RETIRED MEN'S ASSOCIATION OF GREENWICH, Inc. (RMA) Invites you to a presentation on Webinar, Mar 31, at 11:00 a.m. To view the webinar, log on to:

Senator Richard Blumenthal

“Report From Washington – Emerging Opportunities” (The Biden Administration and a Post-Pandemic World)

Senator Blumenthal will address the opportunities created by the election of a new President, a post pandemic world, a Congress better equipped to legislate and an economy that will emerge with significant strength. In doing so he will talk about the initiatives to be taken by him and his allies in Congress for the issues on the national agenda and what he seeks to do in support of the businesses and welfare of the citizens of the of the State of .

Senator Richard Blumenthal is completing his second term as the senior Senator from Connecticut. He serves as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Armed Services Committee, Veteran Affairs and the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees.

Senator Blumenthal is a tireless advocate for Connecticut’s residents. During his unprecedented 20 years as Attorney General and now as a United States Senator, Senator Blumenthal continues to fight for strong protections for consumers, gun violence prevention and sensible gun control, care and support for our nation’s veterans as well as those serving in uniform, and for social justice before the law.

In 1970 Senator Blumenthal began serving our country in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. Immediately thereafter he became the United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut. 2021 marks the 50th consecutive year of Senator Blumenthal’s service to our nation and our state.

Next week, April 7, Thomas Dyja, on his just pulished book “, New York, New York: Four Decades of Excess, Success, and Transformation.”

The Greenwich Retired Men’s Association offers a free Webinar program every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. For additional information see or contact us by e-mail at [email protected].