
A geometric approach to BRST of the bosonic string

Valdo Tatitscheff valdo.tatitscheff@ens.fr

Abstract BRST quantization find its roots in the years 1974-1976 in papers by Becchi, Rouet, and Stora [1], and independently, by Tyutin [4]. At first, it was a very heuristic method of quantizing gauge theories, but since then, a great work has been done to understand geometrically this procedure. This is what we want to describe in this paper. The first section constructs the BRST in a simplified framework, and in the second, links are proposed between the simplified mathematical approach and the physical approach in the bosonic . In particular, the BRST symmetry is closely related to the Fadeev-Popov gauge fixing. 1 Geometric BRST quantization 1.2 cohomology

1.1 Symplectic reduction Any smooth function on B induces a function on C which is constant on the fibers, and conversely, Let (X,O) be a symplectic on which any function on C which is constant on the fibers a connected G acts by symplectomor- induces a function on B. phisms, such that there is a : Let’s highlight that the hamiltonian Killing vec- tor fields Ξi generated by the Lie algebra g of G φ : X → g∗ form a global basis of the tangent spaces to the fibers. Let’s chose a dual basis ωi of the cotan- that is, a function satisfying that ∀x ∈ X and i i gent space to the fibers, that is, ω (Ξj) = δj, and ∀ξ ∈ g: define: d(φ(x)(ξ)) = ι Ω d : C∞(C) → Ω1 (C) ξ˜x V V ˜ by: where ξ is the fundamental vector field generated X d (f) = (L f)ωi by ξ. We can define a map δ : g → F un(X) by V Ξi setting: i where L f denotes the of f in δ(ξ)(x) = φ(x)(ξ) Ξi the direction Ξi. One extends this function to a for all ξ ∈ g and x ∈ X. Provided 0 ∈ g∗ is a derivation: regular value of the moment map, we can define: p p+1 dV :ΩV (C) → ΩV C −1 C = φ (0) by defining:

i 1 X i j k which is then a closed embedded coisotropic sub- dV ω = − fjkω ∧ ω ⊥ 2 manifold. Moreover, ∀x ∈ X, TxM0 is precisely j,k the subspace of T M spanned by the Killing vec- x 0 This function satisfies the relation d ◦ d = 0 (it tor fields induced by the of G. V V is proved by the following proposition) and thus Now define B = C/G. B is the Marsden- (V g ⊗ C∞(C), d ) form a cochain complex from Weinstein symplectic reduction of X. Note that V which one can compute the Lie algebra cohomol- there are two steps in this procedure : one step ogy. of restriction from X to C, and one step where one quotients by the group’s action. For more de- Proposition 1.1. The differential dV coincide tails on symplectic reduction and the rest of this with the Chevalley-Eilenberg’s differential corre- section, see [2], [5]. sponding to the trivial representation of g on R.

1 Proof. Let xa and xb be in g. One computes: Let’s add the to obtain:

1 X j d ωi(x , x ) = − f i (δj δk − δ δk) Vp,q ∞ δ Vp,q−1 ∞ V a b 2 jk a b b a g ⊗ C (X) / g ⊗ C (X) j,k dV i i dV ω (xa, xb) = −f  ab Vp+1,q g ⊗ C∞(X) i 1+2 i dV ω (xa, xb) = (−1) ω ([xa, xb]) where we wrote: Vp,q g = Vp g∗ ⊗ Vq g. Since δ ◦ d = d ◦ δ, it is a double complex. Let: There are interpretations of the low-degree co- homology groups of the Chevalley-Eilenberg com- p q M ^ ∗ ^ ∞ 0 V ∞ Pm = g ⊗ g ⊗ C (X) plex. For example, HV ( g ⊗ C (C)) is the sub- space of C∞(C) constituted by all functions which p−q=m are constant on the fibers. and: 1.3 BRST cohomology Dm : Pm → Pm+1 We found a cohomology describing the property be given by: of being a scalar function under a gauge change, m but unfortunately it is defined on V g ⊗ C∞(C), Dm(.) = d(.) + (−1) δ(.) whereas one want to work on globally defined ob- jects, that is, with C∞(X) instead of C∞(C). C Eventually we have the following cochain complex: is defined defined by the constraints C = φ−1(0) Dm−1 Dm Dm+1 which corresponds to the gauge fixing conditions. ··· / Pm / Pm+1 / ··· Despite these constraints, we’d like to work on globally defined objects. which computes the classical BRST cohomology. n Suppose that: It can be proved ([2]) that HD = 0 if n < 0 and Hn = Hn (C) if n ≥ 0. ∞ ∞ D V C (C) = C (X)/I That was exactly the purpose of the BRST pro- cedure : this cohomology allows to work on glob- where I is some ideal in C∞(X). By the very def- ally defined objects without loosing the profound inition of C, ∀ξ ∈ g, δx ∈ I. Suppose that I is sense of gauge. generated by the δ(ξ), that is: In physics literature, elements of V g∗ are called V I = C∞(X)δ(g) ghosts, those of g are called antighosts, while m = p − q is the number. Now one can extend δ as a linear anti-derivation Now let’s recall Fadeev-Popov gauge fixing for V ∞ on g ⊗ C (X) by letting δ(ξ ⊗ 1) = 1 ⊗ δ(ξ) and the bosonic string action, and try to sketch the δ(1 ⊗ f) = 0. We thus have a complex: links between the geometrical approach and the path-integral approach, and in particular the na- k ^ → g ⊗ C∞(X) → · · · → g ⊗ C∞(X) → C∞(X) ture and role of ghost fields. with differential δ. It is called the of V g ⊗ C∞(X). The Koszul construction aim to 2 BRST string quantization algebraically represent the quotient: In the framework of field theory (especially for C∞(C) = C∞(X)/I string theory), the is a space of fields and is not finite-dimensional anymore. Its k-th homology space is indeed zero for k > 0, Yet, we won’t bother with such considerations and and: will make direct links, even if it implies some loss δ ^ ∞ ∞ H0 ( g ⊗ C (X)) = C (X)/I of mathematical rigor.

2 2.1 Fadeev-Popov gauge fixing the fiducial metric to g. This step corresponds to the gauge fixing, or, to stick to the notations of Let (M, g) be the two-dimensional world-sheet the previous section, to restrict oneself from X to Riemannian manifold, and Xµ(σ1, σ2), µ = C. 0, ··· , (d − 1), be d embeddings of M into ( d, η) R One can insert the former expression into Z: where ηµν is Minkowski’s metric in d dimensions. Starting from Polyakov’s action: Z [dXdgdζ] Z[ˆg] = ∆ (g)δ(g − gˆζ )e−S[X,g] Z V FP 1 2 √ ab µ gauge S[X, g] = 0 d σ gg ∂aX ∂bXµ 4πα M One may then integrate over g, and shift the inte- one defines the following path-integral: gration variable X → Xζ to get: Z [dX][dg] Z ζ Z = exp(−S[X, g]) [dζdX ] ζ −S[Xζ ,gˆζ ] Vgauge Z[ˆg] = ∆FP (ˆg )e Vgauge Here, the gauge group G is the group of By definition of the gauge group: reparametrizations of the world-sheet, as well as Weyl’s transformations of the metric. G acts on S[Xζ , gˆζ ] = S[X, gˆ] the space of metrics on M by taking the pull-back by any reparametrization of M and combining it and because: with a Weyl transformation of parameter ω. Let Z 0 Z −1 0 ζ ∈ G, then: [dζ0]δ(gζ − gˆζ ) = [dζ0]δ(g − gˆζ ζ ) c d 0 ζ 0 2ω(σ) ∂σ ∂σ (ζ · g) (σ ) = g (σ ) = e g (σ) ζ αβ ab ∂σa ∂σb cd one also has: ∆FP (ˆg ) = ∆FP (ˆg) for every ζ. Thus, one can integrate over the fields ζ. In the Z path integral, one has to divide by This integration is trivial and only gives the vol- the gauge group’s volume, in order to take into ume of the gauge group, because one had ”three” account the fact that the space of fields is redun- gauge functions, namely the reparametrization of dant, in the sense that two different configurations the world-sheet by changing the two coordinates of fields on M can correspond to the same physical on M and the local rescaling of the metric, and the system. This is the sense of the gauge group’s ac- gauge-fixing functions fix the three coordinates of tion on this space of fields: all orbits correspond to the metric on M. Unrigorously, it shows that the the same physical system. We can use the gauge measure of the remaining subgroup of G which freedom to fix some fields, for example, the metric, leaves the metric invariant is a measure zero sub- to a canonical form. Unfortunately, there may re- group. main some freedom, that is some non trivial gauge Eventually, ons is led to: transformation which leave the metric invariant, thus one has to take the quotient of the subman- Z ifold of the space of fields defined by the gauge- Z[ˆg] = [dX]∆FP (ˆg) exp(−S[X, gˆ]) fixing conditions. To put it in a nutshell, in or- der to have a well-defined path-integral, one has which is a better-defined path-integral, because to take a symplectic reduction of the symplectic the gauge has already been fixed. Now, the last manifold of all fields on M. Such a space is in thing to do is to obtain the expression of ∆FP (ˆg). a one-to-one correspondance with the space of all One could say that this function is an induced physically-distinguishable configurations. measure on the submanifold C of X. Because of −1 For g some metric on M, one writes: the expression of ∆FP (ˆg) , one is going to con- Z sider a path-integral on all gauge transformation ζ 1 = ∆FP (g) [dζ]δ(g − gˆ ) which leave the metric invariant. It’s equivalent to look at all Killing vectors, that is, fundamental whereg ˆ is the trivial, or fiducial, metricg ˆab = δab. vector fields induced by vectors in the Lie algebra The delta function ensures that the only transfor- g of G or infinitesimal transformations, under the mations which will be kept are the ζ which bring flow of whose the form metric does not change.

3 One writes: and is related to the Lie algebra cohomology, and the quotient of the space of fields by the gauge δgab = 2δωgab − ∇aδσb − ∇bδσa , while

−1 we could also write ∆FP (ˆg) under the form: δBBab = 0 Z δBbab = Bab [dδωdδσ]δ(−(2δω − ∇ˆ · δσ)ˆgab + 2Pˆ1δσ) are related to the Koszul complex, and thus to where: the restriction to the submanifold defined by the constraints on the form of the metric. 1 (Pˆ δσ) = (∇ δσ + ∇ δσ − gˆ ∇ δσc) To conclude our geometric insight of BRST 1 ab 2 a b b a ab c symmetry in the bosonic string theory, let’s make After expressing the delta functional as an expo- a two remarks. 0 0 nential, and integrating over δω, one is left with: First, since HB = HV (C), the initial action Z Z functional S, which is gauge invariant and thus in 0 2 p 0ab 0 [dβ dδσ]exp{4πi d σ (ˆg)β (Pˆ1δσ)ab} HV (C), is identified in this cohomology space with all functional which differ only by exact terms. For −1 example, adding the S2 + S3 term doesn’t change for the expression of ∆FP (ˆg) , where the β’s are traceless symmetric tensors. the equivalence class one is looking at, since: This determinant can be inverted be replacing −1 ab S2 + S3 = i δB(babF (g)) all bosonic fields by a corresponding ghost field: a a 0 δσ → c and βab → bab. One is left with the The second important idea we’d like to put in ex- gauge-fixed path integral : ergue is the notion of physical state. These are Z special states, those which are meaningful from an Z = [dXdcdbdB]exp{−S − Sgh − SG.F } experimental point of view. In particular, different choices of gauges should not affect the Ghost fields c and b have a very natural interpre- amplitudes of the theory. In the quantized theory, tation in the geometrical framework: on the one fields are operators acting on the states of the the- hand, c-fields (or ghosts) are related to a global ory. The BRST symmetry is a transformation of basis of the dual of the Lie algebra g. If one the operators, but since we can express it in terms BRST-quantizes an abstract theory, at the end of an anti-commutator with a BRST operator QB, there should be one c-field for each vector of a which acts on the states as well. This operator basis of g, that is, one c-field for each infinites- QB has the same properties as the BRST differ- imal transformation of the gauge group G. On ential δB, and in particular, is of order 2 the other, b-fields (or anti-ghosts) are related to and induces a cochain complex of Hilbert spaces, the gauge-fixing conditions, there is one b-field for where the k-th cochain space is the set of all states each constraint relation. of ghost number k. As done in Polchinski’s book [3], it can be shown that physical states are closed 2.2 Bosonic string BRST symmetry in the sense that |Ψi is physical if:

So one can class the BRST transformations of the QB |ψi = 0 bosonic string theory into two distinct subgroups: On the other hand, states which are exact for Q the first one contains the transformations: B are called null states. Null states are orthogonal to every physical state. If one wants to avoid redun- δBhab = −i(2cωhab − ∇acb − ∇bca) dancies, one can quotient the closed states by the µ a µ δBX = −(c ∂aX ) exact states, and thus the spectrum of the theory a b a is obtained as the direct sum of the cohomology δBc = −ic ∂bc groups of the QB cohomology on the states. The ω b ω δBc = −ic ∂bc spectrum obtained this way is in fact equivalent to

4 the spectra one has after quantizing the classical theory by means of the Old Covariant Quantiza- tion, or Light-cone Quantization [3], but BRST quantization corresponds to this great philosophi- cal idea of directly relating the BRST cohomology as seen as symplectic reduction of the , and BRST cohomology as seen as the algebraic way of understanding physical states.


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[3] Joseph Polchinski. String Theory, volume 1 of Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics. Cambridge University Press, second edition, 1998.

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