KrauiaMK:jvrumKira uk umi in i aiia aaawaw h i ii an si bm mi EDITED BY BEST PAGE IN NEW YORK LROBERT EDGREM aWWWWWWWWftWWWItiaa wCaasg HOW THE GREAT M'COY MET HIS MATCH IN CARTER If. DIDN'T REMEMBER Copyright, 1111, by The Prose Publishing Co. (The New York Ereatng World). AFilROW BOUT M KID CARTER

edby Bell in Second Session of n TaTtatatBaBMSa"BBSjSK M .BBKHjBBBBJBBBBBB Battle in Philadelphia Thirteen r Year Ago, He Gives a Remark BBaaaalaaiaHBaBaBaBaBaBaH BaBaBaBMBn rfBaBSaWaVavaVff9CallBv9V23E0' 'laBalGBaJBwaBaBFioTvFQE able" Exhibition of Gameness, Up-- i aV nsBsj r" wfM rwaj , Setting One of Strongest Ring Ciwrnm. Traditions That a Cruel Fighter ta a Cowardly Fighter.

fan New Series of Tales of Ring Evening; Saturday In The World Each Foreign Stars Ma'pj Ifea'IMi f a hw aerlef tf talao f tha rta. JM all tl First of nMM It Ml wlU to af WMfliH or riwaylMiUf tot Lose in Indoor button Ito ItM Imni mm retf WMer tkaa ebete wttk Yankee Men pHlMfMS. Ttotr aipJeMa Mki totter reading, Mi bat Ml aBVwaV avBBBVVVflaflBaBBFBL3ffiriWaw3Bu9 .BjiB i Tennis Tourney -- (aBBnBBJ9aScXaRanlBBS fM(N to jto latere Urm tl mum!, BJpv ijTPwj; BjawB2Bfr)UJBw0igMMBBB American lawn tennis players kept To x IhmI Im irtltolttrf tr aata mt. Leave for Springs af tttttofl.wM to eld aad mw. Bat the their colors flying gayly la the open 0) At mm tren til ing rounds of the national Indoor I wtr reteJMng. Tea tM lal aaaaf tkm totot It ftu championship tournament yesterday Iffffoeport Pttohtr Boards Train 9aAw4m aa laay aa (Im affaa laata on the oourta of the Seventh Regiment HMJUtiat). Armory. V. C. Argulmbau, a doughty Hera To-Da- y, and by Time He AVltiXftSFk Australian from Sydney, along with to Hot Springs direct from hla winter BY ROBERT EDGRKN. II quarters Count Otto Balm, met Reaches Spa He Have Lots m Brawiey. cm. argWBt aror that flghta groat tight- - the Austrian, Leslie Nunamaker got a Jump on fl,M the.fact loaf aude defeat while Wlllard BoUford. the, kll-- f lora tea-roun- tornta of Team-Mat- es Company. yi . I that dart af declitoaleos the Manhattan and atudent from the English universities, for MrTdywoat Most I toMfa ehlef ambition, It setma, to to dance about and tap at rapldlr International Important registered a default Springs. i without taking tha slightest rlak. Aad that laat fighting. Edmund W. Feaaeleo, tho old Tale The Yank battery men will stay nt Fordham Fives KHATTNO of Bridgeport, Hot Springs until March 10. aa Dono In tha aid dan. before aad durlajr. aad area for a tin afta tha Meeting Will Finally Decide captain and star, proved too strong To-Nig- Conn,, .will atart the training ran wants them to be able to hare tkitt were rtal fighttra Ml tiara waa rati flgaUag to to aeea. ht for Argulmbau. The Tale player got R' something on the ball before they re- Meet hla drlrea working prettily. Ho eason tor tho new owners of port tf fighters waaat Mattleaad la tkott days, Maply to-- Makeup of Weakened League to Savannah. slashed aeroaa court and In a alasllng the Yankees to-d- that la Keating, waea't laat laa ta attaant attka. To-n!f- ht LBa. iida't iuut auh rerdhaai UBiroraity aad series of rallies defeated tho Aus with grips In hand, will board tho Although he explained tha many for great that aay neeattlal fighter Maahattda Collago will atoot ta thair BUFFALO, N. T., Fob. "By Monday night I believe make- tralian at , 76, 10 . Argulmbau reasona why an wtt.lttom mi bum, to II, the. waa several times within stroke ot train hero bound for Hot Springs, tod M to order to neeeatfuL Now a To toahotball cmmo at tha Blxty- - team should be placed In the Bronx. Mm It tt If dlfteroat aMual up of tho International League will tort ton definitely decided," aald winning In the second and thirds sets, where the battery men will report. 'Edward Barrow, President of that Mur aat omiWm tH tat tattat taBgeHMPlB methode. alath Boaimbt Armory Thla la tho PrtMdtat Jacob X Stein of tho Buffalo lata before tearing tor Naw Peaaelee successfully fighting him oft Aa the train moroa South ba'U bo organisation, failed yesterday to alter t big of tho ooaapa for both thooo each time. Poaselee also defeated R. -- aa a rip itBiM bm m Maid at 'a took ratott kto Borrow York to-d- to what ta generally regarded aa Im- Joined by numeroua other the attitude of Harry N. Hempstead. itat ooUogoa to attend the moit J. Sommer, 81, 60. owner meeting Mtld MtjlMtitat art roforrod tt aa "a Burrtlloaa tnlMUoa ot Now Tork tho ooeaaloa meoUngvot Remsen Bchenck outplayed and . of the Giants, at the uaaaually ullargo mooting of portant the League In recent yeara. "Thla meeting," de- Count between the two yesterday In Mr. r mw ftutwtra aport kaow wkat rtal la. of aa Otto In far easier fashion. The score will Jump out of hla Hempstead's tf ut (a't toslat Fordham and Manhattan alumni. clared stein, "wm called tor the purpoae of aettllng matter finally. waa 04, 1 0. and the match wna soon office. iMtot to rooaJI a tow dotaOa MeOor. aad had Mt to toll mac at Coach kopt orer. fairly hung home at Mlddlebury, Vt., early thla President Barrow practically ad- a Noary haa tho Fordham Of course wt are anxloue to more the Jereey city franchlae, It, wo The American tho bead-wa- a.-tloa- but ho y thai aaaaa tto oomat of ototo' XT O. toaat-kar- d too paat up ao morning, and take a train for Albany, mitted that had gained no if a,lot.. It at work during wlll-nr,be ball as to allow the Austrian to raocetd wlU to atay Ultra. The league -- In matter, to ro wook'-tn- ' 'proparatldn for toaIght'a dont It hart cat, wreck hla ehancea by hla wild smashi- where he will Join forces with Ray the but added that he gama. Soraral ohangoa boon flown to tlx clnba." Btela declared propoiluoni for sale of the ng-. The rallies were lively. Keating. The third Ray Ray Cald-wa- ll. atlll had hopes of. transferring tho to, tto toag Meqtr waa out ooldl Xo lay haro tnt the Count Jersey City franchlae to tho baby madt la th.toam'a'llno-up-. Captain BItoa Club wart not likely to materialise. Otto lacked steadiness and Bchenck will danart from Balamanoa. N. awottBM la nam. Oartor half Dalo haa boon ahtftod to guard In bad only to play fast and aafely to Y., to Buffalo, where ha will catch county. taaniM m ttottfary of tho BaUt loft plaoo ot Ftroatono,'Wlillo Poluao haa nring or a victory. the apeoiai. hUa. taraod to Ma up lights to--' Manager sonovan ot tne ragnisjMerc ttow od tto tott UcM hoary- - Varod dom tiroa a pormanoat poaltlon oa Quatavo . Toucnard, the playing They will nick loaaer . . MMitnMd VMtrrf that Jlmmv Dim. ah orari oaay rlotory through that artow am m dtf. aoeoad. tho twin. Fordham'a holder of tho title; Theodore morJSr TMmP.nri iinV a forratr boxer of Detroit, hid bw m at .wait a Tto toll raa. oror Brooklyn Collogo oa Wednesday iiooseveit feu, wyuo a. Qrant and of R! . ,. ,..m nnn a Utav aay ii mi lorxr aoooaaa ao- - haa alran tho Bronx men oonf Idanco Dave Caldwell of Cornell Wins Karl H. Ifehr. tha lattar nt tti Ed Sweeney of Will UMOt the l..t . .rt.,1 tralnar fnr tha Prnvt. i a fam mm Mnr of rautr tM Haht oa ot tka rnnail I M to tho outcome of tho game. Cup team, nil held to form withoutnl boys In Big Ed'a home town, when dence team, winner of the International rMPa,tMth tk twSot 8MB "V jww .tM roMd oaoaaod atort, any mishap Toucnard delighted the tne party win veer w a general souiu-- rescue pennant, ana prenoutw aad Tro toM a atop watch oa ororr Brooklyn by One as of the Detroit Tigers.. Handicap erly , ted trainer mMNMb( mMW o AND AHfURN Inch In the early afternoon. He direction. . a aaaa tl torn aooa omoo. Lato. tany LEWIS FIGHT wno nia win- - or, trotted out all of his tricks aa a Carroll Brown, put in During tho recent National Leacue htMvhodn.1o lottod.HM a m uoM,.tM toll fouad MoCoy AFTERNION IN CUBA. wltard ot the racquet In beating ter at Kingston, Pa., and Scout Joe praao ta tha roata. aoMaloaa aa clod. THIS Will-la- m - meeting in Wis city a airong nsiuuon aad Potowt. to a Ted Meredith .Second In Sen half tntler, finished aecond, and Abraham Bassford Jr., former Cornell Kelley of Baltimore, who will oom- was started against the National Com- HU aaeoada loapod.lato tto and dough of Knlghta of St. An 6 6 may tot tto Arotio UfUnjr hla by tM ahonldarariv the cracK, at I, J. mana ineaartiiiery amnion, expect to mission, which, in another year, Jaok Loadoa arag Willie Vewi and Toung Ahearn will tony third, ho closo was tno nnisn result in lta abolition. The Natlojyl jo aim toward Mt aornor. Hero Initiate Cuba Into boxing thla afternoon. sational Race at Battery E between Caldwell and Meredith that Tmmn ! Inaklnir for every DOSsfBra wHa afcautt aa MeOey began to raallao that aome-thhtg.k- hundreds of spectators exclaimed In means of retrenchment during the pret- They are acheduled to battle twenty M Mom Hon with topponod to. him. Ho one breath, "Dead heat I erit baaeball war and seea in the doing a In now alodium Havana. Games. a epoaid hla eye, uki their flrat glanco rouuda the at But the Juda-e- who were on tne line Columbia Alumni Federation away with the commlslon another w? BMfcLltoM MM tyoa, rooted upon triumphant Carter, la ring battle ever held means ot saving conalderablo money. tto It the flrit real claimed that the Boston A. A. man objection to the commission Is ad tho atttla to Ma aarMr, Thla. mind yon. there, and If the attraction prorea poked hla chest against the tape The main ;od wm ton or flftooa aocoada had Also Wants Football Restored that during the ten years of Its exist- aaMaar Mt awM attor tha will be the acene of. many CALDWELL, Cornell's ahead of the Penn "flyer." This de ence It has coat In the neighborhood of mI ttt Md rang.. JfeCoy managod to Important ring battlea durlna the aea- - new rec come out ot btlMOOl puoh great middle distance runner, prived Meredith of a indoor H0O.000, which has thf If and hla handloro eon mat exicnae irom mo. i uniu in D' ord. The race won run In St 6 seo- - sup pockets of the major league clubs, away. But ho waa too groggy to walk end of March. porting tha B. A. A. emblem. onds, a full second faster than the t Is Believed President Butler tlonal activities Columbia la gfH totaaao ao Uod with tt bit' corner. He rooTod to tho en. lwli and Ahearn arrived In Havana won the Brooklyn Handicap at too out aa tjaiaweii porting. BUI James, one ot the men who poarto'ropoa aad pulled hlmoelt along last Tuesday afternoon, but were well former world's marie Tno following teams, in their uni pitched the Boston Nationals to c tMt'oMir tM uoant trained before they left New Tork. They yards over a aelect field by ono Inch. waa In receipt of a handicap he will weapons championship fall, wrote until ho roaohod Ma oeat. not bo allowed the record. and the Trustees Will forms and with their of world's last aUliaioilii, Ttor McCoy, tfeat night, upoat ono of tho have been cuaranteed 12.000 each wl Thla event waa the feature of the aport, marched to the gymnasium and to a friend In Boston yesterday that he TBOW ttroagoot a privilege of twenty-Av- e per cent, ot Meredith waa well Inside the old on tne floor: crew was negotiating for an Increase In sal- tradltloM of tho ring. It'a Battery E garaea In tha Thirteenth necessary assembled The three-ye- ar tha mu recelnla. ReDort from Ha figures, but aa It la to Be Won Over. equad, by Capt, V. Q. San- ary. His contract, signed, always .aald that a cruel flghtor la a vana yesterday Indicated a IJO.000 gate. Regiment Armory of Brooklyn. break the tape the old figures of headed July when the Braves were atlll agntar. rronoay 4.30 (New born, '15; the raralty baseball squad, last M waa tto oownraiy orer soaied The men will enter the ring at B. one minute ana mree-nii- n aecona low In the league standing, calls for McCoy waa Ightor. time) There James Meredith of the University headed by Capt, J, 8. O'Neale Jr., '16; $4,000 year. Is big M OaMtr.-- ' that a'oruel Ho Tork this afternoon. will will remain on the books, a It understood the aoamaa to aeimt in injuring hla od also be a twelve round preliminary bout of Pennsylvania, tha world's greatest Only men started, uealdea tne HB Columbia Alumni Federa- tne varsity track and neld so uaa. callfornian wants st.vuu. poaonia. bui no wna laa gamoot or four headed by Capt. F. L. Brady, '16;, the mma. proved three named, Hugh Hlrschon of the tion seconds the motion of the varsity soccer football squad, headed Bualneaa Manacer Dick Carroll an- - tm,,lg,.'M. tM Aad ho It Irish-Americ- A. C. started. Mere- After half a mlnuU'a root McCoy undergrade for the restoration by Capt, C. E. Hamilton. '18; the nmtnetd veaterday that the prookfeas dith waa on scratch, with Caldwell football teams, by had signed Uphara' ot the aght-- oaau out at the ball. Ha raalaa aeroaa two-yar- d ot football on Mornlngside Heights. headed Mt'atairrtolrti I on the mark, dough on the Capte. L. H. F. Mouqutru '16, H. Rochester team of tne international M tto ring toward Carter, atlll uaabla! eight-yar- and was one XM. Oartor ta FMla-- FISTIC NEWS AND GOSSIP d mark ana mracnon autre. At? the biggest meeting ever held by C. Monroe, '17; League. Upham of the best OToa to lift hi hand. Aad aa tha ins; seven yaroa. the raralty basketball southpaws In the International League Mara Mt. ,Tto Mm JMUMt Noroeman ruatod MoCoy B John FUock m from the alumni the following resolutions equad, headed by Capt, Reynolda Ben- - last season and at one time was a mem- Meredith ran a different atyle race son, '16; varsity hockey squad, Highlanders. MfkwM foMworo tf wmm mm nia Bret blow aad he won the Buermeyer were adopted t the ber of the aroldod It. Far half i. minute to rave AA Welt, the nab s one wM tt0 ta ruUdalaUa ntataa from when headed by Capt T. H. Webb, '16 B; .both mM aMtoUOTOd Cup the New York A. C. garaea That the Columbia Alumni Feder . tho groatoot exhibition of WriaX Mm nstitinlakt oteaptaa. at the varsity fenolng squad, headed by President O. H. Wathen announeea groat Car-- it aroldlnc niiMi nll't Wednesday night, Thla waa because heartily approvea tho demand h haa given Pitcher William a aght lahment aver airon by a baataa Madtooa to BocUay, aaaa Bsritb, ation Capt. L. H. F. Mouauln. '16; the rar that ti boat at H Oertai W Jta at Oiititl of the difference In the tracks. The in- Burns ot the Louisville American As- to omM bolt tho aaan without holdlac. Than, aa hla M U-d- of the atudents pt Columbia that alty wreatllng squad, headed by Capt, Uw Mm he ante ta rlaM am , rta b mm ta ttat ha wtl aat allow aatita ta Garden track la a short one, with sociation Club his unconditional re- MoOog. atoCoy amltod a atrongth ulowly oamo back, bo becan fight Oar! Mania, tea Oklehsa-- e Olaat. U tbatr tercollegiate football be there re-- es n. u. renaieton jr., it; tno raralty lease, mi and b aa the many turns, while tne one at tne to light W taK kl ttat Mnaw uM tea raaad Kovt at JoeUa. Ma., oa Iwb. at. an! large pledgee Ita gymnasium squad, headed by Capt F. to aa to thoaght Thirteenth Regiment Armory la tablished, and that It awlm-mln- g many people, oapoeaat wttl be tan Omat, - Clarke, '17 F. A.; the raralty Mnoa-halro- laa't tM rack of at Pie. M, Bit tba olab attlalabi aactaa e ratal it who Otaa not Ions- bVd aw'to tto d to-da-y, to ouch and haa atralchtawava. In their efforts to carry squad, headed by Capt 4 9 too lighting. Carter inlal. U ka teas VIM ta M raalaa ta Jopaa. Baoalay aan be prafera Xddla on tneee ions; atraigntawaya it was F. inea wna roaounioa rury to boat Ifr BmUh al auoh desires Into effect. Coope, '16. Twin Does McCoy MoCoy. oa a boat vnh Us for aean tea laaia. Ite Ohkaat. not necessary to sDrint at the atart. Thla waa an eyeonener Jack hralaH woil for Carter. down. And aneerlno. aa ellaabal bi Jobaitaa romped tho secretary of the Federa eren to cold, dollbernto, utsa nm Obailay prostotar. Meredith realised thla and That comparatively recent graduates. WMt. waa al fought him blow for attar ha tad noalfal a taUsraai 1m Wotaut Uanv. tba of Buffalo, ma opponents at a pace, notify uni- ter m ttot M mow ana preaoea mm root N, T., towa yaatardar for after last tion. be Instructed to the The most Interesting event perhaps Everything but for foot ware aUa'actocy aba antrad ta tht apeed. alatlat that tea trfctlj but not at hla beat Ho re te fen aaadttlM then. Carter Ho would not run. Ho tna perpoae at amaaiag bostt QueaoaBe versity and the Alumni Trustee! of was the row of tho eight founht and aa4 Bat Mi laJurat ana a) ran teals. Tea for bit served hla apeed for the final aprlnt, m took hla chanooa. They were A. O, of that elt7. anonadlng fca oared varalty crew proved won tar Mccor. wm u deanar. a wUl pNbabl ke poaaaa at a P. M, alaTitasii Aa tha bell announced the last lap he the passing ot suoh resolutions." that Itself ehancea too, for alx tlmea In W gddte Morau, olarw tarrftiarwelbt. the faateat In the world year. Knock Davis Out m aaoon m. wnon taoy aU that tbt ataeueh tOOK oommana ana aeamea line aa austavus T. Klrbv. who was toast- - of tha Mx roundi McCoy waa hurled to to Tooag "Boxaj" Kaaaaa at Baffalo for Many a sigh was forthcoming from rtog tboy Made a tho Bactor MeKeula, I i Ii i i partaar at Umm J. auH aasv winner. master; Charles H. Mapes, Albert lata Ito Boor dy noary uowa, gtb, Kaaaaa the alumni because tho lS.-J- ack cartora only JerMat ta Ua AaaaUa. OaL, ta tea aalaorttj laa miadt oa U. reeeattr atood But before nan me tan naa oeen Putnam, Physical Director Meylan of fact that BUFFALO, Feb. ("Twin") pair; i Carter, ooMOoat to rlao again. And In tha alzth oft KUbaaa tba aaaw tWb. but two of tho sterling combination tor Che lUtoaMat Uat Um (unwr ctuapiaa wlU Obtana at coveted Caldwell, who had been and others made apeeohea In faror ot simply One-Rou- ariaa. MoCoy amUlag hia round ho had Carter reeling, and waa remain In college around which to Sullivan smothered raaka SI rata and Juariaa prior ta twenty yards back. also, began to motion. ten-rou- tao otronger or tno two. Again Mat ttn aba aaat the build thla year's crow. Davis here last night In a be iba nstat, taaehlns WtUant vbat to Joe attla, alta wtittmlat. wbo aprlnt. Every stride brought him waa aald laat night thaXslnce the waa pica i or right eye, ki;ua Mda hla It All of the teams gave together. Carter bo at trartera Jutuaoa. monaat tUtaiaanU ta that at. food la latum to tba rlaa by baatins nearer tne leaner, ana by a migrnty advent of the modlflcatlp In the exhibitions bout. The old Twin made Darla look which waa badly fluabed. The flnUh lka McTUva, win an We. which brought out applause. McCoy tact bare btaa auda la tha put, bat bat bna atalaat On Naw Al lumn ho leaned ajratnat the tape In rules and the atrlcter ellgtwfllty regu- much foolish, battered him from pillar to a hoadlouc ruah. waa a rod awin. Cor la tba aiala bout at raJnaoat A. O. post did everything but knock, to dfettd bj Jftri. UcKaula dMUna tbU.UOi tht nrst Place. Mereaun waa at nia lations President Butler and the trus and . IK Mm paaa aa ho wont Both reeled their corner. ehow thla araalag, la tba othrr two d yards him got a great ova aad "Bay," aald McCoy, buttonholing tkaa tba rpott la trot, aa Jaf tua eMMatal shoulder, douch was ten back tees would undoubtedly be won over. out The Twin a 'left Mt BMlnat Cartor'a all enaHsnamta to tola WlUrf. bouu lltbt Brnlth will to aialnat litppj Darla and a almllar distance ahead of The question waa aettled after an tion. mo next day. "Wnat haDoenedT I and ArUa Wal wUl claab with Uarty Oraaa. - Burns a Winner; Carter turned, like a .ball don't remember, a thing about It after Hlrschon. exhibition which ahowed what recrea- 'tao Bel, tha prt fKbt praaotar at trMtharwelaht ebaaapioa Jobaar KUbaiia will Abel Klvlat carried off the honors Knockout Brennan .and Soldier Hiring and charged again. rouna. 1.000-yar- d ripping ten-rou- tho.arat taada tha toUotn grab off aaottMT COO in tho handicap by a great Bartfleld fought a Atatnlla, tanxtn&ii am tear 11, toalfbt. Ha wlU ReynoldsLoses n wm tho way tho slight for-Bre- tart that to ttila efftrt l "TblaeV are bouotlaf ban ajala racHra ttiat tawunt for baxlivr Bddla Morna nnitn. tie ran arouna a neia ot Travis leaves Doable Tletory. draw, with a shade TwoaC .McCoy, aaoerlag hla au YORK MAN Inilag Uaa. cuaaaMaoraaot twenty men, all of whom had liberal nan, II aggressiveness do countea. NEW ELECTED la tba At ttx of tt of Easltnd a ratom batllt at alx rouada at tba yam. Walter J. Tfarls, Garden City, onucw. ar tfaa bouita diowal ort raaaldnUj, aa pw. National A. of ta handlcaos. and won by a scant NEW ORLEANS, Fob. Frankle nartfleld made Brennan do all the mot. marroiiouwy AMATEUR BASEBALL HEAD. 0. Uoiaaa to Ball Jr. finished aecond and scored a double victory in the final It waiting to spring counter blowa to aa aia wvwiaui uw muKt ,,n w, ncaln 25 par oast, of tba groat ranlpta. KM' J. E. Burns, tho groat bantamweight of leading, a Cartor'a Morful - Sydney , ohamploa- - Mvuaj nauaaa um v an not nrims vm iaoa ease got Iba tana aaaowat tor Utah- pratlooa bout Leslie third. of the South Florida golf attacK ana some vicious inngnung. aroldod thorn, drove in aaUHpatad, egauBtarad Jersey City, waa given a decision orer some bard blown In CUCVKLAND, Feb. It, X. C. Pat aa It a Iba foiti bata aad Uorfu got aoaa to (TOO, ship at Palm Beach. Flo. In the Brennan landed L'aftor pMCh hlmotlf, aerer to pabvalie tha tboaa aaals, awl va an fattlof aahwlek Beats Eastern District, Arthur Simons of New Orleans at the the closing rounds. terson of New Tork was Bill; nioTcr, tha IVoatoa wbx thlrty-ol- x hole final against V. C. ptokod right aa Ui onmlt at wu cootcaU aa anr baluca tba flabtar bsc.U High School an end of a twenty-roun- d bantamweight Mo Cartor'a Oblck Nilaoa of Brootdra fai Bushwlck team had veteran President ot the National Amateur war.' tha aula ao at tin easy In defeating Longley, Wannamolaett, the night KANSAS CITY. Ho., Feb. 18. Carl Mo target Me never mleaed. Assoclttlon at a.meetlng here. Bbarbtgr A, O. toalght, haa alto bata antobad time Eastern Dli rec bout hero last won a decision Baseball Forty-sevent- h metropolitans play equalled tne of Cleveland Morris of Oklahoma aaywhoro Moo. He to oa Blur Orapp of tor trlct five at the Ar Matt Brock won the ten-rou- aorer Mt C. CV T.ownes of Clevelond and Oeorge An dttitU for tha battVa bctaata Jot Bhttsnit' tut Banaa seventy-on- e course, over Al Norton at the closo of a launda tka A. of on Men mory by a score of SI to It, The ord ot for the verdict over Bobble Reynolds ot Phil- Mthrfaotloa. of were Vice and Jutmujr UrilflUa ot Abrun, O,. Lata at olmpU O. Hirltta battle here last night. It waa Buechel Loulivllle elected bta day night, urupo la naa abapa, aa won play-o- B for the gold adelphia at the end of the twelfth .j la be Buihwlck lads showed excellent team which the so by tho hug- you think' of fol Presidents, and B. Beaton, Chicago, taaiiilttcd. TUr en aatUal br Batalt twenty-roun- d a tame affair, made ttot C btaa ttaadlly working oat at bit (Taintiluat work and kept the ball almost mndal offered the low scorer In the round of a scheduled of Morris. Ho tho apocutora to Secretary and Treasurer. Uapp. tba immotM, at Akruo. 0 who wind featherweignt oout tteynoia'a sec ging tactics landed (VwMoored yitiatnU, of Bhucnw, that ha Htrlaa. throughout the contest In the Eastern qualification and gave him a lead of many punches to the head and body, j'Ho'U Pittsburgh .and Detroit were admitted lte auiufrr onds throwing up the sponge. Mind carter and woald bbuirua a luanoUa ol 11,000, trttb Kaorkout Brown, tba local Ughtatlght, who baa District's territory, Berman, who Is four hole tor tne morning; naju i nia but failed to secure one knockdown, taking one oy membership In league. Applies fit enough, aa won jeac Ho'a to the the pri-ll- ot SO par cast, ot tha raorlpu. Tba bad a kroff of wnba, will rasaga in aa. one of the beat foul on any lead proved Travla Caaadlaaa t,Cnrllng. demonstrating clearly that he lacks antral shooters a a. Wla tlom from about forty other cities were boat IU be (or tatlit rooada and wUl be foutbt othrr acnt tblt rrtalag. Ha will awap punobat blgh school team of this city. Incased the maton eventually or UTICA. N. Y.. Feb. Three ot the the punch. He outweighed Norton by ' It received. Reports were made showing oa rib, with Juaou tba Quataaboro A. vO, nine goals from the foul line In as nine rinks entered for the International sixty pounds. adW7a.f tt riina at many attempts. He probably A. To-Nig- base-ba- ll Umg.ItUad Andy Ooi ol Umg Itland'Otly will be Boston A. at Rlak Gordon Curling Medal played here latt a- . a the healthy growth of amateur Otr. upon deciding, Wlttaa Xoong wlU called to shoot the foul Tba Boston A. aeven will meet night, the Canadian rlnka winning over and plans discussed for the II Naw tbtt Cbt prapoaad all round boat bitweea will naat Qniga tad OolUaa of tne protested name oetween Btuy A If go agaiaat Kaiug ta tba twe tptdal Hockey Club St, Nicholas thoae representing the United States by boWuwg aalaht aara Man McCor'a world's ohamplonihlp series. Cmautou KM WlUiama and Johaa KUbaaa baa Oonaaa other veaant warn ana iiutnwicic tha at the the score of 61 to Iz. Blx rinks will biu.urdFa'nd boult, ht In league In t tho aaaaad round, faUta Umnuh. bolh Jack McOolsaa ot the Nt Rink the first play Canada has won the medal m - Boa- - wlpoM deggod. porMotoat. lioaal A. O. aad Jacb Rtaloo ut Iba Oljtaiila A. Bllb- OUaiia ol Obleaga, who ntad to auaaaa t,oa Aaatala. Racl.. game between the teams. The tha last three consecutive yeara Meaklyn Celtics Play Tastier. every nr.PAtni Br mm laiianio of Southern New A. ot rbUadatphla otubt to coaatdH Uwnetlne rigblliig Dick Hrkvad, baa anirad ra towa. lit LOB ANQELE8, Feb. 11 Horse rac tonlans have beaten other team na .The first round the biulaaM, EXPERT MECHANIC.. Mtt'MtCoyt'nd Mt Mar-auel- the locrdut auicbaukan ta tht Uad la naw tha aaaatger of Prank MeattU, tba Paw. Ing gambling Is to be revived In the league. They will have to win Itoddea Shades Limbo. Tork State Cup wIM be played on te without movoy-- ' tbi own (outlit. It U a rtrulnty that tba club tucktt light btarrvtlgbt, who ButU Jwk, BlUoo, y game In to hold Oval, Brooklyn. between' . the here at Ascot Park, with five order their Hurhle Rodden ahaded Young limbo nni tw ten-rou- nreeklyn Caltlo r. o. ana the Tonnera Met tat soutaat would hare bat clow lo 13,060 tba IndlaaapolU flghtor. at tbt redaral A. events carded.. It Is planned to have advantage In the league race. A In a fast bout at the Vender- - vraisuea. v ina Oa a Imactit alilat tbtaa flfhtam a lT.BO or cat Thandrg alghtv Qlbaoa la fgantaag Mas. racing every Saturday and Sunday W" PUt U St' N bllt X C last night Rodden waa too ,:m Inmea i'sfW atort promt Ur at tu r, M. tHjm sane la bw a dsaeead attmaai b teU'a inreugneui taewtater ana saruv. lerer lor tho ganisMltUo Italian.