Calvin Berger Later, Calvin and Bret are in study hall chatting about movies. Rosanna interrupts and asks Calvin to meet her that night ("Don'tcha Think?"). He takes this to mean a date, and shows up with a love poem for her... only to hear her confess her feelings for Matt. She asks Calvin to speak to Matt, since they are both on the wrestling team, and find out if he likes her. Though heartbroken, Calvin agrees ("It Just Wasn't Meant to Happen"). In the locker room the next day, Calvin speaks to Matt, who says he likes Rosanna but gets tongue-tied around girls. Calvin laments having the opposite dilemma: verbal wit without good looks. In a hilarious duet ("We're The Man"), they hatch a scheme to win Rosanna's affection by combining Calvin's words with Matt's looks. In preparation for Matt's first date with Rosanna, Calvin writes love notes for Matt to give her. He tries to coach Matt on what to say but discovers that Matt has a lousy memory... except for rap lyrics. Thus, Calvin must — quite awkwardly — teach Matt through the use of rap ("Never Know"). When the big night comes, their plan works like a charm. But it pains Calvin to see Matt kiss Rosanna. Meanwhile, in a showstopper ("Saturday Alone"), Bret sings of her desire to be with Calvin, instead of home alone. Just then, Calvin calls and invites her over. She shows up at his house dressed to the nines, whereupon he asks her for help writing love notes to Rosanna. We see here that Bret is Calvin's , so to speak, afraid to express her feelings for him.

Saturday alone, and I can't stop thinking, I should be there having fun. Other kids are probably at some party drinking, Me? I'm a party of one. But I think the popular kids are losers, I look like crap in tight jeans, I think it's cool to be different, Though different means.

Saturday alone, with the same old daydream, What if I followed all the trends? If I were a clone, and fit in the mainstream, I could be out with some friends! There's only one person I'd like to be with, and he isn't thinking of me. Calvin, you're on a wild-goose-chase. Can't you see? It's fantasy!

Look at me, look at me! Look and see a girl, a girl who is your friend, Now squeeze those words together, So we can spend... A Saturday alone, I mean, alone together. That, I'd get used to pretty quick. Saturday at home, snuggled on your sofa, Watching some indie flick!

*Phone rings* BRET: Hello? CALVIN: Hi. you wanna come over? BRET: Uh. sure? A little late for a movie, isn't it? CALVIN: It's. something else. I'll explain when you come. BRET: Okay. I'll see you in a few! *hangs up* Oh my God.

One little call, and my prospects look up! What else could that be about? Maybe a hangout will turn to hook up... Only one way to find out! Maybe I'm pretending, but something in his tone... Says that I'm not spending this Saturday alone!