from thu wapon track. A complete in- tho left Hide of the sent, ttiul then at the! from viow from any nearby point. Tho! QPER ATIOKS 01 A DEAD BEAT. TAXING BAHK ST00K. ventilation made later on allowed that point wheru .ho was found, been | region in noted for the lawlessness of a } Kfirley'H whip and - lint wern on tlu-' rbrou-n nut of the wagon." 7- - -, ,'ccrt.iin cl.itin, and onlv littoly.a' pitdiltur i iiuw liniltfiniin I-'C ^lrnsi'liL- Subi- (:.!•• u! Tn'xiiddil Will Itc". MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD! otber'rildo of thu fuiiuu, while his falHe' In addition to this, tho nattiro of ttie was assaulttd and robbed anil lufi for' ,, , ... , •. *, -1, '-. ,'. >iiiiiii'iMla IM1111 10 licinnly Ilic teeth hid in tho road hesidu him; | ground where ho struuk was not HIICII [dead, with tliu CIIIIIIUOH -HUIJ that he, \*a*nw»u n . un nnm* K\lsttn;r Dillli-ullii'S. e.'ltedTueto. thenoarcaL nuluh-1 a» to warrant tho severo wounds ; may die. • """ IHIir|>; Thosulijdet of tho taxation of bank - -•-- • • • .*.... -•• ... hwrvbody knnwH without much ex-; • !•—:, George Farley, an -Aged Millwright of -Wood; glen, Found Upon a Road Near Moun- tainville With Skull Crushed;

He Was Known to Have Had Considerable Money With Him an Hour Before, But When Found His : Pocket-book Was Empty.

A linitaway Mni-*i- Kits! Tliniiyhl h» Ihi HMinin-llilf Kor Mi- liijur h-s-.\s SiirrouniIliiK Cliciim-kiiiecs lift: n, tin- Opinion IViMtiilcd Tluit Hi- II.u! AI.'I Wllh l-'olil l'1ny-.\u\< That He WHS A-smitK-c and Idilittftl hi 111- IIiiRBy ntKl lilt IIIIIN. linn Aniiy-).ii>l Seen it (1H> Cmn|iiiiiy ol "IIIIH11 Nilloii, it .N'ujn nirlcp «r Tin.I NVl»hlii>i- II.KHI — Kiirh'y ICt-iilJllliril idim- l-'inm llniisdny to Tin--.dn When Hi- Dlr.l .'',,,•<> • thcvliolo nimiris Hint liu'ls rqiortal 1 Tint wild region !M northeastere n Limber!, and I-Mijidi Api,'ar, uut into rtnttthluil t liotnilv.;inul;* r die Iti the buggy with Parley m the di.-Uillerv known ,'is Fox 11 in, was tlm .see to rido to .Motmtniiiville, a distant;*.' of what was undoubtedly a eold-hlomled ab'Mit two mile*. The.-u ytm'.ttf men murder last Thursday night, Th ivert! partly under thit inline hijnr..|l IMWI but ihia tlmro! will" » knuton llio uml ol iHyniR nenri consultimlily liy hluyclf, uml on n r.--1 Biillulo in Nuw\ orlliStiiti', -wliuro lio catwi WOulil npprisu other asscswra of victim was Captain (icorge Farley, of M no |i.»Hiliility oriilH rucijvcry. An Hi" •.""crini; tniliKh, wlmru 0m num.; ci-iit .Iny unini! I'roin Woorl jlon to tlli« I '•(» »ecuwl ii job on lie railroad. | re8i,|onta hi their jurisdiction who held victim wa Cti (i K liquor, and their destination was touxaliiliMtlun of his in|iiriL'S HIIOWLKI' «'»>' «t irtwl. • llns is huhovuil to In; • plnro in tlm short.limn ol'.>"i iiiiiip'cs. | Iliai-rortit IHIH pluyml out Ini Wiinliini;- hnnlt stock, but such Kratuitoin work Woodglen, who was driving along Hie tint Hiindav nchool social being held ton road leading from l-'iiirniouut to Slotm- at Mountaiiiyille. thnt tlitTi! WIIH u Imlo In llio skull ciiu.ltliu weapon willi which this crime mm Alvin K/irlcy left IIOIIIQ oarlv v.inter-1 '"»• ho must BO to n place where j vvn9 Ul0 K ,• 0I1 B11(f^..ot .1 ,B r,,ic A short distance down tin; road h tlrst, that it was believed Hint tho horse thu home, of Andruw Hutton, a noior- had run away-'md Farley had sustain* ions person better known tar and ni-ar ed his injuries bv being thrown from -is "Darl" Sutttm. Mutton is a worth- tin) wagon. less and illiterate fellow and his habita- The complex of the situation lias tion is known as a bad nest. His son- changed Afrom tho accident theory in-law, Thomas Urowiey, an Irishman within the last few days and there in well known in Junction, Iiv wit"h tbi) verv best masons for tli him, ami lias fallen into the stme belief that the tragedv was nothin.g, worllilt-ss habits which elianu.-h.-riz- more or less than ami deliberately-1 his father-in-law. Xo repn-st-nutive planned and cold-bl« .l.:d nmi'der. j fruin iliu ;button family ban ever been . Nine-tiMitlM nf the citizens in that n known to display an over abundant ot gion, in which is included the more money, paying most of tho bills tbi't intelligent and inllueutial have were paii! witti silver, indicating that taken uy the murder theory, for in- 1 thuV bad but a band-to-iuKith ;d, in tho face of the existing " Theso are the people that sns- and appearances, no other reasonable pluiou is directed against almost: unan- conclusion can be reached. A reporter imously, and it may be only a matter of ttmSTAit, who maile careful ealeul:i- • if u few day* before they are. utlicially ' witlu the crime, If. inurd.' j •.»,... til imi n* ft and ny uioruugn ex.inmiH- •; -\v:i» commit ted. it is plain to see tiiat li.,'!011 °Qn" H(>t:nA'i..'.» :l visit thtM-** <•>].{. ihu.rif.sln; f,n- Farley!s money .was thu I Xu«.'nda.>, cutiid cuiuo lit uooliier'.'"MM motive. When thu captain wan round elusion than that already reached by } there was not a cent of moiiev in the the majority of the eith'.i-ii*. ,". ! wbieh that, miii'iiim' . luxi Additional interest renters in tiie »'M well-iilh-d and whit-h u[> Co a case with each succeeding '.. ^ \""}" w >>»''«»"! ! fitter and epgs..; Lately tho M. & 13. t *" "Dome" Farley, an inlluentiid r.ltm-n \ tdi i ' of Tpwksbui'y* townnidp, who is suc- cessfully engaged in the mercantile bnsinesMat MuunUhiville. ;•" The victim, Ueorge Farley,' is :*.:: ok! "nmn whose l)f>th birthday was on Oct. : T.I. He resided fur a long timo in Califon, but two or throe years ago, '•following an unfortunate domestic trouble, sold hh lately-built resi- dunce and property (here and moved to.Bunvale, a Httlo village not far from • High " JJridjrf1. \.:\7,i spring lie pur- chased a house and lot in Woodgte-ii, formerly known as tt'hito Hall, a sniali 5^-.. .village on the .mountain abovo 01 aiige- water. Here he h;:s since lived with 'his son Alvin, who is a sawyer and lum- berman. Oajit. Farley secured bis title during war times, when lie was engaged fora timo h> drilling State militia "at Tren- ton. I>y trade lie was a mi 11 wright : ~:i:idwa:i cu;;y:iicrcd about tho only out; of much consequence in tins section, •••••'JIu ilid wui'lc far and near, taking in much of tbi! district tying between ,-;Newark and Philadelphia. J( -;--.jna. last-job- wnH;in-«i>nrtii, SnAox. county, whuro he had about a month's .work. ! Ho returncil from Kparta on Wetlnenday alU-rnuon of last week. He told his yon that he had been paid ^r,p-;n f::l! fcr.-!:i;; work there. His :tc- :'• comicbook, wiiich is now in the iiands of his son 'Alvin, shows thai he. made §51 by bi^Hus-sex county job. On Thursday ninrning h'arluy started out. to drive to Poltersville to see. a man uanie'd Sovereign, who' had.been after him several times to get Mm to do some millwright work at Sonier- " ville. Alvin accompanied him UH tiir

"at tiio'iionuvotaieliowlodge" i ho did not notice any strong odor of; about the bouse. i Lo 'operate in tho face of the punish- tcaso before it last iluy whcio tiie and'tlio Captain paid some money to ! whiskey about tho injured man, and I • ment which follows proof of their! holders of stocky in Paterson binlv I drinking, at least for quite some timo] ' ' bl on their stock. They showed that > 1 jbeforoitho accident. It was reported. ! The nineteenth annual entertainment \ ^^ ^\f^ "pontnis phase of book then. .Up., to !that .time ho had j .l!.CAl rAI.\;-(:i':()K(ii-:,.i' Alvl.l':\', .'•' 11ic .Ml.'.KIXCKKI) MAS. putmc ln0UUh other Paterson property was a sensed |"'••'"' paid out "i}Q,>noney from 'luJhyuges o'x-j ' ' " rt [yesterday that Orowloy bad .k-Vctliciof ,thc..,L:idies',Aid;Socicty .Avil'y tako : - ..-- ... ••. •-. -.•-.. ---..lit.only.'''.'"ppr-epin.^oX^its'.triit. ! \ tine, •j vicinity,-but wo iiayo not bccn'iiblc'toi'pliiec toiplacee on, Tbiiiiksgiving. evening. A ! - ™"f;"cepj*3bmc^nvo or aix dollars for a pioco 1 SltM ti'oUi Oa HIHI the" st'itc board"equalized" in itters "' . of"carpo'i/ which his.daughter-in-law confirm tho report. " [ pleasing program has been arranged • K (Ul etitni Tlien they started to walk to Mountain-1 changed for bun at the distillery. There is another very importantiant, j and will be given by the Four Funny : "Tiio New York Syndicate ClutlTin" roin ft? ' g that the bank stock should "had purchased for his bedroom. r, I •)« still oirerliiR sjreni iririiiimiTi thoil"V»L>t bo assessed for a grcatovpcicen- At O'ilifon his son left him and botaiuviile. _ , . j When hie pockets werosearched every- point worth considering.' A year or | fellows. H^llllfllU llllll !*n,^rtrtC:*-^..«1..« continued, his l'ottei\s\'illo alou(iv.M'*S-Pfl11 JsitijA1 in Lho day returu- ^.^.^jjlO'fW'i^'t1" *--^L; - t'l'dnuthal.. timo on. ' '~" there is littlu"k"now'if oTtlio' old-gcnti^-1 •man's inovomenta until lata in the. af- ternoon. Sovereign, of Pottersvillo, i lias since been neon and reports thnt

bo saw 'him start safely for homo. The next seen pfjiini was itt'Howard Sut- 'ton's store,"near Pairinount. lie rcacli- such as government bondB,etc., which, ""- ed there about four o'clock in- tho ftf-lo'vv Suttou'a, saw nothing under rue law,~aro exempt•frbiirtiixa- turnoo'n, tied- his horso 'and went in- when hw i-tituruud from tl._ . . tion. Tlio remainder for:purposo .iif\\ sido. While ho1 was tbbro tho iiorao post-olllco. Ho'oaw Farley and Sutroi taxation will bo'the trucyalne;pf:tli^i slipped its bridlo and atarled for tho engaged along tlio road, in conversa- bunk's stock. This method ;Df" detei;^ 1-;..,, barn on a walk. On tho way tlio wftg- tion. Farley sa.tiirllio"wngon and Sut- . ,j mining the true value of the stock for ~ "' on caught in sotno obstacle and tho ton stood between the wheels and bad tuxing^purpoaes is not a new one. " his bands on the. llnea.... Tcels passed :; front -wheel \vas disbud .and. tho 1 " :-'oiul broken oil' tho whiuletree, ;.Tho them shortly before six'o'clock when it thnt the'hbfsb h:ul bcoii made to riiiia ' darnngea^vci'ii -n'otsoripus and ho con- waajust about dark. way, with Farley in the wagon, in an The tragedy happened within ten insensible .condition, rendered so by '•- Farley ne-xtfstopped'al, the distillery minutes after this. John Jaqiimh, a, ,an asHUultTwith a club;."" Tlio Starting of W. liomy Fleming, a short, distance farm laborer, wliilo walking up thopoint of tho runaway is showjuby tlio ro'tyij-mofc Farley's rig coming towards irrcsgnliii'ity of the tracks of Farley's further down tho road. Hero happen- 1 od, a most importnnt thing. Ilo asked liiin, the liorso on a fuat troG. It was buggyand from that pointto wbero | young FlominFloming if hino coiildeliang-o two so dark that lio could not aco that the Farfoy was found is.a rido of probably CT wngnu _w»s nniir^.unifid until the buggy Jlvo seconds .behtnd'a runaway horse.. SF"" ten -dollar bills. Tho ,vc;:ng man tolcl 1 him that ho did nbfcrJHivb that much had passed him. [T6'suspicioiied0a The'roadway;-^"clear of trees or other chiuiKG: tospnro bub cUld him that bo runaway and hurried up tilio road to obstacles which might have iujureci a coul3changQ one bill. Farley amd see if anyono bad been hurt. A car- man in a wagon, How then could he '••".that-wbiild'do and Fleming changed ter of a mile further!; he found Farley Imvo been injured by acieidnnt sufli- lying along the roadsido broad upon eiently to bleed so freely before ho was one of tho bills. This is ample ovi- liis'back. Thoro was.a large pool of thrown; <;;uV: of-.-the...-wagon ?.,. It-look's °'deiice that tlio Captain had at leant blood under-bis hoadl: HiB feet laid plainly a'/tNingh lie-muBfc-have- boon ; $20 with hini when be left the;; distill-- 1 through tho fenco on '-tho loft'.of the as3auHcri"i\iKl:liiMdLfi'coly with his liond Two young farm Iiands, Melancthon road and his bead was about Mvo feet imngnv/ifi-Ui heiress .condition over

zssiZi iiSBn pl^S


REASONS FOR USING ! Local Correspondence. I Walter Baker &Co.'s HOPU. Miss Young, of Annundale, passed Sat- 21m. Mary N. Read returned from'her Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Pitta entertained n urday at the American Hoiiso the EIK-HI of tlntiRlitcr'n, in PhlHip»burK, last Monday. !W friends at dinner la^t Friday evening. Breakfast Cocoa. her aunt, Miss Lizzie CrovoHtijf. ' J. Eilcnberger spent Sunday at hit homo Mm. Klttio Faulkner, who has frc- Miaa Ella Murtenis led lust week for InShtiwnco. ; uently been a guest at Hotel Clarendon Because it is absolutely pure. Newark where she expects to spend the Miss Ven, D. C, are visiting friends in this toward solving the great money-saving problem. Your day. A company of 19 went from here to Dun- ilace. Miss Mary Lane, of Neshanic, is being Mile last Thursday night to attend tlie Preston Stephens is critically ill at his entertained at the home of II. M. Rtddli'. £ieknpoo entertainment. ionic on Washington street. Kis death is own interest demands it and this store paves the way CLOAKS. Mrs. Elizabeth Runkle spent pai t of last The election of otllcuro at the Y. P. S. C, xpucted at any time. week witb relatives in Philadelphia. J. business meeting last. Saturday night Mr. Fletcher, futher of Mrs. J. C. Chap- resulted as follows: Miss Mury Van Syekle, for it. The public school building bus received President; Fannie C. Dill, Vice President; nan, is very ill in Philadelphia where he UNDERWEAR. a fresh cout of paint, which greatly im- Lizzie Gougcr, Corresponding Secretary; making a visit. proves its appearance. Irving Merrill, Treasurer; Mrs. H. M. Van Miss Carrie Monngh has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Davis, of >bur bor- fclorn, Superintendent of Junior Depart- •datives in Jersey City. This week we depart from our usual custom by taking ad- BLANKETS. ough, were noticed in town last Sunday. ment. The following are chairmen ol'coin- A Klondyke social, the first of a series of Hev. A. L. Smith and wife, of Stillwater, in it tees: Prayer Meeting, I, 1Merrill; Look- locial entertainments given by Lie ladies ditional space in order to name prices upon several lines of visited their daughter, Mrs. S. II. Johnson, out, It. M. V'in Horn ; Sock' ; Fannie Dill; jf St. James' church, will bo held this from Wednesday until Friday. While tlusic, Mrs. Van Horn; Temperance. Miss ivening in tho Yetter Ha'l on Mnin goods which we know to be special values. These prices here Mr. Smith assisted Rev. Mr. Covey lennit! Swayze; Flower, MissLettio Black. street. Admission, including refreshment, with the revival services which are now in Abram Shumaker.of Middletown, N.Y., 25 cents. Come and stake out your claim. are'named for comparison and the goods await your judg- progress at the M, E. church. is among relatives here. Alonzo Herrick, a European mail agent, ment. We solicit investigation, for never before have we Grand Early Display of The Christian Eendeavor meeting li who sailed last Saturday on his usual trip, Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds ieen changed from Sunday evening to tvas accompanied by his wife who will offered equal inducements to trade with us. We are not may be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch Sunday afternoon at 2:15, except tlie last )pend n few weeks in Germany. Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles Sunday evening in each month, when it The Little Trixlc Company played in catering simply for tomorrow's business but your continu- and for all kinds of aoreaaitd skin troubles. will be in evuuiug, preceding the sermon. /ernon llall Inst evening. HOLIDAY GOODS ! F. N. Jenkins, Warren County Drug MisM s GracG e SwayzSwyze was givegiven a surprisp e The Young' People's Society of theous trade. In order to get it. we know that "price fairness Store. on Friday evening of last week by a num- resbyterian church have begun prepan beb r of young friends visitin„g her. They .ions for their annual Thanksgiving *'" to all and indifference to none" must prevail. Allow us to VIGXXA. enjoyed themselves i n thhe usuall wayy until Lertainment. They will render a tlniuiii tell you of some of these bargains: * Miss Lollar, of Mt. Hcrmon, was thenearly 12 o'clock, when all departed. in three acts. AGKNTS FOR guest of Mrs. B. B. Howell on Sunday. Miss Emily Turner is confined to her Theodore BarkuraudMi-ss Maggie Buyd, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whitesell, of Wash- bed by nervous prostration. laughter of James Boyd of Viumni, were ington, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Miss Nettie Van Horn came home sick mited in marriage yesterd, Dress Goods. Underwear and Hosiery. Mrs..Ogden Whitesell. from the Stroudsburg Normal School lust A collection of J500 was taken in tho M. It there is one line above another in which Butterick Patterns, Foster Kid Gloves, E. church last Sunday morning towards we tliink that -wo can interest intendinj: One lot of Fk-occtl-tinoJ, n«w stock, at we, The Methodist oyster supper, which wi Friday. the saino guality sold last year for 7; cents. held last Thursday night at the home of old grist mill owned by John H the improveinentson tlie parsonage. purchasers, it is this line. We talc Mattelutz Underwear. D. D. Wolte, netted the Junior League Cooke is undergoing extensive repairs. Yankee Sullivan was arreyttd lust Mnn* under whose auspices it wns given, about lay and sentenced to ninety days in the £10.00. The night was a beautiful one, nnd lelviderc jail for Insulting two girls. there was a large number present. J. C. Berry, one of the best known citi- H. S. Johnson, of Brooklyn, who oc- Mrs.1 Emmeline tlance, who tins been _Mua of GpGiiccr.Mo., testifies that;'he cupied Ur, F. M. Couk'n liuuao l.iaLMiin. 'spending the summer at her home in this cured himself of the worst kind of piles mer, has purchased the W. S. Kiuenhouse village, ruluriicd luol week to her son'? by tiding n-few-hoxfis of DeWitt's witch property on Churcli street lor a summer too. . ,•-... ' Edward Hance, at Koseville, where sh Hazel Salve. He had been troubled with T3TTCT-T •Rr. tiles for over thirty years and had used residence. was fitrnit'rly .;•.> cents. A bettor linule will remain this winter. Howard Bird, nnd Miss Taylor, of BULL Mr. and Mrt>. Edward Dunn, of Long nany' difl'erent kinds of ; at t l r uuui 1 iut DeWitt's wns one that did the work jhooley's Mountain, were united imnar- FkuTCJ^nJ plain Uriliiiintmos at 3= »tu) w. | . } ' f ^\}» >Ws line have Neatly increa^- | Cv Bridge, spent Sunday with Mrs. Dunn's and he will verify this statement if anj iage yesterday. Corner Ccnire Square and Northampton .St., aunt, Mrs. R. C. Bartron. one wishes to write him. F. N. Jenkins. Mrs. James Tamblyn is spending a week and N^Uie., tmm =, to ,o «ms. ' ^&^n^ ts^S'^ieSiS^ ! The social event of this week is the mar- Warren County Drug Store. .•Hh her daughter. Mrs. W. W. riage of Miss Maggie May Boyd to Mr. •ort Jellerson, L. I, j tfaBeWnil: Theodore Barker, of Hackettstown, which C^orcd DICES Goods. _ ^ j^IS.S^SSS'i.felr | EASTOH, takes place at the bride's home on Wed- BUTTZV.ILLK. Councilman Taylor has been nil during | nesday, fit 12 o'clock. Edward Smith, assessor, became a resi- .he past week. • ' • • ' • -r~ Ki^octfius; Sutures!"4^IIICIILS! at ^ c'ts. I SllOOS, Rubbers, Etc. | Mrs. Sadie Howell left on Monday fo dent of our town on Wednesday of Ins Miss Ettn StephL'ns, of Port Morris, is hl-ecomnnicafwiie anil •mother will "lwre: •• I East Stroudsburg, where she enters th< week. visiting hersl-tfi", Miss Mary E. Stephens, IKI an opi'urtiiiiitv to'.gaz 5=.oo for St.oo. i A "jwial in l;ulii'V shoes:it 93 cents. -Normalschool. ..„.,„„ u_... _... Merchant Craig is improving his ston at Mr. William Tretheway's. We haw a half dozen pieces of all! A i;rade in Doni;ol.T at 5t.:6"tluu*s hard to ...jS^Eliza'Mel rftii'ri~l6ft~ this" week "for pruperiy with a ircsii.uuiii of-V^Mit.™!T!n The polling M=t will hnye t«i be enlarged, out plaids, stripes aiui checks, a yard wide. • Ivat. is (teorge A. Beatty bulreadytc:ii:hiiis»:hi= :hat wt'te.^o cents a yard; as lon« as the lot j Our i;oodycar velt at Sj.oo we think sur-j ... Bingiiamton, where she will spend sev- wurk is le-ing done by Charles Hunt. 11 : 1 v eral weeks with her niece, Mrs. Collins On Friday of last week the employes a :on the correct way ,to vote a Detnocrtic ;hiiiK lor warm house" j;owiiv aiid utiijieii's t- •.• A.lot uf1C!ii'.Jr-Jn'i; sii"f,?;_ct;:its that! J_ . Bryant. the Eastern Mining Company's mine re .icket. ' ,„ ,--t'<-. c:hool dresses, havinjj; .exceptional wearing , were Sr.00. Tonight (Thursday) Dr. Chapman, o ceived their pay in full for the month o! No-To-Uac for fifty Ontn. m-ilities. \ A iut that are tin- worst* for netting wot is Cateii Y011I boinj; closed out at 1; cents the pair. Hackettstown, with a number of Christiai October. This was quite a treat to mosi JOHlCStlCS. Endeavorers of his church, will be present of the employes, as it had been some thu Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes wcnlt A\en*s for Si.25 up.'in new nooiis: some oJJ and take charge of the services iu the Dan- since they hud had a regular pay. Much uicii strom;, blood pure 50c, {1. All ilruesists. Hill's Muslin. 6 cents.. pairs at S3 and 95 cents that solJ formerly ville Presbyterian church. The storm thi: success to the new company. l i ards wide. oi RuMw 1CAUKSVILLE. h That is, we hope it will catch your attention •seek interfered greatly with the specia Mrs. Amos Beam and daughter Annie l£Sfmid"sS3i% Sjll0< !l and Kuhbtr Uout S> - services which are being held in thai Washington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. County Sup't Willever visited our Sun- Heavv twilled Mod Flannel, all wool, 25 cts. 1 ' - ' church. Edward Smith from Wednesday till Satur- day school last Sabbath. Bleached Damask. 30 cents: an. extra valm long'enough to impress upon your minds the it 50 cents. A new bridge is being built in front ol day of last-Week...:... ." ~ : ;.. .:., :,... ;-fact that we make a line of: William Hance's, on Vienna Hill, Constable I'ettinger spent Friday ant Philadelphia, where tie was employed dur- :-•- •; •• ,of every -!:iy-,u^.iir.'Oil.-lnth"af2;".cts., : Saturday in Phillipsbure, at the home o: ing the summer, and will again occupy his Wrappers", Etc. Linoleum at .10 cents; • crockery, arid "new To "euro c his son Edwin. house in the valley. New line in tlanueleUe. peicale an J calico, Lamps from St.2;; up—no old 'patterns on Tata Cik-curtHs Henry Freeman was taken very sud Miss Sabrath Petty spent Sunday and rom 50 cents up. hand. If C. C. C. tail toeira.c denly.ill on Wednesday of last week. HeMonday with her parents in this place. Aprons, -whit1"*e' embroidered, and Night Couches Unexcelled; had started to go from his house to the Mrs. Catharine Sowers is again on theDresses. Groceries. barn when he was taken with a hemorr- sick list, having been confined to her bed Neck Scarfs of line lawn with embroidered COLUMBIA. hage. At this writing he is in a precarious and lace ends, only 35 cents. You'll find us in the front rank of the that you should see and know about them be- • '•"•"•. Rev. A: L. Smith,, a., forrnur pastor a' for several days peat. foremost caterers to appetite. Our stock is condition. Dr. L. B. Hoagland is in at Mrs. Charles Baker entertained a num- Full lino of I* A* G. Corsets.. •..-.•:_. this place, was in town last week cu tendance. Several odd corsets that were 75c to S1.00 coiiipicte^iiKl superior in many respects.-.We on friends. ber of lady friends from your borough on name a few prices for compan'soii; - fore you buy again.- A new invoice of elegant Mrs. C. B. Hoyt nnd son Russell returnei •Thursday"last. The visit was a most pleas- each; your choice now at as cents. : Marshall Cool is having the old Lovi r 1 _Arbuckle*s Cuffce. iah'c tin pound." • barn moved and is going to convert it int< home on Saturday from an extended " .'lit "6*ne"ttliu~tul «siij uyeU 'tlie 11 "Oiitl Hg~" ~™ _~ coverings Justin. ^AY-e_5hould he glad to show. a double dwelling house. among relatives at Belleville, N. J. It is reported thst Win.' Stevenson will All Family Flours'.'S3.80 per.:wt.' '"" A party of walnut lumber buyers an Mrs. George Harris, of Belvidere, was tin .jiove his family back to Washington. We A nice ne.-.\;.line of the latest styles. All Crackers, ^c a pound. and explain to you their merits. Goods de- purchasing a number of large walnut tree: guest of her sister, Mrs. George Smith, oi arft sorry to hear the report because tho We have some that were'carried over fnmi Lemon Cake, ^c a pound. . . in this section. • _ Sunday lust. Stevensons are good neighbors. a previous season. They are not up-to-date, New Marrowfat lieans, 7; the can. livered free to any point. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jones entertained The Pursell farm was bid up to §1,100 on but thev have lots of wear and warmth in Finest Corn, 10c; 3 cans for 2$:. A house owned by Freeman Hilderbran Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Samn and son, of Sum- Saturday and then the sale was adjourned them; the former prices ranged from 58 to Finest. Peas. 10c can. . at-Wulnut Corner, occupied, by. Ed>var Sia.00.. They.j • at• S2.00- . S2• . j-a an-d "53.00^ Best Kerosene, 4?c fur 5 gallons. i.'.,.Ateri;,.caughtin"re.early Sunday mornini .eriiold, last Sunday. -. •::^.^u.:...... until a,-•;;••-: -_• • _•_ . •• ... X and was completely destroyed. We under- Mrs. George Neyhart and son Ernest are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Karr and family, stand that Mr. H". had no insurance on th spending a lew days with her sister, Mrs, jf New York, are guests of his -parents, M•••& Fleming building, but had a[ small insurance.^ii his Ed Solidity, at Phillipsburg. He will spend a few days hunting. : ::-Mr:u»d Mr3.-LewisSmithrofMt-Dethe Herman KarrJ'of Newark, is giirihihgHT „ . ... ,. ^ Washington Ave. Mrs; Lizzie Cisco, accompanied by her visited relatives in town on Sunday last. few days in this neighborhood. daughter Sudie, is spending a few days in Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Pit'tiriger spent New York. Try (irahi-O! Try (Jiralu-O! we have scarcely named half the lines • we carry, Saturday and Sunday with relatives a 1 By the way, did you know that we carry a stock of carpets Tho debate on Friday evening was Hackettstown. Ask your GfVo&er to-day to show you a success in one way but a failure in another; A grand siiprise was tendered Mrs. Joh package of GHA.IN-O, the new food drink sufficient has been said to interest in some degree almost greater than thfe combined stock of all other merchants in Washington? Fact. the entertainment deserves much credit Cowell on" Tuesday, the occasion being i that takes thc\place of coffee. The child- •-- buL a •little, discussion arose about the honor -ufMiyr-blrthday.-- About-thirt; ren may drink it .with out injury na well as everyone who reads this ad. The prices we have named question, which wns'put at first—"Staouic friends and neighbors assembled to ei the adult. All.who try it. GRAIN-0 women not have the right of suffrage? joyed the clay's pleasures. has that ricli seal brown of Mocha or Java, "-•"3uiiic":^ciriiir.ed". if should-::-be;-rr:.'Shou! but^it is^inade, pure grains, and the should rnake_our store a more prominent trading centre than womeir'have the right of sufirngts?' . The most delicate"stomach reeeives~it"with~dut" debate was finally postponed until tbis Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Teni distress. 5 the price of cod'ee. 15c. and says "Shiloh's Vitalizer SAVED MY LIFE, 25cts. per package. Sold by all grocers. ever, and win for it the title- of "-Bureau of "Economy," be- Friday evening when the. question will be; I the best remedy for a dobilita ".r;.:!'Should " -womenT have ..'..-..the:.-, right ed ayniein'"-1 near list'd," -For--1 Dyspepsia- TboOnlyOiiB-lTIco suffrage?" ' _ .rj~r. Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Prii cause of the-;money-saving^ offered jh every line. CLOTHIItU 75 cents. Sold at Carter's Drug Store. :-.----•-•*• Buelcleii's Arnica, Stilve. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, VV. Slater spent rSun- : UODSB In Eftflton,!'.». duy nl Wliitehouse with their daughter, Call and asl^£i n"- this - week r- to.-,. issii *.x-v"i .r.«l^.» iHil\;;5!£i .i?J'' * r?- pri'itcd u 1 couple of weeks in Jersey City visiting uoi ii'orcuiit. lilKllilirlioi r Uiftii boforo tint i}iin n(;oof u.o» (lrL,Hf,|irH. \ Hpoclnl In our Kori For Sale at F.N. Jenkins Warren County Cyrus Mv^Fiaher spent Sunday at Co various amounts agyresauny S30... When a cash purchase is boiiBlit ours. W,u| (jio"!! 6'vorcontB In Yiiuo Tiluokor llfown,•rnmlo m,.Joseph .MJUer. ;..._,_ : L il : .bury , _.^_ _ ' jnade, a corresponding amount is punched out of the ". JWlien all Uie^litM^es Wre will offer am Men* FlnBCInyWorFInuClnrWonfa U weutloaiua id All-Sllli Sloov" _UiiTtiga." ,i --in SjiettajQr.Cutnway.Stj'lea, at.puty^.' V7f Miss Caff ie""Miller"led""the~young~neo; '"AlexrAnderaon runa sericnsuf-ievKlsn r pic's meeting Sunday evening; subject. did other surveying for the Clinton Water "li7iVrbe^ PO UT CO bD EN. 'Influence—why to get it, how to get i Compar.ylastweek. - .L^ some Triple Plated Silverware. This costs.nur customers nothing. our wiy LOW to use it." mi'a Ueuvy Wiiitor'sTiltH la Ulnuk or HI110 i-Hluo Beavur Ovon The attendance at the public school this The Epworth League will hold a letter of encouraKing cash buying. ' v ,"- _ ••• . . v . 5 --"-"year"- is-unusuany-lnri;ii;.L-'.Th"e--tinici«nt 1 Clitvlot i* ! Wiutor Ovorconia, Sir. and Mrs. Howard Pursul apGilt/oiir uiiil HL liie homu ot*;J.".cob ..Lancct:"iiear. -Elouittit UlRrilf or tlluo' Dlncounl Ciicvlot ijulin „ ,u K teacher, Mr. T. L.. Walters, has managed' day with.her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete: Little Brook, on Tutjadiiy-'tvcning-oi' nest ; wUleivotlO worthnf ai«lafnciioui...:..f7.0i)| - •• the school this""year"" without an HssisLjutc. Smith; week. _ ' However^it. would bo well for the school Miss Nellie Kiefer spent Sunday witl KINKST DltKSS SUITS. DI110SS <)VK1£GOATS7 ,-: ..board to consider the ndvisuihility.of secur- Fromi ir iimtoliloHB stock of nil ihu Fftahlon- With 11 a'lylo nnd fit that would ba (i u-uillt to ing an assistant. Miss Olive Weller. ,..;(•- llTd t)n«t. trillion of I'orolKH. Knbrlcu you tho bout moi'cliant tullor. Wo show tho groiHoHt Mr. and Mrs.,JosepU Bodine, of-vBroai ciiti soloct iho idontlcul'«tyloi» that 'wouliicoat dlvurnlty of-.ranlilon'ihlQ atylo".. I11 tlnT'New- The first regular festival of this confet- .vny, spunt Sunday 'WiHh Mr. and "Mrs Pink Roses youflOmoro lit your tniiora. Th'jao SiiUa tlio Fnbrluu for Ovi-rooiMB, cut, inndo nud trlminvd encci year;wiU be Riven under the direc- 111, nut itlld Illllsli IB pfl1' with tlio Bioatoat mid os'iutnuHa, at Edward Bodine. v tion of the Board of Stewards, in the base- Do Not Fnile WI10 - •-£Suiis $1U to $20. •• ...a ment of the church, Saturday evening, Flo Quick spent a few days Inst wee] Made by Nov. 20. Oysters will bo for sale in all with Miss Mabel Dim Icy, Cn[>HiiloUU Coii 1 •• styles.1..'.: * •* • " >*• Mrs. Samuel Hineline. spent. Sunda, You Can See EASTON TRUST CO "P» JACKETS "S& ^ The pastor, Uov. F. C. Mooney, will jth.:.Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Butler. These,,n>HC.s arc your clienks, ami all girls TI1K COMING MAN. KOR-YOUNG MRN,' ..' •' preach next Sunday, on - thn V\C.O.H of gam- Wm. Major and son Luther spent Mo: nnd women IIIIVI- tlu-m when their blood is By having your eyes tested with the new QR. E." JftMES, President. Boys from 4 10 (Si yoma. A varietvariety of plain 3 very' StyllHlI i Wnavo of tho boat vUbniost bling. Allare invited to attend. '' refractometer you can have glasses fitted , ]toofur,Hud Donbl-- louniit 11a a linbuts boon artlailcnily fanhltniod Into uult day with George IJummiison. ^ enriched with.natimil 'iron or' Ifieinogloliin 10HN BACON. Treasurer, mid fancy clotha lii Kione, ]tfd nud wlulo[Wo llatlor ourtfolvoa thai Lliuqunllt : which will enable you to see correctly. Droiutf'd siiltH. Wn iiromllHo to anvo you 111*0 ' A number of Port Colden sportsmen are Howard Gardner, of Phillipsburg,, Such as is found '(uily in Capsulolds 1 vcr brukou faltli with mid miko oxcoll, tho prkos llhwtrato ou matting preparations for a hunting trip. Tlie DcZent; refractometer does away with Inror iwo, aud wo'vo method of Inducing tmd>> and holding It, loo. spending a'few days at Harmony. This is the only iron iiicriiuint! which can bi; the test case and is. the most improved our.m.0,01. The pastor baa begun his services ofi>: _ Christopher'1 Englcr .entertained con "ACCOUNTS'. SOLICITED ••'n:(jiLta.f.'100to.$ll).00. lioya'Ulmorn, f3.00 to 4(1.00. AUkc RosesofiYour^Cheeks. with chemicals in order to detect the Intent Contn, f 1.5)1 to J5. Itoyi (1 parents here. , .tlio rjitoof apbre«iit. l.oaiw .Mounv, Collocis ..... MowBtrliip-.'icliocliB, jiliilda ana lifT'ir? at V -L»tos_ t Ulo*_.. _« I.n" BoM.. **.y "". 1* •>SottJInM - .*. wm - *. ,- Mmo -t ino M.t *.i O«I»pn.iIa Ilini Ilto Trt/»nn nnnuidl No»W/iif•f QolflnCl t SlmM QftnTiA.. 9tOft*a .t oift'^"K.' rsi» Buc, thowondar-worltLT, that makes weak inii'n or consumption. Instant relief and a eet (ir (tenI di!«cl,'..;;;,..tli^.^ same, price ...1?y..Tti« ,-,ii-.Bii-Jli5-tof=R3r.t.-=s===: WiiUiu'CuriDi'a.'isis fl.OO.—Ua'Jtorw'oar (it —'."t BOIJ HiidTuc; Nogligoo hinns, Mac, -loa nnu ina,, strong.- Mi druggistsrsOc or II. Curo^uarsin- tnln cure are afTordod by One^Minut '•• \y;. 1; r, ; . - . r GiovoB-StouklftrKo,pricoalow. ~. • '- ,i:':~i-•' •• ' • .:: te?& 'BooUlnt^and sampl...o. free..,_. . Adareas Cough Cure. F..< N. Jenkins, Warroi s ; Oor.-Cfintr6\^i.iare & S. 3d St., Eaatpn.Paj .e,,;,.. Eve^^ '^CiilcagO"tJr-"C"~Yorli-jCcj«3ty Drug Store!rr~.;-_~":~-n;~tn~-:T~"r-"~, .lOS'I'olton Street; N'c\v..Vork.City.;:7.^-^.™.^ s^ewe : THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J.,"THURSDAY," NOVEMBER II, 1897.

.JUNCTION. MAKKSIJOKO. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Garrls, of Swarts- EXECUTOR'S SALE Sotno nru onjoylnjj tho liuiitlntf HUIWOII. woori, Hpcnt Sunday with their son, Uco. Whether The bunnies aro quite plentiful. E. Oarrln. Mm. A. L. Moore, of Phlladolphla, is M. Li llonurlluu nnd daughter Helen spending n fow weeks with her mother, Wives and Mothers OXFOUI>. spent ,)trtof Wednesday mid Thursday Mrs. It. wolvorton, at this place. nt 0. B. Armstrong'*. They drove In from arc nol oniillai from tlie plans of protection operated by REAL ESTATE 'Tis Wiser Mr. and Mrs. Fred. BIRCIOW celebrated A number of people had a pleasant tlmo their homo ntStroudsburg. to ray the price, and wear Clothes that tho silver anniversary of tliolr marriage on dancim* at the homo of Edward Stlrca lost Saturday evening. Unly their immediate : James D. Mingle, of Newark, Is home T, by vlrtuo of Iholimt will ami fit—to have that Suit built to your 'say- Thursday ovenini*. tu|ili*-n [.niitilni;. Sr.,(U>conH<'d, frlenda and near relatives were present. for a two weeks' limit for game. lie Heems so;' Just as you fancy it should be—may At 7 o'clock a delicious Httppcr was nerved, On Thursday lost a ladles' Hewing party to bo verymiccessfnl In lluding tho right iiituorii iiflilii of Oxford, will I>.M>'.BO for was held ut tliu homo of Mrs. Wm. John- Life xali>, nt St. cloud Hotel, Wiinhlnt'to In; the tiufStioii with you. Often it liap- composed of tho principal viands of the ;1 kind. Reason. Mr. and Mrs, BIgelow received ston. F, A. Mingle, of Itockaway, is home for Insurance. HE PRUDENTIAL S. J.t on ("jns the IIIKII price precludes all this, novoral handsome presents, Clarence Underwood In tbo clerk In II. SATCttllAV. !>Ki;KMHKIt It, liul litru Is a helpful word, maybe—it f soino time. Prof. Frank T. nnd Mrs. Atwbo:l and M. Hi£ulo\v d»tor(j in place of Walter Long Arthur Kice, late of Newark, has re- .niwi«ii tint hour* of I',' iui.1 f, oVIouk concerns a special offer we're making of who had to leave on account of u nuveru o wit; ~ ool'xjk, [i. tu, all Unit irai' HO 11 William spent Saturday at Boston. turned to Ills homo here for the winter. This branch of the family constitutes a very important if laii'l kiifwn its tlio I.uwrmieo Lotnurcoi cold. rnrm, now fi*eiiploij by IhtWItt Stout, nut Stephen Miller has entered Uio employ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Frannmv have gone factor in the grand total of nearly two and a half million of Baker Buekenmyor ami will now Walter LOUR is forming a class in music. to their Jersey City home for the winter. ltato In tint Tow[i-.hlii of U'a.*h1nt;io<>,atulnlu fabrics in all the new shades for Fall. tho Storms Bros, to (jive one of thtir pro- home last week nrterspendiiif; some time Drop in and inspect the new line we have nt Plain Held with her mother. reachinhing here a_.n- Hutunhi - - .y„ morning, anil _-ice ting- kinetoscouu...: entertainments". on ....uwlih• •. Rev. McLiury unti• •*•l• mesday. THE PRUDENTIAL HAS Monday cvcnhiK, Nov. 1G. Perfect repro- Miss Jennie HiiiUii Vpcnt fiuuduy ,-ii.h They tielonge„_.d_ to his choir when he lived l ductions from tliu fuiiioun bands will bu friends In towi The'•Strength' (ASSETS... ••• .....$19,541,827 a /tigicVct-k"•"tht'r'*Vi* 1 ' • • • '' • \ • . '. • ' " •.-• at favored us with a iiuiir- w ytlmljor, IIIKI iiiiiiiorous Tlu^e SjilSO SIIKH are in the nopulnr.plaids rendered by one of the '97 modul talking Miss Ksther Fleming Is visiting her sis- tette In tlio Sunday sclmol, nml Mr, kales riiit t machines. Admission, 10 and 20 coiitH. of INCOME • 14,158,445 stripes and small checks, and every I». .'(-Tlila tniu-t ^htu ot [Ivunml fnw diiys m tlio guests of their daughter at Mrs. Hoy Young is tjultu ill nt present. tine lit the church last Sunday. lKlity-fii.*lmii'lr'-«lt ii)t tw* "f lun-I We guarantee it to please. ' Dover. lion wlil.'li la a lh nrry mid : Mrs. I)iir« has hcenuontlnud to her home Mrs. M. R. L'Uining attended the funeral l lt l IJ-ilnlrife'Tni.-tNoTt N . I A'l thfst- suits will becut with precision, care- Rev. J. Deilart Ilrueii, of Belvldore, oc- of her father ut Chester last week. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE GOMPANY OF AMERICA, fur a wcuk piLst by Illness. ; Also, ut MuCdboV Hotel, Osforil, N. .1.. on fully tailored, aud made lo lit—with every cupied the pulpit of tho Proshyterlan Walter Mcsler hud another hoy added to Hev. McL-uiry entertained at the pars-ui- HOMli OPPICH, NEWARK, N. J. © attention to detail Kiven a suit costing church lunt Sumliy and preaelicd a very his family lust wetk. fine, on Wednesday last, Mrs. K. Ann- SA'li:Ui>AY. DKCKMIIKH IS, l-!.r, double. Ha»'e never known greater value able sermon, strong, Mtas Matilda Armstrong, Mrs. Ira ts!|i. in., nil that trii.1 of I'.n'l im-1 [.r-rnf-r.-, in up-tu-date style*, than.tliis line of suits fluorgo Botjiirt's home was ifladdenod on Kerr, Mrs. Jacob Mott; Mn. Cook, oil •iii|Mif Oxfuriil | we're mnloiiK lor $-0. hee the KontN, James White hasaucuplud Hie position tll'l'O "II MltK' Mill, III !^«!*! IX l.litlinfllT- - as niffht watchman of tho Oxford Silk Monday by tlio arrival of twins—a ijoy nnd Hlaiistowu, and Mrs. Lucy Johnson, of] " — '" ' make your selection, and leave your order Newton. ,«.,.. ] t. IL' till!io -roii'l Irrnl n U'u-lihi early in the week. liable held hy the Kpworth 1.1:51.11: I). WARD, Vice Pres't. IjlKiA« l(. WARES; JJ Vleel'fcu't n J ittiuii H tho On» Friday Mr. and; Mrs. Charles Hull"; I, ( I.e.iguu lust week was a fair success. The gave a tea to Rev. ami Mrs. McLaury, Mr.' POKRB5T IM>RY1)E;N, SecrelRry. ThU im.-i, NIL I nit i •'i.yuu! '• lust. wed with the remit. f ll Tlil o li.i,, Miss Bo.islo Kuinpsey, of Plillltpsluirf*, i? you n^ people wi and Mrs. Rverson Trimmer nnd Mr. and ) J. II. SI-niilNI:, Assti Supt., Krood St. and Wusliinittun A\c, Wustil *toiKi hi'ii^o. ijtirn, wiiptu li'iiwn, oi FRANK SKALLA, a vhltor at tho residence of lior grand par- The TwentietTwet h Century Literary Society Mrs. A. W.Ouohc. • ' ill In nn *'XL.'cltem fiutttnf rcpiilr? t will hold its regular monthly meeting at .» woll wittrr-il nml cinilultis mi u ents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kcmpsey, Miss Bethcna Homailicu returned from • 'rult,/iiid "oriio of tho very Uiu>*t The Leading Tailor, j Miss firnti Wniriuiau'tt on.Saturday night. Wilkesliarre anil Struutlstturg on Wednes- William It. Call mndu application before, m, ,„ , • timdl oaruiKk tlniKrtlinlii-r,. tlit'linyv r>)>f IHVii.veunL , day last after a month's visit. Trnct N.i.5-TblH ooihilMttt Over the Warren County Dru« Store. Judge Morrow of Uelvidere, for pcrnils-! The kiekapoo Medicine Uo. are to ;>!,«.... Jf IWl sion to act as special police in this town on two-weeks in Wells' Hull. Dcwitt Roy, nf Newton, spent Htiiuhy trion Mini- Illll,»i|joltiliik' ii inomlt uii'l llt-iiry Smith, Thursday last. We have not heard of his | Tlie Citizens' Burnt will repeat on Nov.with his sister, Mrs. E.'Armstrong. j H on jmbllc roiul. Them appointment, mit wo hope Ills appliuition 20th tho entertaiinnunt given Uu .spring, Win. Grover, who has been working for! nil a tch. unty bo granted, ns many of our citizens .Tliuy aro nuw rehearsing for it. TriK'tNn.'1-TblHln Latest DENTISTRY W >UU8 'becoming afraid to leave their proper-1 M^,. Squires', on Railroad avenue,! gono'to Nowtuii to" work. ° ' iljolnlnc tl:o Iloini'.' ! [The \VvcriI«l<),iinil ii-t Prices of work to suit eveir tic.'! '• —• ,:il liyhuing frenhly painted, . . : . lono for any length ot time. There fs ,„„,.], Tiiu-t No. 7—Also a tleM In enltlvntlun, ulotic body. Tooth examined ana on11 from WnwliliiKt U.vfonl, a'IJ»lniiiK advice given free. iiniiii'l C. Wuller liinn iitut Tract .No. M, inn] tHlns about tlitrtetm (Ki) acr.-ri. Thuru IH Teeth Extracted, People's valmiblo Iron on1 upon UIIH property. TUK-1 No. ft Thlr. lit a tnn-t In tbo TowiiHhlj) of 2s cents ViifhluKtou ii> (1 v Jinnrlsi-H the Houih ttlilu of tlio All local apiilleaitonfi free oiintaln nml L-stoiitln from Hit- jmblk- roiul, TeetU extracted iioaltlvely urL-tolorc n-fi>rruil to, tiouth-wt-Mt 10 tlio Sunut- wt^outpaluby the use of our Km aii'l •!< !• IIIIK, ami In Hi- tract conveyed to vitalized air or vapor,oa cents Emporium Stfph'-n l.iiiiiilng by .Inbu C. Wene, VAwurd lu'iiphroy nml others. Ttil» traut <-ontnlnn Tooth filled with gold, SI andd up u . •.ilunl.lis Iron ore ntiil« tn-iivy LTO^HI nf timber ----Toot-h flllo--.._d_ with silverr , 7Qc" . TIIL' c*»lil wave from the Kluiklyku lias ar- iliil IH very valnalilo. It conliiini* sicv-nty-olBlit A set o'f tooth',. SS. Boat sot of ili-l tliirtoun-liuiiilr-iltb.x uH 111 100) norr* . Tooth. S8. j rivi-J. ;IIK1 we tiikl it necessary to lay ;isiny fortbem. Where -nil-, Hi.' old Kdti[ile ilhttlliTj' 'unl i.thnr I.IHI- the teeth ure out, patlouts comlug in tlie morn. I thin^ \\\*>tv .sut^umtia]. iluK (.ropTtley. It eontaliiti HOIIIO tltnb'ranil IngCJiQ have tbofr teeth made the same day by lllablu land, .:omprir.iny th'o mi 1 oue-li.ilf (5;;, notlfylug us tlireodnrH Iii advance. Teeth ailed I l-vorythiuK rfiiuiro.1 fur Fall .ml Winter s painlessly m Uontfil ueloncu wilt permit. Gold of nil •ll after a two iluys'sickness with pneiitu . No. 15 Rheumatism. I use. in I In* very lah-st .stylus. :nul of the I't'St Tills 'iitku ustaif If f Jill brfincn^ Ming a specialty. I'artltil ttottt of toeih put In Tho funeral services took place on Tuej an bo (,-iv i 1JMt meo 1 rltli gold without plftteg called bridge-work. • of this place. : i|uality tan W iuuml at J. W. Fills' "\'tm\\ x to b> tiold by neru I'll" t n mid eon ill kinds of artificial teeth made. All work IB day, Huv. llubach otllclutliH*. Intoriueut Vouc^tcuwcoiwurapitoTbuTvouciiii! No- 10 Catarrh, \ Emporium." litfoim will b- irulu kno KU on n t r>r nil of tlio Mm. Mary Perry, widow of the lulu John uttlu tiitrly Klsuni euro billlous.i^s, eon- •miinr mil i ll o KXM. st-|ihtv Philadelphia Dental Rooms, throat or lung trouble hv the use of One' .. n, r.^, _ Ti,lv-nl .nnuli Do Witt C Ktoi t or Dmilo Perry, departed this lltu on Hatnrday even- stlpation, siek headacheeadache. FF. N. Jenkins, MlmileUoimhUure. F. N. Jenkins, War- No. 34 Sore Thront. 212 Northampton St., Easton, Pa. Ins nt the rustilcncu of her daughtor, Mrs. WarreW n CountyD Drug^ Store. run Cuiinty Drug Store. No. 77 Crip & Hay Fevei JMillinery. .llllUll )\V. u ) \V. . 11 •s. . AnnaThonms, on Nailers' How, at tliu Otllca ODOD from 7 A. 31. to H V, M." vancedago of S2 years. She hud been in l*if(\\ nvv \ V • *~~*"~* T)r. Humphreys' Homeopathic M; unt of I I have a full stuck in the Millinery Ii iiiti'd: Oxfoni, N. .1 Nnv. I IS!C. ueiitor. 111 health for a niunbur.of years from a UKUADWAY. | ... T)l)iv»teii nt ynur DruuKlAts nr Mnllwl K(ifavt. - s |and cannot W. excelled in either qfulfils or complication of dweiisus arising from old Mrs. David Bowman, wlio was danger-1 I>J:\.I* \ U-JIJU, Wr>tu»ly ill :uk, is now soliic'whnt1 lin- j M n. llcrnuui Knrr, or Newark, is spend-1 BOct1s or SI lliiiiiplireys' Mcil. ('.>.. a prkes. Fine French felts in the latest shapes aye. She waa a native of Wales and eume I . ..II * . t • . .I.*'. « • r* YW ._•»*• I . lir/1j....n_Cl aJIllMld bt5 Nowlork to,this county while yet .voting in years.. lir('V,V . *-• | Ins II» with hur pnreiils,.Mr. mid | " •"•:'? — - for Nitli IJKI aiui yonnji. trimmeJ in the pre- HXECUTORS. SALE that tub establishment Is not excelled In HesideHusidos helicrdiiuKlitorr daughter, MrsiMrs. TlionumTlioniim, shsue is '• •Allrcinuruul KMiijii:yi , uf IMIIM Custiu, uiij Mia« ;>ira. JIIIR-M FiuiniiiH, «L Uiin i,int;u. either tho urade, worKiuau»nip, nt orBtyle survived by one son, James l>nrry,»r Slat-. I-talo SUHUII, ol Asliury, wore marriedat | j|r<. David Nunii, or Port Colden. Is vntliiiK style. Silk velvets in • tin* newest of Its products. The vory latoat goodH in .-.-• larco variety await your lu-jiectlou. - - -.- :.• niRton, I'll. •Tlii! funeral aorvicM w«racin-! "'" >'"'"•' "I.''"" •Jritl«'» «lster,-_Mr«. Wm, •„„.,„!,,, [,,„ Kmk witu lier nlcc«VMr..' It. sh;ules,.l'irds, wings, aigrettes,, ribboiis and dueled l>y llov. K. Clark Uline. of I'liillips-1 lirltlul", •>" ruranlny even ng of last ;veek,, H,,,,,.,,. hanilsimie ostrUh"'tij>s to he made up into 1{uv Wo extend our bare, on Tuesday afternoon at Ii o'eloi!-k. j by . ArLluir I/iuas. Wa —'"-"' ""* • elegant hats that cannot tail to charm all You Hay Depend , Kickapoo Indian Co. Kiive their last . !tt»r-, **x""iirrtr- P IT entertaiiiineiit here on Mondny night. \v!ir» com-.' in a!k! visit '.".ir Millinery Depart- r etery. Thirteen members of the W. C. T. U. lmI cntortntiimBiit here on ,> ii- .1, will s.-]| nt put li^ v, lulnc, nt Ibo War- •" ' upon tho prlcos holng «s low ai nny renu On Saturday alteruoon it lircL> number were present at the meeting held at the £wvooo af t ouourr youn joungg larlinU ris n wos n line prizes ment. I \\ ill imt furjifl to nit-ntkm that I iiav roil llomttt, In Uelvlden-, on uvula tailor will >y Little Engle, the Indian ,,,,,mmitl'i:)i 1'):) nereii s more or Ivan, iuljoiiiliif: laiuh o( interrupted In tlieir merry, guinea by heinjr Mrs. Win. Woodrull'on Wednesday after- boy. Oub'iturday night Miss Green won L'l.unLy IVoC I'ai-m, tH.viii.k-d by Miutin F!aU«r. Wm. Roeker. the gold pencil, being the moat popular Cloaks. Coo'l Mint' stout) aii'l kiln on tlil.n fanti A fiinn invitCii to the diniiifiTooni, where refresh- noon next. In tlioT»'MiMhl|>of IllnliMtown, between Walnut ments in abuhdsinee were awiiitiny them. girl in the hull, h'lie received a mijoritv 1 Cloaks and capes are another yrvat nec- 'alley ami llti[ne."bnr).', c-ouiiiiiiliiir nbont J8S And of course it is/mfe to sity that all tlie Mis* Lulu Co • • ' »tcs of the audience. This .uten, more orlo^, adjoining lauds of David F. ladies present did ampte justice. New Hiunpton, •eru entertained Saturday j companco.... y„ le i .'S our town with about ?250 essity that cannot he passed by. fraud.-* and others, ntnv oeeupt-d by Jaiuua .M. by Mi^-Iosiellnll. 1 ..i.n cash., As to any real benefits derived i Children":* aiul Rallies' CloaksJn the very illll. (inodlinio titoiio and kiln on this farm. JUi»u.-J > LittleLil ; off i)st'nrtl "was the g»c:;t ot from • tiicnniountinvctsccl•wc~arc"yct to "•'MM. Lewis ik-rsenback one cvcniiiR liist t KLY'S CKEAni BALM 1B ft poflitive'euro."'j "latest styl'e" c:.n' lie ""procured" at 'myVtoreat' A~l IrOfr'tllr" llUH' A Finely his brother Ueorge on Sunday. liea Apply into the nostrils. It la qnlckly absorbed. 60 j .i. tVrry, Hint nonr Itulrldnro, eoutalnlniit nbout -Ljveek-finrl I'arriednwiiy njnt^of canned ltWtiSt iria s Come ln :llul 1<> i acres, mom or Ictw, iidjoinliic luiiua of John Flavored Roast fruit and nicatiind bthcrtliiii^s ninoiiiniiii; r-.-Mw.-HeH, nt'Niuv—Village, haH.heen ...Misses Saerty itt UiLKt'iiiVuuiuiiiiut: itbuut 3I1'IM:I tits'mure Mrs. I1. Ci, Cruvulfng and Mrs. Win. Beginning on Monday of this week, tho ir lo.-s, tiiL'iulow farm him!, plenty otiroiiom ^j> —ii pork steak Tilden Smith, a carpenter residing at milk from the Great Meadows Creamery on tho iiremldw. Wuod imd dprom Iow-n wood RrUlKDvillo, while workliiR for Dr. L. B. Woodrtill" were guests of Mrs. Crispin, at lot of (lu.» cu-stmit tlmbor. adjoining tho first —a porterhouse HlooiiHuury, on Thursday. noes north by way of the Krie, as hereto- ilor.^lnrul on Mondiiv, was thrown violent- Dress Goods. dt^crltittd trii'-t find tbe County 1'oor Purm and If there is anything in- the meat ly to the ground on his face, lircakinc his Misses l'enri Willever, Lena Ilevener, fore, except during the past summer. othtJiM, eoimiinl' e 'ibout "JI^ iicren. A wood lot, nose and otherwise injuring him. The lad- Daisy Llttto and Ethel and Walter Nixo, The railroad company put ii In Dress Guikls. as in all my stock cliu»tinit;»i>roiit{*, back of Wiiluiit Vulley.ailjoiii- line you want we think here you der on which he was standing cave way. are all recovering frouriiu attack of chick- iday." This is a great rond Jny: Cier^tioin I'urr and othcrx, eoutaliiiiiK about switcli here Si throughout, you will tiiul I have the newest •IS imros, known us (ho Stout lot. A sprout lot can always find it. He WH.H compelled work and was en pox, 'instead of measles us stated in our to do business in Sunday. If there were shades and latest novekies out. at prices seven instead f one iii a week they would 'wk of llnluedbiii'Ki wntalng about S7 IILTOS, Haveyou tried our own make : •thaLwill astunish you. ijolning the estate of 1'oter llrucler, and do aneiiorniu isT biHiiie3s, cuiup.ii'itU\'uly. .\WT*. • A Hprout.,coutuiuIuK ton ._of..sausage.?.. ' • ;row.""'A ""\vnu~.r" lot" on" Scou'ss "Monntatiir " oar ml smith, Ladies' ready-maJt' skirts, haiiilsumt ispur Smith's, containing ten aeri's, kii'iivn nw few days us the guests of her mother, Mrs. silk and lace ties, shoes, gloves, and in trutli i«Knutilot. A wood lot on S:ott'tt .MonutHIU, Joiin Scharr^r. Mrs. A drew Itockenberry, ot your A little child of .I. 11. Hays, living near HANCE BROSr Colqiiitt, Ga., overturned a popott of boilinboiling everything to lit yuu out fur the coining Win- L-ar WolviTton'tt old [dace, containing about I". .Annie, the t'2-yenr-old daughter of Mr. i the •ek ut ttie home of :reM. Mouses and lots—a now frame bouse and her [laughter. Mrs. Cieoryo Cowell. waterwater , scalding itself so severelsevereeverelly tthah t the ter season. at iit llaz.-n. A vai-ant corner lot In Itulvidore. and Mrs. Frank Holden. in siiflering from skin came oioill ' itss breasbstt andd llimblimi b . The .ri0 foot from, norilioast cornfji' of Wall and Paul an attack of typhoid fever. , . Mr. and Mrs. Tunis ICinuey, of Newton,' : cst.sof Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brittou distressedd parents sent to MMr . BBush, a I'lKlenvearin both coiahinnti'in. rmil .sin- .-i>ts. A donlilo hniiH) an lot on Km:t) stn^t, Joseph Kinnoy, Jr.'.s, fondest hopes are j w"re,£V;!£t*'' merchant of Colquitt, for ft. remedy, and .. Helviilort'. uno lifth• internal in a~ double realized, as a girl babyuameto his home ilIUil'"Lt-Iv; ...... i be promptly forwarded Chamberlain's gie suits in all sizes. The best ladies' vests fmnio liouso and l->t on we»t slJo of Wall ttretrt, NEEDHAM-- . for.. twenty-five cents..!to,_ L>e..Jound^in_tlie Iti'lvidori'. A^ot »tt liuiil (mid towii_ IJIB mi Uio --to stav. .: _„..,% _..... ,-.„... „.!. -Mrs- S-^'?pk!iii3b , visiting liurcliuigh- Pain Balm.. ,The, child was_suHerjnchargo* of Miss Minnie Nixon What Can be Done cents up. to all appeals. ,,- next Sunday evening. Topic:. "Its Unity .1 ;\NR KKVSKlt, | for.a:moderate- sum when, tha...t , ,- We have, the best variety r.iul nicest •line 1 U : : ORGANS. J. M. Tliir'swendliirswend, of Grosbeek/, Tex., in Diver.sitv.^.*.TIie time-for! the. Luaguo •'•-' •'"' •••'CMlilSTlXE JIACKEV,""! ~~ • List of real estate/transfer's lodged", for siim iS'intelligently'expwuled.iSiofpaiigoojVTor-mnes around, and will he rsTVLlisTyVLliiitt wwhmh i lbulie-b s a spelipelli ofiirdigeslofindigeslr meetlnghiLS been changed to(l;15und tbe record at the County Clerk's ollice since W.M. M. MACKKV, j evening service to 7 o'clock. ^ „„ Ion, and feel_..,s bad id-shmcish lie takes October 30,1807. s,ho\v n in thejiousj e recentlyy con-j pleased to have you call in.and look through ?ateil October :.'8,1S57-.M. .' • OFFICE: two of DeWitt'DW's Little Kurly Risers at Mrs. George Wurman returned lioiiicon | * ' ' ' '' ' '" "' : "our stock,, that by so doing you man save Lewis C. Ayers and wife to~ Laura"'"A." strifct eel" j List • outside - of Wash- t(i KANT Illli NT night, nnd he is all riglit the next morn- Saturday after spending a delightful ten Ayers, of Now York,-dated July B, 1SU7, done at our store. inc. Many tlmusands of others do thedays with relatives in N'cw York, Hobo- ington, a picture of which is convcya property in Haekettatbwn; con- NGW-VOIIK. • Bame thing. Do you? F. N. Jenkins ken, Morristown, Summit and Madison. sideration §1-10. herewith reproduced. Thispret-j Sheriff's Sale. Warren County Drug Store. Miss Maggie Daily, who accompanied her, Laura A. Avers and husband to Emma ty cottage cost but $i,Soo conv remained with friends nt Morristown until S. Ayers, of ilackcttstown, dated July 6, J. W. FITTS, •Wednesday. y .„ equipped with I IS ClIANCEUY OK N WALNUT VALLEY. 1807,'co!)7,'conveysr - nrnnorty^i• ' n --•••• Washington, N. J. Miss Kester_KirkhulV, of, Blairstown, ia_ ..Ira Nixon, of Newton,-was at his; lioino CO! air heater, is papered throughout j Ili'iweon l'lilllp .1. .Mart tlorinYum Saturday until Tuesday. nside"rationV™0. ,h llun.I.. Kiiyder. otali.dofc iriant.s. - -"taking "ii" fortnight's vaciitlou" with her H. S. Harris, muster, to T*owis Galloway, and has "hard wood mantles.-You i rFt." FfiTlnr »nlo of mortsi motlier in town. of Montclair,.dated October 30,1S97, con- may inspect it at anytime.' | Koturnablo l-'ebruary tot Mrs. Ervin Unf.k had a Hcnous operation It will .surprlsi' You. A'ej'lilaiiclin Manstiold; consideration J137S. " TtP6>der'1'Hb"''prbV^th"c"crbat:;inierit"dr .••-•- ;:- Gitr wide- experience enables performed- last wcek'by Drs/Carhtirt imd TDxccutora of Stephen Vail, deceased, to JoluiHon oi' Blairstown, and Taylor of Ely's Cream Balm, the most eft'ective cure lib to expend money intelligently for Catarrh and Cold in Head, your drug- Ilackottstown Kleetric Light Co., dnted By vlrtiu- of a writ of ilorl fad'is tome dtrwt- Philadelphia. At this writing Mrs. Beck October 2-1,1S91, conveys laud in Huuketts- in .house-.biiild.nig.^_ ;-.; . ^ ._.-..--..-.-.. id. issued out of.ibo Court of Chancery of X»MV nyaleseing rniiiuiy;-"--":"™-1..™^"1.1-;.-:---;^:. gist will "supply•-iiHenerous 10 cent-trial tovvn; consideration ^bw. • • " size or wo will mail for 10 cents. , Full oraby; iivlll oxiioso "to"siiU> at\i>ult!lo yoiulno, •»; Itobert Mill, of Washington, passed Samples for trial, 16 different numbers for all si/.e50cts. OrvilloJ. Wright and wife to James A. James P. DoEomcr 8c Sons, styles of writing including tile VERTICAL Inst week with relatives here. " ; ELY BROS., 5(5 Wdrren St., N. Y. City. Smith,-of Philtipsburg-, dated November IONDAV. TUB TWKNTV-NINTll ;-i!»l DAY OF SYSTSM'scnt prepaid on receipt of 10 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan-.Dents,* of Blairs- •I, 1S97, conveys, property in Phillipsburg; Contractors iiml linlWors, .L.-:-.rr-:r,,;r;:-.-NOVKMiiKU, . • • ElyJs Croairi" Balm has completely cured , . . . Washington, -N. J. town, passed last Wednesday with friends moot'caturrh whuiicverylhingelso fiiilcil. consideration ?l,S50. il^hloon Utiuiired and niiioty-Bovon, nt iho hour - SPENCERl/AW' here.' ; ':••". •" •.••-' : v; ~Mnry ]']. Wolf and hushand to Henry B. ' II^-MIO «'cU«Jk in-lbo iifloiuoyu, ;tt .llif-vV"iit.. Many nc(iuaintancea havu' used it witli cx- (OIIHO, in of Holvidoro, In tho Coumy 'rt'jrtbn Ervir.; of St^qiichannti county, Pa.,' "collent resulls.—Alfred W. Slevenaj-Cald- Beck, ofKuowlton, dated March 31,1S97, if Warren and Stiito. of N»w .I.M^i> L his wagon house. ^•'M was;a-imk'," jrany, sickly woman, rttnto of .1 tuob Soldo, docoasi'tl: Warren street. We can supply any :ienco {3> rimninK parullol with until road or • of paint. —. * Irnt c.iiii'He about north elslitiimi anil a liuartor Nelson Gerry has been doing some fine wetgliiiig le'sd tlmii '90 pounds. 1 was 1. A lino rural of 138 ncroB In hlph Pi kind of turnout wanted, generally loproea^vt'ut^liroo,.chatna and alstoeuliukato The many friends of Mrs. Anna Bock, of carpenter v/orfc in tho interior of T. K. ^ultlviitlon, butliUiiEH ami ft'imoB rotont 1 novor wvll. 1 liadfenmle troubles and a iiowod, AM itilloH from rhllllnsuurgi Sprln Tor all Hninesburpf, are sorry to hoar of her dan- Bennett's house. speaking. ibout north sovouty-ono aud throo q.nartor gerous illness. bad throat trouhlo. I came across an ad- Smtlouof U. K. It. nt farm, DISRM They purify the g Tho corn crop in this section is far bettor 2. IlaiulHOmoS atiry, Hmulsiouo Irimin Give us a call and a trial; we shall oii-t throo chaiinn sip BLOOD ond give HUALTI Among thoso entertained in town on than was expected. vertisement ot Hood's HaraniiarHlu and In Iho roar ot tho utablo^rm sii! iction to the entire syetci ""Sunday were Georgo Ziiik and family, of had faith in the medicine at once' I begun" burg, lianl wood llnlsl nun ii linjirov please you. mntaliUtfs.imo !>iJ. R. Stout, is doing a thriving business at :o.of Incli Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, Bolvidoro, at A. L. Smith's; Oharles Swartz tak ing it and soon felt bolter. I kept on atablo Inronr. k " "V.od as Iho property of 'tlio dofon-'antH i« and friond, of Stlllwator, at Thomas pork butchoring. .1. Tim Milan Plitlliiisbnrg Nntloi CONSTIPATION v^nd PIMPLES. Stock. "•" | Petty & Smith. mltof thocomplaliinut and to bo sold for SwarU's; Clark Head and lady, of Jnekaon- Twonty-ll' cash l burg.nt Jnlin Read's, and Lewis Ryman, iy Stock, """"lEclw. Petty. R. S. Smith. KtlASJ-MACKHV, l What's in a Sliave? :' of Marksboro, nt Isaiah IJUIICO'S. ;'• 1IAKIUS liOOEHT, " ~ Bll Mrs. Mary Van Oampon, who is em- Atlnilii'r nml Attornoy In fi 1 ployed as trimmer in Miss C. Tinsman's NOT1C-K OI SKXTIiKMENT. 'There's a ureat donl In how you're road by which tho stoop and much-dreaded n Notion of Aiit'iinl Klt'otlon. (i shaved. If someone gets hold of ' " \ millinery sloro at Portland, has bcon at Xotli'o In h roliy Riven that tho anvouuiB of tho you who docs not*understand his. homo the past week suflVjring from a pain- Howcll's Hill can be ^yortnrl.tho town- NUM, BoxllG, Hillsgrovo, Rhode I HiibacrUior, Kxooutor.iof Ohnrlcs IT. Kromcr, Tlio annual .election for''directors''of l'»o ship authorities shoiuti'HuO to it that their docuiiHcil, will bo nuilitod an^vBtatod by tho work you will undoubtedly dread ful illness^ i; 1 iVasliinnton l.lpht, Hual ami Power 001/1]ma part, is .finished, beforo .frceuing weather SurrogntL , and ronortod to tho Orphan's Court rill bo hold at tho ofllco of tlio couiparjy, No. the next shave. Our customers KARL'S dLOVER HOOT, . the. great r.omuicncos. ..'.; L" Hood's Sarsaparilla of tlio Coumy of Warron, on I'rhliiy^ho sovoiuli !0 Knat WtvHhlnEtou ftvoiiuo, Was'hliiRton.Now comeback. Try us .'.for... a haircut,. Lv. , Uiiy of >Iaiumry.^\oxt, at II a.m., for souieiittinl Friday, November 13,18117. .// Blood puriflor gives freHhncssand clfiarne'ss la tii?be3t—in fact tlio One True Blood .|'»riD.!'J[.' uliowni I'ollBOponfromlUtoil o'clock; armiyr™- -~~ "<•"—.;-. — .:;-/:;p:^.-r^-^^;*:-r-^'.t;-:trf?.t: to tho Oomnloxion and cures Constipation, . KltKMKll, n'Ji. A. STIIV/KH. •.---'-•*.:-—--••-•••;~---•»•.-:-- . •••i -"errAW """ and-*1.00.,9old at Carter's Oiilolior 7,1H37. ' ' t'i ' Pacrotiity. | Over tho BaukV'y^' -"•«. .»». ,^rtrtl-»' Drug Store. V '0 U . sstmml THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N.'j., THURSDAY, XOVEMHKK 11, 181)7.

PERSONAL MENTION. Misses Blanche Sn.iih and Jennie Hush SI« Washington J>tat. ipeut Sunday in New Village. | Mrs. C. D. Smith and child are passing a THE FLOOD TIDE fortnight with rHutivrs in Jorsciy Oily. AT THE 1 Miss Ilerllui llousel, of Broadway, U tirtOK'A AVJili.lCi; CIltCUlt.lTlOS ipendlng u numtli with relatives in Dover. Railway Alen and Travelers Rely nvnixt: SKVHXMOSTIM, i.vyr..?•( 17 Mrs. Seron Opdvke, of II-illroad avenue, on iWunyon. A conllned to tier home by u serious ill- ness. . . '. icle ..llulMlnj;, San Mrs. Ci. M. Weaver, of Hi'-ton, was a x, t st A^i-nt ut lliu nest of Mrs. James L. lloyd a couple of anil On scent Koutc, anil t'onneilv Fitts Bee Hive ilays last week. 1 YEAR, Si'.50;6MO5.i75c:3MO5 40c Mr. John Y. Hellis mid Miss jiomu'lt, both of Clinton, were ut.irrii'il on j of fall trade hassei in. It will increase in volume , clay by day. Already it ripples ami eddies around the different sections nf/he store. Dress Goods, Cloaks, Warm Underwear, Mankets, Eie, all begin to show signs of TEN HOURS A DAY. Tuesday of last week. i Kx-l'ostma-ter Win. M. Smith, i>f New-1 great activity. We are pleasing our patrons: no store can have a better advertisement than lliat. We arc here Ion, Millered u pir.ilytic stroke last week j for this purpose. ri'ji.-i'cl 1'nuh* iinU KU'i- ivhieh may end his Ili'u. i nk*' lli|!t i»ns»IMLMil Oi'i Mr. and Mrs. Win. ltobtson, of Mark the well-beaten path that leads direct to our doors; note the people as they come and go. Ask them the i»h .V Cu.N, \V"i-U>, nn, .spent Sumtav with her brotliei reason why they make this store the base of their dry goods supplies and they will tell you that they have full con- Charles Miller, at this place. fidence in our merchandising methods. That's the secret of our success. While this ootniiumiU U i-iully co Mi; and Mrs: I;. .V. Uirhcr; of 1'c Kratulnte Itself on tho ci iK^ of - n vvuvu of, tent Stiniiny with her mother, l h di ' a style of millinery that just miitn your the pron.ised bu>iut'M ruvhtil, the condi- ebeci-a M i>iierry,of this plate. Uadorwcar. ' '.. Autumn . face. We study ymir style. Wu Hnit your tions that now exist in the f.tamifueturiny: Mr. and Mrs. Andruw I*. Kenney, of Can't remember when we've pulled otll __ . _ , face, and we charge you nothing extra for , line in particular is quite uiicoiim^ini;, for euiirt.tviUc, Were tlie gucntii of Mr. and thin event HO late before; the weather Is 1 itOSlOry SdlO. our factories arealidoiii£ u Wttur bimiut'^ nf h!ini! ; (itting you with a correct hat. Mrs. Win. -S. -Ste.iarl over riuuday. st stnro honestly to blame for it this time and no' ; This'dupartiuent is in elmrgo of MISH Ihiui fora con*{durable period nnd tin* town n-.miros mistake. Tho ellect U that you'll buy bet- j : Jillson, of New York city, nnd her instruc- merchants (hid trade more abundant. This Mr. William SMeldt is sU.wlv renovur _ ter underwear for less money during the t Everybody wears tions aru to please or no sale. All the gives jjood ground lot the belief tiuil but* from the severe illuc.v. wlif till lnw conlir.ed next few nays than ever before. s Stoekings. livery- ; .ter titnesiirt* really dawnlnir ami tint ero liin to his bed i,>r nearly a fortnight JO SI-I.UCT the l:irw I,ndics' Ki'bbcd Vests or Panto, '25c; value ! bodv wants to wear latest in Walking Hats, nlso a full line for 1 1 iChildrcu's wear. many weeks the HCKIMMH! of t hv^retil tirmv Congressman Pitney ha> so I"ir recovered 3IW-- -" ' ". '. ' " . . " : honest fJtocki!i<:«. iiiss mnii of liuffnlo. X. Ladies' Egyptian Silk Trimmed Vests or i This hosiery section wlu-at «.aivers in tlie West will lie sub- rmn lii* recent aU.m!: n!" typhoid fever us von'p lthrnmnli.«in i'nra stantially reiU-cted in nileliitniieU o!'tr;u!u. o be able to sit up for u lew hours each o several of my frt-n.t« TO lil.'Y the Kmijs Punts, liie—we have these in extra large \ of ours is the pride Tho Bargain Budget. While only purti diy attributable to IJCII- tiny. si/l'si \ of the store. Us riuht—wlikh inenns Fiill line .if Children's nil-wool Under- - success has been eral bustne.-w improvement, it give-* US Casper I.iudaberry. of Wood Ulen, wns lorc:ish-re.iulres It pays to read every lino of these pleiiwure to note in particular the improved wear always on hand, from thu infant to ' achieved by buying ipecitds, for just what you want may bo condition that now obtains at the piano tricken with [. ir.ilysk Saturdav night the Miss. Prices on tlies« goods according '• tho best and selling Huong them. If MO, then it's money Hived and or^.'in I'notory ot'Onpnihh & Co. I'or mi but slight hope is entertained for his to the size, hence, you do not make the at the closest ntiir- o buy. emvery. 1. m ,>r niyi-ir n-.-i rri.'nLk. i infaiiL pay as much as thuMihS don't for-: gin of prolU possi- the first time in the hiMory of the •\vork>, 1 l.niHjydn." Apron Uinglmm, 3c. — at this season of the vear, the force of men Mr. Tunis Kiuiiey, o / Newton, »el this, . bio; Here urea few 1,500 v'ls. llfst Califtt, \c. is now working ten hours a day. This has own on Thursday. Accompanied by Mrs. Men's Fleeced Lined .Shirt or Drawers,' examples: IliU'H Muslin, lie. just been made possible by the thorough Kinuey he had been visiting friends in ate, valno 75c, nl». wool nt 50c, 75 , f \M. | ,, -,,, |, , „,, . •I-1 Unbleached Muslin, ic. IJroadway. Wl- HAV13 THI-Sl! Kl-QUISIFI-S. • 0 C liI(lrcl s lllsl llck osc B to a equipment of tiiu factory with electric 'i"w; better at Hie, "2 fari'm, 15uund 2"ie. Atlantic A. He. lamps by the Washington Us tit, Heat and Mrs. .Jo-.. Losey, of Jer.-^y Cily, for st-v- TllliV ARH AT YOUR DISPOSAL. Ladies, from ftc to oOc, including tlio 10-1 Slieeting, ISO and UOe. Power Co. eral days past lins been visiting her son latest iu plaids; als-o lleeced lined at '2 for TIIW1IIIK,3J«. The ten hour system began on Monday Clifford and'renewing old uci|u.iiiiiunecs Wl: INV'ITI: YOUR TRADI:. Talilu Oilcloth, 5-1, Uki. and will continue as lone as circumstances nbmit town- > -of: and '2i"ie. '2 Window Shades, Spring Hollers, arw. will warrant. The indications art-, how- Miss Julia Ilergeu pa^ou and is spending the tiugar Cured HUIDH, best imality,.10e l\>. ! Su to Me. One lot \iw. Minbroidcry, 10c ter, ut least. Orders are comtn™ in nicely rest of the week with Mrs. C. I). V. Ilissett Fancy New Urd,Se l>>. One lut Km broidery, Tic. now mid the holiday season can hardly be i New York city. i Tho ITcw Gowa Stuffs. Ariciba—a Fancy Whole- Grain ColVee i Shelves and counters laden with hand- considered as begun. It iscoiitlduitlv pre- 111.. pllg dicted liy the tlrm that during the ball Mrs. Elizabeth ricarle, of West l'ittston, l soine new Fall weaves. Come in and see ; a., and .Mrs. &unantha Shipman, of Fancy New Teas, Green or Black, t!3c »». : if we huve not outhesled all former bests. ' of the yenr their trade will equal, if Smith IJ"thlehem, I'.u, are veiling a exceed, the business done in any previous riauiuelT. Heavers'. Fancy Corn Starch, r»c i»kg. [ Xote the styles, eonipnrti the qti illties and . corresponding period. ll,.r)B tt>. - prices, and he convinced that we've been ' The equipping of the factory for electrii The hnndsome residi'iiee of Uichard : _, _ _ , _. ' doing so'iio masterful buying for vmi. ! cake. lights was no small task. It required sev D.iily at Miiirhends, near l-'lemington, was Sweet Chocolate, Tho Busy G-armont Eocm. no pieces or !>«*» OMHU, AM-WOOI, eral weeks, for tlie work hud to be done burned last Thursday with nearly ail its Fancv Baking Ch olate, 15e cake. There's a reason for it; yes, several' IMiiltls. Mixtures, Plain, etc.. at STIB with scrupulous wire In order to pass in- contents.. No one knows huw tin " .•: 7 for 25c. reasons. . FirM, we've the haiulsomcst: At HV it is impossible in nn- ion nnil < surance inspection. The lighting is pro- started. Cloak and Cape e(inipnient in this section; shades and all styles-the assortmentt iis a fuse, for not only is there a lamp over each Mr. I'riah Voslcr. of the New York city second, you can absolutely depend upon hirgu as the largest cily .store and of thish ; bench and each machine but also in every police force, is enjoying his annual two our tiarniunts being right instyle, i\t,l\uisli *ie>lf*on s proituetion. 'acewliere there Unity likelihood oTlig tit weeks'vacation, which time he is spend- and worthinesi of materhd; third, the ftttll better up to?l.aO pl Ksing needeu after the shadows of ap- ing with his father and broiher at Port A First-Class 5 Gallon Oil Can and 51 prices i V very modest thi.t they appeal proaching night huve fallen. UoUVCCU 301) Colden. t to youi t-ons-e of ecoiimny. and 100 lamps arc thtiH employed. J. Fletcher Rowlhy, who has' been in Gallons of Oil for Sl.00. j |<«jU t'CofttslVomSitoflB. As stated before, the' qeneral revival poor health for a long time, was taken \'1 Capes fronv-'J.ilil to ;15 and £15. only partially responsible for the happ.v much worse a few days ago. His familv .MAW Wrappers in Indigo Calico and conditions at the Cornish factory. Then and Vriends are considerably alarmed over Fanny Preuared Flour, best ' F(iiieieVFnwi'i s"|K'cial, S(k', alsolRii: to f2.(M). Shoos for Mon's, "Wcmcc's are other factors which enter largely inti his condition. quality, iilii pksi. 10c. | It will lm to vour inlert^t to examine the matter. First of all. the instrument Fancy I'rep.tred Pan Cake Flour, made of i this department* and Ohildron's "Wear. • that this firm Inlve been placing on th. More than a seuro ufLulttM assisted Mrs. Cab market these many years past have beui Auron Petiv, of upper street, in ._ .. and• .orn.... i,l.irgge pkg.. woi»c.. ;I pFor. BUakoBlankett BuyersBtvcrs.. celebrating her birthday on Monday, by lF.iiK'vCH"iiiK*rj ir or ! Do ymi kimw that we take a sp.M-ial of such a character as to do a great amoun. \vr, En 1 Hi prints, at I Don't think you ever li tiled pride in being known us thoroughly up-to- of good lo tho nmkcri;. They are speaking giving her a surprise. A tine supper was t lowest niarkut a feature of the unexpected visit. Mionester lllankets than these. We km, '. date iluilers fit this dcparttm-nl. Lot tho their own praises in sweet musical tones' CiiuiiCiiovvdur. hustii they are honest! v priced-too honestly t truth t>f thin statement be attested bv tlie and winning other buyers in nearly every Mrs. George IS. Bowers returned home a big prolltshowing— but. we bought the , , . fi.ltnwItiK liii'ts: hamlet in this land and iu foreign conn- on Saturday evening after a month's ab- on an anti-taritl' basis and tlie saving t;(i 1 Our Ladies' and Gent's Slides forfl-W trios. sence In lima, whence she was called by to vt'ii, win-re it i-ightlv lielonu^. Wit m; yon will Htid at special sales at from >t.7;'» Tn the second place the Messrs. Corn!* the serious illness of her mother whose 10-1 (vuton nianket. whin- or smy, -l«u. To Suit The Pace . to li.ili': they arc warnuittd and wesland . liavc beer, putting "i^ir minds nnd eue h»"!t!» !»••>-iiir-c «rt-(>:itly improve;!. . 10-1 Wiml Klmikoi.fl.!r.t. Whatever type you behind evcrv pair we sell, irjp.s into the conduct of tl'eir business Mr. nnd Mrs. HowardThonias.of Illoorn- iL-i«M.ui2-J. iVi.M.Uui.- :'..-.Hi.?i.:au>thu-I"""pW<1«1 «**im*i«"--v fair, op tli.".t grace- A lull iint! of Children^ ut the very •--•witimuL -rest'We.- ....These,., coupled with •1.1 «p.-nt SHIMI-V i SVw. .... iilt-\V(tn| a) ;!•«'. •liiviir, wlM>tlitT»Ii.rk A-* iiHthiT, there is > lowest prices, . . years of wide and successiui experience, They are on their wedding tour. .Mr. and ', • A !*'lt! Iifi4».tf .' "have brought remarkable results. In ad-Mm. Win. Lay ion, of Lafayette, aNo dition to all these, a "nerve," which ft-w .11 vour attention to .mrstnrf"!" a tlrst-dm* ti|i t» •IHM* Ory tioods .Store uxetuxivtily. Dning a ea-sh businew. niuii have possessed under the contracted heir wedd'ng tour, wort Von Tuesday .111K or lo-ist-s from promisciMiis tnnli'ig. ur Unie' to (he buying and selling of Dry Hoods, we can sell business conditions 1thnt have prevailed. : "han any other hou^r hvit I'nriMsh univ Our niott1'*—•\i"tir II)*ITU-V"S worth or vour moiicv ret rued, . you K'"«i^ ulio*ip«r E • " •- nabundinteapital, h; a caused '• Iimddi;i"ii ti t-xtrrtiiclv low iirice we uresent v.m with a huiuHunie pieture when tnnr piirchase amount to fl. »: when the bedside his brother, Jnst e of quadruple sllvurwnru frt-i-. uiiiu, w t Viistsums in the channel of :>•_>"», a boiiutiful pie advertising. While the return has not been Thatcher, at Arlington, lasl Ft Frtiliivi . Fancy Talilc 0:t Cloth. 15c yard. reason of the critical condition of the hit- F1TTS, 33 E. Washington y^w^nue as great as in former periods, the policy ter from pneumonia. He returned on J. pruvotl to he a wise on'.-, Mini in ttift lace nf Tuesday assured by llic duclm- Liml tiit i\ I^t IVirl Tapliicn.ftu !'.: it tlis for-Joe. WASHINGTON. NEW JERSEY,. severe competition, wliieh has greatly cur- putii'iit was out of danger. His brother fU?J 1 Fairbanks Urown Soap, 1 lit bar 3c. tailed profits, CornUh & Co. have fared lived in Washington several years ago. well. It H to be hoped that tlie business j Film Granulated Stifjar 5Jc !t». will continue as larire as at present so that Lawyer Daniel Vliet suil'ered a stroke of White Lo;u' Flour, J2.S0ewt. tlie whole community may be blessed in paralysis while coming down Broad street Wide Ankle Shoes Fitiiey Xew Stlnion 10c can. ~"iliiiigs temporal; - - •"- on Tiicad.iv cvcttiiis of Isiat week/ (itiion is still verv critical, but-1 . . . . Fresh'KKtunXr.Vckors; 10c 'A;.~--"~~-7r~r:: ing plivsieian has hopes of IIH purtial re- Boston B'iked Beans, lar^e i-iin, To. Visitation of (irtutd OMli-ers.-" Where Tiic Good covery from the attack. Mr. Vliet is well Fancy N. Y. State Canned Corn Sc can. -- -Tuesday, night was tlie occasion of tin. known throughout this sectioii ' *•"- annual visitation of the uraiKi-'Ofiiter* I* been a lawver Here siuceatid n Fai!tfi';Mftine.C6r!i. lOo e.dii.rv-•;„- : .••- -.-.- •That "Contented Feeling Temple Chapter, No. V2, Royal Arcl Water White Kerosene Oil 5 gals. -13c. deatli of his father, the latuJtid, for .Wisst'S aiki ChiMren. in th Masons. After a business meeting, tlu some '20 years ago. Choice Canned Peas, 5c cm. Ciotiiesxoffies guests and members of tlie lodge enjoyer i:itost styletMLS. at pricesthat tlei a sumptuous tuuqiiet at the St. Cloud Fancy Canned Peas, 10c can, 3 for 25c. Hotel, at wliieh covers were laid for-10. Aunt Maria's Pan Cake Flour, large comes from wearing the rijjht kind of clothes. The repapt was splendidly served as well. package, 10c. ':% The menu follows: From. A tirat-class Bubing Powder, 10c for lti. illtie.PolutB on tlie Unit Sh,-ll. '' The Attention of Sjilcod Ciib>W!:f iin.t Wu box, 5c for Ail> box. Your hat is the most noticeable part of your Farmers Fancy Soup liiians, (ic qt, Pitney Marrowfat Ueans, 7e qt. Goldsmith Bros. is c.illuJ to our liiw uf Mill' costume—unless that's becoming, you spoil the lirst'unule Wliiif Fi'lt O New Crop N. 0. Molasses, 50c Gallon. 52.LS :tlKl S2.50. Tlieri- aw Easton, Pa. tvr hut lut^ m>t as ^iKki. ; Fancy Lima Beans, Sc qt. whule effect. We usk your kind allcnlicm for a : 1(0 \S'1>. Out Flakes, be'it quality, :ic tl». riuf IIULUCI-of-fact talk on-a-ni.iUer--r Best Mixed Feed, S5e cvvt. C-. - Hot US of f:ict subjtcl. Vnu buyers nf men's Pure Corn Meal, no cob, 90c evvt. We are prepared to show you stylislfhats and wearing iippiiicl are about Lo supply yourseives witii suitable clothing for After..,. Vs'e pay 21c for Butter and 2Gc for Eg),'s: see that you get one that is suited to you. the KEUSHEis. Gentlemen's Winter n OHws. Kooii-fyrt riitu . Tomato Cfttsim. PiirtiK Also a full line of,,Dry Goods, Grncerins, Taking Tans. Men's, Ladies' and'Childrcn.'s Shoes of nil •kinds at prices that you will.appreciate". Fa!! and Winter Season, ^j a course of Ayer'3 Pills the .Those arc of splendid leather— Call and see us; we j-vant your trade. system is set in-good working wiJc and thick sotes, i! you w;int ^ Stern's Millinery, them—Hull Do.!^ U)c. D ami E=" ftrt .order and a man "begins to feel widths, Goodyear welt. . The idea uppermost in your mind /. B. Hampton, s to get something good al tlie very that life is v/orth living. He Farm rs and Mechanics will here owest price. You will find us pre- Death of a what, they want in driving ' '••_ 356 Nortl.iampton,.St.,,. Mrs. Jane l)u/e berrv died at the resi- who lias become the gradual king ylON-e's I' 5 Belvidord'AvR.,' 0 \V. Washington Aye., ])arcd:to please and certain to ximy- ul- " ~ : : : oiit..nnr promises. -We are .crowded-., ., ashirigton avenue, last 'Friday morning; prey of constipation,"does "not - "Don't" forget "our Grocery" Do-" Pa. • She had been ill fora period of fourteen WASHINGTON, X. J. to overflowing with ari'elegaiU stock of ""•" "week's wiiii' vttivm.n' • licurL ••lt:uuble, being \ reali/.e the friction under which partmeiH'.wt' meet any price named • ...iitteuded during that periotl by her only (»y oihurs. '"" tlnuglitor, MrsrT. ILiller, and graiiddiiiigii- "ne'-iiibbrs'piint'ii^tlit;"" Iju'rtlcii-ia"" tcr, both of N.iw Vork. "'"T'ruJiiie'taliti'n iirexcii;in«e." We" —-Mrs. Duzenberry.niiuk1 hor hnnw ai, tii» lifted from him. Thou his n;iy 2<> cents fur e^i^s and 2.1 for Honintihuiul^cWiuui'rj iiluiMrwilh her sis- Men's and Boys' Suits, ter, Miss-Susan Anderson. It is quite re- mountains 5111k into mole-,, NewsPool Table markable that both these ladies Jived to uf tliti colylimleJ Griffith make, with such an advanced age. Mrs. Duzcnberrv hills, his moroseuess gives coinliinatiun steei and rubber cush- . was SS yeara old last May._ Her sister is a J.T. I-an^staff. ions, lias just been pul in tlu; rear Oveicoats, Ulstcis, • nonogenarian, being i)V years uld, and is place to Jollity, he is a happy part of niv.cisar store. It is lively JUST A FULL STAMPED . biiiuK "Mrs. Duzenberry retained her fac* frulties up to ashnntime before lier d&ith. man again'.. If life'does not itikl i-eii.iI>V.;: Call aikl uiijuy iL LINE OF Mrs. Duzenbcrrv leaves one djiii(»hter, Irouseis, and 'ilrs.-T. Killer, of Ne.v York, who h the seem worth living to you, you - last of si family of 13 children. Tlierfc is a ! Best Cigar OPENED ' "sonj Walter^ WHO Wiw:ii'iV.i;-!'!1G;'.:.:r.::OrCi. -mny-.-tnlcc a very, different view... MADE'ME A MAN .In T' Children's Novelties. con, but he is. believed to be dead. Her : for Glove, Cravat, Photograph, Veil and Hand- s^u-baKdfr^b/^V^^!»^f«"'«lj!if-f>j;--Hor.t _of, it_.a£ter...taking.., „ __.,..... Coldun and a very p'ro]Ti'inenr-.b;tsiriC'Ss" x^. j nlinwH years and cuntinues,io wi'ow in favor. fc Aver's Gatifartic Tills. 1 n CUItP. ivhis, i bought at figures that --makes it easy were many relatives here from New York -FILO FLOSS _ and Fleminaton. ItiU'rinent was madu-iti nil- flikr fiiiT "in. to lhe"-lowest of low prices. the WiLshington cc-uielery. Vii'Surnnl.™ iniru CA PTC in Extending an urgent invitation to »*•»•»««••«**•••«»••••••« J 1 or refunil tin Jacob Stevenson. for embroidering all "of'the above. You will like" miuiiiiKu, o»r. n.nix. VK I-^K-, -.,.. .itnuititi for $2.ftl. liy call early while the stoc'iy-is fresh £nd imiil in tilivin wni|>i*r, upon rcor.I^lof iirk'j. Clreului • • • - our .assortment...'..' • ~ "^ r unbroken, and promisirig'tp convince •• STATE OP OHIO, CtTY.oF TOI * MANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS "• '""•AJAX REMEDY CO., 'VhTS!™".u" ' '" LUCAS COUSTY. you that-we have all that we claim PBJVNK J. CiiBSEY makes out,th,that t hoo SAY THAT THEY GUT:, .^% T. 'iV. IF,XKI.Sfi\ JfrtiUfiis is the senior partner of tlie linn > ofF F. J. have, we remain. CHKSEY & Co.. doing liusiucsa in the. City Dress Goods Bargains ol'Tolodn, County.and State aforesaid, and BETTJ3R RKSbi/rS PROM J Ndtli Ahsi'lll Duli'l that said firm will >iy tlio-'wim ofciNK" . lnCiliiui cotch Mixtures and Tricot Cloth. " HUNDRED DOLLA11S for un?W and every nMlvNiF.WKV.ur.!: We are now, ready with Very trulyyouis, ensobf CATAIUUI tliat eanno'. be cured by Lehigh Pea Coal , Tuku iiolluo lluil by vim omaii Stripe—a-new style of,Dress-Lining. the use of HAM/S CATAUUH CURE. oii'tof (.'Imucory of No«- a full line of choice Fall ilnj- of 1110 tin!" hi!r.y. In IL UIIUHO ,. •pRANKJtCHBNRY. '. THAN FROM OTHER n-hi I-n dlor Is o-lllon Sworrn ttoo " before meme^iindi xsubscribeub d in l ii yon ii millinery, with prices and this Cth day of December ...... isiir mi iU, ii iloi l Labor For Nothing-^-'• estiiice, this Cth day f Decembe DEAUSRS' CHESTNUT SIZE ilo or'apittlH'm ..fiviniliLliU m «r hfiW dm SS6 " 'C' Fuurthdiiy of .tniitmry imxi,or ihat, hi Ocfmili styles to suit all.-,-. Come tlittruof, such docreo will lj« iniulo ityimiMi. yon the labor of converting muslin into bed sheets, 2 'WHICH TUEY FOR- tint C'hiiii<:i>ll ir sdiill tliink n;tltPililir nmi ju 8BAL ThoMiiifl potiltcm of comiilHhit 1^ Illcd iip in and make;.an' inspec- x 2]/: yards,-and pillow cases,-36 x 45 inches. , ) I u Notary PuUie. 701 by Uie.'WiM jit'iiMoiior for tint giuriio MERLY USED. . .tip'n. " ,:;,-• ••- ;.;•.— '-- - ...J..'£ Hall's Ciitnrrh Cure is taken iutsi nully niony." '• •'. • • -.•"• • i^^ziii nn& acts directly oiiUie-bloodvand mucous =0.4 222 and 224 Northampton 'St.;" 1 1 ; VHYKK!* Johnston Sc Cornish 'i:" "' '"'"; surfaces of the-"systcrii.". Seiiu fur lesti- ' Monis.CnnaliitKl Bolvlrloro Avo."" mcminls, free. ' 1' O. (iildrt UHBNEY & CO., Toledo, O. •• ^EASTON, PA. .-,•'• >Id by IirilRKlsts, 75o. ; •»••••»••» Eurd BTd, 46 E^Woshington Avo. ,3. THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THUUSDAY,. JS'OVIiMJJEll .11, 18!)7.

Dctiiimhor 22nd will bo tho nhortcst day. The Ronnl of Freeholders lion been Foil SALE—Old ont«. Apply to James uiiiDiNO IjOTfl for Halo on upper Broad Tuesday wan pay dny on Lite D., L. & W. holding Its (pmrterly session this week. L.Shietds. - tf. el. R. M. P«tty. ~ I-14-tf store pride':ia pardonable when nmin Hue. Landlord Lake baa placed ii very niuu TitAlNKD NL'K3R.~-MIsa Annio Duflord, achievement ia worthy, and any Drake, the jowelcr, makes tho Uncut library In tho rending room of the New medical, surgical nnd obstetrical nursing, RADER'S Cn*e, L. STRYKER, Eorron AND PHOMIITO> window dlnpluy of watches ever scon here. Windsor for tho bcncllt of tho guests. Addrewc—\VjiHhinKton, N. J. 7-29-tr store may feel justly proud The Morris Cuiml iiiuthlriHlnur Is busy If you Imve something to sell, rent, Try IIILibartl IJe.tU.v'ti S.irrfii|».ullla The Celebrated Scran ton Coal ncur Dilts' bridge find him had plenty to do trade, or have lost or found, make the Cough Syrup, on sale at J. U. IIiunptmi'H, when it possesses the full confidence of the public to which fuct known to over 15,000 people through Roger UnycH', Washington; 0. O. Keller, The United States AT RETAIL. tljero for several day*) pant. thu HTAK'H Cent-n-word column. it caters.- this is ideal shopkeeping, but it is a high ideal, Tho entertainment announced Tor No- Junction. Ask for tho STAK ugeut'u make. Wftfliliicton, N. J.t July :i, 18!ff. Government will not At HIM I)., I,. AW. K.'lt. Blfivntotl ClitltFfl, nt vember 12th at Stimmorflold church is Tho bodyof James MoLaiiKhlln, of New- Foil SAT.H™A farm of U0 acres near and by striving for it we in every way improve the real. h"iv\ of 11 m right tmml alreot ntxivo Now Wind- Iiostponed to Friday evening, Nov. loth. ark, a Morris cuml boatman who lias been Pleasant drove. Inquire of Mr. Hihbard ..rsorMotel. ;...•_.•.,:•••..:..,:;..:: .: . . :. : minxlni'forn in'inMi, was found IIn»tint? buy baking powders We want this store to lie pointed out as being in every way Dine ...... ",.....„...... ,... t .'l.fiO per ton. To protect your lands i'lom trctjiaSM dur" In thocarmliit i'lillllpshurglitHt Friday. Butttiy, Wiishingion, iN'. J. Kw...... ;...... S.TSportot. Ing tlio hunting season have your name Foil SAF*K—TWU young Jersey bulls. J. containing alum at worth of patronage. Nothing short of this satisfy us. 1 Rev. John A. Monroe, for 3(1 yenr« a Sli>v/» J.iW lie/ wii published in thu STAU'H jiotiuc to trcHpubs- W. Uiaoilot}, JlocUport, if. J. 1041-lt. iltjcMlniit 3.83 per ton. ers. memher of thoXtwurk ftf. K. conference, any price. There lire certain principles at the foundation of this busi- Pm (tornini] liy wliitt U«/H. NO. 1! and at one time ]u:ntcd in •llackfitlstuwn, To Tin: FAKMHIM If you wish your During the absence of Dr. Sniythe, pas- died at thu home of his son in Newark u ness ami our policy is but the outgrowth ot those principles. uiirntmit) • 'j.tO|iBrton. tor of the Scliooluy'H Mountain church, own wheat ground und have good Hour, go The •.Government *~" Ili-Ht i|iiiUUIi>'>v Prof. Jolimon with much In. be ruWiirded with even heller SUCCCSH upon payment. Apply pcrsonully before Dee. speaks volumes in its Htrnctive butielit to tlie scholars, it second vinlt. , j:oason., Wtfyo d stock from whiuh you can select your wintor giir- 15th next. .11. 1\ Ilulshfzer, : iniiiier. Wi : : SUPERIOR LEHiatl VALLBY COAL|, t^™ A wreck Htniiliir to Hint which Imppencii !)-:j(M0t. •>« Stewartsville, N. J. favor." ^"- •'••'•'-" "~" niunl with perlecc satisfaction. Worthy material through and '•"'' Cramer, ofOIon Clnnlncr, were arrested In on M,(. NVW York through, tho .stamp of stylo everywhere. Tho true economy of iiitlniHl only at uur ulmtnn ntoiis tlia rk Cunt ml rnilroiid recenlly Wasliington School of Music—piano les- l Phllllp-riHirK- last TI.Un.d,.y for stealing , X^rc„ d j^TImhurHdav'o, n tho Chesipenke sons lor beginners, 25 eent.s; advanced Cleveland's is a prif-e mt'l mnt' rial in every Jacket and capo wo Bhow you. . : rirtcsonOntnil ItnNroiid coal trains. , ' &A- Ohind!,o. r,,itruilrtHir dl .iiuiu''CliiirliiLle»vilIu, , Va. playcrH.IOcenlf. F. W. Collirm, Director, Governor Ori»«s on Tilunrlay nppolntcd Kour earn were thr»wji into Mie river nnd Mozart avenue. pure cream of tartar Win. II. VredunburL', n well known Ke- four persons hut tlteii'lives. Thu accident uublican lawyer of freehold, to Miccecri Wits caiiHed by the b-eaking of an axle Foil SAM-:—Six Chester white seed hogs. powder. Cliitstntit Lay .Judge Win. h. Dayton, deceased. iinder.tlieenffine. _.^/ John WJmifclrit, Danville, N. ,J, tf Ladies' Jackets. IVu The mmuuI hall of the Morris and Ksscx We're overstocked with "Standard" AM conl fnil-r Cover ami X them for 50 cents »-mrh. W. W.. Ulirla-1 Kouclo Jackets, hair silk lined, S">.00. Kersey, Cheviot Jloucle, full satin Conl Hi-- - fact tliiv It I* liar.h.T, burn thin year at. Orange, on Nov. litth. The got *2,000 for Nellie M., by miying that the tine. j I Kcrsuy JacketH, hitll'silk lined, S-j.OO. lined, black and colors, tho Graner burning of the big halt in Newark ncc^s-si- Ilgures weru probably three or four times Guarantee. 1A vecy Kpecin! Urown Trinh Frieze tuted tlio change. too hi-h. Il the GiixuUu will take this Foit RUNT— House of live rooms on i Adjustable Storm Collar, $10, ?12, item along with Hie other news taken from Johnston street. Mrs. lielle McN'ally. Jacket, Maifailk lined, J7.00. .. ' •. t:j.6u, $15, $13, 5"jy, §22.50 and S25. The evening train for Phillipsburg thu STAK it may my this week thnt iliu 10-7-tf. which formerly left VViiHtiinu'ton ut «.2O exact price paid for tho marc wus f \,ii">. For delicious Ice Cream and Ices, tine It. I.. CI.I.Nh ,t CO., IIIIM been changed nnd now leaves nt 10.30. It doesn't always pay to guess. It carries p:isscnine ... buried aturday. Hliu could not reuuver and deiitirresulted Baker and Ice Cream Maker. y Thu i^vni^ajverti^,! [„ „ recent i.ssue °n Monday. The child ha<] hardly recov- UI n 1 nn j Tbe new Chungewater roud was opened Jof t|1(! sTAI{ wus found bv Uliiali Warne I V ' irniji u" uttnek ol .scarlet fever when • . A'! ^vr,s V" !^ '• o n^.i!^v" **»« Vc?:»:, possible manner and fit por^-••--•• f..i lnuui'liii»'Muuk, Iliu bridges in thu; uf Mroadwuy, who brought it .strnii;ht>t «'•« swiiiiuwwtl Ljiu liuiui anil ihu iiL-roicMir- fectly antltho prices ai-o as low, iiiul in many instances lower than""" ot uun^ructKin being completed WJty tn t|!L. STAI[ on-)i:ii. Tin; owner, Win. | wry Unit would otlierwisu have been re-; • • Manufacturer nf I 'elilein's':- like (jiiiilities are usually sold far." v •-•-•-.—- ...... suliicioiitly to permit travel, " Denee who lives a- niiic' west of town sorted to w.t;; iiut iicumed iviao nt her ci.te.! The Goiiiiiiunion service held at tiiu M. 1 wus notitle.i nnd'hii nilli'it and gnt it. He -Ciiizclie. ' Cough Drops at 20 cents the! !•;. church lust .Sunday morning WHS iiriusn-j wishes tii to publicly thank Mr. Wiirnc. On page ft of this issue appijurs the first - pound. .'.. I nllv iinpressivtjiiud largely attended. Ninn I Hc'XTil fiembcrs o!" tbe S'il"-ttii>n arniv' adviTtlsumunt of that .strong and popular persons united with the church. hui'vebcuii ut Hiickcttstown for the' imM. j Instltutiim, Hie Prudent!..! ItiMirancc' Co., ruwL Tho reserved »eat chart for the Thanks- fortnight holding cervices in Verno.n Hall which is the pride of Newark in which ; giving enturtuinment . be open at he home office is located. The till Absc'utciy Pure Drake's jewelrv store m st Monda. y morii- rnntns. UIIt \v>.> > its liberal policy and its ability tn provide K equitable protection to the individual and < Frank E. Van Sycitle was milled nil' lust I Know. the home through methods Unit jl Laundering \ Table Linen , ; ,::. is .one of. the" thinus \ i ______- esjiecially well.1 " "'' Beginning We d^it In-a j>r<>a.>ss differ- ent tu that usiM in ourotlwr -_ -j;\varreiiTitts is having the lice"Hive ..Irs. J. H.-Mnvder-inovuiMual-wuu1 k IV.J... " Washington M»hl. SHn il. fy'^a / *^ store and the stock room above 'equipped J. O. IJowers house, on West WushiiiKton finish to it t'hat a ;riti;al . fhruiu llL'htint;. The Welsbach burner.s avenue, into 8. T. Vannatta's house u few A complete and practical t ruction lHJMSL'vjfe is • very (ounJ ol ~will ho used and enough of them to light doors below. Thu house vacated by Mrs. givcir in three distinct courses of study. Today '•'tlio big store very brilliantly. Snvder was on Tuendiiy oeeujiicd by Mr. Husiiiess priictice (voucher method) in- Tlie process nakes it iitipos- Soutliwick, who came here Irom Middle- troduced ut the- beginning. Facilities ex- sililt! tn hurt the fabric, loo. James Gallagher, a 'small boy in one of town, N. Y., to take n position as dver in cellent and rules moderate. Students 1 Try us once on table linen. the primary rooms 'at ttie public school, the Washington Silk Mill. enrolled on any school night; For full in- wilh even - .pair.. of_fine Until you've seen them. was btidly cut under the eye on Monday formation, correspond with th« Principal fmation, pnd with the Prin shoes we sell, we give a ticket by a .stone from a HJiimshot in the bands of Mrs. Nuek, who with Martin Thorn is in charge. WM. It. VKIIXOX, Dan VanUeiscn, an overgrown negro. accused of murdering in the most horrible Washington manner Win. Ouldensuppe in New York tf Hackettstmvn, X.J. good for free shines. Tbeeiuse of the Luw and Order Society lust June, on Tuesday confessed to the Our sale on Double Heaters and vs. Williuin Barron was again postponed crime. Shu did so in order to save herself Steam Laundry, for--two weeks on Tuesday on account of With shoes costing 52.00 or from the electric chair. Her action will L Barron being confined to his home by doubtless result in life imprisonment for CENT A WORD. E. B. ]3ownian, Prop'r. lti A llj' tility AilvurUsoinuiits uibler ttilB tt-.'iul aru i> ill) II ah oil less' 10 shines. Ranges was very satisfactory last rlieuiiiatism. A bei'aolf find execution for Thorn. atiiw tnilform r.itoof onu coat n word,-but uci was fiiriiislied. pliyslcjaii's eertilieatu (iilvurtlsomeiit will be received Tor lead than IS • Tlie sai.K.u licei f AVni.-IJa.ur ex While coupling curs nt Munch Chunk on ::(intH for iho llrst lnHortlon. Shoes costing above $2 00 • Saturday. People seem to ap- : pired on Tuesday, iintl the ntandini; of the Saturday morning John Sampson, whose It pays well, to . huve a good suit of present Council upon the ii(|iior (juestioii: home is in Asbury, hud two lingers "natiiy clothes d.ycd. It'gets a thorough clean- up to S3.06, :3O shines. precludes the possibility of renewal. He mashed. A bnikeinuu from Mauch Chunk ing, is refreshed and will pass fur new. will not make application until nl\er tlie who relieved him was on duty only a little Learn tlie small cost from Frank Skalla. All above $3.00 40 shines. preciate botlr quality and prict. spring election. „-£!> while when he was struck by an overhead REflEnBER! bridge uiiil rendered unconscious, receiving Fou SAM:—A fur in of Uli acres near tfie There are great bargains in On Saturday evening there will be u g Whittuker C'emont Works. Address M. W. Here is a direct saving of 50 Your inspection will be mutually praise service in tlie M. E. church under injuries which may prove serious. Frace, Spnnytown, N. J. ll-ll-tf. Dry Goods .it the the direction of Prof, i'arkcriark , when lie willl Hdw otjon cents to S2.00 on every pair of Colorudod, formerlSkinnery ,a residenof Grant odf J\Vashtn«u - Foil SALI-:—Yiningo pencil trees for i struct (hh e audiencdi e iin h inginii g off! .spring transplanting, C. V, Moore, Junc- sacred songs. AH are jnvUed to this praim . has been married for the third time. - shoes you buy—if you buy them advantageous. Vhc^tn-eli'ti'^M^l'ward' Skinner' of 6;nind I '''llu° se:isdn'"lor \)li fy i^uTflieTrnVnis'iTi'io w Remnant. Store: Alter nmibHoiicc of ubout four inouths .hiuction hus married n KHIINIS yirl, Miss hero. An invitution is extended to all to A full line of dress furnish- in Itichniond, Iudinriu, where lie hus been .Mildred Allison, but. im hived her fur her-1 view ttiutn ut tlio Wurren street gt'C' 95c toSs-oo. -• coiitiiTetiiiy' u'barbur shop, Martin Smith self alone and not for her wheat fields." lio'ise. It. ,, , ing goods at prices that will ami his family returned to Washington on '•' surprise you. SHURTS & RICHEY. Monday. He hus come to the conclusion T „,..„.„,,„ Mnr,,,,ii (.r Pl'iintlold >.•••« TIII:KH F.\iiMsFnu-SALE—The subscri- thut the Ktist is good enough for him. He c-u; U. -the shift LniVJ-a luneV a builhlVs thrt:t; '^rms for sale us follows: 7 has nut dcllnitely Mottled on future plans. Roof & McDanolds ~ Call arid examine our :.:H.onie.,J urni.sKers.'!_. - .; •_ .„.;.._. ...• Lillian1111 IMC siuuitiL, 1 lu I.M 11 [>iu[n.r 111 il ,, ,,riu: ,.,,>.,J,,i »•.,„ ,.„,.:., .,.. ..,..,..„ :• • --goods ''-Ljcfuie* ^purchasing. " ' - eral other events, tlits Athletic Assoeii1* It will pay you to do so. :'lioii's-i'ir«L"iui;t;|iliun:-iiinl-Mnnuii: nf- thu -MJHfmi .WIIH not. held us, s.ilieduled. -but-:.. now set down for Friday eveTiing, N6\%'l!)i ••-•—.. Anna Cougle. irthe iirriitiguiuenUs alroady being mmle « HJl •ritei n. it will be anotiiblc event.. A son of Williuin Gardner, who lives at Port Golden and drives J. W. Pitts' de- It Hvery/j.wiiKon, loiind tlio- (jlnw. hull cup . :untilc Read this and get ready for cold \ Th.e Celebrated | Smokeless Powder, per lb. S$c. i forced to FOR SALH—T»VO spring er.lves. Cull on weather. • - "•• • -- ' - -• - - --••' ' •as advertised' us lost in lust week's I '>"»' Ho Itiis recently be ir address J.icob Ribbon.s, Antlinnv, X. J. STAiiuml-Mr.rOunliicr kindly brought, It e»MoS' two deliverdeliveryy .wnpfons in ordeorderr tto j Shells loaded'powder, r^c llls • ..... ll-ll-3t.. "Uiiless all signs full tho iii»in'.);iohli>K wliitiir to tho STAK ollhc. it is tho properly of :i:"'i1 llst;l forder u tnuis owiU Llie prainptnusi llmt n will liu uiinsnlly aovero. It 1M wiiil tunt n lionvy A. B. Mitchell, who resides near Himkul'UP winner. WANTI-:D—A situation us housekeeper; pei'slmmim cro[i ineiuiM u Imn! whiter—tlio ;j Shells. -.« -with smokless powder, : : ood baker and wiiNhorwrniinnj-ctm do town, In the STAK of October 21st, we told of 1M lnrKe. It is mild Unit u liircucioi. the arrest of Pen -Wan'iii^ton for criminal ny kind of.Iioiisowork/^'Ori'roli'iie Lem- of iiforns und louuat^luilieitio n Bovon* wluicr ( "-"-• • The giving "" Ly o I". 11 liarulsume liorse ns, llmlguvilleilidill , N . JJ. —wo Imvii uinh.^'Olil |iuo|ilo say ttuit wlH'ii tho iv,// . liy Hull & Trewin wililll be upon a mom ussuult, und staled ho ,was one nf two bntl sons of Or: WarriiiKlon.^-The ..other eon A LntKHAi, UKWAIM) will be ivoifp?s _, k :.u«;«l pluv. Limn at tlrst. iiuuminced.' Prices |llm_™.L^.. .:Every-visitor- tn;t!:cir;,":;tnrc":m.i,v;-li.ivo-ii 1>r ce 2 ; ohnuce ut securing the roudtttcr. he'tng based on" stri'et talk, and mil. dc- Hioleu IVoin my liuimmu on SnntlSsmclai y ni^litight , f|> i ' * 5- -*A liberal tliscnunt j Latest s'tylu'Sausage Cutter, Sr.Sj. This linn if comtucLiiiK ft HIIIU that is re- Mrhif,' to do John 1J. Wiirrington, of Phil- Oct. Ulsilsi,. It hits woodewood[ei nn rinisimrims nndd huiullehandle,. ' have ranges, that markable in tlie (jruut variety of floods lipsbur<;, an injustice, we are pleased to nd frame, Union su-'iu Oil,'White'"IjeHiVj- Dry • •MLIi Hit; h.ibocs but lie say.4 Waterloo \a a nro giving." •;- ll miclity lonoly plico in which tn puns a " ^Tlie'csentali «n of the local brunch nitflit. Ho cluims tn have hoard noises FOR HALR—Tv.plve fresh cows and \i of tho Woincn's ATixiliary who attended :iiilur..lot,hncrif>H of wild cuts nnd the: springers, all young catlle, at J. F. Boyd's Colors, Carriage Paints the'annual,ixqn volition at Eust Orange on similar., t Idrni. noiir.Vienna. Boyd i& Merrill. 2t. Kcmombor tiief flnce^is TliurHday, Nov. •!, worn Mra. Anna M, harking of bea lfou UBST—House of II rooms on East ., and Shellac. ,^:P••••... Sweeney, Mrii.' J. A. Hussell, ^^r.^. Jos. A. Hoof & Mo , always "pr ir^Iieavers and Miss Vir^inlaCumniiiis. The IVUUI it niouiiiiuui^, liiwsi.ya JII U^IUSNIVU Wiisliiiii'tuWashington avenuavenuee , SCQOIKsecondI doodoor from ladies were received; and entertained by anolngd libera, havel placein thuid 1r1 boot-hl-ickmet hods oriiusiiicss .st s iiuiiroacfiivcnuc. Inquire of A. W. •• Mrs. St'irko'y, the president,und other ofll- l DRAKE'S JE^LRY STORE, jjjK^gj.. . T will sell low to get these extra" 1 dolngThe ,Ne havw eSho placee Storod 11 boot-hl-ick'" where stliol .stanr den isn ii,,,, n • {* ^ '•' cers of tho 'Newark bruneli; - The Uiahop "Ttomerh sN ma yS hreceiv Ste a "slun o hfre e otlf leimrge . WANTEnMWANTEn^-Medmi"z e n size (oubl(loublo heatei-hea ; presided nnd several addresses wore made Purr.lia.sora of shoes valued at $2.00 or less °"ld M™'*"110 ™"\ bllt Wl1Wl111 bubuyy irir..MMri™ •• •Washington, N. J. """ by diireront clergymen of tho niisaionnry aro given a enrd ontitllng them t,o 10 i»s«tisliiotor.^tlto . Must he in good conditionondit . ' /•'..'!:. ' '" . " (.1 ™^_~-Ilt'!(l.--Tbe inost-int'>rp«(iiiK-fpVnkcr >va« shinca-ahoeshincaahoess valued Ht mormr n» » anand AddrcssJLJ, , STAK pppfflcp'.: : 1L -•Hii Indian pii^t, iVomAVyominR.--.Thcnest not-ovetoverr • ^30^3.00,0 - 20 • ahlnca; at niore-th.'in.|niorethn ~ T.Any'rT' . ntnyni,n—T>atost.:T . stylo and "now. '••Tyron ycinr fiypH^Wniflraa-woV-^" -convention will bo held" iii""Wa?timglon; Si.uiij'-'iUHiiines.—.Tuochiur will doubtless For sale" very cheap.'1'1 Iiimtlrti' at N"6."2l« nro rinily getlfng in our Olirist-"" . biMvcll pat.ronizod, ,.£&*•- \I3lis'' VViisliihglou uvenuo, Washinntou. mas Qoodti. \ ^ ::. lEsiSEas


S'L\E\VARTSVILLE. dlaaenuloiitt Unit, lmve brought about tho BELVIDEUE. conditions that cbtnin may be adjusted to When political conventions come to- An attempt was mado ono evening early the satisfaction of all, nnd that harmony gether in warren county hereafter among lust week to break Into the house ot Elijah and good will may speedily abldo with tho the committees to be appointed should be Cllne, a farmer near this place, but was, congregation. M. A. BTRY1CKR, one to inquire into tho religions belief of I frustrated by, the timely appearance of: NDY CATHARTIC No MK-W^bingtonAvo, r For a new organization Ioka Tribo of W • HAINKSUUKG. tho various candidates. This would obvi-! JohnTomson, an employee, at whose ap- Washington, N. J ato tho necessity of voters lying awake proach tho burglars tied, and escaped Rod Men ic certainly having grent success Mrs. Maggie Thompson, nee Snover, of nights mid wondering what church this or through tho orchard. nnd in growing rapidly. Tho tribo num- CoiniMollor>at>lto who has been an inmate of Morris Plains ped, entirely out of debt, bus a suite bnl* Pctor Rhodes and Jacob B. Beck ntteiiil- learn that the old and long esiiihlf«tli* '1 Asylum for sonic time past, has returned unco In the wampum mjll, and la only live rrnctltlouer In nil Now Joraoy and UulU. , cd tho funeral of Edward J. Dennis, nt house of Diesel A Son, clothing dealers, home, and it will bo gratifying to his months old. Suites (JourtiJ. ''vyUHamsburff, F«., last Monday. wns about to cclose out theithrr entire stocstockk friends to know that he is as well as over. 1K8 1SD7 Mfss Johanna Belli:) was the guest ofi annd retire frof m btwlnt^sbl . Itt btbtffiib'i w tot look He looks strortf; ami rugged. Wednesday was Farmer's Institute day CURECOnSTlPATBOH Miss Minorvu Snyder, at Wurrington, on s thoughh h tthh em merchants of BBelviderc h;uhll and agriculture with everything pertain- Tho resuscitation and rcjuvinatloii of tho ing to the patriarchal pursuit was thor- i T^AVIJ) IJAUTUON, Tuesday. . grown rich anil now proposed to take the once famous Jenkins Club, is a harbinger world easy. oughly discussed, turned over and culti- •^-^ Wnclihigton, N J. Jacob S. Andrew attendvd a meetliiR of I of prumlsu for lotaof genuine fun and hon- vated. DRUGGI tho directors of tho Merchants' National Isaac Snyder has bought Charley Hose* est, social intercourse for its members (hir- MipMinn. r»cnrFl)i arc Ilie Meal lAZ8< w. .Solicitor mud Bank, at Newton, on Monday. berry's milk route and will drive on ttie ing the coming whiter. That tho "Jen- Spain hurrying along her naval prepara- ,|,r. n,,,r .l.ul c-an.t n>;natitrnlrr.ulll. S.m- biisliibsH with nil Ills old-limn energy. kinses" had a lovely time on Thursday tions for all she is worth, with tho avowed pl« jnJhnnllfl tm. kt. STKJIt.lMI IIKWV1IV %Mrn\.r«n..orXeiiTotk. «n. Peter Kitchen spent Sunday with tliu evening at Howard Kitchen's goes, and object of making her tmnie respected bv family of Jaa. Yanklrk, Jr. We understand that Mr. John Itoseber- Ut M Kith kows jt how to enter the United States, looks n little an If MHO Samuel Danley, of Uocksbun*, Is sto|). ry, one of ththe stnnchestht t farmerfmerss in Warre\V n that Mr. Kitchen knows just how to enter- was being urged to tho job by some greater( •' p!uii many . SMITH, M. I). . Mrs. Horn, of Mt. PleiiMiiit, Pa., piMud same as published by the STAK last week. Units to inform themselves of the con- dangerous diseases, that it Is best to take It ditions that obtain. A. certain Prohibition Wai>liinffioii« N. J. liiiiL Saturday ami Sunday with her daui;li-j Hiram Hope, ththee olld 'expresepss messengeeg r in hand at once and treat it with Shaker iSr: tent, Mre, Jius. Vankirk, Jr., and Mrs. Ste- paper In New York conveys to its renders Digestive Cordial. For you know that in-1 r8 to W turn. phen Fell. , j on the 1*. It. IJ., is onliiied to his home ihu impression Hint Princeton University by serious illness, and Princeton Theological Seminary aro digestion makes poison, which causes pnin | Olllco Ilours. < 1 to 3 p. m. The HIce Brothers spent^ Sunday at! The of tbu M. K. ehureh under one head and iimimgvmtMit and that nnd sicklier. And ttuit Slinkrr PitrrstivKi lt!.:in U) 7.30 p. IU fi c Cordial helps digestion and cures indigest-" JOluo nut! rcdldUDcoj ouu door twlow Prtcc Jott«onvlUb(Pa.;i!ii-«,t a6rr Win.1 1«« nl tlli" [u- i »» pYnSSnl ? .S"^ i'KViudIko'wutablibl e Princeton Inn likewise is directly under ion. Shnker Digestive Cordial does this; Miss Sallie" Crfeinnn•"'"•""", formerl" °"y of this in tlie locturerooiu Thanksgiving night. the mnimgi'inunt of the university, all nf by providing the digestive materials in j loritu place but now of Belvidere, passed a part There will be features connected with it which is confusing and misleading. It is Telephone connection. of inst week with Mbs Kstella Ik'ek. Miss thy sort of news of which Mr. Dana used which the sick stomach is wanting. Ill Crlstnnn Is one of Warren county's bt that will make the occasion a very pleas- to 3:iy, "it isiinportniit if true," hut in this also tones up and strengthens the digestive | i I Ing one. instance it is not. and we can Htutewithout organs nnd makes them perfectly healthy. < school teachers, holding a first grade cur-1 Jl r *H" c , , , „ . ,, ,, , This is the rotionale nf its method of cure, i r tificate. She is at present teaching In Ox- °» & £ Wl &? i* tVi it feiir of being wrong that Princeton Inn is . 1). ford tmvn>*. . LiiminLinnitifsj resumed hisa dutidutiess un t ththe ters. The Judge did not tarry long us he and will endeavor to make their meetings Asu result of the voting in New York nt oiollst:ltiol station 1: b l the lute election, the New York Tribune \ again calle" d "ST[SS::fJ,. __ _, pa.!'°o_ to!nients of our house. The stock is continually changing- ( 7 to » a. m WHS ill, and he was driven to Portland and ! Interesting nnd instructive. The meut- ih wk n Monday ! ' . o Hours < 1 to 3 p. m took the early train for home. j lugs, we 1understand, will be hehelld at the dives vent to its disgust in a short pot-in ; extra telegraph work on Monday, I 7 toll p. m John Ervine, of Susquebanna county, members homes during the winter. which reads us follows : Mrs, Grant. Moore left Inst Thursday for 'HOW gOOdS O g 111 and gOllig OLlt. Pa.r» , ias visitinviauinigr rciiuivcrelatives manmd iriunufriendsa min tlitmits • The Freeholders have been with us this Phut, a week's visit nmoug friends nt Jersey City - vicinityy . Mr. E. was a resident here years [ week and have been very busy trans icting Seal! ami Newark , YVe carry a full line of all the latest and most popular agoo, movinmovin g t o SusquehannSusquhanna county in I the regular quarterly businessbusiness. This is tiie briefest and to our mind the J 1S65. He is looking well and takes pica-1 The electric light engine blew out its best political ftl'ort of the lute ciunp;iigii.— Geo. Bennett and Mrs. John Melu.-k.of ' ' Pliyslcmn 11ml SitrgGon, sure in relating Incidents of his childhood cylinder head Friday night and the town Philadelphia Record. R'B.Ti;i*man.Sl'ml'ly"'llhMr'am''Mrs' black- dress goods and never permit tin assortment to be- days spent here. was left in darkness for several hours. Uenry Snyder Pickel, l Grant Moore spent Sunday with II'B i Benj. Beck and Isaac Kitchen drove to come broken. It is always "kept full and complete. Ladies r mo a. in. ) Middle Smithtleld, Pn., on Wednesday .of \i to V p. in. )• Ufflco Hours. Washington, N. i last week to attend the large public sale stoTp. m. ) of Mrs. Jos. Overfield. They returned r a black dress should not fail to see our Black home the next day. Mrs. Annie Beck was taken suddenly 111 Mohairs, Sicilians, Cheviots, Storm Serges, Henriet- N. JACOBUS, Al. I>. witihh paiin in hhe r llungs , on FiFridad y lastlt , nnndd Prof, Morg eighteen Dr. Beck was sent for. He found her seri- orguui/.ed hfs sgi years ago. He was the only surviving tas, Drap'd'etes, Poplins, Crepons, Armures, Cravenettes, IC. It. AV4I1UC, IViiNliliiKtoil. ously 111 nnd sutiering great pain. She is the 0. M. Union. He will e here onc a child of the lute Matthias Picket•, ho for I somewhat better at this writing nnd her week and promises to teach his scholars ..mged thth e FulnieFl r tannery 'mlncixlny nftoruoon mill Snturdfty, 'rriends hope for her speedy recovery. the art of rending music by sight in a short wheii that \ \ an important factor to the j De Almas, Glorias, Lansdownes, Camels Hair, Granites, Cape iHton, ThurHilii}' evening intl t'jldaj tune. lie purposes to revolutionize the hi •ests of this viiluge. - '" do the Chtldfeii DrinkV [singing, business nn—d brin g„ it up ttoo ii inuen I widow and fnmiiy ol* four young children uihb, Liuivas LIOLIIS.WOOI jOiiCiS, uCnguliitcs; "ov.clc .-west cornut; youth 3rd nnd Ferry Sta Duu't give them tea or coffee; Ilavoyou higher standard than it now occupies. Unrvive him...... •• ill oiitnlitu If HL'<.'t;at*rirj*. tried the new food drink called Grain-O? Prof, Kr.iuss, ofEaston, assisted hy local j \sa rule people who are nlwnys ahead Cloth, etc. We have thousands of yards of no\-elties or . It is deliriou^and nourishing and takes the talent, jsa.vej an organ recital in thu First j of'train time nnd in consequence become place of coffee. The more Grain-6 . ch"ureh'Wednesday evening. tired before they start, are the ones usually give tbe children the more health you dis- Banker George Young has been made behind time when going to church, enter- Figured Black- Goods at the fpHewiiig prices: .2jc, 29c, tribute through their systems. Grain-0 is treasurer ot'Covenant Lodge, No. 13,11. 00. in^ after church has begun, to the annoy- Patchworki made of pure grains, and tastes like choice 0. P., in place of Mr. Salmon, recently de- ance of the pastor nnd disturbance ot a cotfee but costs about .' as much. Ail devout congregation. One of the most encouraging features 39c, 49c, jo-c, ^9C, 7jc, 89c, 98c, $1, $i.2), $i.)O, $1.7,, grocers sell it. 15c and 25c. ceased. Slierifl Mnekey renewed his ollicial bond The hardest trial on earth is to hnve to is its pernianeucy. Of all diseases, it :s Is rushing it nild men, left home Saturday for -New Vnrlr t<» ,g hfjnu wick fnr xnnii! time .past had .stock without the late extra tariff tax put on. This niakes' a D will aoon have it completed, i'll.,ii position in Blair's .Banking House, Albert Emery, who fell through the cu"l y Wall street. WASUINOTON, N. J. vert near the creamery last week, lies in Andrew Kimenour, fatheerr of PPostmaster of 100, 1 ;c. and 20c. on every yard for us and for a very critical condition at Mr. Anthony's Kimcnour,vimenour, ii s seriousliousy indisposedispo d nt" his home, but hopes are entertained for his home on Greenwich street. The old gen- It is always best- to see black dress goods • in-• the recovery. ' •''• tleman has been in poor health for several The belief that the number l ment is mi bt"Clltlll tliXJl'. Foril ,t run•line IliiiMliig. John Meyers. Jr.. who lives near the mouths...... harbinger orill.luck, has deeper root and f tVe bi : 1 e 1 d ferry on the opposite side of the river, is o i ^o? i«'iu ;ed i5 I piece. If you cannot do this, then please write for s; Ciipt. Richard T. Drake has been elected Their ,-••--" quite low with typhoid fever, but at pre- .T. •vox. president of the Board of Trustees of the fairly bristles with the supposedly nil- | though taken faithfully, only cover up j sent writing there are some signs of im- First Presbyterian church. The otlice was Oftli-'onii<1 ltOtlllOHCL': , OnuHlOiurnl Hotel provement. made vacant through the death of Wm. P. lucky number, is the quarter dollar silver the symptoms'of the disease, inducing The Episcopalians held their services in Salmon. coin of the United States. In the tlrst place . the patieut to feel that he is being cured; ] .11,1i.EN'rtil\VS, PA. tho afternoon on Sunday last, it being the The Belvidere firemen spent Wednesday the head of the face on the coin is sur- j but when he is sooner or later seized OOlett Hour:*-I"n»m 1' ft. in. to 1 p. in. l'riwUco first of the month when services are held at Trenton as guests of tbe Trenton Fire WM. LAUBACH & SON, Utnlti>Uto,lLsWl^OSOttllO in the afternoon. Rev. Geo. Young gave Department. They took part in the big his audience an excellent sermon. parade but their extreme modesty pre- EYE, EARJOSE AND THROAT, Miss May Smith nnd Miss Brown of i vented them from bringing any of the I»-Al»o. iwl!ou,-iiif :t!:C Eyes for Unjiul- 1 East Strudsburg, Pa., called on J. II.! prizes buck with them. The Wonder Cor- E Pluribus Unuin," on the streamentner thathatt I jJurcijr' vegetablevcj-ciuun:, touiaium^coutainiufj' nuou harmaarm- j| 320 to 332 Northampton St., Easton, Pa.MMtmouI of •e.s floats from the eagle's benk, ,nd* ther" • -e 1 ful mineral ingredients, it is the only leaf held j blood: remedy wl 1 iclr acts On the true ! IT IS TRUE Vufcriiiur)' Suru'con, Gulick, The Lumberman, ' (tirnchmto of Oiit.'irlo Vetcrtnury Gollogo.) • [pot hunters from Phillipsburg-who hml Doctor Cook'a old oDk-o, Upt'Calto Poat Oflloe ns soon ns he possibly can. JubHoo Sinsers 'gave a i;:io enter- been killing rabbits in opeir violation of W. F. HutclUnson, who "has beensick; is tauTraent "iVi " the'Sf^th M ES ^huriihhh, luul lostoe the law, mid we are plensed to know that iSliOOB"hli?iitr™aSirnl-* *eiWe whohadhe «l them heibre nlid, henrin"~"';g he has thu_ chop„. ps "deaedd to rights.g " All them now, gavn e it 11s their unsolicited tes- such had beUer sltur clear of breaking or v rOSlDI*!! It. 1>1C 1 Quite a number in this locality have in timony that they never sans better. The infringing upon the game laws in each par- ' Supervising Ardiitvcl. : Titation3 to Miss Gertrude Bell Kenney's house was comfortably tilled. ticular, it is easicrand a good dftnlcheaper Wbltol'lne, .. „ . wedding to Mr. Henry Under, of Mont- The United States Pipe Line is*gettinp for the Warden is terribly in earnest. . Yellow flue. ta E(iHt WfishlnKton Avo., " "• . - ciair, NT J., on Wednesday?-nt ll.W.-a. in..-rea'jy"t.r. !ay.a"douijie;'Hnc_l'rom the- Dela- If the wife could only cook as well as the Norway 1'luo, in the M. E. church ut Belvidere. ware river to Wilkesbarre, If everything . . Sjiruor, „ ... fS to !l a. in, Wnshlngton, N. J. husband's another, and if the husband Poplar, can be arranged sitisfuctorily. This will could only afford to buy his wile as elegan £™ pistol i>. 111. SHILOH'5 CURE is sold on n guarantee. be good news to the workmen who put in [clothesas her father did, what bliss then anT" I,iJ.:10,*oii p. in. • • - - • • -;;.-•-•; •_to.ciirn«Inrip!RntConaumption. the time .on, the "line tha' t" was lai" d fro"m the j would be in the matrimonial world: I'liruo Yenra'Sjioclnl C'onrau in tliu Columbia best Cough Cure. Only one cent" n tlosc^d Delaware to • Washington rand who well We hear a. good many complaints be- ^~-~ , University. nnd 50 cts., nnd ?i;00. Sold it- •Carter'- • •s j remember the big racket at the latter cause even partial suffrage was denied the place. women of..this State at the; last constitu- Trlinmingts i^\]^i;^fi(farchurchwengcanTeln "tibnar'election.""! f suflrage" were -general ...... ("urblujE, .._',_, j Belyidere on Wednesrlny at 11 a.m., the some women might vote, but the sum to- . Milton Onks is working nt the Ili^h ! contractfnB .parties "being Jliw Geftfmift tal would be affected by the circumstance of man and wife being paired. T. CLOUD Bridso steel works. ... . • ,»* I Belle Keniiev, cluuyhUr ol Mr-and Mrs. H. h. v , , . 11 1 -, 7i-^-Kennuy, 0 Bridsicville, and Mr. Wm. II. Every man with a dropof sporting blood >ew planking hns been laid on the render, of-Bloomflold. .The church was Mr. H. L. Myers.of 100 Mulberry street, If 7iiu lntimd to build or repair It will jmy you total ut llilri yard nnd woo for ymirsotf and 1 : Davis in his veins was out yesterday with intent got nrlcoH. You (ire wcleomo to call whotlier you purduis or not. Ono thliic oaiiedally 1H doted O. I' . SluuteM, Proprtotor -Sc I tilled with invited giiOHte and the altar and to kill, and, by the way, a Rood many who Newark, N.J., made the mistake ot re- 1 platform were beauLirully decorated with imagined they were full of it but weren't lying upon remedies based upon mineral iponamlUmtla"(iimllty,",wlilel) you will llnd Just as roprenontod. Another tiling to ho Im- UuaurpftBaixl lii location, dcOPiumodatlon an; Edward Humphrey bn.'i had men reinov- proBHoaupon your miiul'lH tlila, that Vll aawliigVid piui mnnugoment. I'ernmuuut and traualeut gueel were oul.tou, tuid all daylong the hill- igredients, and for the lnindreds of fiiriirlHliiKlj- low. And tho boat of work 1H turned out Wo avo iniido (irniUKomont sides resoiuideil^with tbe bang-bang of Howlby's Organ Factory to do nil tliia rk promptly mid ut [irlou that duty competition. well eutertatued. l'rlcos roaeonnble. ' guns and the yelping of dogs. At this allars whiicch lie invested received only Every room boated by stuam and llghtta \n -writing no;otlichil rppnrt of., tbe.killed has disappointment in return. , He says : oarlclt nr light vote was son.ofliciated and pronounced the happy been received, but alarming accounts" tiC • ''I was!"afflicted with a terrible blood r pair husband and wile. The bride was WttnliliiBton Ave., WiiahlnKton, N.J. was the vote in Lebanon township: wounded and'missing are heard on all disease,~wiiich was in spots at firstr.but. Lebanon/-; Democrati • "senator, beautifully attired and looked very charm- sides, and, strangely, too, these reports are afterwards spread all over my bodv. John 11. Foster, 75; Assembly, David Law- ing. Misa Maie Wilson the or-:not overestimated. ' '; These soou broke out into sores, and it Washington she, SO; GeorKe F. ^Martens, Jr.,78;Coro- gan. After the ceremony the newly wed-1 HW -WINDSOR IIOUSK, nurs, Peter D. Rockafellar, Patrick F. Mc- ed^wjire driven to tho bride's home, where Miss Nellie Fulnier, of Easton, was the ji* easy to imagine the suffering I en- dured. ".• Namara. Republican, ticket—Senator, a inception was held, which was attended guest of h')r,caunt)A , Mrs. M. M. Slrader, on. J. ItOSS UKK, l>roi>'r, Cliarles K. ReatiiiiCt'U!); 'Assemblys , Josaph byalarce number of friends. The bride Sunday. ^™" _ ; —.,„.;.:.. " Before I became convinced that^. 15, Hampton, Co; Kdward 0. .Johnaon, tit>; received many beautiful and valuable pres- the doctors could do no good I had W D. GULIGK, Flnoiy arrangod, spncloua gronndi, Coroners, Frederick.L." Johi:son, John H. ents. The wedding party left on the even- Fanner Maiv, in his heroic efforts'"to Fretz. Prohibition'ticket— Senator, Jacob Ing train for an extended-lour and will show the boys how to husk corn at Will spent a hundred" dollars, which, was 'oloctrlc lights, uteam hont, free bue to A. Craig, 7; Asseiu.';ly, Kills K. Roberson, make their bony*, at Bloomfield. The STAR RIet/.'s,> "spraint" his wrist in-the first really thrown awajj,. I then tried vari- ] Belvidere Ave. and Morris Canal. and from nil .trains~A pleasant auto-" 7; Win. Butlis. "Coroners, Wm. Cornog, extends its warmest congratulations'to Mr. round, and after that didn't amount to ous patent medicine's, but they did not i "7; Francis A. Apghr, 7. and Mrs. Lintier and wishes them their much in the field, but made a full hand at reach the disease. When I had finished •-111 or rotrout. • • ...z:-~ i^^a- ; full meed of happiness and success. the dinner table. It ddon'o t Uke much to niy first brittle of S.B.S., I was greatly West Lebanon—Democratic ticket—Pos- kk l ter, SO; Lawshe, 81; Martens, SI; Rocka- knock some people out. improved and was delighted with the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph -B. Dilts will cele- n Nixon nnd vill^..n M A HKRICAN HOUSlfl, —fi>iiu rj—Rii^-MnNanumi. —77.;-.i_Re publican :br-t-;thsir-sOth nr^i'.'np'i/iry-t.his fivfitiinf*;1- Mr. John Nixon nnd e Miss 011a result. The large red splotches on my ticketr-RoadiiigT S5['Hanipt6n7*"S5;T'Erc." IIuIahi;;ur,"or.Fliil!ipsburgj.Tere,•-g'.wsiHiH of clieat-began'to grow paler and smaller, •IF .AT.^E I Jcbnson, 85: F. L! Jobnson, S5; Fretz,S7. The rumor that a change has taken herIFil!i father on Sundayb. Mrs. Nixon will be and before lon^ disappeared entirely. I !-._!..' prohibitiqn^tieket—CraiK, 0; Robcrson, D; piece in the nrm of Witte & Roseberry remembered as tho pleasing soprano of regained my lost weight, became strong- JOS. ANDHESS, l'rop'r -—;„-;:- ReiHa y GdrrioRTOr ApRii^S""""•""' ~""•;—-- seetn« to hn iintniincled. - The flrm is doing Lhti Lutheran choir until her, marriage a> a ; business at the old stand and is pushing short time ago. er, and my appetite preatly-improvea, ^Honiodolod aud Very Comfortably Piir'.lHhnd. things livelier than ever before. I was Boon-entirely well, and my skin as Good Table. A Hploiidld placo to uto|i when•'•- Household Cods. Rev. P. 9. Hooper, of Lykens, Penna., clear as a piece of glass." Inking n ploaanro drlvo. There wnsia; large^attendance at the preached in Lutheran church on Sunday Uonrding and Ltvory Stables nttnuhod. Stage rThe ancient Greeks believed that the meeting held at Bridgcville Sunday even- 1 S.S.S. is a sure cure for all manner mootB tmlES on D., h. &. W. ItH. at BrtdgOTlllo. Penates were the gods jWho attended to morning arid in'the Presbyterian church of blcpd diseases, and disappointment tho welfare and prosperity of the family. ing, and the interest was very mai-ked. in the evening. We underhand that the They were worshipped us household gods Dr. Albertson. and John Silvers have tho reverend gentleman preached as a candi- never results from its use. It is meetings in charge. A delegation of eight date for the pastorate of the Lutheran in every home. The household god of to- was present from Belvidere Sunday even- church; whicfi congregation baa been day Is Dr. King's New" Discovery. For ing, .v without a pastor since the resignation of consumption, coughs, colds and for all Rev. Wm. Frey early in^the year. And, Purely Vegetable]^ ^Vtln^auV)otlGn33 ofEhronofEntt, OhwrOh t and Luugs It is 3lthongh~ablcrand-v,'el!r.equipped c»t>d1: Invaluable, (eltbns been tried for aquiirter dates have appeared, and wefte wel7l liked, J-Best Grades at Lowest Prices ^.";c™7 of,a century niMlifl guarunceed to euro, or all have be«n defeated in succession when mercury, potash,or other mineral. S.S.S. % t- EaubllBbod over 35 years. They liavb" •~^~~ *money rotiirimd; No household should bo uTliero is no need of little children being voted uponexcept in one instance, that of | _ __ — * •ucceuBfiilly Btood tbrttofltof ttmo and »'«^^t»M.wlthout this good angel. It-i8 pleasant to tortured by scald head, eczema and skin 1 is sold'by all druggists. iae. Htiippodon icdays teat irtml In your own bomo under our rellablo^ rrT 7 Rey. Mr. King, who, for Borne reason or Valuable books on btood and skin dis- ©Wo satisfaction, no pay. Organs from's26. upwards, pianos from ©I6_. - , - .:_;*'™~ *jjjt-(i-aini a safo itim-sure- rcincdy.-.fQr old eruptions. DeWitt'a,Witch, Hazel Salve oauso, felt-compelled to rleclinoyor refuse t .>:-„:, :.',-.rr:"':and-younff.j .Frco trial bottles at F. N. gives instant relief ""and— cures -purmmi- to accept the unanimous call' tendered cuses .will be mailed free to all who ad* _f TO-DAY for OstRloRH^Buy dftectainlRBVO mouuy. H^W.^ALLEaEIl.J^islilnRlon; K07 • ""'• \ 'Jenkins' Warren County Drugstore. ri ently. F. N. Jenkins, Warren County him. It iatobo hoped that the internal dress'Swift Specific Cor,-AUanta( Ga. '- m Regular sl?.o 50c. and s?1.00. , Drug Store. >,. f} «/ THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THUltSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1897.

Behind every great man you will And a OUR PRISON DEFECTS. And then I committed a crime again, will have no quarter, that tho detec- great mother. Ilchhid and I was brought up before the same tives are after it, that the police club every great judge, und he said, 'You rascal I* . And is being brandished, that the iron man you will find u health: Globe HOT. Dr. Tulmugo Oullo Attention alter awhile- 1 committed some other door of the prison is being opened, mother. J to Somo of Thorn. crime, and 1 was brought before the that the judge Is ready to call the d's phys New-Front,"' Store. same judge, und ho said, 'You ought to case.. Too great leniency to criminals he hanged.'" That is all tliey hud is too great soverity to society. Munj JfttU are JlntlieiU or Vlce-Tn Order 1 : to Ltnaen Crlntu W« Afuat Hurrouiid done for him in the way of reforma- Amonjf the uprooting and devouring tha Criminal With Matter tion and salvation. "Oh," you say,classes in our midst ure the Idle. Of New Show Window "these people arc Incorrigible." course, I do not refer to tho people who at hand. I suppose there nre hundreds of per- nre getting1 old, or to the sick, or to All-Wool Novelty Dress Goods, 25c, worth 40c. Make your hume cheerful for winter. sons this day lying in the prison bunks those who cannot get work; but I tell Best and most stylish Dress Goods ever offered at 50c. In tho following sermon Dr. Tnlmngo who would leap up at tliu prospect of you to look out for those athletic tneu calls attention tu some of tho dangers reformation, if society would only al- und women who will not work. When Worsted Plaid Dress Goods only 5c. that threaten our cil'u-t and points out low them a way into decency und re-the French nobleman was asked why Vard wide Plaid Dress Goods, iz^c, worth 25c. IN YOUR ROOM a remedy. Tho t<-xt tie used was spectability. "Oh,"you say, "1 have no he kept busy when he had so large a Fur Collarettes at $2.98, 3.98, 5.00, 7.50 up. I'salm 80: 18: "Tho bour out of tho patience with these rogues." 1 asl: you property, he said, "I keep on engraving1 Ladies' Cloth Jackets, $2.98, 3.98, 5.00, 7.50, 10.00, up. our wall paper affects you more tlun any- wood doth waste It, and the wild boast in reply, how much better would you so I may not hang myself." I do not thing else. It should be so pleasing there Ladies'Plush Capes, 3.98, 5 00^7.50, 10.00, up. will never be a shadow of regret, and our new - ..,.„., of the field dotli devour it"...... -,...,.- •linvi- bef iindt-r tb(> «tttm«' (.•irctim* wire who the man is. he ennnqt.afford i| i . ••..;.•-;-. ,\{y tliia lioincly but'expressive figure n and disease Ladies' Cloth Capes, $2.50, 3 98, 5.00, 7.50, up. patterns of • • "': '-; •'• /'"T^~7^^::r*.""":^rr;::r' slatiee.s? Kupposu your 'mother had in be idle. It is from the iule classes of the deli Blankets, 50c, 98c, $1.25, 1.98, 3.75, 5.00, up. David seta forth the bail Influence been n blasphemer und your father a that tho criminal classes are made catc and. im - which in olden time broke in upon sot, und you had started life with n up. Character, like water, irets pu- portant o Feather Boas, 9SC,'ipi'^g, 1.98, 5.00, up. Clod's heritage, as with swine's foot trid If it stands too long. Who can gans that bear the bunlensof maternity, Hi Children's Black, Double Knee, Solid Foot Hose, "i^ic, . body stuffed with evil proclivities, and chances are that her child will be wcnk, WallPaper trampling, und as with swine's snout yon had spent much of your time in a under that in this world, wheru unyaud sickly, with the seeds of serious worth 18c. uprooting tho vineyards of prosperity. cellar n.r.tid obscenities and cursing, there is so much to do, and all the are just the pleasing company you want. Whnt.wns true then Is true now. Sisease already implanted in its little body Ladies' Worsted Plaid Waists, 50c, worth S9C. They can he made your constant compan- and if at 10 years of age you hud been hosts of earth und Heaven uud hell are at birth. If tliu mother, during the interest- Two-yard wide Bleached Table Linen, 50c; worth 75c. ions for a small sum. For 31.25 to Si.50 you There have been enough trees of ('(impelled to go out and steal, battered plunging into the con diet, und angels ing period, suffers from the abnormal men' can luiy a nice pattern lor a small room, with righteousness planted to overshadow till states which recur periodically with wr Great values in Men's, Ladies' and Children's and banged at night if you ciiuie in tire flying, and Goii is at work, and tho men who arc weak in a womanly way, the? border and ceiling to match. We have many tho whale earth,'hud it nut been for without any spoils; and suppose your universe is a-quake with the marching Underwear. pretty patterns in newest designs. While on the ax-in en who hewed tliuin down. conditions will impress themselves upon tilt: subject don't forget that we have the * early manhood and womanhood hud und countermarching, that God lets the mind of the child. Great values in Ribbons, Laces and Kmbroidertes, latest and liest . • • ; - ...? The temple of truth would long ago been covered with rugs nnd tilth, und Mis Indignation fall upon a man who Every woman wants children who nre have been completed, had It not been decent society hud turned its buck up- chooses idleness'.' I have watched these both physically and mentally hcaltliv. for the iconoclasts who defaced the Hvcry woman may have that kind of chfl LADIES' NOTE PAPER on you und left you to consort with do-nothings who spend their time drcn if she will take proper care of liersel walls and buttered down the pillars. vagabonds anil wharf rats—how much stroking their heard, and retouching in a wuiiutily way. Dr. Pierce's I'avnriK Alien Carpenter, • in great variety and good ' Tho whulu earth wuiild huve been an better would you have been? I have their toilet, and criticising industrious Prescription is the best of all medicines fo ; values at the Kscliol of ripened clusters, had it not no sympathy with that executive people, and puss their days and nights prospective mothers. It act * directly, oi been that "the boar has wasted It and the delicate and important organs that bca 22ij'Northampton St., Eastern, l'a. clemency which would let crime run in bar rooms und club houses, loung- the brunt of maternity. It makes them the wild beast of the iield devoured it." loose, or which would sit in the gallery ing and smoking und chewing and curd strong, healthy, vigorous, virile nnd elastic. Warren County Drug Store, I propose to point out to you thosts of a court room weeping because some playing. They arc not only usuless, but It allays inflammation, heals ulceratfoii, Postal TeleBraph for Public Service.. whom I consider to be the destructive hard-nearted wretch is brought to jus- they are dangerous. How-hard it issoothes pain and tones and builds up the classes of Kuciuly. First, tliu public shattered nerves. It banishes tlie usual dis- tice; but I do say that the safety-and for them to while awiy the hours! com Torts of the critical period, and mak< criminals. You ought not to hu sur-life of Uie community demand more Alas, for them! If they do not lenow baby's introduction to the world easy ant! prised that peoplu make up a potential influences in behalf of these how to while away an hour, what will almost painless. It insures the little new large proportion of many communi- offenders. comer's health and a bountiful .supply of ticu. In l&',\t, uf the .411,000 people wliu they do when they have all eternity on nourishment. \\ 1 stepped into one of the prisons of their hands? Those men for awhile 435 Northampton St., Easton, Pa. were incarcerated In the prisons of the' one of our great cities, and the stir was A book about keeping well. Or. Picrcc'.i country, IW.OOO were of foreign birth. smoke the best cigurs, and wear the More tike that of the HI nek Hole of Calcutta. best broadcloth, and move In the high- Common Sense Medical Adviser.1 For pa- Many of them were the very desper- per-covered copy],send 21 nncrC" "' "tamps The Only Exclusive Cloak and Suit Store In Easton. As the air swept through the wicket it est spheres; but I have- noticed that to cover mailing only. Cloth hiiidiii?, 3 Remain adoes of society, oo/.ing into the slums almost knocked me down. No sunlight. very soon thoy conic down to the pris- I stamps. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Huffalo, N. Y. '%%>' of our cities, waiting for an opportu- Young men ivho hail com mil ted their on, tho alms ho use, or stop at the gal- Big bargains for an opening in nity to. riot und steal and debauch, first crime crowded in among old of-lows. of our stock of wagons; joining the large gang of American fenders. 1 saw there one woman, with Among* the uprooting classes I placo Coats, Capes, Suits, Separate thugs and cut-throats. There ure in and carriages and they a child almost blind, who hud been ar- the "oppressed poor. Poverty to a cer- Skirts, Collarettes, Etc. our cities people whose entire business rested for the crime of poverty, who tain extent is chastening; but after will be closed out at very ' * In life in to commit crime. That is us was waiting until the slow luw could that, when it drives a man to the wall, A stylish all wool curly moderate prices. This much their business as jurisprudence take her to the almshouse, where she and lie hears his children cry in vain or medicine or merchandise is your rightfully belonged; but she was thrust Money has been the biggest sales for bread, it sometimes makes him des- business. To it they bring all their in there with her child, amid the most perate. I think that there ure thou- BOUCLB COAT. energies of body, mind and soul, und year' in this line in the his- abandoned wretches of the town. Many sands of honest men 1 'rated into' is'what Lined throughout, worth $10, only $5,98 tory of the Washington they look, upon the interregnums of the offenders in that prison sleeping Tugubondism. There ur en crushed which they spend in prison as so much on the lloor, with nothing but a ver- under burdens for which they are not everybody wants. Foundry. unfortunate loss uf time, just as you in-covercd blanket over them. Those half paid. While there is no excuse loolt upon an uttuclt of iulluen/.:i or people crowded, und wan, und wasted, rheumatism which fastens you In the for criminality, even in oppression, I and nulf-sulVocuted. und infuriated. 1 stute it as a simple fact that much of A fine embroidered The Reason hoiihe for a few days.'. It is their life- said to the men, "Mow do you stand it the bcoundrelisui of the community is We all work and plan and time business to pick pockets und blow here'.'" "God knows," said one man,consequent upon ill treatment. There up sufes and shoplift, und ply the pan- "wo huve to stand it." Oh, they will wear out our lives to get it, for this is found in the el game, and they have as much pride ure muny men and women battered Plush Cape. pay you when they get outl Where und bruised und stung until the hour exceptional values we of skill in their business as you have they burned down one house they will and after we have it why not Full sweep, worth $9, only $4.98. in yours when you upset the argu- of despair has come, und they stand have been offering. While burn three. They will strike deeper with the ferocity of u ild beast which, I ,.., , ,, , , ' -, . irii'iit*ii>f nn npptminjf i'i>ii!i«yl, or '.-ure the assassins Knife. They are this o longer, bpenu it to me best advantage; we have trie cheaper a gunshot fracture which other sur- pursued until it car And many other bargajns too .nuirierous to minute plotting worse burglaries. turns round, foaming and bleeding, t I • - • grades;-""we - make a Kuutih Imvi; ifivtMi up, ur foresee a turn Many of the jails are the best place 1 mention. in the market MI you buy goods just fight the hounds. A little money goes a great know of to manufacture footpads, vag- In these American cities, whose cry specialty of the kind that before they gn up "20 per' I't-ril. It Is ,bonds mul uut-Lhrtiuth. Yah; college their business to commit crime, und I of want 1 interpret, there ure hun-way at the James M. Fitts we can warrant in every * not so well culculuted to mukeschol- dreds und thousands of honest poor do not suppose that once a year the rs, nor liarvurd so well calculuted to respect. /„, thuiight uf the immorality strikes them. ivho ure dependent upon individual, Grocery. naku scientists, nor 1'rinceton so well city and stute charities. If ull their .Added to tlitisii professional crimi- calculated to make theologians, as the nals, AiutM-iciui und fureign, there is .1 voices should come up at once, it 435 Northampton Street., American jail is calculuted tu muke would Im • a gronn Mint would shuku I Q. Bowers, Jr. large eluss of men who are more or 1 Granulated Siigar, 5jic iii.'-~ ••" - rriminals, All that thi'se men do not the foundations of the city, and bring Easton, Pa. ——Jess.industrioud in crime. Drunkenness Best Sugar Cured Hams, 1 re !l<. know of crime after they huve been in all earth nnd Uetiveii to tho'rescue. ESTABLISHED 1864. is responsib'e for much of the theft, that style of dungeon for some time, Hut, for the most part, it suffers unex- Best Picnic Hams, 9c 11.. ' since it confuses a man's ideas of prop- su tunic : itiiii'Mnsition '.'iinnpt teach Choice New Fat Mackerel. t=c Hi. erty, und he gets his hands nn pressed.. It sits in silence, gnashing The largest stuck orFurniLuic within 10 niiles of Hackettstown. thum. Every hour these jails stand its jeeth and suciting the blood of its Lion Coffee, Vocit.. ' . if not in the whole county, is upon our two big .floors. Washington Planing Mlis : things that do not belong to him.they challenge the Lord Almighty to own arteries, waiting1 for the judgment Arbuckle's Coffee, izj^c Hi. Rum is responsible for inuchjjf _th_e as- ; Manufactures S!nitt\th«_> eftie«.:.l;oaU upon .the-people day.; Oh, I should "not: wonder if on No-F.imily. Flnur a« good. jK-our Lilly White; "•~ sail It and buttery, inspiring men toto rise in their wrath and demand a that day it would bo fottud out try it. Satisfaction or money refunded. sudden bravery, which they must dem- All the latest designs in Panel, reformation. that some of us had some things White Loaf Flour, S2.E0 cwt. Beading and Cabinet Work. onstrate, though it be on the face of In this class of uprooting and de-that belonged to.them; some extra Rest Mixed FecJ. Soc cwt. the next gentlemen. mring pnnulnMon are -unworthy of- garment which might have made Best Corn Meal, 90: cwt. in our line and in great variety. We defy competition , in prices, You help pay tin- board of every crimi- Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mould- ficials. "Woe unto thee, 'U lnnd,,when them comfortable on cold days; Buv the White Fawn Brand pure Buckwheat of which these are examples: ing in stock and made to order. nal, from'the sneak thief who snatches thy king is a child, and thy princes some bread "thrust into the ash barrel Flour. Solii only by us. Oak Extension Tables, J4.50. Couches, $4-9°- Sideboards, $9.25, n, spool of cotton, up to some man who drink in the rconiinsf!" It is a great that might have appeased their hun- enacts a "UlaeU Friday." .More than Bi« 3-pound can Wagner's Baked Beans in Bedroom Suits, $12 00. Iron Bedsteads. 3.75. Mill Work and Jobbing, Turn- culamity to a city when bud men getger for a little while; some wit'sted can- Tomato Sauce, 7c. Our polished oak 4-foot Roller Top Desk is unequalled at $i.S.oo. ing and Band Sawing promptly that, it touches your heart in theinto publie'iuilhority. Why was it that dle or pus jet Unit might huve kindled moral depression of the community. Choice Goklen Drip Table Syrup,' i=c tit. , If you want a really good Sewing Machine, buy the Standard. done. in New York there was such unparal- up their darkness; some fresco on the Fine Sugar Table Syrup, 7c qt. You might as well think to stand in a leled crime between lSiJii and 1S71? Itceiling that would have given them a They work fine not for a month but for a lifetime. Only $23.00. confined room whore there are 50 peo- vas because the judges of police in that Fine Baking Molasses (not black), 9c nt.-.... Fancy Rockers and Pictures. A call will pay you. A Full Line of Lumber and roof; some jewel which, brought to Fine Table Molasses, 12c qt. Building Material always on ple and yet noi breathy vitiated air, us :ity, for the most part, were as corrupt that orphan girl in time, might have ! to stand in a community where there ,s'the vagabonds that came before Backer's Chocolate, 18c cake. " hand. : kdV^hor from beingg, crowded off: tho Adler's Chocolate, 15c cake. ._ arc so muny of the depraved without thein foi-trial. Those were the .days of -. JOHN HILDE BRANT, —'"•somewhat being coii turn in ate'd. What of high carnival for election frauds, unclean life; some Sweet Chocolate, $c cake. New Testament that would have told Canned Peas, choice'brands. 5c, 8c,"and ioc." : - Near Depot, Hackettstown, N. J. is the firo that burns your store down issiniitiou, iinil foigurv. We hadthem of Him who "came to seek und E..W. Alleger & Sonf compared with tin: conflagration which lli« "Whisky King," and the "Tum- Guod CanjieJ Com,"6z.~---\"rr'-A— - -•• Btinntl as Uroad Street. 1 to save that which was lost." Oh, this Best Canned Corn. ioc. • consumes your, morals'. What is tliu wny Klntr," and the "Krle Ring." wave of vagrancy arid hunger and .Office, MUIland Yard: Broad Stre tiieftof tliu gold and silver from your There was one man during those years nakedness that (lushes against'- our Cakes and Crackers (5 kinds), 5c !t>. •-money safe u'jjiipared with -.,thV'theft that trot Sl^S.OW) dollars in oneyuur for front doorstep; I wonder if you hear it New Soup Beans, 6c i|t.- of your ehild^n's virtue'? We ure all •ervinjr the public. In a few years it and .sec it us much as 1 hear it and see New (Marrowfat Beans. 7c qt. It's Chilly ready to arraign criminals. We shout vas est.nnted that there were ii0,000,- it! New Lima Beans. 8c qt. ': at the top of our voice, "Stop thief!" HEATH & DRAKE il)<) of public treasure squandered. In ....I.-want you to know who ure theOzone Soap, 4c bar; 7 for 25c. ;,- p^im'ii;iwh.p.n1U)e- police.tret., .on-.tlic_tracU ,l;o3u titr.os ::tho™critnin;i!-"l;ad: "only Babbitt's, Soap, jc !>ai;7 fer.=5C. .• . • . •- : these,:days, -especially- at - niglit.- *"" welcome "out" hat!ess 'and iii"*onr"siipi : uprooting* clussfs of society. I want iriand..779;;Brbad s,j o wink to -',iie jutige.-or lii»'-lawyer, youto be" more discriminating- in "your .Quaker,City:Soap,.3<: bar.- —-.—;:--..;.•: • -•• People who drive feel the change pers and assist in the arrest. We vould wink for him and the Blizzard Soap. 21 bar. •Call attention'to their special ofieiing in ;; come around the bawling rulliun und 1 charities. I want your hearts open most." 'To these! would make question ; was decided for tliiPdefend- with'generosity, and your hands opi 177C Pearline, Soapine, 4c. ' ""hitstie him oif to justice, and when he ant. Of the $,00) peoplu arrested in Aunt Maria Pan Cake Flour. 10c. known that I have a nice stock • gets in prison, what do we do for him'.1 with charity. I want you to be made that city in one year, only :t,000 were the sworn friends of all city evang-eli-j of Lap Robes of various weights With great gusto wo put on the hand- jiMiished. These little matters were zutinn, and-all-: newsboys';.'.: lodging-" •"- cuffiaand the hopples, but, what pre- .:ilxud"lip," while "tin: interests '-"uT so- and qualities, which are marked houses, and ull children's aid societies Go. to the one place oniy-to at very moderate prices; also a paration are we making for the day ciety were "fixed down." You know Aye. I want you to send the Dorcas when the.handcuffs and hopples come aa well-as I' that u criminal who es- sociuty all the cast-oft! clothing-, that, good assortment of Blankets for enjies only opens the door of other buy the Best Groceries Cheap, uofT?.:.. Society,., see ins to say to these under the skillful manipulation of the the horses. criminals: "Villain, go in there and criininulities. It is no compliment to wives und mothers und sisters und $ 5 East Washington Ave., iery Best Tapestry Brussels; ; Very Best Full Extra Super, rot!" when out you say: "You are an public authority when we have in till . d ai 1 K.l'i^i :™.y)-**-s!.l^:E:fJl\ pji t-s,^!n ay^bf. Lg!iinsiuheH;uv^b"ut"we"hTe!m' lie~*~"eltles""bf'™Om^ fitted on the cold, bare feet, und on "^ ^ SrT^v ^rtn attaf to give you an opportunity to repent; broad, men und women notorious for the shivering limbs of the destitute. I 65c Yard. Harness, Whips, etc. ,^ v:..;. , , we mean to help you. Here are llibles criminality, miwhippnii of justice. should not wonder if that hat that you 85c Yard, "".and" tructs-Vihd Christian/influences. They are pointed out to you in the(jive should come buck a jeweled coro- Christ died for you. Look and live." street: day by day. There you find net, or that garment that ycu this -"Vast improvements have been inailc by ivha-t are culled the "fences," the men week hand out from your wardrobe limes M. Fitts, X Very Best Body Brussels, Velvet Carpets; ^introducing industry'into tho prison, who stand between the thief.iiiid.tbf should whitened, and I ) Made and Laid, at From but we wiiut something more than honest man, sheltering1 the thief,-ami somehow -wrought -Into the Saviour's Everything •?; andshot'lasts to reclaim these t great price handing over the goods own robe, so in the lust day he would Promoter of Low.. Prices § $1.25 Yard. 85c to $1.25. Aye, we want more thau'ser- to the owner to whom they belong. run bis hand over it und say: "I wua :&. a Farmer Wants : Iia naked and ye clothed inc." That would V ' •• -. '•' Si.° oni the .Sabbath" day. Society There you will find - those who ure in the way of Farm Machinery^ must impress these men with the fact called the "sltinnu'rs," the men whobt! putting your garments, to glorious '9 Art Squares, Rugs, Linoleums, Japanese and Chinese that it does not enjoy their;,sufTering, hover around Walt street nnd State uses, - " - - .TAKE ^lows, Wagons and Castings and Unit it is attempting to reform und street und Third street, with great Mattings, Oil Cloths, Carpet Sweepers, &c. •elevate them.?.- The majority of crimi- Ite.^idcs all this, I want, you to appre- is supplied upon the most fav-""- sluight of hand iti bonds und stocks. ciate in the contrast how very kindly nals suppose that society has u grudge There you find the fmiernl'thieves, the God bus dealt with you in ynur comfort- orable terms at the old estab- - . jigaiust them, and they in turn have u people who gnjntd sitdown and mourn able homes, lit your well-filled liiblos, AT POPULAR PRICES. grudge aguiust society. with families 'and pick tl.eir pockets. und at the winni registers, aiul to have lished .. •'::^;-—•=-.i .-. They are harder in heart and more And there you iind the "eoiiilttuiu-^ you look at the round faces of your infuriate when they come out of juil men," who'-'burrow.. money of you bi>™ciiildreu. r»nfl then,-!iit^the review of, V/ashington ~ than whiMirth0y went in. Many of the [• they .huve a.-dead child in tiu> Uod's goodness to you, go lu'yunr room people who go to prison go again und house and want to bury it, when they- and lock the door, and liiieeL down und , * Foundry, again and again. Koine years ago, of never hud a house nor a family; or say: "O Lord,..I 'ii«iyeJ.beeu_jin ingrate;. R..O..-BQwer.t;-Jr..-Prnnriptor. . - -.' .- —^_...^:J -.•~.::»l;S0O-prisoners ;jvho;rdHrinff-V.t!iG'."-ycar,' • Uiiiynvant.-to,-go-ttj lilipland and gcfii- : 1 hiake iiie Tliy chihli O Lord, tliere¥r6' hud- been in .Sing Sing, 400 had been irgts property there, und they will so. many hunifry und mi clad and un- there before. In a house of correction antyou to pay their way und they will sheltered to-thiy, 1 thank Jj;h«e that all ~ A horso enjoys frooJom. llo looks with longing ,,the. country where, during u certain seudlhe:money.L:ic;k,.by the.very.ucvt:, iny life Tlioirhast taken s\ Sli good euro -•-Itis sold on n Kiiarfinteo by nil .-. ..oyoa at tho. nnrostrtiluod Hiiimtilsi.'Tlu ihu Uehla.. reach of time, them*had been 15,000 pen-, mail, v.-There are the *?!MU*bor thieves," gists.. Xt cures Incipient Consumpi You could nmkoyour lioruofeol unrvHtrHliied hy L 1 of me. O Lord, there aren't) many sick •t'lvluK him liftruoHfl that wan well m>v]o uud FranS Yas Syctle.. v andi3 tho boat Cough' aud.Crqii^Cuxc v ' pie,.more than :f,0()0 had been there be- Uie. "shoplifters," the "pickpockets, , and crippled children to-day, 1 thank ttitt. fits him. It In hettor to buy Rood goods nt (Succeasor to.Wni, Vanderholl. .. fore. Ho, in one case the prison, uud famous nil over the cities. Hundred*:-, 'Sold at Oartcr'B Drug Store. •."Hi fhlr jtrlco tlnm to look (or wlint la choni>. Wo la. Thee mine are well, some of them "on Imvo whnt TOU vfnnt in Unrnoss, Wlti|i», in tho other the house of correction, of" them with., tl eir faces, in theearth, some of them in Heaven, Th-^ BILLIARD left them just as bad asHhey were be- "Rogues' Gallery," yet doing noLhinj gondni'Ss, 0 Lord, breaks me down. ft WOMEN = .. fore?"' The .secretary of one of thefor the last fives or ten years but de-Take me' (incd.-'rind forever. Sprinkled 'aya MO'n mimlli nnd n Heavy Robes and Blankets and Vt 'benevolent societies of New York saw fraud society and escape justice. Wheu us I was many years ago at tho altar, I1. W. ZlKfii.KR &CO., 2S5 LocilHt »t, Piiiln.,?! nnnd all tho iicconH("iwiicconH(""iw. to,a woll oqul •fl lad ; 15 years of ago who hud spent thi-se people go ii]inrr«s1«d_ and# un- while my mother held me, now I con-, out, whothoh r lutoudiiilldiii- for "work or I>1 Dawos Bulldl'g three yours of liisjife in prison, and he punished, it is iHittinir a liigli premium soul to ..Th'je in'a holier ,, Next Doorto Post timoe I upon "vice,"'and saying ,lo the ybuug :baptism"of repentiu&>Tear.v ;v,".„•••• -•^-•--^,- ^"for'ybu to iut'-lte yoil"belter?*' "Well," criminals of, this country: "Whnt, a< •'For sluiiors, Lord, Thou oatn'st to bleed,":; „ xepliedlthe lad, "tho iirst'time I was s: fo thinjj it is to'be n great criminal I" ,___.And.I'm a slrnier,,.vllo indeed; BS1 Six Splendid TteW»—CourMoog " Lord,"I"uollovo Thy Rrucu is free; -• A. B. OIIOPP A BRO., Prop'rs. J ""'brought up beforo the judge he said,. i the liiw swoo;i upon thcm!r;rlict"iV" 1 Treattnoat-run Stock .ot Pin* ' *You ought to be achauied of yourself.' bo known in this,country" that crime O magnify Uuitirajo Insiol " ' ^ '' o

VBissss&wfsieiiM*/ -V>.


We have decided to present this magnificent horse to THE-GREAT SLMJGHTERSME bur visitors. • E TO BUI WE MEAN TO SELL. WE MEAN TO SELL.

OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT SHOE DEPARTMENT. .. We have filled in all sizes and can fitIiVlvR Y foot • has..been, .brisihtoned. and. refreshed... by at less than manufacturers' prices. several thousand dollars' worth of Men's,1 SPECiAL.rrY-Sevi.Tal lines of'Udies' Boys' artVl Children's Suits, Overcoats, up to date shoes; £•::";';-.•'.'A. 3, T,J/:, that have been re- duced to one-third of funiu'r prices. No wonder, at the Pantaloons, &c. piiccs, they art going Rubbers at the same re- duction. Boots, both heavy cowhide, rubber and leath- We make all alterations free of charge er, all must go. and guarantee the fit. I-'rices here have been scaled down to WE MEAN TO SELL. almost giving away prices. Suinc Hoys' Suits, i: to 19 years, Kvery visitor to the Mnmmnlliltn/nr is invited to r'ui'UU'i liis-urhcr iiiiiTiL* whether purchaser, or not. We arc absolutely giving it awav, thus Men's ,i-ply Linen Collars and Culls, all new goods—collars 9c, slightly soiled, good school suits, almost culls 13c. nuking it a free present, showing our appreciation for the manner in for the asking. Heavy Underwear in all wo'.'land part wool at less than manu- which the people of this section have responded to our eiToit in dispos- facturers' prices. ing of tin's immense stock of general merchandise. Neckwear—all this season's productions. TO SELL Fine, dress and heavy working Gloves, Woolen Mittens, Knit Coats, Sweaters, Caps. ivc. Kvcrything.'viust go. It is not a question of value. We WOOLEN GOODS AT COTTONADE PRICES don't expect to get what the goods We- Mean to Sell. Heavy Cassimeres. suitable for Men are worth; we mean to get them and Boys' suits, overcoats, skirts, lap off before Jan. 1st. We leave it to DREsS GOODS. robes and blankets. Former prices $2, you to make prices. Black •Henriettas, Black Serges, Black Silks, Fancy Weaves, Wor- 32-CO, $3, $-|.^o and 56; now 50c to Si steds. Fancy Cheviots: in fact, Dress Goods and Trimmings of every per yard. known creation. Muslins, Ginghams, Calicos, Buttons. Thread, etc Stoves—the Dcxkosh—none better or handsomer, made. Ladies' Coats, mostly new bought by us for this season's trade, Ingrain Carpets. Short lengths of Moquettes and Tapestry. they with the balance ol Creveling's stock, are on sale at prices to find Curtain Poles and Fixtures. buyers quickly. Children's Cloaks, 4 to in years, almost given away. Lace Curtains, Portieres, Lamps. Crockery, Flower Pots. Stoneware. Shovels, Rakes, Pots, Pans, Co:il Hods, Lifters, Etc.. Etc. WE MEAN TO SELL. On Friday and Saturday of this week- we inaugurate some special features of this Grand Sale which will delight you as well as make these days perhaps the Largest Sales of. the season. Do not fail to visit the Bazar oh.Friday.and "Saturday. We leave you to make the prices. We must place all of this stock in other hands by Jan. 1st, 1898. Everyone has a special invitation to this distribution of merchandise. ir. TRE' 1 Converters of ifectailise into Gash. ington, New Jersey.

V (ilinubiiii: ami heitliij: business. He has i .'•' -'GOLD Oil LITTLE.7MIHXQpE.. „.:< 1 Mwii-Pthri- fli'ciiii-il.. 1..i.-<.i.iJ~:.tit ,-..!)ii3l:ics:t;.T.t-! k-^'-^'.'&kBX ! * huul of provi'iini.s. thu uthur two hcids: re- the first fair opportunity. The eoiifeni is I •' HVVS^V- -. ~- -- •••'- - --HI . Ev^enine* A Situ l-'i-iiiifisro Finn's Opinion ut*' quired to oii-TV food Tor tlie doi^. This :ow in betU-r u-orkiiiii order than it ever .\1iiokit^Mi>lh>vi's (^iiui-U |!tiu:iliy kt«iw nil mt-ii out oftSie dts .fu.-iaiici traiieison an iiieru.ise emitjnually, | iPost Office Biock. ; Wins Xciir. !triet. il is ti;,oii a p:iyinii basi.4 now, for a recent / "llOKKaSlSSSri^ NEWARK. N. J. "The f.ict tlisit•the boats could not yet inventory afrer live months of Mr. Johns* JIMHCS Deitrick, of Sun Fmne'sco.iin-hi-l: tip t!ie river lias thrown many men iiitc- tnti's ownership -shows a neat profit. "tlnmiti (rieminfC.ipt. Joseph \Y. Johnston, Munnook, und there will be tnuch muro This fact reflects much credit upon Mr. . "vvho.U kr.c-.yn to several hero by vcn?un r.ftitVelopiiieii. t ihure tliun was expwtod. .Johnston's business taijt—his sui-uess !iav- Ills VLS!tS"IO Uapt- JlVllllnLiill, "Utm jiisi FC" • likL'wi^e more to en. hawson's Inss in ini; been achieved fronV ttiu deiiris uf iaii- l l 0 ure. There id every reason to believe that .svVl^^ 'A..%Vc;e .lT •iBv^^il>^•'ch^.ir.^^u^;;^^ife A loL of chit: sliiipus and ii turned from tliu Viikon'valley, mitt gives*' thiit re.speet is the "tin oi Munnmik." tiiiin of uootl business i|iia1ilicitions variety of bright iind ^dainty the best estimate ol* the true value < . a fair iiinonnt of capital could run trimmingH,'HUcli as have never of tlio loivtT part of the valley,! Dfittli uf JI ri-.miiin-.-il Clustei1 ^Inn. bufore been on exhihitiun in mcimnq; the tli-irict which is not more' (his factory in siieti a manner i\s to yield a. : thntilotW miles i"r»ni 1 liu mouth of the ri\ er William Monrotv Biukl. one of tlio handsome revenue. 50 stylus to'sslsct :rotr.. . town, .iiul iniciulc-w for even- ; iMentiun this paper tunll tluM-jmtk-yUi; fr iiiK woiir, liave just been re- that him been yet giv«n by any of the ri-i oldest and best known 'ivside-nts oi" will Ui-w.tFREE with iiNi.ian.M.ul.l.' Ilk turning travelers and prospectors, Mr. 'Chfj-'er t n win hip, died :it ilia home wu i\xv Uu: only liim oi m-tnul ceived. Msidu iti> they haven Deltrick hite Irttl Uir^o expLTleii.:u !n ROW on the Pen pack road. m>ar Chescer, on riTS -i-lliif,' cxclusivi-Iy u> the bewiicbiiif; elVeet jind mid ^-.miiiiiiff, lmvinsr Mlowed the elti-iv^ color; lil'.-illri'rt. in iuttorycii-t—tin* wonderfully to n Mndy's toilet. • 1 in "tho pan all over this eouniry and' iioru 'yt wxaci value for v. . Tlicre are no anunts', Je«l- Thu purse does not; liaye to be ;t through the wilds of the S.nird Aniiiriu.iti'; :i .short iUncH:*. Mr. !ind,d was born in 1 the old Butlt! ttom>>.i.-.j witSi Al.isk.i UMS: ^'•}i'.,. -"• .-- - He -was ..reared and ^ OASHbrohEASY.PAYHEHTS.,..^"" ask to see them. •-..-.-. - obtained in the Momiuok i:rtuk vnMuy. ; educated by iiis iinek", tlie Hon. Daniel :MAl BlldU, iui'1 siUvpy- livfd in fMicstpr to suit your cJrcunistaitces. Pin mis " ptirts of those iuCulifnr;i!;i;!JSiir,'Mr. Unit.-1' township. He was ;it one time poat- I.OrKiins'sliippci! or. thirty .days* trial rick. ".There w« will rind the sa.n!• [|ifi slum -. ; ^rjir'k^horn, Wan^ii" county.: Frank \V. niost. ro'aUiiy fijuiui"out when 'thilnw this special discount at any time. latest und most becoming - ttiacer distrioti, and when . Bii.ld. of Ft'iipack, and Goorgo AV. fashion, using ornaments ir : Bsivld, of Chester. JMra. Btukl died in i-uectioH with hiirren x,\wU. GIFT CATALOGUE. K,TKi'K','.'.™: desired. ' "The reason that the wt i.Iiiiy i-SSl. Mr. Bijdd was at the time 1 was I: at roccnt1." • disco v-r ! of hitt dt'iith a ilireclor of the First PURE first mtMi in there., were • i-N'.itional Bunk of Morristown. He was Uiu lieM, diswings" werii'to n •" bntil:rf mid b.irf of the hiryri Free Mason in northern New Jorscy, -Rafsiehoes'V S;i!SI?iS:!?Si" for embroidery, Fancy Paper ^.SlmtlesJ'or Jaiiip.s^nnti the cele- Liaise :I1'!!1L: this lino. Other disfiii- lai^r. ,,r n:iy .if 111.; p!iniUlulilu,(>I_J'»l|;ons brntetVX'ontemeri't.!lov68":afo"~:r" Kuisliiiiy; feauia'S of our business :ire r. I'u.iii umliiriiif,' Itio J.II>I :;t*.years. specialties.

. .. ___ . . ..II .1 ULinuwi. \.'l u »UIIV;,IIIJMI.•'..-~«.-* ' t,^,---.-. -.^^ .-._„ courtesy ;mJ promptness. We i-x- the icd^e iVomwhieh it came onjjiiitilly. I be hokl lit his l:ite residence Saturday cdimboih. Try us. ' MRS. E. WENDEHAGK. It is in heavy particles mul > such its j afternoon at 1 o'dntik and will bo hi' . • Uolilein Block..-.-. . X. JV\,= DAVIS, *4** ESTABLISHED 3d YEARS +*-«»•«• Below Cornish's Factory. opli Lnilkv flnu IHiu;hAV'l IIOH will bo at"the Pluiiiianfc Hill cemetery. —Dover Era. "I found innny sn in pica ofijiuirtz in tlie ITotico to Trespassers. pravel. In soine places it was in-large |Ho n jNnticia Is hrrebj" given tlisit miy find.all 1H.T' Qtiiis " . |tiicces nnd these I .broke up and [mimed. if in tmy tiniinm JJUIl- new lloor cnverinsj uml lots The Stiitifi Sr-hool ••Sl borryliit, tiputi tini 1' • :• ofctttiorttimji. In th'i can niit.ui to cull your nttuntioii A Big Glove Bargain. •H, will bo proauuiate a tc —the slrictly reliable kind—. Price Friday that a lio full OSU'lllnf III" 1 • to oitr -' . j •"- '- "While ttiere,lmve beoi) 300 claims stak- ItInstituti e woulldd hl e helhldd in W Wnr.hingi.oii D. 1). STOUT, WashlinKtoii TWH. . -•;:;:arc awaiting your inspection- ed out on .(..he 'KtmuiiH iii^out-iluniiook, ;:iexl M'jndiiy, Tuesday and Wednes- SAMUKLF. ItlNGHAUT, StuwartavUto, N. ].ii»ll.W H!>^»1 tninilty KM : ciovfrt in'rnu«,((s nioo'i.fioi.i- atour store. • -,. lluirtcr, Hoosicr, iIilK>r 'uncrChapiiinn, dayY^ov. lu. ]0'iiiiti'-I7v~' ~Th6 "tames of MIOJIN K. OALUYMPUK, iiuiiBiljilfl Twji. I Oilcloth and Linoleum. | '-tliero is'Htt!s:l:nowii about miy but Kittle the RpeaUtu'S have not yet been an-, 11 !•*! »*•«•*» I**' .T tVi r N K:MACKKY. Frnnklln 'TB J ;' Wchave "a'lavgn.-Virriuty uf hnndnonio 'p^Uorn*?.1 at very lair J •• i'lu»|. or -4 'I'l'iiKm; .Imi'irol-.ny o- v We have a new lot at §[3,-;. '•••• Munnook, .which lies about the center onounendf . Tho WarI'iiircounty institute HAKItTS A. GOnr]U':v,-Ure«iiM-kIi.Twp. • • doml or H-lf lift.-k(«. cfinfti"*/ kf| -.• "this Territory. There the weitltti nt this •iV/AH!MI KHKY, Urut'iiwIuhTrii. '- • " • A'tlioasli wa'siv litblo about 'our C'roccry'Depiirtinent, ttTOcoivos • "> timayof tlio §1.00 VIIIUCH otnir- I T|" ^ Si5-and $iS. You will never .:,—'. Btase is ahtiiid.^ol' that of ElDomdo or is usually held during Thanksgiving JO-Kl'll.C.HKSSMAN, Wn»Mlu«ton lioro. stag is El'Domdo or ( .Bonanza for tlio suimt stnge.^ J,VhOllier it week, hut-tliQ date is changed this year ,WM. A. AI'liAll, Wuslilauton Tuwn-hlp. • imifcoirefiil c3•»ld 3ration and equals any in town. A special-. « be iii.0oi;bt of the result or \.r,KO. .1. HAYI.OK, bVrtnkllnTwp. N. .1. 1 ^illti!thi j'G^oneuan l'or.the.conyeniencp of the South Jor- l • t;y n.iw'la tho ... •• -' . "", '"-0 •fley'districta-^TheexereiROH (inringfrio ,^:*\-\'A.,nAVI.(]li. l''r«ntilliiTwii.,_X. J. „ —T^tairi /k f»+ - I inon-Pninoc "' safety of these ami never be ' vild the ptieerur.tfiieptiieers"rur."tfi , whiilr •"• i-n \J- rihi'Utituiri-i IUCW- 'f'oCiiaoo. , in no crencrenk except the three day's.sG.saions will bo held in tho - (!. O* 3MITM, .Iiiimtltin. •**"™asHa hied* to' carry "one^'i'licy |).\vin IllCKMC. .Montfinti. I Sanitafjium Health FoodsT t 1 r -.lACOlt UnVltANS.Aiitticiiy. . ' •. • are handsome and...up'-tq- •^^•gjgl«-*ri--m**- c.ive'to' accoiiimnriiito- nne" br-iii ' -,K1UN (HMiTz, Mniui.nn..- =-"-- —•-•.-•---.---.:•;' : -*-"-"' —•Vifwhichlo inHchT-hnjij.been Haiti, They-nre vor.Vi.pulatHbk', iMiiri--". _... • •~ date' in every -'respect,:1-- V :- "On the Little Munnook-the nine of teachers during the three days are re- CilAUCiAN Oim.OsfoMl. ' ' • • • ' tious and easy to;,digest.- - -—-•- \ ••• -^ •" —"-' •""" - "• - J. qneBted to notify any of the teachers I'ATMCK 110NAN", Oxford. ,• at 'J5c; matelitosH ut .....'..' I U U , \ clniins wliich have been openec'/have CALKll OLISK. Cirootiwk-li TWJI. ^ Hunters' Coats at $1.00 of the Washington suhool and inform A. K HUyil,.Montium; J N TUB COKNKU. • H "'J^ K. COOKE.. J l'nncy Figured Wliltn I.'aon IA JAIOll ANTHOSY. l'oi)H-(ill. t,and, upwards. fritOltf!15 W. SIiATKIl, AMhrmy. -' •• '! J"-~~ m:i


' tlio cottage niul Inul *bct!ii given a cup of | thnt is'bychatiKlnK thu t/iimloiViTiu hTTuvp:thnt~tliu celuhnitlon of Clirrstlt birth, THE CHRISTMAS MORN. ten thnt warniwl lil.-t lionrt us If It htul been from A to D.and by lumping together my jwhlch up to thu lifth century had not been •pcpiM-rinlnt ami KUI Lulu liU liuutl ILI If it wall mid your Itind." .observed at nil, KOt thnm to lw recognized ;;THISOEGAH: •V JOEI. BKSTCKi liml been whisky. j "Well, I'm not luirtlcuinr," niT tho Koinaii festival and the Teu- hail iiciny. that would In; .'mother matH-i- :uml Edition to thu fumlly uonMsteti In • tonlonllko had KymboUc reference to tho p twins' [great nntunil fact that iho sun ntornbout : A SPECIAL SALE! alio-. t ?.]>• Come early. Don't •link', i^'.-l.f fill -n-t nurthui*'. liliict «JUS M. cutting thnt they He hail rv sti-n't fnim HIT. and that is ever INCORPORATED 50 YEARS >penrnncu of thu Son of Ood and thu Sun of tk'toy; No one can No •. Twin} th't l.-.'T..\r.-- -. rtUn.l t>t.Mh.T uiiilcr>l]i>Itrr(if a fork to a harrier ton>niiuhliil tinlty UhristinaH | tho World ah'Otig men. ciHiipete. with us •rat their 1 ineh Cou-ld-riin: hrnvjohl tint wiLi a]i]innK'liliiK- •'»> n*>o)VLul to nittki) u either in price or j So wo seu t'npurtcd into tho obsL-rvniicu Agents. w.«iO!'T vti- .IIK |MI' hi- nrin niunil Polly. clean iiiva.-it of It ami tell Mary every- i|u:ility of noods. We and. di.vinu nil uv-, -.••it, he llirvw one thing. | of thu Christian holiday from the first or. .still on anv turnis tle- lv its social «l<1t ihu tlmu honnntl hrathen No ; Christinas orr 'tl( nnrl .too put, off bin sireil. All casli or- 1 tisaRCs and circmnnlcs The unlvi'ryat • .ti.ont nf snreU'iup Sundav tout a'id (luwt-red "weskit," took Jcr,;!'-'!.:tl~£.i;nc ilay. I present giving W thu tuiturnidia. t^i.winlly Dealers, •!i,.-iTo.I.'- IW .-..Ion hi>l»d lie his lever and went forth " Polly." said :is reci'iyi'J: money 'to children, n:id tlio ili-niocrallu ein^Uity returned immediiitL'ly /•thf 1,-!*.T.: i-: A.I *!>*.•• *•'•';• - ••>-inborn ;i.. -.illied very early he, "come lilting. I've n surprise fur you." 1 ; which jilKillsli^l distinction' uf rank at il you an not satis- ^ou --'.( l!l tl) till- IIKHir, TO- Hu dullhemtely threw down n portion of fruiti hi- hi.*n-" a I that, prrloil wire nt otit'L' IOIIOWIHI liy thii, liuil. We. hereby •ojvwi to nil*-..-* lit' wt-urtv dispose <»f It. his Hew taku wall, diseown-d thu liil of aKrce to pl;ice tlie in- thestotic el»'!-t, levered it aside and then ' Chrtstiini merry makers From the old Get -dtn-iur:ttni.'(tiiil i Norse usiiut's the duv l>orrowit| thi> ctis- stnmicnl you unU'r. Vlaijeof MaryAppctt Jumped Into the liox. SUM moihcnt ho whether ;i l*i;tiiu or .^^-''i^ ,;toiiis ol »ht! huge hoitlln-s. the Vule lou of. Their t. KJ.. -:.,i unit la nniyiT, rosu out of It lilnnk with despair, trvin* h.-»»ilil not *.vli4 •tic WII- ulml «>r this. Mioly> ::r cak in lie Imriutl indoors, tho Or«an, riRlit in vniir hniise without a niark or scratch on it. We take blhig with dksiipiK]intment His treiLsuru U-.-t *ho-r4»F;i:*i -.1' ;i-kod him why ho : symbolism"«r ttie holly and nii.-tU-too tin- entire ri-si'MtNiMlity: you nniit' wliatover. We are known the was Kono. world over and lime the very liiyherit reputation lor honesty anJ Profit. v-.-at to hi" w.*-^- en hour*- earlit-r than • boiiglic a like sacn-d to thu dt'ltlcs. tho Ity the sido of the cairn and-overthrown (air ilealiiiK. Send tiutay. . gn-at'lioar'H hciut M-rviti as the pitveih- M- rOCC The luruest nnJ mo.-.;~to!nplote wall stood his wife watching him with n Ho priKvcikii •.: ::n.' ciilrn. removed the sistaiiet, of lliu ChrUliims TeiLst and tho Tlltt caliiltiKiLi; of Organs and Pianos ; sintk' on her rherry lips ami it twinkle In ptoiic-. U-avtt -':.-.•• .vv^riiit: r-lid) nsitlr. |i"t gvnunil bi^chaiiallanlsin of the rt'»i:ht out tho p>ld : The latter,\howeviT, wns ulso typical of to her skins and she held one of the twins are bounJ to please ynu. rini:- tiiid.L'tti> "'.' f-.irbt.-hed then) up the old Houimi IVMIVUI Santa Clans (St *.-niid-'iv;."'.i'arUii1>t ;.i ilu- tiuirntnn sun • in eiit'h arm. GrandSpecialOfferOrganPartorGem •Nicholas) eiuiio hy mnl liy into tho rich r • -'Vfn't* nti 'von' i.ituroil Ivfom him, h» "I'ollI" ho 'finsped "Bypnni, I'm n Kyinixillsm of the L'hrlstiiins show IIH thu Shown herewith.' OBSCRIPTION: C,\si:-S«li,l walnut or oak. liiidv linlslwil. Iwr.l |«>llsh, ?i Indus IIIKII. ruined limit! I've Uwt nverythliiK ''v« .1^ iiKlus lorn;, ;nnl 21 inches wiik'. ACTIOX-Cirail'l, ji-ltiiiecdiiil'inatiini. Contains 10 nclavos ol our ccl- ! tu' nuulnrs.« in successor of Oilin. lliu nil fathur und all 1 THIS PIAK0 chrati'J OOI.I)i:X TOSlili Rl:i;|iS.; All Iwrs .it uicM; wiy llti".f UTils |TM,III;,-J-tin. Mn'ot^t'tuiu over,.licarJ. ; rl-k it." MIUI hv •U 1 married I'olly. IMH'H rohla-il.' IgiviT The Seaiullmivlan trod nn thu ou- irk-v'row-.. shi'M htivu ,, TheusHe L(iught>1, ntijl.whcn KIIO lnughi'd •woaii-n fv them TCnilP':(Aa CASH with Order, ONLY $33.90) Sl001 1= nir/oi ur, TIIOVE. 1 tH/V|<% - Shipped on Thirty Days' Trial, $34.60 ?"s,ructor * ™* • "* •B>' (. on Installmwils^-Tln.. .Wild: rai.1 down the LOWI-II the I'ria- J Free WORTH $400. A ClIiUSIM *:•* t-.'t'KV t-*>;urroiiiulrd on J not ^i't one Irom rw-y »uv by wi.lo ,.ttvU-N> of m.vrland 1I an aRi'lH lor a ': t K •' i;; to I In* -t-^i'ttil i-iMititfuous j*mr- a-nl le^s than. S400.00. Our S|. .nut every hoiwh.>M«-r in each of IUIUIWOIKI piano chair, plush scarlsaml piano instructor. Your money ihi->.> iwirUlu-s t-laiias il^rtits on th.< com- hdoiiKS m yoyouu until you say tile pianpiano is acci'pl-tilaccipltil. Wv wain yynun r iiMin'ti' hl> iHirl.-h, ,,\w wliiv-h. moreover, testimonial* to a1a11 'tto ththee* ththousan.lthousan.ll ss ol otherh s uhiclhit lw e nowh have. the manorial lord assi-rts paramount au- We can only net it Ity pleasinli g you.O Our llou.loir I'ian. • Is a full sl/e. thority amlvnfonis it whoii he can. Tho 7!j octaves, with all the latest improvements. Latest system of ihi.-hy of Cornwall, hmn-vt r, to which the suinKini! and re^ulatin^. thus KettiliK the lest anil most lusting tone. fori'/i Ivloiif.".., pit»fe»fs a sort of saver- ; We turnisn tlie lioikloir in either tualui>;aiiy ur elumy. ••i^uty overall UII'M-commons. . Now, then- lived in tin- parish of ?outh Sfi- that your letter Is iini|u'i'l.v iMliln-sseil to Tawton, in tlie i-uri.-us olil villa-.-.' of /.oat. «• hi'tv wry liou-*1 is ftn aivhaMlouieal eu- rinsity and" every hoii>«-hold*-r is linto|viiil- L'lii, a |NH>r voting man of tin* iiamo of Jo- citilt Day. Vommotily kimwn a* young Beethoven Piano & Organ Co. Uainy.lay. •!"I'*J rt.,.kn:mn> \v:i< JU'itillrrd hy him . WASHINGTON. WARREN CO.. NEW JERSEY. Ilin.ugli his extv^li'iM-iimlnii .1.w \i-ti-* ti Iri/.y mull. yt>l • III* cxitir* £ (•CrWiien writini; ple Ci-nili'd (•rtnl'-iH-i- li>il to miu-h the same re- -lilts ;u. inertnos Hi-was working on thy oimmon, cut- i titi-i up granite l)l'H-k^. uluTcwitli ioeon- , -Iruct a "IH'W take" wall IVhile thus ! i-nurmiit J-nsiiuiiLMmiipili'urKtiinllMHiiL'iL l'..,cl,'nn-d away [hc-c ax ton small to *er\e'nif purpose nnd disroveml beneath thrui a granite slab '\'UU hi- It-vered "Valilu without ;i;uc!/dit!iciilty. an'i t« hit

\'Z Till-. VAN HOUNIlOMrSTI-AD IX WASHINGTON. Tftis is the great every-day problem with buyers in every //ne."^ '1'IiL* Only Rt'iniiitiini'.'i.iUKliiiiii'k of t|ie iMmmv1" D;tysT---ivruclL-cl in 175ft.

\V'il!il|i t!iy «ik)|i liillli* tlie weuviiiH tspiilcr roigns supron Vnn will ne VIM*, know how far you can iniiki: yuur ..dollars .1:0 fur :.., For oHtflu of life it*left "ID Iticc but thill wliieli memorie

the whole story out of 1110, nnd they bo the cKi Lumber and Building Material - that chatterboxes thfy/vin't iiclp talking, and th liaiics in IHT nnn-- uhuuktrd and casion ol tlie festivities of his eldest son. Tliiir. disirihiitrtl universal rift-, the fa- and .shu'd blab about it to uvi:ry <»nu in tho • crowed uulil you liriny IIIL-IU IIL-IO. * .More pcopk* liavc found this out the past ; place. Thuti I'd hdVu tln-'cmwn, n'ml th« i "No. .Ins Hatnyday," she KIIHI. 'you ther ot eaeh laiuilv beinjr his special 111 the iniltter As Oilln.'ui-Wmluli. ljuvatllO duchy, and ihe lord of thu.inanur, ami tho [ hiivo lost, nntliinu. ymj have gained much. year than in any previous year, and llie result is these are very busy j- parson, and the 1-13 vomnmtu-ire down on i in later myths thu mighty liuntsmaii who : me deiuandinir their .shaivs. _ Du hiuiycd if \ ranjred thu IUI-L-SIS. we sen how the Christ- tiine^Avith ,us. Our trade has never been so large, ami by extending our j mas UYiMiml evergreens futind their places I'll ri?k it! Women is tcrril)le danyerous i \Vhy however, ihe functions of^,._Otlin HE I*KV.J:EI* CAL'Tifji;si.y AIKIL'T HIM. animals with their tony lies never to bo ; force and working over-time, we have met every demand promptly. \ photiiil hnvo ajiivuilly I'ueu linally;cnuisfer- «urprts i^vcry word..was'; si^niliriLiit, and lialloweil of holiday sea- flnri by Itellifut ..M-u.riii»lw»l ib-en;. :,mi p ovcrhcanl by Polly'iiei-se!f,"whd.» as,-,be- ; son>. nmrkinff really an epoch of the year. the riiifjs «n hia sK-1.- mnl " I';1 w^w" t sbind the rock hard by, where &i.o"had ' Aiiitin-ur thu i-au.-es which huveen.shriiieil •siiKl tie.- •"liii'durnc'I If ll. dl..'^.:'! ^".l:r: '|j:«ktU up flint chilis and Hakes. . . J this day su deeply in tho heart of the world WA • /;•«**• r.'jn u - iu-.k'- •.-;• 'h ... : " Slowly, painfully, Jos Dny worked at! the lact that it iVpeciiliiirly chUdivti's day E. W; ALLEQ^R &= SON, ; ahull'SLp.r.'l ovfcr .iwilnst a rur . ,:-.• •' i:ii wall. He succeeded in carrying it over ' is ]irobably tlie most fetelilnj.' in its magic .•-.•..'.ili «-a.i his iirst tliotiirhi., •: • -"V,:IM ih ; cairn, nnd thus ho secured his treasure j The younj: people everywhere union*; Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Retailers. svu- Jils: "If it iva knu-.vii ',*. :.ia . :nmi Inslng "tllsturlJud, and thus was it ; c Christian pi-oples constitute the factof Lumber Yard, Planing Mill and Office ; Broad Street, . foui::j a tTL-iLSun:, then . I. hi.i; ••; fbu ::;;ule fast aguh^t.thc rainy, dny ; wliieh doiuiuatus the social observanop D( .-iuchy putting it-: list down •*•>:•• :. •:'.-,;•• In the'conr-irt of• tho next .three-months I tlie si-asttn Kiuh wassail at thu d.iiinur* V;r:, of tht' nutrvir . tlt>nmiK!i;x' '.:>. had completed . tho inciosure and.hud • •'•"•>'' • 1 1 1 bnai-il, srraphli; inuslcantl pomp ut cliurcli WASHINGTON,^. pi-'. -.' •, i'-:;n«tini St. 'liO parson hoi;!. ". '- :- •• Li'on from tho common a tract of y'oot) ' servjeu even thu Kivjn^ of r|cli gifts riK '.{ii.ii for u '-'-•ii'ri nwl t-vury IHJU- :. ,;id of five and twenty acres in axtunt, • . aniunu the ciiiurs, were thesp a\\, ^vuul() iii .i(ii> imrisli, ;>-, this Is eoimnoi: Mhen,"fiaiih" idi Jo-I s tohlnioelfhllf . ""my : "votiisi WIIEUK DID you GKT THE MUKKV*" : Ifiivu .Christmas Imt little dltTerent front ::;.:".-;r,::L* for hi?."sfmro. •fiml TIHTO l-i- • to be as etiil as n monwi Tho I found your trcusuro and I disposed of it tp . • >thi!i* liuiidays. notably so |n thu e;ise of 1 i-t ±V!":- TiiiTC'll lwnmi(rhc left . • ••oirt know tioch'ni: about it Tho tlie antli|iiarlan weiitleniau who buys thp : Knster. when prcs-u^, glyiny jpiipUK tllP ill: :;• i'rroi- ic t-vor the sold cup .. ,.b tin tie„r the duchy or n» n . Then .fosacmiiibiWoutof the gnivp ant) ; or iniantCbrist. as the ido] qf the wolllli '."R«n • ne "jienrc'V' •:itii''.i<.uiBV ,..v: .--iV-ner: rmt! ir •thoduchy-sqi^.ikVnr^full:ft-!aiiehine nnrt: ho.:.huyhed .[j^rhg. ; i -then;.,havu;J,lit.HttU1 significance, -:*mkii»i.iru ih;it i:e WHS I'lViob- cla. : un.i.-r tho lord of tho manor. - , tear* ran down his cheeks. ' i "ll ^" t\vi juvunllo world tluul^rui 1 : 1 r ultw lllL ll lw ^i:-A^or1t:t::isv:::-nc-iir.rv.;A^cu'2:i!!ot;hiT^-'M^vK!»y' '''' mlilliu V-Woinnn's. yiit.;..**1 . . 1 " J lU, f!^ ^yuot;e is struck ^ _'j.; -ivlju;!t u;h Sl!| ltl 1LS died, .lo** iiitteil her greatly, the cotrago' outweighriiijufs wUil-unT-; '•My tniutron-a-iv; >V ! , ! ^ :^vMV!.lliiijiVuinJiitJ.riiigiufr'.^ ! •tl :;.i-: rii:;ii! stones was sir. lonely for tho girl. His heart grew uro li " 'is"huTOM'-he"clapiHJdii'is"\viFp \ t.h.r.l'l,^l".ll!.L,.',ni ity HbwChnrlus Uick-" ul1 lIll! rna> 1 ( > i._di^;^;^..^. f!HT-_ ;-?'••.,- '_'H1CS'i-1 ^n tit" alinilldor'S- 'ilcltiiur ! ?- l' l" ^ .'! -lY.ulutJUu£Jn rietion, j _ .__ " inel"''"ho'said~ hlif"l ilvciiTn "thatcoitago'; crownr^=Wiit'hy.- TnrntoK^*"1^***'-'"1*17^1'^ r !."-..]ry*^:i'. U'ilcd with k would SHVO lit,:- !ir.U;-:r,T;-jo'iirncy every . nor put son," nor tin .- r>i~!r;">-JCt.-i,-.- NL*W ho day. But ! won'r risk-it.' ''one particle of right nvi-r no nioro nor a PUBLIC. ;'. tr.hwin. b'.inkia'.' to Shortly alter this a grent suriirlso came i pin's In;:i(i;-Iiur. is all—all and undivided • :iiy. AL pro:|ent ho • on him. One .inorniim lio found in his ~..iny own And liygum!"—he kissed Mary, 'tluT'Oliristnias procession far nioro thim puppets to tho warm hearts of countless ";'.-*l youth", •ami with "new taka""n flock of. sheep" all-braniled | then ihu child iueaeli arm, then Uie child l-NKRMIT MK to present for your consideration !., ;.vi..:i;iuO(i. "Hut," "M. A." ;I ; atjier knee—"this treasure of niiiie Is one readers Anil it is not among the children of tliu rich that Christmas most difTi •••. I f a few facts pertaining lo Moiiniucnts and : ;-v.'*ioj; nn iliO'i: last- "Gracious., bloss us!" exclaimed .los. i bearinir annual Interest." •Imps as has Headstones Unit shoiihrprovc of iniich inlrrcst, '.-te-ftse.-i and especially to -prospective buyers. And Tom Kndi- My uL-iimsmpiHi pulilie attention are based upon V 1> tI > !Vli ;ii: hi ; 4fk ''•'• • ' -V ./$' • !. ' P aml.nowcnii t cstablislicd facts of •iiiiiuiiil :iilvanta^c. -.They are \O1\ -j • i^y' '• *•••"•^-iprnVoih.-iiiLMriifi-i. #ty"\y- r-n'.'o tin-liiiior ai'n.TT frranitfrrnnitonc no j dle^classers that Uhlsimas i»y gus y j'mosi potcnuy The trillo spent to'sucu tlicse: 1 have my work done under s-pceiiil orders ^t,.fc";.'.•'•'A "p R":o.ulil :iH".-ind dw.-ropitiult:Lutle—- have boon turning sheep into my ew tnko lf •jOiirlstum-ri true with its burden of elieap' ' *" *"" " ' ' y-i'i-y day andl bo1u during tlie night. They avo nil tnnrked Hit; Social nnd S«cul»r Sl-jtilllciin r .Jat llicjiuarrics, whcie^tlie oultiiiK and finisliitiK ii-,iiCi-" 1 ' toys mid Kweets lii thu tuiujmuni'hbusu rep- 'SI. A"' ", , ~^' ' • ' tii« Day. •-•••-.•v-"•—"-••" are ifoiic'lly expert .wnrkuicn only,- with Ihe latest U ( resunts vastly moru than tho eorreHponil- P r '.They tire mine, Jos." The estalilisliment of thu Chrtstiuns fes- lt how ainonc "thu ^ improved labor ^avinj.^.maehiirc-iy;. 11 is'-aifcii etiveiy ho / ^.^-phipiictl dirci:,U.l«"ilB ilcAUiiatioii, thus ••avin^ the « t;iko"w:vll InllioiUrM- and stone ehest that, con- ..usual rcKt of^CNlm ,hiiu';l'inji.. . 1 am previously advised of sftiijiiilcni ami immediately upon UH that .loa was arrival Iranspcrl it lo the cemetery; II is set .,' Ml.r.i\.!|!:_'>*'c)is('.rI\v. ily enough._ to share fully^viHii.hjjii^siiiieriprs IQ .!. •.•unsi'ipionrooiitiscation of tlie swervd tho girl.- •'The nuw-'tiiUe is ccF'i rlveilNjs'rit-Js'of1 "merry niaktng lioVfroViv Ss... wilii t; a.subslaiitiiil.iiiaiiiiPr.. -_ - feasting and merrymaking. At thu pros- j .'ill, his prevailing dominant tainly mine. 1 have boon to the lord of j Christianity so inuch as from tho customs DoitiK hiisincss in this manner insures the out period wo soo an over Increasing beno- !' • tho inanonnn/iJ'iivi-^houglitJt^rSo acres at.!of, the hi'athen.wiirld. flic rulers of tho 1 faction-1iV':t.hh-\v)iy-nf— Imiphif;-thu.poor to-i most nrlislic and perfect work nt'a consiticrablc so much gold per acre 1 have the papers ; early church, from Constaiitlnu down, l enjoy k Chrlstmiis* nioro genoroifsly—tho : '.'•'• '•;-*•" saving in cost, llinvc cinploycit llns system for, VL':--^ • ^fv..tho- liM-hiHlvMl a girl .: aU. dmwnLOUi.."- -,. . . , i.were.shrewd politicians They know how T v turkey or gooso for tho homo table, toys - j ry Angolt with' hur bodrldiien "Yours! > Where did you get the inbiicy?" {important it was to include as\niany as ihirlecn years with-j^rcal satisfaction, ami- it 1ms .ml clothing far the youngsters, and public { i'r" SJii' uuiilo u:. lh'olihfMJil out of ' That was a question Mary did not an- [possible i>( the old pagan usages Und bo- ijcen the iiieaiisofj;rcally increasing my business. Fniuo (ii'nUry she kept, ^ont/Jf Hint arrow- '" j iiefl'to whleVr the pcoiUo oTTho' ilolimn j dhinursurs,, often supplementesupi d by Bubstan- SWCr V) i , presents for tho homelcsg waifs. On ,. ".uzz. - H is'-j'iniiossible forlhc operators of stnail ciUliuy In-;"ts*->vliioh liy 6c»ri*ih*iiu'V'sho fouiul on •Afitor much consideration .tos said fnl-Tcmpl-Ycmpirehmi l been ntbichcd in thp observ- j tliil, pruHonW for th< this'special occasion such philanthropy j iop«, •Wi.(W'1chcnp incclifinics nnd apprentices, to successfully compete, allhoii ill they lioasl thoir ability to do so. 'iiw ;i! or ami which slu/tlisimsL'il of to 1111 toringly: "This Is a pretty'goi' How mn.-Ijuriscs ew faith, bl •S.iio I>\M tlitl somo iiccdlu-. hy Dec. 25 was selected na tho shows its most sweeping and liberal form. , , As to'uiy rcsponsibilily 1'refer you to any 11'iiin in Wasliiiuiimi.'nny of scvEfij /lulmlrc«l: ouslonicrs^r^ lhj,iniblishcr 6;7 •UJ bo lIMIUI for tho walling?" T -Juat ' " heart is softenef d to tho ] ;: «»n "si™'l am^Oilnk; J.&* {&. |rmtnfda>4f/ the Saviour of tho world.ip- ^ tlio Indian hgrt Is softone^ to am ^^ ym an ^m] of,R(K)(1 WO].k m*(| SL.UinK\vl,ou you buy of a responsible dealer. Specimens oMny «;ork ,n»y bC 1 •los pnsswlthu cbttiipo,twice doily on his " But it has engagOd me op; an.;f6h>r body has ever been able to toll. CortAJnly ff££«™ ,, u , lir" C( mU before'j him whoso seen i^ncnrly every cemetery for 25 miles aronn.l. llv specially .is Hie larger class of work, such as shoxyll lierewilh. ^ way aut.ftiid on, his way homo, and vciy. IIS months.. Flifi'Fifty poundss wouldn'tt repayrepay |! there historicc reason nor thbo slightesslightest | *™;|» '.V.!.. „ ..!?">[ "...^ »u,.L,. n,« • * - _ - •. • fretlUtjiitly ho saw Mary at:hor door, nnd my liibor.jii.l-ciin!t>afl'nril1-1— • •\v -r l.ttutliontlo clew, nnd it'ls well known that I day as man lit thus observed. Tho If yon cannot t-fill ami sec tiu-7'Ji'op a postal antl-'Fwill call upon you.-... ctfully, .. 0 : democratic lntlu-onco of Christmas thus tney noycr niot'-wiihout-cxciniiiikQ of.sftHi*.•..- ...... T—^.'i^™.™-™-f«B.«0U j,™^ tho rainy season in .hitlicn, ; stands out a (jrcat Kocial factor. :i; Oflicc ami Yard, 101 Ilroad St., Uiitlono. On one occasion when overtaken '• FhciP'noithor shephnrda . nor (locks bravo rt l>y o bftilstonu ho, Jmd boon luvltod Into " " lii£J*d_IifcflS. liQ'Rfi'«,T;J-'liRRlS. . FORCE, _.^ L -.^ THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1897.

1 impels nf RWOCV sounils. I paid ficrr-rs tion It. The driiiiknril's song is n ci;: - JIUNKARDS' SONG. dollars to litnir Vn-nnv Mn:;! Wjlt f lhl ir Ill-Iirts ii( is tho nmil a^ent on. the Hackettstown Inniu l.'witniH >,iv like a 1«'L-S.:.>IH-.t'.ill \ Tlu. ^p^t tiling on .-artli h sin. I * " ' ''"' 1 Express. : * •' -r\ANIKIv VIJIET, ^nsi to n eiTtiiln ntnjfi*. and i Tht-'iiinst rxjii*nstvi> of all innsie i.. , if earlh and in return we shall do our utmost in the how llh i obji-ct nwir by. I'uM j t|,,, wm(f ot th!i ili-unkiinls.. It is the '»»• Uwivun .nmi;:-h«ll will. >tu.v Illlwl Mian Ida MiithcwH, of Newark, Is aiiend- Wl1 1 lIlu It in another nmj.'i\ :in ilriitilfiirils li'is fin- its m-(jt*ini>i ii?- I>«vo mu ii. dunsi.m who are issued two hundiud invitations for tho nhlle instalMtion of tho newly elected "bini . O'• f llir l..-st. fit-in;; WIIUMJ VM|•. ' iLlluM-hinlc ot' idialns. tin- diuiw 'tliiin I. l.vt lliu [Hissing awavof my jim P.McICI2s'SrRY,M. 1>. Ulcers iicxtMundity evening. everHi'-vcd tin- itir m- wlmsi; font uvi tny ti'fth' of piiwrlv, tin- t-atth; of c.\ ui-Ifiiri; lie liku llu; lU-fiiiw nf II cloiirl Charles Osmiin, who was f;r;idimted from J. tbuclii'il the I'nrth it inijVht bo snhl: •MitioiU'i-'s srnlVuld. tin- <:iv:ikin^' doi and the shouts uf my eiu-nii.'s \\\;<- tht- . •rtf hyw..r.| nf dt" I'iisshir Ihrnnir. r |ll r u :il ls U Iu [ the Now York Trndo School in tins pliunb- >f tl.«'.Ifw'i-t»lili...iH!,tlK.i.riishufsjM|.-l "-- »Jr" " " - " '" i»iti«'1p»l>- (8 too a. m. •Die ruler's scoff Ux' ilrun1vyrlnh' clouds siiii"" ii's»iii(f. What cn- y<>ui-ebihlho..d hoim:,an riclinii-nt tins IIIMMI KIVUII to tlir world's Msters with whom you playi'd, and dit-r was an-.'slvd and tried for falliiiff of the Institute ^were given a practical j ~p >.N. JACO3JUS, M. D. lit'/riittirt'iitid i-njoynieiit by thu bal- • hi- ,,„ one midnight: hut In l&cttirHon biikii'/ i the kitchen, hy .an j Xm-way I'luo, Inds, the canticles, tin: discaiits, the It. It. Avenue, WusliiiiKton. hear a mitional air. and you think of d<>clan'd that lie was awala midi - instructor from New York. dittirs, the ronmlelay.s. the epic-s, the the encampment of I'"'.::, mid the still iiljrlit. nml in piunf that be ^ vi-nki lyrics, the 'dithyrambs. l!itt my text Catharine Axfonl, thu estimable wife of j UVdncMln? aftornouti nu-1 Suturda?. nijflit mi the nvrr bank, ami the eani| !u.' said Ilint /.|i, had beard calls uitcntion to ii styh- of sony that I Amos MiittiNon, (tlucl at her home on High j rnHton, ThurHd/iy ovenliiK ft«d t'jIUny lire, that .slini.l; their ivllretir.ns it]i am the unusual of th, .'lode think h:is m>vi-r been disenni'si'd upon. ''-:,iTrne street early IILHL Haturduy nioniin^;. On conior South :trd nml Kerry Stw down tin- lares.>f the n-^ini.-nt. Von I strikin-.' • 1:; insU-ail of 11*. lie wih Von sninctiiiirs briir this stylf of tinisic the previous Tiiusduy .she was stricken li-;iir an u!d irlnireh ttnn-. and von an-i lnuybed tu MMI-II and M-ntfn<'ed ti Hrk'k, Cull outsldo If no<:osMiLry.' |when piissinjja salniin, or a ivsiib-niv with piirulyniH, Her ' a^e was . about 70 Ctmii'iU. mded •>!' th<- r-vivnl -,•,•,,",.- amiil I -b-alb: but thn-i- or I'utir pi'i-wms. ii SlLllU, i which di>sipatinn i.s iisi'i-ndunt, or years. The t'ltnenil-surviceswereeotidticted j wlV - bi night t,>(i,,,l. Xotli-I hit of the , - up in lime t, ifU'rynii have retired at .nitrht yuti by her pastor, Dr. J. C. Chapman, of the "1~\U. P. J. KCXKL, injr ^ U\}Uf ciations as a wear that they, too, heard the clock u-ar it eoiuinu' out ot the ,strr.-t from ng j Presbyterian church, at her late residence i s ! r Ut'llllfit, hw« wlu.,b!rvin« tnrrf.V.l loni'iit tb.'b- !" ^, «« P'»Y".l "P"'' ''" 'ru.i» and ] sUlke l:; that n.idui-rht. and >v ! 1L d afternoonf . OOn Chi tltliie II [utuml to ijiillil or rennlr Lt will pay you ti •nil ul tlilV> o for your.iulf mid I •lips. :ireon th.-ir wnv h,,ni.—tlic IKII- ' <1™»'«'»^ *'»W * »». J ...tip" s..t tu.. :....i...;..,..* ,i i.. ..,- tmii. As s youyou ' heiibrarr Iitt lconiu tocitll wu«thur you imrulm-Piir not. Ou.rtlilnir «-|M-;inlly Irt Jnt««>l r " . UnslituBtoa, ad of the im-briate, tin jiiite late' soiur ni»ht. v.m bey in .irimUards' son;,'. purbapM in the dce| children: Miss Ida, of ll.-iddontield; Win.jJK In; aleoboliz.'d, ...r what iny • > say to yom-^'lf: "I wnniier if he mldniylit uf y*iur MIU! tlun'e may soiinil A., of Jurswy City; Cyrus C, of Chienyo, t wir luw. Anil tint l»-.-t uf wmk In turiiml out. \\'» luivy n»MI« urninuo "i.'iit« wltuj O])iiO3ite»t. uioml Hotel. mill Orin, of this place, together with their [ ul l I he SHICJ- nf tin- drunkards. ;;;:j _ I t;isa mot lie f.' Is .liis^vilV wiiitiny for ' suiimliiiny. tliat will .: yet. ellVet. ymu "' " " """" '"""" """ '" " "" """ "^ -"'"""""" \ ••^nrpruftifiil niri" 'rtvin;: 1 will HU-I ninV Will his children be fnirhtened \ moral unit i-tumal r.^eue. Untitisii iifjed liitlier, completed the family elrelu. j ; i. iir »'»l Christina pui-pu^-: vlu'ii lu; filler.-, the front an.l ; risky ••])..-r!i;i[)S." It is exeeptimial. Cyrus hiid not bocn at homy before in two \ D ; ; ouncu tu vou tin.' i-hunti." Ai II rt^thor Mrn. .Nfjitt.ison's iiobil-l \" i>fiiiihi, !ii''!-""Mr-r! r'l'l.mi'i'i'.'u'lli'ii'tll'i'i'i "'"'•' ''' ' •ls ""'"' ''"' "•""• >'"""'•'• '[' tliis i-inirch. :i 111:111 wli'.ini 1 hn.,n,.' ! 1L1 Mui-t'-ii :^<» i-'iirly <»n 1I10 ii»wn ;,, , ,t ln-i- vi-in'.^ rni.i'n.nU'il ILL,-. At tin: and niTuctioniite, i;ciicrotis and solicitous*,! Mu.ilinf tlmiiMlMUuf tliumirUlnmUr -™,1'''' ,,'" ","'' 1,"1'"lu^.w'11 h" sll'~ "i>t «l»iife I Mnv"tli,u lit- »•» hi tile hur Illlluunci! WIB to atrons »s to nlwiij-n i.i.u clmri'li is old miialu. First rame """]- """' 'J'"-r ct"r0 "i't m"" W1" (Kill 1111.I ln»t net i»( thu trupnly ..( in- exurt u lilossod Inlhumni! upon liur utecnt W. D. QULi r, tLo SuiilU Bulldlug. ''otWraissU-in, tlio-clilpplnit mil tliruuirli Ins pi-u|KTlj-V I womlui' ....,„,„.„,, ,„.. .Spluiidid even in .hi? ruin, cliili'.rcn, and her departure is deeply Ilolviucre Avc. ant' Morris Canal. OTibiil. \vhj ih vvtiK siitwste.! by 1, I l»m-lie jful M> Inr ii^tniv. O,,i any 1,,- T|.,, «„„.. l.rillilint c.vo. nml tliu MIUIU mourned. i j~VR. G. T. 1'OX,

1 1 onice null lteslil^nco, urimi) Cmittal Hoc.) i,.- -,"',. ,'" a,'"' '''.":?-. %"'t r,"!-'; v,l,<, l^l him oil." *. von >umo. iiui.- .!.,vr^.!! . IT-...I.',,.!. ",-"''.•.•".. KI.ippcll.erB. ivm b» united in innmagis t9 I 1 1 4 : u r:::.;:!.:^' -"".."' -. '.' .";'"' r. ',:i! :imi inn-i* aumt-tiiis mim v.-iiosuvni,-,; ;•;•.:.,'.,..:;:.,.,.„•.,:.;.:...! :.;;../:/.: .:u,'\,\,;;i.wiiii!iin i.'.jicui.jiaiii at the ri'situ.ii.H, of j her step-lhtlier, Uoherryiiiltliron .Moun- 1 ai- "in tin; MivH 1111,l,-r tho •^ ]>\- II-UL-^: W'ita uml >'t!ii-.«tocl tlio hlirp. lint fill-l.ncii.i: ] f.'", '' tain iivcaue. ut nijoii today. Thirty guests j jL> C » L -Lj V J U 0110 O till, nml lUMI-iy luiuU- lis till' us til c-liil.lri'ii uiiii frioiulsuu In.unl. liiu»'if Tlii are expected to lie present, and the cere- H..inil e.tllnpsi; ut'mu- p:ir.-ut;i^o list lio lw,,, :,,„! still l,,n- ( ,,lla,,,n,i..i,ia vuvii-.. liint ho rx- , ...... EYE, EAR," ROSE MD" THROAT, if fou mony will he performed hy Dr. \V. S. tu. s.ill^itf till! til! liintor il" si.v, tu ij-iv... I [„.,.!,.,[ vv.ntlil lie "l-.r'iuii's". ..iittiu^ intu Uohin-son, of Hie JI. E. church. The bride of the exceptional values in underwear ware now oaenng is shown in j ^-AlsOiJtrfmi:ll0I| of the Eyca (or t^ vn> Min^iit luast yi.;ir-> ;i:_'u, win: /..•si t.. the Milljf ut liiu 'Iriinliui-'l-.i ,„.,;-.l,.,,,^ hllr],,7,., ,„• \^-,'t|,. ,,7i,| m will he nttind in her traveling costume. • '.hMl-JlHjJi-lni-t. .\'«ili-wnii- ..lit- i.f-tli. *rini>|. iv h-1 liiivi.Lr.itii. ilnwn i-i 111 111 Mini- j j.[st tl jn,, jn,l( ^^ ^.n-ij^u.,,!" 1 l*-4i v»-ti line. The prices r:mge frosn ! SPECTACLES, aud. EYES GLASSES lu It'.. lioiilli,.' nillll.i" of ut li/list one ui,.,i |'.;,t , ..,Vivrft. iim-,'..rriloiur livlim' •IVKjirinvell will serve the collation.' . j Lelilgh Vaiiey, '" " '.rk. niul us if ili»jrii»U'il • with In. ll m A! EAhTOK Frtiuklln Houao. TUESDAYS ltai-ii |iri:v;il(.|:ci. nf \v:it...i\ In. luolc t. l,..|l,...l tli,-u. down. (ieuenilly if is | , ,c.til,.. ,,,„. OV,M. .„„, „„„„,.,„; l,im Mrs. Jennie Wulerniuil lias relumed I Telephone Grnnd Ceuinil Hotel. soi,i,....i..«ii<..wii.Miliule liiflu-.i-iipin] I,,,,, ,1,,. l,iv:ik..r»-a ivi-ei-k of lioil.v. il from ;i three weeks' stay in Xew YorkV/ 9r.>iifrili'iiilciin.l M:i|'(r"ri'il •r.irlh, f"i I i 1 lir< ! 1 ,-li ii^.-s" tin- iir.>t lii!r.\vii liriinUiinlioi»..n> , I " ''' ' - '"' '" '""""•' ' resoumw. „ .,. ,,f ,,,i,,,l. ;, ,vm:k of. willl. Miss Mume I31:iir, ol" Blairstoivii, is visit-1 ^ l tlie ul.ll °"r ''•"•"ll "•" »•'.»'•""' '"!'•'••" »" »•• I -Vvi,,. is vuur ii-iteV "I *ew York, • - . •'.. ••'?. • -, •••'- •• ' • - •••• ilru.1 iJui'li o? liis suns to Iniil!! u lioki'. i >>V»li'-i-w .1 tusiv eimiiuj,* to llu: last verse of 1 lint lun^ U|ip id ul i in. •;VtenvnnU tlu-y went .KV.npliul in mm- '"'"'>' y ^^ eantalaL-mitulii. tiiutlmtl protrau-u-iprotraeUdl thriMkiilythre , that Mrs. ,,,,„,< Hell linsjoiiicd her hushandl J)^^^^ Binner gg^ Wits] 1, N. J ilLr uml ill.p.llitn iu^ trees.. Lilt.-; pippiu.s Sl I.1:1!;1™1 "!™.H''?.yi"ralrH';i!^ .1..toi'l'illi:j,.jllit !•( the drunkard at Atlantu, Georgia, for .the rciiiaincier ot'j iiiil fri^i t:t5,v.l.iifli" tliny'lisMl Tnhml ilij '".'" I"'"- T"?"th..r lliey nre inanaeled • Kut, if tlii-s.. worils slioulil i-onie—for the winter. " "' """ " •;—-•-— • •;• • --i-•••--•• •. .;.-• - .;-.::-.::-.• .- -- toote)LB'.- .•"--. ..- •.;• il halm. L.-elher they travel to- you Irnnw till' llir;n>st ;iiiilii'll.1..s 1 ri'il'ili .:•••-,. 1 d Tho-'C-ttiirtiet, - \ 1 iwe" - Co. • nuencicd- the t •• 'of •KnglLh • \vare: ' -iirr.l tliovtoiiW notiliz-iaivei- il."(ViiliVi,:.;-p''"'i' •-'•"'•'• '"*«- twrther they make "l iieviir s..|. at nil—1 say if llu'se wi'ifib funeral of Mrs. Muttisou in a hotly. otlicr house in AVashington approaches us in this respect. Look around j ver the t llii.n iufonniiil tlicfrthut tlio devil lia.l I ' . llmtlL'li at tin: emis of till and-then-see ours. '...... -. s...... 'fail'Bl'it. mill inilue'il liil.l some H«lil| ' urn-Ill, to any flllle'll man. let me say ti 'tu it. MiM-i-lipon Noilll SUMliiiniiL'il him: lie the exception tn I .he ^r, C. F. Stuntcs, Proprietor i lu location, ace m mod at ton and mHimgonifUt. Pertiiiineut nuil tmusleat Rueal •soil cntcr;r.iued.Ti'rtces;ireaf.C2atj!e.:-•;..- Every room heated by atewu aud lightoo E7 1 Cures Fever. ....;.- ulcculcitp. 2 ." Worms;'.- Washington Ave., Wnsiilnutoo, N Infants' Diseases. Diarrhea. huvu them I-.MI.-W ,V "Why, Ihon,"- «ul

/WEnlargeriients made from oK| plio; n .:n- tintypes, in Crayon, Pastel, Water Color or Oil ; iiriliriK :itni uvcry Stal)lo» nttnuhuil. ,SUige u tralut. «n D., 1.. & ,\V. Kit. til llria

BETTER WORK -WISE IY TU'AM WORK nut! llnul ISMUito Affa lotTi tiuwaril. niiil ufmid loUiiir, kniicliiiB' liL'siilc liur liosliiiml. HARD?' GREAT ARE.'. WAbEIINGTON, h J ,:!f* UNNECESSARY ^iN HOUSE;" ' UrrAliK'S SHAVING PAI CLEANINGTir

Ihurs. a^iiinst 11 •.dissipated life, witl Tho v\aco to got-tno .best .Lliti fiici ihntfiofew rutnni "'tifterthey Ingcnrofully executed In tho mOBtaodotL stylo We' exercise euro nutl display ItcbeBt ot Judg- f tlioau who would liltu tore- turnV-1 toll you Uod wjmts you 'tc> coiuu ment1 iu aiiou^vprk. rCi6aoa oa'Sunday;'"'. ."'• back, (ivury one of yon.'and to come Proprietor.' .: '•' ' : linclt now,• und;more tenderly und lov- EtV'S CREAM CALM IB I» ltosltlvocaro. Applply into tlio nostrinostrilsl . Itiaqwlcklynbsorbciqy ! 5Q tanlDniffcietsorliy mull; BiimplralOc. bymnll. "jpiuiia mitp^riiito'tliu miilst of il'ii uilL of u. eniiil^,- uml foi IT BHOTlIIi]{S.60M"iiiri!U;l-L,NowVorkC[iy. • ' '"' ••••••'-' tilmini^tpnv p1 itt hoi* avnip, lind croonuil over fiN^-i'iil- j D. B. LAUBACH 7; The eiirlier laljyi uiifl rocked it,to and fro, iiurLord K will "'take* you up mid fokl you^iu tlio VNDERTAKEK and!EMBALMER r ririSi-ot Sis pnrdonmg love. Repairing; of Furniture1 anfl^Upliiilstering Specially. "••'• ' -Tiiohn.'s"aHviiloncRsIn uTiii'smoroy^" - , . • , ••-;• .oysilSO "tfEAlta'EXP^niKNoK. :iJ.£.^lill(;W.'.S4^^ ijr.Officefaadf^Essideiiee.vir^iTSftt^tJB ^^teb^r^Ibriu^inysieii! tiJluen- "rT'r""*""'\yhlcl7"i"iiigifi) ilian liberty.^"" .• .•"'",,"- •|u spuoiJJ. poilBiA JOAoniAV-itiiiij BSljW' 'piWu>I°^ :ni)ii.n Hii| l 01 KilA[ll![ [ I ( ,-x\SIUJOQ 9§> U OIJ.SU L}Of-:/| .III OA(WIU>1XII JI1O .."J lU.lSll.llll U.1.HJ| . •J, T 'ii!i iti«tin !fiA\ojpu\ 'Yi '1 ' pun millBi.i.ia ii'.i!).iio.u piu A : mop otij, -A'ii.ui! -ijiainb possitd ogx joft7 ' . • ..•:•'• aajjp^ oi^i pooQ ,, ,. j fa ort J no HI linn Kh'.m.i('!'iloi I' I'm' .I.IAI.,1 xmni^ j I\: a ^pu««i«ioO !A * S lup'J ( \ -umno 'O i»l°r 'jbpuixuniob :3iilU3A0 .tup '" =! ^ i(% , ' ;' »i% SJii[OBJO JBJSS() <•{}'-( BS 'b^tj.Joj .';' ;•' ,/ • 'poo? pin: HSBJJ 'IIJ'OQ ',; .ti-Ms OSz*£IU'_ • 'lO^yji-K™^-- SlWrf 3lllif:-£iJll$l SflUQ'S fa'-? i nriun«;i.itfO 11J1SI1 tiot JlimoJ ( 1" =tU

• : jjLUOp 0J1J-3.W IBljAV SA\0l|S-J>UIA\O||0J J.T]UIA\ JIT;, UG uo ^ ) ' ,.s.3>ivaa I |[IA\ OAV f;p0}S JO )UU033U pilUIUU .1110 nj-JVl'O'.rt O.IOJOJ]

• -. • ' -oij 'Kun.'-il'\)Ei>|i!;[ uro S[;i : * ' .*'""' ' ••-''••] .Hynjiii-ur uv HI JUI p;ujm.i;••<•{ t-mn -'.HI.I I,)|,I; SIIAV A'lipiui:,' ^"l poqos A^pu'iS uvi.101 ( ' ' T>()1 'sio.'H.itlv uio Sill i 'H't^tt l«i=i nmoq poiu 11)0.1 | nuiififuj iM(1 'i.i-iLj,;..-,'it UUMI .MD'U* imA' | -AH^V-JJ •}•.]} T-: ssciipucTJi: oi|l ««viimimoa puv in 'VV..:4::s/Z::j..*D;;^Vi*^:ii:3t;i'-i:r-utV5a-:»i''i:]^J"iil''--'»i^^ •iliimS nun's ^i|C •u|*»i*o--> .1-511 J» )*»»**! «.MI 3J-.i .i-'tf '{nu,j A[.i'»jrl \;\ l\rJiwii\\i '• -ni»lf!nal11H'l«":l«i*"JlM '"^-J" :'Jr';;i':' ;' ?Y 311103 -junjS poapm. nji:,S;!jj:>j|o AIOU rui: n.w 1 Sic; Min:Jl,i«q nnimi.-iS I! oyjl 'n.v.ia u; s.v'i:i> |iu.i.\.w! ua:«( h'IM..]1.I,.,u.ii\* ^-,);,t nnjw»o:» II.IA\ ,ir",.^in; • .,ooips .«V[»r.^Ss.'.!"l-''»l-^''- «l >>MX ..

: -'" - VA'I!IIIIIIU is?feTi:A>i.->S.ii:i 1 «.j >[.->T:,\\ ipii|A\ no JO[ oi|i ui |wpnptn nju S3iij[ 3S3i|j_ "niir.'J pi 1 'a "6V 1 lll ^".iii ip' ."i t ti--' j>i"" 1 • IIVIS NU.I.i'-M"' ' \\.> ilii ! I" 'i":i i| U : A r P i I j,,n,,,1,!s.|,.,.-..i,,.,l!..S,il,|:,A.i .q.,i ;^ ^ ^ ^^ ,.„,;. ;'^'^T' ' " T i"' 1,n "">o'" ' 'u Jo^nVaM'aqTi'o'pOo'jdb- SUS!A1 ( jspun 's8jqEi.iOJ.uJc3 _ I.\-JOAO in p.iAJ->- a'l ll!»>.to ••:|.>-.i.>>Jim«..v-.uoAiiiiiii.,,,i™i^ pun uaipiiqr. puii o^llAl 1 — h -11 L> .'::..- ?/•'>!•r/Lll.ti I J H'll JP,«!!!"aAO .A.i.pi..^ -.^L. t;;M.J.;J^J_.^__;-W_>^_v__.i::,_fU_u_^i- ^'--^Hnr,-,.^-.,"..! p.ion--pmi-.riliinlnlA-«-'l|aiiJnaq ' '•<-«• - "- \j-Jt- -I juSl,I3-s,iq-a!|Vur.i.->uuiis.I...>.«..., fl'". ill'"-' - •q>n;rvnjireis-.)K piro-.iK joo.uoq »'U ;,„•, ^iimi ai|] japuoi o.inutu '"Mlosa!;" q.1.v.lIi.T;i It =i| i:n .i.i-|U3l!Mi> aniij y i '.'-.:..' ' —OS1B II aq pul! ! uiosoq .:

A' j . .. -'I I' .-- . -- ., | -•,• ,i ••• r Jmltiny . 11- .."'"' ™,.|...... j-.-- --fc .1. :c ||u .u:.ui: uinip DJOJS uuip I -- —^- ••- , 'jaqa,,;,,,,, ..jK ,,,,n m 'pJoj>:o in «ia..Ai n,,u|.--;>.« 'ln.« aiuAirr aqi o, . iioissiiiiqiis ! JO-XIVSIOW^V -1.A-JJ. •oSiiyv-.i ;,..», j..,,oon,.V.- u ,, .iiipuad, joyv »^m, ... A.oq^^q^j,,,^ ^^.f 'll! Ill piM* ]SOD IV. S|)00u I Jod-hiai.T. pun •»V«:l -liiaii.iCi 11..U-!|l!.u II . -A^piluc; pi[qin:i pun pno^ n ISO] si;i| oiip.'I JIIO .. 1 ;|.iup A-iiiu uajpipio -iioiuii vi. ; J.I.U. i»o.i, llo .;„,,,,,,,„., |,,-,..,ic,j.,,,,0 p.,,,a anil'J s.!K Ji»II ' ™Wff °?J"™'\uo>?UZ«""l?, os 3110 nsnp 01 pujm JIIO (In npr.iu o.\i:q n.w lion s-aop II M.i||...> 1..OJJ -i. |,.>l .....-> A>.» ! ,_, Im.Vj|, .01AV,,,K ji^^'a^iV ,-,5n3,d smi.u 'S^^,A !)!-q pun 'i*.M)s|p ino,,,,.u 31 ™!o™."W'-: ,,„,,; .„,„;,-.„;„ Jm|,.u.i,n)l,,,sp,ll,A-npr " " •.pafdopn .W in | -u,o,Saiva,|ap i,o,,,a,|J. .•.,.r.Jo.,.,o-.->.>i!ld aqi; ,1,,ds.,,,,p)l,,|A,„•,„,> >JK i-ip -j,f .!,«„„„„„„„„ ».,„.„ qaiqAV silopmoBJ 11 J S'3 S^" » ,rT.W"« ! • •™.W,5tf?..1,..P ! puno,ilui,:^u,AU.,,.,J' a,,', pauodaj .Ca,,, wi"p p mptimluii. Ki-n.-ioi'i'-nuoo'l""- M-v.nv. p|,.S o,,,usp,i,,i| » qii.v. ,,.„!<, !p,.i! •|>.iin!odc;,, HIA-. oannniuo.i mi.iads OJ ! lm 1 1 u w > Ml i 1 '"% ^TTS i;-OJ..aiIl|i>"!P^'.|'l " '•"" "" " ' " "'*.|' '-'l'_- il-n" ''i. in.' |..-,|ii.i-oi,l IKWIVB -s\ •O-'Jlt i>i ->3p"l oill iC-S.ill.WIII jnillBM.u IV ,1)1 -aajioajo 0BI1 ai|l .iq prunfii; a.m oqA\ '"' •''...' '"' ".-' »'•'•"!= .« O JV , 1 i I j .. . .„.„„,„„„„„ -.--v. •-.-.. - ••S>»^^..-2W5-.O : j .- ^,;...... _-.^ .•:•:.- _!.-Knii.t|'ii3!.,X!.-.!SvJ->.!-!!>« •'•»•»«" i".-"!-.! - , ..uq Aian | oqAi i | I.JJIH) .1' I .1 >lii..J 1\ I i.iAi|-A-ina.«l• .tiJiMii J»| J.-.J11S1..U1 joaaino 3 3 1 ali 1 . .-. • •'-•:• ...; """ " .^,,*ll,'..-.,„,;.,,„„„!„., , J " '',",'""""'"™".'"' '^"^''"'' '"'"" •"'"'""' rawi 7 "! '.

1 : V| 1 i| 1 ¥ |O Illl-IAS '.-W.ll'lAVA-.l.-.A.. p..lil.l(iJllHpAl I|, '^lm, .;,:,l, \qii.. i lV"'V-il""'"u p.,,,,:,,V, ,„^ , "J U" »« »-f» : '"' "'^' ' ' ' '''''""'' ' _•'"'""" ' .'^. *' . j l'»l'il!"p ! »••* J™"" Jl 'H «»IJI!1|O «liW^tI IIH1H.U pun 'l i>.v>um j! 1! 'H!.u HJSIUUIII i^uipunds: _. '"1 •"''''!'*' '"'' !' i^.....->..ill"..ll I' I- "IV. j • •M.totdir.-l I>VO.TV;.--J--> 111' ot i.iuo DA-,!!= '™io ' pill' p.^MApK U0.-.iU.>'

^.l^^Tl.^mPH.".™^ M^ni'S •4K!!:™p,,rja^A?a,n>'aAO,p^^'I'^ai l : ! ii'-'iiiiH|U >'! i 'ii'ii iliif Vi'ii'0--vi i ' i-ii.isJ.-u.ii.uia -fJK I"" ••'Ka.ia.ii i! v nj,;,l^ ,,, p,ip,,adsns A>I,U,IS IU|I| pm.l 01'.l'I,"..':.' iia.i.u .-.')ra: f'l •S'..->.\l|.i icpil ! „ ,,,'^f,,, „„„ j,,,i''i""i-"i'i'iiT.'.ii-' ' *'"''-1-' '•<">"""* '"1 •>">"»l"1<"' l'ail!M i ,ad sp| jo ipuiias ui lii.>.« q.uoi r JO |ipi aqi 'osop'oj s.ioud in p^^jfiiu ]|\: 1 1 J U l I JJ .i.ioj.ia.111) si l| -s-i.-in II i|'iii(,u no Miiisjn , '"W.-" "" ''^'.' ;'"^1 "t',;,V.,,( "'''j',V"''' ' '<1'IM l.-lii:-! IV1C.1S I |n.M » ="11 -'"'In J".l '«>|!n.l J»Hi-« «M-«iaq •oi• aqi pun aiq.lua aqi A'i| JiWiAi lio nolldlinislloa pi.lnj ai|10l,-lM,"O otllll 1 1 ! 1 1 4 1 1 '"'I'.rMi I .'". -' '''";' '"MI"' OO- '""V ''').'",'! ' '"'•'I'"' '"! '" '-'- -l-"l>. ".I- ''I '-" •"'' •'"•' '• -ajn^.-nicl Aimio.-, uaxiiiA\ | „, ,,,^,,,,1 )B.ljr; .{,',ii JOJ uoii»od Mi| .vifit l 1 1 A [| 1 1 1|J ! J MJ A J "i-'.i .^".\-|!1.Sn| o'! !l."mo.ii>.'!^U«\AiA'j" A" ! 'I"" '-'!" •"'" "" •'"•• ' •'- ' - '"' .-"^."•>|- 'X '.-1 »' *-'Hl'"l l' : > A ''! ' .'- fion PIP on MoS A'JOIS a'lil sn mq 'liiom.ip j .won no ,1.11: v I; ? V ! ^ipiii: -sal|Him| ji)Siui!||i!il I|IIA> A'p.iiu...l • ''' on". ! A' I'•' '4 = S I "I "'•""•'' " ~*-<'l '"H . ''[j.'.u \^i'T. .:i|! op d pa.nniMinSs! tpio'i-.; ,1Aiii.u ,iij u| a.,),Uu 01 djn.'i -Jlv' Sin.woipi J>Kt"up IIV * Jin j|j HI rq . oi'i pun siuauijiOiiSt ,\|IIO.i||l >I1I A'I|A\ sj 1IM| 1, -.^..Auiil.i.l A'| j UI .'lupi a-iiil II!" .)li:.i.--| i| l.:.'M'.;i .l^lulil' |/,:i! hi:.-|io.-l 'tloll'iunimo.) Joj AJ..A...I>!(.1 : .^un ni!1 ,o aiii^ino al|l 01 pu.t J.1I|!O OI|1 nln i J{O4q *SJ(>1 p|IO XlllMIl i VJ.-IIIJ-i-il'-Illlll [""'.I ,l» JJ1«1 l'.T.-|..l- •iduiiud •*,-:!.] .I.MIII.IAS- •..Ailirxiq A'lnnuj jai,, „, «.i.,. :|i|.i..|.> u.i||.i.i|.i | ..i|j, : .«.>x v"«!M '-'"I 'n-i.-Apui. piin.w.l.'i| P ' ;Bii1i|.,vi)ti pmi proil .>'ll A'l'o'l *.W p ;| p liinstMli^oijI ^i|.>!iiA\^u.>js'C«.>i|)j(imi|i j ..,.„.;,:•,,, p,.,,., ,. .-jiis,..-.,,) pm: :s>nJ'K| JV|I"|. ".I'"!. .IP II pim 'o>...pi*ili:ni|i ,,,0.111 adoj 1: SIIIILIIIIII l^'.I '.lAtloui sjojos pin; >pvi<] ii ]s.ijni>Aou isoiiq niji jo yD.ioul jo *jp.->jj>un ^>y>

4 s l •;.i.i.>.i...iil ...i...|..M I'MIII'A '-||i in.n • '" "r."-"l i'l "' ••t >* "! ••-I'"H "••* :;, • ,,,• .„„., „, ,,.,UW,K ,, .j,,,, JOJ suiqiou , .^.nmVl nqi .101 waiip'110.1 >.|i| aul.v.ousi m{ -sniiiiml! n-jji JOJ p.iionli •sA.fl Aiumi ..qi ,0 ...,„•,„„ in... , .. ; -IIA,.., ui s..A!,,,|0i iniAi A,;|,i,,,i s 1.1.1.I- (."I •, ,,„,„, „„„_, ,,„„ ,lallAWO ,,T „„ ,.,,„-,,,, , • :i|J1 • .,,„,., ,„,,„, „ 5, ,, „,„„„„ j.iAr> sraud iso.»0| m •s.ij.ds .«.-iu .-spooS .«au. oootvuoooooooooooooooooooo ai|) jo J.IIIIIIII:IS.I.I1,IIII .I..1I..,, i!iiii/Y\ ,-i.iioiiM ,!'> ••>!'l«l'-tl «••* P"" •-I-"---J "«• IV . n-.q,.,,,^.,^.* AI.W.I .II.U.1 J.»l pin. ••• uj-i „„,,. „.„,, w,,JB-4 ,,>|ufil „ JMIIISII;!

•VH! tun in lqSnn.i .11 sia>[irajq

-.WMd 3(11 ,|O I,,!.,, SS,, M.MJ.I ,I! M, JO, A|,V,r, 1 p.uv.liuil ,un p'O- jpjpiain .K1A0 polio

•II.II..-.|.I|..IJ u'l'r'uiiio,; : "1 •<>.p '. •'•"!'l •'••"il I'''!' 1'11'oiiaJ s) 11 pmi SHSV.p MOnid S133HS .-• •'U frocrnf iiuiid ivauanuo,^"^,;'1""1'1" ""' '^^ ^"" »>»'™^ xv viXih

i i*u!tii.»'joisja nj m pp^iuui pui* 1-XO S rr.I ..»P«O ic.hi--P" ui ui pasuipjml—auo.{ si -~i jiy J.i|tn|.^ KiMiip'6 A'I 1 p.isuipiiiil j .;.• -.-'IUA.^IMVU innuooiuuwjH.Ji'^V rfji]j-,1 n: uiarj oii|io "AMtp'.W .>«|J, -.uii oin J° iJKi aujmuiuoa nn^'ioi^u' j -'1 'X im'JJ '"1-"1"' H'.'W »1*PP"J !'->J'lV 'siu.uul K.iipiJii •I'U, "*-HJO|| flip jiioqii pnjoHit.Js-.-fidiunjH1 I Tlj,ll| Ui>lS-CU(itHI .liqVJOAtlJ »in ;» nuitiiioin' i« 'mur. ••^KI 'A'.[-*>".I, lipni; pflinpt».i(i .nj.iAv ujvap u»i)X 'W-n ] A*J»A v iipisiH si.i( nj| -JJI>OJ;I r»ijin pirn : t •.UI «S(ipi-".ia *A\ '0 "A^JI' A'(l oUi!|.i.Mim -hi;q atp .10 .i-iti3HJP3 nij) in JJIOAV o] i«p«.., iii.\oj;j iuvsi:.»i,( H: Xt'l»uis nvn t|.•"'>«*! ] ii] itoiniii.ui».\v '.Viumu x-.-sny •J-mwnns .^ ..ijl Xii <1n ii iluj.uwp pun KMop 1.1 •II.IIII^IIIMM *v•'i;«jnil 1, pint •A'jtmii.T jlljAV 'iiiopni-i t«4.i:sin;i otu VIUIMJO([, ;| xnisilci 'tK.o.uu.->u') J<> 'PtM'H 'O in|ii"(I ' •":• '". " '".r^itt1; nijl •'! •"ll!00 '"! atni» Xoip -^UAV aiuiis -.-ilitu.iA.i JJUJ ix.tii;<.\ui-;-l-*.l| "stii.M iif. j-.i.Tj in tioAiii'inJ p»u tiptinu.i' r.iituim m> mjj i»« i"3.u jHiv Hio^jAOJd jo'injionsirq: piiii'.-i mtj-ispupv 'tuniuiujsti! A\,n» j p.>i.-)rjiOJ(l ii rtpwir'uri'i'- AIJI»M iJts.v.siis' IT till 1)0^31x1 puti noqajin oqi oi i>-numaj «l]j.mi pMjsnm oi|) l' 01 unpJO ti{ IIHAJU 1 • " •aprjiti.Jiti; K|ti.-wtu am MOIIJ, •A'pjSpl .OaA pDZjad »q . >i{) 111 ..iJi'I'HUO mil' jn.ftijil vn.'lxa -"V !-i:.iilap ?in A\oiti»i lit" I"MI ^»!-»!>iua 'Kiiniqn tpitiAV OAVJ sjq pm: : ' : am oni?«>i in-"'A"l;-I ;1IIU" M.ipiKtm'.ni;jopim IUO.IJ^AO i««tq , i«'ttuopoanx 3(001 osju Xoqj, • iin.\l»fli| IM-« «*»ai»a PIO l")l)!> "^"M... "JOUJO.T OI[ I Im »iSl10t( W^UI,'^, •oJopooqjj 'uo« pjq oi Jatpcotp pun ja^m .1 :»uo.)iiiti«i,i pn(iI1»«oa |iBt«a if f-M(l <»l r»>|i||'I"' "I j .frKlf.\* flljl [WIIW KWIt JWIUIIIMM '~>»**l •jjf D) poSllOJDq lpH]A\ .JO 3UO 'saiJOJUAV:;V •niii|iiii'.> SIIUKMIIU pooa.....,OA\ti, pj)jno«->K .J*...^ w 1 j ;3f.iA\\ I«JI KtVivi|nii]i] "[ J.--1.-M lit *.tt »()«* a/pi |IH» v;'i->a *.n "'i'T ItU3,\nr( »ji>A\ *A*oip.\ nippuc .1° 't>"»o-?'I A'lVJ't i'''opuur'Aiitfj} ajaijAv IUOOJ 3ti{ji[s^< -lljKitO.1 SllOlflltmsl!^ 1I| XlJit'lOJ'l '^i-lMlO-1 nijj (i; niijiHiliiiod uviijn" nip .?U|} tioqoiiJi -»:Ho3 « HSnojii;, oouwm»: u«:J Jl)1 •iio'ip'Oiii A\oi]« iiit|pm mpii!ajii|A\ J 11IJJJHIV* 01 njJ.W IMlIt JilULIJ-m "U IIJA1V0 I*IB "H'T 'ilHJwuAa .MI H| *|pi A"i!pJnj«sisi:i j^K|A\3'i-"-* -ojd jo siniani A) 'A'otiotii -SmiianospflJii!^ "" : -v[^u ATpims im:i uua.-«\ -qitinti s|tp ttj »i«[ jo bjoiuy sHOiJupoidopi 1 t{ D! WBSl 'ito ™a °' «l MH° tiOKjnpiiy IT: tSujjnoui p.i]3UJ)0Jt L "C. "M 'MOXOMIIISVAV 'HV1S 5HIX THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THUHSDAV, JANUARY C, 1838.

Tho legislature will convene nt Trenton Theodore Stout of Sliimora has bcun next Monday. granted n pension of §0 per month. CENT A VOKI) COLUMN'. A(lvortl9Ain<*otnuttilnr ttilshtvul uro t>ublInL^ Tho Grnnrt LnuVe of M»«ons will meet John Hctiorman, keeper of the Union at llio iiulforiti Hitnof otm com a word, but no fn Tranton on Weiln*""j»y, January 2B. IlutuI hi High IJrhigo, died last Friday. iKlvfltlsaHiciit will IM n-cHvoJ for lt*3i! tlmu 13 ceiiw tor the Ilrst Insortlon. C ,/in. L. STRVKCH, EDITORANO PHOPRIITTOB Tlio trial of indir.tnionls in thn Iluntcr- The Httlo clAUffhtor of Mrs. J. Fletcher county courts will ucfjhp t on Jan. 10. Bowlby haa been very 111 with rcmittunt MNKitI:RvV DMM CosT-iravlnRR renterented my store room I iim iclllnf L my entire /.flfir F^iany Discouragements They A pirtiul c fi of the inuun \vh!uh will Jcvcr. uUUL my entire ; LATEST TIME TABLE." • be visible-~horo will occur tomorrow even- j John AngleAngl , nn old resident of Bclvldere, stocstkk of millinermillinery mid fancyy jjoodajood . 'All Turn to Hu.nyon, 'J'lie greatly reduced prices on every line pJn^iesecblumris;.:* :'.TO SEW VOIIK. , WILS tfiken t t!m county, almshouso on (roods must bo sold. Come now mid yet last week. The are bona fide and you will not see their.match;anywhere:Kl •'L«a"n Wellington— HATi., !i,UI, T,l>t', 7 II, Tuesday. a pretty hat at half price. t.J. SV. Xutze; • : "Brady" Wright snccoetiwl Inst wrek for MrA Riicliacl Matthews, SliiiJj- Stf?. f :lse. We have never attemnted to equal these prices before! !"'' 7.i!i,lii.ii, ii. HI. iii.-,,8.oo,, 5.:jr,,T.i3 the second tlmo In winning tlio prize offer- The ppi'Kliient yesterday appointed Foit SAI.I:—A firm, one hnlf mile from Xew*-Vnirt^a; coiiti'.inlnjr 1201 acres, for **rlnc(;»a Annu County, aid., pays: "I hud 7.113,8.00, jt, ill. iti ed id t ha rillo gallery. David D. Bnu;iiw us protmaHter :it Now- *" *" In-mj- left sido-under my ; kk to fl onll y ?2,0002000; d blldi larj;l o i FltOM*NKW YOHK.V -""•" Members of the Jr. 0. U. A. M. Iii I'lo'm-1 JJ t flWr tlio'.unoxpfrcd tut-m of tlio late n orehnrdld . AAjjply to J. (J. Hover. KtowiirlHSt - Bedroom Suit3 that •sroro $25.00,'.•now;$3,9.60; '••--'Arrlvo ut'\Vmttiltit;iou~'S.!!3,'7.:).pi, 'nun, lO/M, iKtoiiiirenlioitttoorjMiilzoa Jurl^o ol the M JXtiuies'. villcr, or J. T. Thatcher, Xo\v Villacu, H.w, li.M.n. in. :i.oo, :t.ia, a.m. r,.v,, rsi jto-t 'aughtcrs o£JAhorty, ! The fourth nnniirtconvctitlonortha'Xuw X..J. ,, 2t. iSidobsards that woro $20.50, aow ^l^.SS. " ; ]lln county Bo,ml of Freeholders, died Jersey State IJuartl of Agriculture will be . inted to Kr-i'lf'tCH. p. \V. held nt the SlatHlnte Houseilout.. TreTrentonn , on Wed- •l^oavo Wiifttiuvtrtii for Junctlnu~7.|:J. 10.20, in Frenchlown on Tuesday of last wefli. tllroctor, Mozart nvenue.' ft. in. iif,',:(.u.>,ii.-.'0[».m. -nesilav• ' , '"'Timidit• y nuU Friday, Jan. 12, 13 Parior Tables that wers $3.00, novr $2.45. llfiv. Isaac N. VanS;int. u promltieiit mid M. Foit GOOD Bit MAD' USO Crnmcr'ti Flour. 'Arrive from JunuUon-10.10, IMS, u. m. •8.(13, ..letubcr of.the Xownrk Methodist Confer- ,. 6.K', !l.l.t, ;i. lll., ._...;. , ...... , .. . , . „.. •', WAKTED-A eheapblcyulo. ..Apply nfc ; ; r ; ence, died ?X Sto-ty l\:.:it,>.\ Y.,-IK;S v.xe!;. Wm> .Tn.-lffton, tlinAW-tt- l*.ir*-<1|iT.ittr i Dinins.Koow Ohaits thit wo $1.00, aovr.85c.r: I or, h:in tif.'i;n tirrestfid in Hvx'..York by thlMUiucu. ... . - - yt, | TIi'o'Xow York Hlatu Supreme Court h'ns • (I. It. -i f" i • > ... . .if, i r< Foit itiiNT—A ilrst-cliiss house, with" Unit poultry rmiiiiiij,' :it large U burn Ifi rear, on We it Wa^ltlm-loti iivenuo. All goods on the second floor j 7 per cent, discount—think of the re- wild K ntitl m.iy ba ; Wjstiliifjlou !t.ltt j n'tu nil lib* tuavmt WriAlillitftf y.T. Vnmmtii. duction. Tiiese goods include I'arior Suits, Couches, Loungs, and Up- • • WA^TKU—A ^irl or wnmnn to help do bolstered Chairs in great variety. . ; !i for o '.nli -o'l, u iii-y | housework1 on tno larm of Tlieudoro Pid- will be hold by Henry A. Wllklns at Mi revolvera. Thu outt I." tli...c_ eiiHtor_ n eoek in Washington horotijjh. ; 2t. On all Crockery, Lamps, etc . we will allow 19 per cent. This will . The Cclchr.ited 5crantoiHCoal tana on Saturday next, January Sth. All makes C.ilifunonoof the hcutiiuwfi-contcr: itro invited, Foil SAM: oit KXCIIASUK— A lints"proi)- move them we know. r • : "'.'• V AT KKT.ML In tills section. Uu«h 0'HonrUu abr. ];uniati oil tliw T). «-ty in WashinirLou, woll luciiud, -will HL-11 t ( nr exuhnu^u . tVir *u .small fcnn. David :Cat|iets, Oilcloths, Linoleums, kugs, Window Sliadcs, Poles, etc-V will'; • At tlti* {)., J...VAV. I?, i:.'Vlrv7n>..: CII'UIV-** Harlron. ' • ' • at. be subject to 10 per cent, off former prices. Foil SAMJOI: HKST.—A foiir-hortu farm with two •p('«f|i orchrtrd-j and twospplu On Ranges, Stoves,;.etc., the discount is 12}, per cent. v ,' - /. oriiharils; terms easy, ilhtvid Bie!cel, Mon- tana, warren county. We have more sewing machines than any other house in this vicinity WAXTKD-UlrlsntCh:itnl)crlain & Gara- nd we say knowingly that we can save* you money on these also. l)Mtit|m s nmtfirwoiitirwoiir Ihntnryln : .stcit'ly vrorU, ••«'h>-:nu!>,.../ ,, v.-ioi.n The Ilrat hi« uiilwcrlptlon to nn was sucureil through NILL U-5U 7 iielviduroiivuividuroiivuiiuui , V/u.iiiiiiiitdii. rlictt iiti;il!:l?.-*!il*r.iya 6ii Iinna

'!C^nr!'-l-l-Wl'lllrh«?! •Bla':S;"nlTf:1:..-rrIiJilrtilii.iM« j.MO per tr-n.

SUPERIOR LGMIOH VALLEY COAL C.itl I'O Olit.tllu-it orUy nt niir di'H.i.i' nl IIU Ultl • • • • • ^ A union inectini; of iho enyinuHi-s of the • A deslnmtlvf! lire visited tho village, of Koi: S.\r.i:— U.iy by V M J UKtlOli Wltll IIIHvMoro AvoSi.!'''1""1' Ut ! wliole 1)., 1.. & W. system will bu Jiold nt Martin's Cretk, across MieDelnwaro river, stalks by the btuidUs r a Hinghfimturi next riniuJiiy, when Grand yesti-r.'I.iy morning. It bruko }, at 3 iirabV.'.'.'.'.'.'.'''.'.'.'.,*.*.'"."V.V".V.".'*i*!w '.T V.' Chief Knrrinccr Arthur will be present and ocloco'clock in thu iiiAutiiniiiAutiinu Mlmp ufIMward Hookkcojiurs and stunnjtmpfiers furnish- SlUVl! '.V.V.V.V.V.'.'.V.'.V-ii-A make an uddrusV. KlotzKl , nnd In lwsthalh n thrto hours a half- ed on .short notice. It will pay to write us lajiarau- euro for each ilteosse. At I'tlHHtllUt ••,.,:> Clillurd Itewl.of ML Hormoii,' who rc- dozett bujlditigd v/ore in rtiiiia uauslngii when in need of oflicu help. Xewtou Busi- nu;i:isls, mostly n." ct.-:us a.vlai. Por- IV'l jf.-i » ii l li'ti. ra tn I'rof. Munyon, l,&tCi .-\rc:i At this time of lite year it is necessary, if a^.nerchant &; coutly pa»Htd a eruditabla law cxn mi na- loss esthunted itt >10,I)00. . • ness College, Xowton, N. J. 12-1(1-11 . J*hll:ul(.-!|>hla, I'a., r,nswcri>a vrlth Alloi'.U tlwler (,Vn,-rtr nnd .H Coal *,J5.33 IHT ton. of Urn Iluntcrclon County Union of Chrlsr|wli»i u young and hoinulcsj I'ltt^bur^ Btrl. L. .Shields, WasSiiugton. ' 12-0-tf. tian Endeavor will bo hold in the Tresby-j^ow he is probably happy-with hit wife, It. I.. CLINi: .t co. • For ; Joliciotis Ice Cream and Ices, line J^ goods this winter, but they must go. To illustrate: '"%•• terian ehureh, Cohesbtiry, Wednesday I even tlioit^h out oi'his uicu fat position. Cal;o and'sweet'Breud, no one CXCOIH evenUi-i, JanunrylO, li!)S. | A nuiiMVoHiu little h'ook'Illustrative of (Jitliuk. lie tipures no expense In their •Elmer Opdyke, the i^e mnn. is cuttinj; Wm. }3oivors. residing nortr Port Murray, j Newton, Husoe." county, h;u just boon m.'ikimj, thus insuiIng the highest uuallty. j\[en's Kip Boots, former prices $2,50 to 3.00, all iltm 10-incli iee at Hnut* Cimllu. on the roail to J.ickiion Valley, will havo :i IMHIIKI. It vvns yottcn up Uy ii. E, JJf 'e L MONKV To LOA;;. Several thousntid now* ?r.oo. . — :'• A sixAvcek-olil ohilci'ot' -Kiln -'"Van iloni, publiu aiili; of nil liis iioiHchold good^ on and uoiil.-uusmimdi'ijiH ilutjtrationsof tho dollars on m-stmortic.itre. Wm. A. Htrykor, eolor-jd, died on Monday from bronchitis. Wednesdfiy, Jan. m:h, coniinijinjin;,' at 1 principal busim.** IKJIML'S* unii rtsideuces No. 20 Ka-st WaKhli) In titi>uvcnnin';iie united in b William JIuljcs, ox-Prceholdiir of AU-x- h:ive made the journey on rum>vr» bv decoctions labek'd"cough cure" but per pound, now 65c. . itd in intirrb^o ideilur tipto\vi!sbi[>, , liutitertlottcrdou county,, has OiMitl Iniiifiing lots for sale near ilepot. ; in litct tlioy are U'orthleiai, only de- Mr._IJry:uit, o( [jf. K:itistact:o]i yiairantofd 3.ff in order to take th :ut in- lar;;cana<: •esMeiwe j'.nti Imrn soon to tiaumctit tturn the Javnr is twufuhl, for vc street. Intiuiru of .faints L. Boyd. do tho publisher a favor as \vn)\. Mer 1 CHARLES M. WILLIAMS, ventory. Tho siiort vat-ati we to erected •mervtlle. The work thus Hcnmniber a. 3. TOL'1 h making 'it!'- cab. ed liy Mm.nmi. far ouliipiotutl npcaks well lor his ifunius inet pliotograpi.a tov .7I.0O per duKOn, 1-2-t "":"'' Thtiniiis Murphy Hni:;!iccl a coiirso iit tho and ^ootl trtstc. ". •" ' ; '. •: '." ' • Alit-"no.MCKi:—II • wi**h to ii^in .N'o. 11 W'Cot 1 advertisements. , j •-Kaston Ilnsine^ Colleyii the close ol Mrs. Wm. Iteimer, of Stroiulaljurjr, WHS tho public that I h h:id wiMtldsruble .. theyuiir. llu'riiceived'iiertilicittw in thu burned to deatii, P. t'av; days ago, caused While jiasslng through i experience as an n cur, and that I husIuc-M and .sliorthand cour.sts and is thoroughly equipped lor prcctical work iii eitlicr branch. New York Cloak and Suit Co., At the biff poultry show in WUkcsbarre FOP Saturday last week, Chits. K. Vass of this plueo won i...' 435.Northampton St., EASTON, PA ... .rp.. •-• second •it'-i'/won-Ply month-Rock cockerel and fourth on'pullet; tlrst on White Wyan- "dott cockerel, Unit on red cup cockerel, lirston hen and tlrst on pullet. r A special reporter for the Newark Evon- .•:. inj; News was here on Monday and secured substance from ex-Mayor Johnston and The demonstration was under the auspices othcr.4 for a two-column article on the ed a new cri:il.'; \2-;:;pr.--"r present liquor llro on the shady side of Wyckoff, .Tn(*nl» V II. fioyd, Cement Company againsag t I'oliateonirr town- i or Skirt at your own price. " '' ; t'i ~-"~n-...— i ii.orti' ueio acven hi Dl Mkwd Wst Jonathan liilby, '.Joseph A iido'cson, Win, "'o0"ye:ird, t y shiji, JJe Mckawunnajind Wnstn Thompson .and .Walter Karr, diroctoi^. " Oranges. /','; deaths in lliopoirt. • Uailroad y agaiiist Oxford'to About 175 partook of (he very vxtiellent We have riot the room to quote all the articles here.' The Young Women's l-'oruign Missionu slitji. dinner st-Tted by STino Kost Andor.'on. It. soL-ietyoftlioM.K. uhurcb held the l On S.itiiriiiiy next;, J.imi.'.ryStI), tho l)om- wnsii rop'^l. i.lirtt did'^reiit credit to the " regular inenliug at the hnmu of tho. Hunti O(Titi(!yotCM:Gi"thl3OuUiiLv will iiasa^uiju'i vvell k'nuwii iiWuii'y .'and -will not soon be ~. intendent, Mrs.-i-'puik- li.: Frost,- 011 Tliurs-! tlio ruvlso" d' ritlt' m :id itud.-fneoiivuit.u'uint ;clKy""evenln«'luat.,'JJeBldo') tho Ai-iml ;bu«l-! lidlviduro oi 1 ItU- They elim- s rouiiiiu, it was ileuidcd to hold an 'eu- inate certain obji'utionable filatures tcrLiiiimont in the near future. A special taineil in tltt; former rules and lay down W)J>CK KJJICCTIONS. . feature was tho nic:o ri'lVoslumjiits nerved nthor lint* whiuh will pruvs of much value J tho.. r Hii... emi. . i ^ p i i .. . i . Camp No. 2*1, P. O. A., t>ti Tlmi-siUy i Bill, ^.,.r.thp3o.prei3CUt.b.v..Upa..F.ro3t. ™.™ '.-^.^ .^. Lo,..ttie..ij:ii t.v— ld...b..end/.sU •i!'Kht-»>»«l«l-.t,li«Nt»...«!lii;»r:.:-.pnwidenti- -~..n™.,,™1..,, '""u^jyn^'todiy tiju pretti'fwt' trim mud :UKI Crtjr.nwi Youiip; Vice President, U. P. Ciist- most unimiely iimnifrodCiirUmas tree oi' . •-• • nor: -\F. V., Olurk Bl«zer; U. H., John the holhialhiiiv so tnotson ju^jitht nsissod was Mintluitt in It must by a source of pleasure to th Davidaou; P. d., it. 1\-Haiy;.TreasariM'Jl." -- the h me of Mr. anil Mi-s. Joseph Ii. I)e- UKpnyi-rxpityrss o! OxfortOxfordl townshipp to i«:tl«:trr n C. J3Uls;'.I. Cft£A. G. Smilli; O. G.; Kdaar A -striking feature wi ii that their eflluiuntouli'.i^jr, Eugtiiio Lin- Smith; Tfiwwe, D. V. ahufor... 1 turo liouse iniithid i ol rutbo piutuboarda , with whitfl nab oi p Count" y Golleeto" r Mcrrci"l UrcTribw, Ko. SO,imp. O. II. ar.yot lust and nnlorad glass windows, Iii thu mitlst of ttieieirr qiioto ofooimty L:u:es promptly and Prirlny niylit's tileup, oluntcd tho-fnlliuv* i n AAdid . His p:iyuiuut was the second in:tde, an •oflot'.live snow >u:tne. The wlinlfi^wa.-i ; ini; •ofiiuL'i'.s: - VrophV-t, ••'•Qeorgc-'Swayzo; Odds and Ends in Shoes riLwmed mid pub into• tVjrni hy Mrk'De- Ijupatu^ng being L!ie urstV '"ilo made lii-s S.iciicm, f). J. IJIVAV*!;: Senior jjuffamore, D. •... lletiuir. The tree caught !iru yeshirday paymeiii Dan. lUtli. Oxford township's H. l/uib:ioh; Junior a:i«a:nnVi!, Win. S. is now in full [irogress. . crcaliid a great atir hi the fODt.sjiOtjipp sutiiiuo j $17,000, mid Liu aflcViiOi... Cowoll; tt/orit., J.-'K. Brinkarj O. of W., "•/" im!.n;rry . coll uu ted , all" but, about lf2,0 Iiousehottl Samuel Wollnr; IC.of W.,\Vm. VnmiAitn: .: .-• • - hii'l itrdlspiite, " . -~ ;• ConLniutor Win. J.SmlLh Ron., «eor(to'BivJt.vK«i Tmrtno, J. .\V. Kin' AW slioes that we propose to ' SatiHdnvnhjlil'fnratnlk wlth-.iloy J-"!!- ~ tJ°ttJ1 Smith', a slator of .111 ceraw ill bo publicly installed aslon, died on Tuesdiiy oM-tht week from discontinue "wil!;. be otTered at.. Wright,'on huilillnt; uiattem Mr.' Smith on Friday nitfiit/'ui" i iK'UKHio'U of thu spiny, which trouble iit, liO^'iy-No. 112., K. of I1,, cloct- cut prices. '••.;• lias bright prospetita of sowtvniig thu con- iitKmtisd some yuars a:to wbeu he mudo - wact for tho nev>church whiuh is to Lie foliowiufr (itllcHtvi last, Tluu-Hdav mis«U'P in nii^liiidif Irom a trolley enr. n built in Montehur. Business of this niituru . ,0. 0....W..AV. " • " " ' " ' 1 1 lrftiwin-JHHrtifaijrinliiidLVriillj : raill«ri hothMi\ SmitlJ ;iitHliM'i ..lJVris!it:ta Now"Yofir6"iV Monday wii'.;rc tboy wore i i rcsid'j in tl i»to;i. ilis bratlioi'S a

eontiiiltation with a loading archiiout.- Mr. Lc'oi rd, oJ'Broad'.vn; rift ;uut Abi r >7 J ., ( IIUIIMUL V LVI'lli i\.t V'I ^t'. 111114 il 1I1MIJL Wright cxpeets a visit, iVomi,;t.!io building hham, of Butt/.ville; Tilghman, ol" Brldif- B. Phillnnvor; XF. of A., Alvn Waeli; I. Everything -olTered is new. •comniittee of iho Moniolair ohurcli pro: ville, nnd William,of Siiiimeliunun county, G., T. JT. Gtillbk; O. CJ., C, E. Oabnrn; 1 bably NOUIU day this week. I'.i. llii only siauu-is M;:i. Geo. l^.uali, of Kep. to G. L.v John 1:!. I'iiilhower; Altor- this season—no old goods to •' "iAIiuiHlluld Lodge, Xo. -12,1. 0. O. P., will Montana. lie was 49 years old. nate, CiiaN. Force; TniHteo, Arch Lanco. show ,you. '"' •hold a public nmUUutlon of its 110wly Tlio cHlobraLion of Llio Sadility, which Deputy T. W. ftyliull,/. of I'liilHpshurg is t;x- oleetcd olllcers on Snturd.iy ovoiiing:n'<>:t,, took place in St. Aim's Uomun Cttholic jicut.ei! to be prciOtit lonijjht to install the •• '" • ••••• ' ••• Jon. Sth, tn its hail in the Wollor building. church, Junction, on Sunday ovoiiin;;, was new ollicora, " • • If you are going to buy a The installation ox'tiroists will bu conduc- ti plensin^ .siieeosa, and waa woll atlctided -The folio win? oiikors were elected by new pair of shoes this month ted by District D^piU V Orand ilnatei- despito tho severe weather. Tiio onliro" Ameriiwiiu. Advooate Council,; No. Gl, • Harry R Snvdor ot' I'hillipslnirg, assisted program was well rendered, and special D.uiehturs of Llliarty, lnht Friday ovonlng: don't fail to call and see what by his stall: "Dr. J. 11. GrUlith, Past Orand praise' merited by Misses May Sullivan, Ex-Past Cniuicilor, ftFw. Li/ Lewis; As- we are offering. . Lizzie Godnill, Anna Butler and Lizzie sociate, Mrs. Minnie GitiHoii; Councilor, • .•..--.-..,.•..-, - •_;• OhUf ^thh; C.J. Pull, Past 1).D. Jlurloy for tho very creditalilc manner, iu Miss" ISuniuucc ViViinhiittni ; "Associate, Miss T F ;7' Yours for Good Value, " Grand Mnaloi\ i - , f Pltllf. -b. c,, ...d wliicli they recited, fhosorinon by tyv. ^11MJJJlllluUo;Vici Vi««v,e o,.,K:,.»r.r.,.iip ^n«WUi N. 0. Boaty, Prnst D.'D. Ornnri Master, of M. J. HaKcrty, IX D., was able nndim- Associate, Airs. Alico BoMloman: Trans' Hackettstown. •Tim exorcises will bo in- prtwivo. Tlio sorvicos olosud with Beiie-, MM. Joseph Uilts; Finaiioial Secre- _ tcrsoorsod with ivoeal^and Instrnmontal urtir : diction of the Bltusod bacramunt. - |t,uy'J. 13. Doro.niorj llecordhiff Secretary, 3^~" ~"iriU8io'iiiid'reelLiitlpiis""Attho'oomplotion of our render's wlio niay bo loolciiiit 11 tarry Uhriatine; "Assistant Beeretarv, Miss '-"*•' of the^" program j' refrealiinuuts "will - bo' n .? • .;-.., VTHE.-ifEV?; SH0E-,ST0EE'.'--v-'-~-_-5 toward•••'••--'-"«-* liacketiT^w- n -...-..-.-.atra pliie- o ot•-•—;' -..- ijiz/,io Kinney; UuldopMtyg May 8mith; nerved. Tho loigo will open nt 7 o'clock deneo will

" ••-i--t--.^-;-——


C a V B13LVIDEUE. HACKETTSTOWK. UUTT/VILLK. ••••••••••••••->»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Charles Salmon entertained a few friends Our Sunday school reollrcd $1.00 from "•' Watch night servicesdidn't materialize on You Can Well Afford to Come account of the storm. The churches wore at his humu lust Friday evening. ,: - the kinetogrnph ontortalnmentlastThurs- ".*' openod, but tho audiences failed to show Miss Olga Martin giivo a danco at her day evening. 1:'. up. and the ?Mtmin turned out the electric ionic on High street to her young friend* Mr. and Mrs. William Berry returned Heats and hurried to tbelr homes. oil New Ycar'a cvc. ;; ; home ou Thursday evening after spending Miles to our Big Annual January Horaco Searlcs, our efficient telegrapher, A social hop, under tho management of a week with relatives at Broadway and . is making some changes In and about his Benjamin Rlehard-on, was held in Yettor's Port Murray. placo of business which will help to ma- Hall last Friday evening. Freddy SUiifer received the appointment terially lessen tho running cxpf ntes. to carry tho U. S. malls between our post- Sale which begins Saturday Morn- Mrs. James L. Smith is entertaining Miss offlco and the IX, L, & W. railroad, his bid By all means let us havo a full and com- Jennie Gardner, o£ Brooklyn, and Miss being f(S per year. Ho commenced his plete list of pensioners published. This Graven of Ctimden. ; duties Saturday mornlnjr. will bo the quickest way to detect the Prank C. Everitt passed tho holiday ing, January 8th. • frauds which it Is alleged aro being perpe- season with friends nt Princeton, 111. He Mr. Francis Smith presented hisgrnnd- »•••••»»••••••••••••••••••••••••»•••••••••••••••»••••••• trated on the Government and the honest .'turned homu last Saturday.-- •••• ;... . duughtor, Miss Laura Smith, with one of Buldtere, who aro entitled to aUtherccog- Robert II. WoodrntV, of l'hllridelDhia.G. Cornish's beautiful organs on Xcw Year's ,. nition they oan get from Uncle Sam and a day. ; B. Wort, of Hoboken, and Urvll Bird, of An event that will stir our trading public from its centre to its circumference. Many of you have waited for this r grateful peoplo. " Paterson, were among tho holiday visitors Mrs, Lewis E. Merrill of Vienna was tho ; Mrs. Holbleln, the aged lady who fell in town. .; guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel great sale—you have not waited in vain. It isn't a question of loss, that's not considered. A WISE LOSS is often proof Bomo wtivtis u«o an-i; fractured both of her Surhicthc firxt hour of the Xew.Year, Berry, over >*ew Years. •arms, is not nearly so well, and her friends Mrs. Frederick Kampf, who has been ill .Mt, mill Mrs. Harry Hlml'T spont New feel-deeply concerned over her condition. fur the past month, passed away. She was Years nt tbe home of her parents, Mr. and of good business judgment: :Wc considerit wise at this season to"..offer.^all.siirplus stock in this store without regard to Her age, which is Do years, complicates born in German1.-, and has been a resident Mrs. William Brands, at Blairstown. the case very much and renders her recov- here during the past thirty years. She is Thomas Obsrt.a professional musician ery almost impossible. At this writing she survived by a husband, a son, ami a mar- and cx-enptain of tho Mercer County former values, and with little Is very weak but her friends are hopeful. ried daughter who lives tit IJloomuiguale. : Wheelmen, of Trenton, spent Saturday ; Wo had flna sleighing last Saturday and The funeral services were held on Tuesday. at the plensant home of Edwnrd IMrcell. tho cutters Hew merrily by. There was Tom brought his banjo along and treated -•'-more Ice than snow and a sharp horse was Dr. A. K. Martin has been entertaining the boys to some excellent music during Ms sister, Miss Mary Martin, of St. Johns, one of the wwontial perquisites to u suc- his short stny. cessful trip. bury, Yt., over the holidays. Mrs. Frank Croiiise; of New York, and Miss Collie East nf Portland, Pa., lias ' Cloaks Must Go. | Dress Goods Stock • I Black Goods A Silk Slide. • "• -•• Some of our crack marksmen shot a lot Miss Ahble Unulier, of Stroudsburn, Pa., been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mnrshnl of live bird.; Tuesday. It seems that a Pittenger the past few diiys. were In town the ilrst of the .weakju is lop heavy. We've ROHO carefully 11 shootlnc match Is never better patronised business matters, ' -y •- Tho week of pruyer i.i being observed in Stylish, up-to-date garments were never nist Ro alonf* with the rest. Staple as Hunched into lots arc many of.these- than when thri mercury is doing its level Olirchureh this week, Thoro will be ser- BDldatsueh a before in this sec- through it and cut [trices right and left. !whcnt | goou _ best to get dow i to nothing. J. D, Flock lias leased the stjre-room gokl hut thflt wont MV0 beauties. formerly occupied by Woodruff to the vice each evening during tho week except tion. Tho marrirtg't Uart' says that at lei-.... MiMit&s Sharp for tbiiir millinery business. Saturuoy. There will be some empty Dres Goods i them. days must inttrveno between the taking shelves in this store a week hence. Some at onc-hnlf, somo as two-thirds, Marvin Shields arranged a very plensant Mrs 13. U. PitteiiKcriind two little daush- out of a license on tho part of non-real- tcrs of Phllliosburg were visitors from Sat- The Blankets, "" ilcnteand tho tinal consuinmntlon nt tho diuico of twelve uutiplos in Clarendon Hal! ! Wo said that this sale should reach early SOHSOII prices. New Year's «vt\ Mlas Kvu Pool presld * urday until Monday with her parents, Mr. " marriage. Some of tho contracting par- and Mrs. Samuel Broknw, ' every corner of the store and wo meant it; ties however, do not heed this provision at tbe piano. The Bedspreads, Mrs. Sainuol Selfert lina been a victim of Silks for Gowns. of the law, but ns soon asllie license lase- Dr. John S. Cook and family spent ^t Housekeeping Goods ! every word. : cured, hie away to the nearest preacher Year's D;n with his son.Dr. Uichard Cook, the grip tlie past week. At this writing The Comforts— , nnd get spliced. This may not invalidiite nt Dover." she is improving.. at mill prices, We are going to sell Cot-1 Silks for Waists. Assessor Smith and family passed New • < tho marriage but it certainly places the The orchestra went to Hoboken ai All have been stripped of their legiti- tons, Shirtings, Sheetings, Outings.Towels, preacher in a tight place and might rosult Years with Mrs. S.'s sister, Mrs. Amos mate profit ami turned loose to swell the Silks for any purpose and prices on a par : played at the annual Now Year's dinnor Beam, at Washington, Crashes, at mich prices that you can well Table Linens. in his being fined and imprisoned. in the Y. M. C. A. rooms and were royally procession. ' with ordinary woolens. Mrs Selden Scranton's remains were entertained. Cornelius Stacldiouse, tho gate tender, afford to replenish your homo outllU for laid at rest In tho Belvldere cemetery on The annual conerccationncongregation*)l! sociablci e In will become a resident of our town in the months to conic. i Saturday last. She was a most estimable the Presbyterian Sunday sfho"l rooms was ueur future. To Close the Winter A big lot of short lengths from 1J yards j woman and had many friends in Belvidere. held New Year's night and was very George Smith lias been confined to Ills to 3J yards. ' :i' We learn that M. C. Swartsweller has re- llargely attended. AnliuonuLiuK program home tho past few days with a severe cold. Underwear Stock Carpet , signed as janitor of the Christian Men's was rendered. The STAU cnlcndsir for 1S93 should pleas Prints, Ginghams Union, and that a new otllcer will be Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cutler entertained a all who receive It. Every item of Men's, Women's and Chil- placed in charge of the rooms about tho few friends at their residence on Grand Samuel Seifcrt, who drives Craig's deliv- All grades—blenched tmd unbleacheu Clearance. first of February. avenue last Friday„ evening... . ory wagon, has been ninthly to work the Wren's "warm winter underwear will bo land all kinds of wnsh stuff* Prices will;nrc Included in the big January Sale. A lively will contest Is promised in our Union services of the Methodist and past week on account of...a badly frozen offered nt prices to crowd this section with j talk here stronger than we can. j courts, and those who nre interested say Presbyterian cungrepntions nre beins held toot. eager buyers during the entire weeks of: ; The price reduction hero will astonish they muan business and will fight to a fln- during the Week of Prayer. The services Mr. john U. Smith of Xewark hag been Igh. The contest grows out of the disposi- will close next Sunday evening In tho M. I visiting relatives in this ulavu siiieo Mon- tlle5 !l Hosiery Reductions. ; you. ••' '""''"' ;• • • . • • — I tl^lLllJp ^ rtlit.lll* V^ Ilk 1 IlltJ ^IIK^V tlU4Lb .••^'.. "" ' •"••; 'Odd lots of Lace Curtains ! "•"flon of the estate of Jacob Car hart, dt- E. churcli. . I' day' . li' e enmu up attutu. ' .l tliu fiiiiurul of • ceiwed, of Harmony. The old .gentleman Lewis G. Salmon eritertnined a pa.i „ ... liis brother, Iaul, lit listo lut Stnuy Odd pieces. had accumulated some twentyfi ve or tlnr- s .rty of i liis brother, I'aul, lit liiston lust Satnrduy Odd Hugs, Mats and : and Portieres. friends very pleasantly nt his home on altcvnooiilt . OuOlr vunt-Tnliltl i townsmantowsmn , FranFra - We spare nothing* no matter how staple.; tv thousand dollars, and, by tho provisions Hope street last S:iturd;iy evening. cis riniitli, is ftlso it bfotlit-r of the deceased. Room Lengths. of his will, left the bulk of his property to Art Squares. his brothers and ulsters. His nephews am Hew W. M. Mitcham was ill last Sunday . Use them. There's not n home in this i Jt'n carnival time for Dry Goods buyers llomnaiitH of every'grade of Carpet In, nieces got n small slice and then his wklo\ evening and tho services In St. •lames' A Sensible Mini ; church were conducted by the tiy reader, y0Yo wlu wilUbt l- tlnl d: Ua buyin Uk g clinncllvilnte lier0 ofe that' tllocommunitm tWy but can use on1 e or tho other of\ in this store just now. the stock mmt go during thU sale. came in for a house and lot and the income 1 would use Kenip'ri BaUani for the Thromt I " '' "' '" ° " "S ' • "' "P™ ""='"• from JB.OOO a vear. This was more than H. C. Kvaus. jViit Lunf-s. It U curing more Cou«hs. she could stand, and, by the advice of her The public school re-oper.ed OL — „. l Colds, A=tlimn, Bronehltts, Cruup und nil friends. Hied a caveat against the will. Tim C. C. I. student s began recitations on !j Throaq t IIIHI l-ung troubles, Uian any other Jacob W. Cllne and Clark Cline nre execu- Tuesday morning. , mtrciictne. The proprietor has nuUiomed tors of tho will. The widow has employed Howar.._ d .Bennet_ t and Warre.-.n. ward i miy druggist 10-jive you a Sample Bottle Messrs. Shipman and Miller to conduct tier have returned to their studies at Pnnee- ] Freo io convince you »M' tlit merit of this suit and the executors Messrs. Angle and ton, and Ashton Davis and William ! grwit remedy,1 Price 'i5c and 50o. N. Harris. ' Robinson to Wesleynn University. F. C. •_•-• ' .. . A BIG WEEK FOR NOTION BUYERS. ...; Encouraged by the action of tho State Everittand Frank Reese have renewed ~ •«*.»« ,,A, U,.V Board of Taxation with rofuronce to the tUeic daily trips to Stephen's Institute. ! VO K L CO I j L> L>. assessments levied against local beneficial Mrs. A. H. Delliolier and daughter spent The Salvation Army will be with us all . . .. There will be many desirable lots of Notions thrown.out for this sale. Remember the day, Saturday, January 8th. societies, some of our lodges have taken an New Year's with Mrs. Watson Day at appeal to the board, hoping to thus evade next week, commencing Monday. They . the payment of their just proportion of Port Morris. will conduct meetings in tho church every This sale begins and will continue every day next week. The history of .all sales are: the best things go first. ' i) taxes But since they read the STAB last Mr. and Mrs. George T. Everitt ggave a" night. '• • :V • - • . large dinner party o Thp monthly riieetttifr of both the Ep- •week they do not feel quite so jubilant g p ew Year's day., and will now await the decision of the Mr. and Mrs, C. B, McCracken spent worth Leagut! mid Sunday School Board court before they congratulate themselves the recent holiday with Madison friends. will be held Saturday evening ut 7 o'clock. on saving a few dollars to the treasury. Tomorrow evening the next lecture otv| Mrs. Collard, who was taken sick on The Christian Men's Union will sell tick- the Institute course will be delivered by iChristmas d.iy, is rapidly recovering. ets for one dollar which will entitle the Rev. O. L. Severson of Plymouth, Pa., Alonzo Hummer, a former clerk in S. holder to associate membership for one who will give his noted lecturo. "The W. Sunn's store, is now in the City of New '/ year. This gives the person ail the priv- Battle of Geityesburg." This lecture will York. ' lieges of the rooms and whatever is con- take the place of the one that was to have Miss Grace A. Eurd spent the Holidays E Easton> Perma. tained therein. been given by Dr. Ferguson. with her parents. The game season is closed andany John C. Sharp is visiting friends in New Many from here will attend the box violations by unscrupulous hunters will York and Jersey City. sociable at Changeivater this Thursday be promptly and severely punished. The new I. O. O. F. officers are as fol- evening. Will Harris has gone to Newark to look lows: Noble Grand, T. Force; Vice, I. HlLDEBRAIMT'S Dornblazer: Recording secretary, A. C. ,.'. for a job. : 1 b DELAWARE, Protzman; Financia- ' l' secretarysecretar'-•-; -, John A Doll HACK2ITST0WB, H. J. Dr. Cummins has made a calendar that TT ::; Is good for 6,000 years. It is. very ingen- Saunders; Treasurer, T. B;,. Ilowell ' . Miss Grace Shannon and friend of New- iously constructed and one can find any Harry Nolan, the lS-year-old son of ark are visiting friends in town for a few- day in the week at any period of time, say Thomas Nolan, has been very ill for the days. Given Away for 4.C00 years in the past or 2,000 years to past six weeks with typhoid fever. He is Miss Olive Holt returned from Newark come. now on the road to recovery but not y«t Friday evening, after a week's visit. Some of our good people made New able to be out of bed. This long sickness Communion was held at the Presbyterian will be a feature of our clearance Go ' Year calls on certain boys about town and will doubtless prevent his graduation at churcli Sunday afternoon. The services '"informed them that they must stop the the High School next summer. were well attended and two persons united sale of everything in Millinery— habit of drinking hard cider, beer, etc., or with tbe church by letter. beginning Monday, Jan. 3rd. they would be arrested and sent to.the Re- Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., says Master Wm. Quigg, while riding down form School. It is to be hoped that the "My child Is worth millions to me: yet I This sale is of acharacterto com- to the hill near Ammerman's shop last Saturday, warning will be heeded. would have lost her by croup had I not was so bully cut by a fall that it was nec- , The week of prayer is being dub* ob- invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of mand attention and win favor, One Minute Cough Cure." It cures coughs, essary for the doctor to sew up the wound. cold's anuTul:iLlii1w.ifIand'lar.s-troub!e3.-;..7.'Pi' _....Whyland E. MeMurtrie returned to En- for the reductions are made re- are no union services, N. Jenkins' Warren County Drug Store. Klesideatter spending ou'i'uiay'msrSB'and'at ""The business Dlaces of the town are clos- Belvidere. If you are" r.iJt satisfied with the store at rgardlessof cost. ..Nothing must James M. InK at seven o'clock the" present'week,' • ' • John - IT.- AlberUon :atid. family .areJu which you. trade,.we-.would like to have ;;-be.carried__oyer. -.- ....•..•. •'"...„'. the clerks, of course, go to church r ANTHONY. Euat StroudsbiirgYor a few days the guests you como here, even if you are satislled, larly. Penwell's population is increased by one. I pf her parents, Mr. and lira. Smith. we may satisfy you better.- The Rr3t of oard of. Assessors will be at George Fisher is the happy father the year is a good time to commence. We quote: EVERY PURCHASE Fine Granulated Sugar, 5c !b Sugar Cured Hams, best quality, 10« 1b. of over 50 cents' worth carries Fancy Shredded Cod Fish, large pkg, 5c. with it a chance on the doll— ^Grocery Arbucklc's Arioso. Coffee, 12£c ib. Fancy Cornstareh, oc plvg. soun to be placed on exhibition Best Laundry Starch, 5c »>. • makes theaflowaree! tivfcs "and friends assembled while Dick joy the sport every evening. in, our window clothed elaborate- waa away, and he was completely sur- Sleighing is good in this locality and on ly and wearing a pretty hat. for prised on bla return; - Sunday tbe merry jingle of;,the bells could B. T. Babbitt's Best Soap -• ••Bucklca'BArnlMSalve. ^ This doll is a handsome one, - -TheBestTSalve in t.he world for Cuts, b hd i ll directions. An illustration of our low prices is shown/- 3cetits bar. lere, .This Dining-room Chair- BrniBes, Sores, Ulcers, bat Rheum, Fever glane will occupy wuerfcLlf vacates. stands 1S inches high, and is Fancv Largo Raisins, 10c; 3 lbs for 23c. Mid-Winter is sold by Seieel Cooper Co. for $1.15 cr-ch • ^WgG W S.ater entertained a select fully jointed. as a leader; WK ASK ItUTlSil.m CASH, 1 company of friends and neighbors at a tur- Good Large Raisins, 7c; -I lbs. for 25c. •- 'ty cures Piles, Or no pay required. Hi^u ws 1------, ,r—: , « Fancy Seeded Raisins, 1 It) pkg. 12c. ;r~Maranteed-tOKive 'pcVloct sutiafaotlon or keyy dinner New \ear'Year's dayday. Fancy Rockers, $2.50 to $10. •••• --••• money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Alex. Anderson hns gone to New Ger- Strong Ammonia, full quart bottle 10e. Pictures, 50C up;-Easels, Si up. y:; For Sale at F.-N. Jenkins' Warren County' mnntown to do some surveying for Ilobert Best Pearl Tapioca, 5c lb;'O Ih for 25c:. ' • . Bon Ton. Bargains Ladies' Writing Desks;^2.75 to $8. '" Drugstore. Craig. ' -/. "" •. •--: - T,ion Brand Salmon, 2 cans for 25c. ; Mrs. E. Wendehacli.:.- .---•-- : ; : : « .» . , | stewart Apgar expects to vncate the "•"" •"•"•-• and many othur tuliigsr-'- ~~-- :--- -r-. •Len:acl:Caattier farm in the spring. .Lem. Fancy Whole Grain Coftee, 101b will farm it himself. "" " " :cr-.^:.v™r:--S$e Saniplfijin window. ^ . , ; "JOHN HILDEBRANT. Miss Emma Creveling of Orange is visit- Miss Ltndaberry of Fairmownt is visiting ; inj» relatives and friends in and about her cousin, Miss May Apgar. : 1 11 1 1 '"'town. "• ••'• •,.: ' " "- " - - "•• ' •'. ">•"•: •• ., Nature him su thoroughly macadamized ESTABLISHED 1864. 'tho roads that a needs very sharp Everything Washington Planing Mills-: to go out. I A great many attended the donation ten- Mrs. Jacob Pence ofPort Colden dered Rev. Mr, Doremiis at Pleasant Grove We . T"•'-' ^. MarjiTracturos „ ' bore a part of lost week the guest of Mrs. Thuroday;K.andhacl n gnnfl timG...^.^.. ^ a Farmer Wants F. B. Whitman. The Menonites have gone away and it is . All tlic'latest designs in Panel,. C -A. Gerbe'r returned to his duties at a question whether they will return. Some Beading and Cabinet Work'. tbe'oil station last Friday, looking much q in .thF\vay o'f'Farm Machinery, better 'after a two weeks' nrest. say not. „ Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mould- Mrs. Thomns Walters of Port Cnlden Jacob Lanee will move on the Gardner Plows, Wagons and Castings "ingMn stock and made to order. " ' Welier farm, near Port Colden, in the. '-• spent Thursday among friends in town. : Mill Work and Jobbing, Turn- ^.i^UarrjvPritte T-t«rnedto Dover pri.'.Sun-i spring. '' ' '' is supplied ujjtin the most fav^ • day after spendinga "week" with" his uholer, . ing and Band Sawing promptly— A. R. Fence. ; ; , orableterrns at the old estab- Pace done. - Our Xraaa entertainment was a success Mr. and MrsrDorcmus were .somewhat l :::.. --A-Full Linc.-Of ./Lumber.:and.. -^-, embarraBaed after tho donation last Thurs- lished ~ .. ; both socially and financially. --- :, day night. After the guesta hnd departed ' Building Material" always on: Owing to the rain last Friday night the and they ware about lo retire they found a box Boctal was postponed until this Thurs- baby in tho bed. Their firot impression Wo call spccihl"attention to our _, Washington- for day night. ••' — was that a guest had'forgotten her child Brand Flower made of hard spring wheat. Mrs. Jamos Carling. who was very ill for but a closer examination showed it to bo There is'no better Flour madis, and wo are Foundry, a time, basso far recovered as to be about an artificial babe. The joke ia on tho offering it at the ex- <£-, CA rvt/t' & W. Alleger & Son,. again. " Dominie and his good wife. tremo low price of... 3>2.OU CWl. R. Q. Bowers, Jr., Proprietor. ; 30 und'Kj Drond Street. '•'••: .Harry Ross is still confined to tho house, When snow is on tho ground a road cart Other brands' of Flour, such as White Low but is improving slowly. should bo drivon straight to avoid sus- Loaf Etc., SJ2.G0cwt. ^ Offlco, Mill ana Yard: ISroutf Stro An election of officers* for our Sunday picion.-The zigzag trnoks in the road a Best Buckwheat Flour, 52 00 cwt. aohool was held last Sunday with the fol- few days ago indicated that the driver had Loose Chewing Tobacco, 25c Ih. wheels in hia head as well as'on his cart. A box of good Cigars, 60 in a box, 50c. lowing result: Sup% Rev. P.,,0. Mooneyj THE MOST SELECT . , • Asst. Sup't, Mrs. L>0nuwi Treasurer Mrs, Jacob Lance is threshing out Steward Prices STEEL PENS /Charles Creveling; Organist, Grace Creve- Baldwin's grain oh tho Zellers farm. We Pay 24c for Butter %s Samples for trial, 16 didcrent •^llnKS Librarian, Fanny SnydeV> Secretary, Prank Carprpentei r is cutting and hauling and 28c for Eggs. styles of writing, Including : ,.-.,.EllaHUI. :...;;;^.;/ .. ; *' " IF • applo logs froroim JolinColeman'a placo near ^SYSTEM, sent prepaid on -A ntihoiiy .'iLiii-L-H^K^ll Also a -full line of Dry Goods, Fk>ultry "^Pence" "spent New Year with friends-at' Tub Domiriio found an opossum in hi: ^Groceries, Men's, Ladies' lind Chil- f^P.prt Colden. > ,> ^ " hon house ft few • oays ago which ho dis- ^dren'sBhoea orVil kinds at pricw* thnti : y patched with a pitch fork. - you will appreciate. To be"f6¥nd in i Everybody Sayo So. ,. The sum of $63 was'! Wen in at tho table day season willbe at Candr Cathartic, tlie most won- at tne donation Thursday night besides a Call and see us; we want your trade. . ^ > ..* -• ._....-_* «i.,^ «.-*g iiicas* liberal supply of provisions. o ,^ at gently Heveral of oiir peopibr:attended" tlie- sur- 35 East Washington prise at>Rtchar5 Beatty's, • Little Brook Saturday Wght.1 •„!,?•. ':::ti^.';. f A burdock blood'Jjittera factory $hoalc 6 Bolvlfloro Alvo., 6 W. Woshington Avp., Tw> Doors abovo Bunk BulMIng, 1UOU3UUS3. i J H-BO-J •-- If "I I nnH•ria^well hefco wfihe plkut is very plentiful WASHINGTON, N. J. ' ::~ „ Bplvldcre Avo. •;-..• C. C. to-dny; 10, s&,.Mi cents, hold and In this nelghporhood. "*D cure by all dru^gls'-n*, , "THJE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N.J., Til UKSDAY,'" JANUAItY''"6, 1898.

V1EKNA. TRIALS OF THE HOME. tcry nnd* you will tco' thnt tlio tomb* life,, If JIn this world you lintl na countrcountryy stones nil rwnl lit-nuti fullypontic; but Mrs. Shipmfin of IJlalrntfmn WIIH the R*uti but if you hiive ivnllted with tired "A perfect type of the highest order of excellence In manufacture." j^ If those tomlt.slmics would Bpetilc tliu guest of Mr. nnd Mrs, Ucorge %, 'Williams fret in this world, what a glorious lnst week. They aro Dlecuaeod by tho Bov.truth, thousands of them would siiy: change to mount celestial % 1 M ;:: •" . . Dr. Talraago. : ' •. ; v; "ilpre lies u ivoivinn hilled by too much ".""J'Vf -"" '""ViT-""""""*! - " '"1*" Mn; I. J. WHmiirth, Mra. Adrlanco, ami I mending, nnd sewing, nnd baking, nnd Anil if your life on , c.irth waa do- . Mnud nn(1 Wayno Wilnuirth aro visiting Walter Baker & Co.'s | mesne; martyrdom, oh tnu Joy of friends in Now York and Brooklyn. Mr. {scrubbing, and Kcouringi tlio weapon ^nf Cheer tor HIP'inllrr-X'liriMt Ap- eternity in ivhieh yon tihtill have [ Wllmarth, who escorted them down, ro- j with which she wns shun was a pneliite* llii' KITortM of Tliuvu nothliiff to do cxeupt wimt you ! turned on Friday, i hrnom. or n sewing" inuchine, or achoose to do'.' Martini lnts had no! Mr. nnd Mrs. Lovi Honplnnd nnd chil- Who am Try INK l«» 1>" i drcn of Oxford spent New Yearn with her Their Duty. l:idlu." You ihhil:, 0 man: of : thu ! parents, Mr. nun £ITB. C 11, Albertson. - ...... /ft . world! that you have »ll the cares •vitli the theologians who want to dis- MlysIznrdof^Vootlliury, who has been . " '• ' • HHtl anxieties. If the "euros and tribute nil the thrones of Ili'avcn spending a fortnight with her friend, Miss Absolutely Pure—Delicious—Nutritious. j^' In the following sermon the poptilnr } anxieties of th« household sliimld come among the John Knoxes, nnd the thigh Merrcll, returned home Wednesday. Cosis Less than One Gent a Cup* < j^. Washington divinu tuUlru.s.sus many ! upon you for one week you would lie lit Lntimers, and the Thchitir.I.ogion. Sir. nnd Mrs. Arctns Hull iiro to be con- ..words .of comfort nnd encouragement} for tho in.sanu iisyli Thu htilf-rusti-_ d I >-...Knni. o of; tint brijjhtost. tliroiit-s .of grntulntcd—it'sa boy. ; nV«W,utwLlc1«t PORCH ESTlik, MASS. j^ to the tired tvivus uml mothers of the I houselteepur in tli*th*« morningniriT'iiinrp. \( HtinvetTiii*..^*n. wil...Ml l bl.,»e kepT.....tI fof.^~r flu.!Chrihti* tSi ! Mr. mid Mrs. It. G, Utirtron entertained j hotisfhold. I Ms text WIIH Luke 10:40:! She must have this morning repast j housekeepers.1 Oh, what n cluing >n iiumljcr of friends nt dinner on New ....By.... g* '•Lord, dost thou not; euro that my.j prepuretl at tin irrevocable hour. Wimt from here, to there—f ; Yenr's day. WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. fci

Tlie exercises in the Methodist church j _ i Sunday morning were well received,-as for a. moderate sum when"-'that'- were also the candies nnd nuts given the yobligators for faith fill attendance, etc. i sum is intelligently expended is *:"*/' Beginning with the new year and continuing shown in the house recently con- y y Mrs. U. O. Whitcscll has been nnd is Htill I- hat if they have : in and out OL' eilherof them. very ill with an attack of inllumniation of I structed just outside of Wash-; the ppe t of Lhu liniisuliold. This is .Maryy, and ut of either of them/, tho bladder. tthh e younger sisteri , witi h a Imnk umlor j There arare manmany housekeeperhousekeepers whwho ington, a picture of which is h dh diet of | coulld get alonl g witih theihir tolllls if iit herewith reproduced. Thisprec- d ty cottage cost but $i,Soo"com-: plete. it is equipped with a hot During Januaryy, air heater, is papered throughout '•'• and has hard wood mantles. You may inspect it at any time. Our wide experience enables we shall offer our entire line of Winter Goods us to expend money intelligently, " at a big reduction. This includes in house building. . .'..;.....

Jam.cs P. DcUcmor Ss Sons, ; The use of the surgeon's knife is be- \ coming- so general, resulting- fatally I Contrnctoranii'l HnilOors, in such a large number of cases, as to [ Ladies' Coats, Dress Goods, Underwear, Clothing, Wiwhlugtoii, S. J. occasion general alarm. j ». II. DuKuitiLT, Architect. . Mr. William Walpole, of Walsh town, i re Indies, ilii were always preenta South Dakota, writes; "About; Blankets, Quilts, Etc. t although thov may not have al- three years ago, there came under; --•*- - ly left eye a little blotch about the I _' size of a small pea. j Iti^rewrapidly.and j We desire to reduce our stock to the lowest point flllen mho Smoke shooting pains ran', in every direction-! possible before taking inventory. We do not pro- will appreciate a box or choice cigars' I became alarmed j : fora Christmas Gilt as much as any- and consulted a ; .:: pose to lose a sale if within our power to prevent it. thing that can beigiven them. ^ .-v good doctor, who pronounced it can- You who appreciate real bargains will take advant- cer, and said that it age of'the reductions here to a profitless point. 'must be cut out. ; • THE POBTUONDO • • This I would not consent to, having j x" little faith in the | isoneol the choicest brands for the indiscrimtn'atcusc of theknife. Read- price ever placed on the market. ing of the many cures made by S. S. They cost SJ-OO per box ol 50, We have cheaper ones, too. he lied to that room. M:irv had no S., I determined to give that medicine • '. Fine Confectionery is also included * !: iUl whiitli Josils Christ in our stock. . Hint Martha t Martha, ! for n .substitute. Tho iimrriiipe hour began to discharge. This after awhile ; ceased, leaving a small scab, which I ; finally dropped off, and only a healthy Jacob Stevenson, • little scar remained to mark the place Successor to John C. Weller. '. where the destroyer had held full sway. : A Real Blood Remedy. : Cancer is in the blood and it is folly i for our 1898 Christmas Art Souvvi ; to expect an operation to cure it. S.S.S.; .ie, with co!oru>l frontfp|ii-.-Cf, : {guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real j sentiiif.' An Ancient Egyptian Choir, orlsdi ally imititttl for us by u reimwiwil urtist nml •: remedy, lor ..every •^ •••-_,.• _/..'' a-1-ruiluw.l in Iu^air»il«. -TIWHVMTW 1 diseascoftiiebloocl. 4*5 (™» ««* \nn\io unii(uin« 'nir-T-.' *-inf»'l-.-h cf t Ololimtcl Cnnilsli Ain,Tlc:tn I'iiinos uiul Fur and Plush Robes, , Cooks mailed frcc;«L~ BL~ &^ Orynus, over 50 stylos to select from. , address Swift Spc- ^ Mention tliis raper ami tliu (.'ntuloytn; with uoMitKf jitild. Blankets, Harness, cific Co., Atlanta, k- Remember we art; tliu osily lirm of nctnul Ga. "« iniumfiicturuM S'.-lliit^ exclusively to tliu KfiiLTiil public direct. ;it faciorynist—tliu Whips, Etc. only linn where you cet exact Milne TIM yoiirinoni'v, There nretin nKents', dent* huve. 1KMI',I liptlor if ih.'v htf\ tli- pinuss: and g ers' or m'tli!Ipm-n'n profits milled. Is nssured when you buy of vi(V-;i tho work-, and tlit-n "thuy oould down from HWIVLMI, nnd thufrU arc Truthful Advertising Will Sell litive divided, the opportunity of lis- pluulced from the tn-u o£ life, nnd it is sweet«nufl with tius new nine of the •; Honest Goods. GASH oron EASY-PAYMENTS, • tening to .lesus: but Mury monopolizes r ihj- laws. •'> to suit your clrcutnstnntL's. Piunu.s S. T. Vannatta. kingdom, anil it is billed in the oven of Christ whilti Mtiriliu swettt-rs aL the iiu.l tliei uutiun line." *^ nnd Organs shipped on thirty days' trial The Largest Stock. The Lowest Prices. fire. It wiis n .wry important thing A yuuii",' uun of brtlliiint eduea- home trial. Solomon wrote out of his In jaitrown home unik'rourspi-cial warrant for thut" they shmiM ' havu a pood dinner ti'iii iind prosperous circuinstinicos was own experienuu. ile had JI wretched ufe delivery to purchaser guaranteed and in^ureil. Belvidere Ave. tliut diiy. was hungry nnd lie wilk-d down .stiih-.s to help iu tho kltub- home. , A man ciui'iot be Impp}- with BEE HIVE, NEWARK TERMS: NO SATISFACTION, NO PAY. Send Tor parliruhr- of our cn-rnrtarnblp plan, lij nlilcli my one «an did not oftfii have a luxurious unter- i in thu iibriuncu of the servants. two wives, umcli loss !J00; nnd he says, i I'lniiu ur Urirnn HIKE uf tuit. ti i out of his 6wn experience: d di hb h l DEMEAWE Coinpnre tho work tu \ R \. that a prompt response to this adv tlscmcnt will secure P. DISCOUNT Hair Cutting, SIO.OO on the list prices as quoted In our tS'Jtt Catalogue on nay Organ, or .$20.00 on Undies' Work^Ktc., the list prices If you buy a I'lano. Owing to tiie verv clone margin this leaves for ma«w facwrlnsr, we arc obliged to ivsenv the 'raw this special discount at any Stark's"-"Parlor .-• with-that douerolsowhoro.~rJVoii.will flrl.'»!.'*«'!Ni'^'."lli|li"i t'i!u'f»r .vVjVllLMl! AM'JIMIIII"" IntluTi ndlfforoiice la our favor. • witirpitc.'ber'iironc hand and' tonps "in j'tb b 1.. nu-nliun I hi. Ti:in>-r"nuti n>k fur tin- COKM-II ilU* CVrA- II nmt:nnriiKiinTi:j.Y. iiii:.\t«- tins oilier, she rushes out of. the Uitehcu.l .Ii,"Bvt itTU-llAV."-™ -" ~ UKOOlourSpocialtiosia"—""--""-'"—1—-~-; Slngoiug._ fi®? References :.:?"f-iStif°S5iwo'i: ""• - •"•"• '•'•"r •" •' T A: J.STAUK, ll)i>: tiaj^r, or :ii:y of the liniliilU'k1 nf jmirons ivf i-urvliuWil uiilllr.ns uf dollars worth imii'ms fr"tn iis'liirlnij iliti jmst sii yc-jirs. w b,iolt "Tin: 1II:.\UT ov THE 1'KOfi.K," u iliniisfind rwent reluruncus, sunt Greatest of All t'util lo write ntoiicc. PLEASE REMEMBER tluit this establishment fa not oxcellod iu either tlio Rrade, workmaoshlp, (it or stylo of Iw products. Tho very latest good a In •throws ii worlil of lumk'ni into IHs ] thousiiiulri of womeu—attt lighting - -.. _ January largo variety await your inspection. intonation us II. *:ty: "My! make S"> do the work of ST. A young life; that was Christ's life. Wefid .. dear woman, do i a the din- I wonum about loeniertlie myrnedsLatL* it in othdPfl; but how vi>vy bard it is for You Hay Depend ;: us to.exepuise it ourselves!' 3 WOWAKK," KASTOW. B*A. V" Her RO: sit down be-i snid lo Her mother: "How long doos the upon tho prkort botng aa low as any ronu 1 1 Oi&''of, the ino.iL .iiiteeting reminis- Bargain Sales ^, jjide .Mary, your younger sistei'. .Mm- j honeymoon lust . "' The mother an- taolo tnl or vwill inio'o. Evory carmoiit cences ot my inotliiM'isiny ivinembi-ance „ gunrauteed to lio aHtlafactory iu ovory way. {hii.; Marthii, ihou »rt rarufiil and! swurcd: -'The lioneymoou lasts til Tlio only Duo-Price of her as a Christinu housekeeper. She Komoinbor also that rupairing, cloaoine troivj'cr)val)(nitHuan'y'.t!iings...bnt one ; vou your husband 1'ot money." •worked very hard, and when we would everything reduced -ia), . and iiroasingnrouppclaltfoH iuore. . • :• thingis needful'."- .As .Miu-llia throws j Ilow 10 men do dole out oney to come in from summer play, and'Oi' y establishment except a' HOUSE 111 EastCH, Pit ...."open'thiil kitchen (loop I look in and i ives!" ' "How . much do von down at the tnbie at noon, 1 remember * few restricted lines. Wm. Roeker. "'"'si'ViV'gruiit "miniy household -porplexi- j •You' i how she used to eonie in with beads of tics and anxieties. ,. "' " " ' | iff a dollar. Can't yo ]»n nlon^the line of gray hair. lowest prices ever quoted ^ 1 of non-iip-1 d.ho.w.soinetiiiies si uaCinldreitr-'U jy5 | This is (.lie 17IIv-annual * STEINWAY & SONS 1IANCPACTURKK5 01' | event of its kind Here, forAll-Wnol Suit* or Ovtrcoat* rHtably I Kin .• O • i (jriMlo Kori*«)-s, Meltouc, Covcrtf.Clilr. j which inducements are offer- 11 HI do and tHmmcd Cor $7.o(). T*ii a niKl Bou«l«rt. All colors, full silk or aiilir Grand and Upright Pianos. StnrtluB (it that jirlco our Sultw mlvdnoo tvltli 1 lin'-il nil a'zuti .'mil slmiips,'m box, iiitiilhiin or " Thu Smliiway rinnos iiro uulvcrsally ackabwl- -..'• led to make it the .greatest iiilihul dourous of oscullonuo ami tminity loi!>, .. lon.g„ lengtli'. Kvory jiolut .of clothing t-siwl* edged to bo -• •: "•" $11), $1:.\ $13, up to fll. UhoniK-r .Wlutor -•' l leuue Ims liumi jmt In tliort" -piinneii'-*. -1'rl'-" ! bargain occasion of them' all.' 1 ?10, m ii|. to ;*>." lit'ftvor overo nit. S'l titfti. THE STANDARD PIANOS OF THE WORLD •>/ they sorvlnc n.i models to iho outlro IMano- y-•', Special, flno Clay'DitT^onal SuHs, ail wiml, #»-Actual Uahie, $14. inaUlns industry, Hio Steiuwny Bystomllmvlue', ''•'•'• n Hundreds"upon Hundreds \m~au'\-KH>\"A nml ndoinod by (ilinoat ovory plauo '-." . ^ I I4.JI ^.AjllI.I' L'A.IJ.L i -J»IV'V j'.t.'v v>..»u ».*•* irouMe uiul .iinx'iety lire!" :J)h. sir, the less than the i makor. Tlioy aro proomlnomly the host inatru- ,„,„.'• n I homoKlwul. I looked nut of iho wln-of items will go on sale all atTJonvt'r.UlBtei'H, JTI to'ifi I Onr H, It- I1 Jiickott*, *3,9r, •wtfe'iuul tlio iniilhiuvhiiH to uonduet nt •its iiiniiiiienil.'le housuko montsnt prosout-irtadoj cxportoil-to ami Hold J $71 mm.- aiUioiiiiin r Jtwkpts, •; to su In nil aru:uutr>'b"of tli>» world, aiid preferred my sUler. .tliis is it ]-:irt of r-t,. u\.- j »l«w aiid tried, to peer through the i special prices. Some with re- the "siiine Lime, a univtJrsit.y,' a ctothtng '• .iarlnu-ss. WhUfc 1 was doing suTdnu lrirfiFrolzeVlbtorn, sS lo ill! I - Vcsis to mnicti, Wool Lined. for p-lvfilo aud public iiao by tlio grftatcat ttvluif •.-e-A'talilislimehti-u roHttuihint, a lau.ndry, disuipline. If it were best for yon, sill artists mid MloutiatB. "-' : \\ 1 7 ~T WOIM'll itlOlMO.VTlNC, (>CJ.K,HATS. you wdulii'liuve tu do would lie'to "open lilustralGil Catnlonucs mailed free on application. __ ";a library,• wiiile'.slio/is'. lieultli...oilicur,. Kindt'and brown Dorbys, Ijlnok mid brown Al|itnea, SOc to f 2.5U. Hoys' diul Mi the .-.front windows mu\ the 'ravens iKitsi:t:!i for many .vears, tnppfci me on cent-M "some one-third oPf,' : polict'Puud iiresidcnt ufhur reiilm! She tlus'siioiililer :iud t-'uid: "Do Witt:, I see Woratodu (Hid 1'luah, S5o lo Sl.'JJ. ; ;•• ;STE1NWAY•"&" S0N5, -"'^ "~ inusl do :i. thousand things, uiul tin. •would Hy in with food, jiml lifter ,yon 107-111 East 14th St., New York. you nre 'looking nt the 'sceims of your others to-sell""at"'liaif and less ._ chnit, $].r>0 to 55; Hoys*' Overcouts nit-1 UlHtprH, jil to flfl; rhil- •Uicmw-islV. in order to lii-ujj thing* go- -hud baked .M) times from llu: liiirrel in _n or Koofur Sulis, $1 to jO: lljys' N nig i'linn Suits, ?! to i?l(lj ChilUrun'a Kuei boyhood." ''Oh; yes,"' 1 replii'iI.r;;~I.was than, half former prices. in"* sKioothly; »nd so hor.l'ni'ui ami her tliu pantry, the. parrel, like, the one in 1'nnts, S5u lo fl.UO Ziir'epliti'th,pt, " wouTd'bec full;f iTn; l tiieslfoeoes mother lived nnd 'died.*1 ;Thnt niffht. r CLOTHES LIME- 1 of tho ehililvim would last as. long us • Holiciay Goods: n FA'CT J know there, are lHiii.sola'«])ei*.s who in the cars, the whole' srene eamo Even ifyr»u are a Hundred Miles U-nAO I HANGERS.'^ ire st> fortnnnte Unit they enn sit in the shoes (it Lhu Lsraolitos in the wil- Ilyirlonlc I'-Uuicod I.liiiHl Uiulorwtutr, Mo to .-31 3Wt!(iLbrH, (ill colors, Bailor Collnr or 1'lnln, itoyL h;iek to me. Therhere wits tlio .countrcountry Away-cCOME—it will pay you.,!)-lily Cotton Surrnuo ll-fohl Wool Fleoclsic, 51 llltl:Vl a •. iintw.Juur in the library, or lie on devnoss—10 yyearyy , Kesides thnt, this is . ! "»\. . 25 • to SUM home. Theri! wits the noonday table, Honvy Morino Uuilorwcnr, SSc to *1 CuBiimuH.MiiiilorH, 25c f the belated pillow, mid throw oil' :ill h^t miikku llioavei n iihho more nt l.(iiiib'a Wool UudcrM'oar, '• f l Silk .MtiniiM-H, BOc to 51.23 traotiVis 'l'liiire wove the children on eithoi- side Hoys' Unilt'i-wour, ' 3Se Klil mul I tuck Gloves, 25c to $1.51) e e:ire upon .snbcinliiinteswho,'having tho contrast. They never Initial llaiHliiorclilofa, hunger there, and tunsecpiontly there of thu table, most of them gone never • 15c •tflnrtfe will's nii'l fyrt'iit .experienee, e:i.n to come IVRIU. At tlio end of the tublc, • intteud to nil of tlie iill'iiirso.l'.the honso- will )>e none of the nuisances o£;'-ater- 1 TJKATUKU COATS; 9.1.00 tn$o.oo; ; my'fathiM . with a smile thntnever left No Branch,Stores. No Travoling Agts 1 1 hold. '.I'liose lire the exceptions. 1 amJntrfuriij.ipuLUuH. "^ —VouMu*HitU(], Took; , Stniji nuil Cntch-On IIQWH, niid WliuUora, [n:nll tho n his countenance even when lus lay in his , • o ... atidtiatlti Effects, SSc'lbTJo. 'H'jeakinu now of the greiit muss of And in the hind of the while robe 1 cotlhu It was an .SI years iituite—not Mail Orders Filled. Free Delivery. m 'h">usei:eopei's—the women to whom lifu they never have to mend imythinj"-, mid the smile of inanition, but of Christian p is u atruy^le, unit, who, at.:«) years of tlie,. air in thnt hill-country makes coilnijre and of Christum hope. At the everybody well." There are••nu.nuitsj.y .ollij'iM'iul nM.liVM>J^v««^lwiiitlftii;; • payV:every'"intiii owns his~own~liouiie,' T. •WTCKOFE: beniftnant, hnrd-worlting, nged Chris- Best Grades at Lowest Prices nnd a*. 50 look as though they were und a iminsiou nt tluit. It ^vjll not be ( tian housekeeper, my inotliui'. She was EBtttblialioil ovor 35 yearn. They havo 'I? • • iio.;—Tlus -fnUi'ti. nt .ClialoiiB, nnd Aus- so great a chnnpo for you to have very tired, 1 am prlad she hits so good _ _ Jiiccdufullyetoodthotostof Umo nnd v -.iifle. HhlppoJ on lSdaj-a ttst trl»l in your own homo wirier «"" '•ustirauco and Koal Estate Agcut, " '—HeriHzr^SVid-Gettiz, uiiu viunj3Jui|j,,,.«"»y sburjf^uui. ^,• • u^" r -eiinriui in Heaven if you huve been in ' lt ti "I31!J th 6 loo live n.sinnll number ^mpnrcd^yith thu hilblt of .ruUiurJn;.I^JVwl^ILl:-^^1:^^";!^^"^,,' LordT'the'yrelt ,707 TO 721 BSOSD STREET,. © 1 So Rntinfacttmiinopny, Orgamfrom $25. Up war da, Plan 1 I e ) l rth»..shiin iiijli" 'SJ^'^A '""^ ,--™^f will 110b bc.^o K'l'V'^.'i ^i \H JVi!'V^iH--y':' »\s,..an4.ithoi ..'CBUA.U ST. - .... -..-r' TVASaiNGTON.N,' $,.._-> v; v Tolophono CMl Mo. 31. 'v ^\ ^

L.S-W=JS I.***™ !-_W|fcE:agB " •"•T-- •r.


: During- the last weeks of the Great Closing Out Sale the weather has been so inscasonable that we have decided to

exlencl the time ' Y •• ," , \ ' Also the time of giving away the Horse will be:extended. The past week has .Until All- Goods ;iire -Sold.- i _been a busy one and many have taken advantage of the almost give away prices. BS32^^^

- • ' • : \ Nothing Considered to be Worth More' Than You Arc Willing to Pay. O Beyond all questions of doubt, this Mammoth Sale of general Merchandise; consisting of Abie C!nal:s, Coals and Jackets for Women, Girls, 3/1 sues anil Children; J.)rr-s.< Goods,.Mnsliii., $ Flints. Bibhons, Towr.linii, J-'n/ikins- Counterpanes, Bed, Blankets, Seissors. .Faney•'W'orh, German l.own, Wool and Zephyrs, Velvets, dr. * gjj V '.V.,r .,• 'UNDERWEAR FOR ALL••MANKIND, UNDERWEAR FOR ALL WOMANKIND.' :- SUITS, OVERCOATS,; PANTALOONS for Men, Young Men, Boys and Children •• •••;. jt prices t" nitr-ict i'ne•-attohtum of every careful cash, buyer. Remember, times aro hard, and the oryoitunity to economize and stiil have a good article-, in justice to yourself, should not be overlooked. || ;. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING- TO LOOK-NOT MUCH'.TO BUY. Come in and look this department over: if we can in you there is a prize in each article at the purchase price.

•nn ~ 9 i •„_,, .„>• TT«^Af\xrpor Heavv Working Gloves, Lfcht Walking Gloves, Woolen Gloves and Mitrons, New Style Siit't and Soft Hals, Caps, Collars, Cuffs, Sweaters, Hosiery, 6$ lVlCilS ^HQ DOyS UlluUVrC'di, Overalls. Neckwear, Fine White Shirts. Online Shirts, etc—all up-to-dated goods umstly bought b_y Hall ccjiewin. The prices will astonish you. || Never before has such a s.ale'been known in this section of New Jersey. Prices less than wholesale dealers charge for them. We Svilist Dissolve This Stock. H _, wj, ^^——v ^-, vV'e have been greatly, pleased with the manner in which, th.e kwies have shown iheir appreciation of r-.ur efforts in this department, but owing to our buying' in such large || S^5a~t^—f*S-t-^SS1 • quantities from the manufacturers we have still an enormous stock of Mart's, Boys', Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes on hand. • ••• fJjj

:•.•>/. '•'-••• > : . ; THEY MUST FIND. OWNERS . -y /••.../:; 'U'. f Hence we knife them even deeper than before. Ladies wearing sizes ?.;<, ;. V/- will i'md it greatiy lo their advantage to visit "Herman.-the Shoe Man," on Friday and Saturday of this week. Extraordinary t|j Value. Every pair a prize at the purchase" pi We. ' ' ... . p if—<* T%. 'BL3> 1dSdT1 TP3S. Ingrain, ail wool, 38c: Neat Pattern Riir, 21c: Remnants ofjuixiuetto, :-uiUiWe for smail rooms, ;oc: Portieres, Lace Curtains. Window Shades, Crockery, Lamps, g;| • Ci_rf< r\. ITV a"* S—J 1 S3 Ranges, Coal Bucket? .Picks, Rake;;. Shove's. Kope, Baske'-i .Stone Jugs. Churns. Tea Pots. Tea Kettles, Iron and Agateware. Paints, Oils, Glass, etc ; in fact, !y| everything you need or ever may need is embraced in this immense stock. Call and select wiia; you will.' Everything will and must be si .1J. ||- We Cannot Quote Prices Satisfactorily, the Stock Being so Large and Varied. | * . ' * ' • ' 1 • • • t*t* We <=till take all kinds of marketable Produce. Everybody invited to register—absolutely free. This Friday and Satur-day we are offering some special inducements : do not fail to visit the' Bazar j| •.on these.days. '"

NIGW Jones. They are spending their honey- Frjnk Ileuvt.'s has opened ;i j".>wcrlry • OXFOKO. moon in Manchester: -""™':< in lliu'li Rrid^u nml will liy in attc*::(Uimu Mr. and Mr. Win. Young of Jersey City V.' ih« verybii-'t. nC .sM-him; in The tract of land belonging t" thu estate On Monday night Francis J. Kelk-y ami on y.-.tnrrliiy of each week ty 1U1 \V;itch, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, clock, jswetry^fjjid bic*;cle repairing. uiujer Warren ciiunty. which i> vei-y much We can of the late Stephen I-iimSiis: which vs.* Wm. tSlater, .1 part of the Holiday scai-on. Miss M;u-v A. Kelley weru m-irried by Rev. enjoytd hy did and yo'itu;. ll:uiy Collins, It's a Nice Things , not disposed of at the previous sine, was The Central"'iVa^--iiiove;i the uo-il fro-n Miss Cora Weller, who has been at Bay- N. It. M'iv:in. our blaek^uiirh, drivtis a iivi-ly sujppur. -• sold at MeCabott hotel on I-rulny iifwr; siding when now is tho mojt piiicliii*.:; il.irr>'intki^'^' tiineb;itii i-i thv sh^p Spare . noon to M. U. Allen, ol Delaware, tor $20.2a ontie for several niontlis, ia now at her ti:r.«. home here for a short stay. .ii'! out. j to liavc appreeintive " customers. per iicre: i f.iJl i A choice selection of new books have Milton Onks-liuu u bar o. pi.; l.vm f i.I 1 p, -v Ciardner, of St-vuv Church, -,VM a ! The D., L. & W. K. 11. Co. bus ngnm ntin nst li:s rlalil leg while woriiiiu; m ttie V'^»or »ittre 011 Tiitstl iv - 1 lt a a nice tiling to moot people appealed the nssessinent on their .iroii baen added to the Sunday -school library. .. •plant and property, located hero to the Misses Lizzie and Lulu Mensliauten of ! him to 1-aos.i a day's work. I _ Miis Mabel Ilritn^, who ILLS been v>iry j every day'why are iliscriittimitisig. Newark are at the home of their parents. 55KATVKSTOAVX. sick, ia SJiii'iwImt hulte State Board of Assessors Lebanon Township Committee will I : . Tlio beat, jirovisions tl;;it we wn Rev. J. H. Carpenter of your town occu- Arthur Rsinhart of Newark pnssetl -last The week of prayer is being (ibserved at ill Uumphrcy's hotel on Saturday at 10 a. Mr. anamdi Mrs. HeUsr toook dinnen r witli j Who Wants It? pied the pulpit of tbe M. h. cluircH on week at the humu of his parents. the chapel. Business houses close early in 1 111.. to elect 11 steward of ih* poor fiiriirfor Mr. 'Abriun ii-l.; ami i.'.r.iiiy 11 1 I liiicl in the market, K to our eusto- Aniceaorse in tho dam at ImUy.lale the evening so '.hat all. may'.have an op- current year. V James E. Wright, employed in the nail has caused the Museoiietcous to oveiilow portnnity to attend the interest ins sor-: Qeorse'CnrHu-.T, v;ho livus witlr-'JamM \ Ar.ioliy ptutyVvVnlclibiWcrH rt(:Ht t« Kat.t J i nicrs. There's tho scc:-et of our . mill atSnnbury.'. Pa., is visiting his fimily. the meadow lands.. . ' vices. .. ' -_-:' Smith, near Btil's cro-winj;, started down ; Stroildsbuivon Tii'^itay iii;»iit. All report ( : ; j. .The home of Mr. and Mrs.' llobert Teel, The Wrth of 0S wv.s celcbrntctl Ijy the ••Tho Young People's Society of Christian •JIM kitchen fet'ii™ a\ Sunday mornim;; excellent bleiyhir.;; and a K"O;1 tin:«. In other Words, we j success in 1-1 words. Tliero arc. : "who reside iic-«vtov.-ii, wns the scene of a flriiis* of guns in tUtiVjreni parts of town. Eluvium-, JitUicir oiliciul meotimf in De- when he slipped and loll i-uUins; his no-,.: IT.-HI--!,•!(] L'hri •'•n-s b"'l-cei-e'l i- T'- l l l ccmbt.'r, eicctud the tollowing olllccrs for •'^'pleosant'gathitrineoE-Erul^yriuijii wuc« -.;...l tic.:re:;!?^i}.<\ J »^:_areJ:enJQytnL'1.he iton ar:d hefid Imrily. The doctor put suvtiral J • 'r"n.j,,,"^ \v«c 11 Li 1 >••"' 1 j«*"il-» uu'dWl fo'rlh "'i'i*'ilike to reduce Q.ur stock by j two jtlucos wlicro you c;in al- '^•rhost of relatives and mentis called U> us- the.y'.-i-.>- l>c«iri(iin!r Jnnimryl, 1S1I3: I'rcsi- stitcht-s in hi;j noou. „.. . i-mmnuuccd the m.iniiv^a m' Mr. ^Milton '"'•Hiafthen'.i.ii'ceiebratini: the JJota miiiiver- " " "' ' - - • - -M^A.ny ways be satisfied. The. cucyt-lope- : 1 j Mtrts'-Eiri'Mui'Mln'm; llecordins St'tiretni-y, '~sary;pf tli^:- uiarrlase. "Uncle Robert -Alfred Marlatt, a student at ih'a St.itV; :\ l!icri. of- lliia piae ... .Tin- etjrmiuuiy was that amount •hofore lime_.for -received, ihe guests in his usual nenrtj j Mis'NnJimCntnnhtll; CorreapondinJl-Sec- .'LAKtvSBOKO. tie'OfUin'-Hrift'J'M-biir- ;;: Xonnnl iStihoot, VrtjiiUiH, pajifl thu lluii- iWaryrMlM EvtVtro.wori.TreMureri.Mr. ... (liitin one, ..:iiKVJ]ei:L'_is ths otlicr.' " -- ^"manner.' At noon a substantial dinner waf day vacati.111 at the honiu of his falher.' Afiluii'-'Kitta has boan mijoyius the i'nl^'Mr.Siiid'Mr!"i. riiimuoi-11,. Albert, on taking an~iiiT^ntO!'yr~It~\viil served. *y .hyY:ay. Mr. IJ;ij-Jr. Only ; fetal suas-'iri with friends in Ku^'.irk. - .- t AVe are alivo to tho fact that what "' Fritis, Jr., of Kiiluv's Utiainrs • Our merehr''its are ccivini: their pr.Irons a few (' ami re!:div.-s wcix-"'jresmit.1 Joseph Scranton, while enrouto to V»'y College, Trunton, was at his home, nun .Tiimea D. Mii<.';ii> U a wcluoino visitor in oming. Pa., on Tuesday iiUlit of last week, the benefits of city prices nowadays; X)osl Mr. Diehl iithe iuniorl'ru.'niljur of thu 11 rm save you money and us ex- is Ineicins'iii cmality c:u^novu>^)o town, during the Holidays kcroseno oil is Hold l.iy t,iiu single ^alion at town lor a wtgk iir ao. ; ,: to*.: aee his aunt, Ellen Hcranton. ot'Hnvur & Diohi :\t Sf.>:io CI1t1rc.l1. l'n.. ! lie., oyst«r critukcrji iit 're. per II)., tea at ni;. Mi*:*. Peter Spiinller and son are the UKUIU up by a lack of prico. That's <' •• was ttikcn suddenly ill at Scranton and wm per quiirter U>. Our people and thcuoni-. "Uirfis ol her moVrtor, Mrs. Aim:i Hill. pense, hence we arc willing removed from the train to u IiostjiKl munrty nt lavs« sliiiuKl regard this act, of ... , e t ^.-.^ ~ "•• 'An ox;imi:iatiQ!.T.j;ltnwprl thaL he was itiilV v,- 1 :L baaic prineiplo in our busiues?. --I'atei- Print , '.vim Ivis been in the lish Tim yo^iii,' piioule hnvu luui no cniisc ',„- tl», most .istinmblc. youii-o«di:;s i»r tbi- ing with pneumonia, He is'iniprovii'ipf.vV 1 couiphiiit i;i record to this holiday str.son. p], . ,m nctivO worlcor in v.he tilim-cii, andto make'' reductions in several busineaa on rioiUhiUaiti' Mr. mill Mf3. 73J\v:irii Wiley »;IVL- ai! old- merry ..on t.h. i; XwJ 0,,(.u C) \\'c want you-to get onto tho "in- Mrsj. Annie Dean of Newark is at the market to Christopher Gibnuy. ; CIirisLimij, Ail WL;\J.. merrhad. yth t.-h.ropponumtt ice; Xuwy J; 0,,(. w|1fl W:l! he: ^rw-lly missed by !u;r us- f.ishioncit watch ni'iht narl.v. Hefi-eSi?:.pViirH pay iillth^ had the opponumty ; MC[i h 1 shh e IIiuVf s us. >]r.:inilld Malw lines. We want to make .a - home of his parent!","Mr. and Mrs.'Mk'lvte' A festival was -riven in the: host-housis j wentsloiwth i-iiiiiu;, besitlus the ':-'>od co.wt- |)| i|| ict'r, for 11 trip i.hi\iuifh son thorn "lo" orouVilGW eiiiinVidguuc'.s. merits were served til W o'clock a. in.,siftw o .^ .« of the Ucliancc lio-e Oo. mi Tuesuny and-. wltich tho Kuedts dopartotl, wishing alia I instney ure nnviiiEf All tbe while. | punjisyhMni.i, where thay wil'. m-ike their y. • Frank Stone niet with a pitiiiful accident WuilLit'Sday aveninffd oflltis >veek._ •" . . 1 1 h:i;iny New Yeaiv one day Iftat week while euttina down n Superintendent Win. H. Peddle, of the MUs Miniii'tjiZ):ivi3Ciii and JHKK Jenniu Inrge: walnut tree for Dr. L. B. 1 [ouglfiad Central ]{!iilro;itl, retireii from the oilice Thomas :iro sjibnflintf n' tVirtnlijht with L. i. DAVIS, The nxe plancecl and cut a t^rili aboucfonr which In: has-Sietd for niany years.^yich friunds in Nowarl: and Now York. •'••• January ^/ inches lonjf across the isistep. thu closeJof, thu venr. " Papers soliciting MissTlijllO Siiiptsv'.ii'i ccncii'cr in the pub- - Alv'in Dr.ikfj,h;w. placed a nc-.v sis; subscription's i'ut a testimonial Avercdis- : li1c suhool, spent the SuilirlayH at!ho:neiu 'Tlic "Blue froni,"•* trihuLtiil at diifercnt-jjoints >\\nt\** tbe road, c : •lAif-itvis-rcaitl;thiitv,'-•'"*- «' 1' 1.^cripLio'[is.,\vere Plillllusburg. - - •- -.. / ° nnl r M Opposito Curnirih's Padbry. mor.sjre. The 'one liiS't iOSvn iii "someway /kLr.'aiKUI^. .I.-hn:.V, .Al'cn'a pjp^s-.nt. • &$». . '"'-')V.'. . . Clearing Saic berKer's meat market at Beividere. ' (iisn.pp^ire.V^;,;"--— ™-;-~_ patcont: school, pii^ed his vivjaiiun at tliw I'lionvcueiow lowiriitjitl-''.ii-n;);)^-''^;^--^- ^•"•::^p'-.-.-\----^. --' ..'"."'.'',' -; Mr. afid Mrs; K. \V. Enslnr, uf Full honi'j.of hi-* ntn'f'iits in this vicinity. youny pcioplu on Thiir^dny ev«ninif bar, i ~ '. ' - ~— ; River, Mass.> were in town on \Vedne;itliiy Miss Delia Fitzp'xtrieli died.on Tuesday . Mivaml Mrs. L. T.>ok tliclriiol- viuiiT M»w*»ri. '.I. C. and WlUiiim' Allun j calling on old' friends. Mr. :E. was a for- night of iast week atlhe Ufje'of 10 years. : iciny ootiiifj among city friendH; • ^Jti Stationery y mer teacher in school No.2, Sbo had been ill for considerably more tlian a year. , She was the dnn^titc-r ol Nelson Siikorwtiflcd nwaytho holidays usrialplMsing maiinor ami uii [.ru-itni had .were more ^MiL-ntl.y known, :i very la^o Mrs. L. I). TIoT_'land spent a few days Mr. and.Mrf.. Patrick Fitzpntrlck, of makin;; pork s.msiiyi! and discusainy its Books, last week in tho City of New York. HowiiVd strdecrand was n ineiubor of Sts. ^ood ri'ualilies. •-' -Eilriuk Cm-ley.was•:::•'.o™tlnva •phiIJp:S^d.,1::i:j»a-"Cnthnlie_eliiii.'eh. .Jtohcrt.CouKle opened the holidayseason liox Paper, lasst week shaking hand,!hands} with old trienrlf*trieiuK. 1 ^''Theodore Stopp, of this place','U'another witli" a 'inolaHhiS'i canti.v-piirty. "•-•-; ±'.S'':';r' 1 u i i j. .. for winier- travel on runners. MMrs. Lewis 2soragard died on Thursday old veloran who has- just succeeded in John P. lloflman of'Clinton 'lihs'locntod Logan and ShusUir; of iU;iirstowii;'RiJLl^rai»i!y.-v»cv::u Uv.r;!^ \U ^hj;iii.^— .._. _,... . off pneumoniap . She Is survived by -a IHIHIHIH-, seuiirincr 11 pension:. His allowance will in our village and hivi taken ti, position Craig of tbnt toun, Dcsiily!! tLe younil pco-i . "". «••••"•--...., ., j-TSicrc'sreveryv.r.casonj.'^.liolieye. that... bbannd annd one sonson. The funeral took pl:;ce be £0 per month,-ami dates from .July last, with JI. IX Vt'hitc.ii Son i;i tho milling Luisi- 'iile.ot'MarUsboro and>jeinity.,-, j H is with satisfaction then that I announce Brushes on Moiulnyafternocni»ioiKiny niitirnuuiii UaLt 1 uo'clock uiuuii;; serviceservices when he put in application. snow will soon cover the earLh and' t the Dn tali church; intermentit-in the Whai hnve boon a very, yerloiB ' the exciusiv.' ioc;il ;i);'--nc;- for the famous" .. .-' ~'«t the Diinifih church; interme Rfiv. E. V. Kiuc, at the M.-E. puraonn^, l fitituirred.liist'ninrsday frirenoon, i Oxford eemeteryi Sainuel Ko )erL-iun will-move from his ami render ihe use of ' . • •ilif-Oxford eemeteryi' last Weeiiicsday night married Air.'Fort- present locution on L, T. LHUJIVV f.vnii-LT/ "w!:cn V'Lt' tcnn of' Ii \ Alfred Christian of Knowlton spont.3nn: uor, of Biistpn, ami Miss I.ime Stelter, of 1 that owned li\* Win. \Vhite, and Mr. Pol- (hat he was drivinir ran hihi m in Mthe:;l(iut' j'S.f _i (Tl-<-^r1-i-/i«-« K -$ t/n\-i s\ Combs, -: diTy at tliehoiilt;"i>WI-«v...G. F_, Dreabaeh. Oxtord;•;-•••—•"——••"•. S, ..Si. .. ._._ -!mmuH,..Mr....W.hite'H!krmer, will occupy mil ronceontlm mill lilU/iratUt not hooii.UfiU C>I(ii^n laMiilQ Thomas llcoae, B. Smith' atid Mar- : J : I lY>r,;tim stouttieHa of this stitne fotiee, horses One orihe leiiQih'K -soei»l "iiiyeiitii bf t.he t!i**,;7jnbnr property. .' """"". •- -"••,-"•_.«_... -. Sleds and'Sleighs • "._, tin Broad, nil of Dover, wore in town on Benson wus tho marriage histftWeilnesday rider'(\«i'd •wiiiruil woulii p'robubly Inwo ! Perfumes, , The cold weiitlior-o'i'Um past "Tow day's landed in the creek "below, but. luateud; [ New Year's day. ,,. " ^ o.C Alfred S. Sigman, professor in chein- has made the ico harvest possible, and lo- iit-.ry at the Cireensburg Academy, and were wctlgtid in the rails. II.WHS expected Ift'incy Goods, Thomas Tiiirns, the liveryinanVhns taken cal psrllfs iiro tnkinsj advantage of the op- to llnd tiWrni Icilloil or with. their ]e(K),i a necessity for bblh busincss^ana- * the ooiitrii'jt to 111 1;the ice houses of town- lljss Lillian Bifielow of this-iilnee. Kcv. portunity to till their ico houses. Percy ~Y. Scbell"y perlbrmtui the cere- y broken iMivbnLbuvbnLhh . rk;erit;«rr and honiWcnmVhor:tWnmVi Glass, Pniui,"- pleasure traveL. In cither instance it mony at the homo -of- the 'bride's uncle, Frank Carpenter is building an exten- • with tlio exception ol* b:id •.KQ.CKSBUKG. Gtwrgc Myers, at No, 15-1 South Main SN sion to his Mann tain View home, which brniHCS. " " • ._...' -.EstabiJslfment. V/atl Paper, is policy to have vehicles built on They left for Gretiiisburj? where thoy will w-illbo^oceupleil by his brother and'fumily " \Ur. and Afrs. Guoi'ce l-u-'.'.lyj o'r-Jbhn- The shooting match on New Year's! day the coining spring. modern {.lines, in a reliable manner, rf WAS a fluccetssfulall'.tir . reside. Mr. tSigtnan wnsViWcll known. In son«burs, nnd Mr. iina&Lrs,TJriiii(l3.Keysor The \\i\-\\ do^reo of perfection to which iithlotle circles while in attendiince'-'nt and of the best material. | Miss Edna Hill returned on Monday after Lafayette COHORO,.-from'.which he wfis i dyeing- and cleaning h:ive heen brought, ^spendinjfa-w_oek.with U'tir friends, Misses LTaduated in ISiW. He was one of tbe miy (.:rtUiiU'iir.''H)i! nrSSc Mr. and Mrs. Win. Korr spent Satunbiy' II1:ikesit lK)Wi1'10 tu Ueat L'vcrlT c!;'s-s am? Myrtle and Bessie Fniunfelter.ntScrnnton. L lending participants in foul ball and base nnrlSundny witli.fHcniis uL Hclvidere'aml style uf garment in a irianner to inaUuit al- Oscar Butler o?it-urt:uned all of his bro- ball. Oxford, ' , •'••:- inost, if nolquite, equal to new Koyd^.ihis is thers and sisters one day last week, it being i( J5 : See our goods. Asl-aour- Ours Are Guaranteed!., A A, B. Mnrtenia, of South Main street, is -•'-- ...... a ' the tlrstiimt)in twenty years •,.. , Kov. Dr. Uu'tlcr, of'tllairstown, occupied especially true of cleansing costtnmw, which iviasincft weekorso in Pnrt, Murray and 1 • ,-.• • [:' ' if " f : Ice Gathering began Wednesday inoru- our pulpit on fiinuliy uiorniiiff and prtjach- js tlunc so ;(S mt to-iniifre tlic finest fabric or I ,, :.> Win. - Wagner, while attending to bis WflSlllOKtOll. . • : '" ' " : r, prices. • ". ingwnh icj) eiglit inches thick on Sodom ed a splendid HertnOi! on the "Pnwtrof ' ' *~ • ' ' _ 1 *-'-iL"'*"r*~'i*n-iini? to-be just as ,gooil as we say j a^i-^- • duties nt the barn !««(• Friday, had thc.inis* j;HivITnceorKvhaa leased the old Phi 1- pond. Humphrey will storo orie hmiilrod B^^'W^Ydrtuuo'lu^pniin^hi^^^ llpsbar^Gil'^u'rf.-^'H'dinai.aiia^wJ^j^^ .to na j f;^^^ JJWm^Brnwiii or Brboklyn):Wii3 thofjucst a siHKlcsearii. • ,L "' they are. . if they'-~prove..otherjvise,. : Mrs. J. M. Bowlby, who is ill, is iniprov- for a lumber storehouse"." • ™ " Biiriiey Crinnbn lutfl ''bought tenflbrea of J 0 S.e will make everything salisfactory ipe-.Cr ... - ;• - .V.-' • • • '. " •-Infants of* Tunis Morgan, of Sitfjrenves land from Mary Rliz-ibetli Knas for "$100 "Miss Minnie In»er«oll ia , visiting licr^"^ liysiicci:u"ar!anf;wmcTit:-;p-v/a^recu!y,e-,::fnr- o "*^-Jo3eph Ileiiu and wife spent New Year's itreet, nnd Peter Yarrence, of Fayelte per acre. Part of the ground 19 in Junc- auntut Nulley. ' " ' l' ward anil return goods .without a cent ;id- —-cvcn-to^giving-)'.OAir^nioney!;.back. .. day. with friends in Rolvklei'e. „ street, died on Monday morning. tion borough and partin Lobanon town- Tho girls ami boys returned : to llielr Ultlonal expense over the prices charged at iol Ealo of Eos Eapor this fahip. • , ;...... • •;' •„•. _. .„.. ;_ See the entirely new slock now in our Mrs. Win;'Slough', a widow, died (it thu. ; various schools ayain on Monday, . the New Y.orlt oi'iiccs. "' home ofher.sourw Mi.-Tf.-Slouph, onShi; Woook.1," • '•• ! John CiUT has inovoti hiaf-unily from ...Mc'asrs...Ain/.i Havacnol nrid;;P!itvf.l ICorr •"..-•• - •'• •.....- repository. nif •»trnet.:SuHday morning;ligetl.§0 years." 3lic~naH b'ecn'failing lor the past five>wU-5.^ 1 """ Charles"Uowclr- will"leUiv^-^mxt •'" i: ^'rJtJwin'tl " Prcndcgrast-Wns on .Mondnv. in tJio ?I'nng. • ' . ^ -'Mrs.' Kate Smith and "-mother, JtriT nipht rc-oleeted flro chief. His opponent R\Q. BOWERS, JR. j. '0 /,; •, '-Ward, ,of Glon Gardner, ato,i their Now l A box sociable at the hmiHO of Williani STORE, ' Year's dhmerwith Benj. Hes9 and family. woa Charles McCprkoU. P. Smith, near the Red mill, on Thursday JMr'.'and Mrs.,11, Ei.Vnnnatta spent Sat- Hugh Beers and Miss Llllio Dents wore evening the 13 inat, in behalf of the Spruco P.N. JlCNKlNS.l'roiVv. " ' 'Xl. • Id^rd morning by llsy. S. A. Run ohiirch. , --.-. '-: , Over Wnrren County Dins Store.

..::=~.V ...- .. ..-•