDavid Johnson Johnson State Senator Page 33

Article IV,IV, sections sections 2 2 andand 33 originally establishedestablished thatthat the governorgovernor and lieutenant governor wouldwould be be electedelected byby thethe people—but not not onon thethe samesame ticket. ArticleArticle IV,IV, section 66 requiredrequired candidatescandidates for bothboth officesoffices toto have the same qualifications.

Article IV,IV, sectionsection 1010 provided, "When"When anyany officeoffice shall, shall, fromfrom anyany cause,cause, become vacant,vacant, andand no modemode is providedprovided by the ConstitutionConstitution and lawslaws forfor filling suchsuch vacancy, thethe GovernorGovernor shallshall have power toto fill suchsuch vacancy,vacancy, byby granting a commission, whichwhich shallshall expireexpire atat thethe end of thethe next session of the General Assembly, oror atat thethe next electionelection by the people."people."

Article IV,IV, sectionsection 14 provided, "No"No personperson shall, whilewhile holdingholding anyany officeoffice under the authorityauthority ofof thethe UnitedUnited States,States, oror thisthis State, State, execute execute thethe office office ofof Governor, oror LieutenantLieutenant Governor, exceptexcept asas hereinafter expresslyexpressly provided."provided."

Article IV,IV, sectionsection 1515 established that thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor governor wouldwould serve untiluntil a successorsuccessor waswas electedelected and qualified,qualified, andand that "while"while acting asas Governor," thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor would receivereceive thethe samesame pay as providedprovided for the governor.governor.

Article IV,IV, sectionsection 17 provides.provides,

In casecase ofof thethe death, death, impeachment, impeachment, resignation, resignation, removalremoval fromfrom office, oror otherother disability ofof the governor,governor, thethe powerspowers and duties of the office for for the the residueresidue ofof thethe term,term, oror untiluntil he shall be acquitted, oror thethe disabilitydisability removed,removed, shall devolvedevolve uponupon thethe lieutenant governor.governor.

This sectionsection hashas remained unchanged since 1857.

Article IV,IV, section section ,18 18 mademade the lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor President of the Senate with a tiebreakingtiebreaking vote,vote, butbut providedprovided thatthat "when"when [the[the lieutenantlieutenant governor] shall shall exerciseexercise the the officeoffice of of Governor,Governor, the the SenateSenate shallshall choose a President pro tempore."

Article IV,IV, sectionsection 1919 continued thethe lineline ofof successionsuccession beyondbeyond the lieutenant governor:governor:

If the LieutenantLieutenant Governor,Governor, while acting as Governor,Governor, shall be impeached,impeached, displaced, resign,resign, or die,die, oror otherwise otherwise becomebecome incapable of performing thethe dutiesduties of the office,office, thethe President pro tempore ofof thethe SenateSenate shall act asas GovernorGovernor until the vacancyvacancy is filled, oror thethe disability removed;removed; andand ifif thethe President of thethe Senate, for any ofof thethe aboveabove causes,causes, shallshall bebe rendered rendered incapableincapable ofof The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator PagePage 44

performing thethe duties pertainingpertaining toto thethe office office of Governor, thethe samesame shall devolve uponupon thethe Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Although eacheach provisionprovision is is important,important, articlearticle IV,IV, sectionsection 1717 plays the biggest partpart inin answering both questions. "[T]he"[T]he purpose of art. IV, §§ 17 is to ensure thatthat the the citizens citizens of of Iowa Iowa are notnot withoutwithout aa personperson capablecapable ofof performingperforming the constitutional and statutory dutiesduties imposedimposed upon a governor."governor." 19801980 Op.Op. Att'yAtty Gen. 550,550, 1980 WLWL 25903,25903, at *3 (Iowa(Iowa Att'yAtt'y Gen. Gen. Jan. Jan. 2, 1980).1980).

Two notablenotable aspectsaspects ofof articlearticle IV,IV, section section 17 17 inform inform our our analysis. analysis. First, while deathdeath and resignation are permanentpermanent exitsexits fromfrom office,office, thethe phrase "other disability" includesincludes temporaiytemporary conditionsconditions suchsuch asas physical or mental incapacity or time spent undergoingundergoing a medicalmedical procedure.procedure. SeeSee 1923 Op. Att'y Gen. 263, 263 (Iowa Att'y Gen.Gen. Aug.Aug. 23,23, 1923) (answering(answering a a questionquestion posedposed byby the governor aboutabout the operation of article IV, sectionsection 17 during a several-monthseveral-month hiatus recommendedrecommended by his physician).physician). Therefore,Therefore, article IV, sectionsection 1717 must operate within a frameworkframework applicable to severalseveral possiblepossible factual scenariosscenarios without creating "friction inin thethe machinerymachineiy ofof government." government." Fitzpatrick v. McAlister, 248 P. 569,569, 576 (Okla.(Okla. 1926). BecauseBecause thethe provisionprovision appliesapplies equally to permanent and temporarytemporary disabilities, soso tootoo mustmust the answersanswers to thethe legallegal questions we address.address.

The second importantimportant aspectaspect ofof article IV,IV, sectionsection 1717 isis thethe wordword "devolve.""devolve." That word "is"is defined byby lexicographerslexicographers andand inin lawlaw dictionaries asas meaning toto roll or tumbletumble downdown oror descend."descend." Id.Id. at 573573 (citing(citing authoritiesauthorities indicating thatthat meaningmeaning asas ofof 1926);1926); see alsoalso "Devolve,""Devolve," Black'sBlack's Law DictionaryDictionary (10th(10th ed. 2014)2014) (defining(defining "devolve""devolve" to to include include transferringtransferring rights,rights, duties,duties, or powers and passingpassing byby transmission); transmission); "Devolve," "Devolve," Webster's Third New Int'l Dictionary (1993)(1993) (defining(defining "devolve""devolve" as as "to "to flow flow or or rollroll from from aa situationsituation viewedviewed as higherhigher to one that isis lower"lower" and "to fallfall oror bebe passedpassed .. .. . as anan obligationobligation or responsibility"); 12 Words & Phrases 546546 (1954).(1954). TheThe overalloverall conceptconcept isis thatthat the word connotes downward movement.movement. This downward movement meansmeans thethe powers and dutiesduties ofof the the office office ofof GovernorGovernor fallfall upon the lieutenantlieutenant governor;governor; the lieutenant governorgovernor does not rise to thethe officeoffice ofof Governor.Governor. See Okla. Op. Att'y Gen. No. 65-235,65-235, at 1-21-2 (Okla. (Okla. Att'y Att'y Gen.Gen. May May 19,19, 1965) 1965) ("The ("The officeoffice ofof Governor devolvesdevolves upon upon the the LieutenantLieutenant Governor,Governor, hehe doesdoes notnot ascend toto it.").it."). This distinctiondistinction isis bothboth importantimportant and purposeful.

Viewing article article. IV IV as as a a whole, sectionsection 11 and originaloriginal sectionsection 1818 complement each each other other andand dovetaildovetail with with sections sections 17 17 and and 19.19. TheThe wordswords in section 18 indicate that whenwhen thethe powerspowers andand dutiesduties devolved devolved (as(as section 17 instructed), thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor governor wouldwould "exercise"exercise thethe office office ofof Governor." Governor." That aligns with thethe foundational principle thatthat the person whowho has the powerpower is governor. Iowa Const,Const. IV, §§ 1.1. The foundational principle isis paramount.paramount. The Honorable DavidDavid Johnson Johnson State Senator Page 55

Sections 1717 andand 19 operateoperate to ensureensure thatthat therethere isis alwaysalways aa successorsuccessor designated to exercise those "powers andand duties"—even in in thethe absence of the elected lieutenantlieutenant governor.governor.

Additionally, article article IV, IV, section section 14 14 isis instructive because it expresslyexpressly permits one person toto holdhold moremore thanthan one one office office if the constitution providesprovides for it. TheThe 1857 1857 constitution constitution provided provided for for two two possibilities possibilities immediately immediately following following section 14, bothboth ofof whichwhich referredreferred specificallyspecifically toto thethe lieutenant governor:governor: the lieutenant governorgovernor as as governor andand the lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor asas senatesenate president. See Iowa Const,Const. IV, §§§§ 17-19 (original 18571857 version).version). SectionSection 19 furtherfurther contemplatedcontemplated other officialsofficials holdingholding moremore thanthan oneone officeoffice byby providing for for the the senate senate presidentpresident asas governorgovernor and and thethe speakerspeaker ofof thethe househouse asas governor.

B. Constitutional Debates.Debates, The Iowa Constitution ofof 18461846 made no provision for for aa lieutenant governor. However,However, asas thethe 18571857 constitutionalconstitutional convention began,began, oneone delegate proposedproposed thatthat aa committeecommittee dedicateddedicated toto formulatingformulating thethe executiveexecutive branch ofof governmentgovernment considerconsider "providing"providing forfor the election of aa Lieutenant GovernorGovernor who, by virtue of his office, shallshall .. .. . exercise all the powerspowers and havehave thethe titletitle ofof GovernorGovernor inin case of the death,death, removal, removal, or other disabilitydisability ofof thethe Governor."Governor." 1 The DebatesDebates ofof the the Constitutional Constitutional Convention ofof thethe StateState of Iowa 39 (W.(W. Blair Lord rep., 1857)1857) [hereinafter The Debates]. The convention agreedagreed toto the resolution.resolution. Id.Id. Accordingly, thethe drafters ofof article IV, sectionsection 1717 envisioned thatthat the lieutenantlieutenant governor governor wouldwould "have"have the titletitle ofof Governor"Governor" if the governorgovernor leftleft office,office, id.—and utilized the wordword "devolve""devolve" to to accomplish accomplish that that result.result. See Heil,Heil, 77 N.W.2dN.W.2d atat 381-82 (recounting similar debate from the Wisconsin constitutional conventionconvention in 1847).1847).

The framersframers ofof ourour 18571857 constitutionconstitution also spent significantsignificant time debating the constitutionalconstitutional line of succession.succession. SeveralSeveral ofof thethe delegatesdelegates questionedquestioned the need for a lieutenant governorgovernor at all—possiblyall—possibly becausebecause IowaIowa hadhad nono lieutenantlieutenant governor beforebefore 1857—and1857—and offered offered amendments amendments to to article article IV, IV, section section 17. 17. For instance, delegate WarrenWarren proposedproposed anan amendment substituting the wordswords "Secretary"Secretary of State" for "Lieutenant"Lieutenant Governor."Governor." 1 The Debates at 587. DelegateDelegate Clarke ofof JohnsonJohnson County^County' proposedproposed instead "that thethe dutiesduties ofof the the office office ofof Governor, inin casecase ofof aa vacancy,vacancy, shallshall devolve upon upon thethe presidentpresident of thethe Senate." Id.Id. The conventionconvention actually passed Clarke'sClarke's amendment,amendment, eliminatingeliminating the position ofof lieutenantlieutenant governor from from the the 18571857 constitution andand altering the constitutional line of succession.succession.

1 "There werewere twotwo menmen namednamed Mr. ClarkeClarke andand one named Mr. Clark at the Iowa convention." State v. Senn, 882 N.W.2dN.W.2d 1, 13 n.7 (Iowa 2016); see 1 TheThe Debates, at 6. The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 66

The nextnext morning,morning, however,however, delegate Gray asked hishis colleaguescolleagues "to"to consider well thethe importance of the mattermatter beforebefore striking"striking" thethe provisionsprovisions regarding the lieutenant governor.governor. Id.Id. at 591.591. AnAn advantage advantage ofof retainingretaining the office waswas thethe factfact thatthat thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor governor "will"will be elected directly by the people, insteadinstead ofof by the Legislature."Legislature." Id.Id. Gray foundfound thatthat important because "We"We allall seemseem toto agreeagree inin placing elections,elections, asas farfar as possible,possible, directly inin the power of thethe people."people." Id.Id. Delegate Clarke of HeniyHenry County agreed:

Gentlemen [of[of thethe convention]convention] dodo notnot reflectreflect thatthat they may be taking from the peoplepeople thethe powerpower ofof selectingselecting theirtheir ownown chiefchief magistrate. WhenWhen aa man man is is a a candidate candidate for for the the office office ofof Lieutenant Governor, thethe people alwaysalways votevote for for himhim withwith thethe understanding that circumstancescircumstances may may arise arise which which willwill makemake himhim theirtheir Governor.Governor. But if you give toto thethe Senate thethe powerpower ofof selectingselecting the manman whowho may be the GovernorGovernor of thethe people, you taketake from the peoplepeople thisthis power andand putput itit intointo thethe hands ofof thethe Senate.

Id.Id. at 591-92.

Delegate Gray'sGray's remarks remarks sparkedsparked renewedrenewed debate debate on on thethe subjeet,subject, and some delegates changedchanged their minds.minds. ForFor example, example, delegate delegate WilsonWilson offered thatthat although he hadhad originallyoriginally votedvoted to eliminateeliminate thethe positionposition ofof lieutenantlieutenant governor, "upon "upon reflectionreflection ...... thethe advantages in favorfavor of [having[having aa lieutenantlieutenant governor] areare farfar superiorsuperior toto the disadvantages."disadvantages." Id.Id. at 593. MostMost significant, significant, however, werewere Mr.Mr. Clark'sClark's remarks:remarks:

I votedvoted yesterdayyesterday to strikestrike outout thethe office office ofof Lieutenant- Lieutenant- Governor. I had notnot reflectedreflected upon it well,well, and I am inclined toto the opinion thatthat 1I diddid notnot votevote right. right. Upon hearinghearing thethe argumentargument thusthus farfar upon the question,question, andand uponupon reflection, reflection, II amam disposeddisposed toto favorfavor the officeoffice ofof Lieut[enant]Lieut[enant] Governor,Governor, for for one one reason, reason, ifif therethere were no other: I believebelieve thatthat anan executiveexecutive officer,officer, whoeverwhoever he he maymay bebe thatthat shall performperform the dutiesduties ofof thatthat office, office, whetherwhether GovernorGovernor oror Lieutenant-Governor, oughtought toto be elected directly by thethe people,people, in all cases, at least soso farfar asas itit is is possible possible toto provideprovide for it. WeWe electelect the GovernorGovernor byby the directdirect votesvotes ofof thethe people—bypeople—by the popularpopular will—by—by the the popular popular voice.voice. InIn case ofof hishis removalremoval oror disability,disability, I see no reason whywhy the person fillingfilling hishis place shouldshould not be elected directly byby thethe whole peoplepeople asas much as thethe GovernorGovernor himself.himself.

Id.Id. at 594.

After somesome furtherfurther debate, the conventionconvention votedvoted 19-14 against the amendment that wouldwould havehave struckstruck thethe office office ofof lieutenantlieutenant governor.governor. Id.Id. at The Honorable DavidDavid Johnson Johnson State Senator Page 77

595. Accordingly,Accordingly, the convention also restoredrestored other provisions relating toto the office ofof lieutenant lieutenant governor. See id. at 596.

It is evident,evident, bothboth fromfrom thisthis historicalhistorical recordrecord andand because because "[a]ll "[a]ll policitalpolicital power isis inherentinherent inin the people,"people," IowaIowa Const,Const. I,I, §§ 2,2, thatthat this this "elective "elective principle" lies lies at at the corecore ofof ourour constitutionalconstitutional framework.framework. TheThe framersframers intended that thosethose inin thethe gubernatorialgubernatorial lineline ofof succession be elected. SectionSection 3 furtherfurther reinforcedreinforced thethe framers'framers' commitmentcommitment to thethe electiveelective principleprinciple byby requiring thatthat the lieutenant governor governor "be elected."

C. IowaIowa HistoricalHistorical Practice.Practice. Four Iowa governors havehave eithereither resigned or died while inin office. In 1877,1877, Governor Governor SamuelSamuel Kirkwood Kirkwood resigned to become a candidatecandidate for thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates Senate.Senate. LieutenantLieutenant Governor Governor JoshuaJoshua Newbold assumed assumed thethe powerspowers andand duties ofof GovernorGovernor upon the resignation.resignation. Governor AlbertAlbert Cummins Cummins resigned resigned in in 19081908 afterafter hishis election to the UnitedUnited States Senate.Senate. LieutenantLieutenant Governor Governor Warren Garst assumed the powerspowers and duties of thethe GovernorGovernor upon thethe resignation.resignation. InIn 1954, 1954, Governor Governor William William Beardsley waswas killedkilled in in anan automobileautomobile accident. accident. UponUpon his death,death. LieutenantLieutenant Governor LeoLeo Elthon Elthon assumed assumed thethe powerspowers andand duties of Governor. Finally,Finally, in 1969 Governor HaroldHarold Hughes Hughes resigned resigned to to take take his his seatseat inin the Senate. LieutenantLieutenant Governor Governor Robert Fulton assumedassumed the powerspowers and duties ofof the GovernorGovernor uponupon thethe resignation.

In each of thesethese four instances, thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor governor (upon whomwhom the powers andand dutiesduties ofof thethe officeoffice devolved)devolved) waswas treated asas GovernorGovernor in everyevery respect, but did not appoint a newnew lieutenant governor. InIn eacheach ofof these four instances, aa newnew lieutenantlieutenant governor governor waswas eventuallyeventually elected by popular vote atat the same timetime the nextnext governor governor was elected.

This historical practicepractice revealsreveals severalseveral significant significant trends. trends. First,First, uponupon the death oror resignationresignation of a sittingsitting governor,governor, the lieutenant governorgovernor hashas always been considered governor.governor. Second,Second, the newnew governorgovernor has never appointed or named a newnew lieutenant governor.governor.

D.D. Federal Language and History.History. In 1857,1857, whenwhen thethe IowaIowa Constitution waswas ratified,ratified, articlearticle II,II, sectionsection 1,1, clauseclause 66 of the UnitedUnited States Constitution read: "In CaseCase ofof thethe RemovalRemoval ofof thethe PresidentPresident from from Office,Office, or ofof his Death,Death, Resignation,Resignation, or Inability toto discharge the Powers andand Duties of the said Office,Office, thethe SameSame shallshall devolve on on thethe ViceVice President President ...... " ." Thus, articlearticle IV, sectionsection 1717 of thethe Iowa Constitution closely trackedtracked languagelanguage inin the UnitedUnited States Constitution at the time.

Under that federalfederal language, multiplemultiple presidentspresidents died died inin FollowingFollowing each death, thethe ViceVice President was considered PresidentPresident inin full. TwoTwo of these The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 88 instances occurredoccurred beforebefore 1857: John TylerTyler in 18411841 andand Millard Millard FillmoreFillmorc in 1850. BecauseBecause ofof thisthis history,history, thethe delegatesdelegates toto thethe 18571857 Iowa Iowa constitutionalconstitutional convention likely likely understood understood the the wordword "devolve""devolve" to to mean mean that that uponupon the governor's exit from office, thethe lieutenant governor governor wouldwould bebe governorgovernor followingfollowing a downwarddownward movementmovement ofof powers.powers. See State v.v. Baldon,Baldon, 829 N.W.2dN.W.2d 785,785, 810 (Iowa(Iowa 2013)2013) (Appcl, (Appel, J., J., speciallyspecially concurring)concurring) (noting (noting "the "the draftersdrafters of the IowaIowa Constitution were well aware" of existing federalfederal lawlaw when writing inin 1857);1857); Gallamo v.a Long,Long, 243 N.W.N.W. 719,719, 723 (Iowa 1932) ("[HJistorical("[H]istorical ...... mattersmatters may be taken into consideration whenwhen interpreting the Constitution.").Constitution.").

A federalfederal courtcourt decisiondecision fromfrom 18671867 confirmsconfirms this this understanding:understanding:

Three times,times, sincesince the adoptionadoption of thethe constitution,constitution, the president has died,died, and, underunder [article[article II, section 1, clause 6], the powers andand duties ofof the officeoffice of presidentpresident have devolved uponupon thethe vice president.president. AllAll branches ofof the governmentgovernment have,have, underunder such circumstances, recognizedrecognized thethe vicevice president asas holdingholding thethe officeoffice of president,president, as as authorizedauthorized to to assume assume its its title title ...... ItIt hashas nevernever been supposed that,that, underunder thethe provisionprovision of the constitution,constitution, the vice presidentpresident ...... acted as the servant,servant, oror agent,agent, oror locum tenens of thethe deceaseddeceased president,president, oror inin anyany other capacity thanthan as holdingholding the officeoffice ofof presidentpresident fully,fully, forfor thethe time being, by virtue of express authority emanating from thethe United States.States.

Merriam v. Clinch,Clinch, 17 F. Cas.Gas. 68, 7070 (C.C.S.D.N.Y.(C.C.S.D.N.Y. 1867). 1867). TheThe threethree instancesinstances to whichwhich thethe courtcourt referred referred werewere PresidentPresident Tyler,Tyler, PresidentPresident Fillmore,Fillmorc, and President Andrew JohnsonJohnson inin 1865.

Likewise, the the Oklahoma SupremeSupreme CourtCourt relied upon federalfederal historyhistory several decades later inin analyzinganalyzing the the word word "devolve:" "devolve:"

[U]pon[U]pon thethe death ofof PresidentPresident Wm.Wm. H.H. Harrison,Harrison, ViceVice PresidentPresident lyierTyler becamebecame President President of of the the United United States. States. For almost aa century this constructionconstruction of the federalfederal ConstitutionConstitution has stoodstood withoutwithout question. ItIt has has been been recognized recognized as correct,correct, and acquiescedacquiesced in, not only byby thethe departmentsdepartments ofof statestate and all the statesstates ofof thethe Union,Union, but officiallyofficially recognizedrecognized by everyevery civilizedcivilized governmentgovernment inin thethe world.

Defendant suggestssuggests thatthat no court has everever pronouncedpronounced thatthat to be the law. ToTo our mind,mind, it is so clearlyclearly correctcorrect thatthat no one hashas ever presumedpresumed toto testtest itsits correctness inin thethe courts. ThereforeTherefore it should havehave greatergreater weightweight thanthan anan ordinary ordinary departmental departmental The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 99

construction, notnot only becausebecause itit has stoodstood for almost a century,century, but becausebecause itit hashas been been recognizedrecognized as thethe correctcorrect conceptionconception ofof our system of government, andand because,because, forfor eighty-fiveeighty-five yearsyears under this construction,construction, there has beenbeen nono frictionfriction inin thethe machinerymachinery ofof government byby reasonreason ofof suchsuch

Fitzpatrick, 248 P. at 576; see alsoalso Olcott Olcott v. v. Hoff Hoff (Olcott(Olcott I),I), 181 P. 466, 467 (Or. 1919) ("[U]pon("[U]pon the the death death of of the the president president nono oneone hashas ever claimedclaimed thatthat the vicevice president .. . . would would notnot succeedsucceed toto thethe office office of president itself ...... "); 19391939 Mich. AttyAtt'y Gen.Gen. Rep.Rep. 69,69, 73 (Mich. Att'yAtPy Gen. Mar.Mar. 28,28, 1939) 1939) ("No ("No one wouldwould contend thatthat uponupon deathdeath oror resignation resignation ofof thethe President,President, thethe Vice Vice PresidentPresident does not therebythereby becomebecome President ofof the UnitedUnited States . . . .").") BetweenBetween Merriam in 1867 andand Fitzpatrick in 1926,1926, threethree moremore presidentspresidents died died in in office— office— and onceonce again, after each death,death, the the vicevice PresidentPresident waswas consideredconsidered President.^President.2 The consistentconsistent federalfederal understandingunderstanding ofof thethe word word "devolve" "devolve" overover severalseveral decades further informsinforms ourour determinationdetermination ofof whatwhat "devolve" "devolve" meansmeans inin article IV, sectionsection 1717 ofof thethe IowaIowa Constitution.Constitution.

Moreover, President President lyier Tyler did did not not appoint appoint aa newnew vicevice presidentpresident inin 1841. A new vice president did notnot taketake officeoffice untiluntil 1845,1845, following following the electionelection ofof George DallasDallas to to thethe office almost almost four four years years later. later. InIn 1850,1850, when when MillardMillard Fillmore assumed assumed thethe powers andand duties ofof thethe presidencypresidency uponupon ZacharyZachary Taylor's death,death, hehe tootoo diddid notnot appointappoint aa new vice president.president. OnceOnce again, the country waited forfor aa new vicevice presidentpresident forfor almostalmost threethree yearsyears until the electionelection of William King.

This historical practice continuedcontinued uponupon the death ofof every President.President. The most recent instance occurred upon the deathdeath ofof PresidentPresident JohnJohn F.F. Kennedy. Kennedy. President LyndonLyndon Johnson Johnson diddid notnot appointappoint aa newnew vicevice president president in in 1963.1963. Our nation's nextnext vicevice president, Hubert Humphrey, was elected in 1964.

Having establishedestablished this historicalhistorical perspective,perspective, we we nownow proceed to analyze the legal questions.

II,II. If the GovernorGovernor Resigns, Does thethe LieutenantLieutenant GovernorGovernor Become Governor? Beyond dictionary definitions, anotheranother important guidepostguidepost inin determining the meaningmeaning of "devolve""devolve" is is what what it it was was understood understood toto meanmean atat the time it was enacted:

2 TheThe threethree werewere PresidentPresident ChesterChester ArthurArthur inin 1881, 1881, President President Theodore Theodore Roosevelt inin 1901, and President CalvinCalvin CoolidgeCoolidge inin 1923. The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 10

In the interpretation of thethe Constitution ...... we areare toto ascertainascertain the meaning by by gettinggetting atat thethe intentionintention ofof thosethose makingmaking thethe instrument. WhatWhat thoughtthought waswas inin thethe mindmind ofof thosethose makingmaking the Constitution—what waswas theirtheir intention,intention, isis the greatgreat leading rule ofof construction.

ExEx partsparte Pritz, 99 Iowa 30,30, 32 (1858); accord Griffin v. Pate, 884 N.W.2dN.W.2d 182,182, 186 (Iowa(Iowa 2016)2016) (beginning (beginning analysis analysis ofof aa constitutional provisionprovision "by looking back to review thethe history"history" ofof it it "to "to gaingain aa better understanding of the concept" asas applied inin a current case);case); Redmond v. Ray, 268 N.W.2dN.W.2d 849,849, 853 (Iowa 1978)1978) ("In("In construingconstruing a a constitution,constitution, our our purposepurpose is is toto ascertainascertain thethe intent of the framers."). TheThe framers ofof ourour 18571857 constitutionconstitution werewere undoubtedlyundoubtedly awareaware ofof the federal precedent under thethe "devolve" "devolve" framework.framework. This federalfederal practice,practice, andand the framers' resolution that thethe lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor could "have the titletitle ofof Governor" ifif thethe governor left office,office, 1 The DebatesDebates at 39, are strongstrong indications that thethe verb verb "devolve""devolve" waswas thoughtthought toto conveyconvey the entireentire officeoffice of Governor uponupon the lieutenant governor.governor.

A. Other States' Experiences. Experiences. IowaIowa isis notnot the first state toto faceface significant legallegal questionsquestions regardingregarding aa governor's permanent departure fromfrom office. WhileWhile otherother states'states' constitutionsconstitutions andand experiencesexperiences do notnot alonealone determine what the IowaIowa ConstitutionConstitution means,means, see HandelandHandeland V.v. Brown, 216 N.W.2d 574, 574, 577577 (Iowa(Iowa 1974),1974), wewe find find valuable valuable to to ourour analysis the languagelanguage used in thosethose states'states' constitutions constitutions andand courtcourt decisions decisions oror attorneyattorney generalgeneral opinions involving thatthat language.language.

Our review ofof availableavailable authorityauthority revealsreveals aa relatively eveneven divide.divide. WhenWhen the relevantrelevant constitutionalconstitutional provisionprovision utilizedutilized thethe wordword "devolve,""devolve," somesome authorities inin otherother statesstates havehave concludedconcluded thatthat thethe lieutenant lieutenant governor governor becomes governor.governor. In view ofof thethe questionquestion asas we havehave phrasedphrased it, wewe call thesethese the "yes""yes" decisions.decisions. See, e.g., BryantBryant v.v. English,English, 843 S.W.2dS.W.2d 308, 311311 (Ark.(Ark. 1992) ("[W]e("[W]e hold hold that that ...... thethe LieutenantLieutenant Governor servesserves asas GovernorGovernor forfor thethe residue of the termterm ...... "); ."); State exex rel.rel LameyLamey v.v. Mitchell, Mitchell, 34 P.2d 369, 370 (Mont.(Mont. 1934) ("[W]hen("[W]hen the the GovernorGovernor resigns resigns oror isis permanentlypermanently removedremoved from office, therethere isis nono vacancyvacancy inin thethe office of of Governor Governor in in the the sense sense that that therethere isis no one left withwith powerpower to dischargedischarge thethe dutiesduties imposed imposed uponupon the the Governor."); Governor."); Fitzpatrick, 248 P. at 577577 ("Mr.("Mr. Trapp isis justjust asas muchmuch aa Governor, Governor, inin everyevery literal andand practical sensesense andand effect, asas though he had beenbeen electedelected to the office."); Chadwick v.v. Earhart,Earhart, 44 P. 1180,1180, 1181 1181 (Or.(Or. 1884)1884) ("[I]t("[I]t isis not shownshown how ...... aa personperson can can fill fill the the office office ofof governor governor withoutwithout being being governor.");governor."); State ex rel.rel MurphyMurphy v.v. McBride,McBride, 7070 P. 25, 2626 (Wash.(Wash. 1902)1902) ("The constitutionconstitution having provided thatthat in case ofof the deathdeath ofof thethe governorgovernor the dutiesduties ofof thethe officeoffice shall devolve upon upon thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor, therethere isis no vacancyvacancy in thethe officeoffice ofof governor."); 19391939 Mich.Mich. AtfyAtt'y Gen. Gen. Rep.Rep. atat 73 (concluding when the governorgovernor The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 11 dies, the lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor isis "governor of of thethe statestate [for] allall intentsintents and purposes").

Others have concluded thatthat the lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor or nextnext personperson "in line" isis not truly governor. WeWe call these thethe "no""no" decisions. See, e.g., State ex rel. DeDe Concini v.v. Garvey, 195 P.2d 153,153, 154154 (Ariz.(Ariz. 1948) (concluding(concluding thethe personperson upon whomwhom the powerspowers andand dutiesduties of of governor governor devolvedevolve afterafter thethe governor'sgovernor's death oror resignationresignation "is"is notnot governor governor dede jurejure or or de de facto facto but but merely merely ex ex officio"); officio"); Futrell VV. Oldham, 155 S.W. 502,502, 504 (Ark. 1913) (concluding(concluding underunder aa previous version ofof thethe Arkansas Constitution thatthat the personperson uponupon whomwhom the powerspowers and dutiesduties ofof governorgovernor devolve "acts "acts asas Governor ...... merelymerely by virtue of his office asas president of the senate,senate, and and does does not not actually actually become become Governor"); Governor"); PeoplePeople exex rel. LynchLynch v. Budd,Budd, 4545 P. 1060,1060, 1060 1060 (Cal. (Gal. 1896) 1896) ("[I]t ("[I]t wouldwould hardlyhardly be contended that whenwhen the powerspowers andand dutiesduties of of the the governor governor devolvedevolve uponupon the lieutenant governor thethe latter therebythereby becomesbecomes governor ...... ");."); State ex rel.rel Hardin v. Sadler, 4747 P. 450, 450 450 (Nev. (Nev. 1897)1897) ("If aa vacancy occurs in thethe officeoffice of governor, thethe powers andand duties ofof thethe officeoffice devolvedevolve uponupon thethe lieutenant governor ...... TheThe officer officer remainsremains lieutenantlieutenant governor,governor, but investedinvested with the powers and dutiesduties of of governor."); governor."); State v.v. Heller,Heller, 4242 A.A. 155,155, 157157 (N.J.(N.J. 1899)1899) ("The("The language language used used is is not not ambiguous. ambiguous. ItIt declaresdeclares thatthat the powers, duties,duties, and emoluments of thethe office shallshall devolvedevolve on on the the presidentpresident ofof thethe senate;senate; it does not confer upon himhim thethe tidetitle of of the the office."); office."); State ex rel.rel Martin v.v. Ekem,Ekem, 280 N.W. 393,393, 399 (Wis.(Wis. 1938)1938) ("[T]he("[Tjhe lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor does notnot becomebecome governor. HeHe remainsremains lieutenantlieutenant governor, governor, uponupon whomwhom devolvesdevolves the powerspowers and dutiesduties of of governor."). governor.").

B. Analysis,Analysis. The substantial numbernumber ofof "no" "no" decisionsdecisions isis significant.significant. The "no""no" decisionsdecisions areare based on a carefulcareful parsingparsing ofof the the wordword "devolve""devolve" andand thethe other relevantrelevant constitutionalconstitutional language. WhenWhen resolvingresolving legallegal questions,questions, precision andand nuance matter. See Rivera v.v. WoodwardWoodward Res. Ctr.,Ctr., 865 N.W.2dN.W.2d 887, 897 (Iowa 2015).2015). Thus,Thus, placing placing IowaIowa amongamong thethe "no""no" decisionsdecisions wouldwould be legally defensible.defensible. Indeed, in 1977,1977, the the Idaho Idaho Attorney Attorney General General acknowledged acknowledged that, althoughalthough hehe believedbelieved themthem toto bebe somewhat somewhat counterintuitive,counterintuitive, thethe "no""no" decisions suggested "the"the lieutenant governorgovernor never truly succeeds toto thethe officeoffice of governor" under under the the IdahoIdaho ConstitutionConstitution (which (which at at thethe time used thethe wordword "devolve"). IdahoIdaho Op. AttyAtt'y Gen. No. 77-1,77-1, 19771977 WLWL 25063, atat *1*1 (Idaho Att'yAtt'y Gen. Jan.Jan. 4,4, 1977). 1977). TheThe Idaho Idaho Attorney Attorney GeneralGeneral wentwent on toto recommendrecommend thatthat only the IdahoIdaho SupremeSupreme CourtCourt couldcould answeranswer thethe questionquestion definitivelydefinitively asas a matter ofof Idaho law. See id.

Nonetheless, wewe findfind thethe "yes""yes" decisionsdecisions moremore persuasivepersuasive thanthan the "no" decisions for several reasons.reasons. First,First, we we believe believe thethe "no" "no" decisions decisions elevateelevate form over substance, whichwhich the IowaIowa SupremeSupreme CourtCourt hashas repeatedly repeatedly cautionedcautioned against. See, e.g., Lewis v.v. Jaeger,Jaeger, 818 N.W.2dN.W.2d 165, 179179 (Iowa 2012); State ex The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 12 rel. Miller v.v. SmokersSmokers WarehouseWarehouse Corp.,Corp., 737 N.W.2dN.W.2d 107, 110110 (Iowa 2007); Van Baale v. CityCity ofof Des Des Moines,Moines, 550 N.W.2dN.W.2d 153,153, 156 (Iowa(Iowa 1996).1996). TheThe "no""no" decisions are somewhat technical, drawing aa linguistic distinction that, whilewhile noteworthy, makesmakes nono substantivesubstantive differencedifference under thethe circumstancescircumstances presented See HarrimanHarriman V.v. State, 2 GreeneGreene 270,270, 285285 (Iowa(Iowa 1849)1849) (considering(considering it it thethe court's "imperative duty" duty" to to "disregard "disregard . .. . . unmeaningunmeaning technicalities, andand to look more toto thethe substance andand meritsmerits of of each each case");case"); see also Heil, 77 N.W.2dN.W.2d atat 381381 ("It isis extremely importantimportant inin the interpretation ofof constitutional provisionsprovisions that that we avoidavoid determinationsdeterminations basedbased purely onon technical ...... argument and that wewe seek to discover thethe truetrue spirit andand intent of the provisionsprovisions examined."). UnderUnder Iowa'sIowa's framework, therethere could be littlelittle dispute that ifif thethe governorgovernor resigns,resigns, thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor governor wouldwould possesspossess authority to signsign legislation,legislation, issueissue pardons,pardons, andand eveneven receivereceive thethe governor'sgovernor's salary. Instead,Instead, any any dispute dispute centerscenters on on thethe exact exact description description ofof his or her new role.

On that score,score, articlearticle IV,IV, sectionsection 11 ofof thethe Iowa Iowa ConstitutionConstitution carriescarries significant weight. ThatThat sectionsection provides,provides, "The supreme executiveexecutive power of thisthis state shallshall bebe vestedvested inin aa chief chief magistrate,magistrate, who who shallshall bebe styledstyled thethe governorgovernor ofof the state ofof Iowa." Iowa Const,Const. IV,IV, § § 1. 1. InIn other words, thethe person who hashas the powerpower isis governor. AsAs thethe ArkansasArkansas SupremeSupreme Court concluded underunder a similar provision in in thethe Arkansas Constitution, thisthis means whenwhen the powerspowers and dutiesduties ofof governorgovernor devolve upon upon thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor, thatthat person is thereafter styled thethe governor.governor. See Bryant,Bryant, 843 S.W.2dS.W.2d atat 313;313; accord Fitzpatrick, 248 P. atat 572572 ("The("The personperson who ...... fills fills the the office office ofof chiefchief magistrate is styled 'the'the GovernorGovernor ofof Oklahoma.'Oklahoma.' HeHe is thethe 'Governor''Governor' for the simple reasonreason thatthat hehe governs.").governs."). Thus,Thus, therethere isis no no substantive substantive difference difference between governor andand acting governor.governor. See State exex rel.rel. ChattertonChatterton v. Grant, 7373 P. 470, 474 (Wyo. 1903)1903) (concluding (concluding that, that, afterafter thethe governor died,died, thethe question whether a personperson "[wa]s"[wa]s inin fact thethe governorgovernor ofof thethe state"state" waswas immaterialimmaterial because, whether governor oror actingacting governor,governor, the the personperson hadhad the powerspowers and duties of the office).office). AA personperson actingacting asas governor governor afterafter thethe powerspowers havehave devolved is governor, because ofof article IV, sectionsection 1.1.^3

Second, thethe "yes""yes" decisionsdecisions comport withwith thethe IowaIowa framers'framers' understanding of the lieutenant governor'sgovernor's rolerole andand with our state's historicalhistorical practice. InIn creating creating the the office office ofof lieutenant lieutenant governor, governor, thethe framersframers expectedexpected that personperson toto "have"have thethe titletitle ofof Governor" Governor" if the governorgovernor leftleft 1 The Debates at 39.39. Furthermore,Furthermore, each each time time the the governor governor ofof IowaIowa has resignedresigned or

3 ThisThis office'soffice's 19231923 opinionopinion acknowledges,acknowledges, as as it it must, must, thatthat inin some instances the powers and duties willwill devolve only only on on a a temporary temporary basis. basis. To thethe extentextent thethe 1923 opinion describes acting asas governor toto be substantively differentdifferent from being governor, we nownow clarifyclarify that that issue.issue. The Honorable DavidDavid Johnson Johnson State Senator Page 13 died in office, thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor waswas thereafterthereafter treated asas governor.governor. See William H. Fleming, The Second OfficerOfficer inin the Government,Government, reprinted inin Annals of Iowa: A HistoricalHistorical Quarterly,Quarterly, Vol. XIII,XIII, No.No. 1,1, atat 533-34 (1921) [hereinafter Annals ofof Iowa] Iowa] (recalling(recalling GovernorGovernor Kirkwood'sKirkwood's resignation resignation in in 18771877 and Governor Cummins'sCummins's resignation in 1908);1908); Legis.Legis. Servs.Servs. Agency,Agency, PiecesPieces of Iowa'sIowa's Past:Past: LieutenantLieutenant GovernorsGovernors WhoWho HaveHave BecomeBecome GovernorGovernor 2-3 (Mar. 8, 2017), available at / / www. legis. iowa. goy/ does / publications / TB / 855445.pdf (noting (noting Governor Beardsley'sBeardsley's deathdeath inin 1954 and GovernorGovernor Hughes's resignation inin 1969).1969). Indeed,Indeed, one one history history of of Iowa Iowa referred referred toto Kirkwood's Kirkwood's successor asas the the "ninth "ninth governor governor of of Iowa" Iowa" followingfollowing Kirkwood'sKirkwood's resignation. resignation. 4 Benjamin F. Gue,Gue, History of Iowa:Iowa: FromFrom thethe EarliestEarliest Times to the BeginningBeginning of the TwentiethTwentieth CenturyCentury 199-200 (1903). AlthoughAlthough historicalhistorical practice standing alone does not mandatemandate a similarsimilar resultresult now,now, thethe historicalhistorical practicepractice is consistent withwith thethe frameworkframework ofof executiveexecutive power we have described. Gallamo,Gallarno, 243 N.W.2dN.W.2d atat 723723 (noting(noting history isis important in interpretinginterpreting constitutionalconstitutional provisions); see Bryant,Bryant, 843 S.W.2dS.W.2d at 312312 (finding(finding itit "of"of somesome persuasion"persuasion" that, whenwhen thethe governorgovernor of Arkansas died in officeoffice oror resigned,resigned, thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor waswas historically treatedtreated as governor).governor).

Finally, manymany ofof thethe "no" decisions areare driven by legal problems thatthat Iowa's frameworkframework avoids. avoids. For example, in Arizona,Arizona, thethe court concludedconcluded one reason the secretarysecretary of state diddid notnot becomebecome governorgovernor waswas thethe absence of a provision bestowing uponupon that personperson "the"the emoluments emoluments of of the the office office ofof governorgovernor .. . .. when when acting acting [as] [as] governor." governor." Garvey, 195 P.2dP.2d atat 157-58. ByBy contrast,contrast, article IV, section 15 ofof thethe IowaIowa ConstitutionConstitution expresslyexpressly providesprovides that "while"while acting as governor,"governor," thethe lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor is is "paid "paid the the compensationcompensation ...... prescribed for the governor." IowaIowa Const.Const, IV, IV, § 15.

Likewise, the the ArkansasArkansas SupremeSupreme Court expressed concerns in Futrell about thethe president president of of the the senate—a senate—a legislative legislative officer—performing officer—performing executiveexecutive branch duties.duties. See Futrell,Futrell, 155 S.W. atat 504; see alsoalso Bryant, 843 S.W.2d at 312 (explaining thatthat creating the positionposition ofof lieutenant governorgovernor alleviatedalleviated any separation-of-powers concerns). concerns). Iowa's frameworkframework hashas always avoided thatthat problem. ArticleArticle III, sectionsection 1 permitted the lieutenant governor governor to presidepreside overover the senatesenate byby allowingallowing oneone personperson toto performperform bothboth legislative legislative andand executiveexecutive duties where expressly provided.provided. Further,Further, under thethe 18571857 constitution,constitution, whenwhen the lieutenant governorgovernor was also president of the senate, articlearticle IV,IV, section 18 directed thethe senate to electelect aa presidentpresident propro temporetempore whenwhen thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor waswas exercisingexercising the the officeoffice of of governor. governor. And today, the lieutenantlieutenant governor nono longerlonger hashas any legislativelegislative duties,duties, soso there isis nono separation-of-separation-of- powers problem.problem. WithoutWithout potentialpotential issues likelike thosethose facedfaced inin ArizonaArizona and Arkansas, wewe find the "yes" decisionsdecisions toto bebe aa better analytical guide. The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 14

Iowa's amendmentsamendments toto article IVIV dodo notnot changechange oror alter our analysisanalysis ofof the effect ofof articlearticle IV,IV, section section 17.17. AA 1952 amendment toto articlearticle IV,IV, section 19 removed aa reference toto thethe lieutenant governor governor "acting as"as" governor,governor, replacing it with "if there bebe aa vacancy vacancy in in the the office office of of Governor"—and Governor"—and that languagelanguage remains ThereThere isis aa natural natural tendency tendency toto ascribe ascribe significancesignificance to the change, butbut that amendmentamendment doesn't really saysay muchmuch aboutabout the title of the person upon whomwhom thethe powerspowers andand duties duties devolve—because devolve—because articlearticle IV,IV, section 1 controls thatthat question.question. AndAnd inin anyany event, event, as as we we have have explained,explained, "acting as" governor isis simplysimply whatwhat thethe lieutenant governorgovernor doesdoes when thethe powerspowers and duties devolve,devolve, notnot aa substantivesubstantive limit on his or herher powerpower or title.

The more significantsignificant piecepiece ofof the the 19521952 amendments,amendments, inin our view,view, waswas aa section providingproviding thatthat ifif thethe governor-electgovernor-e/ect died, resigned, or failedfailed to qualify,qualify, the lieutenantlieutenant governor-electgovernor-elect would would "assume "assume the the powerspowers andand duties ofof governor" upon upon inauguration. inauguration. AsAs wewe havehave noted,noted, articlearticle IV,IV, sectionsection 11 wouldwould therefore makemake thethe personperson withwith thethe powers thethe governor.governor. In other words,words, the 1952 amendmentamendment solidified—notsolidified—not altered—thealtered—the existingexisting frameworkframework for for the transfer ofof executive powerpower inin thethe eventevent of aa constitutionalconstitutional contingency.contingency.^4

In 1972,1972, severalseveral provisionsprovisions of artielearticle IVIV werewere changed, changed, butbut theythey did not affect sectionssections 11 oror 17. Originally,Originally, articlearticle IV, sections 22 and 3 providedprovided the governor andand lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor servedserved two-yeartwo-year terms.terms. The 19721972 amendment merelymerely increased increased both both terms terms to to four four years. years. Thus, itit doesdoes not indicate any significant changechange inin the constitutional frameworkframework for transferringtransferring executive power.power. Indeed,Indeed, thethe 19721972 amendmentsamendments retainedretained thethe requirementrequirement thatthat the governorgovernor andand lieutenant governor bebe elected,elected, and and thatthat theythey serveserve untiluntil successors werewere elected and qualified.qualified.

IowaIowa enactedenacted moremore signifieantsignificant amendments amendments in in1988. 1988. TheThe 19881988 amendments providedprovided for for the the firstfirst timetime that thethe governorgovernor andand lieutenantlieutenant governor areare elected together,together, onon one ticket, "as ifif thesethese twotwo officesoffices werewere one and the same."same." IowaIowa Const.Const, IV,IV, § 3. BeforeBefore 1988,1988, it it waswas possiblepossible for the governor andand lieutenantlieutenant governor toto representrepresent different politicalpolitical parties. parties. TheThe amendment broughtbrought toto fruition a constitutionalconstitutional delegate's statementstatement atat the 1857 convention:convention: "The"The governorgovernor and lieutenant-governorlieutenant-governor will always, I presume, bebe the same in politics,politics, and whywhy not havehave thethe successorsuccessor ofof the governor ofof thethe samesame politics, insteadinstead of bringing inin one of the antagonisticantagonistic party?" 1 The DebatesDebates at 593.

4 Additionally,Additionally, GovernorGovernor Beardsley's Beardsley's death death occurred occurred in in 1954,1954, afterafter thethe 19521952 amendments—but ourour state's practicepractice ofof treating thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor governor asas governorgovernor remained thethe same. The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 15

The 19881988 amendmentsamendments also recastrecast thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor'sgovernor's duties.duties. Under original articlearticle IV,IV, sectionsection 18,18, thethe lieutenant governorgovernor was president ofof the senatesenate andand possessedpossessed aa tiebreakingtiebreaking vote. IfIf the the lieutenant lieutenant governor governor waswas absent, impeached,impeached, or exercisingexercising thethe officeoffice of Governor,Governor, thethe Senate waswas instructed toto choose aa presidentpresident pro temporetempore toto presidepreside and breakbreak ties.ties. However, the the 19881988 amendmentsamendments revised articlearticle IV,IV, sectionsection 1818 toto provide thatthat the lieutenant governorgovernor "shall"shall have thethe duties providedprovided byby lawlaw andand thosethose duties of thethe governor assignedassigned toto thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor byby thethe governor."governor." InIn other words, thethe 19881988 amendmentsamendments removed thethe lieutenant governor's status status as president of thethe Senate.

The only remainingremaining duty "provided byby law"law" isis toto receive thethe powers and duties ofof governorgovernor under articlearticle IV,IV, sectionsection 1717 ifif the the governor governor leavesleaves office;office; there are no additionaladditional statutory dutiesduties imposedimposed upon thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor. governor. In other words,words, the lieutenantlieutenant governor governor becomesbecomes governorgovernor because he or she is already lieutenantlieutenant governor. AsAs the Montana Supreme Court put it:

When thethe framersframers ofof thethe ConstitutionConstitution providedprovided for thethe election ofof aa Governor andand a LieutenantLieutenant GovernorGovernor as membersmembers ofof the executiveexecutive departmentdepartment of of thethe state,state, but conferredconferred upon thethe latter no executiveexecutive powerpower or or authorityauthority other other than than inin thethe contingencies mentionedmentioned ...... ,, they manifested thethe intention thatthat the peoplepeople elect two qualified headsheads of that department—thedepartment—the one active, thethe other his lieutenant,lieutenant, ready at aa moment'smoment's noticenotice to assume thethe dutiesduties of of the the office, office, should hishis superiorsuperior officer, officer, for any reason, eithereither temporarilytemporarily or permanently,permanently, becomebecome unable to perform them.them.

Mitchell, 34 P.2d at 371-72; see alsoalso StateState exex rel.ret SathreSathre v.v. Moodie, Moodie, 258 N.W.N.W. 558, 567 (N.D. 1935) ("The("The LieutenantLieutenant Governor,Governor, electedelected at at thethe same election,election, ...... hashas beenbeen chosenchosen byby thethe peoplepeople toto actact asas Governor Governor inin [the][the] eventevent the Governor failsfails toto qualify,qualify, oror isis unableunable to act becausebecause of of disability."); disability."); Olcott 7,I, 181 P. at 483483 ("[W]hen("[Wjhen the the peoplepeople electedelected Mr. Mr. Olcott Olcott ...... , , by thethe veryveiy termsterms of the constitution they electedelected him toto becomebecome governorgovernor uponupon the deathdeath ofof Governor Governor Withycombe."); Heil, 77 N.W.2dN.W.2d atat 383383 (noting(noting thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor governor "was"was deliberately chosen chosen by by the the peoplepeople for for nono otherother importantimportant purposepurpose thanthan to substitute forfor the governor").governor"). Therefore, thethe 19881988 amendmentsamendments do notnot alteralter ourour analysis on this question.

C. Answer.Answer. After consideringconsidering thethe Iowa Constitution's language and structure, placingplacing it inin historicalhistorical perspective,perspective, andand comparingcomparing otherother legallegal analyses on similar constitutional provisions,provisions, it it is is ourour opinion thatthat underunder article IV, sectionsection 1717 ofof thethe IowaIowa Constitution,Constitution, ifif thethe governor resignsresigns andand the The Honorable DavidDavid Johnson Johnson State Senator Page 16 powers andand dutiesduties ofof thethe officeoffice devolvedevolve uponupon the lieutenantlieutenant governor,governor, the lieutenant governorgovernor becomes governor andand has thethe titletitle ofof Governor.Governor.^5

III. If thethe LieutenantLieutenant GovernorGovernor BecomesBecomes Governor,Governor, MayMay SheShe ThenThen Appoint a New LieutenantLieutenant Governor?

The framersframers of ourour 18571857 constitutionconstitution knewknew thethe federalfederal precedentprecedent ofof not appointing a newnew vicevice presidentpresident whenwhen thethe office office ofof presidentpresident "devolved""devolved" toto thethe elected vice president.president. See Iowa Ins. InstInst. v.v. CoreCore Grp. ofof Iowa Iowa Ass'nforAss'n for Justice, 867 N.W.2dN.W.2d 58,58, 76 (Iowa(Iowa 2015)2015) (considering(considering the the "circumstances"circumstances underunder whichwhich the statute was was enacted" enacted" in in order order to to derive derive legislativelegislative intent); Rudd, 248 N.W.2dN.W.2d at 129129 ("When wordswords are are enshrinedenshrined inin aa governmental charter, charter, soso asas toto speak across centuries, their history,history, purpose, andand intendedintended meaningmeaning mustmust be be closelyclosely examined."). Yet, despitedespite thisthis precedent, ourour framersframers chose not to depart from the federal model andand made no express provisionprovision for thethe appointment of a new lieutenant governorgovernor when the electedelected lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor waswas performingperforming the duties ofof the officeoffice of Governor.Governor. OnOn thethe contrary,contrary, they they provided—in provided—in articlearticle IV,IV, section 19—a clear,clear, tighttight and completecomplete line of successionsuccession for the powerspowers of thethe executive eveneven in in thethe absenceabsence of thethe elected lieutenantlieutenant governor. TheThe federalfederal practice, thethe framers' decision not to provideprovide for a vacancyvacancy in thethe officeoffice ofof lieutenant governor, andand the specificspecific constitutionalconstitutional lineline of successionsuccession are strong indications that theythey diddid notnot seesee thethe needneed forfor aa newnew lieutenant governor.governor.

The governor hashas always hadhad authority toto fillfill vacanciesvacancies in statestate officesoffices when the constitutionconstitution and lawslaws diddid notnot otherwiseotherwise provideprovide forfor doingdoing IowaIowa Const,Const. art. IV, §§ 10. Yet,Yet, despitedespite thisthis provision,provision, in the fourfour priorprior instances when a governorgovernor has resignedresigned oror dieddied inin office,office, the new governor hashas not relied upon the authorityauthority in in section section 10 10 to to fill fill any any "vacancy" "vacancy" in thethe officeoffice of lieutenantlieutenant governor—suggesting that that thethe constitutional frameworkframework avoidedavoided one. See Annals of IowaIowa at 533533 (noting(noting GovernorGovernor Newbold did did notnot appointappoint aa newnew lieutenant governorgovernor afterafter GovernorGovernor Kirkwood'sKirkwood's resignation "because"because the lieutenant-governorship was not vacant").vacant").

5 Two ofof your your nine nine originaloriginal questions questions askask whether thethe lieutenant governorgovernor would be required to taketake aa new new oathoath of of office office andand whowho wouldwould bebe empoweredempowered to administer that oath.oath. InIn light light of of our our opinion opinion asas detailed detailed above,above, the answeranswer to those questions is that nono newnew oath is required.required. WhenWhen the the lieutenant lieutenant governor governor isis electedelected andand qualifiesqualifies by taking an oathoath beforebefore thethe generalgeneral assemblyassembly to dischargedischarge the dutiesduties ofof thethe office office ofof Lieutenant Governor, thosethose dutiesduties already include receiving thethe powers andand duties ofof Governor shouldshould aa constitutional contingency arise.arise. Nevertheless,Nevertheless, we understand each of the four Iowa lieutenant governorsgovernors whowho became governor afterafter thethe resignation or death ofof aa sittingsitting governorgovernor chosechose toto taketake aa ceremonial ceremonial oath oath of of office office (in one form or another) when theythey assumedassumed theirtheir newnew duties.duties. ThisThis isis becausebecause whilewhile no new oath is required, the constitution doesdoes not prohibitprohibit one. The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 17

A. Other States'States' Experiences. In answering question one, wewe noted considerable debatedebate amongamong statesstates which use constitutional language similar to our ownown ("devolve") as as toto whetherwhether the lieutenantlieutenant governor governor "becomes" "becomes" governorgovernor or is somethingsomething less. Interestingly,Interestingly, however, however, wewe foundfound virtuallyvirtually no debate on whether the newnew governor cancan appoint a newnew lieutenant governor.governor. TheThe widely-widely- accepted answeranswer toto thatthat question is no.

Oregon's experienceexperience and and constitution mirrors Iowa's in everyevery majormajor respect save one: upon thethe governor'sgovernor's deathdeath thethe duties duties of of the the office office devolve devolve upon the SecretarySecretary of State,State, not the lieutenant governor.governor. TheThe OregonOregon Supreme Court closely examinedexamined whether whether the the governor'sgovernor's permanent permanent departuredeparture createdcreated aa vacancy inin the officeoffice of thethe Secretary of State. State ex rel.ret RobertsRoberts v.v. OlcottOlcott (Olcott(Olcott II),11), 187 P. 286286 (Or. 1920).1920). Oregon,Oregon, likelike Iowa,Iowa, hadhad aa constitutional constitutional provision generallygenerally allowingallowing for for the the governorgovernor toto fillfill vacanciesvacancies inin state offices.offices. The Oregon SupremeSupreme CourtCourt determined,determined, however, that that therethere was no vacancy in the officeoffice ofof SecretarySecretary ofof StateState whenwhen thethe governor dieddied andand thethe duties (and office) ofof governorgovernor devolveddevolved on on thethe Secretary. Id.Id. at 289. TheThe courtcourt reasonedreasoned that thethe constitutionconstitution setset forthforth anan unbrokenunbroken andand automaticautomatic lineline ofof succession.succession. Id.Id.

The same resultresult waswas reachedreached inin a a1939 1939 Michigan Michigan Attorney Attorney GeneralGeneral opinion. ThatThat opinion opinion notednoted thatthat under under the the "devolve" "devolve" frameworkframework it isis well-well- settled that whenwhen thethe powerspowers andand dutiesduties of of the the superior superior office office devolvedevolve uponupon thethe inferior officer,officer, there there isis nono vacancyvacancy inin thethe inferiorinferior 1939 Mich. Att'yAtt'y Gen. Rep. atat 72 (noting "plain"plain rules ofof common sense"sense" make clear "that"that the peoplepeople never intendedintended to intrust thethe responsibilitiesresponsibilities ofof thethe governorshipgovernorship to oneone whowho has notnot been been elected"); elected"); 2222 R.C.L.R.C.L. PublicPublic Officers § 97, at 442-43442-43 (1918).(1918). In other words,words, when the powerspowers andand dutiesduties ofof governor governor devolvedevolve uponupon the lieutenant governor,governor, there isis nono vacancyvacancy inin thethe office office of lieutenantlieutenant governor.governor.®6

Other states havehave agreed. See, e.g., Garvey,Garvey, 195 P.2d at 154154 (adhering(adhering to the "prevailing view" thatthat "the"the inferiorinferior officerofficer does not vacatevacate hishis office"); office"); Budd, 4545 P. atat 10601060 ("It("It is clearclear thatthat the the Lieutenant Lieutenant Governor Governor does not vacate his office whenwhen hehe assumesassumes the powerspowers and dutiesduties of of the the Governorship."); Governorship."); Mitchell, 34 P.2d at 372372 (holding(holding the assumptionassumption ofof the the duties duties of of the the office office ofof governor governor does not createcreate aa vacancyvacancy inin thethe office office ofof lieutenant governorgovernor because "he"he is discharging thethe functions of Governor byby thethe mandatemandate of thethe Constitution, andand that byby reasonreason ofof beingbeing thethe LieutenantLieutenant Governor"); Governor"); Sadler, 4747 P. at 450 (holding when the powerspowers and dutiesduties devolve,devolve, "there"there isis no vacancyvacancy created thereby in

6 ThatThat legallegal principleprinciple remainsremains truetrue inin Michigan Michigan eveneven thoughthough thethe Michigan Michigan Constitution was thoroughly redraftedredrafted inin 1961.1961. See 1968 Mich.Mich. Att'y Gen Rep. 234, 235 (Mich. Att'y Gen.Gen. Apr. 22, 1968)1968) (recounting debate from the 19611961 MichiganMichigan constitutional convention thatthat stated ifif thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor governor becamebecame governorgovernor after the governor'sgovernor's death oror resignation, "there isis nono replacementreplacement for for him").him"). The Honorable DavidDavid Johnson Johnson State Senator PagePage 18 the officeoffice of lieutenant governor"); governor"); Heller, 4242 A.A. atat 156156 (finding (finding nono vacancy);vacancy); McBride, 7070 P. atat 2626 ("[T]he ("[T]he office of of lieutenant lieutenant governorgovernor did did notnot .. .. . becomebecome vacant, but thethe officerofficer "remained"remained lieutenantlieutenant governor,governor, intrustedintrusted with the powers and dutiesduties ofof governor."); governor."); Ekem,Ekern, 280 N.W.N.W. at 399399 ("He("He remainsremains lieutenant governor,governor, upon whomwhom devolveddevolved thethe powers and dutiesduties ofof governor.governor. InIn such aa contingency contingency nono vacancyvacancy occursoccurs in in the the office office ofof lieutenantlieutenant governor."); governor."); Okla. Op. Att'y Gen.Gen. No.No. 65-235,65-235, atat 11 (concluding(concluding that whenwhen thethe officeoffice ofof governor "devolves "devolves upon, upon, descends descends to, to, the the LieutenantLieutenant Governor,Governor, ...... [i]n no sense doesdoes thethe LieutenantLieutenant Governor Governor vacate vacate his his office"); office"); see also Idaho Op. Att'yAtt'y Gen. No. 77-1,77-1, 1977 WL 25063,25063, atat *3 ("[M]ost("[M]ost courts courts hold hold that that resignationresignation of aa governor doesdoes notnot create a 'vacancy'Vacancy' inin thethe officeoffice ofof lieutenant governorgovernor when that personperson assumesassumes the the devolved devolved dutiesduties as as governor."). governor.").

There areare two courtcourt decisions inin other states whichwhich havehave reached the opposite conclusion,conclusion, but but neitherneither isis persuasive.persuasive. ByBy statute,statute, Arkansas Arkansas providesprovides forfor the specialspecial election ofof aa new lieutenant governor.governor. Ark.Ark. CodeCode § 7-7-105;7-7-105; Stratton u.v. Priest, 932 S.W.2d 321 (Ark. 1996) (affirming(affirming thethe constitutionalityconstitutionality of the statute).statute). IowaIowa lacks lacks a a comparable comparable statutestatute calling calling forfor aa special special election.election. Moreover, a a special election upholds the electiveelective principle,principle, whereaswhereas simplysimply appointing a new lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor does not.

Under very trying circumstances aa divided divided NewNew YorkYork CourtCourt ofof AppealsAppeals held that aa catchallcatchall statutestatute allowing allowing thethe governor governor toto fillfill vacancies could be usedused to fill a vacancyvacancy in thethe officeoffice ofof lieutenantlieutenant governor.governor. Skelos av. Paterson,Paterson, 915915 N.E.2d 1141, 1142 (N.Y.(N.Y. 2009). 2009). We dodo notnot findfind thethe Skelos majority's reasoningreasoning persuasive, because it assumes a vacancyvacancy existsexists andand decidesdecides onlyonly who is empowered toto fillfill it. it. InIn Iowa,Iowa, givengiven our framers' focus onon thethe electiveelective principle and thethe near-unanimousnear-unanimous authorityauthority predatingpredating Skelos, we hesitate toto make a similar assumption. SeeSee Okla. Op. Att'y Gen. No. 65-235,65-235, atat 11 (declining(declining to acquiesce inin thethe "erroneous"erroneous assumption"assumption" that "the"the officeoffice ofof LieutenantLieutenant Governor becomesbecomes vacantvacant whenwhen thethe Lieutenant GovernorGovernor acquiresacquires the powerspowers and dutiesduties ofof thethe Governorship").Governorship").

Interestingly, inin 1943 the NewNew York AttorneyAttorney General General had had opinedopined thatthat a statute allowingallowing thethe governor toto makemake appointmentsappointments couldcould notnot be applied toto aa lieutenant governor vacancyvacancy becausebecause itit "would"would lead lead toto thethe anomalous result that aa GovernorGovernor by appointing a Lieutenant GovernorGovernor andand then resigningresigning could impose upon thethe peoplepeople hishis ownown choicechoice as theirtheir Governor." Governor." 19431943 N.Y. N.Y. Op.Op. Att'yAtt'y Gen. No. 378, 19431943 WL WL 54210, at at *4 *4 (N.Y. (N.Y. Att'y Gen.Gen. Aug. 2,2, 1943). B. Analysis. Having takentaken this wealthwealth ofof informationinformation intointo consideration, we findfind thethe answeranswer to your question in the intersectionintersection betweenbetween article IV,IV, sectionssections 14,14, 15,15, 17,17, 18,18, andand 19 of thethe IowaIowa Constitution.Constitution. SectionSection 14 prohibits an individualindividual fromfrom holdingholding twotwo officesoffices "except"except asas hereinherein expresslyexpressly The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 19 provided." The subsequent sections thenthen go on toto provideprovide for the lineline ofof succession inin thethe eventevent ofof thethe governor's governor's death,death, resignation, resignation, removal,removal, oror disability. ThisThis juxtapositionjuxtaposition isis notnot coincidental. In fact,fact, thethe entireentire schemescheme suggests that ourour framersframers intendedintended forfor situationssituations whenwhen aa single single individualindividual would hold twotwo offices—includingoffices—including the the offices ofof Governor and LieutenantLieutenant Governor.'^Governor.? Indeed, itit meansmeans thatthat whenwhen thethe executiveexecutive powerspowers and dutiesduties devolve from from thethe governor toto thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor,governor, thosethose twotwo officesoffices essentially merge. AsAs wewe previouslypreviously stated—thestated—the lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor becomesbecomes governor because she is lieutenant governor.governor.

We areare persuadedpersuaded that "[i]f"[i]f thethe framersframers ofof thethe Constitution hadhad intended that therethere shouldshould bebe aa vacancy vacancy in in the the office office ofof LieutenantLieutenant GovernorGovernor uponupon the resignation, death,death, or permanentpermanent removalremoval ofof thethe Governor,Governor, they couldcould havehave easily said so." Mitchell, 34 P.2d at 372; accord Heller, 4242 A. atat 156 (concluding(concluding if thethe framers intended aa vacancy vacancy inin the the lower lower office, office, "it is reasonable toto believebelieve they would havehave saidsaid soso inin nono uncertainuncertain language"). Our framers did not do so. This omission isis telling,telling, especiallyespecially because because ourour constitutionconstitution was drafted shortly after twotwo PresidentsPresidents dieddied inin office—andoffice—and especially whenwhen otherother states have amended theirtheir constitutions toto do so. See, e.g.,e.g., Del. Const,Const. III,Ill, §§ 20 ("Whenever("Whenever the the powerspowers andand duties ofof thethe officeoffice ofof Governor shall devolvedevolve uponupon the Lieutenant-Governor,Lieutenant-Governor, .. . . hishis oror herher office office shallshall becomebecome vacantvacant ...... "); ."); Tex.Tex. Const,Const. IV, IV, § 16(d)16(d) ("On("On becomingbecoming Governor,Governor, thethe personperson vacates thethe officeoffice of Lieutenant GovernorGovernor ...... "); ."); Utah Utah Const. Const, art. art. VII, VII, § 10(3)(a)(i)§ 10(3)(a)(i) (defining (defining vacancies in the officeoffice of LieutenantLieutenant Governor toto includeinclude when "the"the Lieutenant Governor .. .. . becomesbecomes Governor").Governor").

In addition to the framers'framers' distinct distinct decisiondecision notnot toto provideprovide for a vacancy,vacancy, other provisionsprovisions referring toto the lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor "acting"acting as"as" governorgovernor or "exercising"exercising thethe office" of of governor governor are are further further compellingcompelling evidence evidence that that therethere is no vacancy in the officeoffice of lieutenantlieutenant governor. TheseThese provisionsprovisions referringreferring to the lieutenant governorgovernor performingperforming particular functions—as opposed to saying merely "the"the lieutenantlieutenant governor"—wouldgovernor"—^would be be unnecessaiy unnecessary andand even meaningless if the newnew governorgovernor could simply appoint a "replacement" lieutenant governor.governor. See IowaIowa Const,Const. art. IV, §§§§ 15,15, 18-19 (1857(1857 originaloriginal version).

The express language ofof original section 1919 ("If("If thethe Lieutenant Governor,Governor, while actingacting asas GovernorGovernor .. .. .").") contemplatescontemplates a series of events—something happens toto thethe electedelected GovernorGovernor andand then somethingsomething happens to thethe electedelected

7 ForFor example,example, ArticleArticle III,III, sectionsection 1 prohibits any personperson fromfrom exercisingexercising the powers of twotwo branchesbranches of government "except"except inin casescases hereinafter expressly directed or permitted." TheThe primaryprimary exceptionexception toto thisthis separation separation of of powers powers provision provision originallyoriginally lay inin article IV, sectionssections 15 and 18,18, whichwhich calledcalled for the LieutenantLieutenant GovernorGovernor to serve as PresidentPresident ofof the Senate,Senate, andand articlearticle IV,IV, section 19,19, whichwhich named the PresidentPresident ofof the Senate andand SpeakerSpeaker of of thethe HouseHouse ofof Representatives to the line of succession.succession. The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 20

Lieutenant Governor. As As the the OregonOregon SupremeSupreme CourtCourt noted,noted, thethe purposepurpose ofof creating a line of succession is toto ensureensure thethe automatic automatic transfer transfer of of power—to power—to ensure thatthat someone someone isis always always endowed endowed withwith thethe powers powers of of Chief Chief Magistrate.Magistrate. See OlcottOlcott II, 187 P. at 289. WeWe believe believe that waswas alsoalso thethe purpose purpose of of article article IV,IV, section 19—to extendextend thethe lineline ofof gubernatorialgubernatorial successionsuccession beyondbeyond thethe lieutenant governor.governor. InsertingInserting a anewly-appointed newly-appointed "replacement""replacement" lieutenantlieutenant governor inin thatthat order would interruptinterrupt thethe lineline thethe framersframers deliberatelydeliberately chosechose and makemake itit impossibleimpossible for section 19's19's provisionsprovisions ever to be fully carriedcarried out.

Moreover, allowing allowing for for the the appointmentappointment ofof aa newnew lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor would subvert the electiveelective principle thatthat thethe IowaIowa framersframers clearlyclearly endorsed.endorsed. Like hishis oror her predecessor,predecessor, under our ConstitutionConstitution an appointedappointed lieutenant governor wouldwould assume assume thethe powers andand duties ofof governorgovernor uponupon the governor'sgovernor's death, resignation, removal,removal, or or disability. disability. InIn other words,words, if a lieutenantlieutenant governor whowho becomesbecomes governorgovernor can can appointappoint aa new lieutenant,lieutenant, Iowa could have a governorgovernor whowho waswas notnot electedelected byby thethe people. ThisThis wouldwould be a particularlyparticularly unpalatable resultresult becausebecause aa primaryprimaiy reasonreason forfor creatingcreating thethe officeoffice ofof lieutenant governor,governor, asas expressed at the 18571857 constitutionalconstitutional convention,convention, was to ensure that thethe personperson firstfirst inin thethe line line of of succession succession waswas aa statewide statewide electedelected official. See Mitchell,Mitchell, 34 P.2d atat 372372 (concluding (concluding anan unelectedunelected governorgovernor "was never contemplatedcontemplated andand never intendedintended by thethe framers of the Constitution,Constitution, or the peoplepeople whowho adopted it");it"); 19391939 Mich.Mich. Att'yAtt'y Gen. Rep. at 6969 ("[I]t ("[I]t was never intended . . . thatthat any any person,person, who who hashas not not received received the sanctionsanction ofof the electors by direct vote, shouldshould be appointed to aa positionposition whichwhich wouldwould entitle him, in certain eventualities,eventualities, to to the the high high office office of of governor."). governor.").

Finally, asas wewe havehave noted,noted, sectionsection 17's17's devolution devolution provisionprovision appliesapplies equally toto bothboth permanentpermanent andand temporarytemporary disabilities.disabilities. So must the answer to this question.question. WhileWhile Governor Governor Branstad'sBranstad's prospectiveprospective resignationresignation wouldwould bebe permanent, it isis easyeasy toto imagine imagine situationssituations which which would would removeremove aa governorgovernor fromfrom officeoffice only only temporarily. temporarily. For For example, example, on on June June 29,29, 20022002 andand July 21, 2007, Vice PresidentPresident DickDick CheneyCheney assumed assumed the the powerspowers and and dutiesduties of the presidency while PresidentPresident GeorgeGeorge W. W. Bush Bush underwent underwent medicalmedical procedures. procedures. IfIf the lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor assumedassumed the powerpower and dutiesduties ofof the the governorship governorship under similarsimilar (temporary) circumstancescircumstances and and appointed aa newnew lieutenantlieutenant governor, whatwhat wouldwould happenhappen to thosethose twotwo officialsofficials uponupon thethe temporarily-temporarily- disabled governor'sgovernor's return return toto the officeoffice ofof Governor?Governor? AllowingAllowing forfor thethe appointment ofof a newnew lieutenant governorgovernor during aa temporarytemporaiy disabilitydisability wouldwould be an absurd result. See Mitchell,Mitchell, 34 P.2d atat 372372 ("[I]f ("[I]f thethe Governor werewere ...... unable temporarilytemporarily to perform the duties ofof his office,office, itit couldcould hardlyhardly be arguedargued that whilewhile thethe LieutenantLieutenant GovernorGovernor was dischargingdischarging the dutiesduties ofof the the office office ofof Governor, hehe could appointappoint aa Lieutenant Lieutenant Governor."); Governor."); Heller, 4242 A. at 158158 (concluding(concluding a a vacancyvacancy inin the lowerlower officeoffice made little sensesense forfor temporarytemporary The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator PagePage 2121 disabilities andand "could"could not havehave beenbeen withinwithin thethe contemplation"contemplation" of thosethose drafting the constitutional provision).provision).

The subsequent amendments to articlearticle IV in 19521952 andand 19881988 reinforcereinforce our conclusion. InIn 1952, 1952, article article IV, IV, sectionsection 1919 waswas amendedamended toto provide,provide.

If there bebe aa vacancy vacancy inin thethe office office ofof GovernorGovernor and thethe Lieutenant GovernorGovernor shall shall byby reasonreason ofof death,death, impeachment, impeachment, resignation, removalremoval fromfrom office, oror otherother disabilitydisability becomebecome incapable ofof performing the the dutiesduties pertaining toto thethe officeoffice ofof Governor, the the PresidentPresident pro pro tempore tempore of of the the SenateSenate shallshall actact as Governor untiluntil thethe vacancy is filledfilled oror thethe disability removed......

Like itsits predecessor, thisthis version of sectionsection 19 contemplates a series ofof events where the governorgovernor isis fifirstrst incapacitated and thenthen thethe lieutenant lieutenant governor— governor— while exercising thethe powerspowers andand dutiesduties of of governor—becomes governor—becomes incapacitated. Just likelike thethe originaloriginal 18571857 constitution,constitution, nothingnothing in thethe 19521952 amendmentsamendments contemplates thatthat therethere isis aa vacancy vacancy inin the the office office ofof lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor whenwhen the sittingsitting governorgovernor resigns or dies.dies. See Ekern,Bkem, 280 N.W.N.W. at 398-99398-99 (concluding(concluding underunder language materiallymaterially identical to revisedrevised articlearticle IV, sectionsection 19 that therethere isis nono lieutenant lieutenant governor governor vacancyvacancy when the powerspowers and dutiesduties ofof governor devolve).devolve). Tellingly,Tellingly, the the historicalhistorical practicepractice ofof notnot appointing aa newnew lieutenant governorgovernor continued following thethe death ofof GovernorGovernor Beardsley in 1954 and thethe resignationresignation ofof GovernorGovernor HughesHughes inin 1969—after1969—after thethe 19521952 amendments.

As noted previously, inin 1988 article IV was amended to provideprovide forfor the election ofof governorgovernor and and lieutenant lieutenant governorgovernor on on the the same same ticketticket andand toto alteralter thethe lieutenant governor's dutiesduties byby removingremoving her her rolerole asas president of thethe senate. The 1988 amendments alsoalso amendedamended articlearticle IV,IV, section 2 toto provide,provide, that "[t]he"[t]he governor andand the lieutenant governorgovernor shall bebe electedelected byby thethe qualifiedqualified electors." This latter amendmentamendment reinforcesreinforces the framers'framers' commitmentcommitment to thethe electiveelective principle.

Nothing in in the 19881988 amendmentsamendments specificallyspecifically alteredaltered thethe line ofof succession outlinedoutlined in in sectionssections 1717 andand 19.19. ContemporaryContemporary editorialseditorials do not indicate thatthat thethe votersvoters contemplatedcontemplated anything other thanthan thethe single-ticketsingle-ticket issue andand thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor'sgovernor's duties.duties.^8 See,See, e.g., e.g., Editorial, PreventivePreventive Maintenance, Des MoinesMoines Reg.,Reg., Oct.Oct. 16,16, 1988, at 2C;20; ThomasThomas AA. Fogarty,Fogarty,

8 This is in stark contrastcontrast toto Utah,Utah, where where itsits 19801980 constitutionalconstitutional amendmentsamendments addressing gubernatorial successionsuccession werewere presented presented to to thethe voters as mirroringmirroring the succession of the federalfederal government—whichgovernment—^which by by this this time time had had adoptedadopted thethe 25th Amendment. UtahUtah Op.Op. Att'y Att'y Gen.Gen. No. No. 03-001,03-001, 2003 2003 WL WL 2199625821996258 (Utah Att'yAtt'y Gen. Aug. 18, 2003). The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 22

LawmakersLawmakers Seek toto HaveHave Governor,Governor, Lt.Lt. Gov. RunRun as Team,Team, Des MoinesMoines Reg.Reg. (Feb.(Feb. 3,3, 1988);1988); Thomas A.A. Fogarty, Voters to Decide if Governor,Governor, LtLt. Gov. ShouldShould RunRun as aa Team,Team, Des MoinesMoines Reg. (Apr.(Apr. 13, 1988);1988); LindaLinda Lantor,Lantor, Lieutenant Governor Amendments Amendments Big Winners, Des Moines Reg. (Nov.(Nov. 9,9, 1988).

The 1988 amendments' failurefailure toto alteralter the line of successionsuccession oror address the questionquestion of aa vacancyvacancy inin thethe office office ofof lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor is strikingstriking considering thethe interveningintervening historyhistory between between 1952 1952 and and 1988.1988. OriginallyOriginally the U.S. Constitution containedcontained languagelanguage mirroringmirroring Iowa'sIowa's devolutiondevolution framework.framework. The U.S.U.S. Constitution,Constitution, however, waswas amended in 19671967 followingfollowing thethe assassination ofof PresidentPresident Kennedy.Kennedy. TheThe 25th25th AmendmentAmendment to thethe UnitedUnited States ConstitutionConstitution expressly providedprovided that that the vicevice presidentpresident becomesbecomes president andand granted the PresidentPresident the authorityauthority to appointappoint a newnew vicevice president with Congressional approval.approval. U.S.U.S. Const.Const, amend. 25,25, §§ 1, 2.

Iowa's legislatorslegislators andand voters in 19881988 werewere obviouslyobviously awareaware ofof thethe change in the federal system; President Ford became the first unelected U.S.U.S. President justjust thethe decadedecade before.before. Yet,Yet, Iowa Iowa diddid notnot attempt attempt to to follow follow thethe newnew federalfederal model. WhileWhile it isis often dangerousdangerous to reach a conclusionconclusion basedbased uponupon legislativelegislative inaction, by declining toto adopt the federalfederal model,model, we believe thethe amendments ratified ourour historical precedent—namely, that that thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor assumesassumes the title, powers, andand duties of governor, butbut doesdoes notnot appointappoint aa new lieutenantlieutenant governor. See ChiodoChiodo v. Section 43.24 Panel, 846 N.W.2dN.W.2d 845, 862 (Iowa 2014) (Mansfield,(Mansfield, J.,J., specially concurring).concurring).

Because itit is ourour opinionopinion thatthat uponupon a agovernor's governor's resignation,resignation, thethe lieutenant governorgovernor will holdhold both thethe OfficeOffice ofof GovernorGovernor and thethe OfficeOffice ofof Lieutenant Governor, asas expressly permitted byby Article IV,IV, sectionsection 14,14, therethere is no vacancy in the officeoffice of lieutenantlieutenant governorgovernor toto bebe filled.filled. Cf. Olcott I,4 181 P.P. atat 481 (relying onon "except"except asas permitted" languagelanguage toto conclude an individual could "hold"hold thethe offices of of governor governor and and secretary secretary of of state state at at the the samesame time").lime"). As aa result, underunder thesethese facts,facts, IowaIowa CodeCode sectionsection 69.8 doesdoes notnot apply.apply. See IowaIowa Code §§ 69.8(2) (referring(referring toto the governorgovernor fillingfilling "a"a vacancy in thethe officeoffice ofof lieutenant governor"governor" (emphasis (emphasis added)).added)). Consequently,Consequently, we needneed not opine on the statute's constitutionality.constitutionality.^9

C. Answer.Answer, It is our opinion that ifif the governorgovernor resignsresigns andand the powers and dutiesduties ofof thethe officeoffice devolvedevolve upon upon the the lieutenantlieutenant governor, thatthat person does

9 Because it is not the factualfactual contextcontext in whichwhich youyou have asked your questions, we do not address whetherwhether sectionsection 69.869.8 wouldwould bebe applicableapplicable if the lieutenant governorgovernor resigned or died in office whilewhile the the governorgovernor remained. remained. The Wisconsin SupremeSupreme Court has suggestedsuggested thatthat a a vacancy vacancy inin the the office office ofof lieutenant governorgovernor exists in that factual scenario, but notnot whenwhen thethe powerspowers andand dutiesduties of of governor governor devolve uponupon thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor. See F/cem,Ekern, 280 N.W.N.W. atat 399. The Honorable DavidDavid JohnsonJohnson State Senator Page 2323 not have constitutional authority to appoint a newnew lieutenant governor.governor. UponUpon the governor'sgovernor's resignation, the powerspowers andand dutiesduties of of the the office office will will devolvedevolve or fall upon the lieutenantlieutenant governor—who governor—who doesdoes notnot ascend or riserise toto thethe office office ofof Governor. However,However, underunder ourour constitutionalconstitutional framework,framework, by possessingpossessing the powers andand duties ofof thethe chiefchief magistrate,magistrate, thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor governor becomesbecomes governor forfor all all intents intents andand purposes, is entitledentitled toto useuse thethe title title of of Governor, Governor, and isis entitledentitled toto thethe compensationcompensation ofof governorgovernor forfor thethe remainder of thethe term. The lieutenant governorgovernor takes takes onon thisthis authority because she isis lieutenantlieutenant governor. InIn otherother words,words, uponupon aa governor's governor's resignation,resignation, thethe lieutenantlieutenant governor will holdhold bothboth thethe offices ofof Governor Governor and and LieutenantLieutenant Governor.Governor. There is nono vacancyvacancy to bebe filled.filled. Furthermore,Furthermore, onon thesethese facts,facts, permittingpermitting thethe appointment of a newnew lieutenantlieutenant governor governor wouldwould disregarddisregard Iowa'sIowa's historicalhistorical practice, violateviolate the the electiveelective principle, principle, and and interrupt interrupt thethe clear, tight andand complete lineline ofof succession succession setset outout inin ourour constitution.constitution.

Very trulytruly yours.yours,

1..0221 ThomasThomaJ ^ Miller Miller Attorney General

Jeffrey S. Thompson Solicitor General

Meghan L. Gavin Assistant AttorneyAttorney General

David M. RanschtRanscht Assistant AttorneyAttorney General