Steps for Installation 

1. Unzip the Instant rails in a certain folder. It asks for confirmation for change of path sometimes, accept it. (see point 9 for installation too)

2. Use the ‘index.html’ file in the ‘help’ folder in InstantRails folder for help on installation.

3. Use the following steps too

a. Download and unzip Instant Rails to the desired installation folder.

Run InstantRails.exe in InstantRails folder. Click ok to Regenerate configuration files?

Add to Windows Environment Variables...

My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables > System Variables > Path > Edit

C:\InstantRails\ruby\bin; C:\InstantRails\mysql\bin; C:\InstantRails\Apache; C:\InstantRails\PHP

4. Install the . Update the plugin for the RadRails.

a. For details see the and o.html (video for installation help)

5. In Aptana(RadRails) go to WindowConfiguration menu.

a. --Enter Path Information— (Where the path must have InstantRails path… he ‘C:\’ is taken as demo path) Go to Rails as,

i. Rails > Configuration - Rails path: C:\InstantRails\ruby\bin\rails

ii. path: C:\InstantRails\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\rake- 0.7.2\bin\rake iii. Now Go to ‘Ruby’ still under WindowConfiguration menu as

Ruby>Installed Interpreters >Add Button.

There is a place for RubyVM home Directory, there is a browse button – Browse it and select the Ruby folder path. Like C:\InstantRails\ruby. iv. Under RubyVM system Library many files are added, push okay. v. In the Installed Interpreter part again you will now see the Ruby path and a checkbox, Select the checkbox.


Double click InstantRails.exe (Apache & MYSQL start automatically) (Remember to Disable IIS from the Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services – select IISAdmin and stop it (Right click option)).


phpMyAdmin (Click on it)

8. CREATE DEVELOPMENT & TEST DATABASES In phpMyAdmin -- Create new database : Database name -- Click Create.

9. Also from ‘InstantRails/help/index.html’ (very important …..some points of installation are repeated) ------

Install & Verify

Follow these steps to install Instant Rails and verify that it is working properly:

• Download and unzip the Instant Rails zip file.

• Make sure the installation path does not contain any space characters, and then start InstantRails.exe.

• Instant Rails will detect that it is being started from a new directory and ask if you want to have it update the paths in the all of the configuration files... Just say yes.

• The cookbook app is already configured to use on port 3001, and Typo is already configured to run on port 3003, but we must tell Windows to fake the domain names that are preconfigured in the Apache configuration file:

o Click on the I button (or press and release the Alt key twice) to drop down the main menu and select Configure > Windows Hosts file.

o In the editor that pops up, add these two lines to the end of the file: typo

o Save the changes to the file (you must have Administrator privileges to do this), the filename is 'hosts' with no extension. Exit the editor.

• In the main menu, select Rails Applications > Manage Rails Applications...

• Check the checkbox next to the cookbook application.

• Click on the Start with Mongrel button. A console window will appear. This contains the cookbook web app beinf served by the Mongrel server..

• Wait a few seconds to make sure the cookbook web app is fully initialized, open your browser and go to:


You should now be using a running Rails application! If not, perhaps you have an already-running Apache instance. Shut this down, and InstantRails should magically work. Poke around in the menus of Instant Rails to see what's there. Running Typo

• In the main menu, select Rails Applications > Manage Rails Applications...

• Check the checkbox next to the typo application.

• Click on the Start with Mongrel button. A console window will appear. This contains the typo web app running through Monrel.

• Wait a few seconds to make sure the Typo is fully initialized. Open your browser and go to:


You should be taken through a series of admin setup screens.


10.But before that follow the chapter 2,3 of the for dummies for some help on creating the Project [some procedures may differ as we are using the latest version of RadRails and InstantRails… so use you common sense on that part… as we have done till now to Install, modifying from older documents ;) ]

11.Links and Sources for help


b. Ruby On rails for Dummies chapter 2, 3.

c. InstantRails/Help/Index.html

d. For any help feel free to contact me ;)