READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22,RUMBONEWS.COM 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE,FREE! MA •TAKE YEAR ONE 23 .: |Rumbo GRATIS :. 1 Calendario de actividades / Calendar of activities Pg. 18 - 22 RumboEDICIÓN NO. 656 (MA) Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover, North Andover, Lowell Enero/January 22, 2019 The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the (NH) Salem, Nashua, Manchester Chamber Breakfast with Cafe Azteca está de fiesta Mayors, City Managers

Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Joeph Bevilacqua presenting Lawrence Mayor Daniel Rivera; North Andover Town Manager Andrew Maylor and Andover Town Manager Andrew Flanagan were presented the Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commerce Leadership Antonio y Mary Guerrero están celebrando 25 años de haberse establecido en Lawrence. in Action Award for their leadership during the recent gas explosions. Vea el editorial en la página 2 y otra foto en la página 11.

La película Qué León comienza Carleen’s is back in business el próximo fin de semana Página 18 Corrupción y tráfico de influencia en Lawrence

Last Saturday, we paid a brief visit to Carleen’s Coffee Shoppe, located at 209 So. Broadway, to find a café full of loyal customers and John Farrington, his smiling owner. Farrington explained that the cafeteria was Vea más detalles sobre la situación de la Concejala del Distrito B closed for 124 days in the wake of last year’s gas explosions. See another picture on page 10. Estela Reyes en la págine 5. Carleen’s ya volvió a abrir Corruption and traffic of El pasado sábado, hicimos una visita breve a Carleen's Coffee Shoppe, localizado en el 209 So. Broadway, para encontrarnos con una cafetería repleta de fieles clientes y John Farrington, su sonriente dueño. John influence in Lawrence Farrington nos explicó que la cafetería estuvo cerrada durante 124 días a raíz de las explosiones de gas del Find more details of District B City Councilor Estela Reyes on page 5. año pasado. Vea otra foto en la página 10.

El Concejo de Lawrence no The Lawrence City Council l sabe lo que hace doesn’t know what is doing

El Jefe de Policía en la radio Police Chief on the radio Página 4 Page 16 2 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019 La nueva herramienta de USCIS EDITORIAL | EDITORIAL calcula las tarifas y ayuda a evitar pagos incorrectos Buenas noticias de Lawrence ecién tuvimos la oportunidad de visitar tres sitios en la ciudad que hacen de Lawrence un lugar muy especial. Nos referimos al Café Azteca, Carleen's El Departamento de los Estados Unidos son una de las principales causas de rechazo. RCoffee Shoppe y House of Mercy. de Ciudadanía e Inmigración Services Al usar la calculadora de tarifas en línea, Visitamos el Café Azteca, esta vez no para disfrutar de su delicioso menú de típico (USCIS) ha lanzado una nueva calculadora los archivadores seleccionan un formulario sabor mexicano sino para felicitar a sus propietarios, Mary y Antonio Guerrero por de tarifas en línea para ayudar a los miembros o una combinación de formularios y sus 25 años de haber decidido establecer el primer restaurante mexicano en el área. del público a calcular el monto de la responden una serie de preguntas. Luego, Para este fin de semana que acaba de pasar, tenían preparado un menú especial tarifa correcta para incluir al presentar sus la herramienta calcula la cantidad de tarifa de costillas de cerdo en salsa morita con champiñones y cebollas blancas, servido formularios ante USCIS en una instalación de correcta que debe presentar el declarante. con arroz y frijoles negros y otras golosinas. Afortunados aquellos los que pudieron caja de seguridad de la agencia. Una lista de La calculadora de tarifas en línea disfrutar de este menú del 25 aniversario el sábado, ya que el domingo, por razón de formularios procesados en las instalaciones funciona en todos los navegadores y en la tormenta de nieve anunciada decidieron aplazarla. de USCIS Lockbox está disponible en el sitio dispositivos de escritorio y móviles. Para También, el pasado sábado, hicimos una visita breve a Carleen's Coffee Shoppe, web de USCIS. proteger la privacidad, la herramienta no localizado en el 209 So. Broadway, para encontrarnos con una cafetería repleta de USCIS desarrolló la calculadora de recopila datos de usuario. fieles clientes y John Farrington, su sonriente dueño. tarifas en línea para ayudar a reducir la Para los formularios archivados en las Farrington nos explicó que la cafetería estuvo cerrada durante 124 días a raíz de cantidad de solicitudes rechazadas debido a instalaciones de Lockbox, USCIS acepta las explosiones de gas del año pasado. Nos cuenta que su mayor preocupación era montos de tarifas incorrectos. La calculadora el pago mediante cheque, giro postal o no solo perder la clientela sino a sus empleados. "Por suerte todos regresaron y los de tarifas en línea determinará la tarifa exacta tarjeta de crédito con el Formulario G-1450, clientes… ¿qué te puedo decir? ¡Mira como está esto de lleno!", nos dijo. y las tarifas biométricas que un individuo Autorización para transacciones con tarjeta Llegamos a House of Mercy sin avisar y desafortunadamente Roger Farah, su debe incluir en sus formularios y siempre de crédito. Para obtener más información fundador, no se encontraba pero Mabel Valenzuela su asistenta, nos dio una gira por tendrá la información más actualizada sobre sobre el pago, consulte la página web el local y nos mostró algunas de las mejoras que han añadido solo en un año. tarifas. de USCIS sobre el pago de las tarifas de House of Mercy participó activamente en socorrer a muchas de las personas En el año fiscal 2017, USCIS procesó USCIS. afectadas por las explosiones de gas del pasado mes de septiembre, proveyéndoles más de 11 millones de solicitudes. Para Para obtener más información sobre tanto ropa como alimentos. En la actualidad, muchas madres pobres con sus hijos solicitudes que requieren tarifas, USCIS USCIS y nuestros programas, visite van a almorzar allí. rechaza los formularios enviados con un o síganos en Twitter (@uscis), Para aquellas personas que no tienen un techo sobre sus cabezas y están seriamente monto de pago incorrecto. Las cuestiones de Instagram (/uscis), YouTube (/uscis), interesados en abandonar esa vida, Farah ha puesto a su disposición, unos trailers tarifas, incluidas las cantidades incorrectas, Facebook (/uscis) y LinkedIn (/uscis). habilitados con ocho cuartos donde vivir. Los ha ayudado a conseguir trabajo y los ha puesto en el camino del éxito. Mire las fotos en la página 9. Rumbo declaró a Roger Farah, Hombre del Año en el 2018. Estamos convencidos New USCIS Tool Calculates Fees, que fue la decisión correcta. Él es merecedor de eso y mucho más! Helps Avoid Incorrect Payments Good news from Lawrence e just had the opportunity to visit three places in the city that make Lawrence USCIS has launched a new Online Fee rejection. a very special place. We refer to Café Azteca, Carleen's Coffee Shoppe and Calculator to assist members of the public When using the Online Fee Calculator, WHouse of Mercy. in calculating the correct fee amount to filers select a form, or combination of forms, We visited Café Azteca, this time not to enjoy its delicious menu of typical include when filing their forms with USCIS and answer a series of questions. The tool Mexican flavor but to congratulate its owners, Mary and Antonio Guerrero for 25 at an agency lockbox facility. A list of forms then calculates the correct fee amount that years of having decided to establish the first Mexican restaurant in the area. processed at USCIS Lockbox facilities is the filer must submit. For this past weekend, they had prepared a special menu of pork ribs in morita available on the USCIS website. The Online Fee Calculator works on all sauce with mushrooms and white onions, served with rice and black beans and other USCIS developed the Online Fee browsers and on both desktop and mobile goodies. Fortunate those who could enjoy this 25th anniversary special plate on Calculator to help reduce the number of devices. To protect privacy, the tool does Saturday, since on Sunday, because of the announced snowstorm they decided to applications rejected due to incorrect fee not collect user data. postpone it. amounts. The Online Fee Calculator will For forms filed at Lockbox facilities, Also, last Saturday, we paid a brief visit to Carleen's Coffee Shoppe, located at determine the exact filing and biometric USCIS accepts payment via check, money 209 So. Broadway, to find a café full of loyal customers and John Farrington, his fees an individual needs to include with order, or credit card with Form G-1450, smiling owner. their forms and will always have the most Authorization for Credit Card Transactions. Farrington explained that the cafeteria was closed for 124 days in the wake of last up-to-date fee information. For more information on payment, see the year's gas explosions. He told us that his biggest concern was not only losing customers In fiscal year 2017, USCIS processed USCIS webpage on paying USCIS fees. but his employees. "Luckily everyone came back and the customers… what can I tell more than 11 million applications. For For more information on USCIS and you? Look how full this place is," he told us. applications that require fees, USCIS rejects our programs, please visit or We arrived at the House of Mercy without warning and unfortunately Roger forms submitted with an incorrect payment follow us on Twitter (@uscis), Instagram (/ Farah, its founder, was not there but Mabel Valenzuela, his assistant, gave us a tour amount. Fee issues, including incorrect fee uscis), YouTube (/uscis), Facebook (/uscis) of the place and showed us some of the improvements that they have added in just in amounts, are consistently a leading cause of and LinkedIn (/uscis). one year. House of Mercy actively participated in helping some of the people affected by the gas explosions last September, providing them with clothing and food. Even now, many mothrs with small children go there for lunch. Find us in / Búsquenos en Facebook/Rumbo For those people who do not have a roof over their heads and are seriously interested in leaving that life behind, Farah has put at their disposal trailers converted into eight rooms where to live. He has helped them getting a job and placed them on the road to success. Take a look at the pictures on page 9. Rumbo declared Roger Farah, Man of the Year 2018. We are convinced that it was the right decision. He is worthy of that and much more! CONSEJEROS DE LOS PEQUEÑOS NEGOCIOS DE AMÉRICA ¿Comenzando un Negocio? ¿Comprando un Negocio? ¿Haciendo Crecer su Negocio? Rumbo CONSEJOS GRATIS Y CONFIDENCIALES SOBRE NEGOCIOS POR UNA The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley DIRECTOR AND GRAPHIC DESIGN ORGANIZACIÓN SIN ÁNIMO DE LUCRO Dalia Díaz Sesiones de Consejerías jueves de 10:00 AM a 2:30 PM [email protected] er Excepto el 3 jueves de cada mes SALES & CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Publicación de SUDA, Inc. Alberto M. Surís 315 Mt. Vernon Street Lawrence, MA 01843-3206 Por favor, llame al 978-686-0900 para una cita con Lawrence SCORE [email protected] Tel: (978) 794-5360 | MERRIMACK VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 264 ESSEX ST. st th th LAWRENCE, MA 01840-1516 Published on the 1 8 15 and 22nd of Every Month READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 3

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Greater Lawrence Technical School Lawrence High School 4 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019

CARTAS AL EDITOR POR DALIA DÍAZ READ IT IN ENGLISH ON PAGE 16 RUMBO [email protected] 315 Mt. Vernon St. Lawrence MA 01843 Email: [email protected] Las cartas deben tener menos de 300 palabras de largo. Favor de incluir un número de teléfono o dirección electrónica para confirmar quién la envía.

esto tiene el propósito de ocultar crímenes que suceden en nuestros vecindarios y la El Concejo Municipal Programa de radio y fingir que vivimos en una ciudad segura. información no siempre es creíble. está perdido Fortaleciendo No podemos depender de los medios de Cualquier persona interesada en comunicación para transmitir los delitos escuchar la entrevista debe verificarla en Lo menos que puedo decir del Concejo la Familia cometidos a menos que alguien muera. Nos Facebook bajo Fortaleciendo la Familia. Municipal de Lawrence es que está perdido. El jueves pasado, el jefe de la policía dirigimos a Facebook y a las redes sociales Aunque sea en español, entenderá al jefe. Me atrevería a decir que no saben lo que de Lawrence, Roy Vasque, fue el invitado para aprender un poco más sobre las cosas están haciendo. Estoy generalizando, así que del programa, acompañado por el teniente no se ofenda si cree que es la excepción. Maurice Aguiler como intérprete. Durante La última reunión celebrada el 15 de varios días, Alfonso Rodríguez y Leslie enero fue dolorosa de ver, pero la vi dos Méndez le dijeron a la audiencia que, La prevalencia de la Marihuana veces. Lo hice porque no podía creer que debido a la falta de tiempo, solo recibirán se pudiera dedicar tanto tiempo a conversar preguntas, no comentarios u opiniones, ya tratando de averiguar qué es lo que quieren que se esperaba que fuera un espectáculo Por José Antonio Calvo Baena hacer. En su ambivalencia, pierden, la ciudad abarrotado. pierde y los contribuyentes se sienten como Se está poniendo de moda la posibilidad memoria a corto plazo, esquizofrenia… De hecho, fue muy informativo y idiotas por mirarlos, ¡como yo! de usar la marihuana tanto con finalidad Todo esto está debidamente estudiado, las preguntas siguieron llegando. Estaba Animo a todos a ver no solo las terapéutica como lúdica. así que la promoción de esta droga solo escuchando atentamente esperando a ver reuniones del concejo, sino también las Sin embargo, la marihuana es una puede deberse a intereses de ciertos si alguien preguntaba sobre el cifrado del reuniones de los subcomités porque su droga peligrosa, porque ataca a endorfinas, grupos, que quieren lucrarse con ello, sea escaneo policial. Cuando finalmente llegó, decisión, sin importar cuántos errores GABA, serotonina y acetilcolina, que son económicamente o de otra manera. La el jefe Vasque respondió de manera directa. cometan, son ellos quienes hacen las leyes neurotransmisores, que son sustancias legalización, por otra parte no es la solución, La razón principal ha sido la seguridad de que debemos acatar. químicas naturales del cerebro, transmitiendo porque se pasa el testigo del tráfico desde los los oficiales porque muchas personas tienen La contratación de un abogado de la las señales de información entre neuronas. La delincuentes al estado, y ese no puede ser el escáners, pero también los malos los tienen. ciudad hace que uno se enferme. No hay marihuana produce distorsión del tiempo, camino. Se les puede informar sobre a dónde irán y razón para haber tomado tanto tiempo, ansiedad, pánico, paranoia, deterioro de la la razón, por lo que existe la posibilidad de sometiéndonos a úlceras y presión arterial que los sigan y nadie diría que su seguridad alta. Bueno, la presión arterial alta es causada no es de la mayor importancia. por la Concejala Maria De La Cruz. Después El jefe Vasque dijo que no hay intención The prevalence of marijuana de una discusión de una hora sobre cómo de ocultar nada al público porque el registro proceder con Brian Corrigan y sugerir una de la policía está disponible si alguien entrevista a Raquel Ruano, a María se le By José Antonio Calvo Baena quiere revisar cualquier incidente. Eso solía ocurrió la solución más fácil: "¿Por qué no The possibility of using marijuana deterioration of short-term memory, llamarse "Registro de la policía" y se cambió les permitimos elegir entre ellos quién será for both therapeutic and play purposes is schizophrenia ... a "Registro de prensa". Me pregunto cuánto el abogado # 1, # 2 y #3?. "Solo pensarlo becoming fashionable. All this is properly studied, so the se ha editado o minimizado. hace que mi sangre hierva". However, marijuana is a dangerous promotion of this drug can only be due to Me gusta el jefe Vasque, pero no estoy Incluso el presidente del Concejo se vio drug, because it attacks endorphins, GABA, the interests of certain groups, who want to de acuerdo con él respecto a la franqueza de perdido. serotonin and acetylcholine, which are profit from it, be it financially or otherwise. la que habla. Algunas personas han dicho que neurotransmitters, which are natural brain Legalization, on the other hand, is not the chemicals, transmitting information signals solution, because the traffic witness is passed between neurons. Marijuana produces from the delinquents to the state, and that can time distortion, anxiety, panic, paranoia, not be the way. Find us in / Búsquenos en Facebook/Rumbo READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 5 Corrupción y tráfico de influencia en Lawrence Parte 2

Por Dalia Diaz No tengo idea de quién lee Rumbo en concejal. No es justo para aquellos que En la edición del 8 Facebook, pero ese artículo se compartió pagan, lo que corresponde y puede que de enero de 2019, escribí 36 veces con más de 3,700 visitas. se atrasen, pero es aún más injusto para sobre las irregularidades El tráfico de influencia es muy claro. los muchos que han perdido sus hogares a que ocurren en Lawrence Este es un trato privilegiado para un manos de personas sin escrúpulos. y, en particular, sobre el caso de la Concejala del Distrito B, Estela Reyes. Ella es dueña de varias propiedades como Corruption, traffic of influence mencioné en mi artículo anterior, pero este trata Part 2 solo de la casa en ruinas in Lawrence – en 173-175 Haverhill St., junto a la Escuela Oliver. By Dalia Diaz Es un caso difícil de On the January 8, 2019 edition, I keeping up with the current tax bills. While explicar y seamos sinceros, wrote about the improprieties going on the $408.00 monthly payments were posted no fui lo suficientemente in Lawrence and particularly the case of and apparently 2017 and 2018 were all paid, clara en mi descripción. En District B City Councilor Estela Reyes. Councilor Reyes wasn’t paying the quarterly aras de la precisión, consulté con el abogado facturas de impuestos actuales. Si bien se She owns several properties as I mentioned bills on the property. That’s why she ended Francisco Paulino, quien me ayudó a digerir publicaron los pagos mensuales de $408.00 in my previous article, but this one deals the year with a $12,744.33 balance due. una montaña de documentos. Permítame y aparentemente se pagaron 2017 y 2018, only with the dilapidated house on 173-175 The new agreement calls for $1,283.71 decirle el sistema que usa la ciudad cuando la Concejala Reyes no pagaba las facturas Haverhill St., next to the Oliver School. each month beginning November 1, 2018, alguien no cumple con sus obligaciones con trimestrales de la propiedad. Es por eso que It is a difficult case to explain and besides the quarterly payments. Ms. Oakes los cofres de la ciudad. terminó el año con un saldo pendiente de let’s face it, I was not clear enough in my hand wrote on the statement I received, Durante el año fiscal 2017 (FY'17) $12,744.33. description. In the interest of accuracy, I “Payment plan: payment due 1/15/19 en agosto de 2017, según los registros, la El nuevo acuerdo exige $1,283.71 consulted with Attorney Francisco Paulino $1,283.71; 3rd quarterly tax installment due Concejala Reyes recibió el primer plan de cada mes a partir del 1 de noviembre de who helped me digest a mountain of 2/1/19 $1,811.84; water bill #925848 due pago (aunque no he visto una copia) y los 2018, además de los pagos trimestrales. La documents. Let me tell you the system the now $355.35; total due $3,450.90.” pagos mensuales se acordaron en $408.00. Sra. Oakes escribió en la declaración que city uses when someone fails to fulfill his She told me that Councilor Reyes is Los planes de pago son generalmente para recibí: “Plan de pago: pago a más tardar or her obligations with the city coffers. disputing the water bill since the building is 6, 12 y 24 meses y este probablemente fue el 1/15/19 $1,283.71; 3er pago trimestral During Fiscal year 2017 (FY’17) in not being used. para 12. de impuestos en 2/1/19 $1,811.84; factura August of 2017, according to the records, Why was she given another payment Un plan de pago establece que todas de agua #925848 $355.35; total adeudado Councilor Reyes received the first payment plan if she didn’t keep up with the first las facturas nuevas deben pagarse, por lo $3,450.90." plan (although I have not seen a copy) agreement? Evidence shows that she is a que los dos primeros trimestres del 2018, Ella me dijo que la Concejala Reyes and the monthly payments were agreed to poor administrator of her finances. Besides que se facturan en el segundo semestre de está disputando la factura del agua ya que $408.00. Payment plans are usually for 6, the lien on the building at 173-175 Haverhill 2017, deberían haberse incluido en las cuotas el edificio no se está utilizando. 12 and 24 months and this one probably was St., I found three Municipal Liens on her mensuales. ¿Por qué le dieron otro plan de pago si for 12. properties in the Northern Essex Registry El 1 de diciembre de 2018, la ciudad no se mantuvo al día con el primer acuerdo? A payment plan establishes that all of Deeds. In 2001 for 73-75 Abbott St. for colocó un LIEN en su propiedad en 173 La evidencia muestra que ella es una mala new invoices must be paid so the first two $581.47; in March 2018 for 73-75 Abbott - 175 Haverhill St. porque no se habían administradora de sus finanzas. Además del quarters of 2018 which are billed on the St. for $2,181.35; and on July 2018 on her realizado los dos pagos trimestrales para embargo preventivo sobre el edificio en 173- second half of 2017, should have been home at 36 East Haverhill St. for $2,855.41 2018. Al mismo tiempo, fue al TÍTULO 175 Haverhill St., encontré tres gravámenes included in the monthly installments. in taxes and $664.85 for utilities. DE IMPUESTOS, que es el instrumento municipales en sus propiedades en el On December 1, 2018, the city placed a Making this issue more convoluted, I que la ciudad utiliza para tomar posesión de Registro de Escrituras de Northern Essex. LIEN on her property at 173 – 175 Haverhill also found in the Northern Essex Registry la propiedad por un total de $7,512.49 en En 2001 por 73-75 Abbott St. por $581.47; St. because the two quarterly payments of Deeds a decision of the Zoning Board of deuda. en marzo de 2018 para 73-75 Abbott St. por for 2018 had not been made. At the same Appeals during their December 28, 2017, Cuando eso sucede, se envía una lista $2,181.35; y en julio de 2018 en su casa time, it went to TAX TITLE which is the allowing for a variance from Section 29-15 al periódico local para su publicación, en 36 East Haverhill St. por $2,855.41 en instrument the city uses to take possession of the Revised Zoning Ordinance of the City notificando a quienes deben impuestos impuestos y $664.85 por servicios públicos. of the property for a total of $7,512.49. of Lawrence for the purpose of constructing a sobre la propiedad a la ciudad y que están Haciendo este asunto más complicado, When that happens, a list is sent to the new two family dwelling at 36 East Haverhill colocando un LIEN con el Registro de también encontré en el Registro de Escrituras local newspaper for publication notifying St., which is located in a R-3 zoning district. Escrituras. El plan de pago no detiene el de Northern Essex una decisión de la Junta those who owe property taxes to the city that Why is it that she continues getting approvals proceso de TÍTULO DE IMPUESTOS. de Apelaciones de Zonificación durante they are placing a LIEN with the Registry of with such a bad record? A fines de 2018, si no se pagaban los su reunión de diciembre 28 de 2017, que Deeds and the payment plan does not stop The purpose for outlining all of this is impuestos de 2018, aunque pagó a tiempo permite una variación de la Sección 29-15 the process of TAX TITLE. because I want you to understand that anyone sus cuotas mensuales, debería haber ido de la Ordenanza de Zonificación Revisada At the end of 2018, if the 2018 taxes else will not be benefiting from so many automáticamente al periódico. de la Ciudad de Lawrence con el propósito were not paid, even though she paid on time leniencies. The administration is colluding Ahora estamos terminando el año de construir una nueva vivienda para dos her monthly installments, it should have with her to stretch the time until the Oliver fiscal 19 el 30 de junio de 2019 y los pagos familias en 36 East Haverhill St., que se gone automatically to the newspaper. School renovations begin and she will make trimestrales que Reyes acordó pagar junto encuentra en un distrito de zonificación R-3. We are now ending FY’19 on June a killing asking for an exorbitant amount of con su contrato mensual, aún no se han ¿Por qué ella sigue recibiendo aprobaciones 30, 2019 and the quarterly payments that money in exchange for the building and the pagado; el proceso automático de TÍTULO con un historial tan malo? Reyes agreed to pay along with her monthly lot of land in back. DE IMPUESTOS no se aplicó este año fiscal El propósito de describir todo esto es agreement, are not paid as yet; the automatic Since the first article two weeks ago, FY'18 como lo hacen con todos los demás. porque quiero que entienda que nadie más process of TAX TITLE was not applied this several people approached me and I learned El documento enviado a mí dice "2018 se beneficia de tantas indulgencias. La FY’18 like they do with everyone else. that in those cases, the city refuses to accept RE R" cuando debería leer "2018 LIEN o administración está conspirando con ella The document sent to me reads “2018 their payments and they must be sent to an 2018 TL". para estirar el tiempo hasta que comiencen RE R” when it should read “2018 LIEN or attorney who handles those properties for Me reuní con Kelly Oakes, tesorera de las renovaciones de la Escuela Oliver y ella 2018 TL.” the city. Councilor Reyes doesn’t have to la ciudad, y ella explicó que solo se emite pedirá una cantidad exorbitante de dinero a I met with Kelly Oakes, city treasurer do that. un LIEN y que por eso no hubo ninguna en cambio del edificio y el lote de terreno en and she explained that only one LIEN is I have no idea who reads Rumbo on el 2018. La tesorera Oakes emitió una carta la parte de atrás. issued and that’s why there was none in Facebook but that article was shared 36 times el 14 de enero de 2019 que decía: "El plan Desde el primer artículo hace dos 2018. Treasurer Oakes issued a letter on with more than 3,700 views. de pagos para 173-175 Haverhill Street data semanas, varias personas se me acercaron y January 14, 2019 stating that, “The payment The traffic of influence is very clear. del 1 de noviembre de 2018 se encuentra en supe que en esos casos, la ciudad se niega a plan for 173-175 Haverhill Street dated This is privileged treatment for a city buen estado a partir de la fecha de esta carta". aceptar sus pagos y deben ser enviados a un November 1, 2018 is in good standing as councilor. It is not fair to those who pay as it La forma en que funciona es que los abogado que maneja esas propiedades para of the date of this letter.” is required and happen to fall behind but even pagos deben aplicarse a la deuda más la ciudad. La Concejala Reyes no tiene que The way that works is that payments more unfair for the many who have lost their antigua mientras se mantienen al día con las hacer eso. should be applied to the oldest debt while homes at the hands of unscrupulous people. 6 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019 MA Health Connector and America's Food Basket organize "Healthy Purchasing Competition" in Lawrence

The Health Connector The Massachusetts Health Connector held its second Coverage Day in which reminds residents around the state about the several activities were held in different state mandate that remains in effect, even areas of the state of Massachusetts in order when there were changes at the federal to remind residents that the open enrollment level. This implies that by law, all residents period ends on January 23. must be insured or pay a fine at the time of In Lawrence, America's Food Basket taxes. and Health Connector teamed up to create a People who qualify for ConnectorCare healthy shopping competition, in which 10 plans may have cheaper or even free participants had the opportunity to complete premiums, depending on the plan the person a market list in the shortest possible time. is eligible for. The winner, Brian Cervera, took a $150 card For those people who need help with an La ruleta fue parte de la diversió que les permitió and the other contestants received a basket application or choosing a Health Connector ganar premios. of healthy foods. plan for this year 2019, certified Health This roulette was part of the fun allowing Additional activities that were part of Connector browsers will be available customers to win prizes. the Coverage Day were held in Hyannis, to offer assistance. Also, you can call Gaby Quintero animated Oak Bluffs, Worcester, , and 1-877-MA-ENROLL, or you can visit everyone during the competition Framingham, communities with high rates while also transmitting the event of uninsured residents. through Facebook Live. "Massachusetts is the state with the About Health Connector Gaby Quintero animó la highest rate of insured residents, because Health Connector currently serves competencia mientras transmitía people are aware of the importance and more than 260,000 people and members a través de Facebook Live. benefits of having health insurance," said of small businesses that require health Louis Gutierrez, executive director of insurance. New applicants and members the Health Connector. "During the open seeking renewal of their health coverage can enrollment period we will offer a positive visit the Health Connector website, www. experience for people who sign up to to obtain health obtain coverage, as well as encouraging all insurance or find a support center in their residents who already have health insurance area. They can also call 1-877-623-6765 READY, SET, to continue insured for this year 2019," to receive assistance by phone in their GO! concluded Gutiérrez. preferred language.

There were navigators taking a survey and advising customers about their health insurance needs. Here is Daniele Mercedes interviewing Algunas de las concursantes esperando su turno. Luz Maria de León con Josiane Martínez buscando los productos Justina Maria Vasquez. escogidos para la competencia. Some of the contestants waiting for their turn. Las navegadoras estaban haciendo una encuesta sobre el seguro de Luz Maria de León looking for the products selected for the contest. enfermedad. Aquí vemos a Daniele Mercedes con Justina Maria Vasquez.

La navegadora Carolain De La Cruz conversa con Ernestina Una vez que la competencia terminó, verificaban la orden. Brian Cervera corriendo para escoger los productos en la lista, Plácido. seguido de Paulina Zarate. El resultó siendo el ganador. Once the race ended, they had to verify that they collected all Navegator Carolain De La Cruz talks to Ernestina Plácido. the products on the order. Brian Cervera running while picking up the products on the list, being followed by Paulina Zarate. He was the winner. READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 7 MA Health Connector y America’s Food Basket organizan “Competencia de Compras Saludables” en Lawrence

Ayer, Massachusetts Health Connector recuerda a los residentes realizó su segundo Día de Cobertura en alrededor del estado sobre el que se realizaron varias actividades en el mandato estatal que diferentes áreas del estado de Massachusetts sigue vigente, aun cuando con el propósito de recordar a los residentes hubo cambios a nivel de que el período de inscripciones abiertas federal. Esto implica que finaliza el 23 de enero. por ley, todos los residentes En Lawrence, America’s Food Basket y deben estar asegurados Health Connector se aliaron para crear una o pagar una multa en el competencia de compras saludables, en la momento de completar los cual 10 participantes tuvieron la oportunidad impuestos. de completar una lista de mercado en el Las personas que menor tiempo posible. El ganador, Brian califican para los planes con Cervera, se llevó una tarjeta de $150 y los ConnectorCare pueden tener demás concursantes recibieron una cesta con primas más económicas o alimentos saludables. hasta gratis, dependiendo Actividades adicionales que formaron del plan al que la persona sea parte del Día de Cobertura se realizaron en elegible. Hyannis, Oak Bluffs, Worcester, Boston, y Para aquellas Framingham, comunidades con altos índices personas que necesiten de residentes sin seguro de salud. ayuda con una aplicación “Massachusetts es el estado con mayor o eligiendo un plan de tasa de residentes asegurados, debido a Health Connector para este que las personas están conscientes de la año 2019, navegadores En una actividad del dia de cobertura en Lawrence incluyó una competencia, una ruleta importancia y beneficios que conlleva contar certificados de Health Connector estarán de la suerte, premios e información sobre Health Connector. con seguro médico”, dijo Louis Gutiérrez, disponibles para ofrecer asistencia. director ejecutivo de Health Connector. También, pueden llamar al 1-877-MA- At a coverage day activity in Lawrence, he included a competition, a lucky spinner, prizes “Durante el período de inscripción abierta ENROLL, o pueden visitar www. and information about the Health Connector. ofreceremos una experiencia positiva para las personas que se inscriban para obtener cobertura, además de incentivar a todos los Sobre Health Connector residentes que ya tienen seguro de salud a Health Conector actualmente atiende miembros que busquen renovar su cobertura un centro de asistencia en su área. También continuar asegurados para este año 2019”, a más de 260,000 personas y miembros médica podrán visitar el sitio web de Health pueden llamar al 1-877-623-6765 para concluyó Gutiérrez. de pequeños empresas que requieren un Connector, recibir asistencia por teléfono en su idioma Massachusetts Health Connector seguro de salud. Nuevos solicitantes y para obtener un seguro de salud o encontrar de preferencia. 8 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019 911 ahora disponible a través del estado por texto Los funcionarios de seguridad pública instan a los que necesitan servicios de emergencia a "Llamar si puede, enviar un mensaje de texto si no puede."

El Departamento de Estado de para comenzar el mensaje de texto que Massachusetts 911 se complace en anunciar indica la ciudad en la que se encuentra que Text to 911 ya está disponible en todo y proporcionar la mejor información de el estado. Todos los centros de llamadas de ubicación que pueda. Massachusetts 911 ahora tienen la capacidad "Tener la capacidad de comunicarse de recibir un mensaje de texto a través de su con un centro de llamadas al 911 mediante sistema 911. La Administración de Baker- un mensaje de texto podría ayudar a las Polito ha apoyado la realización de estas personas detenidas en contra de su voluntad mejoras del sistema desde 2015. o a las víctimas de violencia doméstica El mensaje de texto al 911 permite que no puedan hacer una llamada de voz", a las personas que necesitan servicios de dijo Frank Pozniak, Director Ejecutivo del emergencia usar su dispositivo celular para Departamento Estatal del 911. "El mensaje comunicarse con el 911 cuando no pueden de texto al 911 también brinda acceso directo hacer una llamada de voz. a los servicios de emergencia del 911 para "Esta es una mejora significativa personas sordas, con problemas de audición de nuestro sistema 911 que salvará y del habla, que es un servicio al que estas vidas", dijo el Secretario de Seguridad comunidades no tenían acceso hasta ahora". Pública y Seguridad, Tom Turco. "Al Es importante tener en cuenta que el brindarles a quienes requieren servicios de centro de llamadas del 911 no siempre tiene emergencia esta opción, estamos ampliando su ubicación exacta cuando recibe su texto. enormemente la capacidad de los primeros Por esta razón, al enviar un Texto al 911 respondedores para brindar asistencia crítica es importante hacer todo lo posible para a los necesitados". comenzar el mensaje de texto que indica la Para comunicarse con los servicios ciudad en la que se encuentra y proporcionar de emergencia por mensaje de texto, la mejor información de ubicación que pueda. Text to 911 now available across simplemente ingrese 911 en el campo "Para" El Departamento Estatal 911 alienta a de su dispositivo móvil y luego escriba su los ciudadanos a enviar mensajes de texto al the Commonwealth mensaje en el campo de mensaje. Es el 911 solo cuando no es posible realizar una mismo proceso que se usa para enviar un llamada de voz. Public Safety Officials Urge Those in Need of Emergency mensaje de texto regular desde su dispositivo Recuerde: "Llame si puede, envíe un móvil. Es importante hacer todo lo posible mensaje de texto si no puede". Services to “Call if you can, text if you can’t.”

LEA EDICIONES PREVIAS DE RUMBO EN LA INTERNET The Massachusetts State 911 Department text message indicating the town you are in is pleased to announce that Text to 911 is now and provide the best location information RUMBONEWS.COM available throughout the Commonwealth. that you can. All Massachusetts 911 call centers now “Having the ability to contact a 911 call have ability to receive a text message center by text could help those being held through their 911 system. The Baker-Polito against their will or victims of domestic Administration has supported making these violence unable to make a voice call,” said system enhancements since 2015. Frank Pozniak, Executive Director of the State Text to 911 allows those in need of 911 Department. “Text to 911 also provides emergency services to use their cellular direct access to 911 emergency services for device to contact 911 when they are unable the deaf, hard of hearing and speech-impaired, to place a voice call. which is a service that these communities did “This is a significant improvement to not have access to until now.” our 911 system that will save lives,” said It is important to note that the 911 call Public Safety and Security Secretary Tom center may not always have your exact Turco. “By giving those requiring emergency location when they receive your text. For services this option we are greatly expanding this reason, when sending a Text to 911 it is the ability of first responders to provide important to make every effort to begin the critical assistance to those in need.” text message indicating the town you are in To contact emergency services by text and provide the best location information message, simply enter 911 in the “To” field that you can. of your mobile device and then type your The State 911 Department encourages message into the message field. It is the same citizens to Text to 911 only when a voice call process that is used for sending a regular is not possible. text message from your mobile device. It is Remember: “Call if you can, text if you important to make every effort to begin the can’t.” Yomari, Elizabeth, Nini, Joan y Carla ¡La Fundación Personales * Tarifas bajas para Big Brother Big Automóviles seguro de AUTOS y CASAS Sister necesita tu Casas ayuda! Si tienes ropa usada y pequeños artículos del hogar que ya no usas, Negocios dónalos para quienes si los necesitan. Llegaremos a tu puerta para recibir lo que puedas entregar. Para programar una cita, llama al 1.800.483.5503 o visítanos en nuestra página web en internet: 85 Salem Street., Lawrence MA 01843 Lo que nos entregues ayudará a los niños locales que participan en nuestro programa de tutoría. Debes saber que tu donación es TEL. (978) 688-4474 . FAX (978) 327-6558 deducible de impuestos. WWW.DEGNANINSURANCE.COM ¡Gracias por tu apoyo! READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 9 Chamber Annual Mayors and Managers with Lt. Gov. Polito

At right: 300 Attendees at the Merrimack Valley Chamber Annual Mayors and Managers Forum held on January 14, 2019 at Andover Country Club.

Below, from the left: Newburyport Mayor Donna Holaday; Amesbury Mayor Ken Gray; MVCC Government Affairs Chairman Cal Williams; Methuen Mayor James Jajuga; Haverhill Mayor James Fiorentini; MVCC President/CEO Joe Bevilacqua; MA Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito; Andover Town Manager Andrew Flanagan and North Andover Town Manager Andrew Maylor at the Merrimack Valley Chamber Annual Mayors and Managers Forum held on 1/14/2019 at Andover Country Club.

Más progreso en House of Mercy

Por Dalia Díaz House of Mercy ha seguido creciendo en todo tipo de nacionalidades y religiones demandas y servicios. Con el advenimiento trabajando en unión. del clima frío, la necesidad de ropa y La adición más reciente y significativa ha servicios aumenta, y fue evidente por la sido dos vagones que se han convertido en ocho cantidad de personas que almorzaban o habitaciones que brindan privacidad e inde- esperaban en el "armario" en busca de ropa pendencia a las personas que desean salir de la que los abrigue. vida que habían estado viviendo. La Casa de la Durante una visita el sábado pasado, Misericordia les ayuda con el empleo, asesora- Mabel Valenzuela me dio un recorrido por miento y otros servicios y ellos se comprometen el otro lado del refugio, un área que no está a pagar un tercio de su salario. Ese dinero se abierta al público en general. Desde aquí depositará en una cuenta de ahorro hasta que proporcionan ropas a las familias afectadas estén listos para alquilar un apartamento. por las explosiones de gas. Todo está Cuentan con un baño portátil para cuidadosamente ordenado por género y tallas cuando el centro está cerrado, pero tienen en grandes cajas. el uso de baños y duchas en el interior. More progress at House of Mercy "Hemos sido bendecidos por Dios", Roger Farah ha hecho todo esto sin el dijo Mabel. "¡Tenemos tantas personas que beneficio de subvenciones, solo donaciones, By Dalia Diaz contribuyen de muchas maneras a nuestro sus propios recursos y muchos voluntarios trabajo!" maravillosos. House of Mercy has continued to grow in The most recent and significant addition También están agradecidos a los Pase por el 84 Bay State Rd. para que demands and services. With the advent of the has been two wagons that have been voluntarios que hacen todo el trabajo. Hay lo compruebe. cold weather, the need increases for clothing converted into eight rooms providing and services and it was obvious by the number privacy and independence to individuals of people having lunch or gathered by the who want to get out of the life they had been “closet” searching for warm clothing. living. The House of Mercy helps them with During a visit last Saturday, Mabel employment, counseling and other services Valenzuela gave me a tour of the other side and they commit to paying one third of their of the refuge, an area not open to the general salary. That money will be deposited in a public. From here they provide clothing savings account for when they are ready to to families affected by the gas explosions. rent an apartment. Everything is carefully sorted by gender and They have a porta-potty for when the sizes in huge boxes. center is close but they have the use of the “We have been blessed by God,” bathrooms and showers inside. said Mabel. “We have so many people Roger Farah has done all of this without contributing in so many ways to our work!” the benefit of grants, only donations, his own They are also thankful to the volunteers resource and plenty of wonderful volunteers. who do all the work. There are all kinds of Go by 84 Bay State Rd. and see for nationalities and religions working side by side. yourself.

Lawrence High School Graduates of 2010 through 2012 The Library received a large amount of LHS yearbooks (2010 and 2012) from the high school. They are giving them away. If interested, please contact Louise Sandberg in the Main Library, at 51 Lawrence St. 10 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019 Funcionarios Estatales visitan a CDCPS Durante la semana del 4 de febrero educación especial de su hijo/a. Resultados El calor humano se del 2019, el Departamento de Educación de la encuesta contribuirá al desarrollo de Elemental y la Educación Secundaria un reporte. Durante la revisión en el local, la Oficina del Monitoreo de Escuelas Oficina del Monitoreo de Escuelas Públicas encuentra en Lawrence Y Públicas (PSM) llevará a cabo un Enfoque entrevistará al presidente del distrito de Escalonado Revisión Monitoreado de Educación Especial Consejo de Asesores Community Day Charter Public School – de Padres (SEPAC). Otras actividades en el Prospect, Gateway y R. Kingman Webster. local pueden incluir entrevistas de personal La Oficina del Monitoreo de Escuelas del distrito y de los administradores, Públicas visita cada escuela del distrito revisiones de expedientes de los estudiantes y escuelas chárter cada tres años para y observaciones en el local. monitorear el cumplimiento federal y Los padres y otras personas pueden educación especial del estado y los derechos llamar a Joan Brinckerhoff, Presidente del civiles. Áreas de revisión relacionados Monitoreo de Escuelas Públicas, al (781) con la educación especial incluyen las 338-3715 para solicitar una entrevista evaluaciones del estudiante, determinación telefónica. Si un individuo requiere de elegibilidad, proceso del equipo del alguna acomodación como traducción Programa de Educación Individualizado para participar en una entrevista, el (PEI) y PEI desarrollo e implementación. Departamento hará los arreglos necesarios. Áreas de revisión relacionados con los Dentro de aproximadamente 60 días derechos civiles incluyen intimidación, después de visitar el local, el presidente disciplina estudiantil, restricción física y de revisión le proporcionará a Community acceso equitativo a programas de escuela Day Charter Public School – Prospect, para todos los estudiantes. Gateway y R. Kingman Webster un A la izquierda / At left: José Núñez and Andrés Ramón. Además de la visita en cada local, el informe con información sobre las áreas alcance de padres es una parte importante en que Community Day Charter Public del proceso de la revisión. El presidente School cumplen o exceden los requisitos Lawrence YMCA es conocido por ha asumido la responsabilidad de ayudar a de revisión de la Oficina del Monitoreo reglamentarios y las áreas en que Community muchas cosas, pero no es solo una guardería Andrés Ramón a fortalecer sus músculos de Escuelas Públicas le enviará a Day Charter Public School requieren y un lugar para hacer ejercicios. Hay débiles como resultado de un accidente. todos los padres de los estudiantes con asistencia para corregir o mejorar prácticas. muchas historias de interés humano que Incluso en una silla de ruedas, Andrés se las discapacidades una encuesta en línea que El público podrá acceder al informe en www. tienen lugar a diario. arregla para ir tres veces por semana a una se centra en áreas clave del programa de Un ejemplo es la madre soltera que sesión de terapia de una hora con José de está encantada de que su hija de 5 años forma gratuita. sea bilingüe en español como resultado de José trabaja en el programa de State Officials to visit CDCPS asistir con tantos niños latinos. enriquecimiento con niños y también en el During the week of February 4, to the development of a report. During the Otro caso conmovedor es cómo José, Centro de Bienestar con adultos. 2019, the Department of Elementary and onsite review, the Office of Public School Secondary Education’s Office of Public Monitoring will interview the chairperson(s) School Monitoring (PSM) will conduct of the district’s Special Education Parent a Tiered Focused Monitoring Review of Advisory Council (SEPAC). Other onsite Kindness is found at the Community Day Charter Public School – activities may include interviews of district Prospect, Gateway, and R. Kingman Webster. staff and administrators, reviews of student The Office of Public School Monitoring records, and onsite observations. Lawrence Y visits each district and charter school every Parents and other individuals may call The Lawrence YMCA is known for José, has taken responsibility for helping three years to monitor compliance with Joan Brinckerhoff, Public School Monitoring many things but it is not just a daycare and Andrés Ramón strengthen his weak muscles federal and state special education and Chairperson, at (781) 338-3715 to request a a place to exercise. There are many human as a result of an accident. Even in a civil rights regulations. Areas of review telephone interview. If an individual requires interest stories that take place on a daily wheelchair, Andrés manages to go three related to special education include student an accommodation, such as translation, to basis. times a week for a one-hour therapy session assessments, determination of eligibility, participate in an interview, the Department One example is the single mother who with José free of charge. the Individualized Education Program (IEP) will make the necessary arrangements. is thrilled that her 5-year-old is bilingual in José works in the enrichment program Team process, and IEP development and Within approximately 60 business Spanish as a result of being taken care of with children and also in the Wellness Center implementation. Areas of review related days after the onsite visit, the review with so many Latino children. with adults. to civil rights include bullying, student chairperson will provide the Community Another heart-warming case is how discipline, physical restraint, and equal Day Charter Public School – Prospect, access to school programs for all students. Gateway, and R. Kingman Webster with a In addition to the onsite visit, parent report with information about areas in which outreach is an important part of the review Community Day Charter Public Schools “A friend is a gift you give yourself.”. process. The review chairperson from meet or exceed regulatory requirements the Office of Public School Monitoring and areas in which Community Day “Un amigo es un regalo que usted se da a sí mismo.” will send all parents of students with Charter Public Schools require assistance disabilities an online survey that focuses on to correct or improve practices. The public - Robert Louis Stevenson key areas of their child’s special education will be able to access the report at www. program. Survey results will contribute READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 11 Dejar de fumar o consumir Carleen’s is back! otro tabaco en el Nuevo Año

Con la llegada del Año Nuevo, tome una e-hookahs, mods, JUUL y más. resolución para una vida más saludable para La ley de lugares de trabajo libres usted y su familia. de humo de Massachusetts protege a Si desea dejar de fumar o usar otros los empleados y al público del humo de productos de tabaco y probó en el pasado, segunda mano. Al agregar una prohibición no se dé por vencido. Muchos usuarios dicen contra el uso de productos de vapeo en que dejar de fumar es lo más difícil que han todos los lugares públicos cubiertos por la hecho y que hay ayuda disponible, ¡así que ley de lugares de trabajo libres de humo, la siga intentándolo! legislación reconoce que, según el Cirujano La línea de ayuda para fumadores General de los Estados Unidos, el aerosol de de Massachusetts al 1-800-QUIT NOW los cigarrillos electrónicos no es inofensivo. (1-800-784-8669) está disponible para El aerosol del vapeo puede entrenamiento gratuito las 24 horas del día, contener sustancias químicas dañinas los siete días de la semana (excepto Acción y potencialmente dañinas, incluida la de Gracias y Navidad) para ayudarlo a dejar nicotina; partículas ultra finas que pueden ser de fumar. Además, ahora puede inscribirse inhaladas profundamente en los pulmones; en línea a través de saborizante, como el diacetilo, un químico Los apoyos en línea incluyen herramientas relacionado con una enfermedad pulmonar de planificación para dejar de fumar, grave; compuestos orgánicos volátiles como apoyo entre pares y mensajes de texto el benceno, que se encuentra en el escape de motivacionales. los automóviles; y metales pesados, como el Para obtener más información, visite 7 níquel, el estaño y el plomo. o (lame a Diane Knight Para obtener más información sobre el al 978-609-4772. Tome la decisión de dejar vapeo, incluyendo el aspecto de los productos, de fumar hoy y el Año Nuevo sin tabaco. visite Para informar sobre Prohibido el vapeo en todos los lugares una queja o inquietud sobre la exposición de trabajo según la ley de Massachusetts a aerosoles de humo o vape de segunda sobre lugares de trabajo libres de humo. mano, visite A partir del 31 de diciembre de 2018, report-a- infracción a la ley de lugares de el uso de productos de vapeo está prohibido trabajo libres de humo anónimas sin cargo del en todos los lugares de trabajo, escuelas, Departamento de Salud Pública o llame a la restaurantes, bares y taxis de Massachusetts línea gratuita de quejas sobre la ley de lugares que están sujetos a la ley estatal de de trabajo libres de humo del Departamento lugares de trabajo libres de humo de 2004. de Salud Pública al (800) 992¬1895. Para Los productos de vaping son sistemas obtener más información, comuníquese con electrónicos de suministro de nicotina que Diane Knight, directora de Northeast Tobacco incluyen cigarrillos electrónicos, bolígrafos Free Community Partnership al 978-609 4772 vape, cachimbas electrónicas, tanques, ó [email protected] John Farrington is very pleased with the new equipment Columbia Gas installed in Carlee’s kitchen as a result of the gas explosions of September 13. His employees came back and Quit Smoking or Using Other so did his customers. Tobacco for the New Year Happy Anniversary Café Azteca

With the arrival of the New Year, make vape pens, e-hookahs, tanks, mods, JUULs a resolution for a healthier life for you and and more. your family. The Massachusetts Smoke-Free If you want to quit smoking or using Workplace Law protects employees and other tobacco products and tried in the past, the public from secondhand smoke. By don’t give up. Many users say quitting is adding a prohibition against the use of the hardest thing they’ve done and help is vaping products in all public places covered available, so keep trying! by the Smoke-Free Workplace Law, the The Massachusetts Smokers’ Helpline legislation recognizes that, according the at 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669) United States Surgeon General, the aerosol is available for free coaching 24 hours from e-cigarettes is not harmless. each day, seven days a week (except The aerosol from vaping can contain Thanksgiving and Christmas) to support harmful and potentially harmful chemicals, you through quitting. In addition, now you including nicotine; ultrafine particles that can enroll online through KeepTryingMA. can be inhaled deep into the lungs; flavoring org. Online supports include quit planning such as diacetyl, a chemical linked to tools, peer support and motivational text a serious lung disease; volatile organic messages. compounds such as benzene, which is found For more information, visit in car exhaust; and heavy metals, such as or call Diane Knight at nickel, tin and lead. 978-609-4772. Make the choice to quit today To learn more about vaping, including and the New Year tobacco free. what products look like, visit GetOutraged. Rodeando a Antonio Guerrero se encuentran sus empleadas. Desde la izquierda están org, To report a complaint or concern Maegan Santos, Magdalena López, Olivia De León, Elizabeth De León y Rose Romano. Vaping Prohibited in All Workplaces about secondhand smoke or vape aerosol under the Massachusetts Smoke- exposure, visit Free Workplace Law how-to/report-a-smoke-free-workplace-law- Cafe Azteca está cumpliendo 25 años Cafe Azteca is celebrating 25 years of or-other-tobacco-related-violation or call Beginning December 31, 2018, the de servicio en la Ciudad de Lawrence y service in the City of Lawrence becoming the Department of Public Health’s toll-free use of vaping products is prohibited in se ha convertido en el punto de atracción the place to go for anyone looking the anonymous Smoke-Free Workplace Law all Massachusetts workplaces, schools, de quienes buscan la mejor variedad de best variety of Mexican food in the entire complaint line at (800) 992-1895. Learn restaurants, bars and taxis that are subject comidas mexicanas en todo el Valle de Merrimack Valley. more by contacting Diane Knight, director to the state’s 2004 Smoke-Free Workplace Merrimack. We hope that the good fortune follows of the Northeast Tobacco Free Community Law. Vaping products are electronic nicotine Les deseamos que esa dicha los siga them for many more years. Partnership at 978-609-4772 or dknight@ delivery systems that include e-cigarettes, acompañando por muchos años más,>. 12 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019 NECC Employees Recognized for Work

Three Northern Essex Community “Brian works tirelessly over the summer College employees, Kathy Welch Hudson and during semester breaks meeting and of Stoneham, Brian MacKenna-Rice of registering students at their convenience. Middleton, and Rick Lizotte of Amesbury This high touch approach has made a recently received the Employee Recognition difference in the number of students we were Award for the first quarter of 2019. able to enroll in fall 2018. He has a difficult The Employee Recognition time saying “No”, serves on a number of Award recognizes the many and varied NECC committees, and agreed to lead the contributions of the college’s nearly 700 Center for Professional Studies while the employees. Employees are selected each faculty leader is on sabbatical in the spring. quarter based on recommendations from His service to his students and the college supervisors and co-workers. Recipients goes well beyond anyone’s expectations.” receive a $150 certificate to the restaurant Lizotte, professor of English as a Second or mall of his or her choice. Language (ESL) and coach in the Center for Hudson, professor and department Instructional Technology (CIT,) has worked chair of the healthcare technology and at NECC for 34 years. He holds a PhD in ambulatory sciences program, has worked Linguistics from Brown University. His at NECC since 2003. She holds a Master of nomination was supported by his colleagues Science in Human Services Administration: in Academic Preparation and CIT; they Gerontology from Springfield College. praised Lizotte for his commitment to She was nominated by Nancy Julin, students and staff. associate dean of health professions, who “Rick readily volunteers to help wrote in her nomination, “Kathy works whenever extra hands are needed for college diligently each semester to promote student initiatives, and is the go-to person for faculty interest in health professions by actively who need help with curriculum design for (l to r) Northern Essex Community College President Lane Glenn congratulates Brian participating in various NECC events such as distance education courses,” writes Janice MacKenna-Rice of Middleton, Rick Lizotte of Amesbury, and Kathy Welch Hudson of the bi-annual Health and Wellness Fair, and Rogers, Associate Dean of Liberal Arts/ Stoneham, on receiving the NECC quarterly Employee Recognition Award for the first scheduling numerous information sessions Student Success Hub. quarter of 2019. to help provide students with an overview Melba Acevedo, director of instructional of the health programs offered at NECC. technology and online learning wrote, She encourages students to find solutions to “Rick’s vast knowledge and deep intellect their issues, and guides them to the various have been an asset to the college as a whole NECC Takes Gold for Website support systems provided by NECC. … but especially to the Center for Instructional The health profession faculty elected Kathy Technology. Rick’s extraordinary analytical Northern Essex Community College’s , New Jersey, New York, to be one of the lead faculty for the Center skills and passion for teaching and for the marketing communications department Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, the for Health Professions and she has worked welfare of students and faculty are some of received a gold Medallion Award for its Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, tirelessly to promote the mini-version of the the qualities that have made him a must-have recently redesigned website from the Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Center that opened in fall 2018.” member in every important endeavor.” prestigious National Council for Marketing Island and Quebec, and United Kingdom. MacKenna-Rice, coordinator for human His nomination was supported by and Public Relations (NCMPR) for District 1. The redesign was led by Nathan Gilbert, services, has worked at NECC for eight years, Sharon McManus, director of professional The NCMPR Medallion Awards NECC’s director of online communications. and holds a Master of Science in Human development, and Amy Cameron, ESL recognize outstanding achievement in “We are proud of this work,” said Ron Services Administration from Springfield curriculum coordinator, who credit Lizotte’s design and communication at community Taber, NECC Chief Marketing Officer. “It College. Kelly Sullivan, dean of business insight and diligence working with faculty, and technical colleges in each of NCMPR's was a true team effort. Our intent was to and professional studies, who praises his staff and students. seven districts. The regional competition is create a user-friendly website that was both work advising students, nominated him. exclusive to marketing and public relations easy to navigate and visually appealing. I professionals at two-year colleges. think the marketing communications team District 1 includes schools from achieved those goals.” Classes Forming at the Merrimack Connecticut, Delaware, District of For additional information, contact Valley Immigrant & Education Center Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Gilbert at [email protected] Registrations are now being taken for ESOL (English-for-Speakers-of- Other-Languages), Citizenship Preparation and English Communication for Employment classes at the Merrimack Valley Immigrant & Education Center (the former Asian Center), 439 S. Union Street, building 2, Level B, Lawrence, MA 01843. Anyone interested in signing up for morning or evening classes should call MVIEC, The Merrimack Valley Immigrant & Education Center at 978-683- 7316. Check out the MVIEC’s website at for directions and more details.

READ PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF RUMBO ON OUR WEBSITE RUMBONEWS.COM READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 13 Inspiring YMCA Annual Meeting By Dalia Diaz Every year at this time, we hear about in 10 Lawrence schools providing physical the accomplishments of the previous year education, musical instruction at the Music of the Merrimack Valley YMCA and it Club and swimming. never ceases to amaze us. With branches Their Campus Kitchen Project in Andover/North Andover, Lawrence and involved 4,000 students who ordered, Methuen, they also have the camps that repackaged and distributed unused food at provide so much joy for a brief part of the the college cafeteria and then distributed summers to city children who may have to community organizations and the Single never experienced spending time in an Room Occupancy (SRO - 72 men living island and walking through the woods. upstairs at the YMCA.) The conversations Deborah Hope, chair of the Board of between the students and the men from the Directors was beaming reading from a very SRO are so profound learning about them long list things like $2.5 million in subsidized while learning about life. At the end of the child care; $802,642 in membership and year, the students have enriched their lives program financial aid; $476,339 in outreach more than the men. programs and $424,492 in housing assistance. This kitchen project also donates large Considering that the YMCA does not receive amounts of food to the pantry available to grants, everything is possible through families in need every Thursday from 4 to Five volunteers received awards. From the left, Cathleen Landry, CFO gave it to Ronn donations and membership dues. 6 PM and which is coordinated by Cathy Faigen; Donna Aldrich received hers from Claudia Soo Hoo, Sr. Executive Director of As part of this celebration, Kyle Flynn Redard. the ANA Branch. At right, Frank Kenneally. Not able to attend were Diane Huntress, McInnis, Professor and Dean, Health “The Y is a living laboratory,” said Mr. Camping Services; Rev. William Ingraham, Methuen Branch; and Maureen Yadwood. Sciences at Merrimack College explained McInnis. “Our partnership is strong because his close connection with Merrimack Valley of Frank Kenneally.” YMCA. Immediately after meeting Frank Frank credited Ethel Cruz of the Kenneally, he knew this was going to be a Leahy School in Lawrence for the help she very meaningful partnership. provided with all the programs being held Through their fundraising efforts, they there. were able to raise more than $2 million Our city suffered from the gas for the Active Science program that was explosions of September 13, 2018 and established in Lawrence Public Schools, the Y was able to have a role in the relief creating a sustainable enterprise that works of the residents. They were able to use the showers and accessed food at the Andover/North Andover and Lawrence branches. ANA offered memberships while the emergency was on going. In the end, 18,273 people used the showers. “We have been committed to this community and will Jay Caporale, VP, Corporate & Foundation Kyle McInnis explaining his enjoyment continue our commitment to Engagement welcoming the YMCA. working with the YMCA. them,” said Mr. Kenneally.

At left, three young people who made the impact statement: Devin Clemons, Abbie Reyes and Sócrates De La Cruz.

Outgoing chair of the board Deborah Hope with her son and his friend. 14 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019 GLTS recibe dádiva de capital de habilidades para el programa de carreras de salud

El Superintendente John Lavoie se certificados y de asistencia médica. Para complace en anunciar que Greater Lawrence expandir el programa Health Careers, Tech recibió esta semana $65,000 Skills la subvención se utilizará para comprar Capital Grant del Gobernador Charlie Baker nuevos equipos y programación, incluido para expandir su programa de carreras de un elevador Hoyer eléctrico, maniquíes salud. de retroalimentación de RCP, software de Skills Capital Grants, que se gestión de la práctica y sistemas de registro administran a través de la oficina del Gob. electrónico de salud, un traje de simulación Baker y de la Vicegobernadora Karyn geriátrica, programa de disección virtual, Polito, están diseñados para ayudar a las computadora en ruedas, y bebé, dispositivos escuelas secundarias, universidades y otras de simulación de embarazo y salud mental. instituciones educativas a invertir en el "Sigue habiendo una serie de puestos equipo de capacitación más actualizado vacantes en la industria de la salud debido para brindar a sus estudiantes una ventaja a la falta de candidatos calificados", dijo cuando continúan en su campo elegido o el Superintendente Lavoie. "Con esta área particular de estudio. Los premios subvención de Skills Capital, podremos cubren una amplia gama de campos, desde la asegurarnos de que los estudiantes reciban construcción y la ingeniería hasta la atención capacitación sobre los últimos avances médica y la hospitalidad. tecnológicos que los prepararán para la Durante una ceremonia en Shawsheen educación post-secundaria y las carreras Valley Technical High School, el Gob. profesionales. Baker, junto con el Secretario de Vivienda Gracias al Gob. Baker y la y Desa- rrollo Económico Mike Kennealy vicegobernadora Polito por apoyar a GLTS y el Secretario de Educación James Peyser en su misión de proporcionar una educación GLTS recibió una subvención de $ 125,000 Skills Capital del Gobernador Charlie Baker reconocieron a los beneficiarios de la del siglo XXI a los estudiantes". esta tarde para expandir su programa de carreras de salud. De izquierda a derecha: (Foto subvención. Las subvenciones de Capital para de cortesía) El Gob. Baker habló sobre la Habilidades son otorgadas por el Gabinete competitividad de las subvenciones de Skills de Habilidades de la Fuerza Laboral del GLTS received a $125,000 Skills Capital Grant from Gov. Charlie Baker this afternoon Capital, reconociendo a las escuelas que Gobernador Baker. El Gobernador Baker to expand its Health Careers program. Left to right: (Courtesy Photo) obtuvieron subvenciones debido a su exitosa y la Vicegobernadora Polito crearon el programación y relaciones con empleadores Gabinete de Capacidades de la Fuerza Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy, GLTS health instructor y empresas locales. Laboral en 2015, reuniendo a los secretarios Lindsay Gangi, Superintendent John Lavoie, Elizabeth Bennett, Director of Grants, "Estoy sorprendida e impresionada de educación, trabajo y desarrollo de la Community & Workforce Development at GLTS, Gov. Charlie Baker and Secretary of constantemente por la calidad de los fuerza laboral y vivienda y desarrollo Education James Peyser at the podium. estudiantes y la calidad de la programación económico para alinear las políticas de que veo cuando tengo la oportunidad de educación, desarrollo económico y fuerza pasar un tiempo en estas escuelas", dijo el laboral, y para establecer estrategias en Gob. Baker. torno a cómo satisfacer la demanda de los GLTS Receives Skills Capital Grant El programa GLTS Health Careers empleadores de trabajadores calificados en incorpora estudiantes de enfermería cada región del estado. for Health Careers Program

Superintendent John Lavoie is pleased students and those in medical assisting. To Fire victims / Víctimas de incendios to announce that Greater Lawrence Tech expand the Health Careers program, the received a $125,000 Skills Capital Grant grant funding will be used to purchase new Please contact Heal Lawrence if you wish to make a contribution to the from Gov. Charlie Baker this afternoon to equipment and programming, including an victims of the recent fires in Lawrence. The website has a list of donated expand its Health Careers program. electric Hoyer lift, CPR feedback manikins, items and things that are still needed. Skills Capital Grants, which are practice management software and electronic Favor de ponerse en contacto con Heal Lawrence si desea hacer una administered through Gov. Baker and Lt. health record systems, a geriatric simulation Gov. Karyn Polito’s office, are designed suit, virtual dissection program, computer contribución a las víctimas de los incendios recientes en Lawrence. El to help high schools, colleges and other on wheels, and baby, pregnancy and mental sitio en la internet tiene una lista de artículos que han sido donados y lo educational institutions invest in the most health simulation devices. que todavía necesitan. up-to-date training equipment to give their "There continues to be a number of open [email protected] students an advantage when they continue positions in the healthcare industry because in their chosen field or particular area of of a lack of skilled/qualified candidates," study. The awards cover a broad range of Superintendent Lavoie said. "With this fields, from construction and engineering Skills Capital Grant, we will be able to to healthcare and hospitality. ensure that students are trained in the latest Find us in Rumbo’s page on Facebook During a ceremony at Shawsheen technological advances that will set them up Valley Technical High School, Gov. Baker, for post-secondary education and careers. along with Secretary of Housing and Thank you to Gov. Baker and Lt. Gov. Economic Development Mike Kennealy Polito for supporting GLTS in its mission Somos expertos en precios and Secretary of Education James Peyser to provide a 21st century education to módicos y servicio de alta recognized grant recipients. students." calidad. Gov. Baker spoke of the competitiveness The Skills Capital Grants are awarded La Primera Funeraria of the Skills Capital Grants, recognizing by Gov. Baker’s Workforce Skills Cabinet. the schools that earned grants due to their Gov. Baker and Lt. Gov. Polito created the hispana sirviendo con esmero successful programming and relationships Workforce Skills Cabinet in 2015, bringing y satisfacción a la comunidad with local employers and businesses. together the secretaries of education, labor latinoamericana. "I am constantly amazed and impressed and workforce development, and housing Brindamos servicio de with the quality of the students and the and economic development in order to asistencia social y enviamos quality of the programming that I see when align education, economic development and el cuerpo a cualquier lugar I have a chance to spend some time at these workforce policies, and to strategize around schools," Gov. Baker said. how to meet employers’ demand for skilled incluyendo a Puerto Rico, The GLTS Health Careers program workers in each region of the state. 137 Lawrence Street la República Dominicana, incorporates certified nursing assistant Lawrence, MA 01841 Centro y Suramérica. También ofrecemos planes pagados con anticipación y READ PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF RUMBO ON OUR WEBSITE (978)682.4060 estampas de recordatorios. RUMBONEWS.COM READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 15 News from Haverhill Community Television

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tribute Shabbat Friday, January 18

Please join HC Media next Friday, Baptist Church and Bradford Christian January 18 for a special live presentation Academy. Our broadcast will begin at 7:00 of the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. PM on Facebook Live, and on Channel 22 Tribute Shabbat, presented by Temple- (Comcast in Haverhill). Emanu-El and in partnership with Calvary Upcoming HC Media Volunteer Opportunities If you're an HC Media Member and you're interested in volunteering for an event, please contact Erinn Scott by calling HC Media at 978-372-8070 as soon as possible. Thank you! HC Media announces new 2019 Training Program Membership Orientation, Intermediate Video Editing Techniques Tue, Jan 15 Law to Talk About @ HC Media - 7:00 Join us for one of our new 2019 skills. A working knowledge of Premiere is - 8:00 PM training classes, now available to any recommended for enrollees. Wed, Jan 16 M V C C M e a n s Haverhill resident who is at least 12 years of Our course instructor is Ed Felker. Ed Business @ HC age, entirely free of charge! The completion has been a professional video editor for 25 Media - 2:00 - 3:00 of our Orientation course is required by years and has won three EMMY awards. He PM all Members, and will allow you to take has worked as a freelance editor and a news Wed, Jan 16 Sherry's Metaphysi- advantage of all that HC Media has to offer. photographer and got his start at HC Media cal Corner @ HC Media Media - 5:00 - 6:00 PM Looking to create a more professional- in 1991. He likes long walks on the beach - 5:00 - 6:00 PM Thu, Jan 17 EWAG @ HC Media - 7:00 looking production in Adobe Premiere and misses S-VHS. Wed, Jan 16 Grass Seeds @ HC Media - - 8:00 PM Pro? This two-night course is designed For more information and to learn how 7:00 - 8:00 PM Fri, Jan 18 Interfaith @ Temple Emanu- for HC Media members who want to to register, please visit our website. Thu, Jan 17 Point of Reference @ HC El - 6:00 - 9:00 PM develop and enhance their video editing Entrenador de baloncesto europeo visitó Sueños Basketball

El pasado domingo, 13 de enero, Lawrence y Sueños Basketball recibieron la visita del coach Eduardo Pascual. El señor Pascual es el Scout de la NBA de Minessota Timberwolves para Europa. Nos sentimos agradecidos y honrados de su visita y darnos de su tiempo para nuestros niños en Sueños Basketball.

The Merrimack Valley Immigrant & Education Center The former Asian Center at 439 South Union St., building 2, Level B, Lawrence, MA 01843 is enrolling students for an intensive ESOL “If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.” (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes. The classes will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays either from 9 AM “Si tus sueños no te asustan, entonces no son lo suficientemente elevados.” to 11:30 AM or 6 M to 8:30 PM. - Muhammad Ali Class fee is $50. Call 978-683-7316 for more information. 16 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR BY DALIA DÍAZ LÉALO EN ESPAÑOL EN LA PÁGINA 4 RUMBO [email protected] 315 Mt. Vernon St. Lawrence MA 01843 Email: [email protected]

Letters must be less than 300 words in length. Please send a telephone number or email address by which we may confirm the sender. interviewing Raquel Ruano, María came up guys have them. They could be tipped off as Some people have said this is for the purpose City Council is lost with the easiest solution: “Why don’t we let to where they will be going and the reason of hiding crimes and pretend we live in a Lawrence City Council is lost at best. them choose among themselves who is going so there’s a chance they may follow them safe city. We cannot depend on the media to I would venture to say that they don’t know to be attorney #1, #2 and #3.” Just thinking and no one would argue that their safety is broadcast crimes committed unless someone what they are doing. I am generalizing so about it makes my blood boil. of the utmost importance. dies. We turn to Facebook and social media don’t get offended if you think you are the Even the Council president was lost. Chief Vasque said there is no intention in order to learn a little more about things exception. to hide anything from the public because that go on in our neighborhoods and the The last meeting held on January 15th Fortaleciendo la the police log is available if anyone wants information is not always credible. was painful to watch yet, I watched twice. I to check out any incident. That used to be Anyone interested in listening to the did because I couldn’t believe that so much Familia radio show called “Police Log” and it was changed to interview should check it on Facebook under time could be devoted to conversing trying Last Thursday, Lawrence Police Chief “Press Log.” I wonder how much it has been Fortaleciendo la Familia (Strenghtening to figure out what they want to do. In their Roy Vasque was the guest on the program, edited or downplayed. Families). Although it is in Spanish, you’ll ambivalence, they lose, the city loses and accompanied by Lieutenant Maurice Aguiler I like Chief Vasque but I disagree with understand the Chief. the taxpayers are made to feel like idiots for as his interpreter. For several days, Alfonso him regarding the openness he talks about. watching them – like me! Rodriguez and Leslie Mendez were telling I encourage everyone to see not only the audience that, due to the lack of time, they the council meetings but the subcommittee will be taking only questions, not comments New Deolinda Mello Memorial Scholarship meetings because their decision – no matter or opinions because it was expected to be a to Assist MCC Students how much they blunder – they make the laws packed show. that we must obey. It was indeed very informative and The hiring of a City Attorney is getting the questions kept coming. I was listening sickening. There’s no reason for having attentively waiting to see if anyone would taken this long, subjecting us to ulcers and ask about the encrypting of the police high blood pressure. Well, the high blood scan. When it finally came, Chief Vasque pressure is caused by Councilor Maria De La responded in a direct way. The main reason Cruz. After a one hour discussion on how to has been the safety of the officers because proceed with Brian Corrigan and suggesting many people have scanners but also the bad

“We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light a candle that can guide us through the darkness to a safe and sure future.” “No estamos aquí para maldecir la oscuridad, sino para encender una vela que pueda guiarnos a través de la oscuridad hacia un futuro sano y seguro”. — John F. Kennedy

A new scholarship in memory of Deolinda Mello (right) has been established to support students at Middlesex Community College. A lifelong resident of Lowell, Mello was a child of immigrants, and her scholarship will target Lowell residents who are immigrants and/or children of immigrants.

A new Deolinda Mello Memorial It will be awarded annually by Middlesex and Scholarship has been established to support is being administered by the Greater Lowell students at Middlesex Community College. Community Foundation (GLCF). The annual $500 scholarship will target “The Greater Lowell Community Lowell residents who are immigrants and/or Foundation is excited to partner with MCC to children of immigrants, who are pursuing honor the work and legacy of Deolinda Mello higher education at Middlesex, and who with the establishment of a scholarship in her wish to dedicate their lives to helping others. name,” said James F. Linnehan Jr., GLCF “It’s wonderful to see members of our President/CEO. “This scholarship will have community step forward and provide resources a great impact assisting students in pursuit that help other members of our community of higher education. Education is the great achieve their educational goals,” said MCC equalizer – it can never be taken away and President James C. Mabry. “Middlesex makes a big difference in life.” applauds the generosity of the friends and To contribute to the Deolinda Mello family of Deolinda Mello and is looking Memorial Scholarship fund, visit: www. forward to working with recipients of this new or call 978-970-1600. scholarship established in her memory.” To learn more about other scholarships A lifelong resident of Lowell, Mello at MCC, visit: was a child of immigrants. This upbringing foundation/scholarships imbued her with strong beliefs that each Discover your path at Middlesex immigrant and refugee brings talents, skills Community College. As one of the largest, and culture that enrich the community. She most comprehensive community colleges dedicated her life to caring for and helping in Massachusetts, we educate, engage and everyone – regardless of their race, color, empower a diverse community of learners. creed or nationality – and this passion MCC offers more than 70 degree and certificate became her career. programs – plus hundreds of noncredit courses To celebrate Mello’s legacy, this new – on our campuses in Bedford and Lowell, scholarship has been created by members of the and online. Middlesex Community College: Portuguese-American community in Lowell. Student success starts here! READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 17 Lawrence gana en los Golden Gloves de Lowell

Por William Green El jueves, 17 de enero de 2019, el Pérez es confiado y ambicioso, pero veterano entrenador de boxeo José madera sigue siendo humilde. El día después de su tomó su equipo a los Guantes de Oro en victoria en Lowell, estaba ayudando a los Lowell. Él tuvo que reprogramar una combatientes más jóvenes entrenándose entrevista telefónica porque el animar con en Intenze 978 Boxing. Esto es parte de su equipo la celebración hizo imposible su filosofía personal en acción. Cuando se que escuchara las preguntas. Tenían le preguntó por qué peleaba, dijo, "Quiero razones para celebrar ya que los tres inspirar a aquellos de dónde vengo que a combatientes de Intenze 978 Boxing, un través de la dedicación y el trabajo duro se club de boxeo en Lawrence, donde Madera puede lograr cualquier cosa en esta vida." entrena campeones, ganó sus peleas. Carlos Alonso, el más grande de los Representando a Lawrence fueron combatientes de Madera, se encuentra en Carlos Alonso, Andrew Pérez y Dimas la imposición de 6' 3" y pesa 235 lbs. Él "Jimmy" Colon. es 32 y un padre soltero con la custodia de Colón luchó contra Richard Theodore uno de sus dos hijos. Originalmente trajo de Abington, MA, en un concurso de 141 lb. a su hijo al gimnasio y se inscribió con él. El residente de Lawrence ganó por decisión Él dice que su hijo no quería continuar [el unánime y mejoró su récord a 2-0. Tiene boxeo], pero que se enamoró del deporte y 18 años y ha estado entrenando durante los continuó entrenándose. Esa decisión lo ha últimos cinco años. Cuando le preguntaron colocado en el camino para convertirse en un si iba a ganar todo, Colón declaró que, "... campeón. Su victoria sobre Brian Narcisse vine en busca del oro y no me iré sin él.” de Medway, MA, avanza su récord a 2-0. Basado en su desempeño hasta ahora, es Madera está orgulloso de sus definitivamente un ganador que tenemos combatientes. Comenzó a entrenar que vigilar dentro de su clase de peso. boxeadores en el gimnasio de Lawrence en Con 201 libras, Andrew Pérez llevó a 2010 y envió el primer equipo a los Guantes la victoria a su equipo de 978. Él venció de Oro en el 2011. No ha mirado atrás. Ha a Janvier Clauvens de Nolan Bros Boxing. entrenado a más de mil boxeadores en los Pérez estaba dando puñetazos y parecía casi nueve años que ha estado sosteniendo estar en la ofensiva de las tres rondas de la sus almohadillas. decimocuarta y final, pelea de la noche. El 73vo Enfrentamiento Anual de Pérez, que cumplirá 27 en febrero, los Guantes de Oro en Lowell abrió el 10 creció en Lawrence y es de herencia de enero de 2019 en el Auditorio Lowell Dominicana. Él tiene un récord de 10-2, Memorial. El jueves, 24 de enero, el equipo pesando 190 lbs., y el graduado de LHS ha tendrá su puesto invicto desafiado. Las peleas fijado su mirada en ser clasificado entre los empiezan a las 7:30 PM. Para obtener más diez primeros de la nación. información, visite

Youth Writing Workshop Registrations are now being taken for a Youth Writing Workshop for students in grades 6 through 10. Workshop classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6 PM to 8 PM starting July 10 through August 18 at the Merrimack Valley Immigrant & Education Center (the former Asian Center), 439 S. Union Street, Lawrence wins at the Golden Gloves Building 2, Level B, Lawrence, MA 01843. The workshops are free for Lawrence residents or $10 for other towns’ residents for each monthly workshop. By William Green On Thursday January 17, 2019, veteran Perez is confident and ambitious but By popular demand MVIEC has engaged writing instructor Robert Largess to boxing coach Jose Madera took his team remains humble. The day after his win in once again teach this workshop. Fee is $10 registration for the 6 week course, to the Lowell Golden Gloves. He had Lowell, was helping younger fighters train free for Lawrence residents. to reschedule a phone interview because at Intenze 978 Boxing. This is part of his the cheering from his celebrating team personal philosophy in action. When asked Students interested in improving their writing skills should call MVIEC, The made it impossible for him to hear any why he fights, he said, “I want to inspire Merrimack Valley Immigrant & Education Center at 978-683-7316. Check out the those from where I came from that through MVIEC’s website at for directions and more details. questions. They had reason to celebrate as all three fighters from Intenze 978 Boxing, a dedication and hard work you can achieve Lawrence boxing club where Madera trains anything in this life.” champions, won their bouts. Carlos Alonso, the biggest of Madera’s Representing Lawrence were Carlos fighters, stands an imposing 6’3” and Alonso, Andrew Perez, and Dimas “Jimmy” weighs in at 235 lbs. He is 32 and a single- Colon. father with custody of one of his two sons. Colon fought Richard Theodore from He originally brought his son to the gym Abington, MA, in a 141 lb. contest. The and signed up with him. He says, his son Lawrence resident won by unanimous didn’t want to continue [boxing] but that decision and improved his record to 2-0. He he fell in love with the sport and continued is 18 and has been training for the last five to train. That decision has placed him on years. When asked if he was going to win the path to becoming a champion. His win it all, Colon stated that he, “…came for the over Medway, MA fighter, Brian Narcisse, gold and [isn’t] leaving the Gloves without advances his record to 2-0. it.” Based on his performance so far, he is Madera is proud of his fighters. He definitely one to watch to win his weight class. started training boxers out of the Lawrence At 201 lbs., Andrew Perez brought gym in 2010 and sent the first team to the the win home for the 978 team. He bested Golden Gloves in 2011. He hasn’t looked Janvier Clauvens out of Nolan Bros Boxing. back. He has trained over one thousand Perez was slipping punches and appeared to boxers in the nearly nine years he has been be on the offensive all three rounds of the holding the pads. fourteenth, and final, fight of the night. The 73rd Annual Golden Gloves in Perez, who will be 27 in February, Lowell opened on January 10, 2019 at the grew up in Lawrence and is of Dominican Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Thursday, heritage. He has a record of 10-2, weighs January 24, the team will have their in at 190 lbs., and the LHS graduate has set undefeated position challenged. The fights his sights on being ranked in the top ten of start at 7:30 PM. For more information, visit the nation. 18 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019 "QUE LEÓN" la primera película de Ozuna se estrenará en los cines de los EE.UU. el 25 de Enero de 2019 en más de 60 salas

De los productores de Colao y bajo la Raymond Pozo y Miguel Céspedes con la dirección de Frank Perozo, Que León se personalidad de la radio Jorge "Molusco" convierte en la película más grande hecha Pabón son el equipo perfecto para hacer en República Dominicana, producida discos en la taquilla. por Caribbean Cinemas y distribuida Además de República Dominicana por Spanglish Movies. Con más de 100 y Puerto Rico, la película se estrenará películas en su catálogo, Spanglish Movies comercialmente en más de 20 países, se ha convertido en uno de los mayores incluidos Estados Unidos, México, Panamá, distribuidores de películas en español en los Colombia y Ecuador, entre otros. El fin de Estados Unidos. semana de apertura de Que León en la mayor Que León es una comedia romántica con parte del Caribe lanzado el pasado fin de la artista de grabación internacional Ozuna y semana el 29 de noviembre se convirtió en modelo, reina de belleza y personalidad de el puesto número 1 en teatros de todos los la televisión, Clarissa Molina (Univisión) mercados con más de 50,000 entradas. en los papeles principales. En los últimos La conferencia de prensa está meses, el estrellato de Ozuna se ha disparado programada para el miercoles 23 de Enero al recibir los mejores premios de música; de 2019 de 7: P. M., y El estreno en el cine "Mejor artista de vanguardia" en los Premios de Methuen el 25. Juventud, "Mejor nuevo artista latino" en SPANGLISH MOVIES lleva lo mejor 2018 iHeartRadio Music Awards, "Mejor del cine latinoamericano a pantallas de artista latino del año" en el Billboard todo el mundo. Spanglish Movies es un Music Award 2018 y "Artista del año" en el distribuidor internacional fundado por Billboard Latin Music Award. latinos, con alcance global y firme intención La enorme popularidad de Ozuna se ve de ser una parte esencial del crecimiento a través de las plataformas de redes sociales, del cine de habla hispana. SPANGLISH así como la carrera de su coestrella Clarissa MOVIES es el mayor distribuidor en el Molina ha crecido exponencialmente en Caribe con un catálogo de más de 100 Univisión. Que León marca el debut en la películas, que hiran desfilando en la gala del gran pantalla de Ozuna y Clarissa, MÁS cine del AMC movie del loop de Methuen el elenco de los maestros comediantes para todos ustedes.

Lawrence High School Para más información sobre Spanglish Movies, contacte a Rafael Disla (978) 569-7798 Graduates of 2010 through 2012 Publicado Por Jose Zabala, Zeitlin Pérez, T: (917) 476-9696, E: [email protected] The Library received a large amount of LHS yearbooks (2010 and 2012) from the high school. They are giving them away. If interested, please contact Louise Sandberg in the Main Library, at 51 Lawrence St. READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 19 Celebrate Black History Month On Freedom Trail® African-American Patriots® Tours Freedom Trail® The Disability Integration Act (DIA) Foundation’s acclaimed African- American Patriots® Tours is re-introduced in the Congress on celebrate the African-American patriots that played a vital role January 15, 2019 in the start of the American Revolution in Boston and in the formation of our country. Led by 18th-century costumed guides, tour-goers have the opportunity to view history through the eyes of these courageous men and women throughout Black History Month in February. African-American Patriots® Tours begin on Saturday, February 2, 2019 and are held regularly in February on Saturdays and Sundays departing at 12:45 p.m. from the Boston Common Visitor Information Center. Revolutionary figures such as Crispus Attucks, Phillis Wheatley, Prince Hall, Peter Salem, and others come to life during these 90-minute walking tours while zigzagging through the Freedom Mary Margaret Moore, Consultant/Disability Rights Advocate and Event Organizer with Trail – Boston’s iconic 2.5 mile the Northeast Independent Living Program of Lawrence leads a lively discussion about The Disability Integration Act (DIA) on January 15, 2019, She emphasized “This bill is red trail leading to 16 nationally significant private groups by reservation. vital to people with disabilities, it ensures that people with disabilities can live in freedom historic sites. African-American Patriots Affordable tickets may be purchased in our communities.” Tours invite visitors to discover the sacrifices at the Boston Common Visitor Information these patriots made, the battles they fought, Center at $14 for adults, $12 for seniors and and legacies they left behind. Experience the students, and $8 for children under 12, and The Celebration of the reintroduction of House in the last Congress, was reintroduced historic events of the American Revolution discounted tickets may be purchased online the Disability Integration Act took place on on Tuesday, January 15, 2019. Fourty people and the immense contributions of black at Tuesday, January 15, 2019, from 2:00 P.M. were in attendance at The NILP celebration Bostonians as they unfold along Boston’s Other events and programs celebrating to 4:00 P.M. at the NILP, 20 Ballard Road, on January 15th. The NILP celebration historic red-lined path. Black History Month are held at official in Lawrence, MA 01843 included a livestream of the reintroduction Ideal for groups, schools, residents and Freedom Trail sites. The Northeast Independent ceremony in Washington, DC, as well as a those visiting the city, 90-minute African- For information regarding Freedom Trail Living Program (NILP) Celebrated the discussion on the Disability Integration Act. American Patriots Tours are regularly events and programs, tickets, reservations, Reintroduction of the Disability Integration The bill ends what disabled activists offered throughout February to the public, group rates or questions, please call Act! have long called “The institutional bias” and are available year-round for schools or 617.357.8300 or visit We are pleased to announce the by requiring that any insurer offering long Northeast Independent Living Program term supports and services must make (NILP) successfully joined with other them available in the community setting Centers for Independent Living, ADAPT rather than only in institutions and nursing The (American Disabled for Attendant facilities. Much of the excitement over the Programs Today), and disability rights reintroduction comes from the feeling that advocates from across the country on DIA’s time has come. January 15th, 2019 when they hosted the “The midterm elections changed celebration for the reintroduction of the everything. With Dems taking over the Disability Integration Act (DIA)! house, there is a real opportunity to pass The Disability Integration Act (DIA) the bill on the House side this year” said is bipartisan, bicameral legislation that Kelly Buckland, Executive Director of the ensures that disabled Americans have a National Council for Independent Living. right to live and receive services in their “As someone who uses attendant services own homes. The DIA further secures our and has spent time in a nursing facility, I Constitutionally-protected right to liberty can’t begin to express how exciting it is by preventing people with disabilities that this is finally going to happen.” We from being forced into costly institutional encourage everyone to send a letter or make settings by unnecessary government a phone call to your United States Senator regulations. DIA was first introduced in the and/or Congressperson. 114th Congress. Senate Minority Leader The Northeast Independent Living Schumer (D-NY) has reintroduced the bill Program (NILP), of Lawrence expresses (S.910) in the 115th Congress with minor its thanks to all who attended the gala changes that have strengthened the bill. Disability Integration Act (DIA) Watch Party Representative Sensenbrenner (R-WI), who Celebration that took place on Tuesday, was a cosponsor during the 114th Congress, January 15, 2019, as well as those who has introduced DIA (HR.2472) in the House viewed the live streaming portion of this of Representatives. event elsewhere that was broadcast by “When we heard the bill was going National ADAPT from Washington DC. to be re-introduced, we decided we had Those in attendance included: Kate Machet, to celebrate!” said Mary Margaret Moore, Senior Regional Director from Senator Consultant/Disability Rights Advocate Edward Markey’s Office; Morgan Bell, and Event Organizer. “This bill is vital to Regional Director from U.S. Congressman people with disabilities. DIA ensures that Seth Moulton’s Office, members of the disabled people can live in freedom in Andover, North Andover, and Lawrence our communities. The DIA is bipartisan Commissions on Disability, Vinfen, and legislation that has a real chance to pass in others. We encourage support of the DIA this Congress.” The bill, which received re-introduction of this important bill to bipartisan support in both the Senate and the Congress. 20 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019 CALENDARIO | CALENDAR OF EVENTS Nevins Memorial Library Buon Giorno Children’s Room Programs Even though February is a short Family Storytime (ages 3-8) Good Morning month, the Nevins Library (305 Broadway, Methuen) is offering more fun programs Wrap up your day with your children at Buenas Tardes than ever – check out the list below. During this evening storytime, where they listen to Every Sunday, beginning at February vacation we have an extra-special stories, play a game, and make a craft. This 9AM to 11AM with Sicilian, program for all ages: the New England month’s themes are: Aquarium’s Traveling Tidepool! (Feb. 20, “I Came from Outer Space?” (Feb. 12, Italian, English, Rock ‘n Roll 10am-1pm) 6:30pm) music and Así es Colombia. “Fairy Tales and More” (Feb. 26, 6:30 pm) Up to 24 months old Babies & Books School Vacation Storytime: Let’s Go to the Beach (Feb. 19, 10am) This language-enrichment program features songs, movement, and bubbles! Grades K-4 Build with Me (Feb. 1, 8, 12, and 26 at 9:30am) (Grades K-2) 2-year-olds Storytime for 2s Seated, Nunzio DiMarca, standing Neal Perry, Pio Frittitta Your toddlers will have fun listening to Now on WCCM 1490 AM Learning to use child-size tools to and Vincenzo Buonanno. stories, singing songs, and playing a game. build and test their own creations, children This month’s themes are: Celebrating 20 years bringing you two continuous hours of develop skills and confidence – and have “Let’s Visit the Farm” (Feb. 1, 10:30am) entertainment, news, interviews, music and fun. fun! This month they’ll be building and “Colors” (Feb. 8, 10:30am) testing wooden racing cars. (Feb. 21, 10am) “Cars and Trucks” (Feb. 12, 10:30am) Story & Craft (Grades K-3) “Day and Night” (Feb. 26, 10:30am) Come listen to a story and make a craft. This 2-5 year-olds Play & Dance (Feb. 9, Classes Forming at the Merrimack month’s theme is “Here Comes the Circus!” 9:30am) (Feb. 21, 4pm) Valley Immigrant & Education Center 3-8 year-olds Storytime for 3-5s LEGO Block Party (Grades K-4) Registrations are now being taken for ESOL (English-for-Speakers-of- Other-Languages), Citizenship Preparation and English Communication for In these lively programs, children Bring your imagination and have fun Employment classes at the Merrimack Valley Immigrant & Education Center listen to stories, play a game, and make a creating! The library supplies lots of LEGOS (the former Asian Center), 439 S. Union Street, building 2, Level B, Lawrence, craft. This month’s themes are: to build with and, if you’d like, we will put MA 01843. “Celebrate Dental Health Month” (Feb. 5, photos of what you create on our Facebook Anyone interested in signing up for morning or evening classes should call 10am) page. (Feb. 16, 2pm) MVIEC, The Merrimack Valley Immigrant & Education Center at 978-683- “Say Something Nice” (Feb. 6, 10am) 7316. Check out the MVIEC’s website at for directions and “Almost Valentine’s Day” (Feb. 13, 10am) Grades 4-6 Trivia Fun more details. Science Explorers (ages 3-5) Test your memory – or at least have fun trying – at this new trivia contest program! This program uses children’s picture This month’s theme is “Star Wars.” (Feb. 22, books and hands-on activities to explore the 1pm) worlds of science and math. This month’s theme is “The Five Senses” (Feb. 14, 10am) Book Chatters Book Club Bilingual Play Group (ages 3-5) Come share your opinions about Enjoy this new storytime presented by Framed!, by James Ponti, and enjoy a snack our community partner, the Coordinated during your conversation. (Feb. 5, 7pm) Family & Community Engagement program Last but not least, the Friends of the (CFCE). You don’t have to be bilingual to Library’s popular mini-golf fundraiser has come – all are welcome! (Feb. 27, 10am) been rescheduled to February 17, 10am-4pm because of a snowstorm on the original date. Donuts with Dad (ages 3-6) Please visit to learn more about these programs – we hope to Children and their fathers, grandfathers, see you soon! or uncles are invited to this tasty storytime – not only to listen to stories and make a craft, but also to enjoy donuts and juice! This month’s theme is “Vroom-Vroom Vehicles.” (Feb. 23, 9:30am)

The Merrimack Valley Immigrant & Education Center The former Asian Center at 439 South Union St., building 2, Level B, Lawrence, MA 01843 is enrolling students for an intensive ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) . The classes will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays either from 9 AM to 11:30 AM or 6 M to 8:30 PM. Class fee is $50. Call 978- 683-7316 for more information. READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 21 CALENDARIO | CALENDAR OF EVENTS Fire victims / Víctimas de incendios Please contact Heal Lawrence if you wish to make a contribution to the victims of the recent fires in Lawrence. The website has a list of donated items and things that are still needed.

Favor de ponerse en contacto con Heal Lawrence si desea hacer una contribución a las víctimas de los incendios recientes en Lawrence. El sitio en la internet tiene una lista de artículos que han sido donados y lo que todavía necesitan. [email protected]

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(978) 794-5360 22 : Rumbo :. AÑO 23 • LAWRENCE, MA • EDICIÓN 656 • JANUARY 22, 2019 CALENDARIO | CALENDAR OF EVENTS Groups/Events at Nashua Library

PM, 2/11 at 10:30 AM and 2/22 at 2:30 PM Winter Events for Kids and The library is located at 2 Court Winter Events for Teens Teens ages 12 to 17 are invited to stop in Families Street. Visit Microsoft Excel - Advanced: 2/20 at 10:30 any time to create in our new MakerSpace, New events for kids and families at directions for directions and parking AM especially during February school vacation the Nashua Public Library this winter information. For other information, when we’re manipulating Polaroids and include Music and Movement on Tuesday contact the Reference Department at Microsoft Word – Introduction: 1/22 at creating videos. Teens can also have fun mornings, Parenting University and Coding 589-4611 or via email at reference@ 10:30 AM, 2/7 at 2:30 PM, 2/26 at 10:30 AM with gift making, watching movies, Drag- Fun. We’ll continue to have fun with science Queen Teen Time and a Black Hearts Party. on Monday nights as we invite families to Microsoft Word – Advanced: 1/28 and 2/15 Returning monthly is Y.A.Y. (You Are You), experiment with snow, color theory and Immigration Advice at Nashua at 10:30 AM Animondays, Random Fandom, and Button liquid filtration. For more information and to Library Mashers. Get all the details at view a complete list of events, go to tinyurl. If you have questions about applying Microsoft PowerPoint : 1/29 at 2:30 PM, nplteen. com/nplkid. to enter the U.S. or becoming a citizen, 2/25 at 10:30 AM come to the Nashua Public Library for a private meeting with an expert from U.S. Early Childhood Fair New Hampshire Art & Poetry Citizenship and Immigration Services. One Families with children ages birth to 5 of their staff members will be on hand to talk are welcome to meet representatives of local Collaboration: a traveling exhibition to you individually on Wednesday, February daycare centers, preschools, and agencies. 6, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Join in family activities and demos, pick up coming to Nashua in January! No appointment is necessary for these fun giveaways, and take advantage of free meetings. and low-cost immunizations. In 2018, Alice B. Fogel, Poet Laureate be in Newport in February and March, with of NH, initiated a collaboration with the the reception/presentation happening on Free Computer Classes for Adults Sunday, January 27, 2019 Women’s Caucus for Art’s New Hampshire February 1 at 5PM. Learn a new skill or brush up on some 1 pm, Children’s Room Chapter. 12 NH poets & 12 NH artists from A search for “Text & Textile Catalog” you haven’t used for a while. Reference around the state paired up to create new on the Magcloud website (below) will lead staff leads these classes in various Microsoft Winter Events for Tweens works. The result is a traveling exhibition, you to the purchaseable exhibition catalog, Office programs : all of these classes are “Text & Textiles,” of artwork and poetry Tweens ages 9 to 12 should keep a beautiful full-color, spiral-bound book free of charge and are held in the computer connected in some way to fiber. It first Thursdays at 4:15 p.m. open twice a month of all the poems and artwork, along with training room. No registration is required. appeared to an enthusiastic audience at the for programs involving painting, games, hot biographical information about the writers More details and a full schedule including Hancock Library in May of this year, and cocoa and bowling. Details at and artists. a schedule of drop-in tech help sessions can has since traveled to Portsmouth, Gorham, npltween. be found at Plymouth, and Moultonboro. Then-Caucus attend/computer-classes/ president, Kate Higley, was instrumental in February 7: Hot Cocoa Bar issue/1457325?__r=1202863 setting the traveling exhibition in motion, February 21: Glow Bowling Microsoft Excel – Introduction: 1/25 at 2:30 along with participating artist and poet Kate Please contact me, Alice Fogel, with Dean. any questions, and help us spread the word At each library, participating poets by writing something about this special and artists have presented a well-received cultural opportunity! Many thanks. reading of their new poems and a fascinating See the list of participating poets & panel discussion on each of the pairs’ artists, from all across the state. processes and end results. These artists and their new partner poets had never met Poets : Artists before, and in some cases still haven’t. The Kyle Potvin : Brenda Wilbert pairs corresponded or met, sharing work and Ala Khaki : Debra Claffey finding common ground and inspiration, Mark deCarteret : Donna Catanzaro and the stories of the collaborative efforts Marnie Cobbs : Kristen Weyrick-Scott are as interesting as their finished works, S Stephanie : Linda Basha Brookshire making for varied, entertaining, and moving Alice Fogel : Mary Cornog exhibitions and discussions. Todd Hearon : Maryellen Sakura Nashua Library hosts the exhibition Emma Breslow : Shawna Gibbs from January 2 – January 30, with its Patrice Pinette : Soosen Dunholter reception/presentation occurring at the Candace Bergstrom : Susan Rock library’s gallery on January 27 at 3:00PM. Henry Walters : Linda Greenwood Contact: Carol Eyman, 603-589-4600. Kate Dean: Kate Higley After Nashua, the final exhibition will READ PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF RUMBO ON OUR WEBSITE RUMBONEWS.COM

Donations / Donaciones (please call ahead for large donations) Tuesday-Friday: 10am-5:00pm 647 Andover Street Lawrence, MA 01843 Saturday: 10am-4:30pm Tel: 978-686-3323 Open to the public, shop-donate-volunteer Store Hours Wednesday-Friday: 10am-6pm Saturday: 10am-5pm Please do not drop off items after store hours Abierto al público, compre-done-hágase Bring this ad to either store (Lawrence voluntario or Billerica) for a 10% discount on your purchase Favor de no dejar donaciones después del horario

Traiga este anuncio a cualquiera de las tiendas (Lawrence o Billerica) y reciba un descuento de 10% en su compra READ RUMBO ONLINE! RUMBONEWS.COM JANUARY 22, 2019 • EDITION 656 • LAWRENCE, MA • YEAR 23 .: Rumbo :. 23

$4.00 LOCAL HASTA 3 PERSONAS Airport Service $50.00 Viaje cómodo y seguro Más barato que UBER

Servicio local y larga distancia Buscamos choferes 978-475-6555 CLASIFICADOS | CLASSIFIEDS

LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING City of Lawrence, MA NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Mayor Daniel Rivera Notice is hereby given by Coady’s Towing Service 139 Marston Street, Lawrence, DOC. 10/2019 MA, pursuant to the provisions of Mass In City Council January 15, 2019 G.L c. 255, Section 39A, that they will sell the following vehicle on or after Notice is hereby given that the City Council will February 9, 2019 starting at 10:00 am hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 5, by private or public sale to satisfy their 2019 in the Council Chambers, 200 Common garage keepers lien for towing, storage, Street, Lawrence, MA at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of said hearing is to gather testimony, and notices of sale: information, and public input concerning the 1. 2011 Ford Explorer proposed amendment to Revised Ordinances of VIN 1FMHK8D80BGA94401 the City of Lawrence by adding the following paragraph to Section 10.36.031 of the Municipal Vehicle is being stored at Coady’s Code Section 10.36.031 (Snow Emergency Towing Service and may be viewed by Declaration – Alternate parking on certain streets appointment only. between 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.)(Winter Parking Ordinance): Signed Frank Coady Orchard Street, for its entire length. Coady’s Towing Service To the extent that there exists any ordinances 1/22, 2/1, 2/8 to the contrary, they are hereby repealed in that respect only.

Persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity.

Attest: William J. Maloney, City Clerk


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