

St. Jerome Catholic Church

Hewitt, TX


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Dear friends of the Lord Jesus. Unimaginable things are happen- ing to us who are in the world. Never could it be thought of, at least in this most enlightened and modern world, that we would celebrate and privately and locked down. As strange as it is, 2020 Holy Week is going to be entirely different from any we have known in our life time. The experience will be like those of the cloistered and the hermits sheltered in their indi- vidual cells. The prevailing human character to mark this great Holy Week, the celebration of the events of our redemption would be fear, anxiety and sadness unleashed by the Covid-19 pandemic. But yet, the mystery of the cross and the echoes of the resurrection events are so potent to set us free and give us victory at last. One thing that I ask of God is that may this time of great distress turn out to be a time of grace and victory for every believer in Christ. During this Holy Week, I ask you to endeavor to follow Jesus eve- ry step of the way through the live streamed events and , be- ginning with His triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Passion Sun- day), His celebration of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, His agony and passion on Good Friday, to the rituals of the great Pas- chal Candle, embolizing the risen Christ, as He lights up the dark- ness of our lives and the world with His resplendent and victori- ous presence. At last, our solidarity with the Lord at Gethsemane and Calvary and in the sorrow of our own present moments will give way to the hope and joy of Easter. Then we can all repeat in our hearts these assuring words that Juliana of Norwich in her vision of Christ Crucified heard from His own lips this promise: “All will be well, all will be well, all manner of things will be well.”

Peace be with you! Fr. James Ekeocha


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Pange Lingua Pan-ge Lin-gua Glo-ri-o-si, Cor-po-ris my-sie-ri-um San-gui-nis-que pre-ti-o-si, Quem in mun-di pre-ti-um Fru-ctus ven-tris ge-ne-ro-si Rex ef-fu-dit gen-ti-um.

Tantum Ergo Tan-tum er-go Sa-cra-men-tum, Ve-ne-re-mur cer-nu-i: Et an-ti-quum do-cu-men-tum, No-vo ce-dat ri-tu-i: Prae-stet fi-des sup-ple-men-tum, Sen-su-um de-fe-ctu-i.


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