Rural Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 26 June 2018, in Village Hall starting at 7pm

Present: Councillors: P Milner (Chair), A Brown, P Broomby, W Cheetham J Davies, P Davies, S Jones, P May, A Milner, R Milton and P Richardson Clerk: C Warner Members of the Public: 10

99/18 To confirm acceptance of office by Chair It was confirmed that Chair had signed his acceptance of office.

100/18 Public Participation Period A representative of Rural Protection Group spoke about concerns raised by a member and correspondence with a Council Planning Policy Officer. Following a question to Shropshire Cabinet earlier this year the Group had been given assurances that errors in the assessments of settlements would be corrected. Recent correspondence stated that there would be no corrections and decisions regarding classification of Hubs would stand. The Group requested the Parish Council vigorously discuss the flawed assessment when it meets with . A resident spoke regarding the grass area at Martins Field, Trefonen. He understood the Parish Council did not wish to take on responsibility for maintenance, but Shropshire Council did not maintain the bank in the same manner as other areas. Residents had had to take their own action. Complaints had to be made last year and this year to get the bank mowed. He requested the Parish Council to reconsider its decision.

101/18 Presentation to Parish Council: Shropshire, and Wrekin Defend our NHS on Future Fit. Representatives from the Group made their presentations and answered questions from Councillors.

102/18 Public Participation Period (continued) A resident expressed his interest in the Parish Councillor vacancy.

103/18 Apologies for absence: Cllr J Barlow (accepted) and Shropshire Councillor Joyce Barrow Absent, no apologies received: Cllrs F Humphreys and E Roberts-Jones

104/18 Minutes The minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 29 May 2018 were approved and signed.

105/18 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: a. Members were reminded that they are required to leave the room during the discussion and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether or not the interest is entered in the register of members’ interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer. b. To consider any requests for Dispensation None c. Members were reminded that they are required to declare any acceptance of gifts and hospitality.

106/18 Police Report The Police were not present. Clerk: Carole Warner, Orchard Cottage, Rowe Lane, Welshampton, Ellesmere, SY12 0QB Tel. 01948 710672 email: [email protected]

107/18 Planning a. Decisions Received i. 18/00485/FUL Trefarclawdd Farm, Tref-Ar-Clawdd, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9DE Erection of an agricultural building Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC: Support) b. Applications Received - to consider response i. 18/02091/FUL Lloyds Animal Feeds Ltd, Mill And Premises, Morton, SY10 8BH Erection of two silos and bins It was resolved to support the application subject to consent being conditional that there was no increase of noise at night. ii. 18/02390/FUL Land Adj, Unit R14, Radfords Field, Oswestry, SY10 8RA Erection of industrial unit with associated external works for B1, B2 and B8 use It was resolved to support the application. iii. 18/02475/FUL Derwent Ucha, Old Racecourse, Oswestry, SY10 7HW Erection of two storey extension over garage; Creation of balcony over existing flat roof extension and alterations to property to replicate arts and crafts It was resolved to support the application. iv. 18/02637/FUL Land Off Road, Oswestry Development of new UK Headquarters for Aico Ltd, to include Office space, Training Centre, Auditorium, Warehouse and Packing facilities, with associated car parking and external landscaping It was resolved to support the application. The following comment was to be submitted for consideration as part of the application: The Parish Council welcomes and supports this application, which will bring investment and employment opportunities into the area. The proposed development boundaries on its north side the narrow unclassified Weston Road, that forms a well used commuter route connecting the south side of Oswestry town and Oswestry Rural Parish to the industrial estate and access to the A483 which will see an increase in both commuter and business traffic over future years as the area is further developed. To ease the flow of traffic, improve sight lines, encourage and ensure the safety of those who currently walk or cycle, between the existing Weston railway bridge and the Junction of the Weston Road with Maesbury Road, the addition of a pavement, minor straightening of the line of the road, and removal of the hedgerow along the boundary line with the development is requested as part of the application works. The loss of the hedgerow along this boundary line will be compensated by the large expanse of green space the application will include. This development will offer an opportunity to improve the infrastructure of this route that will improve safety for all users, and encourage the use of alternative modes of transport that potentially would be beneficial to the business and its workforce.

108/18 Housing Needs Survey General discussion took place and Councillors expressed disappointment that only 284 responses were received from approximately 1,900 survey forms issued. The responses would be noted and used if appropriate in future discussions.

109/18 Parish Clerk’s Report a. Councillor Vacancy The Clerk confirmed the deadline for applications for co-option was 16 July 2018. b. Trefonen Cross Cemetery

Minutes 26 June 2018 2 of 4 The Clerk advised the Trefonen Heritage Group had commenced producing a plan of the Cemetery. The Council expressed its thanks to the Group. c. General Data Protection Regulations It was resolved to accept the report and recommendations.

110/18 Financial Matters a. Balances for Information Noted b. Outstanding Accounts The following accounts were approved: C Warner £1,204.64 HMRC 332.95 Rural PC £208.15 Shropshire Council £500.00 Royce Landscapes £732.00 D Brewer £238.97 M Evans £54.00 WA Cheetham £25.50 c. Bank Reconciliation Cllr Richardson reported he had agreed and signed the bank reconciliation.

111/18 Business Plan and Action Plan The Clerk advised the Action Plan contained all the items identified for action for this year within the Business Plan. The Council could add projects to the Plan during the year. It was designed to track progress of projects.

112/18 Councillor Reports a. Parish Councillor Cllr J Davies reported he had attended the Trefonen Gardening Club and they had agreed to consider maintaining the verges at the entrances of the village. Cllr Richardson was to attend the Affordable Homes seminar at St Martins. b. Shropshire Councillor Cllr Barrow was not present.

113/18 Parish Matters a. Trefonen Bus Shelter Refurbishment Cllr Cheetham reported the Primary School had completed pictures to make into a mural. These were now being reviewed by an artist. b. Tipping of rubbish on Miners Arms car park Cllr Brown reported rubbish continued to be tipped. It was noted the area was privately owned land. c. Martins Field grass area The Clerk reported that the machine used to mow the bank had been broken which was the reason it had not been maintained. The whole area should be mowed at one visit. d. Battle’s Over and VE Day 75 8 May 2020 Cllr Richardson outlined the approach from the Pageant Master and the offer of a free Peace Bell. Following discussion, it was agreed to defer any decision until further information was available.

114/18 Highways a. A483/Maesbury road works Progress was noted. b. Weston Lane, Morda The Clerk advised she was progressing funding of the Scheme through CIL.

Minutes 26 June 2018 3 of 4 c. Upper Brook Street traffic congestion Cllr Broomby explained the level of congestion was now unacceptable and general discussion took place. It was agreed to request traffic monitoring take place and request all options to eliminate congestion including no parking and residents parking be considered. d. Traffic signage on settlement signs Cllr Milton requested the addition of appropriate signage to slow speeding traffic be reviewed. This was agreed e. Blodwell Bank mirror It was agreed to request a replacement mirror. f. Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) Cllr J Davies requested that provision of VAS funded by the Parish Council to assist traffic calming be reviewed. This was agreed.

115/18 Date of future meeting and to consider agenda items: 31 July 2018 (Trefonen Village Hall)

116/18 Resolved: That under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the item of business numbered 18 to 22 as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the likely disclosure of commercial or personal information.

117/18 Transfer of green spaces from Shropshire Council The Clerk reported no further progress had been made.

118/18 Trefarclawdd Cemetery The draft Agreement was reviewed. It was agreed to obtain a second opinion.

119/18 Quotations for maintenance works and inspection reports It was resolved to accept the tree maintenance work quotation and the base quotation for work in Trefarclawdd Cemetery. General maintenance work was agreed.

120/18 Use of Community Infrastructure Levy in Morda Cllr Milton explained a proposal to use the Levy for the benefit of the community in Morda. It was resolved to support the proposal in principle and proceed to consultation in due course.

The Chair, Cllr P Milner, declared the meeting closed at 8.40pm

Signed………………………………………………….. Date……………………………

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