INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018-2019 INFORMATION An Independent, Co-Educational Boarding and Day School for children aged 3 to 13

1 2 OPEN DAYS 2018/2019 experiment aswell ascontribute. children and willbeencouragedtoparticipate or outdooreducationtonamebutafew, our in lessons, clubs, fixtures, concerts, trips, plays a plethoraoflearningopportunities. Whether least. Just abrief lookatourcalendarshows boarder orflexiboarder, isextensive tosay the Our educationalprogramme for day pupil, and service. culture andcommunity aswell asasenseofself are equipped withtraditionalvalues, asenseof Nevertheless, we alsoensure thatourchildren encourage andpursueacademicexcellence. With outstandingfacilitiesandresources, we classroom andbeyond. an impressive wealth inthe ofopportunities , we provide ourchildren with and benefitingfrom with aclosepartnership Set initsown 55 acre estate to lifeforchildren agedrising3to13years. boarding schoolproviding anexceptionalstart dayand Foremarke Hallisaco-educational, Saturday 27th April 2019 Saturday 2019 2nd February Saturday 29thSeptember 2018 Welcome from theHeadmaster Robert Relton,Robert Headmaster would beonly toohappy toshow you ourschool. Please dotake thetimetovisitForemarke aswe ability tomaximisetheirtalents. and self-worth ofourchildren underpinstheir At Foremarke we understandthatthehappiness carer, motivator, guruandfriendwhenneeded. our learningbutthey alsoactasmentor, coach, The bestteachersare inspirationalandtransform strong relationships. highest qualityatForemarke of asisthenurturing will sustaintheminlife. Pastoralcare isofthe they alsoneedtoestablishpurposefulhabitsthat andenthusiasmbutcrucially abundance ofenergy During theirformative years children have an

ADMISSIONS £80.00 (payment canbemadeviaabanktransfer). Registrar, MissEllieJones, together witharegistration fee of please completeourRegistrationForm andforward ittothe If you would like toregister your childtojoinForemarke Hall, reference from thepupil’s present school. are offered written subjecttoperformance andasatisfactory which they are assessedontheirEnglishandMathsskills. Places Prospective pupilsare invited tospendaday attheschool, during in September. years Schoolfrom andthePreparatory 7years. The mainintake is Children from canjointhePre-Preparatory Department rising3 • • • • • • • resources, suchas: Pre-Prep pupilsmake useofmany Prep School • • 4thereFrom of are: theage • • The Nursery takes rising rising 3sand 4s: • • • grounds, includes: school areas, allsetwithinthebeautiful building, courtyard secure and play The Pre-Prep, withitsown dedicated PRE-PREP Woods and extended grounds Individual Music lessons Design & Technology workshop 180-seat theatre withfullsoundandlight facilities astroturfFull-sized pitch Six-lane 25mindoorheatedswimming pool hall Sports working withtheFull-time Teachers. with ateamofLearningEnhancement Assistants Small forms in Year 1and Year 2(for ages5to7) Enhancement Assistant. by aLearning qualified teacherwhoissupported Two Receptionforms ineach year group, ledby a The maximum staff/pupilsratio is1:8 required and thefamily routine; aminimum of3sessionsis Sessions may bebooked tosuit thechild’s needs campus-wide network A computersuiteconnected to theschool’s A dedicated library A spacious multi-purpose hall

(for ages3to7) • • • • • • • school (charged as extras): Pre-Prep activitiesafter arange of offer • • Child Care facilities: • • • • • in thefollowing subjects: Specialist teachers work inthePre-Prep Cricket (Summerterm) Gymnastics Jumping Clay Hockey/Summer (dependingontheterm) Sports Magical Maths (Michaelmas Term) Football Dance 6.00pm eachevening An After-School Clubrunsfrom 4.00pmto Children can arrive atthePre-Prep from 8.00am Games (from Year One) French (from Year One) Drama Swimming (from Reception) Music 3 | REPTON PREPARATORY SCHOOL | INFORMATION BOOKLET 4 • • • theWeek of The Shape benefiting from their closeproximity tothetheatre. own completely self-containedchangingrooms, aswell as of the Tom Davies Building. The children alsohave their enjoys spaciousandmodernfacilitiesontheground floor greater involvement from specialists. The Lower School class teachersandthepupils’educationisenhancedby a for Year 3and Year 4. The core curriculum istaughtby Pre-Prep totheLower School. Here they are taught At theendof Year 2, boys andgirlsmove upfrom the LOWER SCHOOL

DAILY ROUTINE - MORNING sports Boys andgirlsgo homeat Wednesday isthemainday for inter-school andinter- possible. parents tofollow thesameweekly routine where from dayand thiscanvary today, althoughwe ask Day pupilsmay go homeat4.00pm, 5.00pmor6.00pm with amorningbreak andanhourfor lunch. Lessons runfrom registration at 8.25amuntil4.00pm, *Form Period/Upper School Assembly **Form Period/Year Group Assembly 1310-1335 1235-1310 1200-1235 1125-1200 1050-1125 1020-1050 0945-1020 0910-0945 0835-0910 0825-0835 0800-0820 0730-0800 TIME Reg P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 Prep School Assembly Prep Break /StaffMeeting MONDAY U/S Lesson6orL/S Lunch Lesson 5 Lesson 4 Lesson 3 Lesson 2 Lesson 1 Lunch - Staggered arrangements toinclude musical activitiesandtake intoaccount agegroups Lunch -Staggered arrangements Form PeriodForm / Year Group TUESDAY Assembly Break

(for ages7to9) • • Specialist Teaching • • start at start Year 3level for bothboys andgirls. of theexcellentfacilitiesathand. Inter-school matches sessions perweek in Years 3and4. Programme withthreeThe Sports starts timetabled experience inareas suchassports, andcomputing. art morning thatenableschildren to develop theirskillsand with ‘Foremarke Plus!’, anoptionalactivity-based Saturday morningmay bespent athomeorinschool 6.00pm. Tea isat5.10pmfollowed prep by until asupervised Friday. 4.15pm to5.00pmonMonday, Tuesday, Thursday and variedjunior activities runfromOptional andvery this time. 4.00pm. Specialprovision ismadefor allboarders at The children are taughtby specialistPEstaffmakinguse WEDNESDAY FP /USch A* Lesson 6 Lesson 5 Lesson 4 Lesson 3 Lesson 2 Lesson 1 Break Registration with Form withForm Registration Tutors Form PeriodForm / Year Group Break /StaffMeeting Boarders’ breakfast Day pupilsarrive THURSDAY Assembly U/S Lesson6orL/S Lunch Lesson 5 Lesson 4 Lesson 3 Lesson 2 Lesson 1

Upper School • • • The HouseSystem • FRIDAY Assembly Break organising housemeetings, activitiesandcompetitions. or otherofthehousesandassistHeadHouse Each memberoftheteaching staffisallocatedtoone music andaninter-house quiz. it willincludeelementsofacademicendeavour, sports, programme variesfrom termtoandyear toyear, The HouseCompetitionrunseachtermandthoughthe house. Wavell (white)andsiblingswillnormally beinthesame Alexander (blue), Mountbatten(green), Tedder (red) or All boys andgirls are placedinoneoffour houses: English andMathematics. foundation theschoolenjoys incore subjectssuchas & Technology, MusicandDramaalongsidethefirm specialistteachingcontinues inFrench,Further Design Lesson 5 Lesson 4 Lesson 3 Lesson 2 Lesson 1 FP / A** FP Lunch Break SATURDAY Foremarke+! Session2 Foremarke+! Foremarke+! Session1 Foremarke+! De-Reg Break L/S L/S

1845-1930 1800-1820 1730-1755 1700-1725 1620-1655 1600-1620 1525-1600 1450-1525 1415-1450 1410-1415 1335-1410 TIME 1930 communication). which emailisoftentheeasiestandswiftest meansof about concerns, mattersofroutine oradministration(for forms onadaily basisandare available for parents tochat are your ofcallatschool. firstport They meetwiththeir Form Tutors monitoracademicandpastoralmatters Form Tutors changes ofform madewhennecessary. and French. These setsare reviewed onaregular basisand by abilityfor key subjects, suchasMathematics, English of asimilarlevel. Inaddition children are grouped insets This allows eachchildtowork withinagroup ofchildren ability, usingteacherassessmentandstandardised data. exams at13+. Teaching groups are streamed by academic for theCommonEntranceorpublicschoolscholarship increasingly taughtby subjectspecialistsandare prepared In theUpperSchool(Year 5to Year 8)pupilsare UPPER SCHOOL P10 Reg P9 P8 Upper School Upper School Boarders’ Tea Activities Prep MONDAY

oe School Lower School Lower Lower School Activities Prep ea Te Afternoon Break Afternoon

Upper School Upper School Boarders’ Tea Activities Prep TUESDAY

(for ages9to13)

oe School Lower Lower School oe School Lower • • • Routine Daily addition, sessionsare daily sports taken by PEspecialists. Classical Studies, ICT, D&T, Art, Drama, Music, PSHCE. In Science, French, Geography, History, ReligiousStudies, Latin/ The Curriculum includeslessonsinEnglish, Mathematics, The Curriculum Activities Upper SchoolLunchorLower SchoolLesson6 science clubandjewellery making. soccer skills, fencing, tennis, ITclub, variousmusic groups, Up to25different activities are offered weekly, suchas Activity Programme whichrunsfrom 5.00-6.00 pm. 4.20-5.00pm. Following thisistheoptionalUpperSchool Years 5to Year 8canhave prep sessionfrom asupervised Thursday andFriday. either 4.00pm, 5.00pmor6.00pmonMonday, Tuesday, remain flexible, justasthey are intheLower School, at The day withregistration starts at8.25am. Pickuptimes Prep ea Te Registration withSubject Registration Tutors

WEDNESDAY Lesson 9 Lesson 8 Lesson 7 Boarders’ Tea Boarders toHouses Boarders Boarders’ Activities Upper School Upper School Boarders’ Tea Activities Prep THURSDAY

oe School Lower Lower School oe School Lower Activities Prep ea Te Afternoon Break Afternoon

• • Boarders’ Tea School Prep Activities 12:35pm. School’s outward boundprogramme may go homeat boarders whoare intheseorthe notparticipating matches ortrainingsessions. Those day pupilsandweekly the afternoonwillinvolve inschoolorhouse takingpart On Saturdays lessonsendat 12.35pm. For many pupils matches. for day pupilsona Wednesday unlessthey are involved in day pupils go home. There isnopost4pmsupervision to theirhouseschangefor free timewhilst school orinter-house competitions)andboarders return after matchcommitmentsfor thoseplaying ininter- On Wednesdays, schoolfinishes for allat4.00pm(or School Upper Upper

FRIDAY Lower School Lower School Lower School Lower Activities Prep ea Te

Games Lunch SATURDAY Boarders’ Tea

DAILY ROUTINE - AFTERNOON 5 FOREMARKE HALL | REPTON PREPARATORY SCHOOL | INFORMATION BOOKLET 6 sports canbring. sports chance toenjoy themany benefitsthatcompetitive team and Nationalcompetitions. This provides allpupilswiththe throughout theyear, working towards summerPrep School formed where possible. Oursuccessfultennissquadsrun for girlswithsecond, third, andeven fourth fifthteams cricket for boys, andinhockey, netball, rounders andtennis We of football, fieldsquadsinthemajorsports hockey, and visiting coachestohelpthemdoso. outstanding facilities, specialistteachersandarangeof We encourageeveryone totake part, andwe have whatever theirchosen discipline. people involved insport, whatever theirabilityand Foremarke recognises ofgettingyoung theimportance SPORT FORALL sportsmanship anddetermination.sportsmanship Inrecent years we have both locally andnationally for thequalityoftheirplay, teamshaveOur topsports builtastrong reputation /EHB clubstandards; asix-lane25mindoor synthetic-surface pitchthatisfully approved toSport Among thefacilitieswe canboastare afullsize, floodlit kayaking tofencing andorienteering. for allourpupils,opportunities rangingfrom athleticsand In addition we provide awiderangeofothersporting and we have seenothersbecomefull-timeprofessionals. ofasquador asindividuals represent aspart theircountry A number ofourformer studentshave gone onto top prep schoolsinthecountry. won avarietyofnationaltrophies andfeature amongthe game! than thechildren whoare runningaround andplaying the after anhouronthetouchlinegettingagood dealcolder tea isprovided afterwards -oftenamuch neededbenefit ofparents matchesiswelcomedThe support atsports and school andbeyond. enthusiasm toenjoy andanactive sport lifestyle bothin Foremarke equipsevery pupilwiththeconfidenceand coaches. The comprehensive programme offered at curriculum are regularly assistedby visitingprofessional Our specialistfull-timePEstaffwhoteachacross the cricketartificial nets. hallandnumeroussports grasspitchesandabankoffour swimming pool; four hard tennis/netballcourts; large avery ROUNDERS TENNIS CRICKET SUMMER TERM NETBALL HOCKEY LENT TERM HOCKEY FOOTBALL MICHAELMAS TERM (GIRLS) (GIRLS) (BOYS) (GIRLS) (BOYS) (GIRLS) (BOYS) Foremarke are unparalleled. believe therangeand qualityofactivitieswe offer at School and28activitiesfor theLower School. We We runatotal of40different activitiesfor Upper artistic. the physical, cerebral, reflective, relaxing, creative and fencing andjewellery making. Activities rangefrom club,chemistry Street Dance, outdoorcooking, of breadth andqualityincludessailing, gardening, programme. The activitylistspeaksfor itselfinterms the rangeandpopularityofourafter-school activity The IndependentSchoolsInspectoratehaspraised have somefun! chancestoletoffsteamand and gettheall-important highlight previously unrecognised skillsandstrengths It isinthisway thatthey discover life-long interests, people withthingstodoaway from theclassroom. but we recognise ofproviding theimportance young Lessons andtuitionare, ofcourse, ourcore business GREAT ESCAPES! is at the heart ofanyis attheheart young person’s experiences. and, perhaps mostimportantly, provide thefunwhich These activitieshelptobuild lifelong skills, friendships acre site, viatheholiday clubs. challenges inthesecure environment ofourrural55 continue toenjoy awiderangeofactivities and Even whentheschooltermisover, pupilscan five day expeditionto Wales. Post CommonEntranceexams, Year 8setoffon a abseiling, canoeingandclimbing. Snowdonia where they take inactivitieslike part from schoolinareas suchasthePeak Districtand Years 6and7withpupilsspendingtimeaway on-site teambuildingexercises anddevelops through Our adventure programme in starts Year 5with and teamwork skills. providing challenges anddeveloping organisational experiences add significantly toachild’s schoollife, Foremarke firmly believes thatadventurous

boarders. tutors andhouseassistantsisoncall24hoursaday tocare for spend timewiththeirfriendsandateamincludinghouseparents, househasareasEvery inwhichchildren canrelax, play gamesand live there withtheirown families. needs. Eachofourfour houseshasitsown setofhouseparents who or simply stay overnight inourflexi-boarding house, we cater for all (where pupilsstay onMonday, Tuesday, Thursday andFriday nights) Whether you wanttoboard full-time, weekly, ‘Home and Away’ home. that children needtorelax, have funandbuildfriendships-justlike Our boarding houseshave thewarmandfriendly family atmosphere to theminlaterlife. their socialskillsandbuildalevel ofconfidencethatwillbeinvaluable to gainindependence, enhancetheirorganisationalabilities, improve We have beenwelcoming boarders for over 60years, helpingchildren personal andsocialdevelopment ofthe children. Boarding atForemarke plays intheeducational, anexcellentpart HOME FROM HOME 7 FOREMARKE HALL | REPTON PREPARATORY SCHOOL | INFORMATION BOOKLET 8 MUSIC (Choral Scholarsfrom King’s College, Cambridge). Carducci String Quartet, Pro Corda and The King’s Men at theRoyal Academy ofMusic, RonanO’Hara, The recent guestsincludeMike Lovatt, professor of Trumpet We regularly enjoy workshops by visiting musicians, appropriate totheir individualabilityandtalent. are nurtured towards exceedingatthehighestlevel by ourorchestra andcombinedchoirs. Children Foremarke Anthem by Samuel Bordoli, performed 2015 stagedthepremier ofourrecently composed are actively encouragedtocompose. SpeechDay Music ITisintroduced in Year 8andallchildren andpracticalentries. both for theory year. ABRSM examinationsessions are heldevery term, of thePro Corda National ChamberMusicFestival this reachedOne ofourStringQuartets thesemi-finalstage National Children’s ChoirandPro Corda organisations. Children’s Orchestra, NationalChildren’s BrassBand, of ouryoung musicians are membersofthe National Foremarke musicians perform atnationallevel. Several other annual highlights. Arboretum on RemembranceSunday isjustoneofour Cathedral. Performing at the National Memorial charities, themostrecent at beingtheGalaConcert give anddosofor avarietyofexceptional concerts at schoolandexternally. We are regularly invited to areopportunities plentifulthroughout theyear, both exist inPre-Prep andthePrep School. Performing taught eachweek. Numerous ensemblesandchoirs on allinstrumentsandvoice. Over 350lessonsare far afieldasLondonandManchestertodeliver lessons music lessonsateamof26professionals travel from as purpose-designed building. Inaddition toweekly class ishousedinamagnificent The MusicDepartment music activities. in a wide varietyto participate of classroom and extra-curricular Nursery through to Year 8allpupilsare given theopportunity Music oflifeatForemarke playsanintegralpart Hall. From and any concernsare dealtwithefficiently andeffectively. pastoral needsare of ourschoolcommunity attheheart environment for allofourchildren ensures thattheir and every childintheircare. A supportive andopen Our highly trainedandskilledstaffwillgettoknow each the schoolweb site. to reflect ontheirbehaviour. Fulldetailscanbe found on behaviour managementprogramme thatenablesthechild their poorbehaviour. We have acarefully constructed for childrensometimes necessary tobereprimanded for Whilst focusing onpositive behaviour andrewards itis teaching thewholechild. Education) classescomplementourphilosophy of PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, andCitizenship discussion, shared agreements andcareful monitoring. constructed antibullying policythatisbasedonopen approach tobullying. We have arigorous andcarefully Here atForemarke Hallwe have azero tolerance to ensure thatchildren’s individualneedsare met. of pastoralcare withallboarding staffworking together lives. Ourboarding pupilsenjoy extremely highstandards also fully involved withallaspectsofthechildren’s daily Head (Pastoral), HeadofBoarding andHeadmasterare acted onifnecessary. Inaddition tothis, the Assistant so thatthecircumstances ofeachchildare known and pupil wellbeing isatthecentre oftheirregular meetings Form Tutors andHeadsofSection/Heads Year ensure their successandpersonaldevelopment. the pastoralcare andneedsofourchildren ascentralto true potentialbothinandoutoftheclassroom. We see established anddesignedtohelpevery childachieve their The Pastoralcare systemsatForemarke Hallare well PASTORAL CARE THE DININGEXPERIENCE year toprovide parents withspecificinformation on In addition, we holdanumber ofevents throughout the throughout theyear. Music andSport, withacycle ofparent/teacher meetings written accountofprogress inallsubjects, including subject. isissuedannuallyA FullReport givingacomplete each year givinggradesfor andattainmentineach effort In thePrep School, pupilsreceive three InterimReports parent/teacher meetingsare heldtermly. In thePre-Prep, reports are produced twiceayear and parent/teacher meetings. a thorough writtenreporting system, complementedby towards whichthey are working. To thisendtheschoolhas the boys’ andattainmentthetargets andgirls’effort for parentsIt isimportant tohave aclearideaabout KEEPING PARENTS IN THE PICTURE made soupinthe wintermonths. include fresh fruit, juice, home-madeflapjack andhome- biscuits) isprovided, though thesedays thesnackwillalso morning andafternoonbreaks for milkand ‘M-n-B’ (short fresh fruit, yoghurts, orcheese. cold desserts Duringthe Puddings are eitherhot(oftenwithcustard) orachoiceof option, avegetarian optionorfrom agenerous saladbar. the day andchildren are abletochoosefrom ameat/fish all feature intheweek’s fare. Lunchisthemain meal of toast, croissants, jam, porridge andcooked breakfasts affair, designedtogettheday offtoaflyingstart. Cereals, Breakfast is a specialmealfor boarders -acommunity a quickpeekwillshow widechoiceavailable. thevery on site. Weekly menus canbefound on ourwebsite and in thedininghallismade 85 percentofeverything served reflecting the seasons. Allproduce issourced locally and cycle atForemarke Hall, choiceschangeevery week We are proud very ofourschoolfood. There isnomenu website. A weekly schoolnewsletter calledtheForemarke can beeasily accessedviathehomepageofschool and teamlists. FixturesThe schoolcalendarandSport which helpsparents keep uptodatewithfixture details teamfixturesalso operatesallsport viaanonlinecalendar calendar accurateanduptodateinreal time. The school calendar ensures thattheschoolisabletokeep the parents upto datewithdetailsofevents. Having anonline The schooloperatesanelectronic calendarwhichkeeps news andmuch more. contains curriculum information, diningroom menus, latest website There isawealth ofinformation available ontheschool’s examinations, overseas tripsande-safety. matters suchastransition, scholarshipstoseniorschools, . The schoolwebsite THE MEDICALCENTRE benefit allchildren andnominated charities. each otheraswell astoraisefundsfor specialprojects to of events eachyear. The ideaistohelpparents get toknow within aform. The Friends work toorganiseawiderange representatives wholiaisewiththeparents ofchildren and members. Additionally, ‘Form Friends’are parent Foremarke withadedicatedandenthusiastic committee We are tohave fortunate very athrivingparents’ group at FRIENDS OFFOREMARKE the medicalcentre. medical, dentaloropticianappointments canbearranged via to aweekly surgery, heldby theGP, atschool. Urgent Boarders whoregister withtheSchoolDoctorhave access approach toeach child’s healthandwell-being. with boarding staffand teaching stafftoensure aseamless School Doctor. All known medicalrequirements are shared work in closeconjunctionwithparents, teachersandthe or have alongtermmedicalcondition. care for pupilswhoare unwell, injured, require medication medical centre, capable ofproviding individualised, holistic Foremarke hasaprofessionally staffed andwell equipped parents stay closely intouchwiththeschool. of broader interests. This beingthecasewe always askthat academically, socially andmorally, andinthedevelopment oftheupbringing with asignificantpart your children, partnership. We understandthatyou are entrustingus We approach educationatForemarke inaspiritof Twitter accountis@ForemarkeHall. and hasanumber of Twitter ofaccounts. The schoolsmain the weekly newsletter. activeThe schoolisvery on Twitter with allthelatestnews. We encourageallparents toread Flyer issentevery Friday toallparents tokeep uptodate The Nursingteam 9 FOREMARKE HALL | REPTON PREPARATORY SCHOOL | INFORMATION BOOKLET 10 Y7 & Y8 Y5 & Y6 Y3 & Y4 Prep School: Pre-Preparatory School: Joining Year 2andupwards: Joining Year1: Joining NurseryandReception: over anumber ofyears ifjoiningpriorto Year 2inaccordance withthefollowing: Total depositrequired onjoiningtheschool is£450, thepayment for whichcanbespread DEPOSIT: CAS Administration Charge(Tier4 Visa -NonEEApupilsonly) £650 REGISTRATION FEE: FEES

£450 depositrequired onjoining theschool. £6,620 perterm £5,960 perterm £5,298 perterm Y1 and Y2: Reception: 3-4year olds(fulltime):Nursery £200 onjoiningfollowed by £50depositpayment each £300 depositonjoiningfollowed by £50depositpayment Day pupils persession:Nursery (amor pm) each termfor thenextthree consecutive terms term for thenextfive consecutive terms. £80

£3,591 perterm £8,573 perterm £7,912 perterm £7,252 perterm Boarding pupils £3,240 perterm £3,080 perterm £308 per term Foremarke Bursarfor details on(01283)707104, oremail: [email protected] Duffield, , Uttoxeter, Shenstoneandmorningsonly from Loughborough. Contactthe BUSES charged onatermly basisat£296pertermfor theprovision of30lessonsperyear. hour (shared). Music lessonsthroughout theschoolwillbe35minutes longandwillallbe Enhancement teamisavailable atarateof£46.70 perhour(onetoone)or£29.15 ADDITIONAL TUITION AND MUSICLESSONS bookable uptoaweek inadvance. Friday willbe£455. Occasional boarding nights: £45.50/night, includingteaandbreakfast, FLEXI-BOARDING to your termly billunlesswe are aware thatyou have insurance. a visittolocaldentist. Ifthishastobearranged asaprivate patientthecostwillbeadded totheSchool.Parent onentry Ifemergencytreatment isrequired theSchoolwillarrange cover emergencydentaltreatment, and toprovide detailstotheMedicalCentre/House during theschoolholidays. Parents of boarders are encouragedtoarrange insuranceto arrange regular dentalchecksandroutine dentalwork treatment) (includingorthodontic DENTAL changes you decidetomake tothesearrangements whilstyour childis atForemarke. (EU) rules. For thesake ofyour child’s health, thatyou important notifyusofany itisvery will betreated asanNHSpatient, provided thathe/sheiseligibleunderEuropean Union medical insurance, pleaseletusknow. If we donotreceive information from you, your child easier toorganiseextratreatments suchasphysiotherapy. Ifyou have your own private the School’s healthinsurancescheme, butwe dorecommend itasmakes much itvery HEALTH INSURANCE Derbyshire DE656FH, email: [email protected] sum inadvance. Detailscanbeobtainedfrom theFinanceBursar, ReptonSchool, Repton, in Advance Fees Fees are reviewed annually inJune by theGoverning BodyoftheSchool. considered for selectionfor tripsandotheractivities. be withdrawn orrestricted andare likely tobetaken intoaccountwhenpupilsare being full. Iffees are outstanding, orifparents have apoorpayment history, credit facilitiesmay from boarding today status; otherwisethefees for theensuingtermwillbechargedin term’s noticeinwritingmust begiven before theremoval ofapupilorbefore achange those for instrumentalmusic) are payable inadvanceby thefirstday ofeachterm. Afull SCHOOL FEES GENERAL FEEINFORMATION The schoolrunsdaily morning andevening from bus services Ashbourne, All pupilsshouldbedentally attheSchoolandparents fitwhenthey start should Inaccordance withthestandard Terms &Conditionsthefees (including - The schoolrunsa schemewhereby parents canpay fees by alump Regular flexi-boarding nights for theMichaelmas termMonday to It isuptoyou whetheryou wishfor your childtobeenrolled in Additional helpfrom ourLearning instrument only. instrument’s grade. Sightreading willbegiven onthefirst the second. Aural testswillbe given in-linewiththefirst pieces ontheirfirstinstrument/voice and onepieceon Children willbeexpectedtoplay/sing two contrasting • • • We are lookingforchildren who: 11+ MusicScholarship their current school. about your childmeetingthesecriteria, pleasedospeakto scores of120+beentered. Ifthere is any uncertainty oftheircurrentquarter year group andwithstandardised and we recommend thatonly children whoare inthetop in Maths, Englishand Verbal andNon-Verbal Reasoning Scholarships 11+ Academic external candidates. performance andmay beawarded tobothinternaland any awards madewillbebasedpurely onthemorning’s assessment testshouldbeentered. Pleasenotethat standardised score of130onarecognised formal attaining Level 3(SATS) inEnglishandMathematicsora at scholarshiplevel andwe recommend thatonly children and literacyskills. Although thisexamisopentoall, itisset 7+ Scholarships &AWARDSSCHOLARSHIPS have preferably covered some ABRSM theory member ofvariousmusical ensembles programme withintheschoolandbea dedicated committed totheextrawill be curricular music instrument tooffer (includingvoice) are ofgrade4 standard andpossibly withasecond Candidateswillbeassessedinnumeracy Candidateswillbeassessed for possible awards, so pleasebeasthorough inits required. This willbeusedto decidewhotoaudition experience andincludestwo writtenreferences willbe A curriculum vitaewhichdetailsrelevant drama • • • • • We are lookingforchildren who: Scholarships11+ Drama as thorough initspreparation aspossible. for possibleawards,decide whotointerview sopleasebe teams concernedwillberequired. This will beusedto and includeswrittenreferences from thecoachesof regional, academy, andnationalrepresentative participation curriculum vitaewhichdetailsschool,A sporting club, • • • • • We are looking forchildren whohave: 11+ Sport Scholarship display anenthusiasmfor drama able toco-operateandwork withotherseffectively wellparticipate ingroup work, indramalessonsandare are good listenersandableto take direction been involved and committedtotheproductions inwhichthey have have shown themselves tobe reliable, abletolearnlines wide varietyofroles are talentedactors anddisplay theabilitytoperform a the highestlevel potential tolearnnew skillsandtake theirabilities to an excellentattitudetowards sport a highlevel offitness, co-ordination andcommitment played toahighlevel contribution toourseniorteams an exceptionaltalentandcan make amajor means testedbasis. awarded inaddition toaScholarshiporExhibitionon full fee andanExhibitionofupto10%. mayA Bursary be valueofupto20%the A Scholarshiphasamonetary which willbeprovided tothosewhoare offered awards. All financial awards are subjecttotermsandconditions and willdependuponsuccessincompetitionatthatstage. reviewed againuponapupil’s transfer toReptonat13+ (i.e. ‘Scholar’ or ‘Exhibitioner’) awarded at11+ willbe withoursisterschool,partnership Repton; any actualtitle 11+ Awards time atForemarke. 7+ Awards a suitablelevel ofattainmentisbeingachieved. requested from your child’s current schooltoindicatethat preparation aspossible. A confidential willbe report willbeoffered for thedurationofpupil’s runrightthrough from age11to18in 11 FOREMARKE HALL | REPTON PREPARATORY SCHOOL | INFORMATION BOOKLET 12 WHERE DOESITALLLEAD? modern life andmodernliving. them alongthepathways andtodevelop skillsfor age of3to13butfrom 3tolife. We are here tohelp Foremarke doesnotjustlookafter pupilsfrom the great in life. start atmosphere cometogethertoensure your childhasa Our approach, facilities, staff, care and wonderful family Shrewsbury. have includedRepton, Harrow, Rugby, Oundleand to highly acclaimed schoolswhichinrecent years leavers move onwithacademicand otherscholarships too.Music andSport A significantproportion ofour Pupils achieve well academically andinthe Arts, our achievements inthis. Independent SchoolsInspectoratereport recognised both inandoutoftheclassroom, andourmostrecent benefiting from an extensive rangeofopportunities Our aimisfor pupilstoenjoy theirchildhoodwhilst to societyintheirlives beyond school. being set well on the way to being a major contributor for theseniorphaseoftheireducationaswell as These qualitiesmeanourpupilsleave well prepared who are appreciative oftheneedsothers. potential andbeyond inandoutoftheclassroom and without beingarrogant, whoare achieving their produces young peopleat13whoare confident With theseelementsinplace, Foremarke Hall develop self-respect andrespect for others. understanding thatthere are boundaries; they must show initiative; they must begiven freedom while they needtobeguidedbutmust beallowed to to grow; they needtobenurtured yet challenged; We recognise thatchildren needtimeandspace Miss SMoore, Mrs MHollyoake, Mrs FForeman, Houseparent ofKnowleHill(Flexi) Mrs C Waldock* BSc(Hons), PGCE Mrs LKelly BEd(Hons), G Kelly, Houseparent ofFrancis Mrs A Saunders, (Hons), BA E SaundersBSc, PGCE, Houseparent ofNightingale Mrs RCasey* BA(Hons), PGCE Head ofBoarding, Houseparent ofNightingale (Hons)QTS M Casey BA Boarding Mrs RCasey* BA(Hons), PGCE Art Mrs KShaw-Wall Ed, Cert PGDILPDys Head ofLearningEnhancement R FletcherBA(Hons) Bursar: Mrs SMansfieldBEd(Hons) Director ofSport: Mrs SBloorGRSM(Hons), LRAM, PGCE Director ofMusic: Diploma Mrs PChristodoulouPrimary Head ofLowerSchool: Miss KCavill BA(Hons), PGCE Head ofPre-Prep: BEd(Hons) P Martin Assistant Head(Administration): Mrs LKelly BEd(Hons) Assistant Head(Pastoral): Miss PBushby MEd, BSc(Hons), PGCE Assistant Head(Academic): R ReltonB.Ed(Hons) Headmaster: Management TeamSenior FOREMARKE STAFF

Houseparent ofBurdett

House Assistant ofNightingale House Assistant ofBurdett House Assistant ofFrancis

Houseparent ofFrancis Houseparent ofBurdett

Mrs KCrispMA(Hons) Diploma Mrs PChristodoulou* Primary Lower School Mrs LBrown MA, (Hons), BA ALA Chtrd L Library Mrs E Wood NVQ3 DysInst Cert Mrs E Wells BA(Hons), PGCE, TEFL, Mrs JHornsey BA(Hons), PGCE, Dys PGCert Mrs JCollinsBA(Hons), PGCE BEd(Hons),Mrs SCarter Dys PG Cert Mrs KShaw-Wall* Ed, Cert PG DILPDys Learning Enhancement (Hons),S Owen* BA PGCE Information Technology Mrs K CoombsBEd(Hons) Mr IMasters*BEd History Miss SDuttonBA(Hons), PGCE A Hobson*BSc, PGCE Geography J Whitmore BA(Hons) N Wells BA(Hons) Mrs K CoombsBEd(Hons) Mrs SGolding*BA(Hons), PGCE English Mrs RHobsonBA(Hons) J Whitmore* BA(Hons) Drama Mrs RHobsonBA(Hons) J EDavis* BSc(Hons), PGCE & TechnologyDesign PGCE, FRSA G Williamson* BA(Hons), Prof Dip Theol, Classics /Latin

A HobsonBSc, PGCE S Ed Thompson Cert Mrs A Rigney* PGDipED, BS (Hons) Miss SDuttonBA(Hons), PGCE I ClarksonBSc(Hons) M Casey BA(Hons), QTS R Anderson BA, MSc, PGCE Mrs SMansfield*BEd(Hons) Physical Education Mrs C Wood GRSM(Hons), ARCM, PGCE Miss CMillerBA(Hons), BM(Hons), LRAM Mrs SBloor*GRSM(Hons), LRAM, PGCE Music Mrs NMoore BTS Mrs FLewis BA(Hons) Mrs RNewham* BA(Hons), PGCE Modern Languages Mrs JSullivan, MedicalCentre Assistant Mrs V Shipley RGN, RN(Child), SchoolNurse Mrs JPettitt RN, RM, BScSchoolNurse Medical Centre Mrs SKrbacevic BSc(Hons), PGCE, Mphil BEd(Hons) P Martin Mrs GKerr BSc(Hons) J W Davis* BEd(Hons) Mathematics Ms NBarker Mrs T Phillips Enhancement Assistants Lower SchoolLearning Miss COdellBA(Hons), PGCE (Hons)MA Mrs HBuckinghamBA BEd(Hons) Mrs JMartin Mrs JHarrison BEd(Hons), PGCE Mrs KFarrow BA(Hons), PGCE Mrs CDrakeley BA(Hons), MA, PGCE

* denotesHeadof Department E SaundersBSc, PGCE Miss SDuttonBA(Hons), PGCE Mrs JCooperBEd(Hons) Year 5Classroom Teachers Mrs MDunionBSc(Hons), Lab Technician D Chapman BSc (Hons)PGCE Mrs GKerr BSc(Hons) Miss PBushby MEd, BSc(Hons), PGCE Mrs C Waldock* BSc(Hons), PGCE Science Mr R Way* BA(Hons), PGCE Religious Studies Mrs SKrbacevic BSc(Hons), PGCE, Mphil Mrs LKelly BEd(Hons) Miss PBushby MEd, BSc(Hons), PGCE Mrs A Rigney* PGDipED, BS(Hons) PSHCE Mrs LSmith Mrs RShaw, MrsZSummers, MrsM Watkins, Miss CHudson, MissELucas, MrsSColeman, Mrs RFowler, MissPHarpham, MsJIreland, Mrs C Adams, MrsM Adams, MrsLBrown, Pre Prep LearningEnhancement Assistants Mrs GSmithBA(Hons), PGCE Mrs MOwen BEd(Hons) Mrs CLuke BA(Hons) Mrs HEwinsBSc(Hons), PGCE BSc,Mrs PDewsbury QTS Mrs RClarkBA(Hons), PGCE Mrs RBirminghamBEd(Hons) Miss KCavill* BA(Hons), PGCE Pre Prep P Rigney BSc(Hons) Mrs LKelly BEd(Hons)


of theUniversity ofCambridge Appointed by the CounciloftheSenate Dr KJDell University ofOxford Appointed by the Councilofthe Professor A MBuchan for theCountyofDerbyshire W Tucker Governor)- Hereditary (for theRtHonEarlofCarnarvon Sir Henry Every Sir Henry A Churchill A Bock Mrs DCawthorne Ms KStone Mrs DP Ward T JHannam I Davenport E MShires M JCNeedham D N V Churton Mrs A EHill R JOwen M RH Wimbush R A Litchfield - Hereditary Governor)- Hereditary (for theHarper-Crewe Family BScMRICS HerMajesty’s Lord Lieutenant BA FCA FCA BA MADPhilPhD DipLCM BA(Hons) MA JP MAFIET OBE BA(Hons) ACMA CBE Bt DL FCA (Chairman) BtDLFCA MBEFSYI LLB BSc BEd(Hons)Dip TEFLA DScFMedSci

2010 2016 2000 2016 2000 1998 1994 2006 2016 1997 2014 2006 2009 2014 2003 2016 2013 2016

Headmaster (Foremarke) from Headmaster (Repton), Easter2019 M JSemmence [email protected] School, Repton, Derbyshire DE656FHoremail: write tothemc/otheClerkGovernors atRepton To contacttheChairmanorany of theGovernors, please R Fletcher Bursar atForemarke Hall, School, Clerk totheGoverningBodyandBursaratRepton W M A Land R Relton • Foremarke Standing Committee C PBilson B.Ed(Hons) BA(Hons) MA, Headmaster(Repton) MAMBA, MAMBA

† Old Reptonian

2018 2016

FINDING US using the A50. using and easilyreached from boththeM6andM1 Foremarke HallislocatedtothesouthofDerby an alternative toourpostcode. to locateus!PleaseenterChestnut Avenue, Miltonas Please beaware that some ‘sat-nav’ devices are unable OUR POSTCODE ISDE656EJ on therighthandsideafterapproximately 1mile. Milton. The mainentrancetotheschoolcanbefound the sharprighthandbendasroad drops into Continue alongthisroad for 1mile andturnlefton exit ontoBrook End, signedtoMelbourne. centre ofRepton andattheroundabout take the1st Continue alongthisroad for just over 1mileintothe roundabout take the1stexitsignpostedReptonB5008. roundabout take the2ndexitandatsubsequent roundabout inthecentre of Willington. At thefirst Proceed alongthis road for ½miletothedouble A50, take theB5008signposted Willington andRepton. From theroundabout attheJunction ofthe A38 and FROM DERBY, LICHFIELD AND THE WEST ½ mileonyour lefthandside. Repton. The entrancetoForemarke Hallcanbefound the villageturnrightsignedForemarke, Miltonand over 2milesthrough Ingleby afterleaving andshortly Ingleby andForemarke. Proceed alongthisroad for just bridge over theriver andimmediately turnright, signed Swarkestone. After theCrewe &Harpurpub, cross the Proceed alongtheroad for justunder1milethrough road take thefirstexitonto A514toSwadlincote. . At theroundabout attheendofslip Proceed for 6½milesandtake theexitsigned A514 slip road take the A50 westbound towards Stoke. Nottingham. At theroundabout attheendof Leave theM1atJunction 24signposted A453 FROM THE M1MOTORWAY

15 FOREMARKE HALL | REPTON PREPARATORY SCHOOL | INFORMATION BOOKLET CONTACT Foremarke Hall, Repton Preparatory School, Milton, Derbyshire, DE65 6EJ @foremarkehall

For the School Office: The School Secretary Telephone: 01283 707100 email: [email protected] For Admission enquiries: The Registrar Telephone: 01283 707112 email: [email protected] The Headmaster: Headmaster’s PA Telephone: 01283 707102 email: [email protected] The School Shop: Located at Repton School Telephone: 01283 559323 email: [email protected] School Policies: INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018-2019 INFORMATION