

Flnl EnlcrUtaarai as* New Parodial School DWctar D «. Neal and W. A. SUnpr PlansSeason'sProgram WinningSeoson 'sFirstGame KanU for Nattanal r*nffmir» Snt WJIU $ Olv, in TrtoHy nsrlsk Mwaw Afte?r Business Meeting Next Hub'Hope* to Have Senator Founal Exercises to Take Displaying an n fll rf utr play was at m1dl>M Hull s|iar- Wr*k. Member. W.ll Beftirv tool bull tor a inmi t ruie Tar aTropeniiHt-Ui-lhe secoiul qnai Pietson Outline Benefits of Place Saturday Afternoon A large delegation from Union County ver ilir local boys mwtteil * rhaive ana What might be termed the -opening Slutlv of "Our I'oswsaion* fi'ni mgti Mhoot tiMtsaa tnam «n-i $100,000,000 PlaTTto Be run" of a campaign of fun and en- in Auditorium of New will attend the Seventeenth IVwrw- uletely uiilplavni Wiatru^ WUads Rwli vnisfH) upun It for the flr»t tout luiown ;ertalnmepl by the Mena.Cteb at lion Congress In Atlantic City. O- and Ulaml Siluml of W«hu»i*n *>« CJ-J) lm witirh came about as the retmlt o(. n Presented on Ballots.' frlnlty Episcopal church win occur Building. ~ tobrr 6-11, It U announced by the N»_- tf.ituutav arternon on Ctanf^rJI <*««! tuiuuni tun which main fixitball -ilu» Mat-Thursday night when Presideta. ttonal Recreation AHsoctatlon which l» tuniln Hut It Ii* ieiiil !>,,,,....li-n. Kl«nri H'JfJ^ Ml tripping HIT tr» Wtntanntm, W. Buckley will welcome the mn- Imtuiions have bwn umed-for the vpoiLvnlug the tuuieiiiluuy tCTTT ulmli uym* LLU T5SuE»TI5a~«»"; At the meeting 61 the Cranford Re- xrs lo the first emit-et-tiw 4JU0 *ra-|*e]ein dedication of St. Michael's new Claude A Allen ^uDe/fntendent nf s will cntutitiKe the pr n Great plan* hate been made jind j Parochial School, which will take place recreaUon. ElUabeth: Ttinmas F. Ken- Imal urltlilen t.uriirxt nr.it«r j. ham*«i quarter dropped back for « \ home. It was announced that the or- Is anticipated that a full attendance'Ss-igdar afternoon at three oclockjii^ ny Ellntbethi JP[,-g_Ma'J"'w«n ^auner^ nr«t half nf tlie IOJO-1931 rlub WH and the end* aklrted out 1 &t»££JEU!U, Tm«i3cirt*"orTrecr('atioi?™^?i>p Urtlnn art* ----- pljk rftln Uilent Uut Ji ,t.ricM* Maraotio hli left end to uifcc VbmejYaKepuKUean Club In sponsoring ent committee an all tettghtngu p Qovinty Park Cjlmmiulon Wartrunco it It. the inertlng (next Wednesday tiie ton but Hmelttrr wat rainpluii i a public meeting at which the 1100,- Right Rev_Thomas J Walsh. D O Park, EJltabeth p R Nral director of nrnliiR In thr.PuWk- Ubrnry Weeklry W.IA n|wd up tn j OOOJDOO bond issue will be. the subject if which has not been revealed. Durtng recreation. Cranford Rov Schlenter The first niretniic b( the club. IIQW- (n> tlie ball mi his o»ti forty yard f President Oeorge E. Oiterheldt stated ihe ceremony, while the address of the director of recreation Plalnflrlil W«- rr- will br'a biwini'HJt itesslon. .Mr* tjame White he rpftiivn. -til* fetmatir 1 he put mam tb* dub enjoyed a tanorcasjon will br delivered by the Right buuvunt "over The %JMKIH IM^WDIM^S ill ime With the .rest ot llu> lixal batk- the patter fa not clearly understood by round of. good, times and eietDent en- ley'A. Stanger, Cranfonl: tjester H. rilmr I. .lohnvm prnitdent of thr flrld ranilng ui for Interteiruce ' the. general pdbllo.and as it l*"of great Rrv Monstgnor Charles K. Mackei, ThdVnas, Cranford: vr ftlchrtumd Trm'y it» will fiPhver-her nrldreiM and then* duei «teni that hi* Uiciu; tutfl jun \»r«l WcnlwtwkMV.. . thing U> bring* ft before the mien, County Park Commiiwion, Wannnnco IUIII .cami'ntiim Uii- spring My thi1 this year. Plan* for the dedication of the new Ubliilmi liut **.««. tanUrrs' to ring up the flntt six pointer * unit had suggested »de- schMl wen made at s meeting of the Park jainabetli. and P n Tikomblv UK -iiama JUcClralh failed in his 1 The Club is composed at 'men of secretary Board of Educa^inn Summit At the nuxitlng »1ilrh »U1 take nlaci> With the iwmtori of rta «uu»d bate on.the matter, with Senator ,Pier- meh of Cranford and tfie memberatop fft»y Name Society Monday~evenlng tr* «t|«npi iu kick (lie extra point , one of the strongest advocates of trxMcboaL Preceding the the ex,ercLics, anTTricluded In thp advance reftMin^ ctobpr H flip n enibefn of the .clup letfrlnu 'to wo Coavh WovAii*^ now about 40 and Is restricted to the them tint tor priuT.14* ife w Die always opens with a replete program openlnit gain? Thev «i«r«.itt. lads lined up «lt|i Uie bull *t niKlfltld however, that the, Republican Bute o clock in-front of the school Led by nUenlty will «lve nnr n( tl»' (irmdpal fr» Mutlha On«B-4'h«iib,-ulilli. Mrs p atid* ittartpd a lonslslrtit iialu thitiuuh platform contains a plank sponsoring and is a riot of fun. tor it 5*^ the eight Mwum T. Towler will outline.-II"' d t\r.*lU\ when members get together. rene*f~ac mardiers n under thr topic •"Cluwartn illlKin and lllelr ariniraiv i,lic 4tne . resinrinii to nld-fnsliflincd the issue, so a.debate hardly seems street to~Epnngn»d avenue, to Union alues of Play and Ket rwiUoif Itabbl llntury of Ai(|Ul»lllf)i« Mn I) Claikllng »IM * hmuty trukiujr nt. Uirhajd-iimaiiliiiiii footlwll The backn ol- ' probable. The club agreed, however, ualntances and Introduce their friends Cd wrrk t |it*y- currtrtiX on mi uiirfin anT- i ho are candidate* for membmtrlp to avenue, to Walnut avenue, to Lincoln bba Hlllel Slhcr iifcinrland ulll teruated in larryuui the bull fur the "to cooperate wilt) the women in a meet- •venue), to -South 'Union avenue,. Xast-- :ak on WedJiesdm p\tiillut_«Xi'l!>'f ur^-J'i-olmniratry-t'iibil llaltl Pan llinlnary training pwttoiln ,i>ll tuckrul It utuler— he rest of the membership. nm~iuul Nluunliun " Mm ui the lrk.IU-pDui_»zl;>. Wolf was." named as chairman of the 1 James C Beggs Turk. Tom Stevens, O T Hurts and lost umtrol ot the ^icuttaum .imhTu* ™r >»«i» and.louclidown CUneji committee in charge for the Republican ha* been appointed grand marahall of father of the playground mot emeu m nrnm ' ' while th* Rev Father Flls- ferrltt Mls» Marv M Vrelaud MIV Ihe Unit quartequ r winu*«i« c » uiiperi liniwi Weehiiwken securing additional public Institutions, home, hob pob with tbeJBtfnee-Sf Wales} pauick. curate will head th* Holy illl tell the story nf municipal golf Iu for future water sheds, the road build- flnd call upon Lloyd Oeorge He his county Rabbi A L Krohu i)f uvelf and Mrs K W Mvers Mn deal of rugry pliiy na tw pun «I awrti i «»itieJect ot Mra 1 Mr Stanger also said lie would secure inter. convent next to the school in Alden The problem of avoiding polltiial hvyt llkH If.airy rcsklrnl* have any At the meeting Thursday 'night. W tnorltlsm in appointments to reireo- I) Mursai while Mm Aildrvw It J, copies of Senator fterson's speech In Enrollment has reached 203. i'arnrxk "ulll tpeak on Educalonal good Indoor. ganws that they think fsvir of .the Issue, and those will beW Buckley will introduce the enter- with about 175 of this number pupils ioii positions will be discussed by sev- CampTmstecsRefiew vuuld be uaaulr at the cani|)i Dlrco eral of the leading recreation suileriii- 'ollcles' l|iu qUcuuion of the meet- distributed among' the voteri/. Report, tainment committee headed by Jules •formerly enrolled In the pub- ui will lx> iluecied by" MlM Mary Aide tor Meal will br glad to arrangls lo let Du__Barry and, .turn the meeting over ICicbnola- rndents The place of the National, tbem and tee tliat they are installed • copies oLjthe State legislative bulletin. o them after he makes his welcome HuUlenburfli— •—• ^ Admties rfYea r in, ii>« camp lor next Kaioii p Tlip study ol the United SUI.w' pin- Mr. stanger • was empowered, to sub- ipeech.- Upon resolution, of the execu- nentsJn fostering publlc-recrralion will Live coinmittee he will present htsanr it'sulonn ana Inland nelnhtoorn will bo A lenmml Inventory of all properly scribe for them for the club MiBion Dollar > thoroughly debated was made and certain recommendations the* entertainment committee, liual address-to the membenhip with wntlmird by the club until the ineel- The fourth aircraft tournament will inn which In nchwluled for February Report of Camp M»II*H>I and re nap* toy varlou* trusto** rrasrd- i*prartt~af*tUO ~ undettUndUm-UU0-.41 conclude -the .canyrrtu = pttnie which took plaoe last ran over an bout. Ht-say* that * w» Montdalr. Ptteraon. sod Moorestown is, wlien " lU{""*snpI»«l "Ur' *Ho4rm' Hneric*n-Art**, thsf "whMirSrtll Vu oat to inwp* vusUr* the o.'mp '•tfi" *nrr"isny. "itfiiSsaifiiii In? •**»oa»those frwritnVsfiiemcitio* Eipeaaea fmim tlm to tim* and it has Deen to say cotsdderaMe k a nlUiidered fur the remuuider nf Ilir arc to of being He••IBw JerseI -MOy TStat imnr;e chambe, nin~r oqf Com»"- ^^ qualUled boys for this com- found that damag* ha* roiulted that I return* for tickets. -^ few words. Ko matter what tt J» that t(l||t ub year will be Intruducnd and ArroinpfasKiiieBUr 7. has found a Wide Interest mant- 'Ihe* WetlhiHwIav MornliiK Club was bu «*B oomldmbi* money lo r«|»lr *To* cunpalgu 4HSiuiilUvv-»i»l*xl ar* whar_»ort,ot malepetitio! nttlrcralt. for national honors In flying irpuiirea tangement* are to be made before the entertainment the committee has ar- Issue for Water Supply lie nd berlime one of the charter Hctfuir ramp aeasdn and that It will., at which candidate* tor all offices will members' are' reminded, to be on hand voters at the coming election In No- 1>e> In charge of one individual who will. oh time. After the program a soaal Complete Plans For lrembonTijf thf New JiTney Ht«t« Ped- till season. AjUjv ttass it>e MW be given the opportunity to speak. SBber. irnen the whole question of rratlciu of Women H C'lulxi In IHIM weeks during whisti the be the only one authorised to drive It These meetings will receive, publicity session of handshaking.' story teUrnf. tbt runt nf rrrmlri 1'1* "• lt camp •» f ' 'and all members were urged to sttm- He~l*~to~Ge •roleeFon: Voters will" • ItUJVJiS L> C't* lulllfn mid Mrs hlrly-flvK buyi s> wmft. Uur the year amounted U) over IIM which " ""^lua&Tnterest In thenTafter they afo yams" and good fellowship- ml! *r ac- V CTMNsjtw and 'can utiry b» rtlwl- companied by refreshment*, and ogan. ite the opportunTty to vot* on each Itihn F__Fasl \lce pre^idrnui Mrs I'uul 'lloy Weeks Indicsxtft *» «** /Announced. dlvhSi&m] jDuuQ Issue nat^itr rwuictlng it* use and holding a* 160 Thf Jlrtitnr KBnr-aui lbl tt wiH™nirl~ " .Herbert ILWIncktef, chairman, ot the in4pe»k^ fVthe WomehV Clubs First -Ganies- Will^Be -Rolled Mrs Adani V Hobtin'm h»ld> the poat ne«il«r-\w<>-'"*«««» t*t*mr Dm- entertainment committee, announced Us* Lakey 1* especially stressing the was ohVlaily oponxt matt is Obt sfal he «md to transport boys to and from Monday Night on Casino of lorrespondltui and n deration tern- nrmp and will not be sent to C'ranfurd mrfliffj** A.ould aponsor.Jin.activl? Course Will Be Offered WKerBondlmas-li-this-U not-ac- ry" Mrs Linltr tt-Hntrd»lei«-l»-(tr«w^ no maud- »M- marts) nt tna n«irifs1 J tie* until after election- Ther> plans cepted try uie jroters in New Jersey, the Alley?. . Players to Have separate report, Olrtt kjr OUittf Hrai on call irum'-any'iruup a* h»r boerr For Girl Scout Leaden ii(rr uud Mrs MrrriU-W flaynet is tfje practice In the past, but will m*kr wjll be made for card parties and other question of tbe future water supply pf i;iHH«r-- nessey covers thai the Kate Is a very serious one So Handicaps This Season. Ing soaann TruatuM rnm-vnll mjular trips oiily when bagifagg of ClAtlranen of standing i omniituvn urn rhanglug group* I* U> be transported. K. Fred. Sulzer, chairman of the To assist In training women for lead- many Women* Clubs haw called on a follows. Mt'inberthlp. Mm Collliu report* *> the ramp, uucaxuim lain 'athletic committee announced the club rship In Olrl Scout work, a dirt Seoul Lakey to speak on the subject Plans for the opening of Uie Com- nature and proitraui Mrs Kant. cn>. Hunday Another item fhat sjunml up In the has entered a team" in the community Leaders' TralnUjg Course for Adult* that 'she ha* been obliged, to secure munity Bowling Ltsguc, which w.lit be < rtalnrnent. Mrs. James C Mm ray tie The report sh<»«t Uiiui tlut uftaJ out . jpwise was Uie dlaappearanm and bowling league and urged members to will take place in the gymnasium of the tbe sa&aance'of another t&jyaenta- conducted by tlie Playground and Reir- Mrn Jaseph V louillnum of runnlnst the caaip> Unrnt JttC>'i trraakagt of dishe* and other supplies be" on hand to root for the club repre- JUrst Presbyterian Church next -axath. tiic of the New Jersey State Chamber re*tion Commission uctf} dlscusM.Uaand Magazine Mis Hurry £ AtwaUir and Labor Day amouubnt e» SUSSM TU* U lias been decided that the dishes, sentatives. - - course oT snT sessions will br BSeML of Commerce, Robert 8 Dalenx, who adopted at the meeting of the board of publicity Mrs I'nul N Crispin lulled food wfirunmuaaMBj uionail* and supplies of the camp will Prank Jiarmer, chairman of the house artlnn qayirtay morning, OcMber H- Ukua the dates _that_Ml*» Latey captains of_tlle league uhlch took placr Following arc the cliainntq tifsporlaj whatever apparatuti and «MN>UM* *•»» be used only br Uie calnper* during the announcea with other sessions to take place Tue»- could not ait •Monday ete~nliiK lii'Uie rouib's Of 111*.' roninmwei I'limTu *enare, Mrs uaii- ne< essary u* buy had been rented for various purposes day, October IS, Saturday. Octoter M. f taker has already accepted ln- recreatTon commission Tho bowling lel lllirr, educaUmt, Mrs Warnock, lit- lhe_ tntja_amuunt nnM* tur tiamp A compfete re place- during the winter season andtsaid he Monday. October 22 and Saturday. Oc- season.will oflklally open Monday ev- i-raluri and ilraina Mn Toiler, ma- ahimuited to St 1U» •ItaST nmt*mt *Dent of utetull* ancTdlshes iut* Imn. TitaUonr to speaks tor the lollowlntt xteneasaiy each *ea»on because of receipts from: rentals would betober 27 The course Is to be prweiaed dubs in October: Women's Clubs in ening, »flh tlie Cuslno Alleys, again lie, M*rs Marsut. art Mrs T U Alujle- Uted the pn«|ieii« *a> *0a S to carry^jent 6f the house^ In periods of one and one-half houn Branch, Rahway. East Orange. ervlng as headquarters myer. International rclatlmiJi, Mrs tlorial and disappearance between i E. C. Wlnckier, chairman of Buys wbo break dlsliea or d«- in length, starting at 10 a, m. and con- RutherTord, Uedford.- Flemlngton, Ho- The league will consist .of t* m *1M amis membership committee presented cluding at' 11:30 a., m. teams this year Although the entrlrs )lt luren Mrs McOrayne, lecture, Mrs boken. BeSevllle, Paterson, Craniord. ; Sere serve* to- tr«- ^ im *- «- ^> names- of.seven resldepts of the The first four courses, will be under Roselie. Bast MilWone, Pasaalc, RMge- were slow In cumtng In when the com- i Edgar Itestoit, building fund. Mra hargt wo* placatl at StM' will be required Ui pay, for the > for membership In the club. the direction of Miss Teresa Carter of wod. WeMfield. Bogota and Upper mission first outlined Its plans for theJohn ti . Oarrison, telephone, Mrs while the cost to UJ*r ins Athletic apparatus, supplle* y-wM*~*lected. as follows: E. WNew York, regional director for Stew bowling season, when the closing dale Wciton Lennox and' nlotur^Mi-ii Otto amounted to about K\W * «•** S** a* baU bat* and the Hke nave dls- ' . fc,lt Force, R. L, Van Ne»V York and New'Jersey, Mis* Carter tf arrived, fourlccri had been entered, al- ac Wolff ' . " boy ttppmred'TMid have been destroyed In Krieg, Joseph A. Balloum. EL &-known to a great many Oul Scoot though the league was only designed to the same way and these supplies will s and Edward M. Lee'. D R Neal of Uut not be loaned-out to uoups other than eaders In Cranford. as ah* has ap-Cranford bankers and others of JjJnlon, care for an even dozen After UHTCTOS mission waa named eamc> I iBefore the business meeting dosed, gt and Mlddlesez counties are Ing da.le.J2r entrjej. bmevcr. the Lover Methodists Opea Season ax ««ular summer camper* >nd boy»_ thetxwrdror trn win berheld-lcsponalble for lots.ton- vt*» hf th.nk.. h land Company decided to withdraw had aenenl cB»ri« OC'OM uptn&uot k Ing oo October Sth at the Winfleld Scot] their team, while the Cranford A C With Fine Entertainment agt aod breakage. liwUlnjSenS t commtttes, !br^Jt3 -work -leaderVeqaalty ax well W>/»" V ^ 1-w.A > ). , Botet Eiraheihl "when*" Che * opetiW which wan one pf iKe'iaaf to'eiiUT^aTu irttf tidanctf^ or i connection with the picnic. qualified as Mis* Carter will be se- ery ol the Tnaetwn ** *•»-' Myg |The feature of the social session Rally and Dance 'will, be held. A large agreed to step out. Tills was In accor members' of the Cranford Methodist * caoplete survey iu made of the cured and her name win be annnmtnfd dance with the original "plans for. the ucky was camp dinette Br vast *»- followed the" meeting was thelater of ofneers and clerks/from EulKopal Church and their gueit* at sl*tcd by B C Bum*. *a dixvcisw *«&ISM: W*- OWh-anor-aJtowtt-rby Caftar Ceph» «-the taini place, l»j4._Wfilnejsclaxj:vejiij»ijn _the. -i-—^^^— [V MJM_IM sa^L-A - aVma. iMb^Sh -rfaAasbBKjSBBaaasBtl jj^UUMd «U»Vthecanip 'II, -Registration blanks-m»J-e* CastmaiTrit^eel Chapel'_ Alter a brief The pictures were unusually from Mrs. Daniel R. Neal. out Scoot onnation and schedules are now avail come, Arst'^ieTved.' basis Charle* 3 JsTaHac*, praulgai 't^t mntii tmrtmtur be located on th* top and showed all the activities CranfordT aft "lianuiton, »*«» and nady for distribution. , The t4anu,w.blch hav« been accepted congregational metllpg, an enjoyable ol tbe hill on the twenty-live acre tract. : Director for . program of entertainment was Sherman; School made the. affair so .enjoyable. * Course* offleiKl this year .includ* for the loop, together with the man- of the camp property. tji'M IIIMIIJ s»9 pplatforma s with *lde* wUI be avenue, or from Uiv Hale naojberty. agers are as follows Republican Club. d d i , Hashim also showed o good "Our 18 Central avenue. - Bk ^fti Commercial 1 emcted and in aU likelihood, steel coU comedy. Refreshments • Law.- B5l^^g -O -Leslie Ortamrctalrman-of-lru*' -"r-en. bought supplies, ma «*• on anr ll Tn.il RlchardsTLtons-Club, At Clark, Mer lees of the church presided during the- via haw better deeping accohunoda- mks. congregational meeting, which tlectrd sonal' KpreMntaU'n at tat tmwf inas. Institute of Banlnnc canU, M. Oreco; Commuters, Malcolm •gtr and the boant at trnsm tm 9d date of the Lion*' Clubs band Urisjm. ThTPresidint of captained by—nwonrwrby-TBnr spokr of him a* Co* st ia*"5e«« «Sno mat *M witduui gamertan-bc-trtdulg«d- Elizabeth Chapter of the American In- other by Karl -Bijbinjoo, for which Vocal selection* were rendered by in. a regulation bateball field and a drill team contest scheduled for stitute of Banking, accardinc to Chapter «s Herbert B. Hail. Cashier of torsof boyf' aetUrttinbcB inanco Park and BoseUe. October Use H"***•*- National • Bank;. Hillside, name* have not been selected. Flayers the following Ml** Mae Anderson, K b < football field can ba laid out a* well. announcement made today by lo of- these last two teams will be largel companled by Mis* Beatrice Wafner. fbas been postponed unjttt October officials of the Chapter. k. This action wa* taken' at the Western Electric men, from ibs Kearni Elmer Oiutermao, accompanied by It may be desired The Institute works, who have been engaging it Walter OusUrman, Mrs. Ltflot B- Lau , Tfct enUr* twtnty-fiv. ; meeting of the general committee ABT tXHLBRION ,rlon, accompanied by Hlai-Carrie He l orgamattan ioroded In Community Athletics, unuertbc destc he reporUdr«i»Jt fJwIr , am tn to one triangular piece almost through the effortf * of a group of bank There wffl be an exhlbltloq oC nation of Westrka. . . , Cattfl; and the Cranford.Male Chorus, •soar* and the situation iriaeal for to take part "had already conducted by John U. Bath. Itwa*thc Trade to whottt he reflnm m "»_•**» I to participate in the Holy Ni clerks m the Middle West win I " mat Applied tfU *. ti» Bekkxt Collins All captain* wen present at" the _ Th« lodge will be banded -WSether for toe purport Studio. 1 naralHwi aMour. October meeting Monday night, when final public appearaace of th* chorus, U andrJq.- advancing themstrre* through under Mr. Ratii'a direction, The^roup . Peffer, chairman of the prc u-it. The art>sU«tiaae work appears plane tor the dpkning wen adopted. «aar VecraaWp-if thl* plan 1* adofJUd. lion. The movement quickly came «rer Alice Crump, otk; Leslie Crump. After tome discussion, it was decided tu highly applauded and ii tot e6Jf bCiract on thTahore of [ wnnntttrB -reported that he had cluaton of their number*. tM singers hdbVfu>tU to favor, and with the help ot Osaca Vdntyra, mlnrst»tre»; to accept handicap* for the coming ts«thm»'«nd all of the time l*"»7 a>. T- "S lUMricatrSanfeca •AssmUIHn.*gamed watorv -1*» tandleap of.xhoje.-'Who given- a- rfcing. vote, ot-lhaaka. W t t wil QZ. in "to date~ancr that-several-more Ti JucuaV up^ Mis* Carrie McOaulI al*o pretenud * nvmm*"" to tbe extent that at qj Ftnoo. water caion; Chartott* played last year wUI be batednpsn . wllloonaosi I Bad promised to give farm defl- present a Chapter la. found la group c/piano selection*, during th« ss »»a, as their orga&bsv- OUL e»U »BSCT Urn' WWtoB. aauptare; thair awrage»of the last season. Hew tfc* to the ca«np-ground. Two psrlodi- principal ettjr fa " " BeJen L- Baas, weavtag: Oorinne O. players for their first three games- will • 4ar aiw allotted for swimming and _»_n)eeg. take 70 per cent of the difference be- Before tbe conclusion of ths iprogtam, the'eohftsti were- sub The Institute " BHden sod Donald 'W.-CoJlua, wan g. it., Manes of on d»y» pro- tween their *eare and IIS as^helr han Recreation Director D. R. Meal prav unalttts sueb aett^es sa can l BT Vm and approvepp d dicap. Hanfflcap* are-to be based uopn "' - over gam** ID which aU/Jotoed. ild wns«bt tno. new fabrtca, pottery, 10- [ and copies have been mailed - (OonUawit toJsst *t») ~ wenatnpjst, . . , PLAIDS ENLIVEN SPORTS MODE; " •••MtVIHHHHH inmiiM""""1"11"*"11 MILIJNERS VELVET CONSCIOUS Exhibiting Byrd's Antarctic Relics 1 the ChlMdrein*» Corner * ****** '. 1 o ..•..mm Hid th*Tl*d Firecracker: spitefully", AT plaid* are schedule*1 to enliven 1L wearing over her nifty plaid blouse A SKYROCKETS SALUTE In the picture. Coats Of this character 'Ah. well." said the more kinu- THE HUMBLE PEACOCK G the sports mode. U JOB are) up NDIA jlomtn Candle, "!>* was are, the.SJiartjhlnf for.sports wear, was btfianlnc; to'ieei s and wsrrted'-^i-^e* US*- ?** hit Imps'tjent. He had been lying can't blame him" Onpc there ni i I" letic woman includes one. there on the shelf of that jlttle clut- In tbe meantime. Skyrocket was re- feathets were a dull mud ! fully reproduced In many ot the new .Milliner* Say Velvet. tered shop-fur what seemed to be Seeing hla companions In their ~ Ullllner* - have become -eaceedlny. rears, waiting and waiting joldng fn~Brs~n«w—surroundings. He weaves. gloried'In the music of s big brass glorious green "and blue plumage, th* This blnnse of plalded - woolen Is ly velvet conscjon*. At every turn "Here Jt Is. the Fourth of July," he homely peacock was Indeed unhappy. In tbe realm of the, hs.t-beautifal for •puttered to himself, "and here we are hand neaiby.' snd In shouts of chil- style-revealing In sever«H»lnts. Per- ADVENTURES IN AN dren When be drew near, the other pea- haps tbe most slgnlScant thing about fall^ and winter one Is reminded of . Imprisoned In this old shop, while out- cocks dlstnlnfulfy stirred their feath- tbe favor expressed for velvet In black. INDIAN STATE sid* all aorta of elrltlnt things are "Why, It's geltln< dork!" he ei-ers snd left him. to plsy with on ugly It aside from the fact that It I* mafle elalmed. "Hut then, I will «how off of modish plaid Is the- fact of It be-In colors snd In wh|te. for some ol " happening. Oh, why doesn't somebody the most enchanting little berefs the rBXLS atsUoned In Lahore, la bay mef" ~'_Z~-~ _ all the better againat a dark alty. ing sn over-blouse Instead of * tuck- ir FuDjab.1 Journeyed to • (an —•Ke*p-MHn nM the sfisrp voTc* of a> be- felt b(ro»elf fall to the ground refused to curt and his fellow porker* M«n-»ui» tu act as-btat na» *a) a Trd llrecracknr nearby "Of course, and heard ttie fooUlepi of tbe, boy had dMorted him for this reason. ah rcaldent,'aa affldU who i If you had such a handsome cyllndrl. running off. ••rig,'"quoih the brown peacock, "I the dlptomaUc link between rslshsp* as I hsve and were wrapped iyropathUe j»llb you'In your *orry overnment of India and tha .role In' a H(ht red Jacket."there might be "Am I .to, he left here until the ralpa come and beat me Into Jhe uncurly thlngsmsjl* " >. state. ;:. .- — ."•• •••••.. some eicuse for your wsntlng to ; I shall never forget the nnexpei ahow yourself. Hot Just look at you' groundr he ilghed. "Thla Iw't what "Peacock," returned tbe pit. T I waa made for. I would much rather grieve for you in Jour mud colored with which I was rccel Nothing bat • stick of wood with a •UallKhted from the train on tiead and a tall" < have been left In the ahop than on feathers." ttila. damp ground.' Long mlnutea , liay la a rlvai. Three elephants with Skyrocket raised bis name-capped Along came _a_ lovely pa»«eou arc talk able peacock I You. match my dress nadeva; moat profound Don It u|i a« a aalute to tbe Flag before It perfectly. Come right along with Be r direction. I Inatlnetlvely retui Admiral llyrd'a Antarctic «ip*«iltp»a skip. It* CUj at New Tot*. has Ing snout 1 When * matrh la si>t to I* furled for the night: See that tall __ tii twil. I aonr to the King's party. You are a rar* elr salutation, hardly noticing, I V W-ranuiy.' uiy 'flteud's «w.m*j} , visitors along the Atlantic coast. Cant. Ashley MrKtalrr. aerial photographer -high up in thehlg nns *lM»e It? I am eolng to send peacock Inn the representative of the?, mahal - af tlit expedition, la IHD eiplalulng uni of u» eibdUts te> * grew «f bora. •kica and then 1 this skyrocket fitut ami above that world. All the »ho were standing oo one side n hlnsHom out into a Hag Watch now!" With quirk fln- court will envy me > greet me.. Uounted on these Im alniwer of r e d, grra tho hoy set the end of the sky- for having yon." ng steeds we rode In at«t* to wi 111 n I ml i|i11n11 in II nun wli|lo ^j. rocket Into-the grouror •••-Thank*. • lovelj • now*: gteeted^«BJ.U? *Wei «Uir«"Hnniet1nii"» I piece of piink he-^Ut^ th- .- Jadr," said t h • of the traditional r&pert w I We AlfSerWhat We E&pect to See- ~ Jet -fall ^« I'IVPIJF "Stand buck, IMIJS'* h» cHed. peacocVT wouli fi By M. K. THOMSON. Pk. D. jpray of (olilpn The dame enpt up the length of like to walk by |ce»ln ImUg, The gnest house w J-' biilia. Member* of your side, hat Dlalupe palace, loiurioujly 11 I I I I I I I I I I II 11 .I t 111 Ill Illllllllllll my fnnilly dhow jhe flue Then It touched the powder please do not Inls'Sed and equipped with every i their beauty In mid—Hang I Skyrocket was off at last I1IIOUI' (if people are talking hat manvM wa prrtwially. Tbe tin his greouailicnturfi- Through the leave behind my convenience!. 1 was given a? i A Yuu hear voices hot°fanmit dla- mention «f u* aaaae la a*al£ftel which inn^y wsyi. Why! poor dear friend, bleb the.resident Indlab caret Yuu .iloti't even darkening- »ky he «P_il with cocked etra either of you, wflh mo. When r Kin ^r*hwfeiWdenbfteeref«»» of praotlre ahd constant repetition lighted I give- a deep, red light and pulfl and he exploded Into a pattern straight tall of the pig, and he was One of the maharaja's no! llatenUic l» • Mtan«« «ran4 UiM may of lovely red stars which floated In lliav* produced In you an automatic prttv* to -be a daagrr algnmt laiV'Pftty nearly the whole eivnliu" the proudest, happiest pit that ever [was that of collecting autbmol tho alt-and tlivo near Skyrocket was I He himself showed me with nspons* to-Jour name. _ -- — . Upou -SSJIUB lhls us gqvo a.amrnful 1 grufted and (roofed. I r*W* «r# all set for our own name link around him at the torp'dnea, this llie Wg TTag, wuvlng prondlyr *- - -T** e .lovel.lovelj laTlT;-lh«--is«e6*1r-TrnlTl; d -and prideota^hoy prlaia, lb» ratlnad •aan'a^ar algnili "Good etenlug," said Skyrocket, po- [most., elaborate ami beantl 'becaUM we are deeply Interested In- from Ib* ea(UM*r. Mi* OMotm «ft1 electric sparktera and the giant crack- the plf made a great stir -at the era. The Firecracker sfarled to niiy King's party. The lovely lady took I equipped garage* 1 have ever see m'l. rrcaarkaMa kaark of ratrhlng 'Ihe flng fluttered quietly In an- which were displayed 79 autocno an furtfcer IUn«)r*Uoni. of something mure, but Jii't them the duor first prise for having; tbe most origi- of the shop opened and In walked a swer. "It lau't evening. If It were nal -peta. f of every makeJEd deacrlptlon. anlng wbat n npft !«•««. Jn tlw I wourd be-lowered from tbe stand- 1 aUo experienced a day's wild p tbe snraaiiy way re boy, Tlie-'famlly of Fireworks were I JUST A PUPPY'S all very still," The hoy a eyes roamed ard and put away. It Is considered : bunting from an elephant. A | portera kat* of c<'l»* hold of un- dreadfulto Jcat e aCountry'sflag up 1)4 said, "It Is not your fault that yon of ten took part In the sport il . STYLE- , uauzl nawa. otlea rrfetTM to n \i\r over the crowdnl slielvrs. , •lllve me a skyrmket, plriue." ho after the tfun gocsidawn; hsve but a moment to live." . sits In a bowdah or chair made t log~k mie* fo* U. !• a atlll further 1 jl i By DougUt M«lloch finally aald, and laid the money on the "Oh,-I'm sorry, ! puffed Skyrocket "That moment la glorious." replied . the elephant'* back, with <* rei lB*lan«c of Ik* MM «>r( «f thing Skyrocket "1 give It all to my coun- front and a box to hold rifle arot counter lie hated to be ^caught In such a piece STUNNING.SPORTS OUTFIT £•***(*••#«**««•**••»••»•» Tha* for aieallar rraeMii tliuugii in lha HliopkpopiT'j hand ucnt to- of Ignorance. ' | try I* . • • An attendant or gun beam ntVNKIt a puiipy In my yiiulh. a nlliler *e«w» e* efBrtmry. We all^ ihrlf pik.l high with fin? ' As lie spoke there was another lit ' And even as he finished there was a sutumn sun, the moon also for that on a seat behind «Dd, the .bwhoi M* wkat •« «i[*ct la aec -The idea" rard Hn* Winr piwjl IIIJIII wiin an* AW IIV *i*>*v i»e*>v j»»*i BUWMIH ••*- fihal-hurst_ot_glltterlng stars, blue In.' The return ot the over-the>*klrt ton th» elephant's I Thit-irappy tatiiht Viirlia f ey lg TtBBxpimlonadepp blouse Ti assured for-fal|-and winter. matter, e'et -alinnft-upjn_a.re__sryled_ truth." - - In mittd. Ik* Inure Af the thing, quick FortTiif r*rry Jpniitfi nttd HUe.~lllr Tlis-Bxirtniion-and-.t.e appeared-tbl«- like those In the flag. Then—In the han. _ d• granpr... da HkjriKteuL .•>...!•,.«t* i|firmlyBllllit , tlms Ita.oM Il*nr twlnkl••avltilrlayv whitas* til t eaa starsair it rat. of white transparent wKetll noi of althd!lfsaSBiP •na m nina a»l poU n In tune way of akyroikets—hi* light went out. In tact so Insistent Is the call fnr Of courae, I haven't any now, "Ihank )uu, air," tnld the hoy, anil Tha- flag didn't slip* the lent bit the over-hlouse thnt even the dressiest wide white velvet rlhbnn.* ture's big earvanTlioiaing thei-« For du(i ar« thlnga • WITM . won't with, that ebjert. Wm aee It mure of alarm at the sadden change*. He hiMas bribrillianl t moment of patriotism The Illualrstlun below tells the story _ or driving Iron with which bar g qni'aly a>4 acranrirlw t«rau>e- the. walked out. holding the hnppy Hky- types to near with the very elegnni : .•llrnr. ' kl was quite done. l' nagv k» elM"*' ** *" =xn ' Baron-'t'olsom. = Tut «nyw*yT T>n|» I )W» riddance to bad rubbish*," However, we digress, we started out suot^on» .boar, paraljStnl #h»n I wa«"lu»r« lltUe lad. to tell about this very chic sports out- may be sssured tliat the** choice mod-1 1 quarters wltSout killing hi •And many thlngi he -Umlit to hi* tit. ami especially about tha expioltu el* •« "real millinery-" That wee dlswj _. been having good sport snil 'Xliat nrrvml ui«. well, a» you ahall tloo by designers of. plaid at outdoor mond shaped trademark which you set) gjpijr two or three, bnlleu left. tre. : SUPERSTITIOUS ^dJor_Jjroy_e]_andaoWji_wean printed to tbe right tells you~*o. It h> . RTprosptct otstmneeding thessr -a:rgttaHnn»--Df-th*«t styles, belfltlifc^r 1 There l»n't time to tell them all. QT IP •*• •' • ~\\ There~Ts iiiucfi"lo" .„ ~.. Hut ii're la one Hint I recall: OntTByihj^J^dr thentlc and autJioritntlve, since It bears ' .unable to move and thought of gi OUt HI jKt for Mn „ qai,e p|0lli inclined the-lelteni A^ll. f. A.-wJilch being tdownto dlspatcn^tlia-wlth rairl lie overwhelmed mo when we mrt.. -for-felh—A-*=feB«lwnodel-v.ltlcb-roml»- 11. h l Interpreted means American Mllllnerv "Stop," said thp maboat. whe an Instantaneous hit wlth-*rery one Fashion Authorities, the mtlpherahlti learned of my Intentions, "th Wet, who laughl^a glimpse of It, Is an en- -changing them.'t.o6T And white you're of which conslats of a select few ol Quite unnecessary-! I will tell-thi - lint I Airgaie- Jilm, for I knew. WOMAN «»-> «•«*• mqcti of her -••fief Ural niui Invealtgate afterwards, semble costume. The suspender -dresi ourJlnln.countrce's" foremost mlMnery ~Haie si* wvtf t?w^l^/ri >e-Jmuirlf te f>ut(lts "collar. " more nccuniteris of black brondcloth. slItOTiiBts;V ~C0rfllir(!ty~comB>anlcatecl-hU - Un : 7IW raffst-meant "w»tt pit the—wMler « aK ' shn^t^-atHHif,-underwear and tint* BS, la.alw tht-bluuse," nn*«aa.riljf ft 'Tlie flrsi lovely »elvet-_<:re«tUin y^!ht b»! the sfoup illuitrniedj ls_a _g({ othrr laile Ilir*. ill. wluriniiton on Mou***- my~frrchd told -rra. - tock In beciro'e-trbmrn«e«f the-*us|wndeitheuspnd*s and the f j l hll -_JIiotiBJl8>JhirmX«!iie95Ltb Friends frmikljr apeak, and soni* Iln-Jr Irartu »lltr 'Hlifn I ililtnl the family I found. 'Jlut I'm surpriaed that- you Aldn't fashioned of hanilsomc quality, kind, affair, v.lih one of the new nulterlna bout urged him.to advance oi Afl«f— serback-from the-fnee brims which lu - : aiklkc, pUlurra an) '•••<-' ""' mlx-ry vlille It-waa true that there bad been Just drop them,** aald a woman In big bold red. jelfow green, blue anil ^ boar; the more* the boor show« And relatives will trlllilie, the group who was listening to the vltes you to show your-wiivy tre«s« : sngry tusks, and the -more thi air •oo.ldfrablB Illueaa In the family, the white Binghnm. "- . ? )\\ti If Iliry didn't love me true 'ulher having Juat been released from story. "I'eople who are so unappre- Spending of suspender skirts re- and -look yvur mint fusclmitlnK It lpnant backed swoy. from him. rial wiitker. BB; frl««!»i «<-rr lio h(»|vll«l, that they occupied a clatlve and ungrateful don't deserve Irilnila of 'he Importance of the Jumper denly, na the result of repeated "^lliey trj^to help and often hurt. iery comfortably furnlahed flve-fooin to be helped" dress this season. They are coming,In back brim Is sMrred. Ing. the eleplinnt »eemed to ma * «l:1uhl a. «lt." •»«• *aii». -to vlalt - The hat below which flores from the Juat like Mint puppy •pattern! tltrt. a faulty mberr ilm ttilolnm'iN'.ultl uot ipartmiMit xrlthout any signs, of need. A humorous pand underitandlng for considerable attention, not only his great mind. He wheeled, at Jlut du them Ihliigs, I tllll rwall. face.with such a nbnchalnnt air Is a aroatid. backed ttpno_Uie,:boar, gc V* (" Htb.i'tf Iwiw llL«-) hrid no "I aaked the mother It the package sinlle played 'shout the e>cs of the- In the schoolgirl realm and tor chll- ltqcsuse they low nif, bleaa iivtux silt if clolhea »«lt them had proved" ot woman whoa* life was one of service behind 1W hind legs'ahd fairly g ID. Ill*, tteuslu H.IIKb.1 isilstahce,' and ahe replied that the and helpfulness. him up—I heard alt' bis bones < thoe* and aovka for the boys were too "If we were to limit our charity Ing. large. only, to those who properly appreci- JIB. tilt. WMt.ru Hnnmr Uml» 1 'Very well,' s»ld 'I, ir you will ated, the vliauty or our work would trap them up and gl\e them to me, I Country Prosper* When^ Some Winsome Autumn Dishes tie ln»t , We mc-mnro -nut help anljt f By NELUC MAXWEU. ihall be-veixgM -to have the smaller by the nerjl,-We gUe w.tth thought ' "Sm«U' COBSIJIBW- ooooooooooo iliM%e savssssen> tu rt «j vi "yoa ^u^ .-••»«•at-once• ^ not of gratitude, bit of the ucvd In- Too much eutpha*l*-ls placed 'And itheJ underwear,' ahe added. voi\ ed " SHE HAS HEARD THAT— fblg business— lumbering, nil . mr.1 ivtf duxcu. vy alecs In too long'N. That' spirit would mean much to Mteel. banking. These do not i t lu-t null) the <>)»trr* Let me havKthat, ton" 1 salj. uittny peoiile outside the lanes of or- A ofrl shourd" Da'Aisre* careful when f prmperlti^Tbey merely refle 1 ItM edge, wa»ou "and I shsli send^you shorter pieces ganised vhiirlt). Many problems In out eonnnMnlng with natura and.not | They,jrfo»per when the country 4 af»tr cross a stream whara a guy is fishing, tur«» nil, ahd salt. tpniowdw." \ fuiulllcs, luunjr qui'stlons of right and : per*. And the country prospc Tat din h» >mh». tM hua>il> »• «•»nl. HIIT [uai^-t a SH'&iM.litoc' main dish. "'Xnd jrou knew.- little, Jlinmle cunsilciice and being satlsHcd with for she will not only b* Jlabls .to ''thst dmiy round of small eipenc Inr »HH- v doeant Jtke the kind of salt* you sent one'a self would lie helped b,v that tiiar- a. mouthful ^«f muttering*/ but ot nilllloos-ol falnllles. th* gi TbMI In niy br*a»f aMffrntil* P«B»IVII^ with th* bulton-on bl(iuses.\He likes will put tha kiboah on the fisherman's tl.. ," ^ PMh Chutney. principle ot luc-uaurlug help "ouly by groceries^ toilet articles, dry goo |Tl«aa*d with ««rh hlla* -th.t U«.v n (• af chopped the kind that don't button. So would the need lutK forlha day. 'clothing they buy. man autipliti. 1 of avrdvd rats- you mind taking them back and ex 1(0. Illl. B.II «rod(c«l»> l£ br McClur« N.«ipap«r ntl An long as that keeps up, -tnlBir.»»-nonniil.- Bat l*tJJ»ess -«tv«*roea;l> -ta»«aa»,Uwl£..didk I <nj.iy the «»• frock.instead of buying:.•..net tlliuir a nrran pci p« nnrly pastrs and galoalies that they Claajar Pure. do without, were Introduced by tlrawvei tor pert asut eerea from fl; lining and are kept there by *t Manila of l*»ra awl rat Into Ing-Mlie advert Islnf of BianBfai wise atlrei*. *** larr* oyifnbrt.f wa- tn the magnilnea, retailer* I ter and «w* M»«" th* jyiri are ten- newspapers, poster* and' wlndc der^, >ow mM fl*rj*favi&* of liupar, DEPICTING THE NEW VELVET : plays and direct mall matter. -prwrUal gin- • CHATEAUX r1—Cur th1rad.vertl«lng sharply i fir. eai-tm^-dsiM pUvca. (hire lent '= w* would have * slump, beslile (IK*, )tik)Kas>J rt&J and *)mu>*r untn IBedlunFtrrcorne shape. The edge of,^. : tbe stock exihnnite debacle we 'AX Is. I Huh-*— .VIJI Into J4f tft hrlm [, h»r.\»,irt) \\ fAnit TTy Dlth Tb* IU« f*^>^« «)>i4e Is Uncut velvet In contrasting sliade. tur TTmery i >wd prernrd Is n raa of t'timsio eoup velvet, which Is slgnlfl'canr, ni It con- I Onr pro«perily d«»end»»on th. •r pelp, «BT ma «f nun tardro j firm* the rertort tram i'srta thai velvet lot mind of tb« oltlnjate coi and ooe rcpfil cf cwted tie*. l>r»ln dreo, bat tbe smartest kind ot golf of firm weave will thU season share f and tbe nltlnujW consumer Is ett ta« ti) rice. «easn>~^RU w)th salt vantage, beside* being good lookfox, swanky Upjfllled tiuseT'lt U Issntoneil 1*-»tDav the-*Joar«lea»..dMS»^affords * ~^i, T s> Vi. . . m. . _W ..•<..>HraM> Ins the sppearancat Then Is a coat which tunes In wlthjse costumer wito far thousand years fwm sowv«il ' had a «rMk voice and eouldnt read view ot th* town of Undl KoUl. a ma* outside of Peshawar, when a B*rc«'*tta<*-»centiy took place oa to top this dress. * -~- . I IXiom. cf tn. wort. h« •ubtltles) loudly enough foe evtrybody v which. It Is to be wonC- ""^ — -^ always, wraiat nx H aay BriUah troops, by AMdL tribesmen. iB.th* foregTOBnican b* seen. Afridi houses, the tower* 4>f wtlch van ussd bf, Just a- word la regard to »h* tar JTJJJA BOTTOafUH. Irt^oaWj is tvtdeiK* that w«-i th* toibasaen aa watch towers, .'.;.., , — - "" ' i_ " sports coot which the,_yonng worn** IMtrweatara Rn Ibitamaanc*•*««•<- ,"


•"" ' - -•>* '*'.,

/"' "v"'

; CRAMPON* MODE; Combination Horse and Dairy Barn POLICE PUT END Improved Uniform International - ; HwrT«iieCM*r«lfat TO ACTIVITIES OF X)NSCIOUS Conforms With Laws p_f Many States GIRL DESPERADO her nifty; plaid blouse SundaySchool 2c*U ofthls character INDIA Newark IN. J.) Child B«- ihlns; for sports wear, •'wardrobe ot'tiw uv ". ane Thief to "Help ' Lpsson * eludes one. ' . ' lit nav. r- iv ri-rawATsn, t> D. «•»- •s Say Velvet- [By Copt L R. Claud Rottrtton Support Familj.""' . Mr •< rxaltr, Montr IIIU< U.lll-U re btaime-eaceedini;. r ihk) dons. At every mrn Us. THE BARNYARD. Newark, N J—.» small girl Ml r the ha,t-beautiful for left hbs hat bcMtas) Usa aa • tr -tturhandTuf NcWark pnlka and r one U reminded of ADVENTURES IN AN _ tag; a basty teaatrns*.. •Cobble, J^fcble, gobble." said ttio. with her rjilm pdnilsslon tlml t at thh i Lesion for October 5 aed for velvet In Mack. INDIAN STATE ' McDowell i littlttl e fkejturkeyss . -Thi"Thiss la tntfia* time «off | age of eleven she I s ailepl l nt shoph . In wh|te, for some o[. th* year we begin to be ANO ELUABSTHl intlng Uttle berefs tt« BILE BtaUoMd In Lahore, la the sniffed toe eat;, t people are thinking that some line hol- cttrrectlon aulhorllles wllh a problem" LIFsT IN A PIOUS JEWISH HOME -Punjab,-! Joorneyed to a (amoos peefs idays will com* In a few months. In luvciillo deltiiiinency. act a*-bestma» n W "Hurrah fur Thanksgiving VtJ nnit Two weeks ago-(tie girl was seen I.F.SSON TVXT-I.uk> 1 1-1* Itlab resident, aa 'offldU who aeu «• they t lar«« apartment hulhlltK. In wlilth a b«fnr« Clod, wnlklns- In tbe dlptomatle link between U» late tba-patret.' gobble, gobble" IhejAi dl 44 llc*r of OTernmeot of India and the ruler of "I wuuldnt be so happy st the svrlea of jwliy thefla lis»e bimn t* lha IJOI1* bl«m.U«» > state. thought uf being ealen,\ sold Mrs, Imrliit remHlv, and was_Knrned by. riUUAUT TOI'IC—JUIplns lo Make the superintendent.'Junws Kuslura, tfl Our ll«n.« (IIIIMI I ab£lt never forget tha nnaxpectad (loose In her shrill voice; «tu> n»nj. A few rtnji Inter, mhen JUNlUlt- Ttll'IO-lIalplna l« M>ke reroony with which I was received YOUNG'BADt GUYS' "We wouldn't eipeit you to be," hint lira saw .bef clheb.down the (in Qur llotnta Uopd. said Mr. Turkey. "All the world iNTHHUIWIATK! AND RBtllOU TOP* •Lallubted from the train on my MCIII» fnim tne roof anil enter a fifth- •IC—Wh«l I Ow. 10 Ur lloitia. rival. T»ree elephants wltb tor- GIVE BACK $5 BILL knows jou're a gome, and we mm p. ... •[., h» ml ll he-ad TOUNU I'Kol't.B AN1I ADUI.T TOP- t i trappings faced "the station en- in knuw au r 10-Wh.i Us«« a Horn. Ohrl.ll.nl . great matters." qunrtem. Two ilrln-tlirs found the anc* as I amerged, and wltb one ac- girl miiKiii king s bureau. nadeva most prbfoond bow In "Now don t b* rude to Mrs (1<«IK«." Record of Burglsrlts. %? A Oodly . Husband and Wife ' direction. I Instlnctlrely retorned Mr. llamlcr In a shrill voice. (I like. 1 SI) sir salutation, hardly noticing; I n- Both Mr. Oander aniMUrs. Ouose hail Rlio Hindu no altrmpt In ileny her Tho name Zachnrlns means rill »alii<*.' " " guilt, but gave puIKo a full account repreaenlstlv* of the manaraja, bad-ajya—bat we aMt •• risn- ICIlsabelh nienns "A covenant luiiTier/' »ho were aundlng on one side ready wltb ttese wor*«. state* *a • eta* We," laughed ths -turkeys. ~"\\* can't 1. Wlifii Ihey llvwl <»,• n), > greet roe. Mounted on these Impos- basa vplcc out emOac sa «aa> s»ii»aiis expect jou to know so muih «h«ut "In llij_'lnya of Herod Ihe king" ng steeds, we rode In state to the squeak of sdV great matters smh as fuod. pr nbout They -II*ml In •> i1»y t>hen uiullewineM • bouse, greete*=»a alcaldes hy. baadlu* hwd!p( Doefc • *S MB ts> TO- any great matters. Vou'ra only s was rife, 'the prleathoail WIK corrupt, .,-J of the traditional rSpert which l B. Brown. LKmma awssdlaL lander* '•-»••••-•— • - urthe riTlltig tlnsiiea miml nicked. s"acwra*a~BriItalTdfIMfill» and oflt- ••yulUi as-Ans.-.ta ba ft gunder at *. 'Ijhelr clmrmler <»VBT..___- __ It Is to be a turke)," aald Mr. tliutd«r Until were rlghte< iTd' • Many jipiienr t» tail righteous h%'1nm |Bhned and equipped with every mod- to Sun rraiKuVra yull. n farj. It Is belter to. be IIIUII who lire mil rlgliKNius bofore Oud. i convenience. I walk given a? room and Shatter avc«a\ OasSsaaL wtaa fee a gsmler tliu'n a lurkejr" , They were, in piated that ihey wnlkeil rblch the resident Indlah caretaker wss approached by two Just then old Kltly Jloilt came alimn In the- comiuandiiieiila nf Iho Lord {informed me with swe war once oc- each shout fourteen. TJiss.Xi* •**• •What's all the snrliklnit nlmutT" MnnieleMl 'the blgheat In 'iwoildert he asked "Jlss Iherajiern a. fuss "lit Jlfo tan be attained only when bntli Icnpled 0? Lord Kitchener, commander long overcoats smsai ataus *sa> tsxee 1 •In chief In India at the same time aa 'for then and capai pafJe* eVswa any-sortr — 7 hiisbnnd nhil wlfo arn imili it t-ti Jesna {Lord Cnnoo waa viceroy. "Only nn arxiimmt, only -an nreu Clirlat. Thulr prncttfnt, living was over thetr evtsv nmnt, gotible, ilubllk, goblile," niitd I apent four fascinating 'days In thti "Stick >* np> as* fart sm innnlffileil In obedlome to flud's 111111- the turkeis. muiUlmeiils . , 1 llnaTSn state and witnessed my Mends dontn.1" growled _ "Only an argument," nhElL'ked Mrs, 'i. -Tliey were elillille U guys!* sjrowleit the eOiec. rrialeiT anBTpoaaiHiBi'ir'nio JoyTiT 0i» One of tbe maharaja'a bobbles with each olher-r-llia turkeys'.. haye wssnt quite so eamtsstui wMh H* ,iinl In llulr simls, there was a *rea.l [was that of collecting automobiles. surh strimge Ideas. growt. aa hla votee sasraS qanraa luck In tlielr hunm N'i linmn la quite I Be himself showed me with the "Of cuurse. aa thrf ari» turkeys It ithwiasra. and pride of. •-•hoj U all 1r1gT>f."trat-frmn-'eiM' W j'Jll Ijltli wlilih \i» chilli bun emne | most elaborate amt beautifully Brown passed ever • S3 Mm II. A ton Prgmlsad (l.ukl t'n-J.11." I equipped garage' I bave ever seen. In th* Information tr was all he aiaO. 1, llj wliom («v. II, 1IMT. which were displayed T8 automobiles The two surveyed tlte MO. (Jiilirli'l, H aperisl"iii«saenger of lioit, [ of every make -and description. "EI-t. W* tosv aaua iMIirw piienreil 11 ml Tmiilii known the gnoil 1 also experienced a day's wild boar to bother about." sasutnl tt» ws t" Znchlirlns bunting from an elephant. A. party one. ! Wbon (vv. MI4H- * , of ten took part In the sport. One Tske yer inck. mister, ask! C»; TVs While offlclstliigas-tirlesl. tW*rgoo(l ; alts in • bowdnh or chair made to .fit U a tough town, and wetc iJte news dilute to him Kruin vemo I I the elephant's back, with uf the child Illun below [ells th* story IbleMry. mxl remllly nilinllleil sis bur- or driving Iron with which he time, sltbougn oil* attea oaa be (1) Hlinll he gnat In tho alght of imie trend* and flattering glnrhs In lbK.ii|iiirluient liuumi. I= ' Jet tho Liiril (v. 16) ' i Jr«rciioi«»srt;sr ibot on* boar, para bitter hatred out* TwoTMIfsBSo; wlienjwlienjahh e waa s nln^^ Tiioug pi d tliat these choice mod-1 1 quarters without killing him. wben.lt Is miwntwece* Mat aa tie aV a girl of fuurlKtu Imili' UI;I t<> a.fi and valtein him, Im waa highly esteemed nllllnery." That wee dlswj been Having good snor. t and bad ley off Boat vaster stmt. .wiser* B*>- "What's All th* Shrieking Abou.lt" Ill-veiii shire and showed her how lo rademnfk ohleh yoa see bll lft Wltb H* Askad, he a tliuplirier, alia anlil. Hhs dnvlaed by the Unl. < . two or three bullets left. With | io]t)t) n,^ there- are amnaj »««s as* ('.') Hhflll drink neither wine nor " rlgitt fella you~*a It I* fa prospect or HIM needing these. I ill*. . „,„ wl-0).- if-thes* styles- beln*..*Mte_: -net. We- to-«*ste-s Jjall=ott.an animal - wuuJljlug.lLitirtirJ"! !. nndJMhere ithorllntlve, since It bears - .unable to move and thought of getting o-froili sl«*ptne tmety~*t Rsat quwr" .~ ~ waa nn aimwef olio wll V. A.—which being 'Urmtf, grunt, grunt," mild Porky tilmaelf frum stiims ll.llllil nnq-ded- 1 down to dispatch- blm'wlth my knife, i Kilbnuro aveiwe> 'a»r;&i6r trner lug fur wuik. tuklux Him «l a Imby. toiling himself Hie lrfi»d-(Huiit. enns American Mllllnerv "Stop," said Ihp maboqt. when he street one algat sa» Ks»»*tj»i I'lg "l.et» eujtiy MM »tiili! »e limy. If. I here wero n-> -nnwwrr aim tried In i • I el's rnJity our fiunl and our hsrn- bars II.I III . urltles. the mflbjhership learned of my Intentions, "that hi black and wbtte.eat.'. esse-'a* UM gel t» tli'n rvuf nml tlun IIMHU to the slits of a select few o( ynnl and hu<* < «l^e, Inry, euilng alMirttiieut. (!!) Hhnll be'Dllnl wllh tho Holy quite unnecessary: I will tell the ele- strajs.ln tbe nelgMwaim*. Ttaj aii»et_ (».'.4I1). ^ tree's" foremost mllUnery phant ts kill hlm,",.T.he mahout ae- U»"'"-_ I ' - - - --, • •»/ Worked tor Cob, r him- approaca. I6s> «tt. sw£te lha nllier'plk.* gatheri-i) nruiind pml 'I Im energy llf~llie.*llvllm Kptrft wl\S cordlirgly-cumHHHilcated his lostruc-. a porterI»«t niallbwxats* *pi«* «• llrrtilihti fllwjiyn mm-.iml), Jewol. neeiTvil tn • until* htm rn Irani thg poo- Svejy »elvet-_«re«tUin • na. t» tbe 'elephant, whu evidently sguraled ~and grunled tlmt llioj. f. It tat u t* trot. - T«*4 ,»mf vnry wmmt-l"! **{'*>+ lustrnjedj Isjji .beguiling... 1 qoLreJlahJheniLi!ie_niore_tlie oa- her -ki-y* end llM^-gee^ii- Inuicli«*i4r - i .Hli»a ciLln. Ilia «l)lrl' ahil tmw- ne of the new llutterlns "hout urged him to advance on the other cats. « "'tin. girl «fLViiilc»ii ff> lli» tinreiifal tbe-face hrlins whirl) In - I'erhni™, they declileil after s little ' rr of KMJ.ili (r. IT|. boar, the more the boar ahowed hla Hut FoltcHMOi Ce«se tiiiine,' charuul wllii. JlHLUllo_ll":lln In Uils -pnwer Im was tir prtTiit"r#-lha show yuur-wavy tresses angry tusks, and the "more th* ele- wblfe.~tfm |*IKM Here rlKlif*. ~ t wbo-ob5fr»pi til* nsnn a** hnjo-is- Ami nt Ibis inniiH lit Hie fnrmer nr | <|inniy liuipla fur Um mining uf tlm Hnvlnr, \ ur most fnsi-lnntlng It -pbanl backed away from him. Sud- onment of* til* cat to'ertereil lie ar- 'Hie. gliliililil all" »»» 'he. ynunjteiit if conynitlng velvet. The denly, as tlie result of repeated goad- rlwd »lih Kinie fowl and Ihey nil hud | • ml tha aiilviillun whl(h Im w«« 10 rested Rurtolptt 7» retmse «Ae rat S vjilelillld IIH'lll |iort Urn fnmltr ">"' <"ld ^ nmlti- 4 /nihlil-lni anliliig fur a sign (»r. ow which flares from tbe hi* great mind. He wheeled sharply •unit, wagoo aiid^al* tfce «n«r re er Him (Ot Hie limney \>J Hiring ("» -h a nonchalant air Is a arusjud. backed upon-tfee-ooar, got him Ttuy all agnid Hint It «»" g«MTir~» i IN •:,». open tbe bo^RroMffOi tmm**4 »«a Am) nflor It Win over they nil wen! Iwtili a. behind IW him) legs and fairly ground and Tfas^eKit to. tttstrfiet mtn !• r«- Allhuiigh 1 tin niieil prleat win I-III- him up—I heard all bis bones crack- to sleep ami bud plmnunt dreiiins - i mstly praying fur the anlvnllun of plata^ftaS lut was Ba«* C aorf «li qlr wunlng In fur lh* anlma.1* 1 fur i|uln?'a ' " twmmi he—=- Country Prospers When. mul remutes tbe foul nlc whlih In bitd a JKt ,, tuildln, wi/rk on Ib. farm. ( fur the animals and fur 111' i prulan (Did In fallh fur this ' / "Smear ContpBfhBuy Berlin.—Becaoae *•» gM»*rs ot thii i>ii>«r on »c- fn-i 11 IIIIIM'* liiwul q Hilling (Mint wlrti grailoim promise, ^ <)od niuscii hi* Too much eutpbaslsHa placed upon Brst rex-neit thetr caBSe «e*i«w ssnto« ' tlie milk, tongue lo lie allent' until the promise I" big business-lumbering, railroads, their gjandcfclldL efsM-jeaMM Ems) JJJ^uIJ2-& ,h. £ WE wus fulDlled. Hod wunts ua to believe "steel, banking. These do not moke \jkocffrmwnil 'burufd t* *friaU3i ts UiV • -uab^ct. Ad4r his promises .nil mutter linw contrary f pK»peritv>^Tbey merely reflect It of t>tr 1 l«m-*i lUiltorit. ^l> 407 Bouth p.«r. lo reiuoii Ihey may seam They,pfo»per when the country pros- III, The Promise Fulfilled » •«, the_t»:^-,l¥J'eed_req!|ire.J to «arry_thhe anlmall lha child ,BUd_ Dlin^l^Jllir), .."John", ._„ wivetiewla 4pu, gets, snhstltate a bolljng_nlece'for the flr* orfsiide." - - - *apnnv •!• - - - £ rlns nnidi) knuwn IW imjim-wlilrh ha weekly roast, mnlie over little Jlary'a et-eo in Die summer it la -advisable tu would have by divine lustrurtlun. frock.Instead of bujlng a.new one. Triumphant Doc Tl add a grain ration to the paatute. bi S. Znclmrlus praises (Joel (v, (H). and business begins to Jaty off. order to \trp up milk production and At this Um* CJod opened the mouth 1 Table Ifi SllOOtsJMaa i k«rp th* dilry operation on a paying ^^h*.diMJLO^«,,^f J!lt.J!S?SS ! i *» a»*». *wt •*« | Shown In th* acrompanylng design 7T«"Vcbintujanon Tiorae and ditrrtam- ruonr Jn the dlsnml enmblnailan of 1 IV.' Zscharlas Prophsiylno (Luke nastra and galoshes that they could a dog shoots a mss» i I 07 SO). do without, were Introduced by adver- CoL Johu, H. raiwe. aso»i«J tar the farm wriere a- small herd of_ tising and are kept there by advertise ^ft."S «t ^'«S ST£» 5;t w*i , «L, cow. I. ta*. II will b. noted ~ 1. froisiBg Ot>orf«nutmniifnr of — 1 Ilia promise of salvation (vv, 0175(, Ing^-the advertising of manBfactnrera :1S.MV_^..a revolver *o eo/B,I1 tteatOut wmtK.e P H««-« 'concreUi wall .rrnrdt.'s the In the magailnes, retailers In tbe IS- j,,^ t ^slry Darn fromTEe HDrse Jiarn. This Tills 4as according to covenant As be stalked •""^ ^* .. .y_ '• _l,k ,!.& I... lit newspapers, posters and' window die- .promise,- j >G THE NEW VELVET yard a, Mt *•» art »* • h* , -Is •In MmlormltJ^™SyB with the lawa of on s gray blue ground, gray rug", a the su , 2. John-to be called 'The I'roplwt plays and direct mall matter. hte prohibit the liaua- f CHATEAUX • '-CvT T.!\1radvertl»lng sharply off and blue flounce drewlng Uble and white ^"j^^ta.fij^'^.wi.rM Dllll)Wf- |« e»uMr«.te.i.- digit «?|i eaime'hlt knife eth elef llemlt VM^Vi nrniirn l 'H'Sntlie wuun, withd of the lllghe«t" (vr. 7«-7l)l. dairy cattle In Hie 7 ' ii'*| l H 'Jl ith = we would bare a slump. bes!ile_whlcb revolver. Th* **t «»S«^ «*» h. 1 ***££*statO e Tb,The floor pUnn.Hf the •dotted swlan ciirtuln*- may ha»* ^^ ^^ ^^wnys nluiv_Bic kirmi Uacomujinluhs. ho wnlkedlllruugh In* It* was to go^ before the fac* of fba __ j orne shape. The edge OJV' 1 1 the stock exihnnje debacle would be Parne » itable floor sBow"" Hiitn for T* ^"****"^ "*'"'!"^'.^.oftt.enrjuv.ndla.t.lWtn-abv.l.lilne. brusli l<» their cur an.l_ -Ir.ive to lota to prepare trs ways. —^ .-handworked. all armtnd. Dh»h« ne«nH«- let wound la toe- sboaMrc .theory, but they_afe *WL?«t*!«'Sr.. ,, , | ., , . »-M^ly4.Kr.ii. 8. Tb* growth of John (*. 80)^ -' - In-contrasting shade, tur-. ll» for olTra t (rHwitflB ll M r (rtlT l ' Tnstfcorw* In tbe oilier section uf the to a lady down with ibem._ Th* few tM ^ .,,hlrmll(l4 wllnt thm .nr,t li Itreulineiit wus olrtalnwl. AMcr rest lT«rgrew"irnd"w4xeUn .speclnes steel stanchions, a am Just the sane. 1 ate sontelhlng Saves jUilroaderVLi thin as-cblSoD trnuapareni Uce. qectarlpaj ttat IT sat taat • tm concrete jnager with a drain so that yeltayt—A yeHow wall paper would be \1Z B»» ailn-'to the America reacnid ft* want** Ht «• (oiitc-lf U had tiny bhw and posr that you appreciate on a really hot Whitehall. N. r.-Halpb ,vVeacMt, aa suss»s Us - s^ of,ftev1ew«. _ __ ^ It <*» be boeeS out and kept eleanr day, especially after a strenuous game, twenty live years otd, of VYhltehsll, can Only Belted gold Is coined and Jiatreay»,*t!SaU2P'^'u. driaUag fennutuu -st each aowen^n' Ib* design.to Jle up with the present furnishings and silver dots AngTfer—IUvJvet.' tell ot bow-be was ran over by a toe»i ready tor the-aianip.. ^JXhej^eirMt W|ed |we£ It U fashioned a, a» svetfiead carrier track Dotlve. Wescott, a railroad employe* Ood stamp* ns>r-B^angellcal Visitor.. r trf-rlbooo and e«ldr-eeiB- trauaiKirUUoi n of feed lo-ike- •rw-laterest-and to repesi_lJieu«JM. Wonderi totoww &?"£mid&?£ sre'KHtd/fnto the patb of a swllch en- ihulMu—any color scheme Pseolsv O*ILT«« tjsst. Jatas atrket aiiisnis and nmoval off JitterJi , end In tbe rugs. Yellow wall 'paper 1* a ' The Fatwrite Baeh sr thousand jsaia f»«n «nr.-wUI l«ter> O becaaasi ae Atai sa. 1st Maiff. better foil tor mahogany" fonrftnr* Teacher—Mary, why doeant tbe gn wag knocked down, lie lay i In with -0>e costume wltb LinS eTtb. »porti beadUnea. tSObecaaas) sm arMaaatle Tentll^ttng aysteaC All lamb follow yoarw school DOwadaysT The BlUe haa been the favorite book to be wonC- ""^ ••> Be teatbisd to eC these things are labor savers and than gray. And BOW that the lady prone between tn* rails and the loco- evldeace that we-stffl ant naaaoch a pleasant room to He to she, Kary-Wkat, wltb DM drlvlag « MMv* over kin without narss> of those who were troubled and dewa BOTTOifLKK. Mi *a aaake tk» hart stare psvttablfc Ireddeo-Hasn ma Dike. Be aaa> tr-rt"T~- Maaeaaaatlal la Cba dairy will probably never fall lit afala. - mUeaaa bstvT

5- 5.*-

• « -."=—*-- ' , i

^^- - J..'.: / j^g^^^ „ ._„.


UKC COUNTRY. CLljB \ o«Di>.on u THE CKANFORD CITIZEN High School P..T. A. High School GritTTewn WESTflfU) Illim Aa On»ii«ii»« AND CHRONICLE tai of . r™tr»t l«J-» ,"» PromMCthBaUiquct furWiru T" 'Irai'l rT'ff < l.b In.. B BO LA« ranford anil Ih* Imiutt 'f lul*Jn Classified Advertisements TI1K CRANrUKU CIT1IIN Will Meet October 10 ml >Tlli ILIW •'» Mnnran <« W EilllltDH lilt II , U tv Utr 1" mil TICK (Ki.MIIRII niBOMCLi Coach Weekley showed his satWac- I, til Laic linililrr llul< euiseSa* t« Catakllafceel Illl „.. .„.._ board of "the Hkjh I fill iJ I-l» I I itl U*T*IJ f l»r» lairtlM Use for Results ~~ 4 unldttni *«

•*•-..-. ~;~


t^~ >.*"»

X, <•

iments sefor Results

14 tof lt> W. X C.T., ,« w^s&igsl North.-Cnafort. i, j beautiful Bln^iut f«,n« WeaTJMd Flower Urtmen rsj. ?T-^f!l!^^^S »I HacMlter- foot- erutt He for uaaiedUte '-

AKI FLANTB colored lot of Buulrfcrii SO eacH at Lehfch' At.o.H jutmllittld U* ttot KM wwt^ to ki «ta (Met aoea» I. Iw V», el i Burn your lam. in al*et Incinerator, Baft ml PUT MB|«vllr« Bl|U b«(«r* MMl' mrMw —i BBBBBHHK Loreuu IH Fablo. 43 Ueelier Ike iinieatt' «f Clilon IIKl W«ie Of out aa**l iteM mnrrW*i MUDiMxa <* ik* «ane« Bpoo tauVKudMM ., - •MMJ eMe •» WlMt A«*IH el • Tlt»'mH» tow w««4 6»|t Uk« fttj

RaWrkaU* Salt Uk« «M Wutet watk OKMMa Amw »«d alaiui lk».«SiM law kflia Ma M e«d M M iTRIAN PINKS •torn «t • rtettln an* n> >HV-il«ail»a*nl *•*• f^^*»B» aj^v Wgiy mwa UirWiltHir^r|rTt fM*nUMr9t wa much »ar»e»,Ur« Mad to thta rtoetd ptptatnn. t MtOM It* /nU"« EH quickly tM ihalion corerlnil t of d •-««»•. wMtr •raporateaTn•raporateaTndd the "like" to- tmH flrtt ddaa » wd UnaU . ddrjr re roorae and bath. Apply 12* Ow.irablta btf*mt t*i\t m* t aaterd. p. i. ;' ' ; • . «jtjr ««•*.*«* t*«.«MUtir«t a ftw The aetarl att btflonn to tot mb- II- unprornnenu,..- T$re t k t tl Bttlda* ill improienienta. -Kohla lisaUjU q«Dll«r. r w*lch tb* |eouu u.eaM We an^ktM CM jm a « I. Oarwood. Telephone WEiM Dorylttt,, witwth f*veraf t wp «tteata:,li*rt«tteata:,li»*rt:rt r aiirr p«rW oott AW« U tery 4an» .rooiaa; all" l»- Tbatt an•nu u Beoalltmiallll r makoakak*e ooljonljr fer*e - e»l> dwiirawit*wiww , piaBrBuiT^fToniaarpiaBrBuiT^fTo^niaaroTHiT e warn 'UMUl utrtMt ««> hkereel frwa AegMt U- 1-lckell. K. r. U. No. I, Bib- , Hwtw v«w->»»^~ mOTt wudwUiudwUiU f to)«•«««»>to)•«««»>to)«« TTt^aliTt^li* HHts^ IU t»U«lwi->M*a weird at troirtii i quitit* wltwlaut** forma to orer faimrttb.tjiV t aacriuetoa^ *v f oJf chUdra* " • n feUVt otiaVnalf Incb U Uo*lB. Ibe naniU- gta »w mr rtrnnp-tniJbtwt_ale; lve-roomroomss and bath.bath. »l wlr dnoraUddnord . «ara». IIMM I ibTato kilt alroit rt^ rlckeurlkeu. a. r. 1>. S* t, «• majr tow* upom, Tfc»a»'Mla-ionia« bf l -Frro.reoMe nnd~balIS( IflrittjO wjy ndocoraMl/Yeatar «t low»- "OtrU.JU.S-l," lirnuber 1>L Very attrailUe ruu«u,tUu«« roonu and balti. , rramM «a« TnekbM , rate Iwme. Bat niKklnrhooil. Moderate..rentai. <97 tlolon • On* «f tht moelel,, dtHdtH|liifti»««M| ' ,*hi«h maktriu dt«ril»U»o to Uiao4> tlotut fwf m BOBB* l*>stb to MieatMieatl neie. of •« o*M IneiiWier eTS*.' «tiA ToKBluOuO.. "Xfet o M W»t belli. Iml fiirnlahtd. |U. H W^IIBaMdtM •*••<•* la 0 CHI i;- «aa~eecona-lIp»lfrTAPiaT- tbli. mint, and oopur, n»4t-lia»-bfc BiW-,-, - t „ faKtnaaeH.,4)t? .«st«ayfi2s are many Mtttitul tUUi »or» Artdooy of

end often toe J^m^T4»aaKMa^aTaij. Wl^aa w» JtTr#Li Jw^T HTi^liT.. ound. Brlw or eend Ulea |e Tort Herald TribuneTu,, 1» «« ahart, cqin- anclaoot titet and ipUnhlni toantaln*,toata*, pUed a eeniwt-noeeniwtno. iin,UU » wlunilww jUia totbto-tbbe Inlirlec^jartwrdIliljrtdInllejw i i and of which art arranged thth* rreeorrh of IO8 FOB 8AIJE aallttittv II UJa hart-climhartcmlbb tto IM iM«e, fuarantetd ««UimtUtl«« byy U» o.verllbfe.''coupe. .Rumble *«ek turnturn' all.-Jall.Jo our *•»!*•» • 9*1**t91 •• iiitnor, of p»rtoot who ba«t «>donkeymt>dky** BefW WwlnWt btl a reiutt of rdO-O»I-k. . .,-.. . . •? blra» mt>«>-donkey* BefW Ww mo«taoto«i. eombuatloo u a reiutri t of JTtaaeMTtaaeML ThTh * roroaad tTlWJMto/TlWuJMMrmM * drinkdik . In una wuaa «TW IItt «i t n" d In lo, ttlw wlab. Co an Bo •j>o»d tplrtta for tt*ree> yean," and In Unit Interior" wam. eU. ,*ay to'hl*j»nln«er,pla«B, anavi •Botbentb r «r*twao rooramora Urrlfif"Urrlfilp«," 1••••»aTen*t • cUae asfm. alwayi. -•Ti ^ZMI ~«U tMa wa»"tA the put of tbr atnU and )b» r LAST TIMES TODAY- ottbT a nuera" *nidd tba wneM e i»«lTt« otiUeTanuwo r «. "too mat a-pro«Hnlljf lo-a ftM- «. locr. IckBltX IMwD • ttot*.1* .1 I Blire.eoltdu.aiiUiwut.raB*- iauidation Auction Irenci- and coralillralert gm*H luantted M .. ^taottr *

iNb3HV-«vef^HJW-^iue»Eu.mp.^ «So. Heat Kaule and Butlneae defect: US StWp II Centennial Avenue, pnone, '"'. SJM1M- • ' • • ' "'•• JOLSOSL. dltjpn It I* tb# *)IId a«a«44 qiuwsd •LOST ia«itat(oflndatl«ndl , on wbleblhh ttbe « re- Ce^Bw Jaalfc-rt urn It to thebuk. U ut I" tr tha MMlmftf «r«lt*man»fr> the «tll day of October-appl I ^ i nude to Iho bank for a new -fa* toward MeptaaT.tba M l

f ir part load of hwieehnU I to thV H«H »f tonnmn ,^ „ * tO"JKfff0U»p?i S,y.l\^-^0>-f ui. •f>.siys Malanelo. •••inlU» or He* I^ISS^IS^SS^ Fr.-.H '.

I set Mlgbborhoocr-S bed' onthlrd floor U desired, lie Utcben and 1


:• "'• ->_•

s — /> *' -. -J^- — I

Put Into Operation VotwsToPassOiKew

7%Z^££&MZ^ wspss Jftv Jener «a«e WBt*,4«e»e4,lu urn uniy>y-^> ,^» o"to Portland war the «aw tr the Wephone-conjpanjr headquarter. m^ Including Porcha* ^ p^t, helped Haw back »t MO Broad flroet, Mew** coupe that made the entire twer noun where tafaeUUotu'>re, lu elghtilaw-" She **• AmrWonMlavMio The greater! damage trttt be dow"5g H tW. time *>thfi*ato<«at^ JMM* "JJ acc$mpanled by her Baughter, Uo. Hy O Pratt Af • control for ttil «4 bf««»». WSraBjr^iKntantniEg Pan anny wens* am on the their covered wagon they rega 'pagpage ttacwfbocttocwfhoc* New JeaeyaaJerarjfand tiUn menttatheeppl»etl«Iiofepo^l>*»n SSKUKE their covered wagon they regarded via nan Mnr « town unleee -war the »* eighteen mile, travel'daring-* twehe ^^dralneZ3tti^»teii ^S^^i^d, »* mean* JSwttfchp^rfih.««300,oo3 o lor County b^fdaVw enellenenellntt pgptogreaWW uti Ungar unaptly waged on UMm.ftrf.70, ooeixamotwixwad of bnnb»»n; onfrj*m^«rpMton i ffl*h2!&5 -Wltht a trabeof -— |M«(t or, whtte: araeok, *g Mn. WttUama. ,Wlthou,-Wlthout a trabeoa f latlgu* we freqnenUr dWve SOOU mue» 0ISH tenon tbtfMjtbtf o ffeww Ublwp<>wiftUblwp<>wiftll# # WWPW W»|f »*^ ••— JBllW^ii Hi* »» — •• •— -— tS^earfaninijIVoWiaiw 4et»are4 today. The.wonBa, lrhlch mi black cooking molaneaol , inidd titin*, pint tbe »p»»d 6T Ughf 0>rou«ou d ' tbe e*ed of Ughf ttrou«houtT»e« Jet-of tttyty war*. » H1«opo*H1«opo*d to oM f t 7 »ey.ao** aaUDbnfnaaUDbnfnt fltate*.t titin rt The fn/Vfi and r g „ i PHMT mgUalpwi"t*1U n* at*tt th™thef eerrtaonlCeeremomeTa mIn- amount for the eontiimatinn Infeited the Oregon trtu'durtng plon- ^ etededoded flenm^oflent^o FlAMTOwni ami VotBer, Oolooel K< SebwaitCkopSebwaitCkopt Bipertnt^ hwniieB, thnmbJerUng bt ihould be rrated or pound tharo deat.ofJtlie Stete PolWs. Chief PhtBp Our bardihtpt wen limited to one-tire a period of tttrf. »• *»«» •» d v " «nd with ttio m«M»e«,' mixed T, Bell ot Xearny, preeldentTrf the dtttnnlne..d . by economi..c la^e^ar^^"^^a^^^'p^^^^a^p*ea^p^a^awa~aiawe'a"aBa^i'B^^»B^p^BjaB^BHe^e motiUmed onir .«nou«b ,ti Java It O, W, aft«»e.'Th» prwwent w>d m- •deuttiMi unitjr by crtnhblrtnhblyy wtw wtwnn «ow «ownn bnwlaut, bnwlaut", tt, ,« « f th H Ji BeU ThU jnlxturelt . 1» 'WWUBt'WWtii fof MOr MOOO iquara feet, ncoortln*,. to' Profe«»« the rotertof the county. leetjleoe-llgWca buoyi taad fer fm!tiittitJtmM hl k thin and Irt-iutli Itma „ -™_. ^_ wnfli^f toWtert |M»MB « iwated, add thu Wheatena-Corpora, em, Wrd», or oth$* »nlmal«. LaM«t«lrhRw«rY.tion tin hi tie weU«>rf»rlDi_«f etttee and Tim THr nrmwmwm t,i in »••• _<;«_ »*i**iti**'>»i*j M ny «orm>nwyy l» <*- "5ohlvn»lt«" U to ablabtoe real e»Utestat«e at SpringfielSpringied and Bah* from lotai- MriliuMriculiuro.ii nt mldent of tb« Wltebimt Beasnatlon. way, nqiecttvelK Included to the pro- llfp Erkman. Jf ptwent ,endfaTor» of the Onion poteted Ranway Rlvw parkway. -, . eflbei (Jaunty Park Wmhueeion. are atloeen ProbaUonarj- ffatrolnal n LLerof B. narotCT i , —..».. havinl g satlafactortttlttoll r ompte^ «• B™"»".«! •»*?• 5» • rt«*rlS monthi o7prebaflwiar/ierw*, *« PHONE CRAWFORD Mrdi, of,naU*e Virgini____!?JSa "Bob tL »Mk« lUet not lBdleale IU age^tat ip^JnSof, patrojman. fifth claw, jl -l^apXng S ?«• S*}11"^**Jfm-*iVT' tto^pouJTrapouoe foroe,now ^_4ur home jtn r eighteen pttrotoen and one probation- mom of the h«rty.prlBUsee» or prim- from the eouthem Btate, the wung

r~The atfenchujoe Sport tbr uio flrtt factory of the jtailt.e«r1f, aprtnerMoomin»prtng.blo g to Ibelr Let Me Bftlmtte on YoWlTejdi^l^f;- * plant*, eight montba of thU y?ar ehowed a fljJWytetbei commm vMletM* P«B ^ »••• P" • ^',1 ^^ ly I P. 1* IP I I ». • -. f^ —~ T~ '-^-^- hardy *rour,tUniat«rii»t«, andand, whewhenn plant pl * lubrtaaUal increate" over 19M, the at- Screen Your gome * - "~'*l»' -^ r f feed will be provided for •fttat-ntar • ' for the flnt eight montha ot »by. (ire for ream. - - "»H^I*rV&l^ tendance for the entire Jeatat^tt. 1 for their «ood. • It le.ooiutdered that Th• ae?ew MrdliB^piy/ ptlmneey * e»«»* ip^* —a .(rag^^vw p beltv*^r>tv 4»In- y wart ft— coo) weather, and October i» one of the » p Mu prlnrwM' ft* 7tw»p'»i«*d' to1"** ditional eoieer fleldt In Matiano and o».m tae mtane oompletton at the They are not very mrtUnlwjnrljwlt OOOVXQ intM$, eoU HxjidremenidUU a M wlll'fttwlllftt lll'ttw In aar inala drive leading fran WmflnlMena not larded n »onn tHatHt t u . partiallptially MM lUke Surprtee-to'CHenalde iw Wtta nneln-the Witohung Beearratlon. ~

jtrueUon -program I* pracUcaBy com- !T fc, ,££*** |)Mt(^f'-'t IMJUandf , to**• addttfifto»waAa«e».—• *"v tb»we •>-—"ne»w re-iJeatweaj'of' 3 lake above mentionedned, the malana. park •?,.' > — t»mcied-»o-that pqWerthnte,, wwU n torUt«maynoi»-

•r^vpp m« *«*« T f**^ |PP)R hitred-^gchMler. •


*S"Aei .s.yt^-vfA'j^ <*u ifiinui*


under Jhe rasan SHOULDERS OF r.FMJINE LAMB., 1 ^r^;^*k"»;

^Vf^ny^VaHa|gvv>|p|iMgv**«lSlK'«ipVa>f^wpf^-inpis«Q99n(|^p (Um a» I*kefiur»t, N, J. tojtftteer Air- m MILK-FED ISfi port whWe-a demonrtrauon of tbt alf plane hpQlwm wulbegW^THU man- ROASTING euvet It 'a recent aocOnpUahment, of jWwBOat»L4L|JM.' ^'' \.r? s^sa^e^^

: CHUCK ROAST (Wbok) J« MQuirt*_ .Thi» demoMtrrt, v-i oi toUomd by an eXhlMtkm Or ^P°¥ H ^- BONEIZSS POT ROAST, where you ^ find ju.ttHi

#^«^e^ s^ai^^naBfii £§"** <*

~T t.'~=-~^ ' ru. ~ "="

^\ i * J'- "a _^ / . I » •- - ^+-i-^rOT«—^- .- f-


Stated Largest foil Center Taking; Over F "tire Building than «mttJ» „_ **» great har- m ^SfJopment of JMM* and Rapidly Increasing UM of Kb, •MO**n It can be tothavanteataat to It Long DiaUnc. S«rvicg/M«k«« Almott ConaUat tty Am lot a ccld " Addition* ftnlsh It CWMT JJ» ttamtoro Nnr York Iw .up' ypur mtMJ tt tltwty ttw«t tr Urn uptown •ntu* tadktotor JMtkM Oomwi* y plumb- -V ^—•—-^_ • • H^ v^— —* - ^^* * n N«w •7 conont* r««IHHEiF ornfir tarly npr***loa ot purpoi*. Fronj It dlnct t accom- JuSbV tto puwnt «!"»«1 . to talk to tb» t«r u wall •• tnt BMkM tiwtl(h t tntnut* trip (tea. tut* twnt rf-Knw Bruniwtek * J«tii nnr eonun o( tli« Mrilt^r* b«ln| Itnti run to UUUnt rltta*. *a far norttt •mhenuj — SSt TiyT«I*|ilwu» •uiliii»r« Trto-r* aa Montr«*l, Canada, at far aouth «• ow manaawBTwrwrrBg Charlott*; N, a, *nd »• tar wont aa Inronoriw M wU u Uw direct nmta obwrrad lor tour dmjrp. Oottbw IMl Molly h»v« compl»i«il t Ur«* addltlan :|! w«JI aa ocoan Ifntra which black flaU whl«b7«crtr« In MM to ar* b»lim *» fitCW t Wir ttori, «nd «m thow In ibflr ajmou inatantanitoua Jourii»r» tto bodtM «f»» «$topod% wd li aMd BwoluUdnwy'Mid «*U Ww MWM*, ibout lh* tlobe, ahoH Ulaphoun •er»lc« In tfidually Wd ft Jfatoodlit Obiueh Sundurftbool Bun- Incfetaks nilinl>«ni la IDin the arer ^ ^ a il M * protaeUoo to tubl* th» udm*l ti Oe KMI»UH BiU, tin Ant tolM- lien aptwlallr trhJnotl oparatora alt to ^K*vt wbM Mat panaM. callaflato loottan «UM, the departun at* *p**d of lon« dlatanc* coun*c< •* hlthlf •|»9lalli«d titlilre and UUtlon* lMtw**n Nnwnrlt *iii»» rketuh* way for th* tli5naa«da of tlon* lMtw**n Nnwnrlt *iiiwork or win* In onler that pnolimiloal^r Hi itf tnrftitptrf to K«* JW*(*IJM)HWW,*(I*III . not Jibttrwct 4M M*> Jiitnd Bmntwlck. Earth of ay «mn*f aarth, tplrit to Thee." — In «t«r IncrtMlni nnmbcra. '*l'a'lMtlon_o{J£>'ew_poa|llon| of loJUL__ . igg**f-» t»MlMH*MdlMMa LiriMI OOlee In Itele dlaUnc* antltchhoird In* been" com- _ i Bora Tbla bullillnt now contain* /thi- pleted; a n«w ayitem ot pneumail* .„ jgto»»g«gt»»»*»: NM«4.«B tM MM en- - ~ Ti**» HU TowaU _j.«*fc Jh> boa* ka «B ta UOOaad «i*a"ta ™±r**~™ WAY OUT OF laneit long dlaUnc* <*ot«r In N«w tubea for th* rapid dlatrlhullon ot Iblrtt^W^oUtad/nad wrltwn playe. Woodmen cnttlnf down two indent aunt tt Uadtty Wood, n**r Knaeat- J*r**y and ou« Of 111* tto«t liupotMut tlokate haa been Inalalled, tud oth*r •a, Bngtatd, mid* two uautual dl» In th* nation although ten y*ara utu tddltldn* and chant** to th* long dl* SML Mt fairy talt*. H* had b^n In Notoriou* Burglu th*r* waa not a «.l>*rat* 1on« dl<- tanc*-*qulpmtnt ha»* been mid*. In. U* bahlt of enUcttUU* gUjM(-tha-*ouihJaBUalLS8Jhe____ -bwn buay tnaklag-iaddltlon* to w«at aad «tal aa lar aa tb* Hadwn rlf*r, • Thl* odea t*rv*« a far .wid*r «ap*d fratt Ma **f« to a pot tbop *a ttunl' tnd th* long ol*Unc* iarrlc. *n*r dwllnmg to try for n«« grownm rapidly tktt *ach addi- •r*a a* a i*ltchftg e*nl«r elne* ctlli « bm MtMt I* a Urg* ttty aa< w*rt' with two other Inmate* who war* c*l> to dUtant plama from pradtloatly all JBJA tatpind JVaitM, _8*_m»Mt4 tion, no 4at|*r bow **n«rou*ly eon- .mrfd,'=Annl« jantdjiw wty onL nr —'—^- ' —*•— «d*i|ttit*-t* point* in_N*w Jcrtay taay_b* roultd. tbrouth Ib* "thrniigh" hMrttUtUtf r k«r«lt~.n*-M*anBl :•« >^*^*« nFW**w *r^n**B< V*l aBWW Ot Kjr*. wbo (ot li«r nlcknaw* ••tlmatML planned, N9W*lrk OllIW^ sitivaitiajaf- w* •••»» •»•»• 4 llL»annaen' —Mkrthv-otd t*bl* ot lhrcam*» IbaV ,Wld. t*r«le«, *a«lpm*at tridlllont tl NewarkTar* BUM* vtlaXrhw lowtrd VF t*w*d tbroofb Hi* wood around U>* atuck lit head In th* Anb'a Unt and lock In Jwtetll «o «•* Ihrouihonl the *la,t*, (tw wtllelM n*A»JJ«g lo( and within the «wt two y«*r* til handling of ticket* corarlng long dl*- - Ifh^^itiow-wvlno Joyc* Kkharda, blood bandit of Buf of th* local *Qulpm*ut will be moT«d lane* <*lla. Tb*** lab** run to til ftlo, tnd AnwHIt Bueoni. »ailg*r girt Into * »«w building which la to b*poajtlon* ot th* awltchbotrd* tnd cot- " MONITOR tOW -of Brooklyn. tppij»««b»o b*» to gel •rectad In Newtrk by the N*w J*n*y ,ne«t with • ctnlral dlttrlbutlng and' t bor to Join Jhern l» Mr «oM«iBpl*t*d Bell Talephon* Comptay to ntk* alt lorllBg d*»«, which In turn I* *ot> DMhta AU Eapori* MCtpt of April 48. WyetlftKl at tb* n*et*d by tube* to tnit-ttaktf* may 1 nln* floor* ot tb* pr***at alrMtar* W*(*t tlrod of WrtJ** " Urn* by tbla rr>HtUonj_>nd pauled- avallabl* for long dlataaeo'tipaatloa. b* wkUk*d away to a a*rrl<* obatrr- ptatltMU on tkoli *p*dalU*t, tbat Cat By* Jad7Rir»«d.-*«wn the Prom Ib* v*rr betlMUtV N»w iu- Iu d**k Jir.to tb* *d**k wH»r* Uat* otoemtloa ol •*»/!* Uat aytjoB opportunity. prlMO offlcltle now aM **y naa occupied an Importaat pit** ar* mad* for poaalbl* lln. troubl*, - at OM ot taombotomot a» aitottlj bar reluitl lo cw!ip* at that llni* ln_lli* d*'*lopm*nt ol th* Utaphob*. Tbttf Ivbtt art kept under two M anUuat, bo lotoa bU totao oi! p». bated on t-dMlr* to play b«r old loo* It wit a New Jeriey man, Ed war* J. lack** *( WMtini and wn*s op*rttort SSi Tklt Mtrtoc* lor &• Tto*> lUll, It., ol |tll*ab*0!,,wbo w«* ott* plao* .tl*k*t» U Uwto th* tmttl wolf p*rt. jLjn^ ^iijjgKjjhat. tb* j ' ' -oltMh*-! **^P a^Bi*^«^a4^B*At^a^K*r eCX't r maun ' • • •* - BHhtAjBjrto- f> •••—• h. •• flBBH atll•Ull U-wlthl•»»—»»»«(»n* .ta.tlin* waHa Til*plMin*.*nd T«l*gnpb Company, tarrlaa it la fa* d**!red JtiU aa.WtoBdednareb ol*»*ry igcfcltt-MMLwItoa ibo UUpnw* WM In tbla mawiw ttektla ar* dlit eonwr-ftilodr-ftilod-tot - t«**M>er^n5Bild«**M>er t In two or tbr*» Mconffe, wb*r*u m • i.-M attly ib* lnwt=wt* «lart«di»ulMil* |h* •tut eonaldered pr*ttyaii«Hi ol * ltd and .whan probably th* loo***t UU- tht put neb work nit b**a don* k» walfal by Hooponund pollc. fbrottgb" 1 nhon. circuit In «kl*t«BW rta b»tba mack »low«r awdMnrot *p»cl*r: tw««n New York and Boeton. m****Bg*ri. Ujrw*. aitad LH Hi M I** lookMf " ' liHy-AnfOM I* IWtllM* Tb# ttoty-of tSt-deteloBttMtt-oJ itlong 4I*UBM «*ai*r totltt Tirw- ^apr«lott**Betp«,aft*fI«bo«rt But Ib* soMlbllltle* .of *iptulon, •T*n tb*n, wtr* tpptmt lo tbtt* •at pMltloa-1* ,th*uit*laat growlol pf atooVHS. tut. «r**iottiid rato-Soakl* uupbos* offle* la N*w /*rt*y I* t» •nl tibtatUa, bttM«niii4*r r Pltaol ota at tb* original cbtrt*r 'gntatod u> th* B*II tytum will u«tiry. Tb* othtr Intareetlng cbaptar In th* rec- dl CyfaM ti UK*Mf •traw a tolM and • ball taM*iWo-dt" -purpo** of tho company, a* outlined ord of anpr*Md*Bl*d gwwtb wbltb ri«nt tlmet worn a tlkrt *u port, efgbt. mile* Mrtb ol Auburn. la thalwrlf doonmraf, wa*Jo_eon. bat lakta plaw la Maw Jeney diirlw HuH, JMatPflWlMeJ*- )i5ll **«b tnd tb* pa*t dectd*. ,R«ord* ot th* one* rira tlgVtbat b* wtt no loanr eJ.- prorld* a tlrlklag plct«- -••-"" •^lba *wj*» lilna tlld % **. pro- *T*ry- city and town ta. tb* United jtjttaatejtfc^alaittiajtl wj^ajajaRtaj^iajipaj! • i ajilffBn^^?^ e^i • WlUt '1WBI "¥»"WT www- — w.—•- «*p biTtloat Mtldaati IB tbrt Tldnlty wfao Canada at H fa |h* tUl* u w*ll at Ib* latmofUbtft) PttB tymtntkat of mlSL ^iw itnrf* gr*US«l-IoliraliUM*- *«nt*r, to N*wwk,-*»*|f U eontldmtf

alMiprobtMy iror«> a TfaiL'lt btrbwi bnl Mate pf.pf.tlaMMA alll OtjMouj i >«r**» V bUd UNW UM «Ml«vv and tbtt* «Ulm ap^ SS It pUt* ptrtlnlarll y U tot o pIKIKb fOfaaOrr, ball It Wai wttn wan n»*)Lb« **v pUt* py lktlkr«l Si JZV d% U t^wblcb tb* coBWtta plk»,tplck*r«l


s W/'-ii^r«^'. ikl ^ B^****v*******m^***a^^Bt****? *"T ^at**vl AaMVaa^ I*^4 VLUUttKw^t Wf W aW^awL HP^aWiw § T^^^^^^ • A y * — * *- ^

tlj *

,•• 'tkaCatt • ' j •\^;^:;^!i r>i>ii ^ ^ v--i

UBHOOiJKB eJaa*_baa.|iiaiawd to bay Telephone Markets Procluc© ietare.,for,iimc,4aB!BrsJ"?."1* «? *hlch in awarded thcmlr tUe P.TTA. te-tia«ta( the larieet aomber of par- »i the aeetlitt of the flWonOtotr For Model New Jersey Farm entnt* ])rwent at tbe opanlnt meetlntmeetnt. Board oll >yt brook firjnji 1», on* «(>ibe^Uttett harr*atl«rr*atl«( anA«taMl«a I* J*> enfreea,. aonta thUTmontn/ ThTheyy arr e ppUnnlng The meeting »a» called to order by • Thee Wrterir of Teabrook Tarpr U to ling,theh m to.thrtBclaihtBl a tomorrotoow the new preildent, Mrs. John T. BUB. l f l tbHtt to ling,them to.thrtBclaia tomorro rti. . Mnecor«fainirv.AN9 i Ut k* TneT y harh e atit o learneldd three ttwo-partwopart Man jnureatttt-artkke h*T«V»ep -Aiton-th* meeting «eme-to.J*d«r,JeJa, •ong> which tfiey enjoy alnting. J, 11. uuigr. the touring president, pte- o hih tfiy enjoy alnting " ~~ bttohL THeee hate all been M*V> BtuT'fclth»-gevmrip* WV* 11^ *• iwrwi ^nm~*w ^ ar^^^^^v ^ tbe exception ol-two la»TTSb*irlb*d Interert war a reading bock imimdd In *n - acrlbed with her name, and d*t« ot to "UtUt Weekly (teader,(t(tadr" ," aUi Uttie'' newt- Italiali n acboobll by on* off tbe pupil*pupil*. •taking offlce. Tnl* gift U made by the paper contatninrcuTrecontatninrcuTrenttirt t event*vent ,, *to*torr- ThU wne child he* been teach! , ,- ataoeiaUon. to"«ll It* o»w preHdenU. Je* andnewand'new* Ir«tt t?nclt?nce Ben whh o1 1*the (bfldren an Italian aeng and game - *. After minute* were rttd and improved travelingaveling; around the woctdtd. 8Jay»d to Italy to achooL and Uia treatutcr1* report •ubmllW. CrayoConn aketcheaketche*aktche**' of ThtaUe*Th . barbae Mr* Stiff announced the appolnjment htm on ntrU>uted SSffiiil,..-. reter WargW Roae Caapak. ta*jaerBt«^. eatnp. She gtated the camp U kept up, The nintb grade daap have dedded «y \1 **, • entirely by donations, contributed fry •teener.teener.Be" Behhm (ttaaalkowaU, Nettie to be regular bankk dt dtpcattct ntht thtt trea rearr . YaWylak, Aft* Redrlck. «^ .._ n i m.-* ma-M. . . .. a—» JAM W*# at fAa 4A al*oh»»«4er«rfBn*o»gr*airf u taldepMtt of tlWttoW pe ^ temt. Ir» it are two* traaihoppen, a the pupUa opened adeoont* while tbe ' ganlsatlon in darwood contributing to- erleket-wnkp atag* every nommg and the pupUa opened ade ward it* aopport. A* the Camp eared reoatoder wiinn atartartt their aemmt* - ;' for urenteen Oarwood ,chDdr«n W» not week. IWr ai» **»proad« ^r.«s .--.,-«ttmnun:, the atexlathw hope»to M • . abb to ralae 1U contribution another year and that-other orranUeUon* in •..brook, tie ton.*. tntn picUB** which tave.been«*p«**t » :; town mm help in thl* effort. Th» damp ta4thte»uraii i j rtl^W In by verlona Clue wemftert. flefcw r :||^|r. :- • t~"igl»e* tho»» Children 'a VaAelW) «nd »*»-ltvihi«i«».-He well a ta* ot to be nwarded on Frtdeir br,beb« m- —Inim home, who -—•" i,*tary, and Aek wiriree phtyta* aatoreo . award k th»-re*«lt of — j J*^ ^^j^^fcAJ ;vM-oth«rwiM nay* a vaeauon. awieatoT They hadd apple*l , Banana* andd,, t tome- nepaVting on-the tummer round-up -^^WMwifa:twefc larnv <»d he aajflr. betaaw to- W BarB r fflMlffll ta^«otber>4(*iirha tatb>4ih ; •-- apcmaonxrfiy the association in June. •'T-^MMrWcKarT *taWUMtt twenty-two H a' Brrwt*Tfcrjp>r« «W Brat, ne eiperineated wan, twtwo »l( Mate and,» countofTaCarTyy bad her Inedand nineteen vaoclnatod. Thee*. »... tarn kit tmni line*. Blnoa thai-tinti e lli«l , aureate ta H Ot tte-telephone'tttlphoe' MTb MaaT juila- iamfwf w—. "*P- ™T,7^«.» tt^irthh her. UaryboMghtUbhta 2iTO3BnEafflR«H3 rrrltetlnn h«» VOMaJaJUK The tread wae ettttd llTTW>g|i \\w mi tin >i liwniifMi* tejui. HM i .to be tbe iaftf*Mr*e-te-tt» art al*o made Appeal inr eatt^ltf elolb< WorM-waieiea ift-tMtimaaef. oeot in Bed Croee. —-- eDot. UTM glf« to *vf . >,»:**•'!-«•» aoaw* m tint to reacb-thl* VmL . *.. ._ ... ^*^*i^* i^h..A._ .*jj-*4V^ ^ilai^al T 4JV b t r ilMLWieawloyjftfii

«g>JMttllB»>i.am> _.j»- AttJnnaU4iitlr*_W,1>e;iejit Jo Uie School The aeoeelttton voted to therpamteto Toiatt t»WetU Tkleber AeMdtUon mtmberihlpi drive ._^ oouM have al ^ allow Uie Welfare Committee MB for • »*_ . ^t"**i «ork amopg the need? children of the ab| n 10100 pe r otntt. * .. % emoikd.' A chart of man- 1 town. • ilia children brought their eoap bub- ber».w*t k*n»

be tent were-vVrrBaodHtqd-maay-aai IWtW Wait* - Itae B0WUg|TO*tbiethttthe-BO^rea«h *l*er«eatt*««BUmlane*ecMy;lut home, alto ttwt'MUoM and mult* of «(gMyo«weattotbat4**e(***e»»- Ha«(gMyo«weattotbat4**e(***e»»l pcabtoeatVdeeavUk •gbert.lM'M- iM ,.' * ...in VA niiMlihift " l "• oard party whWihe; Womtat Auju Bed/cro**. thlettean V lary ot thee Oarwood Republican dub jSereWl in thl* room, tneana, announced pwimUKriairiia^^ ^ JWdaJWd y eveninnig to toto thth ee _ lt*a

1^*W# ^^•••S^^-Pwa m 4HV* WW» «• •IIIWWW ••*» w»— ftf the tevenb* gjaMI at Ureetor 0(riht ehob; at thajrman W •" Sbdftebtl CbhJ» rtik ^i. ^ i.—vve geoe,-a*(rta*bgeoe,-a*(r-ta*bll tt%^ana«To*rt^ntfW«»acU" if liia the echooli. .It ta hoped ToeaanateWi'ltothe wean wiu take J>Mifaar oliiaoiar »ttwilt be rtndererendereda by ttolh>Jocali^r* Jo . to- on*new*l*«atanceJrn.tB*a»»rWrn.tB*a»»rW- weeUltt3iJfflj!»wj5»5fc tdbfflM>t gtiher with-alnger* from tur. ei aW.wlJ..»WlJ» «»ij«».»ii»,tll bmbecome ejn ^iKk-nau Indiansr VftM.l • flhlneenTlniti .j. UO'per c>ai_inem))ea«(p, and other pUoet. in t ,STSmWtte . UtHSrr the auifi- «J the Oe^oAl •: >tatt to aee that pwpW . lioc CSub an Natj^toneel er* eo-that all^attnU, a^ IK Will Ultt'giact aait Wadn»*day*»- l.Mailon.ot the Oer- tnlw W,eight o-ei0(* in the bttroutf village o| lOOlOO,',- QtO**U otoutttaOdtaotttaOg beoo2f .better acquaintedacquaint . % t " - Church Sunday teterett-ooteth the *andtabldtbl * tochJd*tohd* buatoea*, m*»Ujg Mr* to^ln.#il«>oV»xk. ThJ-roembtr* dotbeapltt dolU dreated at nigrtmtnirt , an - {nolaa wbjwaa-wade of teal akin* and o£jjr«^rtaua*nt of ti*t l bi

y to help aU who e:'tomorrof atternjoivji to* eetvte ot tfce oppof- bot|ti»eraUyond«tetoo Moenti •* - v • ' "'I making at large, theitonaOtttheitonaOttbpau-w-b - tt" ot'tlothei or .mUUnety. maMging. * ipoaeor ththe nmttagtotoM«t*re«mttagto U

Wa»tf»w»t'andltW4uV: riiieji KMWIII ••'»•' ;«w^rr la ti» bed/, wblei: abet* faa «Mkeart.ae4tee*eti)***keaa' ^£^yejr^hM| iyeejwa>-^aiw«T,-«ai»* y aewwa.-v.nn- JJI.«^T- , -^^n—• •~--j£,ffjf- •Bii'ji.itiWihWa JtfcJ ••• • t*t w/uqar, wyw.. WUBHWHW . J . • -/ ' 7

WtHiant Priestley



(timtto Cheerfully G**" «• ** Woi*t

Bi.«rr tTBwn1. OUJWO«D Tel. CRanfonl

art font w Atn tin* McatM «( wwW aflltn liittHthr Mm*" .If w, H. A. KJELDSEN •ad cowtlM to">UB ilwMt tar PAINTER AND DECORATOR

UHOtmt&vnroi "IK* tfttm ttataita JOMJH l«« UU tto aMrtallly Ofmra M Iktr U call imMfm a-osa9(«*maiBDii to i(»ii»e»;* Dr. au>atM wa> u VTMI «i thai «< *« Cwistniction Tor* TiM«f Ch.*. Jr. K«w 't, Ooatro, W a r, Uarrorthy, »lo» prwKtot ol ttu mtiout f pa 6 Abto BUM. AUTOMOBILE

Mow «» towai ud «1U«» DINNER report 1W»J dlitcltd plar an**., U,0«» r«w»tkrti tatter* BURGLARY- •*Btr« tout. "Ptar tl» «am»Tow For Difficult MU1" l* Uurir moOo. v - Cleaning PLATE GLASS Robert TW« A Son Tt. rfa«rC TORNADO YASHIRESTAUIlin!? ri WUm«> rtnlTtd an inpoctatt praobtUtat »l» OTH


LOB AtttalM *»• potk* iM'l fit • REMEMBER



^^mihcLSmiUhiEtery Cup

W teMMAwhfcrt OfM and y««

•I1" "i . »m—mm

[V » e —-gr»«W^BB»l^* •II J t , , 5J>-*S-vf*l6. » . jll'v wnciAti f E« r ^8te" ' * "Hi"- " , ;* - - •|-jr -," r-^«r>gg'- iVeo;s o/ f/ie VV

BW5S35SS u coach or The following U the twmon delivered •fr"- 1T»e Sunday Ol*niu*t lite Hev> MUUm * Orant. peator ol laiMttf* -Cranford MeUlodirti . BptoeopaBtoopal tralet IB « at Cwitford Churche* Oardtn 9t»l». . d lblL' • Church, to the church »*«* Sunday: Mlnhd, liucutlve • tbitodenrUirm It It due t* With members troin Cranford, Uln- RATITOCTr1 - "LOVE'S ORATITOCTr ,w_« wbleh aeeowpanlei tbMto™- •ItetteWOU***** hWy. a pe* dramatic or- Ai CHOTCH That «n* hath don* flianfl be apokan Oeneral Convention Chairman, jraHier thin lh» thunder. the PootMBM of (orr * memorial of hhw.w " JMan n«*»wn. «-*«*• headquntteriati lien mlfer aH their ««•—. -- P»H«rf d*r thufootob aopetttftoj «»•» a largUren attendance of member* «mei 4 raaMM EagUsk rerury - 1 -h, Herd of Education will hold its •:» A. IL-Blble School. il«0 A. M. th*y- phrbtlaChrl^lt»deav«t|ocl«y«fth*«r»n Jtodeaw Bo t rhThe, „,*,»potter„y madmad** aatt Barnstaple, -T-olar October meeting Tuesday.eyrn- tn fart drawing to a dose.- H» ta Z-.ZZZiZ~m.,,ri+ K^tft* o«, tn. '"UH'^^^SL.SS: ifuMday. October 7. at (he home o! t gtreew at TWI BUIIT»|IVV" '-—-r= Hed Ihnlnly »t K.. tract.'*o Uiat te 10.00 A u^uSuTfchU n**»«*i««il«JJJ'"! Th. .». »•«>"• ment, of ctlon- omcrvanw. •»••»• •* •— •*—•> -- - opening Wednetday aftemooa at three not com* t* a lost.-Baiph Tbe.at»o»*e a»4 «.«•»*•« tMif A.V-PubW Wonhlp. «.00-P. M- otaervanoe/ Jeeu. U_ Urntogrt the sf tamoon ;i7crolia.«ow*ra.TBfiwr«tcBfirt . Ori»n«liOxyy Axure Chapter. No. 87. O. E. S, v.111 bom* er'-Mary. and Martha,-and U o'clock-and eloalng Baturdajr sf tamoon. tna tdore «»r« only white nnrt ml. Knerson, 100 P. I£-*venlng "Wltnealng JOrChfW andd the > .__Wonhlp. term, wherthe loved,so much to be. but later "rltb "ttnuWnattans <* r«H" *'i hold a regular meeting on Friday even- A^iupper wa. prepkr«dja_ blue. «r«Mt and 4theri wre umJ. The •boat tea yeaia. Tbat> *JW» SSffiSSK -5v, -October 3rd,,aVMa«mk,Temple, OUMIT KVMKSUCAL LVTHDUM Ctroac-H Chrlit in the home of one fll Rev. Dr. Oordle XCulp, paator of>lh»! porentlon Chureh and Koderator of pottery Hj* «rU^iqry enrthMtwnre.. Uu uroil time front tbe South avenue and Thomas street. There -1* South Onion Avenue / leper. It was Intended ." «ed br alt 0.U0M. la • pnb will be work... " turned in thUue PreabyUrrlan Synod of Hew Jem* occasion but It ws* _. .. .L«.I, J».J ' - —»- ii nil(iii •f*inthej I 1:45 A. M^«unday School 11:00 meroorlal oeeailon. Mary nolleed will for any pirtlculir KngU*. Cranford Court No. 34. OrderoltK ft-chang* In her Itaatcr. .Bhe aawj*. tocttdta.HbMif-3-'^'"-- " *"" "*** P,rt» and Dance. Saturday Elveriitw. Kn»t Burin Cmncu row and strange., , Octotier 11. at the Mase-nic; Temple, _OHlhBlr _ t and ah* divined HU need, of the UuA. 0 d Mai. •.'!» Hatehtage I love's IhtulUon, prompted J N.»rth C-ro- Trumpeter., of BUabetb. stu lc IlIld E: •:tt A. .laXunday School. 11:00 A. gratitude. She '- ' nia.l7Wii Vlr TO SP c R stewait»..QE2rg? "' . . _ Baas'* ^ gM « M I *+ n4 • ^^^ fca wnue, perna .lT«B. AAAN I 7 Oeddft. members.of. the EMward returned the HJU Chapter. -Tclef)hone'"Pleneer» < " f America attended the chapter meeting auletly, and breakljhg • b&( of «ntment,. Comtnoain Old • • INWI sll»a«« ."*."-. in Asbury Park-lost Saturday and Sun- very wedoui, annolnWd-.Oia head of The da(*l»g «ti»l wa» nerer In tne lie layer ot air next t 4«u whaii tin though II tuny b* ttuat tlie magistrate A number of Cranford people ..will a -Oomer e».«orthAm,an0V«>«at At*, o ThlK Mi • )l II I rher." who On* day they bury the bitefttt In . lend. _ tiiii.iiw^i=^=«i:,«iiii^,i,».^.j..,, It,* wwlliir becau* mu» Mawnable, fi d It d ' The MenVBlbTe Class of the- Presby > g:00 A, Kv-«oly Oommunfotu r.« may-h»v« gfren a l.lttl-».^tft "•• strss : • A. if>-onufch schoia. n-M A. MJ- lerlan Churth will continue Jt» fairpro- faalott. — - * canbe.l_ - gram, successfully started September Jl with a regular session Sunday.rnorjn- month. «:O»-P7llr lng The regular::monthl y social and vFlUowrtupr, IMP. business meeting of the club wiU ta> - aont and. addreai pbv* Tuesday.eyenlng at 8:15 oclock in ^he churcrf. rf, . • . • •nonunaity. A horse show\ under the auspices ol \ )h» matter and muat- the Kensington Riding Club, will-b< * held atniw Kenflngtorf^HKllng-*cad- ot th»BW»»rtns*oo*ot. B. W. .. ^-j_ | the.powf amlo, an* thle P~«"J»» enty KenUwortb Boulevard. Saturday icpt up nnU| live protnleed to be goodg . October 18. beginning at J.0 A". M.Lun. -••' Tfc* morning *»r»io« for v*Ue '• rrenototly it wa* aurprhrio* how will be held at 11:00, in chug* cheon will be served on the groundj :.^^.u^j open to all, and cntrle; M

HtMUDtaUe ,*Heoc* %K card party..iiMJ>e gixen UWjc i aha 1-1**11*'1 " auspices of the ladles of S \ijm tn li\vertltale. wK >^dltor>umg<—HI svf^-^-r-Ksi.tor ji.yuut • ••»••« .J'W'rornruniF great | flult-Dotton Herald. -*lted All games will be played and I commemorocr the opening of the nc BUdlUirlum, exceptional.prizes.will I the the of the -i. :Kk\.^. Play starts ^at 8:15 sharp. The Qlrl Scout troop taptains he thefr nftFrairjnwtnwteftFrairtwrteste^w^^ afternoon at the- homfrofMUlss 1 if *» Bf ^ plW*e'y**a)»*iai •oceam. uewoguu H*»WJ»» V~™-.™ -artne.J3l^ne^Piana ,wl th* nMri, and !• for Natfonal Girt Scou »n» tim» li toolrfor rivers to depoalt fc.'Bow^MrUwwar* ibtlr deltaa, for the Nlagura to gong* wttl be observed the last week In C htout-lnlOaUv* in «*- Mt ll« gurg* aid tor tbe geological tober. All troops began their tall I •trcta toT>*.l«M down/Uut •Ifaneji Uvltles this week. All troop mcetli method, wer* defective, tike hour- are held.In .the'Presbyterian gjn gtanet, neither tti* riv*r* nor tb* naslum. - '. .' . :•..• • •. ntidi ran uniformly: . i. Bui It ataould no* be w. •Itt umnluu. phnlclila claiia.to hav* Thirty babies'were- present, at ' b b U heart* araree, at l*« found a reilabl* aelf-wejtdlM meeUng o^uieTBaby Station yesten '- aftemooh In the'fire house, with •lewis and the.vislung. nurse in attti

* W* ill TWj^l—l «»»•—™~ gjg^=?ni^tatWi-ni: DsrUtflgTOl Yon donViim to lmy ft banner was awafded to uure Ireland. = President of jlord Union, which liad the la

it . i county.

rn>m,. Choral, of Oral a short, business m«ting .faaa i • evtnjBir at the- home of wttbln lem'^"* JO" H-poto* wpertorfty tfl X fayi on Prospect >tre own Statea Supretn* jud, plans, tor the winter. WtiM wwa atlw „•& Wolf 1» prtsicHBTT—Bu • Ewy benefit that", good g**oleaet i followed by k social hour, , ihoald han I. foundI n Koobwtor. No> j ml Is in need of more alnger i welcdme~newr*c«« mejpt ^ " oofperfona^li^rifie^to;, Coy Gibson, gardener fo »» phice to Kartptoo Road, b I distinction ot raislng-What S/ji, ' Lto be the'first cotton e« Fin Crantord. Mr.-Olbsoi /5 '.**,?• crop was at healthy ! duced hi the sunny Sou ' tbe development ol Sin* ^e Bower tniolla. »»»' t deal of attention sere.

i*m Preaaing Club.


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News of the Week The service career ot tauU Alyan shinr ANfO Sa-U-t Br-tlaat Catch In Last/Inning McKet of U Afitngton Road, Crantord, ti announmt irntt nnl Thur>-| Sara..1-i Vfctory la Came. - 1 -tcday reached the .thirty year mark, at •re mil be a ]oim meeUn* »iUi CRANFORD_NJMLLBHtn TIIIATRK-IllRtCTlOS In and About Town '•" . .1—1 n»n_.»•—-'»•—••— the • Wtsiern-BerttV CO—panr.—Mi. BHtn TIIIATRK-IllR UcXee- *aa pmeeted oj millet to come1 over lop per cenrtwon*'.] or BHOHtntATORA or vmt Repeating tlielr. performance of ear-"meet wttn a «<)...._W pin beartn. * the nu-,So cmhlord »ill have tu II" up. wj Uer In the teason. the Cranlord A. C.meral* "SO" " " • ,- . . ~n= fHM* r»tlon s™atur:l>wrwn"«UI »p*a*y Sat.,Oct. 4th fa»« QulP_«_l_» o°t CranlorCrantord ius coacnh oo!n _-..-__•. •~r-~~_ ^ t_ won fifam tht.lrvuarttm Proi 7-5 hut r 1 r "FrkUy. Ott. 3rd te^rnFteanTof-the.ywarnf-jgwroeorget t ol the Jfferteni Turner-nAher daughter Hi* service" irecord began' tow-two ,,,, •>t_rpro»5»ea 8nBB »t00.00*.«l(^oondr Sunday afternoon.on Nomahegan Oval. when his name wa. entered 0M-«w«»- ls_ue _ .. 1 JOHN HOLLAND Bearny wcrfksjiaseketbdll lea-' Hampton «»» V^W- »"•' »•»««»"»" »' A tine-catch by Smith to the last In- CO OK' jhe —ore...... jer-—switchboard wlreman in'the old TowiiWilp. Enstneer Cdlluu ' ' ~' • ! ihi* &hor«. -••.•' • ' .'• - ning saverf-the game^ tor -Cranford j Clinton Street «t»oo».. - Assign-1 ^ i—ir il 3. Brown, of Orchard street. Kramer wa» on the-mound tor the lo 1 . - With members front Cranfoird. Uin returned last Friday' from Blddetord cal* and. turned in a fairly good game, "EYES of Tie WORLD" "RAIN> SHINE" 6>n. and Bahi-ay. a pew dramatic or Putf. Maine." - .""..- ,'• . . although he got himself Into aeveral d gaaUsUon, known.as the Pootlight Miss Helen Stanley left for Boston tough spot* where only sterling sup- switchboard tncuwer. rour >—.i» •»-,., Orw Uint Veil ly 5 - •— K—M frtrmi ' m enter the Wheelock ter he transferred to' Uie .lime—-Be"! "* M««i m Mm—...... „ -port pitll«1 Mm.Wt 1 • it. The Pro's went to work In'the first' •Tflfghnrr ^"•"ptnv w-twr> h,,K-i;*y ot.Mie- things acrtHnplished Scnool.. . mained until-1930. . Unltlc iHintrol. i ' The Board ot Education will hold Its Mr and Mrs J. Latlmer TatruUl re Inning. Intent upon revenging.the--de- Returning to the engineering depart--. T*itilar October meeting Tuesday even- turned to Cranford from their Sum feat which they previously tittered at meril_at' Hawthorne. Mr." McKe* en- . '~- :~ • • • tag-In*the board offtces. on the topnier home at Lake Hopatoms. the hands ol .the A. C. and—pushed tered^trfe compUlnta.utly.is depart- ' TUC MrfARTFR VHOfl Boor ol the Drain School.. Mrs. P. O Sykes, of. Central avenue, aero—ftwo runs. In the third, the lo- cals staged a brUllant bit of pOyttTOcrT in this type-ot wotkjir 1923 and aec- "~ "'""" The Ilrst meeting ot the'Progress left yesterday tor a week's stay w'ith netted four- rum, while three more y,f her. mother in Exeter; N. K.. . • • tlon chief 'two year* later- He »u»j mX. AS A COWBOY ? ©ub. lor tnli^s^ason. .wil1-oe 1 ' were worked across In the flHh. ln-Uw trartsferred to Kearny in 1928 where' lie ol Mr? Dillard Cqlltns. of Walaut avenue, JUtlvthe visitors also scored once aim ^jr^Mday^Oetober 7. at the" home t fl assumed Jils present du^los^ ol orralon j TTjTBrown; otrurelMira 4111*17 li'fii.fLl Tinlintt, r>> made.a brUllant stab tor the Mr.and Mrs, T. Kennedy Histon. of hold a regular meeting on Friday even- honorsaand came mighty close to reg-? |HDi^ B.JEinigle ""•"IrMtr"October -3rd4-7aVMaaoulc;.-Ternpie. dJPl ^returned ^today from Istering',—-Wlttwt«n_out_.and men on, South avenue and Thomas street. There a motor trip through thhe SheandbalShenandoiTh liecond. and. third. Zyle otthe .Bsieid «1U be work... Valley. -...... '. outnt,'smashed out a long hit to deep! DtiO ANIJ CAT Henry J. Staheen. son of Mr. andleft. It was tagged with extra bases, M«rri» Turnpike ana Middle St j Cranford Court No. 34,.Order _olthe !. A.'Shaheen ol Elberon, forrhc'rly but Smith, who played the left field tor u1 ic a • • *- «i—• i >klnV% tlht. *~* ' iv.a. J. ••• • ULtoll X S FF Cr.anIdtar-rattae,lOrllllant run to nab «4^»**9i4-M^Mg^*»**^^ wrtrand Dance. Saturday Elveriitw. fversity.. the ball with a spectacular''cBtrVf~'''"' October 11. at the Mtopnic; Temple, "•' Hunter of>Jtepringj(Wd ^•Jtn announcemtntHorn- the n d hraentof-Uie-A..CL-5tates_that_djL- j.venue jeir;~Tm!nnunmjB-*M>-.«™--_ , error by" -Uie' scoreiteepeV; creditors? •.^.C-.R. Stewait»..Q£arge Stuck and E!Wisconsin, where he expects to engage saving .the game again*'fhe . Singer W. JAViLLSEY J, Oeddft. members. of. the Edward J. .In. business. - •-•.'.. . • * •' »Colore, d Otants Sept. 21, was given, to Witi Chapter. -Telephone»Ploneer» ol .^tr,,, and,Mrs. J. .R. SetUemlre. 'of Torres, when Enrtght was the one who KUAl, E8T. "America ^attended the chapter meeting Hlllcrcst. • avenue;; "returned to their merited'It.;,-:.... '., • . "•:.. '..'.'.:'.- '.:' MarUta R. sterrett-Aiio. Brokar. ON CRANFCfRD'S Kome yesterday after a summer spent ThV score, by Innings vt last Sun phono HM^W ' in AsburV Park'last Saturday and Sim- UNION AjraCN; CBANFOBI1 day, _•" ^ '.;__ - ; [_• ' '_ in the ^est..-.:.,-• .. • ;•«•'._*" day's same-Wai: ; , Mrs. J.-Howard Bonrteviile. of-Holly Cranford A. C .004 300 OOx—7 ,. 'TJie Westfleld Inn;- -223, ProsilecJ, fstreet, Kavi!i~dlnner bridge ar)d shower Irvtngton Pros, 1..:...:>...M0012000—6 ^irstMiniature Golf Course _jl(j__t_ WestfleM. will preseitt Milton C. 1 yerterduy lor Miss Orel Burley.-O.f. and his associate teacher, in a series 0! Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Frinklln, of ..The duckpin play.ers' have laHeoT"(cT Show up in great force Ufe past.week. llatoV Moderate l'lirs SatlslactUu ten lessons li^ contract abridge, beglrt- linden place, returned but week Irom HJJOUTH.' IStll BTIIEKT, CHANFOnD Jbul_wJU,ttJUtf_id^entiOlcoolcr weather -in^*-'Riesday-^i!enlniu^t_elglit^gjdi*k: j^i-ir o.pm.1- home at Buck Island, *P-E-P • Htwillve . biieiKj l*Hr •, • -- —^f^___fcAi_r.£j_ ___^_j___i A number of Cranford people-will at- Thousand undoubtedly they wiU_ tuni uut in (treater numbers.' Wadawortli was high Puts pep in your stejjj Yep, Pen.! a—nd... : 1 1 ! Tuesday from St. Vincent's ._. . ffiat » wMo'ui^pmrtillk' d6oj;":' SATURDAY & SUNDAY .last Baiutuny iu.u....TC ,. •\, The Men's Bible Class of the-Presby; New York, and Is convalescing at hergame unequalled in several months. '_»ay« BUly Break Otlay. 1NTEEI0K DKCOBATO* ierlan Church will continue its fairpro'. home In Prospect. ' ' "gramr'juccessfully started September The Parish Circle of Trinltj^eiiurcl Mr!'and Mrs. Ernest W. "Muller, who »wlU; hold a baiaar and supper on 5 21, with a regular session Sunday morn- have spent many summer* at Hampton ing.'. The regular monthly social and Thursday and Friday, November 10 Hall, have retilrned,to their home 4n and -':a l-in~ih«- Parish. HPUM.J JJ; -;- hazards hnve just been inade. . business meetlVig of the club will take Brooklyn tpr the. winter,"'" place Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock in avenue. . ' " • WELDONBROS. ^l>e churcrf. rf,.. . . " Mrs. Mary Stewart Brewer, formerly _LEARN AJEEWW REAL GOLGOLFF SHOT^ of .Cranford, died on Monday "night at 1 Join our Pressing Club. Flvd SulU TEURIZED_B WNVAUtV FARMS ,. UATT_RI«8 ' A horse show, under the auspices ol ClKton Springs, where she had been as I pressed monthly, tl ' Also JllscounUojj- : DEM GUERNSEY tiJci»r«ed and Repaired luck I. JU»e a mnshie nnd 0 niblick. ^ i the Kensington Riding Club, will'-be a patient for two years. '~ ——'— D*»«mn»nt Cleaners.' -: j, Vulcanlilni 0 11 "heUrainRer KerSWirUirnUdlng-... _ -;M^and-M"- •»•^lS_natrlsflnjU^i pnattr-eKanfotd-t-* * emv. Kenllwortli Boulevard. Saturday. avchue.EaStrrcturned-last: week from All work, called for and delivered October 18, beginning at 10 A M. Lun- thel, ,Ummer hqme at Beachwood, N.| cheon will be served on the grounds.' j wnere they spent three months. : open to all, and entries dMrai Paul OmeUIn, dth sons, Alexander and Btcphan, -rettff St 1€toHrf= eslgnl11 last Monday from a trip of several! NeW^i^r ' FOB ? ^ •iNKANTK'. aKN'8, JDNIokiirMIHSE* / ' AND MO1K8- 0EESHE8.AMUa>ATB_ I—rtnr,"<«r«il'-»-—id.-—_*?"• _._!___. S_ thu guest of1 ' atwoe a<)itiig--w««igwBif-^-______J_^=-., ' tober 13. The public Is cordially In- ?acn as. 111c «_» u...... •-"irtted. All games will be played and to .. R. Crumbley. formerly of Crantord...... ^U.NorUj A»*. W.. ' . AJa» Fa.hton Illmtratlana. rommemorate the opeiflng of the new | Mrs. Ilay Miller and:.Mrs. Robert —TBB COMMUNITY BTOR~>. Special Rates to High Nchool«lu_mU,.'• ,.- 1.M me glveyuu an eitlmate on Skinner entertained Thursday-In IRS • .,, .. .„-.-.•,. '-. „ ,• .... ' • •' 'ill 1 J, '-il ''•'.. Day 'and Evening Clawn: • ." ' " Vdur.wltlng work. We will make an. auditorium, exceptional.prizes .will be' lor full rarilcnlara. Telephone CranforiLjI-IJOD.W ar Call at ' ' given! Play starts »t 8:15 sharp. Echo Lake Club, at a bridge luncheon There' U lUthi long-IM of arU- I« \y..ll»ily Street • • • '•.'.,;' Investigation, and suggest changes •. Bnd Rhower. In honor of Miss Orel A. • clea In the Hardware line which. without any obligation to you. are needed In the hone at thl. ', U'ttii^M.-.«l««drM».,»»uitMUy!rr« ^^' > call attenOon to a few Mr. uuu ft.*. - Rettord., avenue •*•. II Uie-,.s«h for National u... ^ . -..,-. will be observed the last week :ln Oc Oil and _lecuic- a—-«»«i •Tel. CHanfort ••»»•• tober. All troops began their fall ac- Mrt. -Nathaniel Van Doren of Orove Aih Gan» and Sifter* Jl» Waln«'A»* .CBANrOBD tivities this week. All troop meetings street has returned from a motor trip Furnace Shbvej* are held in the" Presbyterian gym> through northern New York, accompan- a ied by her son, WUllam,. jtho has re- . Pain- «nd Varniihes naaluin. \ turned to Manltn's Military Scnool. lor O'Cedar Mop» and Oil* Slip Covers. Cushions, -j^Q Thirty babies'were-present, at the Broom* and Bruihe*^ Body and Fender K

' - Pariiculir. Work.-fol.^Mj...... / ••." ; A -Nation. Wide ^President the.vidUng.nurse In atttnd- FEE. P B. LCWTSTM Utmral»aTeiiue';'»Mra-.^ car Lcwlsjwlll «all next 'week to visit Ever" Aluiiiihuni ..— AVE., EU_A|rarW^r three to. fivercrtilock. All .... her parents in England. - -.;•',. far OWWEBK ONLY; We hw.« *"' V. to brinjupieiT .babies said/ young •Mils Lucy Piirman, wb'o-has been the goods," Don't mt- IW»! ;- — :•••>•• - ..---:--:-i'-.'sW 1 up to shvxii. aigetobe weighed spending the summer with her sister, v alned, MrsrTC!C:N^:,CoHlns ,'of Walnuf ave- nue*, will leave Saturday for Miami; s 55th Atmual County Convention -Fla_ stopping on the way at Philadel- peW. C. t. U. -was hvld at Pjaln- phia and other polnU. , •- Arthur^ T«l«»li« "~ '. :T^S I last Thursday; Mrs. O. B. Currie, • Mr. and Mrs. Bda-ln rf. Ferguson ot 223 PROSPECT ST., WEStHEl >aWord. was re-elected to the! presl- 11 Holly street have announced the en- ry, antrMrs. J. A. Khowles. ol Cran« gagement '.of tllelr daughter, Jane. Ee- ONE OF' s't'o' announce Milton 'C'.Work, the ir I to :the position ol Corrtspondlng telle to Edgar Cleon Fqrtenbaugh, also : It ry. It was. voted to send Mrs. lord.:: TTw-wedding wUl'ttke lo lKeT«>t)oi_a Wr"-* " '"'>"•' ° •llh III*, whlth:

Irs. r. •.». *..«».,, _.. : streetr*taine back^on Monday from a „„ matter. As.ihire are ,no uure Ireland. = President oi the .applied freely to lawruv*at~ two-weeks' trlp~lo Mpdsehead Lake; ^Reserve your tables early; "~/. ^ jford Union, which Had the largest Maine, and othei> place, ot interest In f In bulk, by thaUm iJi<»-_Engl_nd^having-taken then- son ^wonirieyrJpr$^2'Twr>r^ eCounfy [teob to'CMby'Vm^ " Malcolm Warnock,. ot-Proapect street i£ru?wni be ,erv«l. Helen ;DeGraw-and El.zabet). .>.._... Choral, of Cnnf anct Wesley. Slanger, of Willow street, L" C WOLF* DISTRlliUTOR : short, bmuiMS meeting last won the trophy last Sunday In the fi- de Courcy Wheeler hostesses. . . • even>ng"at the- home 61 Mrs. nals of the Union County Park. Com- u« lertck Fay. on Prospect street,., to mission's tennis tournament. fills, n plan., tor the winter. ••'•—'• is they were

: yeaTaEoT 0 uc nuu u. iH.v -^ awarded the trophy 1 followed by ^ social hour, The Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davenport, of I Is In need of more alngers. and arenuo; -are entertaining Mrs. yenport's pareriU," Mirr*~and Mrs . rfeIcoBet^wr«aiverrnej--.l)ers\— •:;t-f •- ••_!•• *.Coy Qibson, gardener lor theA. J. Wilson, who motored here from 4feight,-_iry bfficcii fofDoctbr, Dentist, pr Californiarand who will jetum. to theU- sks place In Kajflpton Road, belongs v } td_t_MUcra:ot'r8islng-what"l« be- une'^n HoUywood^nZXt —onday. Mrs ..•'• •'; J—r-.' Betuity Parlor — ' :;. .?'\.\. • Lto be the^nrst cotton evtr-pror kvenjion gave_a' bridge in their.hon- t in Cranlord. Mr. Gibson's ln- 1 Tuesday evening,' with guests from g crop was as healthy is any li_beth and Cranford. educed In the sunny South and Ruth Parsons, daughter oT Mr, and SOOTH Siw ["'toe development of cotton - - —J-~••,jrf; loa Oentennial Save M Bo—tr — bol_ It as attracted her fourth birthday MEM MARKET CrUirford t deal of attention Here.' . ith a party, ' llml Open Ete-nn ' and cak_ «-v. •-.*


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tM M« ptraon twirt OF THE W wound* bit-fur* ht^t\tnA\i*rt4 Into th» ftfitb floor bnir/mj. Tim dwr ibtf>4 HIS ARM CONE, HAS BECOME STAR l^arge Increase Seen In ot>«*p and • jfoldrn obi one *»f llffltt •Irrnmfd u*>if mnlnfflj out \nUt t\t* T WAS but a few year* ago thai Eirl Atfrill, the young wHhcMn. Half htln'lcn_!.y tli* rslti, IM IO lia> (Tf«l«I a arnutidO with Clereltnd, Bgurcd h> nertr would J Automobile Fatalities Jp«[n-d forw «r1 He'd had Dtit ninual y liatrball again bwiUM of-on arm that had gobc back on Urn. a verdlct-noalnrihetrncfc drlver-nef to Fly? irt.r (.Ir hlfrh .rhool d.ya ATfllt atarrr?dT In In* tlWa w«—".II —• ••>*^B*#4^—^.^ ~ TBT—-••-. --,-• - - —^ ~ , ~ ~ ^ ~ a a sn rr- •-, i i ^ i •ntoinobln _ . i (to« wsnnt 5 Then: -hli>tliniwinc arm wjtnl dead: Me 9Olt baseball. Why keep on? fatamies, Teacnlaf last r«a»r thtbae «nor^J Jlgent wu warranted, notwitnstana- frlindihlii lownrd him -say, old 9 The arm waa gone. He rnuld not throw GO fret.- II* went to work for mans total of SSfiCO, has resulted In a Ing the officer's tlgnaUtofthe aatourl' rho|> 1*1 nip In mil of ti ruin, will 6 the only florist In Hnohomish, out In YVsshlngUin. corrupondlog Increase, of. teaponilbU- W .proceed." ._. . _als«a._8up. Jud. I o ~A year pas***! Another sutnnier came. The owner of the "£moke Ity whlcb the courts ar« placing .upon Ct. , , * I There' w«a a xtlr within and h» Khoppe" billiard parlor thought Jlnobomlsh-should Jiate a baseball club. the. aulolit, according to m rarvey "The statute, giving the aotolst on* I Up lath. Air Ktoppdl In the duflrvjy <" »!•"• at UP marled jo orgHnlge one Some one told him to get **e'rill, who used made by the legal department of the (th.- e righ- t tfi» righ- t of way..., does_ no, t IK THE "J' 'or tb* nrtt lessons, tm "tbe prr-lty IWMI» A lady win hum-hid to play on the high school team. ' American Uotorlsta' asaacjatlon, In o\er the hulllln writing table and aim \»arrant drivers In teklng dost 1 „,„,„, „ .fo,,,,,!,,, ,oroO£n. ' ''""f •"} [<

Mayb« not. Maybe It'll be all "Decisions. Indicative of the atti- through my earphones. "Watch our cnnli-l hlnj. H Xy rn.t acirfit the atury lie XVIililytiprvl'ilH ()•« right again. Anyway, wa need, you." tude that courts ire taking towards tbera-on tbe wlnga and Ialt See now wf hfr If Id 8 lung arui of eolnUdi life U Tlii-y. wiri! Iniliy liinlicd And when Averlll dlacoTered'2 tbe autoslsty responsibility, are being Likely Shooter little tbe control tnrfaces move eorn 'ml'l. ll'-r r en rurlii orr* lint n p he waa Hrpray pnly .8atiuday. and' J rendered "**imoit ttally,' ".deelarea 81 Um«/we move the stick 'and ruiMtr Ilia rhtjtn s<-owli>d "You take >nur Kunilay .afternoons tw^cnoiented, Mayer, president of the Automobile pedals. Keep a abarp lonjtbnt for oth- l»elf loo si rlounly THe world would I lie luri|iiol«i' MUnancf rcimiluwIiiiMii {irovldtnc-• hta arm dljplijed any Club of .Illinois and vice president of er planet, tears to pick them on wag If wed tmrr limnl of Hie tbli- liln hirKcii'iii imw travel-worn fwl, .al'gna'of life.- ' '...- , , .' tbe A. M..-A". "This fact, that autolsts against all-bacigrpunda." . < Iiitrhlfig " hVr* robw«hhy mom liolr, * ly sli draiimtlc uliuufloni) nnd It That"! prwtlcally all. Of. are being held to a higher degree of We were 1,000 feet up. My instmo alii* Nprniig iip.«lt**r pink ll|»» THE FEATHERHEA wouldn't hurt to jj\e the iltlle lady coorie. tin arro.came (melt. Other- accountability, with no criticism of "poh't—IMTI'IIIH.*' IIrtHMrtt tor pointed ont the landmarks of th, -"•-a- hand '^ —•"* "•—^•" *— •"-- -. • - wine, there would oof lie any itory. the Jjidlcinry. aliould senre as a airport—a :railroad. .a -brtckyard. a l*eliu>d'a riiiMlml fare fulled to "I \f%u—iii![f Tin lorkfrd oui of my }lanage.r - VTade .Klllefer, however, phetllc warning-to'autodom.it'td" large red building. .Then he moved 'npnrlincnt • Just twlow here. I—-I '•Kifltn lie Mk<'d I'de and he hnd did not pay much attention to him rollowlng are « few of the recent the stick backward slightly and *e iHmpd a inun Mvr.il hrre aiid I rllmtx-d ...be**" glnd to have- him lake mir » and back to Snohomlah went Aver- cases epitomized by the association's began to climb. Next the'stick went np-thir-rililiir. I illilii'l kmm Jmil irlml ahare -of the fojdtip apartment dur surrey, arlttmiinllve uf tlie;trend-of forward to neutral and we leveled off. to do nnd Piirkj^Ofar will^H wet Ing the abMiice of bin Aunt Mlnervn, homlsh WBB too small. Ue joined . current court declsloni: Next be pushed It forward and we lind'TTiyT'Aiint' Kllnerva—'*• 7~ who had gone on n lecture tour I'etp the IlflllnKham aemi-pro club snd "An autoipehlle driver, on meettne •went over a hill" and began to inse Ilia, retnurkalite redial. WH» ent waa uaunlly out ew'il'ign nnd hla then tb~e~Ana.coads clubi^st Butte. or passing a street car which- has altitude. A right turn, then ntie to frfvolouii tlpws on life were rent fill Khort by a nerlea of hl([h RIKKICH, the H Ifl'tbo Copper lllnlng league. It stopped, must anticipate that some of the .eft, and-then • message through Ifiirft Klin wet on tM'r.check*. l>nnt the phnn^a- w ,^ t _r- Ic1I-m«iyfltFlpit loWfiMJ• nur^ln" thMe juueaKert 1mlia^haieJi}lghted--Mwp ttirea, lonlsbt, hnWi'trr. IVte Imdlln league'In Ran Francisco, and when daya- aut-li a aiory IN—'* -aguin mirth pass from behind ttVcar to the other _"Now yon do It HI operate the grrert Tit roa» the editor Into 'reron wlutef cajiie; Earl Was ^)n' Frisco, * h lnlervctiftl.find Rhe'Kiir.ed athlm lu>l|>> i 7y;TryVSrrp ~ nittt. Turn 'to the right." sldering a "tory by a friend nf hl«_ seeing a chance. He got it, made.^ .!'.\Vhe«,*;_triffl£ pBcei,-itter. I leaned the stick to the right three "Vot n rhanr'e' I'eln" Inuttl'fed I.e good, >.was alined to a' Frisco con- onlng: a deaf pedestrian to cross the «| or four laches. The plane banked land "A>i> story cnhreriiltiK a lotely Appiii'ently *hi> did not Intend to Carl Averlll. trset In the Pacific Coast league,' street, signaled • truck driver to pro- sharply, rod fharply. lady lur-ktd ouliflde HomtwhiTe In her Imve liinr fijrrwited, aUjjifl had feared played wl(h that learn fhree sea- ! ^. piayeu wi^p ijrsr. team iore« ceed and the truck.driver pursu»nt . "Now bring the stick back to. new'' pearlr ni'itlfgce alckeiia me l«it thnae nt flmt.' Lelirnd lrl«rto inake hl« son*, was sold l> Cleveland for ISO Out), held out for a part of that to the signal proceeded 4nto intersec- tral," said my Instructor. dame* rnrry a long coat or something KHre aoulftil—never had he neoir n got it, held out on the contract sent him by Cleveland, obtained a con tion, and struck the pedestrian whfle Then as we leveled out be asked The |tlot has whlptfem find Id be iifi KlH no well' worth loukliri- at.. "^ou " A natlonaffIffe ih'oot at Camp rer- cession and finally Joined the Indians. . , proc«filjDt alowly snd with nothing to. ^for-a. lef» turn.• ,,That, too was «d.. Irne to my art If I pifmlttid It to nr« lovely," In. RtitinniTed, union ry, OlUo, would not be ranrplete with* r in JotiH of bin bromldf, "wmidi rful obstruct BUj^flew of tbe pedestrian, steep we seemed to be on our side. slip by me lour Dukle will linn to out the presence of feminine competi- leveled out again too-quickly. submit hi r story +U<'whrre " 'My hnm^-* In I^liinil, Itiindolph and tors. Ueet.Miss Phyllis Sargent 'of u "Ilelax. Now-pullfback on tb"e stick, , The learned Inland had one >lpp— buekjr-iieaV.Ja a bird." . ..' Hartford, Conn.,: whose deadly, aim )lsT«d-havoo with-the tarjeta.-^—— Not too much. Now let KU of the romelt In the garments h* loved-net re«emMe - by the1 Indlwreet girl who*get> loikeil terday Insleud of morvl Ilinn twenty -Iluit It ouurihoutwlthe Mies fans. Crowe! But, being fair minded and Into, his henrt. l|er lovely features arc the' time from bis' wrist wntch by the ; "That was a Mall," my lnstruc(or out Into th« night 1n tier faaclnntlng ye#QLAgo,-H was betAern.Mies and "Uust It'ouK Billy, or wait It out. A reallilug my peril, he came to my side Indelibly engraved upon his memory, dashboard light was sufllclent to war- explained. "Now we are gliding. Note ||pJ youiigstown, two great old rlvaia In S hlk'i as. feood as a htu Malie him put to help me.. " rant a finding.of gross negligence." g ~on fhosa~dayal doing IMiM'he lu»t lialf of 1 thhr -angle of glide. At tills ailRle we— the mini who" intrnciilou»ly al.uuihlea It over. *, " ' . "-• "Tm not kicking, Billy," he. told roe ,, M»ss. ^ 7 then—ad, Ilien—he nilraculounly flndii Ihe ninth winning, Nllea wus trailing do not pIcU up nor lose speed." — BrroM the ijrl of-hit dreuoia. Don't then Stewart wouftd up and* as he stoqd beside me and faced the AU automobile driver who Is blind- her. Hint Illlle'pVlnc«i«. llmi gtrl.ofi Toungatownn**,: one run. I believe After ire leveled qtt again 1 was wnate' your pontage and my tlmei" Thomas law the bull curalDK thtong.of fans. "You Tailed It-as you ed by the lights from another vehicle WOUlflWYOUB bla nn'tr" I Tiereelvi! - nijr error flKuris_aro. r to me nnilnlw -fjrtl dowTi.-a'a ifii the a« of avoiding' ingiose'eth gyk to" hair "HiKI"lii~!Tori:eiil~TiiiTrr'buf ~ohl/*a horizon, and watching my Instrumenta. - nnd 1 renlliw now that lot« may corny thrly A flight, werp next taught.' By In- mlm hair ul.ul aupplilre luilly Innlie.l on tlie,Voungilown clul). Charley Slnrr things happened. • - • •"Junt bow do., you ripect to get itructlont through the.speaking-tube ^eyrn are bnrrcil. I'd selwt a girl who •by name, 80 there In the graudntund Thone fans, serins Thohias fall to dreaaedi" she Impersonally Inquired. When ArtShires,theGreat connected to my helmet and by "deaf ' loved lo cook and one who could bure- sat McAlrer, on a little scouting nils the ground, by paqtomlne bad taken 1 "I hate to Interrupt you so often, bu and dumb" signals, my Instructor Jy write her mime" I.elund shrugged slim for Ihc'St. Ixiuls club. And neith- It for granted that Ihe last pitch had I pungent Unit you go" told me what-to do, - ' \siMl dropped Into a deep ihnlr. er he nor I Imagined for n moment been t ball, When I called him out, Turns were taught at 2,000 feet; to . •\ "Vou know, Leland, there la coluil *'lf you'd lend me aomelhlng~a- that he was to do a Illtlo they firmly lieMeted I was committing Sensed a Job in the Outfield which we climbed*7without word, or deuce nKrral life " mhe or anything, I could diulr out jliuutlng. fur ilie Aiucrjbcuu leaj;uu jua roMicry^aud. throwing the EOUIC to John. Klcran of the New Torfc Times -' Vliere waiKtio replv, lint' fhn pnvine your tmnl aauC-*nd down. The' Janl the tide, ' ; . t'oUngAtown.^Tliey pouretl out of their contribute* the: foTlowlng Inclflent coh- tor wilt have it pnait kvy" wait Mini by ihKvilii. of l»llik) Denr. That game, was one of thoxe close, seats and made atraiKht for the plute. cernlng Charles Arthur Shires: A Intihkey bad rlfiked, the aouiu the lad did sa wejlmhat .the acting for me to take the JiuUy fuught cunti'sts. we miipLruiJuiow. where I waa still gtandlnjuJIuci threat-, "Ihe.JSjualori ,'ha\.e. a young .flat -drowned" 1i]r~I«rRnA'irfrpnsrri| ionnT.' f_(lcclded_;oralt_on,the, bench, I., ..•'Bejai;- toofcitt^yonr Indignantly from (liH^tnin pori h A an "lough oni'S." Mies made a ureut ened me, they called me" every name baseman -named Joe Kuhci; a tall, and a white haired iiutn now strode occasionally. Enjoy the cold w Inil; hearing rain, liiikjilon n up rullydn the ninth Hnd tilled tlij-! lm»c» under tbe nun. they Jostled me, pulled thin, darkhalred school boy; and for Indtgnautly. fowiird htm, the youngster cotcr his position: for my signals.' Vou are In cnurge and tb« porhi>ner with two .out. A hit would brlni; In two at my Oolhes and probably would whom they are reported to have paid "l>ulcle Johnaou, what doc* thl now," he laid through the phones . "The Janitor snld tlie bird «naSUK Island tournament where he cult. He Is said to bo Laurence.Stal- libs oftice, but a cipher In hta h denly. Then It wouln" rise Jus) at sud- hns taken up (H>.O on tliu Wi»t inmsL was sctuMlui*^! to -play, lie later was llngs' bellicose hero In the flesh. denly. At first thoee "bumps" both- "Heller get Die, rage llmldi *mi me I tiioBJaawwHo-ltke than. MCKIE,WEPR iifiip ^iiraien, LoolHoKt'l inul Joliliny Kddlc Clhockl, Wlllralngton short- sounded The hot n(r A Jerk of my lnstruc|or'a thumb VahKitl, iirutulnrnt coif prim, Btnrted A a|iorts vtritcr aa>^ that after his stop, bus been pbtained by the l'lilla- over tbe right side «!gualed.,for a 'mom was arHHng-and.lelnnd sixteenth year" "Johnny Wvlsmutlvr dclphla Athletics, KJWM\ , W0HT nas a frrrkled tonihn Uit'lr t,urv*T8 M right turn. I moved the stick an Inch - the doorway now, iirealblng, had no pier as a awlqmier." We guess ' ' ^ • • * Dulde grliinrd, losing entirely or two to the right'and we banked \ GrIVJE SIN delightful coolnri Illtljr lltimuin, jfounc Benmtl wirkpr what happened was that he Jumped off ronmntlr, soft appearance. "Ven. It'a Tho A's batting practice pitcher Is sharply' to the right Too sharply "I haten't "my slippers, Pete You Tt>t^I ouU\ltUk. li UraUinc-a lut of of bridges. MUTHIWI GO Ihe (inine old plot that crop* up In the jounjost hurler In the big leagues, again. 1 moved the stick to the left slip out ,mil «et tlie Cni:e" •tout* an J Bi'ekna »urf to go up. v • • • M>fty .Kraussc.. of Media d'a.) hlsb •«)UlO«U<'. i Hut I'eln hnd cone donn the hall bis mall e\ erf- morning Daddy, ilma of neutral and. a> tbe plane came, let him throuiih our apartmpnt utf ~ Jack Strcjc. nuinaser of the I.lttlc school, ' " back to level, moved It to neutral. and ,lhe editor reluctantly stojipiHl It Narris\\Vllllania. leternn Datis • • • _ lie ^iroiuisos to run the story of lulue |UKk Traielen, Is called Cuptaln HIRE A linger pointed skyward told me to out upon the cemint floor, forti'ltlni; cup plnyer, hatt-Jo pay a $.' nilmljslon he r*'J*tted»todH\ " around tbe Southern association clr- Some, day we expect to visit an In- bring the nose up. I had dropped It that hla while nnd well Tunned'feet sane usylum' anil Jneet the man who were, hnre A gum of wind none rain aplaahlng •jn the turn. I pulled the stick back a _d«agns_haiurds for midget, golf an Incirof two and the nose came' tin. Tlien Hie balcony door slnmnieit tbnnisli the oprii door and Hr. "Jnhn courses. ' . ^Instantly hejinrnngrJownrdJlt. HXldJic. »on ulailHiied the bulconjf door crossly. Too inucb again,. A downward move- 'heanl. or fancied he did.-the sound 'ItaVo (t jou nj«- Ibe'eJItnr vCho W -Jillihny- DogrThai ment_jDf_rhB flijgeK said J$rlng_ U ^of tho_jHgJit_ latch bi'Uig^nbot^ \n\v^ rejiili'd her alorlea.* You any you ui Jin-n lu. the Southern assacUUIoo hort, I'll lend you a thaw) right-clubs. object on the fuselage abend of you or Koim'thlng to co\pr /our fancy -now while we are level that yon can Wi _ " 1'rtp, well aware that that JOUIIK I'i'r • « • tlHinl slinking down_ the well- 'sw^niii tltball |n BJU when the ship Ibjerel, jook alon* VQUX ajgfila adCltju see Tn\rlion"youjjir« ^ ^m_"fiy»hlnt; 'caolnei^-pf- Ihe "rain hid ilille life battebattrr scoredd, 'being of "the Shires, of course, iooVci upon blov failed to rVmalu wekiime i)nd he m>if~ beiintlh nn ngly gray bathrojbe. won- homing tjpo. ; level. If you k ou are cllmhlng. " shliered The wind was "!»&-the dernl at Ihe plo.ued triumph u|mn rain very wet. Ill* uelkhbor»^OTui||r the fn-ckled face nf Pele, who, oddly finding a^hnlf Inch of space at hla sides were bachelor girl*, wry^nxny. eniiUKh, wn« *tnntlliiK In the »lwr of disposal, an Eusteru editor put In a Tliey smoked and unnu ifnd kept their Hie Hftb'tliKir aphrtiiicnt. round by-roun.d account 'of the Strlb- rjdiimjLaUjnltlil,.>i.iii!n,_thj; -tlBg_-S«uU-flgln, ~-i -•— II* WiKtwd. aa he plcttirrrt thi>lr~|>a(nn Check oa Car'« PoMlioa j^ dellcbt ulrauld they vlrif his golden A Ilrrlln enclnevr, Knrl l>utnaf has Keokuk la the Mississippi Valley «•!« nnd white feet, Interned n dntlre which records Hie league has had three - managers tills "Whatt the matter. Art?" asked Al be made steadily and gra .fully . Schacut He tried tfl-lireak, la the d«H\ but- liO'f Ifj-pialtlon- of. a motor car at any -yeaiv-Sammy-Scliwa.ru.- Pat I'atterson ' ~| toiv been-oferaHns- the- nrdde/'fof- the tiny leaded panes were soundly inumrnt the itintrol apparatus con- and Henry Wln(IU-ld. "Nothlng," raid the greA Shires. Jou-iLef me takr the controls now." conntrorted The front of th* apart- •la{s of a nieyhaultin jirranged at th« • • • •I'I'm Just looking for an 's: "' banked nrooud for a look In all ment worthe halcoij;. The Hides were car's daihhouriUnto v>ikb a map of Some of (he enthusiasts might try tlo\e.f directions jnd cut tbe motor to Idllnc r - - Ion far back to be reached,- —-- Uie_rtglnn In iJucsUon Irnutr-The-map -IHtlng-up-a-mtntaturnolf 'courieiu" for-th--g!tarTo~lne"n eId. , ~'Z~1 — Kite stories below, the 'world unrolla automatically' In conformity the back yard, and see how It works WMtcn NIVIMBH ODloa-k Isughrd. from the parked csrs he with the- car's «p«d; a pin regijtera on the home grounds. Play Miniature Golf .' - could hear languorous .-murmurs. ^Tbe the distance covered on the map, aud * •- • \yhen miniature golf courses close Army EBOIBDMBIS "_pelters were In their gists' walled thus furs'the car's place at asf m» TJnlverslIy-or Callfornla'a football at Ifca) p. m. every nlghtin obtdl- love-ran while he, Leland Randolph, nicuU . ' — - Jeans, wbrch travtled extensively last encejto Districistrictt of ClbColumbii a llaw . theh y 'orm ot bonu» <* '"create In ground his teeth, lifting hit lefr.ftwt year, will play only two games away muitttay closed "nntll daylight, any- TheVrfli^T t"" '""P* ol ""•<* _, from a cold stream wending Its way Lar« Stwden.! Body from home this season. ' how.-oUierwlse the spirit of the law f tt •'"*• • w "*r '*01 •»•' toward the guttwplpe In ton floor. II. It. AusUn Is shown at the controls of the new 13,000.000 electric gang* « • • n t0 The-& L K. (Confederation Inter- at Chicago. The motorjstj|rtn» hla^arJnta-lhe 35.storjr caraee-and atona-ln- will be InvoketUo-do-whft.lU-wwvi-J^J^^I^S^-™ *** °B- „ rete_.wat_hot_lttely_tOJi!turn before UldE Jgrrtoiernsl of four7 »^-«Te':~6'cI owner .locks his car and liour regulation deprived passionate - wquld. caicbjcofcLTb,* .only jOf-MiL It> still flghtlng tn,outh, wttb,tn«,PBt- 40tctlh^Jt i .H-Strajibonit; to*4DKMtlth tbe object leaires anda dupJIcatp e tlcktrii-ient-tirm-phTVaailittirmpTVaailctabertc o Uieaispatrher. 7 T^Jat* i»attinx. Optr> of nit balcony lay above him. Be- -of cflabllshUig friendship and under- llelden backs to tbe wall. . , atora fons4~the law said nothing taew oothlngVaf the tenants belovf Illuminated buttonss on toptestop.oteschh elevatolt r lmHcallHl* parking space on caffes- - - , - *-• » , ,^—'—«- Vku&nt amoog sfudenU the world entloon—the elevator man presses a lever and'an automatic "dolly" similar about the legal hour of opening;"'and Ww of as are broken by oo> two hua. but he'd teen an elderly mtn la" InttaUtnde Is when your golf op- ouble>h a atloqo On oot irtt. aliClai* Btoi over, and to co-prdlnste^student ae- fo the device used to mow pianos,run* eat on the track under tbe auto- after-a-leTfftrf , mlnutelt t «ff o darkness ?*S * • *' ""^ •«• ">• -~ Ike Oat abotrev. K ponent refuses to concede the 14-foot 0 oUl cU1( tlltt has more than I^NO.000 • BOhH* and an ana reaches up from the center, gets a firm hold on the differ- they turned Tin .the lights and let the STSS. * *™' '«n, relatlTetv putt when you've been conceolnc him tb Jwor rll Tbe atctot of the stone pillar waa members, •ntlal of the car and both roll onto the elevator. players In again to continue; with the " „ * ' " «»« »» mot* the lS-tnchert ttght along.. carry.—Country Home. . IT ^. game. ;

i ^S I t»S


i. ^, w\l ,_-• urf •

Air or tte first lesson*. { •foljowlng throoch" htsi lostructot puts m, 'Straight* flying i

•t the controls," ram, srphooes. -Watcb o«T Ings and iaIL Set I. til surface* move earn the stick ~aa sharp looXout for oth- tiling num.. »ltll n: sliHlft ".!!!•• 1"»T i ••;'• '' am to pick them nmiilii u il'iiit I liiMlinli,«K»c1i»e ta>'.-• •grounds." . X) fetft op. My Instrno [ the landmarks of i THE FEATHERHEADS troad.' .a -brickyard. • BMpS-aVtgVWtWjjOMfl illng. -Then he moved LOMESOMt.MNHY'' REDUCED HER WAIST ward slightly and ire Uriooioawwr! . Next the'stlck went IS vMKT «5 0BMM0MIV M*» tral'asd we leveled off, •d It forward and

Itr'Ttt operate j! to the right."""' " itlck,to.fhe right three.'.] The plane banked \ irpij. •'•'„ . the stick track to. Instructor. leveled out be asked X.• ^That, toor was no.. i . r .5- d to be on our side, 1 aln too-quickly. puUfback on trie stltk, , Now^let KU of the nr—iKe^plane—feTTls" let' go. Now push for- much.'TTh'ereP'V — the Concrete >.r . -ldltogj.41111—^1 stick back as fur. X.dld, so «e. «l)ut . feet, hovered for i- dropped^ downwind. I : o forward, theq.cnmo-— . . .. F«lr ?' as' It did So SMtine- /THIS VOW MINUTE "I wiiiii'm "liiiw l"il, liidli'smiil lift np unjer me. lli'Sllilu ivttrlM •tall,", my Instructor, mi mi -•;_iiiiw,iiii.iiy iii.lirrllk.bl. r we are gliding. Note ,;,,IIlll, IIKIU-H Illlll KiMllll-lllf". .lllSl Will IdeTTAnlllriBKIe we- nor lose speed." ~-~ tir IKIfl II- «", »r.ynu.i:nii- ' ,i • eled off1 again I was . "('nil mil <"inli ymir-liutr ,wlln »~ - t keeping-the wines of Bgpnneiatfhed>t chlng mj Instruments. rtth • came through the the road on und—the"~roid ; •"Inu-'t ihut milirr 1'iirlyV1 a corkscrew the "N.i, iu> ni'uiii fmin »••«!• ••-l.uMs>

- • -• • and Mlffil ^S "—- Mltrw»««^»»«»»—"——" next UughL Bj In- ••(V iiri'iiVlr iiiiihy inililiil ' ini'ii. «Jv,.Barma» gb tbe.apeaklii£-inhe "ri-w'iil'tMl III CHII- JII.W»IIII|HTII." helmet and bj "deaf "i.'i'ilaliily." nii«»i!rt /« " ' • — • •• i II i ' ' i*ff* those "bumps" both- ' : MCKB.TfflMmm'spEyiL > Instructor's thumb sot A joa, «ur ied the stick au Inch : Ight'and »e banked right Too' sharply i- the stick to' the left . is the plane came,, »ved It to neutral. ' '.. i »kywararroldr SfeT6":- p. 1 had dropped It ulled the stick back; 'j_ m the nose enme" dor""- ' A downward move- igeB said : "bring It

jce ahead of yoa » level :thai ybu-ca'a be;•advised. ""To tell • mi iltMiiniiil ii uiiarurr «( » mllllom . • ej^rlook.^lk AionjLyi!ur^ »ee DivTion yon_ar» iibr.dlt»a>jB.itfeiMF'LIHt^.yi..J.fmii^.^to=ci=TOn^rg.-^ •— I'y^you are cllmblnjt.. .dwiiniids It F>ou. are diving." onnTii I'""' I'll" think,' »vra now, 01 rtgM and left Ihut I vn'lunl hi» affections lightly.*. Ing; rontf^follo»lng, r spoke" again. Idea of1 turu nu n too ah.rujiji^ am| «unii(itr. limnit t» i.l.tmitfil:ot til. fast They should 1 nf •» «t<;<'l' 'I'- " • •,•' and gro -jfully. I iBteTTidderrthd f iIili'liili^Yi-K. lli»f« rlsiit I no»e the controls now. nd for a look In all the-motor to Idllnz he.;Held.-... kJ : * nolsm..t. .--• : ne given to a par- tliB i.ther, yUPt.ll 1» ve' >nua. or Increase la ^^lll fit hit Dlength of service! es aria, per ceot to-., T flfe years to offl- Hllllnjo^-Sonin gipius In neaunUl attper mwl tt^l>utt(inl«M »ui

irbken~bj ou> own' onr backs arc tto' cUldrenprelatl»esv '.;:These iSl

t» t s M

- ^^•'7-. 3 ri. ^J3~L ^ „, «m t» sbitted.io thf BUaMh.' Boy Scouts' Rifle Club Armory If a ranfe in ton cannot b»" secured, RMdle Hl«n. Ftngry School Two shooU have been held by the and Thomas Jeffejiaa High o( Bin, ; sujj beta hare Mams this your, and In- boys 01 th« Cranrord Scoot Blfle Ojb structor Clark expect* _to arrsnct IPHONE t the Union County Rifle Range The to shoulder-match. CRANFOWJ h,id hotforgotten lww'to hltia»«-o—-- them.- agnmi«W«n~a» -tt> na-am, CRAHFOR mar be secured fromany of the n*rc-T «ye and the dew members inadihrapM • e-0444 progress THree new members. WBBain buasf tHedus. 6-0444 jilelson, Chris Witting and Ray Cow- 60443 6-0443 '&, pecthwalte qualified as pro-marksmen and marksmen The two former shot Desirable Stores ui Ofces XXXIII. No. 6-044Z ,6-044 four and the latter three targets J. • •"*// towards their sharpshooter rank. Will FOR RENT . .. i« .i ^"BUILDING -"- ! plonshlp shoot with a score of 330 [cowperthwalte had one poor target MATLHIALS I that puUed his score down to 3J» His ~ Often $20 and op TOP MOfiT OUALITY fourty-three was the highest made dur- B0CKI10TTOM I'HICLS ing the match After leading through- Storav$40 and op _ y^ * out the contest Witting shot two poor OIL can build well with 1 targets and finished third with 330, Cranford and._ Summit Matches will be held Tuesday after- CHARLES DARSH otarians How Plan Will Y our quality' building ma- noons on the Union County Range until cold *eather seta in when the actlvi- ult in Tax Savings, and leriaL _Hicre'a_a_ satis- __ - to-lmproverncats. _. factory amount of reliability • 1/Joint, meeting of the Cranford tfiat Roe« •with each order «hat ^ l8ummir«otary Clubs this noon al Besuurant. Senator Arthur w/s fill Deal With us. lmM at Westfleld presented an • in which he outlined the pro- ud and benefits of the $l0flOW¥» I Issue upon ».hloh the voters «UI jtadJ9*a»s atjhe aenOT}_B55- "STATE POWCB (RSI BV8t.KM~,* — -.- -> next month The substance -o[ ormation and genial police adareis was a»-fol- < toJ every State Police_st&llon in. C O 7^ L » proposed State Bomt'I^ue of ' 10. on the face of It, l» largely erqea with highway development PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 15 I has concommltant fe»lu,res wluch Meats s study wUl show resolves It Into $14.25 •mjirehensive plan of Bute nnanclru Nut Coal $14.25 Egg Coal [tax readjustment It Is. not a tanci- 11.00 I scheme nor ans there jmy ulwrtoi Stove Coal 14.75 Pea Coal int. beWnd it Its oBJret Js plain- _Buck,jCo«l $8.00 o give the State great improvements RReinKMM^ jag and todo so not only by impos Purchase your Cool locally and .save money. tcAMP TRUSTEES REVIEW fact that our prket are no Ingher in companion than ) no additional burdens'on the tar Give ACTlVmEB t)F YEAR jera, but actuaUy by relieving then Y ^We~rn^k7"n"o" cKkrfe' ToTCoaTthaf i.carried\ - — •some which they now carry Y Musical Recital (Continued from page one) thoM of inferior grades should be an imwithre to try ,»-a policy of- financing.-the propo \ diitount of 50c if paid.within ten days best-be carried tiut-onHhe land- i our better grade of fresh meat*. U as simple as a b, ti) Tin { Patchwork scribed* - j^jit-of the proposed Issue, 1100, i,» Thr |>Ia> Miss No order too srnall to receive our uiual aervice Quilt and the musical jgram given As an example of how the camp »as CjOOOi is made up of three dlBeren Ui ilii iniptls of Mrs A. _.Oif at Un- managed, the dally program 1s sho«n Uawdated items The first author coin School last Baturday afternoon 0 59, reville by camp bugler. 7 18. 7»T70OO,0O0 for the purchase of wa pr^ed to be a lery fine entertainment call for dip in lake. 1 », assembly and d properties against future mu aiuTwas -thoroughly enjoyed Many flag raising. 7 30, breakfast, charge of needs, the second $10.000 00 7TnSi1icntsVDre heard on the qualntness grace, announcerncnts_oj=plansjor the „« construction' in State lnrtitu of the old-fnshloirtd costumes. day and dismissalismissal. 9 00 assemblassemyy, 1ST and "the third M3OMOO0 fc 9.15, activities begin—keep Tlie first part of the program con- speetlonp , " '"'"' ^Ihway development and ellmlnatio 15, activities change. 11 15, f trade-crosulngs. — vt the following-selection*, all of all busy; i ftcre crcdlUbly rendered: "Voy jwlmmlng instrucUons for aj. 1! The are all -peruunent improM d" (O, " ' assembly, announcements, 12:30 lunch i which are of as much slgnlfl announcement of winners of • "- to taming generations in tl CHARLES « as to tliose no.w living. The co i lie met by money borrowed by tr 24 Union Ave.,N.^ Cranford didapeFiodoI thli g gpdrepap ming for-all^JJO, i-aTCfronC SATISFACTION S 85, colors. 6 00 supptr. 6 30. play years, "with inleresC'at *~ pi rCftANFOROlT. period begins, assignment of counsel- _ | iHt aTStodern Method ors to boats for following day. 7 15 not necessary for rnc to sui evening program begins, 8 JO, call to Uhe great bulk of the worlc J^^dcheclc^lghts ,^5-done on- crwlli—4ir_jm This typical program Is followed! » do;- to be convinced of tl Vtrginla Straughan. "Pw»«»* ~' , Is to glance at the boi ar h m M dally. The various periods are varied PRESENT Blnguet). Dolly »» » * ^ V^ as to what takes place but the boys BUUas, Nafle-PelUer; "Excerpts from are never allD«cd to »andcr around or 5"T£vau»re .8 Smith). DUJ^ get Into mischief O»mcs, contests and if hikes as »ell as nature study and soSeihing Ilka tnedtet craftsmanship are all part of the pro* I , .w_f-mustekeer> «b«« of Condition A meeting of the board of trustees ^, whUtl. in a financial sense, t will be held nt a very early d.Uc to \ not done In the past Her peo, it the Improvements that are cc September 24, 1930 The play. "Mlns Polly's ., consider the various suggestions and PRICES ecommendatlons and to transact the 1 In'the bond issue and should tit lulttl. »ai men given, wiU. the fol and New Jersey should pay •inVcast Mrs Minerva Sprague. H justness of the association Plans »lll m » made for raising money for next _ai after the most approved metr IMcaraham. Jonas Sprague. 8 Marko- | modem finance LiU. Tommy Sprague. M. Robertson. icar and Judging by the attendance and $14.25 RESOURCES LIABILITIES conditions of the season Just closed • • • Mr 'Can the program of the be '£» Ehlra-TBascom. C. McCaulr NaV NUT. . c be accomplished and at the SA lirANS, on Demantl and Time IU1S.1MU * - •* next y«iar should slum a marked In- crease In' attendance The camp Is t taxpayers relieved of some of tr 711,762 «» iSSS "^l'M» 8u«n Pratt, V hhCUMTUH 1 supported by voluntary contributions 14.75 1 burden? That Is the m usuivintD pRorm " . Ell Pratt. F rullcr. EUen Pratt, STOVE . JX to bo considered »nd if Oontlstlng of U.. B'dovernmenC Mrs Liable Iiett*. M Dl- The price of board is placed n,t n 0g- lUUrwd Public Utilities, Municipal ujtc that-»lll enable (ui> bo} who has vrf are satisfied on this point- tr, tir-in. M. Crane, Charlie I not be tftc Highest ^lunbt of- "•*—iBa "SOW "Mgtl-trB to1 — . - TBBAsOBBK'B AMD OMTUVtD uciui V DlFable*. Miss . . -1A2SL pjposats receiving their endorsem Frdcral lusena bank stock R spcchl. Roger Warren D Kronas. and It Is plain Uiafthc amounts paid [th* November election IIONOS Al>lr» MOKKIAUfcM - 6d7.J74.II CHECKS — OaUlaadliig - - by the bo>s do little more than paj Alexaudcr Tub^s, K Kleeman half'their keep. The trustees are " Savbig In the Tai Hat* . first Uims on Cranford pro»ertles. INTBBBSt BBCWVBB I 11.00 COM11.l.TE»' 48 FOR P R Zundcl, W J McKce Wesley A. P^EA . . ,_it are the items that now m CASH (in Hand mul ui Itanki EARNED - -t SUngcr, W W. Buckley. F iO Syke^ I totals of our tax-bills? They, 1 LOOP OPENING O\ IRIIHA1T B18BBWOfOBWIBBB8I.TAMM. ^^ 1 1 S M Htnman Jules DuBarrJ Oeorgc tBtate Highway tax the State DEHUECIATION. «TC. . »»»» - (Continued from P^e" " ! A LuU and Charles A SklUman BUCK . 8.00 ms tax, the Soldiers Bonus the last three serl\s played In the tatr School Ux the County IMMUhl BIIX8 rAVMOB >" *"*" league, each series bW three games School tax and the L ol a regular match \ , • • «•> 18.00 _] tax. , \U. OUU K Ah,H» TS Trophies *ill be considered aj.priws Headline: "A WorU Wltliout Chick- CANNEL «t the end ot the seaso\ A bowltag «n Wings Ii ThreateneU," Oh, well, ighput the State, today n ' TOTAL -i - $3,501,712.08 v.111 be paid Ior\out »f ">"there 11 ul»a.M bo ai netk — Tolfiilo • ever before in its hlitory, J Kach-.»ceXA.\ptl« J>tJ Discount-for -nave become- a watte tlie man roll ..ItlsoecQralnglncreas _ re the l d unlclj : of out many depojitoM the highest series of the -«- \ PEEK FREfiNS CRXSP BREAD remment and a» th same The schedule for the first two\*-eeks jute their share towird the Is as follows ' PURE APPLE JUICE fof the State In a mtshell, YOUBi C o-RepubUcan Club and w^of -the- proposed -hpndj tCEEBLER'S BISCUIT Tits associated leglstotion. I a Oct &-Hol> Name and Commuters I Oct 9-Coslno- and Bible Class THE COAL BUSINESS IS BLACK I a more equitable balance mown* muaam ROSE LIME'.JUICE I the State on the ojie,hand Oct 9-Austlns" Express and tlerb> ^unties and municipalities on ;0—Merchants and Northenders. ALICE FOOT McDOUOAL BUT I TREAT YOU WHITE Eand at the~ same time give St icPRSblnsdns tnunTOd V the desired ,lmprorcmenU_i oct lJ-Rtuublican Club and Casino ~ ««******•*•*" "• s~~7 OctTB^TIoIy Namer and Blbl» Class— HOT TOMALES ol and Statrn&BaO|ets Oci 16-Men'J League and Commuters. have been substantial cha OcE 15-Austin-s Express and Robin- 0012 „ . obUgaUoos to be met "by son's team I budget In tbe-last- ten j Phone Cranford 6-0013For Prompt Service -reased cost of education, c bci. rt-MerchanU and Lions J.tf.McMAHON [county government, the 1 GSORQB C.?iOON S l7-Dcrb)-s team and Northendtrs. Grocer .; ^ 0014 — taore cosUy type nf pave St.\kRIN B. DROESCHEB Vlot-FHa. .: .. jjmunielparand, county 1 Vln-Prta. CoacoKit«°>> • JTaonn CRanfort 6-M00-*-M01 LLamong tne tactors i of .Mlcaej la In- i an exceptional strait Vk*-rna, B«ejr. a»4 T*w» tax budget. I beta CHABXSS >L TBAKEl. balKBce. as arans JAMES B. DURAND . . . n The least congested route from , burdens. . Biz Reduction Ul Rates cradtordtoNeVYOrklsvlathe MOD. th» present - ™Was. and Asst. Secy. OiR, a^w«»» ^ a^ terminal and the Walter W. Mooney »the local tax budi New Jersey

to *nr»Hmn Autorhobile* andr ii»nhaiW -• - rot detaBed leaflet giving^ttae- AVENUE Trucks tables and Tabs write W V. ahrpleyrTassenger'Trafllc Man-, CRANFORD • •gerTltt Ltoerty SU New York, iqE