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JDK1.1 is released; it includes JavaBeans and 1991 Database Connectivity. 2005 A “Stealth Project” brainstorming session is Project launches as an attempt held with Sun’s , Andy Bechtolsheim, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) are announced. to build an open-source Java implementation. Wayne Rosing, Mike Sheridan, and Sun launches Project Glassfish, . 1998 a -generation Java EE Sun forms the Green Project to explore opportuni- 1.0, an extension to the lightweight UI frame- applicaiton server. ties in consumer electronics. Gosling, Naughton, work, is released, and there are 500,000 down- Sheridan and other engineers move to an offsite loads in the first six months. 2006 office and break off most communication with Sun. EJB 1.0 is released. Web Toolkit is released, rewriting the way Gosling begins work on the JavaOne attendees all receive the iButton digital developers write Java for the Web. Oak programming language (later ring as a giveaway. First release train of (“Callisto”) arrives in renamed Java). (JCP) established. the summer. Major releases have arrived every year after. 1992 Java SE 6 is released. Annotations at last. Star7 PDA created, bringing with it Duke, 1999 Java’s Mascot. Star7 includes the Oak NetBeans 3.0 is released. programming language. Sun announces Java 2 platforms in standard, 2007 enterprise and micro editions. Sun opens up Duke, the Java mascot, under the 1993 arrives. Tomcat started off as a free BSD license. Sun’s Green Project becomes FirstPerson, and refo- servlet reference implementation by James Java is released under the GPL 3, and the OpenJDK cuses on set-top boxes for televisions. Duncan Davidson, a software architect at project kicks off. . 1994 2008 Sun engineers Naughton and Jonathan Payne use 2000 JavaFX 1.0 is released. the Oak programming language to write WebRun- Java APIs for XML is released. ner (later renamed HotJava), the first browser that supports moving objects and dynamic executable J2ME CDC 1.0 spec is released. 2009 Java EE 6 is released. content. At JavaOne, Sun CEO Scott McNealy announces that 100 million Java- Sun Microsystems is on the ropes financially. 1995 enabled smart cards will ship this Oracle and HP fight over its acquisition. The name of the programming lan- year and 250 million next year. guage is changed from Oak to Java 2010 due to trademark issues. 2001 Oracle completes its acquisition of Sun Microsystems in January. May 23: Marc Andreessen announces J2EE 1.3 is released. at Sun World that the Netscape EJB 2.0 spec is released. browser will support Java. This is Eclipse Consortium is launched to further the 2011 Java 7 is released. considered the official birthday of development of an IDE IBM had already invested the language. $40 million into developing. NetBeans 7.0 is released. 1996 JCP process changes are proposed. They are Java 1.0 ships. 2003 intended to make the process of JCP approval community site launches. more transparent. JavaOS is announced, targeted at network computers. Eclipse Foundation is created. 2014 JavaOne conference is hosted for the first time. 2004 Java SE 8 is released. Lambdas at last. 1997 J2SE 5.0 is released. Generics at last. 2015 Java becomes the second-most-popular program- NetBeans 4.0 is released. Java turns 20. ming language in the world, with more than project is established. 400,000 developers worldwide. Eclipse version 3.0 is released.