degree - Canadian monopolists and exploiters who ruled by gun,whip and corruption in the colonial holdings. The October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution broke that global chain of plunder, pain and terror and proclaimed the building of a new society in . Within short years, what became the Union of No other event in human history in countries even across the oceans. Soviet Socialist Republics removed can match the profound and Tribute must here be paid to the one-sixth of the world land mass historically progressive future for activities and almost spontaneous from that exploitation. human development than that growth of the "Hands Off Russia" Economic exploitation, class created by the Great October Committees that sprang into being conflict, joblessness, poverty, Proletarian Revolution in Russia in in Canada. These played a significant disease, racism, sexual inequalities, 1917. role, particularly on the east and human degradation were to be Carried through under the west coasts by blocking shipment abolished in the building of that leadership of the young, of war materials to the Imperialist new society. The production and revolutionary Russian working sponsored fourteen armies of distribution of values and wealth, class, supported by the poor intervention that had invaded trade, commerce and social peasants, soldiers deserting from the Russia to smash the Revolution. requirements were all to be Czar's Army, and some sections of Lineal descendants of those proud constantly enhanced and geared to the intelligentsia, under the slogan committees are still with us in the the needs of the people, and the "Peace, Land And Bread", the form of the Canadian Friends of the ! ability of the society to produce ... indispensable factor for their victory | Soviet People. i that was the face and thrust of was the firm, audacious leadership The massive "sea-change" in i instituted forty five years of political of Lenin's Communist Bolshevik world political and economic life | warfare against the Soviets and Party. In turn, the revolutionary forced by the Bolshevik Revolution called it the "Cold War". Again, the tactics developed by Lenin were broke the world-wide chain of Soviets confronted unrelenting based on the class struggle exploitation and enslavement under hostility and external threats and experiences of the Marxist First which the people groaned and internal subversion. International of Workingmen fought for life. Lenin had defined In a whole epoch of historical founded decades earlier by and exposed "Imperialism" as development, even within the United Karl Marx and Frederic Engels and monopoly capitalism. Exploitation Nations, the Soviets were thrust on their associates. and subjugation of the industrial the defensive, particularly under the An additional factor in the working class was supplemented twin threats of the U.S. monopoly Revolutionary victory over the Czars, and made doubly profitable by the of nuclear weapons until 1949, and Russian and international capitalists super-exploitation of the groaning the fashioning of the NATO military who jointly controlled the country masses of humanities' majority in Alliance to confront them in Europe, was the effective and widespread the colonial holdings of Britain, It was during this period in my support offered the new Revolution Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, the estimation that the dry rot and by the international working class, U.S.A. - and at that time, to a small viruses that lead inexorably to the Gorbachev-Yeltsin and CPSU betrayal of the Proletarian Revolution developed. The very essence of -Leninism was thrust aside and the leadership of the turned to pragmatism. Slowly at first, all the while mouthing diminishing support to the Marxist concept of the working class as both the "grave-diggers" of capitalism and the architects and builders of the new Socialist, and ultimately, the revolution was betrayed. Administrative and bureaucratic leadership led to the alienation of the working class. Instead of the Leninist concept of the Communist Party being the theoretical and practical guide to the working class, the working class became a force to be administered by the Communist Party and its growing bureaucracy, and increasingly corrupted leadership. Pragmatism and corruption supplanted Marxism- V.I. Lenin amongst the participants of the storming of the Winter Palace. Leninism, leading to disaster. But then, the journalists and bankrupt". Of course, a drop of his promise massive, democratic opportunistic elements of the sweat was so rare it might have human advances, fundamental in intelligentsia were called upon to provided a cure for cancer and his character. cast blame on Marxism-Leninism for knowledge of the working class The financial pages the debacle. was simply a big fat zero. But his tell us of the mad hostility to that class was more than spread of investment of financial The rebuilding and refurbishing evident. capital into every nook and cranny of a Marxist-Leninist leadership is a Space and time do not permit of the world. At the same time, process of rejuvenation that cannot more than a cursory statement more sober warnings are appearing be resolved without returning to the regarding the future and what the more and more frequently that in Marxist concept of working people destruction of the content and fact, monopoly finance capital has in democratic alliances as the new substance of the October Proletarian "over-invested" and before us is an masters of the future and the destiny Revolution means for us today. increasing glut of classic over- of our people and world. That I must observe that the production. For example, "The stands, in my opinion, as the central emergence of Imperialism in a Economist", hardly a harbinger of task of Communists everywhere. It unipolar world headed by the U.S.A., radicalism, warns that we will have can be argued that the viruses of German and Japanese monopolists a world productive capacity in a destruction that penetrated the CPSU carries both immense dangers and at year or so of 80 million automotive likewise spread far and wide in the the same time is the incubation penod units but there is a market for only world Communist movement. I can of new, unheralded and largely as 60 million of these. "Auto Industry personally recall during the vicious yet unmapped futures of class Heads For Crash", says "The disruptive activities within the conflict, political upheaval, the Economist". The Dean of the Yale Canadian Communist Party, the probable growth of new and old School of Management and a former defecting editor of the Canadian forms of Fascist monopoly Undersecretary of Commerce in the Tribune attacking Marxism-Leninism dictatorship. The future looms U.S. Government tells us that as a "thing of the past, defunct and ominously, but inevitably carries Continued of page 6 FEBRUARY 25 (MARCH 10) - All which led the party for armed OCTOBER 10 (OCTOBER 23) - inclusive, city-wide strike in Petrograd. revolution. Historical meeting of the Central Committee of Russian Communist FEBRUARY 26 (MARCH 11)-The AUGUST 12 (AUGUST 25) - Central Party [B] with V.I. Lenin presiding. Proclamation of the Petrograd Committee of RSDRP[B] published At this meeting, the resolution on the Committee of RSDRP[B] with a call the Declaration of the VI Congress of armed uprising was adopted. for the establishment of a Temporary workers and soldiers and peasants Revolutionary Government. The urging them and calling upon them OCTOBER 12 (OCTOBER 25)-On coming of units of the army to the to prepare for the final battle with the recommendation of the CC side of the uprising workers. the bourgeoisie. RCP[B] in cooperation with the Petrograd Soviet, there was FEBRUARY 27 (MARCH 12) - AUGUST 28 (SEPTEMBER 10) - A established a Soldiers' Revolutionary February Bourgeois Democratic Bureau of the Soldiers Fraction of Committee. Revolution takes place in Russia. Bolsheviks formed in Petrograd's The Tsar is overthrown. The setting armed workers militia. OCTOBER 16 (OCTOBER 29)-The up of the Petrograd Soviet of AUGUST 30 (SEPTEMBER 12) - enlarged meeting of the CC RCP[B] workers and soldiers deputies. with V.I. Lenin presiding. At this Liquidation of the counter- meeting, there was elected a Party MARCH 12 (MARCH 25) - Return revolutionary mutiny of General Centre which was to head the of Joseph Stalin from Turukhansky Kornilov. revolution under the leadership of political exile to Petrograd. SEPTEMBER 2 (SEPTEMBER 15)- J.V. Stalin. APRIL 3 (APRIL 16) - Return of In Kronshtad, there was organized OCTOBER 24 (NOVEMBER 6) - V.I. Lenin from emigration. the Red Guards. During the night, there came into APRIL 4 (APRIL 17) - V.I. Lenin SEPTEMBER 5 (SEPTEMBER 18) - Smolny V.I. Lenin and took into his spoke to the revolutionaries "About The decision of the Soviet hands the leadership of the armed the tasks of the proletariat in this of workers and soldiers deputies to uprising. revolution" (April Thesis). organize the Red Guards. OCTOBER 24 (NOVEMBER 6) - The APRIL 24 (MAY 2) - Opening of the SEPTEMBER 6 (SEPTEMBER 19) - armed detachments of the Red VII Conference of Bolsheviks, after Petrograd Soviet adopts the Guards and detachments of the discussions, the thesis of V.I. Lenin resolution regarding organizing soldiers that came over to the was adopted. State Power. workers' side seized all the bridges, railway stations, post offices, APRIL 28 (MAY 11) - The beginning SEPTEMBER 12-14 (SEPTEMBER telegraph offices and city of organization of the Red Guards 25-27) - Letter of V.I. Lenin to the administrative buildings. in Petrograd. Central Committee of RCP[B]: "Bolsheviks must take power", OCTOBER 25-26 (NOVEMBER 7-8) JUNE 7 (June 20) - The opening of a "Marxism and Revolution". - During the night, the Red Guards, Conference of the front and civil army soldiers, sailors took the Winter units of the RSDRP[B] in Petrograd. OCTOBER 2 (OCTOBER 15) - Palace by assault. The Temporary Petrograd Soviet adopts the JUNE 8 (July 1) - Demonstration of government was arrested. The resolution about the absolute workers and soldiers takes place in insurrection in Petrograd was successful, necessity to take power by the Soviets. Petrograd under Bolshevik slogans: the revolution was victorious. "Down with the ministers-capitalists", OCTOBER 7 (OCTOBER 20) - Lenin OCTOBER 26 (NOVEMBER 8) - "Long live the control of workers illegally comes from Finland to During the night, the II Congress of over production!". Petrograd. Soviets adopted the first Decrees JULY 3 (JULY 16) - Armed OCTOBER 9 (OCTOBER 22) - about Peace and Land. There was demonstration of workers and Workers of the Obukhovsky formed the first ever in the world soldiers in Petrograd under the enterprise (Petrograd) at their and history a workers-peasants slogan of "All Power to the Soviets". meeting raise the demands of government - and the Soviet of overthrowing the bourgeois Peoples' Commissars headed by JULY 26 (AUGUST 8) - The opening government and institute Soviet V.I. Lenin. of the VI Congress of RSDRP[B] Power. Dates are given in present and old calendar. coming onstream are 1 1/2 billion the under-developed world. for unheard of new tasks. The new workers "who will work for An enormous time clock of their lessons of the Great October $5 or $10 a day". He predicts own making is ticking inexorably ProletarianBolshevik Revolution enormous downward pressure on against Imperial, monopoly capitalism. must now be resurrected and put to current western wage levels since The working class of Canada, of the work if we are to escape a new "Dark all of these new workers come from world, must begin preparation now Ages". That is urgent right now.

IT IS LIKE GIVING BIRTH... By our Staff Writer

When it comes to celebrating important events at the Friendship House, rarely do we see such milestones commemorated on the same day. September 19, 2010 will be remembered as a major day of achievement and a celebration of life's work of comrade Michael Lucas. Though not presented as such, every sincere person in attendance at the Friendship House on that day knew that what was delivered is not exactly product of collective labour. We may all rejoice in the great success but the accolades need to be directed to the of the world to keep their struggles Lucas. Silently and without pretence, real dynamo of that success, Michael on even keel. Michael is honouring his late father Lucas. with this work. It is what his late To mention only that North Star father would have been very happy This is not an occasion for Compass has reached its 20th and proud of. This trans-generational modesty and shyness. Twenty years anniversary does not do justice to continuity was also evident on this of dedicated publishing of North Star the man who has been there with special occasion. Two more Compass was inversely proportional Focus on Friendship and other work generations of Lucas's were there to to the situation on the ground in the while the USSR was still in lend support, hug and roll a few tears Soviet Union. It would not be wrong existence. To cover that period of of joy. It was an emotional scene as to say that North Star Compass got tireless work, Michael Lucas has Michael and Helen's grandchildren better and bigger at the time when chosen the same day, September 19 embraced their grandfather, holding the Soviet Union sunk deeper and to launch his 600 page book Journey the audience in abeyance. Speeches deeper into treason and for Friendship between Northern of past events were crowned with the experimental capitalism. This is a Neighbours. It is a monumental work announcement that the Third World phenomenon that is worth pointing that illustrates the nature of the Congress will be held in Belgrade out. While many Soviets watched struggle and the vicissitudes of that next year and that the future for their country decay into a pauper process. The man at the core of socialism is bright. The book that state and ethnic warlordism, there friendship and bridge building across sums up the past, proves that skills was a man in Toronto who said: "Not the northern hemisphere reveals for and spirits are there for the next so fast, we will pick up the pieces all to know how it was done and who phase. Punctuated by meaningful and bring the old Soviet glory back played what role in that process, or speeches and toasts, we have no for the people" And here we are, against it. doubt that the plans espoused on North Star Compass goes out to 73 September 19 will be pursued with countries in colour and style and has Those of us who know comrade equal enthusiasm, vigor and added Spanish and Russian editions Michael Lucas have no doubt that his Bolshevik determination. with the French version keeping its drive; stamina, gift and dedication Thanks to the Society of Carpatho- own. Lies about socialism are now are due to his late father's teachings Russian Canadians for their help in fought word for word and there is a and guidance and his ever publishing this important book! website for those in remote corners supportive wife and partner, Helen

LETTER TO V. PUTIN REGARDING THE KATYN FALSIFICATION http://kprf. ru/dep/823 78. html Russia inflates its DEPOSED MOSCOW MAYOR: FROM CORRUPTION TO The Communist Deputy VI military power with DEMOCRACY? llyukhm has sent a collection of From World Affairs Journal- materials regarding the falsification blow-up weapons! 10/2010 of documents concerning the BBC NES, Moscow "Katyn Affair" to Prime Minister V. V The recently deposed Moscow Putin. How do you give an impression Mayor Yuri M, Luzhkov has now that you have vast numbers of become the "Champion of "Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! tanks, fighter jets and rocket- Democracy" heading his newly I am sending to you a collection launchers? formed party - "Movement for of materials from the "Round Table Democratic Reforms': This shows Meeting" concerning the subject the constant splits and the present "Katyn": judicial and political regime needing to gain public aspects", which was conducted in support. the on April 19, 2010 This is foreshadowing Putin's In its work participated major demise and even the support of Russian scientist, history scholars, former Moscow Mayor with his lawyers, representatives for the "Movement for Democratic Main Prosecutors Office, who have Reforms" will help Putin! been directly involved in the investigation of the criminal justice case regarding the death of Polish RUSSIAN PUBLIC OPINION POWs. The Russian military has come ABOUT STALIN NOW With the support of the collected up with an inventive way to deceive additional materials regarding the any potential enemy and save In a Moscow TV program the Katyn tragedy, the meeting money at the same time by its people were asked "Who is Stalin participants came to the clear inflatable weapons. They look just to you?" The answers were as conclusion that the Poles were shot like the real ones - they are easy to follows: in the Autumn of 1941 by the transport and quick to deploy. Fascists after their occupation of 65% - a Hero and a very efficient the Smolensk Region. This opinion The present Russian Army has manager. has also emerged on the basis of countless array of pretended tanks, 35% - a criminal. even to the entire radar stations! facts testifying of the falsification of These decoys are a thousand times historical documents. The cheaper than the real thing - which investigation of this criminal justice means that Moscow will save lots case was bordered by serious of money by blowing up its own violations of procedures, weapons! conducted for the benefit of the Poles, thus it is necessary to go on with the preliminary investigation and when its is over, all available documents in its possession must be turned over to a Court for a public evaluation. At the same time it has been stated that it would be necessary to These inflatable weapons are create a Russian government stitched at a former hot-air balloon commission in order to establish as factory near Moscow. to what happened to the 200,000 What is interesting is that despite Soviet Red Guards and civilians the constant anti-Stalin propaganda (Russians and the Byelorussians, COMMENT: - both internal and external - and We always thought that someone in Ukrainians and Jews), who ended no matter on which TV station or up in Polish captivity during the the Kremlin leadership was full of Radio station they discuss Stalin - hot air! Editor. 1918-1920 years! the results are the same. Within a According to the available year the results are more and more information, over 80.000 people pro-Stalin and the current regime is died from absence of denial of hearing the bell ringing ever louder! medical care, brutal treatment, lack of food and being shot. not realize that Russia now has a the deadly raids against the Russian We ask you to look into this. very large colony of Russian peace-keepers sent there. But Attached are 2 copies of the specialists in Iran? Refusal by Medvedev-Putin duo now feel, that brochure "The Secrets of Katyn Russia of the S-300 hurts its political no sacrifice is too great a price to Tragedy". and economic interests. pay for an early entry ticket to the Sincerely, This refusal to cooperate with Iran Israel-Atlantic civilization. V.I. llyukhin undermines Russia's prestige and Political observers predict that the Vice-Chairman of the Committee erodes its own security. At the plans are in the works for what is for Constitutional Legislation and moment the Islamic world has now left of the Russian Army and State Construction reasons to believe that Moscow has Navy, they will be eventually switched to the camp of its foes. incorporated into the US-NATO Given the fact that Russia is locked expedition corps! BIRDS OF A FEATHER SIGN DEAL now in a protracted conflict in the Muslim part of the Caucasus and BEHIND RUSSIA'S BACK that over One Million Muslims live in Is this what the role of the Russian Moscow alone, antagonizing them Forces and of the Russian economy Ukraine and China already in and supporting US-NATO and shall be - suppliers for the US- August signed an agreement to a expansionist Israel - is the last thing NATO-ISRAEL escapades on behalf joint development of the Black Sea that Russian needs now! of the shadowy financial oligarchy's Oil and Gas Shelf. This joint It is a fact now - that the Russian global dominance? agreement was already signed in leadership is also aware of - that Kiev before President Yanukowych Israel helped to organize and launch BACK TO THE FUTURE visit to China, and its worth way the attack in 2008 by Georgian COMRADES! over $200 Millions. "This is only a troops against South Ossetis and BACK TO THE USSR! start of the implementation of our very-large-scale bilateral projects," said a spokesman for the Ukrainian Central Committee of the President. "COMMUNISTS OF RUSSIA" CONFERENCE We are publishing this photo to show our readers that the unity question amongst the numerous communist parties is still in the discussion stage, WHY THE SELL-OFF without any concrete plans to struggle together against the present Medvedev-Putin clique in power! We will publish more as we dwell into BY RUSSIA TO their program. Maria Donchenko is sitting on the right in first row. In the December NSC we shall publish the full photographs of the ISRAEL AND NATO? participants plus the program of the Communists of Russia. Based on article by General Vladimir Ivashov - Geopolitical Problems

On September 23, 2010, the Russian Army Chief of Staff General N. Makarov broke the news that Russia will not sell the S-300 air defense system to Iran - but this is purely a defensive system designed to shield a country from enemy aircraft and cruise missile attacks and this S-300 cannot pose a threat to any country - unless it attacks the one owning this defensive system. Since Iran now is constantly threatened by massive air strikes by Israel and NATO, it wanted this defensive shield. By Russia denying this defensive purchase of the S- 300 while US supplies Israel with its latest technological offensive weapons - this is tantamount by the Russian leadership to encourage Israel's aggression against Iran. Do Mr. Medvedev and Mr. Putin

Demonstrations and pickets of solidarity with political prisoners in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Israel, Turkey, Cuba and other countries must ALL be supported by joint demonstrations all over the world. Political prisoners are all equal and need coordinated support! peoples of the Soviet Union, this is fulfill this honorable role, so long as Comrades, support, first of all support of the this "Shock Brigade" was all-alone Allow me on behalf of our CPSU workers and peasants of France and had to carry out this leading Congress to express my thanks to and Italy fighting for peace, and role practically single-handed. But all the fraternal Parties and groups, then support of the peace-loving this belongs to the past. Now things whose representatives honored our struggle of the Soviet Union. This are altogether different. Now, from Congress with their presence or peculiarity of the mutual support is China and from Korea to those who sent messages of explained by the fact that the Czechoslovakia and Hungary, new greetings, best wishes for success interests of our Party not only do "Shock Brigades" have appeared in and for their trust. not contradict, but, on the contrary, the shape of people's democratic Of special value is this trust merge with the interests of the countries - now it has become which signifies readiness to support peace-loving peoples. As for the easier for our Party to fight, and out Party in its struggles against Soviet Union, its interests in indeed this work is going on with a war, and in its struggle for the general are inseparable from the swing. preservation of peace. cause of world peace. Those Communist, democratic It would be a mistake to think Naturally, our Party cannot or worker-peasant parties who that our Party, having become a remain in debt to the fraternal have not yet come to power, and powerful force, no longer needs Parties, and must in turn support who are still working under the support. Our Party and our country them and also their people in their heels of the draconic laws of the have always needed and shall struggles for liberation, for their bourgeoisie, deserve special need the trust, sympathy and the struggles for the preservation of attention. For them of course, the support of the fraternal peoples peace. As is known, that is work is more difficult, but it is not as abroad. precisely what it does. After our difficult for them as it was for us, A peculiarity of this support is Party took power in 1917 and after the Russian Communists, at the that all support for peace-loving the Party took real measures to do time of Tsarism, when the slightest aspirations of our Party on the part away with the capitalist and forward movement was proclaimed of any fraternal Party signifies at landlord oppression, the a heinous crime. However, the the same time support of its policy representatives of the fraternal Russian Communists stood firm, of peace. When the British workers parties, admiring that the valour were not afraid of the difficulties in 1918-1919, at a time of the and successes of our Party, named and won victory. The same thing armed attack of the British it the "Shock Brigade" of the world will take place with these Parties. bourgeoisie on the Soviet Union, revolutionary movement. In this Why then will it be less difficult they organized to struggle against way they expressed the hope that for these Parties to work than was war under the slogan "Hands Off the successes of this "Shock the case with the Russian Russia", this was support, first of all Brigade" would facilitate the Communists at the time of support of their people for peace, position of the people groaning Tsarism? then support of the Soviet Union. under the yoke of capitalism. I think First, they have before their eyes When Comrade Thorez and that our Party justified these hopes, example of struggles and Comrade Togliatti declared that especially in the period of the successes, such as we have in the their people will not fight against Second World War, when the Soviet Union and in all of the the peoples of the Soviet Union, Soviet Union by smashing German people's democratic countries this is support, first of all support of and Japanese fascist tyranny, Consequently, thy can learn from the workers and peasants of delivered the peoples of Europe the mistakes and successes of France and Italy fighting for peace, and Asia from the menace of these countries and in this way and then they declared that their fascist slavery. make their work much easier. peoples will not fight against the Of course, it was very difficult to Second, because the bourgeoisie 15 itself - the main enemy of the This is how matters stand at the Is Medvedev-Putin liberation movements - has moment! changed substantially, has become preparing an more reactionary, has lost contact Clearly, all of tnese with the people, and by so doing circumstances are bound to "Orange has weakened itself. Obviously, facilitate the work of the Communist this circumstance, too, is bound to and democratic Parties which have Revolution" in make the work of the revolutionary not yet come to power. and democratic Parties much Byelorussia? By Marek Glogoczowski easier. Consequently, there is every Formerly, the bourgeoisie reason to count on the success and I read at the end of October in an permitted itself to be liberal, victory for the fraternal Parties in important Polish newspaper that a championed bourgeois-democratic the countries dominated by capital. freedom and in doing do created for Polish envoy with $200.000 for itself popularity amongst the Long live our fraternal Parties! Belarus opposition forces was people. Now, not even a trace of Long life and good health to the intercepted at the Belarus-Russian liberalism remains. Gone is the so- leaders of the fraternal Parties! border checkpoint. It was found out called "freedom of the individual", Long lives peace amongst the that other large sums are to flow the rights o the individual now are nations! through the Polish and Lithuanian recognized only in the case of Down with the warmongers! borders. This scenario it is said is those who have capital, while other to plan an "orange revolution" after citizens are regarded as human COMRADE STALIN'S SPEECH December 19, 2010 presidential raw material and fit only for elections. exploitation. The equality of people This final session of the CPSU Is this why the Russian media and nations has been trampled Congress commenced at 9 p.m. on has opened up a denigrating underfoot; it has been replaced by October 14, 1952. When the last campaign against Belarus the principle of full rights for the fraternal delegate had spoken, then president Lukashenko? exploiting minority and no rights for to the delight of all the Congress The aim is to bring about a the exploited majority of citizens. delegates and guests, Chairman complete transition of the remaining The banner of the bourgeois- Comrade Voroshilov called upon socialist economy in Byelorussia democratic freedom has been Comrade Stalin to speak. This was into outright capitalism. But thrown overboard. I think that you, totally unexpected, but this was because Medvedev and Putin were representatives of the Communist received with such joy and not able to come up with a viable and democratic Parties, will have to enthusiasm as we have never candidate to oppose Lukashenko, pick up this banner and carry it witnessed before, and doubt there is another plans to implement forward if you wish to rally around whether we shall ever see again. after Lukashenko gets elected. yourselves the majority of the The above speech was This plan cannot be successful people. There is no one else to pick delivered with such a tremendous without help from the West. After it up. confidence which made everyone the election and Lukashenko again Formerly the bourgeoisie was present felt stronger and happier, is President, both the West and considered the head of the nation, because it betokened such a Russian leadership will state that it championed the rights and profound sense of international the election "was not honest." The independence of the nation, placing solidarity, and how all the West and Russia might refuse the them "above everything". Now not Communist Parties in the world results and there will be organized a trace remains of the "national help ach other in their various a people's march and demand for a principle". Now the bourgeoisie spheres of activity. new election to be held. NATO, EU sells the right and independence of When Comrade Stain ended his and US will start putting pressure the nation for dollars. The banner of speech with the slogans — on Belarus, sanctions, stirring international independence and propaganda and hopefully another national sovereignty has been LONG LIVE PEACE BETWEEN successful "orange revolution" in thrown overboard. There is no NATIONS OF THE WORLD and Byelorussia will take place. doubt that you, representatives of DOWN WITH THE This is how it started and Communist and democratic Parties, WARMONGERS! planned in Ukraine That's the plan will have to pick up the banner and There was spontaneous outburst of the West and being supported by carry it forward if you wish to be of cheering that moved all the the present clique sitting in the patriots of your country, if you wish delegates and guests at this CPSU Kremlin. Congress. to become the leading force of the PEOPLE! BE VIGILANT! nation.

16 100 MILLION INDIAN WORKERS WENT ON STRIKE IN STOP FBI RAIDS AND Bolshevism", organ of the All Union SEPTEMBER Communist Parry of Boisheviks in From Prensa Latina HARASSMENT IN USA! Russia, was attacked by police From the International Action Center during the anti-Tory protests. They About 100 million workers joined tried to take away from him the Red We denounce FBI's harassment the 24-hour general strike called by Flag and he was injured in the of the anti-war and solidarity Eight Trade Unions, protesting process. He was then held in a activists. The FBI raided in against the rise of prices and police van and questioned. September area of Minnesota and privatization of industry. handed subpoenas to testify before On behalf of the Northstar The president of the National a Federal Grand Jury to eleven Compass and of the International Congress of Indian Trade Unions, activists in Illinois, Minnesota and Council, we sent a letter of protest G. Sanjeeva Reddy, said that this Michigan. The FBI also tried to to the Prime Minister of England strike was felt across India by intimidate activist in Caiifornia and and we urge NSC readers to also transportation, mining, electricity, North Carolina. send protests to their British telecommunications, bank, oil, Embassy or to the Consulates of This suppression of civil rights is ports and other sectors - like England. aimed at those who dedicated their construction workers - which are time and energy to supporting the yet not organized. struggles of the Palestinian and REACTION SHALL NOT PASS! According to the reports, most of Colombian peoples against U.S. the workers were from the states of funded occupation and war. The WHY ARE YOUNG Western Bengal, Tripura and FBI has indicated that the grand Karalla which had elected a jury is investigating the activists for ISRAELIS MOVING INTO Communist government from the possible material support of BERLIN IN DROVES? Communist Party (Marxists). terrorism charges. From Associated Press, Even the auto-rickshaws joined The activists are involved in October 2010 the strike, as well as all of the taxi many groups, including the Twin drivers This general strike was Cities Anti-War Committee, the Nirit Bialer, granddaughter of a also supported by some leaders of Palestinian Solidarity Group, the Holocaust survivor welcomes the ruling Congress Party of India. Colombia Action Network, Students listeners to her popular one-hour- for Democratic Society, and radio shoe of music, talk, news and Freedom Road Socialist interviews in Hebrew. She tells our U.S. wanted to Organization. These activists came correspondent that: " Berlin has nuclear bomb North together with many others to become a real magnet for young organize the 2008 anti-war Israelis - everyone wants to move Korea in 1950 here! There are over 15,000 Jews marchers on the Republican From PRESS TV- OCT. 10, 2010 National Convention in St. Paul. living here and more are coming each month." We ask all people of conscience American bombers flew nuclear to join us in fighting the political Today, young Israelis make up the runs over Pyongyang during the oppression, so we can continue second largest group of non- Korean War in the 1950s, newly working to build the movements Europeans. They come to look for declassified and other US against U.S. war and occupation. work, start families and intermarry, to governmental records revealed get away from the tensions caused by only now. the present rulers of Israel. Most of TAKE ACTION! Sixty years after the Korean War them that were interviewed said that Get in touch with the U.S. Attorney these newly released Central they could not live in Israel now under General at 202-353-1555 or e-mail Intelligence Agency (CIA) from the its constant war mentality and strife - to [email protected] Washington's private National and because Israel is so Security Archives, have helped to "militaristic". There were protests held in over 12 fill in the history of the US nuclear cities across the USA. Udi Cohen who does not want to threats against North Korea over struggle and fight against his the decades, AP News Agency brothers, the Palestinians, came here reported last month. READER OF NSC ATTACKED BY because: "In Israel, I just couldn't In the late 1960's US nuclear- POLICE IN ENGLAND function. I couldn't find as job, but armed war planes based in South here I have a job and enjoy the Korea were told to "stand by" for 15 On October 3, 2010 in energy of the city and no constant minutes and then to strike at North Birmingham, England, comrade barrage of hate against Palestinians Korea. United States and the other Kevin Cane, the Editor of he that all Israelis are subjected to." NATO powers want North Korea to English version of "For disarm completely. Because of the 17 constant threat of invasion by US 11 MONTHS BEFORE INVASION A new President and South Korea, North Korea OF IRAQ refused, based on the -increasing From CLG News was elected in nuclear threat of the United States.". The Secret documents made Brazil available now through Freedom of By Giovanni G. Vieira If this is Socialism, I am a Information revealed the following: "Britain held secret talks with a On October 3, 2010 there was Trolleybus... U.S. General 11 months before held a countrywide election for a By Irina Malenko the invasion of Iraq." new President. America's most senior General Brazilin Left had chosen Dilma United States Billionaire Bill Gates flew into Britain for Top Secret Rouseff as our candidate, whose and Warren Buffet have hosted a Talks on the invasion of Iraq 11 father was Bulgarian. Dilma was a very lush Dinner in Beijing, China months before the attack on real fighter against the military for China's new millionaires. They Saddam Hussein's Government dictatorship that was ruling the issued a statement that they "Want took place. This classified secret country for 21 years. This is why these new Chinese Billionaires to document stated that the meeting the conservatives, neo-liberals, give away some of their fortunes to took place at the RAF Brize Norton rightist and fascist forces charities". Base, Oxfordshire. This means in unleashed a vicious and sordid fact that Tony Blair's Labour campaign in the bourgeois media Government was involved in against her. detailed planning about toppling the We were lucky because the Iraqi President. acting president Luiz Inacio Lula da The American General, Tommy Silva is a patriot and a popular Franks flew into the base in April of leader who backed Dilma Rouseff. 2002 to meet the British Defense - otherwise the situation would be Secretary Geoff Hoon. much worse for all of us who mere was great secrecy in Last year, Tony Blair, the war struggled against the rightist and arranging this dinner for over 50 criminal got the Peace Prize! unpopular forces, whose goal was newly-rich Chinese who amassed to privatize what has been left of these great fortunes on the backs the state enterprises, such as of the exploited Chinese workers CONFERENCE AGAINST PETROBRAS (one of the world's and the leap of the Chinese FORCED DISSAPEARANCE biggest oil producers) - Banco do government to capitalism and Brasil (Bank of Brasil) and Caix a exploitation and in this way help US On December 9-12, 2010, the 6th Economica (Loan and Savings imperialism to survive. International Conference against Bank) and other important Obviously Bill Gates has no love Forced Disappearances will take enterprises. for Socialism or helping China build place in London, UK. We are There were four other a Socialist Society! Since this is a convinced that the organizers candidates, but just one of them well known fact - then - what was would appreciate your participation besides Dima Rouseff was from the Imperialist supporter, Bill Gates, in this import international event a left. More than 130 million people doing at this Charity Promotion lot. took part in the elections for Dinner"? The participation of some of you President, Governor, Federal comrades in the last conference in Chamber of Deputies, the Senate DPR OF KOREA Kurdistan is still well remembered and States Deputies. STATEMENT TO CHINA Te main theme of this We know that it was the Conference will be - Wars, imperialist forces, mainly from the News Agency KCNA National Movements and Forced U.S. that were acting behind the The news agency reported the Disappearances. scenes in order to stop the statement by President Kim II Sung For further information please Brazilian people from voting for the that DPR of Korea gave: contact the organizers, the left candidate. But the people will "unreserved assistance to the International Committee Against be victorious in the end! Chinese people which helped them Disappearances. to their victory in the civil war NATO CONTRACTORS IN revolution in defeating the Kaishek Revolutionary greetings Army. Korea gave ammunition, MLCPVTurkey/North Kurdistan PAKISTAN TOLD TO BOMB weapons, explosives, materials for International Bureau THEIR OIL TANKERS military uniforms and From CLG News boots.Thousands of North Korean soldiers displayed matchless Remember the great scare in heroism and sacrifice spirit on the the Western Media that the battlefield field in Northeast China." Pakistani terrorists were bombing oil tankers carrying fuel to NATO for these private NATO contractors. 2,000 liters from the original 50.000 forces in Afghanistan - shown on Dos Mohammad an oil tanker liters had been left in the tanker to all TV networks? owner and a private contractor told cover up this crime. It is a win-win These private contractors hired the CLG News this: "These situation for these NATO by NATO and being paid by the US exploding oil tankers took place in contractors!" tax dollars were told to place the area of Paiyee. I was told to The actual "terrorists' comprise bombs under these oil tankers as plant the bomb under the oil tanker. the US Government and its sub- told by Dost Mohammad who works The fuel was sold off first and only contractors!

GREEK COMMUNIST PARTY GREETS THE YOUTH FESTIVAL IN ATHENS The 36th Greek Communist Youth Festival took place on September 18, 2010 and was attended by thousands of young people as well as foreign young representatives. It was an inspiring sight of dedication, unity, belief in a better future and a resolve to fight for genuine peace and international solidarity. The inspiring speech given by Aleka Papariga, General Secretary of the CPG had great inspiration effect on the young people when she told them: "We're not going to just sit with folded hands. We are not scared of viscous anti-communist propaganda or the Imperialist organized counterrevolutions in the world. We will never agree with supporters of capitalism and theit revisionist lies! We will always struggle against monopoly-capitalism ad the US imperialism!

Poverty in the U.S. rises while Wall Street Makes Billions! From [email protected]. or

The ranks of the working-age poor in the USA climbed to the highest level since the 1960s as the recession threw millions of people out of work, leaving one in seven Americans in deep poverty. The overall unemployment rate climbed to over 14 per cent - or 43,000,000 people - according to the US Census Bureau report given in September 2010. With over 43 million people living in poverty the richest people on Wall Street are complaining that their taxes should be lowered These Wall Street tycoons, instead of an outrage about the spread of poverty in the richest country in the world, these super-rich tycoons want us to pity them! You'd think that these Wall Street Moguls would be thankful for making $900,000 an hour - that's what the top hedge managers take in pay - but they still feel that they are not treated fairly enough! These Billionaires don't even have to worry that the present Obama Administration will curtail their immense profits. Their highly paid Media Public Relations Team issue statements to the American people, such as: 19 *How dare the public ask them any Prime Minister's belligerent and Russian Pravda newspaper. questions! militarist pro-war stance. The Canadians for Peace and *How dare the people consider rejection of his foreign policy by the Socialism join with President targeting them for special taxes on majority of the member states of Gomes and the WPC family and all their profits! Etc, etc. the United Nations and by the of the international forces for peace majority of Canadians must now be to demand the dissolution of NATO! These billionaires live in followed up with a demand that theirown hermitically sealed world. Canada withdraw from NATO and In Peace and Solidarity They use their immense wealth to all military alliances. defend themselves. They dig into President Socorro Gomes of the A message of agreement and their bottomless war chests, they World Peace Council in Europe support was sent to the World bribe the government and the US demanded that NATO be dissolved Peace Council from the law officials, using their connection Her appeal to the peace movement International Council for Friendship right up to the Oval Office in the in Europe has been carried in the and Solidarity with the Soviet White House. They also manage international left progressive press People and from the Editorial the daily US media through their and was also a lead article in the Committee of Northstar Compass. ownership, to shift any blame from themselves and towards the WORKERS PROTEST ALL ACROSS CHILE American people. From Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

DEMOCRACY WORKS ONLY The PC(AP) marched last month in support of the Mapuche indigenous FOR THE RICH AND THE people of Chile. Many of their leaders were arrested and have gone on a RULING CLASS! Editor of NSC hunger strike. This march of protest was held last September in Santiago and included artists as well as participants from various sections of the Child poverty in America people and organization, including as always members from the Chilean From the US Census Bureau Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

Washington, D.C. The US Census Bureau met in September 2010, after it released its Annual Poverty Data, which revealed that the poverty rate amongst American children has grown at an unconscionable rate, and that the racial and ethic income disparities are growing ever wider. Wahington must try and find a cure for this disparity and quickly. "These are very troubling disparities and the American government must find a cure and reverse this troubling trend in the near future" the Census Bureau said in a statement. CANADA-OUT OF NATO NOW! By Don Currie, Chair of the Canadians For Peace and Socialism

Comrades and friends: The repudiation of the Canadian minority Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper's foreign and military policies at the Session of the United Nations, is in line with the majority of public opinion in Canada that likewise rejects the 20 CHINA - FROM REVOLUTION AND COMMUNES, TO NEO-LIBERALISM AND CAPITALISM By DAVE SILVER

China has one fifth of the world's provided a fertile soil for population, a former feudal society revisionism of the late 1970s and for over 2,000 years - was a victim then a reformed Central Committee of plunder, oppression and of the CPC in 1984, which set firmly dominated by colonialism of the road to capitalism and its open Western Imperialism on an support in 1975 of the counter- unprecedented scale until the revolutionary UNITA bandits in middle of the 20th Century. All of Angola, who were aligned with the these dominating tragedies and fascist government of South Africa isolation until 1972 when U.S. at that time against the victorious Imperialism played its "China Card" MPLA and the Cuban liberation to gain a strategic advantage over forces helping the MPLA. the Soviet Union. China did its role in destabilizing The the People's Democracies in was organized in 1924 and was the Eastern Europe with its "market leading revolutionary force in the socialism", which has created a successful "Long March" in 1930's support base in cheap production and ultimately the Peoples for US imperialism, so it can get the Liberation Army's Victory over the OK signal to get a favored nation forces of Chaing Kai Shek and trading status with the transnational Imperial Japan and then the corporation, a seat on the World establishment of the People's Trade Organization in order to Republic of China in 1949. The dominate with the Group of 8 CPC embarked on the first Five countries most of the world Year Plan in 1958 with great help resources. This has created in from the Soviet Union. China now scores billionaires, The Maoist leadership of China homelessness, cheap labor for the challenged the USSR's leading role United States, strikes and and prestige within the world's bloodshed. Most of the state owned Communist and Workers Parties. enterprises were turned into Chinese own version of socialism stockholder foreign companies. and its "Great Leap Forward" and its "Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom" COMMNENT: was not a continuation of class This revisionism has played havoc struggles, but a petty bourgeois also in former USSR and other radicalization and factional; socialist countries - making the US struggles with no sound political road to its New World Order much basis. The ensuing struggles easier.

Let us pay tribute to In September, when there are Dear readers: dates in the history of our country of The one thousand copies of Salvador Allende, as he the 600-page book "Journey for various kinds, we remember not only Friendship between Northern did to the great Stalin the first ruling junta, but the day of Neighbors" is off the press and We present the following text as an the triumph and downfall of the being sent all over the world, excellent historical material that eminent patriot of the left Salvador including Universities, Libraries and state archives. Since we should be known, above all at the Allende Gossens. He occupies an cannot sell this book, we are present time of concealing of outstanding place in the memory of the workers as a great leader and asking for donations to cover information and an obscurantist the high cost of publishing democratic fighter, an anti- counter-culture of the neo-liberals. which was due to the help of imperialist, an honest socialist, the the Society of Carpatho National Communications president who incarnated the very Russian Canadians Commission - Chilean Communist deep aspirations for justice and Party (Proletarian Action) PC(AP) social change among the workers THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO ALL and people of Chile. He paid with his THOSE STRUGGLING FOR www.accionproletaria Continued on next page FRIENDSHIP AND SOCIALISM! 21 life for the program presented to Although Salvador Allende was "Freeze" ushered in by Washington the people. He was an undeniable not a communist, he honored one of over Israel's expansion is nothing figure in national and international the best ones, and we of the Chilean but a myth. No freeze has ever political history, as an outstanding Communist Party (Proletarian been implemented, despite Obama's strutting before the TV fighter for the sovereignty of the Action), will never deny the cameras and taking credit as a peoples for national independence revolutionary and consistent defense 'Peace Broker. Israel has been and social justice. of the ideas of Stalin, the ideas of the expanding dramatically and now revolution and socialism. Therefore, has added another 13,000 homes At 37 years since the fascist coup our tribute will not be only flowers on the Palestinian West Bank - plus of the September 11, 1973, that and memories, but the struggle for a other new colonies. overthrew Salvador Allende, we must worthy, just, democratic and popular It seems that God not only spoke to point out that he was an honest Chile, as we will always respect and President Bush, but now he found Socialist like very few that the world defend the just defense and honesty has known. He had paid tribute to Obama, another US President to that this Chilean gave to his people speak to on behalf of Zionist Israel one of the greatest revolutionaries of and the workers. expansion! the planet. The same people who misuse the figure of Allende to make Revolutionary cell Joseph Stalin their pacts and agreements with the system, hate and despise the [email protected] revolutionary and communist to whom Allende paid tribute: Joseph FACTS FROM THE BELLY OF Stalin. THE US. BEAST The Revolutionary Cell Joseph Stalin presents to the readers these * Income between 1979 to 2007 for touching words that Allende the U.S. workers in the country pronounced in his tribute to the increased by just 15%, but for the builder of Soviet socialism a short top 1%, the income increased by time after his death, in a speech at the staggering 281%! the Baquedano Theater in 1953. We leave it to opinion how the best *According to the US Census taken president that Chile ever knew in 2009, one in five American children are living in poverty. The dedicated these words to the best unemployment and the under- known and beloved man whom, employment rate stands now at 17 along with Lenin, the free peoples of per cent. the USSR and the communists of the world knew: * United States is storing over 324 metric tons of bomb-grade uranium, "Stalin was an example of while Obama is demanding that creativity, humanism and an other nations reduce drastically their stores of this dangerous edifying example of peace and material. heroism!" "Everything that he did, he did at * U.S. multinationals are swooping into Haiti and taking it over while the service of the people. Our refugee evictions, private land father Stalin is dead, but when grabs and moneymaking disaster remembering his example, our capitalism is ongoing. Eighth affection towards him will make months after the earthquake our arms grow strong for the disaster and with the US forces in building of a great tomorrow, to Haiti, most of Haitians are still living under tattered tents in squalid assure a future in memory of his camps around Port-au-Prince and magnificent example". they are being evicted from their land that now is privately owned by Salvador Allende: "Tribute to Stalin," American investors. Baquedano Theater, Santiago Chile, 1953. The so-called Israel "Settlement 22 GROWING SUICIDES BY YOUNG CHINESE WORKING FOR U.S. CORPORATIONS

Since only the beginning of 2010, and well being of the future of scores of young Chinese workers socialism. have committed suicide at the These suicides by young people Foxconn Technology Group, a 18-22 is growing into an epidemic multinational U.S. Corporation and these foreign multinational operating in China. Hong Kong Fortune-500 companies are not Academics have written protests to held responsible, while the victim's the Chinese government about families are left to grieve. Foxconn these growing tragic events that are does all the software for Apple and happening not only at the other communication giants Foxcomm Corporation, but also in China's dominant elite is saving other foreign-owned corporations US imperialism from collapse as that are exploiting the unorganized exporter and creditor and thus is cheap Chinese labor force. helping the USA survive an These Chinese migrant workers economic as well as financial crisis. stream into the cities from rural China must achieve a greater areas where the collective farms balance between the domestic have been abolished and with no consumption and exports - then it work available, these young people could free itself from full as migrants into the cities are dependence on the collapsing U.S. being exploited to such an extent consumer market and addiction to that more and more suicides are very risky US debt. happening. In other words: Because China has taken the course of producing products by CHINA IS NOT BUILDING cheap labor force, more than 10% SOCIALISM! of the 1.4 billion people in China - that means hundreds of millions of peasants from the countryside are on the move to find work and that means that they are ready to be exploited at will by these foreign corporations. The Communist stands out. Abayarde Rojo presents Under the preset direction of the here an interview with one of its Chinese market-oriented economy Party of Puerto founding leaders and the foreign corporations, plus the spokespersons, Miguel Cruz Santos, new Chinese bourgeoisie, China Rico Is Founded who has been a communist militant has grown quickly to become for several decades, and knew and suppliers to the USA and all Interview with Comrade Miguel participated in the project of the dependent on the advantages of Cruz Santos by Violeta Azurduy of the low-paid migrant Chinese Communist Party in its early stages. workers. With competition for jobs Abayarde Rojo growing all the time the Chinese Abayarde Rojo (AR): What has migrant workers are always under Puerto Rico, an Antillean archipelago been the path of communist ideology threat of being replaced if they that suffers from the decay of in Puerto Rico? complain about the 12-14 hour day. capitalism, with massive layoffs, These young migrant-rural bankruptcy and dismantling of its Miguel Cruz Santos (MCS): Under workers are discriminated culturally social infrastructure - education, the influence of the victory of the and materially right under the nose health care, ecology - contains the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in of the Chinese authorities. The seeds of different tendencies that are 1917, in the 1920s small groups of priority given to the economic export business by China has now prepared to fight for collective, socialists inspired by the Soviet reached a very critical point where environmental, educational rights, in heroic example arose in PR. These the Chinese government must think short, human rights. Among these nuclei of Puerto Rican communists about how this policy is projects the refoundation of the were growing within the Socialist undermining the stability, culture Communist Party of Puerto Rico Party, which contained a broad 23 range of tendencies and ideologies usually said that " fell which have subjected the people of socialism. In 1934, fourteen after the downfall of the USSR"? since 1898 separate Marxist groupings throughout the country decided to MCS: In Puerto Rico and wherever AR: Is there class consciousness form the Puerto Rican Communist there is an economic order based on among the Puerto Rican workers? Party, as a revolutionary party of the the exploitation of the majority for MCS: There was much more class working class, with Marxist-Leninist benefit and profit of a minority and consciousness in the 1930s, more ideology. The founding congress which is based on the creation of class cohesion. Now there are took place in Ponce on September profits for a handful of capitalists and glimpses arising with the crisis of 23 of that year, 1934, which was a not on the satisfaction of the needs capitalism; embryonic elements of year of great social unrest... of the population, the ideology that puts forward a society in which these some consciousness. The deepening of the crisis of capitalism on a world AR: Was it the same year in which contradictions do not exist will scale and of its reflection in the the strike of sugar cane workers always be relevant. colonial economy of the country will broke out? AR: What differentiates Puerto Rico strengthen this consciousness and MCS: Yes, it was the year of the from other Caribbean and Latin cause that consciousness to grow great sugar cane strike, which cost American capitalist nations and how among the proletariat. The PCPR will lives, I don't know how many, but it does this condition the development contribute to the development of this was a very violent strike, that cost of the class struggle? class consciousness of the workers. lives but also caused great losses to AR: When was it decided to found the monoculture capitalists, because MCS: First, since Puerto Rico is a the PCPR? How did this project the workers set fire to the fields and colonized country, subjected to begin? forced the landowners to negotiate Yankee imperialism, the most powerful imperialism known to MCS: The project began in 2001, AR: How would you compare the history, the struggle of the working with the convergence of socialist communist fight in the 1930s with the class, of the oppressed of this nation, militants coming from various present fight? has as its main enemy the imperialist currents and organizations, who set bourgeoisie of the United States, and themselves the task of refounding a MCS: The CP was founded during along with it, its lesser partners of the revolutionary party with Marxist- the great crisis of capitalism, the colonial bourgeoisie. This implies Leninist ideology. It took nine years Great Depression, which was a great that the liberation of the Puerto Rican to complete this process crisis of capitalism on a world scale proletariat will have to take place successfully. and led to great unrest around the through national liberation, and this AR: What took place during those world, particularly in the colonies and cannot take place or culminate neo-colonies. In the case of Puerto without the leadership of the working nine years? Rico, the model of exploitation of the class against all the exploiting MCS: We dedicated ourselves to sugar monopolies, as a model of classes, both national and foreign, study the classic texts of Marxism- extraction of great quantities of surplus value from the sweat of the | Puerto Rican working class, showed that it was largely worn out.

AR: And now, is this crisis being repeated'!'

MCS: Now, capitalism is passing through one of the deepest crises of its history, and in Puerto Rico it is having great repercussions on the model of colonial capitalism, which has been declining for years.

AR: Do you think that the term and concept of communism is relevant in Puerto Rico today, since it is 24 Leninism, to recruit comrades, to environmental, student, gender, has presence in unions of workers spread our ideology by different trade union rights, and much more, and in student struggles. In addition, means, to organize nuclei in other since the Party supports and it has links with and support of parts of the Island, to participate participates in all kinds of democratic international organizations It organically in the most important struggles that seek to eliminate maintains very close fraternal and social struggles of our people oppression and marginalization. political ties with communist parties of the whole world. AR: Does the PCPR have a party AR: Is there a dialogue and program? reciprocal participation of the PCPR with other organizations inside and Facts confirm that more and more MCS: The PCPR has its program of outside the country? the initiatives of the peoples are struggle starting from an economic, rescuing the scientific theory of political and social analysis of MCS: The PCPR is part of the historical materialism to vindicate present-day Puerto Rican society, of Socialist Front of PR and is their future, threatened with death by its class structure, its historical immersed in and participates in the capitalism. tendencies, its capitalist colonial struggles of the Broad Front of economy. It has a political proposal Solidarity and Struggle (FASyL). It of the seizure of power by the working class, of the building of socialism, and of the historical process in which socialism is achieved in communist society. In PENTAGON addition, it includes a program of BURNS BOOK - immediate struggle that the Party will The Pentagon has push forward and in which it will be only helped the immersed until the culmination of the interest and the buzz socialist revolution. around the published book "Operation Dark AR: What resources does the PCPR Heart" - a first hand have to reach the masses? account of the US Special Operation in Afghanistan By burning all of the 9,500 copies. MCS: The PCPR has the Vladimir Lenin School of political education in Some copies of this expose of what US Imperialism has done and is doing in Afghanistan have Marxist-Leninist ideology, open to all filtered out and sold for more than $2,000 per copy on eBay - workers, and to students who wish to this is according to Time Magazine. learn about historical materialism to use it in their social struggles. It has GRISLY PHOTOS SHOW U.S. SOLDIERS POSING WITH publications: The Manifesto - for AFGHAN CORPSES - These grisly photos were posted on political and theoretical analysis, Facebook and Internet and show U.S. soldiers posing and smiling besides the newly killed bodies, decaying corpses and holding Abayarde Rojo - newspaper of the severed fingers as trophies from these Afghan people that they cut off working class, the Bulletins of the PCPR - for conjunctural analysis, FEARS OF CHINESE LAND GRAB IN BRAZIL - China has and the web site poured over $ 7 BILLIONS into Brazil's oil industry, besides grabbing, that we land all over Brazil. People are saying that is outright Imperialism under are beginning to develop, but that the cloak of financial investments. can already be visited. Very soon we will also have the web site Digital BLACKWATER WINS $10 BILLION MERCENARY DEAL - This U.S. private army security contractor that does not have to abide by any Abayarde Rojo, in which the articles international or U.S. Constitution is used by Washington as a killing of the print editions will be published, machine - has won a large five year contract worth $10 Billion. Never but that will also have its own mind the dead corpses in Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot-spots all over content. In addition, the training of the world, or the stolen guns from US Army, murder, fraud, cocaine cadres of the party guarantees a export and selling to U.S. forces. This notorious killing machine- greater dissemination among and which is supported by U.S. taxpayers - the U.S. Obama State Department has awarded this $$$ contract to Blackwater as if they link with the social sectors of workers were Knights in Shining Armour! in community affairs, with civil rights, 25 IN FEBRUARY, THE board of commissioners wants to claim property," said Fenton. "People ing points so that the county supervisors can of Ohio's Ashtabula County faced a scene are getting property stolen, their houses talk logically back to elected officials when familiar to local governments across Amer- broken into, and there is no one investigat- the question is posed," he said. The state of ica: a budget shortfall. They began to cut ing. We are basically just writing up a report Michigan had similar conversations. It has spending and reduced the sheriff's budget for the insurance company." converted at least 50 miles of paved road to by 20 per cent. A law enforcement agency If a county without police seems like a gravel in the last few years. staff that only a few years ago numbered 112, weird throwback to an earlier, frontier-like Welcome to the ground level of America's and had subsequently been pared down to moment in American history, it is not the 70, was cut again to 49 people and just one economic crisis. The U.S. unemployment only one. "Back to the Stone Age" is the rate is 9.5 per cent. One in 10 homeowners squad car for a county of 1,900 sq. km along name of a seminar organized in March by the shore of Lake Erie. The sheriff's depart- are behind on their mortgage payments. civil engineers at Indiana's Purdue Univer- Home sales are at record lows. While the ment adapted. "We have no patrol units. sity for local county supervisors interested There is no one on the streets. We respond economy has been growing for several quar- in saving money by breaking up paved roads ters, the growth is anemic—only 1.6 per cent to only crimes in progress. We don't respond and turning them back to gravel. While only to property crimes," deputy sheriff Ron Fen- in the second quarter of this year—and pro- some paved roads in the state have been ducing few new jobs. Even with interest rates ton told Maclean's. The county once had a broken up, "There are a substantial number 'very proactive" detective division in narcot- at unprecedented lows, there is anxiety about of conversations going on," John Habermann, the possibility of a double-dip recession. Sales ics. Now, there is no detective division. "We who manages a program at Purdue that helps are down to one evidence officer and he just of existing homes are at their lowest level in local governments take care of infrastructure, 15 years, and new home sales plummeted this runs the evidence room in case someone told Maclean's. "We presented a lot of talk- summer to the lowest levels on record. Prop- erty and sales tax revenues have shrunk. And nowhere is this more apparent than at the local government level, where officials are being forced to roll back the everyday hall- marks of modern civilization. Cincinnati, Ohio, is cutting back on trash collection and snow removal and filling fewer potholes. The city of Dallas is not pick- ing up litter in public parks. Flint, Mich., laid off 23 of 88 firefighters and closed two fire stations. In some places it's almost lit- erally the dark ages: the city of Shelton in Washington state decided to follow the example of numerous other localities and last week turned off 114 of its 866 street lights. Others have axed bus service and cut back on library hours. Class sizes are being increased and teachers are being laid off. School districts around the country are cut- ting the school day or the school week or the school year—effectively furloughing stu- dents. The National Association of Coun- ties estimates that local governments will eliminate roughly half a million employees in the next fiscal year, with public safety, public works, public health, social services, and parks and recreation hardest hit by the cutbacks. A July survey by the association of counties, the National League of Cities, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors of 270 local governments found that 63 per cent of localities are cutting back on public safety and 60 per cent are cutting public works. In August, the U.S. Congress passed a US$26-billion stimulus extension bill, aimed in part at saving teacher jobs. But it's a finger in the dike. Jacqueline Byers, director of research for the counties association, said many local governments have yet to confront the full impact of the real estate crisis on gov- ernment revenues because they do tax assess- ments only every third year. A fundamental transformation is under way. "When we come out of this recession we're going to see gov- ernment functioning very differently," says Byers. "We are seeing more public-private partnership than we ever had for things like recreation and parks. We are seeing some of them privatize libraries. They lease the library to a private corporation that employs the workers who don't carry retirement or health benefits." Or they could wind up like Hood River County, Ore., which in August closed its three libraries altogether. Some governments are looking for creative ways to replace plummeting property and sales tax revenues. Facing a US $1-billion budget shortfall, Montgomery County in Maryland appealed for corporate sponsors Don's Johns. Meanwhile, Montgomery Coun- per cent on sales. As part of the deal, county to step up and adopt porta-potties in its pub- ty's school system, banking on its reputation classrooms can be used as "showrooms"— lic parks. In the end, the privies were saved for high standards and test scores, took the which critics said effectively turns students by a combination of park employees taking unusual step of selling its curriculum to a and teachers into salesmen for a corporation. early retirement, a few private sponsorships, private textbook publisher, Pearson, for But the superintendent, Jerry Weast, told and a negotiated discount from the supplier, US$2.3 million and royalties of up to three the Washington Post, "I tend to look at this 27 from the perspective that we are broke." These cuts in infrastructure and educa- tion are more than just a temporary belt- tightening in response to a recession. They threaten long-term damage to American's economic foundation—a foundation that has long been eroding. When the eight-lane Interstate 35 bridge collapsed in Minneap- olis in 2009, killing 13 people and injuring 145, the American Society of Civil Engineers warned that the infrastructure deficit of aging postwar highways and bridges amounted to US$1.6 trillion. More than a quarter of America's bridges were rated structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. Steam pipes have exploded in New York City and the levees failed in New Orleans. Despite its position as the world's unrivalled superpower, international comparisons show the U.S. slipping on a number of fronts. On education, the United States has been fall- ing behind, in everything from science and engineering to basic literacy. The U.S. once had the world's highest proportion of young Erosion: Down and out in Camden, N.J.; the U.S. unemployment rate stands at 9.5 per cent adults with post-secondary degrees; now it ranks 12th, according to the College Board, the rest-you don't have a thriving middle of household income. "There is certainly a an association of education institutions. class," says Huffington, whose new book is serious erosion of both the American social (Canada is now number one.) In 2001, the entitled Third World America: How Our Pol- contract and the American dream for a great U.S. ranked fourth in the world in per cap- iticians Are Abandoning the Middle Class and majority of Americans," says Shenninger. ita broadband Internet use; it now ranks Betraying the American Dream. "There is a worrying trend that the private 15th out of 30 nations, according to the America is moving "from the Jetsons to sector has not been able to generate jobs for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and the Flintstones," she argues. "The American now more than a decade." Development. "We have been involved for dream was already based on the idea you While business productivity increased— three decades now in paring back public could work hard and do well and your chil- workers created more output per hour of commitments and public spending, and that dren will do better. Now we are confronted work—that did not follow the traditional started with the Reagan revolution. We are with downward mobility across the board. model of translating into higher wages. living with the outcomes and consequences," You have the phenomenon of unprecedented "Eighty to 90 per cent of productivity gains says Michael Bernstein, an economic histor- numbers of college grads who can't get jobs." went to corporate profitability—which means ian at Tulane University in New Orleans. The current public sector cutbacks in educa- that in order to make up for the gap in Meanwhile, prolonged rates of high tion and infrastructure will only make things demand, working families resorted to rely- unemployment are taking a toll on families worse, Huffington says. "You are both hurt- ing on rising housing prices and debt," says today, and will for years to come. Studies ing people in the present, and basically under- Shenninger. Workers lost the ability to bar- have shown that the longer a person is unem- cutting your economic growth and prosper- gain for wage increases as they competed ployed, the more difficult it is to find a job- ity in the future." with lower-wage workers in Europe, Asia partly because skills deteriorate, and partly But the problem isn't simply a product of and other emerging markets. Meanwhile, because employers become suspicious of why the current recession or the 2008 financial corporate earnings exploded. someone hasn't worked for a year. "The crisis. It is now well understood that for years Clyde Prestowitz, a former Reagan admin- United States is expanding its underclass of Americans lived beyond their means on bor- istration trade official and president of the a whole group of individuals who will become rowed money. The real estate bubble enabled Economic Strategy Institute, says the scope less employable, less integrated, more sub- many homeowners to borrow against inflated of the problem came into focus for him one ject to criminal and other deviant behaviour- house prices, giving families the feeling that day last year when he read, in the same news- and probably become part of the larger prob- their wealth was increasing. It was all a mir- paper, that China was launching a new lem of structural poverty in America as well," age. Low interest rates and easy credit allowed 240-mile-an-hour high-speed train, and then says Sherle Shenninger, director of the eco- consumers to spend enthusiastically, mask- an article about city leaders in Pittsburgh nomic growth program at the New America ing the fact that the standard of living and considering a tax on university tuitions in Foundation, a Washington think tank. incomes were stagnating, and public and pri- order to fund the municipal employees" Arianna Huffington sees an even starker vate investment was lagging. retirement pension plan. "I thought, the big picture emerging from the reams of bad Over the pa:t decade, private sector job Chinese are building world-record trains and economic news. "As we watch the middle growth was sluggish. Combined with reces- we're taxing kids who go to school!" says class crumbling, for me this is a major indi- sion job losses, there are now only as many Prestowitz. "We've been in decline for quite cation that we are turning into a Third World private sector jobs as there were in early 1999, some time—we haven't recognized it and country," said Huffington, founder of the a decade ago, while the population continues have been fooling ourselves. But we've got- Huffington Post, in an interview. "The distin- to grow. And incomes stagnated for a full ten to the point it's hard to not see." guishing characteristic of the Third World decade-the longest such period since the There are numerous theories about the country is you have the people at the top and U.S. Census Bureau has been keeping track path America took to get where it is. Pre- stowitz blames the American approach to trade and globalization. A former trade negotiator who worked on NAFTA and advised Ronald Reagan's commerce secre- tary, he argues that at the root of the prob- lem is a long-term American naivete about global trade, a case he makes in his book The Betrayal of American Prosperity. American jobs are being lost not only to low-wage competition from emerging econ- omies, but to strategic policies by foreign gov- ernments to dominate critical sectors of the economy, or to keep their currency values low to promote exports. "Other countries recog- nize the importance of economies of scale and promote the development of certain indus- tries, whether solar panels, or semiconductors, and we don't," says Prestowitz. High-tech plants and research labs of com- panies such as Intel, Applied Materials, Gen- eral Electric and BP have been moving to China because the Chinese are offering sub- sidies in the form of free energy, free infra- structure, reduced taxes and discounted util- ities. Prestowitz made the argument earlier Anger: A demonstration against budget cuts at the University of California, Berkeley this year to a meeting of White House econo- mists who were debating the administration's ically underestimated the depth of the crisis," Republicans called it a "bailout" of profligate funding for alternative energies such as bat- she says. "The emphasis has been on fixing local governments that overindulged public tery technologies. "My position was, if you Wall Street, which was bailed out without any sector unions with generous salaries and bene- spend all this money and not do anything strings attached, and which turned around fits. House Republican whip Eric Cantor called about currency manipulation by China, South and cut lending instead of lend more." Obama's latest call for infrastructure spend- Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thai- Shenninger points in part to foreign policy: ing "another play called from the same failed land, if you don't do anything about the in- waging expensive wars overseas rather than Keynesian playbook," adding, "We need to vestment incentives being offered to com- spending the money at home. "Our priorities cut spending immediately and end the environ- panies like Applied Materials, if you don't are horribly distorted," he says. "We spent bil- ment of uncertainty that continues to impede deal with all those things and just give money lions on new energy plants in Iraq and most of real private-sector job creation and growth." to some battery company—forget it, that's the money got siphoned off. We are spending The GOP members on the House budget com- money down the rathole." billions of dollars trying to build schools in mittee have identified US$1.3 trillion in poten- Prestowitz accuses successive American Afghanistan. But we are not willing to borrow tial cuts to federal spending. House minority administrations of sacrificing trade issues to at historically low rates to keep teachers at work leader John Boehner calls federal spending geopolitics. "The highest priority for the U.S. or improve public infrastructure at home." "a job killing agenda." " We have to remember government is national security. We need a Whatever the causes, the way out is not that, even when spending is not at record- base somewhere or a vote clear. While some critics setting levels, each dollar the government at the UN, and we make an are calling for a major pro- collects is taken directly out of the private sec- economic concession," he WITH A PARED-DOWN gram of reinvestment in tor," Boehner said in a recent economic speech. says. Exhibit A: "The Obama public infrastructure and He added: "I'm not afraid to tell you there's administration has bent POLICE FORCE, HOW reviving parts of the U.S. no money left. In fact, we're broke." over backwards to avoid CAN PEOPLE BE SAFE, manufacturing base, the But where does that leave people like the calling China a currency A COUNTY JUDGE WAS politics do not favour it. In good citizens of Ashtabula County, Ohio? manipulator," he noted. ASKED.'ARM YOURSELVES.' a speech in Milwaukee on How can they be safe from criminals without Huffington blames polit- Monday, Obama asked Con- a fully staffed local police force, TV station icians' domestic economic gress to pass a US$50-billion WKYC asked a local judge in April. "Arm policies: first, Republicans for tax cuts and infrastructure spending program to refurbish yourselves," came the reply from Ashtabula deregulation that favoured top earners and roads, runways and railways. But concerns County Common Pleas Judge Alfred Mackey. corporations, and now Democrats for failing about government deficits among Republic- "Be very careful, be vigilant, get in touch with to undo the damage. As a candidate, Barack ans and some Democrats make it unlikely your neighbors, because we're going to have Obama accused George W. Bush of ignoring that any large spending package could pass to look after each other." the middle class, she notes. But now Huffing- Congress-especially after the gains the GOP ton criticizes Obama for campaigning on pri- is widely expected to make in the mid-term oritizing the middle class and then failing to elections on Nov. 2. do so in the White House. "What happened Republicans are calling for aggressive spend- is he picked an economic team whose primary ing cuts. When Democrats pushed through focus has been Wall Street and who dramat- their spending bill for local governments, 29 no coincidence that all these attacks are concentrated against J.V. Stalin to try and uproot Scientific Communism. Marxism- Leninism. These counter- revolutions in the 1980-1990s widely opened up the gates for Krushchev, Gorbachev and the "perestroyka and its fifth columns in FROM PRAGUE people. NSC then shows the way many communist parties. The CZECH REPUBLIC forward. Some consider that the whole basis of "destalinization" th From newspaper DIALOG slogans the Editor of NSC started at the 20 Congress of the publishes, that they are CPSU. This was the beginning of Dear reliable Compass! paradoxical, incongruous,- such the temporary defeat of real NSC is such a reliable compass as "Back to the Future! Back to Socialism - it should awaken all the and it is produced by the Socialism! Back to the Future! Back dedicated Marxists to fight this International Council for Friendship to the USSR! orchestrated, well-financed and 1 and Solidarity with the Soviet If we are to go forward and win promoted anti- People and the Society of the future, we must first of all assert Carpatho-Russian Canadians in the revolutionary past which all Stalin lived! Stalin will live Toronto, Canada. It is published in of the counter-revolutionaries and forever! English, French, Russian and revisionists want to destroy to the It is necessary now to put an Spanish. Its Publisher and Editor- last stone of the foundation. This end to the lies, innuendoes and dirt in-Chief is Michael Lucas (84) who rampage must be stopped! How? against J.V. Stalin! We must take a is devoted to Marxism-Leninism. It By the rehabilitation of Real resolute step -as did our Dialogue is a unique and a rare publication Socialism, by restoring power to -to take up this Herculean step and and it is clear that this North Star is the working class. By re start cleansing the Augustus a very Red Five-Pointed Star of establishing the Soviet Union and stables that were messed up by all Communism. Let us remember as the Socialist Community! Only in the revisionists, traitors, Imperialist to how we saw this Red Star as this way will it be possible to lackeys before and now ! the only hope in these turbulent prevent mortal danger, and to face The future belongs to times! head-on the attacks of Imperialism, Socialism- Communism! Yes, the political and world-wide because only by the rebirth of the view of the International Council Soviet Union and its Socialist Allies JAN KURKA (including our own Eng. Zdenek will we be able to secure social (Jan Kurka is the pen name of the Novotny, the Chairman of the progress and world peace. former Secretary of the Central Republican Editorial Council of our Is this Utopia? Committee of the Communist Party Dialogue and elected member of Those who resign themselves of Czechoslovakia - Ph.D, JAN the Executive of the International and abandon the class struggle in FOJUK, CS c)This excellent article Council) is set by "the unbreakable the face of capitalism, are warned was shortened faith" in Communism. Only by NSC and the International Communism, as proven by Council that only unity of the FROM MINSK Northstar Compass can save working class and of the BELARUS mankind from criminal capitalism in progressive movements can bring it final stage of ferocious, victory, plus the desperate need for Dear comrade Lucas: unscrupulous imperialism. establishing the Communist On the 20th Anniversary of NSC I Imperialism - with the US International! In this "globalized" want to send you my greetings. hegemony that seeks world world that is "integrated" by Mafias Your journal is very interesting and supremacy - is the greatest danger of the financial oligarchy, this task has connections all over the world threatening today as is obviously arises in its full urgency and and of great importance to the evident all over our planet. necessity! Soviet people in the former USSR. Northstar Compass steadfastly To do this we must resume the With respect and best wishes to arouses all of us to struggle against revolutionary heritage the works of you and all friends of the Soviet this mortal danger. Not only by its Lenin and Stalin, consistent People. appeals, declarations, but also by followers of Marxism. Yes, also the comprehensive articles and great works of Stalin... as is Michael Shaturin extraordinary valuable information. steadily proven by Northstar It exposes falsifiers and liars of the Compass... it is first of all Stalin who contemporary anti-communists and manifested the vitality and its collaborators - renegades of the truthfulness of Marxism in practice. revolutionary worker's movements, But it is just this that is a thorn in all those who methodically confuse the eyes of anti-communists and and delude hundreds of millions of revisionists and their lackeys. It is destroyed, more than 50 bridges were demolished The Serbian Broadcasting Corp (RTS) Building in the heart of Belgrade was bombed, Interview with member of the governments. SKOJ will be putting a causing the death of 17 RTS Secretariat of the New Communist word for the restoration based on employees The Novi Sad Radio- Party of Yugoslavia and secretary voluntary, equal and mutually useful Television building was also for International Affairs of the principles of the union of all Yugoslav destroyed, as well as several other League of Communist Yugoslav nations and national minorities in the electronic when the "Usce" business Youth (SKOJ) comrade Marijan territory of the entire former tower in Belgrade was targeted. 37 Kubik (Mariyan Kubik) about SKOJ Yugoslavia. In accordance with such radio and TV relay towers and and situation in Serbia endeavors, SKOJ has members in all broadcasting facilities have been Republics of the former Yugoslavia. bombed. The telephone- telecommunication installations Tell us briefly about the history of throughout the country were also the organization. Which party How would you describe your raided. The list includes the TV tower inspires its political orientation? relations with Communists and on Mt. Avala, relay towers on Mt. Komsomol members in Croatia Kopaonik, Mt. Jastrebac and Mt. Cer, The League of Communist and other former Yugoslav the "Prilike" satellite station near Yugoslav Youth (SKOJ) was re- Republics? Ivanjica, and the post office buildings established on January 25, 1992 in in Uzice and Pristina. The aggressor Belgrade as the continuator of Our relations with youth planes bombed 53 medical facilities, revolutionary traditions of the original communist and labor organizations and direct hits or aftereffects of SKOJ which emerged in 1919, and in the territory of the former bombing damaged or destroyed was abolished in 1948. SKOJ was Yugoslavia with whom we share the more than 300 preschool facilities, revived in the form a youth same ideals and pursuits are marked schools and tourism facilities the organization of the New Communist by respect and solidarity. The "Dr. Dragisa Misovic" Hospital, the Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ), the only common pursuits and actions were Surdulica Health Center, the Nis Marxist-Leninist party in the territory confirmed during this year's regional Clinical Center, the "Marija Bursac" of the former Socialist Federative meeting held in Belgrade on July 30. elementary school in Belgrade, the Republic of Yugoslavia, but it is also elementary schools in Resnik, active as an independent political Batajnica and Rakovica, the organization, therefore it is registered It has been more then 10 years "Jugoslavija" Hotel in Belgrade and as such at the competent authorities. now since the NATO aggression the "Baciste" Hotel on Mt. Kopaonik The SKOJ members make one third against Yugoslavia. Do the are just a few examples of what the of the entire NKPJ membership. Serbian people still remember this military structures pharisaically called SKOJ is the only youth organization aggression? What do people think legitimate military objective or from this region which is registered about it? collateral damage. The history of as a member of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. Between 24 March and 11 June 1999, the Federal Republic of Dear readers: Yugoslavia and its 12 million Which changes have your inhabitants were faced with the We publish this interview with organization undergone in respect ruthless attack of the strongest Marijan Kubik in order to show to the disintegration of military force in the world. Bearing in NSC readers the kind of Yugoslavia? You are active only in mind the human potential of the comrades that will host the Third Serbia? aggressor countries 764 million World Congress for Friendship inhabitants, the ratio was 1:70. The and Solidarity with the Soviet The Socialist Federative Republic territorial ratio was 1:234, and People in September of 2011 in of Yugoslavia (SFRY) did not economic power 1:676. A Belgrade, Serbia - Yugoslavia disintegrate, as some people argue comparison of the military might is This excellent interview shows and try to prove it. It is violently hard to set, due to the complete that we have dedicated comrades thrown and broken up. The collapse qualitative and quantitative to help us have a successful of SFRY was perpetrated by disproportion. In the NATO Third World Congress. Western imperialism. The easiest aggression on FR Yugoslavia, nearly way for removal of socialism in our 27.000 sorties, were made. More country was inspiration of ethnic than 8.200 involved the use of warfare will also mark the bombing of conflicts that led to a local bloody, weaponry.. About 2.300 strikes were the embassy of PR China in fratricidal war. In their anti-Yugoslav carried out against 995 sites Belgrade, when three Chinese operation, the Western capitalists ("targets") in the Federal Republic of citizens were killed. The overall profusely used the services of Yugoslavia. A significant number of damage to the economy and separatist and nationalistic infrastructure facilities have been infrastructure is estimated at 100 31 billion dollars In the aggression on Whoever is against EU is labeled as Euros of profit to the imperialist FR Yugoslavia, NATO breached backward by the pro-imperialist West. Today, more than ever before. dozens of international conventions, bourgeois Serbian regime. Serbia is in the firm hands of the amongst others the convention on foreign capital. The major part of the damages caused by oil pollution, on gross domestic product accounts for benzoi poisoning, on the prevention Is Serbia planning to join the EU? the private sector which is absolutely of cancer risks, on transborder air- What is the attitude of its dominated by the Western capital pollution over great distances, on the government in that regard? What SKOJ does not call for closing, ozone layer protection, on the do people think of such an idea? isolation and confrontation but for preservation of flora and fauna... Out equal and mutually useful of the 1.200 civilians killed 30 per In December 2009, the Serbian cooperation accompanied by mutual cent were children, and out of the Government submitted the official respect. 5.000 wounded, as much as 40 per application for EU membership. The The perspective that the cent were the small ones. NATO opinions of Serbian citizens are Communists offer is not the Europe aggression over FRY was strongly divided due to the heavy united on the capitalist bases, but imperialistic attack. The goal of pressures by EU as well as the democratic, freedom-loving, western imperialists was very clear; enormous propaganda whose SOCIALIST EUROPE they want to bring occupation troops purpose is acceleration of Serbia's on territories of Kosovo and admission to an imperialist Metohija. The least we can do is not organization. SKOJ expressly What is your attitude in regard of to join, ten years later, the union opposes Serbia's accession to EU. the problem of Kosovo? What are whose war tactic rested at forcing Let us only remember the EU's role the prospects for resolving this Serbia into capitulation through during the bloody fratricidal civil war problem? making as much collateral damage in the territory of Yugoslavia the as possible. direct inspirer of which was EU itself One of the most complex causes backed by the imperialist United of today's Kosovo drama stems from What position Serbia's current States of America and NATO. EU's the impaired international relations government holds in relation to aim is not unification of nations, but provoked by domination of the USA such events? the absolute liberalization within after the collapse of the Soviet economic sphere which should Union. Those nations who live in In 2006 Serbia was admitted to ensure extra profits for the financial Kosovo must independently decide the Partnership for Peace oligarchy which in collaboration with on all issues related to economic, Programme. In his speech at the USA and NATO implements the cultural, political and social session of the North Atlantic Union, imperialist politics all over the world. development. After the armory he Serbian President Boris Tadic There is no doubt that the EU's aggression against the Federal said that the admission of Serbia to expansion towards the East should Republic of Yugoslavia NATO troops the Partnership for Peace is only the only enable the Western bourgeoisie came to Kosovo and built the biggest first step which would culminate by to extend its markets for the sake of military base in Europe - Bondsteel. the entire integration of the region exploitation as well as to provide During the NATO bombing, into NATO. He marked the maximal protection of the invested American airplanes discharged to the admission to the Partnership for capital in harmony with the laws territory of Kosovo about ten millions Peace as the commencement of a dictated by the EU itself, whereby it of impoverished uranium. According new chapter in history of democratic gains enormous profit and profusely to Pristina journal "Ekspres", Kosovo freedoms in the South-East Europe. employs cheap and rightless labor took over the leading position in the SKOJ acts in opposition to such force. The all capitalist "reforms" in region in regard of the number of policy. Neither Partnership for Peace Serbia, carried out on its "European cancer-caused deaths, since around nor NATO is place for Serbia. path", and similar "reforms" carried 5,000 people annually dies of cancer out in the former European socialist due to the increased radioactivity, countries made us regress to the Is it possible to talk about the which is three times more than it was period of the bandit-like original Europeanization of Serbia? How the case before the war. What accumulation of capital, transforming strong is the impact of mass illustrates the seriousness of this the economy into the peripheral culture in contemporary Serbian problem with impoverished uranium workshops of multinational society? is the fact that out of 225 Italia companies that sweep away, in the soldiers who took part in the KFOR atmosphere of unequal powers and The advocacy of the European mission, 45 of them died of other discriminating conditions, billions of Union is evident at every step in diseases, whereas 25 of trem got Serbia. The accession to the children with genetic abnormalities. European Union is presented as the About 73 percent of working final solution of all problems in population is unemployed, and more Serbia, and each problem is than a half of the unemployed is interpreted as a consequence of the under 35. Kosovo and Metohija fact that Serbia is not in EU. produce almost three times less 32 electric power than before 1999. throne and altar1. The Church is that the nationalism without religion Factories almost do not operate at present today in all pores of the is an abnormality, a cold and frail all, or utilize only 10 percent of its public life. The leadership of the mechanism. Now in the 20th century, capacities. The major problems of Serbian Orthodox Church supported he came to the idea of Saint Sava Kosovo are organized crime and in 2000 the opposition in its fight and although an amateur he corruption as well as endangered against Milosevic, it has the decisive undertook the most important action state of human rights. The major impact on introduction of religious for a nation, an action that befits only industries are in hands of the NATO teaching at school, and it has its saints, geniuses and heroes". occupier which freely disposes of representatives in the Republic and collect profit from what was Broadcasting Agency. The Serbian How does once ruling party - the created in the best interest of the Orthodox Church belongs to circle of Socialist Party of Serbia - look peoples of Kosovo Metohija in the conservative societies, it is now? How would you describe its last five decades The current traditionally fused with the state political course? occupation is not in the long-term government and it spent ages and real interests of the peoples of praying for the emperor, and obeying In July the Socialist Party of Kosovo and Metohija, it is only in the the Emperor Accordingly the Serbia (SPS) celebrated two interest of imperialist-expansionist Serbian Orthodox Church does not decades of its operation. After having goals of NATO. The goals of various have a single answer to the global- 1 spent three years and a half in international "peace" committees scale contemporary problems which opposition after the fall of Slobodan policies is further intensification of it can provide as an official church. Milosevic in 2000, in 2004 socialists the existing state on basis of the The Serbian Orthodox Church, that supported the minority government principle "divide and conquer". used to be reputed for ages as a of Vojislav Kostunica, and after the Peace, unity and progress of all poor church in terms of material parliamentary elections in 2008, it Balkan nations are possible only if resources, for the first time in its became part of the present the imperialism leaves the historical- history is not poor, and is exposed to government. The President of SPS is political scene. Peace, unity and numerous financial scandals and the first Deputy Prime Minister and progress of all Balkan nations will be corruption. Bourgeois political the Minister of Internal Affairs, and possible only when the imperialist structures in Serbia accepted the the Party has three ministers in the domination, guided by the dictum Church wholeheartedly as a pillar of government: for infrastructure, "divide and conquer" gives way to its power and the Church decided to energy and mining, and education. the unity of working people of the play along. Today the Serbian The President of Serbia and Balkans, their resistance and Orthodox Church defends the Democratic Party Boris Tadic collapse of the imperialist, quisling chetnik movement, congratulated the Socialist Party of neocolonial gives. SKOJ is of the presenting it as a victim of Serbia on "the first 20 years" and opinion that Kosovo and Metohija are Communism. In 2003, the Serbian wished to this Party unlimited integral part of Serbia which is Orthodox Church canonized Bishop duration. Tadic said that the occupied by the Western Nikolaj Velimirovic. This canonization historical compromise between the imperialism. Therefore, SKOJ was carried out on the basis of a Democratic Party and the Socialist demands that the occupation NATO purely political principle: Nikolaj Party of Serbia rests at his troops leave Kosovo and Metohija. Velimirovic was an ideologist of the agreement with the SPS leader Ivica movement of Dimitrije Ljotic who Dacic in regard of Serbia'a openly, with riffle in his hands, was membership in the European Union. Does your organization operate in fighting four years on the Nazi's side SKOJ does not approve the political Kosovo? in Serbia. When in April 1995 Hitler agenda that SPS has been pursuing committed suicide, Velimirovic still since it joined the government SKOJ and NKPJ have their called for the "fight against formed by the pro-imperialist parties plutocratic West, Jews and masons". members on Kosovo. There are headed by the Democratic Party. At His books contain the most drastic Albanians among them as well the moment SKOJ does not make anti-Semitic references. Not only was Many of them were the victims of any essential difference between the he a chauvinist and anti-Communist repression due to their pro-Yugoslav activities of the Socialist Party of but an ardent follower of Nazis as orientation in the last two decades. Serbia and pro-imperialist parties well. For instance, Nikolaj Velimirovic headed by the Democratic Party. said the following about Hitler: What is the role of the Church "Nevertheless, we must give full today, is it progressive or credit to the present German leader Relations between Serbia and reactionary? who as a common craftsman and Russia? one of the ordinary people realized Serbian Orthodox Church in this Since 1948 and the clash between moment is primarily recognizable as Tito and Stalin, constant reminding a dominant political force in continual about the threat of so-called Soviet partnership with power structures. It occupation was in full force. Such is part of what ecclesiastical history politics was further continued by the identifies as 'the union between pro-imperialist opposition from the 33 1990s, i.e. current government which authourized the work to start again, is entirely West-oriented. THE MINERS' even though the Labour Nevertheless, people believe that the Inspectorate demanded a safety positive changes in Russia will lead RESCUE IN CHILE overview. to changes in Serbia which will A View from Chile by San Morgan * The Safety Consultant resigned radically transform the present after only a short time, because situation. After the disastous mine accident non of his recommendations were and the world-wide drama of the accepted or even discussed with Can you extend some wishes to 33 miners rescue effort trapped in the Chilean Minister of Labour the Russian young communists? the San Jose Mine, scandalous * One of the vital recommendations news started to emerge, even was that a ventilation shaft should Dear comrades, on behalf of the though the world media ignored it - be built (which is like a big League of the Communist Yugoslav the criminal negligence that led to chimney) but the owner refused to Youth - SKOJ, I wish to extend this disaster. For this was no heed this demand. The trapped combative, revolutionary greetings accident waiting to happen. miners could have climbed out in and best wishes for new victories. Now that they had been rescued, the first 24 hours to safety. The temporary collapse of socialism President of Chile had a field day of * As most other mines in Chile, this in Europe in the 1990s for a moment photo-ops and handshakes, and mine is owned by a Hungarian stopped the progress of our planet; then off he went off on a tour of emigre. But it is now a fact that this however, thanks to the communists Europe, making sure that his foreign owner is moving money out from all over the world and socialist government avoided any blame for of Chile in order to avoid paying countries, the success of the this scandalous, probably corrupt, compensation in the forthcoming capitalist globalization was only lack of safety regulations at this law suite instigated by the 22 of temporary. We are very convinced dangerous mine. the 33 miners and their families that the wild anticommunism will not The list of scandals is too long to now. terminate our struggle for socialism, give complete idea of the safely * The miners had also not been but, on the contrary, will only help us violations, but the main ones are - paid pensions or health insurance unite even more and lead us to the payments for many months now. final victory. "This company mine had a chain of accidents in the three mines COMMENT: operated by the owner, starting in Will the world capitalist media give 2001. They include 3 fatalities and any coverage to the miner's law scores of injured. suite against the mine owner? Will * Miners had lost legs and arms, they send their TV reporters to because the local health minister cover this trial - if it ever is allowed to happen? You know the answer:

"The RCMP (now CSIS) in 1970 planned a series of disruptive operations in Canada under 3 different names -Tent Peg - Oddball - Checkmate. A special Operations Group was formed to discuss and carry out tactics of disruption. According to Chisholm (RCMP officer in charge) disruptive measures were taken aimed at the progressive organizations, to create confusion within their ranks, discrediting the leadership and the programs, with the purpose of turning their attention and energies inwards as much as possible, rather than outward to the Canadian community."

Bill Beeching, former Editor of the Canadian Tribune newspaper

34 ERRATUM In the last issue, Page 3 Editorial, the Third World Congress will be held in Belgrade. Serbia not FROM KARALA FROM WINSFORD Zagreb as was printed INDIA ENGLAND

Honorable comrades: Dear comrades. Sincere thanks for NSC and to I am sensing a sub for the all the comrades for constantly branch secretary of the Communist asserting that an alternative is Party of Great Britain based in possible to capitalism and that Liverpool, which I am certain will Socialism is the only alternative. activate further subscriptions to But we are facing reality that Northstar Compass many of the so-called communist Very best wishes parties or states are deviating from Clifford F Roe the Marxist ideology and are embracing capitalism in one way or FROM VERDUN another. CANADA To put it frankly, we comrades FROM PHILADELPHIA from the Kerala State of India Dear friend; USA believe that the so-called Thank you for your Big -Big and "Socialism with Chinese very important history book - it Dear comrades: characteristics" in China is very might take me a year to digest it. I just received the latest issue of heavily infected with revisionists Please find $100 towards this NSC in the mail: many thanks, who have pushed China towards tremendous effort. because it looks great and capitalism. We feel that Cuba under Lise Sabourin interesting as ever. Here is my new Raul Castro is trying to imitate the address and not incidentally, it is Chinese model, because of the also the new mailing address of the news from Cuba about cutting off FROM LACOMBE Philadelphia Branch of the US job opportunities, excessive CANADA Friends of Soviet People that was privatization plans that compel us established recently here. The to think so. Our assessment about official announcement will be Thank you very much for the this can be summarized thus: published in the forthcoming "Journey for Friendship between What we miss is the guidance of USFSP Bulletin. Northern Neighbors". It's a very the State like of the former Soviet impressive book and I understand Union. The world, in fact, has the that it must have been a major Comradely need of a real Communist and financial undertaking. I will be Daniel Elash Ideologue like comrade Stalin was, sending you some financial help whom we honor very greatly here! soon to help cover some of the Congratulations comrades for Let me congratulate you for all costs when my financial situation expanding you friendship activities your work in highlighting the becomes better. with the Soviet people! principles of Communism and of Hoping that capitalism comes to the great comrade Stalin! an end in my lifetime! Our Planet Academics, Alexander Barsenkov and People can't take much more and Alexander Vdovin defend Laal Salaam! (Red Salute!) of it. Stalin and the policies of the CPSU Michael Stec and also expose the lies of the Bastin Tijo Thomas (Sebastian enemies of Socialism and their anti- Kizhakkettam) FROM MOSCOW Stalinism. RUSSIA The Russian Government has ERRATUM - published a report that is very On page 8 of the last issue the critical of this book. But, because copy at the top of the first This was sent via-email by a reader of NSC living in Moscow. the book has gained such interest column should read: in Russia, so far Putin and Medvedev have taken no official "between Moscow and Minsk. Dear comrades: A new Russian History Textbook action against the two Russian The Byelorussian government Academics who wrote the book. refused to pay the price to the was published and is stirring controversy for its pro-Stalin Comradely yours Russian Gazprom syndicate. J.J.K. Belarus wants unity between approach to Soviet and Russian history - this was reported by The Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Our comrade in Moscow asked that we Agence France Presse Report. Kazakhstan. use only his initials. The two Moscow State University 35