
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2018 No. 180 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was for 1 minute and to revise and extend Robert Mueller. The President’s recent called to order by the Speaker. her remarks.) decision to fire Attorney General Jeff f Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I Sessions is just the most recent exam- am honored to commemorate the 60th ple. PRAYER anniversary of one of our top edu- The President’s effort to put the The Deputy Parliamentarian, Jason cational institutions in south Florida: Mueller investigation under the super- Smith, offered the following prayer: Christopher Columbus High School. vision of an acting attorney general, God, we thank You for this day and Since its inception in 1958, Chris- Matthew Whitaker, with his long and for all the Members of the House that topher Columbus has graduated bright vocal history of bias against this very are here, both new and current Mem- and talented young men who have investigation, is simply unacceptable. bers-elect. We pray that they will all made lasting contributions to our com- The Mueller team must be allowed to be wise in all of their duties on this munity and our country. Through supe- finish its work without interference. day and for the rest of the Congress rior academics, dedicated staff, and a This is more than just knowing what and the new Congress. strong commitment to its students, it happened in 2016. It is imperative that Amen. is no surprise that Christopher Colum- we learn from the past to protect our bus has been awarded numerous acco- Nation from future threats. f lades, such as ranking in the top 50 I urge the acting attorney general to THE JOURNAL Catholic schools in the Nation. do the right thing: recuse himself and As you might expect, an institution return supervision of the investigation The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- with a reputation like this one is fortu- to Deputy Attorney General Rod ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- nate to have some world-class alumni. Rosenstein. ceedings and announces to the House Christopher Columbus graduates in- I ask my colleagues in Congress to his approval thereof. clude: Mayor Carlos Gimenez of Miami- exercise our responsibility in uphold- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Dade County; members of the Florida ing the rule of law and pass legislation nal stands approved. Supreme Court and State legislature; that would protect the special counsel f and even Pedro Jose Greer, a recipient from a politically motivated firing. I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. await the findings of the special coun- Mr. Speaker, it is institutions like sel and will follow the facts wherever The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- Christopher Columbus High School they lead. woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- that define the pinnacle of education f LEHTINEN) come forward and lead the for young men in our country, and I REMEMBERING OUR VETERANS House in the Pledge of Allegiance. congratulate the school for this fan- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN led the Pledge tastic milestone. I thank Christopher (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina of Allegiance as follows: Columbus for all that it has done for asked and was given permission to ad- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the our beloved south Florida community, dress the House for 1 minute and to re- United States of America, and to the Repub- and here is to the next 60 years. vise and extend his remarks.) lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Go Explorers. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. f Speaker, this weekend, the world rec- f ognized the 100th anniversary of the ATTORNEY GENERAL SESSIONS end of World War I, which ended on the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER FIRING 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- (Mr. SCHNEIDER asked and was month in 1918. tain up to 15 requests for 1-minute given permission to address the House As a 31-year veteran, son of a Flying speeches on each side of the aisle. for 1 minute and to revise and extend Tiger, and father of four sons who have f his remarks.) served in the military overseas, I have Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, time a personal appreciation for service- COMMEMORATING THE 60TH ANNI- and time again, President Trump has members and families. South Carolina VERSARY OF CHRISTOPHER CO- sought to undermine the independence has a long history of patriotic military LUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL of the Justice Department and its in- service, including in World War I. Our (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was vestigation into the Russian election State is grateful that eight South given permission to address the House interference led by Special Counsel Carolinians received the Congressional

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO7.000 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 Medal of Honor, which was bestowed search of a forever home. Unfortu- quickly became a major in the Na- upon only 78 veterans for the Nation nately, there are so many children in tional Guard. He served in Afghanistan during the war. the foster care system who are still and twice in Iraq before returning to I appreciate representing Fort Jack- waiting to find a permanent home. Afghanistan for what would become his son, which was created in 1917 as the In 2017, more than 442,000 children fourth and final tour. United States entered the Great War. and teenage youth were in U.S. foster On November 3, Major Taylor was Each time I meet our soldiers, I am so care. More than 59,000 of these children tragically killed in an insider attack impressed by their professionalism of were adopted through the system, and by one of those he was trying to help. the troops and their leadership. we must always strive to help more As our communities, State, and Na- Let us never forget the sacrifices to children find a home. tion mourn this tragic loss, his dear preserve America while liberating oc- All children deserve a permanent wife, Jennie, reminded us why so many cupied allies. Freedom is not free. family that can provide them with choose to serve this great country. In I thank VA representatives Lee love, support, and encouragement so her words: Becker and Brendon Gehrke for the they can reach their full potential in The price of freedom surely feels incredibly commemorative pin. life. high to all those of us who know and love our In conclusion, God bless our troops, Mr. Speaker, during National Adop- individual soldier. But the value of freedom and we will never forget September the tion Month, we recognize the uncondi- is immeasurable to all who know and love 11th in the global war on terrorism. tional love and support adoptive par- America, and all that she represents. f ents provide to their children, and we Let us never forget those who have hope that all children will soon be wel- given their lives, their families, and YEMEN RULE comed into a loving family because their futures for our precious freedoms. (Ms. GABBARD asked and was given they deserve no less. May God bless the Taylor family and permission to address the House for 1 f others who grieve, and may God bless minute.) America. DEMOCRATS ARE COMMITTED TO Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, last WORK FOR AMERICAN FAMILIES f night, House Republicans on the Rules ON DAY ONE Committee voted to undermine our de- HONORING VETERANS DAY mocracy by blocking the American (Mr. KILDEE asked and was given (Mr. MARSHALL asked and was people and Members of Congress from permission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House having a debate and the ability to vote minute.) for 1 minute.) on a bill that would end U.S. support Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, earlier Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, every for Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war in this month, Michiganders went to the time I go home, the people of Kansas Yemen: a war that has created the polls and elected a new Democratic never cease to inspire me. This Vet- world’s worst humanitarian disaster in majority. erans Day, it was my hometown of Because of this, I have the privilege generations, leaving 22 million people Great Bend and my home county of of welcoming four new Michigan Demo- in dire need of , tens Barton County who inspired me. cratic Members of Congress, folks who of thousands of civilians killed, and On Veterans Day, not only did we are committed to passing meaningful many more vulnerable to mass starva- commemorate the 100th anniversary of policies that will help everyday Ameri- tion, famine, and cholera outbreaks. the armistice ending World War I, but Don’t be fooled. If Congress and this cans. This means reducing the cost of we also dedicated a new veterans me- administration truly were concerned healthcare. Prescription drug prices morial and veterans cemetery. I was so about the plight of the Yemeni people are too high. No one should have to proud to be part of this dedication and peace, all U.S. support for Saudi choose between filling a prescription ceremony and join the 300 Kansans who Arabia’s atrocities would end now. and feeding their family. braved snow and sleet in freezing cold These new Members are ready to Instead, last night, on the Rules to honor our veterans. work to protect Social Security and Committee, Republicans voted to shut Mr. Speaker, I am honored to be part Medicare from cuts that Republicans down debate to prevent a vote that of such a community which holds vet- have been proposing. We are pleased would end U.S. support for Saudi Ara- erans in such high esteem. that we are going to be able to have bia in Yemen. these new allies in this fight. f Later today, Congress has the oppor- My own hometown of Flint knows RECESS tunity to do the right thing. We are firsthand the price of failing to invest The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. faced with a choice. in infrastructure. It is important that I urge my colleagues to vote no on SIMPSON). Pursuant to clause 12(a) of this Democratic majority advance a rule I, the Chair declares the House in House Resolution 1142 so that Congress broad and meaningful infrastructure can fulfill our constitutional role, de- recess subject to the call of the Chair. bill to fix our broken roads and bridges, Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 12 bate, and vote on this critical issue. It and to repair our damaged water sys- is long overdue that we end U.S. com- minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- tems. cess. plicity in Saudi Arabia’s atrocities. We It is past time that we took on these must end all U.S. support for Saudi issues. I am anxious to welcome these f Arabia’s genocidal war in Yemen now. new Members of Congress who are com- b 1546 f mitted to moving this bold agenda for- AFTER RECESS ward. RECOGNIZING NATIONAL The recess having expired, the House f ADOPTION MONTH was called to order by the Speaker pro (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania TRIBUTE TO MAJOR BRENT tempore (Mr. YODER) at 3 o’clock and asked and was given permission to ad- TAYLOR 46 minutes p.m. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- (Mr. CURTIS asked and was given f vise and extend his remarks.) permission to address the House for 1 Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION minute.) OF H.R. 6784, MANAGE OUR Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, as we rec- WOLVES ACT, AND PROVIDING November as National Adoption ognize Veterans Day this week, I would FOR PROCEEDINGS DURING THE Month. like to pay tribute to the life and sac- PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER 19, During this month, we celebrate and rifice of Major Brent Taylor. reflect on the life-changing act of adop- Major Taylor and I had the great 2018, THROUGH NOVEMBER 26, 2018 tion. Many parents and families across privilege of serving together as mayors Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, by di- America open up their homes, and of each of our hometowns in Utah. rection of the Committee on Rules, I their hearts, to children in search of a Brent first enlisted after the ter- call up House Resolution 1142 and ask stable support system; to children in rorist attacks on September 11 and for its immediate consideration.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.002 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9515 The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Interior and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife For years now, Washington’s Depart- lows: Service published in the Federal Reg- ment of Fish and Wildlife has asked the H. RES. 1142 ister a proposed rule that would have Federal Government to delist the gray Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- removed the gray wolf from the List of wolf and provide relief from the bur- lution it shall be in order to consider in the Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. densome, broken process dictating spe- House the bill (H.R. 6784) to provide for re- This determination was made after cies management. I have received let- moval of the gray wolf in the contiguous 48 Fish and Wildlife evaluated the classi- ters from the director of the Wash- States from the List of Endangered and fication status of gray wolves cur- ington State Department of Fish and Threatened Wildlife published under the En- dangered Species Act of 1973. All points of rently listed in the contiguous United Wildlife, one in 2015 and one earlier order against consideration of the bill are States under the Endangered Species this year. In them, the letters read: waived. The bill shall be considered as read. Act of 1973 and found the ‘‘best avail- ‘‘Dear Congressman NEWHOUSE, The All points of order against provisions in the able scientific and commercial infor- Washington Department of Fish and bill are waived. The previous question shall mation indicates that the currently Wildlife appreciates your continued as- be considered as ordered on the bill and on listed entity is not a valid species sistance to encourage the U.S. Fish and any amendment thereto to final passage under the act.’’ Wildlife Service to complete the without intervening motion except: (1) one Mr. Speaker, the purpose of the En- delisting of the gray wolf and remove it hour of debate equally divided and controlled dangered Species Act is to recover spe- by the chair and ranking minority member from Federal protection under the En- of the Committee on Natural Resources; and cies to the point where they are no dangered Species List.’’ (2) one motion to recommit. longer considered endangered or It continues: ‘‘In 2008, the first wolf SEC. 2. On any legislative day during the threatened. The gray wolf is currently pack was documented in Washington period from November 19, 2018, through No- found in nearly 50 countries around the State. Today, we have 22 known packs. vember 26, 2018— world and has been placed in the classi- During this time, the State’s wolf pop- (a) the Journal of the proceedings of the fication of least concern for risk of ex- ulation has increased by an average of previous day shall be considered as approved; tinction by the Species Survival Com- more than 30 percent per year. . . . As and (b) the Chair may at any time declare the mission of the International Union for demonstrated with the current rate of House adjourned to meet at a date and time, Conservation of Nature. recovery, the Department is well suited within the limits of clause 4, section 5, arti- Some of my colleagues have asked, to facilitate the recovery and manage- cle I of the Constitution, to be announced by well, if Fish and Wildlife has proposed ment of wolves across the State. . . . the Chair in declaring the adjournment. to delist the species, why haven’t they Under the current Federal designation SEC. 3. The Speaker may appoint Members done so? and management, we cannot fully im- to perform the duties of the Chair for the du- That is a completely fair and reason- plement our plan in the western two- ration of the period addressed by section 2 of able question. Unfortunately, it is due thirds of the State. To ensure ongoing this resolution as though under clause 8(a) of to the fringe environmentalist efforts rule I. success in wolf recovery, the Federal SEC. 4. The provisions of section 7 of the that any action from moving forward listing needs to keep pace with the on- War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1546) shall under the law has been stalled. So long the-ground recovery status and allow not apply to House Concurrent Resolution as the courts are abused to prevent the the State to fully implement its man- 138. proper adjudication of the law, we will agement plan. Therefore, I support The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- not see progress made. your efforts to advance the delisting of tleman from Washington is recognized It is because of this exploitation of wolves and return management to the for 1 hour. the law that communities like those in State.’’ Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, for central Washington suffer the con- Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD the purpose of debate only, I yield the sequences. the two letters I referenced. customary 30 minutes to the gen- Mr. Speaker, in my home State, the DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE, tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. great State of Washington, the gray Olympia, WA, April 27, 2015. MCGOVERN), pending which I yield my- wolf is not listed in just the eastern Hon. DAN NEWHOUSE, self such time as I may consume. Dur- third of the State, forcing the U.S. House of Representatives, ing consideration of this resolution, all Fish and Wildlife and the Washington Washington, DC. time yielded is for the purpose of de- Department of Fish and Wildlife to rely DEAR CONGRESSMAN NEWHOUSE: The Wash- bate only. on an arbitrary political boundary ington Department of Fish and Wildlife (De- partment) would appreciate your assistance GENERAL LEAVE when delineating and managing a spe- to encourage the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I ask cies. ice (USFWS) to complete the delisting of the unanimous consent that all Members I am sorry to share with you, Mr. gray wolf (Canis lupus) and remove it from have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- Speaker, that as it turns out, surpris- federal protections under the Endangered tend their remarks. ingly, wolves don’t know boundaries or Species Act (ESA). As you may know, gray The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there borders. wolves in the western two-thirds of Wash- objection to the request of the gen- The arbitrary nature of this current ington State remain federally classified as ‘‘endangered’’ and are under federal manage- tleman from Washington? status of the law is broken, and it is impairing the ability of Fish and Wild- ment. There was no objection. The original delisting proposal was pub- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, on life managers on the ground to prop- lished on June 13, 2013, and then on March 27, Tuesday, the Rules Committee met and erly manage the species, as well as the 2014, the USFWS closed the second round of reported a rule, House Resolution 1142, ecosystem, including the harm it poses public comments. The Department sub- providing for further consideration of on other indigenous species. mitted letters of support for delisting in De- H.R. 6784, the Manage our Wolves Act. Mr. Speaker, this is why Congress, as cember 2013 and March 2014. While we have The rule provides for consideration of a coequal branch, must act. This legis- been working closely with the USFWS at the the legislation under a closed rule. lation directs the U.S. Department of state, regional and headquarter levels to en- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to have the Interior to follow through with the sure we are meeting our shared conservation and recovery objectives, we are concerned cointroduced the underlying legisla- proposed rule and delist the gray wolf with the lack of progress on federal tion considered in this rule today, H.R. from the list of endangered species. delisting. 6784, the Manage our Wolves Act, to re- We have a responsibility to protect Washington has a strong Wolf Conserva- turn management of the gray wolf spe- the incredibly diverse species both in tion and Management Plan that has received cies to the States. The States are best Washington State and across this coun- broad support, and we are committed to equipped to provide more effective and try. These efforts to protect our wild- maintaining a viable wolf population in accountable management that re- life species must be based on sound Washington. The Department is well posi- sponds to the needs of the ecosystem, science and an open, transparent proc- tioned to facilitate the recovery and man- agement of wolves across the state. other species, as well as local commu- ess. Unfortunately, that is far from the Protection under Washington State Laws— nities. case when it comes to the process dic- The Department has state-specific authority On June 13, 2013, under the Obama ad- tating endangered species policies, par- (RCW 77.12.020 and 77.15.120) to designate and ministration, the Department of the ticularly in this case of the gray wolf. protect species at risk of extinction and has

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.005 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 classified wolves as endangered since 1980, an protect species at risk of extinction and has Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, we are action akin to federal protection granted classified wolves as endangered since 1980, an here today considering our first rule under ESA). Wolves will remain protected action akin to federal protection granted following a long district work period. until their population reaches the levels es- under ESA. Wolves will remain protected During that time, we had a big na- tablished in the state recovery plan. until their population reaches the levels es- The Department is equipped for wolf con- tablished in the state recovery plan. tional debate about the direction of our servation and management—In 2013, the The Department is equipped for wolf con- country. According to exit polling, the Washington State Legislature acted to pro- servation and management—Since 2013, the top issue for voters was healthcare and, vide $1.6 million per biennium for wolf man- Washington State Legislature has provided in particular, protecting coverage from agement from a permanent increase in the approximately $1.5 million per biennium for preexisting conditions. cost of personalized license plates. Since wolf management from a permanent increase But that is not what the bill before then, the Department has hired two perma- in the cost of personalized license plates. The us addresses. Nor does it involve immi- nent wolf biologists and has deployed 11 con- Department uses that funding, in addition flict specialists across the state to address with other sources, to support 23 positions gration, another top issue for voters, or wildlife conflict issues. deployed across the state that address wolf strengthening the economy or com- Wolves are recovering in Washington conflict as well as other wildlife conflict bating gun violence. All of these are State—In 2008, the first wolf pack was docu- issues. what our constituents just said was im- mented in Washington State. Today we have Wolves are recovering in Washington portant to them. 16 known packs. During this time our wolf State—In 2008, the first wolf pack was docu- But instead of doing anything on any population has increased by an average of mented in Washington State. Today we have of that, we are here today considering more than 30 percent per year. At current 22 known packs. During this time, the state’s rates, we expect to meet our recovery objects wolf population has increased by an average a bill to undermine endangered species within six years. We want to have consistent of more than 30 percent per year. We want to protections. Are you kidding me? management of wolves across the state of have consistent management of wolves And get this: Also, last night in the Washington. For us, successful wolf recovery across the state of Washington. For us, suc- Rules Committee, the majority placed means that we have a sustainable wolf popu- cessful wolf recovery means that we have a a provision in the rule that would re- lation distributed throughout the state, the sustainable wolf population distributed move the privileged status of Rep- public accepts the presence of wolves on the throughout the state, the public accepts the resentative KHANNA’s War Powers Res- landscape, and Washington citizens are con- presence of wolves on the landscape, and olution, H. Con. Res. 138. This resolu- fident in the Department’s wolf manage- Washington citizens are confident in the De- ment. partment’s wolf management. tion states that Congress never author- The Washington wolf management plan es- The Washington wolf management plan es- ized the United States’ support of tablishes strong expectations that livestock tablishes strong expectations that livestock Saudi-led forces in Yemen and would operators will use preventive strategies to operators will use preventive strategies to direct the President of the United avoid wolf-livestock conflict. But sometimes avoid wolf-livestock conflict. But sometimes States to end his support. we may need to remove wolves that become we may need to remove wolves that become This measure is a privileged resolu- habituated to livestock as a food source. habituated to livestock as a food source. tion under the terms of the War Powers Under the current federal designation and Under the current federal designation and management, we cannot implement our plan management, we cannot fully implement our Resolution, which provides that resolu- in the western two-thirds of the state. There- plan in the western two-thirds of the state tions concerning the involvement of fore, I ask you for any help you can provide and the only means available for the USFWS the U.S. military in armed conflict to advance the federal proposal to delist to address wolf-livestock conflicts in the ge- have a direct path to the floor to be de- wolves. ographic area under the federal endangered bated and to be voted on. Thank you for considering this request. designation is for the USFWS to attempt to The rules provide this privileged sta- The Department is available to assist you relocate livestock-killing wolves. with any information you may need. tus because such questions are among To ensure ongoing success in wolf recov- the most important that the people’s Sincerely, ery, the federal listing needs to keep pace JAMES UNSWORTH, Ph.D., with the on-the ground recovery status and House can debate. Such privileged reso- Director. allow the state to fully implement its man- lutions or a negotiated substitute have agement plan. Therefore, I support your ef- come before the House under Repub- DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE, forts to advance the delisting of wolves and lican and Democratic majorities. Olympia, WA, May 15, 2018. return management to the state. Yet, with this rule before us today, Hon. DAN NEWHOUSE, Thank you for considering this request. House of Representatives, Republicans have taken the unprece- The Department is available to assist you dented step of striking this privilege, Washington, DC. with any information you may need. DEAR CONGRESSMAN NEWHOUSE: The Wash- Sincerely, preventing us from doing our constitu- ington Department of Fish and Wildlife (De- JOE STOHR, tional duty and foreclosing the only partment) appreciates your continued assist- Director. available mechanism to compel an up ance to encourage the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Mr. NEWHOUSE. So, Mr. Speaker, to or down vote in Congress regarding our Service (USFWS) to complete the delisting military involvement in the Yemen of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) and remove it close, I would just like to say that, as from federal protection under the Endan- a farmer and a lifelong resident of cen- war. gered Species Act (ESA). As you may know, tral Washington State, I consider my- As of this morning, this bill, intro- gray wolves in the western two-thirds of self a conservationist and a steward of duced by Congressman KHANNA, has Washington State are currently classified as our rich natural heritage, and that in- over 80 bipartisan cosponsors, includ- ‘‘endangered’’ and are under federal manage- cludes our incredible wildlife. ing Democratic Whip HOYER and Rank- ment. State governments are fully qualified ing Members SMITH, LOWEY, ENGEL, The USFWS published the original and myself. delisting proposal on June 13, 2013, and then to responsibly manage gray wolf popu- on March 27, 2014, the USFWS closed the sec- lations and are better able to meet the The U.S.-Saudi military campaign in ond round of public comments. The Depart- needs of local communities, ranchers, Yemen has triggered the world’s worst ment submitted letters of support for livestock, wildlife populations, and humanitarian crisis, prompting the delisting in December 2013 and March 2014. ecosystems. late Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi To date, the USFWS has not released a deci- Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col- to call for an end to the war. Published sion notice on the federal status of gray leagues to support the rule and the un- just weeks before his murder, wolves and we remain concerned with the Khashoggi’s Washington Post column lack of progress towards federal delisting. derlying legislation. Washington has a strong Wolf Conserva- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of was headlined, ‘‘Saudi Arabia’s crown tion and Management Plan that has received my time. prince must restore dignity to his broad support, and we are committed to Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield country by ending Yemen’s cruel war.’’ maintaining a viable wolf population in myself such time as I may consume, It is unconscionable for Republican Washington. As demonstrated with the cur- and I thank the gentleman from Wash- leadership to take this unprecedented rent rate of recovery, the Department is well ington (Mr. NEWHOUSE) for yielding me action to strip Members of their right suited to facilitate the recovery and manage- to bring such measures to the floor for ment of wolves across the state. the customary 30 minutes. Protection under Washington State Laws— (Mr. MCGOVERN asked and was debate. The Department has state-specific authority given permission to revise and extend Mr. Speaker, what is the majority (RCW 77.12.020 and 77.15.120) to designate and his remarks.) afraid of? We should be debating this.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO7.003 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9517 Instead, the Republican majority con- say, as a representative of central wolves in Wallowa County, ripped tinues to turn a deaf ear to this and Washington who represents commu- apart. many other issues. nities that deal with wolf populations This rancher went on to write, ‘‘the We are 11 days away from our govern- on a daily basis, I don’t think it is fair rush of emotions one feels when you ment running out of funding. Five ap- or proper, even, for my good friend to see an animal you have nurtured cry- propriations bills have been signed into minimize or diminish the importance ing for help, panic in their eyes, law so far. They have funded 75 percent of the issue that we have in front of us searching for escape,’’ she said no one of the government, but there is more today. So with all due respect, the im- wants to see that and described it as work that we need to do. portance of managing wolves in our watching your worst horror movie in We should be continuing that mo- country deserves just as much atten- slow motion. mentum and getting the job done, tion as many of the other issues that Now, the ranchers have done a lot in keeping the lights on, not wasting time my good friend from Massachusetts ref- this effort. They have watched as at- considering a bill to attack an endan- erenced. tacks continue, though, despite their gered species. Also, as relates to the Khanna resolu- efforts to implement largely ineffec- Or how about reauthorizing the Na- tion, just as you said, in just a few tive, nonlethal control techniques they tional Flood Insurance Program that short weeks, your party will assume were asked to do. Meanwhile, the issue expires at the end of this month or put- the majority. You will have the oppor- at the heart of this matter is that ting a comprehensive reauthorization tunity to hold the hearings and the there are arbitrary lines on a map that of the Act on markups and to take the votes of the created a jurisdictional mess in my the House floor that is set to expire De- all-important regular order that you State of Oregon where wolves in east- cember 7, not to mention the need to continually talk about. I am looking ern Oregon are managed by the State, reauthorize the farm bill that expired forward to that. But forcing this type and right across this highway they are back on October 1. of vote on Members in the remainder of managed by the Federal Government. Today’s legislation that we will con- b 1600 this Congress, in my view, is unneces- sary at this time. sider fixes that by ensuring that all Our country’s farmers are depending Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to the wolves in Oregon are removed from the upon this Congress to put into place a gentleman from Oregon (Mr. WALDEN), Federal endangered species list. This new bill that provides them with cer- my good friend, the chairman of the would then return the management to tainty, especially in light of the trade Energy and Commerce Committee. the State and allow wolves, like other war that President Trump has started; Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I thank wildlife, to be managed under collabo- yet the majority has, instead, my colleague from Washington State ratively developed Oregon law. prioritized a bill that completely ig- for bringing this rule to the floor and There are still challenges with State nores all the important issues that we addressing this issue. It is literally one management; there is no doubt about face in this country. of great importance in my district and that. We have seen times when the Or- The American people have clearly in the West. egon Fish and Wildlife Service has been had enough. They demanded a new di- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support slow to take action and implement the rection and a new Congress that actu- of the underlying bill, the Manage our hard-fought agreements in the wolf ally addresses what they care most Wolves Act, because we need to clarify plan to help prevent predation and con- about, and they demanded an end to the management of wolves in Oregon trol the wolf packs. this closed process. This rule marks and put us on a path to follow the lo- The State needs to step up and up- the 102nd closed rule of this Congress. cally State-written Oregon wolf plan. hold these agreements, but those are Now, let me repeat that: the 102nd For years, Mr. Speaker, ranchers issues we can work out as Oregonians. closed rule. Mr. Speaker, that is a stag- across my district have watched as The last thing we need, however, is the gering number. wolf packs have grown. They harass Federal Government trying to micro- Now, I am not suggesting that every cattle herds and they kill livestock and manage wolves from thousands of miles rule needs to be an open one or that they are brutal. away. there is never a time for a closed rule, When you lose a heifer, you don’t This legislation that, hopefully, we but there is never a time for more than just lose one cow. You have lost 10 are able to bring up because of this rule 100 closed rules. There is no justifica- years’ worth of calves that will never will get the Federal Government out of tion for that at all. be born and that will never be able to the way, will simplify the jurisdiction, Since the election, I heard my friends be sold. Those that aren’t killed are and will place all wolves in Oregon on the other side of the aisle express a harassed, often losing weight and under the State management plan. hope that the next Congress is a more value. They are chased all over by the Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge my col- accommodating one. That is ironic wolf packs. leagues to join me in supporting the since the Republicans have voted in The cattle and sheep these ranchers rule and the underlying legislation. lockstep for one closed rule after an- raise are their livelihoods. Every day— Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield other, after another, after another. sun, rain, or snow—they raise and care myself such time as I may consume. But to them, I ask: Why wait? A for these animals. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Democratic majority will certainly be When a first-time mom is struggling Washington State, my good friend, Mr. better than the current one. But Re- to feed a new calf, the rancher nurtures NEWHOUSE, seemed to imply that it publicans don’t have to wait until Jan- them, sometimes even literally bring- would be an inconvenience for us to uary. They could demand a more open ing them into their own home next to have the House consider a measure on process here today by voting against the wood stove to warm them up and Yemen, and I am a little bit puzzled by this closed rule. keep the calf alive in the winter. That that. The reason why Representative This is your chance to prove that care makes it all the harder to come KHANNA took the step is because, for your newfound calls for openness are upon a calf that has been torn apart by months, while this terrible carnage has above more than politics. Vote against wolves. unfolded in Yemen, this House has this record-breaking closed rule. If you are of young age, or whatever, done nothing. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of I would just give you a fair warning We just learned that the Saudi Gov- my time. that this is a graphic picture of what ernment was directly involved in the Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield happens when a wolf gets ahold of a killing of a Washington Post journalist myself such time as I may consume. calf. and, again, nothing—nothing at all. Mr. Speaker, just a couple of points A rancher wrote me earlier this year The Republicans took the unprece- in response to my good friend from the that three of her calves were attacked, dented step of basically derailing this State of Massachusetts. Certainly, and she described them as ‘‘wild-eyed privileged resolution. It is unprece- there are a lot of important issues in with terror after being mutilated by dented. front of us and things that we should wolves . . .’’—just like this one you see Over 100,000 Yemeni children have al- and will be addressing. But I have to here from a calf that was killed by ready perished because of war-triggered

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.007 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9518 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 hunger and disease over the past 2 Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield filed lawsuits to stop the process. Mon- years. Why is the Republican leader- an additional 1 minute to the gen- tana has been fortunate. Through Fed- ship stripping us of the right to debate? tleman from Wisconsin. eral legislation, the wolf has been According to the U.N., 14 million peo- Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, by re- delisted in Montana since 2011. Even ple in Yemen—half the population— asserting Congress’ authority over war, without ESA protection, the species face an imminent and catastrophic we can end active U.S. participation in has continued to recover to a point famine not seen in 100 years if this war a Saudi-led conflict in which the nearing overpopulation. is not ended. Saudis are imposing a blockade to lit- While the focus of this legislation is Why is the Republican leadership erally starve millions of Yemenis to wolves, a similar issue is playing out in stripping our right to debate? I don’t death. If the U.S. ends its involvement, Montana over the grizzly bear in the understand what they are afraid of. It Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Just is not like they have a lot to do. We are will be forced to the negotiating table last year, the grizzly bear was delisted going to be talking about gray wolves to end his brutal bombing campaign there. I celebrate the recovery of the today, and we are not voting on this and blockade on food. species, but it had recovered more than until Friday. They have nothing going Even the Senate isn’t afraid to take a decade ago, according to scientists on. Certainly, we should have time to this up. In March, under Leader MITCH who have spent their lives studying the debate this important humanitarian MCCONNELL, the Senate debated and grizzly. issue. voted on the unconstitutional war in b 1615 Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the Yemen: 44 Senators voted for the meas- gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. ure. A bipartisan group led that. Using sound science and reliable POCAN). Unfortunately, rather than upholding data, they found the ecosystem reached Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank our founding values, the leadership in maximum carrying capacity of the Ranking Member MCGOVERN and Rep- this House has chosen to quietly insert grizzly bear 16 years ago, but serial resentative KHANNA for all they have a measure to block the House from de- litigants have repeatedly thwarted the done to help lead the efforts to end the bating the war. delisting efforts of the U.S. Fish and United States’ unauthorized war in Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Wildlife Service. Yemen. reject this cynical tactic. Whether you The unnecessary delay in delisting Congress’ sole responsibility over of- agree or not about ending the illegal species has created unnecessary stress fensive use of force is outlined in Arti- U.S.-Saudi war, vote against this rule on the bears and impacted our commu- cle I, Section 8 of the Constitution: so you can allow us to do our jobs and nities. The overpopulation of the griz- ‘‘Congress shall have power to . . . de- vote to do what we swore to uphold: zly pushes them into our communities clare war.’’ James Madison argued that our sole authority to debate and vote and increases the opportunities for at- this power ‘‘is fully and exclusively on war. tacks. vested in the legislature.’’ Yet, today, Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield We must address the flaws in the En- House Republicans are attempting to myself such time as I may consume. dangered Species Act to ensure species avoid their responsibilities by sneaking Mr. Speaker, nobody is afraid to de- are delisted when they have recovered, unrelated language into this rule which bate anything here on the House floor. and to prevent the law from being used will prohibit consideration of a War The fact is, though, that the U.S. is no as a bludgeoning tool for special inter- Powers Resolution pertaining to the longer providing the very support that est groups to block critical projects. U.S.-Saudi war in Yemen. the Khanna resolution seeks to cut off, Mr. Speaker, I support H.R. 6784 and To be clear, they took a bill about re- making this action unnecessary. the rule that we are considering, the moving gray wolves from the endan- It is based on a factually faulty Manage Our Wolves Act, and I urge gered species list in North America and premise: We are not involved in hos- passage of the bill. included a provision prohibiting even tilities in Yemen, so the War Powers Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield just the discussion of war in Yemen. Act should not apply. As a result, even myself such time as I may consume. Now, there are rare Arabian wolves if this resolution passed both Cham- Mr. Speaker, when my Republican native to Yemen—about 1,000 to 2,000— bers, DOD would not need to alter any friends want to dedicate the next 3 roaming in the Middle East. Canis of its activities. days to talking about gray wolves, peo- lupus arabs is a subspecies of gray wolf. Like I said, again, in a few short ple are being murdered every single But this is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. weeks, the Democrats will assume the hour in Yemen. The Saudi-led effort This is the deprivileging of H. Con. Res. majority. They will be able to hold all even bombed a school bus filled with 138, which is just another abdication of the hearings and markups and votes innocent children. So it seems to me our responsibilities as Members of Con- that they want on this matter, as it that there could be no more important gress. should be. Forcing this type of vote time for debate in the House on ending We are literally elected to make deci- now, in the remainder of this Congress, U.S. military support for this war. sions about war and peace, and we are in my humble opinion, is simply unnec- I just don’t know what the Repub- failing to do the most basic function of essary. lican majority is afraid of. Privileged our job: to uphold the Constitution. We Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the resolutions—I want my colleagues to should at least have the courage to gentleman from Montana (Mr. understand this—by Members of this make the decisions about war and GIANFORTE), my good friend. House, have always been allowed to be about conflicts in which we are entan- Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I debated on this House floor, under Re- gling our constituents who serve in the thank the gentleman for the time. publican and Democrat majorities military. Mr. Speaker, like many Montanans, I alike until now; until today. I don’t Today, as Mr. MCGOVERN said, Yemen have a deep respect for our environ- know what the Republican majority is is the worst humanitarian crisis on the ment. I support protecting our rich and afraid of. planet, with the U.N. saying that 14 diverse wildlife and believe we can sup- Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the million people—half the population of port multiple uses of land while con- gentleman from Texas (Mr. DOGGETT). Yemen—are either experiencing full- serving species. Unfortunately, we have Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, in this blown famine at the risk of death by seen environmental groups use misin- rule, the wolves bare their fangs—not starvation as soon as the end of the formation and litigation to keep spe- American wolves, but Saudis, who are year. cies listed that have already recovered. willing to sever heads, dismember op- Since 2015, U.S. forces have been In 2013, the Obama administration’s ponents, and bomb the innocent. backing the Saudi war by assisting in Fish and Wildlife Service evaluated the This rule is truly a wolf in wolf’s targeting, logistical support, and re- gray wolf populations across the clothing. By blocking a vote on wheth- fueling deadly Saudi airstrikes in a war United States. It found that the species er America should continue to aid and that has nothing to do with fighting al- no longer warranted protection under abet Saudi atrocities, this Congress Qaida. the Endangered Species Act. would remain an obedient lapdog to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Rather than celebrating the recov- President Trump’s impulses, and not time of the gentleman has expired. ery, serial litigants and extremists the watchdog for American values.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.009 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9519 The Saudi ruthless war in Yemen has sion to do anything about it means Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield created what so many have described that tonight and every day going for- 2 minutes to the gentleman from Con- as the largest humanitarian disaster on ward to January 3, more children will necticut (Mr. COURTNEY). our planet today, and yet it continues. be starved; will be victims of cholera; Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise American support for Saudi atrocities and will be victims of bombings and today in strong opposition to this rule is truly a stain on our Nation with blockades. When this Congress has the which will pave the way for a vote on which so many of our country members power to do something about it now, a bill that will summarily delist the are not familiar. we ought to act today by rejecting this gray wolf from protections under the But without American spare parts, rule. Endangered Species Act by congres- American targeting, American weapons The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- sional fiat, in direct contradiction to and bombs, and until recently, Amer- bers are reminded to refrain from en- our Nation’s animal protection policies ican refueling, this killing could not gaging in personalities toward the that have done so much to preserve the occur. My colleague mentioned the President. diversity of animal existence over the school bus. Forty children were mur- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield last 45 years. dered in August, and sprawled across 2 minutes to the gentleman from Ari- In addition, in keeping with the sad the bomb that was next to their bus zona (Mr. GOSAR), chairman of the Con- track record of this Republican-con- were words that meant: ‘‘Made in gressional Western Caucus, the organi- trolled Congress, this is yet another America.’’ That is the message that we zation that stands for finding solutions closed rule, number 102 over the last 2 are sending there. That is where Amer- to the challenges that we face, not only years, to be exact, that will prohibit ican tax dollars are going. in the Western United States, but all consideration of any amendments. The Trump administration last week over the country to help steer debate Most egregious of all, however, this belatedly said it would stop refueling. back to the issue on the agenda that rule includes a totally non-germane That is insufficient. If we are to stop we are considering today. provision that will deny debate of a Saudi killing, we must stop all of the Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to separate resolution that will end U.S. assistance that they are receiving. urge support of H.R. 6784. Our Federal participation in the Saudi-led coali- Now, of course, there has been atten- wolf policy has gone rabid. From a pol- tion’s intervention in Yemen’s civil tion on Saudi murders of late in a dif- icy standpoint, we are foaming at the war. This separate resolution, the Khanna ferent area: about one person, about mouth. As chairman of the Congres- resolution, which I am an original co- the dismemberment of a legal Amer- sional Western Caucus, I have been try- sponsor of, will be effectively blocked ican resident who was a leading jour- ing for years now to return some sanity from congressional consideration and nalist in this city. to the way the Fish and Wildlife Serv- debate by passage of this rule, despite The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ice classifies and manages our wolf the humanitarian crisis and indiscrimi- time of the gentleman has expired. populations on Federal lands and oth- nate coalition air strikes, which Amer- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield erwise. ican forces have enabled with refuel- an additional 1 minute to the gen- Make no mistake, everyone who ing, and with logistical and technical tleman from Texas. votes for Mr. DUFFY’s bill are big sup- support over the last 3 years. Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, after porters of making sure wolf popu- This bipartisan resolution deserves taking the standing Trump approach of lations are robust, sustainable, and debate and as a coequal branch of gov- denying everything—saying he accept- healthy for the next century and more. ernment, Congress should not be shirk- ed the lies and the denials of the This bill is about fixing a Federal fail- ing its duty once again by allowing Saudis—Mr. Trump dodged again by ure. Wolf populations across the coun- U.S. military force to be used at the saying, ‘‘I am going to leave . . . it up try have made impressive gains and re- whim of the executive branch. to Congress.’’ And so what is this Con- covered quite nicely despite Federal in- Sadly, this rule is another example of gress doing about the Khashoggi atroc- volvement rather than because of it. the complete abdication by the 115th ity? Absolutely nothing. That is what I have seen this firsthand, whether it Congress of its duty to act as a check should have been in this rule, doing comes to specific habitat listing deci- on a coequal branch of government. something about the sanctions and the sions, or the rate at which the govern- This rule is another surrender by a disclosure. ment adapts and responds to new situa- weak-kneed majority on its way out Forty of us asked this past month for tions on the ground. The Federal Gov- the door to the executive branch. the administration to brief us on what ernment has been sluggish and out of To quote ‘‘The Hollow Men’’ by T.S. they knew before Mr. Khashoggi was touch when it comes to managing and Eliot, this Republican 115th Congress is murdered, and whether they warned recovering wolf populations. But the ending ‘‘. . . not with a bang but a him about that, and we have had a wolf has, nevertheless, persevered. It is whimper.’’ deafening silence in response to our re- now considered recovered by all rel- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, it is quest on that, and on cutting off assist- evant measures and metrics evaluating my privilege to yield 3 minutes to the ance to Yemen. its status. gentleman from California (Mr. Even an audio of the gruesome mur- As a consequence, this bill makes LAMALFA), a member of the House Nat- der of Mr. Khashoggi—we don’t know necessary adjustments. It removes the ural Resources Committee. whether it included the sound of the species from the endangered list, as re- Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I thank bone saw that the Saudis apparently quired by the statute for any recovered my colleague, Mr. NEWHOUSE, for his used to dismember him—but even a species, but empowers States to man- leadership on this bill. murder will not cause some in this age their unique habitats and popu- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support leadership to stand up to President lations in accordance with their store- of this bill that includes consideration Trump and this atrocious regime. house of expertise and local knowledge. of the Manage Our Wolves Act intro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The State management plans developed duced by my colleague, the gentleman time of the gentleman has again ex- for wolf populations are the antidote to from Wisconsin (Mr. DUFFY). pired. repeat Federal blunders, both for this The legislation would remove gray Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield species and quite a few others. But for wolves from the Federal endangered an additional 30 seconds to the gen- now, we are talking about the wolf and species list and allow States like Cali- tleman from Texas. the fact that this bill will put States at fornia to more effectively manage local Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I look ease. populations. As the number of gray forward to a Congress with the courage We need to stop jerking their chain wolves continues to explode in popu- to end support for these crimes, to and hand them the reins. If we do, the lation to nearly 6,000 in the lower 48 cease American sales to the Saudis, wolf will have the best chance of con- States, yet, the species continues to be and to do something to hold Mr. tinuing to make steady gains range- classified as endangered for nearly 40 Khashoggi’s killers accountable. wide. years now. But to say, wait until a much-im- Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of H.R. It really makes no sense because the proved new Congress comes into ses- 6784. numbers, they speak for themselves.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.011 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 Even in my district in northern Cali- debate this horrific war going on in kids were not allowed food and medi- fornia, gray wolves have reemerged in Yemen. cine? 2015 after having been listed as extinct b 1630 That is not the America that I be- since 1924. Not surprisingly, the re- lieve in. It is not the America that so emergence of the gray wolf has caused It takes my breath away at the many Republican colleagues believe in. a number of problems for ranchers, lengths that this majority goes There is a reason that our Founders their livestock, as well as citizens in through to basically deny Members of gave Congress the power over war and their homes with their pets, and a deci- Congress the right to be able to talk peace, because we have to go and an- mation of the wildlife population. about important issues. swer to our constituents. Cattlemen, farmers, and local com- Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the I will tell you something. There is munities have continued to advocate gentleman from California (Mr. not a single American who wouldn’t for protections against wolves, to no KHANNA), who is the author of the priv- want the violence to end and allow food avail. There had been efforts in recent ileged resolution on Yemen. and medicine to get to those kids who years to delay or outright ban all Mr. KHANNA. Mr. Speaker, I thank are going to face death if we do noth- nighttime hunting and trapping in Congressman MCGOVERN for his moral ing. California of other predators like leadership. I plead with my Republican col- coyotes, et cetera. Adoption of such a Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposi- leagues: Please vote ‘‘no’’ on this reso- ban would have disastrous, unintended tion to this rule that will deny Mem- lution. Let’s have a debate. Let’s have consequences for rural communities bers of Congress an up-or-down vote a debate about the starvation and the across my district and, indeed, across about whether the United States killing going on there and do the right the West. should be complicit in the war in thing for our Constitution and the Any attempt to curtail or outright Yemen. world. ban people in local communities from Let’s be very clear. This is unprece- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I re- protecting themselves or their own pri- dented in American history. Never has serve the balance of my time. vate property from these predators, the Speaker of the House and the ma- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield should be opposed. That is why I wrote jority denied a Member of Congress a 3 minutes to the gentleman from a letter to the Fish and Wildlife direc- vote on matters of war and peace. This Vermont (Mr. WELCH). tor earlier this year urging the Service is basically rendering ineffectual the Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I thank to delist the gray wolf range-wide War Powers Act. the gentleman for yielding. based on overwhelming evidence sup- The War Powers Act was passed in a We know what is going on in Yemen, porting delisting, based on the Fish bipartisan fashion after Vietnam be- so none of us can escape the responsi- and Wildlife Service’s own 5-year rec- cause our Nation said never again are bility we have to either endorse or ig- ommendation for delisting. we going to make the mistake of Viet- nore the suffering that is occurring Management of gray wolf populations nam. We are going to make sure that, there. Thousands of victims in will continue to be extremely limited if a Member of Congress calls for a Yemen—hundreds of thousands—are unless the species is removed from the vote, Members of Congress have the Ar- dying of starvation. Endangered Species Act. The fact re- ticle I, Section 8 responsibility to vote It is happening, in some cases, quick- mains, States are better equipped to on matters of war and peace. What the ly. People living in their homes under responsibly manage the local wolf pop- majority is saying is that if the Presi- a bomb die instantly. In other cases, ulations to meet the needs of local dent of the United States and the the suffering is prolonged—badly in- communities, ranchers, and livestock Speaker believe we should be in war, jured and no medical help to ease the populations, as well as decimated wild- then we should be in war, and it doesn’t suffering, let alone save the life. But in life populations. matter what Members of Congress the case of most, it is prolonged We have seen gray wolf management think. through starvation. successes in States like Montana, Wyo- That is what they are doing with this Children do not have access to their ming, Michigan, and Wisconsin. It is rule. mother’s milk, do not have access to past time that we are able to add Now, they are arguing that we are the aid that is in the port but is get- States like California and others to not complicit in the hostilities of ting bombed and can’t be delivered. this list as well. We need swift passage Yemen to invoke the War Powers Act. That is happening every single day. of this bill, because the endangerment But you can read every article written The U.N. report said that, of the 28 and the damage being done to local on this in the international press or million people in Yemen, about 20 mil- ranchers with their livestock; the the national press, and it starts with a lion are in danger of humanitarian dis- endangerment to communities, people simple line: the U.S.-backed Saudi coa- aster. That is happening. There is no in their homes out for a walk, is unnec- lition efforts in bombing. dispute that it is happening. essary and it is not right. Of course we are complicit. Do you Here is the question: Right now, that We need these tools for local control think people in Yemen don’t think we is being done with the authority of the so we don’t have to unnecessarily en- are complicit? Do you think people in executive branch of the United States danger and harass rural Americans the Middle East or our allies don’t Government. It means that that suf- with regulations that are poorly think we are complicit? fering that is avoidable and hardly in- thought out and, indeed, ignoring the With due respect, Congressman evitable is being done in your name Fish and Wildlife Service’s own rec- NEWHOUSE says: Well, why not wait? and in mine. ommendation to delist this species. Why not wait a few weeks until we are Mr. KHANNA has brought forth a reso- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield in the majority? lution that allows us to have a debate myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, special envoy Griffith on this floor as to whether we will con- Let me begin by reminding my col- in every report has said that 500,000 done the continuation of that policy of leagues what the Republicans are pro- children will die in a matter of months. inflicting the loss of innocent life: posing here, it is that the next 3 days They don’t have aid. They don’t have women, children, and citizens of be dedicated to the gray wolf. We are nutrition. Yemen. This rule prohibits us from ac- not debating healthcare, we are not de- Let’s be very clear on what we are cepting responsibility as to whether we bating the economy, or jobs, or keeping doing. While we are bombing the ports will condone or condemn or oppose the government running, but it is to of Hodaida, we are not allowing food that policy. this. and aid to get to those kids. We have no justification for failing They bring it to us under a rule that When history is written, they are not to do our job. Let us debate. is completely closed, so there are no going to say that JIM MCGOVERN did This policy of Saudi Arabia of inflict- amendments to be made in order, and this or RO KHANNA did this or ing massive civilian casualty and suf- the rule is even worse because it basi- NEWHOUSE did this. They are going to fering is for what? What national inter- cally undercuts the privilege resolution say: How did the Congress not allow a est of this country is at stake by allow- introduced by Mr. KHANNA so we could vote while hundreds of thousands of ing that to continue?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.012 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9521 Some, including me, may say that lies in Congress because you have tried Species Act is not how the process was this threatens our national interest be- to do it dozens and dozens and dozens ever intended to work. The process cause our national interest is to defend of times. How about doing something should rely on the best available innocent life; it is not to kill innocent about that? science. It is a sign of progress that the life. It is to stand with allies who are It was interesting, during the cam- species has recovered from the brink of going to be honest and transparent paign, my Republican colleagues were extinction and no longer merits protec- with us as well as their own citizens. rushing to every microphone they tion under the Federal Endangered This blank check that our adminis- could find to say that they somehow Species Act. That is the key point tration has given to Saudi Arabia for supported covering preexisting condi- here. While we seek to delist the gray massive killing that is occurring in tions. Let me remind everybody, and wolf from the Federal ESA, we are em- Yemen or individual assassination that especially my Republican colleagues, powering each State to manage their is occurring in Turkey is wrong. that that was a Democratic idea that respective populations. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The you opposed. Washington State has a strong wolf time of the gentleman has expired. This was the worst election for Re- conservation and management plan Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield publican Presidents since Watergate. that has received broad support, and the gentleman from Vermont an addi- Maybe that is why Republicans are try- the State Department of Fish and tional 30 seconds. ing to rewrite history. Wildlife is committed to maintaining a Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, the ques- But here is another politically pop- viable wolf population in the State of tion for us is: Will we accept the mini- ular idea Republicans should follow: Washington. Wolves remain protected mal responsibility that we have in our bringing an end to the most closed in the State recovery plan, but so long job to have a debate and say no more, Congress in history. Let’s let some sun- as an arbitrary Federal line divides our no more will this be done in our name? light in. Don’t wait until January. State and, as you heard, the State of Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I am Start today by voting against this Oregon, listing the wolf on one side and prepared to close, and I reserve the bal- closed rule and demand action on not on the other, our State managers ance of my time. things that our constituents actually are prevented from effectively man- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield care about. aging the population within our States. myself the balance of my time to close. Just one final note, again, on this un- As I mentioned, wolves do not know Mr. Speaker, undermining endan- precedented move of basically denying borders. gered species protections isn’t a na- us the right to debate this war in Mr. Speaker, States are equipped to tional emergency. We shouldn’t be Yemen: I agree with what Mr. KHANNA be more responsive and accountable to prioritizing it today. said. History is going to look back on the needs of local communities than Not only is this rule a closed one, as our inaction not only on the war in Federal agencies are, and they deserve you have heard from our side over and Yemen, but on our inaction dealing the flexibility to manage the growing over and over again, Republicans took with the brutality of the Saudi regime. gray wolf populations. We should cele- the unprecedented step of removing the I would have thought that when we brate the return of the iconic species privileged status of a resolution that came back that one of the first items like the gray wolf. But meanwhile, would have given us the chance to de- up on the agenda would be holding the States must be empowered to manage bate the United States’ support of the Saudi Government accountable. In- populations to ensure the healthiest war in Yemen. We should be voting on stead, we got nothing. Not only we get balance between humans, wildlife, and this. nothing, you take the unprecedented the ecosystem. People are dying every minute in step of denying a Member of this House Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col- Yemen. Our silence and our inaction the right that he has under the privi- leagues to support the rule and its un- mean that we are complicit. leges of this House to debate this issue derlying legislation, again, H.R. 6784, I have always believed that if the of war. the Manage our Wolves Act. United States stands for anything, This is so wrong. This is damaging to Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance then we need to stand out loud and the institution, and it shows a callous of my time, and I move the previous foursquare for human rights. There was disregard for what is happening in question on the resolution. a time when the issue of human rights Yemen. The previous question was ordered. was a bipartisan concern. But it is Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The clear that this administration doesn’t Democrats and Republicans, do the question is on the resolution. give a damn about human rights. But right thing and vote against this rule. The question was taken; and the that doesn’t mean that this institution Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Speaker pro tempore announced that should follow suit. Human rights ought of my time. to be the centerpiece of our foreign pol- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield the ayes appeared to have it. icy. myself the balance of my time. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on There are innocent people being Mr. Speaker, in closing for the con- that I demand the yeas and nays. killed every single day. Children were sideration of H.R. 6784, the Manage our The yeas and nays were ordered. riding to school in buses where the Wolves Act, wolves were once hunted The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- buses have been bombed, where these to near extinction in the lower 48 ant to clause 8 of rule XX, this 15- children have died, have been mur- States. The gray wolf was listed by the minute vote on adoption of House Res- dered, and all my Republican friends Federal Government as an endangered olution 1142 will be followed by a 5- can say is: Oh, you can take care of species in 1974. Today, though, gray minute vote on the motion to suspend that after January when you are in wolves are thriving both in my State of the rules and pass H.R. 6666, if ordered. charge. We are just going to spend the Washington, as well as throughout the The vote was taken by electronic de- next 3 days dedicated to the issue of United States, with more than 5,000 vice, and there were—yeas 201, nays gray wolves. wolves now living in the contiguous 187, not voting 42, as follows: Really? United States. [Roll No. 418] There is so much real work in front According to Washington State’s De- YEAS—201 of us, including our most basic respon- partment of Fish and Wildlife, the Abraham Bishop (MI) Calvert sibility of funding this government and State’s wolf population has grown over Aderholt Bishop (UT) Carter (GA) reauthorizing programs like the Na- the past 9 straight years to 22 packs Allen Blackburn Carter (TX) tional Flood Insurance Program, the that contain at least 120 wolves. Amodei Bost Chabot Arrington Brady (TX) Cheney Violence Against Women Act, and the Mr. Speaker, the gray wolf reaching Bacon Brooks (AL) Cloud farm bill. I could go on and on and on. recovered status truly is an Endan- Balderson Buchanan Coffman Education costs are skyrocketing. gered Species Act success story, and we Banks (IN) Buck Cole Americans are afraid coverage for their should celebrate. Barletta Bucshon Collins (NY) Barr Budd Comer preexisting conditions will be ripped Mr. Speaker, permanently listing Bergman Burgess Conaway away by this administration and its al- species under the Federal Endangered Bilirakis Byrne Cook

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.014 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 Costa Johnson, Sam Rogers (KY) Meeks Rice (NY) Sires suspending the rules and passing the Costello (PA) Joyce (OH) Rohrabacher Meng Richmond Smith (WA) bill (H.R. 6666) to authorize the Sec- Cramer Kelly (MS) Rokita Moore Rosen Soto Crawford Kelly (PA) Rooney, Francis Morelle Roybal-Allard Speier retary of the Interior to grant to Culberson King (IA) Rooney, Thomas Moulton Ruiz Suozzi States and local governments ease- Curbelo (FL) King (NY) J. Murphy (FL) Ruppersberger Swalwell (CA) ments and rights-of-way over Federal Nadler Rush Takano Curtis Kinzinger Ros-Lehtinen land within Gateway National Recre- Davidson Knight Roskam Napolitano Ryan (OH) Thompson (CA) Davis, Rodney Kustoff (TN) Rothfus Neal Sa´ nchez Thompson (MS) ation Area for construction, operation, Diaz-Balart LaHood Rouzer Nolan Sanford Titus and maintenance of projects for control Donovan LaMalfa Royce (CA) Norman Sarbanes Tonko and prevention of flooding and shore- Duffy Lamborn Russell O’Halleran Scanlon Torres O’Rourke Schakowsky Tsongas line erosion. Duncan (SC) Lance Rutherford Dunn Latta Pallone Schiff Vargas Scalise The Clerk read the title of the bill. Emmer Lesko Pascrell Schneider Veasey Scott, Austin The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Eshoo Lewis (MN) Payne Schweikert Vela´ zquez Sensenbrenner Estes (KS) LoBiondo Pelosi Scott (VA) Walz question is on the motion offered by Faso Long Sessions Pingree Scott, David Wasserman the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. Shimkus Ferguson Loudermilk Pocan Serrano Schultz OSAR Simpson G ) that the House suspend the Fleischmann Love Posey Sewell (AL) Waters, Maxine rules and pass the bill. Flores Lucas Smith (MO) Price (NC) Shea-Porter Watson Coleman Fortenberry Luetkemeyer Smith (NE) Quigley Sherman Welch The question was taken; and (two- Foxx MacArthur Smith (NJ) Raskin Sinema Yarmuth thirds being in the affirmative) the Frelinghuysen Marchant Smith (TX) rules were suspended and the bill was Gaetz Marino Smucker NOT VOTING—42 Gallagher Marshall Stefanik Babin Harris Panetta passed. Gianforte Mast Stewart Barton Hastings Perlmutter A motion to reconsider was laid on Gibbs McCarthy Stivers Beyer Hultgren Peters the table. Gonzalez (TX) McCaul Taylor Black Jenkins (KS) Polis f Gosar McClintock Tenney Brooks (IN) Johnson (GA) Reed Gowdy McHenry Thompson (PA) Brownley (CA) Jones Ross REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Granger McKinley Thornberry Collins (GA) Kaptur Schrader Graves (GA) McSally AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 5276 Tipton Comstock Katko Shuster Graves (LA) Mitchell Denham Larson (CT) Trott Visclosky Graves (MO) Moolenaar DesJarlais Lynch Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Turner Walters, Mimi Green, Gene Mooney (WV) Esty (CT) McMorris Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Upton Wilson (FL) Grothman Mullin Valadao Fitzpatrick Rodgers remove myself as a cosponsor of H.R. Guthrie Newhouse Woodall Vela Garrett Messer Handel Nunes Young (AK) 5276. Wagner Gomez Noem Harper Olson Goodlatte Norcross The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Walberg Hartzler Palazzo IGGS Walden B ). Is there objection to the re- Hensarling Palmer b 1707 quest of the gentleman from Texas? Hern Paulsen Walker Herrera Beutler Pearce Walorski Messrs. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of There was no objection. Weber (TX) Hice, Jody B. Perry Pennsylvania, KRISHNAMOORTHI, f Higgins (LA) Peterson Webster (FL) LOEBSACK, MEADOWS, Ms. ADAMS, Hill Pittenger Wenstrup b 1715 Holding Poe (TX) Westerman Messrs. BUTTERFIELD and GOH- Hollingsworth Poliquin Williams MERT changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ HONORING WAR HERO WALTER Hudson Ratcliffe Wilson (SC) to ‘‘nay.’’ ‘‘BERT’’ MINTUS Huizenga Reichert Wittman Mr. BROOKS of Alabama changed his Hunter Renacci Womack (Mr. ROTHFUS asked and was given Hurd Rice (SC) Yoder vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ permission to address the House for 1 Issa Roby Yoho So the resolution was agreed to. minute and to revise and extend his re- Johnson (LA) Roe (TN) Young (IA) The result of the vote was announced Johnson (OH) Rogers (AL) Zeldin marks.) as above recorded. Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise NAYS—187 A motion to reconsider was laid on today to honor the memory of western the table. Adams Cuellar Jeffries Pennsylvania native and war hero, Aguilar Cummings Johnson, E. B. Stated for: Petty Officer Third Class Walter Amash Davis (CA) Jordan Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I was ab- Barraga´ n Davis, Danny Keating ‘‘Bert’’ Mintus. Bass DeFazio Kelly (IL) sent from the Capitol when the first vote series Hailing from Portage, Pennsylvania, Beatty DeGette Kennedy was called on November 14, 2018. in 1942, Bert enlisted in the U.S. Navy Bera Delaney Khanna Had I been present, I would have voted and served as a radioman for Torpedo Biggs DeLauro Kihuen Bishop (GA) DelBene Kildee ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 418. Squadron Fifty-One during World War Blum Demings Kilmer Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoidably II. This was the same torpedo squadron Blumenauer DeSaulnier Kind detained. Had I been present, I would have in which our 41st President, George Blunt Rochester Deutch Krishnamoorthi voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 418. Bonamici Dingell Kuster (NH) H.W. Bush, served during the war. Boyle, Brendan Doggett Labrador Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I On July 27, 1944, during a mission F. Doyle, Michael Lamb was unavoidably detained and could not make over the Pacific, his aircraft came Brady (PA) F. Langevin votes. Had I been present, I would have voted under enemy fire from the Japanese Brat Duncan (TN) Larsen (WA) Brown (MD) Ellison Lawrence ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 418. and was shot down. Afterward, Bert Bustos Engel Lawson (FL) Stated against: and his brothers in arms on the plane Butterfield Espaillat Lee Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I was un- were listed as missing in action and Capuano Evans Levin avoidably detained. Had I been present, I Carbajal Foster Lewis (GA) later presumed dead. Ca´ rdenas Frankel (FL) Lieu, Ted would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 418. For nearly 74 years, the Mintus fam- Carson (IN) Fudge Lipinski Ms. ESTY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, had ily was unsure of the fate that befell Cartwright Gabbard Loebsack I been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on their beloved family member. That Castor (FL) Gallego Lofgren Castro (TX) Garamendi Lowenthal rollcall No. 418. changed this year. Thanks to the dili- Chu, Judy Gohmert Lowey f gent efforts of the U.S. Navy, this past Cicilline Gottheimer Lujan Grisham, June, Bert’s remains were identified; Clark (MA) Green, Al M. AUTHORIZING SECRETARY OF IN- Clarke (NY) Griffith Luja´ n, Ben Ray and last Thursday, Bert’s family fi- Clay Grijalva Maloney, TERIOR TO GRANT STATES AND nally welcomed their war hero home. Cleaver Gutie´rrez Carolyn B. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS EASE- May God grant this son of western Clyburn Hanabusa Maloney, Sean MENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY Pennsylvania eternal rest. Cohen Heck Massie OVER FEDERAL LAND WITHIN Connolly Higgins (NY) Matsui f Cooper Himes McCollum GATEWAY NATIONAL RECRE- Correa Hoyer McEachin ATION AREA HONORING ALBERTA DANIELS Courtney Huffman McGovern Crist Jackson Lee McNerney The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given Crowley Jayapal Meadows finished business is the question on permission to address the House for 1

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO7.002 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9523 minute and to revise and extend his re- tired Police Chief Matt Doering of Mr. Speaker, Officer Toney was a marks.) Brunswick, Georgia, who passed away California native, but he adopted my Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise on September 4 at 56 years of age after local community at the age of 30 and today to honor Mrs. Alberta Daniels of a long battle with cancer. knew that he could change the world East Orange, New Jersey, for her life- Chief Doering dedicated his life to from that location. He was working not time of service. serving his community. He spent 34 just to make the world better, but to Mrs. Daniels is like a mother to years working with the Glynn County make us better as individuals—one many of us in public life from Essex Police Department, and for 14 of those community, one family, one officer at County, New Jersey. I know that she years, he served as the chief of police. the time. And, Mr. Speaker, with the has helped me learn to be a better pub- From directing high-profile investiga- infectious smile you see here and a lic servant. tions to personally patrolling the area tireless work ethic and boundless en- Mrs. Daniels spent 25 years at RCA in during hurricanes, Chief Doering was ergy, he was doing exactly that in my Harrison, New Jersey. highly respected throughout Glynn hometown. In her late forties, Mrs. Daniels County. Mr. Speaker, I wish I was here just to started a new chapter as a senior cor- After being diagnosed with pan- honor Officer Toney today, but on the rectional officer. She spent 14 years in creatic cancer, he retired from the po- afternoon of October 20, when respond- corrections working for the State of lice department and began working ing to a call, Officer Toney was killed. New Jersey and helping open the first with the Glynn County school system. Mr. Speaker, I am appalled and pained halfway house for women in our State. I am proud and thankful to have had by the senselessness of this young Since retiring from her distinguished someone with the character of Chief man’s murder. Doering serving his community in the life in public safety and corrections, Mr. Speaker, while our community First Congressional District of Geor- Mrs. Daniels has been an active com- aches over the loss of Officer Toney, we gia. munity servant, and Mrs. Daniels also celebrate the life that he led and keeps a busy civic schedule as well. f the role model that he provided for all Last week, I had the honor of speak- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY of us. Those who have been fortunate ing at a ceremony to rename a street OF MERLE NELL enough to know Officer Toney are for- in East Orange Alberta Evelyn Daniels (Ms. TENNEY asked and was given ever changed for the better by that ex- Court. It was a well-deserved honor permission to address the House for 1 perience. Of all the places Officer that she has received from her commu- minute and to revise and extend her re- Toney could have served, I am honored nity because of her lifetime of achieve- marks.) that he chose our home to be the place ment and service to that area. Ms. TENNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise for his incredibly proud work—again, Mrs. Daniels, it is well deserved, and today to honor firefighters from across not just to make us safer, but to make you are well loved. our community. They recently traveled us better. f to Albany to honor the life and legacy Mr. Speaker, today, I pray for all of CELEBRATING DIWALI of Merle Nell, a fire police captain and those who loved Officer Toney and former chief of the Vernon Fire Depart- those whom he loved. I pray for all of (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was ment in upstate New York. Family, his brothers and sisters in uniform given permission to address the House friends, and fellow firefighters watched who, even in the face of this loss, wake for 1 minute and to revise and extend as Merle’s name was inscribed in the up every single morning and agree to his remarks.) New York State Fallen Firefighters serve once again. Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, last Memorial. May God bless all of them, Mr. week, the Indian American community Merle passed away in November 2016 Speaker, and may we give thanks to celebrated Diwali, the festival of while on the scene of a fire in Vernon God that He shares with each and every lights. The holiest day of the Hindu Center, New York. His name is now one of us heroes in our lives, difference calendar, Diwali celebrates the spir- etched on a wall with 2,551 other fallen makers in our lives, difference makers itual victory of light over darkness, firefighters from our great State who like Officer Antwan Toney. good over evil, and knowledge over ig- have given their lives in the line of norance. Today, we welcome these duty. f amazing community members right Affectionately known as ‘‘Skippy’’ to here in our Nation’s Capitol. his family and friends, Merle’s legacy ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED In Bucks and Montgomery Counties, of service lives on through his sons and Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, Pennsylvania, I am honored to recog- grandsons. Merle’s sons, Scott and nize the Hindu community and mem- reported and found truly enrolled bills Mark, serve as fire chiefs in both of the House of the following titles, bers of the Indian American commu- Verona and Vernon; and his grandsons, nity who celebrated and expressed which were thereupon signed by the Adam and Matthew, are active fire- Speaker: their faith. Today, I am proud to recog- fighters in Vernon, and Zachary is a H.R. 2615. An act to authorize the exchange nize the several mandirs who serve our junior firefighter in Verona. community in innumerable ways lo- of certain land located in Gulf Islands Na- A marine, a father, a postal worker, tional Seashore, Jackson County, Mis- cated in Levittown, Montgomeryville, and a firefighter, Merle’s life of service sissippi, between the National Park Service Warrington, Feasterville-Trevose, is a true inspiration to everyone in our and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and for Bensalem, and Souderton. community. His memory will live on in other purposes. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to join the the hearts of our grateful community H.R. 3359. An act to amend the Homeland Hindu faith community in celebrating both in central New York and in New Security Act of 2002 to authorize the Cyber- Diwali and applaud their efforts of in- York State. security and Infrastructure Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security, clusion and community betterment in f Pennsylvania and across America. I and for other purposes. look forward to working with these HONORING GWINNETT COUNTY f amazing people today and every day. POLICE OFFICER ANTWAN TONEY f (Mr. WOODALL asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 ADJOURNMENT HONORING POLICE CHIEF MATT minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I move DOERING marks.) that the House do now adjourn. (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I come The motion was agreed to; accord- was given permission to address the to the House floor today to honor an ingly (at 5 o’clock and 27 minutes House for 1 minute and to revise and amazing public servant in my commu- p.m.), under its previous order, the extend his remarks.) nity, public servant and a role model, a House adjourned until tomorrow, Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Gwinnett County police officer by the Thursday, November 15, 2018, at 10 a.m. er, I rise today to honor the life of re- name of Antwan Toney. for morning-hour debate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.020 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018 EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- ETC. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- ture. tives; General Electric Company Turbofan Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive 6796. A letter from the Management and Engines [Docket No.: FAA-2018-0863; Product communications were taken from the Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Identifier 2018-NE-30-AD; Amendment 39- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 19423; AD 2018-19-22] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received 6786. A letter from the Assistant Secretary ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. for Legislation, Department of Health and tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Human Services, transmitting the FY 2014 FAA-2018-0301; Product Identifier 2017-NM- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- 112-AD; Amendment 39-19407; AD 2018-19-07] Report to Congress on Community Services tation and Infrastructure. (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, Block Grant Discretionary Activities — 6804. A letter from the Management and pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Community Economic Development and Program Analyst, FAA, Department of 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Rural Community Development Programs, Transportation, transmitting the Depart- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- pursuant to Sec. 680(c) of the Community ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- ture. tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: Services Block Grant Act of 1981, Public Law 6797. A letter from the Management and 97-35, as amended by the Community Oppor- FAA-2018-0804; Product Identifier 2018-NM- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of 129-AD; Amendment 39-19442; AD 2018-20-08] tunities, Accountability, and Training and Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Educational Services Act of 1998; to the Com- (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law mittee on Education and the Workforce. tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: 6787. A letter from the Secretary of Agri- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- FAA-2018-0395; Product Identifier 2017-NM- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- culture, Secretary of Health and Human 136-AD; Amendment 39-19430; AD 2018-19-29] Services, Department of Agriculture, Depart- ture. (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, 6805. A letter from the Management and ment of Health and Human Services, trans- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Program Analyst, FAA, Department of mitting the Department’s Report to Con- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- gress on the Notifications of Thefts, Losses, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- or Releases of Select Agents and Toxins for ture. tives; GEVEN S.p.A. Seat Assemblies, Type CY 2017, pursuant to 7 U.S.C. 8401(k); Pub. L 6798. A letter from the Management and D1-02 and D1-03 [Docket No.: FAA-2017-0504; 107-188, Sec. 212(k); (116 Stat. 656); to the Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Product Identifier 2017-NE-12-AD; Amend- Committee on Energy and Commerce. Transportation, transmitting the Depart- ment 39-19415; AD 2018-19-15] (RIN: 2120-AA64) 6788. A letter from the Assistant Secretary ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- received October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 for Legislation, Department of Health and tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Human Services, transmitting the Depart- No. FAA-2018-0357; Product Identifier 2018- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on ment’s report to Congress titled, ‘‘Activities NM-035-AD; Amendment 39-19428; AD 2018-19- Transportation and Infrastructure. to Improve Women’s Health As Required by 27] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, 6806. A letter from the Management and the Affordable Care Act’’ 2017; to the Com- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Program Analyst, FAA, Department of mittee on Energy and Commerce. 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 6789. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of ture. tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket 6799. A letter from the Management and State, transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC No.: FAA-2018-0549; Product Identifier 2018- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of 18-025, pursuant to the reporting require- NM-014-AD; Amendment 39-19427; AD 2018-19- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- ments of Section 36(c) of the Arms Export 26] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- Control Act; to the Committee on Foreign pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: Affairs. 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- FAA-2018-0417; Product Identifier 2017-NM- 6790. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of 132-AD; Amendment 39-19440; AD 2018-20-06) (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, ture. State, transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 6807. A letter from the Management and pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 18-059, pursuant to the reporting require- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- ments of Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Transportation, transmitting the Depart- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Control Act; to the Committee on Foreign ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- Affairs. ture. 6800. A letter from the Management and tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: 6791. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, FAA-2018-0360; Product Identifier 2018-NM- Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 009-AD; Amendment 39-19434; AD 2018-19-33] State, transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, 18-042, pursuant to the reporting require- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law ments of Section 36(c) of the Arms Export 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Control Act; to the Committee on Foreign No.: FAA-2018-0451; Product Identifier 2017- NM-172-AD; Amendment 39-19406; AD 2018-19- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Affairs. ture. 6792. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, 06] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 6808. A letter from the Management and Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of Program Analyst, FAA, Department of State, transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 18-032, pursuant to the reporting require- ture. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- ments of Section 36(c) of the Arms Export 6801. A letter from the Management and tives; Hoffmann GmbH & Co. KG Propellers Control Act; to the Committee on Foreign Program Analyst, FAA, Department of [Docket No.: FAA-2018-0281; Product Identi- Affairs. Transportation, transmitting the Depart- fier 2018-NE-06-AD; Amendment 39-19437; AD 6793. A letter from the Assistant Secretary ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- 2018-20-03] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October for Legislation, Department of Health and tives; CFM International S.A. Turbofan En- 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Human Services, transmitting a report ti- gines [Docket No.: FAA-2018-0855; Product Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to tled, ‘‘Fiscal Year 2015 Report to Congress on Identifier 2018-NE-31-AD; Amendment 39- the Committee on Transportation and Infra- Administration of the Tribal Self-Govern- 19416; AD 2018-19-16] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received structure. ance Program’’; to the Committee on Nat- October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 6809. A letter from the Management and ural Resources. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Program Analyst, FAA, Department of 6794. A letter from the Secretary, Judicial Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Conference of the United States, transmit- tation and Infrastructure. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- ting a letter expressing concerns on H.R. 6802. A letter from the Management and tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: 6755, the Judiciary Reforms, Organization Program Analyst, FAA, Department of FAA-2018-0491; Product Identifier 2017-NM- and Operational Modernization Act of 2018 Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 158-AD; Amendment 39-19432; AD 2018-19-31] (Judiciary ROOM Act); to the Committee on ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, the Judiciary. tives; CFM International S.A. Turbofan En- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 6795. A letter from the Management and gines [Docket No.: FAA-2018-0785; Product 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Identifier 2018-NE-14-AD; Amendment 39- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- 19380; AD 2018-18-01] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received ture. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 6810. A letter from the Management and tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Program Analyst, FAA, Department of No.: FAA-2018-0394; Product Identifier 2018- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- NM-036-AD; Amendment 39-19441; AD 2018-20- tation and Infrastructure. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- 07] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, 6803. A letter from the Management and tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Program Analyst, FAA, Department of FAA-2018-0455; Product Identifier 2017-NM-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:47 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L14NO7.000 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9525 121-AD; Amendment 39-19436; AD 2018-20-02] spect to medical debt information of vet- to be subsequently determined by the Speak- (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, erans due to inappropriate or delayed billing er, in each case for consideration of such pro- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law payments or reimbursements from the De- visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- partment of Veterans Affairs, and for other committee concerned. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- purposes; with an amendment (Rept. 115– By Mr. DONOVAN: ture. 1025). Referred to the Committee of the H.R. 7125. A bill to rename the portions of 6811. A letter from the Management and Whole House on the state of the Union. the Gateway National Seashore located on Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- Staten Island, New York, as the ‘‘Senator Transportation, transmitting the Depart- cial Services. H.R. 1511. A bill to amend the James L. Buckley National Seashore’’; to ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to the Committee on Natural Resources. tives; BAE Systems (Operations) Limited meet the needs of homeless children, youth, By Mr. LONG: Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA-2018-0555; Prod- and families, and honor the assessments and H.R. 7126. A bill to exempt certain struc- uct Identifier 2017-NM-152-AD; Amendment priorities of local communities; with amend- tures from removal from Army Corps of En- 39-19431; AD 2018-19-30] (RIN: 2120-AA64) re- ments (Rept. 115–1026, Pt. 1). Ordered to be gineers property on Table Rock Lake, and ceived October 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. printed. for other purposes; to the Committee on 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Mr. SHUSTER: Committee on Transpor- Transportation and Infrastructure. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 3288. A bill to By Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mex- tation and Infrastructure. amend title 40, United States Code, to pro- ico (for himself, Mr. GALLEGO, Ms. 6812. A letter from the Management and mote regional economic and infrastructure MCCOLLUM, Mr. O’HALLERAN, Mr. Program Analyst, FAA, Department of development, and for other purposes; with an HUFFMAN, Ms. MOORE, Ms. NORTON, Transportation, transmitting the Depart- amendment (Rept. 115–1027, Pt. 1). Ordered to Mrs. TORRES, Mr. SOTO, Mr. BLU- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- be printed. MENAUER, Mr. GRIJALVA, and Mr. tives; Dassault Aviation Airplanes [Docket Mr. SHUSTER: Committee on Transpor- RUIZ): No.: FAA-2018-0306; Product Identifier 2018- tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 4177. A bill to H.R. 7127. A bill to protect the voting NM-039-AD; Amendment 39-19426; AD 2018-19- enhance the Federal Government’s planning rights of Native American and Alaska Native 25] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received October 25, 2018, and preparation for extreme weather and the voters; to the Committee on House Adminis- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Federal Government’s dissemination of best tration, and in addition to the Committee on 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- practices to respond to extreme weather, the Judiciary, for a period to be subse- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- thereby increasing resilience, improving re- quently determined by the Speaker, in each ture. gional coordination, and mitigating the fi- case for consideration of such provisions as 6813. A letter from the Assistant Secretary nancial risk to the Federal Government from fall within the jurisdiction of the committee for Legislation, Department of Health and such extreme weather, and for other pur- concerned. Human Services, transmitting a report ti- poses (Rept. 115–1028, Pt. 1). Ordered to be By Mr. MOULTON (for himself, Mr. tled, ‘‘Assets for Independence Program Re- printed. GAETZ, Mr. CRIST, and Mr. CORREA): H.R. 7128. A bill to direct the Secretary of port to Congress: Status at the Conclusion of f the Seventeenth Year, Fiscal Year 2016’’, Veterans Affairs to seek to enter into an pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 604 note; Public Law TIME LIMITATION OF REFERRED agreement with a federally funded research 105-285, Sec. 414(d); (112 Stat. 2771); to the BILLS and development center to conduct surveys Committee on Ways and Means. to measure cannabis use by veterans, and for 6814. A letter from the Under Secretary, Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XII, the other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- Personnel and Readiness, Department of De- following actions were taken by the erans’ Affairs. fense, transmitting the Department’s annual Speaker: By Mr. MOULTON (for himself, Mr. GAETZ, and Mr. CORREA): report concerning the Post-9/11 Educational H.R. 1511. Referral to the Committee on H.R. 7129. A bill to require the Secretary of Assistance Program, pursuant to 38 U.S.C. Education and the Workforce extended for a Veterans Affairs to provide training in the 3325(a)(1); Public Law 112-154, Sec. 402(a)(1); period ending not later than December 28, use of medical cannabis for all Department (126 Stat. 1189); jointly to the Committees on 2018. of Veterans Affairs primary care providers, Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs. H.R. 3288. Referral to the Committee on Fi- and for other purposes; to the Committee on 6815. A letter from the Inspector General, nancial Services extended for a period ending Veterans’ Affairs. Department of Health and Human Services, not later than December 28, 2018. By Mr. MOULTON (for himself, Mr. transmitting the Office’s report titled, H.R. 4177. Referral to the Committee on GAETZ, Mr. CRIST, and Mr. CORREA): ‘‘Medicare Payments for Clinical Diagnostic Oversight and Government Reform extended H.R. 7130. A bill to provide for a Depart- Laboratory Tests: Year 4 of Baseline Data for a period ending not later than December ment of Veterans Affairs policy on medicinal (OEI-09-18-00410)’’; jointly to the Committees 28, 2018. cannabis, and for other purposes; to the on Energy and Commerce and Ways and f Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Means. By Mr. THOMPSON of California (for f PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS himself and Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Under clause 2 of rule XII, public Florida): REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON H.R. 7131. A bill to amend the Communica- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS bills and resolutions of the following titles were introduced and severally re- tions Act of 1934 to provide for a moratorium on number reassignment after a disaster dec- Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of ferred, as follows: committees were delivered to the Clerk laration, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. BEYER (for himself, Mr. SCOTT for printing and reference to the proper mittee on Energy and Commerce. of Virginia, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. By Mr. WELCH: calendar, as follows: TONKO, Ms. NORTON, Mr. DANNY K. H.R. 7132. A bill to permit aliens who law- Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. SABLAN, Ms. fully enter the United States on valid visas cial Services. H.R. 2069. A bill to provide pri- WILSON of Florida, Mr. ESPAILLAT, as nonimmigrant elementary and secondary ority under certain federally assisted hous- Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New school students to attend public schools in ing programs to assist youths who are aging Mexico, Ms. LEE, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, the United States for longer than 1 year if out of foster care, and for other purposes; Ms. MOORE, Ms. ESTY of Connecticut, such aliens reimburse the local educational with an amendment (Rept. 115–1023). Re- Ms. PINGREE, Mr. SEAN PATRICK agency that administers the school for the ferred to the Committee of the Whole House MALONEY of New York, Mr. LAN- full, unsubsidized per capita cost of pro- on the state of the Union. GEVIN, Mrs. DAVIS of California, Mr. viding education at such school for the pe- Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- CA´ RDENAS, Mr. PRICE of North Caro- riod of the alien’s attendance; to the Com- cial Services. H.R. 2570. A bill to amend the lina, Mr. MCEACHIN, Ms. MCCOLLUM, mittee on the Judiciary. Truth in Lending Act to clarify that the Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts, Mr. By Mr. WELCH: points and fees in connection with a mort- DESAULNIER, Mr. HIMES, Ms. BLUNT H.R. 7133. A bill to clarify the definition of gage loan do not include certain compensa- ROCHESTER, Mr. TAKANO, Mr. MCNER- nonadmitted insurer under the Nonadmitted tion amounts already taken into account in NEY, Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. MCGOVERN, and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010, and for setting the interest rate on such loan, and Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. NADLER, Mr. other purposes; to the Committee on Finan- for other purposes (Rept. 115–1024). Referred KENNEDY, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. GOMEZ, cial Services, and in addition to the Com- to the Committee of the Whole House on the and Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia): mittee on the Judiciary, for a period to be state of the Union. H.R. 7124. A bill to prohibit and prevent se- subsequently determined by the Speaker, in Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- clusion and to prevent and reduce the use of each case for consideration of such provi- cial Services. H.R. 2683. A bill to amend the physical restraint in schools, and for other sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Fair Credit Reporting Act to delay the inclu- purposes; to the Committee on Education committee concerned. sion in consumer credit reports and to estab- and the Workforce, and in addition to the By Mr. LOEBSACK (for himself, Mr. lish requirements for debt collectors with re- Committee on Armed Services, for a period O’HALLERAN, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mrs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:19 Nov 15, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L14NO7.000 H14NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2018

NAPOLITANO, Ms. NORTON, and Ms. Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 3956: Mr. LOUDERMILK. MOORE): Constitution H.R. 3981: Ms. BONAMICI. H. Res. 1146. A resolution expressing sup- By Mr. MOULTON: H.R. 4022: Mr. HUFFMAN. port for designation of the week beginning H.R. 7130. H.R. 4107: Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. WESTERMAN, on November 12, 2018, as ‘‘National School Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. GUTHRIE, Mr. O’HALLERAN, Mr. WEBER of Psychology Week’’; to the Committee on lation pursuant to the following: Texas, and Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Education and the Workforce. Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 4159: Mr. AGUILAR. By Ms. MOORE (for herself, Ms. JACK- Constitution H.R. 4256: Mr. GIANFORTE and Mr. SAR- SON LEE, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, By Mr. THOMPSON of California: BANES. Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, H.R. 7131. H.R. 4333: Mr. DELANEY. Ms. NORTON, Mr. MEEKS, Ms. SCHA- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4339: Mr. DELANEY. KOWSKY, Ms. CLARKE of New York, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4391: Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. and Mr. COHEN): Constitution of United States of America, H.R. 4415: Mr. TED LIEU of California. H. Res. 1147. A resolution congratulating Article I H.R. 4459: Ms. ESTY of Connecticut. Dr. and for re- By Mr. WELCH: H.R. 4691: Mr. HIMES and Mr. DELANEY. ceiving the 2018 for their H.R. 7132. H.R. 4732: Mr. LATTA, Mr. SHERMAN, and advocacy on behalf of the millions who have Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. JONES. suffered from sexual violence as a result of lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4777: Ms. LEE. conflict, and for other purposes; to the Com- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18: The Con- H.R. 5028: Ms. NORTON. mittee on Foreign Affairs. gress shall have Power To . . . make all H.R. 5156: Mr. QUIGLEY. Laws which shall be necessary and proper for f H.R. 5158: Mr. QUIGLEY. carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 5161: Mr. LIPINSKI. PRIVATE BILLS AND ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- H.R. 5233: Mr. MULLIN and Ms. MAXINE RESOLUTIONS stitution in the Government of the United WATERS of California. States, or in any Department or Officer H.R. 5244: Mr. FITZPATRICK. Under clause 3 of rule XII, private thereof. H.R. 5541: Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mr. bills and resolutions of the following By Mr. WELCH: PETERS, and Mr. DELANEY. titles were introduced and severally re- H.R. 7133. H.R. 5855: Mr. POSEY and Mr. NEWHOUSE. ferred, as follows: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5911: Mr. TONKO. By Mr. CORREA: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5922: Mr. DELANEY. H.R. 7134. A bill for the relief of Gualterio Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18: The Con- H.R. 5955: Mr. MCGOVERN. Lazaro Santos Santos; to the Committee on gress shall have Power To . . . make all H.R. 6263: Mr. DELANEY. the Judiciary. Laws which shall be necessary and proper for H.R. 6455: Miss RICE of New York. By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 6469: Mr. KIND. H.R. 7135. A bill to direct the Secretary of ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- H.R. 6510: Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia, the department in which the Coast Guard is stitution in the Government of the United Mrs. BEATTY, Mr. GARRETT, Mr. LAHOOD, and operating to issue a certificate of docu- States, or in any Department or Officer Mr. RUTHERFORD. mentation with a coastwise endorsement for thereof. H.R. 6525: Ms. SA´ NCHEZ. the vessel Pacific Provider; to the Com- By Mr. CORREA: H.R. 6543: Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- H.R. 7134. New York and Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. ture. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6589: Mr. COHEN, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. PA- lation pursuant to the following: NETTA, Mr. MOULTON, and Mr. POCAN. f (1) The U.S. Constitution including Article H.R. 6636: Mr. CURTIS, Mr. BRENDAN F. 1, Section 8. BOYLE of Pennsylvania, and Ms. ROS- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: STATEMENT LEHTINEN. H.R. 7135. H.R. 6637: Ms. LOFGREN. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6726: Mr. HOLDING. the Rules of the House of Representa- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6771: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. tives, the following statements are sub- Article I, Section 8 THOMPSON of Mississippi, and Mr. HARPER. The constitutional authority of Congress H.R. 6800: Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. RYAN of mitted regarding the specific powers to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- granted to Congress in the Constitu- Ohio, and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. cle I, section 8 of the United States Constitu- H.R. 6854: Mr. MEADOWS and Mr. BUDD. tion to enact the accompanying bill or tion (clauses 3 and 18), which grants Con- H.R. 6874: Mr. SWALWELL of California. joint resolution. gress the power to regulate commerce with H.R. 6927: Mr. RUTHERFORD and Mr. By Mr. BEYER: foreign nations and among the several AGUILAR. H.R. 7124. states; and to make all laws which shall be H.R. 6933: Mr. KING of Iowa. Congress has the power to enact this legis- necessary and proper for carrying into execu- H.R. 6941: Mr. POSEY. lation pursuant to the following: tion the foregoing powers. H.R. 6953: Mr. SWALWELL of California. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of f H.R. 6987: Ms. LOFGREN. the United States. H.R. 7062: Mr. KENNEDY and Mr. RUPPERS- By Mr. DONOVAN: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS BERGER. H.R. 7125. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 7078: Mr. KILDEE. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 7080: Mr. POCAN. were added to public bills and resolu- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 7086: Mrs. BUSTOS and Mr. GONZALEZ Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- tions, as follows: of Texas. tion H.R. 778: Mr. KILDEE. H. Con. Res. 70: Mr. DELANEY. By Mr. LONG: H.R. 919: Mr. MAST. H. Res. 220: Mr. VISCLOSKY and Mr. GENE H.R. 7126. H.R. 1038: Mr. ESTES of Kansas and Mr. GREEN of Texas. Congress has the power to enact this legis- LOUDERMILK. H. Res. 623: Ms. MOORE. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1291: Mr. AGUILAR. H. Res. 993: Mr. LAHOOD. Article I, Section 8 H.R. 1456: Ms. WILSON of Florida. H. Res. 1031: Ms. ADAMS. By Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mex- H.R. 1515: Mr. KENNEDY. H. Res. 1063: Mr. RASKIN. ico: H.R. 1566: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of H. Res. 1104: Mr. AGUILAR. H.R. 7127. New York. H. Res. 1111: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1639: Mr. PANETTA. H. Res. 1145: Mr. CRIST, Mr. DELANEY, and lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1727: Ms. NORTON. Mr. YARMUTH. Article I, Section 8 H.R. 2001: Mr. COHEN. By Mr. MOULTON: H.R. 2012: Mr. COHEN. f H.R. 7128. H.R. 2092: Mr. AGUILAR and Mr. KENNEDY. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2491: Mr. CRIST. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2639: Mr. COHEN. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 2976: Mr. DELANEY. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Constitution H.R. 3400: Ms. NORTON. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors By Mr. MOULTON: H.R. 3409: Mr. TIPTON. H.R. 7129. H.R. 3666: Mr. POCAN. were deleted from public bills and reso- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3730: Mr. MEEKS. lutions, as follows: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3734: Mr. COHEN. H.R. 5276: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas.

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