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8-22-1929 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1929). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1436.

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• •• Mr, and Mrs. Hinton Booth spent last week end at Tybee. .• the Week .. Social Happenings lor Brooks Sorrier was u busincs's vis­ COME TO' COD TO itor in Savannah Friday. TWIJ PHONES: 100 AND 258-R. THE AMIlSIJ THEA TRE BULLOCH COUNTY. Mrs. Bates Lovett was' a viaitor at BULLOCH COUNTY. Tybee the week end. CA. I, during MOTION Ple.TURES STATESBORO, THE HEART OF GElORGIA. TflE HEART OF Carlos Brunson lnat week end Gene L. Hodges is a few GEOR"" spent spending Mr. and Mrs. Inman Fay spent Sat- In Millen. days in Savannah. "WHERE NATURE SMILES" "WHERE urday in Savannah On business. BULLOCH NATURE.SIlILUIr Frank of Hazlchurst, spent Misses Alma and Bertha Lee Brun- TIMES Daniel, Or. S. J. Crouch has returned from A 'ROJ1ANTIC V'RAl1A here wIth frientls. son arc friends at Millen. Sunday visiting a visit to relatives in Atbnta. (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) of is Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Mrs. R. C. Baxter, Graymont. Burney Rev. J. A. Duren has returned from Bulloch Times, Established 189! l and visitors SEE SEE C011110I'Idated J 1917. visiting Mrs. Q. F. Baxter. son, Jack, spent Wednes- a anuary 17, visit to his father at Thomasville. 15th and 16th Statesboro News, Established 1901 r STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY, AUGUS'l1 22, 1929 Mrs. Jesse of Waynesboro, day in Savannah. and Friday, Statesboro Waters, Mis. Jennie Dawson, of Millen, is AND Thursday August AND Eagle, Establillhed 1lI17-Collll0lidated December 9, 1920. her Mrs. W. E. Miss Grace Walker, of is is visiting mother, Guyton, visiting her sister, Mrs. H. S. Lich- Oould. the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. HEAR! tenstein. HEAR! "STREET ANGEL" at 'Mr. Mrs. Glenn left and Mrs. O. L. Play Register Dig for Wealth and Jennings Lanier., Mrs. Allen of is Franklin, Midville, GEORGIA. TOBACCO CITY . . .. IHSTORY- ROUTE SCHOOLS TO STAmBORO the week for a visit to relatives Miss Edna Nesmith, of moo durIng Rocky For.l, her Mr. and Mrs. W. an of the succeas- And Brooklet Schools At Bank's Door visiting parents, With Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell. "Street Angel" is adaption I. in Virginia. spent the week end as' the guest at _ H. DeLoach. ful stage play, "Lady Cristilinda," by Monckton Hoffe and a. Borzage produc­ Miss Zeita Parrish, 'of Pulaski, vis- Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Gould. i� Fran.k (]lOP IS IMMENSE On Friday night, August 23rd, at PREPARED BY U. S. BEGIN 2ND If you Bee a ecupla of men with Mrs. A'rthur DeLoach and tlaugh- tion. The critics agreed that "Street Angel" is the prize-winning picture of the ·SEPT. AMONG MARKEll Sted relatives here several days dur- J. O'B. Rimes and Miss Mary yea;. 8:30 there will be a play given at the slender stlcks dlrglng througil the tel', of arc vis- You'll with "7th Heaven." . There s .Mrs. Jl'net, Squth Carolina, agree the critics. This is sequal picture school RECBIPTS ing the week. RImes, of Savannah, were guests of the, .to :SALES FOR LAST WEEK .BRING Register auditorium. The play INTERESTING SKETCH OF ROAD FACULTY IS FULLY ORGANIZE!) ventilators in front of the Sea .tslanef FOR LAST 'WBBK IIf relatives here. on .. (. out onfhe shores iting sunny days the Mediteran�an A golden lover, golden is ·Mrs. Fred Smith and Miss Lena ,Mrs. R. .E. Talton looking TOTALS WELL AHEAD OF LAST to be given by a group of boys and ,WHICH I'ASSES THROUGH FOR OPENING TEN Bank, don't get excited. It does root BXCESS OF HALF THB IIA... Friday. ; Mr. ' DATE a�d Mr�. C. 'B. Mathews and of Naples. .. Charles smiles with all .. blush first E l�eaven : In. the 11.0sy. of. girls in the The mean that are to undsr- KETS OF Belle Brannen motored to Savannah .. S. has returned to Farrell SEASON. Register community. STATESBORO. DAYS HENCB_ they seekIng GEORGIA. Wingate. children a have returned viait to love ... love for a winsome with the Circus, who IS his as ,; ,symph title is A'aron or S. a'fter a visit to hi. !l- pam�er. -: Slick from Punkin mine the bank that are Monday for the 'day. Charleston, C." at " m�plrat!on' they settlng 'her �arents Axson. ... She will make his dreams become on canvas. .. You 11 enjoy this MARKET CLOSBS i' aglow talk�ng Crick." Mrs. J. B. Pullen is in are TOMORROW Mrs. daughter. Mrs.. L. Mr. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 19.-South Geor­ charge. Washington, D. C., Aug. 19.-In a Statesboro' High School will begin any traps. They simply dIgging' so�, �. and Mrs. picture with Janet Gaynor as a little circus performer and an artist. Bar�/Av�ritt ., from. an nm:l.little There will be .. for Statesboro's and MISS Averttt motor- MIsses andW:lson.Ethth Paul'. McE.lveen, ?f Charles Far�ell -gia tobacco culturist. this season admission charg of series of historical and the fall term on 2nd-ten coIns that mIght have dropped tobacco 'market will DaISY Eugenia �s geographical . Jack, hIS I It's a beautiful romance and that September -Lyons] spent' Sunday wIth skies. B��n.e�, dough- beneath Italian Sqund talking ,plctllles �re 15 and 25 the to b« the close with tomorrow's ed to Pembroke of S. al'eJ VISIting ' I bave the richest harvest in the cents, proceeds sketches of the various days hence. The fall term con­ through ventilator openhigs. sale. ThIa ... C., tel" 1111'S. . reaped impoftant ,viii '. soon:' "The of and • Sunday;' .Orangeburg, J:osh Nesmith., coming King Kings, "Mother ,iMllchree," Cargo" ,"Mothel' used in to nouneement was ·Mr. and Mrs! Waters, of their aunt, Mrs. Dan Burney. Distory of the industry, setting two helping defray the expense highways of the country, the bureau tinue till December 20th. Spring A day'or two ago we observed Will authorlled by the Henry. parde has return- Knows Best." ' "Str�ge �iss Lee'�:hwis, r, of the home Johnson the bank's and Bruce wareh.usemen at noo . Sunday WIth hIS moth- Mr. and Mrs, James P. Anderson, new reccrds for and money department. of public roatls described two term will open on' and janitor, today. To­ Claxton, spent ed from u visit to 1111'. and Mrs.! Ded- production eponomics today January 6th, This same Mrs, W. H. Waters. Wilbur and retarns. play will be given southern routes-from the date wIll be 23rd. Olliff, p;omlnent young finanCier, bus� 'day's recelpta approx mated 80,000 er, Hodges sister, Juanitu, rick Davis in Bainbridge. nt, croaa-country closing May ' the Brooklet Miss Henrietta Parnish, of Newing- spent in Savannah. With the close of the fourth week's school auditorium on Savannah and Jacksonville-as the R. M. Monts ha. over the ventilators with sticks, Bruce ·pounds, brlnrlnr the aeaeon'. total Wednesday, Miss Idell Brannen, of Atlanta, is 25c & 50c P. G. W 20c and 40c Superintendent admission, ALKlER,'Mgr. Matinee, 27. The the Johnson load to near two and one-half mIIlkna ton, was the guest Sunday of her sie- Miss Leonore Smith has returned sales returns for the 1929 crop had Wednesday night, August "tines" of a two-pronged fork with' handed us for publication the com­ explain'ed mystery. spo.nding the week as the guest of I I " \ / to be a WIth an Mrs. Z. to her home in Bartow a visit :reached a total of an proceeds divided fifty-fifty be- their "tines" westward. These roster of the some time previous observed nunt- pounds. tomorrow's sale a,.­ ter, C. Donaldson. after' her slstel·,IMrs. ]3ill Simmons. $16,271,101.19, pointing plete faculty togethor .. tween the total Mr. and 1111'S. Sam Northcutt to Miss Alice Katherine Laniel'. &&&7"' ,<,&41> of $18.76 hundred, the schools. It is a good, whole- are known as Routes with a statement the ber of small silver coins reposing at erage one, for the season will i�nd ,MI·S. L. Sarah average per pounds officially �80 explaning pres­ flall some be almolt children and Mrs. L. T. Northcutt arc Misses Selma and Eubie Brannen ,,'1\ t�a!l, IIVss .for the 86,940,003 pounds sold thus entertainment, just chuck full of and 90. ent status of the school with reference the bottom of tlie ventilator. Not be- enetly that of laat yea,. and Mrs, . G. spent M,'. and . 'Yo Moor� .Sunday], Mrs. Ernest Rackley mo- Elwin Smith has returned to At- Mrs. Josephine Hart spent several fun. shows how a ·Atlanta. have from a far. were ilt country cracker A of the route the much of a financier, Will dIdn't Today's prices continued low. visttlng' relatives in retunned visit to their ut These figure. announced summary 'Savannah to accredited list. Ing Claxton und St. Island. tored to lunta a Simons Tybee Sunday for the day. after visit to his father, I). C. days during the :week in Savannah.1 can out wit the M,'. and Mrs. Carl Durdcn and lit· M,·s. J. D. in the State of city man. follows: The is as follows: know how to get theal out. Bruce �ister, P�rser, Augustl'. MI�. and, Mrs. A. und by Department Ag�i­ faculty T.,Jon�s theil', Mrs. E. A. Ohance, Gurfield, was Smith.' Harry and Wifi of Statesboro 'tobaoeo market .. 1tl0' tl� Curl have returned to 1I1,·s. Pratt Gollins and Col- pf Smith, Atlanta,

HISTORY OF ROUTE 80 devoted largely to colton and tobacco Arrows From a Quiver lEVER DREAMED THERE GOOD MECHANICS PREPARED BY raising to Mel'icWan, picturesquely J. Marvin U. S. (By Nichols, Dallas, Texas ) 20 YEARS AGO situated in a surrounded by valley ( 11------beautiful wooded (Continued from page 1) hitls with streams 7 111 r' Normally, the simple life is the WAS SUCH A MEDICINE ------I -Uit NOW SPEClALISTS "._ and smnll lakes i" abundance. This ��,...-=��.::I�£I-w'- ._ I strong life.• �![fJ=-�-1_...... • through Savunnuh, an and FURNITURE irnportant jog a and ;.'_i. one "It!s hard to believe that just four city wholesale manufacttrring No' is great until he feels tho presperous port and tourist city, whose Mrs. G. F. Emmett and weeks' treatnilent with Sargon. and center, the site of th.e annual Missis- • puuga ef a crucifixlsn, 1111'S. J. H. A striking unnlogy between the pro- landlocked harbor is 18 miles from the Oglesby died, Bargon Soft Mass Pills hus made me sippi-Alabama fail', and is noted for We have a complete line of FURNITURE, No one envies the pioneer until he "(:O�FEE Lb. Can 27c cedur followed at the modern auto- sea on the Savannah river. In 17�3 Mrs. Dan Lester 80 well and its hybiecus, hydrangeas and beautiful begins to gather in his riches. returned from a ��--�------strong again. WE are our mobile servjee station the methods the Col'ony of Georgia WDS founded ill proud of Flour. We grind visit to her at NEW "I am a widow a�. cr."._ myrtle. During the War Be­ RUGS, STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS, OIL Nothing is permanent but change. parents RogersviMe, ORLEANS COFFEE 4-lb. Can $1.15 in vogae nt the present day medical Savannah by Gen. James Edward and a seamstress tween the States it was an important cndy Selected Wheat and our name No hea;t is quite large enough to TeA'n. and will clinic is drawn by R .. J.. Armstrong, Oglethorpe, and the city has retained the print­ Rev. Paul Ellis, of the PEANUT BU'ITER Jar 15c nobody railway censer lind was seized by INSTRUMENTS. give room to hate. pastor Metho- ever know what service l' for the STOVES and MUSICAL manag Oakland Mo- and extended its magnificent system dist church, returned from a visit URian force. in 1864. ed on every sack is your Guarantee of Nothing but man Can s'mile--smr." to PRESERVES Jar 200 original- then. North ,Geo�gia. Notice ta Debtors and Crediters .' tO�'I�""re�:7n;��rs the ways and i�� f:::"Je�� Miss Cornelia Mikell and N. L. �: S:;:;";�'e�a��s High Quality. times it ,is hard- to tell a �:t!�:i;�:.h�� GEORGIA-Bulloch We can save money on your' needs in 1I1any love' BARBECUE SAUCE Jar 20c means of you so maintaining both the Auman On the western wall of the Customs County. Horne' and Miss suffered much match from a first class bluff. Carrie Ma;"h' and. Notice is hereJoy given to all per- ,J: from a stubborn body and the automobile at the high- House is a tablet the B. coaimemorating Kitchings were married.. sons holding claims against the estate Live your love and it will need no SALMON Can 14e case orf stomach est of the house Iille. Come to see us,' peak efficiency have progressed spot where the first public building in of Nellie Odum, deceased, to render furnishing S. K. Hagins, of Emit district, trouble that my. interpreter. . along strikingly similar lines"' de- Georgia was erected and where Rev. same to the within the • • • iR the first FLOUR Sack nerves went all undersigned Best brought bale of Sea Island 92c clared tiAle and all Birdsey's Mr. John prescribed by law, per- Fairplay to pieces.' The Armstrong. Wesley preached his nrst ser- No woman roacsea a higher point cotton-and sold it to R. Simmons at sons indebted 'to said estate are reo ..f Grade PI.ia or were so "Not so a man in Super MORNING JOY COFFEE Lb. pains long ago, large majority America, in Wesley came Plain or Self.Rioia. than to be wise and one 23 cents. 48c 17.3.6. quired to make prompt settlement Sup.r Grade Self-Rioin. womanly at '\ �, tenlbl e that I of the medical was com- b�- profession to this country as a clergyman of the with the and same time. Announc,ement was made "of the to be underslgned. .the Bee Brand gan afraid of LIQUID SPRAY $1.20 Size' SOc . WILL'COX posed general praetitioners-physi- Church of England and later estab- This June 3, 1929. I�·lb. 50c between twe ex- opening of the "Statesboro Institute" . . heart was af- sack Nec'essity,:-the tug my 12·1b; sack . 65c Clans whft to treat all the lished in HINTON "THE FURNITURE MAN" on fected. I hali such in tbe back attempted Methodism America. Near BOOTH, treines wherein we are t·ried. No man September 1st, with W. A, I paills Mulloy ' Best Lb. 20c . _, neck I ills to which humen fle!!h +6jun6k) AoIl'llinistrator. _W_H_'...... Grade, �y couldn't even M& down is heir. Wright Square is the Tomi-Chi-Chi STATESBORO 22 GEORGIA 24·1b. sack 93c knows his powers until he stands at as principal. T_E_M_M_T_' ••• BUsmes& sack ', , " (In \'ears) 24-lb. . mucb •. '$1.23 less' ,... �t times, sleep "And the ""JIl'e'" cOlltli- bowlder erected in of the In- NOTIGE Three' identically memory '.. this ·point.· hundred and' sixteen bales of am now r - •. tion obtained in the 'field of automo- dian chief who was a I No. 56 West cr.tten ,,::il companion of located,at .. 48-lb. sack 48�lb. $1.81 No inli� is at his best" when he has had been received on the local ·········_·1li . nSv�r.knOit . ,' h::w $2.�1, sack tui'1°�mwii! tdhl!"'�- ' •••••••. .. W. .�<.:\. ache bile service, The mechanics in alized 'insoo built in after the I 48-lb sack $1 91 the to be held in largely home, 1782; arm. sack highel' things by lin abnormal Athens on September brunches of We have tne F 48·1b. New French practice. British evacuated Savannah; $2:01 self-appreciation. 28th. BUY IN BULK Styles the who FOI,tl eye specianst, specialist Wayne, named fer General Anthony Marriage is a monarchial form of Bulloch county announced her claim •• ex- ., BI·RDSEY'S In b'futs onltv stomach dis sea, the in 1782 and now the with a on to a whose Men's Toggery Wayne Mascot Wheat feed government queen tile family cornloined age to­ Get on the Quality and Quantity pert sninal troubles, pediatrist nah Gas Co. headquarters. Owon throne. taled more than 600 years. They and other. whese WHOLE WHEAT many ;rofessional Houae, built in 1816, in which General . Cotton Sacko Merit is not all of it. were members of the BeLoach savan-II A Appearances family. Atlanta, 19.-Mon witl activities are equally ooncent�ated. Lafayette was count for mu" when a man. is on the Mrs. J. MEAL, DAIRY HORSE and HOG Ga., Aug. bo entertained; n. granite _ GRAHAM FLOUR Irving Rogers, 88; Hoyt De­ HULLS, FEED, FEED. In a modern clinic is found ccountlng for sure bef""e sUm",er usunlly seat which marks the where block. H. hoys the is spot Gen-I 75.1b. sack $1.75 LOIICh, 86; Bill DeLoach, Be; Mr•. n who locates over if the Frenc. tailors have their d.iagnostician merely eral Oglethorpe pitcheod his tent anf treason,. and waiting (15ltJ> Statesb�ro, �26juI4tp)· when little dealers say. course, like the avel'age medical spc- sented to General Greene. Here Eli they might ··do·a business . rliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiii.liiiiiliiiiiliiiii�!iliiiiiliiiii.liiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiliiliiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. RATE TICKETS I, these service LOW EXCURSION for tlie 'of the·racl> if would Brighter clotbes for men are com- cialist, specialists pos- Whitney, then. a tutor to the Greene good they a of toot their own 'for a while. Ing: out in the form of light and gay sess comprehensive back-ground children, invented tile cotton gin. only ON SALE DAILY * ...... vests to be seen with dark street general servicing knowledge. Just as The bunkers of the Savannah pre-[-golf, No can live whose knows the en- persoil really eui,ts, it was stated here. Cream color, the medical specialist course Dre the breastworks thr.own August 1 heart .is cold and shriveled. Love and tire human so Com�ncing gray, beige and even soft blue shades body, they possess up by the Confederate soldiers at the I all of between life are one and the same. Life grows will be featured by tailors in their general knowledge about makes approach of Sherman_ Nearby is rich and as love and cal's. But know mote about their precious deepens movement toward a brighter future they "The Id:ermitage" on a bluff of tile ALL POINTS ON OUR RAILWAY mechanic broadens. The empty life is always tor men. For the l'IIost part, the.e own car than any general Savannah, a well-preserved old plan­ or self-centered. To aave be nrc "an kndW. Where fare is $5.40 less. yourself, vests soid to be bauble-breasted, tation, an a relic of ante-bellum days. one-way spent for others. Selfishness i8 a high ..ix-button variety, with turn-over "The Oakland Motor Cal' Company Also nearby is the experimental bam- To Girls Enter Fare and one-third for round Tickets two form of suicide. Preparing th¢, collnrs. for trip. linilted days. t,o special factory training boo maintained the United provide. grove. by ••• the who its As for neckties, however, no new mechJ)qic� comprise army States of agriculture. Fare and one-half for round trip. Tickets limited six daye; , departme�t In this remarkable age of heart ex­ and startling effects 'have been intra- of service speciali.ts in Oakland-Pon- The route continues through 01'­ Consult Ticket Agent for Exact Limits and Fares. posure, when all is being brought un­ dueed, the locol stylists said. Tho tiac garages throughout the country. chards of and trees and peach pecan der a light surcharge as with radium, a 'medical eame speckled designs which were in The company maintains rich land to in the farming Macon, we not ask: "After' is not NorlDal' I TRAVEL BY TRAIN SAFEST MOST. ECONOMICAL may all, Or where classes vogue all winter aICe being shown iOI' college' laboratory heart of the Georgia peach belt. 'Vhe , Geor·gia everybody about as bad as anybody?" of mechanics are in from the , the welJ-dress�d miln for the late SUni- brought in Macon's is 1540 \ first date history ,I But we' must to from the I try keep mer. c me in all colors to match field each week for factory instruc- crossed the They when De Soto Ocmulgec CENTRAlJ OF GEORGIA RAILWAY mere , repinings of the pessimist and the .mit. tion. In addition to this instruction ,. where the city now stands. Shortly I the employment of the detestable Schoal men in Oakland- to employed establi.h- I already aiter 1.800 the government character:-assassin. Some kJlks are , just habitually spoil- Pontiac the factory conducts .... garages, ed Fort and lila-I ...... '. ing for n fight. Russians in New York courses of intensive instruc· one�yc8r con became an important point on There is nothing sadder than the illdufged in a free-ior-all over, classes of student me- scrap tion for Iftrge the line from New York unwelcome child in the home. If I stage-coach you the reapecti"e merits of Comrades chanics. After they re- That we have the 'gl'aduation' to . Wesleyan, the first will stand inside the circle' of these I original White Uni� Stalin and Trotsky. turn to 'lheil' home towns as service I EXCURSION chartered women's college in the modern times there are many things - - ... - managers or s,ccinl service me- TO wot'ld, was opened here in 1836. whieh remove us by ages from the \ form that the has used ••••• chanics. ANNOUNCING Poplin s,chool Leaving Macon the hi_ghway CI'OSS"" :ATLANTA and MACON primitive life, both as to the late individuals who indi-I I "Of yeal'S, rich bottomland to ColuWlbus, on the vidual and the home itself. Not want­ for a \ AUGUST 31ST years. and at 3ge I - SPELLS OF value health as their (,;reatest ass,t _81 SATURDAY, special of , an industrial , it_ ed-yes, not wanted. And, if by acci­ price ,II thc eu.tom of A OF , have adopte,1 subject- cotton VARIETY ·11 some of the city with largest I COLORS J Fares Ga. dental 'destiny, the angel visitor ap­ BACKACHE themselves or every Round'Trip fro�tatesboro,: ing every year mills in the South. It was founded pears-still, not wanted. Modefn per yard. Atlanta .. , few months to a complete physical in- .To $5.75 leO years ago as an Indian trading 'II on the @hevrolet flats, in densely populated districts, undergo tests to d('- cStX To Macon $3.75 spection. They post. The .FoUl'teenth street bridge hang out the sign: "Children not termine the condition of their teeth, marks the spot where one of the last at no extra cost! .� J. Tickets will be sold for all trains' August 31, 1929. You wanted." Sure! That's saf"_and the and i>l fact every The same blood, heal't, lungs battles of the War Between the States may return on any train including leaving Atlanta landlord finds his renter in these wise Gun-Calf Oxfords at $3.841.' portion of the body, Thus minor Of Macon 2:10 a. ''las fought. is Fort Benning, . 9:40 m., 4, leaving m., Sep­ are in the when Nearby In keeping with the p·rogressive· rolet will realize p. September days. We really age incipient iits may be (.liscQveJ'ed in Six, you that irs the United States Army InFootJ'Y carried tember 5. Napoleon's statement comes'lo us with , to be I'emedied. Naturally policies that have Chev­ .performance is as out­ time easily school. equally No Baggage Checked. added "What'is neened in rolet to meaning, t.his regular inspection by experts re- record-breaking heights standing as its It flashes Heavy Shaker-Knit. Black From Columbus, Route aO beg.ins beauty. Ample coach and Pullman accommodations. my beloved France-Mothers!" Collegiate. results in bettel' health and highcr of success-the new Chevrolet at the traffic It its stl'etch of 227 miles across Ala­ away signal. tops Ask the Ticket Agent. efficiency. Six is now made available in a physical barna, through Tuskegee, the home the steepest hills with an abun­ Feminism Gains Sweaters that we have always sold' for "Now the same custom is wide of spreading of the Normal and Industrial I!1sti­ variety colors at no dant reserve of ·power. The CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY motorists. al'� In World among thinking Cars hte founded nnd conducted ne­ extra cost. Poultry by steering wheel to "The Right Way" $9.00. at of brought in for responds your I the· price $6.95. periodical inspection. groei;, of which Booker T. V/ashing­ Although the automobiles bE;' Still further slightest touch. And the quiet; )..,0 Last reported on the list of emanci­ may tC-Il wus principalJ to }.tJ;ontgomcry, enhancing the in­ p�Trorli1ing most; the four-wheel brakes pated femininity is the hen. Only excc)Jentl�l t)':�nn- th� capite)J a commercinl anti hel'ent beauty of the marvelous non-locking, city of all chickens {!d eye or COl' of the service sp(l�inlist are and forty-three per cent lumber center. In the capitol was bodies by Fisher, these striking unusually quh:k positive Blne and White Winsor Ties. of best that from the shell are hatch­ , may detect and remedy some minor emerge . held the secession convention and on new colors give to the Chevrolet in acti.on. 'Jifficulty thnt later have NEW ed by their feathered mothers, says might Pl'OY- the portico, at 0. spot marked with n SOMETHING Six an order of smartness the Bureau of Econo­ are used with cd seriolls. Just 3!:S the individual as- unap­ Come in See this sensa­ Agricultural quality. uniforms, at brass tablet, Jefferson Davis was in- today. 3$)e in other low­ FARES TO NEW the sures. himself of proached any ' LOW EXCURSION' CHICAGO, YORK, mics, remaining flf.ty-seven pel' continu"" health and augurated President of the ConIeel- tional Chevrolet Six which car cent born. Even more I long life by rel(u al' medieal in spec- priced in the world. being incubator erate States. In the Winter Building-, actually sells in the price Fange DETROIT, CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, ATL TIC CITY. II tion, so does the intelligoot motot:ist scandalizing to the woman's-place-is­ I the or. ""'h? Iira�fie'.:J �'''''' j penonnance.t.bY'},ong States. passes thFough ptoductive plantations SIX THE PRICE RANGE OF THE THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, � H TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS

Dan Lee was a business visitor in VISI-TORS AT ADABELLE r' -TIMESI Did YOU"S�V:��'::�Y:I Jolson'a Savannah Monday. Mr. and lIIrs. John Powell, of Ada- BULLO�� Boy" '( Did see Al Jol- Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Arundel motored belle, had as last week Mr. and "Sonny you guests CAS H SPECIALS' to Savannah �tle SUttesbor", ilt�'9 son, when others he trusted had for­ tho. Saturday. Mrs. T. D. Arant and son, Thomas, Lowering Mrs. Bruce was saken him, take the lad in his arms, Olliff a visitor i" and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, of Fort Supscription, 41.60 per Year. draw him to his bosom, and pour into For and Savannah during the week. Motte, S. C., and Mrs. M. L. Wood D. B. 'l'URNER, Editor and Owner. his ears the words of endearment FrIday Saturday 01 C. L. Gruver was a business visitor and daughter, Mary, of Spencer, N.C. u father's henrt 'f LiviDI in Atlanta the • • • which came from week. March �Cost during Enteren as second-class matter JOLl.Y FRENCH Did hear tell the "You Mrs. J. G. Watson visited relatives KNOTTERS 28, 1905, at the postoffice at States­ you him boy Mrs. James Simmons was hostess boro, Ga., under the Act of Con­ have made a heaven for m all earth ?" MEAT best lb. 17c hy prices which' in Savannah duringthe week. WHITE SIDE grade, offering afternoon March 1879. Did when the William of Wednesday to the Jolly gress S, you hear AI Jolson, lad Think Chapman, what a vital thing your Freach Knctters club. Sum­ Alwa>,"s Read". was stricken nnd had closed his eyes was the guest of sewing to remarkahle Sunday Henry insurance protection is you. spell really mer flowers NEW ROAD MILEAGE in thnt out his heart 13c' Ellis. were used in profusion long sleep, pour Think of PLATE' HEAT lb. deing business and about the room in whicll she enter­ We have a well-trained III'my of managers and sales ck!rks. Statesboro is well pleased with the in anguish? Mr. and Mrs. F. 111. Saiallwood and carrying on trade without tained her Late in the after- new law enacted the Did feel that AI Jolllon repre­ saoings/ children are thesavannah'lweek in guests. are road you spending like soldiers wh. know by legislu- the force of sound They leyal worke"_"just steadying noon she served a dainty salad oourse. tu,"" la8t week, known as the TlUlylor- sented you, and that the things he SUGAR 25 Pounds $1.34 Clayton. dependable insurance. Think their duty_d do It. They meet you at the Neill law. said about his BOY, meant your own A Jones Miss of what would .. PROM ·PARTY Rappen should M�s. T: a�d da�ghter, door-at the front with a a The bill adds some two thousand boy even more? We "ava wondlrful for the _k.... nd 011 ltema not VISIted relatives m Eastman smile and your insurance fail .,.clall Miss Seaka Bussey delightfully en- policies SUGAR 10 Pounds 54c alld .atur­ mUes to the present higbway system Have you ever walked along thc lilted In thll Ad. Vilit ua "rlda, Attarllooll �arl�n, manaer that Indicates their you in a' disaster. tertained fifty of her friend� Monday pleasing of the state, which is to be token on streets post the home of a stranger day 10 .that you ma,. tekl ad"ante.. 0' our aupar-"aIIilL u��1SSa� ka B h as h guests evening with a prom party in honor In a ra e ..' . delight senlng you. aa soon as the counues traversed and heard the distressed of Iittle M.tsaes an ecca riner ' of by cry ., Saes udsseRy bas Ge� Wh-en insure 'INSURE. LARD 8-1b. Bucket $1.14 of her MI.. Sara Griner, of certain fellow us he ran from the 8S­ CAPT. J. L. HANCOCK you S. C. .vlaltoll, the new mileage meet require- away ----·--FINEST CREAMERY Columbia, S. Punch Be sure. Examine w�11 the Columbia, C. was served 28rd additional in- saults of a man with a lash Miss Ethel Lee as This mileage strong Higgins "ad the REVIVAL insurance h�r thro.ughout evening. Misses Re­ SERVICES BEGIN 'agency to' Whom . eludes the 800 miles to be add- in his hands? Has your heart been' Lb. guests last week Mioses Mary, Lorie T"O sought LARD 4-1b. Bucket 59c BUTTER beeea G and Emma u.ou Rus-h REFRESH YOURSELF I DRINK AT ELMER CHURCH SUNDAY you entrust ... the commission last torn tho piteous c.-y of that little your protection. and Victoria Mall�rd.· '. ,rmer by highway by mg presided bowl. --- , Find 'out what this Hartford A MOST APPETIZING MJi:A.h. •• year, which was ruled out by' the one as he held hi. baby hands behind' Dr. and Mrs. E. N .: Brown' and- lit-' o:er ' ;he .punch will be, a series of: meetings agency can do for courts as Ioim in hel,less "'orts to shield hi. T)!ere you. of the West FLOUR 24-1b. Sack tie Margaret, !!,OR MISS WHALEY Coca-COla 23c iIIegaJ. Queen $1.00 daughter, visited.rela- " 6B�!-: to begin'Suilday, August 26th, at· EI­ 8·0L can 15e A study of the new mileage map little body from "'e' blows that were Kippered Herring tivea at Warthen Sunday. Mias Gwen Whaley, of Charledon mer five 'miles east 'of . will hill1? " . Miss of S. of " the dt.close& that .,Stote.boro !."�'! rained upon DiJl,.You w'1pde_r ehu�ch" Sute.s­ " WHOLE BLUE· ROSE. Ludlam" C:, ch.rming g_ueBt her aunt: · b'oro. GRAIN, J. L. .. :yenlon '�go, Hancock,<.l:ad­ WARRIOR " .. as of the favore6 what one so snloll ••uld Iiavc--'dohe Statesboro ,-Insurance FLOUR, 24-1b. Saek�·�: -: arrrve for: a: .. Alfred a well any '!l,ost Capt,. .., - ".".�$$1.00 ,Fla,. T.uelda)' .... l(I_IiIt.,jO 1'!Irj!- Dorm"Dj.��:;given evangelist, will .do cltlea of Georgia in the new 8CI,,;rri�;' to'. deserve such punlshmetlt?'.-I DI(] .road ,tI!e;p,-"""ch­ '. friends and relatives heJ:e:'.,;-::q..;::-. swimming party at;;.�n'a pool is ,from South Age��'·"· 30c direct oonaec- wonder how a R'IG;E Mrs. D. B. Parrish and of I also She will have dighway you bring' Ing. Capt., �a!,cock '5"und. children, Monday evening. wis. p�i-ent'could , West Main St.:· ", Phone 79 Danol"",; Uarolina, IS a man that will take PINK SALMON Can 16c , LIBBY'S _ STOKLEY'S tlon with each of the adjoining ceun- himself to deal tlla, :iY.ul! a lad "so HtiII; SMITiFIELD Savannah, are guelts of her. parents, ii. feature of entertainment•. The vic­ . sure to come and hear Swains- smnll-c-too little to I·' and Mrs. O. L. furnished music. tlea-with Sylvania, Millen, knrw'lf'!1I1-J\IIj'�w�:�:..e MI'. Lanier. troln Light refresh­ is still a conductor in act­ VIENNA boro, Metter, Claxton, Springfield, done a wrong, and yet too little to �im. .H� A NEW �BUSINESS Corned Beef 12-0&. Can: 21c Miss Alva Cunningham, of Madl- ments were served. Twelve couples Red Kidney rve The is w.. that general public Pembroke and Savannah. Very few harbor resentment at the ong servl�e.. I wish to notify my friends through­ son, visited her cousin, Miss Aline were invited. I cordially invited to serv­ CAMPBELL'S · ·· SAUSAGE BEANS other cities in Gesrgia are made the was being done �o him? Had the; attend these out the ceu'nty ,that II haVE! �I!talllished 'Whiteside, during the week. ices. Daily, 10;30 in the and at 44 West Main street a new business .TUESDA'YI BRIDGE CLUB of a number of li-tt!c fellow into forbidden morning Preetorius ,Meat Mrs. Alfted Dorman and little center high- 'Markft greater strayed 8 in the to be known as Fish Mork�t The club met 3 Cans 29c No.2 Cans The road in tho direction I1f to thus deserve the cruel lash? evening. Tomato 3 for 25c Alfred have return- Tuesday bridge :,! 25c ways. f,'I\ths, and Restaurant. WiIJ at all times Walk? Phone U_We Deliver Soup daughter, Myrle, Tu�s- A. E. FULMER, Pastor. Why •. day afternoon with Mrs. J. B. :AverItt Pembroke is an now proposl- Hau his curiosity-his desire to know have on hand for salt ec from a visit to relaives in I entirely sale fresh and PEARL PHONE 312 37 EAST MAIN STREET at her home on Olliff street. Love:y BLOOM FRESH CREAMERY tion, is intended to provide the t he wortd about hlm-s-impelled him FRANKLIN-WILSON water fish, dressedj or undressed, also viile, S. C. CLOV_..ER a�d etc. Will serve meals flowers tastefully arranged gave de­ most dnect outlet to the south m the to go outstde tho �oor from which h9 shrimp, prompt­ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Abrams and Of interest to a host of Pounds friends and ly and in a .Iean, sanitary restaurant. GRITS 7 25c charm to the rooms in which direction of Florida. From Pembrol," had been forbidden to walk? Was it ,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!����!!!!!!J!ll!!!J!ll������������������� from N. J.,cottage-Iare th" Iightful relativts is the of Miss Give me a trial. Call or children, Newark, Pound marriage Mary phone your- her three w....e placed. Mrs. BUTTER tloe road runs to HiResville, where it fer this sin that his little should SELECTED MACKEREL of their uncle and tables, body of orders for fish. We deliver. .. ..;;; guests aunt, )o'ranklin. Statesboro, and E. H. ;:.� Smith made S.OI·e and finds two connections with the Coastal be marked with SEMINOLE FISH MARKET AND nnd Mrs. O. L. Lanier. Grady high stripes? of Savannah. The ROSEDALE YELLOW CLING Wilson, wedding was a white linen bag. Mr•. either near church Did see this and not know in RESTAURANT, SALM.ON 2 Tall Cans 25e Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Akins and Mr. given highway, Midway you occurred in Savannnh Sunday, Aug· SAM SMITH, Proprietor. Gordon Mnys lIlade low score. Her or at Darien through Ludowici. The your heart that some day the man and Mrs. Emit Akins and son, Lowell, ust 18th. Rev. John S. WiMer Phone 147 IONA �ft-'l per­ was a vase. After the game" most direct route to however, who dealt with his motored to St. Simons and prize PEACHES NoC!.!-2 19c Florida, thus offspring formed the Brunswick, cel·emony. PUBLIC salad course was served. would seem to be from Ludowici by would feel remorSe that he had sO far NOTICE for � .. Box 7c Tybee the day Sunday. PET OR CARNATI EVAPORATED All indebted to the estate SALT 4-lb. way of Jesup to Folkston, thence to forgotten his duty to protect 'n teTl­ parties FREEl Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Paschal and SUNBEAMS MYSTEliy of Dr. A. are to CLUB it will be the Temples requested to their JacksonvnJe. Incidentally derneB" rathel' than in harshne"" SMITHFIELD little son have returned home Inman entertaillod the The Sunbeams will meet next Mon­ call at my office, on the third floor of 1111'S. Fay MILK observed that this route will l'ul'l1ish little one who had come to make for the in Charlotte, N. C., after a visit to at �:!! IOc Sc..�1 eiay aftornoon at 6 o'clock. Mrs. A. Fi�st Na�ional Bank Building, and 100 Lbs. SUGAR Mystery dub Thursday morning an airline from heaven make or satis­ Can 25e her Mrs. A. L. DeLoach. almost Golumbb, him "A. 'on eal'th"? ,mmed1ate settlement TRIPE Large mother, on avenue in C. Turner will have charge. her home Savannah N.•. c. ST. CHARLES to Florida of Ahl that comes factory arrangement. Mrs. E. Oliver and Mrs. South Carolina, by way the cruelty through Mr. ami C.' honOl' of Mrs. Eugene DeLoach, of . LINTON G. CORAL-SLICED Savannah sor­ LANIER, a Statesboro, crossing the thoughtlessness! The needless CARD OF THANKS 24·lb. Sacks Warrior Flour Mikell left Wednesday The, (2::1aug-5sep2tc) Attorney-at-Law. 4- M�nnie for, Hollywood, Fla. living room, Assorted and thlls row we to we love! where ,river at Burton's Ferry bring those tTlP to New they rOOJl1 room Were Evaporated We wish to thank our many friends. . lb. 3le wdl, music and dining NotIce to Debtors and CredItors BACON Y�rk, aliortening' the distance by perhaps for their kindness and select merchandIse for E. C. Ollver dec­ sympathy [ thrown together anti ,beautifully CAKES MILK miles or more. Speeders should remember that shown the ilIiless and death GEORGIA-Bulloch County. 1 8·lb. Bucket LARD store. tJtwenty·flve: during SC�ATC'n: Company's orated for the, occasion witli zinnias while there Rot be another c..­ of'our darling baby.' Notice is hereby given to all per- read;-t�-:ear may flowers. Mr•. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. sons holding claims against the estate and 6 5c Pkgs. 25c WE )lEED FANATICS w.thin a mile it's only six feet to the Unchurc.... TO BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE 10 Pounds 35c BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY o,ther mid-sum�er. of Albert to render FEED . . score and ' hIgh Finch, deceased, ." _ Floyd m!ldc ------.---�------�------. . , .Waldo There is ill the ditch. saine ,'. M,sS,0nary hardly anything CARD10F TlIA�KS to the undentiglfeil within ·the The BaptIst .'\yo�a.n. Mrs. C. Z. Donahlson ci!t'coll8Olation. timrand 0f·clgarettes w h'ICh h". wihh the 'undersign. I. the 1'11 and death 0f our dear Moe- .It is rather difficult to imagine mg n�B8 This August 22, 1929. Buy here and save money, and be sure to save your tickets PET OR CARN�TION interesting literary program was lIIi�ses Lenna Josey and !!Ia-ra endorse8. father. AllO Dr. for his kind- v:"'y Stapler D. C. Administrator. for were hostesses eve- BLUE SEA wherein is to be found the worth­ I JONES, the nine valuable prizs. Mrs. O. L. McLemore, chair- ney joint Tv.sday ness. God's richest blessings given. lIIay _ The new Indian commissioner is n I .. whllenees of that fanatic SaUl.d... of (22aug6tc), IOe had a b.idgc and rook party. They ' s, rest upon each and �very one of you. MILK Tall Cans man of the program committee, ning �t No.I-2 a " If h e 10 as W'll'I lam Penn s 'Elizabeth N. who walked Qu kel' M... O. C. and Children. Tickets free with ten cent more "Woman's for the entertained their guests at the homc City, C., Bragg FOR SALE every purchase ' the you charge. The Hymn TUNA FISH Can knack of wihh the sohem9 dcaling reoskins,·. 1. One 26-acre tract of fine 1-4 CALIFORNIA and used a color upon the streets of his hom. city in land, buy the mpre tickets you get. Year" wao sung by all. ,Mari�n Cobb of Miss Josey he'll make good. ". ",i1es west of Statesboro, with two- and The flowers his pajamas, was tried and acquitted ""- gave. a delightful piano solo. The of yellow green. 'I one Stalk 15c and � story dwelling outbuildings, CELERY susan.. serv­ .. the so- ������������������fi���������ii� in and then WOl'e his startetl nO\\1! was They mayor's court, An exchange suggll6ts that tenant house with barn, $4,500.00 cash. .Let's get, watchword repeated by . -.congress "Want Ads""'" course. Invited were the the streets of New YOl'k Head of Chi- ed a 'sweet )lajamas upon IS now composEIi of a Repubhcan ma- [ 2. Another tract, 38 acres, most:y LE'ITUCE 12%c ciety. Miss Julia <;armicha�l, I and AS a We it is diffi­ cleared, adjoining ,the first one, tenant the devotional and the Mis.e. Cecile Brannen juat protest. say jority, a Democratic minority, Ilnd a ONE CENT A WORD PER ISSUB cago, gave I following: house and outbuildings, $2,500.00 cash. Messrs. Olive De­ clilt to imagine wherein he wos serv­ women's subject was "Worship and Pt·aise." Henrietta Moore; "RF£OLLECfION OF sorol'ity. ,Both wilJ make two-horse farm Salt Box, Each 3c I QUALITY good Matches, Miss Joe Kln­ We . ,0 Toothpicks, have of Fla., how­ AD TAItEN FOR Ll!.S,S I were to Hollywood, Ing any good purpose. have, TII/.N if bought together. We delighted Loach, MISS Bentham of Great Neck, Long A. ever it out. of 'WENTY-FIVI! 81!.NTS VI'£.E�J SHUMAN'S us after an absence of of S. George Lanier and There must CASH with car-I C., 3. land 1-2 STORE michael 96, figured Tract of 2 miles welt of ard, Island, is one of the year's notable ../ REMAINS LONG AFfER 176 acres be somebody to carry off tlw Statesboro, containing All Kinds & Cured Meats. & Groceries_ a Mrs. C. H. Remington gave I Ashton SImmons. necessij;y no Fresh Staple Fancy year. stars. And prou,d too, doubt, � acres seven-room • • • for If Saunders golf cleared, with d�el1- Use of Our booby prize intellect. EASTER LILY BULBS for sale ,.t a talk on the "Propel' of being a Groot Necker. ing, plenty of outbuildings. Good for (Lannie Simmons 42 EAST MAIN ST. LUNCHEON hadn't won the the odium would Stand) JI1athew� sang a prize, WOMAN'S EXCHANGE . (22 1t 751 Time." Mrs. Chas. stock. aug._ $3,600.00 cash. Mrs. J. G. Moorc entertained with PRICE IS FORGOTI'EN" have on else. Th". Hoover is the flrst to have Mrs. Joe Watson a .been president FOR Can be . sweet gave somebody SALE-Diamond ring. (15augltp) MRS. T. J. COBB. song. of Miss a luncheon Thursday in honor he deserves the thanks of the other Il���e�=� lliwill pro�� �n�D���kwclryS�� I on "Proper Use of Our Posses- ��������������������������------� paper and her guest, Miss uexcuse I a' Julia Carmichael man. receive an sweet __ - L. McLemol'e gave unusually �(2_2_a_u�g�1�tp�)�- �_�__� sions." Mrs. O. and Mrs. W. W. and Evie of Chicago. cen­ WHEN YOU OR ER 7:5c WORTH O}"· a SEPTEMBER 16th MISS IRENE AR- and Mrs. A. E. TeJllples and Mr. Higgins the Anderson, it, please," when he gets wrong Judge talk on "Using Our Talents for :rhe PAY DEN will open class in piano, voice, from a Misses Ethel Lee anU Oline the prettily appomted GASOLINE MUST number. son, Ambrose, have returned children, God." Announcements were terpiece t�­ GROCERIES-yeu DON'T A shorthand and (22a2tp) Glory of to. EXPECT typew1·iUng. Mis. in At­ Scott Higgins, and Elmer, Dalton and ble was a SIlver basket o� purple perl­ the man who visit to Agnes Temples a We were dismiss- Pity must ddve an FOR RENT-The hor-.,e of ,the late followed by song. in Colon will leave Saturday winkles and peas. DOLLAR'S WORTH. . Rome, News - lantll, Dr. Powell, Temples Higgins" E. A. Smith. The, automobile-he must coun- J. the . U7 a MI·s. the Dr. A, on South Main St. ed by keep Imps Temples by prayer C'olifo�ia. courses· greatest a in was served III four at for week's visit NOl'th Carolina luncheon CHAS. E. CONE REA'LTY CO. and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Willcox a miscel- try going I Mrs. Arthur and children, (ltp The sociEty will pack Riggs ., with relatives. Basil assisted the WHEN YOU ARE PROl\llSED A DOL­ It iii not that he shal1 build SEE-JVIRS:-JOHN-PAUL-JONES; the ,. Calhoun. box next Monday 'afternoon ho.te�s enough Caroline, Joice and Arthur laneous M;s. Jo�es were la1d Dorothy for standard �ize w1th the .el'VIIlg. Covers the roads which vc- florist, shrubbel'Y. ." home at upon every other James have returned fl'om a visit to of' for the orph"ns' Hapeville. LAR'S WORTH OF CLEANING FOR 75c I Mrs. Phone 142, N. Gol1ege St.; Stotesboro, t:o'l'bination for 1111'S. O. S. Kelly, of Tennille, hicJe ohall that he must ride; thereby her father near Adel . Ga. (22aug4tp) O. L. McLemore, Mrs. H. F. Arundel, -BE SURE THE· ONE WHO MAKES enhance the value acre PHOTO FINISHING of every of 1\1 rs. H. J, M, oore and two children, FOR nice orrices SKILLFUL RENT-!leveral up- Warnock P·.-T. 'A. Mrs. C. B. Mathews, Mrs. H. D. An­ land while at the same time he him- Chal'les and arc stairs over Everett Co., pre­ DONE THE PROMISE EITHER CAN'T OR Maurice, . and Mrs. ,JJohn /... PROMPTLY Mrs. Leffler DeLoach. Bell is broke. Now it has Dr. A. derson, going been tives in North deorgia vlOusly occupIed by Temples. The P.-T. A. of the Warnock sch(,ol CONE!- REALTY CO. (la3t to have the best results from Ninnn Horne. WON'T DELIVER THE GOODS. IN decreed that shall the C_r�AS.�. You're· amciolls, of course, .. gasoline pay and chil- - Mr. and Mrs. C. O. B�hlerViS.iting held a delightful and inspiring meet FOR in 8chool teachers and haul the children SALE-Upright piano per- at or near- Jand every-day picture taking. You want bi d' D' andE' or C�r(/i!iltureSt!Jler your h,oUpay on 16th. MOORE EITHER EVENT YOU ARE THE LOSER. ten, hlq afternoon, HARRY reItt-I' offered Friday August DINNER FOIt feet will seH See ing �rIU1�1 . "mmuJcnn.; �.n condition; cheap, And want them to school. There m:e left a few In clear; permanent prints. you yet and Em1t Alford VISIted relallves MRS. JOHN PAUL JONES, phone (?J�. get .spar,kling, The faculty for the new year and Va., Newspaper.) ---...... Just (Norfolk, .SEND YOUR CLEANING TO PEOPLE burdens which have not been imposed. N. Ga. made for you with the least possible delay. bring Augusta IHst week. 142, Go.lege St., Statesboro, large number of patrons were pres- Maj. nnd M,·S. Lawrence Churchill, " us for those best or mail them These will eventua!ly follow. It will (22nug2tp) • your exposed films to results, a Miss Julia 'f'hom8s has returned to ent The committees were of Langley Field, entertained with WHO KNOW "WITH A KNOWLEDGE a FOR residence .. follo\�i�g logically be but short time till gaao- a SALE-"(fRRENT-=My to us-24-HOUR SERVICE, hel' home in Dublin after week'" appomted: Publtctty, program, woo,1,a', \linner Saturday night at the Cham­ in the corner of East Mam street FILM THAT 'OF LONG EXPERIENCE." line, Ildditi.on to paying the teacher, visit to l\'lis� M 1\1"oore. ".n SEE OUR WINDOW AND NOTE HOW MANY finunce. Hotel in Old Point COl\lES Ul'jO:'ie nn(l Zetterower avenue. to me campus, berlain-Vand.rbilt . Apply the children to Bchool, mu�t See list in window of PREMIUMS. cost cou­ hauling H. J. Moore, H. J. Moore, Jr., M1SS or to S. L. Moore. MRE. J. Z, KEN- SPOOLS. They The opening date for the new term in to Mrs. Churchill's and .. I .... compli'l'cnt AND IN STATESBORO THAT clothe feed the child and pay" and DRICK. BE A KODAK CUSTOMER. will Julia Thomas, Miss O.lie Roach (22aug2tc) you nothing-JUST has not been yet determied, but sin Midshipman Harry Grimshaw pension to of the parents. Miss motore(i to RELIABLE man wanted to run Mc- nntici- th"'lsuppor1t Marjorie Moore Ty- Let us enlarge your best kodak negatives. be announced Inter. \Ve are Mo'ol'e, of Stntesboro, Ga., who is no� It may sound like pessimism, but . .NEss Business in Bulloch county; bee ;lunday for the day. pating a good year. Our new super- in Roads. Covers were laId I to or Hampton that condition whether we 1 $8 daity No capital is the ... coming, IVIr. and Mrs. Lacount Smith find .$12 �rofits. (:unV088 whole range of the low RUSTIN'S STUDIO Rufus Martin, has taught In addition to the hon(.1' experIence reqUlred. \Vonderful op� intendent, for twelve. . THACKSTON'S like it or not. There are some who' prict.od l!Iixes-and wUl fiDd' little daughter, Sara Ruth, have re- you Phones 485 and 13-M 34 NORTH MAIN ST. at Warnock for the year dinner were Mrs. portunity. Write today. McNESS I past an'i! guest those having don't believe of ther nre nothing anywhere to compare with it, course; tUl'Jle'iL to their home in South Caro- CO., Dept. C., Freeport, Illinois. both and teachers arc con-\ and Miss value offered the Pontiac parents Andrew Smith daughter, 80me who would to but it tl,lC by Bi. PHONE 10 object that, lina, after visiting her parents, M 1', (22augltp) 1·. A 200-cubic·inch. L-beacl whe.l Rl'vice bnike. or the most Its vinced abi:ity as an executive of efficient new bodics by Fisher, Florence will come as as _. type. �.x. a,mart n hue .;(lhe Smit.h, Mo�nt �e.banon, naturally every other and FOR out- In , you any (;;llOwlng �f hi,S Mrs. W. H. Akins. " .flDptom;'-- ' I S'"'A"'L;-;E"'----.D""e-e-p-w-e7.lI�d-ri�.ling 15. or, and an lIlstlUctor. lII,ss Nonme KImberly, 2. The Harmonic Balancer. Emeraency brake actina on �arlcly colon, suggest tho the no matter Pittsburg; • have wh.t . been to reach the fit, including gasoline engine, pul- the remedy your 8tep has taken Mrs. Bl'8nnen and children 3. The O-M-R helld. tr:m.mia.ion. a hour was I Dudley cylinder power-thcspeed-thedependabllity trouble haa been Neryotun.... After a SOCial Mise. Marion Doherty, Mias Lenore loys, drills, i.f interested 16. dlagnoeed. , pl'ogyam, condition. belting, etc.; 4. The cro..·ftow radiator. Special moulded, non-AQueak present returned a to -thelllXUriou8comrort that Pontiac otomach I..... o( 10.. Mid­ have from visit friends sec

Construction Record I Handsome New Styles FARM BOARD AIDS GEORGIA ADMINISTRATOR'S Set on Pardee Dam SLATS' DIARY In Hudson and Essex "���������������::==::�==�::�����:====i==s�n=l�e�u�n=d�c�r�p¥o�w=.=r=I�·n�se=c=u=r:it�Y�D�ee�d:l··r---==�-C��E�N�T-RAL OF SALB GEORGIA-Bulloch County. "Mlssn LIBERTY (By Rosa Farqubur.] Under authority of the powers Making their Sunday Seashore Train GEORGIA-Bulloch County. San .F .uncisco, Cal., Aug. 19.-1n The sruilo or tolerut ion which used ?f GRAPE INDUSTRY sO'le nnd convevanco in thnt certnm Much Faster and More Attractive. By authority of the court of ordI. Pardee Dam on Moke· to greet the "color artist" und the of said will be IOld � comploting the Friday-Mrs. Gritz was at are security deed given by Dora Butler to Commencing Sunday, July 28. nary county. CALIFOR 'IA CO·OPERATIVE 1'0 "interior decorator" in on (ore the court door In State.­ Iumne rivee, Californiu, a year and U the automobllo McDouga'.d, Outland & Company CARf house and sho SOlmERS� house this for 1 minute States­ evning supper in .ook Only 2 hours and boro, on tIie first in hulf ahead of wor.d's records (;ET $!),OOO,900 LOAN 1'0 CAnnY in'liustlW has been turned to one or F'ebraury 11. 1913, recorded Georgia. Tuesday schedule, boro to only 3 hoars lind intel'tnncfi _s very har­ 37 in the oft'ice of ti>e clerk Savunnuh; September, 1929, between the legal fer construction OUT ITS MARKETING PLANS. general warmth with un unmistak­ puge 487. high speed toppled nnd subse­ 11 minutes Statesbero '" Tyloee. hours of to the bidder us about her T 1:VA�'S�CH� of' Bulloch superior court, sale. highest tily telling lB.-The redoml ab.e mark of friendliness. For color "Where Leave Stutesbsro 8 :34 a. m. Men Stationed at Fort Wood �e.fore modern eng ineeeing' efficiency 'Vashington, Aug. Ocean Breezes Blow" quentIy asaignerl by McDougald. Out­ for cash. tlte following described Ian. xperieuces and ect. She board that it Leave Dover 8 :57 a. rn. and mater-ials, according to engineers' farm announced today hus come to be such an important land &. Company to me. I will. Oft the Tuke Pride in Their located I" said state and coullty. 8IIe1 sed sloe hall been dis­ Arrive Savannah 10:35 a. IrI. in the 1200tla G. M, reports. cubic had authorized atabiljzntion of the factor in the selection of motor oars first Tuesday in September. 19.2D, district. belolllrina Approximately 630.000 Leave Snvannnh 11:00 a. m, appointed in love u Surf within the legal hours of sale, before Guardiansbip. to tlte estate of Charles Ellis. cia­ of concrete were involved ill California fresh grape and rniain in­ thut the men the and yards �ontI'olling mogic Bathing-Day Night in said Arrive Tybee 11:45 a. m. to-wit': times and in mur­ the court house deor county, ceased, the cUlIle. in conjunction with R fl­ have risen to RETURNING project. dustry and, paint pots commanding Da sell at to the highest New towering turrcts. 34 1·2 acre. of land bounded noitll onot. She sed that dng-Every Night Sundays public outcry l·Qrk.-The ryage nuncial in that had ar­ Except Lemre Tybee G :3Q p. m. lands of e_ New records for high speed place­ group state, importance. bidder, for cosh, the land described in sonrlng spires and sl,.\'scrnplng steeples by ns us optional. Mrs, Waters. south by lands of Oscar The baekynrds .,t New York. or mo�1 Moore. and we8t by lands of S. F. CU.iC1 sales men here to see RESTAURANTS (1augtfr) . Ollill' llIltate, pa Fruit Stabilization 1\ new HOTELS, COTTAGES, lands of capacity, storing water froft\ a 5'0- Corporatlon. "Thece are some 27f, different com­ Daney. and west by George of them. anys the RecrulUng Newll. this m. and him Williams, Thia AupBt 19118. square·mile. shed. The pl'oject is 81 p. tryed to sell sum organization recently crented to help binations in colors to be had ·,.uthout Notice to Debtors .nd Creditors owe their charm aod allure to the odd 8�1 the CLAIBOR.NE WATKINS, buttenless under ware -- Said sale to be made for pur­ miles east of San Francisco The but po diddent stabilize the grup extra in rontro.t Imparted by a cloud·tlllplnll, Bay. industry. cost the Hudsoli nnd Essex,lt FISHING BOATING of of the debt Admilliitrater E.tata Ch.rI.. EUIa. John pose enforcing payment GEORGIA-Bunoch two 10 the of it anti sed that \\'a Deere. Mower COlRlty. calhedral·l1ka odillce or. i ounded water is to s rve the nine by Tho farm boa ",I has dipped into its said Lnnnie F. of the Si'm- Improved. said e."ny s:,nt Simmons, Beeured by security d.cW. •... to 1111 • becuz he ��ollnt Notice iB bereby Ifi.en per. But there .ft· otller8. I ,·TAX 8ALD of the East 1l0thll1g_new had bell yenrll1'l' fund onc'c Flori­ 1II0ns Auto to and mterest 'omalt, ci�s lIay IIhnicil'al revolving ottly beror-e, Co.• locIII Hudson-Essex Ing $349.00. princip'ai, SQRS claims against t"e,. for I holdine .!'�tI!t� Uncle . those kInd or I.&Ider ware for a No. A those Rest. the date bf sale. Rnd the .... SIUt\'_ "''1ula1'l, InataD�'" Utility District. I du rruit growers receiving 306,00010 Realars. See the new JOHN DEERE MOWER 'PaTOdis�'ior Children·and. Seeking up to., of Dr. :;., Temples. deceased. t., reno with the of this proceeding. A deed prrl.oned on the UDltilII Btare.· Arm), GE�HOI�-Bun�b "Co:titJ.· The and years. Rid in reatrirtions pensea der same to the unde�sienerive gears· are Fun, for will be executed to the purchaser all peat of Fort ",ood. a ·IIf.,ll �J'IIW con·l&f walked home frum S un· perfectly the time preBcrilSed by. 011•• on the am stl'uction secured u"" Sundny-I to the of the MeditPl'­ 'door'in StatubefO. the of eon. prevent spread without the , on by ing individuality ex,ensc title. in fee Bimple. _WlIrd oil' the ,. . liTo wRich makes veying penonB indebted to saidlaw�.a lire hi within skool with rauoan balanced. stariing easier. Tues".., Septeanbet.' 11129; crete in modern engine.ring, say au.1 da�' fty. heretofore ussociated with Greatly This AuguBt 7th, 192!· Bedloe'. Illond. boalta a cllyard personal requirelIHI filii ..,t lose eren a mlnut,,:. dyer. ofJl. We will be to Motor Slaud..... on 416 W. B lands of B, G. glad show it to YOU any time. not Planning TOIIrIDtI Semee...... SI., r-JmDe, Ky. and on he wes� by certainly emerge from the com. , uoald 'f I'k us furemon of a desk fac· lUre you ...... - .....1ecI .0_ Glisson, 'l'bis tl'act known as lot No. mittee with the tax imposed by the fro.. Il of a .ub.divlsion of the old Horace house. No less Ii political comment". Trip? troot. mad'e fjy H. nf, OUsson. tor than Mark Sullivan has remarked Thi �h day of AlIlJ,ust. 1929. Let us ..eate It J. G. TI MAN. Sbe�lff. RAINES HARHWARE COMPANY in l;1is tliscu9llion .of the sugar schedu!e StatesbOro, Georgia thllt "A final possibility, reduction of fe.. yea .....---1.... C�TS 200 at BAxT�'M; the present rate, is' by no means to iach cldld nil ..­

1 ; I be ignored." . NaUoaal Bank


Wells several du GU) spent days Mrs E P Josey "as a v s tor n ng the week n Atlanta on bus ness Savannah Fr .. Social lor the Week I I day Happenings M s Fred Fletcher has as he Han -----..,...- guest Iton Arden of Guyton v s ted hail tobacco sea on vhen the her nother M s Floyd of Cochran Ir ends I ere dur the \ eek ng golden leaves come 10 Edward Po veil of Atlanta spe t Mr and Mrs Leffler DeLoach vere To Holt Cobb or the Far ers Wale week h here last end with smother I v s tors I Savannah S house an I tobacco sales n Mrs Howell Cone, as I v S to Dr Iturday beg and Mrs J C Lane a d son I Mrs W L Hall are I see Sarah Hall and Remer Proctor of Mar etta IS the We gla to the quality and Savannah Fr dn) Gu t s spent Sun at lay Tybee W quant of the veed G Moore Sl ent Sunday at Yellow guest of h s father Proctor ty LewIs Akms vas a bus noss v s tor Mrs Jutlge Paul Jones moto ed to S ivan That the fa mel s of ou sect on I a "" Bluff De vey Dan els of J cksonv lie III Savannah Monday n h Saturday and spent the to meet the s okers eed day M as Cor ne Lan er has returned v WHERE NATURE M" Ben sting h s pal ents Mr and Mrs We are glad to see the money that 18 SMILES Lane visited re atives n Mrs E L Po ndexter was among a VlS t to relntives In Monte C Dan els handed out each Thomasv lie last week end tI ose to Savannah spent ast day- BULLOCH VISIt Savannah Satu day It IS said that Dollars talk-and what TIMES M lIIr relat ves here I W Ghsson of Savannah and Mrs spent Jack Denn ark arc say ---:_-_--- and Mrs J G Moore have re charming things they (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO here h s fal MISS Eloise Thompson of Jesuo to ve EAGLE) Sunday �th Iy spend ng several ..eeks n Savannah We ure glad be progress and Bulloch TI;;;-;;- 1892 a bus ness trlp to Jack E;tabhshed I , Mr and Mrs BIll S mn ons were Ed WIll be the guest of 1\1 ss Elve Davis mainta n a market her e Statesboro News Ccnsolidated Januar Kennedy and Chalmers Frankl n Establ shed 1901 ( secret OU1 ee In week But the of gladness 1 Statesboro STATESBORO GA THURSDAY VIsitors Savannah Monday motored to Tybee for this end Eagle Estabhshed 1917-Consol dated December 9 1920 AUG 29 1929 Sunday the day In M sses Evelyn and Mary Groover motored to none of these I fear Janet Dekle oC Cordele IS Mrs D Savannah fOI Gould of spent VISiting C Smith and httle son De George Waycross derson v s ted relat ves n the Fr aunt Mrs w tt are day day several last" eek WIth h s motl real of the season IS hcr W C DeLoach VIS ting her father at Har days The JOy expressed Wednesday Mrs G E Bean and slster MISS at that tllne when Mr and Mrs R P Stephens were lem er Mrs W E Gould CONFERENCE AIDS CITY DIRECTORY Mr and Mrs W S Praetor us have We see com to our scores GEORGIA Dorls Moore were V ng C1ty Just COURTS v(sltors In Savannah Mr and 8 tors In Sa Mr and Mrs J C Miler spent 1929 TOBACCO IS Saturday Mrs M W Proctor men spent returned a of tobacco D�I��C�T:r�����O from bus ness tr p to Lake vannah BIlRNFIT HELD ON Helen Cone has last week In Tuesday with her s star Mrs B S FOR returned from Atlanta Wltl. the r ch I Tuesday Then the a r s full of excitement and STATESBORO Butler Fla M The First DIStl ct c ss Nena Dan els IS n PEACE Mason Com en V181t to In drcn s stock of PROGRAM • relatives Savanna. Symons Savannah Statesboro girls COMPILE IDSTORY Dr P G Frankl n son tion w NEAR and n 1928 brother II be held MARK Statesboro IS to a Statesbor 0 Rev J A Duren s M ss L Frank Daniels MISS Davis has returned from Get suppl es of rouge and 1 pstiek and with have city diree vlslt ng h s la Baumr nd v SIted friends EIVle MURDER are several this curls CHARGE spend ng days In Ha nes C Fla acquire permanent DELEGATES TO RIO ROAD CON Ogeechee Lodge F & A M as host GEORGIA tory the first In her as 1\ "'mlly at Thomasv lie th S weok n Savannah and dur ty a two weeks V Educat on have contr but",1 mater allv N 40,000 Employes Jumor at home her mother M s E J Foss to beg n work and doeskm to th s result Georgia College ss November 28 G N S vs Brewton- M Malv I1

I beheve that the congress at RIO