The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator ACT-Accelerator European Union EU Middle East Respiratory Syndrome MERS Tuberculosis TB ADB Food and Agriculture Organization of the United FAO Most Favored Nation MFN Total Final Energy Consumption TFEC AfDB Nations Multi-hazard early warning system MHEWS Trade Facilitation Agreement TFA Foreign Direct Investment FDI African Continental Free Trade Area AfCFTA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency MIGA Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights TRIPS Green Climate Fund GCF Agricultural Growth Programme AGP Multinational Enterprise MNE United Kingdom UK GDP Artificial Intelligence AI Memorandum of Understanding MoU United Nations UN Global Humanitarian Response Plan GHRP Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank AIIB Multi-Partner Trust Fund MPTF United Nations Capital Development Fund UNCDF GNI Advance Market Commitment AMC Micro-, Small- and Medium-Enterprises MSME United Nations Conference on Trade and UNCTAD Heavily indebted poor countries HIPC Development Africa Medical Supplies Platform AMSP New Development Bank of the BRICS NDB HIV United Nations Department of Economic UN DESA African Risk Capacity ARC Human Immunodeficiency Virus Nationally Determined Contributions NDC IASC and Social Affairs The Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN Inter-Agency Standing Committee Non-Governmental Organization NGO United Nations Development Programme UNDP Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System ATLAS International Air Transport Association IATA Neglected Tropical Disease NTD United Nations Environment Programme UNEP AU Information and Communications Technology ICT Official Development Assistance ODA United Nations Educational, Scientific and UNESCO African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team AVATT International Fund for Agricultural Development IDA Organisation for Economic Co-operation and OECD Cultural Organization The Central Bank of West African States BCEAO International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD Development United Nations Framework Convention on UNFCCC OxCGRT Base Erosion and Profit Shifting BEPS International Food Policy Research Institute IFPRI Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker Climate Change Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa BRICS Institute of International Finance IIF Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR United Nations Human Settlement Programme UN-Habitat Caribbean Community and Common Market CARICOM International Labour Organization ILO Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company PCRIC United Nations International Children's UNICEF Catastrophe Bonds Catbonds Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses IMCI Personal Protective Equipment PPE Emergency Fund Countercyclical Provisions CCP International Monetary Fund IMF Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust PRGT United Nations Office for the Coordination of UN-OCHA Humanitarian Affairs Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility CCRIF SPC International Organization for Migration IOM Rapid Credit Facility RCF The United Nations Office of the High UN-OHRLLS Segregated Portfolio Company Investment Promotion Agency IPA Remittance Community Task Force RCTF Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust CCRT IPoA Rapid Financing Instrument RFI Istanbul Programme of Action Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SAARC Island Developing States Committee for Development Policy CDP Interregional Initiative IRI Severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS United States US Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations CEPI Islamic Development Bank IsDB Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Value-added Tax VAT Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa COMESA International Telecommunications Union ITU Special Drawing Rights SDR World Development Indicators WDI Conference of the Parties COP Global Knowledge Program on Migration and KNOMAD Small Island Developing States SIDS World Food Programme WFP COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access COVAX Development Small- and Medium-Enterprise SME World Health Organization WHO Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 COVID-19 Least Developed Countries LDC Science, Technology, and Innovation STI WTO (SARS-CoV-2) Fifth UN Conference on Least Developed Countries LDC5 DAC Development Assistance Committee Low Income Country LIC DSSI Debt Service Suspension Initiative Low- and Middle-Income Country LMIC Everything but Arms EBA Long-Term Energy Scenarios LTES Extended Credit Facility ECF Measles-containing-vaccines MCV Economic Community of West African States ECOWAS Mass Drugs Administration MDA Enhanced Integrated Framework EIF Multilateral Development Bank MDB Economic and Social Commission for Asia and ESCAP Multilateral Initiative MDRI the Pacific

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