Black Is the New Red Containing Jihad

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Black Is the New Red Containing Jihad Army M109A6 Paladin conducts fire mission at Qayyarah West, Iraq, in support of Iraqi security forces’ push toward Mosul, October 17, 2016, to defeat so-called Islamic State (U.S. Army/Christopher Brecht) Black Is the New Red Containing Jihad By Scott Englund diverse battlefront runs from politicians, academics, and journalists phenomenon of Salafi jihadism, the nightclubs in Florida and Paris, frequently remind whoever may be ideology that motivates terrorist orga- A along the Mediterranean coast listening that the United States and its nizations such as the so-called Islamic of France, through the Bosphorus allies face an enemy that is rigidly com- State, al Qaeda, and associated groups. Strait and among the shadowy dis- mitted to a radical ideology in which Examining the West’s understanding courses of online propagandists. It con- the old political orders of liberalism, and response to the ideology of com- tinues in the sieges of Iraqi and Syrian democracy, and a system of sovereign munism and the Soviet Union and towns, through the ruins of Afghan- states will be torn down and replaced.1 comparing them to the threat posed istan, and deep in the jungles of the This description, however, could by Salafi Jihadism provides a lens that Philippines. While this varied topogra- apply equally to the Soviet Union at can help shape a practical and credible phy presents a challenge, similar threats the beginning of the Cold War 70 response to current threats. This article have been confronted before. Pundits, years ago and to the present global applies the strategy of containment at the beginning of the Cold War to the current threat of Salafi jihadism. Dr. Scott Englund is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Orfalea Center for Global International Just as containment was successfully Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. deployed against the threat of Soviet-style 28 Forum / Black Is the New Red: Containing Jihad JFQ 86, 3rd Quarter 2017 communism in the Cold War, it may serve Kennan drew parallels between the outward ‘toughness.’”6 He suggested as an effective strategy against the present Kremlin under Joseph Stalin and a reli- that the United States create in the world ideological struggle against jihadist terror gious order, operating in a world where an image of consistency, harmony, and organizations. Published anonymously the forces of good (the Soviets) would, peaceful prosperity: as “X” in a 1947 Foreign Affairs article, through the inevitable progress of history, George Kennan described a strategy overcome the forces of evil (the global It is rather a question of the degree to for the ideological battle of his day that capitalist order): which the United States can create among later came to be known as containment.2 the peoples of the world generally the im- Applying Kennan’s prescription to Salafi The leadership of the Communist Party is pression of a country which knows what it jihadism means persistent, patient pressure therefore always right. On the principle wants, which is coping successfully with the and unified resolve to counter perceived of infallibility there rests the iron discipline problems of its internal life and with the re- Salafist expansionism. In containing an of the Communist Party. Like the sponsibilities of a World Power, and which idea, what Kennan called “superfluous Church, it is dealing in ideological concepts has a spiritual vitality capable of holding gestures” and “outward histrionics” are which are of long-term validity, and it can its own among the major ideological cur- counterproductive. Such political restraint, afford to be patient.4 rents of the time.7 however, proved difficult to come by in a super-charged U.S. Presidential campaign. In confronting an uncompromising He cautioned that disunity is a balm Promises by some candidates to quickly ideological opponent, one should ex- to one’s opponents in an ideological eradicate groups like the Islamic State pect that challenges to their motivating battle: “by the same token, exhibition through large-scale military action may ideology would be either disregarded or of indecision, disunity and internal dis- make headlines, but these promises are subsumed into the narrative of a decay- integration within this country have an disingenuous, misleading, and perhaps ing, corrupt governing political order. exhilarating effect.”8 reveal a misunderstanding of the threat Kennan observed: Kennan’s prescription for patiently posed by groups like the Islamic State. squeezing the Soviets was sometimes crit- Even after their inevitable military defeat, Now it lies in the nature of the mental icized as being not aggressive enough. It jihadi terror groups will still pose a threat world of the Soviet leaders, as well as in the was, after all, a strategy for containing and to security in the Middle East and else- character of their ideology, that no oppo- eventually strangling the Soviet Union, where. This article first reviews Kennan’s sition to them can be officially recognized not abruptly destroying it. Applying con- containment strategy, then turns to com- as having any merit or justification what- tainment to the present struggle against pare Salafi jihadism to the Soviet system soever. Such opposition can flow, in theory, jihadism may be similarly criticized as not that inspired Kennan’s 1947 analysis, only from the hostile and incorrigible forces doing enough, but of critical importance noting some critical differences, and then of dying capitalism.5 are persistence, patience, and consistency applies containment to the jihadist threat. along multiple vectors of action (some of According to Kennan, Soviet leaders which are clandestine), and coordinated Kennan’s Containment believed themselves to be absolutely efforts with allied states. In a political Though jihadi groups represent a powerful at home and infallible in their contest, opponents attempt to create challenge to the peace and security of interpretation and application of their differing visions of a political reality and the Middle East and threaten terrorist ideology; they could rest assured of then try to convince people that the vi- violence abroad, one cannot conclude their inevitable victory, and could not sion they create is preferable. The United that this is either wholly unique and be criticized from without. The Soviets States and its allies were arguably better unprecedented or that the challenge were a formidable ideological opponent; than their Soviet opponents at this kind they present is insurmountable. Their the political-ideological dimension of the of competition during the Cold War. In absolutist ideology and unwavering challenge the Soviet Union posed im- its present conflict with jihadist terror hostility to liberal political institutions mediately after World War II was greater organizations, the United States has been is also nothing new. In 1947, George than the threat they posed to the physical notably less successful. Kennan wrote of the Soviet Union: security of people beyond its immediate Since 1947, Kennan’s blueprint for influence. containment has evolved as successive subjectively these men [Soviet leaders] Kennan’s prescription for foreign administrations were confronted by the probably did not seek absolutism for its policy under such circumstances is now Soviet challenge. For example, Fareed own sake. They doubtlessly believed—and well known: “a long-term, patient but Zakaria argued in 1990 that Ronald found it easy to believe—that they alone firm and vigilant containment of Russian Reagan’s administration thought of itself knew what was good for society and that expansive tendencies.” He cautioned as implementing containment, “but one they would accomplish that good once their that “such a policy has nothing to do quite different from any previous version power was secure and unchallengeable.3 with outward histrionics: with threats of containment.” He concluded that in or blustering or superfluous gestures of spite of its high-risk tendencies, Reagan’s JFQ 86, 3rd Quarter 2017 Englund 29 version of containment was successful.9 they operate.13 Writing in the last years of terrorist organizations that assert its In a Cold War postmortem, Daniel of the 1980s, Kennan suggested, “what religious superiority. In spite of some Deudney and John Ikenberry argued most needs to be contained, as I see it, differences in application, a core belief that over 50 years, with small changes is not so much the Soviet Union as the system that inalterably divides the world occasionally, “the basic thrust of Western weapons race itself.”14 Furthermore, “the into two oppositional camps remains. policy toward the [Soviet Union] re- first thing we Americans need to learn Other important differences should mained remarkably consistent.”10 They to contain is, in some ways, ourselves; be noted: no jihadist terror organization concluded that though containment our own environmental destructiveness, possesses the massive industrial complex must have played an important role in our tendency to live beyond our means and economy the Soviets did; though the ultimate demise of the Soviet system, and to borrow ourselves into disaster.”15 the Islamic State has successfully seized it cannot be the sole cause. Writing Of course, war is sometimes necessary— modern military equipment, nothing in 1989, Paul Kreisberg laid out how Kennan was no pacifist. What Thomas they have compares to the massive Soviet changes in Soviet economic and military Schelling called the “diplomacy of vio- Red Army. Secondly, though eventually behavior in the late 1980s meant that lence” is a legitimate means of achieving the Soviet nuclear force actually posed an containment was on its “last gasp” and a political outcome in some cases.16 existential threat to the United States and innovation in U.S. foreign policy was Properly accomplished, containment its allies, presently no terror group poses overdue.11 The sudden and unpredicted keeps the widest array of policy options such a threat—in spite of claims made collapse of the Soviet Union cannot be open to ultimately defeat jihadism.
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