DAILV OnKmATION aaath at Jaanary, 1 3 il At eoaelualea.ot tha Tha Afairtod doaplaa club of the Raton Davidson Lodgf^ Daughters Tito elaaing aaasion of the NntBMg ef D. S. «a WhaaUaa ooaitaat for tba largaat Second Ooagragatkmal church win of Beotia, win hold Ito regular meat- Tmll Midwinter Institute wffl be IpiaiNr of boa topa tonied la iluilag hold a rUmrnage sale tomorrow from lag In Tlakar ban, Friday avrtiing aUFORMA RESDIBIIS M at the South Mathodirt ehuKh The, aaettaa'sale win ba eoadBi COMMUNITY a eartoifai patlod tba prtoa, a beanti- 9:80 a. m. on la the stors. No. 587 at 7:45. Plans win be made for tha FMday evanlag at 8 :80. The prlnel- 5.854 fa i Ohlrtlw Twapla don, waa awardad Main street at the Oeater. Mrs. IL food sale which the lodge wUl con­ ■PWdter win bo Rev. Lrtand p . ^TDBEADCnONED ed by Thn OOBeetor N ritoa.: SUPPER WIB b « h*M .la . Bertha B. Bnjreu o f Sl< Wood- B, laBMu, ebatnnaa, win be asstated duct at Hale's store basement, Sat­ Oaty, pastor of the First Methodist S A T w F E B . 20, 8 : 80- 7 :8 0 ik hi tba abatf hri^ge atraat who tnraad In •6~Iiok by Mrs. ,Fairts Reyiiolds, Mr. and urday morning at 9 o'clock, and tor church of Hartford. i«|lMiLAagri Mrs. Karl Kaller, Mr. and Mrs. tbs Coronatton supper and dance. m u c m m HI 6 H L J W D P A R K MANCHESTER— A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM ■ to w eto** to at- Khigalanr Knhaay and Mr. and Mrs. A tot on the east alda of baalng- J. J. Sweeiwr, who has baah car*> ton rtrsat owned by Fraaeto West- OOM M UNITT CLUBH OUSE Ralph F. Oartaoa o f IS Ehner Carl Anira. Tba regular monthly gg V O L .L Y L .N O .llt a a d a g a u x taker at the r !. of C. horns oa Mam gate o f Long Beach, CaUf., wOl be k m Daags M ANCH ESTER. CON N „ TH U RSD AY. FERRU ARY 18, 1087 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PBKX THBBB CBM $fl atraat, Bart Hartford, baa appUed Hose Company Na 3 of the Ran- street stateo It waa taken over by ’ That, Dangbtan to Biindtag foapect-w Edward C. sold for taxes April 88 at 10:80 Raymond R. Bowers to Sherwood Orford'parish caiapter. Daughters Chester FIra department will be held C^pbeU Council, has resigned. m. m the Mtmicipal buUdlag, Tax O. Bowara, hUf interest to proparty i l e k l o t o l eC tlM CtoU War aauott, Jr,, for a pormit to buUd a in lire headquarters, Matai and Hil­ ...... ___ Bight at tba of tba Amarlcaa^Revrtutloo, win ob­ The work will be divided between Oollaotor Samuel Nelson, Jr., a onthawert aide of Starkweather Ihra rooma, oBO-and-a-taalf-atonaa, serve Washlngtoa’s BtrtlMtay, Mon­ liard street, Thursday evening at two men in the future. Bounced today. « street '1 3 ! .^gjnhogi^^ thBawin OM-facolly, fraoM dwelling oa t ar to S t Bridget's church this eve- teraet San foes and cost of sale. ty oa the wart- aids of North Elm i;ggM:Mm.ii pils of Mrs. Nollla Carey Reynolds word from Mias Nellie Keith who ning at tba Leatan devotiona Taxes were not paid oa the 1938, street I 0t OblaimtoB will toM lU tag- A chrlatenlng party waa bald win be in charge o f the social hour. s been In Orange dty, Florida, m tbm . VMdaj. Vhbruaty U, BLOODY DEFEAT Sunday afternoon in honor of the Etocb member has the prlvOege o f slnca before ChriatmasL to the e f­ i to tM K. «< C dnbrooioB. CROP INSURANCE AS now bom baby daughter, BUaen inviting two guests. fect that she was Injured In a foil >toWtottoB < t ator atam bm win Snpaa Ann, o f Mr. and Mra. Tbomaa R to bopag a larga and Is at preaaat la the hospital m 0FHWDIS1S a> tba aMaihan wUl ha piaa- Mnrpby, Jr., o f Oab Orora atraat. Company No. 1 of tha South Man­ DaLaad. Miss Keith is a alstar of Thoae preeei t Inoluded the paranta chester lire department this morning William B., Howard and Oaorge B. MEASURE IS OFFERED „ Ba a Bartfbrd baanticlaa win oe both aidM o f the fam ily and a at 10:05 was called to extinguish a Keith. The Iptter with Mrs. Keith, HELP FOR FARMERS r talh OB cnamattea I tha a rt of BMtoaap. boat of frienda. The party waa held grass lire off Hartford road la- the la spending the winter on the Pacille Two Loyalist Assnlta ( at the home of Mr. and Mn. Mur­ vicinity of the gas storage tanka. co a st phy, gr., on Blreb Mountain Road. A turkey dinner waa aerved, after Spring Beckons- hforms Congress Adoptioi Rebels ii City EimFoiis IN STATENS ASSEM BLf fV>r Sorice and which Ardla Rooney, a brother of LABOR LEADERS Mra. Murphy, entertained with Quality muaic. The cWd waa bora Jknuary Although Winter lingers on. In keeping with general condi­ ’ of System Win Provide I Repolsed With Big Loss, Shoe RepairiiifTi See 38. tions we are featuring many new items for Spring much earlier Boirer Agskst Disistrois RALLY TO F.D.K AcconBig to Insorgeita. Frendi Ambassador Arrives i Proposet 1 Merit SAM YULYES Harry Mints thla morning receiv­ - SPECIAL - than usuaL At this cross roads of the seasons we know you ten m' DepertaMfl TClMMaatMrt ed bia permit to open a package H W Crop Foihres in Fnhire. IN exm nCHT store at 310 North Main street, He crave new things to pep up a late Winter wardrobe. Avila, Spain, Feb. 18.—(AP)—-A ^1- plans to open for bualneas tomor­ W e ex ten d th is offer fo r a lim ited Biaaa onrthngbt government Fiouce; b Secoiri row, laaylag tbia morning for Hart­ at KAN 6 B OIL, GALLOK ford aooa after getting bis permit t i m e o n l y . Washington, Feb. 18, — (A P ) — Lewis and Greeo Job WHk troops on La Maraaosa chemical factory aettiement la tho Jarama O cU veivd. to purehaae the necessary stock. GOTHAM Pretodent Roeaevelt recommended Sibniitted bp Gevenei'f V tntL o n . (Na. S a a f Na. t> The store that ha win occupy as a R E G U L A R 14.00 New / to Oangrem today adoption of a ayo- WaDsce b Sipport of rivor sector was reported crafote go gaBaa MNaraC package store - has already been Gold- tem of crop faisuranco to provide tho today by lasurgeat baaiegors of Mte equipped for this purpose and with drid. Insurgent beadquartars de­ CoDMi)iwei;TMb|>Bto* \ ^ G farm er iwith a buffer agalnrt dlmx- E . H I C K S the airlTal o f thd* stock today ar­ Stripe Addbf to Jodges; Bone- clared there were hmivy caauaittea rangements will be completed for troua crop foUurea. among the Madrid troopa personally inessbScttteaiAKMjM^ oar. Oflrtar aai Agaaw la . opening tomorrow. PERMANENT $2-98 Finest He said that such insurance cou­ led by Gen. Jose Mlaja. Tha gov­ pled with a S3rstem of storaga re­ IPkeekr Plan b Opposed. ernment offensive, a counter-attack nerves for crop aurpluaae In g<^ on the dosperato Insurgent attempt Quality' yearn -orould assist In providing a to rip the southeastern barrieadea Btote Oapttol. HartfoM, Fsbw 18. -mom naariy even flow of farm sup- of Madrid, was dlraetad at ancir- —(AP)—ProvtataM for artajblMihff ' SNTE31TAINMENT- r en c h b e a u t y h oppe WasUngton, Fob. 18.—(AP)— F S pUea, thua stabilising farm buying cUng the factory aettlomoat which a state am it ayataai la the jimpip power and contributing to the m The American Federation of Labor inaurgrtita captured tea days ago. DANCE BMAIIUEL SILK B fa iy A ster ad DapartaMat of Fiaaaoe aaictebi M ASONIC TEM PLE 43 Penil St Mm. Petitjean Phone 3058 am ity of bualnem and emplosrment' rallied today behind Preaidsat Tho setUomeat Ueo botwooa the N ew Spring Style -A program of crop Insuranco and Jarama river and the Valencia road trel war*'tnootpoiatad 'la a niD A Y, FE a M . 8 : 1S LUTHERAN rtomgo of rooorvea,” bo mid. Kooaevolt's court program slmul- aouthoaat of Madrid. tamed over tofoy by tb* M ANCHESTER TENT. HOSIERY -tomuld bo part of the foundatien of tanaoualy with a prodlction by Blada Two Aamalto aatloo ooaanlMiOB .to. tha ead Sheep. Chlffona. 7- HANDBAGS ■grleultural policy which wo am floemtary Wallace that farmem Twtoa tho govoramsnt fore Aaaamhiy. N a % a a T. M „ pnaM ts Welcomes You Service Weight Rela- building and which must include the goaorally would approve IL WUnam MARY ASTOR IS MARRIED wore fluag at La Maraaosa. Tho Tha aMaahra, tba saeoad aabmjh. ’ BOC SCHNEIDER’S Heel and with the ■mart atytaa. Patent taathar, top nenservmtloo of soil and water bat- Omesi, Federation protodent, aaM flrrt assault was lad by six taa tod this weslr h r the o T O T H E yie Back Seama. andle and envdope baga. Alao gcat- -ter land use. Increased form income, the Bxocutlvo OouncU proforrod Mr. foUowod by a wave ef Infantry. In- ■rntgaad tha function of i TEXANS THESE NEW COLORS: totin baga In aaraa atylea. ea. $ 1 .9 5 nnd aneviaUon of distram in rural Roooevtot'a proposal* to the 'Mow, aurgont artUlcsy firs wracked two lug tha m ta m to j V ail LENTEN QUIET HOUR Tk JM E riA U CORK «m as arising out of factom beyond tsdloua procam of a oonati .utional TO INSURANCE SALESMAN of tho tanks. Tha laaurgeata held alan b*ia whha ahafl be oompeUUvsk"c In Tho SELF SERVE and Tooth Pswdot 35c form would be protected agalnrt President’a recommendation at tho del Campo of Mexico City Tha report from the joeno of bat­ mat said be Is not boro to oook a looa sad haa no apecifle taatruotfons ' ^ pMaoaaalI dlreetardtaaetar — would i j MODERN UPHOLSTERING Colorful Colors and 88o Oalox xueh natural hasarda as drought, earUest poaslble dato.” • tle said tha Madrid militiaman for negotiating a settlement of tho French war debt to tha United anMintad from a Hat o f rtiglMa Tooth Powder gmaahoppom and h alt closed their ranks and surged back •oaa by the oommiaataMv at flam rth' 34c The form er vrould bo protected up Tba Foderation’a announcement In aaother attack. Howevar, their Statoa (Associatod Prose Photo.) - HEALTH MARKET Designs — fb r a Gay 35c followed ondoraement Laboria After a Secret Hane Trip. May Yoke Who Once Owned ^ eontroL He would taeiteaivi to 75 per cent of his normal ylald. strength bad been so out that the m aanually aad may' ha tarns ~ B. B. Ftorce Fancy Snead Tams ...... Thus If ho lost hla wheat crop Non-partlaan League and by Jotan mad attmapt wns weak ai YOUR Year of Very Color­ 17c L. l^wta, chairman o f the Clommlt- from ottloa "upon sot low thaa which would have returned him 13 Yuma, Aria., Feb. 18— (AP) — Hope Dbmond Talks easily ropulaad. dayff BoUoa la writtag by aaU at LIVING ROOM ful Fashions. toe for Industrial OtganisaUon. It ■laay Oaptarad N e w S M ^ n f f 3Sc buabtoa to tba aera, bo would bo pio- Is one at tha few laauoa on which Actrom Mniy Aator, central flgura KlafdotMr ter mlaooiidiict. OBO. HOLMES ' PINEAPPLE 2^ can 2 5 * tactod agalnrt nhw bushels of the Insurgent comnumdem reported SPYING SYSTEM BLAMb tancy or HALE’S A sco t-S tyle L adies’ Aiks Seltser c leas. Hi* srould be paid tother to Oman and Lawls, Im dara e f oppos­ In tha widely publldaod “dfory Abont Bandits On a Bis. that their troops forthar south in f f S & S S L Deosaattve Cphobfoier 8. 8. Pierce Fancy Frntt 49 tba commodity or Its cash aqulv*. ing labor focthma, have muted m wns married hem early today tba cantor of tho Jarama rtvsr front YARD GOODS 7Se ) recant months. 9tol axamWg board Tewr Svtag room ehoold be le n t. to Manual dal Campo, Mexico Uty had thrurt forward, porautag thrtr to eowdu 0 no • • 0 • a 45c mimaeo aokwiBan. after a aaa a charadag room, with togas DEPARTMENT Tha President reeommanded Portland. Ora.. Fab. IB—(AP) — enemy into oBoa gtovaa. FOR LABOR TROUBl^ Mrt SCARFS leo WoodbnryU crop taanmnee be astanded to W allaos, oacood CaMnat aaa alopmaat from Hollywood. Tha taaurgonts biaasd at tham of aee and s oertam lator. COCKTAIL Faelal Senp, 3 for ^ aideriy w oauu wtu. Idaatlflad amllfo. Have It aow sad Is Filled With Bright I bead pattern, Indian 21c wheat for tha crop year 1888. to improm pubUt. support at Bu. The rod-hnlmd actnao, on_ ■*••• star ac ortth maohina guna aafl aatotaal SAVE . 8. 8. Pierce Breakfort prints. all - over floral prints, ■Oe Ipnaa ,*T baUeve that tagltoatlon should pronw Court onlatganaant, aaM ha widowed and ones divorcod, Mintl- m Miy 90a and omia wonrw ef tha tu rn U m m them from date.. New Spring and White,its, 1paisley. Guaranteed wash­ hoUovtol Ito .wactmsBt woMd givo Many wore loportad to hava throwk S o l b fifc tte D ed a ret R fi- 34c authorise sppUesUont af -flImitoK flod.homtof toft county UoSaSSSSi (fN h iT c^ dlgmand, motod.M pa- O A IH scaffolding M l adadBlatrathm aad able and pre-ahrunk. 15c Kleenex. programs to other jOdauBodUtoa,” he adnrtntstraUoo form mmaiirm • on-tatoOte T* Thorpo, SO. Dto Camp Ueo TMfldqnnrtom today' after toU- down thalr arms la hiad flight JoBt PH O N E 8815 Summer bGttir dUUMGo* anid he was 35. Biqiorior Judge iag n krtord otory o f ------h i Larga amabsM wara nportad tap- fomlliar with tha FIGS _2i ^ 3 5 e 3 fo r ...... 27c said, -orhen It to aafohHehad that pattepoad ia tte HOary C. KeUy performed the wod- ‘‘Langstara.’* turad. dcicc Skowt Tint R De­ i Wash Fabrics SSe VIekto roduoem deaim tham and appUea- *lt wooM team to nm if tba Proto- tuqum ^t Large Ne. 3H OBa 8. 8. Ptorea SioB of tha pbm to wheat has pro­ ding eemnumy at Me homo at 4:8U DetocUve Ouitoin Jooopn Xoigan On thla atom ganalal float 17 DECLARED UNSAFE Vapo Bab . 24c m. (M B .T.) faratgn voluatom to tha Madrid FEBRUARY SALE — SAVE H! each Sfle'Gntot O vided a back log of experience in K On Pago Two) said she rotated bow gaagstom timk stroyed AD Ckiices ef hy tteaa Ih ohtegh d f B e S m a r t ! 36” A . B . (J, $ 1.00 npplytaig the prindideo of crop In- Tim coupla Oapartad by nutomo* ovor a bus on which abo was rtdHg eaaao Weia inported kUlad whan two 8-PlBOM SET RB-CPBOLSTEREOi Tsar set stripped to Nall PoBah 29c su ra n c o ." bile for Calexico, Oallf., wboro Del from the Dallas to Portland and be­ trucks la which they wars rkOag aad work for ku^ puhlla me mha^ jS e mr^ new sprtsgs sad 811- Clam Chowder . 2 7 « DE LUXE PRINTS Too Largo for Private Plrmo. Campo piwloutoy bad arranged to gan ahooting at traffic offlcera. Bba took a arrong tuia and drovn dl- Burfainiog CoDectirely. Plrobet Are Started After rote aavtoyoM- taryo, aplaahy floral pattema, board a na-Amarican transport for raetly late lasurgant Uaaa. One o f A a a d r le ^ TUB 6aa 8. 8. Pteece Bed G aim B orough B ridge Sim The commlttoo of Federal offldala Mexico City. waa takeam IIfrom tha bus after the mip and flab designs, for the new who planned the insurance program NOTH) INVENTOR driver aaid she triad to leap out. would advioa and aaatat tha i NO DOW N PAYM ENT — 1 Y ear or Longer T o P ay. 36” Pre-Shnink A. B. C. bouaecoata, pajamas, culottes, Hla tother dlod at tha Maxlo Mlm Yoba, aow g7, won too >(C cb It would sea ----- told M r. Roosevelt It sras "toouirge ennitnl ef tnouaaonln yesterday. Tn M Are lied hf H AVE OUR REPRESENTATIVE CALL draperies, etc. Of\ an imdertaWiig for private oompan- fabulously valuable Hope Jewel a WaSUngtoB, Fah. 18A(AP) — bv* oaiartifl SALMON 2 7 « MIRACLE MUSLIN Yard ...... Z B C PLAYING CARDS tas.” DIES IN WINDSOR Mim Aator,. bom LucUlo Laag- 44)t enrat stone, after marrying lAFoDatta (Prog- Wla.), iM o d i of tho OwaitaMBts at i W ITH SAM PLES. NO CHARGE. „ ^ nUnn'Tboma Dog Back — CUriototy Shop — baake a t Quincy. HI., May 3. .1900, Lard Fraacia H o^ before the tun F«D frtB Big Bridge. tiofl, Walfoio, S fll NOa S Q w flu flu Pleroe Wtanej OoMea Hatheway CUttaga. . ITw y said tha Federal goveiiimant wore dark glasam and malatalnod o f the Boaato eIvU Hbortloa eonualt- could “well affr.rd" to pay “admin­ o. the century. S n u NO ACCORD too aaoortod today that "labar oe- Brtatteas. PaWte Wdtkg 36” Faat C olor P rinted .Slngte P a d ^ C risa detarminod aileneo on her brief The woman m Jail scoffed at the Bafat^Agrteuttme; ^uka aad; *7 1 PLEASES U S TO PLEASE Y O ir D oable P ad i- OC—. istrative'' and overhead coato for marital dash through this southwest plonago has proved to bo one of tho Ic yd. D o g O n l y ...... OUC tba plan to protect formem against legondaiy curoo attached to the die. San Fraaclaee, Fob. 13.—(AP) — oata; Flabarias aad Gamg , CORN l ^ e DIMITIES age. AH D ed g n a afO C Artirar H. Eddy Wu Pioneer “Greto Green ■ She and Del Campo mond when questioned hero by m- moot off eetlvo woapoao la dootroy- lie Health...... A beautiful ranga of pattema. crop losses by drought and other hurrM away with Scarcely a Yuma Tho question whether scaffolding oa A fine quality mutoln, pre- tervlewora. IN AUTO DISCUSSION Tha direetov would be « Na. 3 Oaa 8. 8. Pierce FUaey All Oreea In small and large florals. In all *nmavatdable diaaatera.'* resident aware they' . had ovoven ar- lag goBulBO eonoetivo bargaining th* wortd*o tongort ouspoaslan spaa, Manchesto' Uphoktering Co. ahrunk. In neat floral dealgna for Becretsiy Wallace, ehairman of b Bectrica] Madbery; rived. "The curse bualaem la the bunk," d liect anpervtalOB o f t h o ____ colors. For smart dresses or ahe said. "Everyone baa tbelr upa activity on tho part of workom.-* tho Golden Gate bridge, had boon 48 Mhdiaon Street Busy Since 1022 both children's and women'* blouse*. tha committee, said the plan “would Battia Over Danghtor "The ovldoneo Is overwhelming", aloaer of Flnaaoa and OobM. wear. Now eolori and patterns. have tha 'ffact of storing up ro- and downs In life; you can’t blame It declared unsafe stood high today In tuiB would bo the I ' r»rd , ...... The slender Him atar last year on a rock. It's a bum enough look­ ha declar^ "that the Injection of ALL W OBK GUARANTEED ASPARAGUS _S 5* Wu 79 Years of Age. waged a bitter court battle with her Goieral Moton and Unoi those labor qilao Into ualooa and among those for which investigator* hand of tha DspartaMat of ing stone aa it la arlthout adding sought an anaarer la explaining the and Control. 8 . 8 . Ptaeea PUacy Oeoked (Uonttenad Oa Page Two) divorced husband. Dr. Franklin that to It. tho fact that they got to bo offtoon Thorpe over custotfo of their flve- 300-foot death plunge of 10 workera. . U rt a f I IIWI im iE I I 8 III 8 "1 wore It once when I waa pre­ Stfl a Loig Way fna aad report tho aamoo of ammboro to Frank McDonald, afoto laduatrirt Windsor, Fob. 18.—(AP)—Ar­ year-old daughter, Marilyn. During sented to Queen Victoria." the managomeat of corporaUono" TIM SMMim ___ SA 8 C E P A M S E T thur H. Eddy, 78, one of tho plo- accident commlartoner, artd Inspec­ o f paattlooB whloh would ba ( HAM[AM 2 lbs. 4 oz. net 8 l .39 Captain Keegan quoted tba wom­ have bampoied ualona. tor A. F. MrtUoux twice made such aoera la tho laveatian of otoetrieal (Claatlnnad au Page Two) an as saying her present tauaband la LaFoUetto made hla aaoottlon aft- from claaalflad atrvloa. An the aatoral Jnlnee ready to aerve. lniU it.flrtl».d.8m n^ KOREAN HOUSEBOY machlany and tha fbuadar ef the Roi'diiiig I SettlaiaiL a proteat to aaverrt oonstnictleo Inoluda aU offloets aad haadlaa. Hems- Captain John Smuts of Boatoo. p Alfred Mandmn. Chovrolot Mo­ Bddy Eloetrle Manufocturlng Com­ officiala McDonald polatod out tho Judleirt dapartmant, etoedvs ofl.:'] Captain Smuts tolegrapbad from tor Company porsomial eblof, had that tha eonnalaalon and bridgs au- — BINGO — pany which waa laoorpomtad on Loston to "arrange for bar welfare taoUflod that hla firm aalarged Its fleam, vlrtuaUy aU Isgtrtattea a m \ BCALMATHUAL Aog. 8L 1885, Mod this morning DatrMt Fob. 18.—(AP)—Bpadfle tborltica arers approaching the 8U,- 4 0 GERMANS HELD until further Instructtohs." Ha told factory asplonaga sarvica rapidly 000,000 rtnicture for anothar inspac- cere and amployea. aU Celery Hearts bun. lO e at Ms home ham. Tha Eddy dyna­ police to notify H. G. Lawson of Vie. axamplea o f lasuas under diseuaaloa after 1838 whoa "labor unions began htada mombara of boards sad <____ _ UoB o f Um 4,300 foot span when tbe TONIGHT at 8:80 O’clock mo which bo invented waa a Mg fac­ toria. B. C . "In the event of aa emer­ aroaa today to plagne aagotiatora to present quite a problem." missions, offloars aad BMlhif tor la tbs electrical world during representing Gaaeral Motors Corpo- scaffolding collapsed yraterday. targ% Jtoey gency." Detaetivo ageadas origtaally In tha military or naval asrviea St. Jamet’s School Hall F^es ■ Oie of Sfanngest tho infancy of the oloetrieal ago and IN SOVIET PRISONS Following a divorce from Lord raiioa and the Ualtad AutomobUt aroro engaged to lavasUgata Tkafta^ Aitlip Hart, preaidcat of tba Fa- th* stote, the foeultlea of th* Onfov for many yaam maintained Its place Hope, .Hlas Yobe married- Captain Workera of America. aabotage. and the Indlsctetionx. ' of ciflc.'Bridgo company, which expects necticut Btote ooUage, the FOR , la thla braadi of tba alactrtcal ael- Complaints miade by oadi iactud- to oomploto the span by May, aaid Bradlee Putnam Strong.-. She be­ foreman", ho fold the LaFonetto last night: Teachers’ ooUaga, stota i____ _ Grapefruit 6 for 2 5 * - PoisoD Cises m New anoa. A t the World’s Fair la Chi­ came Captain Smuts' wife after a ad aecuaaUona that each aids had Ovll Liborties committee. "There soboola, trade schools aad tha MWM^y IS Games 2$c *TIm details of the oonatructloo SUFFERERS cago Itt' 1886, the products o f tha Nui'Emroy at Moscow Says second divorce. caotiaveaad the tarma which aodad waa very lUtIo spylag oh ualoa no- Uo Oral school; part-ttSM i '' ^ 8 SP ECU L GAM ES Eddy Blaetito Manufacturing Com­ Captain Kcogaa said the woman tha proloagad atrika la tha corpora- aad tba completed scaffold areia at York's State Legel History tlviUos before 1938." all times,visible and accaasibla to state InstUuUoM and auporlataa(|M A m p iecs H oly N am a Sockty, S t Jaam a’a C hurch. FRpM r pany formed one of tho outstandiag waa on her way from Boston to Vic­ Uoa'a plaata. Boaator Thomas (D., Utah), told cots aad wardew of atata limtltm'j W HMCMini. exhlUta. In addition to tho dyao- He b Dnakk to Rod Out toria to see her lawyers. She had Tha ooaforaaa were roproaontoil aa the oomrnltteo "all tbe biggoot em­ the incpectors of the bridge district tioas. moo and othar alaetrieal manhtnarr ticlceta to the Canadian city. balng far apart aa thay worked to­ ployers m the country", ware pie- and the state laduatrirt accident ORANGES doz. 2 3 * MW an t-mr CMKn commisaloa and no objection waa "From Urns to Ubm^" tho bUl a a l^ ? White Plains, N. T , FUi. 18.— ^ lacludad n nmvlag ptotform ua The officer aaid that upon being ward a aohittoo of tha qnaatloaa left parad to "preaeat a ualtod front" "aa bo daama aaeaaaary to ainply 4AP)—A tiny Rorann houmbey, Ckargu Against 1W ahown newspaper 'photographs of uaaaawerad la tha atrika aettlamaat evw made .to our uae o f tbe scaf­ wdrmbtobSkr S ^ ^ ASTHMA - HAY FEVER whldi vtottom worn tmaapoctsd againrt labor unloaa, ualag aopkm- fold." the Beads of tha aarvlo*, tha direetor Baont-foead, black eyes sHUmteg. around tho foir greunda. May Yobe she apparently was tha Mgnad a weak ago todim. age as a weapon. shall lurid axamlnatkxM fo r tha put^ ' tots croaa-leggsd in tha datantlon same woman. RovaaUng Gonoral Motora had Special Oea forenee WatkoMa Bafcgaardad. P iaahom t W U l Fflatnre SttfcO y F rw h E ggs Tom orrow HEALTH MARKET u.* oma vtM h aaa SINUS and RELATED DISORDERS Whm tha Eddy M«i»i.feet^w*«g Phillips said the scaffold "oon- poaa at srtaNlihlng amplnymMt"; nan of tba Buprema Court, munch- Company was formad Mr. Eddy waa M o ^ ’ rob. 18.— (A P )-C ou n t Matrons at the woman'a divlalao complained (hat ualoa workata wore He referred to a "special confer­ UsU fo r tha various elaasaa at post. ; A t Special M ces! kw mw carrots, laboriously reading •iaeted pmaldant and tha othar offl- Fl'iGdrich von dor flchultQbunr, N isi aaid she received a number of for­ soliciting BMmboiB oB company ence committee'*, formed by person­ formed to all safety requlrcmenta" M U llf im m NT8 mer admirers and frienda aad'rae- and “at all timra we have been moat tioas la tha atata claH lad aanrieOL'^ Physicians recommend . , spread on tho floor cam Included: Tmnaumr, Arthur D. ambaaaador to Rumla. reported a nel officers of 13 great eorporations Tha MsmlaaUona may ba "wrlU-! s t r i c u y Large Size .. .doz. 37c nSH SPECIALS new, unsuceeaaful attempt today to ognlxsd each one. « fo r dIaeuMion e f labor aad othar careful In our operations to safe­ F r e s h ijRk Newton; Buporiatoadoat Goosga T. guard twr workmen by all poaslble ten. oral, phyaioal, amsmhlii fa Chang Boo Lsa, 88. an d th a Briggs who totor boeaam hand of laam mom about diaigeo agalnrt problema. cimblad. or fai tha form of a ______Medium Sze. .doz. 34c _ I mtanglammita aurranndtag noarly 40 Germans bold la Soviet **rhat pressats a graad opportua- means." tho Brlgga Manufacturing Oonmnay McDonald aaterted that raenforce- atraUoa at skill, or aay comhfoatlartj^ S T E A K COD lb. 121/20 Mm win provids . away forma Info which conerata of tho class or port Mon to waMp .^s *•"*■ *08 -hart aaltom- to ttoa Bad out erhat tha omploysa art talk- they soak appotiriaNBL" ■Odmya Bae. Veey ed gwo Mads of tag and thlnlilng about", ha aald> was poured for tbe bridge's roadway. DUST-FREE • N O N -IR R ITA M T. N O N -ALLERO IC cod af tho Tranbnii - . BlMd hta^ OOHBt A 10-foot movaabia acaffrtd w m War flarrtee On •mS vahm ot, kaa . . . lb. WMihatttutloa tor thtor fovortta Omspany o f PlainvlUe, von dor Bckulonburg said, to try to Btote Oollogo. Pa., Fsb. 18—(AP) a BeOefonta drfft, aaid ProfOa- Asserting tabor asplonaga laada to 2 5c S W O B D FIS H tetoto-posrdar, tha othar la food. Bto —Roquefort cheese—American styla *teiaplelon and dlatruat averyerhare ", earrtad akmg aa the work progieaa- are made la tha moaat-'g a vpenitiesaM p M a Bad out when thsir trials would be aoi' Dahl, Is about haK a «"<*» loag; ed. suspaaded on wheels undsr the ur* for ereditlag war vetaraM wKfl&l E xtra L aag, FTcah, H ot B lueberries ...... b o s 25c Cktmt, tha stats mntanda, waa to foetory. aet Tha Oarmaa Embaam hopas to -.Is coming out of coal and lima- Tbonma aalf: dtontoata tha conpla from anrpi««^- stone mines m PeaaairlvaBla. "Why, aa a result of these bear- giant span. . Dae srheel sUppad a “minimum aaraad ratiag on ttjtJ B m m e C aram bera, 17e M A C K B H EL rscalva aa aasimr from too Rnaalaa from a girder on which it raa. Tliat examination.” PBOO ■•eovoaa a-a a a a abOX 2TC te Mm M UwaSettonaaM - Mr. Thla new developmeat of tba dairy lage, Tve become auapicloua~: .of each toWef thsir also tamated and thorn fortogn offleo la a wool:, ho report- The asms thlim has baaa doim la Rrtativ* to peraima now la ■ etarad at thla ptaat m»- #d* taduatiT waa announced today at eveiybody. We*ve questicaed' ,pee-' •a m M m . Id a Pennsylvania stats college. a coal mlaa at nalnvUlo, Pa. Tho pie for days hare .a ^ got no daar (Ceatlaned- *■ Page Bte) aorviea of the state, tba HU aaid: H BR BIN O S ib - lO e ehlaaty adapted or oonwoeted with _n!^****J? PoOte. moaawhllo, "Persona hoWtag porttkam la wMwhomthay ateetrie pintiag. Tha Eddy Mann- wm cotMlder aa adoltleoal roquaat The roquefort cheeae bug, pealell- If 'tt’ U'hD abom bowd, MaomovIBa.- Ind- to Uum roqMort, tbe grean mold tt*madofoa*cCaea**"* ***** ****** why have all , Genaral Motora papara claartflad servtoo upon Um ~ pUowB and mattrsm m tomuld ho tha fc-Aw— foetnrlag Ooaqmny oeeuptod n por- that Nasi eonsula bo aUoitod to la- -J ? * Fraanh, who Invaotod roqoi^: TREABDBY BALANCE data at tUa article ahaU ba i N i i i r c H O P s i b . ^ e NO. I SMELTS lb. 1 5 « at tocmreiy Iwma. M erdfoary nUtowa Irritate aSaetod Boo Loo has bean e f ^ tomp pravkmtoy eoeaptod which ripaaa tba ebasae, lovoa extra- darting with aapionaga baen de- M nt Chnrchnra hnomboy, tervWw too peiaoaora, the amhama ordinary weather. He does hla bast ^ baoB making It m cavee. atroyadt" to ba boMtag aaid porttloaa < —than they may b* harmful to haalthy pscaoaa. Waha u» by tho Bpsneor Aram Oompany and dor aaid. flavoring at a tmaperatara ef 4fl to far a tiMmaaBd years or mom. Stats Washington, jTeb. I g — (A P ) '— rarily tor a parted of hot am BSYING CHICKENS— Cflivea* Liver. momtag wttimt that congostad bead or nasal condlOoB. ^ iV > tooktotemlaaa ' turae |33,993A98J6; balance 81.- tenalao .tha fltneaa of auoh nUCA88BB.Ib. ... d O C Dried Beef, Vt lb . 1 8 c. GomM Hetaa totp m ilir fUB langth naoaanuy to douhla tba tom at tto He aaid General Motora peraoiiu>*l CUBE STEAK »> S9e ______- % oO portmlta of Itgal I^ ta of mort throe and Ttn* half mewri-e .ggo PsnteSHum, said R. B, OahL as- * "nte Ualtad Siatas has eava ehaaao policy la baaed on thraa pciaelptea: 695,80848108; customs receipts for for tb* perttioM whloh thayl adO and a lu g s nddiUoa waa hnilt. ■taat professor o f chemtotry and the month, 838,04841308. > M * 8 U Fiw h Fhk. Oysters and rinnsa. daya. Tho walla am emnm, tho and hnvo bami hoM toeoamannlcndo iw o cte rtaowhora too. Profoooor ". Hire a man and keep him busy. Any otafo eaiploya trtm p Us dtG f G BEBN STAM PS G IVEN W ITH CASH SA LES. mem otnffy. and tho- In 1803 tha oompany aamo midto physics, has booa making tkia !25“ cava chaaaa la X Pay Urn well for what be does. Reeelpta for the flaert year (alnoe P O T B O A S TS n>.28e Jnry hao tronbte tho eoatml of thaQoMml Etoetrio ■oam o f too Gormai roquefort In an ohoadoaed M ft, 400 tida oouatry Waa temOa a t the Uni- X Treat a man aa you would Oka July 1), 83.80344143105; expaodl- profaattenaiy period would be Oompany and la 1318 ton Eddy mad to ocmmtlcma o f foot down; m a Hmootono mlaa a t van ity^ Mlanoaota. to ba traatod yourasif.” turas, 84483,168.431.17, Ineiudtag B u t n o t 00 th a BoHofOnto, pa. A dnggirt t and anboUgo, Von dar Buriitoom eaeao wore 1 "Apply that last priadpte to apy­ 81433,714.75306 of anMrgeney ax- of th* elate W A R E R IBS tb. 1 9 « ■ ha was Into* mod, hot Tho mold Is pteood on a prodnat roquiCort is axelualvaly lag aad aaa srbara yon eoam out", pendituras; axceaa o f expemttturaa vin e ttoo hnoflH tofo M afli of patomL from cows' milk. Ha maids away mytog ho wanted to kffl oqnlimto gaticn of too. a Fraaeb psodML Mat tha D. & Thomas ramatkad • 8146043848803; groM debt. 884,- for rtx waoks to two nMqtha. Than Buraaa of Dalryteg has dsvatenad a MarahaO dselarad ha was acm - 588460498.90. a decrease at 810,- LAMB STEW n>.10c-15e the ehaaao ta wiappod to ttefoU aa r**"* *9**8S" teBad a lumiatort 88844040 under tha pvevinua day; M A N C H im R C o n n * o f too ] as of tba daagmam can gat ooL earnad about natana en^ whan thay houis te flxed by th* I Six wooka of tUa, aad tha flavor la baeema ladlcaL *Tva savor Is my gold aaaeto 81140140347808. la- (€ an Paai *»m> Zwn) ehidlag 8170434,00948 of hmettVa ’ •MPhgs »wa> gold. HEBAin, iUM|cto8iiut,|p)tiN, TBcn^sT, te'iiw

ho "B any •m to proto that tt was ___ anyone Nse atops to think about it, but Jndga Noiaa atoppad htok ■onrara total HJM8B9, with oa aa- oo Thursday aftsxnooa fram hte late partment was ealtod again at 10:80 glri bom tors 18 ailantaa attar her bs would ass that ths world would MARTASIDRBIARia^ Tto UADERS Oiaag Boo Loa juot alte aad gitas roUawnt o f 898 aad 816 d raod tora hoara Rav. Edward L. Nteld, pas­ SOUTH CO VENTR n FIRES to go to tto Porter ptoM near tto mothar had died of heart dieeara baby wmild Bvo. go OB prstty much aa aad wstchaa. Ba toUw to Nag-ooog. "iG lV E A W A r NIGHT TOnSPATdiGWDS Tto high sat avsragas of woifcly tor Of tto RoekvUte Baptist church Andover Una this Oma to exttnguieh Tto mother, Mra Driphla Oram- CROP nSORANCE AS Lockl Stocks N. Y. Stocks odSdated. Burial was in Grove Hill ‘'They assmsd to bo happy after garblad fashion durtog -m ririi Ha TO DBHRANCE SAiraiANi dspodton from January Uth to a chtmaey flra wood ot CtaowriUlte. waa striekm Guns used by tto oaawtery. OF S D S m O U S ORIGIN U1YT0F.D.R. tbs last eleetioB and they will bs if soya to la a “tool of naturo” and Fwiisary lOth wore VsrnoD. Miss yesterday. Her phyaicteas, raaUalag Uonan aoldtom were this Is adopted.” BOP FOR farmers that troubla Uka this to n “Tonnaai by K. B. Shaw, lae. ATSTATE THEATER TO FLOOD VICIIMS McOovem . DohaonvUte. 17 ptipte $0 Tto bsarsia wan Rtobard Oraup- b o e i T tor pUght, dseldsd to perform a aad short Ic. raaga i Fflgo Om ) Adam Exp •••.. • X8$4 ' - r of nature,” daalgnad to him a sea Fprmlngten Ava, per emt dspadt^; OIngton, Mias MT, Raymoad dptehasn, Arthur (Jaesaiian opomtioo. Benjamin Fnakna t>eclarlng that both he and Mr. A ir R a d u e ...... • 7814 UmadL Tsprrssntiwg Court Hearts Lake ReaUent Ytakb Mattreaa Roosevelt were conservatives, tha totter man. Re beileveo to m»ny Wast Hartlsrd B. Buell N a 1 OogswaU. iS pupite, Madem. CaUf„ Fto. IS.—(A>)-^ Mra Ofoonweod died before tboy army to armsd wHb COURT FIGHT page (to a ) tto trial, attorneys fto Dr. Thorpe Alaska Jua ...... 14% LEOSUTDRS AS GUESTS 68 pm esntflsaodBng: floamrs. Miss of Oak, Foraatars of Amorica; Burning on Ret am Heme — steretary added: “The remarhahle atrange things, including draams, WUSam B. Martin Allegheny ...... Fhyaloius watakad today a bakgr could oporata but they wont ahead. raws iastsod. aald thw wars prsparad to introduce ...... 514 Avsry, KIbtoiNiBsr. 81 pupils. 75 BoSiaan, WnUam T oWb and thing about tba propoaai m that which tall him what to do “wban I a sensafinnally frank diary at I liDcal Erpfsssntstiva AUtedCtom ..... Two Others ia Mystcfy Liak. ____ Omti aarves of whaat in yeara of large am lying upside down.1 ...... 280 Fine Hone Finushinfi to Be Fold a i l CloAiqi Gitkered p«* cent flspedtiiig. it is so conservative. It la intend­ crope and relaaaliig tham cn the Aator. Ttoy said It confided o t oar BM Asked Am C a n ...... 10814 OF C m C ASSOOATHHI ed to make livable the eapltaUatle Ha ifkaa to atog, aa wan aa sat aasodatioa with prominent men, to- Oip. NaL Bk. and Tr. 89 Am Homs Prad . The South Coventry firs depart­ was adopted,” market to years of crop tollure.” 00 Itov. Ctorlas 8. Johnson of WUU- syatem.” raw OarroU. Ha stoga “Onward eluding George Kaufman, tto puijr- Conn, R iver B k ...... 450 Am Rad St 8 ... Ghrci Aw iy Eick Week WV.F.W.toBtSkwd As a fellow up to'tto ara test ment had two calls on Tuaaday Tha Insurance wse not a “subatl Ubriattan Soldiers" la tha prison ...... 27I 4 mantle, former pastor of tto Roek­ Saturday aiglK, PoUra Captain aidd. “Uiii i wmtki ba a l^ a r per- w ^ h t . Htfd. Conn. Trust ... 77 82 Am S m e lt ...... 89 ToDand Comity AaMmUymcB nlghL one of tto calte appearing to Wheeler-Bone Beheme tuto” for any other Federal farm van that brings him to court, J’Pen- Htfd. Nat Bk. * Tr. S4H vUte Methodist church will to tha Pstar Dewgtewlea of tto RockvUle HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! a t m m m tba court who measurea, he lald, but rather “sup­ Tto diaiy’s contents were pot to- S814 Am Tel and Tel ...... 178 to Be at Redivtllo House for bs of suspicious origin. A t S o’dock Green and Wallace expreaaed nlea from Haaven” tha rest of the traduced to svtdaecs whan tto case Phoanto S t Bk. A Tr. 990. StartiDf Tiesday O iFridaj. ftt tiM- mid mMk Leotso Panes Dapartmaat has Issued a on Wednesday night Otto MUter, oaM tBtarprat tba Conatltutton to plementary.” Am Tob B ...... 9514 Dinaor Tkis EvoBfaig. ■sistea to bs held at tto ohurdi this their views while Congrussmen were ended to compromise aad tha court Inanrsaei Stocks Am Wat Wks ... wanring la'rsgard to motorists who who Uvea nsar the lake la a seetkm EVERYONE! aora tha gaaacal waVaio, and not discussing ths latest oompromiss BatimaUng that more than 0000,- > ...... 3614 evsBlag at seven-thirty o’clock. Tto try to boat tto Firs department to impotmdod it. Kaufman, aakad ter Aetna Casualty ...... 104 110 Anaconda ...... 6814 where there have been two ttrra re­ I diMcaad to Hoch pragrcaa.” pinposals. Senators Wbseiar (U- 000,000 to Federal funds had been comment, said to tto cast that ”1 Aetna F i r s ...... 00)4 Manager Jack Saaaon of the Stete RockvUte, fkh. IS.—-Thirty Tol- ■orvlos wUI bo bdd la tto vestry. area Loot weak thars was ooo- TO THIS NEW AND BETTER ' expended to the last 10 yaars for S814 Armour, 0 1 ...... IS AB food aad dothtng eoiteeted to cently that bave been of.auspteloua M on t) and Bona (O -W ash.) aug' don’t ksra a diary.” Aetna U fa ...... 85 87 theater today announeed that a big laad County aaombera o f tto Gon- Many of Rev. Johnson’s former ■Msrabte troulds with tto many B crop toaate«<^i ■> orerHiorsial dlstieaaad tkrmera who lost crops, Atchlaob ...... 7614 data hy AadenMD-8haa Post. Vat- friends are sxpseted to attend tto origin, returned home and found a •to o a iT , au for prgetertni tozaa and gestad a conatitucional amendment STAFFORD SPRINGS First Hnsbaad Killed ______AutomotaUs ...... 88 85 “Give Away Night” wUI to run oral Assembly have been invited to ears hladerlag tto an apparatus mattress In hte horns on flr a T to ths Insurenes committee said much Aviation Oorp 614 sraas of Forelgfi W an for flood rs- scrvlca • liartlar BMaMrci were . enacted, ^vlng Congress the right to re­ Her first husband, a n)uvle dlrse- I Conn. Oansral 48 45 Baldwin ____ weekly on Tuesday nights oa tho attcBd a dinner at. tto RoekvUte whm aras tr y ^ to raarii tto scene fire department waa eaUed aad tto of this would be eliminated oy Aaaeaament Appeals tor. waa killed to aa airplaas aect-1 Hartford Firs 9 stage o f the State with apprenU- Msf, wIB t o taken te H artford F ri­ . Vsong Feaplete CInA of the fire oa wladermoro avenua ' W allace daela rad, ” we den* , know enact by a two-tbirda vote any law 79H 7414 Balt and Ohio 37 House this evening as guests ot tho flra was extinguished bafore any BINGO 'aaclsttog wbtet farmers to assist Approxlmataiy 10 appeala /rom d en t mately $200 ia homo turntoiinga day foi packing amtolflP'BflflV to tto Tto Frtend-to-Frtend dub of tbe Warnings have airtadv bean given toot what their fate would re" in the declared invalid. themselves.” Hartford Steam Bolter .M 78 Bandix ...... 28 RoekvUte (3vio Aasodatioa. . other damage waa dona Tto ds^ the doinga ot the Board of A m etaon Dr. Thorps axprsassd surprise Nattooal F irs ...... n % merchandise being awarded to por- southera ooBeentratica eomps of the Union Oong ragatlonal church w ill to motorists In this regard, aad if ^toecal Oaorto aa new oeoaututed. It mat with oppoaiUoti. however, 6514 Bath StosI .... ssssaass Ths dinner will be served at seven Rainbow Dance HalUBolton la Plalas ttetos.- have been filed up to date wltb over ths slopemanL In Lea Angsisa, Phoanto F irs...... 06 8614 aona ia the audieneo aboolutely fra a Rad Cirnaa A lorga amount o f meet at the church this even ^ at tto nuteaaos te not stmqted, arreots MlBhalBaa Qtengo A ollea from Senators Burlu (D-Neb.) Toa eommittea raport said the Board of Relief of the town 97 Beth Steel. ...19914 oaansd goods and noo-parisbable o’clock sad artll be foUowsd by to said he bad talked last night by Roasts Insuranes ... 18 16 Manager Sanson, it sriU to ,ro- eight o’clock. Tto young people of will to mada MotoriKs are asked SU> aapreaaed the beUei that op­ King (D-Utah) and Van Nuya (IV “wheat crop Insurance would prob­ of Stafford, It waa learned yeater- tslsphons with Hiss Aator who man- Borden ...... 87 foodstuffs has bosa dooatod la tto prograni which wUI take tto tonn of Te Ml Nlw Sribr T ra vsitrs ...... 010 625 Can Pan ...... ealled. instituted “Country Store" on uiformal meeting. Tto program tto diurdi ore Invitod to attend the to puU to tto aids of tbs road when TOMORROW NIGHT ed tlw National Grange to Iml.), foea of Mr. Rooaevelt'a .ecom- ably dnd tta greatest uaefutoesa in day. ’The board oompriaea L m Zeix, Uonsd Dal Campo's lligbt but said . . . 16% loeal atoraa by indivlduala and gifts meeting. AU young people of grad­ the a n rina or whistle Mows, aad u inendatlon to Increaaa tha Supreme FnbSo Utility Btocka Cerra Dc Pas nigtate here several years aga They srUI be non poUtleaT in nature aad U>e great platoa atataa, where it Is chairman; C3iarlcs Dimmock and oc thing of accompanying him. 78 of caanod goods, asvsral eaaaa ot Gssim Start Promptly At 8 O’dodL the aiae o f the Supreooe Cbea and Ohio . . .~...... 6514 were immensely popular with the only -matters of Interest to rssidsnts uation ages are dibble to join tto not hlwtor tto flramen at work art- Fna Neill iUiMb O enrt had bean overemphaelaed, Court to IB unless jurUcaa over 71) perbape needed the most because of Lolo Plccln. The number of ap* She had been Del Campo’s com­ Conn. L t aad Pow ... 6$ 72 canned beana cocoa, paas„ and club and aa tateresttag program haa or arriving at a fira ttorysler .18114 theater patrons and in addition to of Tolland County will be discussed Meat tonaera, ha aald would ap- vure. Senator Robinuen (LVArhl wide Buctuationa in jrield, and where peals la expected to be much moro panion at night clubs aad on tbs goU Conn. P o w e r ...... 50 88 allowing tbe theatergoers tp .win om m wars made by Local 8196, been prepared for tonight’s msot- BEAUTIFUL PRIZES! M A majority leader, also said tba Bona- most of the nation’s ivfacat is pro- than last yaar. The Board of Rellsf, ccurss. • HUd. Elea U ...... 65 58 Ool Gas and a a ...... js% Edward L. Newmarker will bs toast­ NilliHaBwschHif fcooe judicial reorganisation as some fine prizes there was a lot of U. T. W. of Cbsiiey Brothsra Over ing. Tto'end msa have been aeleeted THRILLING GAMESI 4 UC Wheeler propoi^ had little support. duead.” woo ,have been In session slnca the Tto maid at Mias Astoria 'teluea H ertford Om ...... 89 44 Coml Inv T r ...... 74^4 80 cans o f food were oontributed by master at tto afteTHUnaer progtain. aeettw cd Denwcratlc processes. ComI B o lv ...... 1874 fun in the awarding of the gtfta AoMog tboas who wUl give diorte for the mlnstrri show which tt to be “ Ih are has ptobabljr been more Administration backara paid UtUp It suggsatad tha insurance plan first of February, will cloae their ■aka horns, where M arilyn waa sissp- So. New Eng. Tel. Oa 161 166 tto eUldran of tbe Manchester PsnirtMit Cmiglis sessiona for filing of their appeals, Oona Edison ...... 4 4 % The merchandise to to given aws'^ art Repreaentetivs Jamas Dick of The first of a series of mid-woek given by tto Ctesangs and Declama- bant than Ught afced on this so far, heed to tbla and othar midway pro- ba voluntary but that participating Uig, tosiated Mias Aator had gone to Meanfeetartag Stocke (Oraaa sehooL A largo amount of Here Are The Prizes! this Saturday, February 90. Ftom tto boms ot tor parents, Mr. and Co m O U ...... 1614 at “Give Awajr” night wUI to RoekvUte, B. O. Smith of Maas- Lenten services to be held each tiona Oub on February 27th featur­ poaala, saying nothing had fu m ara to urged to Join to other Acm e W ir e ...... 691$ hte clothing was ateo do­ Thursday evening throughout Lent Fedm l tom programs. now until tto first of March, the Mrs. Otto langhsnke, 64H Cobt ( t e n ...... 6214 uable pieces o t home Add. and Mra Doris McBos of WU- ing tto Nutasaggon of Hartford. largo Upbilseieif Maple Living Roem Cbolr auggaated that had not baan con­ Am. Hardware ...... 4SH ited. with tha exception of Holy Week (tertoCtenoveol te in dtoigo of tto Tto oommittea 'old that if tha to- members of tbs board wUl to to ax- Mias A ster’s first uusband. K m - 4814 Ooni P r o d ...... 68% from fine tab las and occasloi Until further notice food and Ungton. F a lfii« bM ga Table Set, Padded Tep, Baeha sidered and rajeeted hy tha Preai- A rrow H end H, coa t 97 60 The committee in ebargs of the wUl take place at SL John’s Epis­ pipdoethm aad to will b# assisted as dertt before bis message.. auranoa plan had operated to im­ ecutiva saaslon fo r the purpeae ul nath Hawks, ctosma director, was DM Lack aad W e s t ...... 9114 chairs to fioor lamps, and tablea, aad okithlng will be ccritected in the aad Sm to deciding the appeals and also to ai-lsc to aa aIrptaiM collUloa over BiDinge end Bpsnoer.. 0% 6H Douglas Aircraft 09 smoking stands. Every gtft will event Indudes Bidward L. New- copal church this evening a t seven- dmaa hy Ous MUlix. Goorva A s s o r t m e n t Burke Per U Umtt portant n-bsat atataa tto last alx Brtetol Braae 67 town atores and persons having thirty o’clock. Tto visiting preaebai Braeu|^BM Jnaler lltar Lamp wUk SUk Bm n CbanSte Daiign Fag Stss yeara tto greatest daflclt any one make up the perfected grand list tha Padfie Ocean It. 108b. A year 60 Du Pont ...... 178% to weU worth being present every marker, Frederick O. Hartenoteia. Oroseh aad BUI KowskL Otto e n ^ to Oo , Bed Spread Senator Burke propoeed that Jua- Collins Co...... 186 warm, aarvieeahte elothing whidi wil)-to Rev. Stanley F. Hemsley of Lamms wUl rsadsr a tenor sole aad ^ )*»»»—While. tlm# would have been 70.000,000 of the town on which ia based the Ir-ter she married Dr. Ihorpe. The Eectman Kodak ...... 17414 week for the sake of being a winner. UMy. wlU. g ive aro asked to leave George Milne, Fraada Prichard and Large FaU SIsa Biaesad Bed Bteolist Uces ba compelled to retire at 75 it town tax rate. The tax rate la laid nuptials took place at Turns and Colt’s Pet Flreerma 081$ eOH Elec and Mua The first in tbe "Give Away Raymood Hunt Both tto dtnnor aad S t Andrews church, Hartford. Everett Ttoummisr popular bari­ t adlea* OhtMaa aad Enameled Fitted SUk Specials A t bushels under premiums and the ...... 6% bonince at the Manchester preen V. lined Overnight Case SS-Pleoe SUvw Sat In Waa-Tarmetobte BoB they do not voluntarily withdraw, at nest month at the annual spring were kept astret for some tims dur> Baals“ ■ Lock• ‘ 8214 8414 Elec Auto Lite ...... 4314 Night” series will be held at tbe the meeting ore open to the general Held Membera Social tone win ateo slag a solo number. f T M t ^ auralua, 70.000,000 buahels Iw lr Bsswings...... 129 F. W. Homo or call (Jommander y w & ie v T is n n w iiiii eoM bv as Eleotile KHrfM ^lUm OUaea TOp Walaat Bad Table 70. A oonatltutloual amandmiwit meeUng. Inglitigatlon over Hawk’s satats. 180 Gen Eleo ...... • , . . a • a 00 State theater next Tueeday night, pubUe sad tickets may be aeeured A t tto membera sodal held by the Frsderlek T. Harteasteln win set oa feed drunatx m a suerantee of fua Fkdani officials aatimaud that Gray TsI Pay Station 1814 David McO>num-for coUecUen, tel. aiaas Bleetrte Oettea 9tok«r m Tiay would cfury out bii Idas. Rep. Ueiiar 1100,000,000 to $150,000,000 would E lliott Serafin, son o f Mr. and The Thorpes were divorced to 90H' Gen F o o d s ...... ^48% February 28. from any of tbe members of the RoekvUte BmMem (3ub on Wednes­ Interloeutor aad there wUI to sev­ W e e "" vour (iieiSv b «* . Ckrome Bleotrte Perooietor Set Peeoilator, SS-Fleee Oaosiated Oblaa Dteaer Sal R eal Sawings (D-N. X.) auggeated that only two 1085. Hart and Uooiay .... 900 990 eral novrity acts during tto pro- Tray, Sogar aad Creamer to naedad to set up tto plan and es- Mra AtUUo Serafin, of WlUtogton Cten M o to rs ...... e 9 # e • s * Civic Association. day afternoon priaeo wore awarded Ousam Etaetfle Waffle Iran wltb laiSiiater Landsra, Frary A Cik. 4814 46H Tto committee in charge of the graaL Qbrvsd Walnal OeffM Table with Bamevable msmbera ba added to tha high tabUah adequate reservea and pay avenue, ia confined to his home by After Miss Aator, to a swift court QUIetta ...... 18% campaign fot- food and clothing te: fleksol flavtaga Report as follows: First H ra MolUe Hotter, torgeJTnW *ep Owema saS Baaaeal Fisa tribunal. As rauklag majority mem naoaaaary eoata. Illn e ss . move, accused Or. Thorpe ot having Mann A Bow, Class A 914 1114 Hecker Prod ...... Tto nkmUily report of Kenneth M. second. Mra Evelyn Keeney aad Modem and eld foshloood iinH eg Oteae Tray Tap lAt M AHIEU'S New Brit Mch., 00m. 42 ...... 14% Commander David McCollum, Arch­ wUI follow the minstrel with muxle ber o f the Houaa JudlcUUry O onjatt- 'For complete text of President’s Mra. Kenneth Barnes and infant nrorried her without divorcing 44 Hudson Motors ...... 22 White, director of School Savings third, Mra. (tells Reyndda Hi-Octane STOPS KNOCKS irevious wife, the physlelen replied do., pfd...... 100 ABOUT TOWN ie KUpiririek, chairman. William b f Art MoKoy’s band. *'**Rto^tonmd’’***** **** Ouedlewlek Oriental Deriga fleatter Bag, Stas SaSU ;JHhbat)r Farina, tea. ha has opposed adding a maal- daughter have been discharged from Int H arv ...... 106% Lngge^ C9arence Wetherell, Ches­ ■bows a total o f $3,407.89 d ep osit^ Mra Irene Koaior^ d Stafford Uurga, Fbaey. FnF Stra Eamsad Bed irisalwit mum o f ate. s s r - • to todasr’s the Johnson Memorial hoapital and jy asaertedly quoting from the diary North and Judd ...... 48 40 Int N ic k ...... with 1.234 depodtora out of an en­ Springs and Mra John (telemaa of Fred Milter and tbe house com­ , > t pkss...... 08% terfield Plrie and Thomas Omkm. r Beat CoatraOed Eteelrle Flat Iran Oeoorated M is Otaes ranch Bawl Set on Tmi to prove his charge of "gross lm- Peek, Stow A Wilcox. - 1914 2114 mittee are in charge of the arraago- 25c Oppontnte of tba Prestdmt took bave returned to their home to In t T el aad Tel . , ---- ...1 5 % Daughters o t Liberty, No. 125, rollment o f 1,666 pupils or 76 par this dty were In charge of the ra- i Elec trie Mantel lam boor Cteck Latera^PeeoTirira OMm Table Loaep wM ^[Puffed £ic^ braathlng apaU in thait aarlaa c t HazardviUe. c oral conduct” Russell Hfg. Co...... 48 47 Johns- H anville U D. L. I., ara requested to meet'at cenL > ~ freshmente. naants fo r the svenL Scovill Mfg. Co...... 6114 ...... 187% m Wahrat UecktaB Tabto spesekaa agalnet bis propoaaia. The Two Great Dane puppies from Parts of tto Diary 53te Keiinecott ...... • 0314 Onihga kail tonight at 7:80; from In tbe schools of the town of Ver­ N ext week there wUl be a pubUe O fa im to M FeMtag Bridm Table witti ettera Bi4S$a sot 10c Stanley W orks ...... 60 arnttoamate lo albsr Xteper OeoralgM Bm House Republican ateerlng commit­ KOREAN HOUSEBOY the Great Pal Kennels at West In a superior court petition to re­ 61 Lehigh Val Rd ..;...... 20% there they will proceed to tbe home non this is divided as follows: Dob- card party at tbe dub with Mrs. Tto'Vernon Otaago wU) hold land Eoby OaekMI Set fluff. Stafford, owned by J. B. Hunsiker, Torrington ...... 0414 96H Mary Buriis of Uiis dty la cliaiga FIve-Pteee Otees aad Chraaie Baeteaa Set tee mat last digbt with National gain custody ot Maryin, Dr, Thorpe Ligg and Myers B ...... 112 of Mrs. Thomaa Kane, one of tto ■onvUte, $44S8 with 16 d s p ^ to rs "Pot Luck” suppar en Friday ovo- ir Fleer leuap with SUk were awarded prises at tbe 01st an­ stated Miss Aator wrote: Union M fg. Co...... 14 ' 16 I^fles)s Oard Party Tralght ' nlng for membm only at six thirty Oeoarated B h a CHom Ooektafl S ol ea T ra y 19c Chairman John Hamiltou, but at­ •. • • •, • 78 members, whoaa young aon iniomaa Recreation out of an enrollment of 17: Bast Them Ftee^ FtogoS Btesl Bteda Cbralag tad tendants said tha court was not die- IS CALM AT TRIAL nual Westminister Kennel club Maybe Marylyn some day U. S. Ebnvelope, com .. 80 Lorillard ...... •...... 26% met a tragic death yesterday from school, 8681‘.7I with 80S depodtora The Badstuebner Post and AuxU- o'clock. A fte r the busine a a a a a a a.a latsd. show held at Madison ^uara Gar­ would like to know what sort of 4 do., pfd...... 185 Mont W a r d ...... 68% carbon monoxide poisoning. out of onroUmont of' 882; Maple tery, Veterans of Foreign Wars will then will to a oodaL Byory mem­ 10c Veoder Root ...... 144 Banator Nymsa (D-B. C ) and den recently. Great Pal Karlo Ka- person her mother was and maybe 100 Nash-Kelv ...... 23% stre e t $60lJi0, onroUment 802, de- held anothat in tbdr aeries of ewd ber to ateo oskod to bring a ten cent Ghrdff tJsdcr the AaipicM of - Yellow (Oonttonad't o ^ Page Om ) ’ dow, owned by Or. Bari Beasley, of ■he w ill be consoled when she makes WhlUock Coll Pips .. 1C 18 Center Items portlea this evening at tbe boms of Rep. Harlan (IVOhIo) in radio ad- N at.D isc ...... 82 The Sewing circle of tto Amerieaa podtors, 168; Northeast, 8190.66, gift to tto mooting. MiaRtoasMoh Tribe, No. 5^ Improtrsd > M a 2 aiae, 8 c a n s 2 S C Heading, Maas., won tbe blue rib­ mistakes and gets into jams to know ■ D...... Williams (te. 86 Xtol told It was 90 tlmoB more j>ow- j J- 41 Nat Cash Reg ..... ■ 85% enrollmenL 72, depodtora, 68; ifr. and Mra. Vernon Sloan ot'Bost FREEGAME! drsaasa advocated bieriiasliig ths bon to ths puppy and novice classes that her mother waa a-cbampion at Mlaoellaneoiis Legion auxiliary will meet tonight Main stTMt There wlU be prises Order s i Red Mcr, et Maaehester. iVrtaila Fdachas, N a 1 O C number of juaticea. arful Utah Ito Brat Nat Dairy. ■ 24 % at 8 o’clock with Mra John RMnarU dm ’s Corner, $88.48, earoUment % , Tto curious acUona a t tto prawn id e^ I cans ..... a OC Great Pal BrunhUd, owned by Dr. making mietakea 1 blusb a Utue ' Nat Distill ...... 20 Tto man’s volley ball period will depodtora 25; ToleottvUte. $62.16, aad refreshments wUl be served. in crooping to the poeiUve pole, B mnm flMffS At# T lito eama Oaorga Ratvte. on Virkler, of WeUealey, Maaa., won iveiy little) at the idea ot ber read­ Arrow Aircraft ..... 314 814 o f 176 Wadsworth street. Free Game Prize: Burdtoea laa ..:... 41 44 N T O n t r a l ...... 4514 bs from 6 to 6:80. enrollment 18, depodtora 14; Ver­ Fsod Sate Friday when p lii^ in an etoctrically fMtCodrtaO, No. 1 O C i —’ *Tha teat la oot wbatbar aona 6™tehee, waatod.from a hdrinal lOO firet in the novice Bitch class ing some of the stuff In this book. 1 Tto junior basketball league PLENTY OF FREE PARKING man ovar TO a r t good Judges,” eaid pounds to 190, baraly abia to walk, Chapman Valve ..... 4814 5014 NT NH aad H ...... t ...... 0 The Manchester Green Oonuaua- non (tenter, 844.76, enrollment 80. The Epworth League of the Rock charged tank, are caused by tha t d can, 2 cans...... second in the American Brad Bitch bave been and am aucta a fool.” North Am ...... games will start at 6:80. depodtors 21; Vernon Depot, 868.88, Bynak, ."rha teat la .whathcr man ot end Mra. ReOvesl to a wbeei-eot. Conn. Invest. M gt. . . . . DI4 6 I4 ------30% Ity eiub will bold its regular meet­ vUte Methodist church wUI hoid a arrangement of their nerve flbera SPACE! 5-Piece Maple Dinette Set rVaneo-Amarican class. There were 06 Great Dane to an affidavit filed July 39, 1036, Packard ...... Tto women's swimming classes enrollment 48, deiw dtors 48. Total food sole at the office of ths Con­ The creatures can no mora help 80 or 60 yeara of aga wUI, aa a pertly paralyxed. Asstetant Dlatrici dogs III the, ahow. 'The two puppies Dr. Thorpe said Miss Astor onje Elec Steam Sterilising 144 21^ ...... 12% ing tomorrow evening In the Green &toasfaatti,8 Foundation Co...... g ' 9 4 Param Piet ...... 26% will kisst as follows: 7 to 7:40. ad­ Vernon sdiool $1,67818'with 880 en- necticut Light and Power Company crawling toward the pole than a 25c rula, maka batter judgaa." - Attorney Elbert T. Gallagher ask­ from the GreatJPal Kennels wUl o« w rote; Penn ■cbpol hall. Mrs. Ernest KriU- 3 S r Vinegar, ed ber: . Hendey'Mfg. <3o. .... 22 34 ...... 4 8 % macher cif, Stephen street, president vanced; 7:46 to 8:80, Ilfs savuig. rd led aad 048 depodtora. on Parit straet on Friday afternoon; piece of steel can resist a magneL PLEASE SEE P A C K 2 sad 4 Opponants of the ebanga, ba Mid, entered in the dog show at Boston, ‘1 love George and; the (,east 1 Phelps Dodge ...... Tto gtris’ church league will bowl Totals for the town of EUlngton Fnaerol of Fred N. Butobor bottle > a a a p a a fear it would result in Uie court “Do you aoeuae this man (Oiang) Sunday and Monday. cab do Is to save him from a messy John Irving Bhoei com 8 \ 1014 86% of tha .new Parent Teachers* study 10c of poisoning you?" King Seeley Corn ... I 8 I4 1014 Phil P e t F ...... 64 club will give a report. A reprs- as follows: 7 to 8. SL Mary’s va are $711.82, with an enrollment of The funeral of Fred N. Butcher, O o d f i ^ having a differtni view of the con­ Making' out income tax returns scandal.” Pub Berv N J ...... 860 aad 264 depodtora Town o f “1 do,” sbs said. •lolar M fg...... 6% 714 ...... 4814 SeataUvo from tto Hshford Bc^ Msttodtet; 8 to 9, SL James va 76. o f 104 Orehard s tra e t waa to ld 1 ^ . . ______stitutionality of legialatlon. now occupying ths attenUoni ot Tbe physician asserted she was in Radio ...... German. 25c love, with "George ’ three months be- Sylvania Indus...... 4814 4514 ...... i 12 Scout headquarters will also give a ”I think tha faar Is JusUflad," ha Preaeat Legal Fight numbers of Stafford Springs busi­ Rem Rand ...... M fla y OdfWTiia Sardines (in tomato Tto battle of the moment to to- ness men, and others who are called 'ort her divorce. Taylor-ttolqultt...... 67 71 ...... 28% talk. All pM'ents interested la oi> added. “Or least 1 hope so.” Tob B ...... Tto gtrU’ afteinodn swimming ■■■■■■■■■■■■PHHHR »). tween tha defense counsel, Uharies upon to make such reports each On tbe witness stand, Mias Astor Utab-ldabo Bug. CosL 3% ' 8 T4 5614 gsnixlag a new Boy Scout troop at Harlan dtclared that “wher­ New Verk Bank and loa Stocks Safeway Stores ...... 48% rlsssis will start at 8:80. ever our Judicial branch eonatltutea D. Lowls, who shot it t one of hi* year. T b s ruab o f this business, tearfully testified Dr. liio rp e shook the Green ara urg^ to attend tkte' 15c Marylyn so bard ” taer teeth rattled’ Bank of New Tork &28 646 Schenley DIs...... , ...... 44 % meeting. A social tlms wUI follow Tto wnmon't plunga period will Italian Tomatoee, ttealf a third leglaiatlva Cham- legs to a gun accident last year, however, >ordlnarily does not come Sears Roebuck ...... until the early part of March, the end jerked "her to her feet roughly.' Bankers Trust .... 86 89 ...... 00% during which refipaluneate Will bs to from 7 to'9 o'clock. = 2 cans . bar, choaen fo r life and utterly end Dr. A lW t W. Page, graying Shell Union ...... Tto Weldon Drug’ team will use NEURITIS U . S e 23c physician who is ths CJburehlll fam fifteenth of that month being the At 14, Mias Astor waa taken by Chase ...... 66 82 ...... 82% Mrvsd hy the offteera ARTHRITIS contemptoua ot the overwhelming Chemical ...... Socony V a c ...... l8% the tsMiketheil floor from S-to 9. R Nye says: A. 4 H. Washing Soda, £ her moth-ir from Chicago to New 76% 78% ly doctor. final date for filing returns. South Pac ...... A FW C IAII*8 FOMIIUIA desires of the Uacted law makers,” Tork where Charles Aibln, photo- Guaranty 'Trust . . . 875 886 ...... 6014 The aeoohd of tbe Lenten Happy Tto Weet flldsa win use Um floor aaaaeaaooaeoeoeoe tha Constitution expressly au- l«ewla U trying to show that Dr Miss Mabel Ward entertained the South R w y ...... members of the Stafford Olrla’ Sew­ tvapber, pronounced her one ot tbe Continental ...... 26% 22% ...... 84% Hour seriet at the North Methodist train 9 to 10 o’clock. Gmutna (from l^^apth a Soap, 2 ^ g e thorites Congreaa to appoint a ma­ Pags administered medicines con­ Corn Exchange .... St Branda ...... 15% The girls’ church league will bowl taining poisons to tto ooupia, eaua- ing club at ber home on Center most beautiful girls he ever had 74 76 church Stmday evening at 7, la ad­ Great Britain) . W IM m S ooaeooeaaaoaa jo rity If necesaary In that body. First National .... St Oaa and 89 ...... 18% a make-iip game from 7 to 8. Ing their condition. In one dramatic street last Tuesday evening. 2556 -2666 dition to tba usual hymn-sing and Bed Super’Soda, Immedlately - ehe was signed up Irvin g ...... 19 St OU C a l ...... 4014 Woman interested ia bowling will NOW IN MANCHESTER hlgkllgkt, ths doctor had hla nurse James Larkin la confined to bis 21 S t OU N J ...... talk hy the pastor, will fsatura ' a enjoy the a light smoke for two-reelers. In 1925 ber star Manhattan ...... 88 46 ...... 78% meat t|io W ast flida Rao a t 7:90. Bpkga. roody to inject 4 large amount >f borne on Brendon Heights by Ul- Tex Corn ...... Lenten moUon pletura antlUed *nie Kraadale floor, a p * ness. detinitely waa on the ascendancy as MaaufacL Trust .. 67 69 ...... 64% Healer.” • ’ flntnrioy ' ' . TABLETS tto questioned medicine into bis County Commissioner George the leading lady to Douglas Fair­ National City Bank 87 69 Timken Roller Beu ...... 78 Tto boys’ awimmlag claasse will Trana America .... H ush Llencl ■anyaiora M b . p k g ...... d s i O C SIswick has been confined to bis banks In ’’Don Q, Son ot Zorro.” New Tork ...... 164 158 ...... 17 Adjutant Cteorge Ahscomto and start a t 9:80. t f Kraadale Cut Beats, 1036, sue broke off an engage- Public ...... 68 Union C a rb id e ...... 109% V*rW Famwif Nevefol, Oallt ia V mU Fm m m itw d !>«)■ isS home on Grant avenua for a tew 57 Union Pac hte fam ily arrived In. Manchester Tto girls' tiqi dancing classes will No. 2 can, 8 cans ... days by lilneas. t to Irving Asher, studio execu­ TlUe ...... 26% ...... 1 8 6 moat as follows: 9:80 to 10, begin- f aiirliMa Irttai Ii m tm .wm wrM*, relHw Ml ■xs»H»«ce o ifl 1«% froia Paanlc, N, J., yoatarday. Tto . Sy RO aMRI. mnab " I home smoked Luddes og and om over 8 b o ttle s ...... CARD OK THANKS entine Day, Sunday, February 11 plunged her abruptly into a penoa ...... 90 iridi aCMSAU wS 25c , wish to thank our ralativas. ot sorrow. Hawks was one.ot lu Baltimore American . 8 I4 1014 U S S te e l...... W alter Oteon who has aeciured aa meet with Mtea Von Deck at 11:15. Pure Honey. friandi sad nolahbors for tho kind Mrs. Jacobsen waa formerly “ Exeses ...... 7 ...... 106% agency for Chrysler and Plymouth Tto man’s plunge period will be ■aihv haui U> 11 Rita Rabideau'of tbla town. men preparing to film a motion pic­ 8 Vick Chem ...... 4414 enkvSDwm. IbM «w • war ■■■ aad 1 NOTHINC' IN timet my first term in die Senate years l*lb. jar ...... axproutons ot ormpstbr shown to ture thriller over the Pacific Ocean Fid. and Depoalt 128 183 Weat U n io n ...... cars in Manchester has leased the held from 7 to 8 o’clock. had Wucb el MllMlrlx •) aw MT ixraamNct HAS aasN so 15c Ua durina tho lllnaaa and at tha tlmo ' Juilaa Ramponl ...... 76% former Bette garage on Spruce Tto Kaopera will play basketball Ken-L Ration. More mileage at LESS COST! ot tha death of our mother. Also we off Point Conception. Two planw Great American ...... 29 81 Weat El and Mfg ... Uad da«w *• niahaswMi HILPrUL I W • jMsMMMnw ago, and I have always onfoyod their taste Julian Ramponl, 84, died at the ...... 15614 street and It te being renovated and from 8 to 9 o’clock. a w in in d iMvaOMAailMlwd wleh to thank e ll those who sent crashed together, teleecoped Into a HaUfax ...... 21 98 Woolworth 67% 8 cans ...... flowers and di..iAled their cars home o f bis aon, Antonio Ramponl. HanovSr ...... $714 painted in preparation for tto and die fed big o f comfort and eedety a U d k 47c on Park atre^t, Wedneaday morn­ vbirltog mass of firs and fell into 8914 Elec Bond and Share (Curb). 24% Masola (Ml. Kmma and Michael Wabrek, the sea, Jan. 9, 1930. Home Ina ...... 39 41 official opening o f the buainesa • Imported directlv froes Oteal Britala . . . q>sdflfsHv rasa- Mrs. age Hampton. ing follow ing a tw o weeka' iUneas Home Fire Security . 0 March 1. smoke gives my throat. 1 havg done a great '.gnkrt can ...... 46c He waa bom in Piedmont, Italy 7 CORRECTION pounded to attack over edd eondilioae so om a resnltins ia ‘ Estelle Pancake April 99, 1859. Ha came to tbla Hass. Bonding ...... 07 09 ARTHRITIS. SCIAlICA. NEURITIS, LUMBAGO sad Mlicd National Liberty ..,. 10 W GERMANS HELD deal of putiie speaking, on die floor of dio Sjrmp, 8 bottles .... country about 30 yeara ago and fot SPYING SYSTEM BLAMED 13 HEAR8AT EVIDENCD Painful Ailratnta Gcnnint RO-MARI U detigned to etiikt at thr 25c a time reaided In Hartford. He North River ...... 28*4 8014 It was erronsouoly stated In tbe eanic of there conditions, thus offering deflnite hope of rqsl relief I Senate, over the radio aad at conferences, Local Eggs. TT. Wash...... 88 40 Oklahoma aty, Okte.— Thesa National Pension later came to Stafford Springs. Mr. IN SOVIEr PRISONS Herald yeoterdoy that Tolland turn- ON 8M1 A1 INm BRHMHW d o te n ...... FOR LABOR TROUBLE Pret.-Aceident ...... 22 94 dust storms and winds are really pUte property adjoining B ony Stow 28c Ramponl retired from active work Ckii.tlStif Ftlia^%JllAC)f Necessardy thi$ results in a strain on dm T^eet Rasor Blades and Service Leagnie about 15 years ago. Besides hto aon Seaboard Surety ___ 84 80 becoming a mensMe. to ow M a by M ra (tetberine W . Don* Security Ini...... 8014 (Oonttaned From Page Om ) MURPHY DRUG — 4 Depot Square 2 p k g s ...... be leaves eigbt grandchildren. Fu­ (rVmttaMd rrnm Pags One) 88% "My house te on fire,” a woman aghue of Hartford and that ohe bad voice. So naturally, tn-smoking, I have to 15c Regular meeting at neral aervlcea will be held Saturday Sprtngfletd FlrsAM a 127 133 shouted into tha fire^partmant threatened actlaa against the town Or Wrbs to-auuu CO. 780 isvlrton 81. lerton, Mora Phillips’ Mflk Magw w a Sun L i f e ...... 80S 858 Moaeow aad Leningrad Jafls, the think I have morning at St Edward’s church. life rsfussd to hire a man because he amnaaaadolor dacterad. telepbona *T can hear It crackling to sUq) tto draining of tbe swamp- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■rf of my diroat—and found dust nesia, 2Se siie, bottle A S y C U 8. F. and O. 2714 39>4 ia tha attic now.” pond. Textile Union Hall, Burial will be in St. Edward's cem­ belonged to- a union” , be said. EmU Ivan Stlekllng, e German when you switch to richer etery. Westebeeter ...... 8614 8 8 % Fire trucks sped to the addresa Mra Denoghue died n yaar aad a light rniokff is sidtaHe to my duhat,** "There are eome very fine men in engineer oonvieted of anbotage at Odd Pellows Block, Mrs. Myrtle Loveland unlona We are not vicious towards “Fire?" snorted disgusted re­ a half ago. Tbs pro] te a part Mrs. M3rrtle (Smith) Lovsland Novosibirsk tert November, v at her mate for which tbe Hart- unlona 'This asplonags waa based saved from a Ruaslaa execution turning firemen, “it was tto wind MAHIEU 84, wife of Ernest Loveland, died on a great deal o f radicalism which tearing ber wallpaper.” ford Ooaasctlcut Trust company te \s \. V ‘-Mk.i RICHFIELD Friday Eveningr* at ber home in West Stafford ■qued by Von der 8ehuleaburg*s in- tru stea H sira include a . aao,- T. B HI-OCTArgE GASOLINE you may lose sight of.” NOTED INVENTOR ' tervenOon with the foreign office, Weldon Donaghue Hartford Invest­ m O C E R T C O . Wsdnesday afternoon about 1 Wipe Out Spytag 7:45. COME! o’clock following a short lllneaa of suckling’s sentenes was commuted ment broker, and Mtea Ethel F. Don- 188 Spruce Street PLEASE SEE PAGE 3 Marshall agreed that *if you to 10 years Imprisonment aghua Hartford attorney. heart trouble. She was bom in could wipe spying out and start over DIES IN WINDSOR Crystal Lake aad baa always resid­ Later; during the trial of 17 Rua- ■gain. It would be best", but he ■lan TrotekyisU at Moaeow, Several FHT81CIAN INJURED ed in this section. Besides her hus­ added: “ 1 don’t know tto answer.” • STATE • Folks call our HON. OBRALO F. NTB (Oootisaed tram 0 » s ) German englneera daaeribsd aabo- band, she Isaves tw o brothsrs, How­ Thomaa a former college profes­ Today • Tonoirow aad SaL U. 8. IBNATOR FROM NORTH DAKOTA ard Smith of Costal Lake, and Er­ tegtng aeUvittea ia eoajuaettoa . Hartford. Feb. 18.—(A P)— Dr. sor, declaivd violstions of eivfl liber­ Mather, also o t WIndaor. aad who Patrick F. MoPartland, idiysteiaa ot nest Smith of West Hartford. Fu- ties through “spying 00 man’s opin­ with Soviet ageate. Thirteen ot uie nsral servirea will be held Satur­ waa another of tto pioneers ia the Russtene were executed white four the State Athletic Commission, was ions” had ruined some o f tto world’s laventloa of steetrical machine)^ struck ky an automobUe aad day afternoon at 1 o’oloek at tbe greatest universitlea others. Including tto former au- Family’s R^ipe West Stafford Congregational and head o t the Mather Elaetrir thoritaUve newspaper eommantator, knookod UBoonoeloua hara yesterday church. Burial will be in the fam­ “In some European oountriea. Company of Manchester, Mt up the aften ocu . orofeeeors aren’t allowed to tea^ Carl Radsk, rsetivsd prteon terma ily lot in the West Stafford ceme­ first eiectrie street light ia Hart­ Tto number of German priaoneta Tto phjraldaa, takan to Hartford tery. the truth but only what is good for ford. This waa ot tto are light hospItM, rsfusad treatment aad ro- the people—and someone else de­ typ a baa been varlouely eeUmeted from DREAMING OF MILLIONS? 26 to nearly 40. Formal ebargea tnraad downtown boot t t o pis a right sociable cides what that is”, he aald. “Every­ -After retlrtag as head ot tto Ed bav. aot been filed against any ot w hat* t t o aeddeat oeeUrrad. one’s mind Is full of faar and Uberty Aooofdlng to PoUosmea Thomas HOSPITAL NOTES is gone." ’This bualneaa o f creating fear oteppod from botwooa two and then epending good money to er th iaga H s was cos ot tto nto- HEBE’S SOME STATISTICS Admitted yesterday: MOdred 8y- aesrs la arUfleial refrigsratlon aad ears teto tto path o t a ma- Whiskey In a recent independent furveyy an overwhelming Schaller buy more faar Is tbe meet ridiculous ON FAST AUTO DBTVINa nhers of 89 Ruseell street. Miss hte maehtam tor this, work wars drivon by Edward O. Fowter, thing 1 ever beard o t” . be assertod. ' Hartford. AAolor Sales, Inc Irene Kemp of 48 Strickland atreeL Since 1988, Marshall testified. manufactured ia a portioa at tto le— (A P)—If you ara In majority of lawyerit doctxm, lectuiersy tdendstg, etc., Mra Abbte Breen of 10 Depot Chevrolet haa employed a half a plant of tto Badortha brothers mills aueh a burry that you drive your Square Anthony Musclllo of 100 which are locatod In tto rsai If your dreams run in such large figures — we’re doeen detoctive agenciea AU sueb automobUe a t 70 mUsa aa hour or who said they smoked dgarettess express^ their pei> Homestead street, Lawrence Hcln- aervioes were dte^tinued January a t Poquoaoek avenua la fact nis taster, than your Ume should to sorry we're not able to make them come true. But tire a t 07 Mather s tre e t 31, he said, axeept tba railway audit invsntlons ara numerous aad to did worth a t least 81.40 an hour or i f 9 0 0 0 Familaro Saea IWI Discharged yestarday; Mra Car­ •onal preference for a lii^t nmAe. if you are not given to dreaming of milliona, but think­ and inspection corapany’a not ooafin# hlmsHt w tlroly to those you ara loslag moasy. rie Cushman of 171 Spencer street, *T haven’t gotten around to them steetrical. Prof. R. A. Mtysr, lowB State Folks who hflivE a lot ing only of tidy aavings to be had here and there, w# Mra Archie Jarvis and infant son yet” , be explained. ualvoraity hlgbway angteoar, Senator Nye*$ gfatemefat verifies dm witdom of o f 470 Adams s tre e t Soma of hte lavcatlaBS to did aot of company think think you should investigate our prices on used cars C B. WeetberaU. Ctoevralet gen­ have ^teatad ahd tt is tearsd thai flgurod out fit>m a aartaa o f teou Birth: A-daughter to Mr. and eral manager, decided to “wipe out” that gasoUaa axpsnao Incfsaaaa OUT Family^ WUs* this preference and go do lfl*nrtirag arddls of radioy stage* Mra Felix Paganl of Bolton, yester­ some o f hte later ooss may osvsi RIGHT NOWI tbe labor eeptonage aerrieea to aald. to kaowa.' Hs w u o t a rsUeset aa- about one coot per mUe betwora day. because ttoy “eeueed ao mudi tur­ the apaeds o f 85 to 70 mUea an In y k just rig^t for Admitted today: Anna RueynaU turs aad kept much ot hte work to •creen and opera* whose voices are their fortunes, ami Used cars are usually higher in Spring (Everyone moil aad axaggaratad dieeuseloa, himsslf, For soma Ui__ .______hour, white laeraaaed oO eoneump- entertaining. It j| of SO Bircif street Katherine and H eadded there aov/ ara no plans I eysslgbt eras much Impalrad, but hr Uon and waar aad War oa Una and just seems to expect that every year), so we advise Margaret McNamara of 10 (tourcb who choose a fight smoke. You, too, can have for■ ravlvtng tto ------spy system-— “ at tried to cany oo. motor adds another esOL extra tasty and for buying now. Then when the thermometer goes up stireet Jean Rlchenbach of 84 Madi­ "II you drive a 70-«|M trip at later date. Tto valua of sspicoaga Mr. Ed4y was bora la New Orit mildness, 1 never you’ll be glad you bought when it was down. son s tre e t to said, “has bsen largely destroyed 70 miles an hour lastedd o f the 86- the throat protection of Luddes—a fight smoke, free Discharged today; Mra Evelyn by all this rscent publieity.” ala. Nov. 17. 1867, tto aoa of N o r mite gait”, the profreenr aaya, sampled foe beat of k. Abhood o f 800 Adams street M ra man and Maria White Eddy. He may have an hour’a Uam but your of certain harsh irritants removed by die exclusive Marshall testiflsd that railway was twloe married, hte first wife THE FINEST TOBACCOS— Dodge-Plymouth Emily Bahreod of 117 Cedar street audit opsratlvss had bam smploysd expense east for tto trip goes up an Specials for Friday and Saturday Only John Netew of Chestnut Lodge, who died mein yean afp tolng extra $1.40—to say nothina o f la. in Otevroist plants at Saginaw, • h tarfar proccM *Tt*s Toasted**. Luddes are gende on your diroaL «*TH£ CREAM OF THE C R C ^ 634 Center Street Mra Bertram K. Bennett and Infant Mich., St Loute, Tolsto, Indtan- H im Marten /. B riggs aad hte sae- onaasd danger to Ufa aad TimI dai^ter of 15 Ridgewood street apolia Munda Ind., aad JaassvUte, ond wifa also dead waa Mtea wu- • Rap aarf OrapailH A t Olcott Street ...... V .V .V .!!!!!!!!!!!! 994s. Sixty-five patlenU. * WU. nett Dodd. Ha te anrvtvad hy ear ■OIXTWOOO OOMPUBX • n iilw Apffloaeso 1088 Fort Tudor Sedan ...... (Make ns an offer!) ■oo, Nonaaa T. Bd4» eC Waat Hart­ Tto asrvtos has not bssa dteeoa- • Oflfaa RaaWara • RoKlas Klsetmmeq Fla— Shtoa Guest tlnued yet la the Tarrytowa. N. T , ford aad thras dau^tara Mra. Ma- Chicago—One day Emory Steiner 6 BiagsaHiaal aaoaal NO MONET DOWN — 20 MONTHS TO PAT nagm turpanUns woodsmap, to quick aon C. Orssa a t WIndaor, Mra antTsyad hlmeeW la t t o a a n o r aad "UAcaDaBeMt WUKBN factory. Maiahall said, but has bean On Any Car Up To $900. CB ths draw. Frank A. W. Milter a t Sacra awato a B em t” A Light Smoke ■topped eteewhera Barkad: "Wky. 1 60 beUeva 1 Oapt Gsorgs L. Dicktoaon, naval He reedily admitted teat cue of (tellf.. aad Mra Cteada Dutey of took like Qeorga Ran, tto movte Moras operator, said Quest was tto agsoey** undercover men had M t VsTBoa, N. T , ateo tea giaad actor.” Attoraay Victor. FroaUch FLINT. walktog aleog a dim woods trail been a unloa membar In S t Loute, ehUdraa. wtoB t o fa it somsthtog ■anii miM ratated la Suporlor Oouit. P A M I l r Y rsportmg ou the oigaioteatioa’s ae- H s sraa in Protasaor A mestb later to taft hte wtfo aad thrittaa Pack’s school at Maw Britala -ted tw o yaar oU ehiki aad 'praanmaaiy T t ’s Whtpptag out hte ptotol, tto nsCTO ■eveu railway audit dparattvea shot tbe bsad off a aevsn-foot rat- Myteekaicai •dto tor Hollywood. RALFB BBLUiliT I were employed In Toledo miring a M ra Steteer w a a . s*Wrio>> a di; BRUCE ^wiiaUrafl.' ifaievrotet atrika in 2986, to adited. voroa 00 grouada o f dsarrtlnri: lilAa*raraUGH MAMUHI&l-BK KVJEMlNa^UlCRAlj), >NK, TRuiiDAr. fiem A irr l i li M ANCH»rrER EVENING BaskAU). MANCEESIEB. CONN, THUkSDAT* FBBSUAET Uw 19BT tba commimlty. Vaqr Mnoaraly Mt Caetory to the anhinat It wm. bo la to ha hoped' they wlO tocalva tt. Houht. bo a Ree|y tali,'alaoa than COURT CALENDAR This aortal Mora la • w h » haaw Jetnad Rm newly fonnad until raeaatly tbara vras sot anieh are a good SBUiy Ubanla and La* CONFIHNTin •SSfttta fNa af a brim 162GETUCENSES G M Soout troop at South Wtodfor, STORES CLOSED A U ^A Y MONDAY* WASHMCTOirS Brratt tecantiva .to tha paopla of Manrhoa- borttas to wboah auJi praparadnass alewo and Manw t Women's Spy Ring Found They held thair nfoetlag Tbuioday and thara ara hrnaty aaven «**»»«* intMUMHicu Bf 'ra c tar to put tbamaalvaa to tha vary at audi a eost—la anatbama. CHIMB FILB MWNma aa faaolvMl by I rtUNTINU UUHPJkNT. IMa raglatarad. trifling taeonvoBlanos of cafratolng Doubtlaaa one queatkm that Wfll ha ' ON polloa- Tha orima waa a II IMMII MtrMt Among Spanish Rebels AS OFFICE OPENS Word haa heap rscalved from Mra. Hmaeiraaiar, from contributing aa occasional admd by some irraverant Laborito REPOIT b o u t r o b l a n b "Rirdar. Can ynu solva H? . VUUMAIi VKNOUalOII Mary $. Gear, who la m odtag the 0«n«rml H»Mui*r Shan to tha Uttering of tha atraeta. win concara what the gevsramaht • IM? to HR* sarvtoa lawi WlNiai* ttoenm a Ow wtotor montha Ip ngilda, that aha »WMH«d ow— r I, IMI Then ware no traah reeaptaclaa and propoaea to do, In tha airant of war. Gibraltar, Feb. 18.— (A P )—^A rtogAby the work o f Om govenunent'a ia vary aertou^ VS with d^ble wHh a flS^MpAVS OF « ------^------o f women aplaa—one of whom died femtotos agents, many of whom pneumonia. She Waa taken from B*«r* B*«*nit it was. for a good while, only aeml- erith tba three forty-million dolUu BEGIN HEBE TODAY Sb BnuKh of Motor Vddde lay* ta* HoitAiya. Kai*ra*-at the '*** JU5TICM bafora a firing aquad as she cried arera said to ha foraignera. tier hotel room ta a hoapltal In Flor­ OffM* al MaarliMtar, Ooaiu *■ occaaionally that tbs Highway De­ batUeahIps which. In addition to the lavaoUgattog tba Riwvlar af ^ kind, Rtobop. IBU917 yon knew Blane mighty well. Although sp|m to aay clvU ida. Mrs. Gear waa a raaldent Oaa* Matt Maiiar., partment swept the pavements. One present program, it la proposed to •SRMCR BOUTBO BLANB. BtMab flRaR. "Viva la RepubUca!"—wa* hold ara usually natlvas, th* : to*arg*nt Wapidqg moat of her Ufa. B.: What—what’s that?. DeportMil Opens at dw BUMBirKirriuN RATCB more candy wrappei or dgarette buUd. eler. aboard UABLTON HOtiB- partly reaponalbl* today 'by Spanish apy-ch«a*r d*|achm*nt* a n parUe- Mrs. Ctoarlaa Grron has ratuna«d SAVAQBM yacht, Oeteietiva OBtoer K.: You beard. You remamber ' tasuiganto to r Qenaral Franclsoo Taae hy Matt package, ooa nura unwaatod aalaa Would theae Ships ha put to tha idariy auaptoioua of fore(gn*r*. from Rdiapeeta^, Haw York to her hr Maaih ay Mall ...... BBTTEBINO raaa lale A aMMo af that nasty bustoeas to 191?, an Franco's failure to **"**»» Madrid's Armed amitriM toapect th* p^ara ' State Amiory. ^ bomb to South R^adoor Jiaal* Ooay -f. sUp or paper bag didn't seem to sama uaa as the British battle fleet nonflietlRg elawa. narfy that wa Juat won't toih aSout [Jtallvaraa ae* Taar ...... a t every petaon who sntan or Mava* Hobart F. Valenttos at Plasaant make any great difference. waa In the World War—when It ..if ‘■»»Cf«rilaR pragramea, I t You wera to that up to tha aaek The rtog*a cantor, raporta reach- cl^r. IB one etty, for «Rampla, Valley who Waa ao aartoualy in at 'HBMBBR Ot rHK AmtUIATCU But now we have a chaaca for a ■pent almost all of Ita Ume hiding ■MMttog toaraa fr*m BnilNALU and B lu a knew I t For raaaooa wa tog hat* mid. aeamed to h* at Orto- vlsltors ara raqulrad to vlatt th* Taatarday 168 ragiatrattona w * ^ tha Hartfofdl hoapltal tor , many rHKMt neadn’t go Into, ba daddad not to ^ n « AaaoetBiaA Rraaa la aaelaalyaly raally neat, clean town. There ara JOCELYN that Roekaavaga pea- on. 18 miles aouthwaat of Madrid, military police ones In *v*ry 48 Mauad at the temporary sub-brandt weeks last aprtog and Miminer, baa In Scape Flow or the Flrtb of Forth fP T r fii •pill the beana at tha Uma, and ao wbara a large base hospital was TURKE . ^ti|l*a to Ik* aa* of roDohliraiioii ' the beet moUve for the ertom bout*ra forfoi a routloa chock on tkair ofRoa of tha State Department df bean pbUgad to return to that boo- M all oaw* Olapairhea eraOiioO to li traah cans and tba atraeta ara swept or secreting Itself on the westward ;^»*Bolal gala, k'oraov^. ha *** "*«> «»• mads the main theater for tha wom­ wharaabouta. pltftl ’ - FANCY RLUMF NORTHERN oat eiborwlaa eroAiiad la liiie and ordered. And it's up to the aide of the Orkney Islands clear up ienraad that Roekaavaga waa aMa FW wouitott So a en's work. Every foroUner haa been raqulrad Motor Vehlclea to the Mancheeter WUUam Fait, at Wapptog, who ^Bapar aad aiao th* looal * * «* oak- State Armory, as compared with ; llabA haraia. < tovnuqiobple to do their part. '' at tba tip of flcotland—while the de­ to dress for dtaaer to four mtantaa, bishop todsy. but Blan* hadn't for- 8 «vmb1 at tba feminine spies wera to carry a aafo-conduct card, iaiued waa oonvaieaotttg pt the Avery BIRDS .*. OU Kdiv QwiipoU! Bojtsn b* had tba goods oa you **** said to have been captured thera— ■even laaued on the flrat day to Sr All’ HRhia of ropoblleallona of There are very few adulta who do stroyers, the subs and the UtUe a feat oeneeivably anabBag him to by mUltaiy haadquartora at Sala­ Santarium, haa returned to tha ' OB^al JlyaatalMry barala ar* atao r*. when ho oontempiatod gems caught to tha act of questioning manca. In raaUty the card la a 1988. Hartford hoHdtal again. Ha Is Im- commit a murder and retnra to the This office ,waa eatabUshed by Plan to sdfvt ont of First Natlonil j^twroa*.______not know bettor than to throw Ut­ endaera o f tha BritUb Navy wen ship's leunge without eranttag sna- funny business during bis trip on aoldlen whom ostensibly they had passport a t the toaurgent Junta, provtog and ia expected to b* able tar into the streets and onto adjoin­ putting up tha most gallant and r - V / ' t ^ yacht, ha took tha praeautton coma to comfort and cheer. Oommlaskmer Michael A. Connor, to refurn to hls-boma bar* to th* Market’s delicious piuitifi, tender R*ll aarrteo allaat of N B A Rar*- P j ^ Only NICHOLAS g lL U - bears the holder’s photograph, and of the department for the oonven-. Turkeys for the holidajr mcaL It fa* lo*. ing propartlse; when they do ao they affaotlva light against Oarmany*a OABT. BlaaeM aaoratniy. haa of writing you first to tip you oB Mato Itema of information the deflnitMy Umlta the eltles he may near future. that tt you didn't kaap yeST’ S k S women were said to have sought tenoe af th* motoriata of Msnehes- . Mia* Evelyn E..Oeer who has bean will make a hR with the whole fabliahor* Kaaraaaniati**! Th* do It to entire wiUtogneas to oe U-boats and her raiding light vea- ompiete allbt, . visit tar, -Manchsstor Green. Buckland, Jalln* Maib*aa Sooelal Aaanpy—N*w abut ha meant to put you thraugh wera tba number of troops along the A t each dty whar* he planned to U1 at her home to West Hartford for family and the quality Is excellent offenMv*, or, oftener, automadeally aalsT Or would they go blundering Confronted jyHh JeoalyR Tarh. Chi«*«*. Mireli aad Bnaton. elaUon. Roolcaavage. eonatara that th* hoop. Now, whiat hav* you got front lineo, where they were con­ ramata ovar night, a traveler must two weeks with p pav*n cold to Jm- to say? • Park. Persons to those communl- provtog at last roporta. RURRAD Of arltbout any thought at alb But around aa the overgrown armored Jooelya. teo. had a goad n centrated and the positions of artll- register both with the dvU poUce tHih JUtdtn M u w 4 FRESH-RIB or LOIH END-ANY WEIGHT-ONE PRICE ' MBMMKR AUUrr la ^ batteries. Uea must get their 1937 reglstra- The Friday evening meeting oiKmijiTiiim. there ar* many chlldran who have cndsara Aboukar, Hogue and Crea­ •oeney. Farthermore, that Japaaese B’l I p r o t ^ air. I protest and the mlUIary governor, rfollca Uons at this office. Elveryone Is Itolaeopsl Oourt axonaratod m* t least one of the women spies demand detallad M^rmatlon on hia the Ab« R Miner Boat. American Yb* HaraM Prlnilag Company me ^o raaltoation whatavar that than sy did, to be torpedoed adthln an agent INSOLUBB H AYABH f etood urged to apply early as an Increase t> lose a mOlton donate had plttoly—on «v «ry ebarg*—la ' was'reported to have been shot by activities aad the military haad- Legion AuxlUaty, haa bean HADDOCK LB jaanaio* ao pnaneial raaponainiiny la any reason why they abould not hour and five minutes in the Bhiglltb of 600 registrations la anticipated poned to March because lOf typographlral ormra appeann* In Bved aad. eeneindad a BNrgar with most unsavory matter to vrhloh an executioner’s squsd to a small quartera atamps tha traveler's for­ this year. Last year the office .rs; P O R K L O IN S I aRvoytlaomoaia la th* Maneh**i*r drop on the atraeta anything they Channel by a single German sub. MR6 ayy in-foituaa to ba tovoivad village near the capital. eign paaaport with his data of ar­ ’3' FRESH u 5 ^ Horaia ______Bockeavage,. thereby. MUtog was open twelve working dajrs, but FANCY SPRING do not want. Weddington'a U-9, slttking arith a soap monopoly doni HayuM Bought. 1 was with tha .troops to 1917. Defiant of her captora to the end rival. this'year will be open only ten Glaatanbury that night, accordtog to th* atixUiary president, Mr*. Mny WB urge that parents—and, A i tbo oamo timo LADY WELTER K.: An Bptaoepal Oourt 'might as she faced death at her husband's Evan with hto permanent safe- working days. Consequently, de­ 1HURSDAT. FEBRUAltT U loas of 60 offloera and 1,400 men? ride, the woman lifted her clenched Noelia Fuller. AU BMmbera of the boeomeo do^or tavolvod wbea hara p^arrad to give you th* bane- conduct the traveler must obtain lay wlU mean a last minute rush STCAKCOD particularly, tha school teach era— Or woiuld they be put to aueb usee flat to the Popular Front salute. auxiliary ar* asked to b* preawit LB Ohio to prove bor whoroahoirto at fit of th* doubt rather than bara a another pamport from the miUtary and a long wait to line. AT WHOSE EXPENSE? make a point of enlltog tha attention Then, aa the shots rang out, with St the district meeting to Glaston­ LAM B LEGS ■a tha hmatle attempt to force the prominent ehurobman tovoivad to a governor for the next stags ot his FRESH ^ tbo tImo of tbo crime. In addition to Inspector Gerald T. bury. 2 19c ot tha chlldran to th* movement for Dardanellaa through an unswept public scandal. * her last breath she cried: Jpurney. Ledwith, Inspector Joseph B. Dunn, BONED AND ROLLED IF DESIRED Bb tlM baaitaf or tha propoaad Hayaohl, qneottoaod agate by "Viva la RepubUca!" a neater and cleaner town and ask mine field? Kettortog, admlto hM t o t e i^ la the a : Ba careful, sir. Thera la, i So close Is tbs check that to many Miaa Mary Miner, ' Mias Minnie OtaatonbuiT "Jail farm" bafore the R^ara you, auch a thing aa the law Spy fever has been rife to tosur- ctUss foraignsra have reported they Cburdi and Miss Theresa MeCon- HAUBUT them to help? What reason la thera to believe, It soap monopoly hot denloa rnnrder- of Ubal. mm ^ » w gent-controUed territory since Fran­ jBtteiai7 Oonmiittaaa of the Ooii' Ing Blano. Contending that he was ara frequently vldtod 1^ the police vUle have been aadgned to this FRESHLY u LB We may aaem to be making wUI doubtless ba asked, that In the co’s attack on Madrid began last at odd houra of the day and night B M i wiBRily eo T oaaday tba laaua to ble eabta when the erlme K.: I abould worry. Tou wouldn’t offtoe for the period tt win be to LAM B FORES good deal of fuss over thla matter of November to be checked, to part, even though they may Uva to tha SUCED ^ iCDC BMB daoity drawn wa*p th* chief fortheomlng war battleships and enrrad, ho oRerad the oteward as dare to rake that unsavory operation. Uttered streets. But nothing con- up by bringing an action to a civil the Insurgent commanders beUeved, same d ty for weeks. ntlSN-LEAN. SHORT SHANK ijjokaaMaa tor tha adv>^taa of that battle eniiaera will prove of any proof o f this. trlbutas more to the beauty of a court but unless ybu'ra very ears- MACKEREL l^rqioaal. boon r . McCarthy of An more use than la the World War NOW GO ON W ITH THE STORY town or a dty than mere elaanil- fiU, U’a all going to come out now SUSPECT CAUSE LB MBia. lUttjf daclarpc* arboa conierwl they did to Britain, or to Germany, CHAPTER XX whether you want It to or not features to club work to town. Mra. F A N a LB9e ■a. It Is raally a more Inpertaat Arthur Rsed waa’awarded a pto for WAPPING SHOULDERS ha Mwiid put tba aaad tor a or to Franca or lialy or the United SHORTHAND NOTES OF DB- mean? You don't NORTH COVENTRY factor than flae buildings or perfect States? And wasn’t that Juat m TBSenVE OFFICER KETTBM' think I —L ..,, outstanding leadership who bad OF BACKACHES ^Jn-CatBi ahead of the propoaed now given long aervtc*. Mrs. Raed uaa Addison E. Frink, whose home Is FANCY M ILK-FED-M W LB. AV& pavsraents. A dirty town la i uae at all? mO'8 SECOND EXAMINATION to Andover haa been spending sev­ TV sO M I OYSTIRS ijjfcifttiiUiiii tot the frahte-mliided to The Southern New England Tele- worked on tbi Town 4-H committee ugly one. ' Didn't the battleships put In prad* OF MR. moSUKE HATAflUl, eral weeks with some of his chU- ^HilaatMit the work belnp done by CONTINUED. • • K: Wen, maybe wa won't bav* to phoue company through its manager for five year* be*ld«* leading th* ■*■■■*. Slg'UM „33 e LB rake It up, but that largoly depends of the Manchester Division R J. Canning club. Mia* Bather Koehler dren, returned to the home of hia *■*• u«r4 ha axiatlng lasUtuttua at 1 tleally all thetr time Insuring, or K: You rang tor the aU w vd r daughter, Mrs. Eugene W. Platt of —qibig MV FOWL |A(a*i«r sion telephone line are to call one ot getting taxes paid on time. ftoeiDA ' parataly tn need of the care and City’s first legiUmato snowfall uteo after I asked him for IL horrible affair mad# publle after all Reed was awarded the cup given by FRESH meeting of LeglalaUve leaders and only real attempt of the major bat­ Your family will also enjoy beets New York, Feb. 18— A Manhat­ the foUowtog on SUver 'street, the Stanley DOboss Poet for tba out­ June Belcher, daughter of Hr. iriu i* * ? ] ORANGES EXTRA URGE SPINACH tiaataM t that the atote aioiie can that moat of tha chlldran who lluck- K.: Were you ehangod then? these years. 1 am afraid 1 don't aaa, advocates of more rftato aid to mu- tle fleets to get Into the war? baked whole. After removing the tan Miscellany: George Jeasel, ed to Central Park with thair sleds H,: No, I bad not than changed. Dwight Ollletto 8815, Guy Muggett standing home-making leadership. and Mra. John Beicbar of Wityping S'^ftoa tikam. The Jall'farm advocates tails and tops and Washing wall, planning to enter the ranks of Now though, bow I can help you more 8919, F. P. Hamilton 8835 and .lohn who haa been confined to the Han- •ALPWIN nidpaUUes ertth Oovernor Cfoaa on And yet It was the devil and all wera forced to look etoewbere for I was sUn to Ipungo suit at five to than I havedona alraady. Betty Vlaney reoelved a medal for COOKING NEW : WBBt thair JaUErul SAaceAif, yipecUiil left tt I assure you. and Milk street John Kingsbury When It la ramambared that theltia cruisers—aavs on the tragic oc- have a Department of Humor in- and winning the place as alternate ptog, who to spending the winter ahildhoed, through inbaritad weak- Many famlUaa enjoy a oombtoa- batten's Mualeal Row bids fast and anawar that question. The docu­ K.: Can you give me any proof 8619, Fred O. Glesecke 8668, George months to Delsnd, Florida. She is fltato Highway Department does not caatona when these, with thetr great atalled to every leading untvaraity ment la a secret one and can add to the state for Camp Vail. Coventry ^^jjaaaaaa. ara maatally' clouded but tlon dish prepared by mixing the furious for tlia coUsgtona' campus that was ao? A. Kingsbury 8732, Donald Gebrtng iL more than proud with the honors planning to go to St. Petersburg's take care of all the state's road draught and uawieldiness, blundered hopped cooked beets and the ebop- P^P'c •wo*' compositions. nothing to your tovesUgationa. 8758, Charles Heckler 8847 or H. B. RNE GRANUUTED ],phrtiapa aray have the clouds diaM 'ped tops. The beets are diced and that ^The. Perfect Fool" waa tha B.: No. I fear that I cannot.. they wnlked off with and It lends antique show next week and may problems, by a very long way to' There's still a saloon to this town K.: Mr. Hayaahl, you don't aoom Pomeroy 8671. These two streets renewed energy to continue Ita work spend the month o t March down onto mines or fell easy victims to then cooked until tender after which recipient of an honorary degree to realize that you ara under sus­ N t 1 wonder If you n o J ^ tha weia BUeeted by Mr. Ranney aa S U G A R jfatad and be rebuilt into useful and which to a throwback to the old 'With 4-H work the coming year. that way. 10*^ 51c dead; whra It la naUaad that straat tubmartoes and bungled and blun they are combined wdth the chopped, from Yale four yean ago. MnoueneiE of your ntumion, BUttiop. betog to the ceater of the two sones. •tn a l elUaaaa. days of Chuck Connors, Steve Bvo- picion ..of. having committed muT' Robert Wise Is testing the head of Thera are several Wapptog girls and highway axpendlturaa oonsUtuta cooked tops Irving Caesar, fiom vrhom tha Hera la this man, BUtos. who Tn case of brush fire or forest fire That t h y m v e done ao harm, dered to the bottom with many die and aU the other boys of the del. It ia vital for your own aaka cows at Autumn farm. > MILLBROOK or a heavy charge on avaiy municipal, Iiiaamueb aa tha bast baa much to dance bands of the land have da- knew 00 me thing which ha might you call the fire warden to your dis- thoueands of brave but helpless toon-bat era. jBltuatod not many that you should produce any evi­ have pubUMiad to your datriment RADIO ASSORTED i thal they fare" the natural and to Ity to the atota, and Anally when it raccommsBd It. tha wlaa bouaawUc rived some of their blggeet hits, blocks from some of the East Side's dence that will free you from aua- m et the same as always. S O D A S 3*^ 25c Ho writaa you a latter from Now evitable vrardsiaf aodety, and that s^lors. The real damaga waa to' 'earns to usa tbla standard vagatable to giving It ail up for more sertoua plclon. A large representation from Cov­ The. town councU at Worthing. when you switch to richer la a patent' fact that the state's rreot* 3 « » 2 0 c provlalon for the country roads than sentative to congreea from that ings on and the American-named worth of crops and stared pn^ucts R-C CHERRIES 'T.” 2Sc lloo’* of law breakers and crUninals Sugar beets contain a larger the two-month term and waa removed that latter from It Blane has ever been made vrould not need amount of potaaalum, magnesium atota, wUI asek Rush D. Holt's aan- maebtotot got the foremanahip. Sira deatroyad by rata anaually to ate seat to 1940. If he does, and elected. He coUected the $1,600 and wrqto you a torn daya bank from LUX who had only to do just one thing eo large a total axpeadlture as that and sugar than d^ the red table But to tba aad the Black Legion appototod ralauvea as elerks so they tha un ited Btata*. A 21c Pimo CHERRIES 2tL*29e to order to remain on the plane ot beeta, but not as large an amount ot Holt dacldaa to run, tt will ba a marehad off to Jail, stogie file, while the Aldon-Claridga to Now York, ia department has made in the past. queer battle. Smith declares be could got two moothif government that be Hx>lto o t th* wondertui . the average citizen—behave them- sodium or Iron. More Iron is con­ a Judge delivered a lecture such as pay- LUX TOILET SOAP 3 Nr. 19c MARASCHINO CHERRIES 19e It would probably be entirely pos­ tained to the beet leaves than to tha never has deUvered a poUUcal talk might be found In "The Congree- friendship you bad tar each other. \S advca; . at the expense of the de- to hto Ufa, either to congress or to a Howard even got hto bfcigraphleal B. Oh. er—that. What an ex­ sible, to the formulatiOD of any plan root The beet leaves are also ■tonal Record" about Fourth-of-July sketch to 'The Oongraaaionw Di­ YOU AID YOUR MOTOR campaign. Holt talks freely both traordinary letter It waa, vrara’t It? CHICKEN BROTH EU6W00D 2 19c awvliig alek and suffering. for the diverstan of highway rev­ among the moat alkaltoe-formtog ot Ume. rectory". although only as a foot­ DAINTY DOT TAPIOCA^ Ur 7e It la Isecacelvabla that the eom- all foods and combine well with aay plACM* The ptotura waa abown to a gorv- note. 1 took It to be aoma ktod of a Joka. enues toward, aay, much more ade­ other foodstuff. Bmitb. S6 aad gray haired, puts it eramant audltortam. Attorney Gen­ I could hardly regard it aa any­ TOAIATO CATSUP Sutm 2_____ ^ 2 5 t GRANDMA MOLASSES - 19e Bilttaaa or the inemberahlp of the quate grants tor school mainten­ thla way: "It's dUfteult to talk to aa thing else, but 1 did remamber from There ara a number of Ways ot eral CumaBlaga was prasent. Per­ NBABTRAOKOY Oeoeral Assembly win faU to do ance, to protect the Intereste of the cooking thla vegetable, for example, audlenea without making some haps the Idea to Mioiring the tUm my meeting with him to the past SilLADA TEA tSL ^TASc :C 23c Obvioua duty to this matter— the w'bole beet may be baked aa are prOmtoea, and if you make promises eras to make the attorn^ general, that Blane had • vary qnaer aenae 'GPMTMHRTR It womt emt -plug- la IPSrs.h^haai LUNCH PAPER ■aunnr 2 "■* 13c rural communttlra by providing by yon.can’t fulfill, youH soon be out Plttaburgh. Pa. — Blx-yaar-oid ara ringing the prnisaa of GnlTa saw tha wickedly foonab *eh«w.^ p o ta to ; or the finely ground beats the press eorp* aad oUwra a. more Tommy OToola hurriad home. of humor—vary mitar. eotopmekweaga. lYssUfaMaMfarMro law that there abould ha no dlmto- may ha bakad; or the amaU raw of congraBa," . N o -N o (x E & ^ law-abiding group. Ferhapo It K.: Pntotlaaa sort of Joka, vraant ■atopiriaa> MlGny*aaraandrilt in s liko A Jfxdad ' 6oMi sfjfudaU lahment to the ettrt roads pmgr* w« bast may ba uaad to grated form to meant aothtog iR all and was Jmt tt? " , . Miada; or the vegatable may be SdAs; Who wonldn’t dwac a gas that tutIi UeLtnljig --s o da oxcaaa choiring^ ciaafc- one of those Ihtega in Washington Ha didn’t hear the olaiagtog ben a.: Qultsi pntotlaaa, but wa all cooked with water, either whoU or Jnat vrhy Rroraeentothre Dlck- which have nb loglcM axplanatton.' know DOW that the p M fallow was foram —tho kaodts ypn hear from a WACHES 2‘5J‘3Ic CHERRY LOAF CAKE «^19c GLEANEH^EETS BATTLESHIPS after betog washed, peeled and cut atela, New ' York Otty Democrat, u be darted onto the street car ^ k a . Witaaaaea pMmd him up— half off his head with wnny. I lahoring aaotor? Who woolds'tw aicoee This sfraafi clianlng pparattoDa-of Into amaU placee. tooB Waahtogton city ...offlctoldom An wa aik is~Ap^A Coats oo saose Thera la to be a debate to the TtmrUimMmf Tmf MU of the eena aUU ctaapad to hto totagCna he must bava hasB auflei- • it toon ptmot^hkllbMegf MAYONNAISE t21c |&39c HOT CROSS BUNS Inaipsuca aa 1 hav* many ra- and It* praag - eocps to a . apactol _. At the request of fonaar Senator hand. pramiwB thda. Gn^icida^ ttis T9ina>/B|||bway DspartmaBt,. on BriUah Parttamant on tba govera* ahovvtog of “Bladi Ugloa” la net tog trinn soam atranga reaction rx.', .Bwoon, now Oovemor of Mipaeaou, Physiciaas aald ha stay raeovor; eauaetl ky ovaratrain wImb be wrot* Gelfa iww NdjtikAdiyl is aeMeed M '■Ki— the woeld*a iaaac qwwor o4L CREAM CHEESE > wudclpwa ^ 9 ^ - W o harito Bf a BaUy dsaa-np of Uia Rw^.a prapoaal to^'apend aavwi and sraasu stijsrrsira. otoar to alt .of to* o a n ^ handrad Sanatbr RrliwnnMiliaaB o< Washtog- Both COFFEE RINGS Plato the proper .method to foUow tt. TMosa pratastathms o t triami- to a bcudH iew U g h io a a c M i ^ vkhM. LOMjtal bm Aa put vrho aaw It. ton tetroduead a reieohitlen aMriag at the Mgq o f the Oteago Disc. MWWNO a half billion doUan to hHn^ag the tomaktog thisappettoli« diah. The U waa a aaovit aiimaiary of news at Brighton, an Ei«tiab Milp wan ao ahaurd wImr you eon- Biairrij ^ a the Senate to pay Baaaon tfjO O sal­ «w th raaort, ara equipped W ALm m WHOU WHEAT BREAD ■Bllltary and nnval ""**“ 1~tTHwata hai$B a n flrot waakad thorooghiy. and sonatsto about Biaek Lagton ae- ary tor tbs two ■»«*«*■ hetwera sidar that 1 bad only aaat th* aum t sf (lia paopla at M tha ooustey ap to a point aetia- U*u tops aadI tall* ara m cut away tivltias to Detroit, with tba aetora • * 5 P J ^ * * cadlo'aete wbira hav* qutta eaaaaUy. . November g aad JaBuaty S whan ba a raoNvlag radtoa o f 10 aeOeo aM Mag too air wMb MMi aMtaiiBi wBM t rasBy • Baaalar M t « 4 tba •Mgh Mao than two pounta. K : I don't eoMldM’ aaytklas O t PLBA8B SBC PAGES S$»« B f ir s t n a t i o n a l s t o r e s iTitm fo MBLAiA MAwcalw n ii ooyyw

iWi ciunUGERATOBS a r t M Ib U . CHURCH CLUB PLANS Swinf, Mr. Crosbyl HEART BALM SUIT YOUNG CsOsP.CUIB NEWREORGAMIAllON thna Dsaoenta [G COMPLAINT wMta an a( tia anKBIN REVIEW DAILY RADIO PROGRAM ARC POnLAR HERE DMHtaCMls» CHICKEN PIE SUPPER MEASURE 6 OFFERED H n hUI mam goes to the K tpiM h THUR2DAV, P IB H U A R V 12 (Cential and Battara. Standard Tim a) LO^ BY TEACHER TO MEET TUESDAY Netai ail prosnuna to k*r sad basle chsls* or sroop* thereof onleu «s ^ > j.T- m BY JUDGE HYDE ca»-«antroUod Houss. with HtUe OFACBIEVEMENTS fled; coast to coast (a Is ol.daalaBattopa laelods all aTollabl* statloss, I. W. Rale OfiMiNUkr Unloatt IN STA1TS ASSEMBLY e «i»* «to that tt win he approved prasrams aubjoet to ehans* by rtstlana wHbaut seovloua notloo. P. M. North Methodist Members to CbriMul IM ajrt 8tt«n4 'Oar* there. The Houae fiaanoe eomaott- NSC-WEAF .RID ) NKT3VORK . Cost. last. Uae Profits to Purchase New laai itiiM W tat af Year. vetad yeatargay to report it nn- ■ A tte — garti waol elw wsae wU* I }* ]• ” • " *>•«•«. Var. Music for Choir. Sod Biy State D rigfkt tar llcMtafCil«ltaNuMDel- t t * Owe) favorohly. wlar artaa weab by* wfbr woo w«y ' h»o4. Sarial AM brbUNTY rk BOX Ssaat* CRaffay. chainaaa of the wbon weso wtom ar*l arsol; M liwasti; ••J®— J'Jf^aW I Chasls toss enia. Gesta' C«i|n|ilMaaItt> ksd *Buu] who wow wdaf wire wool I earrio’o Uaritono The Booster (dub of tha North Svideaes t t the popularity of cations and sick leaves for employ- Onaaca ooaunlttea, charred that Uc- 125,000; SIw Styi ita katp wsl wood »'* • — • « » —Frese.aaSle Nowo PoHod Methodist chUrch has aet the date Fancy Plump Oaaaral Bleetrie products tn Man- tlMct If CMTMtioi ■ had aada tha gaeeuaa of M IO w iST A CANADA - wtod baba *> 2 - fw - d o o w HoU * Orebortre LESS YEAR A t least one per cent of the nuia- stoitag the pay cut a Blatter o f G h a rSchK tf W tril wib* wtbe wdajr kfyr wet efof , •* ••• taoMstoe eg Wednesday, February 24, for ins chaster to found ki the fact that the *1x>iRtaai propagaada.’’ SOUTH—i*rv* wptf wwDO were w jax’ Woloetoo — osott .A'/' Northwestern PTmuised ta Marry Bar. Hirtftnl Mardi & , her of permanent anpiogaa la the wtla-arsnn wioC* wain Wm* wab unapt' . Hsee*J? cM ltk Knaowbl* wart real old-teahkmed chicken ^ sup­ f IMm df DUrici t . W . R ale Ootp- has Just unloeided daaslfied aarvtoe haw to be Oafliro taaasrtad toat tha mayor w N* wamb kvoo why wfaa iHiair kpre I and Pa, Sbatah ba- per aad antertaiament. Profits ot ^O eald tha rity could rest or* the EcniccDiiBtLaL wool ktba■ " ■ktbs • waoo wtar wia woo* . .J?®i.4 S'''W*lty •oohabalf—wtat Young Hhns aiid Toms aBethsr narload of General Electric dismtoaed at toe close o f each fiscal wfbo kark bane ' WosHooH. Talk toe supper will be uaed in pur­ Northampton, Masa., theb. IS — refrigwatota. Iliin is toe second year. •>tlro pay cut oaly if the aeriaUsts' MOUNTAIN—koe kdyl ksir fcsbl ktar Cartor’ a Caiemant chasing new mueie for tbe choir. Ml Oi MeMSnakr by $533.09 I k a eartead since the first the year. The Young RepuMioan club c< ’vero iMj^ ia ' PACIFIC—kfl kaw komo tov Itao kfbk •iSSr §*"'*• Rsw—o to • TlckeU ore In the hands o f mem' (A P I—A Bupertor Court Ju»T today, tt No peraoM la toa riaatofied aerv- "Our Churdi sad toe Wide. Wide kwf kmi ksa Moer—0 to o Many t t theas refrigetators are nl- Manchester will meet ‘Tuesday at tce could ha "appetotod, deomtod or bera and may be procured from returned a venhet for Louis Worid” has beta tbs of Tt t Cant. Uaat. £'2S!!'!5'2S~!IL*>ta oiabono, ASvonture > ■ - r SCNNYriELD V f Year Ago a d $1,24S taady sold to cuatomers who placed 8cl5 p. m. hi the Bast Bide Recrea dtsmlssed or ha la any way favor­ “**• tha waa McLevy he S:W— 4 :I»-P elltw tbs 'Moon, Swlal taoreh of TImo—to • Charles Fields who la In charge ot Levin, RO, Northampton draggl ^ a tow yaara ago,” aaM CRalTsy. tro tastitma SMvIeas of Oeator Ooa- tO sO ^II^^Abo .Lyaaae Orebootrs ■ Whole *r Half tk. d Cendant in a breach of promise orden weeks sgo to get in ahead of tloB butlding to elect delegates to ed or dlscrimtaatod agrinat becatiae • : « — 4:44—"Ouldini4:44—"Ouldina Llabt,’’...... Skateb „ haria]PootTo Mrioeiae—wott rpt, their distribution, or from thb pas­ an anticipated price advance. 'Someone has to show him *»«*♦ he's gregatictisl chnreh ter tbs past 10 4:00— t:00-Whll1:00—While (Sty aiooeo—beale lO'W 'rllrta—*04 NIobolo * Oreboaira tor, Rev. C. Hom er Olrnie. The com­ H A M S the state convention at Hotel Bond. o f hto poHttcal or religioua ontaioas LeaaTbaa Bdgetad. rtrit for $25,000 brought by Miss aot the man he cradm Uasself to yaars. At this season the parish is 4i1S— Oiip-Tom4:14—Tam mTx, 4batm. baate: . i t dsn^^ittftt aatcihK tlM R artfoni Florence Moses, 44, blende Stt Ver­ Hale's General Electric depart­ Hnrttord, Saturday, March 5. or amuattona." Fleroneo Oooroo, Soprano—W40t ^ lluHo-reldwoot mittee baa deidded not to sell any given a review of vmrid ssrriM,. sf- 4:30— om^-Jaak Armobrons, Skata l-or»y Loo ae4 Orohoatra All A ft P Food Stores Jtiibbtir fei||>wr on the evening of the sales volume fn the last year. J«4ntag the attarii on McLevy. torts aad achievements of the Oca- 4:43— liao—Uttia O ^ s n Annia — 11«W—Ititb—Vieoort Lopas Orohoatra project, and advise (Ul who contem­ JMlWnt la Mttta th«

he igh chool orld Here h The Complete Text SOME STORES HERE Birth o f Their 21st Child HIBERIOANSTOHAVE Japanese Women Ei T H S W O f Crop Insurance Message TO CLOSE MONDAYI Causes Scarcely a Ripple ST. PATRICK’S DANCE ^vileges of U. S. W ^ . I T . N « . < Thuradar, Febnour 18, 1937 CMBpOad h f 19l Maadiwter High Srimi ■■iss Bclfla Bstss. FscoKy Adrissr V^ashlngtoa, Fab. 18—(A P)—'11m AsaporiiaBa la agplylag tha prtDclplaa Oodoririt Ont, Fob. IS—(A P) — ' H er stetara, TVoium, 1A and Joan, N ew T e tk , Pbb. 1$.— (A P ) gertao, riM saML **rasBf b H b flib lr teat of Pna’dant Rooaevrit'a o f crop iBOuraBoa. U fe Sowed rinoetbly onward today 18, help her with other mteceiteaeous SarphMBs Uarrtad Over But MerdnnU Division of WiD Hold h r t y i t Riinbow Amerlean women should worry lesa~‘“ “ '* ” aage to Oongraao transmitting a ro- In Um woU-ordetod farm bousehoid work such as milking ala cows dally. Crop iBsuraace and a aystom ut Alpbonae, 17, did tba outride about **waglnf war on wrinklaa”, a Hare fo r a D A Y » m s. t a k e s port of his special oommlttae oa of Mr. aad Mrs. Jamea Mass*—the “tbo status of . ______IBSERVE LINCOLN’S mm Presidency Created FEW NEW MEMBERS storage reoerves rimuld operate ao Qiuiber Deddet Not to chores on tbo 180-acre farm while in Bolton on W odnoidiy lltUe JapaiMsa famlnlst said today, crop inauranca follows: that autpiuaaa In yeare of good birth ef tbelr 31at child caused Papa Maose worked oa Uia bigbway. and should spend more time being Improving, ritbongK J m x LIFE IN ANCIENT WORLDS backward at neoxBlalBK During tba paot four yoara UM waatbar might ba oarrtod over for scarcely a ripplA Toddling about Um house, were glad beoausa ”UMY*ie tea moat rigbta.’* • For Country’s Father gevonuBont baa aaalatad fannara la uaa la yasra ef uufaveraUa grswlag Close for Holiday. Having loekito at tbelr new stator, Michael end PrlacUte, 4, and Pater, NigliL March 17. privUaged woBMn in tha world.” MANY H. S. CLASSEs N ^ ' s w m m e e t ON STUDENT BOARD tc bo riu^stanad Martha, ttaoaa ebU- 3, who wore allowed into tbelr Baton laa Shldsna IsblmotOb o f She said tba word BMatiBg aaBargaactaa o f tw o dlffer- C r^ laauraaoa aad a ayrttas ef dron marched dutifully to aebool; motber’e room for a moment to saa Tokyo, a lander la tha JapaiMae into tbs Orianta) 9 MADE VIVID IN PICTURES ea t typao. Tba first was tba eoUapaa The birthday of Gaoiga Waahiag-Abeir gotemmaat be yialdad aad ba­ atonge rsaanraa would bolp to pro­ Tba Marcbante Division o t tba CacUla. 1$. tbj baby and 18-montb old Monica. Division No. 1, A.OJL, win bold woman suffrage BMvenMnt waa They use tbe Cbtaesa word of prieaa raoulUag from buga our- tect tbs UlOOBM toooBM ofo f Individual ter- Cbombar ef ComnMrca today an­ Loute, U . Maurice, 36, te tbe eldeet of the 31 amused at Amarioan women’s die- meaning “women's rights.” I ETesly Matched Teams Fight ton win be obaervad by tha eBtira a daiagata to that meoting BMFI ftCAlfiSt th® ott croD tbeir armual St Patrick's night F lln u y 12 Cdekrated by Nmniiiadiig Committee Am* iluaoa fo r which foreign niarketa nounced to Its members that tbe Ivan, 11. and llvM away from home with tala dance at the Rainbow Dance Hall. tress over wrinkles and advenring nation Monday, February 33, for tha aiMl waa Immediately alactad preai- failure; tt would bolp to pretaot coo- JuUatto aad Antolnatte, twins, 10. a dlaappearcd. Tba aecond waa schedule ot openinga and closings wife. The other children who are Bolton, en Wedneaday evening, Side-lines man who waa “Flrat la War; Flrat dent of tha Oonvantion. During "Tie Homan Adventure” auman agalnat abertagM of food Archie, S. to Finish in thoaa stormy aeasloBs when the ax- wNMopraad teUun e f crops rsoultlng adoptad at Um rsoaa^ armual meet­ out from xmdar tbe fam ily rooftree March 17. Preridant John F. Tier­ “Tou should be glad”, ohe said, > li d b SocMi, IMscusioit ■ooBoes New Officers WM auppUaa and agalnat oxtraaBoa ot Leo, 7. are Florence, now Mre. Maurice la Peace;” and, above aU, “Flrat la b m i WHAT U PATBIOnskir from drought ing of tbs Dlvlsloa wUl ba adhered ney has namad the eommlttoa to. ar­ "because vou don't imve to w age Wan jrou at tiM gama^ filday latanea of th » U I was threaten- priOM; aad Saaliy, It would aoalat la M arie, $0, went about her houae- Benomme, Anthony, oleo married, National Gaa alghtr Thara waa quiU a erowd tha baarta of hia eouatiymaii.** ad, Waahlngton exertad a powerful Called "An Epic of Hm Government action helped botB to la regard to Waahington’a Birth­ range for tbe dance and Um commit­ w ar OB a lot o f ottaar ttalnga. Meet Satnrdaj. Cantata and oeaaumaw. Maaawhlia provtdiag a more aaariy ovaa Sow ef keeptng. She bakes 40 loaves ot Richard, married only Monday — tee htu organlaed by elecUng “AiiMricaa women bava Gmt fimdpitor’t tbara. Tlia raaanra aaaU aold out Why waa George Waahlngton Inlhiaiice for eompromlaa can­ be IistaOed. Stoxll in'aisa. but graat In Im- farm auppilOA tbua atabUlaing tarm day neat Monday, ibe exacutfva — ‘flrat in the hearta of hia country- It baa bosa abown that aatthar pro- bread each week and makes 3U the day before baby Martha laraa Ihoroas Darmaher as chairman: privileges than any other women In News not be ovarastimatad. portanca because It gave to na two buying powar and eootribuUag to committee of tha Dlvlalon held a pounds of butter with which to born—and Thereaa, wbo la vtelUrur oen,” aad why doea he continue to p eat preridenta, is Februaiy, which Afet”; Shows Process of duoara nor couaunMra are bsaafltod riMOial BMattag tbla nwrntng aad Joseph Breen, seoretary; P. Edward the world", arid the baronaas, a Who waa tba weU known local Bacauaa, as flrat President of the tbs aaourity o f buataaaa aad aaityley- a. read It. — in D etroit The Bon-commterioned nfflears life, Newt fran His rme. Mancheeter H igb mermen noaed bold that place? Cal tad Statea, ha started this coun­ Is often called the patriotic mooth. ^ wMa fluctuatloaa is altbar prioaa a a a t voted that stores remain open aU Meveigh, treasurer; Oaorge H. pretty, dark-balred woman In a lav- man who waa aaao pulling hair out Tbe newly-elected 8 tudent Ooun- W'.lllama, J< ba F. Tleiaay, Irvtog Company **K" IflStb Infantry out Meriden High Saturday, Feb. Becauae, he waa oouragaoiia try on har career as tha Giaat gmaneipator, waa eela- of tha OonstitutioB created t^ exceptions,'of tbe same repreeenta- of loyalty and a kind of natural af­ auaMra agalnat anBorganelaa a riria g about by tbe armouncement that PORTER ST. SEWER Ont equipment trust ef 1937 oarti- laed and held together an army The new movie projector whlel of both typeo, 1 appolatod, oa ‘tlia committee win meet later and wltb tba right to vote whan you A review of Fadarri <■ TariooB elaaaea, rather presidency of tha United States tives that were in It last semeater. fection. Anyone wbo la lacking In Manchester Higb b u recently out of axtroBMa of aurphioaa or Um a a P. aad First Nattonru fleatas bMritia $14 per caat lataresL sub divide the members Into other wX!f*.sirsj,‘*z,f r'ri ”T "*"*'-^* through almoat unbelievable hard- abar IP laat a eommlttoa ot abortagaa grow up, to hold executive Jobe in will be held by C apt^ haa hi altMdajr. toe. High acEooi to three aaaembUi — requoatod tbla coaunlttoa to oral, atatA aad leeal fovaraaMata JOR IS APPROVED "Tba Strang a thing Is that so tbe Howitaer (tempany. formetiy orda ban bean broken ao far thla of the beat generala of which Eu­ Baeausa, ha nnwaaeid tba quaU- acbooL The chief buatoeae before parento and famUy. Tuesday at which tha film, *T 8 a prepare a reportrt and taoommsnda- Moaday la observaaca of Waahing- 1. 1947, aad ware prieod to yield eai oigamaaikUon to furnltta muato fo r IB tha awlor Public Spaafctag Tha teama were ao evenly matched rope could boaat arialag by reosoo o f crop loaaaa away AnMriean woman don't seam Company ‘X * will ba neoaat aaaaoB. OrfltalU and BareUa in the tlas of leadersldp and knowlad^ of tbe OouncU waa the elecUoa o f PaMotlsm is like a paraqn’s levs Human Advanture” was abown. Tbs Ua«a for lagtiuatiatioa providing a plan tOB's birthday. Tba eommlttoa fr it, from 1 per eent to -2.80 per cent, ac­ Um dancing. to appreciate it, but take it as alaaa, agiaadaa from tha rarMad that practically every time that Becauae, when the Cboatltutlon bad crop Inauranca. potato to tba daolrablUty o t employ- cording to maturity. all Bon-ooma are asked te a /Pr aaidanfa Ufa arara praparad and 830 and 100 yarda tree atyle, reapee- men that Irmpir^ eoafldmiea among nominating committee to nominate for bis own borne. Anyone whose flim wlu produced under the edentl* ef “BU-rl^ crop lag tba urtxciple o t laauranoa In bowsvar, that the merebaato, by Btettw of eourae." tlvely. Nice going, faUowa. one would win flrat place, the other been won, be gave one of the fin eat aU elaaaea of people. Complete un- a alato of officen for this semester beart and mind are wh^eaome w ill, „fle aupervlsloa , of Dr. ______Jamea____ H. thrir adopUon of the closing ached JAP ADMIRAL DIES every effort to attanA :;peeaciled in the foUowiag radio pro. would get aecond and third, making W oth N ew P lalaked oiM r to liaain tba coot— financial Tbe baroneea. wife of a Japonaod CORP. O. wwaiv;'- examplea of patriotic generoaity deratanding existed between him The committee conaisU of the fol­ love his country Just becauss, like °^ '***^ited, ' d^Kctord lr e i' of Chicago Unl- ula a t Um annual meeting test Line to Be CoDsfancted Be­ In 1934 Russia bought 430 m il­ Tokosuka, Japan, Feb. IS.— (A P ) bualneaa man and mother o f tw o ^.gnaa. (1) "meaalngB On Her a difference of only one point In the that the world baa ever known. Ha The ooauaittee baa now completed and bumaa—of future crop dIa- ^IHHiacjr I7 Bemtla M artin arant For the flrat tlma la many yeara, and the people and ha was the one lowing: James Dougan, John hia home. It is his own and varsity's Oriental Inatltuta. The oc- its work and I traasmlt to you .to aitero. month, ware not In favor of tba lion rubles worth of German gooda —Vlea-Adntirri Tasbutaro Iwaabl- boys, is a friand of Mrs. Carrie tha rise club haa come back Into •core which waa SO-SO before the laid aalde hia aword and the com- man In the country who could har­ It stands for that part of the hu- dialogue was given by holiday, iriUob htw net boon ebsarv- During tbe first 11 months of 1986, ta, 81, cMaf of staff of tba eomUaad hfCk one hundrad and tarantjr-aiyht laat event. Pickles, Wealey Palmer, Elton Clark report eatittod "Report aad ftocom- A program of crop Inouraaeo and tween Kensington and Cbapaten Catt, plonear Amarioan France built tbe lint •aara to a hawMiewB loMaun actln competition and aeema to be mlaaion which had placed him at the monise all plana aad bring men to­ and M Ichaal Haberem . man race to which he belongs. I *^*S£L** B ^ " * * * !. son. ad In tba post bowaver, tbe Soviets spent only Japanese fleet and a daiagata to tbe sufTragtat, and admires sQ American The hlghUgbt of the meet waa mandationa c f tba Praoldaat'a Com- Btoraga of reearves should ba part armor-clad veaori In IflSS. ■aatiad in tha atrgin foraata w Hard' doing qoltp waU for the flrat year. bead of a great army and volun­ gether la tiM adjustment of impor­ The queatioB was also raised as Thla asms kind of loyalty k—T vh Adventure’’ goes asittoa OB Grpp Inouraaea.” I bava of tha fouadatioo of o^oulturai It la expected that Um chain food 370 mlUioa rubles fo r German- London iteval oonferenca, diad to< women "for thrir energy"—partiou' American-made MonUor OooB^, Kentucky. A young Keep tt up. Orlando OrfltolU*a record breaking tarily returned to tha quiet of hia tant measures. • to whether or not a qiedal Instal­ b# felt toward tbs dtyto eaksadnad this report aad I am oon- policy which we are building and otorea and public uUUty companies Oak Grove Streets. made artlclaa. day. larty Mrs. Franklin D. r awlm in the 330 srard free atyle. He Rooaavrit, second such sblp to ba put to mother Bee oai a bed o f beloved home, aeeklng no bonora of Becauae, in addition to aU this, lation program should be held for Uves, tbe school whl^ he attends ***** *** “ unusual contribution, vtneed that Um plan It outUaea is which must Include tbe coaaervation will be closed all day, as will banka 1 and boar aUna with a We*U be aeetng you tomorrow broke hia own record by two aec- peraonal glory. When be aaw hia he was kind, helpful, considerate, the Installation of the new officers and tb T c la s s to L**?* “ ** «<«“ '»OonaJ f l a l d ^ piaetle^ ■eciaUy dastrabla, aad of soil aad water, battw land use, aad goverem ant offices. Tba pubUo onda, awlmmlng the dlatance In 3 country free, he aaked nothing from tm. I***** “>« vrbole world. Although Ihqr paroal of humanity in bar arma, night at tha Caat Hartford game. aad generous. IB private and pubUc when they are elected. After some w orth y o t your thoughtful eonoldor- tacraased term income, aad alievla- schools wUl ba dosed oU week. OmutrueUon ef a sanitary sewer haaar natWng that aoma day be TUI then, bon Jour. mlnutea, S8.4 aeconda. **Orr* can't her, but raaumed tha Ufa of a pri­ Ufa ha ams above reproach. George _ 1***^_ *** ** to serve an educatira- Uoit of dlatreos In rural areas a riri^ debate It was voted to have jnich a tooae al objective, U. la a fascinating iS s Itoe In Porter street between Ken' tMO be one o f w e graataat pramdenta aaem to atop breaking the 330 yard vate dtiaen which bad been Inter­ Washington Uvad aad died devoted program and a commlttoa was elect­ I bellevo that It providas aa ade­ out of teotors beyond tbe oontrol ot thi tha UBitad Statea. (S) Jaaaiia record thla year. He haa broken it rupted by the war. wbo are not of bla nation, aebool, entertaiming film for any neraan slngtaa and Oak Grove streets, as and faithful to his hi|d> Ideals of ed to plan It The committee oon- or clas^ For them, ba can have a who wlsbes to picture In his mind quate bools fo r laglMpUan which wlU liidlvidual produrem. Maarberry'a *t3rowliig Paina**, aaw three timea already, twice hia own Becauae, when the OooatituUonal true American manhood. make poaalble a program of crop la- May I repeat what 1 have sug- a WPA project baa been approved W tla Aha dae^diartiig, aerawUag hia siata of the following: Fellda Ple- warm feeling, but,bla own peoplelttae heroic strunle man haa bad to PO U ejeO URT b, the federal administration, It was ■HS LOSES 10 BRISTOL and once George Proat'a Ha alao Convention waa caUed to form a —Faith Stevenaon, *S»B. trowskt. Robert AUey, Blanche should have a ptocs a Uttia closer to make. ouraiiee amlytog to wheat for the rosted in a tormer mesaags: That BIG TWO DAT SALE! a* tha walla of tha caMa. nportod today by BUta Armtnte- awlma on the relay team and can do Qattl, Sophie Falkowski and Teddy crop year IPIA becauae aoooomlc aad aoc' Q(N mMm mtkm to #fbfwl ot his heart. To desptsa one wtM bs- "The Human Adventure*’ la based 1 beUeve that lagtalattBa abouM funaa of thla ebarector are trator Robert A. Hurley, 'n t work the breaat atroke In good time. Walt Dnfwn. longs to another nation, school, or entirely upon reaearcb, exploratloo apUtdiig ralla ao that be IN ONEGDED CONTEST Baraiaa aeema to have aome bard authoMaa appSeatloa of oimilar pro- Ually aatleaml la scope and in ad- CAME IN FROM BOLTON will probably ba startsd this spring. gat amey to buy a book on G B A O U A TB WVtNS HONOR T Names OotmoU class Is to bs guilty of narrow-1 arctaaeoloaical excavation which gtama to otain oommodlUes whaa It mlnlstratloa, the clUsens of 'our na­ Ths new main will serve aeveral luck in the 100 yard free atyle. Tbe home roomVeproaentatives to mlndedneas. | ^ been carriedled on by tha Oriental naaar raaUalim that aonm day PractlcaUy every meet he eomea ' M aotabUalMd th at piM ucera daoire tion beUeve that our form ot gov­ bomaa In the vicinity and the Porter be a famooa lawyer. (S) *lin> STUDY PROTOPLASM Fred Lavsy, '84, baa earned | the Council are aa follows: Franklin Patriotiam is a term which la lustituto of the University of Chica. Street school. Second Stringers Feature in within a few tentha of a aecond ot them aad appUcatioa of tba plan to ernment was never Intended to pro­ HIST TO GET THE AIR Ooaanlta an Almanac** directed Loss; Manchester’s Third tba diatlncUon of being on the Building: R. 3. Jane Irwin, alter­ often abua^ Many people are of go. Thla inatltuta la the flrat aad wbaat hu providad a book log of hibit tbelr aocompIMunoaL SpeclflcatiotM of tba project call 3tmh MoOomrllle, told o f U aeoln’a breaking the record. He keepa com­ Dean's Hat a t Harvard Unlveral- nate, Walter Allen; R. 6, Doris tbe opinion that thsy are not only laboratory for research Into for more than S.SOO cublo yarda ot Conseeatire Oefeatt ing nearer however, and wiu prob­ aamaaB aa a lawyer, whan by IN BIOLOGY CLASS tyi where he la in bla Junior year. Stratton. Hedwlg Reuther; R. 1 1 , patriotic unless they are fighting what Dr, Breasted deecrtiwe la the Gtarged With Intoxiestion aartb oxcavation and back fill, 6.670 •■•anlttag the Almanac ha aaved an ably break hia **Jlnx** one of theae n«d, who Is working his way ' "Uan Tanner, Dorothy Snow; for tbelr nation or speaking de- mm "the moet remarkable pro- ■ tp u n feet o f trench sbaathing, 13,- Before a oapaotty crowd of 3,000, daya. “Buffy** Davidaon did a good tba booM o t Mr. aad Mre. Cbarias RaMdant of Naifhborinff tt man*a Ufa and ravaalad tba through collage, la majoring in R. 13, Beatrioe White, Frank WU- gradlngly of aome other c o u n t r y , ! **** “ m verse; FARMERS WITH ONIONS Flab, Friday avtatog, Fabtuare 3A 400 square feat of rood patching, er. (4) Oladya Mattaoo part of which occupied tha nmw Job In hia flrat meet. He swam well eooDomlca aad ^ reintij ^ ^ - son; R. 13, Sylvia Della Fera, Jamea This— la not patrioUam; It from savagery to Town Givas Unoxpt^ed An- laying o f 8,100 ilntal teat ot oewar reserved aeat aection of the Armory on the medley and the free style It fM Ignor- 1 civUlaation.” j Bridga, sat-oaok aad plaosbia vnli be oramattaad how Lincolo out-ganer- tra muBle course bealda bla reg­ Benson; Rl 14, Robert Lorcb, Jeaale ranca. swar in Court pipe, and eonstnictlon o t 10 man- blaacbers, the ancient rivals of ath- relay teams. Buckles, nicknamed Students Learn Types Vary Through the lands of Egypt, Pai­ played. Priaee will oe given and re- Blad Doiiriaa in the famoua Uncola* ular schedule. Fred la alao in the Little; R. 18, Roaella Kusla, Marie To show true patriotism, one IN STORAGE ARE LUCKY freibnMats will be served. nctes. Tbo line will also estend Ptog l— IMiate and forced him to letlc teams, Brlatol and Manches-1 "the crab” because of hia pecuUar Wurts; R. 16, WUfred Maxwell, rs tin*, Sjrrla, Anatolia, Iraq aad Ad•■ ^ r e ‘ lam Unoe Matbodtets oenridar It a graat treat Men’s Heavy Boot Socks and reconstruction. SEVERAL CLASSES DOING coin could ere a Oonfederate flag Abrabam Unooto; “Febnmry Rem- OF U tA H lR PROBLEMS to have them In Monebestar at this auctioa market this weak showed Arthur Custer a pupU ot a aopho- High beat Bristol. The team lost SO. DAKOTA nCH PAPER MH8 eeaaon la over, ^nia Junior living to Virginia," aald Mr. _ tbe D irector o f AdnUariOBS. S J j ! ^ * * ', h ‘ 5 f .'ll! “ l!5 * ****** tolsoences” rtad by Alice FOgll; song ao imUoatioa of ao Increase. There . wrtdow wear) good four straight at the beginning of team won tbe atoto tournay last OConecticut CoUage. *^*.**»* ttytog tripe ag- -U. A A. Forever”,“ •by •Orange; Uma. Young people aapeelally are for skating sock*. Regular 8Se valaa! nwre English class waa in charge ot REFERENCE ROOM WORKi Bally. “This must have often dis­ invited to attend. were 1J)30 caaaa aold on Tuesday a program about two Ineidenta from the season, but the scores kept get­ year, and the chances an that couraged him to the days whan bs “A ppu ca^ rimuM b. made .aid poem. Ltooln" read by Ttuart (Jlb- Willard Rogars BtUeros Rega- and only double yoke eggs brought ting closer and closer until now they RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE or before March tenth.” «n I *^^£1 oon; song, “Old Connecticut For- tba Ufe of Lincoln (from the radio toey'D dupUeata tba feat this year. was fighting to bold tbs Union to­ that The Human Adventure" la latfons Should Bo Adoptad anything Uka a good pries, tbay program of “Cavalcade of Amer- Tha recent cold weather have won two straight aad the gether. So we have felt dtooouraged avei'* by Grange; reading, “Ltocoin’e in Every Commonity. doubt "on epic of the Beard” by Doris Flab; “Ufa ot stUlng for 43 cento a dosan. Tba loa*^l Martcm Pearl presented an oral driven the studenU Into the Ubrary 8 tudents ef Manebsstor High Mr. BartwaU' (to girl wbo * over our many defaata. But aa vle- xvaragt for larga special oggs was tofte on “Mary Todd Lincoln”. toty finally cams to lincoln, vtctory Waabtogton” by Ethel Porter; for sbdter during tbe lunch hou^ „-r may have tbelr moving lectures, but collecting money): Ersry dime you H. L K. SnnffiNYS WVIYEDI —Francea Wallett, S9a What to do about the ipn«i^ or OiLUMBIA only 36 1-3 cetita a dosea, this balng R inr-Free Room 38 M'a contribution to the hllV ttlla la nnf «Ka amI«* I tT ® ® ECFOM III® n tTM t fTOIll t h S may coma to ua.” “WaahtogtoB” ; poem read by Gor­ but this Is not the only time when students of Central High In Abar- me in you want moiMy. tmUera expected la Conaeotieut this the price paid In large lots aold at •coaalon was a oonclae Mography ot It haa been weU-flIled. Rec”, at last broke bla Jinx on tha deen, 8outh Dakota, put on tbelr Tbe next imaakar. Dwight Parry, don {tatbbun; Waabtogton Moral aumemr was tba question prapouaded Mr. aad Mrs. Joseph Hutchins en- lAaeoln’a Ufe, written by Dorothy congrmtulatod tha dub on Its goM TO ATTEND m \ \ Couraga" by Homer HlUs; "George tortalaod Mr. and Mra. Lastar Rut- auction to wbolearders. Full Fashioned MW W F elW EnglUb cteas-1 ^ a ^ tb e '^ ^ ' by'^tSS^ten'S^ own shows In tha form of annual Student CbuacU elections take today to tbe boards ot sriaoUnaa ot In tbe Hamdct market on Tues­ Schraiber and read by ci^er Follies.” And according to tba place next week. There are many work, telling tha members that “af­ *nON|DEBAYING CLUB ELECTS Waatatogtoa and bla Motber*a Last 160 OonnacUcut towns toy WUiard drlrw ami Fimada Hutebtoa at a Tulyca. re Wve been getting a general Idea of a second. Orlando OrfltelU, for ter tbs aebool has bean thrown down sting,” by Oars Bills; song "Uiw. turkey dtimar Sunday, la honor of day tbsre were sold 6S1 oases of the work which they will soon tbe third time la as many meeU, “ Blue and Gold** Central HIgta’a new members to tiM council and it Aa invitation to tha high school B J fo g m ot Maaobaator. praaidant SULK Other metbods In ^ spec­ papar, reeantly reerived by tba High c< mre Its time to bounce.” uactleut”, to Orange; aurreot avanta of the Bond Hotels aad OoaaaeUeut Laator Hutriiliw’ birthday. eggs and tbe average for beat grade ial obaervance en to aupport the dub to tbe Rainy Day*’ read by Mary Hooker Mr. aad Mre. RayuMnd Johnson CHIFFOM and Action. the other first places for Maaebse- T b ^ “FelUes^ Include aU kinds of JUS** 1 Hunt wss voted president Phases of Ms life, choral reading of I sale ef candy lidag conducted each M s ^ * ^ The letter to Principal | ^ the Debating Oub and Laura aad Th e Children’s Houi^ read by of Oovontiy wore gueota Saturday Norway —its education, sports, 1*''. “ <• both relaya won tbelh student stunts, from a senior's ver- ■ Wanted: Snapshots for Somanhla. la a latter to the boards Mr. Ma “Gettysburg Address’’; reading raceae to Room IM . The proceeds dlslo aecretary, at the last meeting .Batty White. Tableaus rapraaanting Ito g s n rtporto that ttoa OeuaeU’a avanlag at tba home of Mr. ^ WALL ST. BRIEFS and customs, la the topic of re-1 svente. Werner of Brlatol won both aloe of “Tbe Flight of the Bumble Coma en. you upper Seniors, dig "Thla year marks the aecond corn- ' Abraham Uncoto ae a Studaot ^ Markham’s poem about Linoto, "The Bea”, to a stair dance executed by from thess sales are to be uaed for of the Debating aub. Pacraatlonal OevalopaMt eoaualt- Mrs. Joseph Hutobteoi HOSE Man o f tbe People” , and a dlacuasloQ search for some of Mlao Worth’s I ^ Bristol’s first places. Werner, way down la tbeas bureau drawers tba purpoae of buying aa elaetric blaed exhibit of tbe various 1 ituart Otbaea aad Abraham Unooto New Tork, Fab. IS.—Tba Oaa- who Is practically a one-man taam, two Astalre-Rogete a^ranta. mante of the Tale School of In the debate which preceded . tbrougb a aatloawlda survey of WUitem WoUr, Rowlaad Cobb and «f an article, "Lincoln at Work”, classes In connection with tbelr and Mth bsA a few for tba *87 scoreboard for uae to i f MB. gamsa. electloa of oSioere. the negative___ a young aua tyUttiag raids by tniier-vieTtod regtaao, baa dtoeovar- Mrs. Marion Rutchlna. wbo eom- varaa Rubber Company baa Sled got Ante in tbe 100 yard braast- “ M eUrideamer** amiga, a German year book. Just give them to any n ea rin g U m laboretoites of the Jtssa HiUo. Guitar aad harmonica s U P ® ■nm y L«u Kahler brought In an ao. study of "Olaats In tbs Earth.” Mlaa Kibba alao msntionad tba M. composed o f Gilbert Hunt. H. Btasan ed that tbe trailer pntoiem Is gaasr* tbo Columbia ocbool board, also with the securities and asebaiiga eaont ef tbe “Hurter of Abraham stroke, aad 100 yard backstroke. Ba- Band, chorus girl eutiea, J»—. and mambar of tha Somanbls staff. CMl, BlectricaL Mechanical, aad ,duet, played by Andrew and John while others are looking up ma­ hlltbllUaa. are ethar Folly attrae- HJB. red bsreto left ^ m tbs Glri aad Maiy Ambuloa had the edge on ally conriderad to be a loeal one aad First Selectmaa Clair L. Robinson. commission a registration atato- » s j r « » ^ e p a i r Ltoeoln, President of United States," terial on the 8ettUng of tbe aldre the breaststroke and back- Raaarve sals, which are forty eants MetaUurglcal Departments win ba : Hooker s ^ a duet sung by Mary te belag daalt wltto, by local aoatag ment covering tesuanca o f 38,000 aa taken from the Hamburg, Pa., stroke, in both of which ' ha doaa tlona. Aad tba whole abow la to be itoicce. opened to the pubUc on March 8 the affirmative aide, composed of 'aad Andrew Hooker. Ratraoliiasnta Town Rapraasntatlvo Horace Little, Dakotas, th^ daya of tbe covered broadenst: Aad spaaktog of Somanbls—we Bum Pratt, John Hamilton and Afar- tews. Tbe cowiBitto. reeoaeaMBda aad Hr. and Mrs. Cbauaeay Squter. tbares of Its (3 cumulative prior Advertiser, dated April 33, 1368. record time for most schools, ba van are poklag around *S4 and *35 year Mr. Robtaaon spoka briefly of the aad A Special effo rt haa baan made o f saltiBos, WasWagtoo pto aad oof- 49 wagons, early literature aad tbe Also gisnned from tba “Blue and garet Braonaa. The subject for de­ that the bBwde ef srieetaaeo take up want to Rabroa Monday evaalag to preferred convertible stock. Mr. Morton’s ciaasas gave a brief NlebelungenU^ do tbe freeatyla for any dlstanca la hooka a few daya ago aad oai thrills of tbs baaketbaU ganw, la on tbeoa labaratoitea to arrange vod by tiM mito teariiy. First QobUtjrl Too’d talk 0*1 the difficulUc* Lincoln eo- good time. Gold” Is the “Beale of Knowledge.” demoaotratioos wM A wm ritow the bate was, “Resolve: That the maan- UM matter with loeal offlelals peter a eubUo maetlng bald under Mlaa Putaam’a history ahalvas acroas thla one: Teachar—Wbat la adviaad tbs dub to “get iMhlad __ Jean HriiaoM of wumnan- to Um sprtag BMaUnfs af loeal gov- the YYlIUam H. DrtecoU, form er vloe- expect to jwy 59c. It’s asuatered to eetabUablag m The next meet la with tba pewat^ 100 per eent, I did; 90 per cent I a^ think only bopafui progrsae ef the various braadMS of focture and sale of munltlom ba tle apont tba weak and at tba boiaa — dlncUon of i b . Garrison, supar- an usually busy, with students of wai; SO per cent. I ean; 70 per oent, emery used for? caatroUed by the U. S. dovem- areaMoto in towaa tbrougbont tha vtoor tor this dtetrict and Martto preoident In charge of mechruiloal Mkw Tork society aad on tba news- ful Cboaby High taam. Fab. 17. thougbta.” eagtoaerlag aad tba ways la wbkh o f her friand Mias Gloria Banaaao. atato. b e a o t < I a 1 ’’Maple Ancient History looking up topics Manchester la tha undeinlog, bat if I think I can; 60 per cent. I might Bright Studwit—Biology. meaL” Robertoon, wpervioor of tba dtetrict equipment wltta tbe Tbompson- M W campaign designed to nom- CSMcrleaden Maty Fogarty, Mar­ eagtoaering has ecettrlbutod to mod­ Mr. aad Mra. Wtottarop Portot M ala problaoBS oenaectod S tarrett Oo., has been iteHMd vlce- Knit”, one of the best him as a prest^tlal caadi- on Rome, and Modren History stu­ tbe team kaepa on Improving aa tt try; 80 per cent. I ouppoee I ebould; em dvlltoathm. On March 19. the team wUl have aad obildraa wan vlalton at tba with of which Hofira la a part Was It aa uadardoamaan who de­ garet Jolmaon, H d M & m k o, aad tretera an: plaoaa for partdag; praridant la charge of cooatniction wearing chiffons yon denU worktag on Russia. has been. It should win. 40 per eent. What is It?; 80 per T o y in aad your otudsato wa ok Ito first totetaebelaaUe debate. On af Mr. aad Mra. WUitam maatlng was for .the dlaeuarion of cided to follow out damp Maettag Betnlea Beebe lead tha dub to a a m ^ etdhmaeaa. Sre, poitoe sad the (terrier 0 ^ „ air conditioo- —Bonnla Martin, *878. Books of abort storisa occupy the It, I wish 1 eould; 30 per cent, 1 aerlar of dieera which indudsd a tend aa tovltaUoei to visit ear eX' Thursday, February lA the toama to Hartford, tomday. ' aducattonal tagiateUea at o t ever aaw. Sixea 9- attantloo of Mr. GateheU'a riasare. Medley Rsldy—Won by Manehsa- dent knew; 10 per eent, I east; 0 Road and flnaUy was so tar from tn ffle eodaa, aad ourii baaltb ngu- Ing manufacturer, at Newark, N. J. Bristol cbetr. bibito. We beflava that you aad wm meet to practice fu ^cr. Rev. Bari Lewis •ntorad -*'/>»«—»-898. SbMdon...... 81 M. Roth ... TBEHEARSTAai aaofn Sixth more thaa $2,000. .100 96 185 D. Oaoe . . . 70^ havo Aim! the gowaa aad robea bought It la gettlag to be aa eld atory Davis ...... 141 110 104 [rafC 4££4G tllg| Wftter Book R S. CAGERS TRIP with tUa BMoey can be worn only recording the tact that the^ Mi Kebart ...... 161. 107 114 E SCHOOL BY TO •hMk for aniral* 451 439 483 U13| 32 25 ED AND ANDY RAGUI ____ ioMhMaloM. Aad OBoe er twice la a lifetime. cheater lUfie team hoa won soother I>rake ...... — 93 91 ____ OMe ($ ) Eipose Jick Ttniice The Ramhlera had an trouble m r h t t weald be more thee Paerefaee' robee moat be crlmaon match. lau t night'the Moaebaater B. HMtUnger ..104 — — 1041 <*>6PoBagcf the OstorOi la t e Choice for the Icftick i velvet—or purple velvet If they are team met the Middletown team in a 876 819 ~ im 1683 J- VoUee ...... 86 79 78 348 opaalng gaom a t the TMUA «tifr at royal blood—and the court gown* CTiarter Oak Laagim ohoot at the V-. ■ekPe (9) O. BepeUn . . . . . 78 96 77 350 Fislic B d d Dp ffiU Mike DGH MERMEN LOSE FORM NUCLEUS OF oede wUl be r t » - Pearl otreet range fin Mancheeter toogM program at the T last night Weldon's Noet Travelers; OAK GRUI BEATEN I*— aad poipia they wear underneath them muat be SpUIone ...... 93 98 103 390 B. Kruska...... 97 93 88 373 • 1 I r * 98 I to 15, aa Sheldon and white, cream, Oliver or gold. end won by a acore o f 92S to 88S. McLaughlin . . . 89 94 89 273 R. Rutiahatteer . 88 105 183 830 iMoorhoine, Kow, Cole t gUttertas eoreaeu which While Jack Alvea did not equal hla Moriarty ...... 97 101 100 398 B. VoUea — 78 163 -hcobt; Jm Um H nlgai;{Sgy.S'.ifrJa!"-*' ~ ' c< Britala will ' Money can be eared by wearing shooting o f laat week, when he pop­ 79 10 CROSBY 47-28 Moriartys, Grill To Play 38-20 WITH UTTER AS COi thogr aee their Monarch mock ermine Inatead of flint quality Hamilton ...... 133 100 96 8181 The aeocod game of the evaalas forkertt; H u Added 200 BY MAROONS ped 300 out o f 300, he waa the UKb Parrand ...... 100 lU 183 844 for, aad machine-made material m- gnn loat night with .a acore at ISO 450 44$ 1841 Ooe of Tkree Foaid Gd IIj I waa the amot a ^ U ^ . H lgh h te leca ter lebce and unl- eteed of the correct band-woven vel' !«■ (0 ) Pond^ b Fdl ef Rob, Dnkk Scoring Honors Thros oP' M m A-pro^ Capitol aty. Their oppoarato and waa juat one point ahead o f hla 600 508 619 1533 P. M a rk s ...... 86 Coaches New wldely aooordlaK to the v e t teammate Carlaon. Donu waa third 9 8 — 178 Tha Highlaadara throw a aenra Into Mark t f Waterkinry Sets cage qnlatato havs four have a lineup that ladudea Hutt s Lawida, h g a a i, ’ eC'tha aeaterlela o e ^ there Mayfair dreeemekere, who have man for the night with a aoore of R. Kulplaoky ...lU 97 — 216 toair rivala, who arc tayorad to win olatad tonight aad tomorrow hut PM Up Bird Figbt ■ First T a lea ttvte (•) J. L a n o ...... 185 By HABBT OBATSON sad Wooldridge, former Bast Hart­ a S i^ dM eceaeee la the been buay on coronation ordera ' foi 180, falling down on hla off bau- 138 96 858 the aeooad round hoitom. by leading Throe Owininn Stock Perm, Md.. o t e oao o f thorn w ill bo ployod hors ford High stars, aadRba OiUl ox- aome montha any 17 yarda o f velvet ly ...... : ‘ M. Haberea .... 98 118 103 8U S pe^ EdKer, NBA Servhja BOX SCORE n m t u a t the trlmealage which help ahootlag to spoil what otarted out to Blankeaburg ..131 by four potato n few mlautaa bafore IC h riu m iU Tlirte'Giiiie F I R e c tri i M k Roc h —Woldoo’s Drug mnrtlng te poeto a tough botUs. Tomorrow H ilf BmI Foldi Up UMder VioL Breaaa, S IE eartooB raaha at the la needed for a ducheaa'a robe ai W. K M a ...... 109 UO 116 885 New York, Peb. 18.—JneobP to# final whiatla. Playing Ooneh PeA 18.—(AP)—A Mg bay colt fikvalar’a tBanraaos . Five, roomt be a good acore for the night Bid- , - - ...... 103 A. Roth ...... — night t e Ree League team goes to compared with U yafSa to t a bar- well and Stowell o f the visiting team — 101 101 Bendi la being swept by n furtoua Oombar aaeatad to a t o ^ hla tw galloped eaaOv aionnd a dirt track wliman of te Hartford City la- Avon to |day t e Avon Towaars. oneee. The ermine trimming on e Marcham ...... 103 J. P a lle ia ...... — — 80 80 l^ S ln a k Widi lOA 2 2 0 -Y ari Free Style. P ofO O B O ck aadYarrkkAboSigHadla I er a marqueee, lo r < were fourth In the night's shooting, Schubert ...... 136 gale blowtog up from the Gulf of howoyer, aad tha Arrown on ^heked tn Maryinnd'a roltiag aru» Itoavhaaas if .. 6 ouraaeo Loogno, at t e Bast Bids S p o t paM eedjr U l^ tly aiore thaa duehaee'a robe la three Incbee wider each totaling 184 points. Mexieo, aad nil t e bosra, tnehidlag through with a ndilriwiad apurt _ while a brilliant - aim bnraa 1 Ootg. E ...* • • « • * $ Roc tomorrow nighL k Woldoa’a Drug, loot yoor'a Roc deSar abote the prtce charged thaa in the peereea or lower degree. The ecoree: ‘ 645 541 494 1660 win by five points. Highland Park’s 577 539 1647 the dlvei'B, art hmning for open •arty morning chill from the air. Yktoryb 16 G uN sui K oos 0 ...... 4 laogue cbompa and now tlod with H aj for Serrice Stalisa; aa ehrl or a vtaoceat; the earl One o f the moat expaaalve itema Mancheeter . - Men ( 6) nsw man, Johnny Vojoek, araa high Pompooa. winter book 'Kratuclar Murphy, r g ...... 0 *Mnneheater High’s owimmoia ob- Moriarty Brotero, hotb t e boys t e Bluefleida for first i^oee la t e After putting up n hard battle ileiiiiimt aaartjr three dollore o f the peereaa'a robea are the gulden ^ ...... 90 lOT 78 376 water. aad girls u u b a rotora to action to­ . . P. S. K. O H .m Twamlte O f eonrae, you know what Jacoba’ aoorar with 14 j^ta. • Derby favorite, rouadid the turn R Bquatrito, rg * > 0 aorhad thoir fifth dMaot In socond round o f this yaoi's clreulL during tbs first half, the Oak Grill ; ft kftRML g r t le and teaeela which coat about A lv e a ...... BO 40 47 44 IM la t e nightcap, TaioottvtUa tura- tat night after a long layoff by meet­ Ed Carrofl Maaager; T6 Glbeon . H. HettUngar ..88 83 90 388 In. It'a that little atrip of| with long, graceful strides A Negro 8lk Stnij^ O R ifa b Taggart. « ...... 1 moeto this ososon at t e Bast Bids ora taking on a foraddaUe foe to­ collapsed completely In the closing I dWer amre widely la Carlson...... 48 49 47 45 189 Wilson . ■t^e boy rode him ever a atrowi Reo pool yooterdny afternoon when ing t e 8L Cyrils a t t e Stats PoUah morrow mghL The TrnvMerh have p < ^ (^ and went down to a 38 to ■dMg to the amouat at State aad levee uniforma to be Donae...... 49 50 48 88 185 B.Sch^.,..109 IM - m Lsogus at t e Grotoa Mroat gym tn Qess . . . . HKoakwky--..IM 9 8 — 318 Went 49th Btroet peat M. Stranm I • ■Urrod fo r the path, taking no diancas ot a ) IS 6-18 8$ OoOhy High of Wntorbuiy swam to a veteran array of court perform- 30 defeat before the Poquonoek Ma­ I they wear. worn by men other than peen at­ Newcom b---- 49 47 44 48 188 Howard victors and Flah fo r tho looetp. Tnl- wat, icy (Hrt. A half iW m . . Sbi Y ea n ; ffi|^ S e^ Trade BekoM (88) a 47 to 38 victory. Pesiturlng t e Hertford. The loieal hoopatora have era. Including sndi wail known stora roons at the East Side Rec lost Bid fo r Local Tide. •Splesa...... 50 49 49 85 181 H King ...... 78 — 78 Jacoba’ combined tIdM t e e a lp ^ and playad six gomos to data wiimtng low aad bareae come oS tending the coronation, range from Schueto ...... 97 97prometorlnl offlcaa. Hera nil the oottviUs waa In tha lead oU the way rathuatetn lenaad agnlaat the Wylis, it, rg .... 3 3-8 meet was t e perfOnnaaoe of ns Bari Beaastt sad John Campion, night Tha Mnraoas got away to a dr heartgeer te elmpler— $S90 for the privy oouaciUor’a fuU- and was never threatened. K u rlow w te H. e 8 *3-7 o f Crosby la t e 330 yard flo e stylo, their Ofst u rea stotto- aad toolBg te latter a «N-tima Baa. Five Totals . . . . 938 634 617 578 1819 Dorens — — 82 idagather to bosk la te ^ Put On WMgkt Wrnm. their-laat throe goaNo. Thoir Uaoup 13-8 lead la t e flrat quarter but the tare cheaper—thaa that dreaa eoat lined with etlk to $162 for o f M. JftCOb^ The otoadiag la oa followff: “ Ata’t he a baonty, now ?" naked M umps, t f ...... 0 0-0 in whMi ba not n new pool record of player. The root o f t e Baanp oon GriU cagara out the margin to 15-17 ^ 4 i6 - B n d Andy RagaglniB, aa earl, a marqueee er a the fifth and loweat olam of levee Mlddletowa Boyko, If ...... 0 0-0 la o«>aetad; to flad DeDoPara sad sisU dt John Powora, MIddletowi P. S. K. Keller^ (1) 489 487 488 18881 But tbero la ao amlla thaoe daya. ____ ' Won Loot Ryan, who luu ebnrga at t e 3:860. Th e prevkMia m ark o f at halftime only to fold up under n leadinfi’ stars of the Bluefleld* Ih fact a duke can aecure anlform. OH.Ttl. McQulre eoeoeeoooeooooooso 3 Andsrsca, e .... 0 0-0 3:88 w as xaaOa by Orlando Orfltem Bergoadahl at t e forward borte, Speedboya a c t Tom W sM i. George Bidwell . . . 49 48 48 44 184 ...... 110 100 106 818 It haa baw blowii eft ^ tha gale towi^hbred while trainer C. P. Maheboater Trade’s long quest for Custer, ig ...... 4 S-S B-Aldon at orator end Fraser aad rousing ntUck by the visitora in the for the past four years, have tae ta eeroeete for 9W Mantlae tor the varloua ordera of Stowell Chapin ...... 89 130 o f walls sweeping up from dear old Taloottvtne ...... 3 laat Soturdny aad ntaada ns t e local Paafleld. George MiXeran. Bill third and fourth periods. I im earl muat pay at leaat tlO . . . SO 49 44 41 184 98 803 Wolm (1 ) -U OMith with t e a cage vtefory over Maacheetel'High Poatahik, Ig .... 0 0-0 Solmonda at guards. left the former town baseball knighthood eoat upwarda o f $160. Stielau . . . 49 49 43 Hair ...... 91 106 98 395 Naw Orieans. wbaro Jmek PhUlte. Highland Park ...... 1 Lcmchbcim string. sMuwl rscord. Davis. Bruee Piaher oiHfOari Lsotay Alubichl, J.,Simmons and Sboo- So that the vaat maaa o f people ,41 181 (Marphya ABtya) was atm uaroalixed today aa ,a ra- Mlrucki, « ...... 0 0-0 The vtrtton are oxpeetod to bring champs to pastime under the Daley ., . . . 49 47 47 87 18U Win too ...... 118 187 107 857 Baker ...... 99 98 sy_rra I *Baa Jack Bnnia, failed to carry out Ttomblers...... •Tte never sara a horse coma out ’ o Manrherter only two first kua divided scoring honors for Po- The loweat roak ct peereea. the may have aa opportunity to atudy wmis .. Oxfords ...... ^...... 0 ault o f t e As to 35 trlumMi wMeh ~ r r - ^ •— pincaa, n cU ea taking top bonon la The Oak GriU. which h u played along n bugs bond at rooUrs and n banner of Porterfield's Service Blake .. . . . 48 48 43 86 169 ...... 107 96 — 308 Ptckerlng .. 78 96 S l llnatruetkmo. of training bettof," ha raid. 18 9 7-1$ two gomaa ta os many nights and quooock and Ksenay, Relmer and " 1 at Meat the royal famU/a ooronatloo dreaa- Prentice 113 113 ' Everything want along swlaimlag- South Metbodlat...... 0 t* High hoopatoM g a te d last night (Uvlag aad t e locMs copping te eleoe, hard fought game Is In proo- Chapman went bast for t e GriU. It Station during the <»ming 1937 tar the elothee ehe wm aeed ee at cloaar qnartera, Queen EUee- ...... — D. Torrance $8—398 The baadaome son o f Pompay and . High School...... 4 6 16 loot Mth of them, will try to get pecL . Totala . • 4* . . . . 896 B. Brennan ly for Mtko Jacofao aad the Hearat Oama^fii weighs around 1,000 pounds at tha S tate.Anaoi^ bafiira ro Trade School...... 7 6 6 180 yard ntay. Thpptag. BarMsa w u t e second gams In as many season, it was leanied today. t e Abbey oeremeny. The ne> beth haa ordered that they ahould 101—3 Box scores: thaa ,1.000 tons Tha outeoma and- sad Robbiao ooatrtbuted second hook Inui t e . winiilag ooluma to- No ndmlsskm la being charged 610 559 518 1587 Dummy .. nowspapera’ priae fight deportment is 17 haada tall, aad tana put oa 300 Score at halfUine. 18-10, Trada alght at t e expense at 8L RosPa at Bights for tha locals, who will also This brilliant duo will form the ■teee, marrhlnneee aad be placed on diaplay to the public Shearer^ (8) 91—3761 TaleotMBe (38) OG a^ tnrao-gaina loolng atrook for placM aad t e OifltoUl biothen sad and fans ore Invttod to attend. Earl be action tomgbt and tomorrow aa long oa they remained in their pounds aiace November. BehooL Refoioe, BiosiU. Tlnie, eight Hartford at te-B t Joes^'s gym la Biessn win referee. will pay aiote aa the May 17. Vorrick ...... 1 0 7 own league. New York wUI stand -HP. minute, quortero. Moaner ocoouated fo r thlrda. night meeting St Roses at HarU nucleus of a team that will in­ :LERICilL ilPKIDnilENTS 451 14M ’’We gallop him close to two miles The ouaunoiy: Hunter ...... 16 7 for anything, they ray.' 0 T. Lotos, I f ...... 3 0-0 a day. He’s in great oonditlan and ford tonight and the Avon Townera clude a host of other players cal Mml-pio teams While t e ...... 104 88 148 8M I t waa when Jacoba aad the 0 J. Lotos, r f ...... 8 l-$ nmta (69) 130 yard madley tolay — Won by at Avon tomorrow. who are well known here, moet J. Donavon, 89—374 ready to breese a half mils right Graaby. Thaa, 1;17A.. aggregation wUI play ou arthritio. Ha hopes to recelvs aid ANNOUNCED BY BISHOP Cof*!* ...... -..118 106 89 818 Henrst A. C. branched out Into the 0 W. Vlttaer, I f ...... 3 0-0 R P. Box soore: of them as members of the teams tn t e state, P ____ from apcdal treatment J. Slnamon . 98—800 now." Ryan anplalaed. 330 yo ^ frra etyla-Martt, C; 1st; P«toe ...... 128 138 113 868 J. Dougaa ,. hinteiionda that the trouble began. 0 8. Goads, t ...... 4 1-3 Pompoon was the outstanding 4 AlleM .rt...... 4 0 4 ($8 ) Bluefields. also eager to ipeet other loeal_____ , HEBRON Aa a sign of spring, Mrs. Mariet­ 133—805 Tha hxpooe o f the buUd-up o f 3 J. Goads, r g ...... 8 4-4 Green, r f . . , . . . . 0 QfO ■nsoUa. C. Sad; a Oifltoni. M. P. B. F. T. Hartford, Feb. 18.—(AP>—Nine H Truman . 91—378 two-year-s'd last anaaon. He won Sfd. Timo, 8:S6R (New pool A Stanniag Surprtaa sad I K ^ to be OB s n tiy . ta O. Horton reports fltiding g 659 588 551 1648 Jack Torronco may servo a good 3 Smith, I g ...... 4 0-1 A . Brown, I f » • .. 0 0-1 Ref On Floor As Louis 3 Alublchi, ft ... s e s y s *8 0-0 IS TwiUikt Laogue. P. DIckaon . and otlmr frlenda at brown caterpillar crawling on the clergy appointments were announc­ 109—813 purpoee. It may rooult In Jacoba WMr. tt .... I • •. 6 0^0 record.) 0 SwisM, r f ...... a 0 s s S #0 0-0 0 Announcement o f Poiterfleld’g in­ A. Leeds, pastor at groan a few days ago. ed by the Most Rev. Maurice P. Me- noes No Sir beat Mm in Nm K rk Deorqon. c ...... 1 3-4 40 yard free style—Bolcina, tention to field n strong, outstanding RnggskM Beys Tips : OONOORD1A8 SPIT EVEN Am. Am. , and the Hearat A. C having to con- 15 8-10 86 and Reapiag Reward at N a m . 0 J. Simmons, If aaaaa aS 1-8 11 md Ohoed Oongrega- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wolfe have AuUffe, Mahop o f Hartford, today 486 495 5M 14691 fine their netlvltlea to Broadway, Soirthl BavOoois, o I. . a 0 O^D lost; Tmilng. M. 3ad;, Bowen, 1 Shookua, 0 . . . . 1-3 array on the diamond tnu The Ragunnw brothers n ^ In the Catholic Transcript. The bowling teams of the Ckm- (M) n n o^ Ha pocked m an weight Srd. Time, 30A seooads. e 9 s e e *0 11 Introduction to qmrto foss^ k aee sorry to .earn returned to their home In New which Is used to their methods. P. R P . T. lEwlek, Ig ...... 0 1-4 1 Leonard, rg . . . • e as e e0 0-0 0 comes as a stnanlag surprise to lo- sen obliged to return They were; opKHa Lutheran church split even in Ikglaad (I) each tlm s Wlasler, I g ...... 1 1-8 Dtvtng—PlrtUeo, M, 1st; Doaoliue^ Kifyoes Brown In Fourth Their enplolta cei Uio dto«aB$; York aftik having spent a few daya 1 a. Smith, r f 0-0 toelr matches with the Waterbury .0 0-9 Boma experts soy Pompoen won’t 1 Jerome, rg .... s 9 s a e *8 4 > t e B ortted hoopltal on aooount at the home o f Mrs. Wolfe's mother, The Reverend John J. Kennedy B. Auatin ...... 114 88 107—804 Ticket Scalper Steps Out 3 N. Smith, If ...... 0 3-3 C, sad; 1C. OrtUUm. M, 8nL 2 A. Simmons, « ...... 0 0-0 0 won them wide aeclnbi afi' ’ a throat InfOctlon, with which he Mra. Harry Kaeawan from Saint Mary’s church. Bethel. Luther Leam Saturday, the mra B. Holmea...... lOO 88 90—3781 Jacobs, the old ticket acolper, 3 Plah, 0 ...... Uke the Derby diataneo at a 100 yard froe stylo—McCoy, of te finest perfonneis ■weeping aU four points in their . . . . .4 0-0 and a quarter. Ryan only oalekers • Traia Bscrais footing, took n Miort cut to Louis — pro circle ma&a la a eked after Us dtseharge An lee carnlvaL oo long hoped Saint Peter's church, Danbury A. Stevenaon ..104 90 109—SOS stepped out os a promoter three or 0 Richmond, rg , ..• • . 1 0-0 tot; Boreiaa. M, tod; Minor, C, 8rd. T 16 3-6 88 than a handful of ploysra to form Permanent rector. match and tha girls losing all but “He’U love i t Pompoon ia ton eC 3 J. HHInsIri. r f . . . , 0 TUm » SB fttooodSe hmdhWetrj WukiMftoi a ^ boiatod his Bind ntafL t e Trade ‘ acbool, whoso hoenttal Mat week. Mr. fM this winter, haa been definitely K Stevenaon ..106 94 103—8011 four yeora ago when the Hearst A. 1 Frasier, Ig ...... 1 0-0 Bntra Mid t e timskospsr hod OnkOriB (38) t e foundation at their 1987 team. a mmtlBg a good reoovi The Reverend John B. Pay from OM gome. John Longa hit high sln- C. eouldat get what it wanted from run. A ll be oaks ia a track to run Pn«rittla,->if .... 0 100 yard braaot ntrohe ■ PovUol- Plans td build n crack Mml-pro In hath baeohaa and arranged for ihls coming Sunday irie o f 185 and high triple o f 858. 1 Palmer, Ig ...... 0 0*0 Regrtts, K ...... 1 eomplatod tto count hrtoro Brawn P. B. P. T. 'attack at broneo-pneu- Saint Peter’s church, Bridgeport to 438 886 408 11861 Madison Square Garden. 00, and ha doerat core whether It’o tlo. Cl 1st; Robbins, M, 2nd; Lnu- Hebrew ProTides Bnr^ Kininsd hla foeL tonm to rspresent ths ssrrtas hs’a boon with t e at Parter*a Pond, at 1:80 p. f w the ghis, H. Rutlshauser rolled Bndstuehiier,. tt . . 0 koltis, C; Srd. Time, 1:14JL 'DiCeeney, r t ...... 2 0-1 4 ■toos the tonm cams tote d had planned to return to There win be facing and stunts, Saint Mary’s church, BetbeL Pas­ Scotland (8 ) The*fact that Madison Square > 6 3-3 14 wet or diy. Why, after a race he K s b o u t foUad to odd to Lmda’ 1 Relmer, I f ...... 9 s s a s *8 1-1 5 tion have been In t e works for a aOaad this week. He tor. high siDgle o f 182 and high three J. McMraemy .. 107 88 107— 3971 Oordra woe a reputable and long es- cornea bock to hU stoU rorln* to go Backer, e, r g ...... 0 100 yard back stroke—PovtlnlUs, some time but have been ao a___ as hoe his teothar, Andy,' aad prises will be awarded. A omall ■ t i ^ o t 830. Score at half, 18-8, TalcottviUe. Johnaoki, c ...... 0 C -to t; Bmltti, todr Moaner, M. lesqoe Endiiif to Figkl prostige os ploanad. Brawn’s show, 1 Nelson, I f ...... s • s e * *0 0-0 0 High echool luminary. Thoir t l have to remain nadar treatment The Reverend John A. SulUvan. B. Fleming . . . . 80 83 93—254 tablUbed organisation trying to Referee, Swlkla-Kennedy. some m ors" C. lag aftor t e first two rounds, dar­ 0 Kelab, o ...... • ••*. .e l tlve that nothing hut t e vaguest o f admission will be charged to help TIm scores: T; Parehlok, rg, « 0 3rd. 1-2 8 Brrt aad third reapoetivoly ' daya longer and the ohnrefaes dtfray expenses, and there will be from Saint Peter'a church, Danbury J. Finnigan . . . 99 110 130—339 make an eiabornte nrenn pay didn’t Pompoon waa a bigger two-year- ing which both men wars dolag 0 Chnpinnn, rg . . e es s e «8 0-$ 4 rumors havo lookod out, thla on' to Saint Catherine's church. Broad Manchester Girls ( 1 ) old than Pompey aad cairied Davis, Ig ...... 0 100 yard free style relay—Woa to nouacomrat coming as.n oomptsto a major footor tn t e oneei hsve to eontinue with pulpit free parking privUegaa The Qilead T. McCarthy ..88 120 108— 314 txAher Jacobs and the Hearat A. C p. B. r . T. Bycholski, « . . . . 3 .TkatFailstoAM toBoM ih- nothing vary oerioualy, w u dlanp- 1 Mngnuson, Ig .. e s e s s el 0-1 a > for the ikeasat Mra. Lewia Brook. Pastor. Anderson . . . 93 91 100 388 Jacobs wanted first crack at tlcketa, ...... 4 heavier loads Hla handlers tmnn Manchester. Tims, 1:34.6. polating. Two years ago he stayed surprise to all but those oonerrard od by t e Btuoflolds who m Skating club members, under whom 3 Comber, r f , . . . . 1-8 9 0 Bralthwnlte. Ig s •el 0-0 a town titio to 1984 and «M| Bartford te bo aaar her hua- The Reverend William P. Odell Werner ..... 94 76 — 170 874 896 435 1194 which he sells for two or three 0 Rubacha, U . . . . 0-0 be win ba a better tbree-yaor-cld 10 rounds with Louis, aad his was in t e formation o f t e now club. auqilom the event will take place, from Saint Bridget's church. Ham- ...... 2 4 3-11 play with esuuMO Vhaght , he M abU to leave the are hoping for aero weather. times srhat they are worth, and the S Y ost c ...... 6 0-8 12 than wna Ponqwy. Boors at haHtlms, 16-4, H «h er’sPrfstii|e;BeiitlsD M l. t e Iona voice ia t e wilderasM 8 9 3-8 Mew im t e s Ltoaim wood, to Saint Mary's church. New Hearat A. ,C sought control of the "H e’s aeeustomed to cariylag which sold be could do It again. In addition to the Roguikus Hnrtfocd taduoMal LoogM^ A sewing circle made up of mem- London. Pastor. 4 VaiUant tg ...... 2 0-0 4 acbool. Rofersa, BtaelL Tlina, Mght Beero By Perlsds have won nU-otar m o n tio h li r without pillows is great preporaUen I bustaesa and the power 1 Snow, I g ...... 0-0 wMght and thafU give him on ad­ nlauto quartan. For his brlof exerciM loot nigtit brothers, PortorfisM's have signed Mrs. WnHam Owen waa leader at bora at S t Peter'a Parish, met Mon­ ___ .O 0 DAHLGRENiSSOLD Louis and hla stoekboMern reoelvad Maroons 9 12—88 circuit for thoir oUnumad < ' Chrlstlaa IMdeavor meeting at Tha Reverend John D. Carey from for a ring career * ^ parnuon ^ everything else that goes with 2 B. Yaakowakl, Ig ... .0 0-0 0 vantage la tha deiky when nil t e Oak G rU l...... 4 1—30 up Victor "yic" pagaal of Hartford. day afternoon at the home at Mrs. Saint Mary's church, Stonlngton, to ^ It It waa a natural Oe-j-l e ^ . Kansu aty, Peb. 18—(AP)— $833894. Brown’s cut was $8310. Blew To aineffcito groan Snadoy evening. A fter T. D. Martin, president o' the local CHAMP HEADS WEST — I ooite carry 188 pounds" Ryan oold. H te in te cloaing gams of te Refsree, Snow. Who caught aiioat o f t e Blueflelto A ll Saints' church, SomeravUle. Pas­ It waa when Joe Couls came Owner Jerry Louchhelm. a Phlla. Referee Walter Bates ruled tt a which was better than to t e prevl- Tho root of t e plopots. Bra i ragitar amatlng the annual elao- Woman's Auxiliary, and spent the Jimmy Dykeo, White S e n __ _ 13 14 1-6 39 C.C.IX- campaign hMe tomorrow TOYANjBBYSOX games lost ssaaen sad alao ployn tor. along that Jacoba and the Haorot dsl^dn caatrnetor, bouiht Pompoon niim L fourth-round knocnouL so that’s t e ous Baating, when Ida cuts were with t e Roynla ot t e Hnrtfiard la- votoraao ot exporio e f offleare took place. Mrs. time maklag garments for the ma- ager. Is banging out at Santa Anita A. C MW an opportunity to aeine Highland Park (3S) over both eyes. oblUty aad eomploto n I re-elected praiddeot; Mrs. The Reverend Joseph H. Sdfer- TO SIGN FOR BOUT P. B. p. T. nt bis maimed loot year and -a former Trade acbool day at the home ot Mr. Horton's The Reverend Joseph F. McCuen any ordinary promoter have and White Jinx and close their 1980- sieoting tint accounted tor flvs prasUge at t e expanes at Just what boating t e kno o f i Untaa Orifflng, Brad- room oolUpsed the other day yeora ago when Jacobs rolled Into] 6 0 6-18 88 by, Everyone at throe eonalns tana, West Coast Fighter Earat Prank "Hook" Brennan, Joe mother, Mrs. Marietta O. Horton, from tha Church of Christ the King, Soore at half. beUevM that with any aort o f rac­ 87 campaign oucceaafuUy but claas booketa, .yrhile Koos rifled t e net mmch-wcory Waohington Hebrew, The West Bids Reo bowling BulUvaa and (te rU e Vnrrick. veteT' a largo nambor o f pUyars w ill r wen BMds program With Joe Loms. Ed Brandt took one look at hla Detroit with two or thrM carloads 14-10, Arrows. four times and Colo three. oa the Blueilolds {dsns for and other relatives. Old Lyme, to Salat Bridget's Pittsburgh contract and tn 10 Referee, Swlkla-Kennedy. ing luck Pompoon win wta the Dar­ wm always ten and It told toot nigtit Bootoo. PSA 18.— (A P ) — Tha Who provided a juriesqiM ending League, win swing into nction for aa outfielders of many jranra SX‘ Mm. B. A . Lewia, Mrs. church, Elmwood. Pastor. of New York boxing writers. Louis after t e Traders led at t e end ot Howard WJra was t e best per­ Iro iv o f tt an must get under Babe that must bavo mode Journeyman Dedare Riaf Victory Isn’t known at tbia Uma but U : Raymond, Mrs. Sher- TTw Rev. H. R. Keen preached onds h ^ It algnsd and ready for tackled NaUe Brown that night, aad ■emlilers (38) by. former oa t e &ier for t e TradMO, tha first time Monday evening at ricnoa, all three at whom havs last Sunday from tha text, "Lay up The Reverend James L. Travts delivery . . . . that's bow g l ^ be P. "Ha might evan braak t e Derby tlM flrat quarter by 7-4 and a t hnU- Dntalgrea’s skin---- that ambitions' wrestlers green with envy. 7:16 o’cloek. The league Is compos­ ra with the Bluefields In t e post; oortaialy moon thM t e Bln I O tlffla. MBs Alberto HUdlng, hla handlers were swept away by B. P. T. M to 18-10.''Loose boll handling, la whlrtwbid foshloa K wiU bav4 to dovslop almost i for yourselves treasures in heaven." from Salat Joseph's Cathedral, Pittsburgh. Peb. 18.—(AP) — wo# to get away from. the Dodgers 0 Anderaon, r f ...... 3 1-1 5 record," Ryan suggeatad, "an^ if Son Francisco youth, who fields like Bent Dun amt Blow ed o f most o f the beat wood topplers sad "SpUra’’ Lawtda o f Wcboter.i 1 eommittee. A e society eaters Hartford, to the Church o f Christ the big shot and show from Man- ragged passingpoaslag and an almost com- _ wot. and Aiistia Cnotornad a major Irague first baseman but I t w u Louis’ first Btort einea his Orer Solly Krieger. tirely now outfit now that tto Slot year at active oervioe Miea Marjorie Martin sang an of­ Jimmy Braddock—James J. the . . . . Russ Bunco, center for the nattan, and Nate Lewis was left 0 Burke, I f ...... 1 0-0 3 the track la muddy, he’U leava the ftf f( Kuriowicx featured la t e ooorlng OU t e West Bide o f t e town, sad Mu m ., who mods such n vivid Im- fertory sola tha King, Old Lyme. Pastor...... 1 bats like a minor, was the dlsoon- unfortunate affair with young Bob matastays havs moved oa t h ( year. It was founded in 1886. world’s heavyweight champion— Montreal hockey Haroona, haa been flatter than a broken bloke with 0 Hemingway, If . 0-1 8 others atandlng atm." hulUfled t e fighting spirit dl«>layeid deportment . Pootor, in which Louis trailod by an tadleatione point to some vs PMturos The club has fitted for apednl ahatter-leee nrehee. 2 Sheldon, c ...... tonted understudy to Jimmy Foxx iatcrMUiift SMflloiia Mr. aad Mrs. LaoHa P. Ward aad Mrs. Barbara Miller, mother at headed west today to sign papers ...... 4 0-1 8 y the Mochnalcs and led to their Bseinis WhiEneto laat seonoB aad now ba niuty him- two laps at the finish but was given New York, Peb. 18.—(A P) —Fred te Hno up Its baosball oetivlti|p$| 0 D a «le, r g ...... e # 0 • *8 1-1 7 STRAIGHT SHOOTER^WIN In High seconda also rsturned to On oUeya 1 and 3, Pnganl’a Bar­ dilldraa, of Providence, R. L, Mra. Loulm Blume, Is confinad to for a bout with the Brown Bomber Itimate downfall at the bonds at a M lf doomad to serve os a etand-ln t e dedslqa for trying. VIoloiBlng ApoetoU, the "beltiim bellboy" foonr (piito oomo time but haan’f I and at their Hebron her bed by Qlnese. Mra Miller pass­ Jock Demposy celebrated the Hsoret A. C. Wants Title 3 Donahue, « ...... 3 1-3 5 smarter, foster and stronger High t e winning uilumn at t e oxpenae for holdout Lou Gehrig. bout witta Jim Brad- ber Shop, with John Hurtey, A rt Bon Praacisoo, moved Into t e mld- o f Detroit, more concerned about Tha Naw Britain Straight Bhoot- Oi the Beboberitao, *«-iiTtlng out to make ony headway and tito i) ed her 90th birthday June 7th last. HOCKEY amnd anniversary of his entry into The purpoee of the current move quintet. Dohlgren. good enough to win _ Louis had to bo Oorioon, Bart McOonksy, Joe Bor- dlewatgtat title picture today oa a tion o f o managor OM oootfo -MIm Marjorie Martin was home Since suffering a fall aome montha NatloiuU League anti-Noat boycotts against Max t e rratsuroat business yesterday be to ditch Max Schmeling aad take a 4 IS S-0 39 era defeated t e Y. M. C A. Rangers The game was played at a speedy dectsiva 89 to 8 tritn te la t e pre- d against Brown. nedo and Cnpt BUI Pn|aat will result o f a dedslra lO-round victory No gamea Schraellng than the coming title in a practice game Monday night Umlnnty as Zwick, W W and Anesi regular berth os soon as ba stepped to bo doddod, nlc^.wtth t e i mm Dolton, Maas., for the week ago she has haen In rather falling declaring a general raise for hla Jim Braddock-Louia fight to Chicago Oxfords (16) pace throughout and when t e Into the American League two The four-round knockout was t e match/ their wood- Uqipling abUlQr over the heavy-hitting Solly Kiie- at octien to bo taken as t e i laternational-Aniertoaa i^ug^ty clsah. em ployra---- wesitby young Alfred Is to give Jacobs and the Hearat A. P. A p. T. by the acore at 38-33. The game dorkemra got going ia the second starred. The Tradera were bald to answer. with t e PIreatonea, composed o f ger o f Broo' a, ad, making the trip in her car. health. She makm her home with two points In each period and arared yoors ago, wore a ByractNe uniform, o f thla unexpected devclepmont* A Laatea meditation eras held her granddaughter, Mrs. Ctoude W. S3rracuse 2. Providence 3 (tie ). " I ’m In good shape," said Jimmy G. VonderbUt, Jr„ is going to the C control of the heavyweight cham- 1 Vlttaer, r t ...... 3 3-8 6 was exciting from start to finish half the Traders were unable jo oa n 34-bour call, for t e Red Sox The bout was u dun ns the (topL Prank Waddell. Henry Hoafo, Xpostoll, making bin second New American Association o f the bout with Joe Loul-i, top- ploashlp. 0 Zamatis, I f ...... 0 0-0 0 with each team fighting hard for stand the gaff. They tried ntigbtily only three times from t e floor, Ry- prsoatonless eyes o f Louis. For two PeUx McBvitL Bari BtoseU and York npponrnnce last night at the evening at St. Peter's Junes and family. Her present ill- No games. S S ? ° ‘ “ $w Rortro these to stav ia the tunning but t e High Miolskl twice and Regatta once. Ins', season and In ours to dcff\New- eswnee Bun, church under the aus- nees is due mainly to old age. ranking challenger. ^ y a • . "How many lawyers ore Everything might have gone nloug 1 Varrick, I f ...... e e e 0 oO 0-0 0 the boll. Tha etondouta were Mur­ nrk Hvory fo r t e Ynnka thla yoor rrunds. Brown carried the fight to John BulBvna. ^ Hippodrome bffore 4300 fight fono, TO N iaH T’S SCHEDULE ‘T weigh about 194 new, and oU toeie in this country?" asks Joe aeienely for Jacobs and the Hearst | 1 Hlneg c ...... hoopsten had been denied victory tbs Bomber, but neUtaer man uu loe at Tom Piatt’s Keai the Young People's FeUow- Mtes Jean Ives, daughter of Mrs...... 0 0-1 0 dock and Wrangler for the wlnnera RED ROOKIEB SIGN. unleoA.aad t e odds a n 1000-1 On oUeys 3 and 4, C3nrsnct Va Impraosad lingstders with his shorp- BffttloftftI that n i take off for the UUe bout Gould. Jimmy Btaddock’a manager A. C hod they been content to re­ 1 RoseUs, 0 ...... 1 1-3 8 and Arckvy and Fitqpatrtok for the too often In recent games and bom- punch bard enough to drat nart’s "Independents’’ with ChM- sbraUag ability In atoning for a teg aotahUabment was th# > Shbk The Rev. H. R. Keen was T. C. Ives, waa an overnight guest Boston at Montreal Maroons. mend away with a oemblanee ot against, G oiM « and owner Jacob book fovorito for t e *$4 ' leader. MIm Dorothy Orey acted oa will be about two pounds. ...."A n d why do you suppooe main in their own territory and 0 A. Rubacha, rg . e 0 o • .2 0-0 4 loaers while Bernard and Mix play­ Ruppsrt roally mean what t e y asy grapefrulL mce Gustofsoa, Dave McGonkey, previoua oetbodc, nt the hands at o f her cousin, Rufus Ives, in Wllll- Detroit at Toronto. they^re all having this fuas over the bora satisfied with a Uoa’s share o f I 3 sum, Ig ...... their old-time form to forge into a Cincinnati. PeA 18|—(A P ) —Two Midway in the'third round Louis Derby. But be never goQ ^Stgaaiat. mantie Tuesday. She aitended a " I was a rlngslder at the Louia- ...... 1 0-0 3 ed a neat floor game for each team. 33-19 lead . at t e thrM-quarter of t e Cincinnati Reds’ promising about that $60,000 salary demand. Casey Magnuaon, and Don Vennert Ken Overtln, in bis debut here. Chicago at N. Y. Rangers. Pastor fight, but I didn’t learn a the swag. To data the Rangers havs won caught Brown coming In and fioUed toeing the foul line win "out-wood" Before making any gesturrk In post An injury that hamporqd H a t'’ A family dinner wee held at the aeasiaa o f the nirbt school to bear laternatlonal-American •••• nark, after which t e Trade team rooklea, Eddie Jooot mad Dick Bar- Poxx ia okn anolgiNd but Dohl- him with short rights and IsfU. throughout t e remainder o f t e nto> nme at Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. thing about Louis. That fellow Pas­ te a k Their preorat headache is due to 6 6 8-0 16 out of Mxtera games The grra's sals (mboMs Eddie Collins' with (Mptoln Mhnic Dowd’s West tha dlrectlcn ot the American mid­ a talk given by Mim VanCleef, state Springfield at Pittsburgh. eootracto. And that’s what Tm their waatlag an o f i t Score at half. did nrt moke a serious thresL If rott, signed their 1987 eontracto to- Piown’6 foes began to aosume n teg career kept Choiwa Boa te fill' [ITortar Sunday, In observance of clothing specialist, of Btorrs. Him Syracuse at New Haven. tor didn’t give Joe a chance to 14-5, Ramblen. Raagera wm play the Btrs«ht gave the Trade Bidiool a record of claim that ’Voublo-X" is. — h ««i Bides oonetaUng o f A t e Brown, dleweight champion, Freddie Steele fight; be did nothing but ran away ir o m ^ to that Schmeling.Brad- Jacobs and the Hearat A. C Referee, Swlkla-Kennedy. weU-cuabloned appearance. As the o f Tacoma, ApostoU sold today he etall on Derby day. P'.Mra. Portei's birthday. Ives Is working oa a suit which she Asaociation; Shooters cn a later date at the Y. line wins and five loeaes for t e ocot Is aa Infielder up from t e sad will comaito terms ra soon _ round ended he apparently was in .a Eddie Werner, Ray Thomas, a: and Joe wasn't speedy enough to , thin*—break It." ___ Bob moved Into other d ttes freeslng out M. C. A . court be talks with Manager Joe Cronin Nick Angelo. wanted to square accounts with The supper served by the Oongrs- wii: enter In a coming 4-71 club con- Kansas City at Tulsa. Zupkea stUI howUng at t e fo o t M local promoters eaeon. Boa Pfoaciaeo MMsinns of the coast bod way, half out o f t e iropes and BBtloaal Ladles' Aid sodet) Monday catch up with him.” Straight Bheetera Ths bligh team was fa r from |««aa while Bsnott. a pitcher, won in the Bornaoto tralim « comp early (mrlin, whose victory on pointa test. rulra committee . . . . be doesn’t Uke They started to tie np every prom­ taoK out o f his bead. over the western youth was consid­ at the church dining room was welJ Mim PUnnle W right o f Norwich Then his manager, Joe Gould took ising heavyweight P. a P. T. !ect but it showed encouraging S3 and loot 1$ gamea with BaottiA next mootA OoUina refused to The fourth was Louis* suhpor up the story, and referring to poo- otoimlag. 3 Wraafler, rf .... . 3 0 4 af emerging from .the slump diaelose t e price t e Yanks paid WB8 FERRELL TO SION. ered quectionable by many experts. ' gOtraniaed by teachers, superviaora is spending the remainder o f the •There# now danger that ao totor- The blow-off came In the case of] EAGLES AND STARS also of t e Poeifle coast Isogua, loot tound. He started at the gong, drlv- Last Night *s Fights alblllUea o f a title ffio t with Max 1 Murdock, If ...... ; 6 1 11 m d o n ^ its basketball fortuaea Pitcher Benny P r ^ . who for Dohlgion. oUn t than to soy It tag in n barrage o f rights and lofts Btosle, who knocked out ApostoU ..sad othera from the towns in charge winter with her nephew and niece, ferrace wUl bo coUed ualoao In » Jock Torrance. And old light­ Orsonaboro. N. C., Peb. I L — (A P ) Of acbool auperviaor Martin B. Schmeling said; 1 Alkens, e ...... 1 0 3 since mid-years aad should be in won tan gamea and loot sight lost was more than the Red Box paid which slipped through Brown’s pro­ oo t e ooaot defends his 160-pound Mr. and Mrs. Walter W right Mim treme caaeo” . . . . thie fails fOr be. weight Herb Brodls saw the poe-l (ood form against Bast Hartford —Wes Farroll, t e Boston Red Box crown Priday night at Madtoim SALE Bobertaon. Besides Hebron the Kansas a i y —Joe Louis, 306, De­ "We're not afraid ot Max, but 3 B arrst I g ...... 1 0 3 yoor. sIgBad yeatoiday. out to t e MIoekiBs and that a neat tecting gfoves to Jolt against vnrioua Wright has recovered from on at­ low another hf his retorts: “If thsy dbiUtlee at the giant abotputter^fo profit orra rooUaed on that p lay« moundsmnn, pronounced his arm la Square Garden against a formor towns o f Lebanon. Columbia, tack of pneumonia with which she troit. stopped Natie Brown, 199 Vt. Pm afraid that bo3roott movement don t stop fooUne fooling with the rules the manly art of mMugHttg mugs TO BATTLE ON ICE 1 Mix. rg ...... 3 0 4 N its of hla onktomy. Fifteen timae Of Better Grade Washington (4). that Is spreading over the country Tha Babe is only t e th&d Red he Bomber bombed without answer­ good p ttob li« oonditiaB today, but titlehoider, Eddie (Baba)'iUake. By* ague. Scotland, Colchester, An- was stricken when on a visit with we’ll soon have a round field with Naturally. Brodle’a first step was admitted it simply wouldn’t write— "K rieger is a harder puncher M en’s • Pranklln, aad Marlborougn New York—Fred ApostoU, 159H, like a mraslea epidemic against goal poets'■ ” in the dlrectloa at Joeobc end the 7 11 1 *33 Socker to be sold eutrtght since Tom ing fire. Finally the weary Natie relatives in Tantic. San Francisco, outpointed BoSf New York. Peb. I f —(A P)—New Yawksy took over te Mub ai sank to the floor In a sitting post- not right now. anyway. than Steele,” said ApostoU, "but he prsssion with t e Polar Boors te ware represented. The supper was Mra. W alUr Wright waa a visitor Schmding would result In a coloa oU-powerful- Henret A . C. Rongen Kreiger, 16014, Brooklyn (10). ool financial fiop; it would be fool Haven’s Eagles definitely "oa the 1 Brannlck, t f . . . . . 1 0 3 dumped hla miHkme ta tt. tion. " I f I didn’t Just hats to writo,” I doesn’t hit ns fast or oa often aa t e gams here that he later twirled ' M d in copiectloa adth the public la Hartford for the day Wednesday. Ban Frandsco—AI (Big Boy) Although ao cue knew whether I Walters wont to the AthMlen three oonfeased, " I ’d have signed that eon- chftinpioQ.** many gontM for t e Bluefleida and •dnralli iiel meeting which toll owed iah to attempt to jpeupoto a bout Torrance could hold up his hands be qiot" ta the eoateiB divisioa of 3 PItxpatrick, If ... . 2 1 5 Knoek Doww Rsforoe Bray, 304, Loe Angelas, outpolntsd involving Max, ao why shouldn't 1 Backus, If ...... 0 0 0 years BM for straight posh \nd ost Louis, bis face expressing t e troet already.” Ho sold, howovor. After b'ttering Krieger for eight WM regarded aa their No. 1 pitcher. WORK ' M toe town hall, when the proposed Lee Bavoldl, 191, St Paul (8); Racing Notes is said to have obtained n 10-yeor the Interaattoanl-Americoa hockey . 4 ^ ^ oenoon t e Pbntss piclte up BItepy some animation ot a coal oeuttla, he would tign tt "In a few days." at t e first nine rounds. ApostoU AO Pledged Th Ptay for educational equalisation Marty Simmons, 169. Boglaaw, pick out our own spot; we’re out coutraet at $3500 n year. leagus con take UtUe ocnsototlon 0 Msrhs, e ...... 0 0 0 for aU tha money we can get, that's 0 Murphy, r g ...... 0 0 TO ^ . Johnny wshfii at tbew ohrar p r S oaiMed to a neutral coraer. Referee PerroU oold t e eootract didn’t sustolasd a bod gash In tha comer A ll nine o f thsM players. It is i dieriimnd. School children fur- POST O m C E SCHEDULE Mich., stopp^ Pietro Oeorgi, 169, Indicating ha is roaor sharp for The report of the Loulalana Box- from the fact that they meet the 0 when ba balked at going to Bi Bates started counting, oeoaed can for a rnlM hut that tt was o f his right eye In the last round ported, havs glvm their word to PANTS ' ptehid entertainment b efore ___ Buffalo, N. Y , (10). why ws’n tn Jiis buoineas." iB f OomailMloQ*t hifnilm the I Syracuse Stars wsoUra oectioa 1 Arcklvy, Ig ...... 5 1 11 D iega abruptly u the apparently groggy "Okay.” Loot year Ida salary woo and finished under difficulties. Ha added that he expected to run ths $5,000 McLraaon Msaocial JJfiotade^rt______the s to __ ^ . It Imposed 1 Frye, e ...... 0 ' 0 0 play for Porterflsld’s this season. It Sizes 30 to 50 indnrivn. M to g the qwaking. Several pupils ON WASHINGTOICS DAY leaders toalgbL Brown grabbed him by a leg and ropoited to ba $18300. " I was lucky that oocldrat didn’t Is planned to aecure additional play­ from the grammar room, Hebron Into some trouble with New York •‘■“‘Moap at Hialeah Park Botnrday, I ••di aad'tadtfnte a ^ The Eagles nine pdata 1 Bernard, I g ...... 3 0 4 puljisd him ever. The pitcher, who roturiMd here happen .earlier," sold ApoetoU. AU dark pnttemn— woiWtod momotara who claim first rights to 0 Lucas, r g - ...... 0 0 BEN 8 0 ITS ^ ers as reeervu but thla aggregatioo IBeen adiool, aans, Mias LoU HUd- the Wheatley stable’s onarte^eetei^ • the third place Provldraoe Reds 0 O LM K MEETS n u r Brown staggered to bis foet and yoeterdoy otter a oavenl weeks’ vo­ "K riegei's body punches had me a wtU be the starting lineup orlth Pa- face. Ide^ fo r mill w ork - Mg gave an exhibition of tap daac- Ilraddock’s aervices. and want him weaved an unsteady way toward t e cation In Bnraoota. Pin., aald be bit worried." HoUday schedules will be main­ WRESTLING to meet Schmeling, but said: «Joy stepped off five teleugs' la S91 to*^dm*Thrnilras'™‘^ need a »ictoiy In tonight’a tUt. OUi- 7 10 3 [anchester’s Auto Radio Headquarters gaal behind the plate, Eddie Ragus- era, dnirymen, cnrpentaBi^ Um and Milton Porter played piano ■•®®o'Ja fiaL Baark, out at eompeti- erartae they may soon be feeing uaooncsrned Louis, who stood, sofa blonasd to do nothing but go lf and Krieger woo the third and tenth kus nt first, Vlot at second, Bog- bwertkiBe. Roger U. Thompson, dl- tained in the Manchester postoffiem *Tbero ora more than 3,000,000 R o d ls Musky Jaekaon, aad Earl mathematical eiiminaHnu m the Referee R Paveinck. AND BERVIOE PAETg anmiAvw gu— g cushion Ups in a pem tunl whistlo, fish betwom now and March 7. when rounds, ApostoU ail tbs others, oo painters and pISMbera. and rural and city delivery routes Rochester. N. Y.—Lea Wychoff. , Phinipe autferod the penalties ON HARTFORD SLATE gtei nt short Andy Raguskus at M te r of remarch for the state de- 330. Miaaourl, defeated Dick Jews la New York aad you know te » iMt year, rooratly sot a world to t e corner. Bafofo Brown be la to isport to t e Bon Sarasota the Aasodated P tbm score card. ra Monday, Feb. 32, Washington's focord o f 1:15 4-5 fo r otn aad a half third and Brennan, SulUvan and -.:.8attmeat of education, spoke on 235, Philadelphia. (1 out at 8 falls), what they would mean to the gate Tbey have dropped their OBinaCNTB WIN AGAIN ;rt InstaH atioii On A n y Auto Radio could mnkg IL Bates recovered hla training camp. There were no knockdowns. Birthday. There wUl be no service with that boycott on.” furlongs Sunny Jim Pitnain«maas Hartford. P*A 18.—Bcotload. boa- Varrtek te the outfield. Lawtda - ill $2.95 Value N o w coanected with the propoo- or the city, rural and parcel post Holyoke, Maaa.—K. O. Koverly, three games A * a rooult. the ato gcoUniid, aad T sxio corns to head t e pitching staff. ‘ Ifi hoi, and Mowed that the town Braddock came here to referee In te ln e r at Baark, also has the Phmipa ran out o f a “ figh t" with The Creacrats triiinq^ed over the OaOM GYM U6AGCE routes and the money order window California, defeated ChotUa Strimk. Toiraaoe at Baton Rougs He said rhanoee for a win over t e Btnn muss purpooes tcalght over a t Foot Ed OarroU Maaager Hebron would be benefited ma- a flood rdief boxing program lost Wheatley stable’s reminding and are something leas thaa Miai. A^ Heights at the Bast Side Rec Sat- (Res Alleys) will be c’oeed all day. The stamp, Oklahoma. (Straight folia). Ogden Pkipp’ white m te fs treated The New 1937Auto Sets Are Here g «y a hoR It Win ba a brawny The team will be coached by Andy / WaB y by tto poosage. Peopto who registry, parcel post aad general de­ Hoxleton, Po.—Ernie Duaek, 838, nighL though the Stars are ploying their nrday night by tbs acore or $3 to Beeto (1 ) shape for the week-end fo a ta is him so w dl that he couldn’t no Tha creoemto atarted off strong Boot ngntort a tough Tkama to the Raguakus and managed by Ed Cai; $2 *2 9 attenUvsIy gained the idea livery windows will be open from Omaha, defeated EU Placher, 838. eernnrt gams ia aa many oigbts E C3ulow ...... 80 84 roU, who has bad a wealth o f ex­ kistnl^ I ware never headed, with Dal- footnro hoot a t t e oroekly - Moriarty Girls Pall Out ^BMt after ralolng the average sum 7A0 a. m. untU 10:80 a. m. and the Erooklyn. (Fiacher fall from ring, - a . ___ I Which called fo r hla Uwy olroady hold a 4-8 edge la the thag enrd. Georgs Ctaik, ehoimdon O. Irons...... 77 70 perience in handling ban clubs over par pupU tor education In the lobby of the central office will be unable to continue). eroaon’a aeriae with the B e lla s and lochlo aad Hapoalk Irartlng t e way. nULCO-RCA YiaOR-ZENTTH H. Patter ...... 82 88 a long period o f years. Ho managed $3.45 V alu e N o w ^ to HUton Dnhaon, I flu hie face In the proper postflon in PaMi Oeatools Psr A ny c o r to i^ rw a h te o f SeoUaad, m ^ M ffom $61 or thereabouts to open from 6 a m. until 9 p. m. Sports Roundup Trainer Eari Baade has obtained • hurry. ptuper positioa ta ore oaxioaa to buUd up n larger Mad COrahlna aad Taggart want best the old A c m here and ia given c ^ - tor t e heights The Ctoscaata bald ^^*^^9 who iifttd to cows Victory Over Schaefer's t e town would be rdmburaed Malls will be received at 6, 7:80 SNOW AT CAPE OOD Of Jim- L ** «l«nlflcant that JOdcaen is a tbka t e 13 pointa they now enjoy ovary day and rtMaraa now and' 389 387 tt for the development ^ most of ' t e Mato a ^ would receive some and 8:80 a. m. and mails will be dis­ Hyonnio. Maas.. Feb. lA — (A P )— te BDOITY EESTON my Stont fo r t e $30000 flam ingo I truated attache o f Joe Louis over the second place PlttoMirgh alight le^ In t e flrat quortar, ‘ iMfL PotatoM (1) tbs Bluefleida players and now pi­ but put oa tho preoauro after that 3b(ll..B at $ 1 9 *9 5 10 II6 1 .9 S ~ It now reeefvee. patched at 8 and 11 a. m. For the ftrot time ainoa loot March (PkiiB bWMng ter Bddfo BreHa) rtte ^ thr^yrar olds at RIalaah in iU tp e teatlflad that all four of Hornets tn the areaten rocs RUoy does not wte u tar oa pul­ Ih a match featured by briUlant$ M m Moehte ef ■ehoMsr’s roUod M. Christina ...... 78 lots t e Vseder-Rrat team ot Hart­ 5 2 .8 9 amka pooelbla a reduc- Oipe Cod was under a tw»-teeh Park, PeA 37. Banda Intonda to I TVwranes’s knockouts «»»-« bara In the other game on tanight’e and easily drow away. chritude is ooaoanwd; ha Hto pin-toppUng, the Moriarty Girle high stegla with a mark of 138, two H. Gustafson ...... 105 ford. CorroU has played the gome New York, Peb. lA—(AP) — Tha Craoorata would I t e to bava took another step forward te thoir . M tax ratoo, it waa suggastad. blanket at snow today. start both Praclug aad Bewe-ltemed. cord, tha Horneta tangle with $$.90 Down Puts A' Good Karloff’s twig but tarittytim P t e hettM tim n^tory BtraaTa boot L BulUvoo...... 88 for many yeora. He intends to ar­ $4.50 and $4.95 L Ptinoe, gg tK. The first snowstorm of the as araner Gehrig (Mrs. Lou) has ■htfter. two ooiU which MaxweU Brodie admitted b o m w te $1000 Springfield ladians in second place gamea with toams avaragtag 1 $ to do not win aiasHIm batte tor te Greater Hartford sfftot She oteo gateod high throe- range n schedule that will pUoe t e " ■" «< BAwattoa. epoko on CURB QUOTATIONS son swept across the Cape yoator- written another sang entitled, "We Howard. Baada'a employer , reemt-1 ^Tom Jacobs within the fow I ^ eaetera dlviolon. The ntta- 1$ years of age. Baa Pietro or Dal- League howUng title by turning 384 331 wrote our love song together"___ OA Oaifc. oao of t e hoot gikpplan string hoaoco wtth 848. Mnoghor- Portarflelds te the front rank ot lo- V alu es N o w -la o f the MU. atremfng day on the wiaga of n storm. The ly purchoaed from J. R Wldraer. |‘* W with a New York Hearat *” **•*•"• * nine-poiat land loddo. ' Hadio In Tonr Car ' In ooBs timo, .. back te Schaefer Oiris at te Y. m ^ Mrs. atrang aad Jenato Bohu- her fir s t T Can't Get to First Base M. C. A. aOqrs here lost night The jo tte opportunity m By ASSOCIATED PRESS only damage reported was Oia bat­ ■ports editor •tmmMmm I over third placs AM la no inunedl- maa. Bo lo SittZtodte hert rtnrrod te t e tecol vletoey with W ith You", would makd a good a victory was achieved by the narrow­ BWfMlly m the rural Am Gen ...... ] tering of boots at Proviacetowa s»«d Prank Kearns trnlnrr for War­ *^00. I ate danger, but the Indiana ora ba- P. T. I « a I -JOBsahtrg; whs was o rt^ ennsistent fine ptoidag. V oka o f t e plan for Ark Not Gas ...... : the beaching of n few others at for Lou’s comic skit ^^It waa a bit embnivaaMng whra ted-proasad at t e aom rat Iqr R Haponik, i f . . 8 0 19 est o f morgina, the locals taking t e with OoL ftm m ert....th e dope over ren Wright’s Oi hiHiai Tarm flrat game by 18 pine and t e aeoend »S .89 ragioaal high achoois ^ Gas a n d B lA ...... Chatham. win leave Htoleah Fork for Laxkig* t e flrat talepbone eaO from t e Jan I Ptovidaacs Tha Reds cat the la­ M. Muaeko, If . . . 5 0 10 Ws knew oar TODAY mad EVERY DAY When Yea Wmat A Good ^ Sup P o w ...... here Is that Gehrig win take 8SA000 wns to the rams apocts editor. I teas margin to four points Blast M. PlaRo, e . . . . 8 3 9 Igr a then dropping te whtek have ao meal yanr or stay boma---- BUI Raid, ten withtai a fow days to taka op ■ lo c^ tototy at IffiyiS sarte US Drink — Try * „lte a o opportam- *tolge ...... PONTIFP’8 CONDITION *TVe have sera that the boxtar 'ten they want to a 3-oU N. DoVochlo, rg . 8 3 18 Btrong .. $5J50 V alu e N o w C olg^ dlrectoe of athletics, win t e Btabie’a Eantncky Darky nroo- m a a kia ruggod tradg The match wound np t e aeonad | jS Jsm S teg t e their atndeata ^ Marconi...... Vatican aty, Feb. 1$.—(A P I- in New York ia one big draw with Syracuos ta the only O. Opint. Ig .. . 4 2 10 I toan *» wsl KUoy has wisoUad ohAodly to m - NateoB ., 8B -3I7 Cent States E l...... run fo r nnqmr o f Hamntcn. N. Y „ poeto—Galsan aad Prlvaeged. Prtv- — mmd of eompetttioa te the league Pottaei ., at odjolnlag or Cold. rainy weather kept Pope Pins Ueged mads tha hast t e r « o ^ bneinrai ", remarks Dom- game oa the night’s aeheduls 9 ^ bouts h «k to te r tfo id hut 9B—374 Cits S e r v ...... again oooo....Virginia not only got Providaiioa mimrd a ehaaea to aad latt t e Moriarty Girts with a BetnibQtt i BmltadL M e ^ XX behind the Vatlcoa'a damp walla at tho oountry'a flnost football yoor, flniaMng or Louisiana commieMooer. 38 8 62 ha haa mot t e jsadte hsaolM aad >•*•••104 made, aad aa 2 ^ . g fr r - Pt match and tbslr final otaad- he was oceoslanally dlstnrbad by oa Lgaa C Dnyio o f t e PkOodol- Into aeoend ptrimi aeora ky Ja — BENSON FURNnURE ft RADIO s09 w t e V m Mioote if Swmir cS- ‘ ■J* > Dtn VMvaad U ...... xnla. prnmlae befora autelO B a Might I.___ _ to have yet to offWany Hownrdi aad n third parlod guol by teg fO r-te osoeind round dtpsado on CUnIe oeeasgeo THE CREMO BREWING CO. taUuty. 13 9 34 t e foafilte of oter ms trim te t e IteadaUghtafUn. fihon w a fie two j Now Britain. Coer. TcL 9700 IBIT 1 •■!•'•■■■- . -»<••. ,jvw ;'wv'«ta«w!sssj IIANCHESTERI6VEN11WQ' MANOMifllH, OONN^ THUKISUAY, FBBRUAKY 18,18Bt

Bv m a k i’w B U Y S E L L i U f C ' ilE W T .v;.,^ / / / . C L m S S B E SENSE and NONSENSE Ths Isetstt Many p e n ^ five tevtohly to Im- I've lived on the pntrls. Tvs Ured BMMiisa other people who Uve iavtohly in the hUto. to imprase im them. And neither, I find, are exempt from an Uto; "IV T" IS A NICE NAME FOR BUSINESS SERVICES GARDEN—farm - THE BABY WHO C31AWLS At.t. rve lived in the country, and atoo OVER THE HOUSE. ■RINDUD and -wMU o f f e r e d 13 d a i r y PRODUCTS 50 Martin Johuon*s Camera Wife M anchester WASHDtetON PROGRAM In towiuii dof. OwiMr BMjr have iqr WBATHKRSnUPPmO. — BotMO 8TRICTLT FRBfiH eggs 24 os. De­ And both, ao rv s found, have thtor TWISTED PROVERBS •im adr. Tttepfaope 7a»T. drauglityT Wlndowa, doors leak livered In Manchester Mondays, upa and downs. Mother to the leoesstty tor eonvan Date Book AT SCHOOL AT 6REEA It'a not where are Uve, but How 1 tion. air? Winter heat haa abnmkan SOo dos. Also poultry and potatoes, In Hovuekeeping M ood on La»( Safari llltCTltM— them and new U the proper time Saturday. Phone 4628. It to always duUest Just W ore the ANNOUNCEMENTS Whnt we get' out of life depends yawn. to install weatherstrips. Phone, wm Be Pnoented FHdR; largely on us. a u m p i — dbrnratlut '■Bamce'’ dOdS. High School-East Hartford baa- A tool and hto money are prattV ketbau game at Stole Artnoiy. Morniaff Rt 9:30 — ProffiRg ;j«idw M « pauairt. Apt No. 1. s is WANTED—TO BUY 58 soon party-ed. TU b Meath. r r Mother—Junior, did you get that . MM| atraat BattfOrd. Hottn 10 a. 4 Tho## TfiklRff PRrt. Imitation to also the flattest form HELP WANTED— HIGHER PRICES for paper atock, Feb. 20. —Legion dance at Rain- loaf of bread 1 eant you forT of atocerity. t t , 4)0 SiM p. OL No appotatmanu raga and metaL liv e poultry how Ian Bolton. ^ aasemUy program in hono Junior—No, motber dear, the F E M A L E 35 bought. Wm. Oetrlnaky, 60 Glen- Feb. 28 to Hatch 7—PreacblRg of George Waabington wUI be pre store was closed. Claudette—What did the astrolo- WANTEDC^WOMAN or girt for wood atrect Tai. 8879. mission at South Methodist diurch. sented at the Manriiester Graei Mother—What! Oosed at thto ir teU Gertruda arhen the asked a M m o b i l e s f o r s a l e 4 part time housework. Write Box Next Meato. school St 9:30, Friday morning. hour of tha dayT That's straagel Em about ths bast time to get su r- U Herald. Mwch 7-21 - Hla*ion at S t I Dorottqr Rtodto of Grade VUI wU Junior—Bure. There araa a sign riedT Toonerville Folks Bv Fontaine Fox 1M7 b . If. C. pick-up truck, mile- WANTED—ROOMS— Bridget's church. b# In tbmrge of tbe prograin wtiid OB the door that said: "Home Bak­ Jeanette—Ha looked at her for a ,Sga bNoir fiOO, new car guaran- WANTED—o n iL OR woman to BO A R D 62 March ll-^*7}ualtty Streat* a win .be opened by the school'* ptodg ing" moment and then toM bar to grab . taa, an ateel body, h3rdrauUc three-act coifietty presented atH lgh ing allegiance to the flag and sins care for two children. Inquire 146 WANTED—A JEW ISH home for a the flrat chance she goL Small down payment SO Pearl street MdMOl bon by local tc a c b e r ri^ ing "America". Tha current "Woman tor Presi­ OUR BOARDING HOUSE ijpntha on talance. Oole Uotora, little girl one and half years old, at benefit at Eduratianal club and Ver- Phyllto Sherwood wlU read fron dent” movement to n btotorieal re­ WANTED — QIRL for general reasonable weekly rata. Reply planck Foundation. the Scriptures. Psalm lOO. SMS. vival, a rq>stitlon of another sim­ rr<& TK ' BAMB housework, fit atnaU family, morn­ Home, Boa R, H e^d. March 13—Three-act play, "My 'Life of Waaliington— ilar movement which started to A Thought SO.^ WlKITERlbka IN ings only. Write Boa 8, Heraid. Motber-lfi-Law,” South Methodist Ethel Meachsm Betty Deww ^ 1870 and reached its cUmaa taro OLD &POON. THH CELLAR WITH LOOK HOW RBD Ehde Heatley John -And they ahaS know that 1 asi Bpworth League. years later arlth the nomination the Lord tealr God, that b r o ^ t TMAn'te WEBN TWe REST OF TViel H id tS^-FROM Manchester APARTMENTS—FLATS— M ^ 17— Annual A. O. H. dance Donald Odermatu ^ Viotorto WoodhuU for President HBU> WANTED—MALE 36 N: Joseph Font— them ferth ant s f ths toad al MAUNTIKHS TH ' BAT6 -JTM 6 F R O S T ! UVlMB AROUM D TENEMENTS 63 at Rainbow In Bolfon. of tha United States. This to n BgYpt, that 1 may dwefl «iw ON THT BSACK, Evening Herald March ,96 — Entertainment and 'A Uttls Boyff H^chet Storj^ bban fids nomination, fuUy 1$ Mouse PORYEAm, M UST HAVE AVAILABLE AT once, three room _ Billy Lbinei them: I am tha Lord thair tialL— UNDER TH'c ELLAR WANTED—BOT FOR service sta­ dance, R. B. P., No. 18 and drfiarlng ysars before the naming of Belvn Bxodna 29i4d. MR 6 . HOOPLC<~ f r o z e n t h e CLASSIFIED apartment. Cdll Midlands, 8338, or on free trip to Eiurope id Onmge Song, Kindergarte Lockwood tor tba anme offlos. O N LY M B (S -RARTBPkdw^MB tion. Phone 8882. 4181. Song, Grade Belva Lockwood has erroneously WATER ON TOUR advertisemIsnts In all hto dlapenaatJona, God to at / CMAMOED Hid dHOULD HAVE ADDING FOUR PERMANENT men March 31— Annual K. of C Eaa- "Georg* WashUigton, the Boy", hsea referred to as tha first SRAIN, AND CRACKED j ■PMkKBO UNDER . C nat six sTsrass welds to s ilsa FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM apArt- ter ball at'Rainbow In Bolton. .. _ Robert Jensei woman who ever ran for Presl- srork for our good.-^ohn Jay. KlEdT FROM A t h a t WOOOBM taltisla aomlMrs sad abbreviations with cars. No canvassing. New ment. steam beat 26 Birch street. ■A Resolve", Richard Alvei A dUN SHADE, TO Conn, area Just being opened, life ­ ’ Oorniag Bveata. dent ‘PADOeO CHAIR BLOCK O F Saab essst as a word and eompoesd Apply Supt. Apt. No. A April 19 — Comined concert of Washington Stories—told by BEAL WAENDra KEEP FROM dETTiNiS ••Ms as two words. Hlnlmnm cost 14 time connection with advance­ Murray Johnston, (totherine Palmer TO TH'COAL v ta u R d ./ Stiao of throe llasa ment to salary. Work on appoint- FOR RENT—HEATED 3 room Beethoven Glee ciub and G Clef First M an-1 told my wife I would FTkECKLED f club a t high school hall. Jane Marshall, Lola Davidson. Ken Glean, N. Y.—Erwin H. Porboab, BIM? Idas ratoa ear dar for timnstoat manta only. Last week saiea group Main atreet apartment with gaa neth L a p ^ Dorothy Ltnneil he home at ten, and here it to two, averaged better than $40 per man atove and bath. Inquire MarloWa, May 12 —O>tonation aupper and and I don't know what to say to rpringfleld, Maaa., credit man. to IT. ------^ c e at Tinker hall by Daughters “Oeoige Washington’’'. authority for thto retort b9 a Owh Chang No eapetlenee necesiaaiy. Write 867 Main etreet. of Scotia. . Eugene Moriart; • Ceessienvs Oers ..l T stsl • full refereneea first letter. Jursek, ■Tte Homeworir", a play by Gradi ,1 Second Man—Don't worry. Tou harassed debtor to a dunning letter. f Owssrativs Dsrs ..I S stsl U Diat Mgr, 802-S, 2nd N atl Bank June 14-19—Veterana' Carnival at won't have to aay anjrthtog. Ail ‘Each Saturday night I maot out t 1 ^ ...... I U sta) It eu Mate and Maple streets. you wlU have to do to to itoten. a aeparate slip for the amount owed nAD Mdsrs tor lirtaslar iBssrtlaas Bldg., New Haven, Otgm. HOUSES FOR RENT 65 S w —“Heroee”, Grade H wm hs shamsd st tbs oas Urns raia ’L1)m George Waahingtoo", a pis' each of my creditors. These 1 put ■ Baistal ratss for Isas tsna svhrr YOUNG MEN-^(2> over 28. Qean FOR RENT—SINGLE bouae, 6 THEBE BUBNED-TO DEATH b y Grads IV. IF TOU PUT OFF UNTIL TO- to a hat and draw out one alip," day aevsrtlslna aivsa apoa rsqasst. cut and reliable, for outside work. "Our Washington". Laura Walks MORROW WHAT YOU OUGHT Erwin quoted the debtor. "Ih a t bill • > Ads erdsfsd bsfors tbs IbIM or fIfU rooma, aun porch, 2 car garage. Detroit, Feb. 18.—(AP)—Mrs. dw Win bs ebarssi oalr Isr tbs as- Permanent. Good future. Write Telephone 6878 or Rockville 643. Life of Washington, Gletu Lav ' TO DO TODAY, PERHAPS BY I pay immediately. J i l p e . ■tM asssbsr sf mass ths a4 aposav- Bok N. L , Herald, Constance Hayes, widow of J . l$oy- Poem—"Waahlnigton”, Eda Afidtol TOMORROW THE NECESSITY "So, one more letter out of you SA obargisk at tbs rats sarasd bat V . ,------lan Hayes, and two daughters, "Yankee Doodle'', FOR DOING IT AT ALL WILL Uke the last and 1 take )rou out of X Schofield, 8, and Oonstonce, #, died HAVE PASSED. my Saturday night raffle." Mirs;ss^?"amr"1{: po u l t r y andRUPPUES 43 WANTED TO RENT 68 ' Boys from Grade \ tofisy when flta swept their terrace T m», Pfitty Dovn fr'- Martia Jehasoii’B life that end­ ' The above photograph, taken by seteatifle equipment of the expedt- bome.ln suburban Groase Points, a Officer—What right have you to astc **** •**hlds"j aispiar liasa a*t FINE8T NATIVE btoOeni 880 lb. WANTED TO RENT aix room "B M e n d to A Friend", a play Ir SOUND SLEEP sinsle, with garden. Muat be rea- ed so tragically aa tho restdt of aa Mr, Johnson toward the end of the tion. Ofle of these was installed on cook and nurse Juinped to aafeto Grade VL *mar that medal for bravery to oom- ^Yha BsraM will ast bs raspoaslbla rtreniia. foeah agga S6o up deliver­ airplane craah on a lotiely snow- expedition la Borneo, uiiere they the back veranda of the raft. With­ from a second floor window iglto "The Brave U ttle Rebel'', a play bi batr . w awra thaa eas lasorrset lasartloa Boo, aonable. Write hex Y, Herald. Syracuse, N. Y.—Policeman Frank . ef aar aevartlssmsat erdsrad tor ed. Cariaen * poultry farm, covered mountainside near Lsa spent. most of last year. in the out the refrigerators, the Johnsons Mtp. Hayes' two young dwghtani, Grads VH. ^ Private—Brat right to the world, m M thaa mu tlms. telephone f n i . Angelee Jbn January 13, though full Jungles, shows Mrs. Johnson In a could not have withstood the heat AUcia and Mary. The fire broke out Bong—"ML Vernon Bells", sir. I licked the fellow it eras is­ Dwyer slept whUe hto wife attended Ths toadvsrtsat aiaitsioB of laaor- of lulventure waa an extremely characteristic scene. The Johnsons of the Jungles, they stated upon while the family slept. Mrs. Hayes, ^ ______Grade VU sued to. church. She retumod home to find NM sablleatlon sf aivsititlaa win he FARMS AND LAND haniy one because of the enjoy­ the bouae ransacked and called her C o g tld M eelr hr eaaasnatlsa of ths ELECTRICAJL APPUANCEd FOR SALE - 71 lived on a bamboo raft that was their retnm from' Borneo. the former Constance Bums, of •dMse mMs far ths sarrles rtaSsrsa ment he and hie Wife derived from moved up and dovm the Klnabatan- Mrs. Jitfimaon is telUng the little New York, araa sodally prominent IT TAKES A WOMAN TWO htMband. -A ll advartiasBMats mast soatona R A D IO 49 thek’ experiences while mairiny mo- gan river, where the dlmate is said Jungle maiden what they do with, here. HOURS TO CHANGE HER Dwyer’s blackjack and a wrtot Mvls, ocar aad trpoaraphr with LARS STREET, MANCHESTER-i Uoa pmures of wild life In the t» be the hottest in tiM woild. fruit and vegetables in America and CLOTHES, BUT ONLY TWO SBX> watch were taken from a dresser to MdMatloas saferesd br tbs pnbllsb- SPECIAL—TO TIUAL mnga users. Piactlcally new Dutch Colonial, 6 tropics. One of Mrs. Johnson's Strange as It may seem, modem OPEN^RUM OND8 TO CHANGE HER MIND. the room where the officer alep ^ aad tbsr rsssrvs tho right to 7 'new Weetlagbouae eleccrle rang' how good the big pineapple ivill be WANTS PENSION NOW , ^^fjW lLBO e*!*» rsjset sor^oppr ooo- room, tile bath and ahower, lava­ functions on these tripe was to , refrigeration play^ a big role in when it gets cold. The small na­ Two pursM also were mtoalng. ■Msis8 obloetloasbis. ea II19JI0 and |99iM) values, 2U tory flrat floor, lire place, maater make life home-like and comfort­ the Borneo expedtUoa. Two Servel BOUL BOUTHEBOILL lU . Mrs. Jonas—I heard you talking ‘ ^ TO HIS pwoeiit off. To make way for IVS7 tive boy is laughing at Mr. Jobn- New York, Feb. 18.— (AP)—Har­ ■ HODR8—Clossinsd ado bed room, garage, arteaian woU. able no matter how far away from Electrolux reMgerators (operated aon'a antics in mmilpulating bis ry Joe Gregory, one-time corporal to yourself while you were taking ! ? . ! ! * MMS Sap laast bs rs- modda. Baretow** Radio Shop, 470 Editor of the Herald; THE BOD WASNTT SPARED MCDlt MlvM hr U o'slooh Bsoa; Satar4ara With 1 acre to 7 acrea of land. Sea civilisation their camp might be. with kerosene) were ps«t of the motion picture camera. o i the ISth British Lancers in ■"e day titoxin, will cause the person to ■evere. Thera aaesM e e ^ to , be no