

I of 111» footsteps down the corridor Mot- of ■ 8ubmarin·, tin h minium t>. PARK. whether raw or should be Eye mini; » LBKKT the saving of human lives to the nation. I heated, kept ile veutured out upon a tour of Inves- AMONG THE FARMERS. clean The great fault of the early subma- ; Milk should be kept cold, clean,/ and covered, cold and always. Near the stairway she wm Auctioneer, THE HOLIDAY was that could not once tigation. Ucnnsad in the home. As can be from the SPIRIT: rines they covered after it is received concluded preoed- seç Interne, on MAIN* mot by a génial ostensibly nOCTH ΡΑΚΙ». " TU Β KLOW.' If of a bottle of milk is used, a i ο if milk a» a food la a subject they were below th? surface of the part pages, How Mollie be Γ be admoniib- us κ attention. It is a food that of the || patroL "Ob, good ii-ruti MoUeral·. glass tumbler should be inverted that needs water. The invention periscope II room. a and which is and she retreated to ber Correspondence on practical agricultural topic· cover for the bottle and the pasteboard has nutritive composition A CHRISTMAS FANCY altered all that and gave the modern (DiejUttle ed, Ρ JONKS. 1· Ια with other the nurse arrived Η. solicited. Address ail communication» cap of. economical'when omparcd a marvelous means Shortly before S leaded for this to Himbt D. disposed submarine eye by pB department milk or milk in stores is un- The of the Id II air of Dem Bulk dip food». problem producer could see over surface Escaped with an Intolerant espionage. Hammond, Editor Oxford of which it the Deatist, Agricultural luvolve· ocrât. Parla. Me. safe. It is usually the poorest quality »«curir?g this valuable product her -Now," from the heart of the of the ocean, though the body of the MolUe greeted Joyfully. MAIN*. and the chances for contamination of the many details and most certainly it de· MOKWAT. the cried "we will bave time to look if a people, Christmas Spirit left submarine is completely below she, milk measure aud of the milk are great. mande respect and praise product ©irfêtaïas to to *o *· I have wanted ».l.^ Hour»—S 1®—1 waves. The of the submarine la a The of a over the photographs Milk 15 Food. Only sealed cold milk should be secured above reproach is given to the consumer the great shops, fled from the eye ;; Escapade Young ;; show of 'settlement* friends. and this from a reliable source. at with a resulting net DRIVEN from Btraight. hollow tube starting from the you your prevailing prices and every sMITH. Nature never intruded that milk market places matron." In Never tuke milk from a milkman who after all details have been ac- steering chamber of the vessel and pro- Nurse This, as you know, is the should be drawn into a pail, transferred profit habitat of man until he came to the at does not wash aud sterilize counted above the surface of the waves interest two heads bent over the Attorney Law, into a m ilk eau and then carried on a thoroughly jecting eager aud sunlit that runs all of his bottles before tilling them Education of the consumer pro- quiet little path when the boat is As the views. s. .λ w. MAINS. train or carted to town and poured into submerged. with milk, or who uses them for any ducer alike to the importance of milk as the wood. AGNES G. BROGAN Collection» a Specialty bottle· which are finally left at the con- through deep periscope is only α matter of six inches By "Would you believe," Mollie present other than for milk. a factor in infant feeding and in the diet sumer's door. purpose When he was yet afar off the most In diameter and somo "that it is now time to go become common. only projects I 111-11 1 1 I HUM 11 111 ly reminded, Λ ΡΑΚΚ. a The advantages of the individual of adults should tl-H-I-I • Κ most in Klwic Because milk is consumed Tree Id all the forest called inches above the waves, it is nurse arose direct bottle are as the chance* of con- An efficient of pro- perfect Fir eighteen dowustalrs?" The raw state and not aa all raauy, system licenningall I cooked, nearly a ι most difficult to see an en- Mollie bad finished her course she waited at Law, tamination from an unclean ducers so that as food high- gayly to the Great Oak at her side, thing by When ly. At the doctor's oflice Attorneys other animal food it·, it is apt to be dan- receptacle, producers or from a house where disease er can be reached, and an iusprct- is emy. Its total length is about fifteen ΓΗ· Christmas day wai coming; th· lu social economy and domestic sci- until her charge had entered the room liKTHKL, MAIN* gerous to health. Cow'· milk, when prevails, plane "Christmas coming!" are eliminated if the same bottles are Ing system that will maintain a high feet The submarine's eye is really a Christmas eve drew near. ence uuJ hud served out a full term will call for In the course ol S HerrlcA. ïlkry C. Pari improperly handled, is often exposed to "Yes." answered the big oak. "but "1 you of and camera ΓΙ»· fir trees were talking low at Hies and other and received from day to day. plane production, care, handling :omblnation of telescope and they us settlement worker she calmly pack- half an hour," she said. dust, dirt, frequently he «U< us of there Is wrong. See bow and In a or fibre delivery of milk, will placw something At the Is a midnight, cold clear, a CARL S. BRIGGS, is uot used until it la a day or so old. mau.v ways parchment obscura. top powerful lens, ed ber trunk, prepured to repair the Safely Inside. Mollle heaved sigh contatuer that can be alter be- the where it belongs, by re- he baits at the end of the path, stoop- And this is what the fir tree said, all aucb milk was destroyed industry und inside at Intervals all the way weur and tear of nerves moments stolen stale, germ-laden, dirty to continue the the overwrought of relief. ïes. the b> Dentist, ing once used has been found advan- warding aud allowing as If the load of the world's sor- in pale moonilght, never intended to be consumed by λ hu- ing Jown Is a series of mirrors which carry in α sanitarium. Nothing ever the had an is this true wliou of safe and the elimina- "Now, which of us shall chosen be to nearby the showing of photographs MAINE. man tageous. Especially producer milk, See MI'TII PARIS, being. row upon his shoulders. bow the reflection of what is above the sur- to Molllo as it doctor had milk has to bo left at a bouse where a tion, as a menace to healih, of the pro· lay grace th· holy night?" happened exactly swered their purpose—the 9 ▲. M. to 5 P. u. Ewen- The long hau! and the handling and in 0" Ilonre: disease exiits. A clean ducer of an unsafe until such' he comes now. with all the gladness face to the watcher the submarine should. In the first of a of the of milk to and chances contagious new, product, place, people gone. lie had spoken leaving introent. attention! exposure light would allow 3fteeu feet below.—Pearson's 0ij. Special bottle, used nnce and is sure- time as changed conditions gone from his step." Weekly. trees rebellious and adventurous disposition and Mollle bad plan Mren. for contamination, contrary to nature's destroyed, The tall trees and the goodly hospital at 8:15, better aud more than h re- him to continue.—Russell S. Smith, to be Telephone 143-4 pian, make it necessary that due atteu- ly sauitary It was quite true. Christmas Spirit raised each a lofty head are correspondingly supposed ned and desperately counted upou tind lilled bottle thai has beeu mis- Dairy and Milk Inspector. tion be to the conditions possibly the most Fir Tree Our Canadian Boundary Line. In and secret confidence, though the possessors of rebellious or stray- room then It would I»· given sanitary cleaned. Some of came toward perfect glad ing the empty; of used and not properly can a not a word procuring this product. Guarding a Modern Fort. The country which boast not they eaid, locks, of dark eyes with mischiev- one dash to the "entry' J. WALDO NASH. the most tibre containers save In the wood with lagging step, looking ing but daring Attention to detail· before I improved fort is with a identifie frontier but a natural But one, the baby of the band, could In- sanitary when The modern armed with sad and merely, ous glint, while saintlike natures and—freedom. What Joy to conquer sixty percent of space compared away through the forest not restrain a the product reaches the consumer's door or uioiv men who work has a in time of sigh. weur countenances of saint- wi'h bottles. ninety- garrison of lift) >ne, huge advantage variably that determined young surgeon—what is all and to this end cleaner glass They weigh troubled eyes. "You all will be approved," ha said. Taxidermist, important have to be the In watches much as if they var. The sea takes the first place In like and blue defeat at his Licensed will Tour percent less, they do not guns oh, what chance have 17" repose eyes (preferably), humiliation to suffer methods have been advocated and what is the matter, Christ· a "But, reiurned to the and do not were ou a battleship. While the direct "Why, he category of natural boundaries; wide und trusting. Mollie wore the Mollle's wandering Street, rear Maeonio Block, :ontinue to be to the oairy they hands! Suddenly Tanple brought producer'· a mas?" called the Fir Tree. iiave to be waahod, thus causing sav- lire guus are surrotuidiKl by of tun >lg mountain runge comes second and saintlike even as she open- a fur coat thrown upon attention until the p.aue of sanitary pro- pits expression, gaze fell upou r-iei'-cnr Connection. . I There is no loss from There was no answer. The forlorn iuction has reached its highest possible ing. likewise, foot concrete and are protected by ι big river third. ly flaunted her willfulness. Again, the couch. The doctor's hat and uiedi breakage or from filthy bottles that re- to fire figure sat down on a fallen log at the An lesson In the value of all To demand extensive change of armored cupolas, the guns rising object one would expect a creature so demure cuse beside It So lie was [>oint. extra time for was cine lay & BUTTS, rea- quire cleaning. after each dis- foot of the Fir Tree, but still there bree is India. is tQLET methods without first giving ample and dropping back presented by Why of mien to find her chief pleasure and still In the building; bad step|H*d out The pre<f tho milk to be drawn into a made have knocked at the door of every most remarkable fact in the 5TEEL CEILINGS A SPECIALTY. ihe and consumer and a mu- allowing and of the rain of shells that It It is the which eliminated Mollie's busi- she the soft hat | producer the milk quite gleeful chuckle pulled vide open pail, tbeu straining for food to be from heart, and no one has to me. I of mankind that betwixt the ual agreement as to the compensation impossible brought opened listor.v nesslike system. over her ears; then, medicine o remove the dirt. To an down rendered aud value of the iguorant per· lines for a am and there Is no one who ::st dominion of Canada and her or services protected communication forgotten, was the end of neither to the ion the fact. is piuio that someof the dirt So the "rest cure" case la hand, looking received must eveutually come half at a time. Because of the loves me." he said. leighbor. the mighty United States of product emaiua iu solution and is therefore not day all her demonstrations and theories. uor left, she strode across the t the is to be solved. the Fir line Is right problem certainty of death which awaits any "Every heart?" questioned kiuerica, the dividing merely doors clos of 1 trained out. Viciously Mollie tossed a kimono into hall, and the great. noNel·** The present actual cost of one quart trenches of But there are many who will say aud body of men attacking the Tree Incredulously. maginary. main- uarket milk is a variable factor and of the trunk, while her fair face ed behind her. *ho have declared that so a« no at- either broad daylight surprise "No. but many, many hearts, and There is not a fort or redoubt or pun to the but of long during tained its usual "I'll it When Dr. his sanc- j3 Examined for Glasses ittle concern consumer, placidity. get Joyce re-entered £i ention wax given to these points wbeu night attacks are fnvored by both be- they are all alike." he compromised. r military station along all that 4.000 | ;reat importance to the producer whose over as soon as 1 can," she remarked, tum a short time after he were they see do reason but "I have been in the home of-men and uiles of frontier. That is the true Impatiently ivelihood what he re hey young, sieged and besiegers, particularly "If Miss Still may depend upon should be made. "and cheat my relatives of the fiend- summoned the nurse. any ctiauge They latter. Ilence stood so close to them that 1 could lay icace spirit. That is an object lesson " ;>'ives for his milk. Without going into why by the searchlights, of Ί told so.' her mind that lived just as long then as dwell- ish delight saying. you well has chanced regarding ietail it be well to glance at a few iay people mines and circles of electric wires are a linger 011 their naked hearts, but they ο the world-two great nations might do now. This may be true, but So a brief note fastened to her pin- that appointment she must let me >f the items that en'er into the expense hey used both sides and add not a little did not stir at my touch They looked ug side b.v side under separate flags vhrn we know that the of by cushion was all thut notified her en- he said. "I have wait- a of milk. are percentage know," already >f producing quart They to the horrors of war.—Walter S. Iliatt me in the eye. and these are nil different laws and yet not in fear ieath rate of infants has beeu materially squarely of Mollie's the time asked to bring ber is follows: nd dread of each other.—London An- during family departure ed past llminished because of present sanitary In Leslie's. the things they said to some woman In investments In lan·!, animais, buildings and "Gone to the sanitarium," the note in- here." netbods, the argument against the past their homes: 'Don't break me.' Ί shall w^rs. S. RICHARDS. Kiulpmeut. formed them. "Let you know when "I her." the nurse answer- Klsk an*ceness your child- "Confound this custom of giving pres- t. CUAKDLER, of farm houst-. more thau clean milk be- rst nation to organize carrier pigeon frown, but father's face showed vial her room. make Upkeep ipoils quickly the face of a ents Kindly Inquiry." Co t of xtabllog. cause with bacteria and hood fancy painted u|k>ii anyway.»" ex it is laden may ervice on any extensive scale. Wil- ble relief. 'Thank heaven." be Dut Miss Still well was not to Ik.· (tedding. Other soldiers 'These nre the things they said while herefore be harmful, to the eoldler. the Sikh has it. we will Keep of bull. especially iani Lltbgow, who resided In the Le- claimed, "for a time, at least, found in her room or in the corridor contaius a or more looked Into mv eyes, and all the Finish ! U rooming. .ender iufau'. Usually milk may be as brave may tight the.v U!" Suilders' ant from li'iOO to 1020, tells us that know where the girl nor, upou a later search. In the entire Stable work. •ast number—million· to every teaspoon- tenaciously or die more willingly, but while my hands lay frozen against WINDOWS of any Care of he pigeon post of the caliphs conveyed "Dear me." sighed mother, "you When Dr. Joyce looked about furnish DOCKS ao.l product. ul—and often they are innumerable, of their hearts. hospital. Ice. for simple fierceness personal ap- a will to reort;nn or Style at reasonable prtcca. harmful aud iiessages from Aleppo to Bagdad, don't think Mollie try for his coat preparatory to Interview- Feed. rhey are not necessarily to the Sikh. "I went and stood beside the women pearance all medals go lze the do or the coat had Cost of shipping and distribution. uore uumbers need not frighten. It is looked hirty days' journey. In forty-eight hospital, you. publicly ing his waiting chauffeur A Sikh—and I've seen many regi- in many, many homes, and they IMCOMK. he kind of bac'eria rather than the ours. The whole kingdom was equip- of its management? I should So also, upon A so Window & Door me as though I was not. One complain mysteriously disappeared. Frames milk received. of ments of them on their native heath— through Value of lumber that coucerns us, for many ed with a pigeon j>ost. and news sent be so embarrassed." further Investigation, had the doctor's (or InuUie ol Value of manure. with black lialr and a beautiful lady I think of now In par .a want of any lilnil ot lTlnteh he in milk are h> a tall man or Lum of calf. bacteria beneficial,—are y half a dozen birds more—so that Father's eyes twiukled. "Don't you the usu- lo tteaU In your orlera. Pine Value I wanted a In her car Itself. Visibly perplexed, work, 1 tur not our enemies. black beard. The beard is what ticular. Oh. place for Caah. I la irivon to friends and long the hawks—was "She will find her mi single· on hami Cheap th»*H items and but ome might escape worry," he replied. calm minded doctor returned to Great numbers of harmful bacteria are makes him look so because he heart and I knocked loud long, ally but that the fierce, transmitted from one end of it Waterloo there." >y the average consumer, so much as u uickly THE CHRISTMAS ANGEL AND SANTA ( LADS. the otflcc. A search of the adjoining ludusirable aud unnecessary, as they in- it into two thick braids and the door did not open Job Work. must be concerned with the plaits t) the other. Philological evidence, But whether she did or not still re and IUII» wi ■"»'» ·'· looked into failed to throw any Planing, Sawing producer IIC4ie luai iuo umj back of his ears, where crack for me to enter. She hospital grounds of economic is evi- draws these of earliest am so so small, no one a Certain It Is that problem production, cold. The number of Mrs acked by the opinion the "I small, vory mains question. her and the for Sale. ias not been kept my eyes and said: Ί wonder what light upon disappearance, Matched Pine Sheathing ient. Wbeu accurate data are placed they are tied. on to show that will mark or know first act was to rearrange her iucIi is a general iudex she me .Titers pigeons, goes Mollie's doctor was about to settle down Into to coat bacteria, hen, T# fltinL· ♦hof Hnnon'f mftkft ft Brown paid for that bag gave needles are, jelote (he a·» the actual comes of Turkish How thick and green my room. The electric bull» bad to be public if the of milk. A few he carrier pigeon wrathful when the telephone K. W. HIAIDLFK, and the sells and re- Hanitary quality u sad Inst year. It looked like η chenp thing, how true branches grow. despair Λ milk, prjducer be in the rank aw soldier look fierce, you make old Turkish name for my to a more deslruble if these bacteria may lock. The this changed though across his troubled senses. Maine. vives on a basis of compost· him would and I shall not much money on Pew and candles could I hold, but bell Jnngleil *'eat 9umner, payment t comes from the but tor «he error, which one glance at speud toys as a light, occu- udder, ird is "bagadln," the French "baga- forbidden) position reading a nou and the status of the her.* And again. 'It Is awful to Just heart and will are free, "Dr. Joyce." questioned merry, quality, no*t I hey fall from the cow into correct while was Into a more ot milk as a food rath- part ais" and the Dutch "bagndat." heart of hearts I know I am and the bod pushed still enforc- pation producing at- so strict have to make gifts to people you do And in my mock lue voice, "are you he milkiug pail during milking, The Sikhs are Hindus, and lie used to call It corner. er than an a beverage or as a necessity English "mawmet," a Christmas tree." convenient though opposite if are ached to of straw, duet, hair beliefs that all the not care a thing a boot* ing quarantine? Because you veirs Watch- trticle iu will reach its proper particles ore their religious a of Mahomet— Mollie wus still flushed with exertion 15 expert j cooking, refuse mat er. I cannot live vidently corruption for au- >r dried cut must be pre- "No one loves me. and you had better send back your among food producers food they especially .oudun Chronicle. and ns the nurse entered maker with Bigelow, place and in the warm so Khali die." sob Th· Christmas angel hovered noar; he triumph It in order milk are used They grow multiply their own rites.— without love, and I tomobile. 1 had to borrow Ten billion g.ilious ot food pared according to "Dr. Watts wishes nie to announce." 4 Co., Boston. nllk at a rate; it is perfect to Fir Tree caught the grieving word, «as wry il irk Kennard in about one rapid bed Christmas Spirit the to get away. Ttie hill this country ; quarter to Girard in Philadelphia Ledger of Malta. he hurried forth, said that "that the Is yearly or litem, and It allowed multiply a Rock Cannon And, laughing low, person, hospital Is Mollle Still- uf this is used as milk, while the other "Christmas has come to be Just big and very stoep This without check, in 24 hours each single It Is « curious fact that when the with love and pity stirred. now under rigid quarantine. An out mio butler, ch»e<-e, where give to well." All Work go have into a billion exchange desk, people He and found St. Nicholas, the in the has h [erui may developed Very Awkward. sluud of Malta was in of sought break of diphtheria building sondeused tuilk aud ice cream. It those whom they know will give to possession ?" The doctor seem- iescendants and thus make the milk un- one an artist and dear old Christmas saint, mailt* uns n«w»ur». λιι "You—got—η way (Juaranteed. | t" liceuse en- Two Frenchmen, be those 1 precaution more importaui persons In the Templars doughty knights ear rehearsed other it for use. them and grumble giving." And in hi· fatherly, kind u* (Ml incapable of grasping any iu the milk than it is to the other a subeditor, fought a dueL efended their forts means of can- patients ure required to remain I gaged imlusiry cause tho milk to the Fir by the fir tree's ton Some of the bacteria "Come closer." whispered plaint. their own facL "Yes." the triumphant Unie A little out of the licence undertakers, trained The combatants faced each other with solid rook. Each of ilosely as possible within way plumber··, some of them cause it to decora- to tell on cut into the window tour, Tree. "I have something you. notice." tinned: "your cur beneath iny nurses, instaurant keepers, pawnbrokers both being conii- of war was ca- precinct»—until further but it to walk. )0,„. FeruieutHiiou and grim determination, to the heart or th«. liese strange engines so it never should pays j a mere putrefaction "A woman came Saints are all w· know, gave tue tlie Idea, but I or saloon keepers, but still regis- powerful, Mollle sunk In an incredulous heap I ire two clause» of decomposition, caused dent of victory. Fir Tree nhie of containing an entire barrel of au ion ot condi- wood said the befell that day have been able to reach It unobserved WATCHE4. CLOCK* tration wit bout, inspect yesterday." on the foot of her bed. "You mean." «EU». >y ditf reut kinds of bacteria. All of After much the subeditor wo and. It is said, could throw to the a is all that is parleying "and with her there was another unpowder That, ax on shoulder, grove without the aid of your soft bat and tions usually required. we know "that I am to be here AND JEWELRY. hese may be present in milk; to in an overwhelming of Inas- took his she asked, kept Milk is an food, each per- managed get man. D.000 pounds projectiles. woodman way. cloak left U|mjii the uf important lot which until the «esult he my will?" long obligingly WKb Hobti*' Variety Store, Norway, lie. on an predominate which severed the artist's nose. as these natural can- One he had at home, and —me—forcibly-against lon in the Uuited States ua>ng cut, "We must Hud the most perfect tree inch, however, baby girl j flee couch. The medicine ease helped if tbeir presence is indicated. The dan- to find The nurse nodded. "\ou have L»cen I half a of milk a man his sword on could not be aimed, flftv were cut went forth average about pint day. seeu with the un- The wounded dropped >ii all the forest, for none other will too Volt bad told uie (hat your chauf- gers in milk cannot be tree as small as she, suit· much she a had A little just exposed." replied M:ik is complex substance, containing with a groan, but in falling the lirst woman. ut of the rock guarding the various would at 8:15. so 1 kided eye. ilo." said the ed to hi· mind. back aud Dr. Watts feur expect you the ch ef of all the different foods toe vessels "Well, go tell parts It intelligence aud care misfortune to fall across the big "Yes.' said the second woman, "for hannels of approach, and the Into the ear at that time. oo the home table. Milk requires only from me—tell all of them—that I won t I ]utup;d Just HILLS, usually found of clean off. to ο keep milk cleau and devoid large of his right foot, cutting it the ehlld has no one to bring Christ- f that time were therefore unable It seetned advisable to slip out of It at is to and will take the place of a and proud the baby fir, amid said Molllo. "and that s plain. equal lumbers of bacteria. With care, cleau- this state of affaire no relatives, no ome within their own range before be- Oh, glad stay." j Hut when Jeweler and Graduate Optician. meal of meat and egg», After interesting mas Spirit to her. su I your house door-so I did. consisting t-ugar use of a its brethren tall, The nurse smiled in maddening iness and the ice, satisfactory hors du combat. annihilated the of w is a nil oils and with salt aud he was rendered friends, no oue to care.' ig by big weapons and out, the the man had driven away it nec- cereals, fats, be seut to the cou- To be thus chosen singled "1 am afraid you will have >rade of milk may the the tin· fame of these perloritj. water. The doctors rushed up to replace "They talked on and ou until efeuse. Although first among them all ! l" essary to brin»; your thins* home with umer by the producer. Good dairy to. Miss Still well. We are acting Milk consists of five chief substances, in so they made tbe the little child for nnuon was spread far and wide, they his branches; his me. and now, with all due uelhod» "have far better result* on the pieces, but doing story of crippled He stretched fragrant accordance with the law, and the cltj I apologies, namely : of the toe on the were α Joyous rere not elsewhere"nnd to little heart beat fast; how s'iall I net them to maliiy of milk than fancy, costly barns fatal mistake putting whom they preparing duplicated health otllcer is here now to Hee that you?" like the white of au was a real Christmas tree—ho had 1.3 pereeut albumen.—, egg equipment aud higb-bred artist's face and his nose where the Christmas came out She was nothing Ills day they remain the only rock He The question broke off III a breath- 7 percent sugar like cane sugar 'xprubive his wish at last. law is enforced." like butter have been, and ever since to but she was alone and not like tuition of which there exists any rec- while a sudden smile L 4 percent fat toe should them, "And If." persisted Mollle, "this I less laugh. O.J sa't like common table salt The essential in the and pereeut points production the accident when the unfortunate uther children. rd. he finds some sus- twitched at the doctor's lips yrew 87 percent water— if clean milk are: and shining apple, with •worthy' imagines fellow wanted to sneeze he has been "A party of men were walking One large nud danced in his deep set eyes. Milk π one of the cheapest foods on Clean and cows. Books. cheeks of gold; picious indications—what thenI healthy his boot—Strand the wood last Sunday," went Largest and Smallest ruddy "Am 1 to understand that you delib- one of the most obliged to take off through were that "You will be detained—for a time." be market. It is also Cleau and healthy milkers. of the British 8lx tapers and a tiny doll all MAINE. un the Fir Tree, for Christmas Spirit In the great library made your escape In my coat » NORWAY, It is very uourishitig to well stable. Magazine. he could hold. As the door closed Mollle went over erately •asily digested. Clean and ventilated I>ook and had sobbing uow and was lis luseutn is to be seeu the largest crowed, to lu my car and currying my tools foung aud old and tnny be served in «lif- Milk pails sterilized by scalding. stopped Th· baby laughed, the baby ami stood looking out of the window. ) the world. This is an atlas of beau- toxine with erent forms, as custards, puddings, Sterilized cans aud bottles. Scared the Beast. teiilng lutently. see the tapers bright; A moment since she had decided to I you?" ice cream, etc. which of these men was telling the fully engraved ancient Dutch mnps. felt the and shared "I dUL" The admission was far from >auces, cream, cheese, Clean hands always. The extraordinary skill with "One Th· forest baby joy remain in this pleasant, restful place Milk aud milk products make up about and cold aud sealed. animals others about his aged father, who oiiiul in leather and fastened with in the delight. I L. S. BILLINGS. Cooling keeping Sh· Edwin Landseer [tainted as long us the spirit moved her. Now. regretful. >oe-sixtb (16 percent) of all food eaten milk is found on the market be- of his almost to the bone of solid silver. It Is nearly sev- 'Then under the elivutnstaii. es be MANUFACTURER OP AND DEALER I.N Dirty was due net merely to bis mastery worked lingers lasps under forcible restraint, all the autag I the average American family. ause milk does not the care and at- >y get to intimate In to give his boy an ti feet high, weighs 800 pounds and the died and Is but one as a the but alao his years gone by And when at last tapers ; Is in her nature arose in paused Impressively-"there Comparing it>« value food with ontiou it deserves ou most farms; es- brush, on of wayward Cedar and Clap- animal world. One education. Now he Is very feeble, al as to King Charles II. be- when the baby slept to be doue With your |»ermls· Red Spruce common foods we will better un- true ou small farms knowledge of the presented revolt. Far below the lights of the I thing itber •ecially i* this a was the of most down the western slope, and his ire leaving Holland In the year 1G00. The little fir, in silent night, patient j s Ion I shall call to «•olleft my lielont; Νew Brunswick Cedar leratand its real value. One quart of ihere milk is entirely a side of his many talents i>ower city mocked the twinkling lights of the I boards. producing a little smallest value to the of any son—who will always be Just Side by side with It Is the vigil kept. were Ings." nilk is about equal iu food any ieu**· Imitating to perfection cry its needles hospital. Wonderful things hap North Carolina Pine, back to Though scorched and brown said Mollle Shingles, >ne of tbe as a food for babies is at he was familiar. to the old man—is going i»ok In the world—a microscopic gem uo and was I "Please coiue—at once." following: Cow's milk creature with which boy it had no heart to grieve. peuliig ttyre. doubt, youth to a than a were, Mol and •I salt codfish i**t a »or substitute for mother's milk artist to the little country village spend Γ bookmakiug. scarcely larger said. of And. while her friends agreed Flooring: Sheathing:, pounds ρ One day when the happened "I have not lived in vain," he taking freely Its rightful heritage 2 fresa codfish a eon pouoila c i„ not safe to raise tUe b.«h> he was re- of the holidays with hira and tan's thumb nail. This contains the Ile should have had husband to Wall Board. ctiickeu always be the of Lord Rivers portion "Thank God for Christma· evel" | Angry tears splashed Paroid Hoofing:, 1 pouuda that guest pleasure freely. beet· ι. c iw's milk, for statistics show a veil of loneliness from his soul. a Ger· her will, she married the 4 pou· ds quested to go and see very savage lift the tew Testament, iuscribed by down 011 Mol lie's little clinched hands trol wayward Barrel Heads, and 5 en die to one breast Apple pound» turnips bottle-fed in the As He has some wonderful sur- ιαη urtist of In the early who glories In It Instead. Hut 16 butter dog that was tied up yard. planned Nuremberg She would «ο back tills very night surgeon pouiul ed man The First Christmas Card. ex- 13 wheal flour baby. the Ins for the lonely old away art of the seventeenth century. There her. She- 'nothing ever hapinmcd to Mollle LUMBER OF ALL KINDS pouud skilled train Landseer approached growl prises Is She would defy them to hold i· ounces bteml Bottle feeding requires ended the The honor of the Christmas card beast he quietly upon Ills back there in the country." re 208 pages, and the lettering is so about In sudden to one actly an it should." 7 cups corn flakes ng to cany it out salely; it requires dropped W. C. ! swung response Maine. without dlf- ascribed frequently to the late South Paris, 7 sUrtddctl wheat kill aud to modify the milk to hands and knees and then, crawling Fir Tree. erfect that It can be read ' authoritative knock at the door: then 1-3 cheese practice Christmas Dohson. an English painter. In Mixed. pouo orangée mid his mud dance ot was to occurred to him to make ( man of the town. Together they 29tf we never attached to wed- Spirit stopped idge in New Zealand obliged the health department-1 >r. Joyce." Vryeburg, Maine. If cow's milk muat be fed,then the best Personally, of the season "tirst citizen." and the The of to "And 1 am golnc across the whole isue an order to the effect that "In symbolizing the spirit called on the folly paying twenty-five should be selected and and engagement news the impor- Joy. "I thought you were." said Mollle. I cents for wheu mlk obtainable ding In Its center a was thirty eight eggs nearly re- and I shall knock so earnestly would not be taken as The sketch depicted j hooking agent Introduced. bis is not necessarily the milk with the tance in which it Is held by society world, iiture singing "You have received notice. Miss"— the same food value can be secured iu around the said he, "I called to see aud under no condition both it the heart of every human being that ridence" in his court. It was the family party gathered not oh— "Miss "Air. Jones." to >es' appearance, And we Incline to believe tie consulted Ills Still-I k of milk costiug from eight porters. dinner table raising glasses to a quart houM it be milk from a can i a groce- matters In which uo one can fail to open wide the Inner anstant habit of the Maoris when Christmas pou In regard Chautauqua." Go to the ten ceuta, be out as an to be purely private Un well?" i might pointed a of absent friends. a bit of up store. It is economy to to Chrlstmns called the a cause to long and to the health "It won't do good," spoke City in selection. y poor give tho wishes of the persons involved doors Spirit." leading sing quite "Yes; 1 have had notice," agreed Why txtravagance and milk is usu- the words "A Merry citizen. wife cheap milk, for cheap little of Christmas Joy as la- uetlc sagas. As these be- derneatb were J the prominent "My When a quart of milk ia secured for >aby should be But a girl might figure generally Mollle. FOR SPECTACLES AND milk. paramount a New Year to over all the to illy the poorer toward the edge of the au with of their remote iiu- Christmas and Happy l have looked catalogues ten cents It might be well know that as well the news of her engage- danced away legends "1 must ask you, then, to be lu mj I Milk from cowa that can be visited an I print was a small ι decided on EYE GLASSES ? full with aonie to and towns hours, even while on eacb side and have already value is received in as tell it to her best friend.— wood and the cities beyond istors. sometimes many you," the lower lloor at I carefully een oftea the oon-umer should be ment to of be- office ηροιι precise- and for this over-run the by Manz in Buffalo Kx be before the er sketch representing an act ; mother machine."—Everybody's. spare, produc- Warm milk fresh -Julia Chandler nys. would spent point, 8 this evening I nm leaving the is to iecured if possible. Topeka Capital. card so : |y I will examine your eyes er gets no'bing extra. This due was reached. There nevolence. Air. Dobson's rora the cow mav ho fed, but unless the press. osslbly trivial, at S:15." tact that his milk is sold the can· following hospital tbe by it will not Gilbertlan in this Idea, pleased Its recipient that the ] No Place Like Home. and a fit for nilk is cooled and k<*pt cool Brain of the Gorilla. something ! •'I shall be leaving the hospital. I guarantee perfect ful rather than by its composition and another card, of floorwalker in >« fit for a feediuv: It is the ut old New Zealnnder could year he designed A henpecked looking consumer ia subsequent The is in stature about Profit and Loss at Christmas. any said Mollle. less money. food value and the thereby gorilla sent to .too," stores was iangerou* to foed milk that has been him with ouch for the facts. which he lithographed copies îne of our large department the gainer. same as man. but Is far behind Old Lady—What's the mattei 1 The young doctor glanced over his warm or tepid for over half an α large circle of friends. Other urtists In the aisle with u pained A of milk is about to: sept to the contents of the ns he had not beard I standing glass equal never »»« when It comes the little boy? circle notes though lour, therefore it should kept followed his example, and the )n(* look in his eyes. Sudden- eggs The of Elder he's cryln' cos I'm Beautiful Beetles. faraway 2 large rarrn in a thermos bottle. Sever warm brain pan. greatest capuclty Brother—Oh, cards aright. I S. RICHARDS ·» slices or bread bee- sending out Christinas grew. a woman bustled up back of him brain Is cubic Christmas cake an" won't The exquisitely beautiful gold are to leave ly tablespoonfuls bolted rice be milk until feeding time. the gorilla's only 34% entln* my an "No patients i»enultted 3 America to the wider and wider until enterprising and demanded. "Where are the chil- teaspoonfuls cooked cereal or infant as 62 in him es of Central belong a written ho In- South Paris 3 Milk dispensaries, stations, inches, the least 23, against give any. was in the without discharge. moderate sized or one printer saw there money sir?" potatoes are a God-send to and his own cake finished emius pluslotis. and might easily ilren's dresses, of lean meat lepote dependeu tbe least capacious human skull Old Lady- Is from formed her. ή large serving work of business, and within a few years bottom bureau drawer. Ma- nothers and ebould be frequented when· nagine a specimen to be the without one. said "In the From the foregom* tables it ia seen 114 In the greatest then? Christmas card was to be "Well. I'm going >ver iu doubt as to the amount »nd km l une clever artificer in metal. The Its birth the said the floorwalker, hastily turn- is an economical Elder Brother Yes. an' be cried ria," that milk as a food I* to of windows. Mollle. >f milk to feed. It p<"»r policy cad and wing cases are brilliantly eepo in hundreds shop ; around. And ftien he fled.—Llppln article to consider, but some" of the Art In the while 1 was entln' thnt too. At this surprising remark the doctor 1 ing leed or raise a child aocording to the ad Soup. It- of this as well olished. with a luster as of gold the :ott'« Magazine. Pianos characteristics product, uninformed or without The artist's wife leaned over and Better. frowned; then guileless expression rice of people and touch have all Making People as of economic production ;lf. To sight they sweet race to tils the problem milk as a sub at her husband's soup after she When the Waiter Came. There are more people In cities than of the upraised been should jood properly prepated looked and It is hard to and which bas already outlined, nature s milk. sir?" îe seeming of metal, his frown to a smile. "You Kind· of Hard Work itifcute for had handed It to him. "Were you ringing the bell, inywhere else. changed Many that the creature is α mere In· said b« understood. Pasteurized milk is milk that bas who jalize α cer cun't dear girl, until you are I "I want you to understand," absorbs odors and flavors "Oh," she at the scroll asked the waiter of the customer When you want to accomplish go, uiy Milk readily been heated to kill the germ- of bac cried^'look jet "This is I "that 1 got my money ™ Isn't with the bell for fully tain result go where there is the released," lie said. thing young Spender, auch aa that of tobacco, onions, fish, of this Is ro the fat has made your soup. had been busy you terla The object process as much as hard work." cbees··, etc., Don't eat It It is so beau- fifteen minutes. done for your own good by fruit, turnip, ensilage, kill the harmful bacteria, but unless tt.e It artistic? a Ooee. greatest opportunity. Milk Too Big face the clrcum- I I it was left to you when to theae substauces. on this man?" echoed the cus- To make better you must for others'. Better "Why, thought exposed is oarried properly, does tiful F—Exchange "Ringing it, was too government A heating "He always proud." ure but a tem- rich uncle." Organs abould bave no foreign odora. barny of "1 have been tolling It I make better. stance eenslbly. You !>y your J0t result. pasteurization tomer. people or odor Proper "He has swallowed his pride." or or other strong taste the to better must "So it was. but I had hard work to cowy milk meane the heaing of milk the you were dead." To make people you porary prisoner." j methods and tainted milk. More'· Pity. thought "What has happened to him?" Mollle retort- from the meana poor Fahrenheit for 30 minutes a work where there are the greatest "If l am a prisoner," ret It away lawyer*." our 148 degrees Patience-It takes two to make Second hand Pianos and Organs Milk la tbe moat difficult of all immediate and "He's busted." for I shall ee- »nd then the cooling Patrice—And yet number of them. ed, "tuke warning, atuffs *0 collect, handle, transport un- quarrel, you know. Widows' Caps. have known If he ever for sale at a Two square food co!d aud Oovei ed or sealed "He might cities, and the The Main Trouble. bargain. a and keeping occur when is as old as the I Hcmove the country cupe." and deliver in safe satisfactory I have known quarrels to The widow's cap his It would bust A til used. wallowed pride will be— pur- wwb said Rastus Tohn- I will sell at low Milk dec more been made one.— An edict of Ti- will take care of itself. I "That impossible. My "Ah thlnkln'." pianos price. manner. impoae* readily neither lm two persons have days of Julius Caesar. Post even Proper paataurxVion Im."—Houston one dis- Is to see that a that I will than other food. It spoils to wear In advertising campaigns pose here tonight quar- ilng. "what nice, penceful-lalke world lot of s«cond hand organs any Droves nor harms the milk Itself. Pure Yonkers Statesman. berius corammided all widows than ftesb fruit and ber- first. If it succeeds, is would 'n' been It and more quickly milk is better than pu'r fled or pasteur- under of a heavy fine trict is tried out antine enforced." lis here universe If sell at old Come in tbe the cap penalty Pill. any price. riee and it surely requires greatest is to secure If A Bitter the whole is tuken. This Mollle looked into his eyee. for de movements of de human ized milk if it possible it; Enough 8aid. and Imprisonment then country Slowly wasn't see from tbe cow to tbe consumer's how does your brother the a I them. care not proper pasteonzitlon of the prod- an MIIl.v—And saves much money. It reduces They were fine eyee. with true, ι Inderjaw."— Philadelphia Ledger. its many and varied "Why do you carry that mortgage takes It meal through uct is a health safeguard against ike married life? Tilly—He risk. light, she observed; eyee not public home?" asked the old fogy. Queer Warning. steady Scarfs, of fever,. your to directions. His mother· aro to re- from their New Pianos, Stools, path·. the germs tuberculosis, typhoid no- .•cording In this country we trying to be coaxed or swerved Altruism. Water convoys only a few dlaea»e*— "Because I can't lift it," replied tbe In nn English village an official scarlet fever, »eplic aore J'' i-law lives with him.—Illustrated Dits. cities at once. Let with In their Instruction Books, Player pia- milk conveys diphtheria, j "The are form too many duty; kind eyes, regret Teacher—Johnny, you have been typhoid fever, mainly; throat, etc. Enquirer. tice rends as follows: public ferouch.—Cincinnati us take one at u time. that must be stern. Turn- nos at diaeaaes—tuberculosis, scarlet of should be warned using the well for | depths they writing your own excuses. Johnny—I always in stock prices many Efficiency pasteurization against of Frost. sore Line Perptual Begin anywhere. from them thoughtfully. Molllo I it takes nil time to fever, ♦, septic throat, ty- only by official control by Does. domestic purposes unless previously lug know, mum; pa's that are dipbthen safeguarded J It Usually The line of frost at the too take Fifth right. fever, and complaints of well informed officers. Pa·- | perpetual If New York Is large, ugalu took up her post at the win- ,'hlnk of his York Sun. phoid summer reliable, ; a woman discuss boiled." own.—New more When a man and an altitude of feet; babies. it is responsible for teurized milk must r.ceive at least as junior Is at 15.000 avenue. Let all the efficiency reformers dow. When she looked back a smile Send for catalog. to- tbe of matrimony one seldom ; this deaths than all other foodstuff* put much care as raw milk. It may become subject ι the northern states of country In the concentrate on Fifth an excited I Lost! country trembled about her lips; ls ob· that aro af the better of the other. It usually The great art of lenrning to and It ia the young inlected after and then gets » t nil altitnde of about 4.000 feet. avenue. Let's learn on Fifth avenue. "All gether pasteurisation is that young man gone?" I flusti tinted her cheeks. right," a time Locke. This stale of affairs Is I fac' in a tie— | "Edith, lertake little at fected most. used without fear, because of ho results Lipplncott's. If we can reform Fifth avenue we until Dr. with the at ten belle. she called "Goodby & 1 losing ground, however, that it had been heated, but bacteria! called landlady cobwebs and ends ' Self is the Brut secret of suc- W.J.Wheeler, gradually Lnxinexx bnirlns In can reform the world.-Thomas L. trust came the of Free Milk eveu in "Tea, Joyce." th· introduction Dispeo- grow more rapidly healed Some men. like are fitter for completely," l'roverb. I I, in uljlk j pictures, ι Iron ebaius.-Spanish Masson in Lipplncott's. sho had beard the last echo ^ββ.—Emerson. ι aarlea which stand out as luuoamenta than in Iieih raw milk. All milk, -Michigan Gtargejl·. When j Billings' Bhwk, Sooth Pari·, | • corner than a full light—Seneca.

I Buckfleld. An Explanation Requested. Wut Ptfto. BatM. ESTABLISHED 1838. Ihmocrat : returned from bla Warren Camp, 8. of V., elected offloere Editor THE OXFORD BEARS. Remember the Tom Thumb weddhii Harold Chandler Democrat and returned to work at tbelr regular meeting Tuesday even- In a reoent ieaae of the yon and most welcome of vacation Sunday, reminded the Ilk. a·.follows: mention that yon bad been by /~INCE again happiest UÏÎH.M»Dw. 9. In the poet offloe Deo. lug, to IN evenlng, eo-.^Wjd^ A. Warm. laverai of the error made Id relation Democrat THE DO INOS OF THE WEEK ALL undervn dlrect,0IJ Mr*. Sanh Russell and her daaghter, Com.—M. The Oxford dren will take partAboj £7 8. V. Ο.—I. E. ElMngwood. that had fall com- Ml·· Cleo have m ο red into the the number of atatea gone draws near. With the SECTIONS OP THE COUNTY. of MIm Eleanor B. MwGrego ^ Rnaaell, J. V. C —H, L. Parser. error waa Inci- all our E. and W. That alight Holidays the ^ dl rent recently vacated by Lyon Camp Council—Γ. M. Lamb, H. A. March, prohibition. ISSUED TUESDAYS. |»nd, no harm done. Bat m to mtW· L. Record. dental and welljtnown family. Detente· to State E. Wood, the late ι Parla tlllL Bethel Library haa had an addition of Encampment—W. four editorial after general season to all, we ask you the Ε. G. Smith, George Packard. bave aerlona to of the ΠγΜ Her. G. W. T. volumea of booka for the young eleotlona, I objectiona pliments Baptist Church. Hill, paa- with the children On. o» th. twenty aa South December 8, iqi< at 10.-45 A. u. £1?.ί F. M. Lamb waa ohoaen Installing oommenta made, a· you felt ao joyous Paris, Maine, tor. Prcachlng every Sunday tbe«« people, porohaaed from the W. J. Upson Sunday School at 12. Sabbath evening service lntere.tlngfwture.of officer, and the Installation will be held to over the ο and Mra. C. W. Hnbbard fnnd. The and aeemed gloat poaching at 7 Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at ^?οπι Jan. δ. and the seeming of the hour 7 30. Covenant the laat Friday before Bethel Library Association added twenty of the Demooratio party question ATWOOD & FORBES Meeting Mr. and lira. C. M. Irlab will start for and in the let Sunday of the month at 2 30 r. M. All Tolamea of fiction. A copy of "New wane of the Progressive, spirit otherwise connected an cordially Invited. Red next where Editort and Proprietor*. not Chronlclea of Rebeooa" waa land·, Calif., Tueaday, declared that the Progressive party preaented will the winter with their with unusual mild- and the atate tbey «pend would never In a election again titOROK M ATWOOD. A. E. FOKBXS. December came in by a anmmer visitor, pre· general Mr·. H. O. Clement. a factor. ness and the Indian summer day· of laat i* aented the Maine by Grenvllle daughter, appear aa Everybody Regiater The met with Ml·· Sadie to the the of the Si'S- Ladle·1 Clrole I will call your attention In advance week caused disappearance M. Donham. gently Christmas? Turks JO a year If strictly What $1 pal>l afternoon. They the About that was left and of near- who haa been run- Spauldlng Thursday of Republican apeak- Otherwise a Single copie· 4 oenU little ».» .η·"™»™ Alton Rlchardaon, many wailinga ti.OO year. sleighing ,ο-it will hold a Christmas aale at the church ua ! ν all of that foot of snow that was a farm alnce bla era and papera for (the Progreaalves) — ι School »r. ning poultry graduation ΑυνκΗΤ!8Κ*Ε.ΝΓΗ All legal advertisement toptiatSooday ▼eatry on the afternoon of Deo. 10, when the Demo- Insertions for #13< ua before 6;S0 at the of Maine aome five to come baok and help punch are given three consecutive given Thanksgiving. >θγ Tueaday ξ Univeraity food and home- we column. con Hill and and re- aprona, fanoy artlolea, lest aucceed if did per Inch In length of Special Rev. and Mrs. Q. W. F. quite ο atev5? nK'. α.ΐί admlaalon years ago, haa aold hia poultry cratic party they and and j 1 o'clock, Grange made will be offered. were aa we to solve the put tracta ma-le with local, transient yearlj of the for a oourae, oandlea not, and that they juat problem a number of the members Baptist K) tod 15 cent·, whio % free turned special poat-graduate I declaring May help you advertisers. Ha^ bla Mr. and Mr·. Ward Maxim were guests aa we. church attended the Baptist Quarterly » n m Candv tod and Intenda to make teaching profes- progreiaive raat presses, electrU zZ of Mr. and Mr·. T. H. Lunt Thursday ua a aood Job Panrriso —New type, at South Paris the past week. sion. the Illness of the princi- [ Now will yoa please give workmen and low price* Meeting «d During likes in the of Christmas Shopping power, experienced Edward T. Brown are 'h*:r°,°g,b0d^oid at Eaat Mr. and Friday. and editorial of the you way doing your to make this of our busl Col. and Mrs. J pal of the academy Corinth, loatcal aplcy combine lepartment ■ will this The literary society of the Buckfleld F. Emery, Dr. ne·· complete and popular. closing their home here and go Richardson substituted for bim. in daya when George school held a at the school Gen. John J. week to Portland where tbey will spend The Maurice Pratt memorial exercises high meeting [ Thomas H. Brown and with satisfaction and economy? with Mrs. house Thursday evening. editora the Democrat, and that pleasure, MXULE COPIE*. a part of the winter Lieut, and were held at Gould Academy Wednea- Perry, of Ilolman W. Monk died at the home of of the at are four cents £. Turner at Fort Preble. afternoon. Mra. I. Π. aang a manager paper, Slsgle of The Π κ mock George laU Tuesday afternoon *U and day Wight energetic general copies b\ an au- his mother at North Buckfleld Friday now of the Lewlaton each They will be mailed on receipt of price C'ummlngs is building solo, and remarka were W. A. Pidgin, of Reginald o'clock, appropriate a illness. He was 32 tones the publishers or tor the convenience patron near bis home in Hanscom. morning after long were forth ita of Presents that 01 tomobile repair shop made by Prof. Journal, thundering a most assortment single copies of each Issue have been placed of and leaves a widow and two and We have complete : this where he will be to The wreck of the train loaded years age, for fieedom and oivlc righteousness, sale at the following place· tn the County village prepared Tile monthly h«.lo.·· freight Miss kinds. Mr. Com- rr;^^.:'d%o'rrwlpfhe the alsters, Mrs. Lester Richer and now we can es- Howard's Drug Store. do repair work of all Γ. P. will be held at»?'·«·* 7.30 with wheat, Friday morning, delayed therein tell and explain is filled with South Paris, C. u. lnesoay Helen Heald of this and his moth· Every Department Shurtlefs Drug Store. minga goes to Boston Monday to run an eaat-bound trains, aa all bad to be trana- town, tablish these progressive principles by everybody appreciates. Store. Mrs. Fred E. Heald. Mr. Monk was I of Norway, Noyes Drug aoto back for Lafurest Whitman. (erred at "Robertson above er, and honoring such leaders Drug Store. W. Dunham I. wry 111. ud cut," juat electing there is a wide Stone's was a "w a of tbe University of Maine, I aa Penrose, Fair Prices. Come where A. L. Newton. Postmaster, Carroll I. Hooper of Boston b» the ateam mill. graduate the old Republican party Fresh Goods at Buckâeld, Alton Bow.ll,-bopo.^ an electrical Mr·. Harlow. Post Office. Mrs. William „£i.U clang of 1004. and became Joe Cannon, Paris Hill, guest of Mr. and Hooper | ie.0 III. I· Km.wh.t The A. T. Rowe property, recently Gallinger, Dillingham, Samuel T. White. wry lmpro.od He has held several when to Weet Paris, over Sunday. to be used with Bethel Inn, •engineer. Impor- Barnes, and others of the stamp, a fine and a opportunity get purchased tant and at tbe time of his Ill- choice, variety, grand Newton Cummioge ia away on a bunt· is in the hands of the oarpentera. positions, they are bitterly opposed to thoae prin- Milton ness ne was chief engineer of and reaulta, and Events. ing trip with hie brother-in-law, ( The basket ball team played consulting and their policies for and Old. Coming Norway tbe Profile Cotton located at Jack- clplea kill the best and most suitable Gifts Young L. Luce of Hartford. ro-Soo-V^woCo/TJ^ the Gould Academy team at Bethel Fri- Mills, will do everything to defeat and baa a well •onvllle, Alabama. The funeral was Aseo Jarvia M. Thayer dug large ,diet there was and won 38 20. A dance them. Dec. S-U—Meeting of Maine Dairymen's charchee, consequently day evening the home at 1 on It ia feet the held from Monday o'clock, to me that to honor for dation and Malue Seed Improvemeut Asso- his farm. twenty-five deep followed, which was enjoyed by It seems tholf of water. Rev. C. G. Miller of South Paria offici- tbe old Demo- ciation. Bangor. and furnishes an abundance b.. mo«d bl. f«.lly Tuell, winter term Co. Both and Correspondence and Miss bWMVir.ri«.T.'·^ Ing. She will return for the in and bated skunks. Be- Eaton, Crane & Pike and The United Stationery Paper niond, Benjamin. December. [ up Roxbury S. P. Stearna baa been down from with after tbe holidays. out in the field In the with roc to each. Gifts that are practical, etc. Charles Tuell spent Thanksgiving ing spring combination of the two. In Holiday packages, $4.00 a few the week, came across a skunk's Chrt-trea* Shopping. Betbel days during past xvrh^·^»».^ hia sister in Dorchester and returned North Paris. his boy Joe, tbey Clothing Ke'labllty with the family of bis son, Δ. P. Stearns. home and knowing that for that animal /.I. Men liant A Co. TO... Wednesday. been bole, letters in Paris office Mr. and Mr·. Gedding, who have raiae a there meaot GOODS Laoi>hlr« Doyle ..dd..*h· Tyler are the oaptains of the contest. ly, dug ■Cents to Let. >e&\Wr.rtA *S. Herbert Gibbs is to drive hia father's At laat tbe old fellow, Mr. Walter Manls or Helen are at their home here Rev. Leavitt H. Hallock, D. D., of ahead of tbem. team from Sumner to PERFUMES and TOILET WATERS Mr. Malcolm Soule Lew- drawing lumber as tbe skunk went and tbe dig- I Pine Street Congregational church, deeper best odors from Hudnut, Har- Mr. Brown's Objections. Rev. H. E. White West Paris. to circum- An that is The Colgate, Dorcb» istoD, will give a lecture at the Academy ging grew barder, thought inexpensive present always acceptable. issue Demo- Post cards "mÎ S0."'BÔA.ÏÏ%«t«o Mrs. B. C. Lowe is a cross- Elsewhere in this of the away canvassing vent and cut bim off, and did by to each. Malcolm Sou le I :er. Maw.. Tuesday. Thursday evening. make. and others. In fancy 25c $4.00 crat is a letter from our good friend H. for Christmas goods which tbey head blm off and flank him com- mony, Rieger packages, Mrs. Κ Cummlngs | line., of her eon β Mrs. Clarence The ladles from the Congregational cut of West who Lucy wife,"lledM'r "Vurênc» to let Joe G. Br>wn Parie, expresses Miss Grace Burnham have sent to the Belgians, 32 pletely. Then be planned to be society West Lovell. the sentiment that he is still proud η a and tbe skunk back, a for all a Rail was In Lewleton one pairs stockings, 12 pairs wriatera, and take pole punch BOOKS, choice assortment a Knowing him as we do, bast Sumner. School commenced Nov. 30th under back at tbe other end be Books for and Progressive. this week to attend a Scboo 10 mufflers. and aa it came at The best of the late books. Boys that if he believed the lay Sunday tbe instruction of Mrs. Bertba Laroque. him. So all Hundreds of the popular copyrights 50c. we know Progrès The Indian summer days of last week with a club would kill Books for the children in sive was he would be a Pro- teams to reaort to wheels West Bethel. Tbe warm days have melted the sdow he out to Joe, and Gift Books and Leaflets. party right, compelled Whitman of Norway ha. been . things being ready sang Girls, 25c 50c. Books, Poems, Birthday if there wasn't another one in before this is read nEedgaPr whether foul or so are using wagoos again. Joe!" and Joe gressive again. However, •ecent at Jarae. Curtis No action, fair, people "Punoh him, punch bim, is that steadfast devo- guest Is ever but It leaves somewhere Oris LeBaron has finished work for of and linen. the country. It there may au abundance of snow and ' done, but the skunk fought the end paper The Wednesday evening A record written Angers ghostly, did, tion tu what he believes is that has But the water is by John 8eavey, and Is working for W. S. and to the old man and right good sledding. supply 5ood Will Hall wae well attended"°®J an Ana blessing or a curse, ami mostly the pole, turned made Mr. Brown aome to weakness or Fox on the Tom Stearns timber. his Then the old universally respected what causes anxiety many. time wa. In the greater greater let drive into eyes. CAMERAS who good enjoyed· Ernest Pike of Waterford has bought he new in the community, alike by those Dr. £. J. Marston of Auburn was in strength man "Hold on, Joe, hold on, and KODAK including the Of the acts which follow It. a yelled, and Box. KODAKS JUNIORS, and those who with him. on some on xuveral lots of and has packer out! Oh! Ob! BROWNIES—Folding agree disagree town calling of hia patienta Bryant's Pond. —Longfellow. apples, has put my eyes My the Democrat to ac- at work on them. Mr. Brown calls Tuesday. Although residing in Auburn Cbarle. Mclool.-«Mlled t. eyes are gone!" AUTOGRAPHIC KODAK. $1.00 to $28.00. count lor what it did retain his ser- our saying regarding many of his still | Do we not put political principles patients "God scatters love on every side New Postmasters. prospects, and says we gloat vices, as the mail and can be into the hands of these Progressive parcel post ng Freely among his children all. out by throwing over the wane of the Pro- Announcement has been made of tbe execution of FOUNTAIN PENS od seeming used in sending medicines. And always hearts are lying open wide parties the making and Pens—the What the Democrat said a SSSffiiS''^!ohn7b.~/"Π Wherein some fall." of a number of fourth-class as Waterman, and gressive party. Mrs. Meriah Goes, who sustained grains may appointment lawa to govern us? I can but say A that is sure to be We have the Rexall, Jaxon In as the outcome of present appreciated. was not at all in the nature of gloating, shlace called brother Edward and family in Albany shoeing general job Good location ; old estab- Cases, as well be tried out. The event to recall wood and Iron. Booklets, might fairly bow few are left of that last week, and came here Sunday to see All Brass Novelties, Work Stands, Flash Lights, trial has far to show our saved neces- Kinds, Goods, progressed enough it. Let us be tbankfnl that his mother, who Is housekeeper for her C. A. HEMINGWAY, lished business; sale Pictures at sees no neces- ■ÉÏÏ€?Mér Gift Bibles, that the of Paris. Albums, Dressings, country large uni'.ed nation is not now in the throe· brother-in-law, L. D. Grover. 40 52 South Letters and Post Cards, Post Card for another but upon war as are all Awful— on account dissolution of sity party, depends nearly Europe. Hugh D. Thurston of this village was sary and other articles that cannot be enumerated here. the Republican to carry out the the end is not many party terrible—and yet. •KsSSremade on the water tank. married In Portland on Saturday, Nov. Rents To Let. for which are the essentials of its ; bargain principles 28th, to Mies Alma N. Cook of that city. partnership good neuron. One over Blue Store, Market policy. Oxford. They at once settled down to house- a quick sale. DUl UUW Oil. uiuwu puva up a ujatvi most sermon was One in Maxim Block, Pine A excellent given The Colby student·, Marlon Starblrd keeping in the bouse on Main Street Square. He goes back two genera here the Rev. G. W. F. N. HASKELL, Receiver, come see our fine proposition. sunday, 29th, by Doris Andrews, Lola Haskell, Free whioh be bought of Geo. W. Harden, I Street, South Paris, Ε. We extend a cordial invitation to all to in and tions in the history of tbe Democrat, and Hill of Parie Hill. Pottle and Harold Hall, and Alfredf and where we all wish them muob hap- of Maxim Bros. 49tf he finds that tbere were giants in tboet Merrill and Viv- Inquire West Paris, Maine. Prof. Dwyer, Henry Haskell from Bates, who came home foi nlnese. 4940 j or not. Come He asks us to write an editorial ian tiearce were of H. K. Stearns of whether wish to days. guests Thanksgiving, bave returned. Among array Holiday Goods, you purchase combining the phrasing of thai at for a few East Bethel. graceful Raogeley days recently. others who spent Thanksgiving hen old school gentleman, George P. Kmery The Ladies' Circle supper Tuesday were Orrington Andrews and daaghtei Mrs. Etta Bartlett spent Thanksgiving while the assortment is tbe direct and moral ol a a· well powerful appeal evening was success financially Hattie of Gardiner, Mary Andrews, Car week with relatives at Berlin, Ν. H. early complete. Dr. Brown, and tbe trenchant and some as sooially. Edwards and wife, Leland Stone anc Freeborn Bean ha· returned from times vitriolic style of Gen. Perry. W« J. D. who has been Mrs. Sturtevant, wife, Bertha, Alton and Earl Kavanaugb Lowell, Mass. shall not it. He asks us to ex for a few returned to attempt in the place weeks, all of Portland. Mr. and Mra. Z. W. Bartlett were how these Ernest W. Sturie- plain progressive principle* the home of her son, Married, Nov. 25th, Otho Holden anc guests of relatives in Maiden and Somer- are to be established by tbe election ol where she will vant, Wednesday, spend Pearl Locke, both of Oxford. ville, Mass., for Thanksgiving week. certain men whose names have becornc winter. CO. the t< Swan visited friends in Portland. L. have Albert Ζ. & and Mrs. Wm. Burns MERCHANT Mr. gone familiar in our political life. We sbal Robie Sturtevant has moved into Mrs. busi- Portsmouth, Ν. H., for the winter. Urban Bartlett was at home from Z. S. Prince not go into that. We believe in trusting Bearce's house for the winter. Successors to S. B. and Mary Mrs Leander Ward well Is very 111. ness college, Portland; Miss Elsie Bart- the Tbe fact that certain men came from Mechanic people. Mrs. Bearce up The Congregational Ladies' Circle mel lett from Hastings and Bertha Cole from f'„. Store ,, who have been made the targetf a hours special Falls for few Wednesday. with Mrs. James Cook Tuesday. Bethel. of the most violent abuse bestowed upoi Birds are now for their winter Bos- coming At an entertainment and chicken pit Mr. and Mr·. Irving Kimball of in life in this twentieth some 25 anybody public food. W. A. Bartlett has days the ladies of the Μ. Ε ton were guests of their have in theii ■upper given by Thanksgiving Maine been continued to eat from the of Paris century, or 30 blue jays pen was realized. here. Souili 1 Society, $25 parent· of service by the votes of th« corn find positions cracked they always waiting Orin and wife of Lewistor Mr·. S. E. Rich of Berlin, Ν. H., spent Christmas Readiness need not alarm any real believei Houghton people, for them. and C. P. Starblrd and spen Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. in institutions. in on< family republican Only with Mr. and Mrs. Johi Bean. WITH sanctum near the banks 01 Wilson's Mille. Thanksgiving ALL DEPARTMENTS ARE BRIGHT newspaper Elden. Mies Edna Bartlett, who has been at the did it cause son Androscoggin gloorr Mrs. Jennie Nason and her Roger home the past two weeks with a sprain- ESPECIAL- and not FRESH AND NEW MERCHANDISE, dense impenetrable, pierced bj are down for the winter, are occupying Norway Lake. ed ankle, returned to her school Monday. a siugle ray of hope for the future of oui their house here, and the camp D. sporting Ervin Bean has been here at Crocketl Rev. John E. Curamings, D., Bap- LY SUITABLE FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. for the winter. was re- country. is closed farm for a few days. He sent a moos< tist missionary from Burma, a If the Republican party, through iti Lewis Olson has built a new wood Far- home a few days before be came. I cent gnest of Mr. and Mrs. Porter in public places, fails ti shed for the school bouse. Christmas is three weeks away. By begining representatives weighed about five hundred pounds well and family. only stand for that are truly progrès Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster and policies Harry Mr. Crockett seems very well and ridei at selections sive, it will doubtless meet tbe fate il and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Little- West Buckfield. early, shopping leisure, making your carefully, children out quite often. will deserve at tbe bands of tbe hale were at Leslie Hart's Thanks- PRACTICAL people guests have movec Mr. the "'Watkins Man," and merriest Christmas. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Flood Chadboume, will have the GIFTS ARE At tbe vote of the indi you happiest present people giving Day. into their new home. has been through here this week. as oni cates that it still holds its place Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Wilson and Master Hall attended Po- are Mr. and Mrs. Asa Frost are enjoying Mr. and Mrs. A. S. is none too soon, even though you of tbe two great parties of tbe country Robert were at E. S. Bennett's. Paris Begin early, today Storey the company of their little granddaugh mona Grange at South Tuesday. AND We do nevertheless believe that th< Roscoe started for home which will Whitney ter, Wood of Bridgton Center Mrs. Thomas Bradbury, who has been not to you are welcome to look, help have done a real service with a fine deer he Margaret ready buy, Progressives Thanksgiving day Virgil Dunn of the Norway Lake Sup I sick, is gaining. and we can not express that thought bet had of which he was very was in in secured, Co. has gone for game Mis· Lizzie Flagg of Buckfield greatly planning your gifts. ter than In the words of tbe ply hunting big followinf proud. He started Dec. 2nd with W. M. Tuckei the place Sunday. from a recent editorial in thi A dance and at paragraph oyster supper Grange in his auto. Mt. Mica Telephone Co. held It· annu- Portland Press: was well attended. Hart Hall Harry Mrs. Anna Tracy spent the day Dec al meeting Saturday evening, Nov. 28. of women's VALUE or ο The HAVE LASTING "The Progressive ideas, mauy and Mrs. Zella musicians. Hart, 1st at Mr. Dunn's, and calling on oil The following officers eleoted (or the Department them, make a stroug to thousandi appeal friends. ensuing year: of and sincere men. Tbesi isorth Stoneham. intelligent C. A. Flint and family intend to mov< Pre·.—C. S. Child· to Wear Ideas must be recognized by tbe part} Mrs. Elden Andrews of Bethel has Sec.—Β. E. Gerrlih Ready Apparel to their new home in Pike Hill distric that will be men and boys. which would incorporate these forme come to with her son, Ira Andrews, Treat, ami Collector—K. A.Cooper Holiday gifts appreciated by stay very soon. Mrs. Cynthia Partridge plan and beautiful voters io its ranks. Th< this winter. Mrs. G. C. Royal I· teaching the is of with its unusually large Progressive to ko with them. importance wear. Gifts more radical ideas will be modified ο Mrs. H. M. Adams and son vis- J Prince which began Nov. 30; Gifts that are useful and, Gifts that will Roger Albert Newball is qnite poorly now achool, stocks and certain offerings, which include fine practical. discarded altogether, but many remaii ited her Mr. and Mrs. James John the Whitman school. special parents, I Flagg man. which must be given recognition Tbi Frost of Norway, last week. North Buckfield. Miss Ella Briggs of South Parle was tailored wear at extremely low prices. for a man from this men's store will be welcomed by any men who them and who believt of Harrison is to cut support Dick Fleck going Mrs. Isabell Swallow has been visitioj at S. E. Briggs' Sunday. in tbem will never affiliate tbemselvei timber on Mountain this win- Miss Farrar visited her nieoe, is at Speckled relatives in Sumner. Mary TAILORED SUITS all marked down, many of them be to have come in any time. Our time with which does not show ι ter. He will at the last week. We'll pleased you any party camp Shirley place. E. D. Heald remains about the same Mrs. Grover Keene, disposition to accept some of them witl Mr. and Mrs. Adams have Miss S. E. Warren of Eaat Buckfield Sylvester Mrs. Q. H. Warren la visiting her son marked at nearly half price. show the stock and you The ma; to to with their son was a of her cou- We'll be to you help sincerity. Progressive party gone Albany stay 0. D. Warren. Thanksgiving gnest your disposal. glad have passed Into hiatory, but it ha this winter. H. H. Buck. of which Perley Ross Varney was at W. Heald'· re sins, LADIES' WARM WINTER COATS, many quickened the political conscience ant I Seth Harriman has moved to Lovell. with if you wish. ■ cently. suggestions in its way, a notable ser will cut for Will Fox near Slab Oilead. the on from has, performed He pine Ellen Cole is the Brock schoo are coats that we have reduced prices vice to the teaching Mrs. have re- sample coantry." City. and boards with Mrs. A. S. Mr. and Irving Leigbton Bessey. from their and are to on a coat. Miss Sue Rounds of the Children1 turned wedding trip, $3.00 $5.00 Here and There. Albany. bouse in S. A. Moore's rent. matter ^ow *,ee a Home, Augusta, waa in the place re keeping an more and more pop- many Parker Connor has been having tonsil- Alva Bryant was in Bethel last Fri- CHILDREN'S COATS, our entire stock of children's cently. Neckwear man there's room itis is better. on business. Bath Robes ular as We has, always If one has ever accused the Ger ; Mrs. Ε. Pearson and are witl day holiday gifts. any Y. baby now down Priced less Mrs. Ada Lord and Miss Estel la Bean R. L. Melcber and son Richard of winter coats at marked prices. 1-3 here the latest colorings mans of lack of grim humor, the charg her mother, Mrs. R. J. Warren. have them in warm, durable in many for another. You'll find were at Norway Nov. '27 to see their cou- Rumford were in this place last Tues- garments must be withdrawn. A war levy ο Mrs. Albina Irish is visiting her daugh than our low two and Mrs. Ε. T. Judkins. regular prices. for and in the newest for men, grades, 25c seventy-five million dollars has beei sin, ter, Mrs. A. L. Purkia, in Auburn. I day. shades $3, $5 $7. styles Mr. and Mrs. and two boys from Lillian Wheeler returned to ber borne laid by Germany upon Belgium for "vio Long H. W. Monk is not as well, and ia at We have 50c. callled on her Mrs. Viv- In West Paris last after spend- LADIES'DRESS SKIRTS. gone through lation of neutrality"! Bridgton sister, tended by Dr. Heald. Sunday, ian Lord, Thanksgiving day. ing several days at the home of Ν. E. the on a our stock of dress skirts and reduced prices great "e °f Chesley Fernald and Mr. and Mrs. Al- Haatlngs. Wheeler and family.. Handkerchiefs m""y The health service of th > ton Fernald spent at L J. Mrs. Frank Johnson was In She!· We a'way8i"'d;manthave white, red, Boxes two public Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Preacott anc number of them. Combination Box of ki"'u;pair United States makes a re Andrews'. Alton Fernald's health Is burne, Ν. H., last Friday. and government twin aona Ronald and Donald, alao Law I ctc. for white handkerchiefs 10c, 15c Box of which that the number ο f much better. Our blue, 5c, silk assorted colors, for $i.oo. 4 port e<*ye rence are LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SWEATERS. hose, was Emery of Monmoath, staying and drug users in tbe country, according ti > Mrs. Viola Dunham at home for East Brownfleld. 25c. Initial handkerchiefs 10c, 15c 35c, boys' Boxes of hose anil at J. Guptill's. Mr. Preacott shot ai cent discount. pair Yankee hose for $1.00. the best information they have been abl » Thanksgiving; went back Monday. Sobools commence the winter term entire stock of sweaters in at 10 per box of for eight-point buck. put for 5c. Hankies for the little ones, 3 35c. and Set in leather of to obtain, is much smaller than ha< Dec. 7. tics to match for 50c $1.00. Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hastings and Rutl been This will be sad new The Guild held a sale and en- AFTER safe for Watch fobs supposed. apent In Aubnrn. Tyler YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL fob and match 50c. to those who that , Wilbur Foster of Massachusetts Is vis- Thanksgiving 2. purse, proclaim prohibitioi Wm. Brown and have movec tertainment Dec. drives men to iting his parents. G. B. Foster and wife. family will have a sale and PRICES ON THE in individu*1 holi- drugs. from into the Eddie Holder bousi The Circle supper ι ST, FOR BARGAIN fancy 25c. Emerson Bartlett Is working Id Rum- Upton Dec. 9. JANUARY here. at Bradbnry Hall Suspenders boxes, lots of nice ford Falls. at Dr. Marston's this ABOVE BUY NOW WHEN YOU day A verdict of manslaughter was order Mrs. Tremain'a from Gorham Prayer meeting GARMENTS; ^ave "nec' Mrs. Ann Thompson is in poor health. parent· 25c and 50c. ma'**' a^u'stat Mrs. L Ε urn and Mrs. Flora Bean, Miss Cora J. Mason lows: Tuesday morning, of suitable r resents. The ntxt two weeks will be that will be both useful and at- 't m <1av*. Mm. J. P. complete range difficult it is to decide on something and Mite Pauline are planning to go tbis itearns is caring for him at from hi· hunt- TUESDAY HORN'IXi our make choice now for >ti.a" returned week co Portland, where will iampson's, where lie has rooms. ones for all. Accept advice and your they spend 10:00 Opening Service Ε. II. Stover busy we are to be able to offer m P »cataqol· County with two the win'er and Mis* The Floral Co. have moved tractive. This year glad you unusually large t;| spriutr. Pauline will 10:3) Organization; Reading tbe Record·, Col Supply delivery later on if you prefer. jovd deer. enter the Wayntiete School. The house lection. Mnglng. autllencc standing. rom the Novea Block to tbe rent in the a 10:tt A Ρlnneer of tbe Faith Wm.H.Cbase of attractive and useful gift things that will be has here will be closed. lathawsy Block, recently vscated by assortment great ( i. ]»iclc added adrill driv- (Mr. Chase'· paper read by Hex. D. W. Kimball) A 1rs. Williamson, who has closed up her the equipment of bis Next Dec. 13, the of 10 Ό Woman of great Courage ι SuBday, pastor Llla R. Pearl estauranr. in solving your problems. room*. the Rev. F. L. Early help deo'a Baptist churcb, Cann, 11Λ0 Obedience Required G. W. F. Ulll Mrs. C. E. Ranger of Auburn visited Shop will in tbe on the 11:15 Obedience Rewarded i; Hit's, who was on a preach morning sub- 1er Mrs. Frank Richardson, hunting Singing, audience standing daughter, You will be at the many and varied that ·: ! bom· a ject of in surprised presents ^ b.->>ugbt good "Christianity Europe.'· Tbe| 11 :35 Obedience Belter than Sacrlflce ist week. of the address will be L. W. to The we sell bn i« Friday. subject evening's Raymond Mrs. Frank DeCnsfer left Wednesday will appeal you. articles «..■in- "The Effect of Christmas Waists i tbe War upon Education TUESDAY AFTERNOON Burning for Massachusetts, where she Gifts V v Γ. S. Barnes entertained Very Acceptable νΓ λ and Children." 2:00 Praise service and Great Commission rill visit relatives) friends. to such These waists make Christmas k ... turee tables at their Tbe A.G.Murray Are useful the sensible kind to give A r ew coat. Don't wait until Xmas give exquisite charming Rev P. L. Cann of 2:30 How to Teach the Command "Go Ye" In Mrs. Young is entertaining her gifts, w. the Baptist church I Ralph '1 ΙΓ- Uy evening. tbe Bible Miss Marsha Mixer or or one of our waists it will will address tbe minister*' association of School itnther, Mrs. Thurston of Bethel. an If it is for mother, sister presents. When you give | Discussion led by H. R. Wbltelock Neckwear—Gloves—Shirts—Handkerchiefs—Hosiery—Under- appreciative gift. < that Mt. Mica Lodge South Af the meeting of Oxford R. ct;eeted Paris and neighboring towns singing. audience «tanking. Chapter, make the now and let them en- new ones arrived. κ ..ν -he at the wear. present surely please. Many just mtiatory «legree Tuesday, at the home of Rev. Mr. I 3:15 An Hour's Prgram on Burma l. M Wednesday evening, ibe officers daughter * ι : rs#· coming year were installed by full benefit of it. It will be their Christmas SILK WAISTS Norway churcb, | tereste F. L. Cann Lots of boxes to to these in. the $2.98, 3.9S, 4.9S. 'ant Graod H le h Priest H. D. Smith, I pr»t*y give you put gifts joy from door of on tbe subject'" My experience with or 2 Physical Feature»; Industrial, Po the same. Those who come here find our VOILES AND CREPE IN VERY CHOICE y-, L-r Kane (ell the gift just work for and men." iltlcal and Religious Lire 'he list is as follows: κ she live· on Myrtle ganized boys young low. STYLES, $1 Burr F.Jones H. P.—Ernest J. Record. AND SEE US TO-DAY values most remarkably 9S. 1.49, 9SC, 3.9S. V 3 lav and broke her arm. COME ,.· A reception will be given to Rev. and 3 WorkoiJud&on Κ —Wallace B. Strickland. Μ lee Marlon Everett AND MISSES' COATS 10.00, Mrs. F. new and S —Lee M. Smith. LADIES' $8.50, λ came home from L. CanD, the hie q Λ η. who pastor 4 Ann of Ava Miss Ethel Crockett Treae -S F. Hlcknell. at tbe church 5 Work of Boardman 16, 2000. Mvne General Hospital wife, Baptist Tuesday Sec —Charles F. Rldlon. 13.50, 13.50, 15.00, 50, 21.50. as Gifts of this week. Those Miss Flora March H. Eastman. Aprons β doing well since hie evening connected I C. H.—Uay TUESDAT EVENING P. S.—Harvey E. Powers. CHILDREN'S COATS $2.98, 3 98, 4 98, 5.98, with tbe Baptist churches of For reason of its Norway] 7 30 M u sic tbe Choir Κ A. C —W. S. Cordwell. aprons for Xmas rtfjro. and South Paris have been and by Dainty gifts. invited, Twenty seven years In Burma work at M.3 V—J H. Murdock. 7.50. .., F irrar left for Madi- usefulness—the of a will be Monday the pastors and representatives of the | Hrnztda Kev. John Ε curamlngs M. 2 V.—A. F. Goldsmith. gift pretty apron appreci- « to the win- under the of Ox M. 1 V F. Eastman. r.r-specie spend other churches. Evening's program auspices —George woman. If have a of the fori Association E. Forbce. ated almost any you ... > ; voûter, Mrs. U. K. Baptist Young People's Chap.—Arthur Underwear by gift Burr F. President P. Jones. H. Co. Muslin "Une of its usual times" was en- Jones, Org.—H. F. good S. s.—chas. I), kind to do well to the Tmue WELNESDAÏ MORNING Seeiey. Noyes Xmas Gifts that buy. you'll inspect large variety for joyed by the Western Avenue Club Fri- J. 3.-C. E. McArdle. Nice made underwear gifts. and little son have 9 30 Praise Service of newest kinds shown here. Torrey day afternoon, when it met with Mrs. South Paris (2 Stores) Norway for woman of refinement has 9:45 Thanksgiving Ann Mrs. F ml W. Shaw Dow of Old state will be any ι MM here, after «pend- F. Farnum. Ten of tbe members C. C. Town, deputy appreciated, at anil Tea George 10.-00 The Deacon's Truth Elva Abbott Is Look the 25c 50c Aprons. *>-eks with Mrs. j f the Modern Woodmen of America, an ate of daintier Our line is com- it Torrey*s peo- spent a aocial afternoon, and one of the Singing, audience standing im love lingerie. i the interests of tbe insurance χrield. was 10:30 D W. Kimball town in 'J pleasant features tbe sitting down Systematic Giving with the choicest at reasonable ple»: [0 45 Giving to tbe Cause of Christ f the order. plele very prices. Robinson tbe to "refreshments" at a beautifully deco- A. G. Rev -i-it A. supplied Murray Millett commenced work Tues- WHITE SKIRTS 2.50. -· church in St. rated supper table. Discussion Beryl 98c, $1.25, 1.9S, Ribbons jr-Vr Jobnsbury, av for tbe Maine Floral Supply Co. Fancy ν Ν ν 29. the fol- WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON returning As the entertainment in connection taking wreaths and rope trimming. NIGHT ROBES 50c, S7C, 9SC, $1.25, 1.50, 1.9S. for hundreds of Christmas uses, for mak- 1 -30 Praise, D. W. Kimball Ribbons lowog Wednesday. with the annual fair of the Uni- Prayer, Purpose who is as Norway 2:00 The Courage of Our Pioneers B'ynne Allen, employed CHEMISES 50c, 9SC. $1.25, 1.50. for Christmas versalist churcb. the "The Brook- D. Herbert Jones tbe State ing fancy articles, tying up packages, r: Ponds A. The 'uramings Dirigo Handkerchiefs thing assortment Dresden ribbons for •j, and Abbott by ram is as follows: Roll Call, French by of fancy H. Walter Den- il Fire Insurance Large ·,. occupied by Company, overruling than ether W Λ iud M. W. Maxim Friday. formerly elebrities; France as a Nation, Oert- given as Xmas gifts ar.y single nison, who now resides in Auburn, Ind., he exceptions of tbe defence and con- generally work, good widths, 17c, 19c, 25c. ude Lib by : an evening in the Louvre, of our handkerchief λ subscription dances, pat- has changed hands through a Portland irmini; the decision in favor of the The lavishness display Values in ribbons at 10c, is abel Leavilt. Have reserved this object. 5c, i2$c. amly by the older dancers, the name of the not >laintiff. space Special attorney, purchaser S Andrews is with with its nice into the thou- ο Grange Hall The from the of Dexter stopping quality goods, r.umbernig weekly. beiug given out. Burr F. Jones, super- This case resulted burning week»*, was r*. John F. Swain for several we have antici- *■. ; the series last Thursday I inteudent of schools, who now occupies he buildings of Nelson P. Cumtnings, on sands, leaves no room to doubt 'that e make* lile home with bis sister, Mrs. items?. tbe house, has a lease of the vhat Is known a* the George W. Stevens Furs as Gifts premises A. Holden of Concord Junction, desire. until next summer. dace in Paris. At the time Nelson P. for HOLIDAY GOODS ad. pated your » Ε. Walker and Miss Priscilla a woman who never would a he was HANDKERCHIEF VALUE, very There's many buy for 'ummings purchased the place, SPECIAL ( .· x; ect to leave on Friday East-bound trains Friday were a num- Mrs. Lizzie Edwards has returned inder twenty-one years of age, and narrow ladies' size. We consider fur for herself, but would nevertheless thor- s V where will visit at the a >me a two months' visit with her fine all linen, hem, piece they ber of hours laie on accouut of freight in his after • after bough one deed had been made Nathan A. Chase till wreck a short distance we«t of Bethel, tee, Mrs. Rowe, at East Walton. Mass. a of this kind. We have the ïame, another was later made in the next week. this the best value obtainable anywhere, only I2^c oughly appreciate gift Cbr.-'"η·*· when a dozen freight cars loaded with rs. Ada Ilill is living with Mrs. Ed· ïame of his father, B. F. Cummngs. kind that will her. wheat were trains ards. each. please -· :a G iwell has finished the sea- piled up. Saturday were insured in the Diri- > ["be buildings son of and were delayed by a wreck at Me- William Knightly, yonngest Gents' and Children's Handkerchiefs from MUFFS $4 50, 4.98, S.oo, 10.00, 12.50, 15.00, 5 » tr "uruer for Mrs. L. C. Smiley again go company. A few weeks later the Ladies', chanic Fails Junction, when a Grand red cut bis leg while work· ; to her borne in Lisbon. Miss j ζ were burned. The company Knigbtly, 18.00. re: •uildings in tbe woods It to in and fancy. 16.50, a Trunk freight train struck the middle of g Monday. required 5c 50c plain V erne is in Mrs. Smiley'· store untested payment of the policy, on tbe a Maine Central which was on veral stitches to close tbe wound. r: : >f tbe time. freight ! that in his Nelson P. j, the diamond, and mussed con- ;round application The Mothers' Club gave Mr. and Mrs. things up j stated that he was owner of dance in Grange "ummings a Mon- Τ eie will be asocial «iderably. No one was hurt in either,' and E. Marston pleasant surprise * he property, whereas he never was, of Η» -«lay evening, with music by accident. ty evening, when several members hat he also stated that the premises Shaw « Orchestra. Dancing 50 cents e club visited them at their home. N. Bolster Co. At tbe vestry of the Universaliet \ rere occupied by himself and tenant, Dayton : le: spectators 10 cents. Car for Dp corn and apples were served during p*: church Saturday afternoon, under the rhereas he had never occupied them V «λ,· after the dance. e evening, and the time was upentin a direction of the superintendent of tbe limse'.f, only the tenant being there. icial way and with music. Mr. Mars- i «κ Mary Adams, designer in the cradle roll of tbe School, Mrs. Walter L. Gray and James S. Wright 35 MARKET Sunday o has been ill but is improving. SQUARE, •t store of Mrs. Powers at Nor- Hattie the members of tbe cradle rere counsel for Cummings, and Samuel ery Dean, The season for through the ice at Ε Tolnian s. for tbe defend- Selling way who has been C. roll and their mothers were entertained ; V. Gould of Skowhegan Chas. and r pickerel has begun. Hugh ( has i· 'tie to her borne in North Edge- from 2:30 till 4:30. In all tbere were nt company. last NORWAY, ke nice fish one ι MAINE. < in 1914 at got forty day 30UTH PARIS, S ci τ tbe season having finished. forty-four prevent, a larger number than At the March term of court SrtlLtY YSTEfl SIX STOffti were Seven new names were Îouth Paris, the case was assigned for .' has been laid ofi from bis expected. ! Mre. D. M. French have re· Γ>. Dean in dis- Mr. and added to tbe cradle roll. Refreshments ! rial, but as there were no facts w * at the Paris Manufacturing Co. for rned from their visit in Portland. were served, and the occasion was very J iute there was no jury trial. Instead i few days by getting hie hand against a Mr. and Mrs. Everett F. Bicknell spent for all concerned. be case was heard briefly by Judge King, Hamlin and knife while a change in pleasant with J. Ilenry ■■■_■ s.»:·■■. making j rho at the term, and he gave a baDkeglviog Ten Lombard log haulers were snip- , the machine, cutting a two-inch gash. KINO DISTBICT. presided of Woodforde. Their daughter, lecision for tbe in the sum of roily \ rd at one time from the factory at plaintiff Us Grace Bicknell, who is teaching in A. C. Witbam and Howard Record, Kimball is at home with the amount of the policy, with in- Ç' .iter ν 11 le to Van Buren, for use in the j Earl working >1200, e Institute of to Perkins Watertown, THE on a case went JtJ w -h two teams, have to work j his father ereet. On the roods. gone nowadays. exceptions ass., wax also a guest. Withara bas taken to j ci rra^t wh'ch Mr. he law court. Sisters will a whiet Mrs. Amos Canwell called on the fam- ; Tl.» So ίο fr*1 Intro· The Pvthian give b.i several hundred cords of pu'p wood of her Walter I at K. P. Hall on Tuesday evening Born. station on ily nephew, Twitcbell, an of a irty DOOR! tr η to West Peru Ιο action assumpsit upon pol- Dickvale i 8 o'clock. All membere who possi- Clothing Sunday. of tire insurance submitted to the the Maine Central. cy are to furnish one y can expected Nov SO. 10 the wife of Fred Davit, A lot of the and wells remain who reodered judg- In Norway, letters and card· in South springs (residing justice ble and refreshments. t Wlnnlfred. Advertised in favor of the Held: daughter, Amy dry, and people are wishing and hoping oent plaintiff. the In Kumford, to the wife of Maurice Roderick, Pari· office Dec. 7: can be Francis Rich, thirteen-year-old poet rain. 1. That title, once » eoo. for acquired, m of Herbert Rich, left bis home Tues- Mrs. A C. Duw j divested in the life time of In Canton, Nov. 27, to the wife of Clarence D. Parmenter 'oluntarily unknown to his parents. a Hertiert Mrs. Carrie Briggs and granddaugh-; deed. »y morning, Hey, daughter Reliability Cie«ton Ρ Spears he grantee only by of the station it In Kumford, Dec., to the wife of George Lent- ter, who have been a few first fter inquiries agent t H. Canwell spending j 2. That if the delivery of the ert, a daughter. have re- aa found be had bought a ticket ν and Price C. L. Mouikin months on Mrs. Briggs' farm, was condl- a word at this time about leeds to the plaintiff ocly Mr. Fel-^for Just Quality turned to St. Johusbury, Vt., where ontreal. Hie brother-in-law, Because of trouble with it· lighting ional, still under the agreed statement him to those who do their own think- will the winter. ws, went to Montreal and brought Married. together, may appeal Mason Manufacturing Co. last they spend if facti, the father by the subsequent piant, the >me Wednesday morning. and will not be influenced or worked hours a !1 leed became trustee aod took only the ing by flishy advertising week only eight day, Memorial Church. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cook of Ells- Mr. Arthur T. Deerinj; the the In Worcester, Mass., Nov. 26, out its forty-hour schedule 1 iaked legal title while plaintiff, their Mia· Blanche Whltte- traders. ((.reading a of the re- oith will the winter with toyal of Worcester and unscrupulous and Ai» continuation program took the title. spend over five days instead of four, shut-1 ion, equitable Mrs. M. L. Kimball. lore of Boston. cent New couveotioo of Metb- Higher, Ν. Nov. the Rev. Perc vat1 on England j1 3 That if the delivery of the first In Berlin, H., 24, by ting down only Saturday. M. Akers has taken tbe W. L. of Ind odist men, tbe pastor. Rev. C. I. Spear, is was the Vivian I. Wood, Mr. Irving B. Leighton Gllead leed whs absolute the plaintiff for N. aH. For Over Years Arthur T. of Worcester, Mass., a series of ««rmooi on "Tbe Pol- ! errill studio and opened up busl-1 ll«e Elizabeth M. Simpson of Shelburne, 25 Royal giving if it was conditional, be be- 3. H. Runka of on égal owner; lu Pari*. Nov. 2*. by Rev. of South Paris, was married and Sought in Every, the sec- ids Tuesday morning. Mr. Nlekanen and formerly icy Objectives :»me the owner under came .anesvllle, Man·., Auguet This store has stood between the Miss tbe series was equitable Mrs. Don C. Seitz of New York both of Paris. (Corrected.) clothing buying pub- Thanksgiving Day, the bride being Church." Tbe iirsi of either there was Iles Selon* Falck, ] >nd deed and in event, She called ou Nov. Mr. D. Thurston of lic and We have ever a Blanche Wbittemore. Miss Whittemore on The seven I Norway Thursday. In Portland, 28, Hugh high pricc*. represented given Sunday morning. j1 ίο false in bis applica- and Mise Alma N. Cook of Portland. ■ to tethel some but representation iends in the and then went has been in Boston for years, objectives and tbe topics of tbe sermons, ! which he stated village Nov. 28, Rev. G. W.81as, Mr. number of the best manufacturers and have sold their ;lon to the defendant in visited the In Waterford. by for tome time a resident of tbe dates, are as follows: îe Seitz farm. Friday she iason McAllister and M Us Bessie J. Skinner, was formerly with was "the of the hat he owner" prem- Harrison. Waterford. at the most moderate Weet Paris. Personal uramit Spring Hotel, oth of goods prices. 1 OrRanlzei EvangeMsm-Every aes. her In Waterford, Nov. 28, bv Rev. G. W. Slap, Member With a Definite Task. Mrs. John Hutchins is visiting were desired more tr. L. and Miss Edith B. Stanley, Two train loads of horses, which Dec β. Men Winning Men. 4. That if the defendant and Henry Durgtn or tughter, Mrs. Richard Lasselle, oihof Waterford. French 2. A of Coinmunltv Service— some- as to the kind •aid to be going to the army, Program articular knowledge Mr. Hutchins, In Nov. 23. Rev. George W. On Our Floor In community have ,mily, at Gardiuer. Brldgton, by on the Grand Trunk thing accomplished ixtent of hie ownership it should Mr. Ern-fct L. Pike and Mrs. Gussle L. went down Tuesday betterment each vear. i lraa Harriman and daughter Florence larber, more both of Waterford. for and besides 500 of them in all. One Dec. 13. An Heal Coinmunltv. 11 lougbt the information by specific them the last of 'erklns, Stands your inspection comparison, morning—over >ent several days with In South Waterford, Nov. 28, by Rev. G. W. for the 3. lncrea»»» In Benevolence Offerings, the Ap- : | a manhood can't help feeling bad poor nquiry. Mr. Thomas Warren of Port- correct when he "Youth is blunder, suits In Kull a» the Mini-j las, Raymond Disraeli laid, the well known KUPPENIIEIMER goods, pric- to think what tbey have «bead of pnrtlonments overruled. and mil and Miss Alice May Hamlin of South beasts, mum, ami the Goal "As Much for Exceptions Mr. and Mrs. Mellie Dunham, Mr. is ONLY TOO old a Often, alas, this as as and for custom work is said 'here are several thou- as «elves." ruterford. a age regret?" ed low $16.00, them. It Others rs. Mr. and Mr». A. WAS struggle, samples Cross Seals. Abbott, | Iu South Hiram, Nov. 23, Mr. Hartley Pen- to come. Dec. 27 The Korwanl Call. Buy Red Spaulding old be? Υδη oan it sand of them yet Farnbaro and W. H. Hersey bave re-, exterand Mte-> Ermx Spring TEUE. What will YOUR age prevent from the well known house*. 4. An Effective Program In Each Chun h for is about time | It In ethel, Nov. 26, Mr. Walker and Mine use this sound, I At the meeting of Hamlin the Whole I lfe of the Young irned from their hunting trip near) Clyde at door if you regular People 1 to your Red urrtc Dwluell. a wolf of EEGEET snarling your Tailors and The House of es- from their Recreation to their Life buy Lake. The being Ro)al Kuppenheimer. Sisters, to be held 'Γι •utli Aim, Richardson In Oxford, Nov. 25. Mr. Otho Holdcn and Miss own IVmple, Pythian j Work. Cross Christmas matters. For your FUTITEE good a on? which was shot by 'earl I ocke, both of Oxford. reliable bank in your money The fact that this house is entrusted with such the D. D G. C Fannie Η. | 5. Sunur|lmmlgrant Population member his over. will als» be a the storm Mr. Hersey lost Think it Maxtield of Yarmoutbville, •'an 10 The Alton In Our MHlst. Seneca Club and ring 2 cent interest on check account of $500 and over, on even α Meth- I and after waudering about for Wepay per There will be work Id both 7. The Bible, a MethodWt Hymnal, stores of N. farings, present. In at the Died. at odist Paper and a family Altar ime time he concluded tu build a fire Interest credited to account last of every month. decrees. Meeting will be called 7:30. D. Bolster Co hundreds. your Every Home. for It was a Bulwarks of the Home. & An- id wait daylight. long, Miss Mae Pales Penfold of Port- Jan. 17. Eastman Dec. Holman W, Monk, aged EASTMAN & ANDREWS Little resome night ami will not soon be for- In BuckOeld, 4, Connected with Mis· Grace ears. Savings Department been with her grand- drews, or a 2 land has staying Oxford Pomona Election. »tten either Mr. Hersey the party E. 91 few and Mrs. by In Lovell, Nov. 22, John Emery, aged AND FURNISHERS m Mrs. Morton, for a Thayer, to CLOTHIERS ther. Agnes bad a ; ho awaited bis return camp. j ears, 9 months. MAINE. Oxford Pomona Grange large j. The are to be BRANCH BANK AT BUCKFIELD, I are. Her mother, Mrs. Ralph B. Pen· C. Smiley. proceeds and of Ashland, In Lovell, Nov. 19, Mrs. Hannah M. Harmon, at i'a annual meeting held at A. A. Towue family was to Water- attendance levoted to the work of the Maine Anti- · £8 years. fold of Portland, called are neveral wpeks with ged South Paris. Paris Hall last Tu At tbe not to th·» war as»., spending In North Waterford, Nov. 25, Mrs. Fay, wife 31 Market Square, r i dea'b of her brother's wife, Grange today. Tuberculosis Association, Mr·. by the >. Tewne'e pareuts, Mr and c f Walter Lord, aged 30 years. forenoon session officers for the coming { as is the case In some states Mrs. Walter Lord. Mr·. Lord leaves elief fund In CaUon, Dec. 3, Mies Κ file I. I ullcr, aged 58 at afternoon rank P. Towue. were elected, and tbe of all the who die ears. seven children, the oldest twelve years year One-third people Whittridge > were Rev J. H. The estate of T. Jackson Nov Charles J. Elliott session 'bey installed by | let ween the ages of 18 and 45 die of in South Rumford, 23, 1 and the one month. as of age youngest of the Paris S'reet, known the Parngard c f Boston, aged 38 years. Little of Bethel, past chaplain , uberculosis. Over 1,000,000 people in ace, bas been sold to the Roman Cath- ! he annual drama is under prépara- State Grange. They are as follows: States are now from he I'nited suffering for it η the senior class of Paris High a ie Bishop .if Portland occupancy, by M.-J. H. Edwanls, tKIsùeld. t, and it is claiming 200,000 victims Esst Waterford. le 'he will be used Notice of Public Sale. >'··ΌθΙ. It is entitled, "New England «».—L. Ε Melntlre, is and understood place Paris. J fnar. It intectious, preventable and at virtue of the vested In the un· WHITE CARRIAGE ROBES I. —A. M. Ryerson, ir a for the By authority or "Among tbo Berkshire*." out if residence priest, of k·," S.— Harolil ». Pike, Sout*i Wnterford. < uruble, und could be stamped ersliined. a« anmlul'trator of tin: estate " une future time the Catholic church ^ '»e who take are Arthur Patch, S wassuf- L.'iron H. WhithHiu. late of Denmark, In the ; part A. —Arthur Huck, Norway. ■verv individual and community «i. w sias. South vvnterfonl. iw at the coruer of Paris and Charles of Oxford and state of Maine, and under at The Tucker Harness Store tiald Wight, Raymond Penfold, Ralph «'hap.—Rev. and took proper ounty For the Babies, South farls. iciently enlightened vacant lot ccu»· the Judge of Probate in and Leslie Keniston, Llewellyn Trea».—Charles Edwards, treets will be moved to the granted by Aodrewa, Rw — Mrs Clara Ryerson, Parts. I ictlon. It is as useless and unuecessury >r the said county, on the third Tuesday »f Miss the house. not'ee that Robes for the babies Bartlett, Miss Mary Cummings, II. K.-Herman Ma»»n, Bethel vaste of life as that of the thousands jr lovember, A. D. lwH, I hereby give I have several of White Fur at the of on the styles !' Miss Eva Andrews. Miss Pomona—Miss Lizzie Κ Hall, East Waterford. In the Wednesday evening vestry i-halleell at public auction, premises, >rothy Wight, vho have lost their lives European was ten in the forenoon, Ceres—Mrs. L. E. Melntlre, Fa^i Waterford. le Methodist church a reception α said Dennmaik, at o'clock for and Come in and see them. cases be cured about A. D. 1915, the $5.00, $6.00 $7.00. Myra Haggctt. Flora—Mrs. Lizzie Pike, South Waterford. var. Incipient may In honor η the eighth day of January, ven the League estate of the said Aaron L. A. S.—Mrs. Hattle Buck, Norway. I our times In five, moderately advanced by Epwortb jliowlng described real Frienda of J. Fred Henry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Urnhall Gammon and I. Wltham, to wit: < once five and advanced now of Canton, All officers are the same as the preced- :ases , A lot or of land with the build- f -tiieriy of South Pari·, r. and Mrs. Ralph Harriman. certain parcel with tbe of secretary. :ases about once in two hundred. thereon described a« follows: Beginning are s irry to learn of the misfortune· ing exception only Mrs. Solomon Jackson gnve a birth- age of South Paris who In Maine there !a no state t the side of the county road leading are having. On account of ill Mrs. S. Ε Jackson hospital Nov for hrr son northerly said Denmark to to?y »y party Saturday, 27, rom Denmark Corner, In OF THI TUCK·* unable to had served and well for seven where tuberculosis in all its forms rosy said PROP. he*!th Mr. Henry has been faithfully who was twelve years old on Irldgton, In Cumberland County, and state,1 in the office of I >e treated. In this Maine Is far radley, the corner of the land of HARNI88 STONI. *"rk for some months, and now Mrs teen years continuously regard wo rods from Easterly N. iat dav. .oren thence with the easterly James Favor, a and Mr·. I jehind other states. The object Newell, parallel SUITS declined re-election, many LADIES' and the oldest of the children who secretary, has gone to North O. Pendexter ••lenry ('has. S. Akers ne of I.orcn Newell and Charles 1 was cbosen as her successor. ( )f the Maine Anti-Tuberculosis Associa- parallel with 91 Μ·Ιη St., Norway, Malm· •re at home are both ill. Some measure Ryerson arolina, where he Is to canvass for the welve (12) rods; thence easterly the :ion is to knowledge concerning aid road ten and a half rods; th*nce southerly re^ef bas been them by spread ational Co. of Portland. provided Will Have Offices af South Paris. treatment and of Survey arallei with said Newell and Pendexter line of thi· :he cause, prevention of on Hapti«t Ladle·' Aid place. for Harriet E. Mains, formerly Norway, welve (12) rods to said road, thence westerly dt Son have the contract :be to assist in providing to the first A. W. Walker disease; a sonior in Leland Stanford lie northerly side of said road two hundred at- of Dd now 1 A party of about erect an office building for the Mason the establishment lentloced bound. to :onsumptives by was recently elected to the All Harked Down tended the ladies' night of Hamlin at their at nurses niversity, Nowry, Maine, Deremlter4,1914. Manufacturing Co. factory lanatoria, hospitals, dispensaries, N. at Hall Friday I hi Beta Kappa society. WALTER POWERS, Lodge, K. P.. Pythian South Paris, and are now at work on it. ind otherwise; to secure proper legisla- Administrator. entertainment of Evirs is HI with pneumonia 4 9-51 evening A program of this is tbe :ion for the relief and prevention Raymond When completed, general t tho home of his Mr. and Mr·1, Included reading* Miss Marion Chase have here- parents, by offices of the company, wbicb :uberculoaia. the care of a the same tbe has. Evir*, and is under FARMER of who pleasure moved swell PROSPEROUS Portland, gave been in will be stamp you buy help· t«e tofore Portland, Every nurse. »s at former here, a Great White a'ned her appearance to South Paris. fund for stamping out this lias Jack>on. and Put The Andrews Real Estate Agency | so and hard p ano solo Miss Nellie new is situated about in our own Stato of Maine. iteamsDip Gorpon Has become through good management by Tbe building Plague on of >ld the Alton Maxim house Green In Schedule In Effect Nov. 23rd vocal solos Mi·· Alice Bardeo ane on each of Christmas letters, Changes a account by ten feet west of tbe factory building, your to Elmer W. Cord- work. On the side and cake were that treet in Norway PRICE good management checking West Paris. Icecream entrance of and But remember HALF and jtist north of tbe main jarda packages. with for- 'ell from Albany. at the bank has often been of The farmer who served, and games and dancing, the on the west side. The tbe post office department distinctly &3.00 REDUCED FARE great help. a factory The W. C. T. U. will meet Wednesday, Howard Shaw at the closed of concrete the use of Red Cross Seals on the same piaao, will be 20x40 feet, bids Howard D. at TO check never for the thing building must be »ec. 9. with Mrs. Smltb, pays everything by pays pleasant affair. blocks It will contain one general face of mail matter. They er home on Oak Avenue and has a for dollar We two offices on the on tbe back. NEW YORK twice, always receipt every paid. An entertaining farce was "No Men office and private placed Mrs. Emma J. Smith of Lisbon Fails la and there will also be some the accounts of the farmers of thia section of the Wanted, "presented as the principal feat- ground floor, the winter with her alater, welcome on tbe second floor. Important Questions. pending ure of the entertainment at the Decem- room available M. M. Fuller. Walne Steamship Line in our to make shouldn't South Paris have a 1rs. state, doing everything power banking by Good Why who has been in Steamship North Land leaves Franklin Wharf, ber supper of the Universalis does Oxford H. L. Drew, working or library building? Why 'nnlsnd, at « 00 p. in. on Nov. 24, 28, and Dec. mail as as Call 'beer Society Tuesday evening. Miss Paris Orange Election. Canada has returned home. entirely satisfactory personal deposit. Connty pay $3000 for the support of the I. 8, 12,17. 22, 26 and 31. Mis· Ethel Pari· have been received announcing sei : Three a week. us we bj to extend Maud Martin and Campbell At Its annual meeting Saturday, its with Cards Freight vice sailings write to and shall pleased you every county jail and prisoners, prac- Porter to of our Ladies' the two man-bating (?) bachelor officers for the comiog lie marriage of Helen M. Many played Grange cbuse no return in labor ? Why could Boston nnd Portland Line and in our power. and Miss Viola Walton as the will be Installed tically 'rank Cleeves of Auburn on December courtesy help girl* well, year as follow·. They the be worked on the town Fares In Effcct Nov. 2nd. wae not prisoners lived In Nor- Redm-etl colored housework lady especially next d. Miss Porter formerly at the meeting: streets and county roads? What c»uld Leave Franklin Wharf, Portland, week days Other numbers of the program and and moved to Auburn week and Children's Goats good. M.—A. M. Ryerson. be done to make South Paris mure beau- ray Paris, it 7.00 p.m. RETURNING—leave iloston Herrick and State and were a duet by Mis· Leona O.—Prank Dudley. and vital nly a few yeara ago. lays at 7.0n p. m. steamships Ray — tiful ? These other questions, Harlan a violin aolo Mias L A. E. Morse. Baker baa retnrned Governor Dlnglcy. Abbott, by life of the will be treat- Miss Margaret β.—Ernest Talbot. to tbe the town, been for Fare between Portland and Boston, $1.25. an reading by — where she has Dean, entertaining A. 3 Austin Stearns, Jr. Rev. C. I. in bis sermon, rom Portland, Staterooms, $1.00. at reduced ^r*°e the of ed by Spear ber treated, prices. Mi·· Cora J. Mason, and aioging Chap —John 3. Brown. next everat weeks having eyea Treas.—W. E. Twite hell. "An Ideal Community," Sunday International Line "It'· a Long Way to Tipperary," by ery much Improved. Sec —Charles Edwards. morning. Reduced Fares In Effect Nov. 2nd. THE NORWAY NATIONAL BANK Maater Elmer Dean. « Κ.—B. F. Hicks. tbe will tbe and In the evening pastor give When baby suffers with croup, apply give to Ht John Ryerson. once. 8afe for Portland $4.50. musio is Ceres—Clara of a series of talks to lr. Thomas Eclectic Oil at A program of Chriatmaa giv- Wheeler. last young people, 25c and 30". Portland to Ea»tport $4.00. Pomona—Annie blldren. A little goes a long way. *o Club, which holds Bailey. "How to choose a wife." North Star leaves Portland Mon· OF NORWAY. MAINE. by the Euterpean Klora—Hattle II all drag stores. Steamship lu December meeting with Mrs. Shurt L. A. 8.—Ida Sturtevant. Wednesday night Rev. C. J. Brown, lays, at 5.00 p. m. for Bastnort, Lubec, Maine, Chorister—Clara Annls. an and St. John, Ν. K. RETURNING—leave Port- The full of Methodist Sun- runs down—mskes you Ιββ this Monday afternooo. state superintendent Impure blood you j land for Boston Fridays at β.ΟΟ a. in. on "A disease. For blood and is: of Paris Build- Schools will give an address asy victim for pure program The members Grange day ound digestion—Burdock Blooit Bitters. At all Club are notified that there Man's Job." All invited. · Portland and Rockland Line Kojl call—Cbrlstmss quotations log Association rug stores. Price, 11.00. ■"'•Heia—Overture—Lu»t»plel, of the association at Steamer Monhrgan leaves Portland Tuesday-) Annie. will be a meeting na ural and Mrs. Rurnbam, Mrs· Smiley, Mrs. Agricultural Society Officers. For regular action of the bowels; easy ind at 7.00 a. m. for Boothbay Harbor, High grade Arise Vocal trio Hall on Saturday, Dec. 12, 1914, l>oan s Fridays Port Klnecia—Ye shepherd· Grange of the Oxford lovtmenu, relief of constipation, try Sew Harbor, Round Pond, Friendship, *r·· «ernes, Mtss Thayer, Mrs. Morton p. μ to set on the follow* At tbe annual meeting 25c at all stores. Harbor and Rockland. _ at 3 o'clock legulets L'iyde, Tenant's Piano solo at Andover'' and Economical Tchalkowskl—Deeember lug article: To see if the member· of North Agricultural Society RETURNING—leaves Rockland Mondays MIm Morton were elected: at 6.01 a in., touching at bove land, Vocal solo the association will vote to let the the following officers Thursdays Atructe.i what is love?" asked the came Hendry'a and Ladies' and Gents Rubber Sole bale in Gun Metal will euro all that, only disfiguring but are often exceeding- "And that, A sickly smile upon )>oom·, canals, channels, made excavate, her an and ether improvement* of a like cbar«.ier > ^ — and make again form the habit of ualng young husband anxiously. features and immediately. ly painful, passed C. LEAVITT CO., tbe rivers and streams In said last Gall and and VIGOROUS. to back the cuticle 'First clean An old m::n on a sickbed, pale WM. Townsblp», and Russia Calf on the new English 8TRONO, WELL orange stick, puab "Why, the book says, lay "Pardon me," said the attorney. C21 cleared, took possession of and enjoyed Pills at the nearest from nails after yon " I am a close Maine. •ufllclent land In said Townsiilp· fur a Get Foley Kidney the every morning your turkey,' replied she, "and and emaciated. At table by, "The testator me to notify ut; Norway, tin' THEM water. appointed (S) camps, store houses, ncrt see for store and START TAKING have washed the hands In warm use toilet sat of his purchased yourself. drag wondering whether I should with materials before him, of this camps and other structures on said T< wniMw cost less than the doctor care of the veiling you singular provision TO-DAY. They This simple nails, together — Boston and for them, and of or regular scouring soap." a tua a with tiiut expression on his will. Further than that I have noth- equipments and do more. The genuine Foley Kidney with keeping them well-shaped (4) built camps, store house», store t length of time. The simplest idence not of the marriage, but me these Mr. Cut- only and made other improvements of Do not the care of the nails, be- of a tree is one that civilized "Read to bequests, Townships W. 0. Froth slight height of tlie hour, minute and even second klud and nature similar and varying is matter. Kemember man. ingham, cause it a simple man owes to one of the most primitive ler," said the sick Whereas It is recited in said agrément, aaonr FOR SALE. are married is worth do- on which you pronounced other as follows: Maine. that "what Is worth doing races—the Australian busbmen. Stand Mr. Cutler read over two or three in Buckfield Village. things South Paris, Five ehoats, about 100 pounds each. well." This to the care by the person who performed the cere '•in case of the breach of any of the termi of ing may apply toward the tree at a to over this said (Cheshatni LumUri.oc One horse 1200. aa to with youv back items, none of them amounting sworn to and agreement by Five pigs. weighing of our as well mony. This must be or of the failure of said (Chechaui personal appearance think the of the as late Kimball Prince pany, Lumber 1100. One point that you top Known the to a s<-i» η One horse weighing cheap what is termed our greater duty—buai- 1100. certified by a notary." Company cut during lognlng ι, 1050. One a tree would reach If the tree were felled. amount of lumber as lacalled for t·. ter., work horse, top neaa. buaineaa of in the "1 to acres in 1 carriage. Thla keeping "Now," continued testator, "It is not necessary for my cousin Contains 18 or the failure of sal·! seta look back between Homestead. hereof, of t.e«han; One cheap concurd wagon. Two well con- Stoop down and am to fulfill tbe tcnr.j good, well-cared-for, groomed wish you to put the following in legal take all this trouble so far as 1 Lumber Company of thu double harness. Five harness. half an hour in the at the of the tree. Move house and ad said of single dition by taking your legs top "I would and pasture, large agreement, Improvement» mm Paris, 'My nephew, Edward lien concerned," said Ilendry. tillage streams nml rivers, over or through which toe 40tf N. Q. ELDER, South j and the aame at for the or backward until you can language: morning night forward her and lumber cut on said Townships must pat.· Ιο m its son of brother of the same not be so ungallant as to keep •table. Fine loca ion. Price care of the givea back over the dry, my to said hrrol Dam and all Silos! pbyaical being Just see the sky highest not Ing driven lmprou Mountain a fortune if I could, and I'm and nature on -a: T Green value in a dlatinct asaet, in what- Lillian the from ments of kind ,w:. charm, there mark. The name, and my niece, Clegg, For every branch: make your no ierms reasonable. particu- said farm an t —WANTED— ever of life we find ouraelvea. minded to marry at present I see very ships, Including camps, ba!.j plane distance from that mark to the trunk daughter off my sister, Elizabeth Clegg, thereon and all to our line of het own- Inge equipment pertaining Capable men to sell full reason why she should not marry lars of Geo H. the lumber business shall Immediately le^n* will be the height of the tree. There are to be notified after my death ut the inquire Hersey, SHOULD HAVE ONE Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Notes. enter the of the property and revert to said Realw Cox EVERY FARMER so built that lover and upon possession this Fall and Winter may be some boys they same hour uud minute that whichever er, St. Albans, Vermont. Property pany:" Roses, etc., during the and the said Cbesham Lumber Company cannot measure anything higher than property." luring nesson. Experience not necessary. is first married shall inherit the residue divide it broken the terms of sal·! a/re· in. nt Are there plenty of nuts, apples, and but "I wonder why uncle didn't will be shown Fred A. to Address a bush this method, " by Taylor, therefore, notice Is hereby given of the Uood pay tbe right parties. the gooseberry by a Now, pop corn stored away for cold, long of my estate.' between us." said the girl after Intention of tbe American I even these will And it an amusingly Realty Company, a its value. We are CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, winter that are coming aoon? laid down his and Buckfield, Maine. having taken possession of all ti.'·,«·, cat I The farmer who has silo appreciates Ν. Y. evenings scientific The lawyer pen pause. 22tf The Rochester Nurseries. ROCHESTER, accurate substitute for more template ! by said agreement In the event of t 1857. in- his chair aud, ad- Mountain, the recognized leader in the te-is Established, If aprona are not gored, but fulled looked fixedly at hie client. Ilendry rose from breach thereof by the Cbesham Lumber Coa I agents for the Green methods.—Youth's Companion. foreclose the ir.n'.r.e 1 in Γ to the band, they will wear twice aa long Mr. he "that his cousin, said: pany, to mortgage in creosote "I fear. Ilendry." said, dressing nnd a of said agreement for b"ta of In u The lumber in these silos is saturated do to ahow part country. and then when they begin so "You take time in making and Credit. by such u course you will entangle may your conditions. wood Place your of thin in front, they Cash withoul AMERICAN REALTY COMPANY which the life of the many years. signs growing right to neither wedding preparations prolongs be reversed and the to the Old Keverdy Scarlett of Baltimore your estate that it will go your By UKO. (i. WfckKs, It* Attorn ν for IMPERIAL'GRANUM may top put of youi so to have time to get it ready or be fear that I sball deprive you November 21,1914. tT-4ί order for one now, ample bottom and the uaefalnesa of the gar- In retmn for α favor of some kind your nephew nor your niece, but I as this must the waah- a inheritance, though to you harvest Rjod for ment will be prolonged for many other set out one day to give young absorbed in the chancery court" the fall NuisiugMother act own Incr*·*''» the quiuititjr Baltimore business man some good ad- "I'll risk the other. "I your pleasure." State of Maine. blower, and as and of h«T milk inga. that," replied We have the Blizzard cutter and good quality "One moment," said Lillian. "Mr. and κ1τι·β strength to Whatever our waa, our duty vice. have certain intentions, and if they bear thv strain of bum· yeaterday we divide tbe Τ OF Oxford, ns. November ! ·;« as there is made for the money. of life that la man." he "have you I care Cutler, can't property?" COUNT engine [Ln£. ia to make the moat "Young began, can't be carried out don't jvhere Taken this sixteenth day of Ν. to-day "Not until after one or the other has oura. got any cash?" fortune goes after my death. Put on an execution dated the tenth day BABY my π I Jortke been married and satisfied the ternit ranter, lal4, Issued on a judgment reMI US BEFORE BUYING. Orarum I» tha "Yes. sir." was the reply. as 1 In form." CALL AND SEE Imperial la there or a cake of you It down say proper the Court, In food that biud. part yeaat Norway Municipal ism* credit?" an of the will." on flr«t Arm fl> aave? it in a or bin of "And hove you got any The nearly half at the term thereof held the Tuesday ./( want to Put bag attorney spent a rli'l Miss hard for few 15.13, to wit, on the seventh da;· : and it will safe from "Yes. sir." hour over the then rend it to the Clegg thought January Send f flour where be heat, item, January, 1'J13, In favor of IL nry II Hut j»of and he blew moments. "Ned," she said at last, plvuud cold, molature and drying out. "Humph!" suid Reverdy, sick man, who appeared to be satis- Bethel In sabl county and against beor/.· Κ and aftei s. Id for twentv four ,r- "The a cloud of smoke into the air. "Well, "suppose you pet married Osgood of Bethel, ia some- tied with it. and said: nine debt or dama»., ai. ·!χ bleu." Boasted conacientiousneaa a of the and tblrtv cents, I'll this one little the wedding give me part .o-t· names ut 3 frieuds times but a mask to hide the skeleton of my boy, Just give you "Now write, Ί direct that my will dollar* and eighty three cents, at tbe l>U> k«a.:i & with bubles und u of counsel. Use your credit up will be sold at public auction SON, selfishness or conceit. piece remain in the of my attorney, property." vll u·· W. WALKER keeping I). in Betb.·; A. Cutr Kac Doll will shop of Harry Hastings ·*- first Your cash is good at any time." who is directed to you do that" said Bethel, the twenty-first day of !.· ·. <-r, be sent you. a bottle of Ebenezer Cutler, "Suppose If the contents of large at two o'clock In the afternoon, t.. f » JOHN CARLE Λ SONS, —Exchange. secret this and to an- "Whom would I marry?" 15)14, SOUTH PARIS, MAINE. olives is not entirely used, the remainder keep provision Ing described real estate, and all the rt/M, t. Desk V1,153 Water Su, New Tork that fine fellow Better Κ be fresh and fine flavored nounce it to ray nephew and my niece "Marry? Why. very Nothing and Interest, which tbe said »icor/e ί-/.·Ι may kept by wit are — has In the same, to half an inch of olive oil on the Manna. saine no advan- to whom you engaged." butter ,ι. pouring at the moment, giving than bread and Certain lots or parcels of land with tt manna of commerce comes I I'm not engaged. Bethel an ! 475U brine and corking the bottle tight. The tage whatsoever to either, and thot "Oh, dear. forgot! when the bread is made Ing* thereo" situated In said ;-«■•.n/ bad as the Ha/en bomciea l farm, from It is a sweet sub- sum of I said that only to make you feel known Osgood A cufe for the bluea—an chiefly Sicily. said attorney is to receive the Tell Flour. and the same convey. :·. ·.. guaranteed " from William being premises from a small tree for the treated me when Herri, k and Κ CONVINCING TESTIMONY errand of or for some- stance obtained $10,000 for faithfully carrying it out' way you Osgood by Addison E. mercy helpfulness more wholesome, December't ·■< known as the manna ash. This tree Nothing KUborn by their deed dated if by a walk I ask," said Mr. Cutler, Uncle"— D. one, accompanied, possible, "Who, may or a better food for HARRY BASTlMo Given by Many South Pari· People. in the fresh air. can be grown as far north as England, I out "Not engaged?" either, 47-49 Deputy M.erli "is to decide whether carry your because told South Paris but in that country it yields no manna "No." growing children, Experience* by peo- Do not silk when presaing it, intention faithfully?" dampen and is cultivated for ornameut only. "Excuse me for a moment," said the William Tell is made from PROBATE XOTICK». ple— as that will be almost aure to apot or 'The courts. If the matter is ques- who have had weak from the "I have a client waiting for of t e-ut. Those kidneys— bliater it. Uae a hot Iron and The n.anna is formed sap. tioned." lawyer. Ohio Red Winter Wheat, To all iiersons Interested In either fairly : Who used Doan's Kidney Pills— on are to be at me. I will return hereinafter named preas on the wrong side, or the right The trees ready tupped The immediately went to presently." richest in nutritive value. held at Part', In an the effective- attorney At a Probate Court, Who found remedy cloth between iron when the stems When be had closed the door behind on thu third 1 .» side with a paper or the age of eight years, work to express the provision in legal Miller! by a spécial process, for tbe County of Oxford, Such statement!* prove merit. of Noveml>er, In tbe year of our Lord or t and material. have a diameter of about three inches. was read him Lillian said: farther. More an utter parlance and when it finished William Tell goes eaml nine hundred Md fourteen. TIm You might doubt stranger. was foud of uû "Dear uncle! He very loaves to the sack in addition to been for i: You must believe South Paris If life'a elevator get· too crowded, it it to the testator, who. after making matter having presented people. wonderful bread hereinafter Indicated, It Is h ·».. a to the ataira. The seemed satis- both." inatingqualities. thereupon Here's South Paris proof. Verify It. isn't bad plan try Exceptional. a few minor corrections, ORDERED: be wished us to inherit Read. Investigate. Be convinced. climb may be a bit longer and harder, Mr. Bore—I dou't see why people fled with it. Then the lawyer copied "Yes, and (26) That notice thereof be given to all pel had not a of this or s You'll find South Parla folks be- but it is surer and safer. do called In wit- this property together. If I terested, by causing copy why frequently keep diaries, you? all that he had written, three weeks successively in I over that red published lieve in Doan's. made a fool of myself a Aa tbe potatoes get old add a little Miss Lenore—Why, to write down nesses, who signed the will, gathered tord Democrat, newspaper pnblute "I have used Doan's Pills and Paris, In said County, tliut they may at ι·.· Kidney are their freckled"— ·· to the water in which they their thoughts, keep α record of his papers and, after an encourag- headed, at said Pari». <■ ι: a sugar up Tell Probate Court to lie held found them ouo William have always good remedy as new of at -■ boiled. They will taste as good uffalrs and— ing remark to the sick man, withdrew. "Don't speak disrespectfully third Tuesday of Dec., A. D. 1'j14, MEN'S"" for kidney and bladder trouble," says clock In the forenoon, and be heard ther. f ones. Mr. Bore her)—But Two later Edward Ilendry re- you have loved." Mrs. Francis S. Harlow of Ave., (Interrupting days they see cause. Skillings be do A little aometimea rather that's all foolishness. I can keep those ceived u letter bearing the official "Love hanged!" Flour South Paris. "They praise spoils N. fcinrnon laic of Tari-, certainly no that uncle made Ephratm or lack & at- "I have doubt it ther- f the kidneys and relieve back- a big man woman, but I believe In my head. stamp of Cutler, Morrison Hyde, ceased ; will and petition for prol. strengthen will as lie did to us together." Emellne U. Emerson, tv t ache. I wait feeling badly recently and of appreciation dwarfs more. Miss Lenore—That's a very good torneys, notifying him of the death of his bring presented by was"— ecutrlx therein named. knew that my kidneys needed a tonic. not has the his uncle, David Hendry, and saying "That intention FOR SALE. LEATHER TOPS Do not cut into material without way, but, then, everybody ι·· WITH any Λ. Shaw late of lluckflel I. de. RUBBERS Pills from Shurt- "Thwarted I could no noth- Emily 1 Doan's Kidney was interested in the estate. He by you. ·<·: '■ got first carefully pinning the various parts room!—Judge. he One will and petition for probate thereof pn. Store and me re- eince another." Three sets two-horse sleds. thuc'.a lefTs Drng they gave of the pattern to it. Otherwise piecing was requested to call at the office of ing you preferred by Ueorge Burton dhaw, tbe executor a of Rubbers lief in a short time." re- "I dldn't—I mean I don't." set one-horse sleds. named. For we have made specialty or wasted material will almost surely On· Face. the firm on the 10th day of Septem- many years Only the late of Paris, deceased, w LATER TESTIMONY. sult. 10 o'clock a. m.. when he would "If you say a word against girl Fred L. Berry walked round and round the ber at thereof best that we can and our Bobby A. M. DANIELS, and petition for probate presente with Leather We have the buy for what ob- be informed as to the nature of his you loved I shall not respect you. Sup- Ella /. tbe executrix therein named. Tops. "I am certainly grateful Ever notioe it? Conceit, like moat visitor and seemed to be Inspecting Maine. Berry, Pills have done for in anil. Interest. Miss Lillian also re- pose it had been I that you loved and 47.50 Paris, now have our Doan's Kidney mo," jectionable weed·, thrives poor sides. Clegg Eatlirr J. Walle late of Ituckfleld.deceh· on these We her from all hav- sales have increased every year. said Mrs. Harlow on 1, 1912. "I ceived a notification to the same ef- she were now charglug you with will and (Million for probate thereof pn May vine- look me iwin Soak the new lamp wick in atrong "Why do you at ·ο. Bobby?" by Osgood E. Walte, tbe executor th. and 16 inch both willingly confirm my former endorse- fect ing preferred me to her." PARKER'S usual line in all lengths, S-12-14 leg gar, then dry thoroughly. It will burn said she. HAIR BALSAM large ment." On the morning or tne lûtn or Sep- "You can forgive me." *■«'» and without odor or amoke. "Mamma said were two faced, Clttn«i ltd bcaatifiu tb< Joseph Francis Rowland bit o( Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't brightly you miu uc Promut»» k luxuriant to 11. We are to simply Miss drove to the sne was SIU11I1K up [υ mm growth. Commonwealth of Mas»achu*ells, heel. All sizes 6 glad tember Clegg up Never Till» to Heitore heel and ask for a Doan's Conscience is onr moral live-wire and but I can't find but one." said Bobby Or*j for tltei Spring kidney remedy—get & and was his arms about lier when Hair to it· Youthful Color. copy of will ami pétition probate· office of Cutler. Morrison Hyde putting ϋι worth Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Harlow it has to be guarded and edacated lest it Prevents hair falling. sent d by Helen Τ Howland ! Willi· all from to $4.25, every pair gravely. was shown Into a private room. She there was a faint rap at the floor, and the executors therein naincl. show them, prices $2.50 had. Foster-Milburo Co., Props., Buffalo, become twisted by a warped intellect or Hrook*, when Mr. Cutler returned with the same >i. Y. inclination. had not been there ten minutes Nidnry It. Farnuui lab· of I'arl*. ■!»"··.. grounded by personal Full of Mystery. I > the the door was opened and in walked her businesslike air he had worn when he tlriil account presented tor allowance price. a Doctor—And what did you eat for S. executor. Beyond a certain point,—and quite Each started went out. his knocking before Real Estate Earηuin, — cousin, Edward Hendry. though one at it ia not more dinner? Patient I can't tell you. of soft, aticky that, It. Emma J. Kimball late Norwj. on seeing the other, and each entering belled sell an ι· REAL ESTATE dour that givea the deaired stiffness and Doctor—You can't tell me? Patient- cea-ed; petition for license to y greatly embarrassed. Mr. IlendryaPPe"^ bow- "Mr. Cutler." said Lillian, "you real estate preeeutcl by Eugcue K. Smltti. elasticity to bread—it ia more kneading. No. I ordered chicken croquettes and ! ed stiffly, and Miss Clegg returned the needn't trouble yourself further about FOR SALE ecutor. FARM WITH STOCK, FARMING 300 ACBE Get whatever of value there la from mince pie J—1Town Topics. this matter. We have William P. Wood late of Hartford, 35 tune of a η J apple crop; bow with hauteur. compromised." TOOLS, hay present and then it. house and lot ceased ; petition for onler to <11*tribut·' Farm In Sumner. yesterday's experience drop Cottage ·■ SHOE CO. known aa the Pulslfer Large "It Is some time since we met, re- "Indeed." remaining In his hand* by Tli Ε. N. SWETT and It is bad to live presented area to white aah, blreh, maple, dr poplar; Look forward. equally Immaterial. for his bru- on Park South Paris administrator. 20 head, 3 marked the gentleman. In order to "Yes: Ned has ai>oloplzed Street, Hrldgham, cute 45 tone hay, pasture will carry on paat glory and to worry over past Office caller's a funny 3 orchard· to best varieties of all Boy—Dat got treatment of me when Uncle Dave Rankin late of Hiram, lec-as.· NORWAY, MAINE. horses; apples; mistakes and miafortunea after break an embarrassing silence. tal : house and lot, with Charles BLOCK. ! barns they he left his name, Village to distribute it of t OPERA HOUSE the different kinds of fi«rm Implement; name. Editor—Oh, tried to us some time petition lor oriler part for and shoD. 11-3 story dwell- have aerved their limited term of uae- "Yes, It Is." bring together In his fends by (.lark B. hay stock, repair did he? Office Boy—Yesslr. I asked extra building lots, on Main remaining presented 38-2 ing of 7 flue rooms, all Ια gooil repair, buildings fulneaa. "Uncle David was a very good man. ago. and we are going to do just as the Rankin, administrator. Telephone Better this offer, wuz immaterial.— recently repaired. Investigate him, and he said It should." known as u "An excellent man." dear old inun wished we Street, South Paris, Ilaiel Burbank of Porter, a minor. |■'t1t:. eras very easy, price $WOO.OO. ia It the really little, Inalgnificant Cleveland Leader. sell ami real cat "Bather though." also house for license to convey who moat reaent being overlook- singular, the Hewett place ; ecntO'l Buth Λ. Burbank, guardian. an advertisement in the people, Eaay to Forgiv*. by Plant ed. Th· Reason. -Very singular." >i The Dennis Pike an and lot at West Paris, known Louis G. Ryan of Mexico; petition from so often were but A business man made appoint' Great Oaks "Why la it that dressmakers "His Intentions good, name be clmn»etltlon Are an indication of kidney match between her and her cousin Ed- and for several days tried to keep oui sentcd by Itovcna Λ ndrews, widow. λ of housekeeping and good kid- sign good warning to build up the weakened he was late of ile< < a- if it aometimea—and on ward Hendry when twenty of the letter's way. Mary F. Flint Albany, make tbem rid to ilUtrlbute balance renal management neys, vigorous, your Neil oetltlou for order ■Ε tim«— baa the of done. and she was barely eighteen. Finally, however, the inevitable hap Wall*' appearance being blood of aoids and Go to 1 '>j» in his hrtnds presented by poiaons. your in- Pills. In 50c had at the time become temporarily and the two met fact to fact Cuuimlngs, administrator. Don't throw away the chicken fat. druggist for Foley Kidney pened, with the of a butch- of ·Η· ev ome- and 91.00 sizes. Sold in town fatuated daughter in the lobby of a downtown club. Lydla E. Ilodgdon late Mexico, There ia nicer for your by a < nothing frying shown that even a ed; tiret an·! dual account presented for or for A. E. Shurtleff South Pari·. An- er and had plainly Before the business man could vol« i. <· lets, croquettea and potatoea, Co., line by l.eroy «piller, administrator with of which his uncle ha< shortening corn bread. drew! A Johnson, Paris. million dollars, his explanation the friend extended will annexed ctc. case he mar- agreed to settle on him in and to hum DR. AUSTIN TENNEY E. of Mid Court ia a for moat She—I heard about the his hand began apologize ADDISON DERRICK, Judge Self-pity deadly poiaon elopement. his was not sufficient to A true In ried cousin, copy—Attest people, and ahould never be taken Has her mother forgiven them? bly: 47-41» ALBERT D. l'A UK, Kck'I'U cause him to give up the lady of his OCULIST large dosea by anyone. He—I think not. I understand she "I must beg your pardon, old chap at room* over C. F. has gone to live with them. but really I quite forgot about oui Will be bis NOTICE. If atampa have beoome glued together often thought" he continued, tliu ^Γνο and I air Kidlnn'a Jan. The subscriber hereby (riven notice a thin over them and run a engagement the other day, grocery, Norway, Friday, of t lay paper P. A. had occasion "that If Uncle David had chosen a dif- ha» been duly appointed executrix Gore, Ga., Morgan to have 1 the iaat of December coming testament of hot iron over it. The stamps will come and had not made it a mat- indeed very sorry disappoint nt, Friday will and recently to use a liver medicine and says ferent time DANIKIi D. SMALI., late of Sumner. and the mucilage will not be ed un Cbriatmas. A ! apart easily of Foley Cathartic Tablets: "They thor- ter of money"- you." In the County of Oxford, deceaaed. hurt. he recovered from the eon* demand* again*! the estate of cleansed my system and I felt "There's no use backward. When fully having oughly going St tement ol the Condition of the deceased are desired lo present the sai it like a new and free. the busiuess man exclaimed The world ia beautiful. If doean't man—light They It's too late now. Uncle Is dead, and shock settlement, and all Indebted thereto w~ the matter are best medicine I have ever taken wave of his riuested to make look ao there ia aometbing the I'm with a magnanimous righl payment Immediately. engaged." Nov. 1914. ANNIE B. SM Λ I. with your eyes. for oonetipation. They keep the stom- 17th. The young man looked very much hand: Paris Trust 47-49 ach sweet, liver active, bowels regular." besl Company If a watch is wanted bandy at night "Don't worry. <#d man; even the A. E. Shurtleff Co., South Paris. An- disappointed. SOUTH PARIS, NOTICE. and its is an annoyanoe, turn a to a fellow. of us will sometimes forget"—Phila ticking «& Paris. "I'm eugaged ■ drews Johnson, splendid The eiiliacrttter herebv give* notice '.· tumbler over it. October MM. He's considered to be one of the finest delphia Ledger. 1, has been duly ap|iolnted executor of I do not It takes a lot of and men in America. R. Morton, President. will and testament of Cheerful surroundings just power speed young Ueorge of Bu kilc John li. Robinson, Vice-President. RANDOLPH C THOMES, late but It is worth while to contrib- To run a military world; when he had been absent for Constantinople. deceased. A! ·."·:·« happen, Hendry Oeorge C. Fernald, Treasurer. In the County of Oxford, creates them. Of strife we never resd ns the estate ufsaM'i· ute to the effort that army Bome time from the butcher's dauph- Constantinople was known Lyg'v Alton C. Wheeler, Secretary. having demands against Unless the enemy is "hurled." fortl ceased are desired to present Um ter and returned to see her as she was until 058 B. C.. when it blossomed all Indebted thereto art raq ·'··' Keep the hanging plants moist and DIRECTORS : —Geo. It. Morton, Wm. J. settlement, and — and bore that name Γ«»ι N. ed to make payment Immedlatelv. freah by putting a email funnel in the BEST FOR KIDNEYS—SAYS DOCTOR —commonplace and homely ha Into Byzantium Wheeler, U«-o. Μ ΛI wood, Dayton BoUter, lS Alton C. Sumuer K. Newell, John li. CHARLES C. WITHIN·."!'1 baaket and it with water every to undo what he had done with close on N00 years. Byzantium, tiki Wheeler, filling Dr. J. T. R. So. Car., sought Roblnrou, George W. Cole, Jr., Wlnfleld 8. Nov. 17th, 1914. Neal, Greenville, ant morning. hie cousin. She had declined even to Rome, was built on seven hills, Starblrd, Frederick A. Hi-ldner, lieo. C· Fernald, says that in his 30 years of experience he NOTICE. You Need It for diacontent ia a has found no for the Rpeak to him when she met him on the this resemblance led Septimus Seve Ilcoj. Spauldlng. »hc Extra Just When The beat antidote preparation kidneys The subscriber hereby gives notice thai Heat, Oi llM. i-i beautiful thought—and that la yours for equal to Foley Kidney Pills. In 50o and street. She was now inflicting upon rus to rechristen it Nova IComa. Organized July 20, ha* been duly appointed executrix of the of Heater in the the $1.00 sizes. Best you can can buy for him further However, he making the city the capital of the Ko will and testament a Perfection Smokeless Oil getting. punishment. LIABILITIES. CYNTHIA A. I' I.APHAM, late of Norw·). backache, rheumatism, and blad- man the Great be All perton·- There are three kinds of kidney was not minded to take his drubbing empire Constantiue stuck # βο,οοιίοο In the County of Oxford, deceased. trouble—yes- der A. E. S. Capital the estate of said dr W'TH— — when accidents ailments. Shurtleff house are w Co., an stowed his own name upon il. am 5.5·*) (XI having demand against you 1 ^ safeguarded and tomorrow's. He told untruth, Surplu* same for settle terday's, to-day's easily. pretending ceaeed are the Paris. Andrews til In the County of Oxforl, decease grudge boys girls ■ : »a HEATERS cures severe sore chest and one cent for adver- Ovenlrafts 1*0» sons demands against the estai SMOKELE spent on aled or skates. Help them find colds, lungs something." he added, turning the sub- "I won't pay ray having '■r or Bonds 6t,liO U1 deceased are desired to the and does not contain opiates harmful store- present η time for It—and join them. ject, "but 1 fear we shall have to be tising this week," declared the Furniture and tlxturcs 8,400 00 settlement, and all Indebted there l" are Dr. John W. Luther·· ■ for the Perfection just the drugs." Taylor, to the editor of the Cash on 14.MH52 to pake payment Immédiat·' snaps have no terror for you, supplies Is a bias fold wanted on a new dress? content with a mere pittance compared keeper angrily deposit quested Cold ville, Ga.—because "I believe it to be an Cash on hand 14,817 77 Nov. 17th, 1914. MEBCY K. MILLETT. or room warm and what have had." paper. "You told me you'd extra heat needed to make bedroom, bathroom sitting Instead of basting the edges together honest medicine and It satisfies my pa- with we might country 47 49 in * sio.yeo utj Burns kerosene—easy to handle and inexpensive. (which often oauaea puckering) hold to- trons." W. L. Cook, Neihart, Mont.— "I don't see why you say 'we might put the notice of my shoe polish comfortable. HARRY M. SMITH, gether with the fingers and preas with a because "it the best results for have had.' I was not aware that I with the reading matter." NOTICE. are smokeless and odorless. gives 47-43 Bank Commissioner. Perfection Heaters are heat quickly and hot iron. and colds of I sell." "And didn't I do It?" inquired the The subscriber hereby gives notice iliat portable, coughs anything consented to his plans." ι stores Look fot the has been duly appointed admlnl-tratr' and everywhere. user is a friend. A. E. Shurtleff — At hardware, furniture dealers general Don't "crawl in yonr shell" if you feel Every "True, you did not But possibly editor. estate of South Paris. Andrews Λ John- "No. 00 YEARS' W. late of Hebron, Trade-Mark. grouchy, get ont in the sunshine. Co., "No such thing. 1 had made up my "No, sir!" roared the advertiser. SCOTT BKARCE, Triangle Paris. in the of Oxford, deceased, au t give son, did not! You put It in the EXPERIENCE County 1 a or on mind before you made up yours." sir, you bond* aa the law direct·. All harln. Pnt pretty laoe yoke oollar the persons are column with a mess of that's mands the estate of said deceased winter dress if want to. It need A Is a bodv of men to "I have no doubt of it" poetry, against an OF NEW YORK yon jury organized ilcslred the same for settlement, STANDARD OIL COMPANY where to present not be removed each time It seems to find out which side has the best lawyer. "All the wealth of the Indies would you put It!"—Exchange. all Indebted thereto are requested to make pay- need Lay the dress away for a not have me"- ment immediately. Buffalo cleaning. tempted AGNES M. HE ARC Ε New York or the and col- THIS-AND FIVE CENTS Indian Nov. 17tb, 1914. day two, sprinkling yoke At this point a clerk entered and told Juggler·. 47-49 lar thick with borio told. were found Boston powdered Don't miss this. Cut out out this these two that Mr. Cut- Magicians and jugglers young persons NOTICE. Albany for enclose five cent· to à the Indians by the Jesuit mis- It is easy to have hot roll· break- slip, Foley Co., ler would like to see them in his pri- among Mark· that oame The subscriber hereby gives notice on If have an oil Chicago, III., writing yonr and ad- sionaries ns as 1013, and they Devions the :··1 fast baking day you oc vate room. The lady sailed out first early has been duly appolntM executor of a It dress You will reoelve Id return Gopywoht· Ac. will and testament of gas stove. Light burner and have clearly. was were common among all the Algonquin a with her head held high, and fol- a sketch and mar known warm oven. free trial Anyone sending description HARRIET HORSEMAN,otherwise to the Pot package containing Foley's and Charlevoix mentions them ascertain our free whether an just high enough lowed the who looked tribes, luickly opinion aa H. Borneinan or Margaret nils in and will be In ten min- Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, by gentleman, invention Is probably patentable. Cotnmunlca- Margaret they light among the Iroquois in 1035. The Span- omiodontlal. oa Patent· Homemun, late of Oxford, and as if he would like to have some man Uonsstrictly HANDBOOK All utes, then turn on full heat and bake oolds, oroup. Foley Kidney Pills, •cut Oidert for In the of Oxford, deceased. perso"· lards met them in Mexico and South free. agency securingjwtenta. County ■' and Foley Cathartlo Tablets for sale by give him an excuse to strike him. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive having demands against the estate of said quickly. without In the »ame for set A. E. Shurtleff Co., South Paris. When entered Mr. Cutler's office America. peeial notict, charge, ceaeed are desire*I to present the they tlement, and all Indebted thereto are request· There Is like to oure Andrew· & Johnson, Pari·. Don't suffer longer with nothing publicity they found him sitting at a long table, to make payment Immediately. Rout of 1914. GEORGE A. BORSEM A> that sneaking, ungenerous feeling. and he motioned them to seats on the Oil Bergamot. Scientific American. Nov. 17th, STANDARD face Λ handsomely illost rated weekly. Largest eir 4749 It out and make it yon. "You broke word." world's of oil of α your a doc- The supply berga- dilation of any scientioc Journal. Terms. 93 opposite side. Then, taking up Sold all newsdealer» ••I d-d-dldn't." mot comes from a small rear ; (our months, (L. by discolored earthenware or ument that before he in comparatively NOTICE. Warm the "There lay him, said you go, breaking another." of In the extreme south notice that b« RHEUMATISM then rob with oorn meal. a tone: · part Calabria, The aubacrlber hereby give· SEWING No matter how granite, damp professional of the a«t chronic or how helpless ef fronting on the strait of Mes- baa been July appointed executor It oleana without soratohing. "This is the last will and testament Italy, and testament of think case CHECKS CROUP INSTANTLY will you your may be, you can get sina. WILLIAM L. BLOOD, late of 1'arts, of You know Is And of David Hendry. After making a NOTICE. MACHINES. quick and permanent relief by To fill cracks in walla, mix plaster oroup dangeroua. In the County ol Oxford, decease·!, and given taking with inatead of water; it you ought to know too, the sense of se- few minor bequests he leaves the resi- The subscriber hereby gives notice that she bonds as the Ww direct·. All persons having nature's "SEVEN paria vinegar Schumann on Cheaa. has l>ecn duly appointed administratrix with the estate of said decease·! are remedy, BASKS." Get at not aet for about fifteen that oomea from due of his estate, which I think will demands against will minutes, curity having Foley's the will annexed of the estate of desired to the same for MUlemcnt. an·! the root of the and driva and Tar In music It Is as with chess playing— present diaeaae, the urio and can be nicely amootbed over before Honey Compound In the house, foot up something over a million dol- HORATIO CHANDLER, late of Sumner. all Indebted theretoare requested to make pay- the supreme In the of and acid and all other ont of oar It Is hard. [t outs the thick muous and clears away to whichever of two shall qneen, melody, possesses Connty Oxford, deceased, given ment immediately. Send for Catalogue. poisons y lars, you bonds as the law directe. AU having for the the but It Is the persons Not. 17tb, 1914. WALTER L. GRAÏ. system good. "SEVEN BAKES" baa phlegm, atop· itrangllng cough power, king, harmony, demands the estate of said decease· a sci- first be married." against 17-49 been this for Dish washing ahould be made ind easy and who decides. are desired to the same for settlement, doing successfully the part glvea breathing quiet announcement received ultimately present 43 ence. It la as to wash dishes The was and all Indebted thereto are to make years. Price 60 cents per bottle at just easy ileep. Everyluser la a friend. A. E. requested W. J. WHEELEK & CO., oil or from the aanltarlly as Hot water Isa Shurtleff à South Pari·. Andrew· with a profound silence, but stirred a payment Immediately. druggists proprietor, carelessly. Co., Skill is stronger than »trength.-01d Nov. 17th, IBM. A LICE M. DlCOSTER. us· It for k Paria. volcano of emotion in the breasts of LYMAN BROWN. 18 lbmjSU,Nc*Y«rk.N.Y. germiolde; freely rioting. Johnson, 47-49 South Pari·. tbfi QMtflBfe Qm first wcfd spoken tyâfc MBEUtiS I