Quantum Sampling Problems, BosonSampling and Quantum Supremacy

A. P. Lund,1 Michael J. Bremner,2 and T. C. Ralph1 1Centre for Quantum Computation and Communications Technology, School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia 2Centre for Quantum Computation and Communications Technology, Centre for Quantum Software and Information, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia There is a large body of evidence for the potential of greater computational power using informa- tion carriers that are quantum mechanical over those governed by the laws of classical mechanics. But the question of the exact nature of the power contributed by quantum mechanics remains only partially answered. Furthermore, there exists doubt over the practicality of achieving a large enough quantum computation that definitively demonstrates quantum supremacy. Recently the study of computational problems that produce samples from probability distributions has added to both our understanding of the power of quantum and lowered the requirements for demonstration of fast quantum algorithms. The proposed quantum sampling problems do not require a quantum computer capable of universal operations and also permit physically realistic errors in their opera- tion. This is an encouraging step towards an experimental demonstration of quantum algorithmic supremacy. In this paper, we will review sampling problems and the arguments that have been used to deduce when sampling problems are hard for classical computers to simulate. Two classes of quan- tum sampling problems that demonstrate the supremacy of quantum algorithms are BosonSampling and IQP Sampling. We will present the details of these classes and recent experimental progress towards demonstrating quantum supremacy in BosonSampling.

I. INTRODUCTION posed was the class of problems called BosonSampling which is the production of samples from Fock basis mea- surements of linearly scattering individual Bosons. Us- There is a growing sense of excitement that in the near ing the current state of the art of classical computation future prototype quantum computers might be able to an implementation of BosonSampling using 50 photons outperform any classical computer. That is, they might would be sufficient to demonstrate quantum supremacy. demonstrate supremacy over classical devices [1]. This excitement has in part been driven by theoretical research Since then many experimental teams have attempted into the complexity of intermediate to implement Aaronson and Arkhipov’s BosonSampling models, which over the last 15 years has seen the phys- problem [29–34] while theorists have extended their ar- ical requirements for a quantum speedup lowered while guments to apply to a range of other quantum circuits, increasing the level of rigour in the argument for the dif- most notably commuting quantum gates on , a ficulty of classically simulating such systems. class known as IQP [18]. These generalizations give hope that experimental demonstration of quantum supremacy These advances are rooted in the discovery by Ter- on sufficiently high fidelity systems of just 50 qubits [19]. hal and DiVincenzo [2] that sufficiently accurate classi- In this review we will present the theoretical back- cal simulations of even quite simple quantum computa- ground behind BosonSampling and its generalizations, tions could have significant implications for the interrela- while also reviewing recent experimental demonstrations tionships between computational complexity classes [3]. of BosonSampling. From a theoretical perspective we fo- Since then the theoretical challenge has been to demon- cus on the connections between the complexity of count- strate such a result holds for levels of precision commen- ing problems and the complexity of sampling from quan- surate with what is expected from realisable quantum tum circuits. This is of course not the only route to de- computers. A first step in this direction established that termining the complexity of sampling,

arXiv:1702.03061v1 [quant-] 10 Feb 2017 classical computers cannot efficiently mimic the output of and recent work by Aaronson and Chen explores several ideal quantum circuits to within a reasonable multiplica- interesting alternative pathways [20]. tive (or relative) error in the frequency with which output events occur without similarly disrupting the expected relationships between classical complexity classes [4, 5]. In a major breakthrough Aaronson and Arkhipov laid out II. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY AND an argument for establishing that efficient classical sim- QUANTUM SUPREMACY ulation of linear optical systems was not possible, even if that simulation was only required to be accurate to The challenge in rigorously arguing for quantum within a reasonable total variation distance. Their argu- supremacy is compounded by the difficulty of bounding ment revealed a deep connection between the complexity the ultimate power of classical computers. Many exam- of sampling from quantum computers and conjectures ples of significant quantum speedups over the best-known regarding the average-case complexity of a range of com- classical algorithms have been discovered, see [10] for a binatorial problems. The linear optical system they pro- useful review. The most celebrated of these results is 2

prove statements relative to an “oracle”. This is basi- TABLE I. Definitions of complexity classes used in this - cally an assumption of access to a machine that solves a view. The “Type” column describes the outputs generated by algorithms within the class. “D” denotes decision prob- particular problem instantly. Using this concept one can lems which output a single bit, whose values are often inter- define a nested structure of oracles called the “polyno- preted as ’accept’ and ’reject’. “C” denotes counting problems mial hierarchy”[6] of complexity classes. At the bottom which output a non-negative integer. “Z” denotes problems of the hierarchy are the classes P and NP which are inside that generalise counting problems and allow negative integer levels zero and one respectively. Then there is the second outputs. The definitions give the properties algorithms are level which contains the class NPNP which means prob- required to have within each class. lems solvable in NP with access to an oracle for problems Class Type Definition in NP. If P 6= NP then this second level is at least as P D deterministic with polynomial runtime on powerful the first level and possibly more powerful due a classical computer to the ability to access the oracle. Then the third level NP EQP D deterministic with polynomial runtime on contains NPNP , and so on. Higher levels are defined a quantum computer by continuing this nesting. Each level of the hierarchy BPP D random with classical statistics and an er- contains the levels below it. Though not proven, it is ror probability less than 1/3 widely believed that every level is strictly larger than the BQP D random with quantum statistics and an er- next. This belief is primarily due to the relationships of ror probability less than 1/3 NP D outputs can be verified using an this construction to similar hierarchies such as the arith- from P metic hierarchy for which higher levels are always strictly PP D random with classical statistics and an er- larger. If it turns out that two levels are equal, then one ror probability less than 1/2 can show that higher levels do not increase and this situ- #P C counts the number of ’accept’ outputs for ation is called a collapse. A polyno- circuits from P mial hierarchy collapse to the first level would mean that GapP Z difference between the number of ’accept’ P = NP. A collapse at a higher level is a similar state- and ’reject’ outputs for circuits from P ment but relative to an oracle. It is the belief that there PSPACE D polynomial memory requirements on a is no collapse of the polynomial hierarchy at any level classical computer that is used in demonstrating the supremacy of quan- tum sampling algorithms. Effectively one is forced into a choice between believing that the polynomial hierarchy Shor’s polynomial time for factorisa- of classical complexity classes collapses or that quantum tion [8]. This was a critically important discovery for the algorithms are more powerful than classical ones. utility of quantum computing, but was not as satisfying in addressing the issue of quantum supremacy due to the unknown nature of the complexity of factoring. The best III. SAMPLING PROBLEMS known classical factoring algorithm, the general number 1/3 2/3 field sieve, is exponential time (growing as ecn ln n Sampling problems are those problems which output where n is the number of bits of the input number). How- random numbers according to a particular probability ever, in order to prove quantum supremacy, or really any distribution (see FIG. 1). In the case of a classical separation between classical and quantum computational algorithm, one can think of this class as being a ma- models, it must proven for possible algorithms and not chine which transforms uniform random bits into non- just those that are known. uniform random bits according to the required distribu- The challenge of bounding the power of classical com- tion. When describing classes of sampling problems the putation is starkly illustrated by the persistent diffi- current convention is to prefix “Samp-” to the class in culty of resolving the P versus NP question, where the which computation takes place. So SampP is the class extremely powerful non-deterministic Turing machine described above using an efficient classical algorithm and model cannot be definitively proven to be more power- SampBQP would be those sampling problems which are ful than standard computing devices. The study of this efficiently computable using a quantum mechanical algo- question has led to an abundance of nested relationships rithm with bounded error. between classes of computational models, or complex- All quantum computations on n qubits can be ex- ity classes. Some commonly studied classes are shown pressed as the preparation of an n- initial state ⊗n in TABLE I. Many relationships between the classes |0i , a unitary evolution corresponding to a uniformly can be proven, such as P ⊆ NP, PP ⊆ PSPACE and generated quantum circuit C followed by a measurement NP ⊆ PP, however, strict containments are rare. Ques- in the computational basis on this system. In this picture n tions about the nature of quantum supremacy are then the computation outputs a length n bitstring x ∈ {0, 1} about what relationships one can draw between the com- with probability plexity classes when introducing quantum mechanical re- p = |hx|C|0i⊗n|2. (1) sources. x A commonly used technique in complexity theory is to In this way quantum computers produce probabilistic 3

(a) 0.30 this #P-hardness does not necessarily emerge only from the most complicated quantum circuits, but rather can 0.25 be established even for non-universal, or intermediate, families of quantum circuits such as IQP [4] and those 0.20 used in BosonSampling [5]. This is commonly established 0.15 by demonstrating that any quantum circuit can be simu- lated using the (non-physical) resource of postselection 0.10 alongside the intermediate quantum computing model [2, 4]. 0.05 In fact it is possible to show that computing px for 0.00 many, possibly intermediate, quantum circuit families is ⛵★⚑☘⚡♟♫☂ actually GapP-complete, a property that helps to estab- lish their complexity under approximations. GapP is a (b) slight generalization of #P that contains all of the prob- ☘ ☘ ☂ ☂ ☘ ⚡♟♫★⛵♫☘☘★☘ lems inside #P (see table I). Note that the suffix “- ☘ ⚡★♟★☂⛵★☘☂⛵♫☂♫⚑ complete” indicates that the problem is both -hard and ★☘★⚑☘★♫☘☂☘⛵⛵☘★⚑ a member of the class itself. An estimate Q˜ of a quan- tity Q is accurate to within a multiplicative error 0 when ⚑ ☂★♫★⛵☂♫★⛵☘☘☘★⚡ 0 0 Qe− ≤ Q˜ ≤ Qe or alternatively, as 0 small is the usual ♫☘☘⚡⛵♫★⛵★★☘⛵★♫♫ case of interest, Q(1−0) ≤ Q˜ ≤ Q(1+0). When a prob- ☘★♫☘☘☘☘☘⚡⚑☘☘☘⛵☘ lem is GapP-complete it can be shown that multiplicative approximations of the outputs from these problems are FIG. 1. (a) An example probability distribution over 8 sym- still GapP-complete. bols. (b) 100 random samples from the probability distribu- It is important to recognize that quantum computers tion. The objective of a sampling problem is the compute are not expected to be able to calculate multiplicative ap- samples like the sequences shown in (b) whose complexity may be different to the complexity of computing the under- proximations to GapP-hard problems, such as computing lying probability distribution (a). px, in polynomial time. This would imply that quantum computers could solve any problem in NP in polynomial time, which is firmly believed to not be possible. How- ever, an important algorithm from Stockmeyer [14] gives samples from a distribution determined by the circuit us the ability to compute good multiplicative approxima- C. Within this model BQP is those decision problems tions to #P-complete problems by utilizing an NP oracle solved with a bounded error rate by measuring a single and by sampling from polynomial-sized classical circuits. output qubit. SampBQP is the class of problems that The stark difference in complexity under approximations can be solved when we are allowed to measure all of the between #P and GapP can be used to establish a sepa- output qubits. ration between the difficulty of sampling from classical It is known that quantum mechanics produces statis- and quantum circuits. If there were an efficient classical tics which cannot be recreated classically as in the case algorithm for sampling from families of quantum circuits of quantum entanglement and Bell inequalities. How- with GapP-hard output probabilities, then we could use ever, these scenarios need other physical criterion to be Stockmeyer’s algorithm to find a multiplicative approxi- imposed, such as sub-luminal signaling, to rule out clas- mation to these probabilities with complexity that is in- sical statistics. Is there an equivalent “improvement” in side the third level of the Polynomial Hierarchy, however sampling quantum probability distributions when using this causes a contradiction because PGapP contains the complexity classes as the deciding criterion? That is, entire Polynomial Hierarchy (and it is assumed to not does SampBQP strictly contain SampP? The answer ap- collapse). With such arguments it can be shown that pears to be yes and there is a (almost) provable separa- it is not possible to even sample from the outputs to tion between the classical and quantum complexity. within a constant multiplicative error of many interme- Key to these arguments is understanding the complex- diate quantum computing models without a collapse in ity of computing the output probability of a quantum the Polynomial Hierarchy [4, 5, 21–23]. circuit from Eq. (1). In the 1990s it was shown that Such results suggest quantum supremacy can be es- there are families quantum circuits for which computing tablished easily, however, quantum computers can only px is #P-hard in the worst-case [11, 12]. The suffix “- achieve additive approximations to their own ideally de- hard” is used to indicate that the problem can, with a fined circuits. An estimate Q˜ of a quantity Q is accu- polynomial time overhead, be transformed into any prob- rate within an additive error  if Q −  ≤ Q˜ ≤ Q + . lem within that class. #P-hard includes all problems in Implementations of quantum circuits are approximate in NP. Also, every problem inside the Polynomial Hierar- an additive sense because of the form of naturally oc- chy can be solved inside the class of decision problems curring errors, our limited ability to learn the dynamics within #P-hard, which is written P#P [15]. Importantly of quantum systems, and finally because quantum cir- 4 cuits use only finite gate sets. In order to demonstrate a schematic representation of this configuration. The set quantum supremacy we need a fair comparison between of events which are then output by the algorithm is a what a quantum computer can achieve and what can be tuple of m non-negative integers whose sum is n. This achieved with classical algorithms. Following the above set is denoted Φm,n. line of reasoning, we would need to demonstrate that if a The probability distribution of output events is related classical computer could efficiently produce samples from to the matrix permanent of sub-matrices of uij. The a distribution which is close in an additive measure, like matrix permanent is defined in a recursive way like the the total variation distance, from the target distribution common matrix determinant, but without the alternation then we would also see a collapse in the Polynomial Hi- of addition and subtraction. For example erarchy. Being close in total variation distance means,  a b  with error budget β, samples from a probability distri- P er = ad + cb. (4) P c d bution qx satisfying x |px − qx| ≤ β are permitted. An error of this kind will tend to generate additive errors in the outputs. The key insight of Aaronson and Arkhipov   was that for some special families of randomly chosen a b c quantum circuits an overall additive error budget causes P er  d e f  = aei+ahf +bdi+dgf +cdh+cge. (5) Stockmeyer’s algorithm to give an additive estimate Q˜ g h i that might also be a good multiplicative approximation. Or in a more general form

n IV. BosonSampling PROBLEMS X Y P er(A) = ai,σ(i) (6)

σ∈Sn i=1 Aaronson and Arkipov [5] describe a simple model for producing output probabilities that are #P-hard. Their where Sn represents the elements of the symmetric group model uses bosons that interact only by linear scatter- of permutations of n elements. With this, we can now ing. The bosons must be prepared in a Fock state and define the output distribution of the linear network with measured in the Fock basis. the input state from Eq. 3. For an output event S = Linear bosonic interactions, or linear scattering net- (s1, s2, . . . , sn) ∈ Φm,n, the probability of S is then works, are defined by dynamics in the Heisenberg pic- 2 |P er(AS)| ture that generate a linear relationship between of the pS = (7) annihilation operators of each mode. That is, only those s1!s2! . . . sn! unitary operators U which act on the Fock basis such where the matrix A is a n × n sub-matrix of u where that S ij row i is repeated si times and only the first n columns X U †a U = u a (2) are used. One critical observation of this distribution is i ij j that all events are proportional to the square of a ma- j trix permanent derived from the original network matrix where ai is the i-th mode’s annihilation operator and the uij. Also, the fact that each probability is derived from uij form a unitary matrix which for m modes is a m × m a permanent of a sub-matrix of the same unitary matrix matrix. It is important to make a distinction from the ensures all probabilities are less than 1 and the distribu- unitary operator U which acts upon the Fock basis and tion is normalised. the unitary matrix defined by uij which describes the The complexity of computing the matrix permanent is linear mixing of modes. For optical systems the matrix known to be #P-complete for the case of matrices with uij is determined by how linear optical elements, such as entries that are 0 or 1 [41]. It is also possible to show beam-splitters and phase shifters, are laid out. In fact that for a matrix with real number entries is #P-hard all unitary networks can be constructed using just beam- to multiplicatively estimate [5]. Therefore, using the ar- splitter and phase shifters [13]. gument presented above, the case of sampling from this The class BosonSampling is defined as quantum sam- exact probability distribution implies a polynomial hier- pling problems where a fiducial m-mode n-boson Fock archy collapse. state The question is then if sampling from approximations of BosonSampling distributions also implies the same |1, 1, 1,..., 1, 0, 0,..., 0i (3) polynomial hierarchy collapse. The answer that Aarson- | {z } | {z } n m−n son and Arkipov found [5] is that the argument does hold because of a feature that is particular to the linear optical is evolved through a linear network with the output being scattering probabilities. When performing the estimation samples from the distribution that results after a Fock of the matrix permanent for exact sampling, the matrix basis measurement of all modes. The linear interaction is scaled and embedded in uij. The probability of one is then the input to the algorithm and the output is the particular output event, with n ones in the locations of sample from the probability distribution. FIG. 2 shows where the matrix was embedded, is then proportional to 5

FIG. 2. Schematic representation of a 5 photon, 32 mode instance of the BosonSampling problem. The photons are injected individually into the input modes (left), interacted linearly through a linear network that has scattering matrix u which is classically controlled (bottom) and all outputs are detected in the Fock basis (right). the matrix permanent squared. The matrix permanent itself. can then be estimated multiplicatively in the third level With this assumption about the distribution of input of the polynomial hierarchy. But any event containing matrices, the proof for hardness of approximate sampling n ones in Φ could have been used to determine the m,n relies on the problem of estimating the permanents of location of the embedding. This means that, if the esti- Gaussian random matrices still being in #P-hard. Fur- mation is made on a randomly chosen output event, and thermore, as the error allowed to the sampling probabil- that event is hidden from the algorithm implementing ities is defined in terms of total variation distance, the approximate BosonSampling, then the expected average error in estimation becomes additive rather than multi- error in the estimation will be the overall permitted error plicative. divided by the total number of events which could have been used to perform the estimation. This changes the situation from the hardness proof for exact sampling enough to be concerned that the proof An important consideration of the approximate sam- may not apply. Aaronson and Arkipov therefore isolated pling argument is that the input matrix appears to be the requirements for the hardness proof to still apply drawn from Gaussianly distributed random matrices. down to two conjectures that must hold for additive esti- This ensures that there is a way of randomly embed- mation of permanents for Gaussian random matrices to ding the matrix into uij so that there is no information be #P-hard. They are the Permenants of Gaussian Con- accessible to the algorithm about where that embedding jecture (PGC) and the Permenant Anti-Concentration has occurred. This is possible when the unitary network Conjecture (PACC). The PACC conjecture says that if matrix is sufficiently large (strictly m = O(n5 ln2 n) but the matrix permanents of Gaussian random matrices are m = O(n2) is likely to be OK). Also, under this condi- not too concentrated around zero. If this holds then addi- tion, the probability of events detected with two or more tive estimation of permanents for Gaussian random ma- bosons in a single detector tends to zero for large n (the trices is polynomial-time equivalent to multiplicative es- m so-called “Bosonic Birthday Paradox”). There are n timation. The PGC is that multiplicative estimation of events in Φm,n with only n ones and so the error budget permanents from Gaussian random matrices is #P-hard. can be evenly distributed over just these events. There In both of these conjectures there are related proofs that are exponentially many of these events and so the error seem close, but do not exactly match the conditions re- in the probability of an individual event does not domi- quired. Nevertheless, both of these conjectures are highly nate but is as small as the average expected probability plausible. 6

V. EXPERIMENTAL IMPLEMENTATIONS OF the probability distribution to be sampled. BosonSampling

For the 13 mode experiment there are 286 possible out- Several small scale implementations of BosonSampling put events from Φ consisting of just zeros and ones. have been performed with . Implement- 13,3 To obtain the expected probability distributions the per- ing BosonSampling using optics is an ideal choice as the manents for the sub-matrices corresponding to all config- linear network consists of a large multi-path interferom- urations were calculated. Comparing the experimentally eter. Then the inputs are single photon states which are obtained probabilities with the predictions showed excel- injected into the interferometer and single photon coun- lent agreement for all the chips. Such a direct compari- ters are placed at all m output modes and the arrange- son would become intractable for larger systems – both ment of photons at the output, shot-by-shot, is recorded. because of the exponentially rising complexity of calcu- Due to the suppression of multiple photon counts un- lating the probabilities, and because of the exponentially der the conditions for approximate BosonSampling, single rising amount of data needed to experimentally charac- photon counters can be replaced by detectors that detect terise the distribution. N. Spagnolo, et al demonstrated the presence or absence of photons (e.g. avalanche photo an alternative approach whereby partial validation of the diodes). device can be obtained efficiently by ruling out the pos- Within these optical implementations, the issues of sibility that the distribution was simply a uniform one major concern are photon loss, mode-mismatch, network [35], or that the distribution was generated by sending errors and single photon state preparation and detec- distinguishable particles through the device [36]. In both tion imperfections. Some of these issues can be dealt cases, only small sub-sets of the data were needed and with by adjusting the theory and checking that the hard- the tests could be calculated efficiently. ness proof still holds. In the presence of loss one can post-select on events where all n photons make it to the outputs. This provides a mechanism to construct proof The BosonSampling problem is interesting because, as of principle devices but does incur an exponential over- we have seen, there are very strong arguments to suggest head which prevents scaling to large devices. Rohde and that medium scale systems, such as 50 bosons in 2,500 Ralph studied bounds on loss in BosonSampling by find- paths, are intractable for classical computers. Indeed, ing when efficient classical simulation of lossy BosonSam- even for smaller systems, say 20 bosons in 400 paths, no pling is possible in two simulation strategies: Gaussian feasible classical algorithms are currently known which states and distinguishable input photons [42]. Aaronson can perform this simulation. This suggests that quan- and Brod [43] have shown that in the case where the tum computations can be carried out in this space with- number of photons lost is constant, then hardness can out fault tolerant error correction that may rival the best still be shown. However, this is not a realistic model of current performance on classical computers. In addition, loss as the number of photons lost will be proportional there is a variation of the problem referred to as scatter- to the number of photons input. Leverrier and Garcia- shot, or Gaussian BosonSampling which can be solved ef- Patron have shown that it is a necessary condition for ficiently by directly using the squeezed states determinis- errors in the network to be tolerable provided the error tically produced by down converters as the input (rather in the individual elements scales as O(n−2) [45]. Later than single photon states) [37] which has been experi- Arkipov showed the sufficient condition is element er- mentally demonstrated on a small scale using to six −1 rors scaling as o(n−2 log m) [44]. Rahimi-Keshari, et independent sources for the Gaussian states [54]. Thus al. showed a necessary condition for hardness based on the major challenge to realising an intermediate optical the presence of negativity of phase-space quasiprobabil- quantum computer of this kind is the ability to efficiently ity distributions [46]. This give inequalities constrain- (i.e. with very low loss and noise) implement a reconfig- ing the overall loss and noise of a device implementing urable, universal linear optical network over hundreds to BosonSampling. thousands of modes. On-chip designs such as the 6 mode The majority of the initial experiments were carried reconfigurable, universal circuit demonstrated by J. Car- out with fixed, on-chip interferometers [29–32], though olan, et al [38] are one of several promising ways for- one employed a partially tunable arrangement using fibre ward. Another interesting approach is the reconfigurable optics [33]. The largest network so far was demonstrated time-multiplexed interferometer proposed by Motes et by N. Spagnolo, et al, where 3 photons were injected into al. [39] and recently implemented in free-space by Y. He, 5, 7, 9 and 13 mode optical networks [34]. In this exper- et al [40]. This latter experiment is also distinguished iment the optical networks were multi-mode integrated by the use of a quantum dot as the single photon source interferometers fabricated in glass chips by femtosecond which have also be utilised in the spatial multiplexed in- laser writing. The photon source was parametric down- terferometers [55]. Finally, it is possible to construct a conversion with four photon events identified via post- theory for realistic interferometers including polarisation selection, where 3 of the photons were directed through and temporal degrees of freedom can be considered and the on-chip network and the 4th acted as a trigger. Sin- also give rise to probabilities proportional to matrix per- gle photon detectors were placed at all outputs, enabling manents [56, 57]. 7


Last year Bremner, Montanaro, and Shepherd ex- tended the BosonSampling argument to IQP (Instanta- neous Quantum Polynomial-time) circuits, arguing that if such circuits could be classically simulated to within a reasonable additive error, then the Polynomial Hier- archy would collapse to the third level [18]. Crucially, these hardness results rely only on the conjecture that the average-case and worst-case complexities of quantum amplitudes of IQP circuits coincide. Only the one con- jecture is needed as the IQP analogue of the PACC was proven to be true. As this argument is native to the quantum computing circuit model, any architecture for quantum computation can implement IQP Sampling. It also means that error correction techniques can be used to correct noise in such implementations. Furthermore, FIG. 3. Five qubit random Ising model with commuting X ⊗ X interactions with random strengths is an example of the IQP Sampling and the related results on Fourier Sam- a problem within the class IQP. Qubits are prepared and pling by Fefferman and Umans [16] demonstrate that gen- measured in the computational basis. eralizations of the Aaronson and Arkhipov argument [5] could potentially be applied to a much wider variety of quantum circuit families, allowing the possibility of sam- [4] it was shown that such gates can be replaced with a pling arguments that are both better tailored to a par- “hadamard gadget”, which requires 1 postselected qubit ticular experimental setup and for their complexity to be and controlled-phase gate per hadamard gate. It can be dependent on new theoretical conjectures. shown that the complexity of computing the output prob- ⊗n ⊗n ⊗n 2 IQP circuits [4, 17] are an intermediate model of quan- abilities of IQP circuits, px = |hx|H DH |0i | , is tum computation where every circuit has the form C = #P-hard in the worst case and this also holds under mul- H⊗nDH⊗n, where H is a hadamard gate and D is an tiplicative approximation [18, 24, 25]. efficiently generated quantum circuit that is diagonal The hardness of IQP-sampling to within additive er- in the computational basis. IQPsampling then simply rors follows from the observation that Stockmeyer’s al- corresponds to performing measurements in the com- gorithm combined with sufficiently accurate classical ad- putational basis on the state H⊗nDH⊗n|0i⊗n. In [18] ditive simulation returns a very precise estimate to the ⊗n ⊗n 2 it was argued that classical computers could not effi- probability p0 = |h0| Cy|0i | for a wide range of ciently sample from IQP circuits where D is chosen√ uni- randomly chosen circuits Cy. A multiplicative approx- formly at random from circuits composed of: (1) CZ imation to p0 can be delivered on a large fraction of 1 0  (square-root of controlled-Z), and T = 0 eiπ/4 gates; choices of y when both: (a) for a random bitstring x, n or (2) Z, CZ, and CCZ (doubly controlled-Z) gates. N xi the circuit i=1 X is a hidden subset of the randomly This argument was made assuming that it is #P-hard chosen circuits Cy; and (b) p0 anti-concentrates on the to multiplicatively approximate a constant fraction of in- random choices of circuits Cy. Both of these proper- stances of (the modulus-squared of): (C1) the complex- ties hold for the randomly chosen IQP circuit families (1) temperature partition function of a random 2-local Ising and (2) above, and more generally hold for any random model; or (C2) the (normalized) gap of a degree-3 poly- family of circuits that satisfies the Porter-Thomas dis- nomial (over F2). These conjectures can be seen as IQP tribution [19]. Classical simulations of samples from Cy analogues of ’s PGC. In the case of (1) implies a Polynomial Hierarchy collapse if a large enough these circuits correspond to random instances of the Ising fraction of p0 are also #P-hard under multiplicative ap- model drawn from the complete graph, as depicted in proximations - and definitively proving such a statement FIG. 3. remains a significant mathematical challenge. As men- The worst-case complexity of the problems in both tioned above in [18] the authors could only demonstrate (C1) and (C2) can be seen to be #P-hard as these prob- sufficient worst-case complexity for evaluating p0 for the lems are directly proportional to the output probabilities circuit families (1) and (2), connecting the complexity of of the IQP circuit families (1) and (2). These families these problems to key problems in complexity theory. are examples of sets that become universal under post- The IQP circuit families discussed above allow for gates selection and as a result their output probabilities are to be applied between any qubits in a system. This means #P-hard (as mentioned in Section III). This is shown by that there could be O(n2) gates in a random circuit for noting that for either of the gate sets (1) or (2), the only (1) and O(n3) gates for (2), with many of them long- missing ingredient for universality is the ability to per- range. From an experimental perspective this is chal- form hadamard gates at any point within the circuit. In lenging to implement as most architectures have nearest- 8 neighbour interactions. Clearly these circuits can be im- an IQP circuit has the anti-concentration property, and plemented with nearest-neighbour gates from a universal it suffers from a constant amount of depolarizing noise gate set, however many SWAP gates would need to be on each qubit then there is an classical algorithm that applied. Given that many families of quantum circuits can classically simulated it to within a reasonable total can have #P-hard output probabilities this suggests it is variation distance [26]. However, it should be remarked worthwhile understanding if more efficient schemes can for a constant number of qubits this algorithm will likely be found. It is also important to identify new average- still have a very large run-time. By contrast, IQP remains case complexity conjectures that might lead to a proof classically hard under the error model for multiplicative that quantum computers cannot be classically simulated. classical approximations [28]. Intriguingly, this class of The challenge in reducing the resource requirements errors can be corrected without the full arsenal of fault for sampling arguments is to both maintain the anti- tolerance, retrieving supremacy for additive error approx- concentration property and the conjectured #P-hardness imations requiring only operations from IQP albeit with a of the average-case complexity of the output probabili- cost in terms of gates and qubits [26]. This suggests that ties. Recently it was shown that sparse IQP-sampling, unambiguous quantum supremacy may yet require error where IQP circuits are associated with random sparse correction, though the level of error correction required graphs, has both of these features [26]. It was proved that remains a very open question. anticoncentration can be achieved with√ only O(n log n) long-range gates or rather in depth O( n log n) with high probability in a universal 2d lattice architecture. VII. CONCLUSION If we take as a guiding principle that in the worst- case output probabilities should not have a straightfor- Quantum sampling problems have provided a path ward sub-exponential algorithm,√ then the 2d architecture towards experimental demonstration of the supremacy depth cannot be less than O( n) as there exist classical of quantum algorithms with significantly lower barriers algorithms for computing any quantum circuit amplitude√ than previously thought necessary for such a demonstra- t n for a depth t circuit on a 2d-lattice that scale as O(2 ). tion. The two main classes of sampling problems demon- This suggests that there might be some room still to op- strating quantum supremacy are BosonSampling and IQP timize the results of [26], and is further evidenced by a re- which are intermediate models of optical and qubit based cent numerical study suggesting that anti-concentration, processing architectures. Even rea- and subsequently quantum supremacy, could be achieved sonable approximations to the outputs from these prob- in systems where gates are chosen at random from a uni- lems, given some highly plausible conjectures, are hard versal√ gate set on a square lattice with depth scaling like for classical computers to compute. O( n). Such arguments give hope that a quantum ex- Some future directions for research in this area involve periment on approximately 50 qubits could be performed, a deeper understanding of these classes as well as ex- assuming that the rate of error can be kept low enough. perimentally addressing the technological challenges to- Recently it has also been proposed that sampling from wards implementations that outperform the current best 2d “brickwork” states cannot be classically simulated known classical algorithms. Theoretical work on address- [27]. Such states have depth O(1) and as such their out- ing what is possible within these classes, such as detect- put probabilities are thought not to anticoncentrate and√ ing and correcting with errors within the intermediate can be classically computed in sub-exponential 2O( n) models will both aid understanding and benefit experi- time. However, the authors argue that there are some mental implementations. There has been some study of output probabilities that are GapP-complete, yet might the verification of limited aspects of these devices [51– be reliably approximated via Stockmeyer’s algorithm 53] but more work is required. As BosonSampling and without anticoncentration. This is possible under consid- IQP are likely outside the Polynomial Hierarchy, an effi- erably stronger average-case complexity conjectures than cient reconstruction of the entire probability distribution those appearing in [18, 26], and also requires polynomi- which is output from these devices will likely be impossi- ally more qubits. ble. However, one can build the components, characterise Finally it should be remarked that the level of ex- them and their interactions, build and run such a device perimental precision required to definitively demonstrate to within a known error rate. Beyond this multiplayer quantum supremacy, even given generous constant to- games based on sampling problems in IQP have been pro- tal variation distance bound (such as required in [18]), posed to test whether a player is actually running an IQP is very high. Asymptotically this typically requires the computation [17]. Recently the complexity of IQP sam- precision of each circuit component must improve by an pling has been connected to the complexity of quantum inverse polynomial in the number of qubits. This is likely algorithms for approximate optimization problems [47], hard to achieve with growing system size without the use suggesting further applications of IQP and closely related of fault tolerance constructions. More physically reason- classes. Applications of BosonSampling to molecular sim- able is to assume that each qubit will at least have a con- ulations [48], metrology [49] and decision problems [50] stant error rate, which corresponds to a total variation have been suggested, though more work is needed in this distance scaling like O(n). Recently it was shown that if space. Nevertheless, the results from quantum sampling 9 problems have undoubtedly brought us closer to the con- FUNDING struction of a quantum device which definitively displays the computational power of quantum mechanics. APL and TCR received financial support from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communications Technol- ogy (Project No. CE110001027). MJB has received financial support from the Australian Research Coun- cil via the Future Fellowship scheme (Project No. FT110101044).


All authors contributed equally to this work. The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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